#usually lasts like a month or two rahhhh
ragingtwilight · 5 months
I was still getting used to saying 2023 instead of 22 how tf am i gonna remember this
Happy new year btw LMAOOO
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gamerbearmira · 1 month
More resident evil 8 Au things!
I 10000% agree with you that out of the entire family besides Mirabel her parents are the ones that hate/dislike Miranda the most for obvious reasons. I would say the list of people who hate Miranda goes like this
Julieta and Augustine
Isabel and Luisa
Pepa and Felix
Camilo and Dolores
And I thought I might as well flesh out some of the time line so Miranda kidnapped Mirabel at age 8 and experimented on her immediately when they got back to the village it took a week after the experiment for Mirabel to wake up and when she did she stayed with Miranda for two weeks in her house being called Eva the entire time. After that two weeks Miranda sent her to live with Alcina and her Daughters and she lived there with them while her house was being built for about four years. Alcina and the girls were so happy/excited to have her there, Alcina and the girls decorated a room for her and they cleaned up the old playroom and the room that Alcina used to homeschool the girls and had set up a schooling schedule for her (the girls wanted to help Alcina) all before she was even sent to live with them of course Miranda also had a time slot for her schooling it basically went Alcina-Math, art, music and basic social studies Miranda-science(all categories)Daniela- english, Romanian and European history Cassandra- Spanish, German and African history Bela- Greek, Latin and North/South American history. While Mirabel was living there she was absolutely spoiled and doted on as the baby of the family but when she was 12 Miranda made her move into the house that was built for her and made her start doing more Lord tasks (experimenting, going to the church etc.) and she saw less of Alcina and the girls. She completely transforms her section of the village in about 2 years of taking control of it so at 14, she worked long and hard with the villagers in her area going house to house figuring out all the needs of that house and using the money she has access to from Miranda to get them things and because she started putting the money back into the community helping them they in turn were able to have better crop and meat out put which increased the areas income as well after seeing how well her area was and how terrible the other Lords areas were Mirabel talked to Miranda about making the other Lords do the same but Miranda told her outright no stating that way the other Lords do with their free time is none of her business and that as long as they continue to do the experiments like she asks she won't bother them with the care of the villagers so long as they weren't killing too many. So Mirabel, wanting to help the villagers in the other areas, created the orphanage but it's not just an orphanage it's also a school that way the villagers have access to education freely and can try and do better that way. Mirabel gets her family back at 16 and they live with her two months into them living with her the interrupted dinner with Miranda happens and two months after that the family is experimented on three months after the experiments they meet the Dimitrescu family for dinner a month after that they meet Karl when he burst into the house anger at Mirabel because a 16 year old boy he was hoping to have work in his factory was going to her school instead, they meet Monroe two months after Karl when Miranda brought him over to discuss some experiment over with him and Mirabel, they meet Donna and Angie last four months after that Donna had decided to go over to Mirabel's to go over their doll/clothes ideas, they usually do it over at her house because she doesn't like to leave the house very often.
As always any and all artwork is appreciated and loved!
Willing to bet that if they were to rank her on a tier list, Miranda would be in F tier 🧌
But like. Can Mirabel catch a break. She was snatched away from her family and didn't see them for what, 9 years??? I mean jeez, let her BREATH. And sure, she had a substitute family, but let's be real, they aren't exactly the best when it comes to raising or caring for an emotionally and mentally vulnerable child. And then Mother Miranda, with her jealousy and wanting Miranda to be Eva like??? What is WRONG with her 😭😭 in what world is that ok??
And then at 12, literally a child, not even a teenager, she was dropped into a pseudo-Casita that, from what I'm assuming, wasn't alive yet. And even if it was. That doesn't change the fact that she was a child left to run a village and be made to do all these terrible things. And then attend meetings and services along side it 🌚 and being Miranda's favorite didn't change a DAMN thing, she's still treated pretty badly, like face the facts
AND?? WHEN SHE GOT HER FAMILY BACK?? 4 months later she was forced to experiment on them, against her and their will. And Lord knows that if she refused, Miranda would've done something even worse than death 🤠 AND YOU KNOW?? She still manages to be a better leader among the other 4.
Someone get these guys outta here, including Ethan and Rose 😭😭
Unfortunately I was only able to do these two <33 honestly this just helps me visualize them better, but. If you feel like they should look different, lemme know 🤭🤭 or if you have any ideas for what the family to look like. Because I still haven't based them all on bugs yet 🤓☝
Also??? I think as Antonio got older, the mold in his eye spread. Not to his other eye, just a little on the right side of his face and some of his neck. He can still see out if one eye, so at least he's good there <\\33
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aceouttatime · 2 months
15 questions for 15 friends
tagged by @korblez! thanks dearie <3
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: My deadname was my mother's favorite name. My chosen name, Alex, is very similar--I kind of just flip-flopped the gender of it. I also chose my middle name when I was getting it legally changed, and I decided on my father's name.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Probably about ten months ago. I can't remember, but it's been way more difficult since starting testosterone ~2 years ago.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: No. Observe: A. I'm as gay as a room of monkeys on nitrous oxide, B. I'm a trans man who does NOT intend on using the uterus he was given, and C. I'm 20. We ain't ready.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: Was a cheerleader against my will for 12 years and a gymnast for 10. Those are. Uh. Very uncomfortable activities for a closeted trans man. Also messed up my body (abdominal issues, back issues, joints that crack like bubble wrap), but hey, I have a few cool party tricks to pull out now! I also played basketball for a few years and peewee soccer when I was real little.
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: No. (I am a liar.)
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: How they hold themselves, i.e., body language like tense shoulders, a puffed-out chest, downcast eyes.
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR?: Green! Olive green with a few dots of brown.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: Depends on my mood. Do I want a think piece? Psychological horror, all the way. Am I sad and need Comfort Content? Happy endings please or I will cry inside.
ANY TALENTS?: I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, given five minutes. I can do a great worm and also flips. I can draw pretty pictures sometimes that usually have gay people or aliens (or both) in them.
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: the USA BAYBEE RAHHHH 🦅🦅🦅 Ohio, specifically. It's mostly corn, highways, and the occasional building here (if you spot any signs of civilization, please let authorities know, as it is a rarity and must be documented for research purposes).
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Drawing, reading, writing, skiing, rollerblading, hiking, biking, embroidery, bracelet-making, video gaming, window shopping (poor college student with Spending Anxiety), taking care of my plant children, stopping my roommate's cat from eating plants (she has no survival instinct but is Very Cute), and many more that I can't think of at the moment.
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: One dorm cat (my roommate's, she's a ragdoll mix) named Eda, and two dachshunds (my parents') named Dunkin and Bailey. Dunkin is barely out of his puppy years, and Bailey is Strange and Brick-Shaped.
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: 5'7. 5'8 if my spine is not Fucked-Up that day.
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: Science, history, and English. Psychology, if that counts (it's what I study in college)!
DREAM JOB?: Clinical psychologist for NASA (basically I'd help research, implement programs for, and monitor the mental wellbeing of personnel). Pipe dream? Yes. More reasonable career path? Clinical psychologist working private practice somewhere nice (and warm and maybe not in the States). -----TLDR; Astronaut therapist.
I'll go ahead and tag (with care, no pressure!): @straypurplebread, @who-is-riley, @swaps55, @daisywalletchains, @sparatus, @thetrashbagswasteland, @whiskynorocks, @notjumpinglamps, @threewhiskeylunch, @westernlarch, @maxiepenguin,
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