#watching it for the first time and. ngl it’s good.
bookobsessedfreak · 2 days
laughter like honey dribbles ◦ l.f
-an inexperienced Felix tries to impress you by forcing his voice deeper. What do you do when it cracks mid-through?
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Paring◦ Lee Felix x Fem!Reader Words◦ 1123 Genre ◦ The fluffiest smut you'll ever read, awkward sexual situations, realistic sex where life isn't all butterflies, orgasms, and rainbows. Warnings ◦ Reader is described as having a vagina, laughter during sex, Felix being a big baby, embarrassment (what's new), ruined orgasm ig? Ngl i feel like half of this is just a bunch of me yapping and terrible punctuation (if you find any errors PLEASE let me know, thank you). A/N ◦ Okay, this is my first time ever trying to actually write something and post it, so your feedback is veryyy much appreciated. Just remember to be respectful, gentle, and kind. Ofcc credits to @kaciidubs + @whatudowhennooneseesyou who came up with the whole idea, but I just used it because it inspired me, so big thanks to those beautiful people. <3 Without further ado, please enjoy this tooth-rotting smutty fluff. ~CookieCreates🍪
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You can feel him all around you, chest to chest, skin to skin, heart to heart. Your bodies melded together flawlessly, as though you were molded to fit into each other's arms, and, well, each others…
He pumps in and out of you ruthlessly, perfectly tipping you closer and closer to the edge.
“Please,” you whimper, wrapping your legs around his rutting hips, wanting him closer, harder, deeper,
“What do you want, baby?” He slams his hips harder into yours, prodding all the perfect places. You choke, a rush of pleasure vibrating through your bones. “Use your words.” He pants, nibbling on the soft skin of your neck, his voice deep and low, the seductive sultry tilt sends shivers up your spine and tingles to your core. 
“Say something, anything, your voice drives me crazy,” you whine, throwing your head back in bliss. A shrill moan rips from the back of your throat as you feel your orgasm quickly approaching, electric hands reaching out to you. You brush the tips of its fingers; trailing rings of fire seem to be tickling your skin, raging beneath your bones. 
So close.
So close.
So close.
You reach, all you need is,
“Good girl.” Felix doesn't know why he did it, forced his voice lower, deeper. At the time when ecstasy was rushing through his veins, it didn't seem like such a bad idea, until he went so deep it cracked.
He wants nothing more than for the earth to crack open and swallow him whole.
He stops.
You stop.
The world stops for a moment, and all you can see are his big, brown eyes blown wide with shock. The room is completely silent; the only thing being heard is the rough pounding of your hearts and the hard blinking of your eyes which seems like all you guys are able to do. You stay like that forever. Watching. Waiting. For one of you to take one for the team and cut through the growing tension in the room. You curl your lips into your teeth, breaking the awkward stand-off on whose either going to laugh their ass off or pretend that nothing happened and continue to fuck, but with your orgasm long forgotten and the previous raging heat of the room now dwindling to nothing more than a few flickering embers, the laughter that bubbles up in your throat is beginning to be too hard to contain.
Heat floods his cheeks as he blinks, still in this weird form of fight or flight mode. His muscles tense beneath your traveling fingertips, overcome with the humiliation that burns through his chest, and figuring no matter how much he's praying for the earth to swallow him up, Mother Nature is not coming to save him, so he shoves his face into the crook of your neck, hiding from your amused stare instead. 
“Baby,” you chuckle softly, sympathetically, the sound reminding him somewhat of delicate strings of honey that float through the air. Even with the regret coursing through his veins, the sound sticks to parts of his brain that only you are allowed to occupy, so basically, all of it.
He could sum up his life with you in one simple sentence: cotton candy kisses and laughter like honey dribbles. He groans, digging his face deeper into the soft skin of your neck, the same neck that's littered with the love bites he bestowed not even moments earlier.
Oh, how the world changes. 
You can't help the spree of giggles that spill from your mouth.
“Can you come out now, please?”
"No, I'm good. I think I'm going to live here, die here, eat here, sleep here. You might as well get comfortable, baby, cause I'm staying here for the rest of my life!” He says erratically, digging his face deeper into your skin.
“My dramatic baby,” you coo, running your fingers through his hair, still damp with sweat. Time seems to trickle by as soft bouts of breathing fill the air. The heat of his cheeks burns into your neck as you attempt to coddle him out of the embarrassed home he's made in your body.
"S'embarrassing,” he mumbles, voice muddled by the depth in which he has burrowed into your flesh. 
“What was that, baby? I couldn't hear you from the home you've made in my neck.” You tease, a playful smirk dancing on your lips. He lifts his head, shooting you an equally playful but unamused glare. You have to push back the laughter that threatens to leave your lips as you take in his red cheeks and shy eyes. He looks so adorable and yet so sexy at the same time. You don't know if you want to jump his bones or bake him a batch of cookies. The best part is that you know you're going to be able to do both. You lift your eyebrows, sending him a look that states, "You have to admit that really was funny," which he reciprocates with a shy smile, not quite meeting your eyes, giving you a look back that states, "I know it was funny, but right now I'm too embarrassed to say that currently."
That's what you loved about your relationship with Felix—you didn't always have to communicate with words. Your hearts did the talking for you.
“Come on,” you giggle, “you have to admit it was kind of funny.” He rolls his eyes, a wide smile creeping onto his face. "Yeah, I guess it was kind of funny.” 
You snicker, “Thank God, cause the laughter wasn't going to hold itself in for very long.” 
"Ugg, I hate you.” His words were as soft as silk, holding not even a centimeter of malice. He buries himself back into the permanent place he's made his home. 
“But I love you.” You whisper, your lips grazing the crown of his head, soft hairs tickling your chin.
You loved Felix, and he loved you, and even though the mood was ruined and hope for an orgasm was gone, you wouldn't trade it for the world. How could you when he was exactly that. Your world. 
“Okay, as much as I hate to say this, you can't live inside of me forever; my pH levels have to be screaming right now.”
When you were a girl and the coughs started coming, your mother used to give you honey in a spoon and a tickle to the stomach, telling you that laughter was the best medicine, but mixed with the slick amber liquid, your laughter would always sound like honey dribbles, the perfect cure, but with Felix, you never had to worry about being sick because laughter was all the two of you ever spoke.
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©CookieCreates (posted: June, 2nd 2024) All rights reserved. Do not translate, copy, or claim my works as yours! I only post on this platform so if any of my works are elsewhere, report and notify me immediately.
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crazykuroneko · 2 days
My IWTV S2E4 Watch Notes
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Love the episode! I think this is my favorite so far, followed by E3 and E1.
Anyway very long note after the cut. But my main complaint now is: I miss the voice-over narration! It's basically gone after Ep 2 (except for Armand's flashback). I know it's probably a sign of how Loumand have "defanged" Daniel the Journalist and it's part of the mystery, but still! Without it, we don't get much idea about how current Loumand think on certain parts in the flashback. We don't know what exactly Claudia has said in her diaries. I feel so lost without it 😭
Oh, also, my fix-it fic for this episode would be Eglee helping Claudia get out of the coven and leave Paris along with Madeleine. Women support women 😌
• the difference of Loumand's accounts on the reactions to Claudia's play 🤭
• I love how the founders of the 1927 company got to show off their acting as well
• God @ Claudia being so open with the coven about her hangup with the play and yet. And Louis just sat there being bitchy, giving her "well, /this/ is what you want" look.
• "This is not about Louis" Poor Claudia. people tend to talk about the men around her not her. Many such cases, even out of the screen, unfortunately.
• Santiago creating cracks in Loumand's mind. you have to give it to him
• No @ Eglee my princess catfighting over Santiago's dick.
• Dreamstat came up when Louis is unsure about their relationship. Louis is desperately trying to keep this casual because how bad it was for him the last time. Meanwhile, Armand has history of being abandoned multiple times. Ofc he wants Louis more committed to him. On top of the coven. Like, yknow, he has to risk it for Louis at least he wants to be sure the relationship is real.
• "Only works when I remember shit that pisses me off". Oh, Louis is pissed Armand hanging his history with Lestat over his head. Then Armand goes, "I try to find the vulnerability within the material". The balance is so precarious here
• Ngl the "i love you" sounds so ridiculous. LOUIS PLEASE
• "The fire?" Louis forgets about That?
* Claudia is their current biggest star yet she's still doing the wet room????! Oh fuck off
* Madeilene really matches Claudia's weirdness.
* The restaurant scene. That's what you got when you make a problem with a Black man growing up in Jim Crow NOLA! he's so done with the coven.
* Louis and art. He went into art once he arrives in Paris. I think it's to connect to humanity more. He said it helps freeing his mind as well. I wonder how much seeing Lestat connecting to humanity through art affecting his drive here. Whether consciously or not. But alas, he is businessman at heart. He's good at management and trades. Anyone has tried to guess AMC Louis MBTI?
* The addition in their archive though?? Is rashid a Talamasca agent confirmed? Or that's Armand miscalucating?
* Also that line about Daniel and a girl at high school. Once again a reminder that these men are misogynists first and foremost 🙂
* Oh I like the scene with Louis and Ghostat in the dark room. Ghostat really says everything Louis doesn't dare to admit to himself. He actually knew his weakness as photographer. There's also a meaning here Louis making those lines said by Lestat. Lestat likes to confront Louis about what he believes about himself, but he never does it the right way (which is the crux of their problems). Here he does it the right way.
* Sam giving 🥺 because Louis does that when they're good with each other is so 😭
* "Romeo!" Louis is SO mad about the restaurant if that's how he reacts to Armand romancing him
* "Are you their hostage?" Madeilene why are you so straightforward? (I like her)
* I know it sounds consensual, but Madeleine's body language when telling her story with that German soldier looks weird. Perhaps we'll see her more open later.
* "I don't enjoy using my power like that" he says, after flexing his power on security guards then float to the next floor. I think what Louis said in S1 that Lestat not using his power perhaps in consideration to not make Louis felt way weaker says more about his current situation than he was with Lestat. Like, I get him, you can't help comparing notes on your relationships.
* Oh, the Ghostat in the museum date is clearly Louis' reluctance to believe Armand completely. Or rather than believe, I think "putting his guard down" is more accurate. He did after Lestat told his story and yet he got betrayed. I think Sam does a good job here. As the story goes, Ghostat looks more anxious. Louis wants to let go yet there are still the coven, Armand's power, and the secret hanging over them.
* Assad's acting here 😭
* Going on a date with Louis then threatening Claudia. THAT IS WILD.
* I wonder if Delainey uses chest binder as Claudia. If not, I wish she did. ngl that line and the visual don't match.
* That period blood scene is something. Bet Rolin was very inspired when he read Memnoch
* "I pretended to be an actor for two years." When does Louis mean here? Lestat at Renauld's? He stayed there as an actor for two years before shit happened? I need an updated timeline already OML
* Not @ Ghostat aka indirect Louis calling Claudia a "poor decision"
* Louis knows it's doomed. But again, he's desperate to find happiness in Paris. Because him killing Lestat and choosing to go with Claudia has to pay off somehow. (Is she worth it?) He's desperate to make this work with Armand. He sees Armand is basically a lost child, shouldering this job he doesn't want just because he's older. So, Louis, good at running things etc, takes the wheel here. Trying to save the sinking ship that's the coven. Unbeknownst to them, the doom actually has started already (Santiago finding Lestat's last words). Louis also gives Armand a choice here, but Armand said he wants him. Well, we know what will happen with the coven members 🤭
* The Ghostat disappearing. Ngl the rain and special effects make it look ridiculous. And Hannibal (the show) did a better job with it by literally re-slit Abigail Hobbs' neck. But I understand that won't work in IWTV narrative wise. In Hannibal, it's not Will who slit her throat, so when they redid it it doesn't have added meaning. But Louis the one who slit Lestat's throat. And he doesn't want to re-kill Lestat. He has made peace with it. In fact, the fact he doesn't burn Lestat's side on that photo with Armand and his last words with Ghostat tell me that he's not forgetting Lestat. he's moving on, yes, but he puts Lestat safely in a corner of his heart. Just like Lestat did with his initials. And it reminds me to Louis' initials on the letter he sent Daniel in S2 look a lot like LDL, not LDPDL
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* But anyway, isn't it sus Claudia just has her diaries out in the open like that? I mean, yes she doesn't live with Louis anymore, but there's a history of Louis reading her journal. If I were her, I'd at least save them in my coffin at the apartment for save keeping. This is sus.
* "Is that what makes you fascinating?" Oh, Armand is so insecure about their relationship for years. He saw Louis getting interested with this Daniel boy and he tried to crack his brain, finding the reason.
• Daniel isn't filed under suspected victims.
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shortfeather · 2 months
If there isn’t a terminator doc fic somewhere out there I WILL riot
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So, my comfort hobby is watching people on YouTube react to the Owl House- it's very fun, and I enjoy it quite a bit.
Often though, when Stranger Tides and Hunting Palisman come up, they will make comments about how strange and unsuited Hunter's voice is for his ominous character/persona. And half of me, the reasonable half goes:
"well, that's for a reason, it's because Hunter doesn't fit the persona of the Golden Guard- he's a highly trained soldier but still a kid, he's a teenager in a position of power, of course his voice cracks and isn't as ominous that's the point, the point is he's been given expectations and power he can never live up the point is that his voice shouldn't match-"
But the goblin part of me that first heard Hunter's voice and went absolutely feral, goes:
"Hunter voice good. What are you talking about. Zeno Robinson is a god and his voice is perfect. "unfortunately, you won't have the chance" Hunter voice incredible. *Unintelligible screaming* Hunter voice incredible. I want to devour the way he says words help. "Oh, you just pull that chord above your head" JSJUSHDJRND His voice leaves me in absolute shambles. Hunter voice good. Zeno Robinson did the world more of a favour than every step taken by every great man. His voice tastes like honey and morning dew and a frenzied thunderstorm crackling on your tongue. What the HECK are you talking about."
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bellepark · 1 year
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Furukawa Yuta in WATASHI NO OYOME-KUN (2023)
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kaleidoscopeaglow · 6 months
every time a character said a stupid one liner in jigsaw instead of an expletive an angel lost its wings
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temeyes · 10 months
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watched it again!!! aaaAAAA
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pynkhues · 4 months
Hello ! I absolutely love your thoughts about shows and characters! this is such a random question. Do you think Rio would be super into movies? Not like a film bro necessarily but I do think he would be really critical, particular of the type of movies he enjoys 😭. Maybe a little judgey n amused by Beth’s fav movies. Though maybe they would enjoy the same films .What are your head cannons?
Hi! Oh, anon, I have long had the personal headcanon that Rio's an enormous snob, haha.
I tend to see him as more of a book and music guy than a film or TV guy tbh, in no small part because he had a record player but no TV in his apartment in 2.11, but I think it checks out with what we know of his character too. I do like the idea though that when he does watch movies, he does so in two capacities - firstly as a sort of bougie trait (he only watches films at the cinema, and probably arthouse ones at that), and secondly that he might enjoy watching b-gangster movies to talk shit about all the things they're doing wrong, haha.
I can see him and Beth doing both together when they're in an established relationship? And I think they'd both posture a little with going to the cinema but actually have more fun with laughing together at b-gangster movies. I also kind of love the idea of Beth secret-squirreling away tidbits of information when Rio was talking shit too, because he'd reveal more about his experiences and the crime world than he meant to for the sake of tearing a movie to shreds, haha.
I also love the idea of his snobbery kind of extending to the kids sometimes. Like him trying to stop the kids from watching Frozen for the 1200th time and trying to get them into like, communist Hungarian folklore animation like Son of the White Mare instead which most of the kids would hate, except like, Jane, who liked all the new ways it taught her how to be a little evil (also, y'know, maybe she'd like the bonding time and the fact that pretending to like the weird movies Rio played them got her extra dessert).
As for Beth's taste - - I think she'd decide early that she'd keep watching the things she actually wanted to watch with Ruby and Annie, haha.
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computer-boy · 1 month
tomorrow is friday yay :)
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polktd · 2 years
to the people keeping the dps fandom alive, thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
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doctorbrown · 7 days
Now with the long weekend over I am so ready to get back to writing hnnnnnnー
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star-mum · 1 year
If i had a nickle for everytime a loved 2000s/2010s latino show was rebooted by Netflix for American/english speaking audiences, I’d have 2 nickles.
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Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice
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just-aro · 2 years
me: a loveless aro
me: introduced to the End Poem of minecraft for the first time literally this week
me: and the universe said i love you because you are love *starts sobbing*
#no but seriously what the fuck#minecraft has no rights to make me cry what the fuck#(also guess who is perpetually the latest person ever to join a trend and is planning to play mc for the first time in xyr life soon)#also hermitcraft is my latest interest-based obsession#so far i've watched ~10 episodes each of s9 for doc/impulse/scar/joehills and <5 for xisuma/tango/zedaph#i plan to watch a little of everyone and kinda see all the Vibes#but ngl so far impulse joe and scar are my blorbos#doc is great but my attention span is not the length of his videos#grian is a lovely chaos gremlin to view from other perspectives but a Bit Much for me to watch directly#joehills is a fucking sweetheart and i adore him#scar is a chaotic neutral disabled icon with the voice of a god#impulse is like. dad friend to the max and i adore that#the soup group is really freaking cute#xisuma seems nice but he cuts so many interactions with other hermits :( i would like to see interactions pls sir#i do think i have to watch the queer ones - iirc geminitay and iskall + one more and i am forgetting who#and regretfully... i know myself and i will probably be Unable to watch far in any one person's stuff without catching up on everyone else#OH! i forgot mumbo!!! mumbo is also good and i hope his mental health break is going well#i do also plan to watch double life. probs not third life or last life though#anyways yeah i. uh. have an interest-driven brain can u all tell#that i got into this. last week.#back to the original reason i wrote the post though lol#the end poem fucking wrecked me#like bro. bro. you can't just.
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apricote · 9 months
i'm pretty sure it's not smart of me to absorb the tadpoles like they're breadsticks or some shit but i just wanna see what will happen okay
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thefearhas · 10 months
get to know me tag game
Saw this and now I'm doing it, thank you @loserlesbianongsa!
RULES: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose(ish) clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with (a) friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
Tagging @hoppipolla and @zerberosa and anyone who sees this and wants to do it :), no pressure though!
#I thought I would bold more but I guess this is it :))#Changed my nose stud to a nose ring a few weeks ago I think my face and nose really suit a nose piercing I'm glad I decided to get one :))#Ngl at first I thought hm.. I don't travel too much but even going to the same place very often can actually be described as travelling..#Those very very long car drives are kind of travelling I can't deny it.😭#I want to be able to confidently say I can speak three languages kind of fluently. But my skills are not good enough.. yet.#I'm working on it. And even if my English is not fluent I am able to speak it and that's enough for now :)#I bleached my hair for the third time last year and now it's a bit damaged..#The first two times my hair did not get this damaged..😔 But it's okay thankfully I love my natural hair colour too much to bleach all#my hair so I only ever got a few blonde strands :)#Also the Mexican food one.. it's not like I dislike it I just don't think I have ever really tried something authentic?#I don't know. I kind of want to try food from cultures I've never tried before but I need someone to come with.#There is actually a friend who suggested to go to a Mexican restaurant and she also said that she wants to try Vietnamese food..#I'm gonna text her when I have time again.#It's getting really unrelated here but I would really like to try homemade kimchi one day because I want to compare it to something#I know from my culture bc I read that it's a bit similar.#I watched a Korean street food video with my mum a few months ago and there were a few dishes that locked similar to food we know.#Everything looked so interesting. I'm rambling but it's okay.
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fissions-chips · 8 months
I was thinking of horror-y goodness, as you do, but after listening to a chill song for a bit and realizing I am in fact sleepy, have a chill TimSpiroVoi headcanon instead-
Tea breaks. All of them taking tea breaks (that each has to enforce at different times)- Tim and Butler need to drink something other than coffee, Jon often benefits from the kinds that soothe your stomach, and having a warm drink in their hands helps any of them ground themselves a bit/calm down if they’re having a bad day.
Thus. Tea breaks.
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