#veterans life insurance company
contac · 2 years
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Jessica Glenza at The Guardian:
A bill introduced by the US senator Bernie Sanders would dramatically expand access to oral healthcare by adding dental benefits to Medicare and enhance them in Medicaid, public health insurance programs that together cover 115 million older and lower-income Americans.
Despite Americans’ reputation for the flashy “Hollywood smile”, millions struggle to access basic dental care. One in five US seniors have lost all their natural teeth, almost half of adults have some kind of gum disease and painful cavities are one of the most common reasons children miss school. “Any objective look at the reality facing the American people recognizes there is a crisis in dental care in America,” Sanders told the Guardian in an exclusive interview. “Imagine that in the richest country in the world.” Nearly 69 million adults and almost 7 million children lack dental insurance. For those who have insurance, costs are often opaque and high. Multi-thousand-dollar bills are so common that the nation’s largest professional organization for dentists, the American Dental Association (ADA), signed an exclusive partnership with a medical credit card company. In 2019, more than 2 million Americans went to the emergency room for tooth pain, a 62% increase since 2014, and a crisis of affordability pushed an estimated 490,000 Americans to travel to other countries such as Mexico for lower-cost dental care.
“The issue of dental care is something we have been working on for years,” said Sanders. “It is an issue I think tens of millions of Americans are deeply concerned about, but it really hasn’t quite gotten the media attention it deserves.” Sanders said he had seen how poor dental health can affect every aspect of a person’s life – he described constituents who cover their mouths when they laugh or have been turned down for jobs because of missing teeth. Sanders said he recognized the importance of the issue by attending town halls in his home state of Vermont, “and learning how hard it is to get dental care, how expensive it is and [how] dental insurance [is] totally inadequate”. “Having bad teeth or poor teeth is a badge of poverty,” said Sanders. “It becomes a personal issue, a psychological issue, an economic issue as well.”
Sanders’ bill expands dental coverage by adding comprehensive benefits to Medicare; incentivizing states to improve dental benefits through Medicaid; and providing dental benefits to veterans through the Veterans Administration. Additionally, the bill would attempt to tackle some states’ dentist shortage by creating student loan forgiveness programs for dentists who practice in underserved areas, and increasing funding to non-traditional places to see dentists, including at community health centers and schools. Expanding dental coverage is exceedingly popular – recent polls show 92% of voters support the proposal, including an overwhelming majority of Republicans. Sanders said his proposal was good policy and “very good politics”.
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has proposed a bill called the Comprehensive Dental Reform Act that would dramatically increase coverage for dental care for Medicaid and Medicare patients.
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lboogie1906 · 4 days
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Sargeant Sylvester Magee (May 29, 1841 – October 15, 1971) was purported to be the last living former American enslaved. He received much publicity and was accepted for treatment by the MS Veterans Hospital as a veteran of the American Civil War.
He was born in NC in 1841 to enslaved Ephraim and Jeanette, who were held and worked on the J.J. Shanks plantation. He was purchased at the age of 19 just before the ACW by Southern plantation owner Hugh Magee at a slave market in Enterprise, Mississippi. He ran away from the Steen plantation and enlisted in the Union Army, taking part in the assault on Vicksburg.
He was forced to serve in both the Confederate and Union armies as a servant and laborer.
On his 124th birthday, the citizens of Collins, held a party at a country grocery store, complete with a five-layer cake and 124 candles. It was declared “Sylvester Magee Day”. Many national news articles reported on his life and longevity, including Time and Jet. He appeared on the Mike Douglas Show and was flown to Philadelphia for another televised appearance. He was proclaimed as the oldest living US citizen by a life insurance company obtained a birthday card from President Lyndon B. Johnson, and was recognized by President Richard M. Nixon.
Jet wrote that, according to historians, “it would have been impossible for a person who neither reads nor writes to have related the stories of the Civil War in such detail as he without having served in the conflict”. Jet quoted a historian who stated that he talked with “rare intelligence and seldom rambled” in telling of his participation in the Civil War.
He had four wives, three of whom he outlived. He fathered 7 children, the last at the age of 107. His father lived to 123, his mother to 122. In a 1966 interview, he stated that he had never drunk alcohol, not uttered a swear word, although he smoked cigarettes for 108 years. He made a living selling automated needles and digging graves. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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scretladyspider · 7 months
I hate America. I hate being American. “Oh you’re so free you have so much” my government regularly uses my tax dollars to fund wars — and as I write this, a genocide — without my consent. America has been at war 2/3 of my life, killing people for America’s own political power. I have no say in if my tax dollars go towards basic infrastructure and things like free healthcare or bombing innocent people who just happened to be born near something the American government wants. They constantly expand the military instead of providing healthcare and education and food to their citizens, creating such poverty that many who join the military (any branch) do so just to pay for college to try to get a better life. My government is using my tax dollars not to help the citizens of Gaza, but to supply the IDF with weapons for an ongoing massacre for a tiny strip of land that’s important in a book that was written over two thousand years ago and which no one can really agree on the meaning of anyway. Those who are deployed either don’t come back or are abandoned by the government they fought for when they do, no matter if they went because they agree with what they were ordered to do or because they were that desperate and manipulated for a better life that they were at the end of their rope. Around 130,000 - 200,000 veterans are homeless. There are no safety nets, not unless you’re rich. My government has funded murder of millions in the name of a few people getting a little bit richer and continues to do so. If you become homeless, you didn’t work hard enough, even though most jobs barely pay enough to survive. If you don’t have a savings account, or generous family, or if you lose your job, you will also be homeless. Nearly every state has “at will” employment, meaning you can be fired at any time and not given reason. Simultaneously race, gender, religion, and disability are supposedly protected under equal opportunity employment. Many in my government want to erase queer and especially trans people from existence and are trying to make it happen. If you get fired due to some type of discrimination, you need money to hire help to take your employer to court. Judges are elected but often run unopposed, but when they are opposed this can drastically effect how they rule a court case. The prison system is modern day slavery and for profit prisons are legal, and common, and just, a thing that actually exists. Medical care is decided by insurance companies, not patients and doctors. This is determined by the cost and risk factor, not what’s best for the patient. Politicians are still advocating for Israel, no matter what they do, but also doing nothing to fight rising antisemitism in the USA. Politicians decide whose vote counts where. Its “majority rule” in democracy— except for the presidency, which os decided by “electors” who are not chosen by the people and who, depending on the state, don’t have to use their electoral votes for the state’s popular vote. Police are so overpowered they often get away with murder and even laugh about it. Children are regularly massacred in schools and teachers somehow can’t understand why they don’t want to do their homework or are acting out in class. People who want gun control are treated as being just as extreme as the people who can’t recognize that their defense of their “hobby” has killed countless people and will kill again and safety from gun violence shouldn’t be a matter of luck. My government is ignoring an ongoing pandemic which has killed and disabled millions of people already. Corporations decide my rights on their own interests by how much money they give what politicians. Studies have been done, and what the people want isn’t likely to pass because money is what matters most. My government is backing the current president of Israel, who has defended the choice to bomb hospitals. I am not proud to be an American. Why would I be? This is broken.
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readyforevolution · 1 year
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Black History Facts!!!
Born Myrlie Louise Beasley on March 17, 1933, in her maternal grandmother’s home in Vicksburg, Mississippi. She was the daughter of James Van Dyke Beasley, a delivery man, and Mildred Washington Beasley, who was 16 years old. Myrlie’s parents separated when she was just a year old; her mother left Vicksburg but decided that Myrlie was too young to travel with her. Since her maternal grandmother worked all day in service, with no time to raise a child, Myrlie was raised by her paternal grandmother, Annie McCain Beasley, and an aunt, Myrlie Beasley Polk. Both women were respected school teachers and they inspired her to follow in their footsteps. Myrlie attended the Magnolia school, took piano lessons, and performed songs, piano pieces or recited poetry at school, in church, and at local clubs.
Myrlie graduated from Magnolia High School (Bowman High School) in 1950. During her years in high school, Myrlie was also a member of the Chansonettes, a girls’ vocal group from Mount Heroden Baptist Church in Vicksburg. In 1950, Myrlie enrolled at Alcorn A&M College, one of the few colleges in the state that accepted African American students, as an education major intending to minor in music. Myrlie is also a member of Delta Sigma Theta sorority. On her first day of school Myrlie met and fell in love with Medgar Evers, a World War II veteran eight years her senior. The meeting changed her college plans, and the couple later married on Christmas Eve of 1951. They later moved to Mound Bayou, and had three children, Darrell Kenyatta, Reena Denise, and James Van Dyke. In Mound Bayou, Myrlie worked as a secretary at the Magnolia Mutual Life Insurance Company.
When Medgar Evers became the Mississippi field secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1954, Myrlie worked alongside him. Myrlie became his secretary and together they organized voter registration drives and civil rights demonstrations. She assisted him as he struggled to end the practice of racial segregation in schools and other public facilities and as he campaigned for voting rights many African Americans were denied this right in the South. For more than a decade, the Everses fought for voting rights, equal access to public accommodations, the desegregation of the University of Mississippi, and for equal rights in general for Mississippi's African American population. As prominent civil rights leaders in Mississippi, the Everses became high-profile targets for pro-segregationist violence and terrorism.
In 1962, their home in Jackson, Mississippi, was firebombed in reaction to an organized boycott of downtown Jackson’s white merchants. The family had been threatened, and Evers targeted by the Ku Klux Klan.
In 1967, after Byron De La Beckwith's release in 1965, she moved with her children to Claremont, California, and emerged as a civil rights activist in her own right. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in sociology from Pomona College. She spoke on behalf of the NAACP and in 1967 she co-wrote For Us, the Living, which chronicled her late husband's life and work. She also made two unsuccessful bids for U.S. Congress. From 1968 to 1970, Evers was the director of planning at the center for Educational Opportunity for the Claremont Colleges.
From 1973 to 1975, Evers was the vice-president for advertising and publicity at the New York-based advertising firm, Seligman and Lapz. In 1975, she moved to Los Angeles to become the national director for community affairs for the Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO). At ARCO she was responsible for developing and managing all the corporate programs. This included overseeing funding for community projects, outreach programs, public and private partnership programs and staff development. She helped secure money for many organizations such as the National Woman’s Educational Fund, and worked with a group that provided meals to the poor and homeless.
Myrlie Evers-Williams continued to explore ways to serve her community and to work with the NAACP. Los Angeles mayor Tom Bradley appointed her to the Board of Public Works as a commissioner in 1987. Evers-Williams was the first black woman to serve as a commissioner on the board, a position she held for 8 years. Evers-Williams also joined the board of the NAACP. By the mid-1990s, the prestigious organization was going through a difficult period marked by scandal and economic problems. Evers-Williams decided that the best way to help the organization was to run for chairperson of the board of directors. She won the position in 1995, just after her second husband’s death due to prostate cancer. As chairperson of the NAACP, Evers-Williams worked to restore the tarnished image of the organization. She also helped improve its financial status, raising enough funds to eliminate its debt. Evers-Williams received many honors for her work, including being named Woman of the Year by Ms. Magazine. With the organization financially stable, she decided to not seek re-election as chairperson in 1998. In that same year, she was awarded the NAACP's Spingarn Medal.
Padgett, John. "MWP: Myrlie Evers-Williams". University of Mississippi. Retrieved October 20, 2011
Goldsworthy, Joan. "Gale - Free Resources - Black History - Biographies - Myrlie Evers-Williams". Gale. Retrieved November 22, 2011.
Myrlie Evers-Williams Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography.com". Famous Biographies & TV Shows - Biography.com. A&E Television Networks. Retrieved November 22, 2011.
Davis, Merlene. "Merlene Davis: Myrlie Evers-Williams doesn't want us to forget". Kentucky.com. Retrieved November 22, 2011.
Jessie Carney Smith; VNR Verlag für die Deutsche Wirtschaft (1996). Notable Black American Women: book II. p. 208.
University of Virginia (June 24, 2013). "Speakers and Guests Bios". virginia.edu. Archived from the original on June 2, 2013.
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hitchell-mope · 2 months
Supergirl hospital au.
Kara Danvers. Chief of Paediatric Surgery. Nicknamed “Supergirl” for her near perfect success rate. Married to Mike. Mother of Eddie and Tony.
Mike Matthews. Chief of General Surgery. Nicknamed Mon El for his middle names of Montgomery Ellington. Uses his very large inheritance to fund life saving surgery for the patients whose insurance won’t allow it. Married to Kara. Father to Eddie and Tony.
Alex Danvers. Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery. Kara’s adoptive sister. Bit of an adrenaline junkie. Wife to Kelly. Mother to Esme.
Kelly Olsen. Chief of Psychiatry. Staunch advocate for her patients rights. Even if it means going against Alex. James’s sister. Alex’s wife. Mother to Esme.
James Olsen. Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery. One of Kara’s best friends. Very kind. But can lay down the law when necessary. Kelly’s brother. Lucy’s husband.
Lucy Lane. Chief of Trauma Surgery. Military Veteran. Tends to be tougher than need be sometimes. But she’s getting better. James’s wife.
Nia Nal. Chief of Plastic Surgery. A teensy bit New Agey. But not to the degree that it interrupts her career. Sees Kara as her mentor. Brainy’s wife.
Brian Ackerman V. Chief of Neurological Surgery. Nicknamed Brainy due to being a child prodigy and working at the hospital since he was 16 years old. Nia’s husband.
Winn Schott. Chief of Radiology. Knows how to put patients at ease. One of Kara’s best friends. Samantha’s husband. Ruby’s stepfather.
Samantha Arias. Chief of Obstetric Surgery. One of Kelly’s more recent patients due to her previously undiagnosed bipolar disorder. Winn’s wife. Ruby’s mother.
William Dey. Chief of Oncology. Recently moved from England. Excellent baker. Samantha’s best friend. Has a will they/won’t they going with Andrea.
Andrea Rojas. Used to be a pharmaceutical representative. But now she’s joined Mike’s class of interns as penance for the actions of her father and her former friend Lena. Has a will they won’t they going with William
J’onn J’onzz. Former Chief of Neurological Surgery. Now Chairman of the Board. Has a little bit of trouble staying out of the game. Father figure to Kara and Alex.
Eliza Danvers. Former Chief of General Surgery. Now on the Board of Administrators. Always up for a chat. Alex’s mother and Kara’s adoptive mother.
Cat Grant. Former Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Now on the Board of Administrators. Carter’s mother and self ascribed mother figure to Mike.
Morgan Edge. Former Chief of Trauma Surgery. Now on the Board of Administrators. He’s a realist, therefore prickly. But otherwise harmless.
Carter Grant. In Mike’s intern class with Andrea. Nicknamed The New Brainy for being the hospitals newest child prodigy. Cat’s only son. Ruby’s best friend.
Ruby Arias. The hospital is her second home. Wishes to be a Trauma Surgeon. But she’s scared of blood. Carter’s best friend. Tries to keep him grounded where she can.
Lillian Luthor. Runs a highly successful pharmaceutical company. More concerned with appearances than people. Lex’s mother. Lena’s stepmother.
Lex Luthor. Pharmaceutical representative. Smarmy and shallow. Doesn’t care who he hurts as long as the product is sold. Lillian’s favourite child.
Lena Luthor. Pharmaceutical representative. Lillian’s stepdaughter. Hated by all who know her. Including her husband Maxwell.
Maxwell Lord. “Celebrity Doctor”. Deals more in placebos than actual cures. Not as charming as Lex. But he gets the job done. Lena’s husband.
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
Blind Pioneer – Morris Frank
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Buddy was the first seeing-eye dog.
Morris Frank was the first person to be partnered with a seeing eye dog. He became a passionate activist whose devotion to his canine companion Buddy led to the widespread acceptance of guide dogs throughout America and the world.
Born to a prominent Jewish family in Nashville, Tennessee in 1908, Morris’ life story demonstrates the adage “truth is stranger than fiction.”
As a child, he was the primary helper for his mother, Jessie Hirsch Frank, who was blind. Jessie had lost an eye in two separate accidents. Incredibly, Morris would also lose an eye in two separate accidents.
When he was six, he lost an eye in a horseback riding incident, and when he was sixteen, he lost the other eye while boxing with a friend.
When Morris was 19, his father read him an article by Dorothy Eustis, an American dog trainer, about blinded World War I veterans in Germany who were starting to work with guide dogs. This was the turning point in Morris’ life.
He immediately wrote a letter to Eustis: “Is what you say really true? If so, I want one of those dogs! And I am not alone. Thousands of blind like me abhor being dependent on others. Help me and I will help them. Train me and I will bring back my dog and show people here how a blind man can be absolutely on his own.”
Eustis responded, asking if Morris would come all the way to her dog-training school in Switzerland to work with a dog. He answered, “Mrs. Eustis, to get my independence back, I’d go to hell.”
Morris reached Switzerland in 1928 and was matched with a German Shepherd he named “Buddy.”
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They became an efficient team and traveled together to New York, where Morris showed fascinated reporters how he could cross the busiest streets with Buddy’s help.
He sent a telegram to Eustis with only one word: “Success.”
People were amazed at what Morris and Buddy could do. Morris later recalled the time he got a free train ride: “The conductor told me he had watched me come down the platform, get on the train and take my seat, and he said that no blind man in the world could do that.” Morris popped out his artificial eyes to prove that he was indeed blind, and had Buddy lead him to another seat. The conductor was so shocked that he didn’t take Morris’ ticket.
In 1929, at age 21, Morris co-founded, with Dorothy Eustis, the first guide-dog school in the United States. It was called “The Seeing Eye,” from Proverbs 20:12: “The hearing ear and the seeing eye – the Lord hath made them both.”
The school started in Morris’ hometown of Nashville, and later moved to Morristown, New Jersey. For the next thirty years, Morris and “Buddy” traveled throughout the United States and Canada, raising awareness of the benefits of seeing eye dogs, and advocating for equal access laws. The original Buddy died in 1938, and was hailed as a national hero. Morris named every successive dog “Buddy” in his honor.
Morris and Buddy were highly effective in their mission. In 1928, Buddy was not allowed to ride with Frank in the passenger compartments of trains; by 1935 every single railroad company in America had a policy permitting guide dogs to ride with their owners. By 1939 the vast majority of American hotels allowed guide dogs.
Morris credited Buddy with more than just his independence – the dog helped him make friends. He said that previously people did not know how to talk to him. “They did not wish to be rude. They just did not know how to bring me in without referring to my blindness. With Buddy there, it was the easiest and most natural thing in the world for them to say, ‘What a lovely dog you have!’”
Morris and Buddy visited the White House three times, where they were welcomed by presidents Coolidge, Hoover, and Truman. By 1956, every state in the country had laws ensuring that blind people could bring their seeing eye dogs to public spaces.
Morris retired from The Seeing Eye that year, and founded his own insurance agency in Morristown, where he worked for the rest of his life.
For revolutionizing the way blind people live and are treated, and proving that dogs truly are “man’s best friend,” we honor Morris Frank and Buddy as this week’s Thursday Heroes.
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mistprints · 2 years
I was watching the news about how LA banned homeless encampments near schools, as well as how Nevada was demolishing tiny homes made for the homeless based on a technicality about square footage allowed..and like. People demonize the homeless and try to make other people see them as immoral and criminal. While the US needs to handle its homeless problem like every other developed nation, with housing and the opportunity to get employed again once back on their feet, demonizing them under the pretense of "think of the poor children" is not going to help anyone. "But why do they deserve to get free help? We are all struggling and it's their own fault they're homeless." So many homeless were veterans and people that had one bad month or one bad disaster that any one of us could have gone through. And to say they aren't deserving of help when we DO have the capacity to do so....well, we are constantly lied to that it would cost too much and that the everyday taxpayer would suffer. It costs us more in taxes when the city builds hostile architecture, and when these people get very sick from being outside and are taken to emergency rooms. We fund and throw money into programs that don't do anything to help people *out* of homelessness, just temporarily slap a bandaid on it. And while that isn't nothing, it is not what the end goal should be. It is a lie that people end up homeless only due to laziness. It's a lie that the majority of homeless people are homeless from laziness. In America, it is so damn expensive to live, that 70% of Americans are one disaster away from living on the streets. Some of these people had to choose between their house and live-saving medical treatment. The way we treat them is disgusting, like untouchables and we pretend they aren't there except when it comes to putting them out of sight. I've known people who were working 9 to 5 jobs while living out of homeless shelters still. The wages weren't enough to get them any sort of rent. The median rent right now is $2,000 here. $15 minimum wage isn't going to cut it. We are being conned and lied to about not getting more pay than that. This is a capitalist hellscape, hostile to working-class (everyone who is not the 1%) human life. It shouldn't and does not have to be like this. Higher taxes for free healthcare would cost less than a monthly premium we would no longer have to pay, but we don't talk about that. We keep getting gaslit by politicians whose motives are not in our best interest. They are bought out [read: bribed] to keep the status quo and make the rich richer while ignoring our crumbling infrastructure, a predatory housing crisis, flagging wages, environmental crisis for the future of humanity, and healthcare. We fail at everything except profits, which get directly funneled to this vague "rich" class and hoarded. And more people will become homeless while the rest have a worse and worse quality of life. This is not sustainable. There are several things that could be done to fix these issues in a decade at most; I could narrow it down to 5 broad ones:
Raising the minimum wage -honestly one of the most effective ways to give the working class more spending money. Wages have not grown with the rest of the economy in decades. We work harder for less.
Capping Rent universally -can be adjusted for the cost of living in each city, but cannot exceed 30% of the minimum paycheck. ideally for at least 3 years. We also should not allow companies to buy up homes for sale in mass so they can rent them out eternally.
Universal Healthcare -take out the insurance company middle man. it is cheaper for everyone even for those that don't have health insurance (because we pay with higher taxes for high-risk people such as the homeless when they are taken in for dire situations.)
Education Reform -The American school system is deeply flawed. The curriculum has not been updated since the 60s. We fall far behind much of the world. This would include language classes and equitable funding for all departments. Ideally, this would include daycare too.
Environmental Action -Probably the hardest one to tackle and with a time crunch. This goes hand in hand with infrastructure reform; the energy grid wastes a ton of power because of how old and crumbling it is. Water infrastructure is also in danger with the recent droughts part of the country is seeing and the floods in the other. Reducing carbon emissions, using the other better and available energy options...I could make a whole post about this alone because it is what I majored in, but requires a lot more than just switching the lights we use and saving energy. This is bigger than just a consumer-level problem, and the biggest polluters are a handful of companies that ruin the environment, reap the benefits and keep them, then put the environmental costs on all of us. They need to be strictly regulated and required to change wasteful and environmentally harmful practices; and not just with carbon offsets.
our issues are way more complicated and numerous, and I do have more ideas on smaller issues too. But I think handling these would significantly impact the others to raise the quality of life here. We have to divert from the path we are charging down, because not all Americans are the bigoted and ignorant people shown all over the news. A majority of us want the best for each other and to live our lives rather than just survive until we die. Many don't know what to do to begin to change things and can't afford to even leave while a handful of men in powerful offices toy with people's lives all over the world just because they can and have the guns to force the rest of us into thinking we are powerless against them. They keep us divided and uninformed and we often get to choose between a bad and horrible choice for who ends up in charge.
If anyone reads this and wonders what they can do, the biggest impact an individual can do is vote. Vote in people that will make these things happen and who aren't being paid on the side to work for corporate and stock and pharmaceutical and defense industry interests. Vote in your primaries so that when the big decision finally comes, we aren't left with the worst options. Don't let them scare you and don't let them destroy the shreds of democracy we have left.
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It’s hard to keep up with Florida’s official enemies list.
Just when you think we’re running out, Gov. Ron DeSantis dreams up a new imaginary villain. It’s impressive.
Move over college professors, “woke” corporations, tech companies, trans kids, “corporate media” types, and racial injustice historians.
There’s a new kid on the block: People coming to Florida in “out-of-state cars.”
Seriously. America’s tetchiest Governor has a message for you.
“The free state of Florida has a new license plate for pre-order that benefits the Florida Veterans Foundation and sends a clear message to out-of-state cars, ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ or Florida,” DeSantis tweeted.
I didn’t know that “out-of-state” cars required a clear message — other than to be apprised that about 20% of Florida drivers don’t have auto insurance and the state is second in the nation when it comes to motorists killing pedestrians.
The no-treading-allowed message seems odd. Isn’t that what tourists do? Eventually, they park their cars and then they literally tread on Florida until it’s time to go, leaving a trail of dollars in their wake.
I thought that was supposed to be a good thing.
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The newly proposed state specialty license plate features a coiled rattlesnake that was first pictured in the Gadsden flag, an historical American flag waved as a protest against government tyranny.
These days, that Colonial-era relic has been co-opted as a popular symbol for U.S. Capitol insurrectionists, right-wing militia groups, QAnon crackpots and Koch-funded tax protesters.
It serves as a valuable tool for the rest of us to identify the chuckleheads in our midst. So, for that reason, I’m all in favor of giving people the option to put it on their state license plate.
(And good news: For one lucky “Don’t Tread on Me” motorist, the personalized licensed plate “DUM AZZ” is still available from the state.)
It’s more than amusing to discover that “out-of-state” cars have somehow been added to Florida’s naughty list.
After all, aren’t those out-of-state cars filled with out-of-state tourists, whose presence in our state during the pandemic has been a point of pride to DeSantis, and apparently worth all the needless loss of life among Florida’s old and vulnerable residents.
Way to take one for the team, Florida grandmas!
The state is spending $50 million this year to promote out-of-state tourism through Visit Florida. DeSantis announced that during the peak winter tourist season this year, Florida welcomed 34.1 million domestic visitors.
“Economists originally projected that Florida tourism wouldn’t fully recover until 2024 but quarter after quarter, despite the Biden administration’s utter failure to manage inflation and the nation’s supply chain woes, Florida’s visitation numbers continue to break records and defy conventional wisdom,” DeSantis said in a prepared statement.
“Florida’s tourism industry begins 2022 with incredible strength, proving that freedom-first policies will always win, especially when combating the inept economic policies coming out of D.C.”
Oops, there was utter failure in that message to mention that the allegedly hampering federal government gave Florida $30 million in stimulus money that the state used to promote tourism this year.
It’s an understandable omission. That’s because the federal government is one of DeSantis’ cartoon villains.
I know. It’s confusing.
So many enemies, so little time. As for this new group, we like tourists, I guess, even though some of them apparently need to be warned that they better not “tread” on us while they’re here.
It’s a mixed message, at best.
At first, I couldn’t figure out why any self-respecting veterans group would even want the “Don’t Tread on Me” message on their license plate. It’s more of a cousin to the Confederate flag at this point.
But maybe it’s because saluting veterans in Florida is a crowded landscape, with the state already offering eight different license plates that appeal to military veterans. There are individual specialty plates for all the branches of service — the Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force and Coast Guard.
There’s also an American Legion specialty plate, another one that says “Support Our Troops” and a general one that says “Florida Salutes Veterans.”
The trick with getting a new specialty license plate is that you need to get enough pre-orders from motorists before they’re put into production.
So, in this case, 3,000 Florida drivers will have to pay for the new plate before it becomes viable. I suspect that the real audience for the “Don’t Tread on Me” license plate won’t be actual veterans, who already have better options.
The new plate will appeal to Florida’s prodigious supply of Meal Team Six commandos, and your average Florida hothead, who is angry, armed and looking for an excuse to act out.
So, if you’re an out-of-state visitor reading this, don’t be offended. This is just typical Florida stuff. It’s just DeSantis sowing division again.
You're just the latest target.
I recommend you make it a valuable learning opportunity: Consider it another gentle reminder that you’ve entered a state that’s mostly “free” of reason and brimming with silly, contrived belligerence.
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pepperstreak · 2 years
google's not helping; what did punk do that's got people upset?
Jesus Christ...
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Firstly; How is Google not helping? This was all any reporter was writing about for weeks.
Secondly; Honey, of all the people you could have asked, I don't think you could have possibly asked anyone less qualified. I mainly absorb drama through memes if not just outright avoid it altogether. But I'll do my best,,, I guess...
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So it started at the All Out Media Scrum, it's still up on the AEW YouTube channel so you can go watch it, Punk's time is only about 20 minutes and he'sthe first one on. Here's the (link)
So it started at the Media Scrum, except it actually probably started here (Link)
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Hangman made a few comments during this promo that didn't make a lot of sense to me, then people were telling me it was about the CM Punk/Colt Cabana drama, a drama that I don't know enough about to comment on either, so I'm not going to risk putting my foot in my mouth more than I'm probably already going to.
So that happened, and Drama do as Drama does, and attracted reporters to print out their new takes on old drama.
Then the Media Scrum happened.
I just watched it for the first time to make this post, (from bottom to top because I write weird)
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So the video starts with a reporter asking a question that I can't make out, and Punk just goes the fuck off, for like 5 whole minutes. Talking about not liking Cabana, swearing (literally and figuratively, seriously there's so much cussing) up and down he didn't get him fired and he doesn't care what he's doing with his life and hasn't cared for ages. Something that, again, idk anything about.
Then he implies, if not outright says, that the EVPs (which everyone pretty much takes to mean Kenny and the Bucks) are the one's who started those rumors and they're unprofessional and arrogant and more cussing.
Then he calls Hangman an idiot and Untalented. This is the only part I can 1000% object to, how dare he. I love Hangman and won't hear a word against him. Everything else I am clueless as a clam (or however the saying goes) but I won't stand for Hangman slander. Punk can absolutely choke over this. Yes I am a fangirl but yeah, this is the one thing I won't change my mind on.
Punk goes on for the rest of his time, he interrupts Tony a few times, calls MJF a prick (possibly in kafabe), talks about Moxley and him bonding over misdiagnosed staff infections. He possibly contradicts himself talking about the AEW roster having a lot of talent, weird thing to say after trash talking everything that lives and breathes but okay.
Then at the end I think another reporter brought up Cabana again?? Again I couldn't hear any of the questions being asked. But it's honestly just as likely that Punk just decided he wasn't done talking about it. He doesn't really add much to what he already said, he tries to insult Colt by saying he owns a bank account with his mom. Which.. okay..? I think he was implying Colt's a mama's boy, or maybe he needs his mom's money? Idk cause I know my dad shared an account with my grandma as a way to pay for her hospital bills? Something about insurance I think.
So a lot of this, again, I cannot stress this enough, is above my pay grade (which is nothing btw, no one's paying me.. why am i doing this?). Idk enough about running a company, wrestling drama, colt Cabana, colt Cabana's mother, or backstage stuff to condemn what was said. I know a lot of people have been complaining about AEW's storylines lately, which could be mismanagement, it could also be that a lot of wrestlers all got injured one after another, plus other drama that I only know of through memes, could throw off plans, I don't know.
Also, and this is me sitting in front of my computer pulling this out of my ass as I type, possibly some of the EVP comments could be Kafabe? I'm just saying cause the Bucks have built a gimmick around "killing the business" as they say? Like not listening to veterans and just.. doing what they want? Idk probably not, I'm probably just being dense.
So afterwards, it got messy
There was a fight backstage. It first came out that the Bucks came to Punk's room and kicked down the door, and so punk felt threatened and started swinging. Then that didn't make any sense so then the story was the Bucks and Kenny came to talk to Punk, then Punk felt threatened and he swung first and a fight broke out. Then it came out that Ace Steele (who was there) bit someone? Then it came out that nick got knocked out? There was chair throwing? The Bucks threw chairs? Ace threw chairs? Kenny Dog Rescue? Kenny got Bit by Ace Steele? Punk transformed into the Antichrst and ate the Elite and the ones walking around now are Demon constructs? (Some of that is not, in fact, true... [I think I'm funny])
Basically there's no footage, no unbiased takes, everyone got suspended, Ace Steele got fired, Elite are back, Punk status unconfirmed.
That's all I know definitively.
There's more stuff that came out. The Elite aren't the only EVPs in the company. The Elite weren't the only ones to confront Punk. Stuff about Punk being toxic backstage. Punk having an ego. The Elite having an ego. Mismanagement from management. This and that. That? Idk anything about that. Don't ask me about that cuz idk.
My personal opinion? I don't have one. Leave me alone. Shoo. Don't be mean to Hangman, that's my opinion. Hopefully I haven't made too big a fool of myself.
And most importantly;
Don't listen to me I'm An idiot
I might delete this if people get weird about it
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contac · 2 years
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gatekeeper-watchman · 15 hours
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The Purpose of a Business 
          I’m usually open-minded to all arguments, but one argument upon which I refuse to bend is the purpose of a business. That is, a business exists for one purpose and one purpose only, to provide a service or product to the people or their representatives, the government for one example–no other. When there is no further need for a business’s product or service, the reason(s) notwithstanding, it ceases to exist. Its purpose is not profit; its purpose is not to provide jobs; and, most certainly, its purpose is not to fill the Christmas stockings of politicians. Its purpose, once again, is to provide a product or service, directly or indirectly, to man.
          I was viewing a speech on C-span earlier today by Senator Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader of the Senate in which he presented a defense of the coal industry in light of that industry’s current problems with the EPA–he called it “our war on coal”–not. In his presentation he used the testimony of a young ex-coal miner who wrote a song about coal mining, to the effect, saying coal mining is a “way of life”, and we should not decrease our coal consumption so as not to take away that “way of life” (I suppose the ecology notwithstanding). I submit that no business is or should ever become a “way of life”. Just as they have always done throughout history, companies cease to exist when they are no longer needed, become obsolete or are a detriment to the lives of those they serve.
          Looking at the subject from another angle or perspective, in fulfilling its purpose stated above, a business should do so in the spirit of the function to be performed as well as in its execution, ethically and responsibly with the ultimate well being of those whom they are supposed to serve in mind. Anything less is immoral and a farce. By now, I’m sure all of you know that, under the Affordable Care Act, i.e., Obama Care, people with a pre-existing condition cannot be turned down for health insurance. Guess what. Tonight on CNN, it was reported that United Health Care has found a way around that law by dropping your preferred physician from their coverage. So, what is one to do–especially when your condition is serious and your preferred doctor is critical? What else? You either change doctors (to someone you don’t know and, worse yet, who doesn’t know you) or change insurance carriers, in which case you very possibly will be charged higher insurance premiums. Such action is not within the purpose of a business and is morally reprehensible. I may be idealistic, but I feel a company should not be allowed to exist if it cannot perform in a moral and socially responsible manner. We desperately need to be able to trust those with whom we deal.
          Folks, this is another reason we need to adopt a single-payer healthcare system, i.e. Medicare for everyone–no confusion, minimal decisions, no muss, no fuss, and, for the people, no bother. I should also add that our proceeding to that end will go a long way toward eliminating our deficit, assuming we establish the same rules governing the negotiations of prescription drug prices as those of the Veterans Administration. This just one example illustrated by United Health Care clearly shows the road ahead for the Affordable Care Act. More United Health Cares will come out of the woodwork every other day. You can count on it. Those who have been blood-sucking our people for these many years need to be put in their place, and a single-payer healthcare system modeled after Medicare is the way to do it. It’s easy; it’s simple; and it’s doable. Let’s do it. Write your representative in Congress. The Republicans don’t have an alternative plan to the Affordable Care Act. From: Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ,  gatekeeperwatchman.org Tap Pictures Always: Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups, Saturday, June 1, 2024, Jacksonville, Florida., USA.  X ... @ParkermillerQ #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981 Thank you for sharing: Https://gatekeeperwatchman.org/post/751889961062744064/daily-devotionals-for-may-30-2024-proverbs-gods? MY GROUP and Not FACEBOOK/METAS: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sparkermiller.JAX.FL.USA
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manuelgriffin · 10 days
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Navigating Mental Health in Florida: The road to Self-Empowerment
In the sunshine state of Florida, surrounded by beauty all around whether it is the long sandy beaches, diverse cultural groups or the great weather, it is very important to note that there are many Floridians struggling with mental health disorders. Headline: Mental health, which is the state of an individual’s psychological, emotional and social health is an important aspect of general health. It pervades thoughts, emotions, and behaviors; decides how one deals with stress or reacts to someone, or even makes a decision. In Florida mental health has to be taken as a vital issue to address due to certain characteristics such as demography and living conditions in Florida state.
Understanding Mental Health
It can therefore be defined as the state of wellness, wholeness and synchronicity in our minds. It is a mental condition that enables individuals to handle commonplace sources of stress, to withstand the pressures of daily living, to go to work, to nurture, to build, and to participate in the society. The most frequent mental disorders include: anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD. These factors may obviously affect one’s well-being and functioning across the different domains of his or her daily existence and interpersonal contacts, as well as influence his or her physical well-being.
Alternatively, Delaney et al. (2016) highlight common mental health issues faced by kids in Florida.
Florida has several tendencies concerning mental health issues some of which are peculiar to the state. The large population in Texas also has varied demographics with a large aging population, war veterans, and immigrants and all these segmentaion comes with different mental health concerns. The elderly can experience loneliness and the onset of cognitive impairments; veterans can have PTSD and the challenges of reintegration into civilian life; immigrants can make stressful adapting to a new culture and being away from their families.
Furthermore, crises including hurricanes also affect mental health problems in the country. This may result to higher levels of anxiety and depression by the time families have to plan and prepare for such events and even when briefing family, the stress involved as well as the results. The current COVID-19 pandemic has also revealed the prevalence of a mental health issue, with many Floridians struggling with stress, loneliness and/or inability to plan for the future.
INCIDENCE ACCESS TO MENTAL HEALTH Initially, it is important to assess the state of incidence access to mental health building on the current knowledge to formulate meaningful recommendations.
It is important to note that health care involving mental health remains to be a major concern for people in Florida. Although, there has been an increased concern for mental health there is still a limited number of healthcare workers to deal with patients suffering from mental illnesses. The available information provided by the Florida Behavioral Health Association reveals that the state has one of the lowest levels of access to behavioral health care in the United States – even higher than more populous and developed states – ranking 49th. It will is actually worse in the rural areas because people living here may sometimes have to travel for long distances to access care from the few facilities in existence.
Insurance coverage for mental health services is also a factor that continues to pose a challenge. As per the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, insurance companies are required to offer mental health benefits on a par with physical health benefits; however, this remains an issue for many Floridians as their insurance fails to cover the needful treatments.
Promoting Mental Well-being
Stigma, lack of awareness, inadequate funding, and self-stigma are the primary barriers which hinder the progress of mental health promotion and prevention internationally, and the reduction of stigma and discrimination involves variety of strategies including developing policies, forming support within the local communities and making changes within ourselves. Here are some strategies that can help:Here are some strategies that can help:
1. Community Support: Supporting community entails hosting single and cooperative a group working together towards achieving specific goals. A support group and local based organizations will be very helpful to kids in need as they offer them a place where they fit in. For instance, NAMI Florida encompasses of educating, counseling as well as advocating for people living with mental disorder.
2. Access to Care: Mental health is an important aspect of the wellbeing of the community and the population and it is important to seek more ways to improve access to mental health services. Telehealth has become a reliable medium, especially in the areas where medical practitioners and specialists are scarce. One is it scales up the accessibility of therapy and counseling services and from the ease of one’s home hence eradiculating the reluctance to visit clinics that deal with mental health.
3. Education and Awareness: It is also important for the society to understand and change perception towards people experiencing mental health issues. Promotion of Mental Health Awareness and Illness in Schools, Workplace, and Communities: Educational programs can be implemented in schools and workplaces in order to avails the people with the proper knowledge regarding the Epidemiological Signs of Mental Health Problems and raise their awareness and motivate them for getting treatments.
4. Self-Care: Taking care of oneself must remain a priority for the improvement of mental health. Sustained exercise, proper nutrition, enough and good quality sleep, and other practices which include meditation and yoga are effective ways to enhance mental health.
Policy and Advocacy Code of ethical conduct and policy at different stages and across different states Different types of advocacy: Individual, systemic, self-advocacy, and groups
This paper further explains the more ways to enhance mental health care in Florida through policy and advocacy. Mental health advocates can lobby to garner more funds for mental and emotional health services, insurance companies can be persuaded to expand coverage for mental health services and government can encourage legislation that supports mental health programs. It is the processes of interacting with policymakers, and being a member of or attending advocacy group that will foster the kind of change that will enhance the mental health care delivery and access.
Personal Stories: It never hurts to have a human touch A little bit of compassion and care can go such a long way It is, in fact, indispensable It makes me feel grateful to be alive, to be able to help people It warms the heart to know that one can brighten up another’s day
These are real people whose lives have been impacted and changed behind the daily numbers we hear every day. Let us try to define the problem by considering Jane, a middle-aged woman from Miami, who had an acute case of anxiety. By connecting with a local community agency and working with a kind and understanding therapist remotely, Jane was able to find ways to move forward and start healing step by step. Having such stories of experiences like Jane’s shows that mental health care and individual support are critical aspects for individuals to seek.
For example, a man called Mike served in the army and after getting a discharge he was struggling with severe PTSD in Jacksonville. Fortunately, Mike was determined to make a change and seek help; he was prescribed medication and therapy; he met other veterans; and, finally, he participated in various community events. It was also about the need to provide interventions to groups in particular to serve everyone’s needs for mental health care.
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kedge-soli · 10 days
Facing the reality of uninsurability in life and health insurance can be daunting, but understanding the implications and taking proactive steps can help navigate this challenging situation. In this blog, we'll explore what it means to be uninsurable, the impact of denial on future insurance prospects, the importance of securing coverage at a young age, and the benefits of a guaranteed approvability rider on term life insurance policies.
Understanding Uninsurability
Being deemed uninsurable means that an individual is considered too high risk for insurance companies to provide coverage. This can be due to various factors, such as pre-existing medical conditions, a history of serious illnesses, or high-risk occupations or activities. Being uninsurable can impact both life and health insurance coverage, leaving individuals and their families vulnerable to financial uncertainty in the event of illness, injury, or death.
Impact of Denial on Future Insurance Prospects
One of the harsh realities of being denied insurance coverage is the lasting impact it can have on future insurance prospects. Insurance companies share information through a database known as the Medical Information Bureau (MIB), which tracks individuals' medical conditions and insurance application history. A denial from one insurer can make it more challenging to secure coverage from other companies in the future, as insurers may view previous denials as red flags.
Importance of Securing Coverage at a Young Age
Securing life insurance coverage at a young age is essential for several reasons:
Locking in Low Premiums: Premiums for life insurance are typically based on age and health at the time of application. By applying for coverage at a young age, individuals can lock in lower premiums, potentially saving thousands of dollars over the life of the policy.
Ensuring Insurability: Health conditions can develop unexpectedly as we age. By securing coverage early, individuals can protect themselves and their families from the risk of uninsurability due to future health issues.
Building Cash Value: Certain types of life insurance, such as permanent policies, offer the opportunity to accumulate cash value over time. Starting a policy at a young age allows for more time for the cash value to grow, providing a valuable asset for future financial needs.
Benefits of Guaranteed Approvability Rider on Term Life Insurance
For individuals who may have concerns about insurability, a guaranteed approvability rider on a term life insurance policy can provide peace of mind. This rider ensures that the policy will be approved regardless of the applicant's health or medical history, as long as they meet the age requirements specified in the policy. While premiums for policies with guaranteed approvability riders may be slightly higher, the benefits of guaranteed coverage far outweigh the additional cost, especially for those with health concerns or a history of denial.
Being deemed uninsurable in life and health insurance can be a challenging reality to face, but it's important to understand the implications and take proactive steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. Securing coverage at a young age, before health issues arise, is crucial for ensuring insurability and locking in affordable premiums. Additionally, considering a term life insurance policy with a guaranteed approvability rider can provide peace of mind and financial security for the future. By understanding the realities of uninsurability and taking proactive steps to address them, individuals can navigate the insurance landscape with confidence and peace of mind.
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pensionsweeks · 11 days
4-Wheel Walker with Seat and Brakes: Medicare Coverage and Insurance Options
A 4-wheel walker with seat and brakes is a valuable mobility aid for seniors, providing stability, support, and convenience. However, obtaining one can be a significant expense for many individuals. Fortunately, there are Medicare coverage and other insurance options available to help offset the cost. In this article, we'll explore the Medicare coverage and insurance options for acquiring a 4-wheel walker with seat and brakes, addressing the needs of those searching for such mobility aids.
Understanding Medicare Coverage for Mobility Aids
Medicare Part B Coverage
Medicare Part B typically covers durable medical equipment (DME), including walkers, when deemed medically necessary. A 4-wheel walker with seat and brakes falls under this category. To qualify for coverage, the walker must be prescribed by a doctor or healthcare provider and obtained from a Medicare-approved supplier. Medicare Part B covers 80% of the Medicare-approved amount for DME, while the beneficiary is responsible for the remaining 20% coinsurance.
Criteria for Coverage
To qualify for Medicare coverage of a 4-wheel walker with seat and brakes, the walker must meet specific criteria set by Medicare. These criteria include:
The walker is medically necessary to treat a medical condition or improve functioning.
The walker is prescribed by a doctor or healthcare provider.
The walker is appropriate for use in the home and considered durable medical equipment.
The walker is obtained from a Medicare-approved supplier.
Insurance Options for 4-Wheel Walker with Seat and Brakes
Medicare Advantage Plans
Medicare Advantage Plans, also known as Medicare Part C, are offered by private insurance companies approved by Medicare. These plans often provide coverage for additional benefits beyond what Original Medicare (Parts A and B) offers. Some Medicare Advantage Plans may cover mobility aids like 4-wheel walkers with seat and brakes as part of their supplemental benefits. Coverage and out-of-pocket costs vary depending on the specific plan.
Medicaid Coverage
Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides health coverage to low-income individuals and families. While Medicaid benefits and coverage criteria vary by state, some states may cover the cost of mobility aids like 4-wheel walkers with seat and brakes for eligible beneficiaries. Seniors who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid (dual-eligible beneficiaries) may receive coverage for these items through both programs.
Private Insurance Plans
Some private health insurance plans may offer coverage for durable medical equipment, including 4-wheel walkers with seat and brakes. Coverage options and out-of-pocket costs vary depending on the specific insurance plan and policy terms. It's essential for individuals to review their insurance policy or contact their insurance provider to determine coverage eligibility and benefits.
Veterans Administration (VA) Benefits
Veterans who qualify for VA health care benefits may be eligible to receive a 4-wheel walker with seat and brakes through the VA system. VA benefits may cover the cost of mobility aids for eligible veterans with service-connected disabilities or other qualifying conditions. Veterans should contact their local VA facility or healthcare provider for information on available benefits and eligibility requirements.
A 4-wheel walker with seat and brakes can significantly improve mobility and independence for seniors. While the cost of these mobility aids may be a concern for some individuals, there are Medicare coverage and other insurance options available to help alleviate the financial burden. By understanding the coverage criteria and exploring available insurance options, seniors can access the mobility aids they need to maintain their quality of life and remain active and engaged in their daily activities.
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womensecretinfo · 27 days
Best Home Loan Companies For Veterans
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Hello Friends, today I have brought an article on “Best Home Loan Companies For Veterans”. Honoring veterans with great loan options In today's world, acknowledging the sacrifice of our veterans extends beyond mere expressions of gratitude. Numerous mortgage lenders are now going the extra mile by offering specialized loan packages tailored specifically for those who have served. These offerings typically feature lower interest rates, reduced or even no down payment requirements, and more flexible eligibility standards. Among these lenders, Veterans United Home Loans stands out for its unwavering commitment to veterans. Known for their exceptional customer service and expertise in VA loans, they have played a pivotal role in helping numerous veterans fulfill their dream of owning a home. Similarly, USAA also stands as a commendable option with competitive rates and top-notch customer assistance for veterans seeking to purchase a home. By delivering tailored services and exclusive perks to those who have defended our nation, these companies epitomize the true essence of honoring our veterans in meaningful ways. Benefits for Veterans: VA loan advantages VA loans provide a tailored range of benefits for veterans and active-duty service members looking to buy or refinance a home. One key advantage is the ability to secure a mortgage without a down payment, making home ownership more achievable for those with limited savings. VA loans also typically offer lower interest rates than traditional mortgages, potentially leading to substantial long-term savings. Additionally, VA loans eliminate the need for private mortgage insurance (PMI), resulting in additional cost savings over time. These loans are flexible in terms of credit score requirements, accommodating veterans who may have experienced financial difficulties in the past. Overall, the unique features of VA loans make them an appealing choice for military personnel aiming to realize their home ownership aspirations with favorable terms and reduced financial obstacles. Best Home Loan Companies For Veterans USAA and Veterans United Home Loans excel in providing home loans for veterans. USAA's commitment to military families shines through its competitive rates and personalized services. Veterans United Home Loans, on the other hand, is renowned for its VA loan expertise and top-notch customer service. Both lenders prioritize making the loan process simple and transparent for veterans, ensuring they feel supported every step of the way. Navy Federal Credit Union stands out as a top choice for veterans looking for diverse loan options, offering flexibility and minimal fees. Their dedication to assisting military personnel is evident in their wide array of mortgage products tailored exclusively for veterans. These leading mortgage providers not only address the distinct financial requirements of veterans but also provide outstanding assistance every step of the way during the home purchasing journey. Customer Service and Support: Assistance tailored to veterans Providing customer service and support that caters specifically to veterans is crucial for safeguarding their financial stability. Companies that offer tailored assistance designed to address the unique challenges and requirements of veterans demonstrate a deep commitment to those who have served their nation. Whether it involves providing specialized financial guidance, flexible repayment options, or individualized support in navigating the home loan journey, customer service geared towards veterans surpasses generic assistance. By grasping the nuances of military life, including deployments, frequent relocations, and post-service transitions, home loan providers can more effectively meet the needs of veteran clients. They can customize their support to suit the specific circumstances of veterans and extend empathy and understanding throughout the entire loan process. This personalized level of customer service not only efficiently fulfills veterans' needs but also fosters trust and loyalty within this significant customer base. Rates and Terms: Competitive offers for military personnel Lending institutions often extend competitive deals to military personnel, offering them lower interest rates, waived fees, and flexible repayment options tailored to their unique needs. Recognizing the sacrifices made by veterans and active-duty service members, lenders aim to show appreciation by providing favorable loan terms. Some mortgage companies specialize in serving this demographic, offering programs like VA loans with benefits such as no down payment requirements. These companies understand the complexities of military life and strive to simplify the home buying process for those who have served. By leveraging these specialized services, military personnel can access exclusive rates and terms not typically available through traditional lenders, ensuring a more affordable path to home ownership. Applying Process: Simplified application steps for veterans Veterans embarking on the home loan application journey often find it daunting and intricate. Yet, by following a few essential steps, this process can become much more manageable. The first step is for veterans to collect all required paperwork at the outset, such as service verification, financial statements, and identification papers. This proactive strategy not only eases the application process but also helps avoid any future setbacks or complexities. Partnering with a lender well-versed in veteran-specific loans can make all the difference. These experts grasp the distinct requirements of veterans and provide personalized help from start to finish. Additionally, tapping into resources like VA loan specialists or online tools made for veteran applicants can offer crucial assistance and direction along the way. By approaching the application process strategically and making use of available resources, veterans can confidently navigate their home loan journey. FAQs:- ·  What are the biggest factors to consider when choosing a VA loan lender? When considering a VA loan, it's crucial to look beyond just interest rates. Factors like experience with VA loans, customer service reputation, application process simplicity, and competitive fees are equally important. ·  Do I need to be a member of a credit union to get a VA loan? No, but credit unions such as Navy Federal provide exclusive benefits to veterans, exploring both credit unions and traditional lenders is advisable for securing the best rates. ·  Is it true I don't need a down payment with a VA loan? Although a down payment is not mandatory, it can bolster your application and potentially reduce your interest rate. ·  My credit score isn't perfect. Can I still qualify for a VA loan? Despite some lenders having stringent credit score requirements, there are options available for veterans with lower scores. Seek out lenders specializing in VA loans tailored to veterans with diverse credit situations. ·  What are some of the best online VA lenders? Rocket Mortgage and Loan Depot are renowned for their user-friendly online platforms for VA loans. ·  I prefer more personal service. Are there VA lenders with a strong brick-and-mortar presence? Absolutely! Fairway Independent Mortgage and Guild Mortgage boast established branch networks that offer in-person guidance. ·  What are some of the benefits of using a lender specializing in veterans? These lenders often have streamlined processes for VA loans, cater to veterans' unique needs, and may provide extra benefits. ·  I'm still on active duty. Are there lenders familiar with military deployments? When seeking a loan, consider lenders familiar with active-duty service members. USAA and Veterans United excel in this field. ·  How can I compare VA loan rates from different lenders? Online platforms such as Lending Tree streamline the process by enabling you to per-qualify with various lenders and compare rates effectively. ·  What documents will I typically need to provide for a VA loan application? Requirements may differ among lenders, anticipate submitting proof of income, military service verification (DD-214), and details about the property you wish to purchase. Conclusion: When selecting a Best Home Loan Companies For Veterans, it's vital to go beyond just comparing interest rates and fees. Seek out a lender who recognizes the specific requirements of veterans and provides tailored programs or perks. Excellent customer service and prompt responses are key for a seamless lending experience. Additionally, transparent communication and accessibility are crucial. A reliable home loan provider should clarify terms clearly and address inquiries promptly. By emphasizing these factors alongside competitive rates, veterans can obtain a loan that not only fulfills their financial requirements but also shows respect for their service to the nation. I hope this article will help to many that suitable for “Best Home Loan Companies For Veterans”. Read the full article
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