#volga belle
comicwaren · 1 year
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“You come into my house and disrespect me! You steal from me!” -- Count Nefaria
Cover art for New Mutants Lethal Legion #004, “When I Was a Lad”
Art by Erick Arciniega
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badger-with-a-boa · 11 months
How do you like me now?
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skyward-floored · 10 months
Link raises his sword, glaring at Cia.
“There’s nothing you have to say that I want to hear.”
“On the contrary, I think you’ll be quite interested. It has to do with your parentage... your real parentage,” Cia says as she leans on her staff, and Link’s eyes narrow, even as his heart jumps. It’s true he’s interested in where he came from, but learning it from Cia of all people... why would she offer him that? She must have an agenda of some kind.
“...What do you know about my parents?” he asks in a low voice, keeping his sword raised.
Cia laughs.
“A lot of things,” she smiles, so coyly it makes Link’s stomach roll. “In fact... I have it on good authority that the dragon knight Volga is your father, Link.”
Her words are like a slap to the face.
Of all the things he’d expected to come out of the sorceress’s mouth, that had not been it.
Shock roots Link in place, air in his lungs suddenly nonexistent. He can’t catch his breath, Cia’s words ringing through his head no matter how he tries to get them to stop, and Link can’t breathe.
It couldn’t be true. It was completely ridiculous, how could it even be possible?
Volga... my father?
“You’re lying,” he says in a voice not nearly as sharp as he’d like, and Cia laughs again, the sound like the tinkling of bells.
“Oh dearest, I’m not lying. Surely you must have noticed how hard it is for you to get burned? How you get your energy from the heat rather than have it sapped away?” she says mildly. “Your first encounter with your father didn’t even leave you singed.”
“How do you know that,” Link growls, and Cia drew closer to him, making the hairs on his neck rise.
“I’ve been watching you, Link. I saw how good Death Mountain was for you, I’ve never seen you that energetic!” she smiles, and meets his eyes. “You know what I speak of is the truth. You are the dragon knight Volga’s son.”
Link takes a step back, mind still whirling.
It was a trap, it must be a trap, made to disarm him, distract him, take him off guard so... so she...
His stomach lurches and he almost thinks he’s going to be sick, refusing to believe the sorceress’s words but knowing somehow, deep in his heart, that what she spoke of was the truth.
Volga was his father.
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tuesday again halloween problems (10/31/2023)
not quite an "oops all friends" edition but this edition heavily advised by viewers like you. thank you!
mcr's blood, for seasonal reasons. spotify
Father Finlee by Spence Hood and Justin Ray Stringer is my new favorite song, a spooky prison? folk ballad? elements of the work song and dirge about it. rounds are underutilized in modern music imo.
Finlee played that guard like a fiddle Turned his own fears into a honing missile “Father can you save my soul…” “Well, first you gotta bring me a little C4...”
usually when a song intrigues me like this i try to find interviews or breakdowns of samples or something, but i am coming up flat empty. @dying-suffering-french-stalkers tasting notes: "Volga Boatmen, maybe, but by way of like...1950s/60s Disney choruses? Like Grim Grinning Ghosts?" spotify
somewhat horrifying but unsurprising article about how companies who want (or want to keep) governments contracts can buy out entire DC Metro stations' adspaces. via @andmaybegayer i think?
The Pentagon station, a prime target for reaching DOD staffers, was one of a kind. The Pentagon is the most expensive station to “dominate” according to Outfront Media data which I obtained, even though it has substantially fewer riders than some of the others. Advertising to the 665,786 commuters estimated to visit the Pentagon station in a four week period costs $198,000 (about 30 cents per commuter), before fees. Yet in Gallery Place-Chinatown, a station in downtown DC farther away from government buildings, it costs only $120,000 to reach more than three times as many people (5 cents per commuter).
it is difficult to stress how uncooperative miss mackintosh was during this book's photoshoot. this is genuinely the best one.
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i did not enjoy and did not finish Roshani Chokshi's 2018 queer magical intrigue and heist caper in belle epoque france, first in a trilogy. i think there is a mismatch between concept and execution here. i originally had a rather long paragraph about how i'd be interested in a non-new-adult book from her, but after checking her website and seeing that she mostly writes midde-grade and YA, and classifies this book as YA (which doesn't really make sense to me, i think everyone in the core crew can legally drink and i think what i read from this book fits better in New Adult) and has a forthcoming adult book i am not interested in, i think she is simply not an author for me. i reevauated this book with YA in mind, but i think teens deserve books with sophisticated writing and good execution too!
this had a really killer hook but the worldbuilding comes very in thick and fast during the first quarter of the book i read, and felt a little dorling kindersley (here is an eye of horus! on a chinese compass! with a sumerian cipher!). the magical system chokshi uses is novel in its heavy reliance on physical objects and like, countermeasures and counterspells? we get little hints of it as a global system, and it feels very analogous to The Power Of The Computer. a lot of it is based on creation of various physical objects, some of it is mind-based, there are the equivalent of magical stone faraday cages. the macguffin is like. what if a major internet exchange was an object you could carry around.
this magic system is so interesting it makes it disappointing and difficult to break down the distinction between "i don't think the soft-skill worldbuilding through connections and loyalties of characters is that well executed in these first hundred pages" and "hate this specific literary device". we are dropped into a heist at a magical auction where the many magical representatives are attending and rapidly rush through a lineup. this would be a really fun movie or other visual setpiece with intricate costuming choices, but it's hard to show and not tell a complex system of combined familial/cultural/nation-state houses of magic with backstabbing politics when you are rushing through a very time-limited heist. i know that it's the first in a trilogy, but the sheer number of factions and names is very large for a ~400 page trilogy entry. if this were a fucking doorstopper of a series i would have more faith that all will be eventually explained and i will eventually be able to distinguish them all, but i truly don't think she has the pages to do that.
the book's most frequent reviewer praise is that most of the core (but still! very wide! there are so many goddamn names!) cast are colonized or otherwise oppressed people, and i must give this book props for including a bisexual man in the ragtag crew. i read up to the first hundred pages to the first twist, and when the person who joins them at the twist has a voice that is not distinct from the existing gang’s, who are already not distinct from each other, i put the book down. a brief excerpt that does not serve this point very well but serves the following paragraph's point
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this book felt like someone describing their dnd campaign to me. people on goodreads do love this book so i'm sure it does eventually deliver on the heist and found family aspects, but it's simply not for me.
bought this here in houston over the summer ( i think) not sure where
House on Haunted Hill (1959, Castle). this was so charming!!!
"it’s a pity you didn’t know when you started playing murder…that i was playing too." vincent price truly is that bitch. his scenes with his fourth wife in the film, carol ohmart, are electric. they hate each other so much. they've tried to kill each other so many times. she laughs when he reminds her how she poisoned him with arsenic. the sex has got to be insane.
this is a public domain movie that's embedded in its own wikipedia page, lol, but there are various restorations of varying quality floating around.
the exterior shots of the "old, ugly, moldering house" are the frank lloyd wright ennis house in LA, which made me shriek bc it is a famously light/airy/sundrenched building. (exterior wikipedia, interiors here).
thank u @americanwwhore for logging it on letterboxd recently and making me go "oh hey i should watch that too"
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not technically fallow but i don't have an interesting story to tell about how i'm trying to get a specific set of genshin impact achievements
hey remember this baby blanket? i also forgot about it but now we’re up to 7/10 repeats. i may actually get this out before the child turns one
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every time i make these sheet pan chicken thighs i arrange them like the isle of man coat of arms bc it amuses me. had to really mangle them to get a good temp reading but i have not yet given myself food poisoning here (fingers remain crossed).
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heckcareoxytwit · 11 months
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In order to get the machine back from Count Nefaria, the New Mutants sneak into the convention by disguising themselves as the participants and as janitors. Galura distracts the real janitors so that Gabby could sneak past them. Karma makes Unicorn leave his post while Dani Moonstar tricks Moonstone by using an illusion of her rival, Carol Danvers. Once Moonstone reaches the stall, Dani distracts her by talking. Morgan Red and Martha Johansson manage to mug the two supervillains while Escapade uses her swapping powers to switch places with Volga Belle. Unfortunately, Galura had flipped the wrong switch in the power room and this caused Nefaria's machine to turn on.
As the chaos starts, Wolfsbane and the monster had to evacuate the civilians in the convention before anything happen to them. Meanwhile, Morgan Red who is disguised as Unicorn, is trying to shut down the machine but unfortunately for him, Count Nefaria had caught him as he is not fooled with the disguise. Chaos ensues as the machine gets activated and the two groups (New Mutants vs Lethal Legion) start fighting in the convention. The only few who are outside the energy dome are Gabby, Escapade, Martha and Wolfsbane. The latter (Wolfsbane) senses through her mindlink with Dani and blurts out to Gabby that her best friend is trapped alongside with her teammates inside the chaotic bubble. The machine goes out-of-control for Count Nefaria, the New Mutants and the supervillains. Before Nefaria could go into a meltdown, the monster pops out of the floor and snatches him.
New Mutants: Lethal Legion #5, 2023
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novembarskojutro · 5 months
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The Kalyazin Bell Tower in the Volga River in the small town of Kalyazin, 125 miles outside Moscow. The steepled bell tower was built in 1796 as part of the monastery of the St. Nicholas Cathedral.
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This rock lady is Volga Belle and she is honestly the only member of this weird Russian terrorist team that we will see again outside of the Darkhawk book, and I think it is literally just like one more brief appearance...
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Go For Broke
Gung Ho
War Head
The Devil's Cavaliers
Escape from Angola
The Mark of the Hawk
The Proud and the Damned
Three Came Home
The Torch
Hell in Normandy
The Adventures of Tartu
Captain Scarlett
The Last Chance
The Bushwackers
This Is the Army
Kansas Pacific
The Avenger
Blood on the Sun
Flying Blind
Eagle in a Cage
The Big Lift
British Intelligence
Submarine Alert
Appointment in Tokyo
The Battle of Britain
The Memphis Belle
Divide and Conquer
The Battle of China
The Battle of Russia
Desert Victory
The Great Battle of the Volga
Prelude to War
The Nazis Strike
Attack in the Pacific
Attack! The Battle for New Britain
After Mein Kampf
Nuremberg Trials
The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler
Combat America
December 7, 1941
Payoff in the Pacific
True Glory
Tunisian Victory
The KGB Connections
Report from the Aleutians
The Stilwell Road
Submarine Warfare
To the Shores of Iwo Jima
Marines at Tarawa-Return to Guam
The Battle of San Pietro
The Pacific in Eruption
Awakening in the Pacific
The Rise of the Japanese Empire
America Goes to War in the Pacific
The U.S. and the Philippines
The Navy Holds - 1942
Guadalcanal: America's First Offensive
War in the North: The Aleutians
The Road Back: New Guinea
up the solomon's ladder bougainville
Attack in the Central Pacific:
Makin and Tarawa
The War at Sea
Speeding Up the Attack:
The Marshalls
Stepping Stones to the Philippines
Battle for the Marianas
The War in the China - Burma
India Theatre
Palau: The Fight for Bloody Nose Ridge
MacArthur Returns to the Philippines
Bloody Iwo
At Japan's Doorstep: Okinawa
The Air War on Japan
the surrounded and occupation of japan
Shiting Tides in the Orient
War in Korea
Prelude to War
America's Unpreparedness
America Goes to War
Platform for Invasion
Africa, Our First Offensive
The Campaign
Rommel Routed
Sicily, Operation Huskey Assault on Italy
Assault on Italy
The GI, Hero of the War
Victory in Italy
Preparation for Invasion
D-Day, August 4th
Beachhead and Breakthrough
Liberation of Paris
The Battle of Supply
The Air War
The Battle of the Bulge
Crossing the Rhine
Overrunning Germany
Victory's Aftermath
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Sierra Nevada will help Bell in its high-speed VTOL jet project
Partnership agreement signed to add support to mission systems for the development of new Bell aircraft
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/20/2022 - 11:00 in Military
Bell Textron announced that it has entered into a partnership agreement with Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), a global aerospace company and national security company, for Bell's high-speed vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (HSVTOL).
As part of the collaboration, SNC will specifically support the design and development of mission systems for HSVTOL variants.
Bell's HSVTOL vehicles combine the ability to hover a helicopter with the speed, range and survival capabilities of fighter aircraft, with hovered flight capability with low downwash and jet-like speeds of more than 400 knots. This family of scalable aircraft concepts was designed to carry out USAF and USSOCOM missions across the spectrum of political and conflict scenarios, including personnel recovery, disputed logistics and ISR/Attack.
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"In an effort to advance technical maturity and provide HSVTOL capacity to fighters earlier, Bell is putting together a team of industry-leading partners. We are excited to have SNC on board," said Jason Hurst, Bell's vice president of innovation. "We made significant progress in the development of Bell's HSVTOL technology in 2022 and we hope to show this progress next year."
"S SNC is pleased to join Bell's HSVTOL development team, and we are already working hard to deliver the visionary mission systems that Bell requires for its visionary aircraft," says Derek Hess, SNC vice president of strategic program business development. "The fighters of our nation will benefit from the innovative operational capabilities of this HSVTOL program."
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Similar to Bell's innovation development, SNC continues to leverage its expertise in mission systems to explore new dynamic opportunities. SNC also supports Bell with additional experience in mission systems for the development of the Bell 360 Invictus for the U.S. Army's Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) competition.
Bell is currently executing its HSVTOL risk reduction effort and participating in the AFWERX HSVTOL Concept Challenge, a crowdsourcing effort for the United States Air Force (USAF) and the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Bell is one of the 11 companies with more than 200 participants in the challenge selected to receive investments in market research aimed at the advancement of HSVTOL technology.
Tags: Military AviationBell HelicoptersHSVTOLSNC - Sierra Nevada Corporation
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After two years, An-124 of the Volga-Dnepr that made an emergency landing is being dismantled in Russia
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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orthodoxydaily · 2 years
Icons, Saints &Reading: Thu., July 21, 2022
July 21_ July
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The Appearance of the Icon of the MostHoly Mother of God in the City of Kazan (1579): On 1 October 1552, on the feast day of the Pokrov-Protection of the MostHoly Mother of God, at night, Tsar Ivan IV in heading the Russian forces made ready for a decisive assault against the Tatar city of Kazan, and suddenly he heard the peeling of the Moscow bells. The tsar realised that this was a sign of the mercy of God: that through the prayers of the mighty commander-in-chief, the Lord deigned that the Kazan people should be converted to Him. The surrender of Kazan on the feast of the Pokrov-Protection of the MostHoly Mother of God completed a course of events, initiated way back centuries earlier in the year 1164 by holy Prince Andrei Bogoliubsky (+ 1174, Comm. 4 July), against the Moslem Volga Bulgars. With the taking of Kazan, the Volga – the chief waterway route of the land, became finally a Russian river. And from Tatar servitude were liberated 60,000 Russian people. The enlightenment of the Tatars with the light of the Gospel truth was started. There were the first martyrs – Saints Peter and Stephen (Comm. 24 March). The newly established Kazan diocese entered into the complexion of the Russian Church and was soon illustrious in its own archbishops: Sainted Gurii (+ 1563, Comm. 5 December) and Sainted German (+ 1567, Comm. 6 November). But the advance of Orthodoxy was especially enabled amongst the Volga Mahometans by the appearance, on 8 July 1579, of the wonderworking Icon of the Mother of God in the city of Kazan. Preaching the Gospel had been a difficult matter in this conquered kingdom amongst the incorrigible Moslems and pagans. The MostHoly Mother of God, Mediatress of preachers of the Word of God, Who even during Her earthly life shared in the evangelic work of the holy Apostles, – in looking down upon the efforts of the Russian missionaries, She did not hesitate to send them Heavenly help, manifest through Her wonderworking Icon. On 28 June 1579, there occurred a terrible conflagration which had started around the church of Saint Nikolai of Tula. This fire destroyed part of the city and turned to ashes half of the Kazan Kremlin. The adherents of Mahomet gloated, supposing, that God had become angered against the Christians. “The faith of Christ, – says the chronicler, – is rendered a fable and an outrage”. But the conflagration at Kazan was the foreboding of the ultimate fall of Islam and affirmation of Orthodoxy throughout all the land of the Golden Horde, the future East portion of the Russian realm. The city began quickly to rise up from its ruins. Together with others who had been burned out, and not far from where the conflagration had started, – was built the house of the musketeer Dani Onuchin. The Mother of God appeared in a dream to his nine-year-old daughter Matrona and commanded her to find Her icon, hidden in the ground by secret confessors of Orthodoxy way back still in the time of Moslem rule. But to the words of a mere girl, they paid no attention. Thrice the Mother of God appeared and pointed out the spot, where the wonderworking icon had been concealed. Finally, Matrona with her mother began to dig in the indicated place and they found the sacred icon. To this place of the miraculous discovery, there came archbishop Jeremii at the head of his clergy and transported the holy image into a church of Saint Nicholas situated nearby. From there, after a molieben, amidst a church procession, they transferred it to the Annunciation cathedral – the first Orthodox temple in the city of Kazan, erected by Tsar Ivan the Terrible. During the time of the procession there occurred the healing of two blind men – Iosif and Nikita. A copy of the Icon, which had appeared at Kazan, together with an account of the circumstances of its discovery and descriptions of the miracles was dispatched in 1579 to Moscow. Tsar Ivan the Terrible gave orders to build at the place of its appearance a temple in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, to install therein the holy icon, and to found there also a women’s monastery. Matrona and her mother, instrumental in finding the sacred icon, accepted monastic tonsure at this monastery...continue reading at Russian True Orthodox Church of Western Europe_( RTOC)
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Lady of kazan icon in Moscow Cathedral
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Saint Theophilus was from Ziki in Macedonia, and lived during the sixteenth century. He had a very good education, but more importantly he dedicated himself to God, purifying himself from every soul-destroying passion, and acquiring every virtue which filled him with the grace of the All-Holy Spirit.
He travelled to Alexandria, at the request of Patriarch Niphon of Constantinople, in order to determine whether the stories about Patriarch Joachim being able to move mountains and to drink poison with no ill effects were true or not. After looking into the matter, he was able to verify that these stories were true.
After completing this work, Saint Theophilus went to struggle on the Holy Mountain, living first at Vatopedi, then at Ivḗron before settling at Saint Basil’s cell near Karyes. Although he did not seek the praise of men, the fame of the holy ascetic became known on Mount Athos, and in other places as well. His holy life and spiritual gifts could not be hidden, but were revealed by the Lord.
When the Archbishop of Thessalonica reposed, Saint Theophilus was nominated for this office. Out of humility, however, he declined to accept the position.
In 1548, as he felt the approach of death, Saint Theophilus told his disciple Isaac not to give him an honorable burial, but to tie a cord around his feet and drag him out of the monastery, and then to throw his body into a nearby stream.
When the saint fell asleep in the Lord on July 8, 1548, Isaac carried out the instructions of his Elder. Although he was reluctant to do this, he obeyed the saint just as he had always done when Saint Theophilus was alive.
By God’s will, the holy relics of Saint Theophilus were later found and brought to his cell. Then a fragrant myrrh began to flow from the saint’s incorrupt body, which was later enshrined at the Pantokrator Monastery.
Source: Orthodox Church in america_OCA
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LUKE 1:39-49, 56 
39 Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah,40 and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. 41 And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. 45 Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord. 46 And Mary said: "My soul magnifies the Lord, 47 And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. 48 For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. 49 For He who is mighty has done great things for me, And holy is His name. 56 And Mary remained with her about three months, and returned to her house.
5Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. 9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
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comicwaren · 1 year
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From New Mutants Lethal Legion #004, “When I Was a Lad”
Art by Enid Balám, Elisabetta D’Amico and Matt Milla
Written by Charlie Jane Anders
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badger-with-a-boa · 1 year
This still makes me laugh
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iamdmitry · 1 year
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The bell tower in the sunken part of Kalyazin, Volga river, Russia
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painting-portrait · 2 years
Theory of tonal 3
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Theory of tonal 3
The French painter Mille, in his work "Evening Bell", with the hazy warm color, depicts two poor farmers after a day's hard work, standing in the air of the vast twilight should be in the distance of the church bell, praying for happiness to the God that does not exist. They are pious but ignorant, simple but ignorant, good but poor, and industrious but seldom fruitful, which is the true portrayal of the feelings of the poor but unenlightened peasants of 19th century France, and also the self-portrayal of Miller. The warm gray tone on the picture is very delicate and full of emotion: the hazy air sense seems to send out the aroma of the mud, the earth is also spreading to the distant horizon with the atmosphere in the hazy, we see ordinary people, ordinary environment, ordinary colors. I felt sincere, simple feelings. https://painting-portrait.com/ 
We should study not only life but also the experience of previous painters. Look at how the predecessors used tone language to express feelings. But the connection between color and emotion is extremely subtle and complex. All in all, the experience of our predecessors will never be regarded as a panacea. More can not rely on subjective thinking and reasoning, set some rules and regulations. Like when the Gang of Four took over the painting world, grey tones, dark tones and cold tones were forbidden, and could only be used to represent the old society. Today, HOWEVER, SOCIALISM CAN ONLY USE warm colors and bright colors, OR regardless of the uniformity of colors, the workers, peasants, soldiers and leaders are painted with scarlet faces, or the so-called red and bright colors are used everywhere with false affection. Works produced under the influence of such metaphysics not only poison the eyes of the audience, but also ensile the feelings of the painter, which can only lead to the decline and death of art.
The connection between tone and people's emotions comes from life, and the painter can only explore new connections in life to enrich the expressive power of tone.
In Li Huanmin's colorful woodcut "First Step on the Golden Road", the bright and warm yellow tone is condensed together with the joy of harvest of Tibetans. Although the warm yellow tone in Levitan's "Golden Autumn" also shows rich and quiet beauty, it is somewhat sad. In Repin's "The Volga Shepherd," the bright warm yellow tone does not make people feel the slightest joy and pleasure. On the contrary, it is expressed in the scorching sun, burning unbearably painful emotions, so as to reveal more deeply the slave-like conditions of this group of exploited and driven traymen.
These are the same warm colors as the key, but the mood and feelings reflected in the picture is so different. It shows that tonal is by no means a mold that can be copied in large quantities, but a kaleidoscopic artistic means to express life and the feelings of painters.
Color, emotion, artistic conception
We study the relationship between tone and emotion in order to express emotion by using tone. Emotion is the soul of art. Without emotion, art has no life.
People have feelings. But not everyone can be an artist. Love does not make art." "Meaning" is the concentrated visualization of "feeling". Artists are different from ordinary people because they are good at transforming feelings into "meaning" and creating works of art through artistic language. In Chinese painting theory, "idea" is the image transformation of "feeling". "Meaning" is the embryo of art in the author's mind, that is, conception. Only with mature conception and incubation can we be "confident" and "intend to write first".
The idea of poetry and writing is through language. The idea of painting, through the image. And the idea of oil painting, through the image of color, through the tone. If the tone is appropriate, the "meaning" is clearly conveyed and the "feeling" is fully reflected. On the contrary, the tone is contradictory with the "meaning", and the "feeling" cannot be expressed. The Russian painter Savinsky's oil painting "Migration" is originally intended to show the tragic scene of the death of migrants on the way. But what the author uses is anacreONtic, downY warm color is Tonal, at the beginning look like the person that migrATES TO rest, sleep. There is no sense of sadness in the whole picture. On the contrary, the tone in the painting seems to be playing a light and bright tune, which has the opposite effect.
Therefore, the idea of oil painting can not be separated from the tone, and the determination of tone can not be separated from the idea. The tone should be subject to the "idea". However, obedience to "meaning" cannot be understood as a negative adaptation or explanation. Some of the landscapes of the forest in the sun by the Russian landscape painter Hishkin have tones, but in those paintings the tones only stop at explaining the time and environment of the light. Although accurate and lifelike, it is only accurate and lifelike, the picture can not feel the connection between the author's feelings and the tone, the tone of the emotion is not clear. He only painted with color realistic, not lyrical, the picture lack of artistic conception. So tonal subject to the scene, can only achieve realism, tonal and "meaning" high unity, in order to show the artistic conception in the painting.
Artistic conception is through the artistic image of the scene blend in order to achieve the poetic realm. The poets and painters of our country have always been most concerned with the artistic conception, advocating the paintings in the poems and the poems in the paintings. Think poetry is invisible painting, painting is tangible poetry, although oil painting is a foreign painting, but completely should and can do through the tone of poetic realm.
"Ukrainian Evening" expresses the author's deep love for Ukrainian mountain villages through the color of scenery. It was the moment when the setting sun took the mountain. The sunset clung to the white cottage, and the cottage clung to the sunset. In this fleeting moment, the tone embodies the author's deep feeling. Make the picture like a quiet, beautiful, plain pastoral poem.
Levitan's Vladimir Road presents a different mood: the sky is cloudy, the grass is withered everywhere, and the vast wilderness is almost empty of people. A bumpy road stretched to the distant horizon -- the exile of the revolutionaries, and everything was shrouded in melancholy. Can not help but make people remember, "gloomy thousands of miles coagulation" poem. The author's feelings deeply infect the audience through the gray tone of the picture. The hearts of the audience also follow the author's "meaning" to the distant horizon, and send deep sympathy to those exiled revolutionaries. How many viewers are deeply moved by this picture, and how many viewers still leave the picture with a heavy heart. The artistic conception brings the audience into the painting, and beyond the painting, providing the audience with a wide range of imagination.
On poetry, ancient Chinese pointed out that "poetry expresses ambition". Su Dongpo believed that "poetry is poetry, must not be a poet". Tang Bai Juyi's famous saying: "The wildfire can not burn, the spring breeze blows again." It seems to describe natural phenomena on the surface, but it contains profound philosophy. It shows a resilience to struggle, it lets people see good and bad, good times and bad... The law of intertransformation, which makes the revolutionaries believe in the inevitability of victory when they are at the low ebb of revolution, and it makes the people who have been unfairly treated see hope. And so persevered, struggled, waited. A good painting, also should not be "painting is painting", but should have a meaning. Should make the viewer feel, have excited, have association, have enlightenment. To make the viewer endless fun, never tired of seeing. This is the result of the combination of profound thought and high artistic quality. This kind of work has a deep appeal. "Vladimir Road" is one of many excellent works of this kind. Its tone plays an extraordinary role in the mood and artistic conception of the picture.
It is the specialty of oil painting to express artistic conception through tone, but it does not work in isolation when expressing artistic conception. It is always attached to the concrete image and play its power, leaving the modeling image, isolated tone is incomprehensible. Imagine Vladimir Road, if there is no such road, no such wilderness, no such sky, just a few clumps of color, a few groups of color blocks, how can it deeply move the audience? How can people associate? So we can not exaggerate the role of the tone to an inappropriate position.
Through tone lyric and performance of artistic conception, oil painters should have a high degree of skills. Of course, skill is not an end. Skill for skill's sake. The use of tonal skills is to better lyric freehand brushwork, focus on highlighting the image, artistic conception. But we are not "sentimentality", as long as there is love everything is fine. All the great artists in history are great, not only because he has feelings, and not only because he has a high skill in translating feelings into meaning. It's all very important, though. What is more important is that the feelings he expresses are progressive, noble, representative of the people, and sincere. Leonardo Da Vinci, the great painter of the Renaissance, poured his sincere feelings into the painting of the portrait Mona Lisa. This dignified, healthy, demure, gentle, confident woman is a portrait of class, the embodiment of the ideal beauty of the emerging bourgeoisie. It's a challenge to medieval notions of morbid beauty. Delacroix's "The Massacre of the Island of Sia" is a complaint written for the invaded, oppressed and slaughtered Greek people, but also for all the invaded and oppressed people justice. The Levitan revolutionaries, suppressed against the czar, sang a deep and stirring elegy, the moving Vladimir Road. These works at that time were of progressive significance, lofty feelings, those who divorced from the people, escapism, decadent, crazy feelings of the declining class are incomparable. It's really a question of worldview, and there's really no room for pretense or pretence." "The article is the man, so is the painting." The COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT OF THE GANG OF FOUR, no MATTER HOW BEAUTIFUL THE REVOLUTIONARY BANNER THEY PUT UP, COULD not COVER UP THEIR WHITEWASH AND ARTIFICIAL REVOLUTIONARY ARTISTIC essence. Lu Xun was right when he said, "Blood flows from the veins, and water flows from the pipes."
In our time, all techniques, including the use of color, can give full play to their brightest brilliance only when they express the most advanced, noble and sincere proletarian feelings of our great age.https://painting-portrait.com/ 
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iomontecillo · 2 years
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We Can now go on to compare various countries and their foreign debt - as the first World countries are also at the top of this list. How are their public systems, and healthcare, funded? This has always been done through mass inspiration of slaves. This applies to all developed Nations - kidnapping and slavelabour. We Can trace the Family trees of slave-owners all the Way back to the first recorded royals, therefore as soon as debt-bondage occurs, we Can immediately identify the recurrence of the same pattern. The Danish National Museum describes how the character Esther comes from a Jewish Family (alarm Bell), and these are historically known to be targetted by the surrounding community (World War 2). When Esther began experincing harassment from both women and men screening reproductive profanities at her we Can immediately identify the same methods applied as described by muslim scholar Ibn Fadladn, giving account of the Scandinavians by the Rus river Volga during Wodin’s Wild Hunt (headhunting / rape & trafficking). He’s describing both girls and boys being enlisted by their elders to openly rape “outsiders”, even if they’re half -or orherwise related. The filmatized depiction of this Can be seen in The Mists of Avalon, where Arthur and his sister Morgana are seperated at a young age and later introduced to eachother in the bedchamber without knowing eachother’s identities, arranged by their elders to conceive Mordred, who duels Arthur later to the death. Here we see how the Germans, the French and the Dutch traffick the same circle of people in a pattern of historical abduction and abuse. This emerged out of the first wars in Africa; which Can be seen in development of languages and bloodlines - emerging out of a main branch of African, then Indo-European; which linguistically emerged out of an Asian branch. We Can even see this phenomenon in sports, such as gymnastics and basketball, which both have undergone a process of selective Genetic Modification by breeding ever shorter girls, betoning increasibgly masculine from an originally slender frame to ever taller men, becoming more feminine over time. Here we see biological mutilation. https://www.instagram.com/p/CevwZP9ttst/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marvelman901 · 6 years
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Darkhawk #17
Darkhawk fought the Peristrike Force in his high school.
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