#well that was a roller coaster
alea-says · 20 days
H50, season 4, episode 19 thoughts...
Sarcastic Danny my beloved.
And they're having an argument.
Oh wow. Bomb. Okay.
Yet another trope to tick off the list: trapped together under a collapsed building.
(I need to write a list of all the tropes this stupid show covers one day)
Okay... if they're at Danny's place... where's Grace?
Called it.
Oh. Poor Grace. 😭😭😭 She tried calling Danny and it kept going to voicemail. Danny?? How?? This is not in character for you!
Steve laughing. He can see Amber isn't right for Danny if she's causing these issues already.
And now we also hear that Danny and Amber have been spending time together without him mentioning her to Grace...
Also, why is Steve in a wetsuit? Where is my shirtless Steve to ogle? And for Danny to ogle too
Danny doesn't want Grace to get attached to another woman.
Interesting choice of words. Woman. Not partner or girlfriend. But woman.
And he has no problem with Grace being attached to Steve. But I guess he knows Steve isn't going anywhere.
Steve calling Danny out on not being serious about the relationship.
Oh they are covered in dust. Which is actually really realistic.
That ringing noise is gonna drive me insane, though. Poor dudes.
Steve calling for Danny.
Catherine yelling for both of them. (I could maybe go a throuple)
Grabbing hands 😍😍😍
Holding hands 😍😍😍
Aww Danny!
The feels!
Danny and Steve and surviving together.
Oh no! Not rebar!
Why is Steve saying to take it out? Isn't that the first rule, to leave it in?
Okay. Steve's saying infection and sepsis and I don't know enough medical stuff to know if that's real... I'd have thought you'd bleed out before you died of sepsis... doesn't sepsis take time?
Steve: the really bad pain only lasts a couple of seconds. You gotta stay conscious.
Steve: that's my boy... stay with me...
(Gotta say that rebar was not as long as I expected)
Oh, they're arguing. They're gonna be all right cos they're arguing.
Grover: everybody stop moving *as he continues walking*
Danny: can I die in peace, please.
Uh, no, Danny, as if you'll die in peace if you're dying with Steve.
And, even though Danny's complaining, he's also starting to work the case again. Questioning why this guy.
Danny: it's not as bad as it looks
Catherine: thanks for trying to make me feel better
Max: this is a lot worse than I imagined
Steve telling Catherine to make a reservation for dinner that night. Would only have been better if he'd said to make it for all of them. Love how he operates as if they're gonna get through it.
Danny finds out it been all over the news and his first thought is Grace ❤️
Okay, I get not wanting Grace to worry about him, but seriously after that morning you can't tell her she's grounded. She did nothing wrong.
Also, if I was Grace I'd want the chance to talk to my dad even if it did mean I was worried about him.
Oooh. Mysterious outside guy.
And now mcdanno are having a serious conversation.
Danny: everytime something good happens in my life I just think about when it's going to end. That's all I can think about.
(So how long has he been fearing his relationship with Steve falling apart?)
Danny: the only sustained happiness I've ever felt in my life so far is Grace.
Steve telling Danny to bring Amber in, bring her closer - he should be giving that advice about himself
Danny agrees, if he makes it out alive, to give it a shot. (Steve really should have suggested them getting closer instead)
Please tell me we're getting science Steve again.
And he's got a grenade.
Directional charge. Oh yes.
Danny: this gonna work?
Steve: I dunno
Danny: hold on. Before we do this I just what you to know one thing.
Steve: what?
Danny: whatever happens, I really, really, from the bottom of my heart, hate you so much.
*they both smile and laugh* (they totally know hate is code for love)
Steve: I love you too, pal
Danny: I guess there's a lot worse people to die under a big pile of concrete with, huh?
Steve: You wanna do the honours?
Danny: no, no. It's your stupid idea. You do it.
(This is so beautiful)
They get Danny up first! Of course Steve sent him up first!
And the first thing Danny says?
Danny: Steve. You gotta get Steve. He's still down there.
(I half expected them to both come up together, hugging)
Oh I like Catherine's watch.
The cop car arriving with Grace!!!
The way Grace hugs Steve, too.
And, after being trapped together for hours, Danny asks Amber and Grace to give him and Steve a moment. He still hasn't had enough time with his man.
Danny: when we were in there you said. You know, before you did the thing with the bomb, you said what you said. I want you to know, I feel the same way.
Steve: how is that exactly?
Danny: gonna make me say it? Come here. *hugs* I love you.
Steve: I love you, buddy
And mystery guy is ex-CIA
Have you gotten the message?
Steve walls through the door.
Please peeps, Steve does not give up, okay. The more you push at him to back off, the harder he's gonna come after you. Dude likes a challenge.
Now Steve's got a gun on the guy.
Okay, guy is explaining... it seems a bit too easy for him to be just explaining...
And now the dude is dead.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Sollux: . . . iit wa2 a great movie. Iit wa2n't a good movie, but how often do you 2ee a great moviie?
Eridan: Oh, I saww a great movvie last night. It wwas on the late show. It wwas-- um, uh, wwhat was it called? It's a classic. It's uh . . . oh, I hate this. I hate it wwhen this happens.
Sollux: Well, what wa2 iit about?
Eridan: It's about this newwspaper tycoon and he's dead, and evverybody is telling stories about him, and--
Sollux: It's Ciitiizen Kane.
Eridan: Nnnno, that's not it. No, no - but something like that. It's uh...
Sollux: Okay, who wa2 iin iit?
Eridan: Orson Wwelles is in it. It's called . . .
Sollux: Then thii2 ii2 Ciitiizen Kane. Iit'2 Ciitiizen Kane.
Eridan: Nnnno, that isn't it, but you're not far from it. It's uh . . .
Sollux: Well who el2e was iin iit?
Eridan: Oh, um, I dunno.
Sollux: Was Jo2eph Cotten iin iit?
Eridan: Wwhat else has he been in?
Sollux: The Thiird Man, The Magniifiicent Amber2on2 . . .
Eridan: Oh, The Magnificent Ambersons. Yes, yes, yes, he was in it, yes. That's one of my favvourite Orson Wwelles movvies.
Sollux: Well thii2 is definitely Ciitiizen Kane then. You're talking about Ciitiizen Kane.
Eridan: Nnnno, no, no. But it's something like that. It's ci . . . ci, ci . . . Si. Si . . . sy . . .
Sollux: No, not 2y. iit'2 cii. Cii, cii.
Eridan: Sy . . . sy . . . sy . . .
Sollux: It's ci, Citizen Kane.
Eridan: Sy . . . sy . . . Psycho!
Sollux: No iit'2 not P2ycho.
Eridan: It's Psycho.
Sollux: No, no, no, no, iit'2 not P2ycho. Ii2 iit about a motel owner who goe2 crazy and kiill2 a woman iin a 2hower?
Eridan: No, no. I just told you it's about this newwspaper tycoon, he has a sled called Rosebud, and they're all trying to--
Sollux: Then Ii gue22 iit wa2n't P2ycho, wa2 iit?
Eridan: No, it wasn't Psycho . . .
Sollux, painfully: iIt wa2 Ciitiizen Kane!
Eridan: No, it was an . . . angie, angie, angela-- angels! The Trouble Wwith Angels.
Sollux: No, no, no. Iit wa2n't The Trouble Wiith Angels, no. That'2 a Hayley Miills vehiicle, that'2 not even clo2e.
Eridan: The Front Page!
Sollux: The Front Page ii2 a comedy. Diid you laugh once?
Eridan: No.
Sollux: Then Ii guess iit wa2n't The Front Page, wa2 iit?
Eridan: Wwell wwhat the hell wwas it then?
Sollux: Look, that guy ha2 a new2paper. Ii'm going to borrow iit, read the tv lii2tings, and we'll settle thii2 once and for all.
Eridan, holding him back: Please, I wwant to remember this myself--
Sollux: Plea2e, Ii want to settle thii2--
*The two argue for a second until Sollux pushes Eridan back into his chair*
Sollux: Just 2iit down!
*Picks up a steak knife and drives it into Eridan's hand, nailing it to the table*
Eridan: Oh great. That's really going to help me to think. That's great. You know wwhat? I almost had it. I almost had it but noww thanks to you, I've gone blank. Thank you vvery much.
Sollux: What tiime was iit on la2t niight?
Eridan: It wwas 11:30. Wwe don't need the paper . . . The Paper Chase . . . paper, paper . . . Paperback Hero . . .
Sollux: Okay, what channel?
Eridan: It was channel 3. Paper. Paper . . . paper . . .
Sollux: Aha!! Look! Ciitiizen Kane. Iit was Ciitiizen Kane! Iit wa2 Ciitiizen Kane! IIT WA2 CIITIIZEN KANE!!
Sollux: *crumble2 up new2paper and triiumphantly throw2 iit on the floor*
Eridan: . . . okay, big deal. Look, wwould you take the knife out? Just take the knife out.
Sollux: You admiit you're wrong and Ii'll take the knife out.
Eridan: Oh c'mon, groww up! Take the knife out.
Sollux: No, no, no. You never admiit you're wrong. When you admiit you're wrong, ii'll grow up.
Eridan: You're being vvery immature. Wwould you please just take the knife out?
Sollux: Why don't you admiit you're wrong? You never admiit you're wrong.
Eridan: You're making a fool of yourself in front of everyone, alright? Wwould you please take the knife out? Take the damn knife out!
*Sollux finally complies*
*Eridan clutches his wounded hand*
Eridan: Ow! Oh geez. Listen, um, wwould you mind just calling me a-- uh . . . oh, wwhat are they called? A uh . . .
Sollux: An ambulance?
Eridan: No. No, I want a uh . . . a um . . .
Sollux: Do you want two guy2 iin a van to come take care of your hand and bring you to a ho2piital?
Eridan: Yes. Exactly, yes.
Sollux: Then you want an ambulance.
Eridan: No I don't! I wwant a . . . uh . . .
Sollux: Iit'2 an ambulance.
Eridan: No iit ii2n't!
Sollux: You want an ambulance.
Eridan: Sh!
Sollux: Iit'2 an ambulance.
Eridan: Sh!
Sollux: You want an ambulance,
Eridan: Sh!
Sollux: Iit'2 an ambulance.
Eridan: Sh!
Sollux: You want an ambulance.
Eridan: It's a . . . uh . . .
Sollux: No, you know what you want?
Sollux: *piick2 up hii2 2teak kniife and driive2 iit repeatedly iinto eriidan'2 che2t*
Sollux: You want a mortiiciian! You want a mortiiciian! You want a mortiiciian! YOU WANT A MORTIICIIAN!!
*Eridan's dead body slumps over the table*
Sollux: Thii2 one ii2 on me. Check plea2e!
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my birthday is in a week & I am (and have been) experiencing the pre-birthday existential crisis
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
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wildstar25 · 22 days
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polyam pose meme
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Now Hiring: friends with benefits*
*benefits being that you hold me while I grieve the deep, inconsolable loss of my childhood and the pervasive and perpetual loneliness left by a quarter century of neglect and abuse
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🦇 Happy Halloween !! 🦇
diff background, original ref and a special lil bonus under the cut
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HI!!!! I should post this cool lil thing ive done a few months ago XD
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New this week on Etsy 04/17/2024
: https://thesupplyloft1.etsy.com
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Oh my God, I'm so excited! Thorpe Park just announced the opening date for Hyperia!!! 24th May, which is the day me and my dad are already booked to go.
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