#vibration cinema
dizzymoods · 7 days
Today we challenge the orthodoxy of decolonizing the camera by shifting analysis away from how the colonizers use the apparatus to how indigenous people do.
Congo 🇨🇩 ♦FreeDRCongo ♦Focus Congo ♦Friends of Congo
Sudan 🇸🇩 ♦Sudan Relief Fund ♦Khartoum Aid Kitchen ♦SudanFunds (aggregate)
Palestine 🇵🇸 ♦Esims for Gaza ♦CareforGaza ♦GazaFunds (aggregate)
♦X aggregate for Congo, Sudan, Palestine evacuation gofundme + more
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hheckk · 4 months
Deep Dive into Alastor's Situation
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So we all remember this bit in Finale, where Alastor has a breakdown about his situation and deal correct? He wants to find a loophole so he can be back in control.
I've seen a lot of theories regarding how Alastor is feeling in this moment and what his deal could involve, but thus far they've all sort of missed something crucial. Alastor's power.
Alastor is highly disturbed by the fact that he almost died, let alone dying to protect people. He is freaked out that the deal has made him do this, whether as part of the deal itself or as a means to get back some semblance of control he had before the deal was struck.
Either way, based on what he says in this moment about wanting to find a loophole in order to unclip his wings
: "The constraints of my deal surely have a back door. Once I figure out how to unclip my wings, guess who will be pulling all the strings"
We can hazard a guess and say that this deal, despite us initially believing gave him power, has probably actually taken it away. Having one's wings clipped usually entails that someone is on a leash and cannot fully extend themselves.
This means that Alastor, as well as being forced into helping the hotel, has had his power taken away.
Now I do not say this lightly, I also think that this is the case because of Alastor's fight with Adam.
We all know Alastor likes to be in control, and in order to be in control, one must not overestimate another without the possibility of the loss of that control. Now, you could say that is exactly what happened in his fight with Adam, but that wouldn't necessarily warrant the reaction toward his deal the way he does in the song. If that were the case, Alastor would likely be more angry at himself than be panicked about his deal.
Therefore, we can guess that Alastor did not overestimate Adam, but rather himself. This means that at some point, he quite possibly did have the power to take out an angel but does not anymore. The fact that he is so surprised that Adam broke his mic that we can hear his true voice means that he expected to be able to block that attack.
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This all comes back to the idea that Alastor has lost power through whatever deal he made. Which in turn makes us ask the question:
What did Alastor get in return?
If he lost enough power to the point he thought he could beat Adam and couldn't, what did he want so badly that he felt the need to sell his soul and power away?
I have no idea
BUT, I have thoughts.
I have seen theories saying that perhaps Alastor made this deal while he was alive, and he sold his soul to gain power while living. This, while possible, doesn't necessarily match up with what we know about his character.
Alastor is conniving. He's brilliant. He's a serial killer. He knows and understands nuance like the back of his hand. With how much time he spent in hell (he died in the 30s and according to the wiki, Katie Killjoy died in 1992 ((Helluva Boss also takes place in the 21st century but we don't know yet if Helluva Boss is canon to Amazon's Hazbin Hotel)) Alastor would have had ample time to figure out loopholes in his deal.
No, his deal definitely happened at some point during his seven-year absence, likely near the end for the same reason as the previous. Which, again, all connects back to Lillith, which means our likely culprit for this deal is Lillith OR the person responsible for Lillith's disappearance if not Lillith herself.
This all brings us back to two questions:
What deal did Alastor make?
What did he gain from it?
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c-kiddo · 2 months
watched dune 2
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turnipoddity · 11 months
i went totally bonkers ape shit on twitter over saw x that my twitter app is crashing
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mariocki · 3 months
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The China Syndrome (1979)
"I may be wrong, but I'd say you're lucky to be alive. For that matter, I think we might say the same for the rest of Southern California."
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goldandlights · 5 months
Petition to crowdfund Hans Zimmer for a 2 min version of the Dune battle bagpipes
Fucking listen to this (starts at 2:13 !)
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furiousfinnstan · 2 years
videos essays ive been thinking™ abt for a moment: 
gays in cinema:the politics of aesthetics-vibration cinema
real eyes realize the reel lies of realism-vibration cinema
captain america 3 should not have been civil war. yes i’m still mad-sunfortune
legacy, chronicle & every other reimagining of the craft-yhara zayd
girls who don't exist: ex Machina and madoka magica-radha
can we kill the final girl trope already?-cherry bepsi
why avatar has the most ironic soundtrack of all time-sideways
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yngai · 1 year
dash game, get to know me : top 10 favourite movies.
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list your top 10 favourite movies & tag friends to do the same
the night comes for us (2018)
jackie brown (1997)
the joy luck club (1993)
hard boiled (1992)
the menu (2022)
possessor (2020)
the world's end (2013)
spree (2020)
irma vep (1996)
upgrade (2018)
(sympathy for) lady vengeance (2005)
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tagged by : @croftborn. tagging : @serraluis, @ategod, @heavenmcde, @svnsworn (guilt tripping works, folks!), @afraidofchange, @godstrain, @wistrea.
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
seeing ROTB today and ive managed to drag a friend along and they seem just as excited me so maybe i should ring the cinema and warn them for the absolute chaos energy we’re about to bring
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oyeevarnika · 2 years
रात के साये हो गहरे अगर
राह दिखाने को जुगनू भी हो
खोया हुआ जो हो मेरा सफर
मोड़ पे ठहरा हुआ तू भी हो
खाली ना जाये ये दुआ मेरी
खाली ना जाये ये दुआ
मौला तेरे किनारे हैं, तेरे सफीने हैं
तेरे ही दरिया में डूबा मैं
आखिरी है इल्तेजा
यूं ना आज़मा मुझे
रूह को सुकून दे या
खाख में मिला मुझे
| Ishq ka Hafiz 🎶
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dizzymoods · 10 months
For those who have wanted to see Patrik Ian Polk's Punks, here's your chance. It's finally on youtube!
Also a good time to re-up Vibration Cinema's discussion on the film and the politics of film restoration.
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shakuntala · 1 year
कबीर परमेश्वर सशरीर प्रकट हुए
ज्येष्ठ मास की शुक्ल पूर्णमासी विक्रमी संवत् 1455 (सन् 1398) सोमवार को ब्रह्म मुहूर्त में परमेश्वर कबीर जी तेजोमय रूप में आकर काशी के लहरतारा तालाब में बालक रूप में कमल के फूल पर प्रकट हुए, इसके प्रत्यक्ष दृष्टा ऋषि अष्टानन्द जी थे। वहाँ से नीरू नीमा ने परमेश्वर कबीर जी को अपने घर ले आये।
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The world is a harsh place for a girl who wants to go to the cinema but there is not really anything to watch.
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ritahayworrth · 2 years
omg the international silent film festival is happening in person this year!! 
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littleferal · 2 years
They cut Javi scenes because they were like "we cant show all this cuteness in one movie the audience will die of cute overload"
Like Mr mega rich multi-gun proficient raised in a cartel badass Javi Gutierrez, is literally just that really big dog you have that desperately thinks it's a tiny lap dog puppy even though they are absurdly large and strong.
Thats Javi. They had to cut some of that Javi adorable behavior because we all would have just died.
listen. you're right. you're very right. but also i survived seeing in cinema and i would survive again so gimme 😤😤😤
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hello i work again tonight and i'm still so behind on all my hw i want to cry
i just came home from work and i’m so hungover i’m now lying with a blanket round my head
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