#what is with this family and dying young?
nilefreemans · 3 days
for your ship and au post, bucktommy old guard au?
okay okay
Buck is Immortal, he died in Pennsylvania during the Revolutionary War and likes to joke all the time that he's older than the US
finding the others had been very hard for him, he had been the youngest immortal and had a whole ocean separating him from them
years of loneliness and watching your family die, plus hundreds of years of war and seeing humanity at its worst does weigh on Buck, but he does his best to ultimately see the good in everything, and he takes his immortality as a chance to learn, to help people, it's something he reminds the others
eventually, the years go on and he goes with the others to help, it leads him to meet a young pilot, freshly deployed at 22 years old after he obtained his military pilot license
Buck doesn't mean to be, but he's drawn to the kid, Tommy is young and tries to hide it, but Buck knows loneliness like an old friend and sees past it
Tommy helps get them out of a tough situation, and in the dark in a camp in a desert, he takes a chance and kisses Buck under the stars
Buck knows he shouldn't
but he does
it ends though, when one of the others gets "killed" and they need to leave, they were only there for a mission and Buck has to leave Tommy behind, he shouldn't get attached anyway
that doesn't mean he doesn't keep tabs on the kid
he learns that Tommy's been discharged, that he's in the States again and that he's becoming a firefighter
sometimes, he imagines going to LA, finding Tommy and telling him that it wasn't just a few nights for him, that he regrets leaving
most times Buck thinks about the centuries of living he has, of the baggage that comes with being immortal, that this could only end with him living on and Tommy would eventually die
fast forward and they have a mission, sex traffic ring out in LA and they need transport and Buck shouldn't, but he's in charge of transport and it's been 20 years
he asks Tommy anyway
the mission goes sideways and Tommy definitely holds Buck as he dies and then resurrects and suddenly Tommy knows who Buck really is
Tommy doesn't run
they catch up and Buck takes a break and he lets himself just slow down and be human, even if it's for a little while, because how can it be pretend when he's in love?
one ending is Tommy gets caught up in everything, and he knows Buck can heal, he knows the others can as well, but he can't stand by to watch their suffering and he goes in to help them/save them and it results in his death, Buck wearing his dog tags for the next how many centuries he lives, eventually the name wears off from how Buck rubs at the metal but he never forgets Tommy's name and the love they had
Tommy and Buck have their decades, Tommy gets older and Buck watches as he ages, he gets grey and people joke about Tommy being Buck's uncle - Tommy dies quietly in their home, peacefully in his sleep, the last thing he ever said to Buck was "I love you"
Buck loses his immortality and learns what it's like to age with aches and pains, but he has Tommy at his side and he's at peace with his death
Tommy ends up dying, his blood spilling out onto the street from a bullet that was meant for Buck - hours later he gasps back to life and Buck doesn't have to lose another loved one
send me a ship + an AU and I'll give you a summary on how I think the AU would look like
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go-owlbears · 1 day
My favourite trope in fanfiction is actually time-travel meeting, where the younger ones can see that things do actually get better, and the older ones can see that they have actually changed, and they’ve achieved so much. And I think the Bad Kids are primed for that kind of thing.
I’m imagining that they’ve been graduated for a few years, they’ve got their own careers, but they do still adventure pretty regularly and are a well known party. Then, they’re fighting something that’s gotten ahold of a chronomancy object, and when one of the BKs tries to grab it, they (and the thing they’re fighting) are sent back in time.
Meanwhile, it’s the second day of freshman year, everyone is still standing outside, waiting for the first bell, the younger BKs are whispering about what the corn means, when a huge monster falls through a rip in time and crushes one of the statues near the front doors. Then, before anyone can do anything, six full grown adventurers are destroying it and grabbing the watch and pulling each other up, congratulating each other, laughing.
Goldenhoard tries to go up to them and ask what’s going on, and the goblin on the half-orc’s shoulders pulls out a gun and shoots him point blank. Everyone’s confused as hell, and the group don’t seem to know where they are. Until someone mentions the date, and then they just look kind of exhausted. At the end of the day, when the young BKs try to go to Krom’s to spy on Johnny Spells, they find older versions of themselves, who spent the day reminding themselves what happened and figuring out how to help with Freshman Year level problems, including-
-Fig getting Gorthalax out, sitting all her parents and younger self down and having a talk about how best to keep communication open and be kinder to yourselves, since they all want each other to be happy.
-Fabien has a long talk with both of his parents, getting his mom sober earlier, and a talk with younger him about being your own person and living up to expectations.
-Adaine pulls younger her from her family, and gets Aelwyn to chill. She does get her parents out of Elmville, via Blackmail or other means, with the implicit threat of punching them to death. She now has two younger sisters, and encourages the type of emotional self expression that was previously repressed.
-Riz giving his younger self the schedule he works on, including breaks for all meals and six hours of sleep each night. He doesn’t allow younger him to fall int the bad habits he did. He also tells his mom a little bit about his dads new job, and they have a happy cry about it.
-Gorgug gives his parents the schematics for a reinforced bed and a few of his works. Younger Gorgug is a little starstruck that older him is so cool, and Gorgug takes a minute to explain to younger him that he deserves to have the things he puts effort and thought into pay off, that he deserves to take pride in the cool things he could accomplish.
-Kristin gets younger her to speed run an entire theological breakdown, reassures her at every step, and gets her into a more relaxed, solid mindset with a support system outside of her family. She also has to find a smart way of getting young Kristin to realise she’s a lesbian without sending her into a crisis, and is semi-successful.
-Throughout the year, the older BKs have run ins with their parents, go about fixing problems for Sophmore and Junior year (they stop Porter’s plan, and when he runs off Gorgug ends up being a substitute Barbarian teacher for half the year). They’re trying to figure out how to get back to their time. The ending is either Kristin dying to Coach Dawn and bringing Arthur back, who can send them back, or they can’t go back, so now there’s two versions of the BKs running around, and if both groups are in one place, everyone else evacuates, because something is about to go down.
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Starlo apologist speaks again
this picture right here.. i hate it sm.
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#1 Starlo's name is uncool on purpose might literally mean 'Starloser' It fits his character arc. In other words, he's not the cool, badass sheriff he pretends to be (he's not 'North Star'), but a kind, friendly farmer inside
#2 He definitely DOES care about Clover. Why else would he keep saying he's proud of them, praise them, believe in them, get worried about their safety, send them a warning letter, immediately run to check what's going on with them, get angry at Clover for not staying HOME (yeah he really did consider the Wild East their home) tell Martlet to bring Clover to safety, and jump at Ceroba to try and protect them? don't question the love of star daddy
#3 Undyne actually IS a badass. Starlo isn't. He's a softie who cares about pretending to be cool bc he's insecure, even when in a situation where he could die. He wants to be a hero. He wants to be SOMEBODY, not a NOBODY. Maybe he also cared about his own status more than his town, friends and family (which could be the reason he brought a bb gun). Or he just wanted to buy time so the others could hide. Now that I think about it, it's the latter. Why else would Dina say this in genocide after you kill Ceroba: "He was more of a hero than you'll ever be." That's the whole point of his geno fight that, and a lil bit of angst when roba finds him dying IT'S CALLED CHARACTERIZATION
#4 He kidnaps Clover bc they're a human. The only human who's ever set foot on the sands of the Wild East. He's obsessed with human culture. His whole life ARE westerns. Why? Whether it's the sense of justice cowboys represent, the exciting lives they live, or both, Starlo feels like he matters thanks to this nerdy interest, like he can contribute to his community
#5 i see Martlet as a big sis not a mom bc of how young she is, despite that one joke in bits & bites, but to each their own Star jails Martlet bc of the potential of the Wild East getting shut down. She did threaten to report them to Asgore and well... according to him, better safe than sorry. He even admitted he doesn't feel right doing it
#6 It WAS wrong of him to blame and attack Clover like that, all for his own status and ego (and to get his friends back) It's called a flawed character making a fucking mistake. Or did you expect someone perfect, with no room to grow and develop throughout the piece of media? Also, Clover is not an infant, they're a child. If it was meant to be a joke, it ain't funny bucko
#7 he either actually forgot about the fact he himself kidnapped Clover bc he wasn't in the right mindset (understandable), or purposefully ignored the information to avoid responsibility for his actions & shift the blame onto Clover (he IS flawed and thats more than ok)
#8 in neutral, he doesn't apologize bc Ceroba doesn't come and snap him out of his fantasy & mindset
#9 he did his best with the apology. you can't blame starlo. He's not very good with expressing himself and emotions in general (that he has been avoiding for so long via escapism; he also uses escapism to help Ceroba instead of talking openly with her)
#10 he doesn't know how the ceroba & clover interaction played out bc he was unconscious. Maybe he thought Clover had managed to talk her outta fighting. He says in true pacifist "Yall had a fight?? and the deputy won??" In other words he didnt know they had even fought. To add fuel to the fire, his bff just died and star, being the forgiving sweetheart he is, had wanted to give her a chance at redemption, but never got the chance to. He never got the chance to say goodbye, either.
#11 just bc starlo's an adult doesn't mean he can't have these flaws/behaviors. Every individual is unique. Starlo is deff deeply insecure and most likely autistic, too. Please think about that in the future, thank you
my current feelings can best be described by good old Axis
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kharmii · 2 days
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(Getting this one out of the way before we find out definitively whether or not Dabi is still alive. The last manga chapter #425 hinted about it, then went on hiatus)
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(A long ago memory where young Touya Todoroki is eager to have his father Enji #2 Endeavor see what he can do)
Touya: No! Don't leave! I'm stuck to you!!
Enji: No way. I've got something to do...an association meeting.
Touya: I also thought of a strategy!!
Leave it to me to exterminate the villains.
Dad please watch!
Enji: Really.
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Enji: Then while I'm gone you protect mother and Fuyumi.
*Walks away but says upon leaving* I left it to you.
Enji (to unknown person): Keep an eye on them.
(Person): Yes.
Touya: See you then! Well then!!!!
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Touya: Who am I? Dad's hero!?!
Enji: ...... ......Ahh.
Touya: Yay!! Take care!
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From now on, this is a dream-like, fabricated, creative manga about Dabi's dreaming of interactions with his child while he lies on his death bed. A happy ending centered around the parent-child relationship between Touya and his parents.
What Dabi had done could no longer be reconciled, and he wondered if it would be possible to start over as a parent and child without being able to return to his original family, and what if Dabi were to be in the same position as his father... Also a wish....a dream.
Children also talk. The child in this story is a genetically engineered baby made from the Team Violet co-commander's hair (Dabi and Geten) that the doctor made for fun in a manga I drew earlier and adjusted the plot to look like Dabi would hate it (that's the setting/creation).
There is a conflict of interest with Geten. I feel like I have a lot of compassion for what he's been through. The second half is a conversation between Geten and the child, and the story changes from Geten to Dabi.
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Dabi: ...Terrible, I don't feel it.
Geten: (Speaking to Dabi who is presumably burnt to ash...deceased or nearly so lying in a bed covered in a white sheet.)
What did you say? It's "cold".
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Geten: That kid is excellent. Is it natural since both genetic contributors are first class?
Your concerns were unfounded.
In another ten years, it will be out of my control...
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Geten: Come. Looks like he's going out. We'll meet again someday.
(He's talking about Dabi's fire going out, an analogy for his soul leaving his body).
Child: Can you see it?
(I can't see anymore)
Child: I can hear it?
(I can't hear it anymore)
Geten: -Because I'm the kind of guy who doesn't watch or listen.
No big deal.
Geten: (Bottom panels) The feeling of touching. A hand.
I can tell because it seems to be understood. -So as not to break.
(The child is touching Dabi's hand, and suddenly they are allowed to communicate).
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(Same memory from earlier, except played out between Dabi and his child)
Touya: No! Don't leave! I'm stuck to you!!
Enji: No way.
Child: I also thought of a strategy!! Leave it to me to defeat the heroes.
Dad please watch!
Enji: Really.
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(Dabi says something cryptic only the child can understand)
Geten: *laughs heartily*
Child: See you then! Well then! Flip side!?!?
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Touya: Who am I? Dad's hero!?!
Dabi: I'm going to get sludge..... (the last thing he said was garbled)
Child: Ha~~~~~!?!? I don't know! I won't make your father's dreams come true!!!! -AND- Geten! Translate it!
Geten: Haha, that's probably correct.
Child: Take care!
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Touya: Mother! Will today be a hot day?
Rei Todoroki: Ah, it's summer.
Touya: Mom, is that the way you talk? Well, that's fine.
Rei Todoroki: What's wrong?
Touya: Hmm? If you stay in the sun all the time. It stings and I don't like it. Looks like it's okay today.
...There are suns like this too.
It's fluffy and tight... ...Somehow it's really...
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(While the child reaches out to the sunlight, caption says "Nostalgic". Viewer realizes the scene with Touya speaking with his mother Rei was a dream Dabi was having as he was dying, as were all the other memories of his father and such.)
Geten: ...Finally. You idiot. It was great. Did you notice I can do it...See? Already. It's neither hot nor cold, right?
Dabi: ……Yeah.
(Reference to how Geten was able to provide comfort and make him comfortable as he was burning away.)
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Geten: (Thinking) This is all I have left... (of Dabi's ashes)
Geten: (Out loud) I'm troubled. Apparently more than I expected. It seems like there was a feeling.
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Geten: I miss your blue flames.
Child: Geten. Geten. What I've discovered....please watch.
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Child: Like ice, I could change the temperature of the flames. It would be cooler if you could take it out of your hands like father did. Geten?
(My guess is that the child's quirk resembles Geten's ability. He can't make fire/ice from his own body, but he can manipulate both elements and control their temperatures. Judging by Geten's questioning, if the child did have a fire quirk coming out his hands, he'd have to suppress it to avoid Dabi's fate, as he's a genetic chimera made up of a patchwork of both Dabi and Geten's clones).
Geten: White hair is increasing (like Touya's did when he got a little older). Isn't it hot?
Child: If it's really hot, it'll fly far away.
Geten: What about this? Is it hot?
Child: Not at all.
Geten: It's okay to be cold.
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Geten: He and I too were moved by it. It was life.
Child: ...Geten.
Geten: You can call me 'Dad' too.
Child: You said you wouldn't allow anything other than Geten.
Captions: Rejoice Dabi. In the past. Ahead of us. Don't walk away.
Art credit: hrak (yaoi), Apocrypha, Dabi / Twitterログ12【外荼】 - pixiv
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milesasinmorales · 1 year
You guys. I literally cannot stop thinking about how Frerin was basically still a child when he was killed. 48. Barely of age. Just a baby. Okay and now I’m crying.
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wonder-worker · 2 months
I've been thinking about the tragedy of Elizabeth Woodville living to see the end of her family name.
I don't mean her family with her husband, which lived on through her daughter and grandson. I mean her own.
Her sisters died, one by one, many of them after 1485. When Elizabeth died, only Katherine was left, and she would die before the turn of the century as well.
All her brothers died, too. Lewis died in childhood. John was executed. Anthony was murdered. Lionel died suddenly in the peak of Richard's reign, unable to see his niece become queen. Edward perished at war. Richard died in grieving peace. For all the violence and judgement the family endured, it was "an accident of biology" that ended their line: none of the brothers left heirs, and the Woodville name was extinguished. We know the family was aware of this. We know they mourned it, too:
“Buy a bell to be a tenor at Grafton to the bells now there, for a remembrance of the last of my blood.”
Elizabeth lived through the deposition and death of her young sons, and lived to see the end of her own family name. It must have been such a haunting loss, on both sides.
#(the quote is by Richard Woodville in his deathbed will; he was the last of the Woodville brothers to die)#elizabeth woodville#woodvilles#my post#to be clear I am not arguing that the death of an English gentry family name is some kind of giant tragedy (it absolutely the fuck is not)#I'm trying to put it into perspective with regards to what Elizabeth may have felt because we know her family DID feel this way#writing this kinda reminded me of how I am just not fond at all about the way Elizabeth's experiences in 1483-85 are written about#and the way lots so many of the unprecedentedly horrifying aspects are overlooked or treated so casually:#the seizure and murder of two MINOR sons and the illegal execution of another;#her sheer vulnerability in every way compared to all her queenly predecessors; how she was harassed by 'dire threats' for months;#how she had 5 very young daughters with her to look after at the time (Bridget and Katherine were literally 3 and 4 years old);#how unprecedented Richard's treatment of her was: EW was the first queen of england to be officially declared an adulteress;#and the first and ONLY queen to be officially accused of witchcraft#(Joan of Navarre was accused of her treason; she was never explicitly accused of witchcraft on an official level like EW was)#the first crowned queen of england to have her marriage annulled; and the first queen to have her children officially bastardized#what former queens endured through rumors* were turned into horrifying realities for her.#(I'm not trying to downplay the nightmare of that but this was fundamentally on a different level altogether)#nor did Elizabeth get a trial or appeal to the church. like I cannot emphasize this enough: this was not normal for queens#and not normal for depositions. ultimately what Richard did *was* unprecedented#and of course let's not forget that Elizabeth had literally just been unexpectedly widowed like 20 days before everything happened#I really don't feel like any of this is emphasized as much as it should be?#apart from the horrifying death of her sons - but most modern books never call it murder they just write that they 'disappeared'#and emphasize that ACTUALLY we don't know what happened to them (this includes Arlene Okerlund)#rather than allowing her to have that grief (at the very least)#more time is spent dealing with accusations that she was a heartless bitch or inconsistent intriguer for making a deal with Richard instead#it also feels like a waste because there's a lot that can be analyzed about queenship and R3's usurpation if this is ever explored properly#anyway - it's kinda sad that even after Henry won and her daughter became queen EW didn't really get a break#her family kept dying one by one and the Woodville name was extinguished. and she lived to see it#it's kinda heartbreaking - it was such a dramatic rise and such a slow haunting fall#makes for a great story tho
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heckinggno · 11 months
Can't stop thinking about Isabela and Mirabel as reflections of who Alma is now and who she used to be before the tragedy. The way she clings to Isabela's perfection is reminiscent of how she uses her own perfrct image to drive away the past that haunts her, and while her pushing Mirabel away is due to her own fears of the Miracle fading away, I wonder how much of her avoidance is because of Mirabel reminding her too much of who she used to be?
People often say that Mirabel mirrors Pedro, but I'd argue that she's a perfect reflection of who Alma was supposed to be if only life hadn't dealt her such a cruel hand. Does she look at her and think of simpler times? Does Alma look at Mirabel and remember how she used to have a girlhood that was taken away far too early in life?
It's strange to think that despite Isabela having the life that Alma wanted to have for her and Pedro, Mirabel—the granddaughter that she has disconnected from—is the one that actually embodies her the most. And Mirabel herself doesn't even realize that.
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sunny12th · 1 year
dany and young griff being estranged potential family -> reluctant enemies -> broken and scarred allies -> Chosen Family Regardless of Blood would be SO MUCH more interesting than young griff dying before dany even getting to KL or young griff dying at all or young griff and dany being enemies until one of them dies. like there's so much potential there and the idea of it all going to waste drives me insane everyday
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bitegore · 7 months
A good while ago me and my dad were talking and he said it would be better for me to go get myself killed than for his house to be robbed. I know what he meant by that but it feels like permission. I really do not need that.
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andichoseyou · 5 months
anyone who actually believes that MURDERING innocent civilians in Palestine and destroying innocent people's homes is a good form of retaliation is a fucking nasty, blood hungry, horrible person. i don't care. i wish nothing but bad things for you.
like i cannot put into words how much i despise Israel supporters.... Oct 7 2023 was something that was bound to happen!!!! Palestinians deserve to live in PEACE! not one person in this entire world deserves what is happening to these people. Israelis saying they "live in fear" are fucking morons, I'm sorry! YOU'RE living in fear????!!!!! come on!!!! can we compare how many lives have been lost in both Palestine and Israel??? it is not equal! Israel wants to kill off every Palestinian, even the innocents.
it's just so frustrating, my heart hurts for them. the world is watching Israel destroy a whole land. AND NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!!! fuck the US government and fuck joe biden and fuck ANYONE who doesn't want a ceasefire. FREE PALESTINE!
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midnightcowboy1969 · 10 months
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David looking like his mommy <33
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floralovebot · 4 months
Could you share more on your thoughts about Vampire!Florelia??
god dude i have SO many thoughts about vampire florelia but the one sort of au i keep thinking of is the whole "one of them is turned into a vampire first and now they have to deal with their lover aging without them oh no". it's so juicy,,,
cause obviously sappy florelia thoughts make me go "well both of them would be okay with turning into a vampire for the other", however!!! i just love the initial angst of it yknow,,, what if the first one to turn hides this from the others because they're scared,,, vampires aren't exactly treated as Good in the winx universe yknow? what if they're scared of turning evil? of hurting the others?? what if they run away instead???
the winx and specialists would naturally want to help them and i can see them looking for a way to reverse the vampirism, but what if they can't find anything? what if that person Does lose control and hurt someone?? THE ANGST POTENTIAL IS SO GOOD DUDE
i do also think about addams family vibes (a la morticia and gomez) vampire florelia too though,, no angst there just them being obsessed with each other <3
#see the thing is... both of them would immediately be on board for turning for the other#but also both of them would fully be aware of what life as a vampire would be like and they would want the other to think about it first#cause do you really think either of them would be Okay with seeing their friends and family all pass away...#BUT ALSO neither of them would want the other to have to deal with that alone#its just SO GOOOD!!!!#flora would be worried that helia just wants to turn for her and that he would end up regretting it#helia would be worried that flora wouldnt be able to handle seeing everyone else pass and age while she stays young#and sure we could definitely make this an everyone turns and lives together forever and theyre all happy au#but ough the angst.....#something about florelia sticking by each other no matter the hardships...#would sky turn into a vampire for bloom????? i don't think so.#adlkghlj#there is also the classic vampire trope of the vampire turns the human because they were dying or something#which like. yeah yeah but idk its not as juicy to me as them choosing it and the vampire being like. are you sure???#helia self hate moment: flora you'd have to live with me forever are you sure you want that???#flora heart eyes: yes <3#aldhgldhag#the sillies#answered#honestly if flora got turned first i have no doubt that if she asked the wi.nx theyd say yes too#of course they would!! thats their baby girl they can think about the consequences later#i do Not think the specialists would do that for helia ajdghl#maybe timmy... maybe even riven... but sky?? brandon??? hell no aldgl
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compacflt · 1 year
more on ice's cancer?
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segernatural · 8 months
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cominy-kiwami · 1 year
the man in white and the soldier who saw everything twice were some damn heavy chapters to put back to back.
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gh-0-stcup · 9 months
One thing that's so odd to me about the Eugenia Cooney thing is how there's still people who think she's in denial about her ED.
She knows. She was in a treatment program, she mentioned in it Shane's "documentary". The people who are wondering what she's saying to convince doctors (and the recent crisis team) that she's fine kind of boggle my mind.
She just tells them the truth. That she has an ED and either that she's trying to work on it by herself or that she does not want to get better. It depends on where you live, but very often medical professionals aren't going to bother putting limited resources towards someone who does not want the help.
She can say, "Yes, I'm anorexic. Yes, I know I could die. No, I don't think going somewhere would help but thank you for the resources." Whether they decide that's grounds for commitment or not depends on the laws of her state and the personal judgement of those evaluating her.
Leaving her to die and moving on to the people who are in her same physical state but begging for help isn't exactly a wild decision.
#when it comes to eds even those who WANT help struggle to get into treatment programs#some do their recovery themselves and some end up dying waiting for a spot#eugenia has the resources to get that support if/when she wants it#so a lot of ppl would just shrug their shoulders and say nothing we can do#it sounds ghoulish but that's really how things happen a lot of the time#eugenia knows she has an ed and she knows it's killing her - she's known for a long time#her family knows and her doctors know#she denies it online because she doesn't feel comfortable talking about it#and because any discussion about the disorder from a severely emaciated anorexic person who does not want to recover#would be considered promoting anorexia in a way her content does not currently do#yes it's all body checking and super triggering#but her discussing the details of her disorder would literally be giving tips on how to look like her#whereas saying no i eat i just look like this naturally carries a message of you can't do anything to look like me#(even if everybody knows in reality what's up)#anybody else really tired of people who have little to no experience with stuff like this being so vocal about it?#so many people who have zero understanding of the disorder or how treatment works coming up with all kinds of nonsense#then throwing a fit and calling her a vile bitch when their attempts to help don't work#it's actually so disgusting how many people were just sooo concerned and have now taken to idc if she dies she deserves it#she's a young woman who had her entire future stolen by a disorder that's notoriously difficult to recover from#sorry she wasn't the heartwarming success story you wanted#and sorry her symptoms are often unpleasant and she's not the poor perfect little broken ana girl you decided she should be#for you to lower yourself to give her some compassion while she's dying#tw anorexia#tw ed#tw eating disorder#the whole she's actually just a narcissist doing it all for attention bs really bugs me#like tell me you know nothing about anorexia without telling me you know nothing about it lmao#maybe those of us who've struggled with eds have just sanitized the whole thing a bit too much for those who don't get it#but it's so hard to talk about the uglier bits when the reactions are so vicious#eugenia cooney
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