I tried drawing human botbots, it ended up looking like this
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dragonbadgerbooks · 9 months
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September Fun Day Book Photo Challenge: September 8, 2023 International Literacy Day
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bloombird · 10 months
hey random question but do you think this is kikmee -he asked with no pickles for prof read?
Haha, yes. She would for her nerd :)
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scoopsgf · 2 years
So I left a long rambling review on the latest Wrapped up in books and how I loved Teddy because he reminded my of my little nephew and I was just looking at you Pinterest and on the Teddy board there's a picture of a stuffed bunny and I swear to baby Jesus, that's the same bunny my nephew has, right down to the ratty off colour fur 😂 He takes it everywhere but school and when he goes to school he leaves bunny by the front door to mind the house from bad guys. ❤️❤️❤️
Also Will is a ballerina? 💓💓💓 Stop, that's too much because I've just pictured Jess and Grandpa Luke at a recital and I can't cope. 😭
oh my god that’s so cute wtf 🥹 also yes exactly they’re soooo supportive omfg they’re always her biggest fans. literally front row seats, recording the whole thing, etc. obsessed w the idea of will screwing up a move on stage and then looking out at the audience, seeing jess, and getting the courage to go on <33
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challahbread · 1 year
not to beat a dead horse (馬 pun) but i think the reason i’m so obsessed w temma is that i wanna be him when i grow up
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fieriframes · 2 years
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[Wellread fellow.]
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What's your favorite book/book that hold great meaning to you?
like I said before, I don't really read a lot. I've only read like 10 non-medical books in the last 10 years lol so my answer will remain the same: Gilead. I'm not religious at all but I just love the prose in it and how the author could make something as mundane as water for instance seem so magical
“The sun had come up brilliantly after a heavy rain, and the trees were glistening and very wet. On some impulse, plain exuberance, I suppose, the fellow jumped up and caught hold of a branch, and a storm of luminous water came pouring down on the two of them, and they laughed and took off running, the girl sweeping water off her hair and her dress as if she were a little bit disgusted, but she wasn’t. It was a beautiful thing to see, like something from a myth. I don’t know why I thought of that now, except perhaps because it is easy to believe in such moments that water was made primarily for blessing, and only secondarily for growing vegetables or doing the wash. I wish I had paid more attention to it. My list of regrets may seem unusual, but who can know that they are, really. This is an interesting planet. It deserves all the attention you can give it.”
It's also where i got my username:
That is how life goes--we send our children into the wilderness. Some of them on the day they are born, it seems, for all the help we can give them. Some of them seem to be a kind of wilderness unto themselves. But there must be angels there, too, and springs of water.
but I also really like the His Dark Material series and I like the writing of Neil Gaiman.
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fierifiction · 2 years
Wellread fellow. You can read about his incredible series of articles and movies on YouTube, here. He's also on my podcast, on the Daily Show. Follow me: @davewickley Follow our FB page: facebook.com/davidwickley I'm still reading and trying to get some writing done.
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st-just · 19 days
you seem smart n wellread n all was wondering if youd have advice, I'm one of these people whos barely read fiction since I was a kid but if I wanted to get back into reading it whats a place to go see like, recommendations or new releases ect? especially for sff if that narrows it down, like i just get choice analysis paralysis walking into a bookstore and end up not doing anythin g
I, uh, do not have a good answer here, honestly. I don't really have a central clearinghouse of recommendations so much as get them from some combination of
a couple newsletters I follow which provide semi-weekly reviews and recommendations
friends both online and irl who either proactively poke me with them or just talk about books they're reading constantly
Authors I already like and proactively follow
Award nominations
Random internet osmosis.
Award nominations might not be a bad place to start for a snapshot of what's buzziest in a given year? See what gets shortlisted for best novel and novella at the Hugos, World Fantasy Awards, Nebulas, (If you must) Goodreads Choice Awards, etc. You're not going to like anywhere close to all of them, but if the elevator pitches for any catch your interest you can hunt them down (or look up reviews and get a more informed opinion before diving in). At minimum they're usually competently executed.
Anyways I'm contractually obligated to recommend The Traitor Baru Cormorant here, which I can expound on at length on demand but is really better read blind (assuming you have a strong stomach about, uh, a lot of stuff). More helpfully, also have a recommendation post I wrote for a friend back in february of stuff I read in the last couple years (that I thought he'd like).
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pineapple-psychic · 4 months
shawn: a casual gentlemans shoe? what are you, the great gatsby? are you going to do a little swan watching with daisy buchanan later?
gus: wow, how did you come up with that one?
shawn: eighth grade summer reading, whaaaat?
hm. so do we think shawn was deflecting bc he actually is wellread orrr
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Am I the Asshole for reading poetry during my wife’s LAN party?
So I’ve been keeping a hidden stash of books in my vents that my wife of 10 years doesn’t know about. And I’ve been dying to read them.
She’s a stay a home wife, we don’t have kids, she’s a recovering druggie and currently addicted to her VR roleplaying games, but I make enough money to cover her expensive hobbies.
Anyway, she invited some of the neighborhood women over to play together. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to read them some poetry from my book. None of them are wellread, in fact, most people in my city aren’t, and I wanted to share this experience with them. We don’t often get together these days.
I unplug the gaming system (temporarily) and read some poetry after some egging on by my wife.
One of the women ends up leaving crying and even calls the law enforcement on me! My wife does the same thing the next day when I left for work, even though she recently was taking interest in my hobbies. I didn’t mean to harm her friendships?
I know I might’ve overstepped some boundaries as a host, I just think this is all overkill.
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Gave Professor Wellread his own stuffed animal 🦉
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jdotsodomite · 8 months
how am i supposed to be wellread wellfed date masturbate write a thesis practice transsexuality be a homo keep my apartment clean do laundry dishes groceries and be a tumblrina. theres only so many hours in a day lads
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bloombird · 1 year
This is for Professor Wellread
Professor Wellread since Kikmee is like the only one to actually care about you and stuff like that.I bet she must be a real highlighter
(hopefully you understand the pun here because you know he’s a book) (also sorry if this is kinda rushed)
(I'm not really the best ask for this but I'll try and- jkzkhasjdhafjdhg THE PICK UP LINE THO OMG)
Professor Wellread: I.. Well yes, she highlights my life and- Actually, I'm going to use that- I'll be going!
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candychameleon · 7 months
Hey BotBot collectors! If you would like a functional checklist that has every series of BotBots, complete with rarity, squad, and photos, I've made one!
(most info/photos are from tfwiki, some series 6 photos are from amazon or me) To use it, simply click "File" then click "Make a copy"!
I MOSTLY made this for my own use tbh, but posting just in case anyone else wants to keep track of their BotBot collection as well!
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Taggity tag!
I was tagged by @enoughtotemptme and @hunter-gatherer-stuff in two different tag games so why not make a massive post to save me spamming your dashes!
Favorite colors: greens (sage, forest, Kelly, phthalo – ad infinitum), and blues (sky, cornflower, Prussian, lapis – anything)
Relationship status: in a relationship for 12 years. No marriage, no kids, no problems LMAO
3 favorite foods: pickles, Bulgogi from the Kimchi Hophouse, pretty much any non-traditional-flavoured crisps (pickled onion, roast chicken, BBQ)
Top 3 shows: The Office (US), Parks & Rec, Buffy
Top 3 characters: Eddie Munson, Leslie Knope, Spike
Song stuck in my head: Stargazer, Rainbow
Last movie watched: Broker (Song Kang-ho brings such empathy and life to characters)
Last thing I googled: phthalo to make sure I spelled it correctly 💀
Last Song I Listened To: Black Sheep, Metric
Dream trip: Japan (again, though different places than the first time I went – had a 2nd trip booked in 2020 that we had to cancel for obvious reasons)
Currently watching: I'm not watching anything (currently in Hellcheer writing mode) but plan on getting stuck into Mando 2. And I need to watch The Last of Us (don't @ me, I know I do)
Currently reading: chronically bad at reading rn (except for fic), though the second book in the Locked Tomb series is collecting dust on my beside table 🙃
Current obsession: Hellcheer (surprise!) – I literally have zero focus for anything else
Uhhmmmm, I tag @wellread-redhead @eddie4lyfe @serasvictoria @justhere4thevibez - I appreciate there's a lot there, so answer what you want LOL
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