#uwu i really liked this one it was really cute and the mistletoe concept is so cheesey and cute i love it
milktyama · 3 years
synopsis: getting kissed under the mistletoe that was totally setted up
pairing: oikawa tooru x female reader
genre: fluffyyy~~, a lot of backstory?? lol i kinda got carried away oops
wc: 1.6k
❥︎ not proof read! i quickly wrote this and queued it before I went to sleep soooo don’t mind the small errors teehee. 
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The bells at the door jingled as it opened while you and Oikawa entered the small cafe. The place was relatively small and it held a simplistic yet warm atmosphere. The neutral toned interior harmonized with the low steady beats of the music that quietly played in the background. The ambiance of this cafe was just like out of a movie; simple yet very eye catching. You made your way to the closest seat your eyes laid on when Oikawa suddenly yanked your arm as you were about to take a seat. You looked at him in question, slightly angered at his sudden move.
“Princess we are not sitting here today. Let’s seat by the window since less people would walk over there.” he said as he pulled you towards his desired sitting area. You complied, not like you have a specific preference like your perfectionist boyfriend. Oikawa Tooru was many things, and most of the time you trusted and went along with whatever he wanted.
Finally taking a seat down, you looked over the menu excitedly. You were known to have a sweet tooth, and it was not a surprise to anyone. It went well along with your personality; bubbly yet cheeky, the exact traits that were able to bring you and Oikawa together. The two have been together for a couple of months, with you confessing to him after the summer break, which to your surprise he accepted. But what you didn’t know was the way he looked at you before that, making this pairing as if it was made in heaven.
“Hey Tooru, they have new varieties of milk bread today! Oh but they also released a special Christmas log cake… but I also have been craving the usual crepe cake... “ you pouted at the vast amount of options. Oikawa could only just chuckle at your cuteness. He looked closely at every small thing you did. How the way you would look stumped when choosing a dessert, or when you would start twirling your pencil between your delicate fingers, making it look like some magic illusion under your fingers, or even the times when you are just so indulged in the music that played through the shared earbuds you two had on. 
He truly loves the little silly things that made you up. Then when the time calls, you would roll your sleeves up as you held the brown clipboard to your chest, leading numbers of students with the power of your booming voice that echoed through the school gym. Everyone always sees the two sides of you, the righteous student council president, and clumsy third year classmate or senior. Oikawa had the luxury of seeing beyond that, and the same went for you. His prideful captain and popular boy from Aoba Johsai persona, you saw beyond that, and that is what truly brought the two of you together. 
And you also watched him closely, taking notice of Oikawa’s habits. Like the way he checked himself out at anything that could possibly even give off the slightest reflection, or how when he laughed wholly, his eyes would appear almost closed as his smile spread wide throughout his face, or even when he over exaggerated his reactions with large arm motions along with a whiny remark. You loved Oikawa Tooru with your whole heart, every inch of you wanting to unconditionally love him for the rest of time.
As you waited for your orders, you looked out the window, staring at the icicles that formed at the edge of the roof and the ground that was covered in fluffy white snow tracing the footprints both of you left when making your way to the cafe. With your gaze still fixed on what is happening outside the window, you call out to your boyfriend.
“Say Tooru, it’s December now,” you finally looked at him to meet his hazel eyes, “it’s almost Christmas. Do you have any plans?”
“hUH- uh n-no I don’t have anything planned, what are you saying Y/n-chan haha…” now it was his turn to look outside the window, but his eyes weren’t focused on anything, more like he was trying to find something to say to recover from his blatantly obvious mess up to such a simple question. You knew Oikawa well, and he was never the best at hiding things even if he wanted to so badly. But you decided to play along, if it concerned you, he would tell you without hesitation anyways.
“Hm okay then babe. Anyways before our actual date starts I wanted to discuss with you about…” you tried to redirect the conversation with school related topics and you could see that Oikawa actually appreciated the gesture. After your orders arrived, you put aside your school demeanor and put your lovey dovey side on. As serious as the two of you can get, you are both still high school teenagers in love.
As the date neared its end, Oikawa excused himself to the bathroom. You took this chance to quickly check over your phone, responding to some emails to teachers and students. There was a big school event coming up in a few weeks and you have yet to choose a topic. Still stumped on what to decide, you noticed that Oikawa was taking an abnormally long time to the bathroom. Was the food today weird? But you felt fine. Maybe he developed an intolerance to milk so now when he just drank his latte his digestive system reacted in way asー
“Hey Y/n-chan sorry I took so long! Let’s go pay the bill shall we?” your thoughts were interrupted by his sudden return. His face slightly flushed and and his nose tinted red as if he just came from outside. Wait, did he go out and come back?? You followed him to the cashier and paid for your food, with him insisting to pay this time. Making your way out, the bells attached to the door jingle once again, but this time Oikawa stops you right in front of the door. He stares deeply into your eyes and you also can’t seem to move your gaze away from his previous gentle eyes to now piercing ones. Standing there in silence, you managed to open your mouth as you questioned yet another one of his gestures.
“Uh Tooru… are you okay…?” your tone was laced with worry. Oikawa Tooru was many things, including slightly weird, but today was a little  more than the norm, even for him. Staying still in the position for a little longer, Oikawa finally changed his awkward grip on you, and his left hand pointed above the two of you, his eyes never leaving your. You tilted your head up a little further up, noticing the vivid green leaves with the bright red berries that laid in the middle of the bundle of them. Connecting the pieces together, something finally clicked in your brain. At this point, you couldn’t contain your laugh anymore. You started to burst out laughing, leaving a confused and shocked Oikawa.
“WH- BABE WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SUPER CUTE-!!” he said as he tried to get you to stop. You just continued to laugh, your stomach starting to hurt from all of the laughing. When you were finally able to calm down your loud laughter into soft giggles, you spoke up.
“Tooru baby, it is cute, but you failed-” well crap you started to laugh again. Oikawa pouted at your reaction, he really tried to do something to surprise you as your first holiday as a couple together. He wanted to make your heart flutter and kiss you. Well there is one way I can stop the laughter… Oikawa thought. He gripped onto your shoulder and leaned onto your figure, slowly connecting your lips together.
At first your eyes were wide open in shock, but soon after they closed, in attempts to enjoy the euphoric feeling that sparked inside of you that came with that kiss. His lips were soft, with a little bit of bitterness that lingered from his latte mixed with the sweetness of the moment and the milk bread he had earlier. The kiss finally broke with a person clearly their throats, appearing to wanting to enter the cafe. Flustered, you hid your face onto Oikawa’s figure and the two of you stepped aside. You looked back onto your boyfriend who now had a cheeky smile plastered on his face.
“Hehe, how was that princess? I did mess up a little but seemed to really enjoy it! You probably didn’t even see it coming!” he chimed. Well yeah, you gotta admit, even though his plan has seemingly failed, you were still swiped off from the floor by this man named Oikawa Tooru. 
“Babe, I did see it coming. You literally came back with a red nose as if you stood outside for a while. Did setting up that mistletoe take you ~that~ long?”
“WH- okay I didn’t realize how high up I needed it to set it up and the sTINKy owner’s son would not let me borrow their stepping stool!” his face crunched into a petty pout. You just can’t stop loving this man ever. You gave a small chuckle at him and leaned in for one more deep kiss as the bells from the door jingled once more, along with the mistletoe that fell right in between your feet.
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