spiribia · 5 months
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for the oc cat thing ? :3
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folkdances · 6 months
7, 42 and 23?
(7) family tree intro by ethel cain…
(42) split by willow 😎
(23) same but different by vashti bunyan!!
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julianbashir · 6 months
23 and 64 for spotify wrapped?
get cowboy'd
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cocoon2010 · 1 year
5 12 17 and 22? Sorry if that’s too many :P
5 - Heart Connect by Suzumu no questions asked. i've thought about it extensively I've even considered doing some extremely rough storyboards of a theoretical opening set to it.
12- I really wish that i could say that i love all of my children equally but anyone who's ever talked to me in depth about it knows that it's The Photographer.
22 - first would be a 24 episode anime adaptation that synthesizes all of Will + Memory into one cour and one narrative and then all of the true route into a second cour. it would be kind of a mess but probably the least messy way to reasonably do it. second would be a weird avant garde experimental film with at best a tenuous connection to the main storyline.
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vonkarmic · 2 years
Ezra in b5 or c5?
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i always take forever to actually do these art memes but <3
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daftpunkselectroma · 2 years
the entirety of electroma was shot in 11 days which is quite frankly impressive given how high quality it is
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thedaythealienscame · 6 months
glad you are alive :) its kind of funny that one time you left and cm punk got fired and then you did it again and he came back
I HEARD ABOUT THAT. CRAZY!!! NEVER MADE THE CONNECTION THOUGH. me and punk are inherently linked. when I needed him most, he returned
I still havent taken the time to watch his new stuff on wwe but that was mostly a matter of time and energy. cannot wait to see him wrestle again
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sealbf · 1 year
What kind of things do they expect from their relationships? Does this differ between platonic relationships and romantic ones? Is your OC “demanding” or a door mat? What kinds of things do people expect from them in a relationship?
For friendships Kennedy expects nothing except for some kindness and fun because he knows all humans die in the end anyways, so its not that serious. As for romance, he wants someone who wont die on him, who's willing to be ambitious with him and somebody who puts in the same amount of effort as he does into things. He's not particularly demanding, but he won't be a doormat if his partner is taking advantage.
What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun? What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
Kennedy loves loves LOVES maths and computer science- he knew computers would exist before they were even invented (being from heaven will do that to you) so as soon as they became commercially available he went insaneo mode. He absolutely adores maths too, he thinks algebra and theoretical maths are the best. He also dabbles in law, specifically employment law, but it isnt a huge interest of his. He moreso listens to his friends and their interests, which he adores. Kennedy isn't persay bored by cocktail making, and he had fun when his friend Vince taught him how to make cocktails, but he wouldn't go out of hs way to talk about it again
(ask game)
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lycanthrology · 10 months
and I was bitching about like 2 frank castle gifsets
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i saw the greatest transsexuals of my generation destroyed by pro wrestling 🙏
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loverboy-ish · 1 year
🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP
Oh, I think I have a few.
One of them's just a one-shot, a snippet in childhood, about Naoko and Katagawa Jr. from Borderlands. I've currently left it at a turning point of violence (school bullying... rip), literally on a comma -- anyway it's about me headcanoning Naoko being a bit weird with Bibles just because, and coming into trouble with another kid. Also it happens at a boarding school and I'm like yeah mixed-gender/co-ed BS's (lol) are real. Doesn't matter if they're not they are now for this sillyness.
❌What WIP do you find the most challenging? Why?
All of them <:) Writing.... difficult.... augh [collapses and dies of secret diseases]
OK but besides the commitment part (will I ever finish anything...), I think if I kept up with that Grarchivist (Graham Archivist) AU idea, that would be the most challenging. Like yes I have a couple other things I'd have to make up literal plots for, make up new characters, wrangle aspects of established canon and decide whether I comply or ignore it for my own reasons, but because I wanted Grarchivist to still follow a similar plot - downfall of Some Guy because he opened up an evil portal - but still keep it fresh and new... yeah I think that'd be a challenge.
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jumbo ask game
Answering for both Echo and Griselda :3
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
Echo is scared of no longer existing, which sort of replaced his prior fear of death, but seeing as he’s already dead as a ghost... yes. Total non-existence is a scary idea, even though he says he’d like to move on. And also demons. Don’t ask him about them tho. It is a bit difficult to tell when he is scared, but usually he’s a tad more skittish, and he will straight up just leave a situation, or try to.
It’s very rare that anyone finds Echo himself scary, but sometimes he will mess with objects and things. That said, he is also able to take control of people, and that can be terrifying to someone who doesn’t know what his intention is -- usually he’s just having a laugh, possessing a limb for a few seconds. And since people usually can’t see ghosts, even when they want to be seen, it can be very scary. Very rarely does he actually fully control someone, and that’s only when he wants to hurt someone, which he’s done once -- to the man (his biological father) who killed him, and so killed him in return.
Griselda is also scared of dying, although it’s not exactly a phobia. What is a phobia is large predator animals (like actual wolves and such, and bigger), since she was thought to have been attacked by one (which turned out to be a werewolf) one night while she was on a drive. She tries breathing exercises to keep herself calm if she sees one (in real life; if they’re on TV, it doesn’t feel as threatening).
She’s also terrified of hurting people she cares about, although she remains in control even as a werewolf.
The only time that anyone would find her scary is when she is in full werewolf mode -- on the full moon, which she can’t help (although she is in control of her actions, just not whether she transforms or not on the full moon). Even then, it’s rare that anyone ever sees her like that (apart from her friends, that is).
🌠 Who was your OC’s first friend? Do they remember them or are they still friends now? Talk about some of the people your OC has lost contact with over the years. Do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revist them if they could?
Echo’s first friend was Owen, they met in primary school and stayed best friends up until Echo’s death; they even had the same job as construction workers and odd-job handymen. There are other friends that he’s had, but he doesn’t miss them as much as he misses Owen, or his family -- mum Nerys, half-sister Tiwlip, and his step-dad (Tiwlip’s dad) Mihangel. He does visit them all sometimes, but because they can’t see ghosts, it just makes him miserable, especially since his mum’s still not done grieving over him, but it does hurt regardless whether it appears they’re still mourning him, or if they’ve moved on.
Griselda’s first friend was a girl called Shadi, also having met in early primary school. They don’t talk these days -- Shadi moved away after high school, and they didn’t really keep in touch, sadly. But they’ve had other friends throughout: Farrah and Isra, also at primary school; Faysal and Anwen, in high school; Roderick and Hadil in uni; and currently, her fellow teachers, Ghufran and Madeline. They do miss their friends from school, but it happens, and they’re not too sad about it, but yeah they’d try and visit them if possible.
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
I’d say it’d be pretty easy to shock the both of them, but Echo is more likely to take it in stride, like water off a duck’s back, whereas Griselda is more likely to be outright stunned. Same as being confused by anyone.
I would say that Echo is more difficult to lie to or manipulate (at least not without any consequences), but Griselda might be more susceptible, I think.
Griselda is very trustworthy, but Echo can be... well. I said before that he can control people for a laff, and he loves a joke and a prank, so... mostly trustworthy, I’d say, except for when he feels like doing all that.
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folkdances · 1 year
What happened </3
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ruinikaido · 1 year
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art trade for @vonkarma2 of @lycanthrology oc this trade has layers........
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trade w @vonkarma2​ 
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vonkarmic · 2 years
5, 24, and 30?
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
u may have seen this coming (i say to myself and the nonexistent audience for my oc lore) but faulkner because. well he’s just a silly guy! barring that i think claudia would go over well with all the people on here who like fictional women that have various problems and issues
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
probably rainya simply because she’s basically my oldest oc. originally she was a self insert (of my elementary-school self) so i think it wld be fun to meet her personally
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
val 4 sure
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marklikely · 1 year
tagged by @jester-mereel ty :) idk if its the rules but i used a half circle for like. things i listen to but not enough to really be a "fan"
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tried to make mine a bunch of artists that have more of a fanbase so it might be easier to get a bingo? idk hopefully
tagging a bunch of people so feel free to participate if u wanna !! or not if u dont wanna.
@nat-20s @loverboy-ish @vonkarma2 @stillmother @mymarifae @holydivers @jodieliker @summeryears @padjals @gendergenius @electricxmayhem @mouthmoodz
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