#when i said I'm rewriting canon i meant it
henrysglock · 5 months
Local Man Uses The Cyclical 27-Year Torment Nexus To Try And Change His Fate [EPIC FAIL COMPILATION]
You probably guessed that this is the time-travel post I've been slaving over. You'd be right. This is the newest and most formal iteration of my long-standing time loop theory (I have drafted flowcharts back from February that actually predicted a dimension/time fuckery event in 1943 in relation to Brenner, which was made canon by TFS). So...Let's just dive right in. Note: I'm planning to keep calling TFS Henry "Henry" here just for simplicity's sake.
Now, fair warning: There are a few big "bear with me"s in this post. I promise they make sense, I just need you to hear me out.
It all started with Henry's self-proclaimed superhero name: The Stardust Spider.
Some of you may have seen my original post about The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars (here).
Before anyone says "Oh, but that album didn't exist yet", a reference in 1959 about a Bowie album that wouldn't be recorded until November of 1971 is in keeping with TFS's habit of directly referencing things from the '70s that "don't exist yet".
However, all that aside, there's a specific piece I want to return to, because it bugs the living daylights out of me.
There was a cut song that was meant to go on the album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars titled "Shadow Man":
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For obvious reasons in relation to Henry in The First Shadow, this song already stuck out.
Specifically, though, these few stanzas hit me weirdly:
You should call and see who answers For he promises to come running Guided by the truth For the Shadow Man is really You Look in his eyes and see your reflection Look to the stars and see his eyes He'll show you tomorrow, he'll show you the sorrows Of what you did today You can call him foe, you can call him friend You should call and see who answers (see who answers) For he knows your eyes are drawn to the road ahead And the Shadow man is waiting 'round the bend ('round the bend) Shadow man is waiting up ahead
The Shadow Man is you from the future. He's waiting up ahead to show you the the truth/the consequences of your actions.
Considering that the TFS version of Young "Henry" has a direct connection to both the Shadow and Dimension X from a young age, and he also experiences what seem to be Vecna-type visions, this becomes particularly interesting to me...Especially seeing as said fates are not only possible for future "Henry", but also canon for future "Henry". (See: Vecna guy vs Mindflayer guy)
So, when I see an almost comical number of lines in TFS relating to rewriting known, undesirable endings (here are a few of my favorites):
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And when we revisit some of the on-film classics:
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I start to think it's time we revisit the concept of time-travel and trying to change your own fate.
It's always hard to know where to start with posts like these, so I'm going to kick things off with the technical aspect: The Cycle.
Something I've talked about in the past year, mostly on Discord, is this concept of a time loop. Not just any old time loop, though. A 27 year cycle, specifically.
Not 20, not 30...
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Now, we all know the TFS timeline is messy as hell and doesn't actually align with anything that's possible in filmed canon...or within its own time span, even.
For example, the attack on Mr. Newby happens both some point after October 1st, 1959 and before November 20th, 1959...but the papers for the incident report it on March 20th, 1958:
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The timeline we're given also largely fabricated, as I pointed out in relation to the newspapers with dates that don't actually exist.
However, much like NINA, the sequence itself being fake doesn't mean the events didn't happen. It's just not happening in the time frame we're told it's happening in:
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It's a set of real events, just portrayed on a different time scale.
So, with all that in mind, I want to lay out a timeline, starting from Season 4 and moving backwards in time:
— Vecna opens the rifts, and El opens a gate to Dimension X in NINA, both in 1986. The March 1959 Creel Murders occur exactly 27 years before the Rifts and NINA's Dimension X gate open in 1986...at which point the Mindflayer is shown to be active.
— Mothergate opens through to Dimension X at some point between November 1983 and October 1984, this being somewhere between 16-28 months prior the Rifts opening. The paper about the attack on Mr. Newby, dated March 20th, 1958, is released exactly 610 days, or 20 months, prior to the Creel murders on November 20th, 1959. It's not necessarily the exact dates that are important here (again, these dates are relatively unreliable), but the gap between the dates.
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When put in accordance with filmed dates (i.e. setting the release of this paper exactly 610 days prior to March 22nd of 1959), the paper for the attack on Mr. Newby would have been released on July 20th, 1957. This would be in line with Edward Creel's move to Hawkins in the spring of 1957...while also occurring 27 years before July of 1984, at which point Mothergate is open, and the Mindflayer is active.
This July date is especially funny to me considering we get "throwaway" lines like this...with shots in filmed canon from summertime:
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Top: Joyce and Jim beginning their investigation into the attic attack. Hopper Sr. is questioning why Joyce and Jim are investigating, rather than attending school. Bottom: Alice and Henry with the rabbit death scenes in filmed canon, the setting showing full foliage and both children in summer clothing. "Is it summer break?" I don't know. You tell me, Chief.
Per TFS, Henry went missing in a cave system near his home town of Rachel, Nevada (hold that thought) at some point in the year prior to the attack on Mr. Newby. We've been told that Dimension X was involved in this event in Nevada, something happened there that left "Henry" altered physically. He was also flayed at some point around this time.
This all coincides with Henry's dramatic mood shift from a "normal and good" boy to one suffering from Mindflayer-induced psychosis. This change happened in tandem with the Nevada incident, dating back 10 months prior to the attack on Mr. Newby:
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If we set Henry's initial disappearance in line with filmed canon like before, it becomes September of 1956, which is just over 27 years before Will's disappearance in November of 1983, at which point we know at least one gate is open.
We also have 1952, at which point TFS Henry would be 7 per his age as a 14 year old/freshman in play canon. This exists in a 27 year interval against 1979, when El opens the original gate that sends One to Dimension X, where he subsequently shapes the Shadow into the Mindflayer.
Here comes the first "hear me out".
My questions are:
Since Henry/Vecna/The Mindflayer/etc. in general don't show any capability for opening gates before 1986, then how the hell is the Mindflayer possessing anyone in 1959?
How did "Henry" get involved with Dimension X in Nevada in the 1950s?
Unless, by some chance:
Dimension X exists all the time simultaneously (i.e. it's a space outside time)
The gates exist simultaneously across time and space in the Right Side Up in 27 year intervals. By which I mean: A gate that opens in, say, 1983 would exist simultaneously in 1956, so on an so forth.
There's the disappearance of Captain Brenner and the USS Eldridge in 1943, which would, interestingly enough, align with 1970, the supposed year of El's conception.
Then, 1952. Now, I'm not sure what's special about 1952, when TFS "Henry" was 7, because they don't actually say what happened to make that year important! They make a point to show it to us, though, meaning something happened...we just don't know what. All I can say is that 1952 does exist in a 27 year interval against El's 1979 gate. Hold that thought.
Those addressed, let's fast-forward 4 years: 1956/1983.
Now, to be fair, there is some uncertainty in my mind about whether this specific gate incident stems from Brenner's involvement with Project Rainbow in Nevada pre-1957*, or if it stems from Mothergate in 1983, or if they created some kind of wormhole between the two locations 27 years apart...but that's a concept I need to explore more thoroughly in a another post.
In short, though: Did a singular El open a singular Mothergate? Did El open mothergate? Did Mothergate actually open on November 6th, 1983...or are we just supposed to assume it opened the same night Will went missing/the demogorgon came through? We're never given a concrete date for when Mothergate actually opened.
* In TFS, Brenner claims he's dedicated his life post-1943 to Project Rainbow with the goal of finding Dimension X, and that he's doing so in pursuit of knowledge regarding the circumstances of his father's death in connection with the Philadelphia Experiment. The USS Eldridge, Brenner Sr.'s ship, disappeared into Dimension X briefly on October 28th, 1943. "Brenner Sr." was the sole survivor. "He" returned to the Right Side Up with a completely unique blood type, supposedly altered by his travels into Dimension X. This is what ultimately led to him succumbing to his injuries, due to his body rejecting all forms of blood transfusion. Brenner Jr. tells us that about 10 months prior to Henry's first stay in HNL, a scientist from Project Rainbow escaped Brenner's lab carrying a container of a dangerous material, and ended up near the same Nevada cave system Henry disappeared into. We don't know how or when this material was collected, or what it was, but we know they found Henry's Captain Midnight spyglass next to a body (identity unspecified) with no trace of that dangerous material. We get no further detail about the Nevada Disappearance.
Anyway, someone opens a gate in the fall of 1956 and/or 1983 (my money's on it being directly linked to an El in 1983 either way). No matter who did it, though, someone opened a gate at both time points, showing us this 27 year link between the 2 dates, 2 key locations.
"Henry" goes missing in Nevada in 1956, and ends up involved with Dimension X...Which aligns with the choice of song surrounding this version of the Creel family while they move into their new home:
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Coincidentally, 27 years in the future, so does Will, in Indiana. Their experiences are linked across those two spaces via that 27 year period.
We know that regardless of the gate in Nevada...Mothergate, at least, stays open until from fall 1956/1983 to fall 1957/1984. That covers exact time frame that the adjusted dates for both Henry's accident with the boy in Nevada and his accident with Mr. Newby fall in (as well as Will's time between his disappearance and his flaying).
The closer we get to Will's flaying in 1984, and the closer the Mindflayer gets to crossing through Mothergate, the more TFS Henry sounds like One (post-1979) while he's possessed in 1957, the more strangely he behaves in general (almost as though the Mindflayer is more enmeshed in his everyday life/closer to the surface), and the stronger the possession attempts seem to become overall. He begins giving nightmare visions to other people, namely tormenting Virginia with spiders and her past. He has his final and most powerful "Vecna" vision on the night of the attack on Mr. Newby.
Any kind of reciprocal gate irt Mothergate in the '50s would have gone unnoticed, since the papers in TFS indicate that HNL wasn't established until Brenner showed up to take Henry in.
Mothergate closes briefly, only for a gate to open in July 1958/1985 in the underground location of the future Starcourt Mall. This, in 1958, is during our unaccounted-for 20 months between the attack on Mr. Newby and the Creel murders. (Something rattles about this and the scene where Henry nearly makes full contact with the Mindflayer, when he has a handful of duplicate lines re: his 4.07 monologue self, but I don't have sufficient evidence to make that claim with any certainty.)
That gate closes, until Vecna opens gates in Hawkins in March of 1986, and El opens a Dimension X gate briefly and simultaneously in both Hawkins/Nevada in September of 1979 (September of 1952) and Hawkins/Nevada in March of 1986 (March of 1959) during NINA, concurrently...at least one of which may have gone unnoticed, since the Rainbow Room and the surrounding labs seems to have been abandoned entirely after 1979, and HNL as a whole has once again been abandoned after the events of 1984 ("unnoticed" and "abandoned", I say as if the building isn't still being surveilled by Brenner/Owens et. al...I just mean that the building isn't in use by the government at that point in time.)
We're shown the Shadow activating all the way in Russia due to one or multiple of these events. 27 years earlier, in March of 1959, the Mindflayer once again becomes active, per TFS's adjusted dates. Chaos ensues.
At this point, "Henry" starts swapping between sounding like his young self and sounding like his 4.07 Monologuing Adult self again, doing that kind of "I've seen the future" foreshadowing talk with Joyce that his visions did with him:
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Here, he also sounds distinctly like ST3 flayed Billy, specifically in the way of the scene with El in the cabin when "Billy" outlines the Mindflayer's plans for her, her friends, and all of Hawkins while crying.
The rest is, well...history. Whatever fuckery went on, it doesn't seem to have made much of a difference. After all, TFS is a "canon event", meaning it had to end the way it did.
Remember those thoughts I asked you to hold?
TFS being a "canon event" means it had to end with Henry in the lab alongside baby El...thus completing our loop, which starts again with the events of 1979/1952. A 27 year loop. TFS may be indicative of a time loop.
Out of place dates from the 1970s start to bleed into the 1950s: - A town like Rachel, Nevada, which wasn't established until 1978, now exists circa 1952-1959 after El opens a gate to Dimension X circa 1979 in Nevada circa 1986 via NINA, which exists...about 40-50 miles from Rachel.
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- An album like Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (November, 1971) or a song like "Chuck E's In Love" (April, 1979) gets referenced circa 1957-1959. - An article about a "younger, more handsome" alien clone of Elvis appears in a 1959 Weekly Watcher paper about the Creel murders, despite Elvis having been 24 at the time...making this an article more likely to have appeared in the '70s or later, likely sometime around Elvis' death in 1977.
2. The Shadow is always depicted as the fully formed Mindflayer circa 1956-1959, despite the shaping event happening in the 4 years between 1979-1983:
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3. Henry has Vecna-type visions, despite being the only vision-giver we know of circa 1957-1959.
4. 6 different guys later in the HNL massacre: 2 with the original baby El, 2 with teen El via NINA, and 2 in an as-of-yet unseen product of NINA's Loop (see: the final scene of TFS).
All this laid out, some questions remain:
Why do Henry's visions show him the genuine, terrifying reality of his future?
Why are these visions generally lacking in coercion?
Why are Vecna chime sounds heard before the major supernatural events that deal with visions, even though we never actually see the clock? (They're heard before Virginia in the attic, before the attack on Mr. Newby, before the Creel murders, and in the basement when Henry monologues at Joyce while viewing the corpses of his family.)
Why don't these chimes play when the Mindflayer alone is present, e.g. when no visions occur? (See: Henry contacting the Mindflayer in the lab)
And we don't really get an answer to any of these. Not an easily spotted outright answer, anyway.
But what's really fascinating, which I mentioned just a second ago and takes me back to the top of this post, back to the "Stardust Spider" and Shadow Man, is the fact that despite occurring concurrently with the possession attempts...none of these visions contain an ultimatum. There's no "If you don't obey me, I'll hurt someone you love", no "I'm showing you what's going to happen if you don't obey me", nothing of the sort.
The closest we get to coercion is the bathroom vision, when Henry fights off a possession attempt in the school bathroom and ends up in a vision regarding Patty. When "Patty" starts to talk to him about his future, about how Henry's going to kill her and so many others, Henry says "you're not Patty...what are you?" Then he gets into a physical brawl with her, which is surprisingly well matched. Vision Patty encourages him during that fight, saying things like "That's it!", "We want the same thing!", and "We can have her!"
Those seem like pretty straightforward "the Mindflayer's encouraging Henry to kill" encouragements, right?
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Yeah, at first glance. However...lets read that back right quick, but with Moral Objectivity Goggles on this time. Henry openly, verbally identifies that Vision Patty is "not her, not Patty", but is, in fact, something else. He does this multiple times before he lunges at "not Patty", and he is subsequently encouraged by not-Patty...who tells him they want the same thing. That's not suspicious at all. The motives here are definitely crystal clear and totally aren't conflicting in any way.
There's the straightforward surface aspect, and then something else piggybacking on it, complicating it. Hold that thought.
Other than that instance, the negative parts of Henry's visions are all just...information. They're showing him what will come to pass...almost like they're motivating him to fight the Mindflayer. Hold onto that thought too, it buddies with the previous one.
Henry's freaking out about Prancer because he's getting close with Patty, and he's worried he'll hurt her?
His vision informs him that he's going to kill more, that he's going to hurt things, that he's going to kill Patty if he stays around her and/or gives into the Mindflayer's desires. And then it happens. All of it. He kills more animals. He hurts things and people, the pets and lab animals, Mr. Newby, and Inmate 58361 being prime examples. He gives in to the Mindflayer's desire to kill and kills Virginia. He does, by the extent of his perception, kill Patty in the accident.
The same goes for his vision in the attic. Henry's up in the attic using his powers to find someone/snoop on them, fearful of opening himself up for a possession attempt?
The vision version of Patty's mother catches Henry and tells him she "wants to tell him a secret" while his body is being puppeted to attack Mr. Newby. The next time the curtain rises to show us the inside of Henry's mind, he's seeing himself as Vecna, strung up on the tentacles and strangling people with them...just like the end of Season 4. Once again, he's seeing the future that will come to pass...should he fail to fight the Mindflayer off.
We can tell it's a vision, not what's physically happening in reality, because: a) Henry's watching himself in the attic from the stage below. b) It's got the messed up red lighting c) They show us reality just moments before, not a tentacle in sight and without Henry on the stage there observing:
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d) The ending of the vision doesn't match with reality:
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At the end of this vision, Henry passes out both in the void and IRL, while the vision version of Henry remains crouching. That is a different guy, entirely separate from IRL/Void Henry. There is at least one other person in the visions who is not a product of the vision itself.
Remember those thoughts from a bit ago that I asked you to hold?
Well. This also happens to be the sequence where we not only get Vision-Patty repeating Henry's own words from just after Prancer's death ("It's not real. It's not real. It's a nightmare") back to him, a phrase IRL Patty has never heard, but we also get:
Visions Patty telling Henry how to fight and evade the possession, as if she knows what she's doing ("It's your dream, remember? Anything is possible").
Vision Patty telling Henry she loves him as the last-ditch effort when his "good dream" memory of the real Patty fails to save him from the possession.
These are both things IRL Patty wouldn't know or think to say, since IRL Patty fully believed that Henry attacked her of his own volition out of malice, and she needed to be shown a drawing of the Mindflayer by Mr. Newby in order to abandon that belief.
IRL Patty's behavior is not the behavior of someone who a) knows the ins and outs of Henry's situation with the Mindflayer, and b) coached him through overcoming a possession attempt a little while earlier. It's just not.
Just like before, we're seeing contradictions and complications between vision-selves and IRL selves, along with a sense of piggybacking within possession attempts, wherein the vision serves as motivation for Henry to fight harder in resistance to the Mindflayer...while the Mindflayer is possessing him.
It's starting to become my favorite thing in the world: A pattern of behavior.
In summary:
Henry's are visions are visions of his future, and they're being shown to him by someone.
They are separate from, but piggybacking on, the Mindflayer's possession attempts.
The purpose of the visions isn't solely to torment Henry or coerce him into doing the Mindflayer's bidding. In fact, the content of the visions seems curated to make Henry fight harder in resistance to the Mindflayer.
So if, for example, Vision Patty ≠ IRL Patty, but she's acting against the Mindflayer's best interest/in support of Henry...then...
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I think my answer to the questions of "who", "when", and "how" should be at least somewhat clear by this point:
Someone...from the future.
Specifically, someone from 1979-1986 who has access to the gates from the Dimension X side, someone with both vision-giving and time-related abilities who's directly connected to the Mindflayer/the Hive Mind, but who has a vested interest in countering the Mindflayer, saving Henry Creel, and trying to change the course of the future.
A traitor. A spy, if you will.
"A spy...from the future?"
[gestures at the Signs] Yeah, you heard me.
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A spy from the future.
So, on that note: The point in this section wherein I ask you to hear me out.
I get the feeling TFS Henry is being told and/or shown what will come to pass in the future by himself...the Mindflayer.
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And you're probably going "How do you figure that one, James? Isn't the Mindflayer a villainous force?"
I mean, yeah. Of course it is. However...
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There are clearly multiple forces at play within the Mindflayer (hive mind!), and TFS shows us that Henry Creel wouldn't choose to be a villain.
Thus I think the visions in TFS are situations where, as in the 4.07 rabbit scene, things look really damning on first view. They play on our empathy using small, visibly-frightened, helpless victims and shocking, violent circumstances to guide us into making the assumption that everything about the situation is inherently malicious.
We're shown this poor little guy, "Henry". He's 14 years old, he clocks in at 5'5", he's skittish/scared of (ha) his own shadow, and he's geeky to the nth degree about comic books (just LOOK at that Captain Midnight salute? What an cute little nerd). He's immediately lovable. He's also, we find out rather abruptly, plagued by horrific visions and murderous fits of possession.
The immediate response is to go "He's being psionically tortured by some sick, sadistic son of a bitch who hungers for nothing but blood and control", just like Nancy and the ST fandom collectively did with Young Henry's rabbit scene...only to be proven wrong about Henry's intentions via TFS.
I mean, does anyone (anyone who's able to read this post, anyway 🤭) look at TFS Henry, filmed Young Henry, or even Orderly Henry and go "Yeah. He totally wanted what he got, and if he had the chance, he definitely wouldn't try to save himself from that fate"?
TFS Shows us that "Henry" was a terrified, traumatized boy who wanted it all to stop. He's kind, brave, and stronger than he seems. We're also shown that he's capable of overcoming the Mindflayer to issue warnings to people he cared about (i.e. telling people to run, or prophesying dangers he'd seen via the visions). He was trying to survive with next to no help while causing as little harm as possible. He was a good kid, and he certainly wasn't evil.
So, all that said...I think that, via the Shadow's hive-mind capabilities, Henry's "fronting", in a manner of speaking, in order to show this version of himself the future. Probably as a warning, probably as motivation to fight the Mindflayer, and all with a nice side-dish of "here's how you fight this thing off so that my current future doesn't become our future" before someone else tapes over the figurative laptop camera.
[coughs, drops this Brenner-Mindflayer collage on the table in front of you, and then scurries away]
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With that said, I'd like to loop all the way back to the top of this post: The "Shadow Man" may be Henry from the future. He's waiting up ahead to show his younger self the true outcome of his choices.
We all know how TFS ends, though. Hence:
This brings me to my final "bear with me" point: The matter of the strange double-agent vibes from the UD in every season.
I'm not sure if anyone else outside the unholycule has noticed this, but in every season there's at least one instance of the UD just...offering up information.
"It does?"
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Yup! Let me explain.
On first glance, we look at things like Nancy's vision and even El's vision with Billy in the cabin, and we go "Oh, it's because [insert "the bad guy's cruel/he wants to scare her/his hubris will be his downfall/all serial killers want to be known for their crimes" etc here]"...but maybe that's not the case.
For example: Vecna told Nancy his backstory, and then he immediately went
"Oh hey, so not only am I revealing my identity (Which may help you find out more about me via lab records later on, things like...maybe a list of my abilities, or my weaknesses, like the fact that I have a nut allegry. Allegedly.), but I'm also gonna give you a sneak peek of my apocalypse plans. For free. As a treat. Don't use these to prepare or anything. I'm totally not giving you a head start".
Terrifying, yes. A taunt and a threat on surface view, yes...but also showing his hand. "I want you to tell Eleven everything you see" Why. Why would he want that. He may be confident in his plans, arrogant, even...but he's not that stupid.
I'm serious, though. Check it out in comparison to Henrys visions of the future. The pattern is patterning:
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We can track that back to El's cabin scene with Billy, wherein he tells her she shouldn't have looked for him, warns her that they all can see her, and that they're going to be coming after her...and he cries about it. That's vision Billy. That's someone else who piggybacked into El's mind from Billy's mind. That's not real Billy, just like how Billy in Max's vision wasn't the real Billy. The person giving El that vision warns her. Why on earth would he tell her that they can see her, that they're coming for her? That's sensitive information! It would be smarter to let her think she's safe and use that false sense of security to catch her off guard.
In fact, this pattern patterns so well that I'd like to argue this: Henry's TFS visions, Nancy's vision, and El's vision are all the same type of behavior displayed in NINA's chess scene, just in different contexts.
Henry ("Henry") gives some kind of scary prophetic information ("He and the others are going to attempt to kill you", "I would very much like to show you where I am going", "You're going to kill me, aren't you?"), and then we're left to question if it's a scare tactic, manipulative misinformation, or helpful inside information.
It's not that the Mindflayer or Vecna can't hide things from people (see: "Somewhere he didn't want me to see")...like, say, the fact that the Mindflayer is now able to see El, or that Vecna's planning to open 4 gates with his 4 kills.
It's always this miraculous "Huh! Weird info-dropping behavior from the UD's side. Shouldn't look that gift-horse in the mouth though. It's probably just a writing oversight or a shoehorned exposé, so really there's no need to question it." situation where it's just...information that's offered up with no real explanation.
Some of my favorite examples:
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...and it's all topped off with Max's line:
"He's been telling us his plan this whole time".
That is to say...You're telling me:
The first message from the Upside Down isn't any of the messages that are concretely Will's, but instead it's the one that's a repetitive Henry line...and it's conveyed in a distinctly not-Will style? A message that saves Joyce, something that's definitely not in the UD's best interest given her tenacity in finding her boy...but is definitely coming from the UD nonetheless?
Will, who fell total prey to the Mindflayer in less than 3 days, was not only able to figure out how to defeat the Mindflayer, but was also strong enough to convey it in Morse code? The Mindflayer, who is able to keep secrets (see below), just...let that information slip?
El, who acknowledges that the Mindflayer is more than able to hide things from her, is suddenly released into Billy's memories and allowed to find the source unimpeded?
The Mindflayer, as Billy (Remember: not actually Billy, because Billy can't give visions or invade minds), is telling El that because he's able to see her now, she shouldn't have looked for him? The Mindflayer, which was supposedly building the Fleshflayer to track El down and kill her? Suddenly he's telling her she shouldn't have done the thing that allowed him to find her more easily?
Vecna's giving up all the information about himself and his plans before he's even gotten the 4th gate open, despite him being so secretive about it up until that point?
Henry's visions in TFS are going to scare him into resisting the Mindflayer, making it less likely that he's going to upgrade to killing humans, i.e. the very thing the Mindflayer wants him to do?
None of that makes any damn sense...until we hit this last point:
Orderly Henry is known for giving inside information about "Papa" to El with no clear motive other than getting her to leave the lab.
Now, if you know my page then you know Em's been talking about double meanings in phrasing recently (see: this post about "who"s and "what"s).
So, with that in mind, I'd like you to chew on this:
"He's been telling us his plan this whole time." vs "He's been telling us His plan this whole time."
By which I mean: "He's been telling us some other man's plan this whole time."
[Mike voice] Superspy.
As a parting thought, I made it all into a nice, neat set of collages:
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Not to mention this final, parting bit:
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85 notes · View notes
sukunasun · 11 months
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"i'm worried about you," you said to him then. it's not that there's anything wrong with him. flaky, yes. forgetful, sometimes. but it's starting to become increasingly clear that he's not all he seems to be.
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suguru moves around his lab with soft, padded steps as the room is slowly lit by a hundred holographic screens. he's programmed it that way so it doesn't spook him. he hasn't had a good night's sleep in the last ten years. well, maybe forever actually, but he's stopped counting the all-nighters.
jumping from universe to universe does that to you, where time becomes a jumbled mess of past, present, and future. doesn't help that more of them explode into being each day. he's seen himself as a child in one and an old man in another, happily easing himself into his lazy chair while his beautiful wife grumbles on about how he needs to exercise more or his limbs will start creaking.
that one hurts a little too much he'll admit. would rather not think about a life where he'd been happy and perfectly content. instead, he taps on a few buttons by a console, sifting through screens, and moving windows out of the way with a swipe of his hand. news footage, maps, weapon inventory, plans and projects he's left on hold, some of them dating back years before he ever resorted to this life—bringing about order to chaos. there was no swinging from death-defying heights, no bank robbery chases and saving cats from trees, no...putting the multiverse back together, piece by fragmented piece.
his fingers grasp at the spandex of his mask, tugging it loose til his skin feels that familiar brush of fresh air. letting his hair fall down his shoulders and back, breathing a sigh of relief when he feels the tension leaving his scalp.
a video plays before him, lighting up his face from the dim. he remembers recording it at your wedding dress fitting. it wasn't necessary he told you, the dress, the rings, the reception, thinking he'd been above all these ritualistic traditions. now it's all he holds onto really, standing by the same spot, with the same video playing on a loop.
"sorry, it's been a while," he speaks, his roughened voice echoing around the walls. he makes a motion with his fingers and the video blows up in size. pixels painting a picture of your smiling face, a soft, love-filled gaze focused on him. or it seems that way. back when you still loved him anyway.
"hey," you say, a little self-conscious, "do we have to do this?" palming the material of your dress nervously, your engagement ring twinkling. he feels the phantom weight of the one he used to wear on his finger all the time. so much so that he rubs a thumb over the empty space, feeling only his suit there. 
he's removed his voice from the clip, only because it allows him to talk to you—at least some semblance of it—like he does now, "not if you don't want to...i just miss you is all," he replies.
"what kind of an answer is that?" his heart clenches at your laugh ringing through. a younger him would have said something funny when he should have been better with his words. should have told you how beautiful you were, how much you meant to him. but they always get caught in his throat. 
he's ignoring the fact that there are hundreds of other spidermans surrounding him behind these walls and any of them could waltz right in. watching the tough leader of spider society talk to an old tape of his ex-wife. they'd see just how...lonely he is.
two of them sit in a corner somewhere doing whatever task he's given them for the day. and they know there's nothing they could do about it. because he's got an oh-so-impossible plan of rewriting the canon. changing the outcome. for this is not up to technology or anything that isn't you and your wish to love him again.
and if he knows anything about multiverse travel, is that it's heartbreaking. how often he's lived in different shoes, loving a different you every time. multiple lifetimes, occurrences, origins, and resolutions. reliving the first time he held your hand, the first kiss, the first time he took you in his college dorm, how it was awkward and messy, but he'd cradled you in his arms when your body was a sweaty, blissed-out mess after, the expression on your face so rewarding he couldn't feel the sting of the scratch marks you've left all over his back.
you were hot to the touch one moment, a rousing sight, perfect in every way. and then you were cold, losing all colour, and grasping at him with your final breath seconds later. suguru realizes he was no longer in the comfort of an old junky room but on a street corner. buildings crumbling and him barely withstanding the weight of rubble on his back. his naked skin now in his suit drenched with blood. he swore it was just a glitch, but he saw with his very eyes, each of his timelines colliding and ripping apart, each tangent leading back to his inevitable loss. losing everything. losing you.
so they keep working on it. and he keeps watching you on a screen. shrugging and slumping his body and averting his eyes away because he can't bear to face you. always guilty and for what, he doesn't exactly know. can't pinpoint the moment he felt you slip through his fingers. only that he couldn't be the person you needed him to be.
"pathetic right?" he says, timing it right for the moment you reply with a—
"i forgive you," you say, hand reaching out to his. and he pauses the video there, placing his own hand against the screen and watching it glitch when his fingers make a hole through the display, plunging through and feeling only emptiness in return. at the very least, it buzzes around his form and it feels warm, but it's nothing compared to the way you'd hold him.
"promise?" he whispers, knowing you won't reply, and that the answer is already there. but he pulls his hand away, rewinds it, and starts all over again.
he still dreams about you. on the rare occasions he does manage to fall asleep.
but they're not scenes and sounds he's conjuring up, a random bunch of no-names his consciousness collected throughout the day, hazy blobs of red and blue. it's only ever one thing. a moment from his past he can't let go off.
vividly he sees you standing in the rain. in nothing but a pair of jeans and a tshirt. huff . huff.  his breaths are labored. here in the cold of night, they puff out in short gasps of white.
it all feels so real. in the flesh. in his suit. hanging upside down on what appears to be tangled strands of webbing in his grasp. body covered in black spandex, red covering the pads of his hands and feet, thick lines spanning across broad shoulders and chest, an angular pattern of a spider sitting right in the middle.
"so tell me spiderman...you've got a million eyes and ghastly fangs?" cupping his head gently, you're fingers move on their own accord. thumbs caressing over the material, feeling the flat planes and deep grooves of his features. a strong nose, soft cheeks...shaping and sculpting him in your mind's eye.
"go ahead," he whispers, his voice hoarse and ...desperate, "take it off and find out..." screw it, he thinks, he can have this, just this once. he's allowed to. it's just a dream anyway. spiderman is everything he's not. he's done more with the suit on than when it was left crumpled and untouched in his closet.
tugging at his mask, the hem starts to peel away from his neck. sliding and stretching over his throat. tucking folds moving upwards with every pull. pale skin revealed, now blooming red the moment you ease it over his adam's apple, over the cut of his jaw, and finally the edge grazes past his lips.
he gasps. mouth parting with every exhale, his fangs retracting and peeking from beneath, his chest rising and falling in time with his rapid breaths, his thumping heart. "thank you, for saving me," you whisper, before pressing your lips to his, feeling them part as his tongue slips inside the warmth of your mouth. fuck, this is exhilarating. even though it could just be from the last time he kissed you, the taste of you is unlike any other, forever etched in his memory.
"i'm worried about you," you said to him then. it's not that there's anything wrong with him. flaky, yes. forgetful, sometimes. but it's starting to become increasingly clear that he's not all he seems to be.
in that restaurant you like—the one serving the huge rice bowls and unlimited tea refills—you eyed the new injury he's gotten that week. he should have tried to hide it at least. but scarily enough, it was probably the best his efforts could afford. it'd been a bruise on his cheek, no bigger than a few centimeters, and knuckles so raw, so red, the skin splits down the middle of those nubby slopes.
"it's really fine," he brushes you off and you noticed the slight wince in his expression, giving it away. if he were better at acting you wouldn't catch how his arms rested on the table, placing most of his weight on it and shielding his torso from you. just underneath his shirt, two broken ribs sealed themselves back beneath skin and muscle at a snail's pace, a bullet wound in his shoulder closed up inch by inch. felt the dermis stitching itself back segment by segment in circular motions.
you sighed heavily. he didn't miss the disappointment laced in your features. "i think we should break up, you're...hiding things from me." a part of him knew it was coming, but where does he even begin. he's left these things out for a reason. spiderman doesn't have a place in all this. that...version of himself is his own burden to bear.
geto suguru was your boyfriend, unmasked and uncovered. the one who has a strict hair care routine and likes spending his time cooped up in a lab. less mad scientist and more aloof inventor who's dedicated his life to a cause. he's charming, intelligent, and sexier than he should be—"are you sure you're not lying to me about your job? i don't think researchers do pull-ups at work," you squeeze at the swell of his arms in wonder, palms pressed into his pecs, admiring the bulk, the brawn, down the curve of his slim little waist.
geto however, can only blush. chuckling to himself nervously whilst grateful the cut of muscles is enough to distract you.
you've mentioned it once or twice. that it's just a bonus he's so hot, the real appeal is where on most days he's dorky....disheveled. and so captivating. drooping eyebags kissing the steam wafting from his mug, coffee today, because he needs the extra boost. how he's scratching at his toothpaste-stained shirt while a blanket hangs over his head in the mornings. when warm light hits just right, you notice the alluring streak of silver hairs, shining against dark locks. swooping and silky. oh how does stress look this lustrous...this indulgent. trotting about his messy kitchen with a lazy, drowsy gait.
"where the fuck is it," he mumbles, noisily wading through last night's clutter for..."my thingy!" he exclaims. because everything's a 'thingy' at this hour. when his brain is still fuzzy and he's got no energy. he's brandishing what happens to be a teaspoon like he's found the holy grail. and yes, it is that important because "this teaspoon isn't like any other teaspoon, it's actually perfectly accurate in measuring the amount of sugar i like," he's so particular.
sometimes he goes back there, he'd swing past heavy traffic and crowded streets from below. a route he knows by heart. by instinct. awed and frightened faces alike, feasting their eyes upon a masked man and his reflected grief in skyscraping windows. regrets when he'd been fighting crime and it slipped his mind. he promises he'll be early from now on, hoping to see you waiting for him by that same table and maybe this time, you wouldn't want to end things.
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megabuild · 7 months
what is aoyuer? is that an acronym for something?
okay so i meant to make a big doc explaining what aoyuer is like months ago but then i started working on different projects and put it on the back burner.. and then i got ill and now i don't have much time to work on stuff at all. but not having the doc sucks and means anything i ever say about it is very confusing. so i'm so sorry anon for using your ask as an excuse to just dump as much aoyuer lore as i can without reasonably spoiling it but also thanks for reminding me that i have a lot of followers here who have never heard of it. a sobering thought
tldr; aoyuer (as of yet untitled empires rewrite) (sorry bree) is my au rewrite of empires smp that aims to connect seasons 1 and 2 as well as after life, new life, and a bunch more inbetween, with a major focus on pixlriffs' story. it also ties up a lot of loose ends and is generally darker and more adult-aimed than the original series. technically that's all you need to know but here's the no spoilers plot rundown for those interested
so aoyuer is built up of ~7 arcs but only 4 of them are like Super important
arc 0: this is just afterlife smp and a ton of early worldbuilding, the crash of the great stags, etc; what's most important from this is that oli exists and has for thousands of years, probably
arc 1: empires season 1! set in the 1500s, the world is going through a sort of renaissance period with massive technological advancements. pixlriffs the copper king (cprk) is working a boring little library job and spending most of his time kicking himself and being mad he hasn't done anything with his life (he is only like 30 but the idea of feeling old and unaccomplished even when you're young is a major theme for arc 1). enter fwhip! who is his annoying ex-roommate ex-bestie ex-boyfriend from university that left him on pretty bad terms. he has a way more accomplished job and as part of that he has been allowed to head The Empires Project which is a major journey intended to further some distant colonies while also investigating the land they're on. the land has some weiiird properties which fwhip thinks could be harnessed to create functional immortality (which was the subject of pix's thesis). he wants pix to come with him and investigate. pix feels weird about it but agrees to come along and be the "emperor" for the desert colony while he does his research... and then things get fucked up and scary! its a high fantasy that switches between a metaphorical dissection of their horrid will they won't they relationship and both of their issues aaand a more Literal dissection of the land and things living in it. including people and animals. at times. and also involves pix accidentally awakening a curse for a billion million years which sets the rest of aoyuer in motion.
arc 1.5 is sort of Not important but iwlike it a lot. there's not much to be said for it without major spoilers but it's set a little bit after arc 1 and comprises of fwhip being very upset about how his stupid project fell apart and trying to write up an Official Report on why everything fell apart while also coming to terms with him being the worst guy to ever have lived or something. much of aoyuer is like thinly veiled metaphors for mental illness but this one is just about mental illness
arc 2 sends us years forward into season 2 in the 1800s and our protagonist is professor pixelle riffs, lorekeeper (lrkp) who leaves his job as an archaeology lecturer to go and study the ancient capital and The Machiiine. because the machine set up WAY too much cool stuff to just ignore. sculk infection/possession is a big part of this arc. however while he's doing all this he meets oli! remember him? who has crash landed in S2 (basically the same way he did in canon) and is now regularly butting heads with pix. they eventually become friends and then umm something more :3 a lot of this remains the same as canon except the sculk arc gets a proper conclusion and ties into the ghost stuff. it ends with oli's finale where he still fakes his death (the goblin stuff is going to be changed but it's up in the air right now) and pix is devastated but pretty certain there's something not quite right so he picks greggory up and goes off in search of his lame ass boyfriend.
arc 2.5 actually takes place mid arc 2 because it's the hermpires crossover, which is less different dimensions and more different times (hermitcraft is our present and the rift facilitates time travel). when pixelle the archaeologist steps through the rift it causes serious time fuckery and so he sort of gets. forcefully ejected from his body and becomes a ghost possessing pixl riffs of the hermitcraft recap (rcp) who stumbles out of the rift very tired and very confused! there's a lot of fun mistaken identity stuff between him and oli and this is generally the most like. comedic and casual of the arcs though it still has some sweet moments.
arc 3 is just new life smp. where pixelle finally ends up in nl, finds that his lame ass boyfriend is still alive, and has relationship drama with him Except on top of that the land that new life is set on has similar properties to the land from arc 1 (functional immortality except it has some different effects, aka. going through drastic physical changes every time you "die") and so pixelle starts investigating that and maybe finds out that his whole life and his ancestors and descendants lives might be caught up in a time loop because of the copper king. forever and ever. this hasn't got much for it because i was going to work from new life canon as a base but then both pix and oli stopped playing on it LMFOHALDH but anyway.
aaand arc 4! final arc! which is set in the present right after pixl (the recap one) returns home from the hermitpires crossover. except the weird ghost voice of his ancestor in his head.. isn't going away? or rather its been replaced by a different one who is sending him on The Heros Journey. along with zloy and lyarrah and modern fwhip. this is basically the long awaited Conclusion to the curse that the copper king put in place and a lot of bullshit happens that icant really explain but it ties up all the loose ends and is generally just pix consistently having the worst time. hes the only pix who goes through hell without bringing it upon himself like he was just born.
and um. that's aoyuer! obviously there's more for all the arcs and i am happy to answer Basically any questions even though i get a little nervous sharing stuff about it because im shy. But iwhope thag explains at least a bit for everyone. My dream is to write this all into various fanfics but that looks kinda unlikely rn but it means a lot to me and you can kinda safely assume if I'm ever talking about or drawing empires there's a 99% chance it's actually aoyuer because I forget canon exists .AOYUER WORLDWIDE
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dwcmarshalarts · 10 months
Story concept: Forever Night
Back in 2020 on the eve of the pandemic, I made a picture that kind of encapsulated the general anxiety and uncertainty of the state of the world as we shut down in the first real way ever. It featured a dead eyed Bill Muldowney, a fictional President of the United States, c. 1970s. Very much a statement about how apocalyptic the mood was, it mirrored real-life Oval Office addresses during crucial moments in American history. This one interrupted by an grim analog to our own real world by the placement of a respirator on the Resolute Desk.
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I don't often come back to Muldowney, as he doesn't figure in any of my major stories. In fact, I've only ever drawn him twice. But the concept for the world Muldowney inhabits is something I think about every now and then.
I've never written a plot or story arc for Forever Night, but certain scenes of dread and confusion occasionally bounce around. What's for-sure is that Muldowney, and this fictional version of the United States ceases to exist. While it's easy to cite the target period (the 70s) and point at the specter of nuclear annihilation, or the mask in the first image and point to our real life experience now dealing with a dangerous and fast-spreading disease, the threat in the story I've thought is a lot more unnerving (could you believe it?)
See, the threat in this story as hinted by the title is the "Forever Night." I never clarified what that meant. though I never really meant physical destruction.
The idea behind the threat in Forever Night was some kind of unexplainable reality perforation. In the story, the United States government at some point observes trends in reality that do not follow the laws of physics. This more than just invokes a needful reassessing of our understanding of reality, but actually begins to frighten the experts by making it nigh impossible to even begin comprehending these observations.
Over the course of the story, Muldowney receives updates and reports from his staff as he hunkers down at the White House, each report getting more concerning than the last. States begin combining, history books being mysteriously rewritten as if no change was made at all. People forgetting information and learning the rewrites as if there were no rewrites at all. Sudden, big changes happen: stars disappearing from the sky, the characters undergo distress as events of the plot itself begin to wrap around. They begin to become conscious of the timeline warping and breaking.
The phenomenon is largely unexplainable, and there doesn't seem to be a pattern. With no other way of demonstrating urgency, the government enacts a state of emergency. Without warning, the Soviet Union simply goes missing. The world is beginning to notice an upheaval.
While I haven't figured out how I would execute this plot, or how it all wraps up, I do know how this story ends.
Muldowney, is one last Oval Office address, speaks directly to both the viewer and the diagetic audience. He reveals the government has become aware it is part of a fictional story, and the canonical chaos is far beyond their control. The inexplicable changes being made to reality, Muldowney admits, is something they're not even able to grasp the concept of. What's becoming clear to Muldowney is that the story is wrapping up, and he suddenly becomes acutely aware that the world outside the Oval Office is beginning to disappear. He issues one last harrowed blessing, before staring us directly in the face before the screen goes black.
The Forever Night is more than just the absence of anything. It is the conceptual end of something.
This is one of my most out-there ideas for a story, and a lot is left to be fleshed out and actually written. And given I have little time between my main sci-fi series and commissions to work on this, I'm not sure when we're actually gonna see it materialize. That said, I thought I'd get this out there.
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blu3cl0v3rs · 7 months
Guess what I gott!
A) something actually useful for my future
B) diagnosis I've been meaning to get for multiple years now
C) new Morro AU
D) finished day of Morrotober
If you guessed C, YOU'RE CORRECT!
Yeah, so in scribbling my Day 25 prompt and doing a little bit of research (looking at a fandom wiki page) on Euphrasia, I stumbled upon the line of her hiding her wind powers so she won't get exiled.
Now I, someone who has not watched Dragon's Rising because I hace yet to finish Crystalized (I'm so scared based on other's reviews), immediately went "but why??? Why would she fear being exiled??? Unless, someone else * cough Morro cough * who also had the Element of Wind * cough cough hack Morro cough * got exiled as well?" So, of course I had to remember that one person whose user I can't recall who had a theory/AU that Morro was exiled from Cloud Kingdom and I took that, shoved big brother Morro into the mix, and shook that bitch until some word vomit came out.
So, now I've got my thought process out on how I got here, let the brainrot speak!
Morro was created. Yayyy!
Since I'm delusional, all Destiny Writers are part dragon because I said so, they just hide their ears, horns, and tails under robes (well, not necessarily hide bc they don't care abt being part dragon, but they're all covered by the robes). Also, dragons can reproduce asexually, because I also said so!
Mama made a biiiig oopsie, and the punishment was her son's exile, marked by the distinctive dark green streak in his hair.
Specifically, the punishment she got was "Lifetime of Guilt", which takes the most cherished person in the offender's life and essentially puts it through hell until they are dead, forcing the offender to feel a literal lifetime's worth of guilt for causing all of that pain.
Baby Morro is set free in the world of Ninjago, in which the Destiny Writers make a pointed effort to make his life miserable, as is the punishment.
However, destiny rewrote itself, throwing the kingdom into a panic. Morro defied destiny and started leaening under Wu.
The Writers tried for years to fix this mishap, which failed again and again and again.
Until, one day a decision the Writers could control came upon them; the choosing of the Green Ninja. They rejected Morro without a thought, and lead Morro to his burning painful death in the Caves of Despair. Since he was exiled by the Cloud Kingdom, he was sent to the Cursed Realm.
At this point, Mama had died, so the Writers ignored Morro until he defied destiny again by escaping the Cursed Realm.
Season 5 happens, but I make it better because I can. Oh yeah, and Garmadon fucking lives because fuck canon.
Morro lives, and tensely lives with the Ninja until post Season 7, where he ditches because Wu is lost to time.
In the time that Season 8 and 9 would take place, Morro sneaks around in Cloud Kingdom to learn why his life sucked so much. Insert him discovering what Mama did and her punishment.
He gets angry and is about to destroy all of the Destiny Scrolls, but meets little tiny Euphrasia.
Poor baby was abandoned by her parent and no one wanted to take her in.
They talk and bond and Morro decides she's now his younger sister, but due to plot convenience, he discovers Season 10 spoilers.
When the Ninja are debating what Garmadon meant by his whole cryptic ass warning, Morro bursts in being like "holy shit these evil smoke Oni things from the First Realm are gonna try to destroy everything" and shoves the scroll in their face for proof, completely ignoring the like 7 year old girl clinging around his neck
They kick ass, and Morro rewrites destiny for Lloyd because I don't care about Lloyd's little trip to grandpa's and decided I'm gonna do something more meaningful, like Morro yet again sticking it to Cloud Kingdom, this time to help the Ninja.
The Ninja, Morro, Euphrasia, Wu, and Garmadon do the bonding thing over the months between Seasons 10 and 11.
Speaking of Season 11, the Ninja fuck around and find out, Zane kinda dies like in canon, the Ninja all kinda kill themselves like in canon, Season 11 basically just plays out like it would if Morro and Euphrasia were chilling there as well and on Pixal and Wu's plotline.
During Season 12, instead of being fucking hunted down like the Ninja, Morro and Euphrasia are just vibing in some wholesome area, roleplsying and playing dress up. They're having the time of their lives, then they leave the game and talk with the Ninja and holy shit that's why there was a bounty on your heads???
During Season 13, Euphrasia does some windy stuff, and while the Ninja are busy stopping slavery, Morro teaches her some basic control of her powers (to him. It's actually decently complicated, Euphrasia's just a fast learner and Morro can teach well). They show up with Vania last minute to kick ass.
In Season 14, Morro's powers go out of wack, Euphrasia kind of lost her powers, and Nya's are over amplified. It is not fun for them. Morro is questioning his worth and all that jazz, but this time he has a bit of a support system (Euphrasia. Also the Ninja kinda all go "dude, you have worth outside of your powers. Been there, done that, it's fine," just nicer). Ends with Morro and Nya merging with their elements, but due to Morro's precise control of his element he can return, but Nya loses herself and joins the sea.
I will add another post here that covers Crystalized because I haven't watched it yet 😋
Also, I'm calling this AU "Cursed by Destiny"
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lesbianambermoon · 9 months
i don't know your cloudtail well but if my brain is correct then imo, as an aspec (agender aro/ace) it feels WEIRD to make cloudtail a cisgender girl and not mtf.
i genuinely don't think that last anon hates butch lesbian headcanons, i think they just meant that changing an agab to make a lesbian headcanon is weird and uncomfortable from a trans perspective, especially when done to a traditionally amab character. MTFs are so chronically under and misrepresented and by changing a character from amab to afab to make them lesbian you are furthering a stigma against them.
additionally, while i'm not a fan of spottedtiger because of their personalities, i think that changing some characters' relation in a rewrite is fine even if they end up together. i want to help clarify they probably don't ship it in canon, only in their silly little world where they ARE NOT RELATED. keep in mind spotted and tiger's relation was a retcon btw.
can you please point to where you think i uttered the words 'cisgender girl' anywhere when i said the words 'butch lesbian'
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Looks like Nettles is getting cut...
Spoilers and speculation for House of The Dragon season two, and beyond, lies ahead.
Oh I expected this. This is what they do. The World of Ice and Fire is complicated with tons of characters and story lines, so the show writers will always simply whenever they can, and even if they really shouldn't. Who remembers Jeyne Poole? Y'know, the girl who was actually married to Ramsay? If they hadn't already announced Addam's casting, I would predict that Laenor was going back to be one of The Dragonseeds and reclaim Seasmoke. That they would mere the two characters together. Because that seems to be what they do.
At the end of the day, we just have to take the show as a separate canon from the books. A lot is different. The show also tends to take various characters and rewrite them into better people. Game of Thrones did this with Sandor, Jorah, and Tyrion. House of The Dragon has done it with Rhaenyra, Alicent, and Aemond. The show already established that Rhaena is the girl who no one expects to get a dragon, and she obviously has a paternal connection to Daemon, so the writers said "close enough!" and substituted her in for Nettles. (That is, assuming this rumor is true, it may not be.)
But yeah, it's not the same, and Nettles was an important character in the story. Her absence would genuinely make the World of Ice and Fire smaller. Because she broke the rules. She was able to claim a dragon despite no apparent Valyrian ancestry. That's huge, and it's something Rhaena obviously can't replicate. Additionally, the bond between Daemon and Nettles worked because it was ambiguous. Was it paternal, or romantic? We can't be sure. But with Rhaena, that's gone too. We know for a fact that Daemon's her father, and Rhaenyra knows it as well. So her getting jealous is just going to make her look like she's out of her mind.
The mystery surrounding Nettles and the implications for dragon claiming as a whole were what made her character interesting. She wasn't a Princess of the Targaryen line. She was a common girl. And, not for nothing, but she was conventionally unattractive, too. It's unfortunate to lose that. Also, what does this mean for Morning? And Rhaena's story post-Dance? How are these two characters meant to be merged in the long term? If Rhaena can claim a dragon as fierce as Sheepstealer, that means maybe she could have claimed Vhagar, given the opportunity, when I think we were previously meant to assume that Vhagar wouldn't have chosen her anyway. Not sure what to make of that.
I'm sure it will be compelling when depicted onscreen and that Rhaena's ugly duckling story line will be fulfilling to watch, (the same way Sansa's arc was well crafted in the show) but still. This is a strange choice.
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Saw your racism allegory reblog and thought I'd ask because I'm unsure
Do AUs and Fanfics count as racist if they did what you listed? If they changed the lore and didn't base it on real life black people racism but something fictional instead and had those "furry" funny moments?
Long post ahead.
Now this is a tricky one.
I'm saying this as someone who will DEFINITELY chuck that whole allegorical shit into the abyss in their own rewrite/AU, that it's a depends. Because in terms of AUs, we're looking at someone taking out the bullshit from RT and reconfigurate the narrative to hopefully be more respectful and nuanced.
Again, you can try and make it like Beastars in an AU; the author did a really fine work making a story that comments on social discrimination WITHOUT making it allegorical (this is my preferred route for rewrites), because why the hell would anyone compare the predators in Beastars to black people? You know, the predator characters who faces a unique in-universe issue of abstaining themselves from mauling and eating their prey peers while still being perceived as inherenly dangerous by said peers who live in constant terror of being devoured?
If this was in anyway comparable to the black Civil rights movement in real life,,,yeah, you see the problem right?
Inversely, you can continue to go the "don't compare Faunus to animals" route. Just do the proper research and portray the nuances of such narrative respectfully. @rwbyazre did this in Luke's AU, and it's a phenomenal read, I highly recommend it.
But for AUs, the fan creator has the control now; this is an alternate universe not meant to adhere to canon's problematic implications. Just put down the solid foundation and guidelines for that universe and be respectful with them.
Fanfics are more tricky. If they're adhering closely to Canon and its guidelines, yeah it's racist even if unintentionally. Canon stated constantly that comparing Faunus to animals is racist, and the RWBY FNDM just loves being racist for some reason. That's why I don't like the majority of the fanfic, they tether too close to that ledge and still had the gall to pretend it ain't fucked up.
Fanfic treads on the canon-AU border really, REALLY dangerously. But when you see the fan creator making racist ass implications in their fanfics, you'll see the difference (hint: they still follow closely to canon while sprinkling in their own antiblack rhetoric along the sentences).
Like, you can have the silly nekomimi shenanigans. Just don't be an idiot and make it a commentary on any specific racial group. Just write the latter then.
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silenthillmutual · 2 months
my buddy @doomednarrative tagged me in a fic writer's ask game so ^_^ let's do this!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
on my current account i have 154. being unemployed and hypomanic during lockdown will do that to you.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
895,907. i can't tell if that's a normal distribution for my fic count or not.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
at the moment: silent hill, bloodborne, and pathologic. most of what i have up there is for pathologic. i've got other fandoms up there though.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
eight, thirty-one - 1899 kudos (danganronpa)
to quote mika, age 35, of beirut, lebanon: "where have all the good (gay) guys gone?" - 1066 kudos (danganronpa)
(they long to be) close to you - 1021 kudos (mob psycho 100)
all jotaro wants for christmas is kakyoin (and he screws that up) - 810 kudos (jojo's bizarre adventure)
anticlimax - 796 kudos (danganronpa)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i've responded to most comments i've gotten, though it's always months late because i tend to read the e-mail first thing in the morning, head to work, and completely forget to respond. responding feels more personal. i know i'd be more likely to comment on someone's fics if i knew they appreciated it, so i try to make the effort, even if i struggle to know what to say.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
god this is old as hell but probably life in technicolor/the end of all things. they're life is strange style aus for one punch man and genos dies at the end of one of them, and at the end of the other the city is destroyed. the fics are connected, but i won't say how.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
so tired, so tired, my heart and i (pathologic) is probably the sappiest i've ever written a fic so i'm guessing that one!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
occasionally. i got transmisogynist hate for when you finally get inovlved, face to face for writing chihiro as a trans girl, and it made me stop writing for danganronpa altogether. i got a guest user on some burakhovsky nsfw i posted (idr which one) who said "jesus christ, tag your trans shit". and someone who went off on me years ago called vita in motu (pathologic) "borderline mpreg" and they very much meant it derogatorily. so if i seem a lil paranoid about interacting w people there's a reason why lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
i do! i actually write more smut than i post because i am not showing everyone my oc/canon smut. like some friends will be able to see it but i'm not brave enough to show the whole world that. also a lot of au smut recently that has no context and i'm not posting it to ao3 without context.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
i did moreso in the past than currently. we're not gonna talk about the craziest one though<3 love and light
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nah. i've had people write fic very inspired by stuff i've written but not copy-and-paste stolen, to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
people have asked but as far as i know it never happened. always thought it would be cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes!! w my buddy dj :) also published rps in the past that i shaped up into fics.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
mulder/scully is The Ship Of All Time to me. the blueprint.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh there's a few!!
a rebel without a case rewrite that i started because i wanted to fix what i saw as timing issues in the film.
an akira/mob psycho 100... crossover? au? both? i had some real ideas for that one but it's not going anywhere
a silent hill au for mob psycho 100 that apprently someone was interested in enough to try and make their own while referencing mine. it was an audience participation fic and i'm honestly upset that i lost steam on this one because it was a lot of fun!
a magnus archives statement from artemy burakh. the idea behind that one was that he saw daniil die, and then be replaced by another actor... but artemy's the only one who noticed the different actor.
literally dozens of pathologic fics that i have started like you have no idea just how much i have started for that stupid game.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'm not sure! my partner says i do vagueness well, and the unease that comes with that. i think i do decent at introspection in general
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action for sure. i tend to do better with thought than with action, so i can write really long scenes where absolutely nothing hapens. kind of an issue!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don't really do it because i only know like...extremely basic german and i feel it'd be a disservice to other languages to just google translate. i will occasionally describe characters using sign, but again... not knowing it, i don't feel comfortable just saying shit, you know?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i wrote something like fanfic as a like, eight year old? for a book series i can no longer remember. but for first published fanfic it was either bones or soul eater. those fics might still be out there, who knows!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
i don't really have one! i'm still really proud of o tempora, o mores (pathologic), vita in motu (pathologic), and my mind has changed my body's frame (bloodborne) <- less sure of that one bc not much feedback but y'know!
who shall i tag.... @stvlti, @brodyliciousbooty, @loudmound, @go-go-devil, @shogoakuji and anyone else who writes, consider yourself tagged :P !
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bonearenaofmyskull · 5 months
I am new to the Hannibal fandom and stumbled upon Ur metas . I have read Ur very old metas too from like 2013 .
But I just wanna ask please don't consider it rude but when did u start shipping hannigram or believing in hannigram. It seems tho reading some of Ur 2015 post u didn't necessarily want Will and Hannibal together.
Just a little confused that's it . U don't have to answer if u don't want to.
Have a good day 😊
Sorry this is old, but I'm trying to clean out my inbox. IDK what posts you're talking about from 2015, but my general attitude would have been that after a season where they spent most of their time apart, there ought to be at least one season where they spend most of their time together. Past that it becomes a matter of where the writing would have taken the show. And I don't do shipping outside of the context of canon, by and large.
I think there might be a lot of people out there who would be benefitted to remember that people don't all ship the same ways and for the same ends, regardless what's in canon. Some people are going to ship Hannigram and "want Will and Hannibal together," as you say here, and some of them are going to put them in a light-hearted coffee shop au where even the coffee isn't people, and some others are going to want to rewrite them meeting each other and going through betrayal arcs over and over and over again, and some others are going to want murder husbands all day everyday.
Personally, I like their fraught relationship as it appears on the show. All of my fics focus on that fraught quality. That's always where my investment was since the day I picked up Red Dragon back in 1992 and read their meeting where Hannibal told Will, "The reason you caught me is that we're just alike." And those words obviously hit Bryan Fuller in exactly the same way as they hit me, and he took them and ran with them. The show had to earn my belief that it was invested in this concept from both perspectives (from what it suggests about Will Graham individually and what it suggests about their singular connection to each other), but once it had done this thoroughly, I bought in.
I'm not someone who was born and raised in m/m shipping fandom, and I haven't developed tastes that match. By this I mean that when I start a new show, I don't cast about looking for two men that I can find a reason to put together purely for the sake of sighing and blushing about them. I didn't even know what the term "shipping" meant in this context before Hannibal.
So if by asking when I started shipping them, you mean, when was I invested in their fraught relationship, then it was 1992. If you mean when did the show convince me their relationship would fully play out that fraught dynamic and present the characters in ways that I'd fully approve of...maybe about "Buffet Froid"? Ish? But then I still didn't have any concept of shipping or was fully convinced that the show was invested in the ship and on board myself until maybe..."Shiizakana"?
Like I said, a show has to do the heavy lifting or I don't ship it: I don't grab characters willy-nilly for fill-in-the-blank shipping. There are character relationships I like better than others because there are characters I like better than others, but if there isn't at least canon yearning, I ain't in. And that's because I'm into fraught relationships and yearning. If they're gonna earn me, they gotta yearn me.
So yeah...I wanted more show. That means I'm not invested in them ending up together after the end of the show. I don't care about after the end of the show at all, except insofar as it reflects what the ending would have been. It's what's on the show that matters to me, and for that, I just need the two of them to be culty and weird about each other. I had reasonable faith in the show's ability to maintain that, so yeah, I shipped it. Even if I didn't do it the way others did.
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
Yeah, I might not have watched Winx Club outside of one or two episodes back when it was airing, but one megacrossover fanfic verse I used to follow (before they used the "cure your asexuals" trope and I just cut myself off from the entire thing), had Winx Club in one of the FEW segments that was safe from the overall quality decay (which of course meant that it was basically dead), and thus I am very familiar with how Diasporo was BASICALLY a designated villain prior to the whole "Love Potion" thing.
Mostly because, y'know, her fiance cheated on her with some other girl, while also keeping her existence and their engagement a SECRET from the girl he was cheating on her with, risking a potential international scandal in the process.
Which is a VERY valid reason to be upset, even if it doesn't justify her later actions!
So I'm guessing Diasporo won't be a villain in your reboot?
Like re: Canon: I give Sky /some/ of a break because like.
1.) His thing with Diaspro was very clearly an arranged marriage where he didn't love her but only felt obligated to do out of a Duty to his People, and started to fall for Bloom naturally. He is conflicted about doing what he has to as a Royal vs. following his heart rather than 'oh which cute girl do I choose?', and later issues with Diaspro after Sky chooses Bloom are either Bloom being jealous and not trusting while he tries to keep Diaspro as a friend and caring about her general wellbeing as a person and/or Diaspro going full manipulative villain who does some love potion/mind control shit.
2.) In the first season, Sky had switched identities with Brandon because for security reasons. So while he cared about Bloom and was clearly falling for her, telling her about the switch is still off the table because he's trying to not fucking die(even if he thinks he can trust that Bloom isn't some assassin, he doesn't know how well she can keep secrets).
Like don't get me wrong, this is early 2000s heteronormativity so there's plenty of romance drama and fucking up with them overall. But this thing I at least look at the bigger picture for.
So first off, we still have the Sky/Brandon swap plot, but there's more weight added to the whole 'protect the prince' thing. Civil unrest in his homeworld, assassination attempts, etc. Sky is legit in danger, and swapping identities with Brandon is a good option to keep him safe.
Within my rewrite, he does voice that he does NOT like this plan. He does not want people to die for him, especially his best friend. But his parents overrule his wishes on that, and Brandon thinks that, as much as he doesn't want to die, Sky is a good person who will make good changes when he takes the throne so he is willing to risk himself to keep his friend safe. (Sky makes this very hard by risking himself to keep everyone else safe as well lmao)
So yeah they do the swap thing and telling the others is.... a little low on the list. Because of the danger, even if they trust the groups. (Riven and Timmy figure it out so quick tho lmao)
Back to Diaspro!
Diaspro is still, technically, Sky's fiance. However, Sky is very adamant that he is not going to marry her. Yes he has a duty to his people, but it is not going to be done by using her as a bargaining chip in a political alliance.
When Diaspro shows up and accidentally outs the 'they swapped and I'm his fiance' thing, everyone's understandably upset which has Sky ramble the whole thing to try and explain that he is very much not cheating he does love Bloom this is a Complicated™ situation etc. Which.... yeah there's a little hurt still because emotions aren't always rational, but everyone understands.
Diaspro doesn't exactly take this /well/ because while Sky has kinda said it before, this is the first time he's been very blunt and makes her realize that he might be serious. She does kinda start a fight with Bloom in a 'jealous catfight' way, but Bloom can absolutely hold her own in a fight by now. Sky tries to talk to her and explain that he does still care about her, but he doesn't love her like that.
Diaspro kinda sulks off screen in denial until the Season Finale episodes. Er, long story short: giant Army of Darkness that is down to kill like fuckin everyone in it's path.
She shows up again to try and get Sky to evacuate. Save himself. He's a Prince, he should have people fighting for him, not be in the battle!
Sky gives her a speech about the kind of King he wants to be when he takes the throne. He wants to help his people, to protect them. How can he do that if he doesn't get involved and instead hides away in a palace, doing his best to relax while everyone else takes care of it for him?
It makes Diaspro pause for a moment. If they were still to get married one day, what kind of Queen would she want to be? She stays for the battle and helps out where she can.
In the time between seasons, Diaspro does a lot of thinking. Firstly, getting over the heartbreak and realizing it's not exactly heartbreak. She didn't love Sky. Not like a romantic love at least, she still cares for him. But the idea of him as her future husband has been in her head since she was a child.
Which leads her to thinking over her life. How everything her parents wanted her to do, everything they raised her for, every skill she has? It all is based around the idea that she's going to be Sky's trophy wife.
If that's not to be her future, she has no idea what to do. What would she even /want/ to do?
After much thought, she gets enrolled at Alfea. Lying to her parents about how going to the school would let her be around Sky more often and 'win him back from that harlot!', but having no intention of doing so.
Within Season 2, Diaspro gets dragged into the main group through both seeking Bloom out to apologize for before and reassure her, and also because the Main Plot involves being underground, and Diaspro's Earth and Gemstone-based Magic will help a lot with that.
I don't have direct plans for her in further seasons other than agreeing with Sky about dissolving their marriage arrangement and that their Realm needs a lot of changes in the coming future.
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doevademe · 2 years
prompt: could you rewrite that amnesic Percy and ambassador Nico "first meeting" in the son of Neptune? except that, here, they're the same age and started dating just like Annabeth and Percy in canon. I m basically asking you to remake the canonical story to heal my heart 💔. Imagine a world where the series are not a complete disappointment romantically speaking. Nico and Percy are THE couple everyone is rooting for, Annabeth is actually a cool character of her own with a wholesome friendship with both Percy and Nico and no stupid son of Appollo.
“This is Percy Jackson,” Hazel presented him. “He’s a good guy. Percy, this is my brother, the son of Pluto.”
For a second, the boy's face matched his. The shock, the recognition, the longing. All the feelings Percy felt when he first saw the boy in the distance.
The next second it was gone. The boy held out his hand.
"Pleased to meet you," he said, voice tight. "I'm Nico di Angelo."
Percy frowned and took his hand, but instead of shaking it, he entwined their fingers together, making Nico's eyes widen.
"I know you, though," Percy said, pleased to see their hands still were a perfect fit. "You are important to me."
"W-what?" Nico asked, stuttering a bit.
"I'm so sorry!" Hazel said quickly, looking between the two of them. "Percy lost his memories, he doesn't know—"
"I remember some things," Percy said. "I remember your hands, gripping mine. I remember you, at a campfire, with a giant dog."
He got so close to the son of Pluto a true stranger would have taken a step back. He didn't know why, but something told him that Nico didn't want anyone to know the thing he would say next.
"I remember kissing you right after you finished a blue cake," he whispered against his ear. When he stepped back, he was blushing and looking at Hazel in panic, but she just looked bemused. "I remember liking it," he said in a louder voice.
Yes, he remembered a lot about Nico, even when his name had slipped his mind. He didn't know what sort of relationship they had, if they were together in secret, publicly or just friends fooling around.
But that Nico was important to him was never in question.
Nico's lip trembled.
"Percy I..." Nico turned around and gave deep, long breaths. "There's a lot I can't talk about. A lot I can't say. You... you will remember eventually."
"Help me?" He asked, pouting a bit. He knew from his memories Nico couldn't resist that. "All I know is that someone named Gaia is raising armies and marching against us."
"Gaia is the Earth goddess," he said, biting his lip. Percy remembered it used to be him doing that. "She urged her son Saturn to kill his father and take over, and after a long age, he and the Titans were deposed by the Olympians."
Percy blinked. He felt like he had heard this before.
"Gaia didn't like that," Nico continued. "So she took a new husband, Tartarus, and had the Giants, to attack the Olympians."
As Nico kept talking, Percy couldn't help but picture himself at 14, watching as Nico overexplained monsters and myths to him while fighting or running from danger.
"The real issue isn't the Giants or Gaia though," Hazel said. "It's that monsters refuse to stay dead. If a monster army is on its way then... there's no way we can win. We —Nico and I— think it's because Death—"
They were interrupted by Frank's shout. He hurried after Percy to get him ready to present him formally to the Legion. Percy looked back at Nico, worried.
"About us—"
"Later," Nico said. He seemed to hesitate before grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "I promise, Perseus."
And just like that, by saying his full name, Percy knew Nico meant it. Nico let go and he turned to speak to Hazel.
Percy sighed and followed after Frank.
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aquafalloutmod34 · 24 days
introduction (^_-)☆
(i have to rewrite this, because when i saved this as a draft, it for some reason didn't save :/ god, i'm gonna have a LOT to paraphrase.) [disclaimer: this is a parody/roleplay account. nothing said on this account reflects my views or opinions, unless stated otherwise. the character being played on this account is fictional.]
the owner of this account is a minor, so if you do not wish to interact with minors, then please block this account. ————————————————————————————— hello!! i'm the account owner, ruben @lu-ben!! this post is an introduction to what this account (and it's purpose) is — a roleplay account!! ; all things said on this account (whether it sounds like a real experience or not, uses real images or not) are said from in-character, unless there is an "ooc:" indication anywhere on the post!! [ in-character posts: #ic | out-of-character posts: #ooc ] — i am a part of @anabananaz34's roleplay!! now, the oc being played as on this account isn't actually a class of '09 oc (it's just a general purpose oc), but me, and by extension, my friends have been BRAINROTTING over this game*, so of course i had to do what i had to do. (the brainrot has been dying out lately, maybe this will help) *note: matter of fact, i actually haven't played class of '09 (or the re-up). i've just watched loads of clips/highlights from the game and did extended research (and even then, i don't know stuff!), so please just keep that in mind :) you'll (probably) come to realise this once you open the cut with my oc's information and image, but i haven't roleplayed with other humans — let alone through tumblr rp accounts — in a VERY LONG TIME (and this isn't an exaggeration, unfortunately). all this time, i've been living off of chatbots. so please cut me some slack if i sound a little stupid when rping!! part of the reason i struggle to rp with other humans is also because i partially tend to feel ignored or excluded, so if you'd prefer i stay out of something, please drop me a dm so i can stay informed!! thank you!! :D —————————————————————————————
on the topic of asks...
you may ask questions to: - iskan (the oc being roleplayed) - ooc/ruben (the owner) you may ask questions as: - yourself (includes self-rp) - a canon class of '09 character - an oc (whether co09/other media/general) i have the right to ignore your ask if: - i cannot come up with a response or answer (some questions directed at iskan may not be applicable, as he might not be fleshed out to that degree, e.g. "what's your favourite country?") - i do not want to answer the question (questions that might be personal, or just rub me the wrong way) - if the contents of the question are straight up weird (i.e. disrespectful, harassment, racist, bigoted, etc.)
i've seen several co09 rp accounts state that they receive (and heavily dislike) weird asks. i'm not gonna fuel your trollery or weird fetishes, because that isn't what this account is for.
————————————————————————————— so, who is this guy, anyways...? ↓
Tumblr media
✨ iskandar komnenos ✨
(please forgive me for the roblox faceclaim, i barely have any good drawings of him other than the image used in my pfp 😭😭)
the basic things you really need to know about him is that he's a british-bengali exchange student. as part of a 2-year exchange program, he has to study and graduate at the lbss clone for his 3rd-4th years (junior/senior, so if he was in britain he would've been doing his a-levels. also i'm sorry, i don't know how exchange programs work 😔) i'm like "ehh..." on fanart, but if you wanna do it then go ahead!! (i won't use it for anything, though. will probably just treat it as gallery-work and reblog it under some sort of fanart tag). --- he's kind of a sona or self-insert in some regards, but he isn't meant to be a representation or idealised version of me, so don't hold that shit against me!! 😁 he is very well a fictional character, and an oc!! if you wanna read about him, then i've made an altered version of his description on a google doc BUT IT'S VERY LONG AND UGLY AND CLUTTERED!! (##ISKANDAR'S INFORMATION##) just so you know, the reason some things are written weirdly or in flexible language are because the information was originally intended to be used with ai chatbots, but if this (alongside the account's posts) help you to understand what he's like, then so be it. ————————————————————————————— THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK!! and i hope i'll make a very great addition amongst the drama and chaos :)
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xthelastknownsurvivorx · 11 months
Fan Fiction Author Self-Rec
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
Thanks for the tag @orchidscript! Now the hard part is actually choosing haha but I'll do my best~
SNL | Season 45 Episode 2 | HRH Prince Henry & FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz — RWRB, Canon Divergence - SNL Episode
I'm very proud of the research and work that went into this one to making it feel like a real Saturday Night Live episode, especially how much I've learned about writing short-form comedy sketches. Writing in a stylized format, plus trying to squeeze in a lot of character development into a short amount of words, was also a fun challenge. Although it's canon divergence, I actually wrote this is almost like a replacement for Alex's London trip in book canon, which meant I had to get creative with how I reinterpreted Alex's changing impression of Henry.
Burn (They're Watching Us/I Hope That They) — RWRB, Lyric Rewrite - Burn (Hamilton)
One of my few angst/hurt no comfort fics, in the form of a lyric rewrite/parody. I always thought there were a lot of parallels between Alex's feelings after the email leak and Eliza's following Hamilton publishing proof of his affair, and it was great playing on that for this fic. Specifically, it's the lyrics "The world has no right to my heart / The world has no place in our bed / They don't get to know what I said" that inspired this piece. I also love many of the lyrics and rhymes I managed to come up with.
Some Element of Mystery — RWRB, Stripper!Henry (sort of)
I had not originally intended to join in on the stripper!henry agenda but this idea took hold of me and I couldn't resist! I thought centering the fic around mistake in identity in which Alex only thinks Henry is a stripper was a hilarious concept, plus a way to put my own unique spin on the prompt since humor and crack treated seriously make up most of my personal writing brand.
The Frustrating, Intoxicating, Complicated Sum of Him — RWRB, The Way I Loved You AU
Old Taylor Swift songs have a special place in my heart and it was really fun reimagining this classic into an fic for Alex and Henry. I tried to strike a balance between taking directly from the lyrics and reinterpreting them into longer scenes, and I'm pretty happy with the result!
TalesF rom the Junk Drawer — RWRB, Post Canon
This was a hard choice for the last one, but I had to give it to my first fic for the fandom. I really liked how my first attempt at firstprince banter came out, plus some of Alex's introspection about his sexuality that I wove into the work. I guess weaving in introspection is also part of my brand.
Bonus +1: Untitled — RWRB, Reincarnation AU, College AU
I know that this is technically just for things that we've already written, but in my defense this WIP is just over 80k in, hopefully over 80% done. This is the Reincarnation College AU I've shared snippets of before, and I feel like I can't not include it for how much I love it—it's like a novel and I'm just so, so proud of it. I like to think of it dealing in heart, paired with comedy, all while dealing with some pretty heavy themes as well. Hopefully coming to you by September 2023~
not completely sure who hasn't done this yet but I think @athousandrooms @celeritas2997 @14carrotghoul @cheesecurdsgravyandfries @adreamareads? but also anyone who I missed who wants to do this please take this as me tagging you
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ninjago-x-lmk · 1 year
Theories I had that are headcanons/slightly canon to this AU
I'm just gonna put out on a whim here and say, if you ever reblogged a post that has the same theory as mine and it has the display name 'lilacartsmadison' that disappeared all of a sudden, then most likely that was mine, but I had accidently deleted my acc so now you can't see it...
also, for story purposes, this theory will play into the AU.
So I've seen a lot of people try to 'rewrite' Ninjago, and I definitely I understand and actually am interested in what people rewrite it as, buuut...for me, I wanna sorta 'rewrite' an inconsistency in my AU.
specifically, a headcanon I had that inspired a theory.
SO, I know that Ninjago's magic system is all wacked up and that Lloyd's connection to the elements doesn't make sense...and that's because they had to...'go with the flow' and improvise it. But I decided to fix the inconsistency and turn it canon here in this AU
so I propose these theories
1.) None of the Ninjas stood a chance with becoming the Green Ninja and it was not because of 'Destiny'
Lloyd was going to be the Green Ninja from the moment of Birth. Whatever Finnwick said in Cloud Kingdom was a lie. The Green Ninja was always going to be Lloyd.
The thing I asked myself is, what makes the Green Ninja the Chosen One? The prophecy stated that he would be the one to defeat the Overlord...But with what? And that got me thinking, that being the 'Green Ninja' meant that the Chosen One should retain the elements of creation once more, time and time again, both Oni and Dragon powers (specifically the Four Elements or at least one of them) seam to weaken the Overlord, and not just any 'Oni Power' like Garmadon's seems to be pure Oni, but specifically, the one who wields both sides of the powers, the one who wields both Oni and Dragon.
The Overlord gets weakened, by Lloyd's power the first time he is defeated, only appearing as a computer virus, all because Cyrus Borg built it in the place he died. He was shun out as a virus when the Ninja used Lloyd's power after hearing him while being stuck in the Digiverse. Zane legit apparently absorbed the power of the Golden Armor so any mere mortal could touch it. (So that would mean pre-MOTO, Lloyd, Garmadon and WU could potentially touch it?) who's to say that Zane couldn't defeat him that way all because he absorbed the powers of Creation? and in Ninjago Crystallized, again the four elements or the Dragon element defeated the Overlord, but the Oni Power did great damage to him compared to Garmadon's power.
So the key should possibly be 'One who posses the power of the First Spinjitsu Master.' and since the Elements in this world, seem to be either HEREDITARY or UP TO DESTINY and with Lloyd being FSM's grandson, it seems very likely Lloyd's powers were hereditary.
2.) All the powers of the Ninja were given to Lloyd.
The reason that the other Ninjas didn't get their powers through hereditary means, is because the powers had to return to Lloyd or at the very least be given back so that Lloyd could get the full powers of Creation. Which is why the Ninja couldn’t inherit their elemental powers. Lloyd needed the four elements in order to gain his true potential, thus, skipping the ‘original bearers’ to the true bearer. This could also be the reason that Wu had the Green Ninja Prophecy in his satchel in the first place. Wu saw that the Ninja somehow didn’t inherit their powers, and took it as a sign that The Green Ninja was coming. Which also explains another thing.
I feel like that the Golden Weapons are also related to the original elements in a sense. It is already confirmed that you can heal it from corruption if you use your respective elements and channel it. But what if the one who wields all 4 elements is the reason the Golden Weapons reacted in the first place? If Lloyd inherited all four elements, which hasn’t been done before, then it would explain how the Golden Weapons would react if the Green Ninja was near its proximity. Probably how Misako found out. How does this confirm though? Well in earlier seasons, The Four Ninja don’t have their elemental powers yet, and the first time we see the Golden Weapons react to Lloyd in the form of the Armor it glows. Granted this is just speculation and Garmadon was there with him, but what’s a theory without good speculation?
Anyways, story-wise it could try and fix the inconsistency and why the Ninja needed Lloyd to get their powers back. Lloyd as the Green Ninja inherited the powers of the Four Elements in order to become the Chosen One and defeat the Overlord.
The elements were hereditary but, with Lloyd’s birth it basically had a choice. Hereditary by the means of the bearers of the Elemental Powers or Hereditary means by the FSM.
There was no choice at the matter, honestly, I believe if Lloyd had a sibling or biological cousin, there would definitely be a choice made by the Cloud Kingdom, but since he was the only grandson to the FSM via hereditary means, he’s the only heir with Oni and Dragon powers.
3.) The reason why Gramadon nor Wu somehow can’t tap into each other’s powers.
Something that’s also bothering me that could rip a hole into the ‘Lloyd was never chosen, it was always gonna be him either way’ theory into shreds and that’s Garmadon and Wu, if Lloyd was supposed to gain both Creation and Destruction powers why him? Why not the sons themselves? My first speculation is biased…and it seems to be the case…
After all, Garmadon’s full Oni form has Dragon Wings.
But why doesn’t Wu have it? Like he could just do it?
I feel like, because Lloyd since he can control both, (There’s a theory from a tumblr user that Lloyd can control both if he’s using the Green Powers. Honestly it makes sense since, ‘The Energy powers’ have to be created then they are created to destroy) using Green Powers, without any personal bias (He just refuses the Oni form) which is why he is the Green Ninja
He has balance, he is trained to KEEP the balance, whereas Garmadon and Wu are personally biased. Wu not only using his powers less, but only using creation, and Garmadon Destruction. United, they were powerful and they were keeping balance and peace. But when they separated, the balance begun to shake off-course. With Lloyd he kept the balance in check, he did things that Wu and Garmadon could not. Balancing himself as a person and holding the responsibility as a Ninja. Thus making him the Green Ninja.
Though that doesn’t exclude the existence of ‘Destiny’ here ‘destiny’ still plays a role, making sure Lloyd becomes the Green Ninja instead of Choosing him. They had to make sure he was born, had to make sure that he was the Green Ninja. Wu and Garmadon had to be biased. The FSM had to die and Quanish had to predict the future for the Green Ninja. Perhaps…perhaps destiny did indeed choose Lloyd, but not in the way that it made it sound, Perhaps his destiny as the Green Ninja was paved and built upon, forged for his fate. But in any way…Lloyd will always be the Green Ninja, due to hereditary means and fate.
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wubwubnparmaham · 3 months
have you ever felt tempted into making auron alex endgame? if you have...how opposed would you be to making that into a small tiny alt ending? 😋😋
The screech I just let out into the comfort of my loft. Listen, yes, I absolutely have, but not in any truly official sense. Probably as long as I'm alive, Halex are the OTP, with the strongest attachment of love, almost beyond their control. They don't even choose to, it just...is.
Regarding writing that type of thing, you know your bitch is tempted, HOWEVER, knowing your bitch as you do, I would absolutely go to write some small snippet and end up rewriting the whole fucking thing, and I don't have time for that, and it's also just not the point, so it'd be a little bit of a useless endeavor. The snippets in the Late-Night publication are all factual and canon-compliant, so that would have to be some other off-shoot.
That being said, what I am already working towards in doing all this is an indeterminate tangled mess of poly nonsense, where everything grows to be a bit more free in nature and fluid connections are obtained. In their history, mainly, the monogamy of Halex was the status quo, but it's been like over 2 thousand years, and they're so comfortable and solid in their love for one another that they grow to be more free to explore any passing whim they have and deepen their connections to others without any sort of threat on them as lovers. I've already written things that highlight this, but it hasn't come out yet. Especially when more memories are unlocked via Conall, their perspective naturally shifts to better handle the complexities they all have. And Conall himself kinda... *tucks some hair behind my ear, ya know... Aha. Has a particular role to play there..........
But ANYWAY, essentially, Auron does become an end-game of sorts, and I always wanted him to be, but it was never meant to be in the official series. That wasn't the story arc of the series at all, it just articulated the complexities at play, and it set the foundations and the tone for future shit I knew I would crack into later for anyone who was still as invested as I was. Like little gift baskets. But honestly, a triangle that intense and that strong was always meant to become solidified as an end-game, it just took them forever, and a lot needed to happen to help them along in that path. And it's not just the triangle, but others as well, and you'll just have to see what comes out when im done. It's more like a pentagonal dodecahedron of love connections and bonds. And some I really toe the line with, crossing into taboo territory a smidge, but you won't see that for quite a while yet. You might be able to guess where I'm going with that tho ..
So yeah, that's my general answer.
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