#very clicky
ribbittrobbit · 3 months
i once again caved and bought that uni ballpen that everyone is hyped about
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mrtheinsatiable · 1 year
Don't hate being forced to use my computer for things tbh I like typing on the keyboard
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loverdude · 1 month
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I wanted one more original drawing to put on my portfolio for school and wanted it to be of a person so since I've been doodling human Sparklecare I thought I'd try a human Clicky concept :]
Don't repost/use 4 anything 🔌 COMMISSION INFO
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captainclickycat · 5 months
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I did another Calypso painting!
It’s an improvement on the first one, although I wish the gold showed up better on camera
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eirxair · 3 months
theyre both a lil bit alieny but i feel like shane is more elderitch beeny than alieny tbh but i still need to know 😔✊reblog for sample size please grma <3
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raspberrysmoon · 3 months
original broadway cast recording of two player game save me.... save me original broadway cast recording of two player game
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sprinklecipher · 1 year
How much dialogue each character has in the AA Trilogy (in graphs)
I made some graphs showing the total amount of dialogue per character for the AA Trilogy
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Graphs broken out by game and additional details below the cut
AA1/PWAA (including RftA):
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AA1 excluding RftA:
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Data source: I’m using a dataset that I put together pulling from the episode transcripts on the Ace Attorney wiki (which I did almost entirely via Python, but with a bit of manual cleanup).
Word counts: The word counts are based on all dialogue attributed to that character in the episode transcripts EXCEPT for dialogue that appears as a pop-up gif rather than text in the dialogue box (“Objection!”/”Take that!”/”Hold it!”). This includes all optional/skippable dialogue. The counts are split based on who the dialogue line is attributed to in the transcript, which means that characters with aliases have separate word counts for each name associated with them.
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caterpillarinacave · 2 months
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hey guys what the fuck is this
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guqin-and-flute · 5 months
I have begun writing in PtL Are You Here To Stop Me again in a way that makes me optimistic that it will continue fairly easily. Headpat please.
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sysig · 6 months
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Double feature (Patreon)
#Doodles#The Stanley Parable#TSP#Stanley#The Narrator#Portal#GLaDOS#Chell#Mostly leftover doodles from Requestober ideas lol#I could've put them in with the rest of the roundup but I wanted them to stand on their own! I like them!#And besides they're only tangentially related - inspired by!#Starting with a continuation of the clothing swap lol - I think if given enough time Narra would absolutely layer Stanley's outfit#He feels naked without a shirt over his shirt! Or in this case a smart vest :)#Look he's even keeping the one breast pocket design carried into the vest ♪ Cute <3#Stanley thinks he looks like a dork - which he does to be fair lol - Stanley knows that outfit very well! Adding to it makes you a nerd! Lol#Maybe he's just sad it no longer counts as a proper outfit swap lol - something something boyfriend wearing your clothes something#Second doodle was if the Narrator was successful in pulling the sleeve down - you know that hurts! Why are you mean!#Still get a kick of how much taller Stanley is haha#And the last of the outfit swap - Stanley is bereft without buttons!#Do you think shirt buttons have the same kick as clicky keyboard buttons? Probably not but I wouldn't be surprised if he stimmed with them#Fiddling with his front button-down buttons and the button on his breast pocket and the collar buttons ♪ Click click click#The bridge! The two protagonists relating to each other#They even both have the arm thing going on - sure Sinister's my design but they both do!#Both tormented by their respective gay-and-obsessed-with-them narrator lol#It'd be so nice if they could relax for a bit ♪ Chell is implied to be something of a technological prodigy I wonder if she could help him#Snip the wires or something ♪ At least until the next reset!#They're both tricksters as well I'm sure he could sneak her around somewhere - he's something of an escape artist too!#And finally a silly mini of some GLaDOS insults <3 Just referring to Chell in as many diminutive terms as she can think of lol#But wait that's not right! Chell is a loner as well! She needs a much more fair comparison lol#Tardigrades are even smaller tho! But they're all roundy and squishy hehe ♪
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tharkflark1 · 1 year
Okay so hypothetically if someone was to write something based on your Whaleshark Riku AU, what would the hypothetical time-line of events be? You know, hypothetically, of course
Well, hypothetically, if someone were to write something based off the AU, uhhhh
- Sora meets Riku accidentally while playing on the Play Island. They’re essentially BBS ages and stuff so like little babbies.
- they quickly become friends (Sora’s kinda a weirdo so while he’s good at making friends, he doesn’t have any like friends friends if that makes any sense. Until like, Kairi comes along but anyway) and Sora keeps his new friend a secret
- after a couple years, Riku suddenly disappears and Sora is devastated. (I don’t exactly have a reason why he disappears? My friend suggested he’s a sea god of sorts that can purify water so he was drawn elsewhere? But you can think of whatever I suppose)
- 10 or so years pass and Sora’s kinda chalked up Riku to being an imaginary friend. He’s volunteering at the local aquarium (he’s studying to become a marine biologist <3) when he hears about some new creature coming in. The place doubles as a clinic for marine life and Sora also helps out there too as an intern.
- However, the staff are kinda bein hush hush about it and Sora super sus of that.
- He ends up sneaking in (somehow) and discovers Riku (he’s REAL holy shit) but now he’s massive. Easily the size of a bus or more. (Riku’s also injured but I dunno by what so more flexibility there and that’s why he’s at the clinic)
- Sora manages to get Riku’s attention (he also does something here that would let Riku know it’s Sora definitely but I dunno what that is so use ur imagination)
- Riku’s ecstatic and they end up just hanging out for a few hours until Security finds out Sora’s there
- There’s a scuffle where as Sora’s getting taken away, Riku flips out, slamming against the glass. The overnight staff are able to sedate Riku enough before he can actually hurt himself and Sora’s taken in for questioning
- The staff review the security footage and they end up getting Sora to stay on the floor (he gets paid money too don’t worry) as whatever Sora’s doing had improved Riku’s mental state drastically. They’d never seen him that content or relaxed before (my man’s got depression and it’s not helping his injuries heal)
- l really have nothing past that? Like, Sora’s there and most of the staff are super nice and stuff. U can add like “evil people wanna use the Sea God for evil purposes” or something here I honestly don’t care what cha do here
- but eventually Riku, with healing both mentally and physically, figures out that he can become human temporarily (he had to change back like, once a month for a day) when something happens to Sora and Riku is too big to follow and help
- and I dunno! Go crazy with it
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static-quo · 4 months
BIG fan of the sharp clicking sfx they give Vox's claws :3c
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samthecookielord · 5 months
i can stay strong i will not click on spoilers no matter how much i think i already know the character i will stay strong i will stay strong i will NOT click on spoilers i will NOT click on
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"at this speed? too slow!"
Silver Wolf stimboard with a variety of purple stims!
👾 👾 👾
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anthenasikes · 2 years
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funky doodle time ok gonna go pass out now.
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mortsafepod · 10 months
Foley status: bought a Flintlock Pistol
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