#victorius revival
henneyjustwantstoread · 2 months
putting this now bc i know i’ll forget until the last minute: for anyone that’s a leslie odom fan, or enjoys older black theater/plays/hollywood, on may 24th, PBS will air a taping of the revival of Ossie Davis’ Purlie Victorius (obvs check your listings depending on your area).
i saw it and it’s worth it. i grew up on the musical adaptation with stephanie mills and robert guillaume, and have seen taping a of the actual original play, and the revival and it’s cast did history so much justice!
plus the woman who revived ruby dee’s role looks exactly like her.
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bestutfanonpoll · 1 year
Undertale the Musical VS Story of Undertale
Fangames VS Fanfiction
Let Papyrus Say Fuck Day VS Tournaments (like this one!)
Inverted Fate VS Handplates
Everyone is Neurodivergent VS Everyone is LGBTQIA+
Fanart VS Fansongs
Glitchtale VS Outertale
Community VS Theories
Headcanons VS Cosplay
Everyone is LGBTQIA+ VS Let Papyrus Say Fuck Day
Undertale the Musical VS Community
Headcanons VS Inverted Fate VS Outertale
Fanart VS Fangames
Fanart VS Let Papyrus Say Fuck Day
Inverted Fate VS Undertale the Musical
Four juggernauts of the competition, and honestly, I don't mind who wins between any of these.
Let Papyrus Say Fuck Day VS Inverted Fate
Submission Form (Closed)
Papertrail vs Animations
The Other Puppet vs Undertale Red
Deltarune: Chapter Rewritten vs Deltarune: Neglected Oversight
Everyone is Neurodivergent vs Cosplay
Prunsel vs Shipping
Fanfiction vs Theories
Everyone is Neurodivergent vs Prunsel
Animations vs Deltarune: Chapter Rewritten
Fanfiction vs Undertale Red
Fanfiction vs Everyone is Neurodivergent
Animations vs Prunsel
Animations vs Everyone is Neurodivergent
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
My Thoughs (that no one asked) For A Victorius Revival
So, I watched the 8 yours Victorius video, and now I cannot stop thinking about how I would do a revival. But none of my friends are even remotly interrested in Victorius, so here I am. Probably no one will read it anyway but at least I will be able to take this out of my cheast. Introducions made, let's go:
Where are they now?
I thoug a lot about how the best way to organize my ideias and the order of presentation and I decided that the best way to do it, was to do a quick run over on the characters and try to present what would be their personal quest/theme in a possible season 1.
Tori Vega: After the realize of her first album Tori quickly grew to stardon, but that didn't last much. She was considered to dificult to work with and entered in a bunch of controversies, including being acused more than once of plagiarism. The last straw was her being weirdly preach and low key racist to a girl if a hijab (the whole "you don't need to wear it" bs) during a show.
After that keeping her carear was just not viable annymore. And in the last fifteen years she have been working as a barista and wishing for the famous life she was promised as a teen.
During the season she would try to recover her image and actually improve as a person only to realise that the fact she is better doesn't mean people will forgive her and that is okay. That she doesn't have to be the star everyone though she would, that she is happy to just have her old friends back and to be improving as a person and living the in present instead of in the past. She would also develop a relationship with Jade (where everyone thinks they are figthing for Beck but the are finally processing the feelings they had for each other as adults).
Jade West: As expected, Jade is talented and made her cinema deboot soon after graduation catching the eyes of horror fans and indie movie enthusiasts. She was a huge promise and did delivered two very good movies. The problem was ... well that she was unsufferable to work wich. And for a movie director... well... that is a problem. Soon she started reciving denunces about how awfull it was her workplace enviroment and she was attacked on social media, besides no actor wanted to work with her anymore. Her movies started losing budget, audience interest and she declined quickly. Her last twelve years were spend doing small roles in theather productions and wishing for a second chance in Hollywood.
During the season she would learn to open herself to her friend circle and with that recognize that she need help to deal with her daddy insues and learning how to manage her people skills. This soul searching would be what leads her to recognize her feelings for Tori and to act on it.
Beck Oliver: Just as Jade and Tori, Beck started great working in modeling and making his path into the public eye until finally becaming an actor. He had a huge fanbase, being the romantic partner in romcons, the tradicinal hero and all that not inovative pappers. It annoyed him, but he belived he could grow over it. Just months before the pilot he had recived the chance of changing his career and expanding to more than the "pretty boy" BUT he was cancelled on twitter for his transphobic coments and a different actor got the job. Now in the brick of losing everything as a consequence for his actions (and cancel culture) he is desperate for a big comeback/apollogy moment.
During the season Beck would have three arcs: firstly starting to really regret his past actions and not only the fallout and trying to open his mind, deal with his toxic masculinity and improve as a person, second deal with his own internalize image of himself as nothing more than a pretty face and try to discover himself beyong being pretty and thrid deal with his internal belief that he would somehow end up with Tori or Jade by the end and learning to be only their friend.
Robbie Shapiro: Robbie became internet famous by posting his comedy songs on youtube - his early work being vastly compared to Bo Burnham early work - and showing an incredible balance in being funny and genuine while making general good songs. This is until people found his older videos and his Rex stuff. He was cancelled and his weird excuse that it wasn't him but Rex just made things worse, with drama channels and youtube conspiracy theorists alike jumping on it. He lost a deal with Netflix and his channel died not much after.
After that Robbie went from job to job never quite finding a place to fit in. In the present he has work for almost nine years in a series of unstable jobs and wants to somehow be truly able to let Rex behind and restart his youtube channel.
Yeah. Robbie arc is admiting that he is reponsable for Rex bs, dealing if this side of himself (in a way that still let's a bit ambiguous if he was alive or not) and being finally able to raise above if. Finally becoming a better person, actually loving himself and letting once and for all Rex go. He also will have an small arc discovering his own bissexuality and dating Berth, I don't know what I would do for his end paring yet though.
Andre Harris: So the catch with Andre is that he goes into a very different direction the the other friends till here. You must have realized at this point that all of them have as a theme the process of growing up and learning to be a good person. This is actually related to the plot. But Andre is different. After Hollywood Arts, Andre went to college to study music theory and in there he would finally be able to discover himself (with help from his new college friends) growing pass his need to please others to develop a real personality. Becaming more sardonic and down to earth but still friendly and laid back. He isn't high school Andre annymore.
After college Andre would become a quite famous music producer creating a bunch of hit songs and working with varius famous musicians but still unable to start his own music career being too critic with himself and thinking that he's albun isn't ready yet.
While Andre professional arc would be to overcome his perfectionism to be able to realise his album, his story in the friendgroup would be of someone who still loves very much his high school friends but isn't the guy they knew anymore and it's unsure of how the new him fits in the group. He would also have at least one episode about the loss of his grandma.
Cat Valentine: I know that you were wating this moment. Well Cat started a little bit late compared to her friends, her adventures with Sam and all. But she actually is the one with the best carrer she uploaded her songs and covers to youtube and started growing to stardown. She is starting to deal with the fame, especially when her brother is a supervilan.
As Ariana Grande is a bit too expansive to be on pay-row for all episodes Cat is mostly busy working on her recent album or visiting Sam (it would be a great way to actually give Sam an update even without Jeannete, only by Cat crazy stories and would make the revival still share an universe with ICarly allowing for a revival crossover) but she would still appear in important episodes. Her arc would be her dealing with her fame - as she is well Cat - and with the fact that her brother is a supervillain (yeah I'm trying to unite the NSU don't judge), and if possible not being infantalized annymore cause JESUS CHRIST.
Trina Vega: Trina is actually well. She stopped keeping contact with her familly until she and Tori reunited in the pilot and for Tori surprise she is a well paid stunt actress and has a loyal following with her Tik Tok videos where she gives tips about stunt acting, talks about overcaming an abusive family and just does some funny videos. She is married and with two kids that she loves very much and she is just happy. Her arc it's trying to rekindle her broken relashionship with Tori.
Sinjin Van Cleef (and Berth DeFect): He is also fine. He started making sucess with his kindda shitposty youtube channel, where he collaborates with Berth. His weird but genuine and fun content and his pashion for his weirdness (and the empty slot left by the end of ICarly) helped. In the years that passed his content and comedy evolved with his and Berth 's channel growing and becaming something quite unique. They started making short animations and their absurdist humor actually gave than the chance of making their own cartoons for Netflix. They still have the channel and now besides their short weird videos and "normal" vlogs/reacts, they mostly talk about the development of this new project. While everyone thinks he and Berth are a couple they are actually just very close best friends. He appears during the arc where Berf starts to date Robbie and both make apperances after that.
Erwin Sikowits: He makes some special apperances but he is just the same hippie crazy guy, the only difference is that the audience is older and so we know he does drugs. He is retired but sometimes gives special classes and he is actually one of the characthers on the happy train. On the few times he appears he shows he does still cares and thinks foundly of his old students. Also he is pan because I refuse to let the scene with Spencer be a merely homophobic joke on the writers part and not a part of his characther. Let Sikowits have a boyfriend, you cowards.
The Plot
Twenty years after the kids leaved Hollywood arts a series of werid coincidences ends up with the old gang (Tori, Jade, Cat, Beck, Robbie and Andre) all reunited. They decide that it must mean something and mark to have a nigth out for old times sake there they learn about each other missfortune and financial struggles and all of them (except Cat) decide to move to the same building and try to mimic a "content house" in a way to recover their lost fame (Andre is there as a promotion for his future debut album and because he wants to conect with his friends) and overcame their cancel status.
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emokingeddie · 4 years
twilight but make it victorious
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rosheendubh · 5 years
This stream of consciousness inspired by HistoriaBrittanorum’s Battle 8, the Battle of Caer Guinnion/the White Fortress. It could be the Fort of the Legions as well, but York’s Latin-Brythonic Name of Eboracum, actually shares a root with the Latin of Ivory (eburone,or something??...Ivory has a sense of Whitish—maybe York’s Walls, repaired by Constantine, appeared white when viewed from a distance??), along with other speculations of meaning (its British/Welsh form of Efrauc mimics the AngloSaxon ‘Eofor’ which means Boar...not related, I don’t think, unless the Boar was the standard of the VI Legion Victorius, stationed in York, but that might have been a bull actually??).  The boar belonged to one of Britannia’s other legions, I think. Anyway, Nennius writes that it was this Battle in which Arthur bore the Image of the Virgin on his shield/suspended across his shoulder...like a shield. In Welsh ballad tradition, Arthur’s shield is translated as ‘The Face of the Evening’. This was a common epithet given to the Virgin Mary, But was actually a phrase directly acquired from Venus-Aphrodite, as the planet Venus appearing with the Sun and Moon as the Morning Star and Evening Star. Venus, of course, was the Babylonian-Sumerian Ishtar/Inanna. The Queen of Heaven, literally, and...another epithet of the Virgin Mary.  Celestial Brigantia was another appelative for the same goddess, as understood by the Romano-British. A tutelary goddess of what had been the most influential tribe of northern Britain, even after Roman occupation, through the 3rd c AD at least. And dedications to ‘The Virgin’, meaning ‘Virgo/the Constellation’, alluded to her archaic Sumerian origins as the great Creatrix of Life/Death/Learning/Science/Poetry/Music/Agriculture/Law/Civilzation/War/Medicine/Justice/etc...all the aspects embodied historically by Inanna, the Face of the Evening, who becomes Freya-Frigg-Skathi-Nanna-Hella in the Nordic pantheon. Anyway, Arthur, Uthyr in my take, when it’s mentioned by Nennius he bears the Face of the Virgin into battle, ACTUALLY harkens to a pre-Christian concept, molded to Christian tastes, of the Archaic Virgin. IDK if that was Nennius’s intent, or if Geoffrey of Monmouth understood that context when he compiled his epic 300 years later.  Maybe he did. After all, it’s Geoffrey who conceived of Morgan le Fey/of the Faery, as the most learned in medicine, math, and astronomy, of her 9 Muse-like Sisters, who resurrect not just the Muses, but 9 Gallic priestesses who resided upon Sena, off the coast of Brittany, known as the Gallicenae. And, Geoffrey liked his Queens. He had no problem writing powerful women into his epic. After all, it’s from Geoffrey Shakespeare drew his inspiration for Cymbeline and King Lear/Cordelia. Anyway, the motifs of the Arthurian codex, resound from (my own speculation) a much earlier, borrowed concept lying somewhere between Inanna, and Athena’s aegis of the Gorgon (Medusa, being an aspect of Athena actually, and Andromeda as well. The name alone of Andromeda, means, in simplistic breakdown, ‘Ruler of Men’. And the symbolism when she’s chained to the rocks before the Sea-monster, Cetus, mirrors Inanna in the Underworld, having passed the 7 Gates of Hell, stripped of her Status, judged and condemned by her Sister, Ereshkigal, to be hung by chains, and tortured into death for her arrogance in daring to conquer the Land of the Dead). I love how unsentimental these first Sumerian myths were before they became softened by later Greek and Roman classical writers. What Anglo-Norman Medieval authors borrowed in the term Virgin, has nothing to do with purity, or a woman with an intact hymen. Virgins slept with men, or women whenever they wanted. The even had children, with or without a male progenitor. The oldest sense of the word ‘Virgin’ was an heroic woman. A woman complete into herself, who took on the traditional tasks of men, and women, w/o the assistance of a man. Or, like a Shield Maid, ALONGSIDE AND EQUAL with a man. Risking death, torture, rape, loss, or whatever else stood in her way (think Lagertha of Vikings), to triumph in the exact same conditions as their male counterparts. Sometimes with more ruthlessness, or more compassion, but human all the same, and judged by her actions before her gender/sex put a label on those actions.  A Virgin has no bond with a husband, to whom she was subservient. That’s all the word meant. Thus, Guinevere—The Face of the Evening, the Raven Queen, Ruler of Valentia Beyond the Walls, uniting the Picts and the Northern British houses under the Banner of Old Brigantia, to the aide of a southern prince, a son of Tyrants. Uthyr, bastard son of Vortigern, begotten in an act of humiliation upon Ygerna, the wife of Vortimer, Vortigern’s eldest son, dishonoring Vortimer for his rebellion against his father.  In Uther’s veins runs the blood of Irish nobility (Ygerna comes from the tale of Ingren, the daughter of the Leinster King, Crimthann mac Ennais—here, as in Welsh geneolgies—Ingren/Ygerna is the daughter of Amlothi/Hamlet actually, a Danish Sea Raider who sleeps with one of 3 wives of Crimthann— and joins the Irish dynasties of the Deisi and the DalRiada to the British/Picti/Germanic families inhabiting the lands United from the Atlantic to the Irish Sea and North Sea and the Black Sea rim), Roman magistrates, and Waelsung heritage (Sigfrid, Sigmund, and Sinfjatli of Niebelung fame) that have shaped Uthyr as a son of Vortigern, rebelling against his father, and allied with Danish/Swedish/Geatish houses of Northmen, who have their own rivalries against fellow Danes/Swedes/Jutes/Saxons. Geoffrey’s Yder/Idris/Hidernus/Edern/Eurderyn—Eutharios/Eutigern—of the Black Danes, becomes my Uther, allied with Hrothgar/Swerta, an exiled Dane living amongst the Angles of NE Britain (This is based off Hrolf Kraki Saga. The Danish king of Beowulf, Hrothgar/Hroar...Rodger in English , who’s forever a battle-brother of Uther, in later decades. It was said Hrothgar converted to Christianity, and ruled his hall of Heort/sp?? as a Christian King). Uthyr, a quasi-outlaw, exiled bastard residing between Gaul, Scandinavia, and Byzantium in his youth, a mercenary andca Sea Wolf/Sea-Raider finally reuniting with his older brother, the renowned Vortimer/Riothamus/Embreis Wledig, to wrest back their authority to rule from their father, and the Jutish/Saxon houses opposed to the Danes/Geat/Angles. Arthur comes later, as Guinever’s son, either—and both—by Uther and Theoderic the Great. Dynastic imperatives here span the transformation of Western and Northern Europe from Scandinavia to Ostrogothic Italy, and in-between. Guinevere, Uther, and Theoderic, encompass a strategy of this New World of civilizing Romanized Barabarians, amalgamations of Tribal cultures reviving old Roman precepts of rule and law, between Britannia on the Western end of Old Empire, to Ostrogothic Italy, that Theoderic seeks to establish as independent from Constantinople. Lying in their midst, a lion at the heart of Gallia, are the Franks, with Clovis clawing the Merovingian hold to sever Britannia, and Visigothic Spain, from Italy. Willing to ally with Byzantium to do so, in order to distract Theoderic into defending his eastern territories of the Adriatic, Clovis succeeds in driving the last of his Visigoth brethren out of Gaul, and the inception of the Kingdom of the Franks arrives like a tempest. And finds Uther slain with his long-time war-band on the fields of Poitier, in 507, and Arthagenes (a version of a title of Hercules/the Hindu-Hellenic-Persian Verethragna. The name resembles variations of Artogenes/Bear Kin or Bear Prince/Artius/Arthan/and Artogneu...from that hideous inscription, but in my mind, while not ‘King Arthur’, lends enough similarity to said names, I’m comfortable basing his persona, ultimately, off the mythic concept of Arkas/Arcas, the Bear Prince, who circles Polaris, son of the Bear Goddess/Artio-Artemis-Callisto, and the War-Lord/and the Guardian of the stars, Bootes and Draco), his son, or Throderic’s, serving in Theoderic’s forces, in the counter-campaign to win back southern Gaul from Clovis. Incidentally, one of Theoderic’s generals bears the name Ebba, or at times conflated as Eobba (like the Bernician king of the Anglo-Saxon king lists), as well as Ida—the first king of Anglians who defeats ‘Outigern’ (in my take, the son of Arthagenes, by a northern princess, Vivian/Nuvien—Nimue-which is Gaelicized as Bebhionn, and feeds into the renaming of Din Guardi as Bebenburg, after Ida marries the British princess, Beara, according to certain chroniclers of later era. Beara is my Nuvien, a British saint actually, and the name from which Vivian and Nimue derive, and Dutigern, her son, a form of Outecorigas, recorded on Celtic inscription from Dyfed, I think, as a Protector of the Region.) Where Ida accepts Outigern as a son, And so, at Din Guardi/Bamburgh in 547AD, Ida establishes the kingdom of Bernicia. That will, by his grandon’s time, unite under Aella of the Deirans, forming Northumbria. The Star of the North, and its emerging repository of Anglo-Celtic-Roman culture by 600-800AD. This segment involves my revision of Theoderic’s daughter, Amalsuentha (a version of Melisande), actually being rescued from her assassination (she was strangled in a bath, around 534, by her cousin who coveted the throne of the Ostrogoths, which opened up Justinian’s excuse to invade Italy), as more of an comedic abduction by Offa/Yffi of the Deira/East Angles, Ida, and Cethegus, whose my version of the warrior-saint, Cathog/Cathomalos. She becomes my version of Marcia—founder of Mercian law, as Geoffrey attributes Alfred the Great’s codex of law and rule procedure to a Marcia, a great queen of wisdom and courage, who...probably didn’t exist. Anyway, I’ve now expounded to the point of random outline, and the tale which falls between my 2nd Century Artorius Castus Tale (that might go back to 1st Century Cartimandua, Agricola, and Arviragus/Genvissa, as mentioned by Geoffrey), and PreRev Paris with Jefferson and his Scottish lady physician. As an underscore to the Uther/Guinevere tract of Gwen as Queen, and Defender of the North, later Uther’s Wife, and Theoderic’s lover, there’s this scene that comes from the Welsh Mabiniogion, of Culhwch and Olwen. The tale is basically a Welsh version of the Norse myth of Svipdag-Odr, and Menglod. Svips is cursed by his step-mother to only fall in love with a particular woman, who happens to be the daughter of a fearsome giant, and impossible to win. Unless the hero undergoes a series of impossible feats which he overcomes, of course, to finally win his bride, and kill her monster-father. Anyway, there’s this passage Arthur speaks when his cousin, Culhwch arrives at Arthur’s hall, seeking some Band of Bros to help in his quest of Lady Love. Basically, I’m a kow-tow to those ‘rules of hospitality’ we like to romanticize were inherent to tribal societies of Germanic and Teutonic origin, Arthur welcomes his cousin with every promise to provide him with anything he needs on his quest, except [paraphrased from rusty neurons]: “...my sword, my spear, my dagger, my ship, my shield, and...my Wife, Gwenhwyfar.” Every time I come across this line, I think that’s either the coarsest of insults to his wife, and his queen, listed in an intinerary of his weapons. Or, it’s the most oblique of compliments to his wife. As Guinevere is his greatest weapon, even over his other enchanted implements, and won’t be utilized to any other man’s cause than his own. I’d like to add, that would be at her discretion of course. Anyway, it’s this exchange I use between Uther and Theoderic the first time they meet on the eve of Badon 2.0, after Gwen has escaped Frankish forces. And masterminded winning a bunch of heavy cavalry to her cause/Uther’s cause in the civil wars erupting across their island in the late 480s-491/493AD. This coincides with Clovis’s campaign against Soisson and the last Roman count, Syragius’s kingdom, falling to Frankish hands. Somewhere in there, I fanciful-ize Theoderic has come to Northern Gaul in the years of his own campaign to win Italy against Adavacrius (my Erp/Hyrp/Tge AngloSaxon Eadawacer—the son of Gudrun of the Nibelungs-Burgundians, and the widow of Sigfrid of the Walsungs. He’s Odovacer, the Heruli chieftain who deposed the last Roman Emperor, in 476), seeking an alliance with Clovis, a most brilliant and Mschiavellian ruler of Merovingian bent, asking for Clovis’s sister, Audafleda, as his bride (she does eventually marry him—the mother of Amalsuintha). Somewhere in there, we have Gwen being betrayed by her own sister, Cywyllog, whose married to Medrod, Uther’s nephew/cousin, and Gwen trying to reach Uther in Brittany/Aremorica, as he’s fighting for/or against Clovis, depending on when Clovis attempts invading north of Orlean, into the lands of Alani tribesmen, and the British colonizers of Brittany. In an attempt to set the truth before Uther that there’s been a conspiracy weaving lies that she’s tried seducing/promising their lands to Cerdic of the Gewisse/Wessex and his son Cynric, when it’s actually their daughter Gwenog, she’s promised to Cerdic’s son when they’ve come of age, attempting to win an alliance against Medrod/Cywyllog, Medrod’s messengers reach Uther first, and Clovis’s troops intercept Gwen’s small landing party, killing her own guard, and capturing her. Brought before, he disavows her, and rips off her neck-ring, that bore the symbol of Brigantia, and the right of her rule of the North. That Uther truly has no authority to deny her. His action breaks the alliance of Alba from Britannia, and only lends further fuel to Medrod’s attempt at usurpation in Britain. The fracturing of allegiances proves beneficial to Clovis, while he entertains Theoderic’s proposal. Uther, casting off his wife as a traitor, readies to return to Britain, facing the the forces of Medrod, his and allies of varying Irish/Northern British/Teutonic mix (where we see Onale/Aella Bretwalda, and his sons, Cymen-Cissa and Wlencing, arrive enforce, a Nordic king establishing a foothold in Sussex—the tale involving the clash of Swedish-Geatish-Norwegian-Danish-Anglian houses, from the tale of Ohtere and Onela, and the sons of Ohtere, Eanmund and Athislus/Aedgils). Gwen’s leftvin the custody of the Franks, to be disposed of or dealt with after the coming wars. It’s here Theoderic crosses paths with Gwen, his first love from decades before, when they been teens/young adults coming of age in Rome, in the last years leading up to Odovacer’s victory. And Theoderic, never trusting Clovis, devises an entirely different plan than what he’d first come north for, his own war stalled at the Walls of Ravenna, and needing a naval fleet to blockade the harbor that keeps Odovacer afloat, and fending off the final victory of the Ostrogoths. In a borrowing of the legend of St Genevieve of Paris, Clovis sends Gwen on a time wasting errand to Tours, where she’s meant to secure a bread supply fending off famine in Paris, whilst she, of her own design, crosses paths with Clothilde, and arranges a marriage between Christian Frankish princess and the heathen Merovingian conqueror. Theoderic’s 1000 Strong Sarmatian Cavalry who have served him as indentured warriors since his defeat of their city, Singidunum, in 474AD, sweeps in as the entourage returns from Tours to Paris, Theoderic intent on rescuing Gwen back to Itsly, or using her as hostage-ransom to win Uthyr’s naval force of Black Danes. Backstory here is, Gwen and Theo didn’t part well in Rome all those years ago, when he only knew her as some British orphan, and later discovered her heritage as a princess of northern Pictish/Roman British nobility, made an offer of marriage to her at that time just after his father had passed away, leaving Theoderic the heir of the Wandering Kingdom of Ostrogoth Amalungs. He rejection out of loyalty to her father and her people offended him, thinking she spurned him out of pride, thinking herself superior to his barbarian heritage, however Romanized, educated in the court’s of Constantinople. And once more, it’s Gwen who rejects his proposal, but w/o allies in the wilds of Northern Gaul/Frisia, where Theoderic’s forces are camped, she learns of his Cavalry, their decent from the other 2500 Horselords who had been sent into exile by Marcus Aurelius centuries ago. And it’s Gwen, a descendent of those same Sarmatians, the other 5500 Iazyges, sent to Britain by Marcus Aurelius centuries back, on the side of her Pictish mother, whose blood ran back to the Horse Goddess of the Sarmatians when she and her warrior-priestessss first arrived in Britain (see the intriguing grave finds of 2 women buried with weapons and Cavalry armor from Brougham found in 2004–thought to be of Hungarian origin, and dared to mid 3rd c AD), following their men to exile. And it’s Gwen who speaks the old tongue of Saranyu, mounted on a stallion, galloping amongst 1000 Catarphactii, with their Standard aloft in her hand, moving between their ranks, and rallying them in the language of the Iazyges, turning Theoderic’s offer for refuge in exchange for becoming his queen or mistress, and instead, compelling 1000 HorseLords to her cause, tge cause of Britannia, by weight of her lineage, and the promise to no longer “be considered slaves, but citizens” with lands of their own upon British shores if they were, to once more, fight on the Isle of Mists, for her king, and her land (mmm, I always loved that scene of Daenerys suddenly winning the Slave Army of Unsullied...this is my tribute of the Raven Queen to the Dragon Queen. Cliche is as cliche does...but, I’m hoping my version contains some originality). And Theoderic, thinking himself the savior, suddenly becomes the usurped, as his own officers, Vidia, Hjalmar, drawn from the sagas of Thiodrrek, always loyal to him, follow her command to apprehend and restrain him, till she can figure out what to with him.   Which, in her Gwen way, involves an intimate scene, and Theideric’s Promise to fightvat her side, in support of Uther. Which is where we arrive with Theoderic and Uther meeting. A very stoic and grieving Uther, whose son, Llacheu, had been slain, the son of his youth, fathered  years before with the matron/abbess of the monestary-college where he’d been educated outside of Avillion/Gaul. And who’d sought service in Uther’s court when he’d come to adulthood. Uther, who’d taken his dead son to The isle of St Michael’s Mount, in a confrontation with Medrod’s greater numbers, in a battle he’d thought lost initially, until the 11th Hour arrival of his wife, who he’d cast off in a rage of jealousy and intriguing falsehoods. And by the gods’ justice, he’d been punished by the loss of his closest brothers, Cei amongst them, and Medrod, who he’d always loved, turned against them. Gwen, once the enemy was in retreat, beaten once, but hardly defeated, who searched for her husband in a panicked dread, not finding him amongst the fallen, but following the trail of bodies strewn in his wake all the way to the tidal Chanel looking out to St Michels. And the beacon, the pyre burning there, where dead Llacheu lay, with his father mourning him, who wished to die himself. Haunted by the the ghost of his dreams, his wife and Queen, the mother of his son and daughter, guardian of his vision, takes shape out the shadows of a ruined villa’s garden—where flames dance in the night as Llacheu’s body turns to ash and smoke, and the stars witness with icy diamond beauty, the tragedy of men inviting war and sorrow. She wakes in his arms with the dawn, and he knows this was dream. He sees the neckring in place of the one he’d torn from her throat, bearing the insignia of the Wulkknot, 3 interlaced triangles, just above her collarbone, and Uther knows this as the Sign of Wotan. And the Symbol of the Ostrogoth Amalungs. Her lips are soft upon his, her gray eyes, clear as the sun shimmering across the steel waters with the dawn, entreat him. “You’ve lost a son, but where a brother has fallen, and one turned traitor, you may have gained another. Meet him, Eurdeyrn. And you might find a kindred soul there.” Which finds him striding through their camp, arrayed to allow for a makeshift infirmary, where Gwen will serve later, and the commander’s quarters marked by the standards and banners of the companies of his army. The cheers and relief resounding through the throngs as his officers welcome him in a rush of greetings, condolences, assurances of faith, and endurance, these men who’ve bled and wept with him, to victory and loss. And more, the furious cheer that rises through the assembly grounds, at sight of his Queen at his side. North and South, Alba and Britannia United once more. He pauses. The guards align, stepping aside to allow for Uther to face this Ostrogoth lord, followed by his own comitatus/elite officers—some them who’d committed sedition only 3 days ago, at the pledge of this Queen they all believe a goddess in human form, rather Horse Queen reborn. Gwen has never hestitated to take advantage of old symbolisms, equine goddesses or Ravens some of the most powerful divinties many of these nomads or barbarian tribes, recognize, only a generation or two as converts to Christ, separating them from their pagan forefathers. He’s well-formed, this Maering, a Chieftain who styles himself an enlightened philosopher king. Eyes like marine seas meet Uther’s amber gaze, guarded. Aquiline features of boldness and depth define the high brow, the angular cheeks, fine nose nose, and strong jaw. An assembly not unlike Uther’s own, Theoderic’s grandeur smacks of brilliance, and sun, a lion in his prime, his red-gold hair plaited, the fine stubble of his beard, flecked with gray. Theyre of an age, and similar physique, each just on the other side of four decades, Uther’s image, more somber, the Winter King indeed, tresses of oak brown frosted with white, drawn back, long at his neck, his posture straight, muscled body riddled with scars of old wounds, his joints feeling the damp and cold more so than in younger days.  The hard lines of cheek and chin might have been sculpted from harshness through the years, but the lucidity of eyes that carry the cast of autumn leaves struck of rain and setting sun, soul-searching, and somber, so it’s said Uther reads the hearts of men the way migrating birds read the change of season.  And he sees Gwen was right. This man has born the burden of his people for over a decade, aimless, as mercenaries. A client-King to Constantinople, consul, and conqueror, fighting other men’s battles so his nation might survive for another season. Guests at the mercy of ally and enemy, subsisting on fortune’s vagaries. Uther knew that life. And he hears that understanding in Theoderic’s tone, words of greeting, without supplication. Uther responds with the same reserve, the words a ritual of recitation. A host welcoming. A guest received. Men will recount later, over beakers of ale, in a commons awash in song, and roasting meat, lit by torches, and hearth fires blazing near the sorted benches, how they met, the Stag and the Stallion, the Lion of the Amalungs and the Wolf of the Waelsungs. Then, Theoderic nearly shatters his composure. “You lost a son here. I too, have lost a brother.  These battles we fight to carve some kind of future demand sacrifices we could never have foreseen. But in the struggle, we may find blessings of unknown delight as well.” Theoderic’s attention shifts to Gwen. There’s no coveting or lust, as he might have supposed from a lesser man. Yearning shines from the depths of his heart. And worship. Untarnished and without shame. In the presence of her husband, who’d cast her off in a fit of wrath and grieving doubt. Gwen’s silence, her wary glance that moves between the two men, the tension tightening her mouth, belies her anxiety.  She has a tendency to brusqueness when she’s uncomfortable, and clear she’s far from easy with this encounter. She gathers herself, some internal motive rising that bades her salute each man, a crisp nod between them, as she extricates herself from the awkward company. “Medrod’s forces regroup in the North. We have much to do if we’re to drive this momentum to victory. And I have much to catch up on, before we march.” Uther, then Theoderic, neither raise objection, a small bow, an *as your leave*, as they watch her amble off toward the one place which has always been her retreat. Medicine, and the surgery-taking rounds of the wounded before she’ll take on a shift.  Determining clearance for the coming transport, and those who’ll be left at the encampment to recover or die. Their respective guards maintain a distance meant to preserve confidences without seeming to neglect their commanders. A strange quiet flows between them. A calm Uther finds an effective tool. Men are apt to let tongues loosen in silence, to cover their nerves, and spill Revelations they otherwise wouldn’t. Theoderic doesn’t appear unsettled/discomfitted. Shrugging easily, and motioning with a look toward the commanders tent, he’s almost conversational. “I imagine you’d welcome a bath, and a meal first, before we get to the grit of how we proceed from here.” How naturally men seem to look to him, seeking direction or simply a pleasantry. That irks Uther, noting as well it’s his own tent toward which they’re headed. “I saw the pendant at her throat, Amalung.” Theoderic slows, hearing the stiff words, halting with Uthyr, to face him once more.  Curiosity rather than caution shining in his eyes. “Whatever courtesy of treaty you seek in exchange for your service, I will do all in my power to honor. But this will not include the right of my spear, my sword, my dagger, my flagship, my shield, and most of all my wife. You’ll not have my wife hereafter. These sacred insignias conveying kingship, right to rule. Most of all, his wife. A moment only, of consternation, flickers across Theoderic’s features, calm, seeming to weigh responses. Until he breaks into a chuckle, and a commiserating glimmer directed at Uthyr. “Only it was your wife who had me, rather. Not the other way around. — Shout out to G’Schola’, and his Tower Down the Tracks, at these turnings of the year... And to my concept of Guinevere. It’s hard for me not to see her as something of a queen, and warrior. And of Scottish origin. Like Robert Graves (who took a much more arcane synthesis of Welsh bardic poetry), one of my favorite poems is the Battle of the Trees/CathGoddeu... The part where Gwydion, son of the goddess Don(a), raises the trees and flowers, earth, roots, vines, etc to aid in the kingdom of Gywnedd’s battle against the southern Welsh kingdom of Dyfed, I’m convinced, inspired the Battle of the Ents in LotRs (Graves and Tolkien shared a personal and professional relationship of scholar and ‘belles-lettres’... Ents, and the Welsh poem, both harken back to Irish myth, and the 2nd Battle of MaghTuredh. Where Lugh summons his goddess/sisters-sorceresses, to aid the Danaans against the Fomori, and asks what weapons they’ll bring to their fight. And the sisters reply: "And ye, O Be-cuile and O Dianann," said Lugh to his two witches," what power can ye wield in the battle?" "Not hard to tell," said they. "We will enchant the trees and the stones and the sods of the earth, so that they shall become a host under arms against them, and shall rout them in flight with horror and trembling." That, in tandem with the more ancient Babylonian tale of Ishtar’s Descent to the Underworld, carries such resounding power in the primordial concept of goddess and queen, where Ishtar stands before the Gates of Hell, her sister’s domain, and demands entry to pass. “If you do not open the gate for me to come in, I shall smash the door and shatter the bolt, I shall smash the doorpost and overturn the doors, I shall raise up the dead and they shall eat the living: And the dead shall outnumber the living!” Can you see where GrrMartin drew his inspiration for Daenerys, in the 2nd Season, where she promises destruction of her enemies, and those who’ve harmed her friends (“...I’ll lay waste to enemies, and burn cities to the ground!”). Basically, she’s Inanna/Ishtar at the Gates of the Hell. That’s (part) of my concept of Guinevere—the queen who summons the Houses of the North, and unites them under an old Battle Standard of Brigantia (which is the Cross of St Bridgid...that mimics a tetraskele), marching them south to the aid of Uther outside of the Walls of York. And in the Cavalry charge of the northern host, amid a rising thunder/snow storm (I place this battle circa Nov/December...not usual for campaigns, but that’s part of the desperation here...in post-Roman Britain), where men who are frost-bitten, exhausted, famished, at the edge of defeat on both sides—Jute and British—blood-blurred vision, obscured even more by slashing winds and sleet and mud (hopefully the horses don’t spin out), it’s Uther, or Uther’s more literary-inclined brother/cousin Brochmal (my version of Bedivere/Bedwyr) who quotes the old Irish tale, as Gwen’s forces align on a distant bluff across the Vale, and she raises the Sword of Ares (yep, she’s also the one who pulls ‘the Sword from the Stone’...based on her mother having sacrificed herself years before, drawing the sword of the Sarmatians that attracted a lightening strike at the same moment she plunged the blade into an oak, and promptly induced one of those conductive lightening strike scenarios that passes through a bunch of people and explodes the tree/ground/and people around them...thanks Wilderness Medicine workshop!) as the rallying point of the charge. With Gwen’s trio of Ravens circling about her (they are cool birds—they can live like 25-50 years, are as intelligent and social as dogs/horses/mammals/other smart birds...and there’s a rare white raven variant that occurs), symbols of her ambivalent relationship to Wotan and Christ, as well as being classically educated, and thus, agnostic ultimately, to Gwen, her Ravens have always reminiscent of the Morrigan—the triple goddess of Death, Battle Frenzy, and well...sex/life-rebirth. Amid the building of horse, down into the Vales of York, men’s senses to confused by the icy winds and rain, not always sure if they’re even striking at friend or foe anymore, the Horns blasting different signals sounding like Heimdallr’s Gjallhorn of Ragnarok, imagination, and delusion, or delirium form shapes in men’s minds, out of storm cloud, sleet/hale/, and bloodied earth, mucked by entrails, corpses, and excrement of human and beast. British ally, or British foe, clashing spear and sword with shields, they all swear in the charge of the North, do the phantoms manifest, shadows of past legionaries, and Roman auxiliaries, the ghosts of the first Sarmatian horselords, taking shape from earth and most, fleshless memories of gore, long-dead and fallen, whose blood quenched the thirst earth in defense of the Hallowed Isle, summoned once more, unknowingly, by the vision of mere mortals whose vision of a new Britannia rises from the past, and stretched into a tenous future told in tale of the Stars... Okay, Bunnygrrl obscura done for today...
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nuttyrabbit · 7 years
Mobius Timeline (Prime Zero) is
Note: This timeline is just a placeholder, events during this horribly written timeline may or may not be canon to Miles Tails Prower In… High School!
Mobius Timeline (Prime Zero)
Mobius is a future version of Earth and it’s current year is 1997: It was created during the Xorda’s retaliation during the year of 2020, they dropped a bomb that they believed would end all life on Earth. But little did they know was that the human population was safe from the bomb thanks to the Earth’s heliosphere. It released chemicals into the Earht’s atmosphere, which over the years, caused the animal kingdom to evolve. The animal were capable to speak human language. Scientists decided to fasten the process and made a gas that could make the animals become anthropomorphic.
For a thousand of years, animals co-existed with humans.
Prehistoric Times:
2018: The Xorda comes to Earth to form a alliance with humans. The alliance is formed and they do experiments.
2019: The Xorda cures aids.
2020: The humans fucks the Xorda over and kills them and dissect them. The Xorda gets pissed and retaliates and drops a bomb, but unknowingly failed.
2025: Anthro and human relationships were illegal. Causing a outrage and a “Anthro Rights Movement” .
2027: Anthro and human marriage becomes legal worldwide.
2028: Anthro hate crimes happens.
2033: Anthro starts a war against humans.
2037: The anthros wins the war and claims to be a superior race.
2119: Another war breaks out. This time for over a hundred thousand years.
2478: Dinosaurs returns.
2908: Technology becomes more advanced.
2912: The anthro war ends with a deadly explosion. Almost obliterating all life of Earth.
Early History:
2913: All technology on Earth is destroyed. Forcing anthros to live like cavemen.
2923: Anthros decides to rename themselves Mobians. The planet Earth is renamed “Mobius”
3037: Mysterious baby-like creatures surfaces the area, being called “Chao” .
The Chao were praised as Gods by the echidnas. Therefore, creating a altar.
3038: The Chao began to glow mysteriously.
Mysterious gems falls from the sky, almost destroying all life on Mobius. This was called “The Coming Of Chaos Emeralds” . Lasting for hundreds of years.
The dinosaurs now called “Mobosaurs” becomes extinct. All but three Mobosaurs, which they called, themselves the “Ancient Walkers”.
A battle against Chao and the Ancient Walkers happens. The Chao does nothing, but still wins. Banishing the Ancient Walkers from Mobius.
A island floats into the air and floats around the world. It is named “Angel Island” .
3049: Mammoth Mogul is born.
3138: The Coming Of Chaos Emeralds ends.
3321: The Forgotten War happens. Between the Echidnas and the Order of Ixis.
3327: The Forgotten War ends leaving the Echidnas victorius.
Building civilization and developing societies:
Millions of years after the Forgotten war. Mobians decided to build civilizations and religion.
During this process, Tikal was born and a Chao absorbed the Master Emerald therefore, Chaos is born.
Chaos is viewed as a God, blessing Angel Island and it’s inhabitants with peace. Years later, they abuses his power, which upsets him and floods Mobius for a hundred years.
A hundred years later, new land is made. The Kingdom of Acorn is born.
The United Federation is born.
Other countries and organizations are born, because I don’t feel like typing it all out. =P
Mobians and humans lost track of the date, so they decided to make it the year of 1400.
Mobians and humans lived like it was the dark ages.
Modern History: 50 years ago: Gerald Robotnik is commissioned by the United Federation to create “The Ultimate Lifeform”
G.U.N. ransacked the Space Colony Ark. Maria is killed in the process.
Gerald Robotnik is forced to continue creating “The Ultimate Lifeform” but secretly makes duplicates and programs one to avenge Maria’s death.
Gerald dies in prison.
48 years ago: Julian and Ivo Robotnik are born. (Not siblings, but cousins.) I 19 years ago (1977): Rouge and Lien-Da are born
17 years ago (1979): Knuckles and Julie-Su, and Big are born
16 years ago (1980):
Julian, Ivo, and Snively captures Mobians and Mobinis.
The Great War happens.
Maxamillian Acorn is mayor of Knothole.
Sonic, Sonia, Manic, Sally, Antoine, Bunnie, and Rotor are born.
14 years ago (1982):
Miles “???” “ Tails” Prower, Nicole, Nikki, Bean the duck, and Shard are born.
The Great War ends. No one knows who was behind it, due to Eggman, Julian, and Snively fleeing.
Chris Thorndyke is born.
7 years ago (1987):
Bokkun is born but is roboticized shortly.
Cream the rabbit is born.
Cheese the Chao is a egg.
9 years ago (1989):
Chaos Diamonds appears.
Between 1990 and 2000:
Knothole City High is build.
1994 (First Semester) Tails and co. starts high school.
Tails and Bean becomes best friends along with Shard and other characters.
1995 (Second Semester):
Shard and Nicole gets shot, but are quickly revived through roboticization.
Tails obtains his first Super Transformations. Becoming Super Tails to fight Tails Doll.
Tails accidentally absorbs the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds and Super Emeralds in the Hidden Palace.
A group known as the “Original Freedom Fighters” are killed off by Julian. Causing a huge impact throughout the world.
Sally decides to make a group called the “Knothole Freedom Fighters” in dedication to the original Freedom Fighters.
Tails, while having the Chaos powers activated, unknowingly created the Archieverse by drawing. Causing a ripple effect in his universe.
Julian takes over Knothole City High and becomes the self proclaimed principal. Roboticizing Ms. Breezie.
Julian takes Sally Acorn hostage and attempts to unleash the Ultimate Annihilator on her, but backfires, killing him in the process.
The law finds out that it was Julian, Snively, and Ivo were responsible for the great war and puts a one million Mobiums on them. (Except for Julian because he’s dead.)
G.U.N. discovers a robot named E.V.E. and she is accidentally activated. Attempting to destroy Mobius, until Tails gave her a purpose in life.
Sally begins to develop feelings for Tails.
Julian returns from the afterlife and attempts to destroy the Multiverse, until a thousand Tails defeats him.
Other important stuff happened, but I’m not gonna write it down, because there’s gonna be so much things happening in this comic. =P
Mammoth Mogul, who now goes by Mr. Mogul absorbs all of the Chaos Emeralds and destroys the multiverse until he is defeated by Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. He is then trapped inside the Master Emerald in the Archieverse.
Tails and friends goes to Station Square to start school there.
They meet Chris Thorndyke and lives with him.
The events of Sonic Adventure happens. =P
Ivo, sneaks into the Space Colony Ark with Lien-Da to awaken The Ultimate Lifeform.
The events of Sonic Adventure 2 happens.
The moon gets REKT!!!
The events of Sonic Heroes happens.
The events of Shadow the hedgehog happens.
The war against the Black Arms happens. Heavily altering Mobius to make it more like the game world.
The Bem deroboticizes all Robians.
The Xorda gets notified that the Black Arms attempted to destroy Mobius, so they come to Mobius in attempt to destroy it, but is foiled by Tails, in which in return, gets blasted to the end of the universe on the planet Thoraxia.
Tails meets E.V.E. again. But E.V.E. dies.
Mammoth Mogul breaks out of the Master Emerald.
Angel Island falls into the ocean. (Just like in the events of Sonic Adventure.)
Tails heads to Argetium and knows about his family’s history.
Angel Island is taken over by Ixis Naugus.
Tails heads back to Mobius. To see that Eggman had became depressed and became a twisted madman and takes over half of Mobius. Tails also finds out that he’s lost two years of his life and is now fifteen. (He would be sixteen, but his birthday didn’t came up yet.)
Tails and Sally goes out.
The Golden Hive Colony is destroyed. Charmy and Saffron survives.
Sally and Tails break up.
Tails attempts suicide but Sonic stops him.
Sonia and Tails date
Sally runs Knothole City temporarily.
A.D.A.M. is created.
The Church of Ixis forms a alliance with Mammoth Mogul and revives the Order of Ixis.
The Dark Legion attempts to take back Angel Island but fails.
Tails and friends joins G.U.N. to take back Angel Island.
They successfully takes back Angel Island.
A.D.A.M. kidnaps Tails and Shadow and absorbs their power. Tails gets TRIGGERED and breaks out and becomes Turbo Tails. He frees Shadow and opens up a portal, causing “The Great Harmony” . Gathering all of the Chaos Diamonds and Chaos Emeralds from the universe and merges them into one small emerald. Tails kills A.D.A.M..
During the process, the Chaos Diamonds 3 universe is created.
Days later Eggman destroys Knothole City. Tails and Eggman fights and almost kills Tails.
Tails is rushed to Central City hospital and is operated on.
A week later. Tails busts into Eggman’s headquarters and frees everyone from the Egg Grapes.
Other crap happens and stuff. =P
Knuckles becomes Enerjak but is defeated after Tikal’s Prayer. Knuckles loses his goofy personality and is more serious.
Tails and Sonia have a mutual breakup and Tails rekindles his relationship with Sally.
Tails and the Freedom Fighters ambushes the Eggman Empire, causing Eggman to have a nervous breakdown.
A Super Smash Bros. Crossover happens for over a hundred issues. =P
A Archie Sonic and MTPI…HS! Crossover happens.
Eggman regains his sanity and unleashes Operation: Cleansweep. Resetting reality.
A Final Fantasy Crossover happens and Tails attempts to restore the Prime Zone Zero universe, but is foiled by Eggman, heavily resetting the universe and everyone’s life.
Another Timeline coming soon.
I don’t want to write anymore, this timeline was terrible!
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emokingeddie · 4 years
did i lie though?
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