#violet Bridgerton
glitterfairy-21225 · 21 hours
Violet Ledger growing up with an emotionally abusive mother and a father who did little to stop her (I know Lord Ledger loved Violet a lot, but he was not doing enough and I will stand by that). Violet Bridgerton marrying a man who loves her fervently and unquestionably, and creating a safe, loving home for all their children. Violet Bridgerton knowing her daughter’s best friend is not treated well at home and treating her like another child. Violet Bridgerton watching her son marry Penelope Featherington and give her the loving home she was deprived of but always deserved.
Isn’t it funny how history repeats?
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miss-ute · 3 days
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thebluemallet · 1 day
Violet: Let me see what you have! Colin: (pulls Penelope out from hiding behind his back) Colin: A WIFE! Eloise: (angrily) NO!
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pascaloverx · 2 days
Summary: You are the new guest of the Bridgertons. Your mother, an old friend of Lady Violet Bridgerton, has requested that you spend a season at the Bridgerton house in hopes that you will change your perspective on true love and marriage. You are convinced that love is a fictional construct and that a marriage without love will be your downfall; but some time with the Bridgerton siblings might change your mind.
Author's Note: The characters belong to the Bridgerton universe and Julia Quinn. However, the story will have some changes from what happens in the Bridgerton series (2020-). Dear readers, this story may contain strong language and steamy romance scenes. It may even feature a love triangle. Be warned and enjoy the reading.
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The next few days at the Bridgerton house are chaotic yet incredibly fun. Between walks and conversations with Eloise, helping Francesca with embroidery during silent but very focused hours, and spending time reading with Colin, who introduced you to his favorite books and recommended others, you are quite busy. Every day you have tea with Lady Violet Bridgerton, who is enthusiastic about the idea of finding a suitor for you during the ball season. You try to share her enthusiasm, but the truth is that spending time with her family seems more adventurous than getting married. Today, for instance, you are taking Hyacinth and Gregory to pick some apples in the garden. In reality, Gregory wants to practice archery, and you think it would be a good exercise for the younger ones. Regarding the two older brothers, you have been avoiding them. It's not an easy task, but with Lydia's help, you have managed to escape any moments alone with them. You feel embarrassed for pretending to be hurt in front of one and for covering for the other. Daphne is the only one you have yet to meet, but according to the Bridgerton family, you will soon. Recently, Eloise introduced you to a close friend named Penelope. You found her to be very perceptive and kind, which is good since she seems to be part of the family, and you want to make a good impression.
"Lady Violet Bridgerton, I assure you that the three of us will be very careful while picking apples. When I was Hyacinth's age, it was my favorite pastime," you say as you finish adjusting your shoe. Lady Bridgerton still looks a bit concerned as she watches Hyacinth and Gregory run off with their bows and arrows. You smile, imagining how it will be to spend time with them.
"Believe me, dear, you will need someone to help you with those two," Lady Violet says, somewhat nervously. You look at her, feeling uncertain, and then you hear someone approaching the room where you are.
"I believe I can be of use as the older brother at this moment. I was just finishing up some financial matters, and it seems that fresh air will do us all some good," Viscount Anthony Bridgerton says, surprising you and Lady Violet. You know that Lydia will be joining you, but staying with him and the younger siblings seems like a risk.
"That won't be necessary, Viscount. There's no need to disrupt your busy schedule when I am more than capable of handling this task with my companion," you respond instantly, as if the answer were at the tip of your tongue. Anthony gives you a mischievous smile, indicating that he plans to accompany you anyway, which makes you feel a bit uneasy. Lady Violet, however, seems more relieved.
"Miss Y/L/N, forgive my frankness, but it seems that you do not desire my company. If that is the case, I would like to clear up any misunderstanding by reaffirming that I will be accompanying you and my siblings on this apple-picking outing," Viscount Bridgerton says assertively, taking a step closer to you. You stare at him, almost forgetting that there are others around you.
"Viscount, I can assure you that such an impression is a misunderstanding. I would never have any problem with your company. I simply would not want to disrupt the busy life of a Viscount, especially as a guest in his house." A lie on your part, as you really want to avoid spending time with Anthony. The Viscount Bridgerton is one of the most sought-after men in society. One wrong rumor about the two of you, and your mother would be demanding a wedding at Queen Charlotte's doorstep in a matter of minutes.
"Y/N, I can assure you that my son, busy as he may be, always finds time to spend with his siblings. You will essentially be helping him look after the younger ones. And certainly, my son will be honored by your company," Lady Violet says, lightly tapping her eldest son's arm as if expecting him to support her statement. Anthony nods slightly, as if in agreement.
"In that case, please join us, Viscount. Goodbye for now, Lady Bridgerton," you say, looking kindly at Violet and heading towards the exit of the house. Gregory and Hyacinth follow you while Anthony says something to his mother and then approaches you. Your companion, Mrs. Lydia, comes behind you silently. She seems to want to give you or Anthony space to talk. The two teenagers seem to be having fun walking among the trees.
"Miss Y/L/N, how long exactly do you intend to avoid me?" Viscount Bridgerton speaks near you, pretending to pay attention to something else so that Lydia doesn't suspect he's trying to talk to you.
"You don't need to pretend to be looking for bees among the flowers, Viscount Bridgerton. Lydia won't suspect you. As for your question, I think it's fair to say that given the nature of our last encounter, some distance seems plausible." You try to answer his question without really answering it. He smiles slightly, but it's a nervous smile. He watches the siblings ahead of us, while Lydia takes the opportunity to chat with the young Bridgertons.
"I wasn't pretending. A bee around here is too dangerous. But getting back to our main topic, I would like to apologize for the first impression I gave you," he says as if it were an obligation for him to say so, without truly wanting to apologize. You look at him, finding his pretense amusing.
"Apologies accepted, Viscount. Was that why you wanted to come with us? To apologize for your mistake?" You ask as you and Anthony walk side by side. Hyacinth and Gregory shout, calling for their brother and you as they find an apple tree.
"Not only to apologize for my mistake," Viscount Bridgerton clears his throat loudly, "but also to give you the chance to apologize to me." As soon as Anthony says this, you shoot an arrow accurately at one of the apples at the top of the apple tree that Gregory and Hyacinth are looking at. The two are pleasantly surprised and shout that your aim is great. However, Viscount Bridgerton seems to have become nervous, perhaps even a little irritated.
"Apologize to the Viscount for what reason?" You ask as you both stop walking and face each other. He seems indignant for some reason.
"For not behaving as a lady of your stature should. Surely you know you should have forced me to marry the young lady because of what happened. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to get married, and certainly not to you. I just think that in your place, I would be more concerned about this issue," Anthony says presumptuously, leaving you offended. You look him up and down and smile. He seems not to understand.
"Viscount, I must say that you seem to have misunderstood what happened. You intruded into a room designated for me, a lady. Yet somehow, you think I owe you something. Very well. I give you a warning: if a situation like this happens again, I will be your wife faster than you can pronounce Bridgerton." Your threatening tone seems to intrigue the Viscount.
"Is that a threat, Miss?" Viscount Anthony Bridgerton speaks as if surprised by the way you speak to him.
"The trick to hitting a target like that is to always have concentration and patience. A bit of determination is also appropriate." As you approach Gregory, who can't take his eyes off the arrow, you notice Anthony looking at you with a hint of mockery.
"I believe the young lady is mistaken. Hitting the target is about strength and often talent." You hear this and feel as if he is belittling your technique. So, you raise your bow and arrow in his direction, holding it out to the Viscount in front of you.
"Try to hit the target with your method then, Viscount. Let's see which one of us knows more about what we're talking about." You say, challenging him. He doesn’t hesitate to try to hit an apple almost in the same place you did. He is so sure he will surpass you that it's almost comical when his arrow hits an apple below yours. Gregory and Hyacinth are shocked while he shows no expression.
"Dear brother, I think Miss Y/L/N's method seems to be more effective," Hyacinth says with a humorous tone. Anthony looks annoyed.
"I want to try hitting the target using your tactic, brother," Gregory says as he grabs his own bow and arrow. Hyacinth laughs at him while he struggles to place the arrow on the bow.
"I actually prefer using Miss Y/L/N's tactic," Hyacinth says, showing you how quickly she can place the arrow on the bow. You guide her to focus on the target and tell her to think of something that makes her angry to make her more determined. You can hear Anthony assisting Gregory. Anthony and you exchange glances while helping the younger ones practice archery. Later, you all gather some apples together.
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nightingale2004 · 2 days
Alright, everyone. I just started season 3 of Bridgertone (NO SPOILERS PLEASE), and I got to tell all of you.
The bridgertons are clearly something else entirely in their society.
The bridgerton men are clearly wh0r3s until their future wife comes a calling and the bridgerton women are clearly a different breed.
They seriously go against the rules of their society, which made me wonder if their ancestors were like this.
Imagine a young Edmund Bridgerton just going against the rules to be with Violet. Moving heaven and earth to be with her.
Now I'm pretty sure if Queen Charlotte ever met the bridgerton couples children. She would be fearing for her life and her image and definitely getting a headache because YOU CAN NOT TELL ME THESE NEXT GENERATION BRIDGERTON CHILDREN OF POLIN, KANTHONY, DAPHNE AND SIMON, ELOISE AND PHILLIP, BENEDICT AND SOFIE, AND FRANCESCA AND MICHAELS KIDS WONT BE CAUSING PROBLEMS FOR THEMSELVES AND SOCIETY FOR THEIR FUTURE SOULMATE....including the royal family
I've said my piece
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renegadesstuff · 1 day
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He is such a mama's boy 🥹
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dancingdorito · 2 days
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y'all marcus and violet are dancing across from colin and pen 🥲🥲
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peggyloraine · 3 days
It has been a while since I had done this but here I go again….
Why don’t we discuss the fact that Penelope is an abused child. The way Penelope is treated by Portia is mental and emotional abuse. Allowing your other children to bully and treat another child as less than is abuse. That mistreatment marked Penelope and made her shy and made her feel insecure. It marked Penelope and the ton picked up on her low self esteem and bullied her.
I don’t know if the friendship between Eloise and Penelope has always been on that dynamic. Eloise dragging Pen along and Pen just happy to be with someone who isn’t mean to her and seems to care. She is love starved and the BRIDGERTON family is warm and welcoming.
I think the lying and hiding 😶‍🌫️ parts of herself are responses to her trauma. The years of being bullied have made her feel like she is not worthy of love and if they knew who she truly was that they wouldn’t want her. When Eloise discovered LW and rejected her, she made her biggest nightmare come to life.
Mind that I am not saying Eloise is good or bad. What I am doing is adding to the conversation from someone who had similar experiences from Pen and can understand her mindset and illuminate it a bit.
Basically, what I am saying that Penelope has been taught that she is not valuable as herself so she has been taught to hide herself from others and has big trust issues. Others have let her down again and again, especially men. She still doesn’t believe that she will end up with Colin so she is trying to hold onto enjoy the fairytale of true love until it disappears.
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kwikquik · 2 days
Colin Bridgerton letting the amazing women in his life shape restore him.
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“But I do mean it. It is everything I have wanted to say to you … for weeks.”
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hocuspocusbabyy · 23 hours
*Eloise, drunk after a family dinner glaring at a statue. Leaning against Cressida.*
Eloise: “That is a hate crime”
*Cressida Playing with Eloise’s hand*
Cressida: “Sweetheart that is a statue”
Eloise: “Well he’s looking at me funny”
Benedict: “I see what you mean sister, his stare is quiet menacing”
Cressida: “Ben don’t encourage her, I’m sure he is not looking at you in any meaningful way.”
Eloise: “So you’re saying I’m not pretty?”
*Pulling her hand away*
Penelope: 👀
Cressida: “Wha—No… I”
Colin: 👀
Eloise: “it’s fine, I know when I’m not wanted.”
*Proceeds to stumble toward her mother*
Violet: “You’re very pretty darling, ignore that mean old statue.”
*Violet kisses her forehead and makes space on the sofa*
Cressida: “Oh rats”
Benedict: 😅
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maefansblog · 3 days
I think everyone in the Fandom needs a hug. 💕
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 2 days
Favorite Kanthony moment(s) from On the Way to the Wedding (specially chapter 9)
Kate's original intention had been to throw a fancy dress party-she'd been longing to fashion herself as Medusa (to the surprise of no one)—but she had finally abandoned the idea after Anthony informed her that if she had her way with this, he would choose his own costume.
The look he gave her was apparently enough for her to declare an immediate retreat.
She later told Gregory that he had still not forgiven her for costuming him as Cupid at the Billington fancy dress ball the previous year.
"Costume too cherubic?" Gregory murmured.
"But on the bright side," she had replied, "I now know exactly how he must have looked as a baby. Quite darling, actually."
"Until this moment," Gregory said with a wince, "I'm not sure I understood exactly how much my brother loves you."
"Quite a bit." She smiled and nodded. "Quite a bit indeed."
And so a compromise was reached. No costumes, just masks. Anthony didn't mind that one bit, as it would enable him to abandon his duties as host entirely if he so chose (who would notice his absence, after all?), and Kate set to work designing a mask with Medusaish snakes jumping out in every direction. (She was unsuccessful.)
And then immediately followed by:
“It’s a much better party without everyone jostling about,” he said happily.
"When did you grow so opposed to social dis-course?" Gregory asked, plucking a champagne flute off a proffered tray.
"It's not that at all," Anthony answered with a shrug. "I've simply lost patience for stupidity of any kind."
"He is not aging well," his wife confirmed.
If Anthony took any exception to her comment, he made no show of it. "I simply refuse to deal with idiots," he told Gregory. His face brightened. "It has cut my social obligations in half."
"What's the point of possessing a title if one cannot refuse one's invitations?" Gregory murmured wryly.
"Indeed," was Anthony's reply. "Indeed."
Gregory turned to Kate. "You have no arguments with this?"
"Oh, I have many arguments," she answered, craning her neck as she examined the ballroom for any last-minute disasters. "I always have arguments."
"It's true," Anthony said. "But she knows when she cannot win.”
Kate turned to Gregory even though her words were quite clearly directed at her husband. "What I know is how to choose my battles."
"Pay her no mind," Anthony said. "That is just her way of admitting defeat."
"And yet he continues," Kate said to no one in particular, "even though he knows that I always win in the end."
Anthony shrugged and gave his brother an uncharacteristically sheepish grin. "She's right, of course." He finished his drink. "But there is no point in surrendering without a fight."
"Kate writes twice a month," Violet replied with a delicate, one-shouldered shrug. "She tells me every-thing."
“Is Anthony aware?" Gregory muttered.
"I have no idea," Violet said, giving him a superior look. "It's really none of his business."
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pensbridge · 4 hours
1 thing that the Bridgerton siblings all have in common is that they are going to act in the most innane, chaotic, borderline animalistic of ways.
Anthony: speed runs toward Daphne and Simon without thought to pry them off from fucking in the garden only followed by bitch punching Simon square in the face; schemes to find the "perfect" wife (one who fits his checklist) to only later realize he feels for her sister....but doesn't stop there, and continues his plan as if he doesn't realize that his perfect wife is actually right there, therefore he should not have to attempt to marry the other in his escape that can only be described as a self-destruct endeavor to not accept happiness; ruins the plan AT the wedding; also smells his future wife as she passes (and gets caught); the gazebo..nuff said
Benedict: is generally a little shit (see him at dinner tables, in large gatherings, and just around his siblings); criticized an artist in front of their own work. he wasn't aware, which just adds to the chaos. walks into spaces without a clue to what is going on before him (i repeat: criticizing the artist's painting; also his chaotic arrivals at sibling councils calling for immediate action); in an ongoing frustration over his artistic expression that is meant to be expression of his feelings; proceeded to get high and took the whole bottle of substances; almost jumped out of a window fr
Colin: proposes to a woman he barely knows in a mad dash impulsive instinct that evades kissing her; walks out from the dinner with his fiancé without notice on the sole basis that he does not want to hear his future in-law sing badly. yes she is indeed terrible, fyi. failed engagement -> impulse flee from the country; ahh (sigh) he is feeding the ducks; loudly proclaims his "mis-affections" for a woman who is actually his future wife, then lends himself to help her find a husband like he doesn't see the big yellow sign flashing to reveal himself as the spouse in question
Daphne: is ½ of the couple about to desperately fuck in the garden; previously was involved in a scheme to fool the people of their surroundings that she was on her way towards marriage; ran away from a prince who was about to propose to her. I understand, but we are in dire, desperate times here. fell for the garden-fuck buddy, and became obligated to marry him, but he doesn't want kids oh no.........married him; in the "I know something my brother's fiancé doesn't know" club of 3 (peace-out, staying out of the drama; c u @ the wedding)
Eloise: trots into a room full of her mother and siblings LOUDLY inquiring how a lady becomes pregnant; accuses a maid of writing a gossip column as if she does have much time on her hands to observe and overhear the secrets of those in her surroundings, and further write about it with an internal sassy voice like she doesn't have chores and duties to tend to everyday to survive; does everything in her power to avoid men, marriage, and anything to do with the opposite sex... except one (which is scandalous no matter how cute/innocent). tears apart her bff's room in haste after the shock effect of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
Bonus) 'Mother' Bridgerton: nearly asked a servant to lie on her in need for her "garden" to be tended to
Here's some more events from Season 3 that is added on to Bridgerdums malfunctioning:
Benedict: insults someone again/talks without thinking; generally has no idea what's going on; shit's (ship's) going on right in front of his eyes and he has no idea (tbh this is everything that I expected from him and this is EVERYTHING (he's chilling); so obvious trying to escape the desper-taunt; sooooo obvious trying to chat it up with L.D./Aggie Danbury, my girl
Colin: where do I start...playing 'Where's Waldo' with his bff for half an episode; LYING LIAR WHO LIES, 17 cities...you went to 17 cities?! (i'm just shocked); perhaps we should go somewhere more private??? /rushes to apologize with full sentimental remarks (good); rushes to offer the help as previously mentioned; kisses his best friend to help her out it's only fair; "OF COURSE!"...back on the hunt for pretty bff; *ooh watching bff eat a pastry, malfunction ahh* -> buys the pastry; the entirrreee hot air balloon scene (he waits, he rushes...he's definitely a fight mode with mental gymnastics flight in the lead up); can't speak in the middle of a ball; downbadism yellow sheet drop; crashes a proposal, cuts in the dance, literally so obvious, *angry* "perhaps that is for the best"; chases down a carriage ON FOOT; the (in)FAMOUS carriage; chaotic proposal
Eloise: she hates socializing with men and she's gonna shout it; cracking jokes with The Plastics; oops loud queen...let the cat out of the bag; /forever the accuser (now w/Cressida, former queen of The Plastics); she HATES society, guys, I don't think you understand; "MY BROTHER?!???" x2 (3x04 deleted scene + 3x05 tick tock Lady Featheringdown)
Francesca: the most sane, but living up to her name; dun dun dun piano; introvert escape room expert; finds a man without talking to him; rushes out of the new boyfriend hang to play her piano
Gregory: fell and broke his arm being nosy AND faaaaaailedddd; dummy was just fascinated by a balloon
Hyacinth: she's gonna be trouble, we just know, ok/always always always right
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msfangirlgonewild · 2 days
How the folks’ reaction? 😂
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hundredacreletters · 2 days
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"The only thing that would disappoint me is seeing you starting to care what anyone else thinks. That would not be you."
-Violet Bridgerton
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colinfeatherington · 7 hours
I’m such a violet bridgerton fan, I’m going crazy thinking about her. I need them to have ruth do a prequel with the actor who played edmund in the s2 flashback idgaf that they’re older than the characters would be. so are most of the actors. that one scene they had together was so good and I need to see them fall in love and everyone has to suspend their disbelief okay?
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