#when he’s fully retired one day and can legally talk about it I need him to sit down on like a podcast
emptyrainbowz · 21 days
I know we’re all focused on that one reply but this one’s killing me
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heathersdesk · 9 months
The F Word
I'm an elder millennial and I've been in LDS/Mormon online spaces since I was a teenager. Since 2007. Sixteen years. That's almost as long as some of you have been alive. And there's something I've never talked about before that I want to explain to those of you who need to hear it. And you need to stick around for THE WHOLE THING not to misunderstand what I'm going to say.
The vast majority of you end up okay. You'll make it. You'll figure out your happiness and embrace it fully, and it'll all work out. You'll be okay. I care about you all tremendously, but I've seen your stories play out enough times that I know how it ends. If we can keep you from yeeting off the mortal coil prematurely, you'll be just fine.
There is one group this isn't true for. They're the ones I worry about the most every time I see them: the trad wife cohort. The women who have already decided that their only plan for their future is to get married, have an undetermined number of children, and leave everything after that as a giant question mark, to be decided for them by other people's choices.
I'm the only LDS person in my family. I come from a family with three generations of divorced/separated women. To be financially independent enough to take care of myself was instilled in me from birth. Protect yourself and your financial freedom from abusive men, from men who do not have your best interest anywhere near their thoughts.
That's what I learned from watching my mother work herself to the bone to pay for my father's attorney from the constant legal trouble that alcoholism, drugs, and nonsense behavior from untreated mental illness brought upon us. There were times we didn't have food, but there was always a case of beer in the refrigerator. That's what I learned from my grandmother, who divorced her husband at a time when that was unheard of because he abused her. That was what I learned from not one, but two great-grandmothers who, as southern women with all of the cultural baggage it entailed, left their husbands and lived on their own rather than putting up with disrespectful behavior from the men they married. Women who believed that it is better to be alone than with any man who doesn't respect you.
This is my backstory, my lore, if you will. And I swore I would honor it by never putting myself anywhere near situations that looked like these. To be financially dependent on any man, no matter how kind and generous, was something I never wanted for myself. I wanted my own job, my own money, the ability to travel, to do as I pleased. I wanted financial freedom, the security of knowing I would always be able to take care of myself AND him AND our children if it ever came down to that.
That's not the life I have. In all but name only, I'm a trad wife. Chronic illness and disabilities have made it so I cannot work. I am fully financially dependent on my husband, and every effort I have made to change my situation has come at great financial expense, as well as compromising my physical and mental health. I've had to let go of the life I wanted for myself because I've never found any employer who was willing to give me the accommodations I need to accomplish even a fraction of my goals. And even if they did, it's impossible for me to work enough hours for me to ever achieve them.
I'm a trad wife, not by choice, but out of necessity. And it scares me every day.
If my husband dies in an accident, or a mass shooting? If he becomes disabled? If he ever becomes as sick as I am, or worse? What will we do? We have plans for this. We have multiple retirement accounts, including one in my own name, that he puts money into. He sees my situation, understands it, and prioritizes it in how he manages our finances. But if it were to happen today, tomorrow, any time before we both can retire, we're screwed. Shit Creek, no paddle.
If he leaves me? If I ever have to leave him? How will I support myself? Honestly, I don't know. I don't have an answer to that question. It scares me more than I can articulate. I hope I never have to find out because I'm too disabled to take care of myself. That's the only thing I know.
There are too many women who are far too eager to put themselves into this place of financial insecurity and precarity. They don't even realize how dangerous that path is, for them and for their children, to have nothing that truly belongs to you. Not really. Not if the money that paid for it wasn't yours. Not when everything you treasure and recognize as the life you want has his name on it.
Being a trad wife is built on an agreement of mutual exploitation. In exchange for providing unpaid, undocumented labor, your spouse has agreed to pay all of your expenses indefinitely into the future. If this were a job, you would never agree to those terms. Trad wives don't understand that when it comes to marriage, however, they're jumping into that exact situation head first.
All of this to say: I'm not morally or ideologically opposed to anyone being a house wife or SAHM. I understand EXACTLY what happens to women to make that a necessity. I don't judge anyone who ends up in that position, either by choice or by force. But I'm not going to let anyone go into or remain in that situation blindly, having never once thought about how to finance the life they're dreaming about. I'm not going to let anyone walk through life somehow thinking that everything is supposed to magically work out for them like some sort of fairy tale. That's not how the world works. That not how life works. And I hate the thought that the first time all of this occurs to someone is when their life comes crashing down around them.
If "feminism" is the dirtiest word you know, you're not in any kind of position to advocate for yourself. If you don't see yourself as your husband's equal (which is what feminism, by definition, HAS to mean), how could you even begin to negotiate for yourself in a divorce, a job interview after being out of the workplace for 10+ years, or to family who you'll be reliant upon to get you back on your feet? If you don't even have the courage to say you deserve to be treated like an equal in society when everything is going to plan, how would you do it from the floor with the wind knocked out of you?
Not as long as "feminism" is the dirtiest word they know.
I'm not here to argue about the superiority of trad wives OR working wives. I'm not here to fight for anything but UBI so we can all exist in a more secure financial state, independent of individual circumstances. And I'm definitely not here to scare you.
I'm simply here as the person you will inevitably be turning to in that moment of crisis, where faith and devotion fall short of giving you everything you wanted in life. I'll be the one with the bottle of water and saying "You are brilliant and strong. You can figure this out." I'll also be the one nodding in agreement that your husband took for granted all the love and labor you gave to him, purely because he was socialized to think he has a right to do that to you. No, I don't think you're crazy. No, I don't think you're asking too much. YES, YOU NEED A LAWYER FOR YOUR CHILD SUPPORT CASE. I'll be there for all of it, to say all of the things to you that you can't imagine ever needing when you say "all I want is to be a trad wife."
How do I know? Because I've been doing it for sixteen years now with people who sounded just like you do now. In person and online. In public and in private. With friends and strangers. I've never had the luxury of being anything but a feminist, an advocate for women they don't even realize they need, that they don't (and won't!) have the vocabulary to ask for.
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pastorsperspective · 11 months
Every Broken Place I've Been is a Godsend
Happy Friday to Y’all! It’s been a couple weeks since we’ve had a blog with Pastor Chad out on vacation and such! If you couldn’t be with us this Sunday, the message was given by our very own Candi Mitchell, who graciously agreed to speaking with me and participating in the Laity Edition of our blog! You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/live/mo6k1BazSp0?feature=share
Let's jump right in!
First, I would like to say that your message was very touching. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of pain that you have been keeping inside and that you go through daily when you think about your son and your daughter. I can understand why you were hesitant to share your story for so long. People can be judgmental of the circumstances of others. I hope that you haven't had to deal with much of that. What would you say has been the biggest factor in helping you to get up every morning and just remember to live out the best moments of their lives and not dwell on the tragic parts?
I absolutely think God gives us situations to deal with to teach life lessons and unfortunately some are not always pleasant. In my case a couple of years later, after our loss, there were friends that texted and called that would take the time to tell me about their loss journey and acknowledge what I was going through.  They encouraged me to talk about my loss and would ask me questions, and even listen to me and let me cry.
Had they not suffered their loss they might not have had the same empathy or God might have not have placed them in my path to be there at the right time for me.
But in my case after a few weeks and as we were trying to get back to our NEW normal instead of relying on my people for support or turning to grief counseling I fell into denial as a way to cope.   One thing I would tell myself on really bad days was "100 years from now, none of this will matter anyway." 
Silly, I know but I felt I didn't want to burden anyone so you do what you have to do to go on.
On behalf of your grandsons, Buster and Rowdy, I just want to thank you. They don't know it yet, but having you and David as their foundation in life will turn out to be the best possible gift they could have ever been given. I can say that with 100% certainty without even knowing you well as a person. I, too, was taken in from a bad parental situation by my grandparents and I know they gave up a lot to raise me in their advancing years when they could have been slowing down and retiring. Just know that, even though they may not understand and appreciate that sacrifice now, there will be a day when they fully understand and you will be their hero. Was it a hard decision for you both to make? What did that decision process look like?
When David and I were considering being Guardians for Buster Brown (Rowdy wasn't born yet),  he was actually living with a family who were friends of his mother’s but we didn't know them.  CPS had gotten involved and wanted to try to figure out what living situation was best for Buster Brown and wanted a permanent guardianship established.  David and I thought he needed to be raised with his family.  CPS was agreeable and actually paid for the attorney to file the legal paperwork. The decision process for us was actually easy after that.  We felt God had laid it upon our hearts to bring him in our home as he was where he needed to be. And that God had provided the path to get there.
I loved the part in your message when you said that sometimes we go through trials that aren't really even about us, they're about breaking down a coldness or an arrogance in us so that we can walk alongside someone else. I can honestly say that I have never once considered that perspective. We obviously always think of ourselves as the main character in our own story and obviously whatever we are going through has to be about us, right? You are so right though. One of my favorite quotes regarding empathy is that the reason why some people are so kind is because the world has been so unkind to them and they don't want other people to feel the way they did. This absolutely resonates with me as someone who has been through a lot in my life, it reminds me to be extra gentle with others. However, it never occurred to me that some of those things would have happened specifically for that purpose and that really blows my mind. Do you think that the culmination of our life experiences happens to us for the purpose of teaching us, not only the lesson it was meant to teach in the moment, but also to give us the empathy to help others through those situations? Or do you think that it's less the culmination of our life experiences and more individual, isolated experiences that God gives us to break down those specific arrogances?
As I look back on this journey, I see that the Lord maybe was wanting me to break down my arrogance and that I needed to learn how to lean on others and quit thinking I was this super strong woman who could carry the weight of the world. I needed help. His help, and I needed to learn how to pray about it and listen more. 
I have had a couple of chances to be there for friends who were going through losses of their own and I can tell you it has given me a whole new perspective to offer not just for sympathy and but prayers and suggestions to help others cope.
In the end everyone has their own journey that they have to navigate (it's like belonging to a club you don't want to be in) but we need to know and UNDERSTAND we are never alone. Even on our worst days God walks beside us.
I think you are absolutely correct when you said that we come into the world alone and we leave it alone, everything else is a gift. The only thing I would add to that is what you so aptly titled your message: God's Grace is Always With Us. We are never truly alone, God, and His grace, are always with us. Everything else IS a gift. Although some of those gifts I'd like to return if God had included a gift receipt! I’m joking, of course.
Your words, “it’s like belonging to a club you don’t want to be in…even on our worst days God walks beside us.” It’s so powerful. It reminds me of a song, as most things do, because that’s how I relate to the world. It’s a song I have shared here before as it’s become sort of my personal anthem as of late. However, this blog reaches approximately a dozen people so I think it’s safe to share it again for anyone who might be new thanks to the brave new voices of the laity! If you enjoy contemporary Christian music, please click the link to listen to Godsend by Riley Clemmons: https://youtu.be/0GCgg1PMnqg
Thank you for your message and for being so brave and bold to put yourself out there, opening yourself up like that. It's not easy to share your deepest pains with people and I pray that people, as we so often can and do, did not disappoint you.
Until next week! As always, if you have any question or comments about any message you hear at First United Methodist Church of Jacksboro, you can send them to me via Tumblr, email, Facebook, call the office, text me! I’ll get YOUR questions asked.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Leave No One Behind
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Chapter 16: Endings Beginnings
Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: Ari and Hannah settle into life back home, but it isn’t all as smooth as they’d have hoped…
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
Word Count- 4.5k
A/N: It was recently brought to our attention that in a few other chapters there have been a couple of things that Ari has said/done that are not technically accurate for someone of Jewish heritage. First up, it was reference to Ari observing a ‘Sunday Roast’ when he visited Mama Navon. We just wanted to remind people that Hannah is of Catholic Christian and Jewish heritage (Spanish Catholic Mother, American Jewish Father) and her and Sammy’s upbringing has always been a combination of the two. So, when Ari visited Mama Navon when he was home from Sudan, clearly this was her tradition he was observing. Secondly, in another chapter Ari was praying to the ‘God and the Saints’. Of course, Judaism does not have saints, so there’s a slip up on our part with that one. As with the third point, when we described Ari rushing Sarah to the alter. He would have rushed her to the hoopa.
Regarding all of the above, we would hasten to add, that Ari grew up in the USA, leaving when he was 18. From what little we learn of him in the film, we know was taken by a British Soldier, who married an American Nurse. From the way he talks about it, we don’t get the impression his ‘adoptive’ parents were Jewish, so that alludes us to suspect he had a largely Christian upbringing, whilst clearly  being aware of his heritage. Therefore, we don’t think it is beyond the realms of possibility that he would pick up the odd little thing such as the above three points.  
That aside, we hope the above didn’t distract anyone else from the narrative as it did the reader who brought it to our attention.
Now, just a personal plea from myself in general. Myself and Storm do this for free, and not being a person who pays much attention to religion at all (that’s another debate in itself) it is for this reason I was VERY nervous about continuing this storyline beyond the plot of the film. We certainly don’t have the time, nor brain capacity to be researching things into any kind of huge depth. It’s why most of my story lines centre along similar types of things that I have a good background in. This fic was never supposed to focus on the ins and outs of a particular race of people, just the lives of two dumbasses in love. As all writers on here, we do this for free, and the moment it becomes hard work or unenjoyable, we won’t be continuing. So any other little slip ups, please, unless they’re offensive, give us a little leeway and put it down to Ari being exceptionally Westernised as pointed out above.
Sorry if this comes across as being a little harsh, but this has been playing on my mind a lot over the past few days, to the point I was seriously considering if we ended the fic where it currently stood. That said, I think we have a lot left to tell of Hannah and Ari’s story so, I’ll shut up now and let you read it…if you want that is.
Leave No One Behind Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 15
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“You haven’t forgotten tomorrow?” Hannah heard her mother ask, as the woman stood up from the table while holding the teacup and saucer to place them in the sink. “You do remember you have to pick Sammy up from the airport tomorrow afternoon, right?”
 Hannah rolled her eyes at her mother’s back. “No, I haven’t forgotten,” she sighed as she played with the crumbles of the pastry she had been nibbling on, “I mean, it’s not like I’ve got anything else going on, is it? Seeing as Ari is with Maya and according to Sarah’s stupid rules I can’t be there with them…”
 At that, Maria Navon turned, giving her daughter a sympathetic look and Hannah snorted in anger.
 It had been four months since they arrived back in Tel Aviv, and Hannah had to concede that for the first few weeks it was fine. She and Ari settled nicely in the apartment Mossad rented in Ari’s name once all the paperwork following the end of the mission had been sorted. Ari had asked Isaacs for an upgrade of his living quarters, given he was now having Maya over to stay every other weekend, plus numerous nights of the week. Not to mention the fact Hannah was moving with him. When Isaacs had asked Ari to put a justification forward, he had simply shrugged, “I fucking earned it, Isaacs.”
 So he got it. Just like he usually got what he wanted, one way or another.
 Hannah was back working at the clinic. Her hands and the experience she had acquired while in Africa were needed more than ever now that it was only her mother and her to run it, although how long it was before her mom decided to retire fully was anyone’s guess. It had been a couple of busy months, what with interviewing for new nurses and locum staff, but Hannah would be lying if she denied having enjoyed every minute of it. She might have Mossad secret agent skills, obviously passed down by her father, but she was a doctor at heart. And that hadn’t changed in the two years she had been away.
 The team had split up within a month of arrival back in Tel Aviv.  Ari and Max had been working to help the refugees. Many of them had simply melted away post their arrival, still not trusting the mysterious white men who had come to their aid. However, some had stuck round; being housed temporarily in hostels, and was those who Ari and Max were tirelessly working for. They focussed their efforts on obtaining them permanent, legal status along with finding them better places to live and jobs of sorts to help them fit in their new reality. 
 Jake had headed back overseas to continue work as a diving instructor, this time in Jamaica, whilst Sammy had been in the States with Rachel for almost two and a half months now, and was, as Maria just reminded Hannah, due back the following day. Hannah suspected, however, not for long, fully expecting him to move there permanently to be with Rachel.
“Sammy is lucky, you know? He has none of this shit with Rachel’s ex.” Hannah grumbled, “Sarah is just being a pain in the ass. And I know for a fact it’s because we told her we got engaged. She was fine with me being there when Maya was until that point.” Hannah finished her rant as she placed her teacup and saucer on her mother’s extended hand. 
“You can’t be sure about that, sweetheart. Maybe there’s something else."
“No, she’s being a bitch.” Hannah quickly stopped her mother’s attempts at justifying Sarah’s behaviour. “She seems perfectly fine with us having dinner during the week and going out and stuff but won’t let Maya stay when I’m there on a weekend, basically just preventing us from spending those days together, for no reason other than she’s bitter.”
Maria Navon sighed. She knew where her daughter was coming from but, being the gentle and caring woman she was, she couldn’t help but try to put herself in the other woman’s shoes. She saw Hannah bite her lip and twirl her engagement ring round her finger, a rounded blue sapphire as deep as the ocean set against a halo of smaller white diamonds on a white gold band, before she spoke again.
 “I wouldn’t mind mama but they’ve been legally separated for years! The terms of their divorce are basically already been agreed. All they need to do is sign the damned papers but recently, well, Ari seems afraid to even raise the issue in case Sarah starts making it all awkward again and stops him seeing Munch.”
“Hey, sweetheart. Listen to me.” Hannah’s mother caught her attention as she pulled out a chair to sit next to her. “Everything is going to be ok, she’ll sign eventually. She knows there isn’t anything she can do about it, she’s just grieving.”
 Hannah’s brow creased at her mother’s choice of words. “Grieving for what? She left him, years ago!”
“She left him because she couldn’t cope with his lifestyle anymore, and he wasn’t winning any awards for being husband of the year, Han. That doesn’t mean she didn’t love him,” Maria woman spoke softly as if to appease her daughter’s raging tone.
“So, basically, I’m just stuck here waiting until she gets her head out of her ass?” 
“Have a little patience, honey. You two have waited over a decade, one way or another, to be together. You sure can wait a few weeks more.” Maria smiled as she reached out for Hannah’s hands who were fiddling with a teaspoon. 
“That’s the thing, Mama.” Hannah sighed as she looked up to meet her mom’s eyes. “I don’t think it’s just going to be weeks.”
“You don’t?” The woman frowned. “Well maybe she’s more stubborn than I thought.”
Hannah shook her head and then noticed her mother’s features had suddenly softened into a smile and she was looking straight over her shoulder. Hannah turned to see Ethan walking into the kitchen in his signature crisp work suit.
“Hi Ethan,” Hannah smiled at him and then looked up at the clock over the fridge before standing up and shrugging. “I should go. Spend the night with my fiancée before I’m banished back to my childhood home for the weekend like a love sick teenager.”
As she left the kitchen dramatically, she heard Ethan ask Maria. “That bad?”
“She’s pissed off,” Hannah heard her mom whisper back, “can’t say I blame her but she needs to make an attempt to see this from the other side, so to speak.”
With an angry growl, Hannah slammed the door and set off walking back to their apartment, in even more of  bad mood than she’d been in when she arrived at her mother’s. 
 Why was anyone treating her like she was the spoiled brat?
Ari was getting ready for Hannah’s arrival. He had been cooking, or sort of, making an attempt at dinner for a while and was now setting the table for two. He wanted to make tonight special as he knew this week was going to be the third weekend out of six that he and Hannah would be apart thanks to Sarah and her fucking rules. 
He was finding it hard himself. He’d gotten used to sleeping besides his Firefly since they had got together in Sudan, especially at night. But he knew Hannah was finding it harder. He was sacrificing their time together so that he could spend his allotted weekends with his daughter, which lessened the blow a little, but Hannah was basically being banned from living her life as it was for two days every two weeks, and that make his heart ache. 
And the worst bit about it all, was that he had seen it coming a mile off, and had been powerless to prevent it.
It was a bright Friday morning when they told Maya about their engagement. The previous evening Ari had proposed to Hannah for a second time after buying her a lavish ring. Thus, they had decided to take Maya for a walk and ice cream to break the news to her.  The little girl had been over the moon with the idea of her dad and Hannah getting married, which hadn’t surprised Ari seeing as his daughter had been all over his fiancé ever since they had met at Mossad headquarters the morning they had arrived home.
Now, as he approached Sarah’s apartment to take Maya back, he was about to tell his ex-wife and he was not particularly looking forward to it. But, he was being cautiously optimistic. Sarah had, after all, been amendable since they’d gotten home and seemed okay with Hannah being a part of Maya’s life.
Still, he felt his stomach churn as Maya walked up the apartment they had all shared once upon a time, and rang the doorbell.  No sooner had Sarah opened the door, Maya bounced in blurting the news out without hesitation.
 “Mom, guess what? Dad and Han are getting married! He asked her yesterday and she said yes!”
Ari groaned internally to himself, “Sarah, I didn’t ask her last night,” he smiled bashfully as he explained himself, “and I certainly didn’t do it in front of Maya.”
Sarah shook her head and brushed it off.  “Don’t worry, Ari and … erm, congratulations, I guess.”
“Erm… thanks.” Ari blinked. “I just thought you should hear it from me first… even if you technically did hear it from Munch.”
Despite the civil exchange, Ari could tell that Sarah was hating she didn’t have time nor the privacy to digest the news, and that wasn’t what he’d planned at all. He’d wanted to tell her, quickly, and leave, but Maya had put paid to his plans. Ari could feel coldness of his estranged wife’s stare, along with the tell-tale faint twitch of her nose and upper lip. He knew Sarah well and he, also knew how she deep down felt about him and Hannah. 
“She seemed cool about it but I know her, Han. Too cool for Sarah.” Ari told Hannah that night over dinner. “I can’t help feeling this is going to be bad…”
For once, Ari wished to God he’d been proven wrong. But, Sarah ended up doing what he feared, reverting back to being petty and petulant. She called him the next day to announce from that moment on, when Maya stayed with him, be it during the week or on her agreed weekends, Hannah wasn’t to be there overnight because, as Sarah had put it, it wasn’t appropriate for Maya to be around when they were… well, “up to stuff.
Hannah went ballistic, telling Ari his estranged wife was being ridiculous and she could go to hell, but Ari knew Sarah well enough to know she needed to get this out of her system. He tried his best to explain to Hannah that until she did, there was nothing he could do but roll with it, certainly for the time being. Making Sarah angry would not only risk her going back on terms of the divorce they’d set out in their separation degree, but also, he feared, make her get pissy about him seeing Maya. And that simply wasn’t something he was prepared to risk. He’d already missed too much of Maya over the years, admittedly through his own fault, but he didn’t want to miss a single second more than he had to.
Just as Ari was turning down the heat under their dinner, Simon’s ears pricked up and a second later Hannah’s key was heard in the door. Air smiled at the dog, who let out an excited whine, and leaned to give him a scratch behind his ears.
“Mama’s home, buddy.”
The pooch looked up at his master almost like he was pondering his words and Ari scoffed. 
Yeah, home. Bar the weekends when she’s banished to her mother's…
 Simon trotted off and soon after Ari heard Hannah greeting him. A moment later she walked into the living area and gave him a tired, but genuine smile. 
“Hey Lobo.”
 Ari beamed at his fiancé as he walked to meet her and without warning, he grabbed her face with both hands and stamped his lips on her plump ones, kissing the hell out of her. Hannah moaned in surprise but melted into his hold, her hands instantly reaching for Ari’s bearded cheeks.
“Hey Firefly.” He whispered when he broke the kiss.
She smiled at him as her hands travelled upwards and tangled in his hair. “Something smells good.”
“Thanks, I just showered.” Ari drawled, a cheeky smile on his face.
“I meant the food, you ass.” Hannah laughed as one of her hands slapped Ari shoulder, but his grin never faded.
“I’m a whole meal, honey.” He continued, playfully. Hannah rolled her eyes and stepped back. “But yeah, I’ve been cooking or rather mixing things in pots and pans.”
“Hmmm should I be worried?” She shrugged off the light jacket she was wearing to shield her from the summer showers.
“Well, Simon tasted everything and he’s still breathing.”
“Simon used to eat jellyfish, Ari. That’s not a bar to measure your cooking with.”
“Hey, I tried, okay? Give me some credit. I’ve never cooked for a woman before.” He grabbed her hips and pressed her to his body, one of his big hands splaying over her back.
At that Hannah smiled at him lovingly. He was right. She suspected he had never cooked for Sarah and he certainly hadn’t cooked for her, not once. Never in the brief amount of time they had been secretly dating, and at the resort it had been Chef Aziz's job to cook for everyone.
“I’m honoured, and I’m sure it’ll be great. Give me five to go wash up okay?”
“Sure, babe. I’ll plate the food and open the wine.” He winked at her and Hannah stood on her toes and gave him another quick peck before she headed into the bedroom, Simon following her.
True to his word Ari had done a pretty good job and thirty minutes later they were both sat at the table after having enjoyed a dammed passable and tasty attempt at a beef stroganoff on Ari’s part that left Hannah pleasantly surprised. 
She sighed with satisfaction as she left her fork on her plate and when she looked up she noticed Ari was looking at her intently, his eyes shining under those long eyelashes.
“You trying to seduce me before my carriage turns into a pumpkin tomorrow, Levinson?” Hannah asked before bringing her glass of wine to her lips.
“Hannah...” he sighed.
“Please don’t, sweetheart. I don’t want to argue.” 
It was her turn to sigh, heavily. Ari’s words were more of a plea than a warning to her, but she couldn’t help the way she was feeling. Granted, she wasn’t quite as pissed as when she had left her mother’s house, but she still had a sour feeling which was nagging at her. 
“I don’t want to either, Ari. I just don’t like the prospect of spending my weekend away from you. Again.”
“And you think I do?” He asked, reaching for her hand over the table. “Honey, this won’t be forever. Sarah just needs to get her stupid tantrum out of her system.”
“Yeah, I know and I don’t want you having trouble with Maya because of me, I wouldn’t keep you from Munch, ever. But you’re my fiancé and I just...” she trailed off, shrugging, “I don’t want us to be apart.”
Ari licked his lips and pondered for a moment as he looked at their entwined hands. “Okay, I’ll talk to her when I pick Maya up tomorrow.” He nodded with determination when he looked up at her. “See if I can reason with her and...”
“Don’t Ari. You’ll only set her off.” Hannah rapidly cut him off.
Ari groaned and let go of her hand, his look and voice growing harder. “Well then, what do you want me to do? You literally just said-“
“I know, but I don’t want you to poke the bear! I just want this fucking ridiculous situation to be over.” Hannah shook her head. She knew she was riling Air up, but she was sick of everyone trying to get her to accept the situation they were in without so much as a word of complaint. “I’m not blaming you, it’s just…forget it, can we just pretend we are a normal couple who are having a normal evening dinner?”
“We are a normal couple. Well, as normal as most anyway.” Ari took her hand again, his features softening. “Look, I’m sorry. I really am. I just don’t know what I can do.”
“Love me.” Hannah stated after a while.
Now that puzzled Ari. Was that a request or was she doubting him. She couldn’t be doubting him, right? With concern written all over his face he pushed his chair back to stand up and hurriedly crouched beside Hannah, his hands grabbing her thighs firmly as his eyes searched for something in hers. 
“Firefly, I do love you. You know this… I mean, at least, I hope you do.”
“I do.” She nodded as she looked down to him. “Just don’t stop loving me, no matter what crazy ideas Sarah comes up with.” 
“Hannah, that’s not gonna happen.” He assured her after swallowing hard. “I promise you. Nothing she says or does is gonna change the way I feel about you.” 
Ari meant what he said and took it upon himself to make sure his Firefly was left with no doubt as to his feelings for her all through the night. And then again he made sure she hadn’t forgotten the following morning too before she left to pick Sammy up from the airport.
Ari collected Maya, as arranged, from the summer holiday camp run by her school and then, throwing caution to the wind, took her to Maria’s to see not only Hannah, but Sammy and the family. Hannah was surprised, but pleased to see them both and hugged Maya tight as the girl threw herself at her, chatting away about her day. They ate a lovely dinner, courtesy of Maria, and later, retired to the shared garden in the warm, July air. 
As Maya sat with Sammy, who was telling her stories about the states and Rachel’s kids, Ari found himself watching Hannah. She was sat with her mom and Ethan, the three of them sipping wine as the dusk drew in. It wasn’t long before the first little twinkles around the tree flashed through the darkness, signalling the fireflies had come out to play. 
Ari’s mind quickly travelled back to when he first met Hannah, how those little bugs had been present in the garden, earning her the nickname. His nickname for her, which had stuck and become a term of his love for her, symbolised by the pendant round her neck. It was that pendant, or more specifically how he had given her that pendant, which had fixed the idea on how to present her with the sparkling sapphire and diamond ring on her finger…
It was a Thursday morning, and Hannah walked into the bedroom after her morning shower. Ari looked up from where he was fastening up his short sleeved shirt and smiled as she grinned back at him. 
“You really do suit that colour, pretty sure Ethan’s secretary will approve.”
“Ethan’s secretary?” Ari continued, stopping two buttons under the collar.
“Yeah, that’s what I said Lobo.” 
“Ethan’s secretary is nearly a hundred years old, Firefly.” Ari rolled his eyes with a chuckle, his hands on his hips as Hannah frowned.
“Well who was the young, blonde girl at her desk the other day when I called in?” She picked up her hairbrush from the top of the chest of drawers that served as her vanity unit.
“Lorraine? She’s an intern, Mrs Goldman is training her.”
“She likes you. I can tell.” Hannah hummed, combing out her locks which had been piled on top of her head to prevent them getting wet.
Ari rolled his eyes as Hannah pulled her hair back into a neat ponytail. “Whatever.”
“You can whatever me all you want,” Hannah sang as she picked up a bottle of lotion and sat on the bed, “I can sense these things.”
Ari snorted, looking down at his girl as she sat on the bed applying lotion to her legs. “You getting all territorial on me?”
“Do I need to?”
“Don’t be an ass!” Ari snorted, leaning down to kiss her. 
As they moved around the room, Ari took his time, a lot longer than usual, dragging his morning routine out as long as possible. If Hannah noticed he was making a meal out of tidying his beard up, something he had taken to doing since returning to civilisation, she didn’t notice.
He was stalling for one reason, and one reason only. The surprise that was waiting for her in her underwear drawer.
After what seemed like an age, she crossed the room and pulled it open. Ari held his breath as she reached in for a pair of panties, but instead she gasped, he hand flying to her mouth.
When Hannah spun around, the red, velvet box in her hand, Ari was waiting on one knee, beaming up at her. “Still wanna marry me, Firefly?”
Tears brimmed in her eyes and she nodded, her voice thick with emotion, “yes, you know I do!”
“Had to ask with a ring, sweetheart.”
He watched as she opened it, her mouth dropping open once more as she stared at the ring. 
“Lobo, it’s gorgeous… I… I love it!��
As Ari rose to his feet, he sighed with relief, “good, ‘cause I had a hard time finding something worthy of my girl.”
“It reminds me of the ocean,” she smiled up at him, “and your eyes.”
“Kinda why I bought it, the ocean that is.” Ari smiled as he took the ring from the box, slipping it over her knuckle, watching as the sapphire settled at the base of her finger. “Hannah Maria Navon, I love you, baby girl.”
Hannah glanced at the ring before she beamed, her hands cupping his cheeks, “and I love you, Ari David Levinson.”
Ari smirked a little at the memory, they were totally late for work after getting a little ‘distracted’ so to speak celebrating their engagement once more, only this time in a bed and not the back of a shitty jeep in the Sudanese desert. 
“Dad?” Maya bounced into his lap, drawing a huff from him as she accidentally elbowed him in the ribs, “Are those fireflies?”
“They are Munch.” He nodded, kissing her head as she watched them zipping around. “Can you see now why I call Hannah my Firefly?”
She grinned, “yip!”
Hannah, who had been watching them, cleared her throat. “Ari, it’s getting late. Shouldn’t you two be heading back to your apartment?”
Ari looked at her pointedly. “Our apartment, sweetheart.”
Hannah was about to shoot a response back but then remembered Maya was there so she merely sighed. “Ari, look, you shouldn’t even be here now anyway. It’s not worth the argument if she finds out.”
“Why can’t we stay here, dad? I wanna stay with Han!” Maya piped up and Hannah groaned a little, shooting Ari a look.
“Because Han needs to stay with Sammy tonight, she’s not seen him for a while. You can stay some other time, okay?”
“I’m not gonna say anything to Mom if that’s what you scared of.”
At that, Ari and Hannah exchanged a look. “Why do you say that? Why would we be scared?” He asked and Maya shrugged.
“I heard Mom say some things.”
“What things, Munchkin?” Ari smoothed her long hair back and waited for her to reply.
“Well, I was upset, because at first I thought Hannah didn’t like me anymore as she always left when I stayed over. But one day last week, I heard Mom tell Grandma on the phone she had made you and Hannah spend the weekends apart because I was with you.” Maya paused and looked at Hannah, “Is that why you don’t stay with us at the apartment?”
Hannah blinked, she was stuck. She didn’t want to lie but also didn’t want to start bad mouthing Sarah in front of Maya, no matter how tempting. “Erm, it’s, well it’s complicated, sweetie. You and your dad need to spend time together. But I promise you it’s absolutely not because I don’t like you. I do, I love you very much.”
At that Maya stood up and launched herself at Hannah.  “I love you too, Han.”
Ari and Hannah could do nothing but exchange a look, which Hannah broke as she leaned down to hug Maya, tears visible in her eyes.
And it left Ari feeling even more like shit than he already did.
No, he had to fix this, even if it meant pulling Sarah up on her attitude despite Hannah asking him not to. Whilst he understood Sarah’s anger, and that she had every right to direct it at him, the fact that it was clearly having an impact on Maya was something he couldn’t let slide.
With a sigh, he stood up, instructing Maya to bid everyone good night. Before he left, he pulled Hannah into a kiss, his hands cupping her face.
“I’m gonna fix this,” he whispered against her lips, “trust me, baby.”
“I do.” She sniffed a little, her nose bumping his. “Go, go on. I’ll see you Sunday.”
As they walked the few blocks home, Maya’s hand locked in Ari’s, he was only partially listening to his daughter as she spoke. 
“Dad!” Her voice drew him from his thoughts about how exactly he was going to approach the subject with his soon to be ex-wife. He glanced down at her.
“We’re you listening to a word I just said?”
“Honestly, no!”
“Daaaaaad!” She whined and Ari chuckled.
 “I’m sorry baby, what were you saying?”
“I was saying that I should get Hannah something for luck.”
“What do you mean?”
 “Well, Mom was talking to Auntie Louisa, and she said that Hannah was going to need plenty of luck being married to you so…”
Ari took a deep breath, anger flashing through his system, rolling his eyes. “Oh, did she?”
“Yup.” Maya nodded.
“And, do you think Hannah’s gonna need luck?”
Maya looked at him, and grinned cheekily. “Well, you are an idiot!”
“Rude!” Ari narrowed his eyes playfully, “mind you, technically, you might look more like your mom but you’re half me. Guess that makes you half an idiot, huh?”
Maya went to dig him in the ribs and with a chuckle, Ari swung her up and onto his shoulders. Her hands tangled in his hair as she giggled, before she leaned down, fingers threading into his beard.
“Han’s right, you do look like a wolf.”
Ari laughed, his hands tightening around his daughter’s ankles as her heels lightly bounced against his chest with each step he took.
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kikilefangirl · 3 years
Safety Net
Steve Rogers x Reader
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(Word Count: 1.7k)
It was dark, but you knew movement on your property when you saw it.
Your grip on your gun tightened as you stared into the black abyss in front of you. The sound of footsteps crunching across your grass was off—different pairs of feet hitting the ground at different times. You counted more than three.
The gun wasn’t ideal. It was too much of a spectacle for the occasion. You pulled a knife out of its sheath, and sliced it through the air. You stuffed the gun into the waistband of your shorts, and crouched down. Thankfully, the intruders were too far to hear the slight groan of the floorboards under your bare feet. But they were too close for your liking.
In a strange stroke of fate, one of them moved recklessly, sprinting towards your front porch. You sprung into action, launching at them from the shadows.
You sliced a nice sized gash on the right leg. The pain caused an audible male groan, causing him to falter long enough to take advantage and place a knife to the man’s throat.
He stilled at the cold metal on his carotid.
“Y’all are either stupid, arrogant, or desperate to come here!” You called out. Your voice carried out into the darkness and the footsteps ceased. Your hostage didn’t dare struggle against you for fear of death, but how much his crew cared was unknown.
“Y/N, stand down.”
A red sphere of light formed, and none other than Steve Rogers stepped forward, bathed in its glow. You lowered the knife and your hostage bolted towards his companions.
Your focus never left Steve as you surveyed his group. The light came from the girl beside him, while none other than Bucky Barnes was on his other one.
“I have spare beds and medical supplies for your friends down in the bunker. Second door on the right.” You stated.
One by one you let Steve’s team pass you, with varying looks of venom and curiosity. When it came time to let the man himself inside, he spoke.
“Y/N, I know this—”
You cut him off with a hand in his chest.
“Not tonight, Rogers.”
You turned on your heel and left the large man standing in the doorway.
Strangely enough, you slept soundly for the rest of the night.
You woke up just before dawn and began cooking for your guests. If they were worth anything battle wise, Steve’s team would be up soon. You started on breakfast. Grits, sausage, the works. You imagined it had been some time since they had a proper meal. You felt eyes on your back, and chose to ignore them.
“We had nowhere else to go.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, you stiffened and stirred the grits harder. Although your back was to him, you heard the floor groan under his weight. He couldn’t have been much more than a few feet away.
“You gonna look at me?” Steve asked you. His tone was low and deep.
You clicked your tongue and turned the burner down. You still had on your short shorts, tank top, and no bra from the night before. Your headscarf was wrapped around your head, a weapon just in reaching distance. You came around slowly, schooling your features into a blank expression.
“Thank you, for letting us stay.” He said.
When you finally took him in, Steve was as captivating as he was when you saw him the first time. His hair was a shaggy mess on top of his head, though. And he’d grown a beard. His eyes however, were full of the same dutiful gaze you remembered.
“You came here for sanctuary, I’m giving it.”
Don’t ask me for more.
Steve frowned and put his hand on his hips.
“Y/N. What do you want me to say?” He pleaded. You ran your tongue across your front teeth. Before you could respond, the girl from the night before emerged from the bunker.
“I’m Wanda, thank you for your hospitality.” She said. You softened at her somewhat haggard appearance. Her clothes were ripped in places, and her hair wasn’t combed out. You’d come across her file before, but only in passing.
“I just washed some towels and I’ve got fresh clothes in my closet for you, if you want ‘em.” You knew what it was like to be a woman on the run, surrounded by nothing but men. Wanda lit up at your offer and thanked you, slipping into a language you didn’t speak. You nodded and she left.
As soon as the bathroom door clicked shut, you stalked over to Steve, whose eyes had never left you.
“Tell your friends breakfast is ready.” You ordered. Steve nodded.
His hand came up to your cheek, and you could feel the rough calluses against your skin. All you wanted to do was close your eyes and melt. To keep Steve Rogers to yourself and stay in your hideaway.
He was a soldier—dutifully watching over those who couldn’t defend themselves. You were entirely different. You had been fucked over by enough people, enough times to know better. Why Steve didn’t, you had no clue.
You stepped back and folded your arms together.
“We get to work on game plans after breakfast. I’ll cash in some favors and see how far that’ll get y’all.” You told him.
The rest of Steve’s team was beginning to file into the kitchen. Steve held your hand, and the sudden warmth in front of everyone caught you off guard. Instinctively, you bristled at the contact.
You pointed Sam to a plate you made him, as a sort of apology for your misunderstanding. He gave a half smile and nodded in thanks.
“Listen up. Y’all got a week to get the hell out my house and plan your next moves. Meet me downstairs when y’all are done.” You announced. Without sparing Steve a glance, you promptly exited.
“Your best bet is a big city. I can get you passage from here to Cape Town, but after that you’re on your own.” You explained.
A chorus of tentative approval came from Steve’s group, but he hadn’t said anything yet. His eyes were glued to the different screens and maps.
“What if we went the back way. Get in by land and make our way to the coast.” He offered. You squinted, following his logic and trying to find truth in it.
“Waterways are crawling with authorities, legal or not. Y’all want that heat without a solid exit?” You pondered out loud. Steve was staring at you in complete earnest and everybody knew it.
“Plenty of blinds spots if we get enough distractions in the meantime.” He countered.
“I’m not keeping you safe here just for you to take bigger risks.” You said firmly.
The two of you were battle hardened strategists with too much history and a lot of unfinished business. Sam groaned from the other side of the bunker, cutting through your standoff.
“I, uh, need help in the kitchen. Y’all come help.” He called out. One by one, Steve’s team excused themselves with varying levels of awkwardness. Then it was just you and Steve in the bunker.
“I think that was intentional.” You joked. Steve placed his hands on his hips and sighed.
“Probably because you haven’t looked me in the eyes since we got here.” He replied.
“I’m not the one trying to get myself killed, Steve. You are. So don’t blame me for not wanting to look at the dead man walking.”
Your words hung in the air and a long silence followed.
“Come with me.” He said at last.
You scoffed, knowing full well you were retired. You had absolutely no desire to get back out in the field out of sheer self preservation. Steve talked a big game about love and a future, but he was in no shape or form willing to hang up the shield for it.
The two of you were at an impasse. Then Steve did the unexpected: he punched the wall.
It was a relatively controlled impact, but your house wasn’t built to sustain a super soldier’s outburst. An outburst that was a rarity in itself. Steve chest heaved less from effort and more from frustration. His jaw kept clenching and unclenching as he tried to keep it together. Dust from the wall coated his fist, and a solid chunk of cement dropped to the floor.
“I can feel something coming. I don’t––I don’t know what it is yet, but I feel it.” He said at last.
You made no move to approach the blonde, just waiting for him to finish processing the wave of emotions on his face. That was what you liked most about Steve. He never hid when he was angry or sad or lonely; his openness was a welcome change for you.
And this time it was more serious than it had ever been. You swallowed hard and made a beeline for the console. Punching in the code, a small chamber on the far side of the wall appeared, revealing the one thing you never thought you’d ever need again.
“Nat got one suit, I got another,” you started, meeting Steve’s eyes for the first time. A haunting uncertainty stared back at you.
You clasped your hand in Steve’s, gripping tight enough to turn the tips of your fingers white.
“I trust you, Rogers.” You admitted. You looked straight ahead at the suit, but you weren’t really there. You imagined the action you would see in it, and how devastating this phantom battle would be. A growing pit in your stomach nagged at you, Steve’s foreboding presence had fully transferred to you.
Something wet hit your cheeks. Tears to brace yourself, tears to mourn the peace you had here, and warmth. Steve wiped them away as they came, cradling your face with his free hand.
You craved the closeness––it was a string of touch and breath and skin the both of you lost in isolation, but found in each other. A new day was coming and you needed to be by his side when it did.
“I like the beard look.” You whispered. Steve snorted, but promised to keep it just for you. And the calm you felt with him was enough and would always be enough.
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Summary: Y/n and Harry are both CEO’s of their parent’s companies since they inherited the businesses from them, they’ve been rivals since they were kids- now that they’re professional adults how will their rivalry affect them?   2.2k
It’s no secret that growing up with a workaholic parent is hard for a kid, but for Y/n it was amplified due to the fact both her parents owned one of the most famous fashion companies in the world. This meant during most of her childhood she relied on nannies, private drivers, maids and child minders to care for her in absence of her busy working parents.
Of course having absent parents gave her some perks during her teen years, the ability to throw ragers in the absurdly large mansion they’d bought for the three of them –(well, they were hardly in it so mainly just their daughter)- not having to worry about getting caught when she decided to bring people over to get a quick shag in and the plus of having no one to bother her during her angsty middle school years. Those things were nice, yet you really can’t replace the role of your parents with teenage hookups and parties.
If there’s one thing that she absolutely hated about her parents work, it would be their former business partners cunt of a son. Harry Styles. Y/n had been forced to be in the twats life since they were 10 and his father joined stocks in her parents company before investing fully and becoming business partners. For Y/n that meant being forced to be around their son whenever their parents were too busy crushing numbers or out on boozy business trips clogging their noses with high end coke and buying out their competitors.
Harry was always a good-looking boy, and that only made things worse because he was a total prick. He was arrogant, annoying and always got away with being the biggest pain in the ass y/n has ever experienced in her life. He was insanely competitive, cocky and always found a way to weasel into Y/n’s business just to push her buttons. One’s he knew how to push perfectly to make her want to pound his head off a blacktop.
It was almost as if when it came to Y/n he never matured past being a 12-year-old boy, and now he’s a 23 year old powerful business man who still can’t manage to leave her alone.
Y/n had inherited her parents’ company when they decided to retire, two years before the retirement her parents and Harrys father had severed their ties and he’d gone back to his independent company. And just y/n’s luck, the man passed his roll as CEO down to his son, making the two young adults’ owners of two of the most famous fashion and beauty companies to ever exist.
Make no mistake, Y/n was a strong, independent and ruthless business woman so Harry’s subsequent inheritance didn’t threaten her in a business sense it more so made her worried for her blood pressure since the man couldn’t help but come bother her every chance he got. It didn’t help his dad had a single remaining stock left in the shoe portion of their clothing company giving Harry the perfect excuse to come barging into Y/n’s office to get on her nerves. To Y/n Harrys like a cold sore that won’t go away, just keeps coming back every time you think you’ve gotten rid of it.
Today was a busy day for Y/n, she had a meeting with her team that worked closely with her managing profit, stock, inventory, sales and all that stuff. Her team was large, with a company with over two thousand distributors worldwide and thirty-five exclusive stores scattered around the globe that’s to be expected. All in all, Y/n was responsible for making sure all one hundred and fifty thousand employees were running a smooth ship and every participating party was doing what they needed to do. It was a stressful job no doubt, but she never backed down from the challenge.
The meetings were always her least favorite part of her job. All the paper work that had to be read, numbers calculated, sales charted and any complaints or incident reports all had to be verbalized and talked about in detail with documentation of all the important things said as well as much more. Today the meeting took a grueling four and a half hours and the day was far from over.
Once she got out of her meeting it was nearing noon, she had to push her lunch off to phone the companies attorneys because one worker was trying to do a fake insurance claim. The man faked a work accident failing to remember every warehouse and factory was littered with security cameras that caught him in the act, so she had to inform them of the situation so they could sort it out. After that she got sucked into looking at new designs her design team had come up with for the next season, explaining that Chanel and Gucci both wanted to work with them to carry a few exclusive items only for that season.
Finally, at half passed two she made it back to her office, sitting down in her desk chair while taking her hair out of the headache inducing ponytail it had been in since she got there at five that morning. She opened her laptop, planning to send off some emails while she put in her order for lunch to her assistant, getting as much done as she could in the little bit of private time she was able to snag.
A knock sounded at the door, she knew it was Morgan coming in with the food she ordered so she didn’t bother to look up from what she was doing very drawn in to the email she was currently formatting. Only her attention was quickly severed when his voice rang out instead of the one she expected.
“I believe you ordered the chop salad, diet coke and fruit for lunch misses Yln.”
That annoying, cocky voice. You can hear his shit eating grin and teasing eyes simply in his tone, you don’t even have to look up at the jerk.
A prolonged sigh blew out of her lips, a grunt of annoyance following as she looked up at him. He looked nice, as always, she added bitterly in her own mind. She hated the fact someone so goddamn irritating was so undeniably attractive. He wore a dark blue suit, white button up with a black tie and yellow accent pocket square. Yet his fashion and handsomeness seemed a bit overshadowed by his personality that had the same affect on the woman as nails on a chalkboard.
“Harry, to what do I owe the displeasure?” Y/n reached her arm across the desk to snatch the paper bag from his ring clad hands, a sarcastic disapproving finger was pointed at her yet she didn’t take his bait opting to give him the death stare instead.
“Sassy today are we?” The man rested himself on the small leather loveseat that was in her office, propping his head on a throw pillow and putting his feet on the armrest. “You act like you’re not happy to see me, I know yeh missed me.” Y/n rolled her eyes, digging her fork into the salad aggressively. “I don’t think anyone’s ever been happy to see you, and I’m certain no one has ever missed your presence either.”
Harry chuckled slightly, loving how easily he could annoy the girl. Over the past thirteen years he’s learned just how to get under her skin, and he enjoyed doing so.
“Bit feisty today aren’t yeh Y/n? playing hard to get I see.” The man folded his hands on top of his chest, completely relaxing into the comfortable furniture, making himself comfortable for the undetermined amount of time he’d be spending there irritating his childhood ‘friend’.
The difference between Harry and Y/n’s perspectives on their rather odd ‘relationship’, if you could really call it that is Harry never hated Y/n. In fact he was always quite fond of her, he enjoys her company even when he’s forcing it on her and using the shared time to annoy the ever loving shit out of her. He and the woman have always been competitive growing up. In sports, card games, classes, and now business and Y/n took things a lot more seriously then he did. she was always wound a bit tight, she gets it from her mother.
Harry and Y/n had an interesting past. They have a love-hate relationship, seeing as even through the perpetual animosity they’ve carried since they were kids they did have their good moments too. And though Y/n would never admit it, there’s a part of her that does actually care about him even if she loathes that part of her deeply. In their teens they were at each other throats a lot, but in between that they would occasionally have their good days where they would refrain from getting into screaming matches and instead would be able to tolerate being together. Y/n chooses to describe it as tolerating him since she’d never admit she sometimes enjoys his company.
Through their formative years whenever Y/n was throwing a party, she wouldn’t protest when her friends would invite Harry as well. Pretending like she didn’t know he was coming and didn’t want him there when she saw him in the crowd, yet he always had a feeling she was anticipating and secretly wanted him to make an appearance. When he’d plan some sort of adventure with their friends he’d do the same, always slightly relieved when she’d show up but he’d put on the irritating act as soon as he got the chance which ruined her mood, every time. and well, it would be a lie to say the two never found themselves hate fucking each other after one of their parties, drunk and pissed at each other only to pretend like it had never happened.
To Harry, the animosity mixed with a hidden sense of fondness and maybe even a hint of attraction.
The woman ignored his comment, chewing her food before taking a swig of the soda looking back at him with a rather unamused expression. “What do you want Harry? And who the hell even let you in here?” she continued eating and wrapping up her email while he formed his reply. “Told Morgan I’d bring it up to yeh, she’s got a bit of a crush on me so she handed it over without much convincing.” Yet another eyeroll from Y/n was delivered. “She’s like 19, don’t manipulate her into worming into my office just because she can’t see that you’re a much bigger prick then the one in your pants will ever be.”
“First of all, 19 is legal so if she wants to eye fuck me I’ll allow it. Second, don’t be rude. This is a professional setting, do you think it’s appropriate to talk about my genitals in the work place? Might have to report you.”
Y/n couldn’t help the small snort she let out at his antics. As much as he annoyed her, sometimes she did find him a bit humorous. “and for the record, I’m very happy with my package and I don’t appreciate that comment.” He pointed a finger at her, a fake angry look on his face. “Just as much as I don’t appreciate you intruding on what was supposed to be my down time to eat, we’re even shrimp dick.”
Harry gasped at the insult, squinting at her slightly. While Harry was skilled in pressing her buttons, she could do it the same. Making comments on his dick size, sex skills, business deals or things of that nature always got him riled up. That 12-year-old boy mentality rearing it’s ugly head any time she makes a comment about his dick being small. Childish he was, absolutely childish.
“Don’t get smart with me, I’ll whip it out right here to prove my point.” His eyebrow raised and she could see him chewing on his cheek in annoyance. She truly found it funny how peeved she could make a grown man by making fun of his penis. He was ridiculous.
“I’d prefer if you didn’t, I didn’t bring my mental scrub brush to work with me today.” When she had finished speaking the woman tossed her now empty salad box into the trash, taking another sip of her drink and finally sending off the painfully long email.
Harry decided it was time for him to head back to his own office, which was right across the street much to Y/n’s displeasure but of course he couldn’t leave without a final childish jab at the woman.
“Just remember, I’ve had you bouncing on my dick more than once. Don’t hold yourself so high and mighty dear, because we both know I’ll have you like that again.”
And with that a Harry with a cheeky smirk on his face left the office, leaving a slightly stunned Y/n in his wake.
 (eek pt.1 lets see how this one goes.)
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zelenacat · 3 years
When We Were Young- An Obitine Story- Chapter 8
Satine gave Mara a broach with the Kryze emblem on it, to fasten her blankets together. She told Parna not to let her brother sell it, no matter what.
“Of course, Your Grace,” the maid nodded, “I’ll make sure of it.”
Satine smiled sadly, “Thank you, Parna.” 
She watched from the window as the handoff took place, that was four children she’d brought into the world, four of them who were now all over the galaxy. Satine had a nagging feeling that this wasn’t right, but still, she couldn’t get rid of what Obi-Wan had given her. Despite herself and everything, she loved him, and she would till the day she died.
As Satine’s stomach began to flatten again, she noticed Khaami was taking extra breaks.
“Fesma, why-”
“Lord Eldar,” Fesma smiled, “things are getting serious now.”
Satine tried to smile, “How wonderful for her.”
“Yes,” Fesma agreed, willingly ignoring Satine’s reaction, “he seems a good sort.”
Within two months, Khaami and Lord Eldar were engaged, it was all the rage in the gossip channels. The day Satine found out, she was playing with Korkie in the garden and trying not to cry. He’d called her mom, and she told her own son to call her Auntie.
When the Duchess saw her lady running towards her like a giddy girl, she picked up the two-year-old Korkie and stood.
“I’m engaged,” the lady held out her ring, “Warx proposed.”
“Oh, Khaami,” Satine kissed her friend’s cheeks, “how wonderful.”
“Yay, Lady Khaami.” Korkie clapped.
“Aw, thank you little one.” Khaami squeezed Korkie’s cheek.
Inside, Satine handed Korkie to his nurse, the woman who’d been with him since he was born, and joined to celebrate her lady’s wedding.
“I see you have marriage on the mind, Your Grace.”
The Duchess had never met the Countess Vizsla, but she looked so much like her son she knew him in a second.
“Countess.” Satine greeted.
“The court had hoped you’d take a husband soon, settle the line of succession, keep that nasty sister of yours away from the throne.”
Satine grew cold, “I suppose you’d like to see your son as Duke.”
“I’m not opposed to the idea.” grinned the Countess.
“Perhaps I shall never marry,” Satine suggested, “and be like Queen Mara.”
“The first female ruler of Mandalore had a bastard son.” reminded Countess Vizsla.
“Then like the ancient Elizabeth, then,” the Duchess smiled, “no husband or children.”
“How very lonely.” the Countess commented.
Satine brushed past the noblewoman, “Good day, Your Excellency.”
The Duchess did not enjoy the party, but she stayed for Khaami’s sake. Spending most of the time observing or quietly chatting to Fesma, Satine wasn’t surprised she didn’t. Unfortunately, Fesma seemed to be having a worse time than she was.
“My mother is ill,” the lady whispered, “it’s that virus that came from Ursa’s Province.”
“Oh no,” Satine frowned, “they should be out with the vaccine soon.”
“I hope so,” Fesma admitted, “I can’t imagine life without her.”
A week later, when it was clear Fesma’s mother was not going to survive, Satine gave her lady three days leave to say goodbye. Fesma took ill soon after she arrived, and the Duchess never saw her again.
“They took her body to be examined,” Khaami shook as she read the letter, “and we didn’t even get to say goodbye!”
“Her death will prevent others from dying.”
“How can you be so cold,” Khaami shouted, “she’s helped you through so much!”
Satine swallowed, “I guess I’m numb to pain now, I’m sorry to be so thoughtless.”
Khaami sobbed, “She won’t even be at my wedding.”
The Duchess ran to comfort her lady.
“I don’t understand why!”
Tears sprang into the Duchess’ eyes, “My father used to say life tested us constantly, and we had to be strong throughout, that’s how you knew we were Mandalorian.”
Khaami sniffled, “That sounds a lot like the old way.”
“He had a point,” Satine said softly, “we’re allowed to be sad, but circumstances will just keep coming at us.”
“Yeah,” Khaami wiped her eyes, “he was so strong though.”
“A true paladin.” Satine agreed.
They mourned for a week before the big event. Khaami’s wedding was held outside in the courtyard, it was Summer and garlands of flowers hung above patchworks of shrubbery. The sky was clear and the air was warm. It was a perfect day, then again, Sundari’s biome was always sunny. The ceremony was beautiful, and Satine was reminded of Obi-Wan more heavily than she thought she would be.
“Your Grace?”
Satine looked up to see Parna, she had thought the maze would give her a safe space to cry.
“I’m sorry to bother you,” the maid continued, kneeling next to the Duchess and wiping her eyes, “but Khaami was hoping to say goodbye to you.”
“Ah,” Satine straightened, realizing she spent the entire party alone, “I suppose I have to see her off then.”
When a noblewoman married on Mandalore, she was allowed to keep her position in the palace if she had one. However, Khaami had elected to take a week off before returning, and when she did, the Duchess felt as if she were meeting a different woman.
“Khaami?” Satine asked.
The lady looked up.
“Will you fetch some tea and cookies?”
Khaami’s eyes fell on Parna, who had just finished cleaning the windows.
“Please.” Satine added.
Khaami gave a tight smile and left.
“You’ve grown apart.” Parna observed. 
“Fesma’s death really shook her,” Satine agreed, “and now she has someone else to rely on.”
Khaami returned with a tray of cookies and tea, and Satine made polite conversation with her. It was so strange, Khaami and Fesma had always been a unit in her mind, but now Fesma was dead and Khaami married, which was as good as dead in Satine’s eyes. When Khaami left however, she left with honor, the Duchess said she was always welcome at the palace. In her stead, Satine promoted Parna from maid to lady-in-waiting, something for which the latter was most grateful for.
“Please, Parna,” the Duchess smiled at her new lady, “call me Satine.”
“Yes,” the new lady paused, “alright, Satine.”
Existing in a state of numbness, the Duchess got up and went to meetings, visited parliament, and occasionally held parties for the next two years. She wasn’t depressed, but she definitely wasn’t happy either. Every time she thought she was over Obi-Wan, Satine would see Korkie and realize she wasn’t. He was growing to look so much like his father, Satine wondered what the rest of her children looked like. 
“Your Grace,” the Prime Minister sighed one day, “I’m afraid we have to talk about something you find unpleasant.”
Satine straightened, “Surely it can’t be that terrible.”
“Your Grace, you’re twenty-two now-”
“I’m aware.” Satine snapped.
“Your Grace,” a female advisor spoke up, “Mandalore is prospering now, all that remains is to secure the line of succession.”
Satine frowned, sank back in her seat, and sighed.
“My apologies, Your Grace,” Prime Minister Djarin grimaced, “but it is necessary.”
Bo-Katan had gone underground in the last two years, but rumors ran wild.
“I understand that,” Satine nodded, “but what I don’t understand is why I must marry.”
The council looked at each other.
“It is my wish,” the Duchess began, “that my nephew be crowned as heir until I have a child.”
This caused much surprise.
“Don’t you want your own children to-”
“Yes, if I should have some,” Satine glowered, “I suppose it’s time we revisit the laws of succession.”
The Council disapproved, but the next day, the Duchess had a copy of the laws of succession called forth.
“Excuse my presumption, Your Grace,” began Prime Minister Djarin, “but you cannot change the laws of succession without Parliament.”
“Of course not, Prime Minister,” Satine smiled, “but I will bring my annotations before them so they can make the changes I wish.”
Satine had two problems with the current laws of succession, male primogeniture being the first obstacle to tackle.
“It’s outdated,” the Duchess stated simply, “and it must be changed henceforth.”
Her entire council agreed with her.
“Secondly,” Satine began, “we must acknowledge bastard children.”
“Your Grace-”
“Not in that sense, Prime Minister,” the Duchess added hurriedly, “we need a legal route for my nephew to become the heir presumptive.”
It was then decided that the annotation to the laws of succession would legitimize bastard children if there were no legitimate heirs. 
“This would only make your nephew heir if you don’t have any children.” stated a male advisor Satine wasn’t fond of.
“Yes,” the Duchess straightened, “and that is as good as decided.”
After she dismissed her council, Satine retired to her chamber and rang for Parna.
“Yes, Your Grace?”
“I need to tell you something,” Satine leaned her back against the head of the bed, “I never fully explained it to you.”
Tentatively, Parna sat down on the edge of Satine’s bed.
“I have four children,” the Duchess began, “and I love them even more than I love their father, which I never thought possible.”
“Just listen,” the Duchess held up her hand, “my eldest set of twins was born two years ago.”
Parna’s eyes went wide.
“Tyra Satine is force sensitive and was secretly sent to the temple,” Satine swallowed, “Korkyrach stayed with me.”
“Your nephew,” realization sparked in Parna’s eyes, “that’s why you want him to be your heir.”
Parna smiled sadly, “Then I suppose you won’t have anymore children.”
“Not unless their father returns to me,” Satine looked down, “which he likely will never do again.”
Parna took Satine’s hands in hers, “Never say never.”
The Duchess changed the subject, “My second set of twins was born a couple months ago.”
“Your Grace!”
“I know,” Satine sighed, “Tristan was adopted by Ursa Wren, we swore an oath not to tell.”
“Dear God,” Parna whispered, “that day I heard screaming in the basement, that was you.”
“Yes,” Satine nodded, “and of course you know your brother took Mara.”
Tears welled in Parna’s eyes and she reached out, “I’m so sorry, Satine.”
The Duchess embraced her lady, “It was my choice, thank you for understanding.”
“Of course,” Parna replied, “any caring woman would do the same in your position.”
Four days after her discussion with Parna, Satine went before Parliament once again. Dressed in a navy gown bejeweled with crystals, a royal purple sash and a silver coronet, she sat on her throne as if she were a presiding goddess. Which in a way, she was.
“The Duchess has returned to the noble body,” began the Prime Minister, “to review and amend the laws of succession.”
That got some whispers, but the Duchess held steadfast.
“Mandalore has an ancient history,” Satine began, “and although we revere some of those ancient laws, other statues must change along with the times. We are a people in harmony now, and male primogeniture is no longer necessary in the laws of royal succession.”
Prime Minister Djarin banged her staff on the floor.
“The first statue of the line of succession is the Male Primogeniture Clause, which states male siblings shall come before female siblings when deciding who is to rule. All in favor of changing this law please vote “Yea” in the ballot box, all those opposed vote “Nea.””
There was some shuffling as the parliamentarians pulled out voting papers and pencils from the arms of their chairs and made their way to the room’s center ballot box. When it was finally done and the last lawmaker returned to their seat, an attendant gathered the box and took the votes to be counted.
The Prime Minister nodded at Satine.
“This second amendment shall require much more deliberation,” the Duchess began, “I’m sure all of you are aware of my decision to claim my nephew, and it is my wish that he be placed in line for the throne.”
Whispers and commented interjections rolled through the room like air, and the Prime Minister had to bang her staff on the floor.
“The second and final amendment that I shall propose to you today,” stated the Duchess, “is including illegitimate children in the line of succession only when there are no other legitimate children to take their rightful place.”
“Why should we change this,” stood a lawmaker from the below white banner, “this system has worked for over a millenia, bastards are bastards.”
Many voices of assent rose from the lawmaking body, so much so that the Prime Minister was unable to quiet them with her staff.
“Silence!” Satine yelled.
The room got deathly quiet.
“This rule shall only come into effect if there are no legitimate heirs,” began the Duchess, “currently, it would place my nephew behind my sister in the line of succession, and he shall only remain there if my sister and I beget no children.”
“And will the praised She-wolf sire pups?” asked a red parliamentarian.
Satine tilted her head, her nails sinking into her throne, “That is up to her to decide.”
An uncomfortable pause followed where Satine surveyed the room.
“The voting shall commence,” the Prime Minister announced, “yea if you agree, nay if you do not.”
Once the voting finished and an attendant removed the box, the results of the first ballot came in.
“The rule of male primogeniture in the line of succession is obsolete.” announced Prime Minister Djarin.
The Duchess began to clap, and slowly, the clamor in the chamber rose as others joined her. Still, that was not the main reason Satine was here. Finally, the results from the second ballot were brought forth.
“When it comes to bastards inheriting the throne,” began the Prime Minister, “it shall only be allowed if there are no other legitimate heirs.”
“What’s the margain!” a lawmaker yelled.
The Duchess turned to the Prime Minister.
“By a margin of thirty votes.”
“I second a recount!”
Satine straightened as the room erupted. Prime Minister Djarin banged her staff.
“Order!” she shouted.
Slowly, voices began to recede.
“If a recount is desired,” the Duchess stated, “procedures of this noble body must be followed. The Prime Minister shall oversee the recount.”
After a nod of dismissal from Satine, the Prime Minister and her two attendants left the room and the chamber waited in silence. The Duchess clicked her nails against her throne, which echoed throughout the entire chamber.
“The votes have been recounted,” announced the Prime Minister as she burst through the double doors, “the resolution still stands.”
A murmur of dissent rattled through the ranks.
“Does this chamber not respect the wishes of their Duchess?” Satine bellowed.
Many heads turned to her in shock.
Straightening, Satine continued, “I was told Mandalore had great respect for my father, the late Duke, was I informed wrongly?”
Mumbles rose from the lawmakers.
“We may have thrown out our violent tenants,” the Duchess raised an eyebrow, “but Mandalorians respect the honor in blood, in family, in our clans. I have a nephew, and his noble blood shall keep him in the line of succession.”
Satine stood and swept from the room when she finished, leaving many behind her flabbergasted and ashamed. Parna was waiting for her lady in the foyer, and accompanied Satine down into her vehicle.
“You’re amazing, Satine,” Parna lowered her voice, “but what will they do when they find out?”
“They won’t,” the Duchess said firmly, “I might tell the children when they’re older, but I may never see them again.”
Satine and Parna were quiet for a long time.
“What about Khaami? She knows.”
“She won’t tell unless she’s pressured to,” Satine answered, “and she won’t be pressured to if no one else knows.”
The palace made a formal announcement to accompany that of parliament’s decree, stating that the Duchess valued her nephew more than she could possibly put into words, and that much was taken into account on her making the decision.
From then on, Korkie, who would celebrate his third birthday in three weeks, was allotted much more time with his “Aunt.” Satine even allowed a prominent news outlet to interview her, as her council suggested of course, and brought Korkie along with her. The people were thrilled.
“It seems the Mandalorian She-Wolf has a soft spot for her cub.” Parna observed one afternoon.
“I certainly do,” agreed Satine, “it’s hard to believe he’s almost three years old.”
“And your other children?”
Satine sighed, closing her eyes, “Tyra and Mara will fulfil their potentials, and Tristan will lead a good life.”
Korkie gurgled and the Duchess opened her eyes.
“You are a warrior, Satine,” Parna smiled sadly, “even stronger than those of Old Mandalore.”
“Thank you, Parna,” Satine stroked Korkie’s head, “I just hope they’re proud of me.”
“You don’t need them to be proud of you,” Parna crossed her arms, “they’re dead, you know what’s best for Mandalore now.”
Satine smiled, “You know what, I do. Thank you, Parna.”
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queerautism · 4 years
Am I exploiting my dog?
Yesterday I asked @severelynerdysheep if I'm exploiting my dog by having him as an assistance dog in training (assistance dog is the legal UK term for service dog), and they linked me to this article.
It's an incredibly bad piece. Let's go through it.
"Firstly, it should be obvious to most observers that many service animals are being harmed. Police canine units and military animals are often intentionally cruelly treated as part of the training process"
'Service animal' is not a term interchangeable with 'working dog'. These are not service animals and irrelevant to the discussion. Though, for the record, police and military dogs just shouldn't be a thing and their training is garbage.
"The question of exploitation and harm is more nuanced when it comes to service animals used to assist those with disabilities, such as emotional support animals or guide dogs for the blind."
Really, those are the two examples you're going for? Emotional support animals are NOT service animals, and do not need to have any kind of special training that a pet wouldn't have, or perform any tasks outside of their presence being a comfort. Lumping them together does a huge disservice to disabled people, and it's an extremely common misconception by people who know very little about actual service work.
Only mentioning guide dogs for the blind also isn't great, because it's the only kind a lot of ableist people know about and recognise, which means a lot of handlers get told we don't really need our dogs, because we aren't blind. You had an opportunity to actually bring up the amazing diversity of service dogs here (autism dogs, psychiatric service dogs, Medical alert dogs, etc) and educate people, but instead reinforced misconceptions and stereotypes.
"These animals are not usually subjected to stressors which any ordinary companion animal wouldn’t be"
This is not exactly true. Service dogs deal with many situations and environments ordinary pets don't, of course. But you cannot define for a dog what they should perceive as a 'stressor', anymore than you can decide what a dog should or shouldn't find aversive. Many dogs find loud noises stressful and aversive. Mine, as a service dog in training, does not, and hasn't ever, since he comes from a line of working dogs bred to be very 'gunsteady', which means hunting dogs who wouldn't be scared of the loud sound of a gunshot.
If a service dog finds these things stressful, they'll wash out and not be one anymore.
"these animals are still being exploited for human gain, they are bred, raised and trained solely for human benefit."
And we come back to the central idea of exploitation. I just don't get it. It's like these people can't imagine building a mutualistic relationship with a dog, based on trust, where you work as a team. Where the dog also benefits.
What do they think our day to day looks like? What exactly is exploitative about it?
"As for whether or not these animals would be better off were they not service animals, this is something of a moot point, since these animals are bred specifically for the purpose of being service animals."
Actually mostly they are not! Program breeding, where the whole litter is bred for a specific organization and all puppies are expected to be service dog prospects, is quite rare and very much not how most disabled people get their prospects.
It's a lot more common for good breeders with breeds and lines suitable for service work to place some puppies from each litter as prospects, if they seem to have the temperament for it.
As an example, my dog's breeder does not breed exclusively service dogs at all. They are working line poodles, and in my dog's litter there was a lot of variety! - Another one of them also went to service work, I believe two went into dog sport homes, another one into a dog conformation home, and the rest went to pet homes, all depending on their individual traits and what they would be happiest as.
"Service animals are currently very rarely drawn from rescue populations, but this seems like an obvious way to solve a lot of the ethical issues involved with using service animals."
Fun fact, I tried talking to a few rescues, including breed specific rescues, for a few months after I decided I needed a service dog myself. It was my first option.
They all ended up turning me away, saying the same thing. Their dogs had their own difficulties to work through, and the chances of being successful with this training are extremely low. 99% of them simply aren't suitable.
Proper service dog training takes about 3 years. Here you're asking disabled people to adopt dogs with unknown genetics and spend incredible amounts of money and time for a huge chance of failure. It's cruel and dismissive.
Even in the cases where rescue dogs have successfully become service dogs (which of course still happens), they often have a very short working life, because they haven't been bred responsibly and with all the proper health clearances, which leaves them at risk of serious health issues and early death.
"There are groups mounting pressure to only train rescued animals, contrary to popular belief, many breeds of animals are capable of being guide dogs or emotional support animals, and since many dogs in shelters are still young there is little reason to resort to irresponsible breeding practices to fulfil the demand for service animals."
If you want rescue only service animals, you literally don't give a shit about disabled people. We are acceptable casualties to you. What we actually need from our partnership with our dogs is secondary to your ideology here.
Rescue dogs can be excellent emotional support animals, I'll agree there. Because as I said, they aren't service dogs and they don't need any especial training. They are still pets.
They most often cannot be service dogs. Even if they are young, temperament in dogs has a huge genetic component. Dogs that end up in rescues are not responsibly bred (a responsible good breeder will take any dog they produced back at any time, and stays as a secondary contact in the dog's microchip in case they do end up in a rescue somehow), and their unknown genetics not only can cause issues with their temperament and health that makes them unsuitable for work, but also often mean they are not a representative example of the breed and do not show the usual traits that make that breed successful at service work when bred reputably.
Adult temperament does not fully develop until a dog is +3 years old. This means you could do everything right with a young rescue dog, only for them to develop dog reactivity or aggression once they fully grow up.
It is simply not fair to ask every disabled person who needs a service dog to put years of their life into this process while stacking the cards against them like this.
Actual good responsible breeders absolutely exist. They do right by their dogs and work their asses off to bring healthy, sound dogs into this world. No one is talking about irresponsible breeders here.
All of their arguments recap into this:
"1) The animal was not specifically bred for purpose and is a rescued animal.
2) The animal must be treated as a companion rather than a worker, and as such must be properly retired with a loving family once they can no longer work.
3) Animals should not be placed under any stress or put in danger.
4) There should be no viable alternative for the use of service animals."
1) Again, they usually aren't specifically bred, certain lines have a few puppies from each litter that have service work as the best fit for them.
2) Of course they are companions. We're a team. Of course they deserve a happy loving retirement.
3) You cannot avoid all stressors, that's life. Low levels of stress to be overcome actually help dogs build their confidence. Obviously none of us want our dogs in any danger.
4) if you think the stipulations you've presented for service dogs are sufficient to fullfil disable people's needs, I'd love to know what you consider to be a 'viable alternative', because something tells me it ain't gonna be good either.
"An example of this might be a therapy dog who has come from a rescue center as a young dog, and would probably otherwise have been killed."
Most places do not have an overpopulation problem so big they're killing young dogs at rescues. The UK sure doesn't. Young dogs get adopted extremely fast.
Also, a therapy dog is NOT a service dog. You cannot keep using these terms interchangeably and expect me to take your opinion on service dogs seriously.
A therapy dog is simply a pet as well, with a general calm and friendly temperament, that volunteers with their owner to meet and cheer up people. It's a completely different thing with different standards. Many rescue dogs can indeed be excellent therapy dogs!
"We do not have to deny that animal use is exploitation in order to justify service animals in some scenarios. Yes, service animals are being taken advantage of"
Still would love to hear how exactly I'm taking advantage of my dog, or what the alternative 'living with a dog without taking advantage of them' looks like.
"We are seeing some advancements in robotics which look promising as a replacement for service animals, so this may become a non-issue in the not too distance future."
Imagine complaining we're the ones not treating service dogs as living individuals but thinking they can be fully replaced by robots. Amazing.
"Regardless of your viewpoint on this, no negative judgement should ever be placed upon the people who require the use of service animals in order to function, it is not their fault that this is the option that has been given to them, and no one who relies on a service animal should be made to feel bad because of it."
You can say this as much as you want, but it's absurd. You're 100% being extremely ableist and asking disabled people to do things in the most costly, effort and time consuming way to fit in with a morality position which is clearly been developed with no real accurate knowledge of service dog work or training.
Plenty of us have chosen this option with full understanding of what it means, it hasn't been 'given to us'. Don't go 'oh the poor disableds don't know any better tho' like it absolves you of all the shitty things you've just said about us and our dogs.
Anyway I said my piece. Have a cute pic of my dog Kovacs, assistance dog in training for my Autism and CPTSD, currently almost two years old and living his best puppy life. I had to stop writing this for a little while many times because he demanded pets.
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elichorph · 3 years
once upon a time in dallas, texas, two kids from rivaling business families fell in love <3 they adopted a kid and named him gordon ... and then they got murked like fifteen years later.
tw for missing people for this entire section maybe this whole thing
maddox and grace teller were basically the romeo and juliet of the business world. their families were each other’s biggest competitions in the oil world, but they eventually fell in love and said fuck it and grace, being the bad ass she is, moved her assets into maddox’s company to surpass her own family by a large margin. their whole relationship was followed by the tabloids simply because it was juicy and because the oil world is kind of very boring, the tabloids were how they got their fame and standing. after they found out grace couldn’t have kids, they adopted goose. thirteen years later though, they ended up going to a party late at night with some other business friends and never came back. their case went cold but ... well ... it’s been ten years. nobody knows that grace and maddox went missing. a lie was fabricated saying that they retired and settled down in a small country and goose will help feed this lie from time to time to feel something and to now blow his cover.
𝗠𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥 ↝ grace teller
miss grace ... absolute sweetheart. i always imagined that a lot of the traction the teller family had came from how down to earth and lovely grace was. she always really wanted kids and eventually found out she was unable to have them, so she ended up convincing maddox to adopt lil goose. she really was the best parent out of the pair, understanding what it took to raise a kid who was supposed to take over a large company while still wanting to give him a good childhood. and she tried ... she really did, trying to keep goose entertained at every banquet and pr opportunity and event that he was dragged to because a lot of the teller’s fame and business came from how loved they were in the eyes of the tabloids. really if it weren’t for grace’s efforts, goose would have lost his mind a lot earlier on. he loved his mom, he really did. his kindness and big heart comes from her, and the vast majority of his good childhood memories involve her. goose was very sheltered growing up so his mom was basically his best friend. they always got along and never fought, if anything grace was defending goose from his father who had way too high of expectations for the boy. they understood each other well and she never wanted anything besides the best for him and he kinda gets very emo whenever mom stuff is mentioned.
𝗙𝗔𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥 ↝ maddox teller
certified <3 asshole <3 the man who goose got his elites legacy from so like ... it checks out. basically a very rude man. it was cute because grace could break down his walls, but if you were anyone else (and especially goose), good luck. growing up in a big business family, it was his whole life and he took it more serious than anything to the point where he was even reluctant to adopt because he didn’t know what kind of situation they would be getting in by bringing in a son who would be set to take over. worried that goose would be a #flop, maddox treated him more like robot than anything to prepare him for the business world and goose was like 7! being taken out of school early so they could fly to new york and goose could sit and listen to talks about oil for 8 hours a day because that’s what maddox really thought it took to get goose ready! (and shoutout to orion for being his one single friend that he made at these kind of events hehe). even though goose lost his dad when he was thirteen, they really never had a good relationship up until then. it was extremely strained and without grace in the picture, it likely would’ve been nonexistent or goose would’ve gone sicko mode on his dad and ended everything. while goose misses his mom a lot, he really ... doesn’t miss dad. as bad as it may sound, a lot of goose’s liberation came from losing his dad. part of the reason why goose can’t stand to be yelled at is because it always stung with maddox. i wouldn’t be surprised if how his dad treated him is also the reason that goose decides to ultimately turn on everyone and go absolutely buckwild. 
𝗨𝗡𝗖𝗟𝗘 ↝ lionel teller
maddox’s brother and slimy ... slimy man. after his parents got yeeted, lionel took custody over goose and became his legal guardian. and when i tell you that lionel didn’t want that shit at all? i mean it. if it wasn’t for goose entering the family, lionel would have been set to fully take over the company (lionel ended up amassing the entirety of the company though by stepping in as interim ceo after maddox went missing and goose just signed the position over to lionel in the long run saying lol gl have fun i don’t want this so you can have it). ANYWAYS. lionel didn’t know that was all going to happen so he basically treated 14 year old goose like dirt, blamed his brother’s disappearance on him, all of that. goose didn’t like the man either and literally fought with him so much that lionel just shipped him off to boarding school and refused to let him come home over summers and school breaks. yes, lionel offered to pay families to take care of him instead and thank goodness he found the jeon’s (but we’ll get to them soon). lionel chewed goose out after he vandalized his school’s statue but still handled it at the expense of the teller name and has not talked to goose since he turned eighteen. there really was no relationship between them. they just didn’t get along and zoomed out of each other’s lives as soon as they could.
when i say the jeon family was goose’s saving grace and his one chance to ever feel familial love again in his life? i mean it. goose hit it off with grayson in his first year at his second boarding school and the rest was history. the jeon’s ended up taking goose in, allowing him to stay with them over the summer and some school breaks and they truly were goose’s second family. grayson was his best friend, bestie for the restie yktv, but goose considered him a brother, and violet a sister too. goose’s life was extra messy when he met the jeon’s, but they were always a safety net that made him feel safe even if goose caused more wreckage than he will ever realize. 
going to put miss violet first ... his unofficial sister <3 they were friends growing up, had big “oh you’re my brother’s best friend” energy and goose really cares for miss violet so much. he probably teased her so much, pushed her into the lake too many times to count but he always gave her piggy backs and would save the best homemade popsicles for her. they got off to a rocky start at yale, a little cursed emoji at each other just because they weren’t sure how to act after grayson had ... you know ... zoomed to another country for sus reasons, but eventually got back to where they were this year when blackmails were starting to be exposed and they realized that they were basically each other’s family and that they needed each other. goose would go to any length for violet, he feels so protective over her it’s crazy. he will self destruct if needed to ensure that she’s alright and honestly is prepared to do it at this point. xo.
( tw : drugs, addiction ) okay now grayson ... word. the besties. the chaotic duo that everyone feared who pulled up to english class out of uniform. goose felt so comfortable with grayson, opened up to him about so much. seriously, before goose got twitter, grayson was just getting @twelvebugsinmybrain face to face every day. they would pass hot summer days laying on the floor in grayson’s room, waiting for the breeze to come through the window and being typical gross teen boys with a soft side. they really didn’t start chaotic at first, just sweet. however, things got a little messy when drugs came into the picture. full disclosure, goose was the one that got grayson hooked on drugs. goose truly had no idea he was doing it, just bringing back random baggies he probably paid a little too much for and they tried it all being the curious kids they were. goose was going through his own edgy phase and got grayson into his and ... well things just went south. they slowly started losing touch with each other as drugs were something that was always in the picture and goose was ready to confront grayson and get his best friend back to his normal self until grayson was sent away before goose was able to do anything. and goose truly regrets not talking to him a day sooner more than anything in his life so! yay! now that grayson is back though ... well ... goose is a little jealous of grayson’s new friendship with avery (yes i have to larp with myself) and really just wants his best friend back and he especially willling for it as grayson starts doing his thing. you’ll see ig. grayson is not my character but i will be ominous on his and mads’ behalf. that is all.
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Star Wars Pizza AU
You read that right. In my defense, I saw a post about someone ordering pizza and their order was number 66. I decided to read the comments for a laugh. And then my brain exploded. Whoops.
Dominos (aka the Clones)
The franchise was technically bought by the owner of Little Senators years ago, but no one knows about that except the original owners (*cough cough* The Kamino family *cough cough*) who pretend they’re still in charge for a large hunk of money (ILLEGALLY)
Their best store (the one that makes the most money and has the best reviews) is in the city named after the Kamino’s (Kamino) and is run and operated by a different family, the “Fetts” (and no one is sure how it is legal, but so far no one’s gotten sued so...)
It’s a joke that the “Fetts” will run out of workers at some point but so far it hasn’t happened.
Also, weirdly enough, all of the employees are boys and look a lot alike
The manager’s name is Cody. He’s very strict on the dress code, very fair to the customers, and loves his job.
His brother, Fox, manages another Dominos across town and the two of them will often team up on especially large orders and hold a (friendly) yearly competition between the two stores (Cody’s team has won the last three years, something he will bring up whenever he can)
They have another brother, Wolffe, who manages another store as well, but he’s across the country so they don’t see him as much.
All three were taught how to make pizza, run the storefront, etc, by their grandfather (Ninety-Nine), who passed away a few years back. Their grandfather was one of the original managers during the franchises’ early years
Rex is the younger brother of Cody and acts as an assistant manager to him. Rex hopes to be promoted one day but he’s happy where he is right now.
Boil and Waxer (the cousins) are the best chefs they have. The kitchen is filled with bickering and teasing with flying dough and toppings but everything comes out perfectly (somehow).
Kix and Jesse are the head delivery boys. They are in charge of training the newbies and take the furthest orders (Jesse is known to run the speed limit at one point going 90 down a 35. Kix knows the city like the back of his hand and knows all the short cuts)
Nicknamed, “The Domino Squad” (aka, the thing that started this AU idea), is Fives, Echo, Hevy, Droidbait, and Cutup. (Fives and Echo are twins, with Droidbait as a little bro while Hevy and Cutup are cousins of theirs. All are nephews to Rex and Cody) Cody and Rex quickly learned the five of them could handle the day shift all by themselves. (hence the nickname) 
Fives is excellent on the front end, taking orders and answering the phone with a friendly smile and pleasant attitude.
Echo is the best on the register, his mind able to add up the order and give back change very quickly and efficiently. He also keeps the orders straight and has never given anyone the wrong slip/pizza.
Hevy can run the kitchen on a busy shift with help from Cutup (who doubles as a janitor when needed).
Droidbait is one of their fastest delivery boys and manages to rack in a lot on tips and good reviews.
Hadcase and Tup are also delivery boys, with Dogma helping in the kitchen. Tup is also trained on register and is quite good at it.
The advertising team is nicknamed “The Bad Batch” because why would anyone in their family go into advertising over pizza making? (Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair would, apparently)
Pizza Hutt (aka bounty hunters and scoundrels) 
Jabba is the owner (who else would it be)
Their best store is in the town of Tatooine, which is weird given how hot the climate is.
The manager is this really creepy guy named Bib Fortuna.
Employee of the month (most of the time) is the delivery boy Boba Fett (who deserted from Domino’s after his dad died in a car accident or something). Bobba is known for always delivering on time and with the food still hot. He’s also really good at getting extra on his tips.
The employees come and go on a regular basis, some staying for several years, others only a few days. Jabba is very particular about his place and if he doesn’t like the worker or how someone is doing something, he’ll fire them. Usually with no notice.
On the plus side, Jabba is known to give some pretty good bonus’ if you do a really good job.
Every once in a while, the company offers a special topping. No one is a hundred percent sure what it is but it tastes really good so it sells well. (Don’t ask me what it is)
The employees are not allowed to interact or affliate themselves with any of the other pizza places or Jabba will fire them. He’s very jealous of his company and will not risk losing his secret recipies (hence why only a few people actually know it)
Han and Chewy work there for summer jobs.
Little Senators (later Little Empire-- aka Palpatine and pals)
Palpatine “bought” the franchise years ago (he persuaded the previous owner to basically give it to him with some blackmail and a few other shady business moves, but hey. If no one can trace them, it never happened)
Their best store is in Coruscant (which also happens to be one of the biggest cities in the country) and are considered one of the largest franchises in pizza (if not the largest)
There are two managers that stand above the rest: Dooku and Padme.
Dooku runs the southern Coruscant Little Senators while Padme runs the one in the little off branch city of Naboo. Neither like the other one.
Dooku’s store is known to deliver on time and never mix up orders. The actual pizza’s taste fine, but they are a little haphazardly thrown together.
Padme’s store is known for having the “better tasting” pizza and their food is always hot. If the order is mixed up, they do full refunds and deliver the proper order with no charge.
Dooku’s store is one of the first experimenting with robotic help at the counter and in the kitchen. It goes... well enough.
Padme’s assistant manager is Bail Organa and her best employee is her daughter, Leia Amidala.
When Palpatine brings out the new name (Little Empire), Dooku fully supports it and continues under the franchise.
Padme doesn’t support it or the new company regulations (”These new rules and regulations are tyranny!”) and quits (along with Bail) to start their own pizza place (it’s like a local family joint, not a franchise but who knows). They call it “Pizza Rebel”.
Papa Yoda’s (aka the Jedi)
I can’t stop laughing at the name of this one, help
Yoda is the owner (duh) and most of the employees believe he’s at least a hundred and are shocked he’s still alive. And working. He’s short, walks around with a wooden spoon and will whack anyone who tries to eat the toppings. And yes, he is still involved in the kitchen (and hasn’t retired)
He taught Dooku all about the business of making and selling pizza’s. Dooku grew in skill and then one day left the company without a word. A few years later he showed up as a manager in Little Senators. Ever since then, Papa Yoda’s has been struggling to stay a float.
Some managers worth mentioning: Mace Windu, Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, and Shaak Ti.
Obi-Wan runs the store in Naboo, which had been run by his teacher, Qui-Gon Jinn until his sudden death several years ago. He is the youngest employee made into manager to date. His assistant manager is Anakin Skywalker, who really wants his own store but Yoda thinks he’s not quite ready (which he isn’t). Their best employee is Ahsoka Tano, who can do it all (cook, deliver, and serve) followed closely behind by Luke Amidala (who Anakin claims he’s not related to, but everyone knows otherwise)
(Anakin has been secretly married to Padme of Little Senators but when she leaves the company there’s not much of a reason to keep it a secret. Turns out it really wasn’t a secret because everyone in the store knew-- they also knew about Luke and Leia, apparently)
Mace Windu runs his store alone, but runs it efficiently. The closest thing he has to an assistant manager is his head cook, Deba Billaba. Caleb Dume (Kanan Jarrus) is their best delivery boy who has recently decided to start training some of the newbies (Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, Garazeb Orrelios). The front end is run by Hera Syndulla (who may or may not be dating Caleb, it’s a running bet).
Plo Koon and Shaak Ti run their store together (as business partners that’s it) and are known to treat their employees, customers, and their rivals with consideration and kindness. They have a shop very close to Wolffe’s Dominos, which does cause some contention at low points but for the most part, they get along fine. (Plo and Shaak Ti absolutely love the family dynamic between Wolffe’s “pack” of employees). The two will often help Wolffe and his crew in outside business affairs (finding open apartments for employees, helping buy a first car, etc) and they will do the same for the two managers. Most people don’t get how Dominos and Papa Yoda’s are both still open because of this relationship, but they are. (In the future, someone finally figured out Dominos had some legal issues in it’s ownership and was forced to merge with Little Empire or shut down. Wolffe chose to shut down and he and his pack were immediately offered jobs at Papa Yoda’s. They accepted.)
Yoda actually manages a store as well. It’s the “first” one he ever opened and he uses it as a training grounds of sorts for future managers and other job positions. He’s patient, but strict and will often speak in riddles which is annoying to no end. He finds it a great way to weed out the ones that don’t want to be there, and the ones that do.
Order #66 has been banned as an order number. The “why” is never to be spoken of ever again and all the newbies are confused and will ask, but no one will tell them because “they don’t talk about it”
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chocoluckchipz · 4 years
A Bride for the Prince - 18
A03 ~ < Previous  ~  Next > 
He was an idiot. A stupid, arrogant, heartless fool! Marinette, probably, hated him now and he deserved it all. How could he be so naïve and careless as to think that he could change a centuries-old tradition when he couldn’t even control his own life? 
Because there was never a chance he’d be allowed to marry Marinette, and Adrien should’ve known that. He should’ve never hoped. He should’ve never promised her something that wasn’t in his power to fulfill. But most of all, he should’ve been the one to pay the price for his stupidity. 
Instead, it was Marinette. It was her whose heart he’d just shattered into a million pieces. It was her whose tears and agony still echoed in his soul as he slid down on the floor beside his bed, curled in on himself, holding his head in his arms. 
What had just happened? 
A pitiful groan slipped Adrien’s lips. How could he live with himself after what he’d done? How could he ever forgive himself for hurting an innocent girl whose only fault was to fall in love with him? And it didn’t matter that his own heart was trampled on and stabbed and left bleeding at the side of a road. The guilt of betraying the trust of the one who loved him weighed more heavily on him than any heartbreak of his own ever could.
Damn it!
Adrien gripped his fists tighter, his nails sharply digging into his flesh. Even losing his mother, the most agonizing event of his life so far, hadn’t hurt this much. Yet, he had no choice. If he wanted Marinette safe, if he wanted her home with her friends and family, if he wanted her alive and well, he had to let her go. 
No matter how much he didn’t want to. 
Despite how much it hurt. 
Even if it broke them both. 
Her well-being was of utmost importance. Adrien couldn’t lose another loved one, and if he’d try anything else for their marriage to happen, that could just be the case. He knew his father. He couldn’t risk it. Not with Marinette on the line. 
He only hoped she’d understand one day. Because heartbreak, no matter how hellishly painful now, would fade and heal eventually. She’d find happiness with someone else who’d cherish and love her and who would make her happy the way Adrien wished he could. He dared not to wish for her forgiveness. If only she’d forget him like a bad dream. That would be enough. For him, knowing she was alive and safe would be enough. 
Didn’t mean it hadn’t absolutely devastated him. 
His body aching, gripped by the pain, Adrien slowly got up and crawled on his bed, lying fully dressed on the top of his sheets. He closed his eyes, fully succumbing to his misery. 
He should’ve listened to Nino and stayed away. Why couldn’t he keep his distance? Why did he have to rush and tell her he loved her? To kiss her and worship her? It would’ve been easier if he’d never touched her or knew she loved him back. How was he supposed to forget her now? Her scent? The softness of her skin? Her lips? Those adorable, sweet noises that slipped her mouth as he’d held her in his arms, kissing and caressing her breathless. How was he supposed to suppress that fire she’d ignited in him?
Impossible. Not for him. Never. 
He’d created his own hell because, for Adrien, the memories of Marinette, knowing what it felt like to be with her and realizing he’d never have that again would be the worst punishment of all. 
And that was why from now on, he would blindly follow Nino’s advice. Heck, Nino could even choose a bride for him tomorrow because Adrien couldn’t care less. It wouldn’t be Marinette. That was all that mattered.
Gripping at his chest, he let the tears flow. The time stood still, a silent witness to his sorrow, and for hours that felt like an eternity, Adrien shifted and turned, got up and lay back down, unable to neither settle nor make it easier. There was no rest for him tonight. He didn't complain; he didn’t deserve any. When the crow announced the sunrise, Adrien shivered, pangs of pain crawling through his skin. The day was here. He was twenty, and he would be engaged by the time the sun goes down. 
Numb to the point of apathy, Adrien blankly stared in front of himself. The sunrays sneaked into the windows and glided across his face, warming up his skin. Adrien turned away. Tears ceased a long time ago. He didn't have any left, or so he’d thought because when about an hour later, someone knocked on his door, his eyes moistened again.
He didn’t want to do this.
He wanted Marinette.
The knock repeated.
Pathetic groan escaped his lips. He couldn’t have her, and he had to do this if he’d wanted to ensure her safety.
So, Adrien got up, splashed some cold water on his face and opened the door.
“Mme Bustier?" His heart sped up, knowing the reason his late mother’s maid was at his door first thing in the morning. With everything that was going on, he’d almost forgotten. He did forget. 
“Oh, sweetheart.” The older lady reached forward to gently touch his cheek the way his mother used to when he was hurt or upset. “What happened?”
He closed his eyes, bowing his head as he leaned into the touch. “Rough night. Nothing unusual. Please, come in.”
The older lady looked at him with motherly concern, stepping into his room. She wasn’t his parent, but Caline Bustier cared about Adrien, perhaps more than his own father did. She was the one who’d helped him through the hard times when his mother passed away, and she was the one who still regularly visited him years after her retirement. Adrien appreciated that and always gave her as much of his time and attention as he could. On his birthdays, however, he awaited her visits with a special fervour because, on those days, Mme Bustier always delivered a very special present for him. 
“Your father’s giving you grief?”
Silently, Adrien turned to look sideways. There was no need to reply.
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
He shook his head. “It’s not just him. I messed up, as well. Royally .”
Mme Bustier sighed. “So, I assume the rumours are true?” 
“What rumours?”
“That one of the girls is a commoner and you’re in love with her.”
His lips slightly ajar, Adrien stared at her for a good while before whispering, “How—How do you know? I thought no one knew.”
Mme Bustier sadly smiled. “Don’t underestimate the local gossip. Those girls know everything and everyone. I overheard enough to put the pieces together delivering a letter to your father.”
Adrien frowned. “I didn’t know he gets letters on my birthdays as well.”
“Usually, he doesn’t. Both of you get your letters on your respective birthdays. However, today, I had one for him as well, and I decided to deliver that one first.”
After a moment’s pause, Adrien motioned to a chair for Mme Bustier to sit down before dropping into the neighbouring one himself. “Do you remember Marinette from DuPont?”
“Your friend? The baker’s daughter?”
“Yes. She’s here under the name of Lady Bug.”
Mme Bustier quirked an eyebrow. “That’s… interesting. But then, I’m not surprised you’re in love with her. You more than liked her even back then.”
Adrien let his head fall into his hands, prompted on his knees. “I tried to reason with him, but Father forbade me even thinking about her. He went as far as threatening to imprison or exile Marinette if I won’t marry someone noble.”
“An exile?” Mme Bustier gulped. “He’s going overboard. How can he even justify an exile?”
“Apparently because we know each other, she could’ve been hired by someone to spy on me or control me or whatever else nonsense he came up with.”
“Marinette isn’t like that. She was always very sweet and sincere and kind,” Mme Bustier frowned. “I do, however, wonder, how and why is she here? And pretending to be Lady Bug, nonetheless.”
“The day real Lady Bug was supposed to depart for the castle, she eloped with her fiancé and sent Marinette here in her place. And you know, Marinette,” he sadly chuckled. “She’ll do anything for a friend. Even something crazy like this.” 
Mme Bustier fell silent for a moment. “Does Marinette know who you are?”
Adrien nodded. “She does now, but until a few hours ago, she thought I was a simple guard, a maid’s son.”
“And is there the slightest possibility your father might be right? I know we remember her as a sweet, innocent child, but, Adrien, a lot of time has passed. We don’t know how she grew up and, in your situation, you can never be too careful.”
Adrien closed his eyes, his chest tightening. “If you’d only seen her reaction when I told her who I really was, you’d know it wasn’t fake. Or if you’d seen how she behaved before that, you’d know she’s still just as innocent as ever. She spent time with me only when I was the guard. The prince was barely able to keep her anywhere near himself, and when she had to remain close, she was quiet and shy, nothing like the real her. So, no, I don’t think Marinette came here to make the prince fall in love with her, and even if that would’ve been her intention, don’t you think her commoner’s origins would’ve been discovered sooner than we could’ve tied the knot? She’s smart. She would’ve known it’ll never work.”
“That makes sense. Have you told your father this?”
Adrien let out a bitter puff. “He wouldn’t listen because the ‘commoner’ part is an instant deal-breaker for him, despite even the law not forbidding me to marry outside of my class. Can you believe it, Mme Bustier? Despite what I’ve been taught all my life, there are actually no legal restrictions at all.”
“And does your father know that?”
“He does, but that doesn’t matter to him because apart from the law, there are traditions , and he isn’t going to break them or let me do that.”
Mme Bustier sighed, taking a moment to think about something. “Does she love you, Adrien? You as a person, not your stature.”
Despite his heartache, Adrien couldn’t keep a bittersweet smile off his face because Marinette’s love was the biggest present he didn’t deserve. “She does. Well, she did because she might hate me now, but yesterday we confessed our feelings, and she agreed to marry me when I was just a guard in her eyes.”
Mme Bustier’s eyes widened. “You’ve proposed to her?”
“Yes.” His voice cracked. “But I also broke it off already after Father found out the truth about her.”
She reached forward to lay her hand on Adrien’s. “Then you can’t give up, Adrien. Your mother raised you to be a man who always keeps his word, so if you’d promised that girl to marry her, you can’t give up. If you love her, if you truly believe that she’s the one for you, then fight for her.” 
“I wish I could,” Adrien cried. “But what else can I do? I tried what I thought would work for certain, but it backfired badly. And now, if I disobey his orders, Father will either imprison or exile Marinette, and I promised to protect her. If I try again, I’ll only make it worse and lose even what deal I was given.” He shook his head. “No. I can’t do that to her. Heartbreak will heal; she'll move on and will find someone to love instead of me, but there is no guarantee she'd survive imprisonment or an exile. I can’t put her in any more danger than she’s already in.”
“What about you?” Mme Bustier asked, watching him intently. “Do you think you’ll be able to move on? Will you be able to forget and find someone else to love? You're too much like your parents, Adrien, and both of them had a place for only one person in their hearts. There is a reason your father never remarried, and that's not because there’s a lack of willing and eligible candidates for the Queen's title.”
Adrien looked away. “I'll have to deal somehow. I always knew I was going to marry for the kingdom, not for myself.”
“But you went through so much trouble to find someone you’ll love. You can’t give up now. Adrien, I’ve seen you grow up. I know you. You’ll never forgive yourself if you give up now because all of those What Ifs will drive you crazy and will make miserable for the rest of your life. And that isn’t fair to either you or Marinette or whatever girl you’ll choose instead of her, so think. There has to be something you can still do.”
Adrien shook his head. “I’ve tried everything I could think of. I can threaten to abdicate, but I’m sure I don’t have to explain how this can backfire even worse than it already has. I’d rather not risk Marinette’s safety any more.”
They both fell quiet for a moment, sounds of lively chatter and excitement starting to leak from the outside. People were starting to get ready for the big day. Adrien wanted nothing more than to vanish. Anything, but choosing someone he couldn’t care less about to be his wife and seeing Marinette, his best friend, the woman he loved, heartbroken in the crowd and not beside him.
“Adrien.” Mme Bustier intruded into his train of thought. “Do you remember how your father used to be much kinder and happier when your mother was still alive?”
“Yes. He was a different man then.”
“And do you know why that is?”
Adrien shrugged his shoulders. “Because he had Mother. He changed after she passed away”
“Right. But did you know that he used to be just like he’s now before he met her?”
Adrien frowned. “What do you mean?”
"In his youth, your father was always just as cold and distant as he’s now. I don’t know how, but your mother was able to see that deep inside there was something good in him, and somehow, she was able to bring it out. He was a changed man because of her, and even though he shoved that good part of him back on the burner after her passing, it’s still there. Don’t give up, Adrien, find what your mother saw in him and bring it out. That’s your only chance.”
Adrien fought back tears as he whispered, his whole body trembling with desperation. “ How? I’m not my mother. I don’t know how to do what she did.”
“No, you aren’t Emilie,” Mme Bustier said, reaching to hold his hand. “But there is a part of her in you, and you might not use the same technique as she did, but you’ll be able to find a way to that better, understanding, loving part of him. You know it’s there. You’ve seen it. Now, use what you know about him and drag it out. For your Princess’ sake.”
Adrien stared at Mme Bustier with wide eyes. Wasn’t it a little bit too late for that? If he could, he’d do anything to change his father’s mind, but…
Wasn’t it over?
Marinette’s words came to mind. The ones she’d begged him to pass along to the Prince at the very start as he was teaching her to dance in the Crystal Ballroom. The ones he needed to remember now.
It isn’t over until it’s over.
But despite how it looked… was it really not over?
True, he was still single and no bride was chosen yet, but he knew his father. Once Gabriel made up his mind, there was no going back. There was no point in continuing to fight unless Adrien wanted to make everything way worse than it already was. His shoulders slumped. He shouldn’t repeat his own mistakes. He shouldn’t search for hope where there was none. 
Mme Bustier stood up and, taking a letter out of her purse, offered it to Adrien. “Happy Birthday, Adrien. May all of your wishes come true.”
“Thank you, Mme Bustier.” He took the letter with a shaking hand, opening it only after his late mother’s friend had left. A simple letter, a precious gift his mother left him before her departure. She’d written one for him and his father for the next fifty years after her passing. She’d entrusted them to Mme Bustier, her maid and closest friend. Since then every year, the woman had been visiting them on their birthdays, delivering a priceless gift they both eagerly awaited. This year, Adrien hoped his letter would be a little more special than usual because today he needed his mother to be by his side as never before. He needed that courage and strength she’d always inspired in him, and he was running out of time, so without further delay, Adrien read. 
 My dearest son,
Happy birthday! Oh, how I wish I could’ve been there for you today, to hug you, and kiss you, and bless you on this very special day. But since I can’t do any of that, I just wanted you to know that I’m so proud of you, Adrien. I know you grew up to be an amazing man, and I love you, my child. More than any words could ever express. More than I could write in a thousand letters. I do hope you can feel at least a part of my love for you through these pages. 
I thought about what to wish you on this special day, but I’m certain that you have no need for the riches, beauty, strength, and such. You already have it all. You always did. That’s why I wanted to wish you something else, my son. I want you to have something more important and precious than all the riches of this world, something that will nourish and support and keep you going your whole life. I wish for you to find love: to fall in love with someone, be loved by them, and be with that person for eternity. Love is what really matters in this world. Nothing else can compare. Believe me, I’ve had it all and love overshadows everything.
Now, if I know your father well enough, he’ll follow that obnoxious tradition and you’ll be forced to choose a bride today. If that’s the case, I hope you had enough time to spend with your potential brides to see who they are not only on the outside but where it really matters: inside, their characters, their souls. I’m sure all of them would be beautiful girls, but, Adrien, choose the one with whom you can be yourself. Choose the one who would love you at your worst. Choose the one who will stay by your side even if you were a beggar. 
Do you remember that girl from DuPont? Marinette, the baker’s daughter? I’m sure you do; she was your first love even if you were a little oblivious to that yourself. It makes me smile even now as I lay in my bed, unable to get up anymore: you were so adorable, transforming into an awestruck puppy as soon as you’d see that girl. Try to remember, Adrien. Do you recall how much fun you had together despite your social rank differences? Can you recollect how happy you were then? How much you laughed? How much you enjoyed to just be together with her, be it a wild adventure in the fields or a silent star-gazing on a random rooftop? Do you remember how sweet and calm your dreams were, or how early you’d wake up in hopes of sneaking out and meeting her as soon as possible? I’m sure you remember. 
Choose a girl that will make you feel the same. You’ll have to spend your whole life with that person. Don’t rely on beauty or smarts. Etiquette means nothing; it can be taught. The way a girl makes you feel is most important. Choose a bride, listening to your heart. Marry for love, my son. That’s the only thing I wish for you on this special day with all my heart and all my soul and all the strength I still have.
Now, I know your Father might give you grief about your desires since you’re a prince and have responsibilities and whatnot, but please, don’t judge him too harshly. He’s had a hard life and a harsh upbringing, and he needs your love and support as much as you need his. But just in case, know that just today, he promised me that he will allow you to marry for love. He swore he’d let you experience what we had, and if there is one thing your father never breaks, it’s his promises. He takes too much pride in his honour and his reputation, so if he’ll oppose your choice, remind him of his promise to me. 
I love you, Adrien. I wish you all the happiness in the world, and I’m so sorry I can’t be there for you today but know that my heart and my love is always with you. 
“You promised!” Adrien yelled, rapidly nearing his father’s desk. “You promised mother you would let me marry for love.” He put his mother’s letter in front of Gabriel. “You can’t break your promises!”
Gaping, Gabriel stared at his son in shock. Never before had Adrien simply burst into his father’s study without either being invited or requesting to be admitted. By the way Gabriel’s lips pressed together and his finger grabbed at his own letter laying in front of him, Adrien suspected he didn’t have to explain what promise he was talking about.
“My promise didn’t include the ‘commoner’ part. And it certainly didn’t have a 'criminal’ notion in it.”
“She isn’t a criminal! How can you not see it, Father? You liked her. You were so impressed with her, you said she had what it took to be a queen. Does her social rank matter so much you’ll throw away your own, unbiased judgement?”
Gabriel stood up to look Adrien in the eyes. “She infiltrated the castle and impersonated a noble lady to get to you. How can you not see that? She isa criminal, and you are not marrying her!”
Adrien threw his hands up. “She was helping out a friend who wanted nothing to do with this ridiculous tradition! She wasn't trying to get to anyone!"
“Then why did she sneak around with you at night if not to seduce you and force you to marry her?” 
“She thought I was a guard! We have been friends since we were kids and she had always thought I was a maid’s son. Why couldn’t she spend time with her commoner friend?”
“At night?”
“Both of us were busy during the day.”
Gabriel pressed his lips into a thin line. “You can’t seriously believe she didn’t know who you were.”
“And yet this is the truth,” Adrien replied. “Mother never allowed me to reveal my true stature to anyone if I wanted to play with them, so yes, as unbelievable as it sounds, Marinette didn't know anything. And despite what you think, she ran away from the prince as fast as she could, trying not to be noticed, lest marry him.”
“Then I guess it all works out.” Gabriel huffed. “She achieves her goal of not being noticed and goes home while the prince marries someone of his own status. End of story.”
“No, it’s not!” Adrien stepped closer. “I love her, Father, and she loves me, and you promised mom you’ll let me marry for love. You have to keep your promise, or I shall not be inclined to keep mine as well.”
Gabriel quirked an eyebrow. “Meaning?”
“I promised I’ll go along with your stupid tradition and choose a bride on my twentieth birthday, didn’t I? Well, guess what, Father? I really don’t feel like choosing a bride today unless it’s Marinette.”
Gabriel’s lips almost disappeared under the pressure he was putting on them. “That’s a centuries-long tradition, Adrien. You cannot break it.”
“I don’t care,” Adrien said, leaning forward on his arms, prompted on the table. “I’m your son, and I’ve always followed your example. And, right now you ’re teaching me to break promises, and I intend to follow your suit as I’ve always done.”
Gabriel’s glare turned dark. “We’ve talked about it, Adrien. If you don’t want her to be thrown into prison or exiled—” 
“If you dare to do that,” Adrien seethed through his teeth. “I’ll act, too. Lock her up if you want; I’ll go to prison with her. Exile her if you wish, but know that I will follow her.”
Gabriel paled. “You’re the sole heir. You can’t abandon your kingdom and your responsibilities.”
“I can do whatever the hell I want because my father taught me I can go back on my word.”
“That’s not quite the same—”
“You promised to let me marry for love. I promised to be a good ruler and take care of this kingdom. What’s the difference? It’s just two promises, and if you can break yours, I can break mine.” 
“Are you threatening me?”
“If you wish to think of it that way, then yes, absolutely, I am threatening you.”
Gabriel’s glare deepened. His jaw stiff, he pressed his lips together. 
A moment. 
Adrien didn’t look away, assuring his father of the seriousness of his intentions with each passing second. 
“You’re overreacting.” Gabriel looked away, his defences cracking for the first time in Adrien’s life. “You’ll fall in love with someone else just as easily. Didn’t you like Lady Riposte—”
“I don’t want to fall in love with someone else. I want Marinette,” Adrien insisted. “I’ve always loved her. Even back at DuPont when we were children, I loved her. Do you really think a love like that can pass or be forgotten? Have you forgotten mom?”
Gabriel seemed to flinch as he closed his eyes and slacked back into his chair. He kept quiet for a few moments and when he’d finally spoken his voice had lost most of its firmness. “She’s a commoner, Adrien. I’m sorry, but royals don’t marry commoners.”
“Says who? The law doesn’t forbid it. I won’t be breaking even your precious tradition because I was supposed to choose a bride from a pool of presented ladies and Marinette is a part of it.”
“By trickery. She isn’t noble.”
“Then show me where it’s specified in your tradition that only nobles can be included in that group.”
Gabriel huffed. “Tradition dictates—”
“ Tradition . Not law. There’s no rule—”
“There are no rules because it’s common sense! No self-respecting king would allow his children to marry a commoner!"
“Or is it because it’s up to each ruler’s discretion?” Adrien paused for a moment, composing himself. “Father, I love her. She’s more than fit to be a queen by your own judgement. You married for love. Why can’t I?”
“She isn’t a noble,” Gabriel parroted, his voice now bearing almost none of formal resolve and strength. “What will people say?”
Adrien scoffed. “Is that all you care about? Your reputation?”
“Reputation is everything for a king. You’ll learn that one day.”
“Father, they will love you for being open-minded and not prejudiced towards the majority of your kingdom’s population. I’ve been sneaking out to the town for years, and if I’ve learned anything about the people of this kingdom, it’s that a union with a commoner will only raise you in your subjects’ eyes.”
“In theirs, maybe.” Gabriel sighed heavily. “But we need to keep good relations with the noble families, not commoners. And nobles aren’t as liberal as you seem to be.”
“Then make her a noble,” Adrien cried out without thinking. “If that’s only the question of having a title, you have the power to give it to her.” 
Gabriel’s eyes snapped to him. “Do you think that’s so easy? I can’t just create a new title. Titles come with lands, and we don’t have any unassigned lands.”
Adrien’s thoughts raced. Then he remembered something. “Give her one that doesn’t have a successor.”
“There’s no such thing,” Gabriel scoffed. “If a noble dies without an heir, his title and land go to the nearest relations and there always some.”
Adrien pointed to the crest framed on the wall to his right. “Give her that one.”
Gabriel sucked in the air, his face reddening. “You’re going too far.”
“Am I?” Adrien crossed his arms over his chest. “That is my title, my birthright, whereas you have no claim to it whatsoever. Or am I wrong?”
Gabriel remained silent for a few moments; then looked away.
Adrien continued. “Aunt Amelie renounced her rights to that title when she married Duke Graham de Vanily, so Felix isn't a contender for it; not that he’d even care to dispute his rights to a Count title when he’s a Duke. And even if Felix was a contender, I was born a few months earlier than him, so I’m the rightful owner of the Noir title, and I can do whatever I want with it. Give it to Marinette. It’ll go to my children, no matter who I marry, so why can’t my wife have it before that? In the end, it won't change a thing.”
Gabriel closed his eyes, his head falling into his hands, elbows propped on the table. He didn’t say anything, but Adrien saw that the victory was his already, so he pressed.
“You have a choice, Father: make Marinette a noble and gain an amazing daughter-in-law who'll be a fantastic queen one day, or refuse and lose a son and your only heir."
“Everyone knows that the Noir family doesn’t have suitable maidens to be presented to you. There are only Amelie and Felix, but they are bearing Graham de Vanily title now, so the Noir title has no one but you. How would I explain the sudden appearance of an eligible girl from your mother's side?”
Adrien shrugged. “Spin a tale of a long-lost branch of the family tree that was discovered recently, or just tell them she’s a commoner. I don’t care either way.” 
Gabriel leaned back into his chair, watching Adrien. A few moments later, he bitterly chuckled, shaking his head. “You truly are your mother’s son.”
Adrien’s lips tagged in a smug smile. “I’m sure I have a lot from you as well.”
“Unfortunately,” Gabriel sighed. “She’ll have to get a proper education.”
“That won’t be an issue. Marinette would love to learn. She always did.”
“Her family will have to be included in the title as well if the ‘lost branch’ tale to be seen legitimate, meaning they’ll have to move into Noir mansion in DuPont.”
“I’m sure they won’t mind.”
“I’ll send for her parents and have all the necessary papers to be prepared by the end of the day.” Gabriel stood up and walked to a massive chest of drawers standing by the wall. He opened one of the drawers and pulled out a small box. From inside it, he took a golden ring with a brilliant red diamond in the middle and gave it to Adrien. “Go, before I change my mind.”
Slowly, Adrien took the ring, his chest full, a goofy smile stuck to his lips. Tears lurking at the brick of his eyes, he could think of one thing only:
He did it!
He actually did it!
He was going to marry Marinette!
His Marinette will become his wife! 
His heart skipped a beat at a sudden thought drastically different from the others: would Marinette still want to marry him after all he’d put her through this night? Would she be willing to marry a prince? His status brought some strings attached that would influence their family, so—
“I see you’re waiting for me to change my mind?” his father interrupted his rapid downfall.
“No.” Adrien jerked. “Thank you. I’ll go tell her—I’ll go propose—Yes. That. I’ll get going. Thank you.”
“Make sure to compose yourself before that,” Gabriel threw after him. “The way you sound right now, I wouldn’t be surprised if even a commoner will say No to you.”
Adrien didn’t respond as he walked out the door with that one thought hammering at him. 
Would Marinette want to marry him now that she knew who he was and after he’d broken her heart so cruelly? 
She wanted a husband that would always be there for her. She wanted a family, children and a warm home, and he would want nothing more than to give her that, but he couldn’t promise her to always put her above his responsibilities. He’d do his best and would make sure she was happy with him, but would his words be enough to convince her? Did she love him enough to overlook his royal roots? Did— 
Adrien stopped in his tracks, spotting Nino running to him. He pushed the doubts away. No need to distress. He had to believe. He had to have faith in Marinette and their love. They’ve gotten this far. They couldn’t fail now that their biggest obstacle, his father, was behind them. 
“You look happy,” Nino quirked an eyebrow as he’d reached him. “Did some—”
“Father approved her,” Adrien grinned, gripping Nino by his shoulders. “Nino, Father approved Marinette. I can marry Marinette .”
Nino’s face fell. “That… There might be a little problem with that.”
“What do you mean?” Adrien frowned. “What problem?”
Nino swallowed. “Marinette… she left.”
Adrien gripped at Nino’s shoulders. “What do you mean Marinette left?”
Nino shrugged. “Alya said she left in the middle of the night. I was coming here to let you know.”
“Where did she go?”
“Back to her lady.”
Adrien let Nino go as his thoughts raced. Marinette’s lady? Lady Bug. So, DuPont? No. Lady Bug eloped, so she wouldn’t be in DuPont but rather in her husband’s place. What was his name? Lord—Lord Stone-something—
“Lord Stoneheart,” Nino said as if reading his thoughts. “I grew up close by.”
“Saddle Plagg. I’ll go change and let Father know.”
“You’re going after her?”
“Of course. I need to present a bride by the end of the day. If I don't depart now, I won’t make it in time.”
Nino let an amused puff of air out. “Then I guess I’m going with you. I know that area well.”
“I’d appreciate it. Thank you.”
“What are friends for?” Nino chuckled. “If not for helping to catch a runaway bride.”
Adrien bumped his shoulder. “Exactly.”
They parted to prepare for a journey, Adrien trying his hardest not to let his doubts overtake him again. He pushed through as he’d informed his father of his departure and dressed for the road. He tried to remain as hopeful as possible once Plagg and Wayzz were ready for them to depart. He started his journey determined because there was only one way to find out if Marinette would have him now that she knew the whole truth, and that was to find her and propose again. This time without any secrets between them.
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The Crane Team: Part 3 - Sun Tattoo
In a conference room, ten chairs have been set up around a round mahogany table. The seven new clan chiefs, along with Nanami Sakurai and Yoko Uesugi, sat around it, facing each other and a screen that featured three high ranking former members of the Devil Clan who were teleconferencing in from behind bars.
Nanami Sakurai sat in a prim royal purple business suit, her hair up in a tight bun. Yoko sat next to her, her hair up in a high ponytail, covered from the neck down. When given the permission to speak, Yoko said, “The legal department has agreed to take up the cases for appeal. They’ve also agreed to weekly status updates on these. However, this will take significant staff away from regular duties.  I would like to request a budget for emergency staff members to handle follow up and logging of reports.”
“How many people are we talking about?” A heavy set man rumbled, completely unconcerned. His head was bald save two tufts of hair over his ears. He smoked from a long Japanese pipe. He was Minato Ryoma, a business mogul specializing in real estate. He was the late Clan Chief Genichiro’s cousin and had quickly inserted himself into the vacuum left by his death with very little fuss. 
“My primary objective is to reassure the defendants that Hydra will take their cases seriously. I will therefore hire 45 people. No more than 10 cases per employee.” Yoko replied. “Pay should be a sufficient living wage for Tokyo on its own so that they will not need secondary employment to focus on this task.”
Minato snorted roughly, his stomach bouncing under the table. “Preposterous. Our finances have barely recovered from this disaster and you want to throw away this much money for this project?”
“Our recovery is pointless if we are lax in pulling the Yakuza gangs together and another war break-...”
Sakurai silenced Yoko with a stern look. 
Yoko sat back against her chair. “My apologies.”
“I will make sure that we do a full review of our budget and accommodate as much as we can to the effort.” Sakurai Nanami spoke quietly and dutifully.
“Genji Heavy Industries is still a wreck. The contractor’s we hired are over priced due to the scarcity of workers and materials. We must build the house before we invite other tenants.” Ryoma grumbled.
The other clan chiefs seemed to agree, nodding to themselves. 
“Perhaps priority can be given to the breadwinners within the former Devil Clan so that some of the children currently in foster can be reunited with their rightful families.” The newest clan chief of the Inuyama clan, Inuyama Ren, was a surprisingly young man of 21 years old. His face was smooth and handsome and reminded Yoko a bit of Chance. He was Katsu Inuyama’s last remaining son. The rest had died in the fighting. Yoko couldn’t argue the practicality of his suggestion but he could certainly see objections in her eyes. “Does Ms. Uesugi have a response to this?”
“Yes… I do agree that this is a good suggestion. However, placement of Devil Clan children can’t all be with Devil clan members. Particularly if their actual families are alive. Parents should raise their children.” She said softly. “Furthermore, the youth of the Devil clan are the least responsible for their crimes and the more likely to suffer future effects. I believe the younger members should have a high priority as well.”
Minato huffed again, “Future…” He muttered.
Yoko’s nails squeezed her hands but the effect of such emotion dampening tactics was hampered due to her gloves. 
From the speakers of the computer, one of the Devil Clan representatives unmuted themselves. “It has been demonstrated that the increase in violence of the Devil Clan were the result of illicit drugs being produced to enhance the bloodline. Before these drugs, while there were violent and dangerous hybrids, the population of berserker hybrids was not nearly as high as after these drugs were produced. The Clan Chiefs of the Hydra could be excused for thinking all Devils are going to die young but that wasn’t always the case. Even the rules stated that Devils could be imprisoned for up to 40 years with hope of release.”
Minato huffed but didn’t dispute this.
“We will run an analysis through the accounting department. I can’t promise 45 employees but making sure each temporary hire is paid enough to focus fully on the work is wise.” Nanami nodded her head.
The meeting dragged on to discuss politics. The mass slaughter and outbreak of violence had alarmed non-hybrid officials. They were pushing through an anti-Yakuza bill and needed immediate reassurance that such shocking events weren’t going to recur. Yoko scarcely suppressed a yawn as she struggled to listen. Her Japanese was phenomenal for having studied for such a short time but the details and intricacies of parliament still escaped her.
Her cell phone buzzed at her side and she peered down.
The message: “The Fuma child was rejected this morning. He’s back at the orphanage.”
Her eyes widened. Why? It had taken ages to finally place that child with relatives after a thorough search. He had been marked, improperly, as violent. He’d understandably acted out after witnessing the death of his family. She had been reassured and thrilled that he would finally be placed with his own clan! Yoko looked up at Nanami Sakurai. “I’m sorry. There’s an emergency. Excuse me.”
Without asking permission, Yoko got up from the table, bowed to everyone and dialed the number to the group foster home.
The placement officer over the children’s group hostel answered right away. “Hello?”
“It’s Yoko. What happened? I thought we resolved all concerns?” Yoko stood outside the door and then walked a few more steps to further conceal her conversation from the conference room. Outside the room,  people were passing back and forth but most of them were on phones of their own. Half the corridor was blocked off with construction tape to repair an earthquake damaged wall, making things extra crowded.
“His bloodline isn’t the problem. The problem is he’s not Fuma.”
“Not Fuma? Then what is he? All his paperwork said Fuma!” She said, dodging passersby and trying to find a quiet spot.
“We don’t know. We don’t know why he would falsify his information…”
“There has to be a mistake. He’s eight years old. How can someone his age falsify information?” Yoko started walking towards the exit. “I need to talk to him. How is he?”
“Distraught but…”
“Of course he is…” Yoko broke into a jog. After the assassination attempt, she wasn’t allowed to leave the Genji building without an armed escort and armored car, but this was an emergency! “Excuse me, are you headed out?” She approached a couple of Executive Board members who pointedly ignored her. Even though she chose to believe they were already busy with their own tasks, most of the Hydra members still thought of her as Ruri Kazama’s woman and wouldn’t willingly help a former enemy.
“Look, I'll try to get there as soon as possible.” Yoko hung up and walked over to the information desk. “Hey I need to get a ride to the foster home. Is there anyone available?”
The woman behind the desk looked harried and brushed aside hair that had gone askew. “This is not a scheduled outing and currently there are no armored cars available…”
“When will the next one be back?”
“Probably not until four pm and that will depend on traffic.” She said with some regret. 
“No, this is too important. Can we recall one?”
Her eyes widened in outrage. “Recall one? And what are we supposed to do with the person who’s actually there on-site?”
“I’ll take her.” said an approaching voice.
The secretary’s eyes widened and she stood up.
Yoko turned her head and looked into a familiar face behind thin rimmed glasses. “Crow!”
She hadn’t seen the man since he dropped her off at Genji Heavy Industries after the Cassell Team departed. She thought he had retired. Crow was the last remaining man on Chisei Gen’s original team. Both Sakura and Yasha had died during the Dragon’s awakening. Sakura was killed by Ruri Kazama. Yasha died blowing up Kaguya’s core in Genji Heavy Industries. The man looked a bit thinner than she remembered and he looked like he had aged with dark circles under his eyes.
He stood there in his usual trench coat and colorful shirt. “Are you coming or not?”
“Thanks.” She smiled gratefully and followed him out. 
The sun was bright but there was a noticeable chill that heralded the onset of the fall season. Hydra members walking by were looking up at Crow in shock, doing a double take, just as surprised as she was to see him back.
Crow led her to a red sports car but didn’t hold open the door like a regular driver. He just stepped around to get in.
“Did you see everyone’s faces?” She laughed. “Where have you been?”
“Taking a long vacation.” He slid into the driver's seat. “Where are we going?”
“The foster home for the Devil Clan children. What made you come back? If anyone deserves retirement, it’s you.” She said, buckling her seat. 
Crow didn’t respond but pulled into traffic. His expression was stony and his eyes were grim.
Yoko’s smile gradually faded. “Did… something happen?”
“No, nothing happened. Old habits die hard.” He pulled up to a stop light and they waited for it to change. After a pause, he added. “I never got to thank you for saving Sakura that day. At Tokyo Tower.”
Yoko looked straight ahead. Sakura Yabuki had used herself as bait to trap dead slave monsters at the top of the Tokyo Tower. Once they were nearly on her, she threw herself off the tower and let them follow her down. Yoko knew there was a rope dangling from the tower, where Fingel had saved himself from falling only minutes before. She had grabbed Sakura and the rope and watched the dead slaves continue their descent to the ground, a full 8 second fall. 
Unfortunately, Sakura would die anyway.
“I just wish I could have done more.” Yoko murmured
“Believe me, we all do. Normally, I probably would have just committed harakiri after the young chief’s passing, but I got my old man to take care of. Meanwhile? Might as well come back here.” 
The light turned green.
“Do you really still hold to notions like that?” Yoko asked with a cautious glance. “I don’t think that’s what Chisei would have wanted.”
Crow’s eyebrows flew to his hairline. “Woah, you two were on a first name basis?”
“Ah… I…” Yoko stammered.
“Ha. I’m teasing. I know you’re not from around here.” He gave a vicious grin however.
Chisei and Yoko had an inevitable conflict. She was a member of the Cassell Team, a devil and in love with Ruri Kazama, the leader of the Devils. He’d hurt her deeply by killing a man named Chance who’d fallen in love with her and fought his hardest to stay alive. The killing was brutal.  She couldn’t like him. But at the same time, she couldn’t help but feel that, had circumstances been different, she and Chisei would have been friends. It was true that Yoko had always referred to Chisei by his first name and she couldn’t remember him ever objecting or correcting her. 
Crow had likely noticed that long before now.
The orphanage was actually a juvenile correction facility set back off the road by two layers of guarded cinder block walls, manned sniper towers and armed guards at the gates. Once inside, a large building that appeared to be something like a multistory hospital greated her with an imposing cliff-like presence. Were it not for the playground out back with its colorful slides and swings, you would have thought it was a military facility.
Crow walked in with her as she signed in but she stopped him from entering. “Dressed in that trenchcoat, you’ll frighten the kids. I’ll be right back.”
The only memories Devil Children would have of the enforcement department were invasive interviews that asked probing and embarrassing questions. One wrong answer and they would be sentenced to death or eternal imprisonment. While the caretakers were kind to them, fed them and let them sleep in comfortable beds, at the end of the day, they were locked behind vault doors that were secured by heavy chains. 
It reminded Yoko a lot of Black Swan Bay. Only these children weren’t controlled by a clapper sound.  The influx of orphans after the Hydra’s devastating purge had left the facility staggering and in dire need of funds and personnel. So placing these orphans with families was a top priority of Yoko’s work.
Thankfully, Sakurai, Inuyama and Miyamoto threw open their doors and opened their arms to the orphans. Fuma and Ryoma however had little room in their hearts for these children. Many of their clan members were orphaned at the Red Well when the massive influx of those strange white filaments swallowed up the Fuma Ninjas who had been stationed in the forest to guard the area. Fuma was extremely hurt by the fact that the Devil Clan leader, Kazama Ruri, viciously humiliated the Kotaro Fuma. But with some cajoling Yoko had finally been able to persuade them to take this one child… but he wasn’t even a Fuma child in the end.
She stopped in front of a door and pulled the file from the slot next to it. The name Tatsuya Fuma was crossed out and replaced with “Unknown”. She knocked twice and opened the door.
The boy who, up until now, had been named Tatsuya Fuma sat on a small bed. His room was neat, with a red rug and a shelf full of small toys that had been donated. Mostly toy cars and one toy gundam action figure. There was a TV but it was off. Tatsuya’s face was flushed and sticky from crying.
“Hey…” Yoko approached quietly until she was halfway across the room and then knelt down on the rug. “Hey… what happened?”
The boy hiccuped and sniffled, his knees gathered to his chest. He stared blankly at the wall.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not your fault.”
The boy shook his head sharply, clearly and adamantly blaming himself.
Yoko knew better than to argue. “Then what did you do?”
He looked at her and shook his head. 
“Are you scared?” Yoko whispered.
The boy nodded. 
“Why?” She opened her arms and beckoned him over. “Here, come whisper in my ear.” Her frequent visits to this boy made her known and trusted. He knew how hard she’d worked to get him placed and they’d grown a bit close. Day after day, she’d visited with candy and toys and talked to him, reassuring him that she was on his side.
The boy got down from the bed and hugged Yoko around the neck. He didn’t know it, but Yoko always wore a wire on these visits. Sometimes when she was with them, the children would whisper to her the secrets of their trauma, bits and pieces that they’d seen and heard. Little by little, Yoko was building cases against certain cadres of the Executive Board.Given the overwhelming dominance of the Executive Board of Hydra, getting witness testimony directly was nearly impossible. No one would dare speak of the vicious attacks on them. Their killers were still alive and well.
Tatsuya hugged her so tightly around her neck she nearly gagged. He was warm and trembled like a puppy. His arms were thin but his grip was strong, like iron. She could feel every bone through his cotton shirt.
“Tatsuya died. They shot him in the wall.” He whispered, then he sniffed loudly.
“Who did?”
“The people with the sun tattoo.”
“So you took his name?”
“Yeah...they were trying to kill me. So I can’t use my name. They thought Tatsuya was me. So I am Tatsuya now.”
Tatusya was a real child, not a falsified identity! This boy had taken the dead child’s name to hide from people who were looking for him. She'd sent the wrong child to the wrong family! That family had to find out on the day their son returned to them, that their son was actually dead. Yoko’s heart felt like it fell into her stomach.
“Okay honey… okay.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “Don’t tell anyone what you told me. Okay? I’ll find somewhere for you to be safe. Can you whisper to me your name?”
“Mitsue Ryoma…”
Ryoma. No wonder he never admitted who he was. Ryoma hadn’t adopted a single child since the purge. Yoko always had a bad feeling about them. Their Clan Chief’s dismissal of her proposal this morning was just one of many. They’d opposed unification at every opportunity. She couldn’t place this child with them. “You’re very smart. Okay. You can keep calling yourself Tatsuya.”
Crow had walked outside to smoke while Yoko was in the facility with the kids. He took a deep drag of his cigarette and imagined the young chief’s arm around him, shoving the cigarette in his mouth and lighting it in a sudden show of uncharacteristic affection. It was a cherished memory that came back to haunt him every once in a while.
Even though the Young Chief never talked about that girl who now called herself Yoko Uesugi, he could tell she was never far from his mind. Especially after she rescued Sakura Yabuki. Crow would notice the Young Chief staring at his reflection in his sword. Sakura returned that sword to him and told him that Yoko had saved her life. It was odd behavior and for a long time Crow’d wondered why he would stare at his reflection like that.
The door behind him opened and the girl walked out, head down, hands in pockets. “Let’s go.” She grumbled and jogged down to the sports car and stood next to it, waiting for him to unlock it.
Her sudden change in demeanor surprised him. “Did things not go well?”
She didn’t answer him. She just kept her eyes down.
Once they were in the car, she pointed to the cigarette lighter in the dashboard. “Does that work?”
“Yeah. You want one of mine?” He reached into his pocket for a cigarette. Yoko, however, removed one of her gloves, revealing the clear scales on her hand, and pulled the cigarette lighter. She took the glowing red-hot cigarette lighter and pressed it to her own skin!
“What are you doing?” Crow shouted. He reached out and snatched the lighter from her, but the damage was done. That white skin was blackened and turning red at the edges. 
Yoko cradled her hand to herself.
“It’s fine… it’s fine.” She whispered but she was cringing in pain. “Look.” She held out her hand to him. The burn was already starting to fade, rapidly healing thanks to her elevated blood.
“Don’t do that again! What’s wrong with you?” Crow shoved the lighter back into the dashboard.
Yoko didn’t answer. She just turned her head back to the entrance of the orphanage. 
Crow massaged his forehead wearily. “What happened there?”
“I can’t tell you.” She ran her hands over her face and massaged her eyes.
“Why not?” He asked, looking down at her from his glasses.
She looked him up and down silently. “Do you have a sun tattoo?”
“I got lots of tattoos… sun’s not one of them.”
“Do you know anyone who does?”  Quiet anger boiled beneath those dark eyes.
“Why are you asking?”
She let out a loud sigh and turned back to the window.
Crow sat back, resting his arm on the steering wheel. “Anywhere else you need to go?”
Yoko squeezed the fingers on her burned hand. “Can we go to the track?”
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siren07tucker · 3 years
Time to explain things!
So with the current events of the SMP heavily differing then what are used to make the kids I kind of shifted in a little bit!
 symphony leaves home for the first time after his dad does not come home for a while he follows his compass until he sees his dad on an alter talking about some country? Before pressing a button? After a while a blonde man stabs his dad with a sword and before symphony could recover from he’s shock The blonde man starts talking to the king and a couple other people about how they were going to revive his dad? They went on to talk about Wilbur not having his memories from when he was a ghost! Symphony had Learned about life and death the differences between him and his dad and how even though he was physically dead he was still treated like someone who was alive but legally he was dead and so lost the right to adopt or have children so that’s why he needed to stay away from people. But he needed to stop this what is his dad forgot about him! When his dad came back he rushed towards him yelling that he needed to stop and that he couldn’t leave him! And everybody was confused this random Child was acting like they were killing Wilbur even though they were trying to revive him, symphony explained that to him it’s like they were killing his Wilbur because that’s his dad! 
Ghostbur tries to explain to symphony there is a possibility that he would forget him, but it’s for the greater good this world needs a leader but symphony cuts in and says I need my dad! And for a horrible moment Symphony looked a lot like fundy. Ghostbur tells everybody he can’t do it but before anybody knows Philza sword is poking out of ghostbur’s chest and symphony runs where eventually he meets an odd kid around his age?
So the thing is Lucy is no longer what happens after the egg instead Bad starts getting a bit depressed about Skeppy and the egg decided to kill two birds with one stone sooo it gifted him a child but he had to keep them pier? Meaning that the child must never have desires and the child was not their own person. These plans do mess up though with a certain ram duck hybrid that left home for the first time! Anyway Symphony shows The child a good time even giving them a name, Lucy! (I also like the new meaning this version of the story gives Lucy‘s name because their full name is Lucifer and Innoway they are falling from what people consider Grace)  anyway bad not happy about this and demands that symphony be killed but Symphony manages to run to church prime!  but at some point Symphony escapes and since the whole time he has been using a human form he turns into his more natural animal form to save Lucy they runoff into the nether and quickly make it back to symphonies sewer home! And after a while Lucy becomes the flirty arsonist that we all know and love!
I should also mention that for this version of the story dream is possessed. The Dreammon that is possessing dream more or less makes dream experience the prison by himself and dream decides to bite the bullet because he knows if or when he does get out of the prison the Dreammon Will take control again...
The only thing keeping CJ‘s true parentage? Is a magic veil that dream has been keeping up even through his possession since he didn’t want his son to be wrapped up in his business, but a couple potatoes a day  it’s not making it easy to keep the Spell working! Especially through all of the walls of obsidian Eventually dream passes out and the spell is Broken. (and little edit when dream passes out the Dreammon takes control and more or less tell Sam that he still has a pawn to play)  It’s like a cold slap to the face the next morning when Eret realized who his son looked like and he more or less put his castle on lock down because he still loves his son but he knew the others might not understand, (especially because of dreams ominous warning) eventually though Nikki gets a good look at CJ and it’s snowballs from there. Eret has never once truly considered fighting but when his friends attempt a storm his castle to take a son to prison for a crime he did not commit  he raised his sword as his child ran away from the SMP wearing nothing but Jeans and a dark hoodie with his inventory full of food,gold diamonds, worms on a string, Emerald,ender pearls and practically all of Eret’s savings (I mean like money that is usable in all servers kind a like a common currency).
Eventually CJ made new friends in a public server named  Ethan and pat! Ethan goes by the nickname Goggles, he’s technically the oldest not by much and is the shortest. Pat goes bye a bunch of silly nicknames but they do call him Sap (either because he’s a big softy at heart or some parts of his arm are sticky like tree sap because of his T patches) CJ now goes by the name vision and his little group of friends call themselves the V team! (basically dream team part to electric Boogaloo!) with his new friends CJ learns that he can make himself more human but to do it  he needed to peel off all of his porcelain which hurt like hell! But his friend stuck by his side and helped him paint the new colors of his skin and eyes. He still has his original face he where is it as a mask now. Eventually they do start running out of money and since they’re technically they are all runaways and they are minors they have no way to get money and Pat is running out of patches so CJ started entering in local speed running tournaments and in their free time they would code and make videos and when Pat got better they fully announced who they were!  :)  The V team!
To be honest pink bluntly said that she was done with everybody’s bullshit SO she’s doing her own cottage core, retirement arc and nobody well fuck this up for her! Oh you’re practically dead because someone is trying to hunt you down sorry I can’t help I’m too busy tending to my garden and weaving flower crowns so kindly fuck off!  The only time she broke her retirement arc was when her cousin and totally not his boyfriend we’re running away from Bad boy halo, pink was originally just going to let the two fend for themselves but bad really just had to break down her aesthetically pleasing Massi cobblestone fence and trample her garden of tulips let’s just say that before pink re-planted her flowers she planted her boot far up his- *cough*

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komatsunana · 4 years
My Ai Yazawa Reccomendation List
This is a list that I’ve actually been thinking about for a while now (like... years lmao). Basically just a few of my personal recommendations of series (only manga and webtoons this time around but I have a couple tv shows and anime that I also might rec in a second list if people like this one...) that people like me that are missing Yazawa’s work might enjoy.  The bulk of this list is for NANA, because that is her unfinished work, but I’ve got quite a few recs for her other series.
I don’t love all the series on this list (or even like tbh), but I can see where someone who likes a certain aspect of Yazawa’s work might enjoy the series more than me.   I didn’t include trigger warnings because it’s been a number of years since I read some of these series (and some I never finished) but feel free to ask me and I’ll do my best.
Obligatory recommendation that if you enjoy any of Yazawa’s series, you should give any of her series a try.  I think all of the series that  I’ve read by her are masterpieces in their own right and if you’re missing NANA (or any of her other works) you should definitely read the rest of her work because many of my own favorite aspects of Yazawa’s works are present in all of her work - like female friendship and continuous story lines (rather than episodic).
Feel free to add on with your owns recs... And tell me if you read any of these series!
If you like the past/future mechanic of NANA with young adult characters and enjoy unveiling the mystery in Kagen no Tsuki  then give Piece by Ashihara Hinako a try.  The MC and her best friend have a good passing resemblance to Nana and Hachi, if Hachi were chubby but they have more than appearance in common with NANA’s leading ladies...  To say any more would be spoilers!  This series also marries some of the messy melodrama of RL with realism like NANA.
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Summary: One day, Mizuho, a university student, receives news that her classmate in high school, Origuchi Haruka, passed away. Mizuho doesn't remember being best friends with Origuchi, but apparently, Origuchi told her mother that Mizuho was her best friend. And now, her mother wants Mizuho to help her find the boy Origuchi dated during high school. Mizuho told Origuchi's mother that Origuchi was a very plain girl, and she was never seen with a guy, but her mother told Mizuho that Origuchi got pregnant and had an abortion when she was in high school. Mizuho was shocked, but she still starts asking her other classmates in high school and following the traces Origuchi left behind.
Status: Complete
If you liked Paradise Kiss for the portrayal of a bunch of odd-balls coming together to do something creative together and inspiring Yukari with their passion OR for Yukari’s struggle with her mother academic expectations then you might enjoy the webtoon Spirit Fingers by Han Kyoung Chal!
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Summary:  What do you do if you're going on 18, totally awkward and lacking in self- confidence? You could just sit in your room all day and all night and study and wonder why you never get asked out…OR, if you’re Amy Song you could join up with the Spirit Fingers – the strangest, hippest, coolest (yet most welcoming) art club ever. But as Amy is about to learn, discovering your TRUE colors is about more than just painting.
Status: Complete, still being translated.  Best part is you can start reading the series completely LEGALLY here.  They changed the character’s first names to more western ones and it’s a bit behind the unofficial translations but I still recommend reading it legally.
If you liked NANA because you liked how the Nanas had the same name and had all these other similarities, meeting under fateful circumstances but also wish they’d date then give Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep a try by Fuka Mizutani!
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Summary:   Two women with the same name happens to meet each other when they're at the same hospital for the same injury. They want to become closer, but both must overcome their insecurities and self-loathing first.
Status: Complete
If you like the past/future telling aspect of NANA with a large, fully-fleshed cast of characters who are all living their life check out Cheese in the Trap by Soonkki.  Sul is a very strong, no- nonsense MC but with plenty of charm with great friends.  Like NANA it’s easy to hate some of the more flawed characters but at the end of the day even the antagonists have complex reasons for being the way they are and aren’t just living to be an opposing force.
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Summary:  Seol Hong is a hard-working student, who has returned to college after a long break. Jung Yu is a senior at the college known as Mr. Perfect. Seol feels like her life took a turn for the worse since she got involved with Jung. Is Jung intentionally turning Seol's life?
Status:  Ongoing... I think?  You can read the webtoon legally [here] and the translations are being posted weekly still at least.
Do you like younger looking characters like Mikako and Miwako?  Do you like playboys like George as a male lead but wish he were a bit more earnest?  Did you like how Akira and Midori took their time getting to know and understand each other by the end of the series?  Do you just like how Yazawa emphasizes friendship in her work?  Here’s Lovely Everywhere by Ke Li for you.
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Summary: Tong Danwei is a high school freshman with romantic dreams about the boy she is fated to meet. While on the way home from picking up groceries, she runs into a pretty boy, and that’s where our story begins. Will she find love in high school? And more importantly, will any boy be able to overlook the fact that although she is in high school, she still looks like an elementary student?? Follow along on Tong Danwei’s adventure of love and high school angst, with plenty of comedy thrown in to the mix.
Status: Complete  
If you like the supernatural mystery aspect of Kagen no Tsuki starring younger characters with mysteriously dead-but-not-dead characters, then Route 225 might by a good series to try.  It’s by Shimura Takako & Fujino Chiya (Original Story).  You might know Shimura Takako from her other series like Wandering Son and Sweet Blue Flower, so you know she is great portraying emotional realism like Yazawa.
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Summary: 14-year-old Eriko finds herself left in charge of her younger brother Daigo when their parents suddenly disappear one warm summer evening. Trapped in a world that is very much like their own save for the lack of their parents, Eriko and Daigo find themselves desperate for the return of the worrywart mother and apathetic father they never thought they'd miss so badly...
Status: Complete  
If you liked NANA because you liked reading about a pair of women who are very different and yet are very good friends to the point where their friendship is more important to them than romantic relationships (even if they struggle to properly communicate this to each other) then try the short series Tomodachi no Hanashi by Kawahara Kazune (Story) and Yamakawa Aiji (Art).
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Summary:  Eiko is something like a plain Jane and a doormat, while her best friend Moe is a head-turning beauty. Despite their differences, their friendship is as strong as ever.    Guys are always asking Moe out, but her answer is inevitable, "only if you promise to put Eiko before me."
Status: Complete 
Did you like how Hachi from NANA kept losing her jobs?  And had no luck in love?  Do you prefer to read about young adult characters?  Even though we never talk about how funny Yazawa’s work is... was that something you really liked about her work? Dame na Watashi ni Koishite Kudasai by Nakahara Aya!  Hachi and Shibata aren’t exactly alike but they are both fun to read and get into the mindset of in a similar way.
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Summary:   The unemployed Shibata Michiko is betting everything she has on her romance with a younger man—literally. In order to keep him happy, she deprives herself of the things she wants and buys him expensive clothing and accessories. Since she's flat out broke, she needs to find a job before she starves to death and loses her young love interest. However, Michiko discovers that the boy was never interested in her romantically. Depressed at being dumped and after a series of unsuccessful interviews, she bumps into Kurosawa—an intimidating former boss she used to dislike.
Status: Complete, with a spin-off
If you’re interested in exploring Mikako’s feelings from Gokingo Monogatari when she dropped out of school then Cat Street might interest you.  Both MCs find themselves a group of friends and attend alternative high schools - though while Mikako’s is an art’s school, in Cat Street is more of a free school that seems to specialize in drop-outs and the like.
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Summary:  The story centers around Keito Aoyama, a former famous child actress. Due to a childhood incident, she retired from her career early and withdrew from normal society. Now 16, she passes her days in boredom and without purpose. But one day she runs into a stranger who takes her to El Liston--a free school for high school students like herself, who don't have a place where they belong. Though hesitant at first, Keito decides to enter El Liston and subsequently, she begins a new stage in her life. With the help of her only remaining childhood friend, Taiyou, and her new classmates Rei, Momiji, and Kouichi, Keito slowly finds the courage to open up to others and to accept their support. Will Keito return to acting? Will she find true friends? Love?
Status: Complete
If you want a series like NANA that is about adult women who are good friends and roommates as they balance their life with their career, love-lives, and friendship with each other try Tokyo Alice by Toriko Chiya.  Alternatively, if you were wondering what Hachi might look like if you reversed her obsession with love with her love of shopping... you’ve got Tokyo Alice’s MC (lol)
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Summary:   Fu Arisugawa is a little worried there might be something wrong with her. She loves shopping above all else, using her money to buy designer and brand-name items to the exclusion of all else. But while her friends also enjoy shopping, they're all also on the hunt for love in one way or another – something that Fu finds she just isn't all that interested in. When her boss starts showing interest in her, will Fu figure it out? Or is she going to keep going in her shopping wonderland?
Status: Complete, also has a recent drama that you can watch with Prime TV!
If what interested you most about NANA was it’s portrayal of the music industry of a new band and wanted more of that then try Beck by Sakuishi Harold.  Beck, like NANA, has an anime that while it doesn’t cover the entire series is worth watching or even having the soundtrack on as you read the series.
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Summary:  Fourteen-year-old Yukio "Koyuki" Tanaka is a dispirited young boy with no goals in life. However, this all changes when Koyuki saves a strange-looking dog named Beck from being harassed by a group of local kids. The dog's owner, 16-year-old Ryuusuke "Ray" Minami, is an emerging guitarist and the former member of a popular rock band. After Koyuki meets Ray again in a diner, the older boy leads him to his former band's meeting place and dazzles Koyuki with his amazing guitar skills. Slowly becoming interested in the glamour of western rock culture, Koyuki decides to start playing the guitar while helping Ray achieve his dream of leading the ultimate rock band. Together with Ray's younger sister Maho and a few other members, the two boys launch their career into the world of rock by forming a band called BECK. Beck follows the group's struggles and successes as they spread their fame across Japan.
Status: Complete
If you like how Yazawa writes her female “rival” characters as sympathetic and likable (even if not everything they do is likable) then you might enjoy Koda Momoko’s Heroine Shikkaku.  It’s about a girl who is shocked when she discovers she’s more like the bitchy villainess who bullies the sweet and pure heroine in shojo manga.
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Summary:  This could be any girl. Imagine being a heroine of a love story. Hatori also believed that one day she would get married to her childhood friend, Rita. But that's not how the world works! This is a hilarious comedy that honestly paints a painful unrequited love story of this young girl!
Status: Complete
If you want a short read like NANA, with two very different girls with the same name who tie their futures together then read the one-shot  Watashi to Watashi by Sahara Mizu.  Note that I’m only suggesting you read this specific one-shot, not any of the other one-shots contained in the collection this one is in... Actually I very much insist you don’t read the first one.  I highly recommend reading others’ of Sahara Mizu’s work if you enjoy this one because even if none of them are directly similar to any of Yazawa’s... the emotional complexity is.
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Summary:   Two girls with the same name; one beautiful and athletic, the other awkward and shunned. But who’s the lucky one?
Status: Complete 
If you like a series having 2 characters named Nana in NANA (even if their relationship with each other is... entirely different) and enjoy the format of Nana and Hachi continuing to address each other in inner monologues in the future where they haven’t seen each other for years or you just like messy, realistic relationships try We Were There by Obata Yuuki.
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Summary:  The start of high school life. To the girls, that also meant the start of their love lives. For brand new first year student, Takahashi Nanami (Nana for short), it was no different... She happens to end up in the same class as the incredibly popular Yano Motoharu, who rumors say that two thirds of all the girls are guaranteed to fall in love with. But will that hold true for Nana, who says that if she had to choose between like or dislike, she'd say she dislikes him!?
Status: Complete
What was your favorite thing about Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai?  Was it Akira struggling with his feelings for someone that married into his family?  Was it Midori and Mamirin’s friendship?  Try Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare by Sakisaka Io.  (Strobe Edge also by Sakisaka might also work for you).
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Summary:  The story centers around Yuna and Akari who have two very different views of love: Yuna is someone who sees love as a dream and Akari is someone who is very realistic about her romance choices. Meanwhile, there are two boys, Kazuomi and Rio, who also have different views of love: Kazuomi's an airhead and doesn't understand the concept of love, while Rio grabs the opportunity when confessed to as long as the girl looks cute.
Status: Complete, being translated
If you just like Yazawa’s work and want to read works by a close friend of hers...  Yoshizumi Wataru!  You might know her best from Marmalade Boy, but she also worked on quite a few josei works about young adults... Like Cappuccino (if you like moving on from a first serious relationship as we saw with Hachi and Shouji), but also Cherish and Spicy Pink.
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That’s all I got for now... But again... Let me know if you read any of these! Whether or not at my suggestion lol. And add on too! I’ve read or at least tried all of these myself so now I’m the one in need of recs lol.
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The Not-So-Amazing Mary Jane Part 9: MJ is making Peter’s mistake from AF #15 (despite knowing better)
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During parts 6-8 (especially parts 7-8) I discussed how out of character MJ’s attitudes towards Beck and his crew were. Allowing Beck and his crew to walk free is especially moronic when you consider her relationship with Peter.
For years  she has had a very deep relationship with a man whose life has been largely defined by one  instance where he knowingly allowed a criminal to walk free.
I feel it’s redundant to point to specific instances of MJ clearly being aware of Peter’s origin.
What is more important is this question: Does MJ’s awareness of Peter’s origin correlate to Mary Jane practicing the lessons it taught him?
In other words just because Peter learned valuable lessons from Ben’s death and MJ is aware of that, does it mean she  has also learned those lessons?
Does she  know that you shouldn’t knowingly allow a criminal to walk free if you can avoid it? That it is irresponsible to do so? That there can be very serious life or death repercussions of doing so?
The answer to that would be: Yes absolutely!
For starters it rather boggles the mind that for years Mary Jane could be totally aware of the details of Peter’s origin and understand that it’s at the root of pretty much everything  he does (including risking his life) and not herself grasp that it’s exemplifies a lesson everybody  can learn from. After all the ‘salt in the wound’ of Peter letting the burglar go is that he didn’t even need  super powers to avert his uncle’s death. Merely tripping him up or standing in his way would’ve delayed him just enough for the security guard to apprehend him.
But even if you don’t wish to accept common sense as a valid argument there are other examples, both implicit and explicit.
In ASM #127 MJ witnessed a murder committed by the Vulture (not the original) and was terrified of talking to the police about what she saw. Peter berated her harshly for this. After some attempts on her life by the Vulture MJ decided she would talk to the cops.
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This clearly demonstrates MJ waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back then (before even knowing Peter’s origin) grasped the ethical implications of letting the guilty roam free.
Much later in ASM #275 MJ learns Peter intends to retire as Spider-Man. This is something she is on board with as she cares about his safety. The situation prompts her to ask about his origin (an excuse for Marvel to simply reprint Amazing Fantasy #15). It is an important moment of growth for MJ individually and in her and Peter’s relationship.
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When he is done MJ asks why Peter is retiring if he became Spidey out of responsibility. This demonstrates she absolutely grasped the lesson at the heart of his origin. In this same scene MJ thinks to herself that she has privately admired Peter’s heroism. She wishes she could be more like him since she feels bad about always running from her own responsibilities. These would chiefly include abandoning her pregnant sister; see her own origin from ASM #259. As the scene continues MJ actually laments the Peter is now acting like her.
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This pretty clearly demonstrates MJ utterly understands  how the lessons within Peter’s origin can apply to her. She feels bad about herself precisely because she doesn’t  put them into practice.
Her final appearance in the issue has her trying to talk Peter out of it. She tells him he’s making a mistake and isn’t being fair to himself or anyone else. 
When taken in the context of the above pages this dialogue heavily implies MJ is speaking from a place of personal experience. She knows that it’s bad to ignore one’s responsibilities and the ‘anyone else’ she is referring to could be directly referring to herself.
To make things even more blunt she follows that up by telling Peter straight that he can make a difference. That he owes it to the world to use his powers properly. This culminates with MJ, in spite of her concern for Peter’s safety, telling him he has  to suit up and save Sha Shan from the Hobgoblin.
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As a whole the issue at least heavily implies Mary Jane gets Peter’s ultimate lesson. If you look at it as a math problem she doesn’t just see how someone got to the final answer, she understands the concepts and the mechanics of why what they did resulted in that final answer.
More than this Mary Jane actively grew in response to learning Peter’s lesson and seeing him live by it.
Arguably the most notable example of this can be found in ASM #290-292. In these issues Mary Jane learns her sister Gayle (the one she abandoned) is in jail and immediately heads out to Pittsburgh to help her. There she learns that her sister had tried to steal a rare manuscript on behalf of their abusive father Phillip, who’d drifted to the wrong side of the law.
Phillip wants MJ to retrieve the manuscripts Gayle hid before she was caught and without hard evidence Gayle would be released. MJ was torn between lingering loyalty to he father, misplaced guilt for causing her parents divorce, her desire to help her sister and doing the right thing legally speaking. She was torn up enough that she requested Peter fly over to help her out.
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Ultimately she chose to turn her father into the police, hoping that under the circumstances her sister would be okay and it’d be worth it for them to be rid of their father for good.
Whilst she was on the fence for a while before making her decision, Mary Jane purposefully didn’t tell Peter so as to not force him to choose between helping her or letting a crook go. She makes it clear his presence in her life was instrumental in finally deciding what to do.
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Perhaps more clearly than anything else we have (or will) look at these events firmly establish MJ’s growing sense of responsibility. Simultaneously they display how it is directly tied to Peter’s presence in her life and above all else her understanding  of the life lesson he lives by.
MJ grasped this lesson so well that she took steps to avoid putting Peter in a similar position to when he encountered the burglar.
She grasped this lesson so well that she was willing to risk her sister’s freedom and  send her Dad to jail for it. And her Dad was hardly on the same level as the likes of Mysterio.
Further proof of MJ’s growth can be observed in Web of Spider-Man Annual #6. Here MJ serves jury duty and does so willingly (hinting that this is a form of growth from her youth). Of all the jury members she is the only one who maintains the defendant is guilty. This is because she is the only one who is aware of what Spider-Man is really like and as such knows the defendant is falsely blaming Spidey for his own crimes.
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In essence this is MJ clearly unwilling to let a crook walk free because she knows he is guilty.
Further food for thought is provided in Spider-Man Unlimited v3 #2. In this story MJ is working on a movie, specifically the role of a police officer’s wife. In an interview the art and dialogue clearly show us that MJ connects to the role through her relationship with Peter.
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After the interview MJ ponders the ridiculousness of how she is treated compared to Peter considering the importance of his heroic work.
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Towards the end of the story she tells Peter that she feels like she doesn’t do anything valuable compared to him, a sentiment he disagrees with and corrects her on.
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This story at least implies that MJ is fully aware of the importance of Peter’s job and would like to actively contribute to it in some kind of similar way, to make a difference. Which in turn implies that she understands the lesson underpinning Peter’s job in the first place.
My final example is a contentious one I will admit, but it does provide yet more food for thought.
It stems from the atrocious ASM #605. The story contradicts not only the stories mentioned above but also Peter and MJ’s established characterization in general. However it does contain the clearest cut example of Mary Jane absolutely 100% understanding and putting into practice Peter’s ultimate life lesson.
The gist of things is that Mary Jane, whilst in L.A., finds herself caught up in dangerous encounter with the White Rabbit. For her own protection MJ disguises herself as Alice of Wonderland fame, complete with a creepy mask.
Sprinkled throughout the tale are flashbacks to a heated (and bullshit) argument MJ and Peter had in the past. As MJ tries to escape she comes across a the White Rabbit preparing to murder a civilian, this then triggers another flashback to the argument with Peter. She recalls Peter essentially telling her to not simply stand by and do nothing as he once did. This prompts MJ to intervene and save the civilian.
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Again, this is a contentious example to bring up (for various reasons) and I absolutely own up to that.
However, it shows that even when one uses nonsensical Brand New Day era stories and mischaracterization Mary Jane still  understood and acted upon the same lesson Peter lived by.
Thus from whatever angle you slice it from she isn’t going to allow criminals evading justice (let alone actively perpetrating crimes) to get away with it if she can do something about it.
And yet that is exactly what she is doing in AMJ.
Of course a counterargument to this would be that the situation in AMJ is different by virtue of Beck (and arguably his crewmembers) seemingly seeking some form of redemption in making the movie.
But that’s a topic for next time.
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bffhreprise · 3 years
Entry 349
 Stepping out of my car, I wasn’t prepared to find James standing nearby.  When did he get here?  Shouldn’t he be inside, waiting for me while I finish mentally preparing?  With over an hour drive, I had successfully hyped myself up and then delved into worrying.  James wasn’t close enough for me to see his arrival with my ability.
 “Hi, Maple!  Glad to have you here.  I'm James Michael Somerset III.” he told me as I approached, reaching out to shake my hand.
 Hand… great.  I always hated this part of meeting people.  They always wanted our hands to meet without knowing what would be the consequences.  I really, really hope my potential boss hadn’t just left the restroom.
 Firming my resolve, I took his hand and shook it, saying, “Pleased to…”  Nothing.  I wasn’t seeing anything at all from him.  “meet you.” I quickly finished, not wanting to be weird before I was hired.  My own clothes gave me a constant reminder of everything that had happened within about ten feet of them, including James standing here next to me, but touching him gave me zilch.
 “Mind touring the yard as we talk?” asked James, smiling at me.
 I realized that I was still holding his hand, and quickly released it.  “Uh… no.  Not at all.” I told him, hoping I hadn’t already weirded him out.
 “What about my company attracted your interest?” he inquired, walking by my side down a broad sidewalk leading us along the side of  the insanely large mansion
 I purposefully took a couple breaths before answering.  James had us walking at a pace barely slow enough for me to keep pace, but he didn’t really seem to be in a rush.  Adventurers that don’t keep their head on task often made careless mistakes.  There was treasure to be had, so I was going to do this right.  “I first heard about your company through a friend of my mother, Melissa Robertson.  She hired someone named... Emma, I think.” I explained, glancing at him questioningly in hopes that I had the name right.  When he nodded, I continued saying, “Emma really impressed her and mentioned the business has a wonderful educational program as well.”
 “Yes, we have a deal with the Institute of Autodidacticism to provide a fine education in whatever fields interest you.” he agreed.  Then he pointed to large gardens—just visible now that we had turned the first corner—and said, “We also employ an incredible chef for those who reside here.  Marco’s cooking is absolutely incredible.  Emma ensures that he receives the best produce all year round.  In addition to being an active best friend, she's the groundskeeper.”
 “Wow.  Is everyone that busy?” I questioned, certain that maintaining such large gardens in addition to the vast amount of land had to be a full-time job by itself.
 James smiled in amusement, probably used to people being awed by his home.  “Emma makes keeping the grounds in order look easy, but no one is busier than they want, despite how Brandon might complain.  Iris Storm, for example, works part-time and still lives with her parents.  Everyone else just submits what hours they'd like to work, and the schedule is made based off their availability and the availability of work suited to them that week.” he explained, sounding like he had given this explanation numerous times already.
 Was I just blending in to a normal routine for him, simply one more applicant?  “That sounds amazing.  How do the benefits work then?” I questioned, wanting to sound like I wouldn’t jump at an opportunity to work here without knowing what I was getting into.  If I failed to make an impression, there was no hope at landing this job.  Reaching out to any of the plants in the garden was tempting, and not just because they looked absolutely perfect.  I could probably get a glimpse of Emma at work here to see if she actually was enjoying herself.
 “If you work here, your medical needs are fully covered.” he told me, snapping my mind back into focus on him.  “There are also paid vacations, such as an upcoming trip to France.  You'll be quite welcome if you join us.  I'll make sure you can get a passport in time if one's needed.”
 “What!?  Really!?” I asked, unable to comprehend how a new hire would get to join in on a company trip.
 Nodding, he turned to look at me—probably amused that I had stopped in my tracks—and said, “Of course.  Retirement packages are based off what you earn over your time with us, but I assure you they're quite lucrative.  You also will have access to all training utilities here.  Past the bend and far off to the left is an employee gym.”  He gestured in what had to be the direction of the gym.  “There is also a large pond we like to use for swimming if you prefer swimming outdoors.  If you enjoy video games, you'll have access to all games from Global Princess Entertainment.”
 Access to all of Aaliyah’s games would be incredible, but I forced myself not to focus on that part, returning to something else he had said.  “Sorry, but can we go back a minute?” I asked hopefully, continuing when he waited.  “The medical benefits.  Were you saying you cover insurance entirely?”
 “No.  We provide complete medical services that are better than you'll find in general hospitals.” he replied, watching my reaction.
 “But… how does that even work?  I mean… say I was on a job, got injured, and was rushed to a hospital… how would I get help?” I questioned, knowing I probably came across as a crazy lady at this point but unable to help it.
 “We'd cover any medical fees and get our own people involved as soon as possible.” he replied, casually turning and continuing onward.  “Everything is spelled out in the employee contract, but teams of lawyers can get lost in that thing.”
 “Got any of those on hand for employees?” I asked as a joke.
 “Yes, actually.  My secretary covers most legal matters and might as well be a team.” he told me nonchalantly.
 “Sorry.” I told him, having stopped again.  I forced myself to move again as I said, “My dad's not going to believe this.”  Dad had been skeptical of applying here in the first place with the business being so new, but benefits like this sounded amazing.
 “Both of your parents will be welcome to see the place if you do decide to join us.  We just like a little forewarning is all.  Marco is rather particular about having food prepared just right for everyone.” he explained, a hint of amusement coming through when he mentioned Marco.   “How do you feel about magic?”
 “What?” I asked just before tripping over my own two feet.
 He caught me by the arm and easily helped me regain my footing.  Then he said, “Some might say that looking into the past of whatever one touches is magical.  How do you feel about it?”
 “I… umm…” I started unable to speak any more coherently than my thoughts.  James knew… he KNEW!  How!?
 “Watch.” he ordered as he pointed ahead of us.
 A thick mist formed in the air, spelling out “Magic is real.” in the air.  Then the mist erupted into flames, erasing the previous words and forming “and you have it.” instead.  Water appeared from nowhere, attacking the fire and creating an audible sizzling as the fire was quenched.  Reshaping and freezing into place, the water asked “How do you feel about magic?”
 My mind couldn’t wrap around what I had just witnessed.  This was magic!  Wanting to reassure myself that I was awake, I purposefully used my ability to replay what James had done in my mind.  There were no subtle invocations or whispered words that I saw.  Even pointing seemed to be more for my benefit than necessary for a spell.  Was this real?  I desperately wished the spell—possibly spells—had been closer to us.
 “You know what I can do?” I asked, already knowing the answer.
 “Yes.” he told me, his eyes piercing through me as if he was watching my thoughts.
 “How?” I forced myself to ask, despite being uncertain that I’d really want the answer.  James was rich and could use magic.  Was there a limit to what he could do to get answers?
 His smile seemed reassuring as he said, “The background checks we run are far more detailed than most.  I know how crazy that sounds, but it's true.  You'll find many things are different here, such as most of us using magic.  Some of your potential coworkers can transform their bodies.  One needs the blood of others to survive.  Two people living here are impossible for most to kill.  Work for me, and your world will seem to change as you learn more about others who, like you, possess superhuman abilities.”
 “But…” I started, looking down to my hands.  There was no visual clue to what I did, and I was certain I hadn’t told anyone.  How could a background check tell him about my ability?  Yet, he had blocked it.
 “Here.  Touch this.”  he ordered, taking off his watch and handing it to me.
 Grabbing the watch with a bit of trepidation, I watched its history.  Time flowed backward in my mind, revealing me everything that had happened in a small sphere around this watch.  Everyone was smiling whenever they were around James.  He laughed with them, played games with them, and did an impressive amount of work between everything.  Oddly, he’d leave the watch on his desk for a while each day.  Of course, he took the watch off periodically to do other things as well.
 There was a girl with pink skin and brilliant blue hair appearing regularly.  Focusing on those visions, I was stunned to find out that she was his daughter.  James had a pink daughter with the most amazing eyes.  How?  When?  I knew he had gotten married only recently.  He doted on her, reprimanded her, and gave her countless hugs, often with her begging for one thing or another.  They obviously loved one another.  I was a little surprised to see that the watch was only a week old, but one week was enough.
 “Your friends love being around you.” I acknowledged, very doubtful that any group could maintain such perfect acts for an entire week.  “I want to work here.” I decisively stated.
 “Excellent.  You're hired.” he replied with a smile that made my heart miss a beat.  “I'll show you the rest of the grounds, and then we can head inside to introduce you to everyone who's home.  Welcome to Best Friend For Hire!”
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