#what’re you going to do Hakoda?!
ssreeder · 2 years
spontaneous anon back
Ok so we know that jet beats sokka in a fight but can zuko beat jet? Cause he was trying to punch him and zuko kept on dodging and now I’m curious especially because zuko is so hurt.
Also will sokka get a chance to talk to Ara? Like will she try to talk to him? Honestly I just want to see what goes down if they do get the chance to talk
AND LAST THING (for now). Take all the breaks you need!!!
Can Zuko beat up Jet….. hmmmmm.
I’m sure he could.
Zuko has that “I’m insane & pain doesn’t affect me until I physically pass out” mentality… but Jet has the “I will literally kill myself to kill a fire bender” mindset… but I think Zuko would still win.
Will Sokka talk to Ara….? Ouch…. Maybe? It all depends honestly… but that will be dealt with next chapter :D
Awwww I don’t want to take breaks!! I want to have more free time to write damn it!! But I love you anon thanks for caring about me <3
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time stops, though you don’t take a breath (renga)
aka boiling rock but renga written for @capt-snoozles alta / sk8 au
word count: 1,940
There was nothing quite like the feeling of Reki’s hair tickling his chin. His hair was so soft and had enough poof for Langa to bury his face in it.
“Langa,” Reki giggled, turning his head so he could look at his boyfriend. “You’re gonna mess it up!”
A soft whine escaped his throat as Reki turned, causing Langa’s chin to slip. “Mmm,” he grumbled, squeezing his arms tighter around Reki’s middle.
Reki sighed and shifted back to where he was before, allowing Langa access to replant his face in the ginger’s hair. “There you go, you big baby.”
Normally, Langa’s cheeks would’ve turned a bright shade of red at the comment, but he just couldn’t bring himself to care right now. It hadn’t even been a day since the group escaped Boiling Rock, and Langa was determined not to let Reki out of his sight for awhile.
The impromptu trip to the prison was to free Hakoda, Cherry, Joe, and Shadow. To be honest, Langa had not been prepared to find Reki or Suki there too. He thought that Boiling Rock was for high security prisoners like supposed war criminals and people who committed treason. He didn’t think the Fire Nation would send two kids there.
Langa could still feel the pang in his chest and the breath of air rushing in his lungs when Sokka had cried Suki’s name. He could still remember the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins when he looked over the balcony and saw not only Suki sitting on a bench, but also Reki.
Reki did something to him that nothing else could. Reki made him feel strong and whole and like anything was possible.
That was probably why, in the heat of the moment, Langa had attempted to jump off the building and into the courtyard.
Yeah, he could also still feel the pressure of Zuko’s arms wrapping around his chest and forcing him back onto the balcony and Sokka’s calloused palm when he slapped a hand over Langa’s mouth to prevent him from screaming Reki’s name and blowing their cover.
Suddenly, their plans had changed. There were two more people they needed to rescue because Langa was not going to leave Reki behind. Not again.
“What’re you thinking about?”
The glorious, heavenly sound of Reki’s voice drew him back to the present and Langa blinked. “You,” he answered truthfully.
Reki blushed, his cheeks turning nearly the same shade of his hair, and Langa hid a soft smile behind one of his curls. “Langa!” Reki pouted.
Spirits, Langa missed him.
“I was, though,” Langa said. “I missed you.”
At that, Reki smiled, the blush (unfortunately) fading. “I missed you too,” he replied softly.
There was nothing like the warmth that filled Langa’s body when he reunited with Reki to escape. They hadn’t been able to tell the redhead their plan in advance due to his echolalia, so Langa still hadn’t been able to hear his voice or hold him or tell him how much he loved him. They had to rely on Suki to relay the message shortly before the escape.
Langa had wanted to abandon the cooler—let Sokka and Zuko roll it down—the instant he saw Reki. And he almost did. It was only Zuko’s quiet “Don’t you dare” through gritted teeth that prevented him from doing so.
Then they were on the ground and Reki was there. He was just a few feet away.
So, Langa opened his arms and Reki came running—
Nothing compared to holding Reki—nothing except perhaps being held by Reki.
The second that Reki had made it to him, the second their arms were around each other, Langa had lifted him up, twirling him around. Reki’s mouth was pressed against the nape of Langa’s neck, so only he could hear his boyfriend’s laughter. Despite how muffled it was, it still filled the night in Langa’s ears.
Reki instinctively wrapped his legs around Langa’s waist the second his feet were off the ground, and Langa didn’t put him down for awhile, even after he stopped spinning. He didn’t want to let go.
Normally, he wouldn’t be able to hold Reki in the air this long—he didn’t have the strongest upper body—but this was Reki and it had been months since they last saw each other. It helped that he firmly planted his feet into the ground once he stopped spinning, and he thanked the Spirits for giving him incredible leg strength.
It also helped that Reki felt a lot lighter than usual, but that wasn’t good.
Langa shuddered at the memory of realizing that Reki was much easier to lift, and when his gaze flickered to Suki (who was having a whispered conversation with Zuko and Sokka), he noticed that she looked thinner than normal too.
And oh, how his blood boiled.
No, he hadn’t put Reki down until after they decided to stay and see if Hakoda, Cherry, Joe, and Shadow were arriving with the next batch of prisoners., despite Reki’s protests and Chit Sang’s complaints that they were disgusting (and they were used to it—they’d heard it all from Miya).
That was when he’d seen the dark bruise coloring Reki’s stomach. He saw it for the briefest of moments when Reki had lifted his arms to stretch after being put down, but they didn’t have time for that now.
“You okay?”
Again, it was Reki who grounded him, it always was. His voice was the gravity that pulled him back to the present and held him there.
“I was…” Langa trailed off, licking his lips. “I was so worried about you.” And then it all came rushing back—finding out that Reki was gone, that the Kyoshi Warriors that came to help were Azula and her friends, the pure rage that filled his body and consumed his mind when Azula said Reki’s name during the battle of Black Sun. Langa suddenly felt like crying all over again. “You were… you were there one day and then you were gone. Reki, I couldn’t—I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’re amazing, Reki, you’re the most important thing in my life.”
Reki’s face softened and he squirmed until one of his arms escaped Langa’s hold, lifting it up and placing it gently on Langa’s cheek. “Hey, I’m okay,” he assured. Although it was a moment of comfort, something to help him calm down, all Langa could see was his bare wrist.
“Wait. Where are your friendship bracelets?”
Reki shifted uncomfortably. “They took them. We weren’t allowed to have anything with us when we got there so…”
Langa scrunched his nose. “But… your wrists. You need them or you scratch and hurt yourself.”
At that, Reki scoffed lightly. “I know you care about my tics, but the Fire Nation doesn’t. It’s not a big deal.”
But it was a big deal. When Langa squinted, he could see red marks on Reki’s wrist. He could seen faint lines where his nails had dug into his skin. It wasn’t fair; Reki didn’t deserve that.
“Hey, Shadow?” Langa called, raising his voice so the man in question would hear it from across the room (everyone could see that the two boys needed some personal time together so they gave them some space, but Joe, Cherry, and Shadow were still a bit on edge and didn’t want to let them out of their sight).
Shadow looked up from his own hushed conversation with Cherry and Joe. “What’s up? Are you okay?”
“We’re fi—“ Reki began, but Langa wouldn’t allow that.
“They took Reki’s friendship bracelets,” he explained, frowning. “Can you make him more?”
The older waterbender’s face shifted from confusion to understanding, and he sent the two boys a small smile. “Of course. Joe, you feel up to making some more charms?”
Joe cracked his knuckles, wiggling his fingers. “You bet I am!”
“And you’ll actually make them good this time?” Cherry said casually, twisting a strand of hair.
The comment made Joe’s eye twitch, and suddenly Shadow was stuck trying to break the two up again. Langa couldn’t tell whether they were trying to strangle each other or if they were making out, but either way, he did not envy Shadow.
Reki chuckled at the scene. “I missed them.” He tilted his head enough to look into Langa’s eyes, and blinked thrice. “You didn’t need to do that, you know.”
“Maybe. But I wanted to,” Langa said seriously (and Reki’s face flushed again—Spirits, it was the cutest thing). “You’re hurt. They hurt you.”
“They just took some string. It—“
“But they’re important to you and they help you so you don’t scratch yourself! And when you lifted your arms the other day I saw…” Langa swallowed, taking deep breaths because he couldn’t cry right now. “I saw a bruise. I don’t know how many more there are—there’ve been. You’re too thin, you and Suki both. They hurt you, Reki.”
Reki faltered for the briefest of seconds, his lips trembling. “I… a lot has happened the last couple months,” he said eventually. “But I’m fine, okay? I’m fine.”
And since Langa knows Reki, he knows what I’m fine actually means and he doesn’t believe it for one second. “Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not. I’m fine now that I’m here with you,” Reki said, and oh, how Langa’s heart melted.
“But what about—“
“I’ll be okay,” Reki interrupted, his eyes wide and swimming with something that Langa couldn’t quite discern. “You’re here, right?”
Langa nodded perhaps a little too aggressively. “Mhm. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“I know.” Reki clicked his tongue and his neck twitched. “We’re gonna get through this together, okay? All of this.”
“Okay,” Langa agreed, pressing a kiss to the top of Reki’s head. He paused and then said: “Are you hungry?”
There was a moment’s silence as Reki’s face twisted and he muttered the words under his breath a couple times. “Not really,” he eventually said, giving Langa an apologetic look.
That wouldn’t do. Reki needed to eat… but Langa wouldn’t force it. Not right now, at least. Everything’s happened so fast eating might be too much for him. Langa could still feel the adrenaline pumping in his chest (it hadn’t gone away. it had been there from the second they were running onto the gondola and a firebender had directed a burst of flames Reki’s way, from the moment Langa had shoved Reki behind him and drew water from the boiling lake below and doused the bender in it…) and he was sure Reki still felt it too (he could still see the way Reki’s chest had heaved when Ty Lee was about to hit Langa with her chi blocking—Reki hadn’t hesitated, he pushed himself between the two and blocked her fist).
“Okay. Are you thirsty?”
For a second, Langa was sure Reki was going to say “no”, to which he would’ve had to protest because who knows how much water the Fire Nation had given them while they were imprisoned. Luckily, though, after a moment’s thought, Reki nodded.
Langa couldn’t help the wide grin that overcome him, and he (reluctantly) unwrapped a hand from around Reki’s waist and wiggled his fingers, popping the flask at his side open and bending the water inside so it floated to Reki’s face.
Reki rolled his eyes, playfully nudging Langa, but opened his mouth anyways, allowing Langa to direct the water inside.
“Thank you,” Reki murmured once Langa had bent the rest of the water back in the flask and made sure it was shut, snuggling closer to his boyfriend. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. (zuko x f!reader) pt13
hello and thank you so so much for reading!! i appreciate each and every one of you so very much :) i love writing this story and it makes my heart so happy that you guys love it too!!
“KATARA!” Toph shouted. “(Y/N) needs you!” The older girl smacked a hand to her forehead.
“I would’ve really liked to keep this just between us, Toph!”
“Oh, you should’ve said something before I called Katara over.”
Something had changed between (Y/N) and Sokka and it began after Zuko arrived. She didn’t know why, but slowly their kisses fell few and far in between. Even intimate touches, which had been so normal for them in private, had become scarce. She worried about bringing it up to Sokka, because what if he hadn’t noticed? Maybe they were becoming distant because of the battle that loomed ahead. Maybe she had been imagining it. 
At night, after everyone had gone to bed, (Y/N) liked to sit in front of the fire and enjoy some quality time to herself. She enjoyed being with her friends, but she found that if she didn’t take a moment to herself every once in a while, her thoughts would be even more all over the place than they were to begin with. So she sat, staring at the fire, until eventually she felt drowsy enough to go to sleep. 
Sokka came and sat beside her that night. She was surprised to see him, to say the least, since he normally fell asleep fast and hard. He was dead to the world once he was asleep. She gave him a smile. “What’re you doing up so late?” 
“I think we should talk.” His voice was kind, but those words still struck a chord of fear in her heart. “Things have been different between us lately, and I think you know why.” She sighed, turning to face him. 
“I’ve noticed it too. I didn’t want to say anything, just in case I was being crazy, but I think all of the Fire Nation stuff is really starting to get to me. I mean, everything we’ve been preparing for is actually starting to happen, y’know?” 
“I don’t think that’s why. I mean, it might be part of it, but I think there’s a bigger reason.” He paused to look her straight in the eyes. She furrowed her brows, not understanding. “He’s here now.” 
“I’ll admit, being around him has been super difficult for me, but I don’t think--” 
“(Y/N), you love him.” She shook her head. 
“I don’t!” 
“I’ve seen the way you look at him, (Y/N). Yue used to look at me the exact same way.” 
“You’re wrong, Sokka. I’ll acknowledge that things haven’t been the same between us, but it’s not because of Zuko. At all.” Sokka gave her a smug smile. “Stop looking at me like that or I’ll knock that smirk right off your face!” 
Sokka paled. “Hey, hey, okay! If you say it’s not because of Zuko, then fine. I don’t believe you, but fine.” He smiled as she frowned. “But I do think that you and I are better off as--” 
“Friends?” She guessed. Sokka shook his head. 
“No, we’re more than that. We’re family. You’re like the sister I never wanted.” She cracked a smile. 
“I thought that was Katara.” 
“It’s the both of you.” He patted her shoulder before he stood. “You should get some sleep.” She looked up at him with a small smile. 
“You’re not my boyfriend, don’t tell me what to do.” Sokka laughed as he walked back to his room. 
The next day, she had woken to found that Sokka and Zuko had set off on a fishing trip. (Y/N) become increasingly nervous. She could only imagine the kind of conversations they were having. Would they talk about her? She hoped not, they both had way too many embarrassing stories about her to ever be allowed to go anywhere alone together. 
“Why’re you so nervous?” Toph asked, making (Y/N) jump as she stared at the letter the boys had left for them. 
“Toph, how many times have I told you not to sneak up on me?” 
“Too many for me to care,” the young girl said with a grin. (Y/N) rolled her eyes. “Seriously, what’re you so nervous for?”
She sighed, rolling up the letter and stuffing it in her pocket. “Sokka and I broke up last night.” 
Toph’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, um, I don’t really know what to say...” 
“It’s okay, it’s really for--” 
“KATARA!” Toph shouted. “(Y/N) needs you!” The older girl smacked a hand to her forehead. 
“I would’ve really liked to keep this just between us, Toph!” 
“Oh, you should’ve said something before I called Katara over.” 
“What’s wrong?” Katara asked, her face contorted in worry. “Is everything alright?” 
“Yes!” (Y/N) said at the exact same time Toph said “No!” 
“(Y/N) and Sokka broke up.” Katara’s mouth dropped open in surprise. 
“Are you okay? Did he break up with you? Did you break up with him? I want you to know that I love you regardless of who broke up with who, okay?” 
“Thank you, Katara, but I--” 
“You and Sokka broke up?” Aang interrupted her. Even Momo leapt onto (Y/N)’s shoulders and rubbed his face against her cheek as if he were comforting her. 
“Guys, it’s really fine!” She exclaimed, picking Momo up off of her shoulders and holding him in her arms. “It was really...nice?” 
“Oh, no,” Toph said. “She’s in denial.” 
“I don’t even have parents, but it kind of feels like mine just separated. Is that normal?” Aang asked. (Y/N) groaned. 
“You guys are actually ridiculous. It’s fine, I’m fine, the conversation went really well and we’re all still gonna be one big happy family.” She paused. “Plus Zuko.” 
“Why did you guys break up?” Katara questioned, and all three of her friends looked at her with expectant faces. Even Momo looked like he was hanging on the edge of his seat. 
“Things started to be different and he said it’s because Zuko’s here.” She shrugged. “No big deal.” 
“Things started to be different because you love Zuko,” Toph said quietly. 
“Shut up Toph!” She shouted. She pushed past her friends and stalked toward her room, mumbling the whole way about how annoying her friends were. 
Sokka and Zuko were gone for a few days, leaving (Y/N) plenty of time to come to terms with the breakup. She had been a little sad about it at first, but after some long talks with Momo, she knew that everything would be okay in the end. It might take a bit, but she and Sokka would get back on their best friend wavelength eventually. 
What he said had been wrong. She didn’t love Zuko. After everything he had done to her, there was no way that she could. The tightness in her chest every time she saw him was just because she wasn’t used to having him around. The reason she thought about him so often was because she was so mad at him. Sokka had been way off. She would admit that some small part of her cared about Zuko, but she certainly didn’t love him. 
When Zuko and Sokka returned, they came in an airship accompanied by Hakoda, Suki, and an inmate from Boiling Rock named Chit Sang. (Y/N) couldn’t contain her squeal when Suki stepped off the airship. They had first met when Suki accompanied them through the Serpent’s Pass. They had become very close throughout that walk, close enough where (Y/N) felt comfortable telling Suki that she was actually a firebender. While the Kyoshi Warrior had been surprised, she passed no judgment onto (Y/N). They had continued their journey sharing stories and making jokes about Sokka. 
The two girls embraced each other tightly, their smiles wide as they hugged. Once they had pulled apart, (Y/N) punched Sokka. “I can’t believe you went to Boiling Rock! Are you insane?” 
“Ow! Hey, I had to take a risk! Luckily I had Zuko around to help me out.” (Y/N) cut her eyes to Zuko, who gave her a smile. She rolled her eyes and turned back to Suki. 
“I see that situation hasn’t changed,” Suki whispered to (Y/N). She shook her head. 
“Absolutely not. Want me to show you to your room?” 
“I can do it!” Sokka offered, grabbing Suki by the hand to lead her down the hallway. In an instant, (Y/N) realized what had happened while they were at Boiling Rock. While it stung her heart a bit to have Sokka move on from her so quickly, she cared about both him and Suki far too much to be upset about it. 
Zuko instantly noticed the change in (Y/N)’s demeanor as she watched Sokka and Suki walk away. He walked over to stand at her side. “He, um, told me that you broke up.” 
She whirled on him, her (color) eyes glaring at him. “What did he tell you?” She demanded. Zuko gulped. She had become much more intimidating over the past few years. 
“He said that you guys decided you were better off as friends.” She pursed her lips, still staring at him. “If you want to talk--” 
“I don’t want to talk about it and I certainly don’t want to talk about it with you.” She snapped. She turned on her heel and walked over to Katara. She whispered something in her ear and then the Water Tribe girl turned to glare at Zuko. He gave her a small wave. 
Gaining (Y/N’s) trust was a long and almost torturous process, but he knew that she was worth it. 
@mdgrdians , @soft4kei , @bubblebars , @pleasantfankingdom , @vintageroses1014516 , @celamoon , @fangirlanotherjust , @gliderbudgie , @haylaansmi , @jada-cleo , @boxofteenageideas , @disgruntled-gay , @lie-ana , @jasmine-the-amazing , @svsoftie , @buckysfeet , @anime-simp , @imcravingyou , @rosetheshapeshifter , @alrightberries , @izzieserra , @hstott , @random-stupid-stuffs , @jackbamexpress , @jainaixo , @thefoxskinwalker , @kryptidkova , @bigbuckyenergy , @omgwhattheeven , @ohmigooosh , @snapchatisoverrated , @inlove-maze , @harapirena , @sooske , @sweeetteaa , @selenvx , @ilovespideyyy , @saaaasib , @mochminnie , @agentsofblinks , @happyariesbabey , @slytherky , @uglipotata72829 , @og-disaster-bi , @animeluver23
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soopersara · 4 years
what’re your thoughts on the anti-zutarian argument citing that a romantic relationship couldn’t work between them because of an inherent oppressor / colonizer and indigenous / oppressed dynamic. love zutara, but that admittedly gave me a lot to think about and i’m still unsure about how i feel :/
Hoo boy. That argument again.
Okay, first of all, nobody has to like Zutara. Enemies to lovers (or, more accurately for Zutara, enemies to friends to lovers) is a trope that doesn't appeal to everyone, and that's fine.
But that does not make it immoral to ship pairings like Zutara. There's nothing inherently wrong with enemies to lovers, and while there probably are enemies to lovers ships out there that would make me uncomfortable, that comes down to the execution more than the ship itself, and... it's still fiction. Last I checked, enjoying murder mysteries doesn't mean that you condone murder. Tastes in fiction =/= real life morality.
As far as Zutara in specific goes, the argument that it could never work "because he's her oppressor" is just... nonsense. I'm going to try to organize this based on arguments I've seen so I don't just ramble for several thousand words, so here goes:
Zuko was her colonizer: No. The Water Tribes were never colonized. The Fire Nation never established settlements in the Water Tribes' territories. They raided the Southern Tribe and captured and killed some of its members, which is obviously horrible, but the Fire Nation never had a lasting presence in any of the Water Tribes ('any' because there's technically 3 tribes and the Foggy Swamp was untouched). Words have meanings, and... that's not what colonization means. Colonization could be a stronger argument against a Zuko/Earth Kingdom character ship since colonization DID happen there, except for a l'il issue I'll get to in a minute.
Zuko participated in a genocide against her people: Okay, while genocide is a more accurate term for what happened to Katara's tribe, this argument (and the previous one too) really falls apart at the "Zuko participated" bit. The Fire Nation committed a gradual, partial genocide of the Southern Water Tribe via raids on its villages. And the last raid happened when Katara was eight years old. At that time, Zuko was ten. At the age of ten, Zuko wasn't involved in any of the Fire Nation's actions anywhere in the world. At the age of ten, Zuko was still so far out of the line of succession for the throne (behind Iroh, Lu Ten, and Ozai) that he didn't have any real prospect of ever being able to make decisions for the nation's actions. And the first time Zuko personally had any interaction with Katara's tribe? He ran his ship through a wall, knocked Sokka over, grabbed Kanna by the coat, yelled a little bit, made a few threats... and then left without doing any further damage. So not great, but also not playing into his nation's attempts at genocide. And Zuko got comeuppance for all those things from the Gaang when they were trying to get Aang out: Zuko broke the ice wall, then Aang wrecked Zuko's ship. Zuko knocked Sokka over, then Sokka returned the favor. A few times. And Zuko grabbed Kanna, then Katara froze a bunch of Zuko's crewmen solid. Despite being wildly underpowered, the Gaang gave as good as they got.
Zuko attempted to kill the Gaang: Again, just no. Seriously, in all the time he was chasing the Gaang, he never once tried to kill anyone. Not killing was his whole deal. That's how he got banished. The kid literally tried to save Zhao, the man who tried to blow Zuko up. Capturing and killing are two very different things. Hiring Sparky Sparky Boom Man is the only exception to Zuko's no-killing thing in the entire show, and that whole plot point is just bad and wildly OOC, so I'm not going to talk about that right now.
Zuko abused Katara: There's a difference between abuse and fighting as enemies on opposite sides of a war. Hurting Katara, gaining power over Katara was never Zuko's goal. He wanted to capture Aang, and he fought anyone who stood in his way. Katara's goal was to protect Aang, and she likewise fought anyone who stood in the way. And on top of that, Zuko never caused Katara any significant harm. He tied her to a tree and tried to negotiate with her. Guess what? The first time the Gaang had the opportunity, they tied Zuko up (after seriously considering leaving him for dead). He knocked Katara unconscious. Then, the very next time they faced each other, she knocked him unconscious. That's... pretty much it. Neither of them was a victim of the other, they were enemies who fought one equal terms.
And ALL of those arguments completely disregard Zuko's redemption and the subsequent friendship between him and Katara. Zuko openly rejected his father and all his nation's actions and teachings. He changed sides in the war with the intention of stopping the harm that his people were doing to the world. He taught Aang, helped rescue Hakoda and Suki from prison, saved Katara from being crushed to death, and helped her find and confront the man who killed her mother. And Katara forgave him for everything. They became friends. But Zuko didn't stop there. He fought Azula on his own to keep Katara safe, threw himself in front of lightning to save her life again, and then, at the age of sixteen, dedicated the rest of his life to dismantling and reversing all the harm his nation had done over the past hundred years.
Zuko was never an oppressor in the way antis like to claim, but even if he had been, the fact that he saw the error of his ways at the age of sixteen and then spent the rest of his life trying to fix not only his own personal wrongs, but those committed by his nation (and many of which happened before he was even born) says a lot. And acting as though his fight to change things for the better (and his close canon friendship with Katara) doesn't matter because he happened to be born to the royal family on the wrong side of the war is incredibly reductive.
Like I said before, no one is obligated to ship Zutara. No one is obligated to like Zutara. And there's nothing wrong with people being uncomfortable with the pairing for their own personal reasons. But that doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with the ship or those of us who enjoy it. Suggesting otherwise undermines the validity of interracial relationships in general, and I would strongly suggest blocking anyone who argues that there is something inherently wrong with shipping Zutara.
PS: I'm not indigenous, but I do know several Zutara shippers who are. There may be some indigenous people who find Zutara uncomfortable, but it's in no way a universal opinion.
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