#we miss you eppy ;-;
beatlesdiscord · 2 years
John: we wouldn't last two minutes without Eppy.
John: don't tell him I said that
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thoughts on ren and stimpy eppy one
- first part is so blatantly triumph bait the concept is the most deviantart shit ever i LOVE it
- but the execution was subpar
- idk why this couldnt be a follow-up of The Last Temptation, it would have been such a power move to do that but beggars cant be chosers
- ending was confusing
- first i saw this without my hearing aid so i thought i was missing context like okay Jan is a relative of Mr and Mrs Pipe and this is like, to slowly introduce them to new audiences or something but no
- i dont understand the aversion of using the Pipes again what the fvck was that…its like if you ordered them off shein what a strange soulless decision
- would have been objectively better and more comedic if we got both of them there would be no drawbacks…come on dude
- sega please hire this man
- i want this to be a 3d platformer this is so awesome
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i-live-for-lennon · 4 months
I Want You
my first take at mclennon smut
nsfw, smut, fluff, paul x john, cussing
**the boys are on holiday in miami in 1964. they are left in the vacation house house alone while brian is out on the town. george, ringo, and paul are having a blast in the pool as john is fully clothed on a reclined chair reading a melancholy novel. paul takes note of john’s absence and decides to say something.**
“mates, i’m going to check on john. you lot stay here.” ordered paul as he climbed out of the pool.
“alright macca. guess i’m just gonna have to dunk ringo under then!” george exclaimed excitedly and he lurched to ringo in the water
“what? GEO NO- BRLURPBRULP…” ringo was drowned out by the splashes from george
paul shook his head as he grabbed a towel and strutted to john, muttering under his breath “i swear i’m the only normal one here, and that says something”
even under the darkly tinted sunglasses, paul could feel john’s piercing gaze and hesitantly took the seat next to the man who was in full pants and a black sweater despite it being 90 degrees. unsure what to say, paul took an accidental sharp inhale and john’s head turned to face the nervous kid.
“why you missing out on all the fun love?” john smirked as he slowly pulled down his shades to expose his eyes. the same eyes that made paul both nervous and safe, warm yet fresh, old but new.
“oh well yknow, i just wanted to check on you since you are being more antisocial than unusua l…” paul stumbled out these words and his eyes, almost instinctively, flashed to john’s hands. “not sure if the others noticed but i saw that you keep tugging at your suit a whole lot yesterday”
“eppy got my suit too tight. i swear it’s only cause he wants to see what he’s missing” john sneered and his face turned into a more menacing stare.
paul knew it was more than the whole brian thing. paul knew john better than that. paul knew something was up. ‘i mean i have to know’ paul reasoned in his mind while his thoughts were racing ‘i have know this bloke forever and i know something is off… right??’
as paul quietly ruminated in his frantic inner monologue, john turned, confused by the silence, “you there princess? geez one time i don’t talk about music or you and you’ll just clam right up” he scoffed “yknow paul i was really hoping america wouldn’t change you. but i guess i was wrong. guess i was wrong about you…” john trailed off as he raised his sunglasses back up to cover his eyes that were welling with tears.
“john what is up?? this is coming out of the blue and YOU have been weird since we got to america. you have been isolating yourself and blame me for what you are doing? absolutely not. i know you are struggling but you need to take some accountability mate!” paul was exasperated when he said this.
“paulie, i can’t do it. i’m not pretty like you. i’m not handsome like george. and i’m not cute like ringo.” john said, defeated
“oh come off it! you know you are smart and charming and you have a wife for christs sake!”
“but cyn only married me cause i knocked her up. she doesn’t truly love me. no one does and at this rate no one ever will.”
“john that’s not the truth and you know that. cyn loves ya. and you know you should be glad. and even if she’s not the one forever, there is someone that will love you, i know it. you’re too beautiful to be ignored.”
“but paul look at me! i’m huge and my nose is terrible and my belly bulges and my voice cracks and you and i can never really love each other and-“
john’s rant was suddenly stopped by a kiss from paul. both of them pulled out of it and stared in utter shock.
paul nervously said “john god i’m so sorry. i don’t know what came over me. i just, just wanted to help-“
“oh won’t you please please help me. come on let’s talk inside. away from the children” john grabbed paul’s hand and walked him into the vacation home.
paul turned back to look at the ‘children’. george and ringo hadn’t noticed what just happened and were still splashing around. paul shook his head for two reasons: 1) he could always count on george and ringo for laugh and 2) he couldn’t wait for what was in store for him inside with john…
as the duo walked inside they went into john’s room and paul sat on his bed. john took off his sunglasses and set them on the dresser next to portable turntable he brought for the trip. while near it, john picked an old jazz record and placed it on. with the scratch of the record, the soft music was on.
paul chuckled and john smiled when the familiar tune came on. this was a record that would constantly play at paul’s house when they were kids. john would come over for guitar lessons, trying to drown the vinyl out with their rock n roll strumming.
still rubbing the water out of his hair he noticed john take off his sweater and immediately cross his arms over stomach.
“john. yknow i think you’re perfect. yknow that.” paul said while trying to console the other man.
“no i’m really not, half of what i say is meaningless but thank you” john say next to him on the bed, blushing.
paul’s hand inched over to john’s and grabbed it. “i love you johnny. i love you so so much. every part of you. i love your snide remarks and rhythm guitar and cheeky smile. even your flaws i love. even you i love” paul confessed while looking at john’s hands, too afraid to look him in the eye.
john took his free hand, grabbed paul’s face, and held it. “macca, i don’t deserve you. but since i got you, i’ll never let you go” johns other hand tightened its grip on paul’s hand as he kissed paul.
that funny feeling was back again.
slowly, but with growing confidence, their hands ran across each other’s chests. the gentle kissing had escalated and the two were tugging at each others lips, slowly forgetting the space around them.
john laid on his back and paul climbed on top, lips never separating. paul reached to unbutton john’s shirt, but john pulled away, hands over his chest.
“john,” paul said while firmly grabbing john’s chin in his hand “don’t you trust me?”
john turned back to paul, moved his hands to paul’s waist, and nodded. with john’s approval, paul unbuttoned john’s shirt. now both were shirtless and moans and gulps of air came between the two making out.
“hey paulie?”
“mhmm?” paul hummed, not moving his mouth
“can you take off your trunks? the pool water is gonna ruin my trousers” john said, a chuckle escaping him
paul giggled and slid them off. he then helped john unbuckle his belt and open his trousers. paul stayed down there and pulled out john’s member.
paul gulped at the size and took it in. john inhaled sharply and his back arched slightly at the new sensation. paul picked up the pace and john was unsure of what to do with his hands. with a sudden surge of confidence, john ran his fingers through paul’s hair and held on tightly. john slowly pulled up and pushed down to help paul out.
“fucking hell macca” john said, breathless. both were letting moans slip, almost in rhythm with the slow jazz playing.
after a few minutes of this, paul order john to flip over. john smiled and happily obliged. john laid on his stomach and paul climbed on top again. pauls hands slithered up the johns neck and tugged.
“shit...” john breathed out
“damn. and i haven’t even done anything yet”
at this exact moment a new song came on. this one was fast and started with a bang. when the first trumpet blared paul put it in john and john lost his breath and his cool.
“for fucks sake paul! how do you-hmm- oh my god how do you do that!?” john yelped as paul picked up the pace. paul pants, circling his hips and slamming back into john.
paul’s head drops to john’s shoulder and softly bites at his neck. paul is on the verge of finishing and john can sense it. in a quick motion, john turns paul over and enters him.
“oh darling!” paul yelps but john quickly shushes him
“shhh! they might hear us dear!” john giggles while moving slowly. john goes back to running his hands through his hair.
john speeds up and paul pleads “johnny please don’t stop please…” his words lost all meaning and became loud moans
john grunted and swore under his breath. sweat dripped from his forehead and on paul’s shoulder. in a heat of the moment decision, he licked it off and paul lost all control at this point and his supporting arms gave out and he collapsed on the bed.
terrible noises were coming from the two of them as john finished in paul. john followed suit and collapsed on paul.
they breathed heavily and paul turned under john to face him. they both smiled
“god i missed your face paulie.”
“i love you too johnny boy”
**moonlight serenade by glenn miller and his orchestra swells as the two fall asleep in each others arms**
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redraven3093 · 11 months
Catching Up with Phil's QSMP VOD
3rd July
Oh Chat makin Cookies?- HI PHIL!-E-eppy Phil
Oh maybe to Vidcon,- I mean French is in fire rn.
YEAH-yo wtf??? The qusest today?
Ah Super Hero theme today eh?-ah it cant fly now eh?
A GIANT SQUID??- nah fam they are not doin that- a leo Themed?-stream o plaine
Safety first- oh wait its broken?-oh it did?-ugh got bad felling about it
Yeah its fixed-hopefully
LET HIM COOK-omg god look at that bag
Rare food?- oh shit the end fruit!!-Bone Soup
YEH ADVENTURE-wait why is fit with Dapper?
Lol the poison Spider- Phil pls- I mean BBH is expensive- OMG BBH DON’T HAVE THAT
Lol dragon magic- OMG THAT’S HOW THE GOT EM???-that’s bs Phil
Oh hi Tubbo
RIGBY 2.0 LETS GOO- a whale?- oh its Dapper
Kitties! :D- oh? The Cat that survived the Big blow ystrday r8??- OH???
Oh yeah 4th of Jully-YAH FUQ THE MONARCHY
Omg the Island is Fukin with them
Shinny!-Lol fake- SPIDERSS-omg the fancy Twins –
Yeah mission are BS rn-oh tempting the gods are we?- lol summoning Cucurucho phil ur son right there
Lol dapper-Lol Chayanne
Ah yes the Parents Gossip time- Yeah VID CON!-
PFft- FIT PLS- o mg
Welp they done I guess-Rare fruit time!- 1 done and many bs along the way to go
Ohh cool sword- HOLY SHIT –
Yeah that would be Crazy~-I MEAN-
WHAT??!!OMG- Phil and Fit  have so many Illegal shit omg
Lol- YEAH NEW MISSIONS- lol it crashed- Black Mail POG
Omg its still there- break the ruleee
Of course u did phil
Opp there goes Ramon and Chayanne-  boys wil be boys- they all lost it- RAMON NO
Phil is so Scared to be left with others egg
Hi Dapper- WTH? Where do you get that thing??- holly shit?- yeah 2009-2013 Vidio game rumours are crazy
Lol Chayanne is clearly alt tabbing
Guys pls it’s a place of holly matrimony – what is that?
NO more Marriges- lol
Time to pay I guess- oh god they did miss a few
Lol Chayanne- Yeah Dapper join in!
Lol yeah cmone chayanne why so stiff?- good lord Chayanne is living that admin life rn
Oh kitty- CAT CAT- catcucurucho- holy the cat is immortal
Kil the cat Chayanne- CIA CAT
Oh god Philza and Fit is just a menace
Oh? Chayanne u invited someone?- Dapper pls
OPP WE GOT EM BOIS!- Walter Bob??-Come on dude we just wanna talk
Omg fit pls- YEAH if BBH cant do it then no one can do it
Bad hair btw- oh yeah that ankle thingy-opp rainbow
Best bob
Omg Chayanne is Alt tab- he’s in emergency meeting
Ah! They’ve gone to Ramon’s Barber shop nice
Still waiting- Okk at least we get reconsiderations- Waltuh
Thank yu for yur service WALTUH
It wont break the emergences- break the holly mellon
Yeah they all alt tabbing- “in my scientific reason-
Wat if he Forgo-opp wher did they go?
Do you get paid bob?- is it good pay
Lol Hot tub stream- YEAH NEW MISSION
Thanks Bob!- thanks KIDS- ah yes a loop hole
WAT??- new moshrom island
Omg the kids was fightin for their life for that thing
Omg- Yey island- ahh brings back memories
Lol Sussy baka Phil- Oh they found one- oh not that one
Oh? An Illegal Villager Farm- BY AYEPIERR?!
Where are the going?
Omg dapper pls- HOT NEWBLACK MAIL LETS GOOO- good god this place is confusing
 Oh the found it YEY
Oh no-FIT PLS-Trauma in coming
Fit is a charmer-oh Hey Baghera
Omg that thing is ugly
Opp Bye Fit bye Ramon
Im really dozing off finishing this Drawings
Hi BBH- oh wait Crimson Forest?
Yeah give Bad the scoop
Yeah its weird-welp time to chill I guess- oh shiny Fish- NOO it died rip
Still waiting
Weird bunny is so hard to find ugh
Wat is happening with Baghera rn?
Rescue mission?- Yeah get the kids to safety first- opp crashing
Server Close??- are we chill today?- oh hey Tommy
Yeah we back- opp cant see Dapper- uhh not sure coming with them is a good idea kids
Oh noo-welp guess we alone now-shit trauma~-
Yeah Rabbit sound fine-opp BBH? Ah so he did needs help-oh shit where is Dapper?
Dapper pls buddy don’t just jump where is danger kid- wait? Dapper isn’t there?-
oh there is Pomme too?- we cant see her-okk bye
ok following you king- yeah the train is soo awesome
opp guess we still searching
Cucurucho??-yey bunny- is the bunny normal?
Yeah safety first kiddo
Etoiles???- u okay sir???
Yeah Do your Magic King- oh shit it attacks!- oh no king
Thanks, Dapper-oh shit that wikked
Oh shit- fuq off!- yu won’t fight today?
No- Don’t go ANYWHERE near Tallulah you Bastard
Oh they are fuking with us at this point- Fuk
Oh hey baghera
Yeah Those binary bastards are so cruel- they cant attack while election?- opp bye Baghera
Oh hey Dapper wat are yu doing bud?- Omg lol
That’s not how fair trades work Phil
Yeah  the cats are clearly sus like random animals cant just appeared tamed out of no where
And only admins can killem
Opp Red Vine???- of course YOU would find them nice Bad-LOL
OHHH- prteey- okay chayanne stay safe
   Yay it work- BIG LAD-cant put him in a cage- YEAH LET EM ROAM AROUND!
YEAHHHH The Wither Skeleton Head is Cooler
Hah~ it remind us of him
Opp? Oh Yeah no u right Pomme is in way to many danger rn
Aww- yeah you go Rest King-
PHIL no Spoilers for the Spider kid movie
?? he breaks the rule of frame break?-  omg ANIMATION POG
Hobbie is so cool- yes Brtish Anarchist Spider
Wait who’s Signs is that? OH LEO’S
Kay get some rest Kiddo
Big stress- Lol Chayanne is gone FAST-
Go eat yur cake Phil
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navysealt4t · 1 year
hihi i'm listening to the anastasia musical soundtrack and you're the resident musicals enjoyer so i thought i'd tell you! also i feel like i haven't spoken to you in ages so hi! how's your day going?
OMG YAY <3333 anastasia is like my favorite musical ever (well it’s a contest between anastaisa and hunchback of notre dame) excited to hear ur thoughts >:)))
and yeah!!!! we haven’t talked much recently school has been kicking my ASS lol. all my missing work is due tomorrow so i’m like grinding bc i have 2 Fs lol. and finals week is next week 😭😭 fuck it we ball but i’m VERY EXCITED for school to be out :] today has been pretty good besides being eppy. i’m actually confident for the test i’m taking in like an hour lol. how are you !!!!
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opla thots through eppie 5 so my brain don't explode:
i'm actually very pleasantly surprised. largely the stuff that is bad is stuff i expected and a lot of things are much better than i expected so like helleth yes we win
kobyyyyyyy perfect 100% i get why they're tying the marines in more for story purposes and idc honestly bc i get to see koby
helmeppo also good tho i could have done without seeing his full cheeks
as a fan there are a lot of small moments that really don't impact the overall story much but i did miss. like toppling the morgan statue. or sanji being present for the mihawk fight to see that devotion to a dream that motivates him to get on the sea. or the catboy being changed to a catgirl that one made me mad. but again does not affect the overall thing so w/e.
casting is so stupid spot on perfect and i've been saying that the whole time but good lord every new character is so insanely good
that said. they really desexied benn beckman. rip king.
why are luffy and usopp the only characters allowed to be fun. where is weird fun hardass grandpa garp. where is any major zoro dumbass moment. he's had a few but we can do better. oh my god i just realized jango wasn't here WHERE IS HE FUCK YOU. THE MENTION OF MIRRORBALL ISLAND IS NOT ENOUGH.
they did largely forget one piece is a comedy which i literally voiced as a worry out loud with my human mouth like an hour before i started watching. pain.
the design is largely extremely good. the costumes fuck every single time. cgi looks better than expected so i'm pretty pleased.
that said. the fishmen look like fucking dogshit i cannot take them seriously. i appreciate that they're using practical effects but my god they're so so so bad just for the fishmen.
on the other hand. enamored with the dendenmushi. they're real and they're vile and i want one soooooo bad
impressed that luffy's fx don't look way worse the only one i think looks bad is balloon and that's. tough.
kuro was very good what a little freak
buggy was. fine. i didn't love him like everyone else seems too i just think they took him in the wrong direction a touch
mihawk looks so good but i hate his accent he sounds bizarre to me
lotta brits in here i was not expecting. not the worst but like. huh.
i keep seeing folks in the tag praising the colors and how it's not dark and muddy and i don't think we were watching the same show. the clothes pop and sometimes they'll light a scene but any scene in the dark even a little bit is so washed out and bad looking it's got that netflix stank all over it like most of the circus tent and garp's ship and the final syrup village fight are dark jumbles
also why did we need two goddamn episodes for syrup village. that seems excessive. i feel like they could have cut things differently and ended up with more time for like. actual adaptation stuff.
zoro crying on the dock was so perfect no notes iconic moment
i did tear up when sanji first appeared so. there is that.
also when zoro one handed lifts that big safe. okay king!
zoro is too smart also in ways that he shouldn't be it's bothering me so much. like when he translates usopp's big wordy bullshit he does not know what those words meannnnn
that said. which way is port. it's to the left. ah okay. stands there and does nothing because he doesn't know which way left is either. also gets lost on his way to a house that's ten feet away and visible. more of this we need more of this so bad.
easter eggs so good so fun. cavendish wanted poster. island of weird animals in the end credits. certainly more i didn't catch. mwah we love it.
dialogue sucks shit also the worst element of the show is by far the writing where like the plot is fine the way they rearranged things doesn't bother me if i wanted the exact story in order i'd read it again but the actual lines they write are mostly so stupid bad and generic. every so often they hit on a good one but it's generally lifted straight from the manga.
they didn't even get gold roger's speech right. he didn't say he left it all in one piece. that's the fucking. it's the whole thing of it innit.
oh i need to mention cabaji specifically weird they gave him so much focus and backstory but he looked PERFECT i was hollering
i miss reggie tho
usopp asking a gay man and an aroace man if they think a girl likes him. they do not know bro.
also i love every shipper being like WE WON listen man i'm a shipper too and the only folks who won were the usokaya hets out there everything else is just as canon as it's always been (read: not even a little bit lmao)
now that said. opla usolu is Something which is wild bc i have never once been on this train but it hits different. not enough to make me abandon aroace luffy but still.
okay one more thing. zoro being in the stocks for 0.5 seconds to keep his job that he abandons immediately anyway instead of being there for weeks in exchange for the safety of a little girl sucks. it takes away so much of his character and feels like such a critical misstep to me but i'm also the zoro guy so idk.
anyway. overall very excited to finish the season and hoping we get more. it's surpassed my (admittedly low) expectations despite my issues with it and it's worth sticking with for sure.
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ask-and-i-answer · 2 years
If I kill God, do I get to take his place? If so, then who do you want me to bring back from the dead first?
Ig if you found a way you could. That in itself would be pretty godly. If you could, it would be my Great Grandpa Eppie. I miss him so much and I wish that I could bring him back to us so we had him again. I would also ask to make sure that I don't end up alone forever, i have a problem with being alone.
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but for real, it still blows my mind how detrimental Brian's death was to the group, and how it was the beginning of the end for them. Look, the problems that eventually caused the breakup were already there but without Brian managing them and keeping them all in place things just spiraled down out of control in literal months. I don't have the sources or the words to articulate this feeling properly but how many times in history a manager has meant so much to an artist? And we know that, but I feel like the world doesn't talk about it enough. Idk, it's just that Brian was really the backbone of the beatles, man. He birthed them with his love and trust and when he was gone that was it.
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danjaley · 2 years
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For once it wasn’t Uncle William who arrived as a surprise-guest by ship (although he was also there), but Cousin Edward. Father was horrified to learn that he had taken two months off from university just to visit us. Being Fergus’ best friend, Edward acted as godfather, although, as Eppie pointed out, if we should all be taken by the plague, who will take Matthew to Sweden to live with Edward, and may he keep a baby at university? Luckily Father didn’t hear her. Mr Brodie told her to study more good manners and less history. I don’t think she will. We really missed you, but of course you couldn’t rush back from France, having only just arrived there.
Mother sends love to her brother and family. We hope you are doing well, and we can’t wait to read more about the charming Monsieur Charles Delaroche.
Your sister Ysobel
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eppysboys · 3 years
Can you elaborate on how you feel about the lyrics book eppy? If it helps at all I'm a huge paul fan and I pre-ordered it on the spot GENUINELY THINKING 'omg this will finally be some illuminating stuff that will clear up so many misunderstandings about his artistry' and uhhhh it just turns out he's even more damaged/repressed/arrogant/good at lying to himself/clueless about how he's perceived than we all thought?
Hi anon!
I want to preface by saying that my regret about buying the book was definitely more about my personal money situation than anything else, because it was definitely a LOT of money to spend on something I didn't know the contents of and whether it would be worth it. My bad, that's all on me. I did not have high hopes for anything deep and personal to be revealed. I suppose I expected more new photos, some new stories, maybe a bit more fleshing out of some of the usual ones that are brushed over. I haven't read the entire thing yet so this is just my impression of it so far:
It's interesting that this book is titled and advertised as about 'The Lyrics', when it seems like Paul is the most enthused and engaged when discussing music (which is a pleasure to read!!!) The way he writes about the musicality of 'And I Love Her' compared to how he actually came up with The Lyrics, for example, is a little jarring for someone who might have picked up the book to know a little bit more about....the lyrics. It's a kind of juggle between analysing singular lyrics, basic biography/establishing the scene and music analysis - which is great but it often comes across as lacking in depth especially when it comes to...the lyrics. I think once you've grappled with the fact that this is more of a biography/collection of anecdotes and thoughts about and relating to his songs and life, it's easier to enjoy it rather than feel like you've missed something.
I think the thing that people have been reacting negatively to is that there is a lot of filler - context for the song that is very basic - but it's like it's establishing context for the insight that never comes. It's ghostly. It was a bit strange having some songs be more like chapter titles for an interesting facet of Paul's personality or an anecdote from around the time he wrote the song (that apparently wasn't at the forefront of his mind when he wrote it) rather than the name of the song you were about to learn more about the construction of.
"Sometimes you write to get a sort of feeling rather than a perfectly ‘correct’ lyric. Sometimes the lyric can be secondary to the feeling."
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The idea that there's something underneath the mask of the anecdote or the 'Ray Charles' feeling or whatever it is.....but never getting the answer that is sort of established is there...lurking... but not for us to know... is a little :/ Does $100+ entitle anyone to Paul McCartney's deepest thoughts and feelings and secrets? No. But it'd be nice to walk away with a sense of some solid insight gained and not reach the end of a paragraph feeling like the magician has made your wallet disappear (i'm fine, i swear). And there are many 'new' things to enjoy in this book! Lovely insights and stories etc. I don't get a profound sense of understanding Paul or 95% of the songs much better than I did, but you could account that to me being a very big Paul nerd in the first place.
To be frank, I don't think there was enough new content and depth to justify the price at all. I know it's Paul McCartney and it has to be $$$$ because he's a legend and yadda yadda yadda, but it's quite disappointing? I can remember buying one of the Jim Morrison books containing a collection of his poetry and journal entries and memories from loved ones and it was a massive amount of new content - quotes and images and all sorts of things, and it was $50 when it hit the shelves. Idk, just thought it was worth mentioning that it was odd to me how bare this book was for the price.
The epic highs and lows of this book are delightful. Some quotes from this book have me absolutely like 🥰 and then others are just..... I'll put it this way, it's like that image of a weathered lounge singer kind of rambling with false-modesty about their past experiences they've told 100 times with this vapid kind of air to it and everyone in the audience is just :| waiting for the next song. ("I’m actually quite a fan of ‘ordinary’. I hope in many ways it defines me, and so also many of the songs I’ve written. Don’t get me wrong; I like extraordinary people and things, but if people can be great and ordinary at the same time, that to me is kind of special") It's that kind of vibe. And then there's the more wtf moments which are little gems sprinkled throughout the book that are horrible and hilarious and wonderful.
Random thoughts and things:
He made no mention of sex when describing 'Eat At Home' 😤 Unacceptable!
The Stuart facing the wall at the Larry Parnes audition story just had to get in there, eh? 😂
did you know that Brian was gay gay gay and middle class???
"It sounds like I got drunk, and then I was arrested by a rozzer with a pink balloon tied to his foot, and it’s just daft, but you can also read into it that pink could signify something like a certain gayness." You could read it like that. I guess. Whatever.
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^This absolute dork of a man 💖
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I love our brave little soldier, writing about the things no one else dare to. I also enjoy the fact he brings up Liza Minnelli right after the gay talk. I adore this oblivious straight man.
I think, to end this off, there's gaps between casual fans, less-than-casual fans, little historians/super nerds and obsessives - and this book had to be crafted with the ability to satisfy as many people as possible while still retaining the privacy and peace-keeping that Paul obviously values dearly. He obviously wanted something a step above a traditional biography (or MYFN) that would take him through the timeline of events rather than delve too deeply into his own psyche and into the gritty uncomfortable parts of his history. I think fans would love and appreciate and respect if he had done that - but it's totally understandable why he wouldn't want to or even feel the need to. He's still loved and appreciated and respected.
Incoming tangent: Fan culture over the years has become more about acquiring the hearts and minds of the celebrity - the parts only you pick up, the things only special fans notice and discuss. People flock to tumblrs who can discuss in depth their view of their fave's psychological makeup as if they are superior for knowing. People even brag about beliving they 'get' Paul (and other beatles for that matter) better than other fans and actual family members. It's important to be mindful of when the line is being crossed, and when assumptions are being presented as fact - like assuming Paul wants people to pick through his history and draw certain conclusions that are not the ones he usually presents in interviews/books. That's some qanon shit. Basically: He doesn't owe us an in depth analysis of certain things but in this fan culture it's understandable why being closed off about things has gotten Paul some backlash. More specifically, it's understandable why the traditional narratives being spun over and over when there's a clear case for certain things being more complex is frustrating for fans. I identify with that frustration, for sure, but really, what can we do? If it doesn't matter to Paul, why should it be so stressful for anyone else? What right do we have to the whole truth? What right do we have to Paul's soul? He's at a point in his life and career where he can shape his image exactly how he wants, and he has done just that. He's built our home and here we are, throwing shit at the walls like monkeys :')
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tocrackerboxpalace · 3 years
May, 1965
Summary: A very short story based on this post. @beatlesdumpsterfire
George threw open the door, shaking hands clutching at the crumpled letter between them. 
Three pairs of eyes looked up in slight annoyance. John was lounging lazily on the settee, fingerpicking nonsense on an acoustic. Paul, albeit turned now, was directly facing him, an ankle crossed over his knee, balancing a pen and paper in his lap. The handwriting was too hurried to make out from George’s position at the door. A cough in his peripheral vision drew his attention to Ringo, who looked almost comical: splayed out on the rug, back against an old chair, a joint drooping between his lips. 
When their eyes landed on George, the irritation was replaced with recognition, then concern. They all stilled.
“Whasamatter, Georgie?” Ringo slightly slurred. 
George’s gaze flitted across the room, almost as if searching for the words in the air. “I- Have you gotten the letter?”
John and Paul exchanged a glance. The latter pursed his lips and furrowed his brow. “What letter?”
George held it up, anything but triumphant. He noticed Ringo’s stare drawing to the tremor in his hand. 
John squinted hard in his direction, then leaned backwards into the settee. “Oh, I’ve got that too.” He nodded to a pile of fanmail on the floor beside him. “Tossed it in with the others, I did.”
“John, you bloody moron.” Paul was on his feet now, snatching the letter out of George’s hands. George stepped back apprehensively, shoving his hands in his pockets to calm his nerves as Paul studied the envelope. “This isn’t from some crazed bird. It—” He paused. “Look at the envelope. And the return address. 10 Downing Street? Official government business, it looks like.”
Ringo looked blown away. “From the queen?” 
“Tell me it’s not another crazed bird,” John muttered to himself.
“What the hell have John and I got a letter from the queen for, then?” George’s voice was trembling. 
Paul stilled. When he spoke again, his voice was quiet. “You don’t think it’s...?” 
George bit a wobbly lip and looked at Paul helplessly. Paul spun to look at John, and expression of terror evident on his face. When the two made eye contact, John’s face went white. Ringo only watched the scene in uninformed fear, missing the point but not the sudden shift in mood. 
“Ah, there you are.” A figure slipped past the door, squeezing by George into the room. Brian shot them all a smile, then fished inside his suit jacked for a moment and produced two more identical letters. He handed one first to Ringo on the floor, then to Paul. Ringo reached for it hesitantly and studied it with guarded curiosity. Paul refused to take it, as if he meant to delay the inevitable.
Brian quirked an eyebrow at Paul and turned to set the letter on the dresser instead. He spread his hands as wide as his grin and looked at them expectantly. “So, boys? What do you think?”
Paul scoffed, his tone venomous. “Are you mad?”
Brian looked wholly baffled. “I-what?”
George couldn’t stop the words from flowing out. “Fuck you, Eppy. How could you come in here with those? Like this?”
Brian turned to John for help, his eyes wide and powerless. “John?”
John had tossed the guitar to the side at some point. He was doubled over now, looking as though he might be sick any moment. His voice was hoarse. It was a long time before he spoke.
“I’m not going, Eppy. You can’t make us. I-I don’t care what it takes, I’ll cut off me leg or something. Don’t need a leg to play a tune, really. I’ll be fine. Paul doesn’t need his, either.” He was rambling now, and Brian’s expression only grew worse. “Maybe we could get Ringo a prosthetic, or something, I don’t know. George’ll be queer, ‘cause I hear they’re letting out on those grounds, now, and it’ll be suspicious if all four of us lose one leg. And we’ll be fine. But—I can’t—I’m not doing it, Eppy, I—”
“John,” Brian interrupted sternly. “What in God’s name are you on about?”
John laughed now, sharply. A laugh that cut through the air but maintained no ounce of humour. The sound was frightening. “We’re not going to the war, Eppy. I don’t care if we’re called up. We’re not going.”
A slow realization spread across Brian’s face. Then, he broke out into a smile.
Paul’s eyes flashed darkly, dangerously. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
Brian began to chuckle. It started off softly, almost hidden, but grew brightly. It wasn’t long before he was almost wheezing, seemingly breaking down again every time he thought about what was so goddamn funny. His aura was dripping with ease. George exchanged a wild glance with Ringo, who gave a disoriented shrug as if to say, Who knows? He certainly didn’t.
“You’re not being drafted,” Brian said, finally.
Slowly, the animosity melted away—but the room was still thick with misunderstanding. Brian leaned over to pick up Paul’s letter, tearing the envelope open as he spoke. “Did any of you actually read the letter?”
The boys looked at one another. No. 
Brian rolled his eyes. “Of course you didn’t. You’re being honoured, lads. You’re receiving MBE’s.”
John blinked. “What the hell is an MBE?”
“Member of the Order of the British Empire,” Brian explained, unfolding the letter. “They’re awards, medals, given to people who have accomplished particular achievements. You’ll go to Buckingham and be honoured by the Queen herself. That’s what the letter’s for. Explaining all of that.”
Now it was John’s turned to laugh. He was joined in soon by Paul, then Ringo, and lastly, George, who was still slightly shaking from the earlier nerves and suspicions. It wasn’t long before all four of them were absolutely giddy with relief, tears in their eyes and clutching their abdomens as they gasped for breath. Once the bout died down, John wiped a tear from the corner of his eye and picked up his guitar once more.
“Thank fucking God.”
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Starrison-George is single and wants a baby. He asks Ringo to help him out (and due to some hand wavy conception advice, not through artificial insemination, but wants to make the baby "Naturally" in bed.) (aka friends to lovers breeding kink)
WARNING: mentions of stillbirth
Ringo frowns as he tries to digest what George has just said to him.
“You don’t have to give me an answer now,” George adds quickly. “Take your time to think about it.”
Ringo takes a long drag of his cigarette. “You’re only twenty-three. You’ve got ages to settle down and start a family. Are you just feeling broody because of John and Paul?”
George looks almost offended. “No. Look...I know this does seem a bit odd, but I’ve been thinking about it for a while actually. I’ve never been in a serious relationship. Our work only makes it more difficult to find someone. Someone I can trust, y’know? Not just someone who wants to bang George Harrison. I feel like a piece of me has been missing, and I’ve been meditating a lot and I know this is what I need.”
Ringo doesn’t want to question George’s motives, but he feels he has to question the method.
“And you want me to...?” Ringo makes a vague hand gesture.
George smiles shyly. “I want to know that my baby has a good father. I can’t think of anyone better.”
Ringo knows he’ll probably regret this somewhere down the line. But the idea of being a father is something he’s also been thinking about for some time, and having a child with someone he trusts and respects and cares for makes his chest bubble.
And making George happy would be incredible.
Ringo tries to ignore the way his heart hammers when he says yes and George kisses him on the lips.
What the hell has he got himself into?
Ringo had thought it would be odd having sex with someone he has no romantic connection with, but it isn’t odd at all. It isn’t at all weird or uncomfortable.
Ringo and George have always had good chemistry; it’s why they work so well together. And that certainly seems to help in bed.
It’s all soft touches and slow kisses; Ringo wants to make it special for George. They may not be a couple in love, but Ringo wants their child to be conceived with love.
It takes a few attempts.
George seems disheartened when he doesn’t fall pregnant the first time, but Ringo reassures him it might take a little while.
It takes four months in the end.
Four months of weekly sex, and of Ringo slowly becoming consumed by this fantasy of playing house with George. He has to keep reminding himself they’re not a couple. George isn’t in love with him. They’re not really going to be a family.
Of course he forgets all that when George finally gets a positive test back, and they kiss like they did on that very afternoon when George asked Ringo to do this with him.
They’re going to have a baby together.
Ringo doesn’t know why he expected them to keep having sex after George falls pregnant.
They’re not in a relationship, after all. The sex was just to serve a purpose.
But Ringo finds it’s not just the sex he can’t stop thinking about. He loves that his relationship with George has taken a domestic turn. He loves taking George to doctor’s appointments and buying him healthy foods and cooking for him.
And he loves touching George’s bump as he grows bigger, eventually feeling their child kick beneath his hand.
When George is about six months along, Brian suggests they get married.
Ringo has to admit to himself that he’s thought about it before, and his heart sinks when George laughs.
“We don’t need to get married, Eppy,” George says, stroking his bump. “We’re not a couple. I’m sure Ringo won’t want to be tied down with me. He’s done enough for me already.”
“I just think it would be better for your image,” Brian says. “Parents are more likely to buy their teenagers Beatles records if you’re a family. A baby born out of wedlock-“
“We’re not getting married, Eppy,” George says firmly, clearly indicating he doesn’t want to discuss it further.
Ringo tries to ignore the stinging in his eyes.
When the day finally comes for George to go into labour, Ringo assumes that the worst thing that could happen is he’s not able to get George to the hospital in time.
He does manage to get George to the hospital in time, but that’s where their troubles begin.
“The baby is in a difficult position,” the doctor tells them when he examines George. “And the baby is in distress. We need to make this happen now.”
The next few hours are a blur.
There’s so much blood. George gets tired from pushing, and the doctor tells them they’re going to have to take him away for surgery.
“Don’t leave me,” George begs Ringo, pure fear in his eyes.
“I won’t,” Ringo promises, kissing George’s hand. “I’ll be right here, Georgie.”
Ringo stays with George for all of it, and it’s the most heartbreaking day of his life.
By the time George regains consciousness, Ringo has already cried enough tears for the both of them.
“The baby,” George says weakly. “Is it a boy or a girl?”
Ringo squeezes George’s hand. He doesn’t want to be the one to break George’s heart. “A girl. Georgie-“
“Can I see her?”
George’s tired smile is so warm and full of pure happiness that Ringo can’t hold back the tears anymore.
He tells George the sad news, watching the younger man’s face turn pale, and he holds George while he sobs.
Brian suggests that Ringo and George take a few months off work.
They take the offer up, and it does them good to have some time away just to themselves. They spend the time crying and talking; they talk more than they ever have before.
They talk about the daughter they never got to hold. They talk about how devastated they are. They talk about all the milestones they’ve missed already. They talk about if there’s anything they could have done to stop it.
They spend six months just talking, and when they’re finally ready to go back to work, Ringo feels like he’s never been closer to George.
“Thank you for everything,” George tells Ringo one night. “I don’t know how I would have got through this without you. I love you, Ritchie.”
That’s the first time he’s ever said that.
“I love you too,” Ringo says softly, feeling like he should have said it a long time ago.
Something blossoms between them over the next few months.
They don’t really talk about it; it just happens.
George starts sleeping in Ringo’s bed more often than not when he has nightmares, and soon he just moves into Ringo’s room permanently.
They start sharing warm kisses and casual touches. The affection flows between them freely and naturally, and one night they end up making love like they did all those months ago.
But this time something has changed. This time they both know where they stand; they both know their love for each other.
And when George tells Ringo he’s pregnant just a few weeks later, Ringo feels even more joy in his heart than he did the first time.
They will never forget their daughter, but they have a chance now to start to rebuild their lives.
As they kiss through their tears, Ringo makes a mental note to ask Brian about engagement rings.
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narcopharmacist · 4 years
🦋FKBUL episode 4 has changed my mind about Suzue❤️
👁👄👁 In this episode Suzue did a 180 degree turn LMAO
❤️👉 She’s completely head over heels🥰 (I wanna say in ❤️ love ❤️but I’ll reserve it for a later time) for that one man what’s his name?💀😂😂
❤️👉 Suzue literally chased after him, but with those heels of hers? Sis gon break a leg💀
❤️👉 She locked herself in the basement with her surveillance cameras just to monitor Daisuke’s whereabouts. 🥰🥺 Grandma checked up on her too, like that supportive in-law LMAO She literally turned zombie mode and did you see grandma look at her bags of trash wondering “Oh my goodness this girl is over the top”; They also seem close, just like Suzue and Kikuemon in the novel lol
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❤️👉 Suzue is actually a “Yes I do the cooking yes I do the cleaning” type of gurl; she that ✨perfect✨ waifu
Now for the song. When Daisuke returned Suzue’s gon be like, to stop him from running away next time:
[Verse 1]
You got that good good, baby‚ don't you?
Got  that good good, baby, don't you?
But  you leavin' solo
Ain't regular‚ that ain't regular
I  ain't gon' keep, keep fightin' for it
Ain't gon' keep, keep fightin' for it
'Cause you know this thing here
Ain't regular, that ain't regular
❤️I'ma break you off, let me be your 💞motivation💞💞
💞To stay and give it tonight💞
And, baby, turn around, let me give you innovation
🦋Hey, 'cause I do it so right🦋
❤️Think about it, ooh, I think about it
🥰Think about it, ooh, take a look at me now 👀💞
Hey, a little motivation, alright🥰
Guessed the song yet? 👉 Motivation by Normani ❤️💞✨
++Other observations:
🦋 They didn’t say the real reason why Daisuke stormed out. Suzue and grandma enumerated stuff but are those really it? One thing for sure is it involved Suzue cuz sis chased her mans
🦋 Suddenly Suzue changed the way she called Daisuke. There was no “-sama” when we first met her.
🦋 Haru did not ask any further about Suzue, I mean, now he thinks she’s single right? After crushing on her? And what gave away for him to actually think Daisuke and Suzue were married? Hmmm?
🦋 Daisuke’s disclosure on his rship with Suzue. I’ve seen reviews on MAL about how they don’t really appreaciate his voice because it’s monotonous and you can’t really tell what he’s feeling with his poor inflection. Miss K’s post: Did Daisuke lie about it because after he said “Suzue is a relative” he looked at the screen showing Suzue’s message for him, which could mean he’d seen it before saying that line (which we don’t see nor know), and he looks at it for us to see. I watched it again and yes, perhaps the way he answered was stiff, so stiff that when you think further about it you might say that he said it at the heat of the moment. Especially with his “Yeah.”
🦋 Actually, per ^, I think he said “Suzue is a relative” because that’s what he considers her to be. Just like in the novel, they considered each other as brother and sister even though they’re not actually related, but in the anime they toned it down to “relative” instead of “sibling.” They’re not married in the novel (but they could be at the end), so they’re also not married in the anime obvi.
🦋 Check out the scene in the dining room. I don’t have a picture of it (rather the quality of my picture is bad lmao) but observe the photo frames on the wall. There is one that can be kinda seen better because of the lighting. The lower picture on the left. Zoom in on it, and it looks like a man and a woman. Are they Daisuke’s parents? Or... based on the hairline of the woman sitting down, they’re someone else. I guess I can consider this a hint? Considering FKBUL is always asking for random stuff on their BUL Point page LOL
🦋 They have updated her description on LINE, while it’s still the same on their site (“Identity is shrouded in mystery.”) Plus they also just revealed Daisuke’s real height LMAO 🥺🤭 So can we consider a possibility that some day they’re gonna SPECIFY Suzue’s real rship with Daisuke? 😉😙Relative is too broad of a term, and her actions scream her feelings. Will we be getting an eppy where we get to see Daisuke’s POV about her?
😍💞The best part 💞—> Daisuke prepared food for Suzue and even did a demonstration on how to do it ❤️😍🥰 And when she tasted it we get to see Daisuke already smiling, as if he’s THAT confident Suzue is going to love what he made. 😏 Maybe we can also say that he knows Suzue will love whatever he does and will always support him. 🥂🍾 FKBUL did say she’s his “supporting role.”
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thekristen999 · 4 years
Seven Sentence Sunday
I’m 7k words into a new 9-1-1/Buddie fic. A deeper character study of sorts. My gut says I should finish writing it so I can post before any new eppys airs. I hope it’s done before that, I don’t like writing post S3 stuff right before new arcs.
Snippet: Might be more than 7 sentences :)
Before Eddie had a chance to politely refuse, Buck started leading him toward the kitchen. “I bought this new grass-fed butter, it’s just, amazing.”
“Grass-fed butter? What does that actually mean?”
Buck stood in the middle of his kitchen and handed Eddie a pastry. “That the cows eat grass?”
Eddie took the offered croissant, pausing in thought. “True.”
Somehow Buck beamed even brighter. “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.” He held up his buttered pastry. “And we should enjoy this gift.”
“You been reading new age books again?”
“It’s called mindfulness, Eddie. And yes, I have. Ever since, well you know…” Buck shrugged.
Yeah, Eddie knew. But he also realized that the hour he was missing underground was just as terrifying for those who feared they’d lost him.
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kalypsichor · 4 years
fools on a hill [ george harrison x reader ]
summary: From childhood friends to fellow Beatles, George and you seem to have lived your whole lives under this tree. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
Request: hii could u do like, a mini beatle!reader x geo imagine where theyre best friends since they were kids idkk i trust u warnings: time skips
i’m posting this in celebration of our beautiful George’s birthday part one! i suppose tomorrow is part two. we’ll never know. and i am so sorry dear anon, you asked for a mini imagine and my brain just ran with it.
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There’s a boy sitting under your tree.
Well, it doesn’t belong to you, exactly. But you’ve been eating lunch under it every day since the start of primary school— a big old sycamore tree atop a small hill, the perfect hideaway from your annoying classmates— for a whole week! So you definitely have some claim to it. Yes, you’re going to give him a piece of your mind. And that’s the plan you have in your head as you march up to him, tiny fist clenched around your lunchbox. That is, until he looks up and you see that he’s got something cupped in his hands.
“What's that?” you ask, your curiosity overtaking any anger you might have previously held towards the boy. He looks startled at the fact that you’ve just gone and plopped yourself right next to him with a complete disregard for personal space. His answer is hesitant and quiet, and you lean even closer to hear.
“Some kinda cricket. I think.”
He relaxes his grip just a smidge and sure enough, you can see something small and legged moving around. You nod your head, satisfied, and open your lunch. The two of you sit in silence, comfortable in the way that children are when they owe nothing to each other, you chomping down on the sandwich your mum packed and the boy just staring down at the bug. Sometime after you open your juice box, he opens his hands and lets the cricket hop away.
“What’d you do that for?” you startle. “You’re letting it get away!”
He looks at you from beneath his messy fringe and shrugs. “It doesn’t belong to me,” he says.
You both watch as it pauses some distance away, antenna quivering as though searching for something, before disappearing into the boundless sea of grass.
The familiar sight of George leaning against the tree quells your feelings somewhat, but your lip is still trembling by the time you’ve thrown yourself onto the grass next to him. He closes his book and sets it to the side, waiting for you to speak first. You stew in your anger for a little while before it spills out.
“Why are boys so stupid?”
“We’re not stupid,” George says defensively, but you plow on.
“I was trying to draw a picture in class and Tommy Wood kept on pulling on my hair and telling me it looked ugly and I told him to stop but he wouldn’t! and every time Miss Gordie would come around he sat very still and pretended to be working but the moment she left he’d just he’d start pulling on my braids again! He’s so stupid and I hate him.” You punctuate the last sentence with a particularly harsh yank at some blades of grass.
“My mum says boys tease girls if they like them.”
“But you don't tease me, Geo, and we like each other the most.”
He contemplates this for a while, brows furrowed. “I suppose you're right. He’s just an arse then.”
You giggle and sit up, leaning a head on his shoulder “You can't call him that! My mum says it’s a naughty word.”
“Well maybe I'm just a naughty boy,” he says, grinning wickedly. Before you can anticipate whatever evil deed he's planning, he’s already got his hands tickling your sides.
“No, stop it, noooo! Geo— you can’t— stOP!!!”
Your laughter rings across the open field and soon Tommy is all but forgotten, carried away on the summer breeze.
“D’you remember when we first met here?”
The tree looks so small. As kids, it seemed like the biggest thing, an enormous leafy umbrella that protected you and George against the world. Now, you have to duck to stand underneath its branches.
“No, actually, you’ll have to remind me,” you tease. He nudges you in the ribs and you dance away, laughing. “‘course I do, Geo. It was the best thing that ever happened to me!”
As you walk around the trunk, trailing your fingers across its familiar notches and grooves, George flops down. When you’ve come full circle, he’s already got his head tilted back against the tree and his eyes closed, basking in the sun. It’s a peaceful scene. He looks like he belongs there, like he hasn’t moved since that day in primary school.
You must’ve stood there for a long time watching him because George slowly opens an eye and smirks up at you all cat-like. Uncrossing his arms, he pats his legs.
“Why don’t you come down here, love? The view is better.”
You snort at his terrible flirting but oblige and settle into his lap, hands coming up naturally to link behind his neck. Your head finds his chest and for a while you allow yourself to relax there. Ear pressed against argyle sweater, the steady beat of his heart lulls you almost to sleep.
“You know, I thought you were a weirdo.”
The moment is shattered and you look up, bewildered. “What?”
“That first day! There I was, sitting by myself at recess and some girl comes along and starts botherin’ me!”
You smack his chest lightly in mock-anger. “I’m the weirdo? You’re the one that sat under my tree-- not to mention you were catching bugs while everyone else was playing on the swings and the like!”
George’s eyes narrow with a playfulness and he catches your wrists before they can thump him again. “Your tree? It didn’t have your name on it.”
“‘S not like you could fucking read.”
“Hm, well, maybe not. But it’s our tree now, isn’t it?”
You don’t know whether you want to smack him or snog him senseless. “You’re so cheesy,” you grumble, and when you close the distance between your lips he’s still smiling. It’s a kiss you’ve had a thousand times, but George still feels the thrill of it spark in his chest.
“Hey hey! Lovebirds goin’ at it, huh? Oh, Paul, hold me. Their love is too much!”
It’s John with his smirky meerkat face trotting up the hill to where the two of you are sat, Paul and Ringo trailing behind at a much more leisurely pace. George sighs and pulls away.
“Can I kill ‘im?”
A tempting thought. “No, we don’t need the fans thinking that two of the Beatles are dead. It’s bad press.”
You two are giggling before you know it, shaking in each other’s arms. John’s standing in front of the tree now, bent down awkwardly to fit under.
“What are you two laughin’ about?” he demands.
“Your nose,” George says. You laugh even harder.
“You’ve got some nerve—”
“Well, now you know what it’s like.”
That’s Ringo, who’s grinning good-naturedly with a hand to his face to block the sun. Paul comes up a few steps behind and restrains John before he can throw a fit. The familiar back and forth of the group fills you with a funny sort of warmth that buzzes ever so slightly in your chest. You turn and slide off of George’s lap to cuddle into his side.
“Should we get back soon?” Paul asks this with an air that suggests he doesn’t really want to. “Eppy will be havin’ an aneurysm when he finds out we’ve ditched another meeting.”
The air is warm and sweet with the smell of summer. It’s lethargic, sinking into everyone’s bones like molasses. No one wants to do anything and you can see it in your bandmates-- how John allows his glasses to almost slide off the slope of his nose before pushing them back up, the way Ringo fidgets restlessly with his rings. George traces lazy, looping patterns into your arm and you shuffle even closer into his embrace.
“I think we deserve a little break,” he says. His voice rumbles in his chest and you can feel the vibration through your spine.
“A few minutes can’t hurt.” And with that, Ringo throws himself onto the grass spread eagle, smiling adorably at his newfound plan. The others follow suit without complaint. What a funny sight you must have been to any passerby— the famous Beatles all sprawled out under a little sycamore tree.
Well, it wasn’t just any tree. It was the tree that had grown up with you, had watched as you ate lunches and told jokes and fell in love under its very branches. It didn’t belong to you or George or anyone else but itself. And for this brief moment on a lazy summer’s day, you two belonged to it.
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spaceyantique · 4 years
Can I make a request of a headcanon with John and Paul? I would like this to be about a chubby female and how would they treat her. Thank you~! 💕
i wrote a little bit about all four of the boys being protective of reader, so if anyone missed that, you can read it right here! It’s less about what reader looks like but it has similar thoughts.
so the 60s were obviously not a great time for body positivity
even if you’re a more average size, not being twiggy-thin would be something that reporters and fans would point out frequently
but all the boys would defend you fiercely from anyone
there would be the occasional article or conference question, but they’d be quick to shut down whatever reporter dared to even breathe in your direction about your weight
“and why’s that your business?” “mister lennon, our readers simply wondered why, out of millions of fans-” “what’ve the fans got to do with anything?” “why blame the fans for a rude question?” “yeah, we don’t answer that sort of question.” “mister mccartney, i-” “i think that’s enough out of you! anyone else?”
we all know that voice/face that john does when he’s pissed at a reporter’s question
he’d automatically go into defense mode when people started being rude to you, because who the hell do they think they are to attack his girl?
john has no trouble dishing shit right back at anyone who’s rude to you, so much that eppy actually has to have a talk (read: lecture) with him
he had a lot of trouble with the press, what with them calling him the “fat beatle” (i cri), and he NEVER wants any of that to get close to you
i have a personal hc that john would WORSHIP thick thighs (fic concept?) but anyway
he thinks you’re so unbelievably sexy bc he’s an ass guy 100%
paul… he likes boobs. sue him, he’s not shy about it
he likes to have his mouth on your tits as much as possible
those talented fingers certainly get their practice on you
paul also LOVES cuddling with you
the only other person on tour that’ll cuddle him whenever is george, and that man is all elbows and skinny long legs
paul thinks your cheeks (both sets of ‘em ;) ) are absolutely adorable. he likes to cup your face in his hands and kiss your nose
he has his arms wrapped around you as much as possible. he’s not sure why you bring him so much comfort, but he’s not going to question it through the exhaustion of tour life
they’d love you so much! no matter what!
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