#vod'ikas rules
vodika-vibes · 27 days
So, I've realized that I need to set up some rules for my own mental health for questions and requests. Honestly, I should have done this before, lol
Please note that none of these are directed at any specific person. But as I get more popular, I've come to realize that having some hard rules in place will make everything easier.
So, without further ado—
I won't answer any nsfw requests/questions that involve a child. Omega and Ahsoka fall into a weird place for me where I regard them both as teenagers and, therefore, untouchable.
I won't answer questions/requests with dub-con or non-con. That's for my own mental health, as I need time to process that kind of stuff in a way that doesn't send me spiraling.
I don't write cheating. I've tried it before and I just couldn't do it.
I won't write clone shipping. I'm not going to judge you if this is something that you enjoy. Different strokes for different folks, but I have my reasons for being unable to write it.
I won't write Master/Padawan relationships as anything other than familial. I have many of the same reasons for this rule as I do the clone shipping rule.
I will delete anything that comes into my inbox with these topics. Ideally, I'd be able to send you a message informing you of why I'm refusing your equest, though that's not always possible.
Thank you for your time!
❤️ vod'ika
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iron-strangers · 2 months
Summary: Din is raising a strong Mandalorian clan, so naturally, he's encouraging his aliit to have a Nerf war at six in the morning.
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Pairing: The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) x Female Jedi!Reader
Tags: Established Relationship, Kid Fic, Good Parent Din Djarin, Domestic Fluff, Mand’alor Din Djarin
CW: Breastfeeding, No use of Y/N
Length: 1.3k
A/N: I'm trying to cross-post my fic from AO3 to tumblr. This fic is a part of an ongoing series, posted on AO3.
Read this on AO3 : Aliit
Link to the series on ao3, tumblr
There's a flurry of little feet running across the wooden floor, pulling you out from your meditation, followed by a thrill of little laughter. The force feels oh so light, the force feels giddy. You crack one eye open, smiling when you see a tiny head behind a wall, immediately sneaking back when he is spotted.
“Buir, we've been covered!” Aranar gasps loudly, then he claps his hand on his lips when his buir shushes him. 
“Go, go, attack!” Din rushes him, pushing his son from behind. The boy runs, shooting you and Grogu with a toy blaster, a model Galar 15 Carbine. Yellow plasti bullets flew across the room, hitting Grogu's little arm, distracting the child from his meditation with a shriek. Din smirks, loading his rotary blaster model and shoots a round of toy bullets, hitting you on your arm. Your riduur is unhelmeted and you can see the boyish grin on his face, looking younger as all the stress from ruling a system melts when he's surrounded by his clan.
“Ouch- hey, watch it, no hitting the kid!” You hiss, pick the child up, moving him to your lap. Grogu thrills happily, holding the rain of toy bullets in the air and sending them back to his buir. “Good job, ad'ika!” You beam, kissing his green forehead. 
Aranar laughs, ducking behind Din's leg for cover, loading the yellow bullets back to his blaster. He aims from behind his buir and the wind from the bolt blows your hair.
“Excellent aim, Ar'ika!” Din praises, offering the boy a high five. Aranar happily claps his buir's hand and Din loads his blaster, charging it with a few leftover toy bullets before shooting at you with precision, setting an example to his son. “Try deflecting this, cyar’ika!”
You yelp, huddling with Grogu, putting a little toy whistling bird around his fist and shielding him until the plasti bullet rain stops, then you stand up, carrying Grogu on your hip while pulling another plasti blaster that you know they stashed under the couch with the force. The model Westar blaster flies to your hand and you shoot your riduur right on his unarmored tummy twice and to his bicep and chest. Grogu sends his toy ammo towards his vod'ika, hitting Aranar's little calf and thighs, sending another flurry of bullets flying across the room.
“Ow, fall back, Ar'ika, fall back!” Din grabs his son by his middle, carrying him back into hiding. “I will get you back, momma!” Aranar shrieks with laughter, going limp on his buir's arm. Din carries him all the way to the kids’ bedroom, hiding with the boy behind his blanket fort, both are stalking you while loading their blasters back with toy bullets.
“Where's ner Ar'ika?” You pretend to search him, ignoring the wriggly lump underneath the blanket, trying your hardest to not laugh whenever you hear a rustle from behind the blanket. “Oh no, Grogu, your vod'ika is missing! If he's not here then we can eat all the barnaban mist-pudding and add broccoli to our bantha steak tonight-”
“Ew, momma no!! No broccoli, never ever!” Aranar cries from the pillow fort, giving away his location.
“Ar'ika, attack!” Din yells, followed by his son's giggles. Two heads pop out from behind the mountain of pillows, both sporting the same brown, unruly curls, two sets of brilliant brown eyes, and dimpled smiles. The resemblance (and the plasti bolts) knock the wind out of you. You pretend to fall onto the carpeted floor, clutching your chest and groaning.
“Momma yield?” Aranar giggles, running to sit on your tummy and you let out a soft oof, catching him with one hand by his small hips to stabilise him. 
“I yield, Ven'alor,” you throw your blaster away, holding both your hands up. 
“Buir, I win!” Aranar cheers, giving his buir a toothy smile. You smirk to your riduur before flipping the boy to the plush floor and starting tickling him.
“But can The Ven'alor win against the tickle monster?”
Aranar yells with laughter, clutching his tummy and smiling so widely. Din lifts a cackling Grogu to his chest, rubbing on his ear, making the child purr as his other son tries his best to wriggle free from the tickles. “Buiiiir, help me!”
“Now, Ar'ika, what's the word we use whenever we ask for something?” Din teases, making no move to help the boy from your tickles.
Din is about to scoop his firstborn up when he hears a piercing cry from the nursery. You stop tickling Aranar and look at your riduur sheepishly.  “We woke Mirshka up,” you laugh, lifting Aranar to his feet and brushing the curls away from his eyes, kissing his chubby cheeks. You look at him with pure adoration, watching him call his little mudhorn doll with the force and go back to hugging your neck, leaning to your chest, mumbling about giving his toy to his baby sister.
“You two wanna say hi to your vod'ika?” Din asks, answered by both of his sons with a nod, taking his buir's hand and leaving for the nursery along with Grogu. You shake your head, basking in the warmth that is your little family's voice. You lift all the stray plasti bullets with the force and deposit them in their box before getting up to go join your aliit.
“Momma, Mir'ika hungry?” Aranar asks, your three-year-old son is so in tune with the force already. He can feel Grogu’s and his two-month-old baby sister’s emotions in the force and he can recognize his buir's presence even with his armor. “I gave her my mudhorn, she won't stop crying.” 
You mouth a little aww to your riduur, who's currently cradling his wailing baby girl on his strong arm, his other hand holding Aranar's doll to her crying face, almost as big as her swaddle. You caress her cheek and press a soft kiss before sitting on the little feeding chair in the corner of the nursery, covering yourself with a baby blanket. Din hands Mirshka to you, helping you maneuver her into a comfortable position. You push your robes aside to let Mirshka latch to your nipple. As soon as she finds you, she begins suckling happily and her little curious hand holds onto your forefinger tight. Her big brown eyes blink owlishly, smiling up towards you.
Din helps both Aranar and Grogu to climb into the chair, squishing themself on each of your sides, cuddling close to you as you feed the baby. They lean against you and sigh, giving away both their comfort and exhaustion, letting your force presence lull them to sleep. Beaming to your riduur, you offer him your free hand, holding his hand with your free hand.
“Vor’e, cyar'ika,” Din mumbles, caressing your hand with his thumb. You hum, tilting your head to your riduur curiously. “Whatever for, my love? Shooting practice at six-thirty in the morning?” 
Din still gets whiplash from the weight of your love, but as always, he holds onto you tighter and leans forward, pressing a loving, lingering kiss to your lips before bumping his head against yours in a keldabe. “For giving me this,” he gestures, an aliit, he means. The one he never thought he could have. “I'll start breakfast and I'll call you in thirty minutes?”
“You're so dreamy,” you sigh, nodding and leaning to rest your head on Aranar's curls, pressing kisses to the top of his head. Din laughs, giving you one of his rare full-body laughs where he throws his head back, his facial feature relaxes, and the corner of his eyes crinkle. You sigh again, smiling adoringly at him as he backs away, cracking the door a little bit so he can still watch his aliit from the kitchen. 
His responsibility will come knocking in the form of an irate Bo-Katan Kryze in give or take two hours, demanding him to please, come and lead the court, but now he has his aliit close, happily snuggling against his riduur and Din is content.
Mando'a translation
aliit: clan
ad'ika: little one
buir: parents (gender neutral)
cyar'ika: beloved
ori'vod: older sibling
riduur: spouse
ven'alor: crown prince/princess
vor'e: thanks
vod'ika: younger sibling
kids' names meaning:
Aranar: to defend
Mirshka: Originated from the mando'a word 'Mirshko' means Courage
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varpusvaras · 4 months
No no. You don’t understand. I need expansion on Rex being ori’vod to the most problematic cc batch. Pls. I need it for medical reasons. 💕😘
Ahahah I just had a video about the clone ages come up, and got reminded of the fact that Rex is a Generation 1 clone...like, there's an actual possibility that he is either a) the same age as the CC batch (he and Cody have the same birth year listed at the very least) or b) he might actually be older than them or at least some of them. I couldn't find when Fox was born, unlike with Rex (his birth year was listed as 32 BBY, whereas Fox was only given that he was sent out approximately a decade into the cloning project), so my mind immediately went with "there's nothing in canon that says that Rex is younger than Fox". And because to me Fox is the batch baby, this made him Even More Baby, lmao.
Just imagine being Fox, thinking that you've finally gotten a vod'ika, because Cody keeps bringing up the CT all the time. Only for the CT to turn out to be older than you, and because everybody in the batch is propping him up, he has absolutely no respect for you. Everybody thinks it's hilarous, actually. Rex is elated (and gets his first rush of Ori'vod feelings). Fox is definitely not elated.
They might have some sort of truce going on, like "when we are in the public, please refrain from doing anything that will expose me" but in the private? It's gloves off. Rex wrangles Skywalker all day every day. The crumpy Commander is nothing to him. They have a battle of wills every time where they both revise the rule books about whether or not it is allowed for Fox to go to sleep. Rex wins a lot. The story doesn't tell if he wins by switching the battlemode to wrestling but he wins a lot anyway.
Now, Fox might go and get his hands on the decanting records on Kamino. Don't ask. Rex may or may not have been taken out off his tube a liiittle bit earlier than some other members of the batch. He just might.
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sun-roach · 1 year
Ponds is a di'kut, Fox decides.
His younger brother stands in front of him, eying him with determination to get answers.
And he would no doubt get his answers.
Ponds doesn’t use typical interrogation methods. He doesn’t fight him, doesn’t try to harm him. He doesn’t even shout.
All it takes to get his answers, are dark, frustrated eyes, full of concern and brows furrowed to show a growing headache.
<Fox just tell me they are lying. You didn’t really bite Bacara.>
His vod’ika's voice is warm, kind and pleading for honesty.
Unlike his other batch mates, Ponds is calm, with anger barely visible in his heart.
Everything about the younger screams trust.
He is like his name implies, a pond of deep clear water, that not only cleanses your mind but also your soul.
Lying to Ponds is never an option.
Fox would rather slap Seventeen than lie to his vod'ika, betraying his trust and honesty.
So if anyone ever wants to get the truth out of him, Ponds would be the one to get it out of him.
<Pondsi- >
<By Prime's spit, Fox! Why the kriffing hell would you do that?!?>
He shouldn’t smile. Yet Fox finds himself doing so anyway, causing Ponds headache to grow.
Hearing Ponds swear like that always lifts his mood. It’s not even unusual. Just odd coming out of his little brother’s mouth.
<Pondsi. It doesn’t matter. Drop it vod'ika.>
Fox sighs. Determination-concern-frustration, the air around Ponds is too bothersome to ignore.
The older drives a hand trough his short curly hair and nods, gesturing Ponds to sit down next to him. There is no hesitation. Ponds immediately sits down, his eyes never leaving his Ori'vod.
<It was only a- It was a mistake.>
<Fox… You don’t do mistakes. What happened?>
Ponds voice is so soft, so clear of any judgement. He is always the first one to believe Fox, while most vode would accuse him of some osik.
Fox never really minds it. Since his latest exam record, a lot of the vode started to mistrust him or accuse him of cheating. He was merely thinking outside the box, twisting and bending the rules to his will. He understands how some might see it as cheating. But they are soldiers. In war, everything is allowed. Some of his brothers still have to learn that.
But that hadn’t been the point with Bacara.
<I never said it was my mistake, Pondsi.>
A sly grin sneaks on his face, blood red eyes sparkle with something feral.
Ponds only snorts, leaving room for Fox to continue.
<Bacara… had to say some kriffing osik about Wolffe… Made fun of him.>
While Fox voice stays warm and collected, his eyes mirror his furious heart. The anger he had felt wasn’t hot or burning. It was cold as ice, freezing and silencing everything else like space itself. Biting Bacara had been his first instinct. His senses told him not to but it hasn’t been enough to stop him. As Bacara's mocking words had left his lips, there had been nothing that could have hold Fox back.
No one is allowed to talk about his batch like that. Especially not about his twin. Not even a vod, no matter how close. Bacara had known it. He had looked for trouble.
<You know instead of biting people you could just talk. You can be very good at talking if you want to.>
<Are you lecturing me, Pondsi?>
<Someone has to. Wolffe would certainly not do it. Bly would only cheer, Cody would be mad that you didn’t kick Bacara into medbay and Rex would hug you.>
At that Fox chuckles and leans back. Ponds only sighs and rests his head on his Ori'vod's shoulder.
<You worry too much vod'ika. If you are not careful, that frown will forever stay on your face.>
<With you guys around? That will definitely happen.>
He had made a mistake. He had made a mistake. A terrible mistake. It’s his fault. His fault. All his fault.
His mistake had led to this. He hadn’t been careful enough.
Again. Again. Again. Again. Again.
It had happened again. All because of his incompetence.
It is dark in Fox's office. A late night with lights off.
Silence. Cold, dark silence surrounds the Corrie commander lying on the floor. Shaking. Trembling. Bleeding.
A red, white bucket had been tossed down, had landed still next to a data pad. A report.
He had to see it. He had to read it. Had to make sure that it is real and not a nightmare.
It isn’t .
It isn’t .
It isn’t.
And it’s his fault. His mistake.
Rough, gloved hands claw into dark curly, messy hair, pulling and scratching.
Dark empty eyes stare far away, burning. Yet, there are no tears.
He can’t close his eyes. If he does it will become worse.
Worse? How could this become worse?
His heart aches. Not because of the stab wound in his shoulder. Not because of the laceration on his temple. Not because of the shock tingling pain of lightning.
There is a hole in his heart. Another one. Bigger.
It is his fault. The Chancellor had told him so. And Fox had believed the man for the first time in his life. Because he had made a mistake. He hadn’t done a satisfying job.
Palpatine had promised him, his nightmares would come true, if he did mistakes. He had demonstrated it before.
No matter how small they are. Mistakes are mistakes.
It’s his fault. No logic could convince Fox otherwise. It doesn’t matter what he had seen in that horrifying holo.
It is his fault.
Fear runs trough his blood. Shadows caress his cheeks. The darkness whispers to him, agreeing with him.
All his fault. He is gone. All because of him.
He had pushed him away. He should have been safe. They all should be safe.
But even by pushing them away, they aren’t safe. Not when he does mistakes.
The Chancellor will always find a way to punish him.
He had pushed him away. Now he is dead. With the believe that he hated him. He died believing him to be a cold blooded shabuir.
He died believing a lie.
He is dead. Gone. Forever.
Shadows dance around him. Quietly screaming, coldly laughing.
The shadows cold hands wrap cruelly around his throat-
Suddenly there is light. Blinding light. It echoes trough his mind. His eyes close. No! He has to keep them open! He has to keep them open! If he doesn’t it will become worse. The others-
His eyes don’t obey. His heart slows. There is something warm touching his forehead. So gentle… The only reaching hand he had accepted. Thorn.
As soon as he realizes the caring touch of his brother, it’s gone. They are all gone. Why are they leaving him?!
Why did he leave him?!
Ponds. Ponds. Ponds. Ponds.
<K'oyacyi! >
- Stay alive!
Fox wants to scream. He can’t hear it. But he must have.
Something warm and heavy hugs him. Like the truth that Ponds had always honored.
<Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la>
- Not gone, merely marching far away
Everything stops.
Fox wishes it had been his heart.
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mwolf0epsilon · 11 months
Clone Dialect
"That's not how you use that word..." Xabe frowned as she tentatively pointed out what had been bothering her for a while now.
It's not like it was all that important a detail, really, but she'd come to understand that the clones were Mandalorian by birthright and not much else. They had their own heavily-militaristic culture and seemed to not really have that big of a grasp of the language itself.
Sure, they seemed fluent enough in certain phrases. The amount of spar challenges that started off with a taunting 'Copaani mirshmure'cye, vod?' were enumerable and fairly endearing. But some words they used fairly commonly didn't seem like they were understood correctly.
'Vod'ika' was one of them.
Fox paused, seeming caught off guard by her statement. He watched her with his tired yet unbearably attentive eye. There was a spark of something there. Not judgement. Not anger. An emotion she couldn't put a name to. One full of passion.
But Fox never spoke harshly and he certainly wouldn't start now. Instead sighing and setting down his tools to focus his attention entirely on her.
"What word?" He asks patiently.
"Vod'ika." She responds calmly. "The way you use it... It seems you should be using kih'vod instead. It means younger sibling."
"Uh-uh..." He lazily scratched under his chin, watching her with an impassive expression. "I know what kih'vod means. Just as I know what ori'vod and vod'ika means."
"Then why not use kih'vod when addressing your younger siblings?" Xabe asked out of genuine curiosity. If he knew then why did he use the term incorrectly?
"Because vod'ika means to me something different than it means to you..." Fox responded with a tired smile. "Where we came from, Mando'a was only taught to the most elite. And even then it was very limited grammatically wise... Most clones never got to hear a lick of it until the Alphas, Nulls and Commandos began to revolt silently against Prime and all of those who kept us isolated. We created our own culture, our own language, with what little we could learn of other tidbits of language we could scrounge up."
Xabe listened with interest, eyes wide at realizing her mistake. Fox seemed to take it in kind, smiling at her like he would smile at a doe-eyed ik'aad.
"In Mando'a, perhaps vod'ika is not the correct term for me to call my younger siblings... But in Vod'Mando'a it is not only the correct term but also reserved for batch and battalion only." Fox looked out towards the well, where the others were collecting water. He smiled fondly as he watched them mess around and splash each other whenever they could. They were enjoying their freedom. "Ours is a lonesome and likely dying dialect... But it is ours and no one can tell us how to use it. We follow our own rules."
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homemade-clones · 8 months
What if I put Cheese's trauma into words tho. What if I wrote the fic from the night he watched his vod'ika Dynamo slip from the platform and down into Kamino's seas because they thought it would be fun to break some rules and act like children, for once
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Okay, I've just sped through bloodletting in one night [I did not sleep] and 1. it's really good!! looking forward to the next chapter! but 2. You seem really fluent in Mando'a, any tips for learning??
omg! I hope you have some time to sleep now! Thank you so much <3
I am slowly becoming more fluent in Mando'a. Largely because I keep reading Star Wars/Mando AUs and old Legends fics. There's a really large, thriving fanon of Mando'a coming together over there, which is super cool.
I honestly think the best way to pick it up is to just keep reading things with it. I use the mandoa.org dictionary, but honestly most of my functional grasp of the language comes from fics and fanon discussions.
There's also some pretty basic rules in Mando'a that help a lot.
Plural forms tend to turn the last vowel to an e (vod'ika becomes vod'ike or ad becomes ade)
Words are often combined with other words to make bigger words: jate, meaning good, becomes very good when adding ori (big) to it (ori'jate, or "big good" literally)
Another example of combined words: Mand'alor is a combination of Manda and Alor, roughly meaning head/sole of Mandalore.
Mando'a loves its diminutives, such as vod (brother) becoming vod'ika (little brother)
Turning nouns into adjectives is usually fairly easy. dikut (idiot) becomes dikut'la (idiotic) or naak (peace) becomes naakla (peaceful)
There are, of course, complexities and tenses/conjugations that are entirely beyond me. But those rules generally keep me on track when reading someone else's Mando'a.
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Pt. 3 of Corrie Dogma, s6 spoilers.
Things had been surprisingly good at the Guard for the months that Dogma had been staying there. Other than the hostile Senators and anti clone violence, Dogma was relatively safe in the confines of the barracks, and that safety had left him waiting for the other shoe to drop the whole time. And the shoe dropped. Hard.
Fox and an entire squad went on a blackout mission after a vod and returned broken. Fox hadn't come out of his office for hours, and then Thorn sits him down to give him a detailed report, saying that 'he deserves it'. When he does, Dogma feels… numb. Disconnected from his body.
Thorn tells the report from the start and says how a trooper- CT-5386- killed his general. Dogma didn't remember the next few sentences except for 'executed' and ‘virus'. His mind was somewhat back in his body when Thorn says that the trooper and another man from his company went to Kamino to investigate the cause of the virus. Trooper 5386- Tup, his name was Tup, Thorn- died due to an unlicensed surgery. Apparently CT-5555, the trooper accompanying Tup, had discovered a chip in their brains.
Thorn told him about Fives's conspiracy, about how he claimed the chips in their heads made them kill the Jedi and how the Longnecks claimed it was just a behavioral chip. In the end, Fives attacked the chancellor and ran, then lured General Skywalker and Rex into a trap, capturing them.
Fox and his squad were deployed but they blacked out mid way. Supposedly Fives drew a gun on them and Fox shoot to kill. He wasn't supposed to kill a vod, thats why they had the kriffing stun setting, Dogma thought as he seethed quietly, but he knew it wasn't Fox's fault.
When troopers in the Guard black out, they don't.. act like themselves. They follow order to the dot, and those orders usually come from the top. Still, they learnt not to pry into it after the last squad was found dead in a ditch on 1313.
Dogma mourned his brothers alone; Tup, his batchmate, his vod'ika, apparently infected with a virus and operated on like another test subject. Fives, one of the braves vode he'd known, killed by a brother. He mourned his brothers and all the information that went down with them.
You see, Dogma wasn't stupid, he wasn't before and he certainly wasn't know. He may have been a rule following jackass with a stick up his ass, as Hardcase had called him more than once (he mourned that brother as well) but he had always been smart and observant. And if his time on triple O had taught Dogma anything, it was that there was something more going on here.
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cc1010fox · 10 months
Hey vod, I know you're always really stressed, so I got you something.
*places a kitten on Fox's desk*
A tooka. You need a friend. He'll judge you but he'll do it silently which is nice. Please don't kill him I went out of my way to find you a friend.
His sunny-haired vod'ika is very thoughtful, just not very knowledgeable of the rules and regulations of the Coruscant Guard. Fox pinches the bridge of his nose, willing back a headache. "The Coruscant Guard aren't permitted to keep pets." If they were, every one of them would have a tooka. Fox knows because he's always ordering them to put strays back where they found them, even the commanders under him.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
So, here's a random thought from me.
I think, if I lived in the Star Wars universe, I'd want to be a Cultural Anthropologist. Specifically for Naboo.
"But Vod'ika," You might be thinking, "Why Naboo? When there are so many other cultures out there!" Thank you for asking, let me explain.
Naboo elects child rulers. Padme was Queen by the time she was 14, and this is normal. It's accepted. Children are seen are unbiased, and so they can rule well. So this leads tot he question, how old was she when she decided to run for Queen? How much education did she have before hand? Did her parents get a stipend for their daughter becoming Queen? Or was she Emancipated?
Further, if a 14 year old can become Queen, what about the other 14 year old kids? Can little Tommy become a police officer at 14? Can Tricia join the military at 14? Are they full fledged citizens with all of the rights and responsibilities that come with it? Do you have teenagers sitting Jury Duty? Are teenagers charged as adults if they committed a crime?
And let's take the social aspect as well? If you're legally an adult at 14, does this mean you can go barhopping with your friends? Go and buy cigarettes? Can you go clubbing? Can you get married without your parents permission? Get tattoos? Piercings? Elective Surgery?
Also! Not only does Naboo elect child rulers, they also, apparently, attempt to assassinate said child rulers regularly enough that the Queen or King has decoys. Child Decoys who are both their bodyguards and body doubles. And these Decoys stay with their Monarch even after they're no longer ruling.
Does the Ruler select the Decoys? Or are they chosen from a massive group of children? Do they have to change their names? Are their parents given a stipend for the knowledge that their child might die in service to the crown? How long are they trained for?
Let's go even further. If your child is elected as the future ruler, and suddenly has five or six children trailing after them. Six children who carry themselves like your child. Talk like them. Eat like them. Write like them. Maybe even look like them. Do they become your children? Can they come and go from your home without question? Do you think of them with the same fondness as your own child? Or do you see them all as an extension of you child?
Okay, I think that's enough babbling for me now.
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iron-strangers · 1 month
tell us moooore about the mudhorn babies!!!
Yes! Yesyesyesyes, ask me more about the babies!💞
The babies are a part of my Dad!Mand'alor!Din x Jedi!Reader series called Expanding Clan Mudhorn
Tumblr media
Grogu no longer hangs in Din's bag/carrier, he's now riding with Mirshka in her little backpack.
Grogu is now enrolled in a space kindergarten and the fridge is full of the drawings he brings home from school.
He's also been terrorizing the frog population in the pond behind their home.
Grogu's first word is buir and Din isn't shy to admit that he BAWLED.
The kids can see the old Mand’alor's force ghosts. Aranar is Jaster Mereel's favorite, Mirshka is Tarre Vizsla's.
Aranar once stole the darksaber and he messed up the ignition, cutting half of his hair. He wears helmets everywhere for two weeks.
Just like Din, Aranar is not painting his armor.
Mirshka wants a vod'ika for her life day present (Din is encouraging her).
She wants her vod'ika to be called tra'cyuur.
"No, Din, I don't care if she sulks, we're not naming our baby 'blaster'."
You and Din finally settled on Kote, and Kote is perfect. Kote is a sweet baby who can never do wrong.
Aranar is three years older than Mirshka. Mirshka is two years older than Kote.
The Djarin genes are way too strong and the babies looks exactly like their buir.
Aranar always wins the sword-fight sparring sessions.
Mirshka is very strong in the living force, she even befriended the Mythosaur under the Living Waters of Mandalore.
Kote is the best shooter out of the four kids. Aranar has known no peace since his brother started shooting nerf-gun around the house.
Boba teaches Aranar to swear. Aranar then teaches Mirshka. Rid'ika threatens everyone that she will go dark if Kote started to swear too.
Din is Mirshka's favorite person in the whole galaxy.
Rid'ika is Aranar's.
Kote and Grogu baby talks to each other. No one knows what they're talking about, yet the two babies are giggling like a couple of maniacs.
Fenn'buir would steal the kids away and return them all muddy and smelly, much to your chagrin. At least they always sleep soundly after roughhousing with their ba'buir (grandfather).
One time, Din finally said "fuck this" and gave the darksaber to an eight years old Aranar. The boy led the court for one day (with your guidance, of course) while Din played hooky and took the rest of the kids flying all over Mandalore.
Aranar gave the council a fourty five minutes nap break. With just one day of ruling, Aranar is now known as Mand’alor the Kriffing Best.
Din was then banished to the couch for two days.
Thank you for this anon, this is the most fun I've had since writing this series. I hope you love the kids! 💞
Questions and requests are always open!
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir
Follow-up to this post. Not in any particular order, just spitballing ideas, with contributions from several friends on discord.
Like presumably it takes long enough for them all to meet up again that Anakin and Cody do, in fact, end up treating each other like family, just so I can have that good good "well, guess I'm Dad now" energy. Shmi isn't entirely sure what's going on but she's not a slave anymore and her kid seems to like this rando mando, so.
Anakin gets to have a mom and two dads, though one of the dads is arguably younger than him.
Also when they all meet up again and Cody explains the "General Skywalker got shrunk" thing, there are three reactions: (General) Obi-Wan: Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan: [gestures to take him, ends up with an armful of clingy padatoddler] Anakin: You can't blame this on me, Obi. Obi-Wan, a little teary, because babies cause emotions: Of course I can, you absurd human being. ------ Rex: That's... my general. Anakin: I am, Captain. Rex: Cool cool cool I'm gonna go stand where I can't, uh, break you. Anakin: I'm not THAT fragile! ------ Ahsoka: [gasp] Skyguy is SKYKID! Anakin: Padawan, this is-- Ahsoka, grabbing him and cuddling: Oh my goodness you're adorable this is the best day ever. Anakin: This is humiliating, Snips, put me down. Ahsoka: Never.
Anakin hates being a toddler because of the lack of independence but Cody keeps picking him up when he's cranky and just holding him until he falls asleep and that's... nice.......
- The brain limitations aren't quite as bad as the situation with Sokanth and Ylliben in the other AU, but - Even if his brain is mostly adjusted he’s still got a tiny body with different needs that he’s not used to. Like, he needs to sleep more but he’s got more energy than usual when he’s awake and it’s all weird.
Cody carrying around toddler Anakin like "God you give me ulcers but you're adorable, you little shit."
Inconveniently tiny body aside, Anakin has a pretty great time in this au. His family are all together and safe and within reach. His wife isn't around, but toddler brain means he doesn't have the Romance Drive, so that's not as bad as it could be It could be significantly worse.
@atagotiak asked: Does Anakin get annoyed about being called cute? - To which I say, He bites the first few times but Shmi tells him that's Naughty so he stops. - Babies are cute so you packbond with them before they’re annoying, Anakin is cute as a self defense mechanism - He’s extra annoying so he needs to be extra cute
You know how you need to keep an eye on toddlers so they don't, like, fall down the stairs or put something toxic in their mouth? - They need to keep an eye on Anakin specifically so he doesn't rewire the ship they're in while they're in hyperspace. - He has less self control on account of being smol. He still has all the mechanical knowledge! Just less comprehension of y’know, consequences.
Anakin, with a sippy cup: This is demeaning. Ahsoka: Your hands don't work great enough to avoid accidents yet. Anakin: It's still embarrassing.
General Kenobi can't just kill Maul, not when Maul is baby right now (sixteen, which is baby enough) so he just. Kinda. Kidnaps a baby Sith. (It's fine. He's fine.)
General Kenobi (not to be confused with Padawan Kenobi) decides to declare Maul his new padawan because someone has to deal with this teenager, and Plo already claimed the rest of Ahsoka's training. And Anakin's three, so.
"What do we do with Maul?" "Eh, I can handle him. I dealt with teenage Anakin getting arrested for illegal pod-racing twice a month, I can work with this."
Maul bites, but only slightly more often than Anakin, it's fine
Ahsoka definitely bullies Maul whenever possible
Consider: Rex holding very still because Anakin wanted to be tall, so he climbed Rex. Being unexpectedly climbed is better than being unexpectedly yeeted. It's still extremely nerve-wracking. - Cody is perfectly capable of running around with a backpacking toddler General, but Rex freezes like a statue. - Ahsoka finds this hilarious
You know how little kids like to be thrown around and swung in circles and stuff like that? This must get even more ridiculous with force users. Can throw a child real high and catch them safely. - Rex panics whenever Ahsoka throws her chibified Master
Literally everyone except Rex loves being yeeted. Even Maul can appreciate a good tactical yeet no shut up he's not having fun this is TRAINING - Rex is Suffering - Cody, a very Tired Dad, deserves to mock his vod'ika a little, as stress relief - Rex, a certified Little Brother, shoves Cody off something tall. Jokes on him, Cody thinks freefall is fun too.
Tia asked: So the people who didn’t exist yet got flung bodily back in time and Anakin did the mental time travel. Why did Obi-Wan not become Padawan Kenobi? (I mean “because I want it that way” is def a good enough answer I’m just wondering if there’s any reason.) - Which, well, it really was mostly "I want to" but here's two options, both of which come down to Blame Daughter and Father. 1. They figured a responsible adult Jedi Master was needed to convince people. 2. Nobody was supposed to get de-aged but Daughter figured they needed to make Anakin less liable to kill things for a few years. - Also IDK the Force God-Manifestations also took away any risk of rapid aging and early death from the clones because uhhhhhhhhhhh I said so
Rex and Ahsoka are fumbling their way through a relationship where ages are just really confusing and awkward, so they're keeping it to just kisses and cuddles for a bit.
Cody is so tired he doesn't even realize anyone's hitting on him until it's been three years of co-parenting with Shmi and his General. - Somehow Anakin knows Cody is in a relationship before Cody does. Cody has never been so embarrassed. - How did he manage to be less observant than Skywalker? -- it was sabotage; all his brain cells were taken up in managing said Skywalker -- Because Skywalker was up at three in the morning whacking a training droid with a stick so he didn't have the energy for Relationships
Also Shmi's come-ons are super subtle, while the General's are... well, Cody's gotten very used to ignoring anything ambiguous on that end because fraternization rules, and also because Obi-Wan flirts a lot with everyone. So.
Please imagine Cody and General Kenobi walking around with Anakin tucked into a toddler sling while they do whatever work they've ended up with at the Temple. - Yes, Cody is helping the Jedi figure out the best plan of attack to take down this slave ring because his grasp on tactics is phenomenal and he knows how to deploy people at greatest efficiency, but also he's got a nosy toddler on his hip who keeps offering his own insane-but-competent ideas. - General Kenobi ends up with a Council Seat just on account of, like, being the kind of person he is. As often as not, he's got Anakin tucked into his robes, chewing on the ear of a stuffed tooka or something.
IDK what Shmi's doing but apparently Legends had it that some of the administrative and support positions in the Temple were held by non-Jedi civilians? So probably something like that.
General Kenobi: Ahsoka's babysitting. Anakin: I'm her master, I don't need babysitting, this is-- General Kenobi: Fine, then you need supervision, so that you don't blow up a training salle again. Anakin: And you think Ahsoka would stop me? General Kenobi, eye twitching: Fine, I'm leaving you with Plo.
Even if he’s mentally an adult Anakin always needs supervision Look at canon! Anakin was left without supervision for like two days and he became a Sith
Quinlan gets distracted by how attractive General Kenobi is and tells Obi-Wan "dude, you're gonna be so hot once you can get rid of the stupid haircut" and Obi-Wan pushes him into the nearest pond.
They end up with this weird "Uncle Jango" situation (uncle to Anakin, via weird brotherhood-ish to Cody) because Rex and Cody are just like "Uhhhhhhhhh yeah okay" about him eventually, and Jango just like. Drops by. Trying to Earn Affection Of Blood Kin by bringing weird gifts for them and their (ugh) Jedi.
"Okay, Rex'ika, I stopped by Shili--" "What?" "--and apparently this is a delicacy there, so just... your girlfriend will like it." "She's not my girlfriend." "..." "Okay, I can't call her my girlfriend. Jedi have rules about that sort of thing, and--" "This will make your Jedi happy, probably. Just take it, kid."
Baby Anakin got his arm back but for some inexplicable reason still has The Eye Scar. He matches Buir.
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sun-roach · 11 months
Shriek: -Today she's dragged to see Rainbow Squad by Charge rather than coming to cause trouble like she has been. Charge has zero issues letting the full squad see her get dragged in like a little cadet who got in trouble. She gives a sheepish grin as Charge parks her in front of Strife.- Charge: What do you say vod'ika. shriek: I'm sorry for being a menace and arming Sticker and unleashing him... Charge: And?... Shriek: I can't promise it wont happen again. Charge: -he sighs and whacks her on the back of the head- Shriek: ow! Haven't you abused me enough today! I had to wash Bitter's nasty socks! After running 170 laps on a full stomach! That's just cruel!! -Charge glares at her and she shuts up- ugh okay fine... I'm here for whatever punishment you think I deserve since I'm apparently getting one from everyone I caused trouble for. ( 😂no chaos today Shriek's being held accountable 😂)
😂😂😂😂rip Shriek
Strife crosses his arms in front of his chest and looks at her for a moment. His lips slightly twitch up, but thanks to his beard it’s barely recognizable. His gaze moves back to Charge.
<Vor'e, vod. I had to get to hear a lot from Thorn because of this little menace.>
The corrie's voice is free from any judgement or growl. It even sounds rather soft and endeared.
<I already have the right punishment planned for her, if you are alright with it.>
Strife looks back at Shriek with fondness but also revenge in his eyes.
<A few rotation on boring guard patrols might help you with your chaotic antics. We need someone to stand in for Sticker anyway since he will be too busy writing down house rules.>
He grins and pats Shriek's head in a way to ease the tension as he often does with his own squad.
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 days
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
Got tagged by @gaeasun, ough I have neglected my writing as of late... Thanks for reminding me!
Moving towards the medical tents Tup made note to also ask for an aspirin, as the beginnings of a headache began to creep in on his senses. He'd been getting them more frequently as of late. Something which he assumed had to do with the fact he had to tighten his top-knot just a little too firmly to keep it from getting snagged in his helmet, so he wasn't entirely too concerned by this development. Even if it annoyed him greatly. Hypocrite that he unfortunately was, he preferred to care for the needs of his vod'ika before his own. Something which he was sure Sponge would give him grief for, if they caught on to his discomfort before Kix did.
No pressure tags: @milfcutlawquane @stormyblue90 @squirrelno2 @totes-tubulardude
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one-real-imonkey · 3 years
New au idea (it's a little au of au.) After the kavado fiasco palpapunk gets Rex transferred to the corasant guard with the excuse that he would to unstable to be on the front lines in an attempt to make Anakin more reliant in him.
Sorry if spelled something wrong.
There is nothing wrong with an AU of an AU, half my Corrie Guard works are different endings post following Hound letting the information out, lmao. And don't worry about the spellings, sometimes I get things so wrong the spell checkers can't work it out.
I'd also like to clarify in advance that some of the opinions Fox has on characters or their actions will be how he perceives them etc and some of his thoughts or opinions on a character may counter what we from an outside perceptive know.
The news was crushing. Firstly that Rex'ika had been taken by those Zygerrian slave taking monsters, and then a ruling that his actions on the mission had been reckless so soon after the mess on Umbara and between that and his injuries he was being redeployed.
To Coruscant.
To the Guard.
Part of Fox would almost have preferred he be sent back to Kamino, almost, but not quite.
Rex'ika was coming to the Guard, his vod'ika, the little brother they'd taken into their batch so so many years ago.
He was coming to the Guard.
Fox was terrified, but he wasn't sure if it was because Rex was going to be in danger, or because he was going to learn the truth.
And then Rex would tell Cody and Wolffe and Bly and Ponds and the truth would come out and everything would get out and there would be chaos. The Guard wouldn't just be cowardly paper pushing meat droids, they'd be the weak cowardly paper pushing meat droids who couldn't defend themselves from some rich Senator who'd never held a blaster or thrown a punch.
Like being spat on and insulted wasn't enough already.
Vode an, except when you were in the Guard.
There was more to it, to Rex's joining them, he was certain of it. Rex'ika worked with Skywalker, Skywalker was close with Palpatine, Palpatine was... Fox wasn't sure what but he didn't want him near his brothers. Palpatine was the reason Skywalker hadn't been on Umbara, the reason that Krell had been allowed to play with the clones like toys, the reason so many of Rex's vode were dead... the reason for a lot of things.
Skywalker was the reason Rex was being transferred to them, at least the reason Palpatine was having him transferred. He wasn't certain why, but with how close Skywalker was to Palpatine, how he acted around them sometimes, especially after a meeting with Palpatine, that Jedi wasn't to be trusted. He was dangerous, saw himself above them whether he realised it or not, and he could have them killed if he wanted.
It they'd been sending Rex almost anywhere else, he'd have been glad his brother was getting away from Skywalker.
Getting closer to Palpatine was hardly something he wanted though.
Fox watched the LAAT arrive, and watched his vod’s so clearly unique blue armour appear.
He stayed to the edge of the landing pad until the LAAT had taken off again, and Captain Velt, who lead one of the Lower Level Security Teams and would be, hopefully, looking after Rex and keeping him out of the Senate Building, had introduced himself.
And then he strode over.
Velt knew what he had planned, and had in fact anticipated it, but it wasn’t often one of their vode was brought into the Guard rather than bringing in Shinies, and he knew well enough that Fox was going to be protective of his batch-mate, adopted or not. Velt stepped back as he approached, nodding to Rex and then going to his own squad.
“Rex’ika, with me.”
“What, Fox, where… shouldn’t I...?”
Rex gestured to Velt and his squad.
“No,” Fox grabbed him by the wrist and started pulling, not letting Rex resist, “you come with me, right now.”
He dragged his brother through the halls into the Command barracks, thankful that for all he was clearly annoyed about it, Rex didn’t fight him.
“What was so important, Fox? If you really wanted to catch up you couldn’t wait until I'd settled in?”
He had a meeting in 20 minutes he couldn’t miss, which meant he had no time to address the subtle barb he’d been offered, nor to sugar coat what was happening on Coruscant.
"Vod, you have a lot to learn about the Guard if you're going to survive here."
“Fox, I'm sure General Skywalker will try to get me back to the 501st soon. And I can manage a few weeks handling paperwork.”
“No, no, vod, it’s not paperwork and fun times here. Rex, it’s horrific, and I'm not letting them decommission you because you didn’t know how to protect yourself here.”
“It’ll be a few weeks...”
“Palpatine had you transferred here for a reason, I don’t know what, but I don’t trust Skywalker much better. He’s dangerous, vod.”
“I think I know my General better than you.”
“So you’ve never noticed how he acts after a meeting with the Chancellor, because last time he had one he shoved a shinie into a wall. He's dangerous, maybe not to you when he’s in a good mood, but... but that’s not what you need to know. You're here, you need to survive here. Besides, no-one leaves the Guard except in a body bag,” he left out the or worse, Rex didn’t need that yet, “Rule one...”
“Fox wait...”
“Rule one, you don’t ever, and I mean ever, fight back. Rule two, keep your armour uniform, so if you’re ever accused of anything or slated for reconditioning or decommissioning you can be swapped around. Rule three, no matter how weird or demeaning, you do what you’re ordered. Rule 4, if they call you it or clone or anything like that, don’t argue or try to impress on them your name or anything like that, just do what they say. Don’t react. Now I'm trying to get you put into one of the units that takes patrols rather than on Senate Security, but I can't make promises.”
Rex looked blown away, and a little shattered, but this was reality and he couldn’t afford to be soft on his little brother.
Not if he wanted Rex to live.
His comm buzzed a warning.
“Look, Rex’ika, I have a meeting, but the rec room and commissary are down the hall to the right, I’m sure someone can help you settle in and... I'll answer any questions you have properly tonight.”
He wondered if his voice sounded as defeated to his vod’ika as it did to him.
It didn’t matter, he slammed his buy’ce on his head and headed up to the Senate Building.
He couldn’t keep the Chancellor waiting, not even for his youngest batch mate.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.
Thanks for the ask, I love the idea for this AU though I’m not sure yet how or if I’ll continue from here. If anyone has ideas or wants to take it on or anything like that go nuts (obvs let me know lmao).
Like I said at the top, Anakin is nice to the 501st, but all Fox sees is someone close to Palpatine and someone who is always aggressive to them after spending time with Palpatine. He sees Skywalker as a threat and he has to focus on his siblings first. Similarly the vode don't hate the Guard and wouldn't see them as cowards, but due to Palpatine's manipulations, on both Fox's mind and the vode as a whole, these are Fox's beliefs.
Also Anakin is kinda unstable due to palpatine manipulating things, and similarly that why the Jedi can't see whats happening to the clones on Coruscant, but normally (and if/when they find out) they'd be horrified and do what they can to help.
Inbox always open. (-:
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writer1 · 2 years
Comforts of a brother
Chapter one
A/N: This was adapted from my and @ct-7386’s rp. It’s little moments in Stutter’s and Dogma’s lives when they have helped eachother with comfort and cuddles. we hope you guys like it!
Warnings: Self hatred, nightmares, and hints of clonecest. Talk of Umbara.
Stutter wakes up, letting out a whimper as tears fill his eyes. He’s soaked in sweat, and is thankful to be sleeping shirtless tonight, so he feels less constricted. He’s had a horrible nightmare about the 501st getting sick of him and they returned him to his batchmates. 
It makes Stutter whimper again, as he stands up and walks out of his bunk. He hugs his blanket close, a gift from Rex when he first joined. He hugs it close as a child would hold a stuffed animal, and walks to Dogma’s bunk. Sliding in and cuddling close to his Ori’Vod. 
Dogma wakes suddenly, startled awake by a warm body curling up beside him - on the other side from Tup. He blinks the sleep from his eyes and looks down at the vod, but it only takes seeing the very distinctive blanket to realize who it is. "Stutter?" he asks blearily, rubbing his hand across his face. "Stutter, what's wrong?"
Stutter whimpers a bit. “Night-Nightmare. I’m sorry for waking you, but ple-please don’t make me g-go.” He begs quietly, tears in his eyes as his voice quivers.
That wakes Dogma up the rest of the way - even if he's still too tired to really keep his more stoic persona. "Don't apologize. I'm not gonna make you go, Stut'ika," he soothes. On his other side, Tup shifts and mumbles quietly in his sleep. 
Dogma reaches down and pulls Stutter close against his chest even as he shifts onto his side, letting Tup settle into the space at his back. He runs his fingers through Stutter's hair. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he whispers. "You don't have to."
Stutter whimpers, nuzzling into the hand in his hair as he moves closer. “You all g-got tired of me, and sent me ba-back to my batch-batchmates.” He lets out a small, hiccupy sob, moving closer to Dogma. “None of you lov-loved me anymore, not even Fi-Fives and Rex. I was alone with th-them again.”
To be honest, crying people make Dogma uncomfortable. He doesn't know what to do, doesn't know how to handle it - even with Tup. But he's already holding Stutter, so that's a good start, right?
Dogma tightens his hold. "Well, that dream was obviously false," he comforts awkwardly. "The day Fives stops loving you is the day the galaxy burns. And I know I speak for Tup and I when I say that you're our vod'ika, and we will never not look out for you or care for you or ever even get near those bastard batchmates of yours." 
“I kn-know, it’s just... it was so real. It was sc-scary, I don’t want to ever go back to th- them. Not ever.” Stutter nuzzles into Dogma, clutching onto the older’s blacks with one hand, the other clutching his blanket.
Dogma begins running one hand up and down Stutters spine, the other still carding through his curls. "I know," he soothes, "I know." And then he decides to just - be himself. He's too tired to be clinical and rule-abiding right now. 
"Dreams can be very scary. But - That's why we have our vod’e, right? To help us remember what's really real." Tup's presence at his back, sleeping so peacefully, is his own anchor. "You can feel my body heat, right? And the texture of your blanket? Those are real, and they aren't leaving any time soon. I've got you, Stut'ika, and I'm not letting go."
Stutter nods, focusing on Dogma’s body heat and his blankets' soft texture. “I kn-know you won’t let me go, not ev-ever. Even if I still have a hard time with bel-believing that. I know you w-won’t.”
"Good, because it's true." They lay in silence for several moments. "Sometimes I still think that they'll get rid of me, too," he admits softly. He doesn't know if Stutter is still awake - but he feels the need to show him that he's really not alone. "Tup always tells me I'm just imagining things, and he's probably right, but... I know how hard that fear can be to conquer."
“We’ll nev-never get rid of you, Dogma. You’re the best bro-brother anyone could ask for. The best Ori-Ori’Vod I could ask for.” Stutter whispers, nuzzling against Dogma. He feels much better, knowing he’s not the only one feeling this way.
In the dark room, bracketed on both sides by warmth and friendship, Dogma lets a smile curl his lips. "See? If they haven't gotten rid of me yet, then they'll never get rid of you," he teases. He nuzzles against the top of Stutter's head and swallows a yawn. 
Stutter smiles, chuckling softly and nuzzling Dogma back. “Th-They’ll never get rid of either of u-us.” He says softly, yawning a bit.
Dogma hums through his smile. "Think you can sleep now, Stut'ika? Or do you need a little more time to wind down?"
Stutter yawns. “I c-can sleep now, thanks Ori-Ori’Vod. Love you.” He whispers, snuggling up to Dogma as he drifts off to sleep.
Dogma's cheeks warm slightly, and he buries his growing smile in Stutter's curls. "You too, vod'ika," he murmurs as he, too, falls back asleep.
--- Time Skip ---
Undetermined time later, Post-Umbara
Stutter wakes up with a muffled yell, covering his mouth. He looks down, seeing the bandages on his chest as tears build up in his eyes. He stands up, carrying his blanket with him as he creeps over to Dogma’s bunk, sliding in and curling up next to his Ori’Vod. He thanked the force the General saved him, after Umbara...
Dogma isn't asleep. He doesn't know how he could be, not with everything that's happened. He betrayed his vod’e, all to protect one person - a person he's not even sure will want to see him now that he's been transferred back to the 501st. Tup hasn't stayed in the same room as him for longer than necessary, and everyone else has avoided him; Dogma is starting to wonder if being transferred back was part of his punishment after all.
He jumps when Stutter crawls into his bunk; he hadn't heard his vod'ika if Dogma could even call him that anymore cry out or approach him. "What do you want," he demands harshly, scrambling to sit up and scoot into the corner as if afraid to touch him. He is. His skin crawls just at the thought. He doesn't want to hurt Stutter.
Stutter moves back, letting out a whimper. “I... I’m sor-sorry, I had a nightmare. I’ll... I'll just g-go.” He sniffles, tears falling down his face. “I’m sorry for be-being a bother.”
His heart clenches. No no no. That isn't what he wanted! "I'm sorry!" Dogma blurts. "Please, Stutter, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, just -" His voice wobbles, and his eyes are starting to burn. This is the most vulnerable he's ever been in front of anyone alive besides Tup, and just knowing that makes him feel worse about it. But he also can't control it. His whole world has already fallen apart.
Dogma sucks in a sharp breath and forces himself not to cry. "I just - I didn't think you'd want me for... that," he mumbles lamely, looking away in shame.
Stutter moves forward again, nuzzling close to Dogma. “Why? You’re my Ori-Ori’Vod, you always make me feel better wh-when I come to you. It’s okay, don’t be sor-sorry.” He clutches his blanket close to his chest, feeling the bandages over his still healing wound from Umbara.
Dogma swallows and nods, thankful for the darkness to help hide the tears slipping down his cheeks. He figures that Stutter is just saying that either because Dogma is the only one there for him to turn to or his nightmare has made him forget what Dogma has done. But whatever the reason, if Stutter wants Dogma, then Dogma very well can't say no.
"I - I'm a traitor," he breathes even as he reluctantly opens his arms to Stutter. "I betrayed the trust of all of you, betrayed your trust, nearly got Hardcase killed, I - I ordered the firing squad to -'' Dogma's voice breaks, and he sobs harshly. He doesn't understand why he's not dead yet, why he was accepted back into the 501st. He doesn't deserve it after what he's done.
Stutter hugs Dogma close. “I kn-know what you did. I was part of th-that firing squad. I almost died on Um-Umbara. But you are my brother. We all ma-make mistakes, you were scared. I under-understand that. How everyone is trea-treating you is wrong, and I know wh-what it’s like to be treated badly by pe-people who are supposed to be your bro-brothers. I promise, I will never ever lea-leave you.”
Dogma sobs into Stutter's hair, hugging him close but being careful of Stutter's injury. He doesn't know who's comforting who anymore. "I deserve it," he breathes. "All of it. I knew what I was doing, and I st-still -" He shudders, swallows another cry. After a moment he whispers shakily, "What was your nightmare, Stut'ika?" Dogma is obviously trying to turn the attention from himself.
Stutter kisses Dogma’s forehead. “You d-don’t. Not ever. You were scared, we all were. But I kn-know you need to hear this. I forg-forgive you, Dogma. I forgive you, Ner- Ner’Ori’Vod.” He pushes his blanket into Dogma’s hands. “It ma-makes me feel better. Just feel i-it.”
Stutter then continues about his nightmare“It was about Um-Umbara. Everything happened the sa-same except. I... you never ca-came back, they killed you.”
Another sob hitches from his chest. Dogma takes the blanket, running his hands over it in random patterns. When he hears what Stutter's dream had been about, he curls around the blanket in his hands and keens. "I - I'm sorry, Stut'ika," he gasps through his tears. "I don't think - I don't think I can help with th-this one." Dogma feels like he's drowning inside, lost in his head. He can't burden his vod'ika with this.
Stutter hums, pressing a kiss to Dogma’s forehead. “I’ll he-help you then, Ori-Ori’Vod. I’ll be here for you always, I prom-promise.” Dogma laughs humorlessly through his tears. "Thought this w-was about - about your nightmare, Stut'ika, not - not my bad decisions."
Stutter frowns. “It’s ok-okay if you can’t help me, b-but I am going to help y-you. We all make bad decis-decisions, Dogma. It’s okay.” He nuzzles against Dogma, pressing his forehead to his in a keldabe kiss.
Dogma presses back, simply letting himself cry it out for now; apparently he needs it. The whole time, he holds Stutter close. Eventually the tears stop falling, and he's able to catch his breath. He scrubs at his face with his hand but continues to hold on Stutter. "I don't..." Dogma takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "I don't know if I believe you right now," he murmurs brokenly, "but - thank you, for helping me. For - For at least trying to make things okay."
Stutter nods, hugging Dogma tightly. “I kn-know how hard it might be to bel-believe it. I still don’t believe you guys som-sometimes when you tell me you lo-love me, and that I’m not def-defective. But I can promise you, it does get eas-easier to believe. Little by lit-little.” Stutter kisses Dogma’s forehead. “I’m go-going to give our brothers a tal- talking to later, I promise. Th-They are treating you wrong, and I w-will not stand for it!” 
Dogma wants to protest, wants to try and convince Stutter to keep his head down and not make himself a target, but... He's so tired. It reaches down past his bones into his soul, and he just wants to rest. He says as much to Stutter. "Can we please just... leave it? For now? Please, Stut'ika?"
Stutter nods. “Of course, f-for now. Whatever you wa-want, Ori’Vod. I lo-love you.” 
That makes Dogma sniffle. "Love you, too." After another moment Dogma is able to ask more calmly, "Did you want to sleep with me tonight?"
Stutter nods. “Yes, ple-please. I don’t want to be al-alone, and I don’t think you want to ei-either.” He whispers, running a hand through Dogma’s hair.
Dogma shakes his head, fighting back another wave of tears. He scoots so that he's laying down again, and there's room for Stutter beside him.
Stutter lays down and snuggles up to Dogma, grabbing his blanket and pushes it into Dogma’s arms again. “Shh, it’s go-going to be okay. I prom-promise.”
He takes the blanket, holding it in one arm while the other comes up to wrap around Stutter, holding him close and snuggling back. The jittery, anxious feeling fades away just enough to let him begin to slide towards sleep.
Stutter starts gently humming to Dogma, his own favorite song, let it go. He hums it softly, as he hugs Dogma close, hoping to help his Ori’Vod to sleep.
Even though it's on odd twist, the vod'ika comforting the ori'vod, it still feels natural and comfortable. Dogma relaxes as Stutter hums, and soon he drops into a deep sleep.
Taglist: @haloangel391 @ahsokatano-thetogruta @anstarwar
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