#walt isnt.
hearties-circus · 2 years
Thinking about the 'a broken mug is fixed but a chipped one is overlooked, sometimes I wish I were more damaged so I could get help' and walt n rosa
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kylejsugarman · 4 months
the "ur a blowfish!!" pep talk that walt gives jesse is actually super interesting to me because walt has thus far given jesse little encouragement and its heavily implied that in high school, walt gave up on jesse as a student and did not try to support him or inspire him in any meaningful way beyond shaming him for not Performing better. but here walt is suddenly delivering this very pointed, effective pep talk to jesse that gets him up and motivated within minutes. just because he's trying to Get jesse to do something for him. to take care of business. and it just makes me wonder if walt always had the capacity to be a very encouraging teacher or just a helpful person in general, if he does have that skill set, but never thought to apply it in a situation like high school's jesse because he wouldn't gain something from a direct, positive interaction. i mean, we see in the iconic "AHHH. wire :)" scene that walt can deliver information effectively and guide a student thru an academic revelation: walt clearly has the skill to be a good, inspiring teacher. but the only time he's incentivized to apply it is when he's trying to get something out of jesse. he carefully, specifically inspires jesse to do his bidding and then praises him (that praise he craves) when jesse obeys, acting under the guise that jesse was moved to action and has accomplished some goal. "ur a blowfish!!" walt is literally telling jesse what to Be, what he Is, what Exactly jesse needs to do in order to get the approval and happiness he wants. what would that talent look like in someone who actually wanted the best for jesse??
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ironasss · 10 months
why is david tennants imdb picture from gracepoint of all things. like of every photo out there why the 2014 american remake featuring his trash american accent and a mid supporting cast
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honeybeeffdrawshere · 7 months
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two robots done and dusted, one more left to do.
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theplasticman · 9 months
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The Melodrama of Marie Schrader
Breaking Bad (2008-2013), prod. Gilligan | “Half Sister,” Protomartyr | The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto VI 73- 75 - Dante Alighieri | Portrait of a Young Woman, Lorenzo di Credi, 1490-1500 | Pandora, John William Waterhouse, 1896 | “Damn,” Aldous Harding | Sonnet 29, William Shakespeare | Vengeance is Sworn (Revenge Triptych), Francesco Hayez, 1851 | Truth Coming Out of Her Well to Shame Mankind, Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1896 | Roman de la Rose, Guillaume de Lorris, 1230-50 |
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theres discourse on twitter rn about whether Clone High ocs are problematic or not and i gotta say its kinda funny 2 be a fan of Historical Figure OCs: The Show and go "PEOPLE ARE MAKING OCS OF AMERICAN PRESIDENTS??? THATS SO WEIRD THEYRE LITERALLY PROBLEMATIC" my brother in christ your favorite Clone High characters are John F. Kennedy and Ghandi.
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lumiereswig · 10 months
Scale 1-10 how disappointed were you when you found out the "first openly gay character" in a disney movie was LeFou and not Lumiere & Cogsworth
oh i was at a profound 69 on the whole thing
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bonivers · 3 months
enjoying malcolm in the middle but every time hal gives an impassioned speech, im like GASP. its walt
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hearties-circus · 1 year
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Ok the doodle dump posting is really fun actually, so here's some from maths
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
love how we're supposed to surmise from the first season's events and scenes that walt is a great chemistry teacher and very good at his job when in reality he very obviously has poor rapport with anyone "below" his level of intelligence and is so embittered by this career being a "waste" of his intellect that he makes little attempt to communicate his knowledge because he takes more glee in hoarding it and feeling superior. we're supposed to surmise that jesse failed walt's class because he's an idiot but it quickly becomes apparent that even though jesse probably didn't put in the effort, walt didn't either
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muirneach · 7 months
my kids today were five and three of them are jane mike and agnes is this a childrens camp or an old folks home
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lemongogo · 2 years
ok question . dont actually answer it bc im only partly thru season 4 and dont want spoilers but wwyd if i told u that skylers an enjoyable character . /gen /srs like im not wven joking u i think shes fine, fun even, but i feel like everykne HATES HERRBAJWHWJ is it a woman moment thing where ppl label her a bitch bc they dont like that she often opposes walt / is capable of making “poor” decisions or is there a legitimate rzn later on bc im more than halfway thru the series n like . none of what shes done thus far is even comparable 2 anyone else😭 ik its such a nuanced conversation n very few characters if at all r like . supposed 2 be unambiguously viewed as good or bad but from all the reception ive seen before watching , its almost like ive been waiting 4 some nonexistent ball to drop
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fuck i have ideas for a the invitation x reader goddammit
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therealslimshady · 1 year
Objectively I understand that Walter didn't intentionally kill Jane - that her death was through his inaction rather then anything else - but I still can't help but see that scene through the lense that Walt was originally intended to inject her with heroin and deliberately cause her overdose. The idea was rejected because it was deemed too extreme an action for the point in the story Walt was at, but even so it bleeds through into the scene we ended up getting. Jesse, Walt had decided, was family, and we all know what Walt would do for his family. Watching it, you get the sense that even if Jane had not started to convulse at that *perfect* time, she still would not be leaving Jesse's apartment alive.
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molotovmetro · 2 years
I made a joke about Jesse being forklift certified and someone reblogged with a really petty answer about how ofc he is Gus wouldn't let him otherwise etc etc and ended with something among the lines of "this probably sounds bitchy but I'm [xyz reason]" like yeah it does. My sibling in christ it's a joke. Do you think Gus put in time and money to get Jesse to take a forklift driving course. He was there to cook meth, not to run a warehouse
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cuntvonkrolock · 2 years
breaking bad would be significantly better if skyler was allowed to attack people with an axe
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