#used a blue pen for Lenas eyes too not sure if it showed up all that well tho
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Anyways, give Violet back that mace she had during moonvasion but with Lena’s new magic
Day 21 of @ducktober2020‘s prompt was magic so I went with the Sabrewing sisters!! 
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eastofthemoon · 3 years
Feathered Friends
A silly one shot that wouldn’t leave my head.
Archive of Our Own
Rating: G
Series: The Owl House/Ducktales 2017
Summary: Luz tries something to get her back to the human realm, unfortunately the human part wasn't present. 
Luz rubbed her hands eagerly as she looked over the handheld mirror. “Alright, mysterious device of arcane mystery, let’s see if you can bring me back to the human realm!’
“Are you sure you want to do this, kiddo?” Eda asked as she crossed her arm. “We know even less about this thing than your last portal attempt.”
“But the inscription says it leads to another world when you twist the handle,” Luz said as she clasped her hands.
“Doesn’t mean it’s the human realm,” Eda added. “There are plenty of bizarre worlds out there. For all we know this thing's connected to a world of man eating toe bats or something.”
“Where did you two find this outrageous ornament anyway?” King said as he poked the mirror.
“<i>We</i> didn’t,” Eda said with a deep sigh, shoving King’s paw away. “Hooty coughed it up and apparently doesn’t even remember where he picked it up.  Not that he remembers much to begin with.”
King grimaced. “Yuck, he really needs to be more aware of what he eats.”
“Anyway,” Luz continued as she put her hands on her hips, “it’s still worth trying.  Worst case it should lead back here, right?”
Eda sighed as she ruffled her hair. “All right, but I’m coming with you. King, how about you?  Up for a little interdimensional exploration?”
“Naw,” King said as he left the room. “My tummy is craving hot chocolate and I’ve decided to graciously fulfill its demand.”
“Save some for me,” Luz said as she picked up the mirror. “This shouldn’t take long.”
“Well, those are some ominous last words, but let’s give it a go,” Eda said as she placed a hand on Luz’s shoulder.
Luz bit her lower lip as she gave the mirror handle a hard twist.
The mirror sparked madly, before suddenly erupting with blue energy.  The mirror seemed to shine, and the energy formed into a swirling portal.
“Alright,” Luz said with a deep breath. “Here goes.”  Holding the mirror close to her chest, Luz stepped through the portal together with Eda.
They found themselves in a room. A very normal human looking room with a bunk bed and human style clothes scattered around it.
Hope flickered in Luz's eyes. Was it possible? Had she made it home?! Did she-
Someone, not Eda, cleared their throat and Luz turned.
Her joy evaporated.
Four pairs of eyes were staring at her. Eyes belonging to what seemed to be humanoid ducks. One was wearing a pink dress with a cute bow, another wore a blue shirt and a stunned expression. The third wore a red hat and shirt and seemed to be working out what question to ask first, while the fourth wore a green hoodie and held a soda can.
“Um...Hi,” Luz said slowly with a nervous smile. “Please don’t freak-”
The duck in green growled as he rubbed his eyes and set down the soda can.  The actual soda can, Luz found her eyes drawn to it. “Dewey, I thought you promised not to invite extra-dimensional beings into our bedroom again!”
“It wasn't me!” the duck, likely named Dewey, objected. “I mean, it was me that other time, but in my defense the number of views for my show have never been higher.”
“While that may be numerically true, that is strictly relative,” the duck with the red hat replied dryly.  "The number of views were even higher that time you left the camera on for twenty minutes of Mrs. Beakley cleaning the carpet."
“Uh….” Luz said as Eda looked around.
“Talking ducks? Hey, I think I’ve been to this world,” Eda muttered.
Before Luz could ask what she meant, the duck with the cute bow bounced up to her.
“Hi, I’m Webby!” she greeted and pointed behind her. “That’s Louie, Dewey and Huey! What’s your name?”
“I’m Luz, and this is Eda the Owl Lady,” Luz replied, slightly amazed by her chipper attitude. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to barge in-”
“Boys, what was that noise?!” shouted a female voice with a British accent.
“One second,” Huey said as he poked his head out of the room. “A portal opened and now we've got visitors from another world.”
There was a brief pause. “Are they dangerous?”
Huey pulled his head back. “Hostile or non-hostile?”
“Well, some call me a foxy mama and I've slain many a heart, kiddo,” Eda said with a wink.
Huey raised an eyebrow and glanced at Luz. “Non-hostile then?”
Luz nodded as Huey poked his head out again.
“They’re not dangerous, Mrs. Beakley!” he shouted.
“Alright, I’ll be up once these dishes have been dealt with,” the voice shouted back.
“You guys are oddly calm about this,” Luz said as she tilted her head.
Louie scoffed as he shoved his hands into the front pocket of his hoodie. “Please, on average we get at least one weird portal opening in our house a month.”
“It was twice last month,” Dewey replied and shivered. “I still can’t get that centaur’s song out of my head.”
"Averages, Dewford!"
“Okay, then,” Luz said, wondering to herself exactly what kind of life these ducks had.
Huey pointed to the mirror in Luz’s hand. “So, given the evidence, my hypothesis is that this is what created the portal.  It wasn't red, so I'm assuming it doesn't use the same method as the Solego circuit - is it magic?  Runic designs, or some sort of divine blessing?”
Luz blinked and blushed realizing she had almost forgotten she was holding it.
“Uh, yeah, again sorry, we kind of just found it and were experimenting,” Luz said as she held it up. “I’ll just turn so we can-”
“Now, hold up, kiddo,” Eda said with a smirk. “I’ve been to this world before and it’s actually pretty fun. A lot more accepting of avian people than the Boiling Isles, if you catch my drift.  It might actually be worth having a short visit here.”
“I can’t help but note you’re not asking our opinion here,” Louie asked.  "I should really start charging tolls on interdimensional travel..."
Dewey stepped forward and pointed. “More importantly will you or will you not come onto my show for an interview?”
“How much are you willing to pay?” Eda said.
“Nevermind that,” Webby said as she grinned at Luz. “Are you a magic user?”
“I’m, er, a witch in training,” Luz said as she rubbed the back of her neck. 
“Oooh, I should introduce you to Lena and Violet,” Webby continued. “We can compare notes - do you have a scrapbook of arcane secrets too?!”
“Oh really,” Luz said as her eyes sparked. That did sound like fun.
“Kids,” a female voice called out and another duck - female-sounding, wearing a pilot uniform - entered the room. “Beakley mentioned something about a portal-”
Suddenly, she gasped and pointed.  “Eda Clawthorne! Is that you?”
Eda frowned and tilted her head. “You look kind of familiar? Do I know you?  You're not a debt collector, right?”
The duck laughed and pointed at herself. “It’s me, Della Duck! Remember? I took your staff for a joyride? We had a bonding experience over nachos?”
Eda blinked, and a smile appeared as she snorted. “Della?! Ha! Wow, it’s been ages! You got old girl!”
Della laughed. “You're one to talk! Didn’t you have red hair?”
Eda snorted as she ran a hand through her hair. “True, but I am still a foxy mama though.  Silver is in.”
“I have several questions,” Huey asked.
“And I smell the start of a delicious backstory,” Luz added as she rubbed her hands.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” Della said. “Scrooge, Donald and I ran into her once during one of our adventures.”
Eda chuckled. “Yeah, that was a fun ride. Hey, did Scrooge ever get over the ‘you know what’?”
Della paused, and suddenly sucked air in and looked anywhere <i>but</i> Eda. “Yeah, about that. Great catching up and all, but you should probably leave before he hears that you’re here?”
Eda froze. “Y-you've got to be kidding.  Don’t tell me that old coot is still alive-”
All heads turned and Luz spotted an old duck wearing a red jacket, a top hat on his head and an angry scowl on his face as he pointed a cane at the visitors.
“Oh boy,” Eda said as she grabbed Luz’s arm. “Time to go, kiddo!”
“What?” Luz cried. “But what about-”
“Oh, no you don’t!” Scrooge yelled as he wrapped his cane handle around Eda’s wrist. “YOU AREN’T GOING ANYWHERE UNTIL YOU RETURN THE COPPER PIPES YOU STOLE YOU SHIFTY SHORTCHANGING CHARLATAN!”
“Copper pipes?” Louie asked in disbelief. “Really?  In this economy?”
Eda rolled her eyes as she wrapped her hands around the cane. “Aw come on, Scroogey no need to be so hostile-”
Scrooge snarled. “I have every right to be horrendously hostile you-”
“Even when I specifically came here - across the dimensional void - just to bring back those pipes?” Eda gestured to the corner of the room. “All six of them, right over there!”
“What?” Scrooge looked. “I don’t see-”
Eda kicked Scrooge off his cane and watched the duck tumble flat on his face.
“And that definitely makes it time to go!” Eda said as she took the mirror, twisted the handle and sparks started to fly. “Say your goodbyes, kid, because we are out of here!”
“Uh, okay,” Luz said as Eda pulled her towards the emerging portal. “Sorry about this!”
“No worries,” Webby said as Dewey helped Scrooge up. “Send me a letter! I've always wanted an extradimensional pen-pal!”
Luz could see Scrooge rallying to give chase, but her view was abruptly eclipsed by the swirling blue of the portal as she was pulled through. Both Eda and Luz collided at the foot of the couch as the portal disappeared behind them.
King sipped his hot chocolate as he peered over them from the couch.
“So!  How was the site of my future conquest?” he asked.
Luz pointed an arm up. “Not the human realm, but we met some friendly talking ducks and I got Eda backstory so I'm still calling it a win.”
“And I got a free cane,” Eda declared as she waved the cane up in the air.
Luz narrowed her eyes. “You should really give that back.”
Eda snarked. “Luz, trust me, that guy has a ton of these things.” She held up in the air and fiddled with the handle. “I wonder if-”
A laser blazed out of the cane's tip without warning. Hooty yelped, spiraling out of the way it shot through the wall behind him.
“...Oooh, Mama like,” Eda cooed, eyes sparkling as she raced outside. “Let’s see what this bad boy can do!”
“Mass destruction! Untold mayhem! Unfettered obliteration!  It's my turn next!” King shouted as he gave chase.
Luz sighed as she put down the mirror. “Alright, so...I can check off the mirror at least.  Not a way home, but not bad.  Maybe leave the Owl Lady here next time.”
Luz heard more blasts being fired, and the growing sounds of rampaging fires. She briefly considered going outside to reduce the carnage, but decided it might be better to write that letter to Webby instead.
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midnight-queery · 3 years
The first time it happened Kara didn’t remember it. She’d had a little too much Aldebaran rum at the alien bar and had flown home, waking up sprawled across her bed and still in her super suit, a foul taste in her mouth and a pounding in her temples. She rolled out of bed with a grimace and went through her morning routine even slower than a human, barely making it to work on time.
Kara walked into Lena’s office at CatCo with a bag of pastries from Noonan’s, two coffees, and a wide grin, and Lena smiled back, a sparkle of amusement in her eyes as she gestured for Kara to take a seat.
“Breakfast is served,” Kara chirped, hangover already gone thanks to her Kryptonian biology and the bright sun climbing high in the sky.
Lena hummed appreciatively and took a delicate bite of the scone Kara had brought her (its appalling lack of sweetness didn’t faze the CEO, apparently) as the blonde bit into her first sticky bun. “Have you seen the news yet, Kara?”
“Huh? Uh, no, not yet. I had kind of a slow start this morning.” Kara finished off her second sticky bun and took a swig of coffee. “Why, something interesting happen?”
“You could say so.” Lena gave Kara a small smile and turned on one of the televisions mounted on the wall, unmuting it so Kara could hear.
“-a distinctly Supergirl-shaped hole. Here to comment is the owner of the small business currently advertising on the billboard.” Kara whipped her head around and stared at the screen with wide eyes. The newscast cut to an older black woman, her hair in thick braids and a wide grin stretching across her face. “Oh no, we definitely don’t wanna get it fixed. My son already called the company we’re renting the space from and got them to promise to leave it alone. Why would we wanna get rid of our Super-stamp of approval? ‘Sides, she managed to fly through a bit of empty space!” The woman waved her hand and gave a throaty laugh as the interview was replaced by some B-roll of the billboard in question. Blocky text across the top of the billboard advertised ‘a homecooked meal- even if your home is another planet!’ and the bottom right corner had different pictures of food, ranging from a bowl of chowder to something neon blue that honestly looked like it might still be alive. The bottom left corner featured a vaguely person-shaped hole.
“Oh Rao,” Kara muttered. She turned back around when Lena started laughing. “Lenaaa!”
“Sorry darling, but you have to admit it is amusing.” Lena gave Kara a bright grin, her green eyes sparkling. “Of all the headlines I was expecting to wake up to this morning, this was never on the list.”
Kara groaned and lowered her head into her hands. “D’you think Alex saw?”
“She already texted me the link to the article,” Lena admitted, biting her lip to try to hide her grin. “I’m not sure how she managed to find the article before me when I own the company, but she said I should just be glad she knows how little sleep I get, else she’d have called me at 4am when it posted.”
Kara looked up and gave Lena a surprised look. “There’s an article too? Who the heck wrote it that early?”
“Me, of course,” a voice chimed in, and Kara turned with wide eyes, her face quickly melting into a pout when she saw a certain young reporter leaning against the door frame, arms crossed smugly and a shit-eating grin on her face.
“Nia,” Kara whined. “How could you? Gosh, I don’t even remember flying through it, how’d you know about it?”
“I dreamed it and woke myself up laughing just in time to get there and see it for myself.” Nia pushed off from the door jamb and sauntered into the room, pulling out her phone. “If you hadn’t been in your civvies I would have been able to post the video of you flying through it.” She held her phone out and showed the video to Kara and Lena, the latter laughing as her companion’s face turned bright red. A small shape with blonde hair and pastel-coloured clothes sped through the air, only coming to a halt when she blasted through something with a bang, a startled look on her face. The billboard never stood a chance.
“But that- but- when I woke up I was in my suit!” Kara exclaimed, looking from Nia to Lena and back, a desperate gleam in her eyes. “So it couldn’t’ve been me! It was probably just some shapeshifter trying to embarrass me!”
“Keep watching,” Lena murmured, gesturing to Nia’s phone with a smirk.
Kara turned back to the phone with a sinking feeling in her stomach. From somewhere off-screen Nia’s voice yelled for Supergirl to put her damn suit on, and a moment later, after squinting dubiously at the camera and wobbling midair, on-screen Kara mumble-yelled something about already having her suit on and looked down, realizing mid ramble that she was wearing a “stupid librarian costume” before ripping her clothes off and flying off in her suit. Kara was just glad she’d had her super suit on under her clothes instead of just her ‘birthday suit’ as the humans called it, else the video would have been even more mortifying.
The video finally (blessedly) ended, and Nia tucked her phone into her pocket with a smirk. “I’m definitely playing this at you guys’s wedding.”
Kara spluttered for several moments before sighing and slouching back in her chair, muttering about backstabbing dreamers and rude girlfriends as Nia and Lena started watching the video again.
The second time it happened wasn’t Kara’s fault. She was fighting an alien nearly as strong as her, and one of its punches sent her careening through the air and straight through the flimsy material of the billboard, this time one advertising cat food. Kara thought nothing of it at the time, focused on the fight and not even realizing what had just happened. It wasn’t until she’d flown back to the DEO, alien safely apprehended, that she found out about it.
“You are affecting the billboard industry in very interesting ways,” Brainy commented when Kara trudged out of the infirmary, a small scowl on her face since the fight had interrupted her lunch with Lena.
“I’m- what?”
Brainy turned to her, a thoughtful frown on his face. “Companies have begun hiring analysts to predict which billboards are in areas you might crash through and have even begun trading billboards in an effort to find the ‘sweet spot’.”
“It’s that bad?” Kara asked, horrified. “I only crashed through one!”
“Two, actually,” Brainy corrected, pointing the large screen taking up the back wall. A billboard advertising a tasty cat food with a large hole torn though the place the bowl of food used to be glared back at her tauntingly. “And it is that good. The companies want Supergirl to crash through their billboards. They have come to see it as a badge of honor. A ‘Super-stamp of approval’ as Ms. Thomas put it.”
“I’m just glad they aren’t billing us,” J’onn added, standing off to the side, his arms crossed and a rare, wide grin on his face. “If only National City saw infrastructure damage the same way.”
Kara groaned and flew away as J’onn asked Brainy if they could start charging the billboard companies.
The third time wasn’t Kara’s fault either, but she didn’t say anything when Alex lectured her about it. She had been on her way to interview someone for an article when Lena had sent her a very… distracting picture and she’d accidently flown through a billboard advertising lingerie of all things (oh the irony). She was just glad she’d crashed through part of the company’s slogan and not anywhere inappropriate on the picture of the model.
“I can’t believe you’re running this story,” Kara grumped, flopping down onto the couch in Lena’s office at L-Corp. She’d flown over from CatCo as soon as Snapper had handed out assignments in the bull pen. “And I really can’t believe you’re making me write it!”
“I thought it might be fun for you.” Lena glanced at Kara over her laptop, but quickly looked back at the screen as she continued typing out an email to R&D, outlining all the reasons a Supergirl-flight-path-predictor was a horrible idea, billboard companies be damned. “You always feel bad when your fights cause property damage, but these people are actually arguing over which bit of damage you caused is best.”
“But it’s so embarrassing,” Kara whined, throwing her hands over her face. “I know they won’t know it’s me, but I have to interview them about the holes I made in their billboards and then write an article outlining which one is ‘the most representative of Supergirl’.” The eyeroll was audible in her voice.
Lena hummed in response but when Kara was quiet she stopped typing again and looked up. “Personally, darling, I’m a fan of the hole in the lingerie advertisement. It’s not as well-placed as the others, but I do appreciate that you were apparently more distracted then than when you were drunk.”
Kara lifted one of her hands enough to give Lena the side-eye. “That was your fault and you know it. Rao, I still can’t believe you texted me a picture of you- of you-”
“More scantily clad than the lingerie model whose billboard spotlight you stole?” Lena quipped, arching her eyebrow.
Kara squeaked an affirmative and fled her girlfriend’s sultry look, figuring she’d best get the interviews over with before she got hot and bothered enough to crash through a fourth billboard and had to add another interview to her list.
Supergirl only crashed through a few more billboards in the following months, but apparently graffiti artists found it all quite inspiring because the Superfriends seemed to send Kara a new skillfully painted picture of herself breaking through brick walls and train cars at least once a week. (She’d never admit it to anyone, but she actually liked the one of a chibi Supergirl bursting out of a water tower, spurts water following behind her… she’d liked it so much she’d let the kid who painted it finish before she’d flown her down and lectured her on the dangers of precarious perches for humans.)
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busterkeatonfanfic · 3 years
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Chapter 35 A month went by and Nelly’s tears came infrequently. She rarely tripped over memories of Buster anymore. The pain of losing both him and her dream of being in pictures was increasingly blunted, walled off. She pictured herself penning it in with field stones, daubing the cracks with mud, building the wall higher and higher each day. She was doing alright. 
She could thank Ruthie and the children for it. She hadn’t wanted to move in with them, but even a week with her mother had worn on her nerves. So while Ruthie fed the baby and tried to soothe her colicky cries, Nelly taught the children their lessons and minded them throughout the day. June was bright and already knew all her letters. She was sounding out short sentences in primers and getting better at copying words: CAT, BALL, SKY, DOLL, CAR, BAT. Eddie could write his name in spidery, uneven letters, some ballooned in size, others cramped. Both children weren’t very good at their numbers, but it wasn’t the end of the world. Much of the time she just read to them or watched as they played on the lawn or in the room that June and Eddie shared. She gave June Barney the mohair tiger and Eddie his pick of her teddy bears. He chose a medium-sized cream-colored one that she’d called Julius and renamed it Freddy Teddy. 
Because music reminded her of Buster, she hadn’t used her phonograph since California. Seeing it on the table in her room for the first time, though, the children begged. Ruthie didn’t own a phonograph (“What for when we have a radio?”) and neither did Lena, who frowned at jazz and had never developed a taste for Stravinsky, Strauss, or Chopin. Nelly caved to their pleas and played them Gene Austin’s “Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue.” June insisted on being taught how to operate the phonograph by herself. Although Nelly wasn’t sure she was old enough to be careful, she nonetheless folded her hand over her niece’s and showed her how to wind the machine until the handle caught. She taught her how to extract the shellac record from its paper sleeve and place it gently on the turntable. She showed her the three sizes of needle, soft, medium, and loud, and warned her how sharp the ends were. She revealed how to untwist the bit of metal that held the needle in, carefully extract the old needle, and place it inside the recessed tin for disposal. She showed her how to put a new needle into the tiny hole and tighten the piece of metal back up, and to release the catch that set the turntable spinning. Finally, she taught her how to fold down the metal arm of the machine and drop the nose that held the needle down at the very edge of the record, which brought Bix Beiderbecke and the Frankie Trumbauer’s Orchestra “Singin’ the Blues” to vivid life. She couldn’t help but remember how Buster had walked her through all the steps in much the same way, putting his hand over hers to show her how far to wind the machine and warning her to always change the needle after two plays, no exceptions.
June was in raptures. Every day after math lessons, they took a break and Nelly allowed her to play both sides of one record. Eddie begged to be taught too; Nelly said that phonographs were only for five-year-olds, but that when he turned four in October she’d let him put a record on the turntable and see how it went from there. Unknown to the music-hungry children, who demanded to hear at least two new songs a day, a substantial number of her records remained sitting in a wooden crate in the closet of the second-floor room she occupied at Ruthie’s. She couldn’t bear to hear The Paul Whiteman Orchestra anymore. Stuffed deep in a trunk beneath the records were two other objects that she didn’t want to look at, the photograph of Buster standing in his bathroom in nothing but a strategically draped towel and his best Mona Lisa stare and the navy-blue suit jacket he had tucked around her shoulders the night of his party last October. 
Still, progress was progress. She stayed distracted with the children and borrowed stacks of books from the library to keep herself busy during her free evenings, avoiding Photoplay and the gossip section of the newspaper. She had no complaints about the new rhythm of her life until her mother invited Harold Jenkins to Sunday dinner. She followed Ruthie and Gerald into the dining room early on the evening of the tenth, carrying Eddie, and there was the carbuncle himself sitting opposite her place at the table. Aghast, she looked at Lena who sat at one end of the table. 
“Nelly,” Harold said, standing up. “It’s sure swell to see you!”
Nelly poured Eddie into the seat on Ruthie’s right and turned just as Harold came around the table to shake her hand. “Oh Harold,” she said. “This is unexpected.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek before she knew what he was doing. She had half a mind to slap him for his brazenness, but she was angrier at her mother.
“Hello, Harold,” said Ruthie, looking amused. 
“How do you do?” said Gerald, shaking his hand. “We’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Have you?” said Harold, beaming. He took Nelly by the elbow and pulled her toward her seat, but she shook him off. 
“I’m fine, thank you,” she said, offering her most poisonous smile. When Harold wasn’t looking, she shot a frown at Lena, but her mother didn’t notice. 
In addition to his overpowering breath, Harold was no beauty. His hard slab of a face looked like it had been chiselled from granite. Even in an expensive suit with his hair impeccably combed, he was an uninspiring figure. A devout Catholic, he loved to talk at length about the latest spiritual failings of his colleagues and clients at the law firm where he was a junior partner. He knew absolutely nothing about her and had had it in his head for a good three years that she would make the perfect wife. Nelly imagined that Lena still held out hope that her remaining daughter would marry into the Church since Gerald was a Presbyterian.
She pulled out her chair and sat across from him, half-tempted to pretend that she’d only recently been released from an asylum. 
“So you just got back from California,” he said, scooting in his chair and smiling.
Nelly’s father walked into the room. She’d only seen him once since being back home. He lived most of the time in the city, too busy with work to come home in the evenings and sometimes the weekends as well. 
“Hello, Mr. Foster,” said Harold. 
William greeted him in kind and sat at the head of the table. Since Ruthie and Gerald had married, Sunday dinners alternated between their house on Maple Avenue and the Foster home. This week was the Fosters’ turn. As soon as William was seated, Jennie came out of the kitchen and began to lay shallow bowls of soup before everyone. Nelly smoothed her napkin in her lap and tucked in as soon as her soup was put down, knowing perfectly well what a breach of manners it was to start before everyone had been served and hoping her mother would notice. Her appetite had begun to creep back over the past two weeks. No doubt she owed that in part to Eddie and June, whom she chased all over creation in between lessons. She had no intention of answering Harold’s question about California. 
“Wasn’t it a lovely sermon this morning?” said Lena to Harold. Nelly looked up and saw her mother give her a sidelong glance as if to say, Manners. She smirked to herself and dipped her spoon into the soup again. 
Harold took up the conversation at once. She gathered it was the parable of the mustard seed. All one needed to do was have a single grain of faith and it would lead to heavenly rewards. Gerald and Ruthie listened politely and June and Eddie fidgeted. She noticed her father’s concentration seemed to be unusually focused on the celery bisque. It had never occurred to her that he might not believe what her mother did. Having been away for a year for the first time in her life, her family’s rituals and habits had an element of strangeness to them as they hadn’t before. She’d always been aware that her family was typical and that she was the odd one out with her yearning for the stage, but she’d never realized how strange their ordinariness was. Church, garden clubs, sewing circles, afternoon teas—that was how Lena and Ruthie whiled away the hours.
The main course came, ham with a bourbon glaze with buttered new potatoes on the side. Again, she ate as soon as she was served, determined to put Harold off of courting her once and for all. 
“So how did you find California?” he said, as if he’d read her thoughts. 
She was tempted to answer with a mouthful of food, but good breeding won out and she swallowed first. “I liked it,” she said, hoping that the intentional lack of details would shut him down.
A smile appeared on his face. “Of course, I’m glad that things took a turn for the worse. You’re better off back here where you belong. Hollywood’s got a long way to go when it comes to morals.”
“Who said it took a turn for the worse?” She set down her fork. 
“Oh.” He exchanged a knowing smile with Lena. “Mrs. Foster told me all about it. You came back in a dreadful state. You must have seen what it was really like. The papers are filled with it, you know. All those dreadful divorces and affairs and deaths. I was reading just yesterday about an explosion in a Russian cafe in Hollywood. They say it was an attack on the stars who go there. Charlie Chaplin was there. Of course, everyone knows about him. An adulterer of the first degree. It’s no place for a Catholic girl, Hollywood.”
“Well I danced with him at a party once,” she said, without a second thought. “No, twice. He was a perfect gentleman.”
The conversation screeched to a standstill and she felt more satisfied than she had in weeks. The only sound to hear was the scrape of forks against china. She gave a polite smile at Harold, who was staring at her like a chicken that had been clubbed over the head. 
“You danced with Charlie Chaplin?” Ruthie said, leaning past Gerald to give her an incredulous look. 
“Yes,” she said, taking a bite of ham. 
Harold cleared his throat. “I was simply meaning to say that it’s not a safe place for a respectable woman. I’m sure we see eye to eye on that.”
She smiled and swallowed her food. She was enjoying herself at last. “Who said I’m a respectable woman?” 
Harold gaped. Lena spluttered, “Now really, Nelly!”
“I just think that if Harold intends to court me, if he’s to know certain details of my life, he ought to have the full facts.” She widened her eyes innocently and glanced at everyone at the table to see their reactions. Lena was telling her with an expression only mothers seemed to possess not to say another damned word. William was engrossed in his food and showed no intention of intervening. 
Eddie poked Ruthie in the arm. “What’s a ‘spectacle woman, Mama?”
Ruthie brushed his hand away. “I’ll tell you later, darling.” Contrary to what Nelly expected, her sister didn’t look mortified but intrigued. 
“Come now, I know you don’t mean that,” said Harold, smiling as he regained himself. “You don’t have to try to be shocking simply because you’ve been in Hollywood for a year. I wasn’t implying that you had fallen into vices. Not at all! Your mother told me it was a failed romance. Unfortunately, men without morals—”
A sudden ringing in Nelly’s ears blotted out all other sounds. For a dreadful moment, she was afraid she might swoon. The audacity of her mother to tell Harold anything about her personal business, especially when it came to her love life! When it came to her downfall! Feeling her face grow hot but her courage grow hotter, she composed her face and said quite evenly and serenely, “I’m afraid I must disabuse you of the ideas you’ve gotten about me. You see, I was the one without morals. I knew Joseph was married. I thought it would be better in the end if I came back here and found a respectable man like you.”
William made a choking noise that could have been a cough or a laugh.
“Nelly!” said Lena. Her face was beet red. 
Nelly smiled and pushed her chair away from the table. Without looking at Harold’s reaction, she scooped Eddie out of his chair and said, “Come on, I’ll buy you ice cream and teach you about spectacled women.”
“Me too, me too!” June slid feet first out of her chair and crawled out from beneath the table. 
Neither child had finished their dinners and Nelly knew she’d be in trouble with Ruthie, but unlike them she was a big girl and could do as she pleased. She took their hands and walked them out the door, telling them to keep their voices down so they wouldn’t disturb Violet, who was sleeping in the parlor in her white wicker basket. They walked the fifteen minutes to Clark Street and enjoyed vanilla ice cream cones while watching the cars drive by. By the time they returned over an hour later, Harold was gone and William informed her that Lena had gone to bed early with a savage headache. Nelly thought she saw a twinkle in his eye. Her walk back with the Henningers to their house was quiet, save for the children’s chatter. She figured she was in for a fiery lecture from Ruthie, but she didn’t care.
Violet sounded colicky again and Ruthie busied herself trying to comfort her, so Nelly put June and Eddie to bed, reading them another half chapter of Winnie-the-Pooh until they fell asleep. She brushed her teeth and hair after she left the children, then retired to her room across the hall.  There were seven bedrooms total in the house, which had been built in 1880 by the illustrious Latimers. The patriarch had died in 1924 and Ruthie and Gerald became the house’s second owners. Her bedroom had originally been meant for Eddie, but Ruthie found he wouldn’t sleep unless June was nearby so his bed had been moved into her room.. 
She got into her nightgown and got into bed and put These Old Shades by Georgette Heyer in her lap. Her mind wandered from the words to dinner and her victory over Harold. She knew that her mother thought she’d gone out of her mind. She didn’t know what her father or Gerald or Ruthie thought. She could picture Gerald pulling her aside at some quiet moment after he returned from work tomorrow and making her promise to set a better example for the children.
She didn’t have to wonder for very long what Ruthie thought. There was a knock on her door.
“Come in?” she said. 
Ruthie closed the door behind her quietly. “I finally got Violet down.” She looked tired and Nelly, pitying her, felt a sudden conviction that returning to Evanston had been the right decision. Ruthie folded herself onto the foot of the bed as she had sometimes done when she and Nelly had just turned teenagers, before they’d drifted apart. “You were just saying that to shock Mother, right?” she said.
Nelly closed the book and set it on her bedside table. She drew her knees up. “Which part?”
“About having an affair with a married man.”
Nelly thought about it for the briefest of seconds. She could laugh it off and lie. Pity for Ruthie prodded her toward the truth. “No,” she said. “He was married.”
Her sister raised an eyebrow. Rather than offer an opinion, however, she said, “Was he in pictures?”
This time, Nelly went for a half-truth. “Just an extra. Like me.”
“And you loved him?”
“Yes.” She’d never said it out loud.
Ruthie twirled her wedding ring. “Did you really dance with Charlie Chaplin?”
She smiled at the memory. “I did.”
“I went to a couple parties where all the big stars were,” she said, choosing her words carefully. “There was this small man, English. His eyes were very blue. He had wavy hair. I thought he was handsome. He asked me to dance and I hadn’t the slightest idea who he was. He made me guess. I couldn’t believe he was Charlie Chaplin. I always thought the Little Tramp had brown eyes.”
Ruthie shook her head in disbelief. Nelly had known for years that Ruthie was the prettier sister. She had the slim, almost angular figure so many women desired. Her hair was fashionably bobbed. Tonight, though, she looked ten years Nelly’s senior. The area under her lower eyelids was discolored. She was too thin and the bones of her chest were visible at her neckline in the dim light. Nelly’s pity deepened.
“What made it end?” said Ruthie. 
“What made what end?”
“Your affair, silly.”
“Oh.” The choice hovered again, the lie or the truth. Nelly lowered her eyes. “His wife and sisters-in-law found out.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me any of this?”
She raised her eyes to her sister’s. “Well, you were so busy with your own life. The children and the house. I thought you’d disapprove.” She knew now from Ruthie’s tone that her assumption hadn’t been true. 
“I’m your sister.” Ruthie wrapped her arms around her knees and the shadows changed. Nelly could almost believe she was fifteen now and not the thirty-five she looked just moments earlier. 
“I thought you didn’t approve of Hollywood and being an actress,” she said lamely. 
“For someone like me, maybe. Not for you.”
“Oh.” She couldn’t think of how to respond. 
“Of course, you know I did worry a little,” she said, hesitating. “Everyone’s heard the stories about what girls must do to get ahead. And I remember Fatty Arbuckle. What he did to that girl.”
“Oh, but that didn’t happen. Not in the way they said. She was sick before she went to his party,” Nelly said. “He never hurt her. It was just a horrid rumor.”
Ruthie looked at her strangely. “How do you know?”
She realized she was speaking with Buster’s conviction when he’d told her about Roscoe’s fall from grace. “I had a—friend. Who was friends with him. He said he wouldn’t hurt a fly. It just wasn’t like him to do that sort of thing.” She flushed.
“When you came back …” said Ruthie. She rested her chin on her knees and didn’t go on.
“What?” she said. 
“I was afraid something had happened. That you’d been taken advantage of by a director or maybe, I don’t know. You hear such dreadful stories about the things that go on.”
“Goodness no,” she said, a little stunned. “Perhaps that does go on, but I never made it anywhere near that far, far enough to find out. I didn’t get to find out. I was just an extra in two films. Most of the time I handled the props or helped with scenery.”
“You went to parties with the stars, though,” Ruthie said. “How did you …?”
“Joseph had connections,” she lied. “But I asked him from the beginning not to do me any favors. I wanted to see if I could make it on my own. You can see how that turned out.” She gave a short laugh. “I guess it all serves me right and you think I’m wicked, going with a fellow who’s married.”
Ruthie shrugged, her expression inscrutable. 
“I’m sorry I made a scene with Harold tonight. I shouldn’t have dragged the children into it. I imagine Mother won’t be on speaking terms with me for weeks.”
That made Ruthie laugh. “Harold had that coming for years! Mother, too. Every time I’d see her when you were away it was, ‘Harold this, Harold that,’ Nelly needing to get married and settling down. I tried telling her he wasn’t for you and that you’re not the marrying kind, but she never listens. Father and I both howled about it after she went up to her room.”
Nelly was gratified to hear that Ruthie and her father were on her side. The comment about marriage niggled her, though. She took a deep breath and sighed. “I don’t know that I’m not the marrying kind, I just haven’t found the right man yet. It’s what I told Bus—” She caught herself. “One of the fellows I was friends with out there. Someday, maybe.” She stretched out her legs beneath the covers; they were getting sore. 
“Don’t rush into it,” said Ruthie, pinching Nelly’s big toe. “It isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. They stick you with the babies while they go out and have all the fun. They don’t have to give anything up. Not one damn thing.” 
Taking in the bones of her sister’s chest, the circles beneath her eyes, Nelly knew what she meant. “I’m sorry.”
“I wish I’d done some of that before I married Ger. Sown my wild oats. Was he handsome, Joseph?” Ruthie said wistfully.
She swallowed. She didn’t want to think about Buster more. “Very,” she said, hoping Ruthie wouldn’t press her.
“What’d he look like?”
She could pull one of her old issues of Photoplay from the closet. He’d be there somewhere in the pages, looking grave and elegant, his big eyes not telling what he was thinking. Those sober portraits weren’t the real Buster. They wouldn’t show Ruthie his beautiful smile and straight white teeth or the way his eyebrows crept up in the center when he belly-laughed. “Some other time,” she said, feeling her throat tighten. She looked down at her hands, and her eyes and nose stung as tears threatened to come. “You really did care for him,” said Ruthie sympathetically. She pressed Nelly’s foot. 
She nodded, blinking the tears away.
“I need to get some sleep before Violet wakes up again.” The bed lifted as Ruthie slid off of it. She surprised Nelly by kissing her forehead. “Things will get better.”
Nelly squeezed her sister’s hand. “They’re sure to now that Harold’s out of the picture.” They laughed, and somehow she felt better than she had since leaving California. Notes: Not much to say about this chapter, except I’m enjoying writing about Nelly and her family. Here’s the source for the image: https://twitter.com/otma_1917/status/1015264798647508992
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chokememcgrath · 4 years
'Eat Me Up Like Apple Pie.'
Pairing • Lena Luthor x Reader
Warnings / Notes • NSFW, office sex, slight dom/sub dynamics, DIRTY TALK . This is the first Lena story I've written so!!! Let me know if you want more and my requests are always open 💕💞
Words • 2,210
Tag List • @ahs-honey (I love you🥺)
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"What do you keep looking at?" The dark brunette CEO tilts her head to the side as she watches you on the other side of your desk.
A dark and prominent blush fills your face and gods you wished you could hide it from those icy blue-green eyes. You hadn't even realized you were staring at her hands for that long. You both were talking about CatCo and how well it was going financially and then the perfectly manicured fingers slid across the white pristine desk to the keyboard and that was it. You were transfixed. "Huh?"
Lena chuckles then, and it's dark and sultry and it has such a flirtatious tilt that you were sure you were either going to die or completely ruin the chair you were in. "I said what are you looking at?"
"Oh! Oh I um," You nibble your bottom lip as you try to think of an answer, an excuse, anything at this point to get the woman to stop looking at you like that. "I was just checking out the pen you had, the new one." You nod then, and you were so sure of yourself.
Lena raises her left eyebrow and she smirks then, she didn't even have any pens on top of the desk. She didn't even have papers on it. She relied on her iPad and her computer for paperwork and documents of every kind. "My pen?"
"Yes Ms. Luthor, " You nod once more, "I really like it, red is my favorite color."
Lena licks her lips then and she slides her rolling office chair back so she could stand. "A red pen you say?" The CEO walks around the desk, she then looks down at her nails and her smirk deepens. Her nails were painted red. Interesting.
Your body temperature started to rise as soon as the woman stood up from her seat. Oh god, she looked so good today too, she always did. But today she was wearing a suit and they always made you weak at the knees. The black form-fitting three-piece suit just seemed to enhance Lena's power. And it was so hot.
"I have no pens darling," Lena stands in front of you then and she leans back onto her desk, "So what were you really looking at?"
You stammer for a second as you look up at her, she was so close you could smell the perfume she wore. "I... Well, I..." You lick your lips. "I was looking at..." Your eyes move down from her face and they stop at the woman's hands again. Her arms crossed so delicately.
"Oh, I see" Lena hums then, "my hands?" She holds one out and checks the back as if she was looking at her nail polish. "Are you interested in them?"
You gasp and your eyes snap up to meet the brunettes, you were ready to deny it but there was no use. Lena knew, and her face showed it. "I apologize, Ms. Luthor, I know I should've been focused on the meeting."
"Oh, I'm not worried about the meeting dear," Lena takes her heeled foot and she slides it up from your ankle to your calf. "We can always talk about the budget another day because I think someone was super preoccupied with other thoughts, don't you think?"
You look down a bit in shame and you nod, all the while your heart raced at the feeling of Lena's heel sliding up your leg. "Yes, Ms. Luthor," You look up from under your eyelashes and you bite the corner of your bottom lip as your mind works a mile a minute. "Well, maybe i can make it up to you?" A smile fills your face then and you look at her excitedly. "If you want that of course."
"That depends, what do you have in mind sweet girl?" Lena places her palms down behind her on the desk, looking down at you with slightly darkened eyes.
You deliberately let your gaze drop to her slacks and you clear your dry throat. "Can I touch you?" The question leaves your soft lips before you even thought it through.
"Yes." Lena's answer is breathy and you could see a tremble in her covered thighs, it was like a switch was flipped. It was if now that she knew for sure that you were interested in her, you could take control at the moment and it made your center throb.
"Thank you," You lick your lips and you stand, your eyes now locking directly with the CEO's. You lift Lena up onto the white porcelain and your fingers glide up to her hips. You could see how dilated her pupils became the more you touched her, and you could feel the womans stuttered breath against your face.
Lena couldn't even believe this was happening, she had a crush on you sure, but no one ever wanted a Luthor. She had decided weeks ago that she would just allow the feelings to pass, she would push the want she had for you deep into that little box inside herself so she would be able to stay professional. It didn't matter that she touched herself every night thinking about you, god she hoped this wasn't just a dream.
"Are you sure about this Lena?" Your gentle hands find the Gucci belt and your nimble fingers play with it as you wait for an answer.
Lena gasps and as she stares into your eyes she nods softly, careful not to break contact. You have never said her first name before, ever and she could feel her panties dampen from it. "Please."
A moan leaves your lungs and you unlatch the belt, leaving it in the loops of the pants you simply unbutton the black material and make quick work with the zipper. "I can't wait to explore you, Lena," Your voice is deeper, huskier, and you couldn't even stop it. "I've been dreaming about this for so so long."
Just as you allow your fingers to slide across lace panties Lena's eyes roll back and loud moan echoes off the office walls.
"Oh, baby..." You give her a small pout and you move a bit so your fingers were under the panties instead. Collecting the hot juices that were steadily flowing from the woman's center. "You're so wet, soaked even, is that for me? Hm?" Your middle finger circles the brunette's clit and the woman's hips jump.
"Yes!" She bites her bottom lip and she nods rapidly, looking into your eyes once more. Lena's eyes were pitch black now, the light blue-green you were used to was gone. "It's yours, all yours I promise." Whimpers and whines leave the brunette's lips as your fingers explore her entrance and she tries her hardest not to lose eye contact.
"Mmm good," You take your fingers out of her panties and a smirk fills your features when she whines at the loss of touch. "Patience." You kiss her cheek, and then her jaw before you pull her slacks and panties down to her knees. Allowing her to sit on her desk bare.
Lena watches you carefully and she clears her throat a bit. "What are you doing?"
You kiss her neck, sucking the spot right beside her birthmark "You said I can make it up to you, so that's what I'm going to do Ms. Luthor"
Lena moans when you say her last name but as soon as you kneel she thought she was going to come right then. You were going to eat her, oh my god you were going to eat her out. You were going to taste her. Fuck.
You kiss the inside of her right thigh and your heart skips a beat as you feel it quiver under your lips. How was it that you could make this woman vulnerable like this? It felt euphoric. The closer to her pussy you got, the faster Lena's breathing got. Her chest rising and falling in a quick and shaky manner. Gods she was so hot, you weren't sure you were going to survive this. "Lena." You whisper and your breath brushes against the brunettes center, her hips jump again.
"Mhm? Yes?"
"Keep looking in my eyes okay? I want you to see who's doing this to you." It sounded like a request, a mere question, but Lena knew you really wanted it. So the woman nodded and she licks her lips.
"I will I promise." She whispered and she raises her ass up off of the desk a little to try to bring your mouth closer.
You push her hips down with your hands and you cover her core with your mouth, moaning deeply as you sweep your tongue through the brunettes folds. You were right, she was sweet.
Lena reaches down with her right hand and she grips your hair in a fist. Keeping you there, "Yes, god you feel so good, please? Fuck, please, just... Please?" She blinks a few times to try to clear her mind so she could focus but then your tongue brushes against her clit and it would turn cloudy again.
You had never heard Lena curse before, it was like you removed every single filter the woman had, her body was slouched over and she was looking at you like you were everything. You moan once more but this time you were right on her sensitive clit and Lena's thighs squeeze together around your head.
"Fuck!" She leans back onto her shakey left elbow. Her leg sliding up your side until she could dig her red stiletto into your back.
You moan again, feeling the sharp end of her heel in your back and seeing the usually kept together woman become unraveled was something you would never forget. You wanted to draw this out, you wanted this to last forever but Lena was clenching and fluttering against your tongue and you knew she needed to come soon.
"Mmm." You pull back for a second but you flick your index finger over her clit as you spoke so the woman's orgasm would continue to rise. "Do you want to come? Do you want to soak my face, Lena?"
She nods rapidly and she bites her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. Pulling your hair a little harder. "Make me come," She husks, her voice scratchy and oh so deep. "Make it yours, make me yours."
"Yes ma'am." You move your finger and cover her with your mouth once again. Using your tongue to rapidly cross over her clit until she was a trembling mess.
"I'm close, I'm going to come." The brunette warns before she grabs a new fistful of your hair, tugging harshly so she could stay grounded.
You nod and the look in your eyes tells her that it's okay, you collect the new arousal from the woman's entrance with a pleased hum before you suck the woman's sensitive nub hard.
Lena's lungs empty completely as she squeals and her left arm gives out as she is brought to her climax, her back arches and her head tilts back as she feels the overwhelming ecstasy wash over her body.
You moan softly as you help the woman down from her intense high, cleaning her up slowly and lazily. Your fingers slide up and down her thighs as you kiss around her core and her hips.
"Come here." Lena rasps out and she stares at her office ceiling, laying on the desk as she catches her breath.
You lick your lips and you nod, loving the way that you could still taste her. "Okay," you get up off of your knees and you pull up the woman's pants and panties in care. Buckling her belt before you lean over to smile at her. "Yes?"
Lena looks up at you in awe and she swallows thickly. You took care of her, you didn't just take what you wanted and go. You stayed behind. You dressed her. This wasn't just a one-time thing for you, she felt it in her heart "Do you want to have dinner tonight?"
"Yes of course I do! But... But first, I need something."
Of course. Of course, you did. Lena was fooled once again, she fights her eyes from watering and she swallows the pins and needles in her throat. She was a Luthor, and you knew it, she could get you anything in the world. "What is it?"
"A kiss." You whisper with a blush.
Oh. Lena blushed darkly and she looks over at the wall before chuckling. Of course, you were too sweet for your own good. "Yes my darling you can have a kiss." she turns to look at you again before she grabs your shirt and yanks you down into an earth-shattering kiss.
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fernwehbookworm · 4 years
Woke The F*ck Up- Chapter 23
April 26th, 2018
Instead of flying back to London, Lena books her and Kara first class tickets back to National City. Kara was probably the best distraction Lena could have right now. They were able to settle in the large chairs and have breakfast while everyone else was boarding. Kara quested a movie on their private viewing screens. Kara was shocked to learn Lena had never seen Fight Club. Kara excitedly started explaining the plot and then quoting lines along with the actors. About halfway through Lena leans over and whispers in the ear that Kara doesn't have the earbud in.
“Is this even realistic? I mean, who would start something like that? And then it just spirals into crazier and crazier things.”
Kara shifts slightly in her seat before clearing her throat. Nervously, she rubs her hand on her jeans and makes a face. Lena watches her fidget and raises an eyebrow at her and that seems to make Kara settle.
“I actually, may have, slightly, joined a Fight Club-like thing.” Kara says softly, not to be overheard by the wandering flight attendants or the other passengers.
“You what?!” Lena says a little too loudly, causing heads to turn.
“You what?” She whispers harshly.
“I...I was in a pretty dark place, Lee. I mean I know you didn’t cope with the break up well, and you know I started drinking. It was just something stupid I did. Most of the money I didn’t need for bills went to charities.” Kara pleads with Lena to understand. Lena sits there and stares blankly at the movie.
“You, the vigilante superhero, went to underground fight clubs, for money,” Lena says slowly. Kara bites her lip and nods.
“Wow… I mean… wow. I don’t really know what to say. That’s… wow. Were you good? I mean of course, you were good. I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do with this information.” Lena sits back in her sit and furrows her brow. Kara chuckles softly.
“I was very good. Undefeated, in fact. But Alex found out and flipped, then she dragged me to therapy and I never went back.”
“Aren’t you afraid of repercussions. I mean those things are like really illegal. The people who run them don’t like people just walking away.”
“Nah, I was careful. I always wore a mask. Not the Powergirl one. This one covered the lower half of my face like a ski mask.” Kara pops some more cashews in her mouth, relieved to get that off her chest.
“I never got jokes about airplane food. I mean I guess I never had it before you but this is great!” Kara pops some cut fruit in her mouth and hums contentedly.
“Darling, it’s first class. Of course, the food is good. Are we really just blowing past the illegal fight club?”
“There’s really not much else to say. I mean I did it, won a lot, then I quit. Did you need to talk about it more? Sorry, that wasn’t supposed to sound sarcastic. Really, if you need to talk about it more then please let me know. I just promised I wouldn’t keep secrets anymore so I thought you should know.”
“No, you’re right. I guess there really isn’t anything to talk about. It was just a shock I guess. And you’re sure no one will know?” “I’m positive.” Kara settles back in her seat to watch the end of her movie. Lena just stares blankly as she processes this new information. Somehow it all made sense in all the crazy that had become Lena’s life. Lena flags down the flight attendant for a whiskey and a pen and paper. She had to clear her head in the best way she knew how.
Once back on the ground it was easy for the pair to grab their carry-ons and Lena to rent a car. In no time they were at the nearest five-star hotel and Lena was checking in under an assumed name. Kara immediately crashes on the couch, complaining of jet lag, and Lena gathers some stuff to take a shower. By the time she finishes, Kara is snoring softly on the couch. Lena smiles softly at the sight before grabbing an extra blanket from the closet and draping it over Kara. The bed calls her away from the peaceful sight as her eyelids grow heavy.
The next thing Lena is aware of is Kara gently shaking her shoulder. She’s still dressed in the clothes from the day before. Lena peers at the alarm clock on the nightstand and groans as it reads four-fifteen.
“Hey, Lee. I’m going to take a Lift to the gym, I have to teach a class. Also, there is a tournament tonight that I have to finish getting ready. Just text me later.” Kara whispers softly. Lena can barely register the words but nods and grunts. She’s already falling back asleep when she thinks she feels Kara’s lips pressed to her forehead but she can’t even be sure or react before she’s deeply buried into sleep again.
Lena doesn't rouse until nearly eleven. Her new assistant had sent a personal shopper out to get Lena clothes for her and her impromptu trip after Lena had asked Eve to book the tickets. The sharp knocking woke her and she stumbled to the door to let the preppy blonde in. She dropped the arm full of bags while Lena went to grab cash to tip her.
“Is there workout clothes in there?” Lena asks.
“Yes, Miss Luthor. Miss Tessmacher mentioned that you have been frequenting The Power House when in National City.”
“Perfect. Thank you…”
“Haley” The woman supplies.
“Thank you, Haley. I’ll let you know if I need anything else.”
“Anything Miss Luthor. I am a huge fan.” Lena smiles and nods as she goes through her normal reactions to those statements.
“Thank you. Oh, but Haley, please don’t tell anyone I’m here.”
“Of course Miss Luthor, we all sign non-disclosures due to who we shop for.”
“Good to know.” Lena waits and her eyes flick from Haley to the door and back.
“Oh, right. Yes. Goodbye Miss Luthor. Let me know if you need anything.”
Haley disappears back out the door and Lena begins to sort through the clothing. Lena made a mental note to send another tip to the girl because she did a wonderful job. Lena sends a text off to Kara that she’s up and then begins to get dressed. She receives an enthusiastic reply to come to the gym when she's ready. Lena just laughs and shakes her head at the absurd amount of emojis, and how much she missed seeing them on her screen.
In twenty-five minutes Lena is walking in the front door to the Power House and it is chaos. Very few people are actually working out. Most stand in groups talking and laughing. It looks like the crowd is spilling out from The Box. Through the doors, Lena can glimpse a boxing ring set up.
“Hey Miss Luthor,” the girl at the desk says. Lena recognizes her from last time.
“Hi, Taylor. Where’s Kara?”
“I went ahead and checked you in and Coach K is through all that trying to get the tournament started. Good Luck.” Taylor waves Lena through the crowd and Lena groans. Taylor just laughs and then helps the next person check in.
Lena struggles through the growing crowd of hot, sweating bodies to reach The Box. It takes a good five minutes to reach the door and another five to reach Kara. She stands on a raised platform with a table and a giant bracket behind her, concentrating hard and sending her employees scattering to one task or another. Lena smiles as she watches Kara just be in her element. She also feels slightly aroused at the way Kara commands the chaos around her. Bright blue eyes lock on Lena and it steals her breath away. Then Kara smiles and Lena’s feet carry her forward.
“This is insane!” Lena yells over the chatter.
“Yeah! But it’s great! We hit our fundraising goal an hour ago and we haven't even started yet.” Kara shouts back.
“That’s great! But what is all this for? You never told me?”
“Oh, right!” Kara hops off the platform to stand next to Lena instead of leaning over her. Kara stands closer than normal so she doesn't have to shout but it makes Lena’s breathing a little shallow.
“This is an Ameture fighting tournament. We are raising money for a scholarship to send a student in need to college, full ride, to Nation City University. Winner still gets five-thousand dollars. We already made enough for the yet-to-be-determined student’s first year. That was the goal and now we have a head start on the second year. Tomorrow the applications open up and Winn and I will be working with a couple of admissions officers to sort through them.”
“Wow Kara, that is amazing!”
“I know, I am so pumped. The winner also gets a chance to fight me At the end. But now, I need to get things started. You can go sit with Winn if you want or in the bleachers. If your hungry there are concessions being sold in that corner. Enjoy the show.” Maybe it was adrenaline, or a lapse in judgment, or something, but Kara kissed Lena on the cheek before disappearing into the crowd and climbing into the ring, pulling a mic from her back pocket and turning it on. Lena is frozen in shock and she gets light headed as she forgets to breathe.
“Lena! Come on, have a seat. It’s one of the best in the house.” Winn calls to her from where he reclines in his own seat. Lena swallows hard and nods.
“Actually, I’m going to go grab a hat from Kara’s office. I’ll be right back.”  Lena weaves her way back through the crowd, Listening as Kara begins her announcements.
“Welcome Ladies and Gentleman and Everyone in between!” A loud roar makes Kara pause. Lena slips into the office and grabs one of the Power House ball caps Kara keeps in there and makes her way back after pulling it snug over her head.
“I would like to personally welcome you all to the Power House!” Another roar.
“Before I get us started, I want you to all know, we have reached this year's goal but please do not stop you from donating! We are want to continue to build this scholarship up!” Stamping feet join the cacophony of noise. Lena jumps up next to Winn on the scoreboard platform.
“Now, without further ado, our first match up! Okay, I’m sorry, a little further ado, just for the general public knowledge. There are no Men’s and Women’s categories today. Points are based on form and execution, not hits. Not knockouts. This is an educational gym and these are first time fighters. So please take it, easy folks, this is a charity event. Now our first fighters. Jumpin’ Judy in the red corner is squaring up against Slammin’ Sara in the blue. Let’s make some noise!” Kara grins so wide Lena thinks it must hurt. Kara leaves the ring and the referee takes her place and the two women take their corners. Kara takes a seat next to Lena.
“Don’t you have to judge or whatever?” Lena asks.
“Nah, see over there,” Kara points to a table on the other side of the room that Lena had missed, “Those are my four of my coaches. They are doing the scoring. I get too invested sometimes. Best if I don’t judge.”
The bell dings and cuts off any further conversation. Lena watches as Kara is immediately absorbed into the fight. Lena watches as her eyes focus intently and she sits forward. Kara is in her element. After one particular hit Kara turns to Len to share her excitement and sees the raven-haired woman staring at her.
“Nothing,” Lena shakes her head. “I just don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. The more I learn about you the more I realize how shallow our relationship was.” Kara’s expression softens.
“We just had limitations before, that’s all. It’s like one of those Zero Entry pools. We walked in but didn’t get much past our knees before the whistle was blown for a break. Now we have a chance to actually go swimming when we’re ready.”
“Right. When We are ready.” Lena confirms, a cheer erupts and Kara refocuses on the match.
The rest of the day is filled with Kara cheering for both sides of every match, the noise becomes a constant buzz as Lena listens to Kara’s sideline coaching. Lena cheers with the crowd and makes idle chatter with Winn as Kara is constantly out of her seat to put out one fire or another.
“All right, this is the last match. Then I fight the winner. I need to go change but sit tight.” Kara bounces back over in giddy excitement that makes Lena smile.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Lena says in a voice just the right side of sultry. Kara blushes and nods before bouncing away again.
“So, when is the elephant in the room going to be addressed?” Winn asks.
“It’s been addressed, but we are just leaving it there for now. We are taking it slow this time.” The bell rings and the final match begins. Somehow the room grows even louder. All of it is hard to follow for Lena. Punches fly and most land in one shade or another. Both the competitors are on their fourth match and the weariness shows. Blocks are sluggish and the footwork looks less sure. But that is just the big stuff that Lena has picked up from hearing Kara talk all day. At the end of the three minutes, the bell rings and the final score is tallied. The judges tell the referee and Kara arrives back on stage, changed into an outfit similar to the one she wore in the first fight Lena watched. Lena’s breath catches at the sight of those abs and the pure confidence oozing off of her. Lena tries to subtly cross her legs to ease the feeling shooting through her. The ref holds up the hand of winner, a small but fierce woman named Addison. Kara had told Lena earlier that she was on the police force but loved coming here. Kara took ten percent off her membership every month, she did the same for the rest of the firemen and police who came here to work out.
“Congratulations Addison! You are today’s champion. Now, you can walk away now, or, take a thirty-minute break and take on me! If you get just one successful hit, you and a person of your choosing get a free year-long membership. What do you say?” Kara holds a hand out to Addison for her to shake, the woman takes it.
“You’re on Coach K.,” she says a little out of breath.
Lena resigns herself to at least another forty-five minutes sitting in a plastic chair, but then Kara is in front of her and pulls her away from the platform and Lena quickly forgets the small annoyance of discomfort. Kara laces her fingers in Lena’s and pulls her through the crowd and into her office.
“What are we doing?” Lena laughs.
“I need to warm up, and if I know you at all, you need some quiet.” Kara opens her secret entrance and descends down.
“Kara I’m fine. I am used to loud venues, you know.” Lena laughs but follows anyway.
“Yes, but then you like to hide in your dressing room until the ringing in your ears fades.”
Lena doesn't have a comeback for that. Except that it used to be accompanied by drinking and maybe something more to take the edge off. Instead this time she settles for grabbing water from Kara’s fridge and sitting at Winn’s central command and watching Kara. She starts with a series of stretching, reminding Lena just how flexible the Maiden of Might is. Kara seems oblivious to what she is doing to Lena and engages her in idle conversation.  
“So I was thinking we could go get dinner after this, maybe a movie. Something quite. I mean, I’m a social person but this has been a lot today. I just need to relax.”
“Um, yeah. Sure. Or order in and just watch a movie at my hotel? We can get that Chinese place you love and extra pot stickers.” Kara started to jog around the room.
“Sounds perfect.” Kara starts short sprints bending and touching each line of the five evenly spaced out on one side of the room before sprinting back to the first.
“Is this even a fair fight? I mean you are a professional.” Kara drops to do push-ups, sweat starting to bead on her skin. Lena takes a long drink of water.
“Hey, I’m not heartless, she’ll get her free membership. But it’s good publicity for the gym.” Kara grabs a jump rope and begins a fast-paced rhythm. Lena averts her eyes, this was doing nothing for the rational part of her brain saying to take things slow this time. Luckily, Kara hangs up the rope as Lena finishes the water.
“Ready?” Kara asks.
“Uh, yeah. If you are.”
“I was born Ready,” Kara says with a wink before gesturing for Lena to go back up the stairs.
Some of the crowd has dissipated but it’s still very crowded. People still make way for Kara as she approaches the ring. Lena resumes her perch next to Winn and Kara takes the mic into the ring.
“All right everybody! This is it! I encourage you to record this and share it with friends. This May be Atomic Addy’s debut fight! Here she is, the Winner of the First Annual Power House Power Racket! Atomic Addy!” The woman hops up next to Kara, still slightly flushed but mostly recovered from her previous fight.
Kara hands the mic off to one of her judges and shakes Addison’s hand before the separate to their corners. The referee counts them down before the bell rings.
Addison is wary of Kara, slowly shuffling forwards with her arms in a guard like Kara had taught her. Kara bounces from foot to foot and looks like she’s just talking to Addison, encouraging her, coaching her. But Lena can’t hear through the noise of the crowd. She does see phones held up as people record.
Addison throws one punch that Kara dodges with ease.  Kara says something and Addison squares her shoulders more.
Addison begins a quick series of punches, not going for power anymore, just a quick tap. Kara must have reminded her that she doesn't have to go for a knockout, just one hit. Kara dodges most and deflects the last. Kara takes a slow swing at the other woman’s head and she ducks it. Addison sends an uppercut towards Kara’s stomach but Kara jumps back enough to avoid it. The two women square off again. Kara says one more thing and Addison nods her head in confirmation of something. Lena thinks Kara says something like ‘Give it everything,’ but she can’t be sure. At least until Addison begins firing punch after punch at Kara, each faster than the last, Kara managing to block every one, until a block glances off her hand and hits her shoulder, spinning Kara away and too off balance to block the punch already following to hit her ribs. Kara is quick to recover, hardly phased by the impact, but both fighters still. It’s over. Addison stands painting, hands still up in a guard. Kara drops hers with a laugh and holds out a hand to shake. Addison grins and shakes it to the cheers of the room. As soon as the cheering stops the adrenaline of the day seems to fade and Lena is exhausted. She gets Kara’s attention and points to her office. Kara nods and Lena retreats there. She collapses in Kara’s leather rolling chair and sighs into the quiet.
After a few minutes, she calls the Chinese restaurant so that hopefully it won’t take it too long to get there after they leave, but she left instructions to leave it with the front desk just in case. After another ten minutes, Kara peeks in with a small smile, changed into sweats.
“Ready?” Kara asks.
“Yes, food is ordered.”
“Good, ride is out front.” Kara tosses Lena a helmet, which she just barely manages to catch.
“Don’t you have to clean up?” Lena asks, replacing her hat with the helmet.
“Nah, I promised Scott, Zach, Valerie, and Susan overtime pay to do the cleanup and next Friday off.”
“Oooo, look at you. Delegating like a champ.”
“Hey, I can afford it now. Which is something I don’t think I ever thought possible but between the gym and my art I can pay time and a half to my employees to clean up. And I can go eat food and hang out with my… friend.” Kara hesitates on the term but Lena decides to let it go. For now.
“Sounds great. I’m proud of how far you’ve come, even if you are still basically homeless.” Lena teases.
“Hey! I like it down there, and it is very convenient.” Kara holds the door open for Lena.
“I’m sure it is.” Lena lets Kara get on the bike then climbs on behind her.
“I hear the sarcasm but I’m ignoring it. I have potstickers on my mind.”
“Potstickers? I thought you said Kale.” Lena teases and Kara gasps.
“Don’t tease me, Lena. You ordered potstickers, right? Right?!” Lena just shrugs at Kara’s pleading.
“Maybe, maybe not. You’ll just have to see when we get there.”
“You better hold on then.”
Kara flicks down her visor and kicks the bike into gear. Lena squeals and tightens her arms around Kara’s center. She feels Kara chuckle as she weaves through the traffic.
“Yes, ma’am. I am sure. That is Andromeda. The fighting style matches the little footage we still have of her. Plus Kara Danvers has the background to do it.”
“Excellent. Miss Danvers needs to be taught a lesson. No one just walks away from my fight club.” Roulette sneers. Either the fighters left too broken to continue or moved up in her service. Personal bodyguards, hired hitman, escorts, and the like. Andromeda just disappearing after the amount of money she had taken was like spitting on Roulette's pride. It would not be tolerated.
“Find out where she lives, find out her routine. She will not be easy. Make sure all my best men are available for this.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The man nods his head and exits the room. Roulette settles in her padded chair in the dark back room of the fight club. Everything has to go perfect. Andromeda must be taken by surprise.
April 27th, 2018
Alex was nervous. Her palms were sweating and her stomach was fluttering. Her mouth was dry and she was very aware of her tongue and how it didn’t seem to quite fit between her teeth. She couldn’t believe the text message she received this morning. She paced for about half an hour thinking about how to respond and after responding she went for a very long run just to do something. The day had seemed to stretch out before her like an endless maw until just this moment as she stared at the handle of the bar door. Now the day seemed to collapse in on itself and shrink to the small point of the threshold.
Sam waited on the other side of that door. The woman Alex had a major crush on and hadn’t seen since Lena’s rescue. They did live on different continents and all. But they had texted and called their conversations always edged on the flirty side of suggestive. Well they had slept together once too. And that may be the problem. Alex knew what lay hidden under Sam’s expensive clothes. She had spent hours mapping out her skin with kisses and tracing patterns in a trail of goosebumps. Because Alex knew what that was like she couldn’t stop thinking about it. And she couldn’t stop thinking about why Sam was suddenly in National City.
With a deep breath, Alex squares her shoulders and runs a hand through her hair. She tucks her helmet under her arm and opens the door. Alex scans the room for the woman she came here to meet and finds her in a back corner booth, sipping red wine. As if feeling Alex’s eyes on her, Sam looks up. When their eyes lock, Alex’s breath catches. Then Sam’s lips curl softly in a small smile and Alex is gliding across the room to sit across from her.
“Hello, Alex,” Sam says as she slides into the booth.
“Hey, Sam.” Alex sets her helmet on the seat beside her.
“Aren’t you Danvers sisters a gay dream. With motorcycles and leather jackets. Makes me wonder what’s in the water of that small town you come from.” Sam sips her wine and Alex’s mouth goes dry. Thankfully she is saved from responding by a waitress asking for her drink.
“Whiskey, neat. Thanks.” Alex says and shrugs off Sam’s raised eyebrow.
“So what brings you back to National City?” Alex asks Sam.
“No small talk huh? Well, Ruby is at a two-week long summer camp and Lena was supposed to come home but I received a text yesterday that she had decided to come here instead after the trial. I figured I might as well use up some of my vacation time and come be with my best friend. I also thought I would stop in to see the woman I can’t seem to get out of my head.” Sam says very plainly as she shifts to cross her legs. Alex almost jumps at the feel of a foot stroking her calf under the table. Thankfully, the waitress drops of Alex’s whiskey just in time for her to take a big gulp of the burning liquid.
“Is Lena expecting you anytime soon?” Sam shakes her head slowly.
“No, she doesn't even know I’m here yet.”
“Want to get out of here?” Alex asks.
“Very much so.” Both women polish off their drinks and Alex leaves plenty of cash on the table before grabbing Sam’s hand and eagerly pulling her towards the exit, all her earlier nerves forgotten now that she knows Sam wants her too.
“I think I was too hard on the two of them. Especially Kara.” Sam whispers, her finger tracing patterns on Alex’s stomach, using her chest as a pillow. Alex has one arm wrapped around her while using the other to prop up her own head.
“What do you mean?” Alex feels Sam take a deep breath.
“Back before I met Kara, when she kept canceling on Lena, before we knew what she was doing, I said some not nice things to Lena. About Kara.” Sam pauses and Alex waits patiently for her to continue.
“I said that Kara was just using her for the fame and the free trips and then was bailing because she had her fill of it. I wasn’t supportive at all.” Alex is quite a moment.
“I don’t blame you. You hadn’t met Kara. All you saw was your friend being hurt, over and over. And with Lena’s fame, I’m sure there are probably plenty of people who would do just that. You had to protect her. Do you still feel that way?”
“A little I guess. I mean, I’ve met her now and she's like this ray of sunshine. But I still worry that she’ll build Lena up again to tear it all away again. Maybe its the mother in me. I don’t know. I want to support them. I do. But that doesn't stop the worrying.”
“I constantly worry about Kara. It never stops. She went to a dark place after everything with Lena. She’s had the darkness buried deep in her for a long time, since her parents, and then my dad, she buried it deep. Now I worry it’s too close to the surface. My only comfort is that they are doing it right this time. Taking it slow and getting help from Kara’s therapist.”
“That is true. But the way Lena has been talking, I think they will snap soon. Like pulling a rubber band further apart until it either breaks or springs back together. Hopefully, it’s the springing back together.” Sam’s hand has been slowly tracing lower and lower as she and Alex spoke, unaware of the fact until she feels Alex’s breath shorten and feels the soft tufts of hair just peeking out from the sheet.
“Can we...umm… stop talking about my sister now?” Alex swallows hard.
“Hmmm, thinking of ways we can spring together?” Sam teases. Alex rolls over and immediately begins to kiss her way downwards.
“You have no idea,” Alex growls out.
“Show me.”
April 28th, 2018
“Babe, hurry up! We are supposed to meet Kara and Lena in ten minutes!” Sam calls from the kitchen island, waiting for Alex to choose the right leather jacket to go with her all black outfit, something Sam had already teased her about.
“D-did you just call me babe?” Alex peeks her head out from her closet.
“Suppose I did. Is that a problem?”
“N-n-no. No, of course not. Just seems like a couple-y thing to do. Something maybe we should talk about?” Alex pulls a jacket from the closet and walks toward the woman who is looking fantastic in borrowed clothes.
“Maybe, but I also am not ready to have a conversation like that. But your reaction to ‘Babe’ is too good to pass up on.”
“Is it the same at how turned on I am to you in my shirt?”
“Probably.” Sam settles her arms on Alex’s shoulders as Alex’s settle on her hips. Alex leans in for a kiss, only to be stopped by a hand on her chest.
“We are going to be so late if I let you kiss me,” Sam whispers.
“Ugh, fine. But I will try and bring you home with me tonight.”
“Well, Miss Danvers, I don’t just go home with anyone.”
“Oh, you want to be wooed? I can woo. Us Danvers are natural charmers.”
“Now that, I can believe. Come on. Let’s go. Lena is going to kill me for being late.”
Lena did not kill Sam for being late. She was too engrossed in how Kara stood behind her, one hand on her hip, the other guiding her hand, as Kara showed her how to throw darts. Lena is trying to pay attention to Kara’s words, she really is, but Kara’s breath on the back of her neck raises goosebumps and makes Lena shiver.
“That was great!” Kara exclaims and a spattering of clapping pulls Lena’s attention away from the joy in Kara’s eyes.
“Well done, you just may be able to beat me next time.” Sam teases.
“Sam!” Lena rushes to hug her friend, Sam laughs and squeezes her back.
“It’s good to see you too Lena.”
“I’m so glad you came.”
“Me too.”
“Okay- you, me, shots.” Lena drags Sam towards the bar to catch up with her best friend. Tonight they had no worries about tomorrow and Lena was going to take advantage. Alex watches Sam walk away, eyes raking over her from head to toe. Kara nudges her.
“So Sam is in town.”
“And she’s been here since yesterday.”
“And didn’t text Lena until this afternoon.”
“And is wearing your clothes.”
“Kara… leave it be.”
“Leave what be? I’m just pointing out facts. And I haven't seen a grin that big since after your first date with Maggie.” Kara says innocently as she sips her club soda. Alex groans.
“Look, don’t make this a big deal. We are just enjoying each other's company. We still live on different continents.”
“I won’t. I won’t. I’m just glad you are doing something besides working.” Kara takes another sip before her eyes bulge out at Alex’s laugh, realizing what she said.
“Yup, doing something besides work. That is for sure.”
“Hey, you started it. Oh yes, Sam brought me alcohol.” Alex excitedly reaches for the glass in Sam’s hand and Sam deposits it in her hand with a kiss on the cheek. Sam ignores Lena eyeing the action and elbowing Kara in the process.
“Okay, so what’s the plan tonight?” Sam asks the table.
“Darts here, pool at the next bar, then the Karaoke bar.” Kara excitedly explains.
“Great, so I can be plenty drunk for karaoke,” Alex grumbles.
“Exactly.” Kara ignores her sister’s negativity.
“But not too drunk for after karaoke.” Sam whispers in Alex’s ear, sending shivers down her spine. Alex glances at her sister but Kara is already distracted again as she helps Lena at the dart board.
Kara may be the sober one tonight, but that would not stop her from singing the opening song to High School Musical as a duet with Lena, who was not so sober. But Kara was having a great time. Alex seemed to be having a better one as Kara tried to ignore where her sister’s and Sam’s hands were in the dark of their booth.
Now who'd have ever thought that
We'd both be here tonight
And the world looks so much brighter
With you by my side
I know that something has changed
Never felt this way
I know it for real
This could be the start of something new
Kara saw Lena’s eye twinkling with happiness and what Kara distinctly remembers as lust. It makes Kara’s skin heat all over in a way she knows is not from the stage lights. Lena sings in perfect harmony with Kara and Kara is in awe of her talent, as always.
And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart
That it's the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you
And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart
The start of something new (The start of something new)
The start of something new
A late night spattering of drunken applause follows their last note. The pair bounce back to the bar to get more drinks then back to the booth. Sam and Alex break apart from their lip lock to acknowledge Lena and Kara’s wonderful performance. They leave shortly after that and Kara does not ask questions. Lena finishes her drink before asking Kara to leave as well. Lena orders a Lift on the way to the door. The stand outside and a slight chill in the air makes Lena shiver.
“Oh, I left my jacket at the table,” Lena says as she rubs her arms.
“I’ll get it. Stay close to the door and don't get in the car before I get back. Can’t have you getting lost.” Kara teases as she guides Lena to lean against the wall next to the door, Kara glances up and sees the little red light on the security camera over the main entrance.
Kara wonders back inside towards the booth they had been sitting in. It’s already occupied by new patrons who hadn’t seen the jacket. Kara tries the bartender who directs her towards a back hallway where the manager's office is. She knocks but there is no answer so she tries the handle. It twists and opens. Lena’s jacket is hanging on the back of the chair and Kara steps inside to grab it when she feels a prick in her neck. Too late she registers the squeak of floorboards. Too late she notices the looming presence behind the door. Too late she turns to swing a punch at the person drugging her. Too late she sees the face that looks almost familiar before darkness descends.
12 notes · View notes
fangzeronos · 6 years
A Luthor and A Super Ch. 3
Ch. 1 Ch. 2
That afternoon, after leaving early and heading home, Kara looked through her closet and groaned, realizing she didn’t have anything nice to wear for dinner with Lena. She paced back and forth, biting her lip and rifling through her closet. She sighed and took off out of the window, heading for Alex’s apartment. She walked in and rushed up to Alex’s floor, knocking on the door.
 Alex opened the door, looking at her sister in surprise. “Kara? What…are you doing here?” she asked, her voice turning worried. “Everything ok?”
 “No!” Kara said. “I’m meeting Lena in less then an hour and I have nothing nice to wear. My usual stuff does not count. I’m…I’m honestly freaking out.”
 Alex smiled softly, stepping back and letting Kara in. “Okay. First of all, calm down,” she said. “Second, what kind of look are you going for?”
 “Nice,” Kara said. “I don’t…know exactly. Something that’s…going to just help me get through tonight. It’s a bigger conversation about why I didn’t tell her about Supergirl, and I want to look nice.”
 Alex nodded, leading Kara to her room. “Okay. Let’s see what I’ve got.” She opened the closet and looked through the dresses, holding up a blue one against Kara. “What do you think?”
 Kara looked in the mirror and nodded. “It’s perfect,” she said. She took the dress from Alex, heading for the bathroom. She heard Alex’s phone ring, knowing the tone on the call as the one for the DEO. She looked through the door with her X-Ray vision, cocking an eyebrow and listening.
 “Alright, Brainy. I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Alex said. “Yeah. Thanks.” She hung up and sighed, walking over to the bathroom door. “Kara, I’ve got to go. Brainy needs me down at the DEO for something important. Can you lock up on the way out?”
 “Yeah, I can,” Kara said, opening the bathroom door. “What do you think?” She spun around softly, showing off the dress. “Think Lena will like it?”
 Alex smiled. “Honey, if it’s on you, she’ll love it,” she said, hugging Kara. “I’ll see you later. I’ll call if we need you.”
 Kara smiled and nodded, watching Alex walk out. She heard the door close and she sighed softly, walking out and looking at her reflection in the mirror. “Do something with my hair,” she mumbled. Ten minutes later, Kara walked up to Noonan’s, seeing Lena inside. She walked in and over to the table, smiling. “Hey, Lena.”
“Hi!” Lena said with a smile, getting up and hugging Kara. “Wow, you look beautiful. I didn’t think you had anything like this dress. It looks great on you, sweetie.”
 Kara felt her face redden, sitting down. “It’s Alex’s. I went over freaking out because I didn’t have anything that would have worked,” she said.
 Lena smiled and nodded. “Well, I think you look great,” she said. “So…tell me everything. From Krypton to Supergirl.”
 “Oh, Rao,” Kara snickered. “I was thirteen when Krypton exploded. My parents sent me to look after my cousin, Superman. At the time we were launched, Reign was launched as well.” “Sam,” Lena said.
 “Right,” Kara said. “Something happened to my pod and I got knocked off course, ending up in the Phantom Zone, a place where basically time does not move. When I came out of the Phantom Zone, my cousin had already grown up. So, I think I spent at least twenty-four years in there. He took me to the Danvers, Eliza and Jerimiah, and they took me in. Fourteen years I hid who I was because if I didn’t, people could have gotten hurt.”
 Lena nodded, hanging on Kara’s every word as Kara told her more about her family and her powers, including thinking she was older then she really was. She held her hands up, fork between her fingers. “Wait. You’re how old?” she asked.
 “I think I’m really in my fifties,” Kara said. “I was thirteen when Krypton was destroyed, roughly twenty-four years in the Phantom Zone, and then twelve years on Earth hiding my powers and just being Kara Danvers. I moved to National City when I was twenty-seven, physically twenty-seven, and I’ve been Supergirl for a little over four years. I think, if the math’s right, I’m fifty-two.”
 Lena, having grabbed a pen and a notebook from her purse, wrote down the numbers as Kara rattled them off, blinking and looking at her best friend. “Jesus Christ,” she said with a smile. “You’re right. So, you’d have been born in 1966 on Earth.”
 Kara smiled. “And I’ll age slower than humans too,” she said. “When everyone I love is gone, I’ll be over a hundred, and I’ll look like I’m forty.” Her smile faltered, looking down and sighing. “I’m going to outlive everyone I love…I’ve already lost one family. I don’t think my heart could take losing a second.” She felt the tears fall down her cheeks, reaching up and wiping them away softly. “Damn…”
 Lena frowned, getting up and wrapping her arms around Kara’s shoulders, rubbing her arm. “Hey…it just means we have to have fun with the years we’ve got left, you know?” she asked. “Do the things we want to do. Have the fun we want to have. Live for the moments and don’t regret anything in the future.”
 Kara nodded softly, leaning back against Lena. “I know,” she said. She heard her phone ring and she groaned. She reached down and grabbed it, seeing it was Alex. She felt Lena pull away, watching her sit back down and feeling cold after she did. “Alex?”
 “I know you’re having dinner with Lena, but the President wants you in DC in an hour.”
 Kara sighed. “Alright. I’ll be there soon as I can.” She hung up the phone and set it down, looking at Lena with sadness in her eyes. “Lena—”
 Lena smiled and shook her head. “It’s ok, Kara,” she said. “I know that you’ll get called away when you’re needed. I’m not mad. Long as you come to the penthouse tonight when you’re done so we can finish talking. Because, as much as I wanted to know your history, I really wanted to know why you didn’t tell me about Supergirl in the first place.”
 Kara bit her lip softly and nodded. “Promise,” she said, getting up and hugging Lena. She kissed Lena’s cheek and smiled softly. “Love you, Lee.”
 Nodding and hugging Kara back, Lena smiled. “Love you,” she said, squeezing Kara’s hand. “Go. Go be a Supergirl.”
 “Too easy,” Kara said with a smile, grabbing her purse and walking out of the restaurant, heading for her apartment.
 Lena asked for boxes for the food, packing them up and taking them back to the Penthouse, setting them in the fridge before she sat on the couch, rubbing her hands together. She tried to process everything Kara told her, especially with how old she really is, and she shook her head. “That girl,” she muttered.
 The next afternoon at L-Corp, Lena waited to hear from Kara, clad in a green dress she hoped her best friend would like. She looked down as her office phone rang, seeing the number for Alex’s phone and feeling her heart stop. “Lena Luthor?”
 “Lena, it’s Alex. We’ve got a problem, and I need your help.”
“What’s wrong, Alex?” Lena asked, a pit forming in her stomach. “Is everything alright? Is Kara alright?”
“No, and that’s the problem. The air’s been laced with Kryptonite, and we’ve had security breaches in the DEO. The lead dispersal device was taken, and I think Mercy Graves is behind this to try and kill Kara. We’ve got her on life support, but Brainy and J’onn aren’t sure if it’ll last. We need to get her contained or clear the air somehow, or she’s going to die.”
Lena’s heart sank. She felt her hands shake, and she looked over at her monitor. “I, uh…I might have something,” she said. “After the Daxamite invasion, I…I started working on something for Kara. Something to keep her safe, and…I can—I can bring it down. Give me fifteen minutes.”
“Thank you, Lena. I’ll have an Agent waiting in the garage for you.” The line went dead, and Lena got up and all but ran for the elevator, heading to the underground labs.
Quickly sorting through a box and finding what she was looking for, Lena rushed to the DEO, being ushered in by the agent in waiting. “Where is she?” she asked, looking at Alex.
“This way,” Alex said, leading Lena towards the medical wing. “I know you two didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things last year with Sam and Reign, but with you being here now, Lena, it means a lot to us. Means a lot to me.”
Lena smiled sadly. “People underestimate me, Alex, but I care about Kara. I really do,” she said. She followed Alex, digging into her purse and grabbing the device she’d nicked from her R&D lab.
Brainiac, or Brainy to the DEO, took the box from Lena. ”Oh, my. A radiation-controlled proto-environment housed in a vacuum-sealed, mechanical exoskeleton contained in a spring-loaded two-millimeter disc.”
“Kara’s going to have to stay in this until the atmosphere’s clean,” Lena said. “However long that takes.”
 J’onn sighed. “So it’s indefinite confinement,” he said. “She won’t like that.”
“I will not lose her,” Lena said. “It’s the only way, J’onn.” She put the box on Kara’s chest and tapped the top, watching it open and the liquid ooze-type substance spread out, covering Kara from head to toe. She sighed and put her hand on Kara’s softly, squeezing lightly. “Now we wait.”
“I’ll start working on finding out how to clear the atmosphere,” Brainy said, walking out.
Alex put her hand on Lena’s shoulder. “She’ll fight. She’s strong.”
“Strongest woman I know,” Lena whispered, pulling a chair over and sitting down, her eyes never leaving Kara’s face, or where her face was under the helmet of the new environment suit. “Wake up, sweetie. I’m right here…”
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bisexualbeluga · 6 years
Supercorp Prompt Fill
@mrsluthordanvers challenged: ‘write a Supercorp fic including both “I had the strangest dream. You were flying and you were carrying me,“ and “It must be hard to beg on your knees in that short skirt” ‘
Summary: After Lena has a vivid dream of flying in Kara’s arms she is almost certain her best friend (and crush) is the Girl of Steel. She’ll have to use her smarts to prove it the only way she knows how: with science and seduction. (Also on fanfiction if you want to review).
The Scientific Method
“I had the strangest dream.”
It had been several days since the latest attempt on Lena’s life had been thwarted. While many things had happened since then- her mother going to prison, Edge going to prison, Sam confessing to them- a few things stuck out to her more:
One, whatever she thought she might have with James… that was over. Well, they really hadn’t even begun but still. There were just too many things against them, their past with Lex and Clark, their current employment status, the fact that James hated her up until a few months ago…but most of all, their chemistry was just…non-existent. Yes, he was handsome, and smart and sweet but she just didn’t feel that raw attraction. Or any for that matter. She just liked the idea of someone to hold her and he had nice arms.
Which led her to point two.
“You were flying and you were carrying me.”
Kara Danvers. And her arms. Her best friend. Yes she realized long ago that she was attracted to her- who wouldn’t be? But she understood that Kara was straight and just because she was bisexual didn’t mean she couldn’t control herself. She would not set herself up just to get let down, especially if it put their friendship at risk. She nipped that crush in the bud as soon as the idea had formed, of course. But one thing she hadn’t realized, at least at first, were the many similarities her friend had with the notorious Girl of Steel. And she could not shake that dream. It had felt so real. Being in Kara’s arms, flying above the city…it was ludicrous. Unless it wasn’t. “What?! Like Supergirl?! Pssh- I wish!”
One of the things Lena loved about Kara was how expressive her face was. She had tells that Lena had observed and archived, her reddened cheeks when she was embarrassed, her stuttering when she was lying, the crinkle (okay so maybe she was in denial about the whole not-being-into-her-best-friend thing). And Kara was clearly uncomfortable when Lena brought up her post-poisoning dream.
The inability to write-off the encounter had Lena’s Luthor brain on overdrive and she was going through all the encounters between her and Kara and Supergirl and all the evidence kept leading in one direction. But she couldn’t be certain. She needed to go back to the basics: the Scientific Method. She needed to ask questions, do research, run experiments and analyze her data. She didn’t become the CEO of L-Corp just because of her last name, no. If Kara was Supergirl she just had to pay enough attention to see the truth, then she’d ask Kara about it.
So, while Lena should have been working on L-Corp’s quarterly budget report or Catco’s coverage on Morgan’s arrest, she instead chose to break out a fresh composition notebook to jot down her thoughts.
First, questions.
Is Kara Supergirl?
She thought about anything that might lead to this being the case, one of the biggest clues was that she had met Kara while she was with Clark. Clark knew Lena knew his real identity but they had never discussed it in person. As much as Lex hated him they were friends first. Lena liked to think that even if Kal-El never admitted it, he was thankful for Lena’s discretion. However, Kara’s proximity to him didn’t really prove she was National City’s hero, especially since they were both reporters. It could be easily written off as mere coincidence. She also distinctly remembered Kara using the phrase ‘I flew here…on a bus,’ as well. Not really a normal idiom and she thought it strange at the time but as she got to know Kara she learned she was always quirky and adorkable with her phrasing.
Or…maybe that was part of the whole ‘I grew up on an alien planet and english is my second language’ cultural displacement Supergirl could certainly have, no matter how many years she had been on Earth.
Next, their similarity in physical appearance. Same hair color, around the same height…did they both have blue eyes? She couldn’t be sure. Yes she knew the ins and outs of Kara pretty well (really well), but Supergirl? Whenever the hero was around the situation was usually either life or death, and on top of that the girl was constantly moving- sometimes at the speed of light- yes she had a presence one could not help but be enraptured by but she never got close for long enough to really look at her. Except for when she had carried Lena in her arms.
Just like in Lena’s dream about Kara.
With an annoyed huff Lena put her pen down and stretched out her hand. Looking at her watch she realized she had been at this for two and a half hours and she hadn’t thought of anything concrete.
She needed to move on to step two: collecting data.
Now that she had the idea that Kara and Supergirl were one and the same she couldn’t help but think about it anytime she was around the reporter and she stepped up her observation. It really didn’t help with trying to suppress her tiny- baby- crush on her best friend.
She needed to gather real, hard, evidence if she was going to confront Kara about it, though, speculative questions weren’t going to do it. Experiment one involved Kara coming to L-corp for their scheduled Wednesday lunch. She decided to play it safe and it wasn’t out of the ordinary that they ate at Catco or L-corp when they were too busy to try the newest hipster cafe or hole-in-the-wall restaurant.
The knock on the door made Lena’s mouth twitch into a smile before she signaled the other girl to come in. No matter how many times she had been there, how many times she told Jess to show her in whenever, Kara always politely knocked first.
“Okay, okay I know we always do Chinese when we stay in b-” Kara stopped on the spot when she saw Lena hunched over her desk, her speech and mobility rendered utterly utterly useless by the picture in front of her. It was a familiar sight except for the bright red horn-rimmed glasses perched on the bridge of the CEO’s nose. Her flabbergasted expression only got worse with a literal jaw drop when Lena finally looked up at her.
The raven haired girl tried hard to suppress a smirk as she put her game face on.
“What was that, love?”
It took a couple more seconds for Kara to recover before she sputtered out,“ Thailand.” She shook her head,“ I- I -I mean Tom Yam Goong. I mean, I got Thai, I know it’s one of your favorites.”
Lena stood up and rounded her desk to take the bag from her hand and give her a hug (they both may have lingered longer than platonically necessary) before they moved to their respective spots on the couch.
“I umm…when did you get glasses?”
“Oh these are old but I accidentally dropped one of my last contacts down the sink this morning and the replacements aren’t available until tomorrow.”
“Oh they umm…they look good.”
“Are you sure, because you’re staring at me like I’m a completely different person. They’re just glasses Kar,” she said matter-of-factly.
Kara’s eyes widened slightly before she cleared her throat and started hastily unwrapping the boxes.,“ R-right yeah, well I’m just not used to them. ”
Oh Lena was seriously enjoying this.
“I guess that’s true, I mean, I’ve never seen you without yours, after all.”
“Mmhmm.” Her lips were tight together.
“Do you want to trade?”
“I mean you know I want a bite of yours but they accidentally put cilantro on mine and I know you’re super allergic,” she tried to deflect.
“No, I meant glasses, I want to see how blind you are. I bet I’m worse.”
“O-oh umm, okay,” Kara agreed, unable to think of an excuse fast enough to say no without looking suspicious. Lena worried her bottom lip as Kara took off her glasses and handed them to her and Lena did the same before putting hers on. Honestly, she was just as blind with them off as with them on, almost like they didn’t have a prescription.
“Wow Lee, you really are blind.”
“Yeah…your prescription must not be that strong, I can barely see you with these.” She was only maybe two feet away but she couldn’t make out the details of her face very well, which kinda put a damper on her plan to compare her to Supergirl which she definitely should have thought of.
Well. Apparently even black-haired, genius IQ level, 3 PhD obtaining, Ivy League graduate Lena Luthor had her blonde moments.
“They’re not…the prescription is really low in both.”
“Then why did you say you’re dependent on them?” she asked as they switched back.
“Because I am. I mean, not in the traditional sense but…to be honest I have a lot of anxiety. I used to get panic attacks. I have since I lost my parents when I was 13. Alex, Eliza and Jeremiah were amazing but being adopted… as you know it’s hard for any kid. And I was alone for a long time before they took me in. Jeremiah gave me the glasses, I hadn’t realized how much I was struggling until they all showed me kindness. Since then, they’ve been a sort of…security blanket.”
“Kara…” Lena trailed before grabbing her hand and pulling her in,“ Come here,” she said, hugging her tightly,“ Thank you for sharing with me.”
“Of course, I trust you, Lena. I want you to know that.”
“I know, I trust you too.” The way she said it made Kara’s chest ache, in a good and guilt ridden way.
They pulled apart and the blonde pulled down her glasses to wipe away a single tear, before she was smiling again,“ Now speaking of sharing, pass me some of that soup.”
The next few attempts were sort of a bust, she tried hard to get her glasses off again or her hair down but something always seemed to get in the way or Kara had some line queued up. Her next idea, though it took a little time, was…unorthodox. That is, she had to wait until Kara wore a pale shirt again (of course it was another button down). And oh god, she really hoped she was right about this because if not, she had to find some way to live with how borderline creepy this was. She hoped Kara could forgive her.
They were hanging out at Lena’s apartment watching the Bachelor when Lena got up to get more wine,“ You want anymore?” she asked, slurring more than a little bit. They had already polished off one bottle. Besides, she was not going through with this plan sober.
“Yes please!” Kara said as she snuck a few swigs of the alien liquor she had hidden in a flask in her purse. J'onn and Alex agreed they could handle anything for the night and they’ve had a streak of quiet days, she figured it would be alright to relax a little.
“White okay?”
“Perfect!” Lena poured the glasses and took a deep breath before walking back over to the couch and very subtly, very carefully…spilled the entire contents of her fourth glass of wine down Kara’s shirt.
“Oh shit, Kara I’m so so sorry,” she started.
“It’s okay, Lee, really.” Flustered, Kara started dabbing the shirt with her hands (instead of a towel for some reason) and it really did the opposite of helping.
Lena grabbed a towel and tried to help her with her ruined blouse but it obviously wasn’t doing anything either, all according to plan.
Lena anticipated being able to see through the wet shirt enough to where her suit would be if it were there. She also anticipated that if the suit wasn’t there she could probably see through Kara’s shirt through to her bra. She was prepared to respectfully avert her gaze for that. What she didn’t anticipate was that her shy best friend would start unbuttoning her blouse right there on her couch to reveal her also surprising thin lace white bra.
Which was also wet.
“Uh, Kara, I uh…I can see…” Lena said as she continued to stare at her friends rapidly exposed chest and hardened nipples.
“What? I- oh,” she looked at Lena then down at her chest then at Lena again who was still staring. It was all very 'Old Spice’ commercial and Kara wasn’t even making an attempt at covering herself up. They both felt the shift.
Raw. Heated. Exposed. Daring each other with their eyes for the other to make a move- to do anything.
Then their phones chimed, at the same time. They held the stare for a split second longer before Lena checked her phone.
“It’s Sam, she uh, wants to talk to one or both of us. Or Alex.”
“Well…I, I don’t know about you but IIIII am tipsy,” Kara said, exasperated.
“M-me too.” Lena took a deep, steadying breath, her heart still hammering in her chest,“ I don’t think Sam or…anyone…for that matter would respect my judgment right now,” she said pointedly.
“Yeah same,” she nodded,“ So… I should, grab a cab home.” Lena laughed then, unencumbered.
“Oh please, you’re letting Karl drive you home like usual.”
“Okay okay…but it’s not my fault that your driver likes me better.”
“Well, it’s certainly not my fault that your sunny disposition and unintentional charm is magnetic.”
There was that charge again.
Kara stared at her again, unblinking and with that adorable puppy head tilt. Lena laughed it off, awkwardly,“ But umm…here, at least take a clean shirt.” Kara followed her into the bedroom to retrieve one, buried in the back of her armoire and handed it to Kara.
“Lena Luthor…is this a band t-shirt? You own a band t-shirt?”
“What did you think I was gonna give you? A valentino dress? We’re not the same size.”
“Yes, because that’s the only reason you wouldn’t lend me one of those,” she pulled it on, and it fit her well so it must have been a little long on Lena,“Oh man it’s an N-Sync shirt.” They laughed and laughed until the tension was gone again, but only for a moment. Kara suddenly felt overwhelmed, her super-senses going into overdrive. It was a lot harder to control when alcohol lowered her cognitive thinking. Without thinking about it she pulled up the collar of the shirt and closed her eyes as she inhaled,“ Smells like you,” she smiled, dizzily.
And that, coupled with the fact that Kara looked just as sexy in her shirt as she did in a wet white bra, broke whatever resolve Lena had left.
She slowly, but confidently, stepped forward to cover the two feet between them and Kara let her close the distance. The shorter girl gently took the other girls hand, still resting at the collar of her shirt and leaned forward. A breath away, but giving Kara time to either step back and blame the whole thing on the alcohol or finally act on whatever (hopefully mutual)…thing they had going on. This unresolved thirst.
Kara didn’t hesitate to connect their lips, a wash of wine, lipstick, and longing mingling in the middle.
Lena didn’t know how long it took her to pull back to breathe but she dove right back in as soon as she could. The fantasy of being with her best friend didn’t even remotely compare to the reality of it. She never thought that Kara could ever, in a million years, reciprocate her feelings. And reciprocate she did.
“Fuck,” Kara quietly gasped when Lena expertly slipped her tongue in. She groaned at the uncharacteristic expletive and Kara came apart and backed the CEO into the bedroom door, her thigh finding traction between her legs.
The blonde drank in the moan she got greedily and Kara gave her a look of reverence before kissing down her pale neck. Something told her she bruised easily and she couldn’t wait to test that theory. And Lena…Lena could not believe what she did next.
“Kar, Kar…we have to stop,” she breathed raggedly as oh god Kara’s tongue was on her neck. She pulled Kara up by gently tugging on her hair and kissed her again.
“You’re…you’re right. We’re drunk.” Her chest was heaving and her vision was slightly blurry. The mix of booze, never-ending sleep deprivation and the feeling of her best friends tongue running down her neck made her slightly delirious.
“Yeah, yes. And, it’s late.” Lena could see the switch, Kara trying to be a chivalrous hero and do the right thing, palpable arousal be damned.
“And it’s late.”
“And I’ve been waiting months for this so I’d like to do it right and take you on a date before I take you to bed.”
“Right. Bed. The one that’s 6 feet away.” Lena let her eyes wash over the gorgeous picture in front of her and tried her very best not to drag her that last 6 feet,
“My my Kara Danvers, who knew you’d be such a vixen.”
“Well, you’re not the only one who’s been waiting months for this.” All of a sudden her bashfulness returned as she giggled,“ Rao I can’t believe this is happening…” she mumbled into her chest.
Lena paused.
“What did you say?” Even delirious, she knew that phrasewasn’t normal.
“I said uh…I said Rao. It’s something Supergirl got me saying. A little inside joke between friends.” For Kara, it was a pretty good lie, but (though Lena couldn’t be sure) she was pretty sure it was still a lie. If not about being Supergirl then mayb-
-her brain short-circuited when Kara chastely kissed her again,“ I’m gonna go now.”
“That’s a good idea.” The blonde stepped back a bit. Lena followed her to gather her things before they stood by the door.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Lena’s eyes shifted down to Kara’s lips where she spotted traces of her own lipstick. She couldn’t help herself as she kissed the smudges one more time.
“Tomorrow, boss,” Kara whispered, pulling away much too early for Lena’s liking before starting down the hall.
Lena watched her go, smiling like a fool to herself. She may not have been any closer to finding out if Kara was Supergirl but she wouldn’t call the night a failure by any means.
“So should I speak to Jess about penning our first date into your schedule?” Kara called back. Lena rolled her eyes playfully.
“Goodnight Kara.” She closed the door and leaned against it, it was all she could do not to chase the girl down the hall.
No, not a failure at all.
For their first date Lena planned a dinner with all of their favorite foods, a view of the National City skyline at sunset and dancing under twinkling fairy lights.
For their second date Kara took her on a scavenger hunt at Lena’s favorite museum. With Winn’s help she created clues that were hard enough to actually stimulate Lena’s genius brain and the CEO of course, cracked it and eventually found the prize (two tickets to the regional chess competition that was in Central City a week from that day).
After their third Kara had told the rest of the team that she and Lena had become involved and they all took it better than she expected, which was a welcome relief after all of the doubt from the past. Alex was torn between loving the fact that her sister was also sapphic and the fact that her sister was yuck dating someone. Although she couldn’t wait to give the shovel talk to Lena freaking Luthor.
Lena didn’t think about her 'experiment’ again until the fifth date. She had been so caught up with just being with Kara. The more and more they allowed themselves to…indulge, the closer they got. She didn’t think she could get anymore attached to the blonde before they started seeing each other but boy, was she wrong.
It didn’t help that things had…started to escalate. Heatedly. Sometimes in very inappropriate places for a CEO and her employee to be getting heated. But the fifth date…
Well, technically it wasn’t a date. They were supposed to go to a comedy club but Lena forgot about a fancy charity gala that Lena and every other multi-millionaire in the city was going to. But, they had agreed that Kara should go too as Lena’s date. It was a subtle, public announcement. Not many people were entirely perceptive and they didn’t flaunt how close they had gotten but they didn’t hide it either. It was a good first trial, limited press coverage, no one too slimy.
Lena had worn red, Kara had worn blue and though they spent hundreds of dollars getting their dresses on they looked at each other like they couldn’t wait to get them off.
“Lena, good to see you!” A handsome man, with a British accent walked up to them. Immediately, Lena noticed his eyes linger on her date and her own narrowed.
“Michael, hello. Kara this is Michael, head of the U.K. branch of L-Corp.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Kara,” he said flashing a smile and taking Kara’s hand, kissing it tenderly,“ And what are you doing here at this gala Ms. Kara? Another CEO perhaps if you’re running with Lena?”
“Actually she’s a reporter but more importantly she’s my girlfriend. So I’d take a couple steps back Michael.” She said it with a Stepford smile and Michael just grinned back, not at all phased.
“Of course Lena, my apologies. You know I’m just a flirt by nature.”
“Which is why I asked nicely.”
“Enjoy the champagne ladies, Lena, I’ll see you in London next month. Kara, it was a pleasure.”
Lena was still glaring when Kara kissed here scowl.
“I’m sorry. He’s a great manager he just…he’s a player and I didn’t like the way he was looking at you. Not to mention the kiss on your hand may as well have come with a PG-13 rating.”
“I kinda hate to admit it but the slight possessiveness…kinda really turns me on.” Lena smirked,
“Oh yeah?”
“Mmhmm. But you know what does even more?” she whispered, her hand dropping down lower than it should have for where they were.
“The whole time we’ve been here, you’ve introduced me as Kara, or Kara Danvers, or Kara the reporter. Not 'my friend’, or 'my date.’ But just now, you called me your girlfriend.” Lena’s eyes widened at the realization.
“Kara I-I’m sorry, we should have discussed this just us first. I just-”
The blonde cut her off with a kiss,
“Keep calling me that, Lena Luthor.” They were both unable to hide their smiles as they pulled away.
Not an hour after the gala had ended and they had no problem taking off each others dresses. It was a big night for their relationship. Publicly coming out, becoming official official, and seeing each other just shy of naked at the same time. They had gotten close before, however, up until now they hadn’t slept together. Of course, they had thought about it, craved it even, but something always came up. They were both holding back for a reason. Lena, because she wanted to know the whole truth before she took this step and allowed herself to really, truly fall and Kara for the same reason, but because she felt guilty. And in case she accidentally tore the headboard off or something in the throws of passion. She knew she would never hurt Lena but furniture be damned.
“I’m on my period,” Lena blurted, very unsexily beneath her. Of course it was a lie but it just sort of…came tumbling out.
“Oh that’s…it’s okay.”
“I’m sorry I- you don’t know how much I want this, Kar, I-” the blonde kissed her again, fiercely.
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence Luthor. I don’t need anymore from you than you’ve already given.” Lena felt her eyes start to well up but was able to push back actual tears. God she didn’t deserve this beautiful, wonderful woman.
“If you’re okay with it, I can still do you.” Kara shook her head vehemently.
“No silly, this is a special moment. I can definitely wait.” Lena kissed her tenderly. She really was one lucky girl.
“Okay then, we’ll wait.”
She had to finish this experiment and find conclusive evidence, ASAP.
A few days later on their sixth date, there was a dangerous alien attacking the city and Kara had to leave in the middle of it due to a family emergency. It took all of Lena’s strength to let her go. Not minutes later she was watching Supergirl give a beat down to the flying purple and orange alien, but not without taking a beating herself. The next day, Alex called in sick for Kara, worry evident in her voice.
Kara texted Lena, telling her not to worry or come over and that she’d be back at work tomorrow but still, Lena couldn’t help but think that she knew the truth. She knew Kara was just trying to protect her by keeping her secret but they were dating now. She wanted- needed to know the truth if she was going to do this.
But maybe…maybe she was looking at this the wrong way. Maybe she shouldn’t try to prove Kara was Supergirl, maybe she should try to prove Supergirl was Kara. Sure she had thought a lot about if out right asking Kara was the best option but honestly…she was kinda having fun with the challenge. It was almost a matter of pride at this point what the truth truly was.
So experiment 3 was a go. And Lena told herself, if this last ditch plan didn’t work, then she would ask Kara point blank.
For phase one, Lena had asked her girlfriend if she could set up a meeting between her and Supergirl.
“Is everything okay? You’re not in danger are you?” Kara asked, frenzied.
“No no, nothing like that, I just want to run a few things by her. I’m working on a new serum that could help neutralize Kryptonite but I need her permission first. I would never try something like that behind her back.”
“Lena that’s…that’s amazing.” Kara looked at her awestruck.
“Well, it won’t be amazing until it works and she’s safe. But, you’ll do it? Set up the meeting?”
“Yeah, yes of course, does 8 in your office tomorrow work?”
“That’d be perfect,” she agreed,“ you’re more than welcome to be there for the meeting too, if you’d like.”
“Oh ummm…I’ve got a lead to chase tomorrow night, but I’m sure I’ll hear all about it.”
“Well, if not from me, then from her.” Lena was just having fun messing with her now. Blushing Kara was one of her favorites.
“Right yeah so, actually I have to prep for tomorrow so I’d better go now, bye,” she kissed her quickly, before hurrying off.
Time to move on to phase two.
For the meeting, Lena put on one of Kara’s favorite outfits of hers. Well, she was pretty sure it was her favorite, because the last time she wore it the blonde couldn’t keep her hands to herself at work and she got dragged into a supply closet just so they could make out.
Not that she was complaining.
It was an all black number. A short textured black skirt, and a dangerously low-cut equally tight leather blouse that did wonders for her cleavage. She put a blazer on top of it so she could do her own reveal at just the right moment. She also ordered take out, Thai, specifically.
She heard the familiar thump of Supergirl landing on her balcony and took a deep breathe. It was now or never.
“Supergirl, I’m glad you could make it,” Lena greeted the hero as she helped herself in,“ scotch?” she offered. Kara smiled,
“I really shouldn’t drink and fly,” she joked. Over the past couple weeks she had noticed how much more of herself Kara was letting her see in both of her persona’s, even if she was doing it subconsciously. Supergirls’ confidence and came out more than once, when the media was harassing Lena for the nth time about the next 'scandalizing’ thing. And in the few times she’d seen her girlfriend in her cape, the usually stoic, no nonsense hero started letting her guard down – smiling and joking just that little bit more. And, just like Kara’s eyes wandered, she noticed Supergirl’s did too.
“Fair enough. Though, if it were an actual a problem, I’m sure Karl could drive you to..wherever you live. He seems to enjoy Kara well enough.”
She gave the smallest of smiles before crossing her arms,“ ahem, speaking of Kara, she said something about a device that could neutralize Kryptonite?”
“Yes well, I got the idea after my mother tried to kill Edge with the Lexosuit, which as you know, runs on Kryptonite,” Kara nodded,“ I found a prototype she was storing and was going to hand it over to you but then my brain got thinking, and if I could analyze a sample of Kryptonite and break down it’s chemical composition, I might be able to figure out how to render it useless against you. Or, at the very least, make it so you don’t feel pain with it. Of course if that makes you uncomfortable I will hand it over in a heart beat.”
“Ms. Luthor,” Kara started, Lena always got a twinge of arousal down her spine when she said her name like that,“ It sounds like a fantastic idea to me. And, I trust you.” The proud gleam in her eyes was 100% her girlfriend.
“Well, in that case…” Lena shrugged off her coat and put on her best salacious smirk. The effect was immediate, Supergirl gasped and her eyes dropped dangerously low when Lena leaned forward, hands at the edge of her desk,“ We should talk business.”
“A-actually I-”
“Please, Supergirl. I want to do this right.” She pleaded with her eyes and the Kryptonian was mush. The blonde nodded slowly, swallowing dryly when the CEO bit her lip and said,“ Good.”
She let her voice dip low as she drew out her words, just that little bit.
“So, I thought to put you and your team’s mind at ease, I would do the research on your turf, if you’d let me. You could have me anytime you want.”
“Uh-huh,” Kara breathed, her mind falling into the gutter. If she could bleed, her fingers would be digging dangerously into her palm with how hard she was trying to restrain herself. After two weeks of being Lena’s girlfriend and not getting release she was aching for her. All she wanted to do was throw her down on her expensive desk and ravage her.
“And as an added precaution, I thought I could have a chaperon. You wouldn’t mind observing me, would you?”
“No not at all.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, now.
“Great, I cannot wait. I’ve just…I’ve missed working on real science since I took over Catco. It’s like…this thing inside me, this animal, that I have to feed or it just, frustrates me to no end and I can’t think of anything else. Like an itch I can’t scratch. You know that feeling?”
Kara hadn’t even realized she was holding her breath until she had to speak again,“ I…have an idea, yeah.”
“Well, it’s settled then. We can, help each other out.” Kara nodded, eyes closed, she needed to get out of there before she-
“I’m so glad you came Supergirl. Well, now that we’ve landed on something I can finally eat, I’ve been racking my brain about this all day, haven’t had the chance since this morning.” For a moment the lust swirling in the hero’s eyes was replaced with genuine concern.
“Lena, you have to eat. You’re already working god knows how many hours.”
“I know, I know. Wow, you almost sound like my girlfriend, you two really do share a lot don’t you?” Kara blanched as Lena opened her take-out container.
“That smells amazing,” she mumbled.
“Well, you’re welcome to have some, if you’d like,” the dark-haired girl offered as she started to take a bite.
“No that’s okay I-” Kara’s eyes widened in sudden realization,“ LENA NO!” she yelled, thinking too reflexively as she slapped the fork out of her hand. They looked at each other in shock, before Lena smiled slyly.
“HA! I can’t believe I finally caught you.” Kara blinked.
“I um, what?”
“Y'know, for a second there, I almost thought you wouldn’t notice the cilantro…Kara.”
“Of course I noticed! You know how badly you’re allergic to cila- oh. OH. You just called me…”
“Well, only a very limited amount of people know about that allergy. Isn't that right, love?” Lena couldn’t help but feel smug as she watched the girl sputter. Finally after two years, after all the missed lunch dates and family emergencies and excuses, she finally-
Oh shit, why was Kara crying?
Lena smirk fell straight off and a look of horror replaced it as she watched the Girl of Steel shake in her red boots with silent tears.
“Kara, no baby don’t cry,” Lena rounded the desk as quickly as she could and took her up in her arms.
“I-I’m sorry Lee, I’m sorry for not telling you sooner I just…I love you so much I can’t bare to lose you. You’re not just my girlfriend y-you-re my person and I know it took me two years to see that but I- God I didn’t want you to hate me for lying for so long but I didn’t know how to, and I just, I just, I just-” Lena kissed her cheeks, her forehead, all around her face as she simultaneously wiped away her tears.
“Kara Danvers, you listen to me. I could never hate you. I know you were conflicted and you had the best intentions.”
“I have the best intentions. Lena, I promise you. I was just so afraid that my enemies would put you in harms way to get to me, I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you. But when we started dating, I knew that I had to be honest with you I just didn’t know how to tell you after I had lied to you all this time.”
“You did the best you could, I know you would have found a way to tell me on your own. I just got so caught up in the challenge of proving it…I should have just been honest with you too.”
“I knew something was up. I told Alex you had been acting a little strangely. How long have you been suspicious?”
“Well, I think in the back of my mind the truth was always there but I didn’t really start investigating until you saved me from arsenic poison.”
“J'onn did say it was risky that I saved you without my suit but there was no way I was going to- wait, what did investigating entail?” This time it was Lena’s turn to blush.
“I…figured it might be easier for you to tell me if you just…slipped up, or I found out on my own. So I tried a couple tactics to prove it. Actually, the first night we kissed I …may have spilled that wine on purpose…” for a split second Lena was afraid she’d be mad before she started laughing.
“You thought I would be wearing the suit didn’t you,” she nodded,“ well, I’m definitely not complaining about the alternative.”
“Me either, but if I’m being honest,” Lena looked her up and down,“ I really love the suit.”
“And I love you Lena Luthor,” she said candidly.
“I know it’s soon to say, but I do love you. It wasn’t a hard jump from overwhelming platonic love to romantic.”
“I- I love you too,” they leaned forward at the same time. This kiss was sweet at first, before it started to get more…passionate. Lena pulled the blonde into her, Lena’s ass hitting the desk harshly. Kara tugged at the hem of her shirt,
“This outfit, was part of it all too, wasn’t it?” she rasped.
“Well, you like it don’t you?”
“I like it, because…” Lena lifted her arms so Kara could rid her of it,“ of how fun it is to take it off of you.”
“And, you’re not mad I was…scheming? ” the CEO asked between pecks.
“As long as you’re not mad at me for keeping the truth from you for so long…” Lena threw her head back and groaned when her bra fell off and Kara ravished her breasts.
“I don’t know, Supergirl, I think…that you’ve been, very bad. I think that you might have to make it up to me.” Kara hummed on a nipple in response before starting South, nipping at her tensing abs and dragging her skirt down to her ankles so she could step out of it.
“I’ll do anything to make it up to you Ms. Luthor,” she breathed, pressing hot open-mouthed kisses along the waistband of her lacy black thong, bringing her hands up to Lena’s ass.
“It must be hard to beg on your knees in that short skirt,” she teased, hardly believing that Supergirl was in her suit, kneeling between Lena’s legs and dangerously close to where she needed her most. To where she’s needed her for the past two weeks- years- in her office of all places.
Lena felt the air leave her lungs and her stomach drop to the floor at the absolutely lewd way her girlfriend looked up at her as she pulled her thong off. Well ripped off.
“Haven’t you heard Ms. Luthor? I’m the Girl of Steel, I can be on my knees all night long if I have to.”
A/N: Hope ya’ll liked it!! It was fun working on stuff again. Let me know if you have anymore prompts!
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justmickeyfornow · 6 years
I just read your valentine one shot and your are natural at writing ✍️ Can you do another one where Kara is surprised because Lena doesn’t have a Netflix account and Lena been Lena buy Netflix the next day
Glad you liked the Valentines one-shot! It was super fun to write even though fluff is definitely not my area of expertise. I usually would much rather dabble in angst and heartbreak if I say so myself. This was also really fun to write, I wanted to make it a bit longer but the longer I write for this, the more I’ll be ignoring PI (Hello, my procrastinating ass -_-) 
Also, credit to this prompt goes to @karalovesallthegirls​ (if I’m not mistaken) for this post that they made a while back. Hope you don’t mind I kinda played around with it a bit.
“Ms. Luthor, this isn’t something you can just… Buy out of the blue.”
“I suggest you don’t tell me what I can or cannot buy. Get me whoever owns the company at the moment on the phone or so help me God I’ll find someone who can.”
Lena slammed the phone down on yet another board member who was stupid enough to question yet another one of her investments.
“Isn’t something I can buy,” she mumbled to herself before scoffing, “I can buy whatever the hell it is I want.”
So there has been a list.
A list of investments that Lena isn’t exactly proud of. Investments that had absolutely nothing to do with L-Corp whatsoever. A list of investments that Lena wouldn’t have even considered prior to a certain blonde walking into her life.
Over the course of her friendship with Kara Danvers, Lena had bought various donut shops for the sake of them rethinking their rash decision of discontinuing one of Kara’s favorite donut types.
Who do they think they are? Discontinuing THAT donut type and putting a pout on Kara’s face where there should only ever be a smile!
That same pout resulted in Lena’s decision of buying 13 - or was it 16? - chinese restaurants within the vicinity of Kara Danvers’ usual route. Her only demand as their new boss was to open until midnight and serve potstickers at any given time of the day.
This was all a result of Kara one day saying “Awww It’s past 9 and that Chinese place I told you about is probably closed by now” . And of course there was that domineering, mind controlling and oh so fascinating pout.
And that was it for Lena.
The next thing she knew she was buying not one, not two, but all the Chinese places within the area and demanding they stay open - with an exceptional raise of course - as well as serve potstickers on their breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus.
The list continues with various restaurants bought, specific donut types doubled, flower shops purchased, and a few random investments that Lena couldn’t even begin to remember.
And now, here she was again. Buying Netflix. Because Kara Danvers used that pout when she found out that Lena didn’t own Netflix.
“What do you mean Bruce Wayne has already made an offer on it?” Lena’s patience was running thin. She had a million other things she needed to do but she still pushed this to the top of her list because well…A crush is a crush and she can’t help herself. “Well how much is he offering? Anything more than any other offer? Is that what he said?”
Bruce Wayne and his cocky way of conducting business.
Lena pressed the intercom on her phone, “Get me Bruce Wayne on the phone now please,” she ordered, exasperated.
She sighed and clicked her pen repeatedly, “Bruce Wayne. Why on Earth would that man need…” she muttered under her breath before her assistant’s voice sounded over the intercom.
“Bruce Wayne on the line for you Ms. Luthor.”
Lena picked up the phone a little too quickly, “Bruce,” she greeted rather hurriedly.
“Lena,” he greeted back politely, completely unaware of the clicking pen in Lena’s hand, “It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you. How’ve…”
“Bruce I’d really love to catch up but this is more of a favor kind of call.”
That seemed to surprise Bruce, but he composed himself quickly, “Alright. What do you need?”
“I want to buy Netflix,” Lena blurted out. She didn’t have time to waste on pleasantries.
There was a long silence on the other line and then, “Oh.”
“You have an offer on it.”
Lena could almost sense a hint of nervousness coming from Bruce’s voice coming from the other end of the line, “Umm yeah I do.”
“I really need to buy the company, Bruce. And I’m sure Wayne Industries doesn’t truly need an entertainment company to add to its…”
“Lena, you know I’d love nothing more than to help. But this…” Bruce seemed reluctant.
“But you don’t need this.”
“Neither does L-Corp. Aren’t you all about curing cancer and matter reconfiguration?” He retorted.
“Yes, but…” Lena was finding it harder to keep the real reason she needed the company at bay, “Well what do you need the company for anyway?”
“I umm well it’s a really good investment and it makes good money for my company.” Bruce replied.
Lena sighed, “Ok fine. I’m buying the company because someone I have a tremendously ridiculous crush on asked me to.”
Bruce was silent for a few seconds, “I see.”
“It’s quite embarrassing I know. I never have crushes. I haven’t the slightest clue as to where this one had shown up from. But it somehow did, and this crush has more than once been somewhat of a…
“I’m buying Netflix because of someone I like too,” Bruce suddenly blurted out.
Well, that was unexpected.
“Oh,” she found herself simply saying.
Just then, the image of her infatuation walked into her office being all bubbly smiles and beautiful sunshine. Lena waved for Kara to come in. Bruce was explaining how ‘like’ was such a strong word and that he much rather call it something far less serious.
“Bruce,” Lena hissed into the phone, resulting in him shutting up, “Listen I really need this. I really think this is my shot at finally getting the girl. Look I promise i’ll help you with your thing if you do this one thing for me. I gotta go, now. Bye.”
And with that she hung up and looked up at Kara who was still smiling like she had just gotten a puppy.
“Kara!” Lena got up from behind her desk to do the thing she thinks way too much about. Hugging Kara Danvers.
“Lena,” Kara wrapped her arms around her shoulders, the embrace tugging on Lena’s heartstrings. “You didn’t have to end your phone call on my account. I could’ve waited.”
“Nonsense. I was finished with that call anyway.”
They both went on there usual routine of sitting on the couch and passing lunch orders between them.
Lena cleared her throat before speaking, “I was just getting Netflix actually,” she mentioned casually.
Kara’s head perched up, looking at her, “Oh, really? That’s great! This is huge!”
“It is. I mean it sure costs as much.”
Kara laughed as though Lena had just made the funniest joke, and Lena was too shocked and embarrassed to ask what was funny, not to mention she was a tad bit proud of herself for making Kara laugh in a heartfelt manner. She was not about to put a stop to it by asking what exactly was funny. She found herself adding in her own small laugh into the mix.
“But it’s worth it I promise,” Kara finally said.
Lena looked at her longingly, “I sure hope so,”
“You know what’s sad, though?”
Lena dug her fork into her salad, her focus on catching that small piece of tomato, “What?”
“Netflix doesn’t have all the Disney movies out there.”
The CEO’s head suddenly snapped up at the sound of Kara’s pout, “Oh? It doesn’t?” and surely enough there it was: the famous pout that tore at Lena’s heart.
“Mhmm. There are so many good ones that aren’t on Netflix,” Kara nodded, taking another bite out of her own plate.
“And that… umm that saddens you?” Lena’s hand on its own accord began slowly sliding towards her phone on the sofa beside her.
“It does,” Kara replied, completely unaware of Lena’s thumb typing on her phone, “I mean you can’t have a movie marathon with only some of the Disney movies, now can you?” she shrugged.
“No, you absolutely cannot,” Lena said distractedly, most of her attention on the words she was typing on her phone.
Jess, get me whoever is in charge of Disney movies on the phone after my lunch break with Ms. Danvers.
Satisfied with the message, Lena focused back on finding out more about how to erase that pout off of Kara’s beautiful face, “And what… umm what else isn’t on Netflix that you would want added to the company?”
Kara gave her a look that Lena had absolutely no clue what it meant, but she said nothing and instead looked up in thought, her fork hovering in the air, “Well, definitely that show Merlin. I heard it’s really good. It’s got dragons and stuff. And a really really pretty princess that turns evil.” Kara suddenly clasped her hand on her mouth, “Oops, I just ruined it for you!”
Lena smiled at Kara, “A pretty princess that turns evil, hmm? Sounds intriguing to be honest,” she commented, taking a slight peak at where her thumb was typing at her phone.
Also, Merlin.
“That’s what Alex said. I still haven’t watched it.”
Lena felt her phone vibrate at the reply coming from her assistant.
Merlin who?
“Anything else?” Lena arched a brow, her face showing none of the frustration she was feeling at her assistant not understanding immediately what she wanted. Her thumb skillfully typed away quickly at the screen while her eyes never left Kara’s.
Get me Merlin on the phone. The show. Something about a pretty princess turning evil.
Kara chuckled after taking a sip of her juice, “I don’t know. There are plenty of things that aren’t on Netflix that I wish were there. I would just bore you with endless…”
“Oh no, please. I’d like nothing more than…” Lena felt another vibration from her phone and smiled when she read Jess’ text.
I’ll… look into it Ms. Luthor.
“So, tell me more about this pretty princess that you seem to really like,” Lena said.
I might complete it later on with Kara’s reaction, who knows!
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The Moon Circus chapter one: La fille du soleil
She was tired. Undeniably tired. Under her eyes were bags larger than those she had packed when leaving Switzerland, in her hand, a paper cup of lukewarm coffee. Her hand had cramps from holding her pen for so long.
“Ziegler, we need you at the drive-through!” Yelled her boss in her shitty earpiece, which matched her equally shitty fast-food uniform. She nodded, running over to her post. “Good evening! Have you made a choice yet?” She asked, trying her best to sound welcoming and happy. Her French was perfect, from the accent to the pronunciation. Perks of being Swiss.
Even if she had barely slept in three days, even if she got the shakes from her caffeine high. She had just gotten back from her college, where she was studying the medical arts, she barely had the time to trade her blouse and skirt for an orange and bright yellow uniform, she was already getting yelled at by five different persons. Angela Ziegler kept her voice even and joyful for the rest of the evening.
“Good evening! Have you made choice yet?” Her throat was dry, she was tired, and her voice slightly raspy, yet her interlocutor did not seem to mind in the slightest. Excited babbles of children could be heard, chanting ‘circus’ with enough energy to bring a melancholic smile to Angela’s lips. She remembered, when her little world was covered in snow, as her parents, holding her hands, stood by her sides, leading her to the circus. She fondly recalled the feel of her mother’s hand against her gloved one, or how her father laughed when he gave her piggyback rides.
She was brought back to the moment by her colleague, Hana, who looked at her with compassion. Decembers always were trying times for Angela since her parents had passed away. Sighing sadly, she resumed working, trying to keep herself focused.
Her service had finally ended, after dragging out slowly like a dying snail trying to reach its final destination. She simply could not wait to take a shower and pass out on her couch with some silly TV show playing in the background. On her way out, she waved goodbye at Hana, who was in charge of the night shifts. It was pretty cold outside, but Angela had had worse. Plus, she welcomed the freezing breeze like an old friend, as it seemed to dance with her blond hair. Angela Ziegler liked the calm, she checked her phone, it was almost midnight. She hurried back to her apartment. If she liked the Lyon nights, she certainly was much less fond of the dangerous back alleys.
She opened the door to her small lair. It was nothing fancy, but given the fact that she was living in the third arrondissement, right next to the docks, she was lucky. It had a living room with a kitchenette, a decently sized sofa who could serve as a bed in case Lena got in trouble with her girlfriend, Emily. Angela’s room was small, but efficient. A small bed, a bedside table drowning in books, notes, and a glass of water that had been sitting there for way too long to be drinkable. There also was a small desk, equally messy, with a small plant, which she lovingly named Freud, for she loved to pour water on little green Freud, chanting ‘drown, drown’. She let her bag fall to the ground, as she kicked her shoes off, jumping on the sofa, turning on TV, as she stared at the ceiling. Lord, was she tired.
She eyed the pack of cigarettes on her table. Lena gave them to her, as a ‘thank you’ for letting her stay over a week. Angela was not a smoker, not a regular one, but she could use something to take the edge off, and the smell of fast food oozing from her made her too nauseas to drink any of the cheap liquor she kept stashed in her cupboard. Grabbing a cigarette, she opened her window, pulling a lighter from the empty ashtray sitting on the windowsill. As she was smoking, her mind wandering, paying no attention to the political debate in the background, a blaring noise echoed through the street, she almost dropped her cigarette.
“What is that?” She muttered, leaning over the railing to see what was going on. “Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! Le Cirque D’Andromède is in town! Head over to Place Bellecour, and witness the impossible! Under the big top, you shall find us! Our first representation is going to be public, and completely free!” Enthusiastically spoke man in a megaphone. He was standing atop a car, which was blaring an obnoxiously loud circus music. He waved a top hat around.
Angela chuckled, he had cliché long moustache, a white cane and a black tailcoat, complimenting his pristine white shirt. The med school student checked her phone. Lena could definitely use something fun to do tonight. She called her, the brit answered almost right away. “What’d’ya need, Angie?” Asked Lena, upbeat as ever. “There’s a circus in town, first night sounds free. Want to check it out ? Bellecour isn’t that far from your place, is it?” Angela was already stripping for her shower, holding her phone with one hand, letting the cigarette fall down. “Please, I live in Bronc, that’s right next to the Jean Masset train station. I’ll be over in a second, meet me there!” Chirped Lena cheerfully. “I’ll take a quick shower and I’ll meet you at the station. Bring popcorn!” “Will do!” Angela hung up, before getting in her shower. She felt all the stress of the day wash off pleasantly. Sure, she was still tense, but she got used to this weight on her shoulders a long time ago. As soon as she was out of the shower, she tried to figure out what she was going to wear. Was it going to be casual, or classy? She had like, one good dress, and that was it. Her paycheck didn’t really cover much over the essentials.
She ultimately decided that she was too lazy to dress up, plus Lena had seen her at her worst caffeine-fueled extravaganza at 4 AM, trying to turn a semester of slacking around. She opted for dark jeans, a blue top which really brought out her eyes, and some light mascara and eyeshadow, just to pretend she actually made an effort. TV: turned off. Purse: Grabbed. Makeup: On. Ready to roll.
The streets were pretty calm for the 3rd district, which was known to house some of the city’s poorest students and people who didn’t have enough money to move to the suburbs. Still, it was a nice place. She lived Rue De Marseille, where shops almost never closed, except during Ramadan, where everything was quiet during the day, but so lively during the night ! Children playing soccer in the dead of night, under their mothers’ and the moon’s supervision. Teens smoking on the docks, carving their names in every available surface, or graffitiing the walls. Lena was a pro at that. Her nickname, ‘Tracer’, was almost everywhere in the borough, to her utmost pride. The train station was her favourite. The brit liked to go on trains, especially when she had no idea where they were headed, and just leave. Emily hated that, she once had to get Lena back from Valence, the brit still had not lived that one down.
Angela ran up the stairs to Jean Macé, where Lena was laying on a bench, watching something on her phone, kicking her crocs-clad feet in the air. “Hi there!” “’Sup Angie!” The brit greeted her with a hug. “When’s the train getting here?” Asked the blonde, sitting on the bench, as her friend let her feet lay on her lap. “Shouldn’t be too long now, I s’pose.” Lena looked as tired and dead inside as Angela, she too had to work a part time job, but it was far less classic than Angela’s. “How are things?�� Miss Ziegler knew that Lena did not exactly enjoy bringing her adventures as a ‘criminal’ (after all, poor Lena Oxton wouldn’t hurt a fly). “They’re good, Jalel and I just lounged up in the HQ all day, not much traffic. Even enough time to actually turn in my assignment in time, for the first time like, ever!” Jalel, Lena’s boss, was a dear, but was not to be messed with. He was like a teddy bear which would turn in an actual bear if provoked. He /adored/ his assistant, and always made sure not to drag her into overly dangerous tasks. “Sounds great! But I am afraid your professor might have a heart attack when she realises that you were actually one time, for once.” Lena was studying animation, and her art teacher, in spite of her appreciation for the very much loveable brit, was growing more and more exasperated each time she turned assignment in late. Her current high score was two months late, she had had to dodge the teacher’s incessant calls, emails, and even had to hide in the boys’ bathroom to escape the animation teacher’s wrath. “Are we going by TGV, or are we going the wild way?” Asked Lena, knowing fully well that there were no TGVs scheduled for the day, only trains carrying merchandise or materials for the ever-expanding city that was Lyon.
“Wild way, I imagine.” Grinned the blonde, cracking her knuckles. Lena started stretching, before a distant light warned them of the train arriving. Angela sucked in a shallow breath, she had gotten slightly used to it, but before the big jump, she always got stressed out. Lena took her hand, squeezing reassuringly. They stepped back a bit, waiting for the perfect opportunity. The Brit whistled, and the two girls broke into a sprint, jumping on the train. Angela looked down as she jumped, it felt like time itself had slowed down, the tracks moving fast beneath her feet.
In this moment, she felt everything, the wind in her hair, the blood hammering her temple, the adrenaline running wild in her veins, just like the train speeding through the city. She landed on her knees, but she didn’t feel any pain. She just felt relief and joy. “Not bad, Angie!” Yelled Lena, barely audible over the wind rushing around them. The blonde giggled in response, grabbing Lena’s extended hand, pulling her to her feet. She opened her arms against the wind pushing against her. “Wooohoo!” The tiredness in her bones left, replaced with cheerfulness. Lena imitated her, the two of them started a screaming contest, knowing that nobody could hear them. They screamed in unison, in their heads, they screamed against mean bosses, late nights on papers they knew were going to be awful, failed romances, against a world that kept trying to bury them, yet, here they were: on a train, in the middle of the nights, surrounded by the city’s lights coming from the cafés, the rooftops lit with fairy lights.
Once their voices had died down, it was almost time to get off the train. “Part-Dieu’s in view!” They got to the opposite side of their wagon, trying to avoid the pieces of wood firmly held by metal chains. As soon as the platform was in sight, they ran and jumped. Their landing was not exactly smooth or elegant, but they managed just fine, rolling onto the unclean ground of the C platform. Luckily, there was no one in sight. They got up and dusted themselves off. “We should hurry, I don’t want to miss the opening!” Lena, hyper as ever, grabbed Angela’s hand, running through the train station. Angie really liked the ambiance in those late nights in the train station. People asleep on the benches, or on their luggage, the brave, daring youth vomiting in the bins, getting chastised by the personnel, or the soldiers patrolling under the Sentinelle Act.
Part-Dieu was a street away from Bellecour. They raced down the stairs, to the surprise of a few young men, trying to soothe the burn of alcohol in their system by laying in the fountains, which were luckily not turned on. They didn’t even have to raise their heads to know where the circus was. Loud music echoed through the street, along with a tremendous cheer, from a seemingly overhyped crowd.
Their steps led them to the place, and the crowd that had formed there was nothing short of massive. All around the titanic place that was Bellecour, were decorations, poles challenging the height of the surrounding buildings, with various strips of coloured cloth twirling and joining the other poles in a whirlwind of undeniable beauty. Thankfully, the spectacle had not started yet. “Oh! Cotton Candy!” Exclaimed Lena, almost running to the small stall, dragging her friend along. “I’ll never get over how ridiculous its French name is. Barbapapa.” Angela shook her head, as her friend grabbed their sticks, handing her the extremely sugary candy. “C’mon, Angie, French is the language of love, shall I say it again?” Lena wiggled her eyebrow suggestively. “Do no-” “Omelette du fromage…” She winked, as if she had dropped the smoothest pickup line known to mankind. An exasperated sigh made them turn around. A woman, clad in tight, dark green leather, and what seemed to be a huge necklace made of various leaves, feathers, and flowers. Her hair, held back in a ponytail which showed her remarkably high cheekbones. “Omelette AU fromage.” Sighed the beautiful woman, walking past them, stopping to catch a side glance at the duo. “Jolies crocs, ma belle.” Grinned the Frenchwoman, fading into the crowd. “Angie, I’m pretty sure my ovaries just exploded.” Whined the brit with a shaky voice. “For fuck’s sake, Lena.” “Exploded!” “Oxton, your gay ass is the reason I can’t take you anywhere nice.” Angela sighed, and resumed trying to eat her cotton candy without having it stick to her fingers, which was frankly impossible. While her friend was off rambling about her ovaries getting destroyed by yet another woman, Angela dragged her towards the scene, trying to avoid running into people too much. “It’s about to start, snap out of it!” Chastised the blonde, lightly shaking her friend’s shoulders. All the lights suddenly went down. The crowd went dead silent, and thank God, Lena shut up. Various noises, resembling those of a forest rose from seemingly everywhere. There must’ve been some speakers hidden in the poles’ cloths. On the scene, rose poles looking like bamboo, in a dim cloud of smoke. The first men appeared. Clad in skin-tight blue costumes, with intricate patterns which looked like scales. They gracefully split across the stage, revealing a huge man, whom looked similar to Poseidon, wearing a similarly blue costume, however this one was cut at the torso, revealing an impressive chest covered in blue tattoos, which ran up to his neck, and got lost underneath his equally impressive beard, also covered in the aqua glyphs. He rose his voice. It was not a language Angela knew, though it did sound similar to a mix of Spanish, Italian, and a few hints of French.
Then, the violins started to accompany him. The subtle melody was sublimed when cloths from the nearby polls were thrown onto the bamboos, as the acrobats started their hypnotizing dance, which consisted of intricate swirls and jumps, getting nearer to the public, studying them with their immense, child-like eyes, before promptly jumping back a few steps, as if they were afraid. Their arms moved in perfect harmony with the song, their long arms wrapped in foliage made them look like brisling bushes, moving with the wind. Then, a bright spotlight illuminated a pole on the other side of the Place. An acrobat was standing there, it didn’t take long for the two girls to recognize who it was. “It’s the ‘crocs’ girl!” Thought Angela. “It’s sugar-tits!” Exclaimed Lena, ever a one-track mind. A line from the pole she was currently standing on, with perfect pointes, as if she were a feline and not an actual human being, was linked to the main scene. Graceful as a feather slowly making its way towards the ground, quick as a leopard dashing on its prey, she pounced on the thin line. She rolled on it like it was solid ground, landing on the tight string, under the public’s delirious applause. Her skin, coloured in blue, seemed to sparkle under the limelight. She stopped for an instant, as if enraptured by the art flowing endlessly throughout her body.
In that moment, to Lena ‘useless horny lesbian’ Oxton herself, she was much more than simply a pretty face, she was an ethereal vision of pure, unaltered beauty, as she fended through the air, not unlike a falcon seeking its prey. It felt as if her lungs exalted art, in each and every subtle puff she let slip, as she danced across the thin line, her naked feet strutting, carelessly taking dips, standing on one foot, as the other carelessly dangled in the void. “Woah,” Sighed Oxton, her eyes refusing to leave the entranced woman’s lithe figure dancing across the line, her very ears refusing to acknowledge the man starting to sing in the background.
“She looks…” She didn’t even finish her sentence, completely mesmerised. Angela didn’t dare to shake her friend out of her trance, instead turning around to follow the main attraction. The man whom spoke earlier was now singing, his loud voice booming through the audience, enrapturing, enchanting people who knew little to nothing of the quality of the performance they were currently experiencing. Because such a thing shan’t be qualified as a simple performance, nay, ‘twas an experience, one which touches your very essence, leaving it forever altered. The beauty of the spectacle, the sheer elegance, art was dripping everywhere, like honey from a lover’s lips.
Angela was not exactly a patron of the arts. She was quite fond of them, sure, she even took an option in college, yet, no painting, no simple youtube video of a performance could ever match the feeling which flowed through her veins, drowning her sense with a feeling of everlasting satisfaction. Each artist, acrobat, every piece, foliage of the décor belonged there, it had a meaning, it had an IMPORTANCE.
The dancers strutting along the stage, carrying their aforementioned colleagues, whom were once terrified by the public, were now dancing a breath away from them, standing on the brink of the stage. The public, even though they perfectly could have, did not dare to touch them. The imposing man strode forward on the scene, his glorious mane dyed in various shades of blue, aqua green and purple, his voice carrying the strength of the whole company. The dancer they had met earlier jumped on the platform, landing with a graceful bounce, followed by a salto, ending in the man outstretched arm. They swung their hips rhythm for a short while, before a sharp cry stopped the whole stage altogether.
The artists looked around, jumping away from the crowd. The bamboos-like poles seemed to shake. Then, a creature, which resembled the chimera from the Greek Mythology, fell in the middle of the stage, forcing the imposing man and the gorgeous dancer to step away elegantly. “How many people are in this costume?” Wondered Lena, aloud. “Shhh…” Hushed Angela, entranced couldn’t move her eyes away from the scene. A man, shirtless, flaunting his flawless body, rock-solid abs enhancing an already entrancing silhouette. His dark skin was covered in white war paint, he was walking like a gladiator in an arena. He came to an eye-level with the chimera, growling loud enough for Angela and Lena to catch it from where they stood. He raised his fist, preparing to strike, but suddenly, both him and the beast knelt. A woman, clad in dark red and black from head to toe made her way between the both of them. Her face was covered by her hood, in her hands, she carried two lanterns, oozing purple smoke, adding to her already frightening aura.
“We get it, you vape.” Snorted Lena, not even realising that Angela didn’t even hear a word she said, her eyes almost forgetting to blink, too focused on the spectacle. She dismissed the Gladiator with a flick of her wrist, before running her hand against the beast’s flank. The beast seemed to shudder, whining for everyone to hear. The impressive man left the blue-skinned acrobat, trying to push away the wraith-like creature from the distressed animal.
With a twist of her finger, the man fell to his knees in front of her, as his comrades gasped in shock. She flicked his forehead, causing him to stumble backwards. She pointed an accusatory finger at the man, before gesturing to the blue skinned acrobat. The woman collapsed on the spot, her long hair falling over her face. The other dancers slowly stepped back, some of them running towards the poles, climbing them up, resting at the top like lemurs. Just one remained by the fallen dancer’s side, rocking her in his arms, seemingly weeping. The singer wailed, as the violins’ strings joined his voice, in a requiem-like mood.
The hooded woman, with a lift of her pinkie, invited the fallen beauty to rise, which she did, grabbing her companion by the collar, effortlessly flipping him over, her hands around his throat, strangling him. The blue-skinned woman then joined the mysterious figure. The latter grabbed her smoke-oozing orb, bringing it to her lips, inhaling some of it, before letting the smoke go in the fallen beast’s nostrils. It promptly got up, its previously cream-coloured fur turning a twisted shade of grey, before charging an acrobat. He jumped over the ferocious beast, evading his hit. Its lion head roared at the public, before turning tail, exposing his back, which bore a goat head where his spine met its rear, and most importantly its tail, an enormous snake head, which hissed menacingly. “You know what this reminds me of. Eww, that’s why I’m a lesbian.” Commented Lena, still not deterred at her friend’s lack of response. The hooded lady offered the dancer her arm, and they left together, walking among the forest of bamboos, as the man, rose to his feet and raised his voice, now thunder-like. The artists, hanging on their perches, jumped to the ground, bouncing on their feet, as if there were springs underneath them. They started to run in circles around the singing man, the tempo increased, the hammering of the acrobats’ feet on the stage sounding like drums of war, as the impressive man’s voice grew louder and louder.
The public saw a grapple falling in the middle of this mosh pit-like circle. The man, holding the line with a death grip, showing off his imposing musculature. The violins simply went insane, the musicians, appearing perched atop the poles all around Bellecour, in an orchestra of grief-fuelled wrath. He rose to an incredible height, the climax of the scene was his vertiginous fall. Right as he was about to hit the ground, the music stopped dead in its track with a final bang, the subjects fell to the ground, leaving him standing there, on one knee, his strong fist against the ground. The crowd was silent. He got up, his hair hiding on of his eye. He walked up to the end of the stage, standing on the edge. “This, is not the end,” He started, his shoulders heaving menacingly with each breath.
“Merely the beginning!” As he ended his sentence, fire sprouted from the bamboo poles illuminating Place Bellecour. The lights remained for a few seconds, before the fire died down. The public was cheering, clapping enthusiastically. The whole stage was in the dark, before some dime lights revealed the whole cast, bowing to the audience. “Where’s the hot chick?” Asked Lena, looking frantically on stage.
A noise similar to one of a zipper made them turn around instantly, ever so mindful of pickpockets. “Why, I do hope you meant ‘me’.” She was standing there, hands planted firmly on her hips. Lena was speechless, just looking at her up and down, in utter disbelief. “Your performance was incredible miss…?” Asked Angela, extending her hand, which the acrobat shook with in a most firm handshake. “Amélie.” Confidence was practically oozing off of her. “A pleasure Amélie, I am Angela, and this is Lena.” She pointed to her lust-struck friend. The brit seemed to regain her composure, extending her hand, expecting a handshake. But the Frenchwoman gently took her hand, bringing her lips to her knuckle, leaving a feather-light kiss upon it. “Heureuse de faire ta connaissance, ma belle.” She smirked, as Lena sported 50 shades of red on her face, ears and neck. “The mine is the pleasure.” Blurted out Lena, to Angela and Amélie’s hilarity. The acrobat reached in her more than generous cleavage, to reveal a sticky note. It had a number written on it. “Gérard is going to give out a speech, it should cover the basics, I do hope to see you around at the Moon Circus.” She stuck the note on the gay mess’ cheek, before kissing the other one, pretty close to her lips.
She turned around, raised her arm to a nearby pole, and grappled away. “I hate to see her leave, but bloody hell do I love to watch her go.” Whispered Lena, in awe. “For fuck’s sake.” Sighed Angela, recovering the sticky note before the brit could forget about it. The man Angela had seen earlier appeared on stage in a cloud of smoke.
“Ladies and gentlemen! We are delighted to hear that you appreciated our opening! However, I must inform you of a most tragic news for us, but a truly interesting opportunity for you! Due to the snow blocking the air traffic, a lot of our artists had to cancel. If you have any particular skill, visit us next Sunday for the auditions. Weeeeelcome to the Moon Circus!” His moustache moved with each word he said, speaking in a microphone bearing a similar one. The crowd cheered some more, as paper and leaflets flew across the sky, shot by some cannons which were hidden under the stage.
Lena caught one, looking it over with interest. “Want to apply, Lena?” Angie looked over her friend’s shoulder. “You could, I mean, you’d be bound to earn more than you do at that crappy MacDonald’s. Didn’t you study this before?” Asked the brit, stroking her chin thoughtfully. “I studied Les Arts Du Cirques back in Switzerland, yes, but I am afraid my level of skill is not what they’re looking for.” “There’s a role you’d be perfect for.” Stated Lena, showing her the leaflet. “And what would that be?” “La fille du soleil.” “Your French is fucking awful, Lena.”
15 notes · View notes
theragingthespian · 7 years
you can't deny you're looking for the sunset
Admittedly, the first thing he thinks of when Beth tells him of the opportunity in National City is not the promise of growth. It’s not putting Biomax at the forefront, in the spotlight where he’s tried to hold them in for years.
(Just one breakthrough, that’s all he needed.
Years of modifying and rethinking, and then-
Then it happened in a matter of months that he can barely recall past a blur.)
It’s Lena Luthor.
(It’s a crooked smile across the lab. A quickening of his heartbeat before Lena looked away.
It was only leaning into him when there was a camera to put on a show. Apologizing as soon as they were alone until he could assure her it was fine.
It’s familiar and tinged with nostalgia. It’s finally, finally making it and wanted to say look, look what couldn’t have happened without you.)
When he sees her amidst the audience, there’s a fullness in his chest. Too full, he sighs it out, follows with a smile that’s returned. One that’s too, too bright compared to the shadows of the audience.
She leans over to someone beside her, and oh, the smile she gives her?
Jack’s never seen it.
Until later, when she waves a hand and, “this is Kara Danvers.” She pauses, and there it is again. He’s never seen Lena so expressive. “One of the best reporters in National City.”
(He’s seen her struggle to stay awake while muttering just one more test. Seen her navigate her way through the parties the Luthors threw, more business than anything.
All with a small, perfectly crafted smile on her face. 
This one she shares with Kara Danvers? It’s almost like awe, the breath rushing from Lena’s chest as her lips curve upward.)
“Oh, oh gosh. No.” Ms.Danvers waves her hands, throws back her head, and he chances a quick glance to Lena. He expects a frown, a small smile maybe only because such floundering presents an opening to get the best hand.
But it’s not. It’s another full, full smile with bright eyes as the two stare at each other. A soft sigh that he’s not sure who let out.
“Ms.Danvers,” he offers his hand, “A pleasure.”
He regrets it immediately. Her hands folds over his, controls their shake and is she digging in her fingers? “Just Kara is fine.” Her lips twitch up, a fraction- not even- of the beaming smile she offered Lena. “Nice to meet you too.”
“Quite a grip there.” He laughs, shakes out his hand. Has to do it again until the pins and needles fade away.
“Sorry,” she murmurs. She looks torn for a moment, between actually being apologetic and then giving him this odd look. He’s never found reporters to be anything but annoying. Offer them a shred of information and the chatter dies down, but there’s no pen in hand. No quick question that he expects from the look she’s giving him.
Just this cold stare that he wouldn’t have thought her capable of after the way she looked at Lena.
She coughs into her hand. “I can,” rolls her shoulders as she tries to get the words out, “I should go.”
Lena grabs her wrist, “Wait-”
“Actually,” he interrupts, because Beth has been beeping in the entirety of the conversation, and he had wanted to talk to Lena, but the air’s charged with, with something. Lena’s fingers are slowly drawing away from Kara’s arm, but the weighted silence left behind still fills the space, and he’s certain he’s not exactly wanted right now. “I’ve got to go and parade in front of the stockowners.” He nudges Lena’s shoulder. “You know how it is.”
“I do.” She smiles, quick and precise before it warms, fades away to the real ones she used to give him whenever they knew they were so close to a solution. “Will you be here long?”
He nods. “I’ll be overseeing the distribution here, so we’ll have plenty of time to catch up, if you’d like?”
“I would.”
“Perfect.” He almost offers his hand to Kara again but rethinks it, subtly rubbing at his hand as he nods to her. “Wonderful meeting you.”
A sweet smile that he believes for two seconds until Lena catches sight of it, her forehead scrunching up in confusion and he’s clued in that maybe it isn’t so sincere. “You too.”
(As he’s walking away, he looks over his shoulder to see the two walking closely side by side and thank you for coming with me.
He hears Lena’s rich laugh, loud until it’s stifled, after Kara’s well, what kind of favorite would I be if I hadn’t?
He can’t remember the last time he heard Lena laugh like that.)
Swaying Lena’s worker is as easy as smiling and quietly asking for a few moments of her time.
Swaying Lena to come to lunch? Not as much.
“I can’t.” Lena waves her hand over the strewn papers on the desk. “This isn’t going to sign itself.”
“I have absolutely no idea what is good in this city.” He leans forward in his chair, can’t help breaking his woeful speech when Lena smiles. “What happens if I eat at a subpar restaurant because I was forced to go it alone?”
“I’m sure you’ll survive somehow, Jack.”
A quick knock sounds and before they can even look, the door opens. “Hey, Lena-” Kara stops, and oh, she’s giving him that look again. “Oh. You’re here.” She touches the frames of her glasses, nose wrinkling up before she jumps. “I mean, sorry. You’re here. Not that I’m sorry you’re here, but that I-“
“Kara,” Lena sounds just as panicked as Kara does. “Were we supposed to have lunch?” She gathers the papers in her hands, knocking them against the table. “Just give me one minute-“
“No, no. I was just popping in to see if you wanted to.” He sits quietly in his chair, watching the two fret about for a moment and pretends he’s not the least bit slighted that all it takes for Lena to drop her work is Kara.
(Granted, that would mean someone noticing him in the room right, but as the two try to over apologize to each other, he’s fairly certain they’ve forgotten he’s even there.
“Oh,” Lena stares down at her papers, her shoulders falling as she sighs, “I have so much work. I’m sorry.” Her head snaps back up. “But,” and Jack tugs his tie nervously, because he knows that glint in her eye and it’s nothing good, “would you mind doing me a favor?”
(He doesn’t miss how Lena freezes at that.
Despite the weirdly hostile looks Kara gives him- ones that almost feel cold when his back is turned- he feels a rush of warmth towards her for causing Lena to smile so much, so often.
He knows how they had become few and far between.)
Lena’s composed look dissolves into a gentle smile, and oh, even if it’s not directed at him, he feels lucky just to have seen it. “Lena?”
She clears her throat. “Right.” A finger is pointed towards him, and he does the same. “Can you direct him to a good restaurant?”
“Oh.” All the cheer evaporates instantly as Kara glances down to him. “Are you sure, Lena? I don’t really know of any.”
That startles a laugh from Lena. He presses a hand to his chest, ducking his head to hide his grin, because this is the most smiling and laughing from Lena he’s ever seen. “You’ve eaten in every place that serves a bit of food. Twice at the least.” She dips her head, blinks slowly. “I trust you.”
The pencil Kara had been lazily spinning in her hand snaps in two at that. He slides a hand over his face to keep from laughing, because oh, it must be a common occurrence because Lena simply holds up a pencil and waves it until Kara takes it. “Yes, okay. I can- will do.” Kara marches back towards the door. Spins around. “Do you want me to drop off anything for you?”
“Surprise me?”
“Okay. Oh!” Kara brushes past him with her arms open wide, and he almost laughs, because Lena’s never been one for-
Lena readily accepts the hug, her arms winding around Kara tightly and squeezing briefly before they part.
“Have fun.”
(With the way Kara steps around him, he’s not sure if fun would be an apt way to describe it.)
“Are burgers beneath you or?”
He blinks down. “Um no. I think everyone likes burgers, right?”
Kara shrugs her shoulders. “There’s a spot right around the block. We’ll get there in a minute or two. At least it’s early, so they won’t be packed.”
“We?” He echoes.
“Yeah. I’m hungry.” Kara gives him a look as if he didn’t watch her scarf down a bag of chips as they rode in the elevator with nothing but silence punctured by Kara’s anxious chewing.
“Then I’m glad you’re accompanying me to lunch. I’d like to get to know the person Lena thinks so highly of.”
“I’d like to know more about Biomax,” she cuts. 
He opens up his hands. “By all means.”
“Your test trials.” She holds open the door for them as they step in, but oh, he’s hesitant that she might slam it on him. “How did they go?”
“Fantastic.” He goes to say more, finds that the words slip out of his grip. He knows, he knows the results, but it’s just- it’s not there. All of sudden, his mind is blank and his breath short. He settles on, “all the results are open to the public.”
(His stomach turns at that. His fingers shake, ears buzzing.
It’s gone just as fast as it came.)
“Right.” Kara pauses, smiling wide for the waitress that sits them down and asking about her day. 
When Kara turns back to him, she tips up her jaw and exudes a coldness that has him experiencing something of whiplash. 
“I’m not here to cause trouble Ms.Danvers.”
Kara goes rigid. Her blue eyes narrowing at him before she leans back and straightens her shoulders. “I never said you were.”
“Forgive me for having the impression that you’d like me to be anywhere but here.” Kara huffs but allows him to continue. “I care about her, and I only want her to be happy.”
“I’m sure she’s heard that before.”
(He thinks about Lena staring quietly at the television, not even acknowledging him when he settles a hand on her shoulder, Lex’s angry shouts filling the room.
Of Lillian pushing, pushing, pushing Lena for more and more and backing away only when Lena dared to snap back and citing it out of love.
Of what he’s seen on the news since she left, of murder attempts and framing and yes, she has.)
He rubs at his jaw, stares over Kara’s steady gaze as she gives her order and hearing none of it. When it’s his turn, he shrugs his shoulders and hopes it comes off as nonchalant as he wants it to. “I’ll have what she’s having.”
“I admit defeat Ms.Danvers.”
Kara swallows down her too big bite, and he’s finding himself in more disbelief with each passing second that Lena often goes to eat with her. “I didn’t know we were having a competition?”
He pushes his plate back. “Clearly,” he says, eyeing her empty plate as she’s glancing at his until he nudges it towards her, “I’m a little concerned about the last time you ate.”
“This morning.” She forces out a quick breath and looks straight at him. Her voice is small amid the bustling of the restaurant as the lunch rush steadily flows in. “I want her to be happy too.” She nods to him. “She deserves more people in her life. Who care about her.”
There’s something in the way she says it that spikes his interest. “And are you one of those people?”
(The look he receives after that is telling enough. A burning gaze with clenched fists as Kara murmurs always cements it.)
“Your friend is a tense one.”
Lena’s head jerks back, a quick breath of air that he takes as laughter. “Tense is the last word I would use to describe her.”
“No, no, she is.” He places his glass on the floor and leans his elbows on the railing in front of him as he glances to his side. Lena shifts her weight to the hand keeping her propped up, one eyebrow lifting.
(This is the Lena he remembers.
Heels toed off and relaxed as she looked up to the stars. Back when the lipstick and sharp dresses were more for occasions that Lena did her best to avoid.
Now, she steps through negotiations as easily as she can recite equations- he knows that hasn’t changed- and the sharply pulled back hair is more a comfort than an annoyance.)
“Did it not go well? Kara didn’t say much about it.” Lena squints up. “Which is odd, because usually she can make getting coffee sound like an adventure.”
“She’s different,” he amends, because Lena’s toeing the line between curious and almost defensive. “How did you meet?”
“I was her first interview,” Lena says, and oh, it’s proud. Then she’s fishing around behind her, swiping away on her phone before passing it to him. “That’s the first article she did.”
“Her first?” Lena’s eyes are gleaming as she nods. Curious, he swipes his thumb against her phone and snorts. Waves the phone at Lena, “take many photos do you?”
Lena snatches the phone away from him, cradles it in her palms. She sighs softly at the screen, at gleaming blue eyes and runs a finger over the smile there. “A few.”
“Tell me about her.” Lena drops her chin on the railing and raises her shoulders. He nudges her, does it again until she laughs. “I remember when I used to get all the latest deets.”
Her nose crinkles at that, a frown twisting on her face. “For some reason I thought you’d update your expressions.”
“Deets is a fantastic term.” At the shake of her head, he forces out a breath. “You’re avoiding. Quite poorly, I should add.”
“Never.” He gives her a look until she amends. “A little.” Her shoulders drop with the sigh she heaves. “She’s wonderful. She’s smart and dedicated and,” Lena clenches her hand, knocks it against her knee, “true.”
(He hears what she doesn’t say.
That others aren’t.)
“And beautiful,” he sighs wistfully.
“Yes,” Lena breathes, it slipping out like it’s sat there waiting, building until she finally could say it. He sits there grinning and waiting. Lena blinks. She shoves at his shoulder, clicking her tongue. “Stop.”
He looks at her, at the easy slouch and soft smile. An affection rising that curls around his chest. “I missed this.” He turns back to look across the city, little lights blinking in and out of existence. “I missed my best friend.”
Maybe not the widest smile he’s seen since he’s been in National City, but oh, it’s close when Lena hears that. “Me too.”
“I mean of course, you did.” He places a hand on his chest. “Who wouldn’t miss me?”
“You’re a pain.”
“I’m-” He runs his tongue over his teeth, a numbness spreading through him. He tries to shake his hands, his feet, anything. Nothing responds, remains steadily still until he’s saying, “I’ve got to go.” But he, he didn’t want to say that, didn’t want to leave Lena jerking back and looking shocked and hurt.
“Of course.”
He stumbles out of the elevator, and then oh, he’s ripped in two and everything falls away.
“-he’s going to be okay?” Lena, low and sharp. The way her voice shifts when she’s worried, when a problem doesn’t quite align with what she had thought.
“Al-” someone clears their throat, “Agent Danvers said after time to recover, he’ll be fine.” Is that? It’s Kara, but there’s an edge to it, more than when she was shooting questions at him across the table. Steady but with a hint of steel. 
“And you? You both could have died tonight.”
“You could’ve too.” A shift of fabric with a stamp of feet. “I thought Kara told you to stay away from him.”
He opens his eyes, because it’s odd for Kara to be referring to herself in the third sense. There’s also the part about him dying that’s a cause for concern.
“Already bickering,” he stops when they turn to him. Lena and Supergirl. Not Kara like he assumed. “What happened?”
“You don’t remember?” He doesn’t. He feels emptier somehow, but there’s a lack of energy vibrating through him that he appreciates. He had assumed it was nerves making him shaky, but with the way Lena grasps his hand, he’s not so sure.
But oh, that still sounds like Kara. Eyes still the striking shade of blue he’s never seen before. 
“Jack,” Lena says, it’s a little tearful, choked, “the least you could do is to have the decency not to stare at her.” She’s teasing- to get him to joke in return, to show everything is okay- but he’s still gawking because Kara is, Supergirl is-
“I don’t remember anything,” he says instead.
“You tested the nanobots on yourself,” Lena accuses, but it’s less venom to it and more hurt. Her hand gripping his tightens for a moment, and Kara- Supergirl takes a hesitant step forward almost as if she was going to take Lena’s other hand before falling back. “You knew,” she starts slowly, “you knew what the effects were, and then you go and do that.”
“I fixed it.” The two share a look and he pushes against the mattress to sit up. “I did,” he urges. “But I didn’t want to risk anyone else when we began moving to human trials, so I tested myself first.” He looks between them. “Why does it matter? It was fine, and so were the other trials.”
Supergirl closes her eyes and dips her head. “There were no other trials.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous-”
“Jack,” Lena taps his hand to gain his attention, and when he looks to her, oh, her eyes are wide and apologetic. “We need to tell you something.”
“I’m not exactly sure what to do now.”
Supergirl’s eyes squint, her smooth step faltering as she escorts him out. “What do you mean?”
(She hadn’t been forthcoming about where they are.
Only said that he needed medical attention fast, and it was the best place she knew of.)
He puffs out a breath in frustration. He’s so used to words simply appearing in his mind, that now, he feels off balance. There’s no mindless chatter at the back of his head, no buzzing in his veins. 
(There’s no Beth controlling his move either though which he is infinitely grateful for.
Beth who had been at his side for years. A constant, supportive presence. Had been there when he decided to test himself with the promise of getting help had anything gone wrong.
As he spoke of betrayal, Lena merely nodded along with an all too familiar look.)
She stops walking, hand easing on his shoulder to still him before he continued walking. She’s visited him numerous times. Sometimes Supergirl, sometimes Kara. Anytime Lena is there as well, they still share those affection looks with each other.
He wonders if she knows.
(The first time she comes as Kara, she’s nervous.
Hands in her lap, she had looked up and I’m sorry.
But really, who could have guessed he wasn’t the one killing people after that video? Who would have guessed Beth had been pulling the strings since that very first trial?
Definitely not him.)
“I’ve worked on Biomax so long and thought it was done. Now, it’s not.” Not to mention, it’s reputation is in ruins for allowing someone to take control of its creator. It’s like the nice sci-fi themes he used to watch for fun but now leaves him with a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. “I don’t know how to start over.”
“No one does.” She reaches back to grab her cape, fiddling with it in her hands before staring down. “You do it because you have to, not because you want to.” 
She starts walking, giving a quick nod for him to as well. They round the corner to the main entrance, Lena standing in the light filtering in.
(She smiles of course when she sees him. But when she sees Kara?
Oh, she glows.)
“But,” a grin slowly appears on her face as she gives a jaunty little wave to Lena, “there’s always things that make it worth it.”
“Are you nervous?”
He glances down to Lena, drops his mouth in mock shock. “Me? Nervous? Never.”
“So yes? It’s just game night. I’ve been to a few.” Lena tugs at his jacket, “You keep fidgeting.”
“I don’t fidget.”
“You did when that girl winked at you in Noonan’s.” Lena smirks up at him, amusement clear in her eyes. “What happened to the suave act?”
He pulls at his sleeve, brushes over nonexistent wrinkles. “Yeah, well, so do you anytime Kara so much as breathes near you so-” Lena’s hand clamps over his mouth. “What are you,” he guides her hand away, “why are you doing that?”
“You’re being loud.”
“You act like she can hear me.” Lena’s eyes dart to the side, and oh, he’s kept his thoughts to himself, but if she knows-
“Lena! Jack!” A blonde blur pushes Lena back a few steps when Kara comes barreling out, arms wrapping around her quickly before pulling away. “You guys are just in time. I just told Winn that you were both coming and he’s hyperventilating and everything.”
He almost stops, but Kara loops an arm around his to pull him towards her door. “Is he okay?”
“Fine. Totally fine.”
Which is completely untrue if he bases it off the noise Winn makes when he walks in.
(It’s odd Lena had admitted over lunch one day.
For someone to be impressed by what you’ve done.
He had fallen silent after that. What was odd was that it had shocked Lena. That the very idea of someone focusing on only her and her achievements instead of the destruction her family leaves behind. There had been a pang in his chest then as Lena sat quietly trying to figure out a reason for someone to expect good things from her, because to her, there has to be one.
He thinks Lena astounds them daily by continuing to try and try.)
It’s a fun night. Beer, pizza, and games. Kara and her sister wipe the floor with all of them, but still, it’s all good fun. Winn, Lena, and Kara dragging him into debates while Alex seems content to keep everyone’s glasses full while she leans against Maggie. An easy atmosphere that he hasn’t visited since he was an undergraduate spending too much time in the labs without a care.
(The best thing by far is the warm smiles Lena and Kara share. Lena absentmindedly pressing a quick kiss to Kara’s cheek when Kara points out a salad is in the fridge for her instead of Lena facing the mountains of pizza, and the both of them stare at each other in shock before skittering away.
Kara and Winn dancing around the kitchen to Alex’s dismay only for Kara to pull Lena into it, the two of them giggling as they clumsily shuffle their feet.
There’s a familiarity to them, an equal give and take that they rely on. It’s warm and quiet and between the two of them.
It’s only a matter of time, he thinks.)
As a friend to both, he makes sure it’s sooner rather than later.
“You what?”
Lena isn’t fazed.
“I’m having a party. Just to schmooze with investors while having some fun.”
“I got that.” Lena twirls a finger in the air. “The second part.”
“Ah.” He waves the paper in the air. “Dates only.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, I am.” Lena snatches the paper from his hands. “You’re not going to get a date acting like that.”
“This is blank.” Lena keeps her attention on it, flips it around as if the answer lies on the back. “Where’s the actual invitation?”
“You can’t just tell people-” Lena pinches the bridge of her nose, holds up her hand. “I know what you’re up to.”
“Ensuring everyone has a wonderful Friday night?”
He stands up from his desk, ignores the ball of paper Lena chucks at him. “You could always just not go. It’s no biggy.” He cups his chin in his hand and hums. “I did already give Kara an invitation though. I wonder who she’ll go with?”
Lena grips the arms of her chair. “You didn’t.” She leans back, and oh, she doesn’t look like the CEO of the fastest rising corporation. She scrubs a hand over her face when her phone chimes, but it fades away into a tender smile, lips faintly curving up.
“Tell Kara I said hello.” He waves when Lena presses her phone to her ear and stalks out, anger not completely forgotten. She turns when he calls her name, flips her hand over in question. “I’ll see you two there?”
She slams the door on her way out.
He begins to regret it when Lena doesn’t reply to his texts as the night go on.
Until he gets a call. “Hello?” He asks hesitantly, because the breathing on the other end is choppy and-
“She asked me and got me flowers, Jack.” Lena takes in a shuddering breath, voice still strained with giddiness. “We’ll see you there.”
“It’s good to hear you so happy, Lena,” he says, hopes it comes off as genuine as he means it and not a joke. He can’t help smiling at the pure excitement in Lena’s voice. “You deserve it.”
It’s quiet for a moment. The familiar shuffle as Lena passes the phone back in forth in her hands.
“Thank you.”
“Goodnight Lena.”
“Night Jack.”
(He thought Lena was happy that night, but it doesn’t compare to Lena and Kara spinning around at the party. Pressed close and slowly moving to the music.
If they happen to kiss, he makes sure there’s no press around to picture it.)
When an experiment literally blows up in their faces and sets his workfloor on fire, Kara’s there, breathing frost over the worst of it. He waits until she’s certain she’s gotten everyone else before he allows her to pick him up and slip through the window.
“Do you think Lena will be jealous, Kara?”
Kara’s hands jump, and oh, he’s this close to falling before Kara quickly grabs hold under his arms again. “Ha what? Psh. I’m not-”
He thinks to their last argument. “Pineapple pizza sucks.”
“Take that back Jack.” Kara sniffs, turning up her head and hair slapping her in the face. “That doesn’t prove anything.”
“Sometimes you float when Lena kisses you.”
“Oh gosh, do I?” Kara blanches, glancing down at him as she keeps them hovering in the air. “Okay, so yeah. How long?”
“A while.” He wiggles his dangling feet. “Which I would really like to discuss later, but back to the matter at hand. Do you think we could get James to get a good shot of this? Hey, maybe you should hold my legs too. A classic bridal carry would really get Lena riled up.”
“You’re horrible.”
He gets the picture. Not quite how he imagined though, Kara only allowing it when she’s not in her suit.
Somehow, it’s funnier. Kara with her glasses and cardigans not looking the least bit uncomfortable while holding him up.
Lena can’t control her laughter when she sees it.
She hangs it up beside the picture of all of them at Lena’s birthday party and a photo of her and Kara curled close together on the couch.
He finds her looking at the pictures more often than not. Just standing in the hall of her apartment staring, sometimes a hand reached out to touch one. Of smiling faces, some thrown back in laughter. Of her and Kara tangled together. Of all of them surrounded by food and drink, happy faces glowing under the lights.
He doesn’t understand it until Lena gives him a box of pictures. He gets through a picture of him arm wrestling James, and then the both of them going against Kara before he gets it.
(It’s tangible proof. That he’s here, and oh, that was hit or miss for a while.
Wondering if he was actually in control, if he was forgetting anything. Sometimes spinning around, breath caught in his chest at the sound of a sharp hum.
Right there in his hands, a reminder of what he has.)
It’s nice to have a place again. One that’s welcoming and supporting. 
A home.
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lcsbo · 7 years
Save Me, Chapter 1
Alex Danvers is missing. Her sister decides to call Lena Luthor, a friend of Alex. Not having any information or reassurance for the younger girl, Lena decides to keep her company and help her feel better. But feeling better quickly escalates to feeling much more than that and with it comes guilt. Moreover, bad news comes from an agent Sawyer the very next morning. Maggie, being the one to find Alex, takes on the case and spends a lot of time with the found woman.
Rating: MATURE Fandom: Supergirl (2015) Relationships: Kara/Lena; Alex/Maggie Words: 4131 Language: English Author: Anna S. (alex-n-maggie) ______________________________________________
Kara is getting ready to go to bed when a sound of knocking comes from the apartment door. Knowing it must be Alex, she swings open the door. “Forgot your keys again, Ale-“ she stops mid-sentence when she is met with a gaze of a man twice her size. She freezes and stares at the man, not knowing what to say. He clears his throat and smiles briefly at the girl. “Kara Danvers?” She opens her mouth to speak but he cuts her off, showing her his badge. “I’ve come to ask you a few questions about Alexandra Danvers. Your sister, I assume?” The blonde, at a loss of words, nods and lets him in. He follows her to the living room where they sit, she on the sofa and he on a chair at the end of the coffee table. She finally gains some courage and asks the man if he’d like a glass of water. He denies and gets to the questions. She wonders why he doesn’t have a notebook or anything, he’d surely forget what she tells him. But she answers nonetheless. He starts off with simple questions. “How old are you, Kara?” -“Seventeen. I’m turning 18 in a month.” “And how old is your sister?” -“Alex is 22.” “Your parents? Where are they?” -“My mom, Eliza, lives a few miles away, my dad… died a few years ago.” “And you live with your sister, I assume? For how long?” -“Yes. We’ve only been here two weeks. Can I ask you something, officer?” “Well, I’m not exactly an officer, it’s more complicated than that. But please, call me Hank. Go on.” -“Is my sister in trouble? Did she do something again?” “Kara… I can’t tell you for sure if she’s in trouble, but we’ve got a reason to believe she might be. We got a call from the coffee shop she works at, they’re worried she might have gone missing since she hasn’t come to work in a week. When did you last see your sister?” -“A week? But… I saw her yesterday. She was fine. She told me she was at work… I can’t believe she lied to me.” “And you haven’t heard from her since?” -“No. And I know what it sounds like. But she really is a good sister. She takes good care of me, I promise. She just… is dealing with some things. I didn’t think anything of it because sometimes she sleeps at her friend’s house, it’s closer to work and sometimes she works night shifts. Or, that’s what she told me. But who knows what’s true anymore. I guess she’s got a lot of secrets, hidden even from me. So no, I don’t think I can help you, Mr. Hank.” She wipes away a tear, not knowing if she is more angry or hurt by the information the… whoever he is, told her. She goes to show him out and he follows in silence. He stops by the door and turns to look down at her. “Could you tell us where we can find your mother? We’d like to ask her some questions as well. And, if you remember anything, or hear from Alexandra, please let us know.” He hands her a calling card. “My mom doesn’t know anything. I can tell you that. She’s only going to be more worried.” -“More worried?” Kara takes a deep breath, “My sister has her own problems. But they’ve got nothing to do with her… disappearance. Please, don’t tell Eliza. I think… Alex has a friend. A good friend. Maybe she knows more than I do. I think her name is Lena. She lives three houses down from Billy’s, where Alex works. Or, used to work. It’s a blue house. White balcony. Hard to miss, it’s basically a mansion.” Hank looks at Kara wide-eyed. “The Luthor residence?” -“Oh, yeah! Luthor, yeah. Wait, is that bad? Is Lena troubled? She seemed nice…” Hank shook his head, “Not Lena. But, everyone else in that damn house…” Hank realised the information he just almost slipped out is confidential. “Let’s just say, the Luthors aren’t the nicest people. Lena, I haven’t had a problem with. She does seem nice. Too nice to be a Luthor. But then again, Lex seemed nice too. I’m afraid I’ve got to get going. Thank you for your time, Kara. And don’t worry too much. We’re going to find her. And I’ll talk to Lena. If you need anything, call us.” And with that, he’s out the door. Kara immediately takes her phone. No new messages, no missed calls. She dials Alex’s number. Voicemail. She goes to brush her teeth when she remembers she has Lena’s number. She saved it as “Lena - Alex’s friend” that one time her sister’s phone died and she called Kara to let her know she’ll be sleeping over at Lena’s. Kara has never been at the girl’s house herself but Alex told her about how big Lena’s room is and how they have their own library and a pool and how modest Lena is about it all. She has met her though, when the girls invited her for coffee after school a few times. Alex always introduced Kara to her friends, knowing the blonde doesn’t have any herself. Kara notices it’s late, past eleven, but she knows if she doesn’t call her now, she won’t be able to sleep all night. So she calls. And Lena answers after two rings. “Hello?” “Hey Lena, it’s Kara.” “Kara?” “Danvers. Alex’s sister?” “Oh, of course! Hi, Kara, what’s up? Is everything alright?” “Yeah, um, no. I mean, have you heard from Alex today?”
“Uh, no, not today. Why?” “Do you maybe know where she is? She hasn’t come home. And she hasn’t been to work in a week. The police were here earlier.” “Shit, the police? What did they say? She called me yesterday. Said she was going to some party later. I couldn’t go with her and she was kind of mad. I have no idea where she is now, though.” “Yeah, they said they got a call from Billy’s, they were afraid something had happened to her. They asked me if I knew anything about her missing work. I didn’t… So I told them you’re her friend and that maybe you know more than I do. They’re probably going to come by your house tomorrow. Is that okay?” Kara suddenly feel shot tears forming in her eyes, afraid she had done wrong. “Oh, of course it’s okay, Kara. I want to help. Alex is my best friend. Wait, are you alone now?” “Yeah… I am.” She was starting to sob now, realisation hitting her hard. Her sister is truly missing. “Oh, Kara. Don’t cry, please. Maybe she slept over somewhere.” “I’m not… She wouldn’t do that. She’d call me.” “Kara, it’s okay. Do you have a car?” “I don’t have a driver’s license.” “Okay. I’ll be there in five.” Kara wants to argue but the girl hangs up before she can say anything. So she texts her.
 Kara: You really don’t have to come over. I’ll be okay.
Lena: I want to. Be outside in four minutes. I’m on my way.
Kara: …Okay.
Kara gets out of her pajamas and puts on some ripped jeans that Alex bought her and a concert T-shirt that also belongs to Alex. She grabs her bag and shoves in her wallet, her bra that she doesn’t have the time to put on, her toothbrush and a pen, just in case. She puts on her shoes and her jacket and locks the door behind her. She looks at her phone. It’s been 2 minutes since Lena texted her. She takes the stairs, walking fast but not too fast to reveal herself. She comes out and Lena is already smoking a cigarette, leaning against her black Bentley. The brunette hugs Kara tightly, then opens the door to the passenger’s side. “Get in, honey. I’ll be done in a sec.” Kara sits and watches Lena through the window. She thinks about how cool she looks, even when she’s smoking. She wonders if her sister smokes too. She wonders what else Alex had been keeping from her. Her thoughts are interrupted as Lena turns around to catch Kara staring at her. The brunette winks and throws away the cigarette butt. Kara blushes and looks down at her hands. She hears Lena get in and start the engine. But they don’t move. She looks up to see Lena looking at her as if she was waiting for something. “What?” She says and Lena chuckles. “You gotta put on your seatbelt.” Kara blushes again and complies. They drive and stop at the nearest gas station. Lena gets out to pump gas and opens the door on Kara’s side, “You want anything from the store?” Kara shakes her head, “Thanks, I’m okay”. Lena just smiles and walks away, shutting the door gently. She comes back with a bag and throws it in the back of the car. “We’re going to be hungry sooner or later. And my parents aren’t home so we’re basically on our own.” Kara tries to stop herself but the words just come out of her mouth, “What about Lex?” Lena is quiet for a while, staring ahead. “I’m sorry, I just… I know you have a brother… The police told me…” -“They told you what?” Lena seems angry. Or hurt. Or both. Kara looks down. “Honestly, nothing. They just mentioned him… I don’t really know anything.” She says quietly. Lena takes a deep breath and starts driving.
They drive for twenty minutes before Lena turns into the mansion’s driveway and stops the car. She gets out and Kara does the same. She follows the brunette through the big entrance and up the stairs, into what Kara guesses is Lena’s bedroom. It really is huge. But nice. She never expected it to be so… clean. Not that Lena is dirty but she expected at least one poster on the wall, instead there are family photos and big, beautiful paintings and even a photo of Lena and Alex in a frame. There is a big desk near a window and a huge bed near it. The closet is half the size of the bedroom. She notices designer clothing taking most of the space but also a small corner with clothes she’s usually seen Lena wearing. Leather trousers, ripped jeans of all colors, leather jackets and simple T-shirts with band names on them or pictures of singers. Lena sits on her bed and watches Kara. The blonde stops looking around and instead looks back at the girl. They stare at each other for some time. 
“He’s in jail.” Kara doesn’t know what to say, so she stays silent, still looking at her. She doesn’t wonder why, she just… looks at her. And then Lena starts crying. And Kara is there in a second, wiping the tears of a girl she barely knows. And then Lena leans into her, crying in the crook of her neck. And Kara can’t help but smell her hair. It smells like roses and a very expensive perfume. She runs her palm up and down Lena’s arm, trying to soothe her. She hold her like that for ten minutes. Then, Lena stops sobbing and finally looks up at Kara, eyes red and puffy. “I’m sorry” she says. And Kara just shakes her head, afraid to say anything anymore that could hurt the older girl. “You know… I’m not crying because he’s in jail.” Lena looks at Kara. “Why are you crying?” she asks. “Because…I’m always in his shadow. In my parents’ shadow. I’ve never been able to be my own person. When people find out my last name is Luthor, it doesn’t even matter what my first name is. The only person who’s never even blinked when I told her my last name, was your sister. She knew, though. Who I was. Who my parents were. And the first thing she said after finding out was “You want to get some tacos?” and it meant so much. Not the tacos but the fact that she acted like it didn’t even matter. And she made me feel like it really didn’t. And ever since, she has been my only true friend. And even if people still made fun of me or talked about me, it didn’t matter. Because I had her and that was enough. Is enough. When you told me police was coming to our house tomorrow, I freaked. At first. But then I realised that I don’t give a shit about ruining my reputation with police coming to our house. People will see. People will talk. My parents will freak. And I don’t care because Alex is missing and if I can do anything to help get her back, I will. But when you asked me about my brother, I mean… I don’t know. If you were any other person, I’d probably tell you to get out. But you’re Kara Danvers. My best friend’s sister. And it matters, you know. What you think of me. And not only because you’re Alex’s sister but because…” Lena looks down suddenly. She doesn’t say a word. Kara hesitates before putting her hand on Lena’s. “I don’t think, anything. I don’t know what Lex did and I don’t care. I only asked because, well, I didn’t know what else to talk about and when you said we’d be alone, I just… I don’t know, it just came out of my mouth. And I knew immediately that I fucked up.” Lena looks at Kara, shocked. “What?” -“You said… fuck?” Kara laughs and shakes her head, “Yeah, sorry.” Kara blushes. “Don’t be” the blonde swears she sees Lena bite her lip when she says that and blushes even harder, not really knowing why. “Anyway… why does it matter what I think?” she asks. Lena looks into her eyes. “Because, Kara. I kind of like you.” Kara smiles. “I like you too.” And Lena chuckles, “No, Kara, I mean… Remember the first time we met? At Billy’s? I think it was two months ago?” -“Yes?” -“Well, when I first saw you, I was like, “holy shit, she’s gorgeous” and like, I couldn’t believe you were actually Alex’s little sister-“ -“Well yeah, I’m actually adopted, but… thanks” Kara blushes. “Oh, I didn’t know that. Alex never told me… okay, back to the point. And then I remember when you took off your glasses to clean them with your shirt and you looked at me and… I just, I saw your face and it was so beautiful and it looked so soft and I just wanted to touch it… and remember how I said then that I have to go?” -“Yes, I remember, you seemed a bit off… Alex wouldn’t shut up about it.” -“Well, I needed to get away. Because I had never felt that way before. Not towards a boy, not towards a girl… anyone, really. And since you are my best friend’s sister, I thought I was doomed. I thought for sure Alex would hate me if she found out. But she didn’t. Not that I told her. She figured it out. I denied it, of course. But she didn’t buy it. She told me she knows me too well, that I can’t lie to her. But… she told me that even though she’d be okay with it, that she didn’t think you’d feel the same. She said you’ve never had feelings for a girl. She said you liked this boy once in middle school. And then my heart sinked and I tried to forget about you. But then we went out again and I just… started looking forward to seeing you again. And today, when you called me, I was at a party. It was a good party. But as soon as I realised it was you calling, I left. I was just so excited, to hang out with you, even as friends. And then you mentioned my brother and my heart just… broke? I don’t know. I thought for sure you were going to think I’m just like him, a criminal, or that I even hurt Alex…” Tears stream down her face again and Kara doesn’t know what to do. She sits there, taking in what Lena had just confessed. “I would never think that.” She says, realising she’s still holding the girl’s hand and gently, slowly runs her thumb over her skin. Lena keeps crying. Kara, knowing she wants this, has wanted this since she watched her smoke earlier, or maybe even before that, leans in. She’s ready. She’s ready for her first kiss. But Lena stops her. Breaks her heart a little. “Kara… you don’t have to do this. Please, don’t do this, don’t feel sorry for me.” Kara exhales, “Lena… I want to. I meant it, you know. When I said I like you too. I meant it in the way that you meant it. I mean, how could I not… You’re so… beautiful. And sweet. And cool. And nice. And…” She’s cut off by Lena suddenly pressing her lips against her own. It’s slow and gentle, at first. Lena moves her lips against hers softly, then slightly opens her mouth, begging for entrance. Kara takes the girl’s lip between her own, tugging at it gently. She parts her own lips and Lena slowly sneaks her tongue inside her mouth. She feels their tongues softly moving in rhythm against each other. Lena puts her palm on Kara’s cheek, caressing her and moving her closer by her chin. The other arm drapes around Kara’s back. The blonde puts her hands on Lena’s hips and rests them there, gently tugging at her shirt now and then. She feels electricity run through her, it’s like nothing she’s ever experienced before. Lena now runs her hand through Kara’s hair and gently tugs at it. A small moan escapes Kara’s lips. It makes Lena shift on the bed, feeling wet warmth right between her legs spread faster and faster. She knows she must control herself, Kara is so vulnerable and too innocent to know what she’s doing to her. She breaks the kiss and buries her face into the crook of Kara’s neck. She pecks her shoulder, breathing heavily. She feels Kara shaking. She takes her hands and sits up, looking at her. “Are you okay?” It comes out as a whisper. Kara exhales and bites her lip. “I’m… better than okay.” She smiles and yawns. “Aw, are you tired?” -“Well… It’s 2AM. I think I have the right to be.” She laughs. Lena takes her by the hand. “Where are you pajamas?” -“Uh… I forgot them at home.” Kara smiles sheepishly and Lena smiles back at her, placing a peck on her forehead. “You can have my shirt if you want.” -“What about pants?” Lena thinks and goes into the closet. “I don’t really wear pants to bed… I only have these sweatpants but they’re really warm. You can have them if you want. I think you’re gonna be hot though. And I don’t have shorts, I haven’t gone shopping yet. We can go together, if you want.” -“Wait. You buy new shorts every summer?” -“Yeah. I know, it’s stupid. But my mother’s very strict about clothing. Never wear the same shirt twice. Or pants. Or underwear.” -“Wow.” -“I know. I donate my clothing, though. It makes me feel better about it.” -“That’s nice.” -“Yeah. So, pants?” -“Just… underwear, please.” Lena smiles while raising her brows at her. “That I can do, m’lady.” The brunette gives her some black underwear and her favorite T-shirt. “Bathroom’s down the hall.”
Kara steps out of the shower and dries herself with the whitest towel she has ever seen. She wonders if it has ever been used before. She puts on the underwear and shirt Lena gave her and looks herself in the mirror. She fixes her hair and ties the hem of the shirt into a knot, revealing her toned stomach. She sighs and walks back to Lena’s bedroom. “So hey, what side do you want to-“ Lena’s eyes go wide and her mouth is still agape. She quickly composes herself and tries her best to look Kara in the face and not… lower.” Kara acts as if she doesn’t know exactly what she’s doing to the girl, “I’ll take this side, please.” -“O-okay.” Lena stutters, trying not to think too much about Kara’s hardened nipples poking through her favorite shirt. She excuses herself and goes to take a shower. She curses as she gets to the bathroom, knowing well that even if she tries not to think about her, her mind will most probably go right back to Kara. She gets into the shower, definitely not thinking about how Kara was just in there, naked, a few minutes ago. She lifts her hand to squeeze her breast, wishing it was Kara’s. She wonders how she got so lucky to even share that kiss with the girl. Thinking back on the kiss, she remembers the small moan the blonde let out and it makes her shiver all over. She lets her hand wander down her belly and in between her folds. She gasps at the wetness still present down there. She can’t recall ever being this wet before. Kara keeps occupying her thoughts and her fingers move by themselves. Just as she’s about to climax, there’s a knock at the door and the door opens. Kara stands in the doorway, jaw basically on the floor and her eyes fixed on Lena’s hand. They both freeze. “Kara, it’s not what it-“ -“Keep going.” -“What?” -“Please.” Lena stands still for a moment and then her hand is moving again. She looks at Kara, her flushed face, her eyes full of wonder, her nipples still poking through the shirt and - her hand down her panties. It makes Lena shudder. It makes Kara moan. It makes Lena feel a bit guilty but at the same time so, so turned on. It makes Kara throw her head back. It makes Lena’s whole body jerk. It makes Kara scream out from the strong wave of pleasure. Lena steps out of the shower, still shaking and dries herself, keeping an eye on Kara who is now leaning against the doorframe, panting. Lena walks to Kara and embraces her in a hug. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” -“It’s okay. Can we go to bed now?” Lena’s a bit taken aback by Kara’s sudden sharp voice but nods her head and lets go of her. She mentally kicks herself before following the blonde to bed. Kara gets in and turns away from the older girl. Lena stays quiet, not really sure of what to do. She can’t go to sleep knowing Kara’s mad at her. “Kara?” -“Hm?” -“Are you okay?” Kara doesn’t say anything. Lena reaches out to stroke the blonde locks. Kara doesn’t move away. She scoots closer to the smaller girl, draping an arm around her gently. She hears her sniffle. And she realises. But it’s too late. “I feel guilty.” Kara says. “Kara… please don’t. Alex is okay. She’ll be okay. She’ll be home soon.” Kara turns over and buries her face into the brunette’s shirt. “I miss her so much…” Lena exhales, feeling tears form in her eyes as well. But she has to stay strong. For Kara. “I know, baby. I miss her too.” Kara drifts off to sleep shortly after, but the brunette is left wondering if she is really sure Alex is okay. She can’t imagine anything happen to her. She is Alex Danvers, for heaven’s sake. She’s her best friend. And she’s Kara’s sister… Which makes everything even worse. What if Alex is not okay… What if she’s lying to Kara? What would happen if something was really wrong and… Kara wouldn’t trust her anymore. She’d blame her. Hell, Lena’d blame herself, too. She feels guilty, all of a sudden. So guilty, she runs to the bathroom to throw up. She lies next to Kara and tries to fall asleep.
The doorbell wakes them both up. Lena goes to open the door. There’s a woman, short, dark-haired and wearing a police jacket. She looks away from Lena’s state of undress. Kara joins shortly after, not even bothering to put on her pants. She starts crying immediately as she sees the bad news written on the police woman’s face. The woman looks right at the girls, her badge in hand. “Detective Maggie Sawyer, NCPD Science Division. Are you a friend of Alexandra Danvers?” Lena nods, unable to speak and Kara looks up at the detective, “She’s my sister.” Maggie nods. “We found her.”
To be continued...
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commanderofcandles · 7 years
soooo… as you can see my blog has turned into supercorp trash lately sorry not sorry and i’ve been having a lot of feels about them these past few days so this happened I totally blame @tinyolsen for this it’s entirely my fault buddy so go complain to her for what follows hope you enjoy it anyway! also!!! thank you to @mysticnic11 for making sure my sleep deprived ass formed somewhat correct sentences! PS: I swear I wrote the scene with the potstickers before 2x12 aired, but daaaaammn could the writers be more obvious?
The Things We Don’t Say
Right after that meeting though, Kara instantly regrets the way she acted towards the woman, now ready to give her the benefit of the doubt and to get to know her for who she really was.
The first time Lena Luthor meets Kara Danvers seems to be an entirely different story. Clark Kent had asked for an interview with her, Lex’s sister. The woman isn’t stupid, she knows who Clark really is. So when Superman walks into her office with this non-reporter – or so she says – from CatCo Magazine, Lena knows she’s met the whole Super family.
Supergirl is standing in front of her, with her dreamy blue eyes and the brightest smile Lena has ever seen. She can’t help but smile in return and thank whoever is to thank for for creating girls.
The glasses don’t really help hiding who Kara really is, neither does the stuttering.
(Lena finds out soon after that the stuttering isn’t an act, it is entirely Kara, and she instantly likes the girl way more for it.)
Lena thinks back to it over and over again, to what she had said that day.
I hope this isn’t the last time we meet.
Really Lena? She had thought. Could you make it any more obvious?
“I hope not either.”
Lena had smiled a bright smile, almost as bright as the one she’s harboring now thinking about her favorite reporter. She is looking forward to the future already.
The second time they meet, Lena is pretty sure she has a crush on the reporter. One that could start being a problem because there is much at stake here.
Not to mention she is pretty sure Supergirl wouldn’t even dare looking past her last name.
That is without counting the incredible ray of sunshine and positivity that is Kara Danvers. She quickly makes it clear to the older woman that she’s not judging Lena for her last name. That she wants to get to know her, Lena, for who she is.
Lena cannot stop smiling, which is unlike her to smile for no particular reason, to get this feeling of comfort in her stomach by just being in the reporter’s presence.
What she doesn’t know is that Kara does not smile this brightly at just anybody.
“Come on, try it.”
Lena knows she’s torturing the girl by asking her to try her alien detection device. She can see it in the way Kara frowns and gulps at the sight of it, desperate to find a distraction. Lena should feel bad, she knows it, but she can barely contain the smirk that’s tugging at her lips.
Eventually the girl gives in and takes the test. Negative.
Lena’s quick to replace her frown with a smile. “See? Works perfectly.”
Or not. Now Lena is sure the alien hasn’t just messed with her heart, she’s also messed with her brand-new prototype.
When Kara comes back after that incident, Lena is reading her article. She genuinely likes the way the young girl wrote it, and she has to admit she’s relieved to see it’s not as bad as she thought it would be.
She has been worrying that she’d gone too far with Kara after their little debate on whether this prototype was a good thing or not. She doesn’t want Kara to think she is anti-alien, that is very far from the truth. She is not like the rest of her family, and she’s doing everything that she can to prove it.
Fortunately, this article and the way Kara is smiling at her makes her breathe a little easier.
When Kara gets up from the couch to leave Lena’s office, the CEO calls after her.
The young reporter turns around, eyes looking brightly at her with a hint of… Lena isn’t sure.
She swiftly makes her way to her desk and finds one of her business cards and a pen. She scribbles down her personal number and hands it to the other girl who’s looking at it with a puzzled expression on her face.
“It’s my private number. If you need anything, another interview, or if you just want to talk…” Lena’s voice trails off. She’s not sure she should be saying this, but she can’t help herself.
Kara is a ray of sunshine, and she could really use that in her life.
Lena has given her her number.
Lena Luthor has given her, Kara Danvers, her personal number.
Kara jumps in surprise and throws her phone across the room without meaning too. She hears the screen shattering and she winces. She’s pretty sure there’s now also a hole in the DEO’s main hall floors.
Once she’s mourned her phone’s screen long enough, she finally realizes that her sister has been talking to her for the past five minutes and she has no clue as to what she said.
“I’m sorry what?”
“What’s going on with you today? You’re distracted,” her sister simply asks.
“I’m not! I just stopped three robberies and we caught a bad alien on the way back! I’d say it’s a pretty good day.”
Of course it was. Lena freaking Luthor has given her her private number.
“Kara, just tell me what’s going on, it will both save us some time.”
Kara sighs. Of course she can’t hide anything from her sister. This time she doesn’t know how to tell her though. She’s not expecting her sister to be thrilled at the idea of her befriending a Luthor.
“I went to see Lena after the article was published,” the Kryptonian admits.
Her sister smiles in excitement. “Oh that’s great! Did she like it?”
Kara nods. “Thanks to you and what you said about seeing things from her perspective, and also because Snapper made me throw the original one away, she liked it.”
Her sister snorts at that. “Of course Snapper did that.”
“I’m actually glad he did though.”
Alex glances at her sister. “So this is why you’ve been distracted? Because of the article?”
“Mmh,” is the superhero’s only reply.
Her sister rolls her eyes. “What did I tell you about saving us both some time?”
Kara drops her head. “Lena Luthor gave me her number.”
Alex raises her eyebrows and her head shoots up in surprise. “Why would she do that?”
Kara shrugs her shoulders as if it doesn’t really matter, but it does. “I don’t know. I think we’re slowly starting to become friends.”
“Who would have thought?” Is Alex’s only answer for a while. She seems to think of the right words to say before she asks, “Do you trust her?”
Kara hesitates. Not because she doesn’t know if she can trust Lena, she is absolutely certain she can, but just because she really doesn’t know how to explain it.
“I do. She’s done nothing but prove to us she can be trusted.”
Her sister pursed her lips, making Kara fear her next words. “Luthors have proved themselves to be very good actors. Just be careful, okay?”
“I always am.” Kara smiles, already walking away to fetch her broken phone and fly back to her apartment.
Alex watches her leave while shaking her head. “Sure, Supergirl.”
When she reaches her apartment that night, Kara can’t decide whether she should text Lena or not. The woman did say that if she wanted to talk, she could use her number, but they had just seen each other that day, what would Kara even say?
The Kryptonian sets down Lena’s business card and forces herself to tear her eyes away from the messy handwriting of the CEO.
Wincing at the sight of her broken screen, Kara presses the button to turn her phone on and is relieved to see that it seems to be working perfectly fine.
She quickly checks her notifications to see that she has two texts from Winn and another one from Eliza. Deciding she will text them back later, she quickly undresses and hops into her shower.
Wishing she could turn off her super hearing, she focuses on the sound of water dripping from her naked body instead of her neighbor talking on the phone with his son. Today has been a long day, and she hopes Supergirl won’t be needed that night, because everyone, including superheroes, could use a night off.
The sound of her neighbor hanging up the phone and running around his apartment wakes her up from her daze. Showers fix everything, Kara thinks before stepping out and slipping into her favorite pajamas, ready to watch her favorite TV show and eat way more than what she actually needs.
She then thinks back of the unanswered texts she has and quickly types out a reply to Winn and Eliza. She briefly thinks she should call the woman sometime soon.
Her eyes fall back on the business card with Lena’s number on it. She hesitates before taking it in her hand to take a closer look (not that she needs it, she has no problem seeing things after all, in spite of what everyone thinks because of her glasses).
Gathering her courage, she takes her phone and opens a new text message before she chickens out.
To Lena – Hi Lena, it’s Kara.
She hits ‘send’ without even thinking about it.
To Lena – Danvers
She quickly sends the second message, fearing Lena won’t know who Kara is.
She smiles when her phone buzzes not long after.
From Lena – Hey Kara, I knew it was you, don’t worry.
Her smile gets a little bit brighter, she doesn’t even really know why, it just does.
It quickly falters though because she realizes she has not thought this through. She doesn’t know what to say now, doesn’t even know if she should say anything (she should). Lena saves her the trouble of having to come up with something to say that wouldn’t make her seem like a complete fool.
From Lena – Did you need anything?
The message makes her frown a little. Is she bothering the woman? Maybe not, but she should have known better than to text her for no reason at all.
To Lena – No, not really. I just wanted to make sure you had my number.
To Lena – In case you need anything :)
She actually cringes this time. Could it be more obvious that Kara is just a mess very awkward when socializing?
The reply comes right after.
From Lena – Thank you :)
From Lena – How are you?
Kara is taken aback at the question. It’s a simple enough question, that friends regularly ask each other. But she doesn’t really know how or what she’s feeling right now.
She doesn’t even know why she feels this way whenever it involves Lena. She knows she is attracted to the other woman, Kara has been attracted to girls before, it’s nothing new. She has never been so intent on exploring the relationship though, and it is scary. Especially because she doesn’t know how Lena feels towards her.
She chooses to be honest, even partially.
To Lena – Tired. Today has been a long day. You?
The other woman doesn’t reply for a few minutes and Kara thinks she’s lost interest in the conversation or that she’s busy doing whatever it is Lena Luthor could be doing at this hour.
She’s relieved when she hears her phone buzzing.
From Lena – Quite the same. I actually went home early today.
Kara frowns, suddenly feeling concerned even though there’s no reason for her to be concerned.
To Lena – I’m glad to hear you’re not one of those people that can’t take nights off when they need it.
She snorts at that, because if the phone the DEO gave her tonight rings, she can say goodbye to her night off even though she desperately needs it. But it’s different, she tells herself. She’s Supergirl. Supergirl doesn’t take nights off. The buzzing of her phone snaps her away from her thoughts, and she lowers the sound of the TV. It’s not like she’s really watching anyway.
From Lena – Very funny Kara ;)
She’s thankful Lena can’t see her right now because she’s pretty sure she’s blushing. Lena didn’t strike her as the type to use emojis that much. But do people really need to have a type to do anything they want?
She checks the time on her phone. Midnight. She didn’t realize it was this late already.
To Lena – So what are you still doing up at this hour? Don’t you have an early meeting to attend to tomorrow morning?
From Lena – I’m the boss. They can’t start meetings without me even if I don’t show up on time
To Lena – That’s pretty convenient.
From Lena – I know right?
Kara does not reply for a while, she’s getting this feeling she should stop the conversation here or she might say something stupid, and she does not want to say something stupid to Lena Luthor at this hour of the night. She decides to simply send a goodnight text to the woman.
To Lena – Good luck with your meeting tomorrow morning, and goodnight :)
The reply comes instantly.
From Lena – Goodnight, Kara :)
Kara turns off her phone and decides to call it a night too, hoping she won’t be called by the DEO and that she can actually get a good night’s sleep.
Lena wakes up the next morning, feeling completely drained from the night she just had. She might have lied to Kara about not working. Well no, not lied. She had just let the girl assume she was not working last night. Getting home early was just a way for her to make sure she wouldn’t be bothered with anything and that she could actually focus on the task at hand.
Lena’s sleepy face breaks into a small smile thinking back to the reporter. She is glad Kara texted her the night before, she had seemed like she wanted to talk, and Lena had appreciated the company the girl had offered, even for a short while.
Lena gets up from her bed and goes on with her morning to get ready for her early meetings when her phone rings.
It’s her assistant. With a grunt because she already feels trouble coming, she answers the phone. “What is it?”
“Miss Luthor,” she barely hears the voice of her employee behind muffled sounds of people running around and sirens. Her mind runs wild and she can feel the sweat on her palms already.
“What happened?”
“There has been an attack.”
Kara Danvers loudly groans when her phone wakes her up in the way too early hours of the morning. She only needs a second to remember that she turned off her phone last night and she needs another one to realize it’s the ringtone from the phone the DEO gave her. Quickly getting up from her bed she answers.
“What is it?”
J’onn is the one on the other end of the line. “Supergirl, someone’s targeting L-Corp. We think it’s Lex’s minions again.”
Kara’s blood runs cold but then she realizes it’s way too early for Lena to be there. It doesn’t mean she’s not worried about possible employees already being there. “How many people?” She asks as she’s getting dressed in her Supergirl costume.
“Three. No employees on site. We think they’re after something in the labs of the company.”
Kara nods even though J’onn can’t see it. “On my way.”
When Lena gets there, it’s already an hour after Supergirl put the bad guys away. She makes a mental note to herself to ask why the hell she was warned this late.
Supergirl has already left, and it’s Kara’s sister that greets a frantic Lena.
“Miss Luthor, we got everything secured. We made sure that there was only three of them and they’re in custody right now thanks to Supergirl. We don’t believe they got what they came for but we still need you to confirm that nothing was stolen so we know what they were after.”
“Of course Agent Danvers, anything you need,” Lena replies, trying to catch her breath after getting here so fast.
She finds it even harder to breathe when she hears a soft voice calling her name.
She already knows who that voice belongs to and her lips slightly tug upwards even before she turns around.
The reporter is walking over to her and Agent Danvers, and Lena resists the urge to take the girl in her arms to thank her for saving her company once again. Of course she can’t let Kara know that she knows yet, especially not in front of her sister who’s obviously not a federal agent, Lena is sure of that. It would only cause trouble and worries that they could all spare.
She’s surprised when Kara gets closer to her than necessary and puts her hands on both of her arms, squeezing ever so slightly.
“Are you okay?”
Lena smiles. “Of course I am. I just got here.”
Kara knows this already, and Lena knows she knows. But Kara also knows that Lena isn’t supposed to know that she knows… Now Lena is almost confused.
Kara seems genuinely worried, and Lena hopes the look she’s giving the reporter is enough to reassure her.
“What are you doing here?” She asks after a few seconds of just staring at each other.
“I heard what happened on the news and came to see if you were okay.”
Lena fights the smirk that’s threatening to come out. Sure Kara.
Nevertheless, it is adorable of the reporter, and Lena feels eternally grateful. Not many people care that much for her. In fact, Kara might be the only one that cares at all. Lena inhales deeply before someone clearing their throat next to them brings her back to reality.
Kara turns her head to her sister while Lena’s eyes can’t leave the reporter’s face. Her eyes briefly dart to her lips and Lena chastises herself.
Not now.
Kara’s hands leave her arms and she instantly misses the warm touch. Lena’s never particularly liked being touched, even in the slightest of ways. She’s simply not used to it and doesn’t really mind that she’s not. But with Kara, it’s different. Whenever the girl is around, it’s like she can’t stop from wondering how those hands that seem so soft would feel on her skin.
Not now, Lena.
Being brought back to reality once again by Kara’s sister, Alex, Lena is now completely – or trying to be – focused on the task at hand. Finding out why those people wanted to break into her company.
Kara really wants to call Lena that night, to make sure the CEO is okay after the events of the morning. Only problem, she forgot her phone at her sister’s place and she can’t really call her with the DEO’s phone, it would break every rule they set with J’onn.
She knows Maggie is with Alex that night, and she doesn’t really want to intrude on the both of them now that they are finally having a night off together.
Instead, she makes a bold decision, maybe because she’s still high on adrenaline after the couple she just saved from a terrible car accident. She decides to go directly to Lena’s place, only making a short stop at her place to change and get some leftovers she’s had in her fridge since the night before.
She’s there in less than ten minutes, perks of being a Kryptonian here on Earth, and she gathers up the courage to knock on the door. She isn’t even supposed to know where the woman lives, so why the fuck is she standing on her doorstep completely announced?
Too late for that, Kara thinks.
She knocks. She hears ruffling and footsteps on the hard floor, Lena is here.
Breathing in deeply, Kara waits for the door to open. When it does, she’s blessed with the precious sight of one Lena Luthor in sweatpants and an oversized shirt.
Kara really feels like she should have called before, but she can’t bring herself to feel guilty about it when she can’t take her eyes off of Lena.
Lena’s eyes widen in surprise and Kara is happy to see a smile quickly forming on her beautiful face.
“Kara! What are you doing here this late?”
Kara can hear it in Lena’s voice, she’s happy she’s here. The reporter simply hands her the food and smiles happily. “After today, I thought you might use some company, and food. So here I am.”
Lena looks at the leftovers she’s brought her. Pot stickers. Her smile grows wider. She then looks up at the other girl while opening the door a bit wider to let her enter her apartment. “How did you know where I lived?”
Kara’s blush is evident, she knows this, and it doesn’t help at all. “My sister is a federal agent remember?”
Lena smirks this time and Kara catches herself thinking of kissing that smirk away.
“Of course.”
Kara stands there awkwardly for a few seconds before Lena lets the reporter in and indicates the way to the kitchen.
“Thank you, Kara. For this,” she nods towards the plate of pot stickers in her hands,” and for being here tonight.”
Kara beams at her. “No problem. If I’m being honest, I could really use some company myself.”
Lena’s busy heating up the food for the both of them when her head shoots up and she frowns. “Everything okay?”
Kara shakes her head but her answer is still positive. “Yeah, I just have a lot of work lately.”
It’s technically not a lie, it’s just not her reporter’s work that’s weighing in on her lately.
Lena doesn’t seem convinced but she nods anyway. “Tell me about it.” She pauses. “I’m glad you’re here tonight then. Maybe we can both catch our breath.”
Kara’s smile returns and she can’t help but stare into Lena’s eyes. That woman is a mystery to her, and yet she trusts her completely. She wishes she could tell her she’s Supergirl, but she can’t. First, the DEO wouldn’t agree with this, she hears J’onn already reminding her that ‘she’s a Luthor’. And also because it would be putting everyone in danger, including Lena herself, and Kara doesn’t want to risk that. She can’t risk that.
She’s pulled out of her thoughts when she feels Lena’s hand gently but firmly grabbing her wrist and the woman leads her to what she assumes is the living room.
Then she takes the time to look around Lena’s apartment for the first time. It is just like her, and yet not like Kara imagined it (and still, she doesn’t want to focus on the fact that she has imagined it because it is still all too weird for her).
Lena leads her to the couch and Kara sits closer to her than intended, but she finds it comfortable and reassuring in a way when Lena doesn’t pull away. They smile at each other when Kara breaks the comfortable silence. “Nice apartment.”
Lena breaks out of her daze and looks around. “You think? Thank you. Truth to be told, I haven’t spent a lot of time here ever since I moved to National City.”
Kara notices the lack of personal pictures but doesn’t say anything. Her heart clenches a little though.
“Maybe you’d like to watch a movie?” Lena asks, looking expectantly at Kara, as if she is afraid the reporter would get up and leave as fast as she came.
“Yes sure!” Kara answers.
Lena turns on her TV and faces towards the young Kryptonian. “What would you like to watch?”
Kara really wants to pick a Sci-Fi movie, but she’s not sure Lena would like her nerdy side, so she says instead, “You pick.”
Lena turns to her TV again and finally picks something. “Is this okay?”
Kara realizes she has been staring at the other woman and she blushes, quickly looking away and at the screen in front of her. She can’t help the grin that spreads on her face. A Sci-Fi movie. One that Kara has seen a thousand times but she really doesn’t mind. “It’s perfect.”
Kara thinks she sees Lena heaving a sigh of relief, but she quickly pushes the thought away as the woman hits play and the movie begins.
It’s barely half an hour into it when they have settled comfortably into the couch after eating their food, even closer to each other, shoulders brushing against one another.
Lena seems more tired than she cares to admit, Kara has seen her eyes flutter close more than once and she seems to be struggling to get them to open again.
The alien decides that she’ll spare Lena the trouble of staying awake for the rest of the movie and she wraps the nearest blanket around them, getting so close to Lena she can now feel her warm breath against her own neck. The CEO doesn’t argue and she lets her head fall down on Kara’s shoulder, allowing her eyes to close and her breathing becoming quieter and slower.
Kara watches the rest of the movie, and glances more times than she cares to admit at the sleeping woman next to her. She resists the urge to brush a hand through raven hair.
An hour later, the movie is over, and Kara feels Lena shifting against her, as if on cue.
The raven-haired woman needs a short moment to take in her surroundings before looking up at Kara, her face so close Kara swears she can guess what her lipstick tastes like.
They stay like that for a brief moment before Lena pulls away and straightens her back on the couch before glancing at the clock on the bookshelf behind her. “It’s late.”
Kara follows her gaze and realizes it is in fact very late, so she gets up from the couch. “I should probably go.”
Lena flashes her a concerned look. “At this hour? No, you won’t. You can stay here, I’ll set up the couch for you.”
Kara tries – and fails – to hide her blush but she shakes her head. “Thank you, Lena, that’s very sweet of you, but I’d rather go home.”
Lena seems like she wants to argue, causing Kara to tilt her head to the side. “Are you sure?”
Kara nods and lowers her gaze. “Yeah, I don’t wanna bother you, plus I need to get up early tomorrow morning.”
“You wouldn’t be bothering me, Kara. At all,” Lena insists.
“Really, it’s okay,” Kara says, standing her ground. She doesn’t wanna have to explain to the woman why she’s not here the next morning if she has to go for a Supergirl emergency.
Lena gives in, and hesitantly walks the reporter back to her front door. She opens it slightly and turns to Kara, taking one of her hands in her own. “Thank you, Kara, for tonight. I really enjoyed it.”
Kara looks down at their hands, feeling bold enough to intertwine their fingers. “Maybe we should do this more often.”
Lena’s face is unreadable as she says, “Yes, maybe we should.”
Kara feels a light squeeze on her hand before the woman lets go of it and opens the door a bit wider, allowing Kara to leave her apartment.
As Kara steps out, Lena leans on the door and whispers, “Goodnight, Kara Danvers.”
Kara turns around to stare into Lena’s eyes before looking down at her lips. “Goodnight, Lena Luthor.”
She knows she wants to kiss the woman, and she thinks Lena might want to kiss her too, but she also knows she’s not ready for that just yet. The CEO needs a friend, and Kara doesn’t want to ruin her building friendship with the woman. So she just leaves it at that and goes home, failing to push away the thoughts of Lena’s face being so close to her own earlier and the smell of her perfume.
Kara gets her phone back a day later, to see multiple notifications waiting for her, but she’s more interested in one particular text from none other than Lena Luthor.
From Lena – I really enjoyed last night. Maybe we could meet for dinner next time?
Kara beams at the text and she feels her sister nudging her in the side.
“Who’s got you smiling like that?” Alex asks with a smile of her own, happy to see her sister so happy.
Kara hesitates before looking up to her, putting her phone away. “Lena.”
Alex’s eyes widen in surprise, just like they did the day before. “Lena?”
Kara nods. “Yes, we’re… growing closer.” She doesn’t really know how to put it.
Alex knows though. “Oh, growing closer. As in you like like her?”
Kara looks down and her lips tug upwards slightly. “Maybe.”
Alex needs a minute to register. “Well this is a surprise.”
“You keep saying that,” Kara answers. “Why would it be so surprising? Because she’s a Luthor?”
She didn’t mean to sound so aggressive but she’s also tired of people going out of their way thinking they can judge someone on their family name.
“For starters, yes. But also because I just didn’t know you guys were that close.”
Kara knows it, Alex is not judging her, she’s trying to be the supportive sister as always. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to go off like that. I just want people to see her for who she really is.”
Alex finally nods and asks,” Does she like you back?”
Kara tilts her head to the side. “I think she does, but I don’t know. Why would she?”
Alex’s mouth opens in shock and closes again. “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that.” She lifts her sister’s head by putting one finger under her chin and looks into her blue eyes. “Why would she not?”
Kara doesn’t say anything. Instead, she glances back at her phone. “She asked me out for dinner.”
Her sister rolls her eyes. “And you say you’re not sure she likes you.” Alex grabs Kara’s phone and hands it over to her sister. “What are you waiting for to say yes?”
From Kara – I’d love to. Tomorrow night?
Lena can’t wait.
Kara needs a second to register what is happening.
Lena Luthor is kissing her.
Lena Luthor is kissing her.
Lena’s lips feel so soft against her own, and yet Lena’s touch on her neck is so firm, bringing them impossibly closer together.
After that second goes by, Kara finds herself kissing the woman back, her hand finding its way to Lena’s cheek.
The kiss doesn’t last long, but it leaves them both breathless.
Kara’s eyes crack open when they part and she sees Lena slowly opening her own before she loses herself in her beautiful, emerald eyes.
“Wow,” is the only thing she’s able to say.
Lena’s shy smile makes Kara’s heart flutter in her chest.
“Wow,” the raven-haired woman whispers in return.
“Who are you texting all the time like that?” Winn asks Kara while M’gann brings them all their drinks.
“Her girlfriend,” Alex steps in with a smirk on her face before she takes a sip of her beer.
Winn’s eyes shoot up to her in surprise. “Since when does she have a girlfriend?” He looks at Kara. “Since when do you have a girlfriend?”
Kara sighs and flashes her sister a pointed look before looking at Winn. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”
Winn seems confused and he turns to Alex again, hoping she will explain the situation.
Alex’s smirk grows even wider. “Sure you don’t.”
Kara rolls her eyes and focuses on her phone again.
From Lena – Wanna stay over at my place tonight? I believe we were rudely interrupted earlier today.
Kara fails to hide her glowing smile and she raises her head again. “Okay fine, I have a girlfriend.”
Winn feigns to be offended as he brings his hands to his chest. “How come I didn’t know about this?”
“I was going to tell you,” Kara says. “I was just waiting to organize a game night to introduce her to all of you.”
Winn rests his face on the palm of his hand and leans in closer to Kara. “So who is this unknown girl?”
Kara snorts. She doesn’t think unknown is the right word to describe Lena Luthor. “Lena.”
“Luthor,” Alex feels forced to add and Kara rolls her eyes at her.
The reporter ignores Winn’s high pitched squeaks and she returns on her phone.
To Lena – I believe we were. I’ll be there in an hour.
Kara cannot believe what she’s reading on the news that day.
She and Lena are making the front page of every tabloid here on this damn planet.
Someone apparently spotted them last night holding hands on the way back to Kara’s apartment.
Lena tells her that she’s surprised it didn’t happen sooner, but soon concern is written all over her features.
“How do you feel about this?”
Kara is standing there, mouth agape as she watches the picture of the two of them laughing, hand in hand. “I-“
Lena closes the distance between them and takes Kara’s hands in hers. “Kara?”
“I don’t know. It just feels… overwhelming and out of place.” Lena frowns and Kara regrets her words. “No, I mean-“
She doesn’t really know what she means. She squeezes Lena’s hands in her own and starts playing with her fingers. “I don’t mind people knowing about us, Lena. I really don’t. It’s just all the attention.”
Kara was used to attention, but as Supergirl, not as Kara Danvers. Now it feels different, and she’s not sure she likes the sensation.
Lena’s hand is quick to make its way to Kara’s cheek. “It will soon wear off. They’ll find something more interesting to talk about in a day or two.”
Kara stares into her girlfriend’s eyes. She leans in to give her a quick kiss. “I know. I’m okay with it, Lena. I am, really. It’s just… unusual.”
Lena smiles a small smile at her and Kara grins.
She doesn’t mind the entire galaxy knowing about her love for Lena Luthor.
Lena still can’t believe how lucky she is. She and Kara have been dating for two months now, and she still cannot believe she’s blessed enough to have her.
Her girlfriend is a ray of sunshine, one that makes her smile like she hasn’t in years. She feels so giddy, so happy.
She feels her head spinning as she firmly pushes Kara against the couch in her office, determined to show her how much she wants her right now, and to hell being professional on the workplace.
Her girlfriend happily complies as she lowers herself on the couch and grabs Lena’s collar to bring her down with her.
Yes, to hell being professional when Kara Danvers is Lena’s girlfriend.
“I love you.”
Lena gasps, she can’t believe she’s said it. The three words she has wanted to say for quite a while now. But she was not supposed to say them like this, out of nowhere when Kara had just been asking about her day.
She cannot take them back now, she doesn’t want to either. Kara knows. Lena loves her. She just hopes the girl doesn’t think it’s too soon and runs away (but it would be giving her very little credit, so Lena unclenches her fists and waits for an answer).
Kara’s mind goes blank at first before all of her thoughts come back crashing down on her mind all at once.
She loves me, Kara thinks. She loves me and she doesn’t even know who I really am.
“Kara? Kara, please say something.”
Lena’s pleading voice is the last thing she needs to blurt out, “I’m Supergirl.”
“What?” Kara repeats, eyes widening and heart racing.
Did you really have to tell her like that?
She figures that at least, now it’s said. She hopes Lena won’t be mad that she kept it from her for so long.
Then, Lena does the last thing Kara expected her to do. She starts laughing.
Kara is genuinely worried now, and she doesn’t even know why.
“What’s so funny?”
More laughing, it seems Lena can’t stop. Kara fears she might have said something else than what she thought she said.
“Honey, I know!”
“You… you know?” Kara repeats, astonished. How could she know?
“Yes!” Lena barks out another laugh before she steps forward to take Kara’s hands in hers. “Kara, honestly, how could I not know? All of the going out at impossible hours at night for ‘journalistic matters’, the fire smell whenever Supergirl helps the fire department, your sister working for a secret-not-so-secret governmental agency, it’s not like it’s hard to figure out.” She pokes Kara in the side. “Plus, the glasses, as adorable as they are, don’t really help either.”
Kara can’t believe Lena already knows. “Since when do you know?”
Lena smiles. “Since you walked into my office with Superman and turned my life upside down.”
Kara blushes at that last part and gasps. “So since the moment we met?”
Lena nods and smiles at her dorky girlfriend, pecking her lips. “You can’t hide anything from me, Kara.”
Kara leans in to kiss Lena longer, wraps her arms around her neck and is instantly relieved when she feels the warmth of the other woman’s body against her own. Lena deepens the kiss and runs her hands through Kara’s hair.
They part when the need for air is too much and they rest their foreheads together, eyes still closed.
“Thank you,” Lena whispers. “For telling me.”
“Of course,” Kara whispers back.  She then opens her eyes and pulls away in the slightest to take in the gorgeous woman in her arms. “Oh and Lena?”
“Mmh?” Lena opens her eyes to look at Kara.
“I love you too.”
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super-barry-allen · 7 years
Even Heroes Need Hugs Sometimes
So I wrote this after 2x09, so just keep that in mind, and I’m pretty sure I wrote it because Lena Luthor deserves a hug and a huge freaking thank you - it’s just an extra bonus that it comes from Supergirl. Enjoy! And sorry for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes :)
Lena's not particularly sure when she got used to the noise, or the fact that this was her new normal, her new normal being the fact that Supergirl, she'll say that again, Supergirl, had a backdoor to her very office. Lena doesn't look up from her work though, she doesn't actually register the girl glaring back at her as she hears Supergirl's not so subtle sigh and footsteps against her floor making her presence well known.
"I'll say this again," Lena drawls, placing her pen down, she slowly looks up at the superhero. "that's not really an entrance."
"You had me worried tonight," The girl says, choosing to ignore Lena's comment, she stands with her arms crossed across her chest, showing off defined biceps, and she looks at Lena with a half subtle smile that says 'I'm proud of you.'
"I came here to thank you." Lena sits back in her chair and narrows her eyes - though her smile really takes all maliciousness away from the gesture.
"Still think there's no such thing as a good Luthor?" Lena asks, leaning forward a little, so she was sitting upright rather than in the tilted back position she had been in. "I mean, I would understand if you didn't, my family is down two for one now, right?" Lena says the ‘right’ a little bitterly - she hadn't wanted to believe her mother could be in charge of Cadmus, she didn't want to believe anyone was like Lex.
Supergirl tilts her head to the side, like a cute confused puppy, and her smile falls away to be replaced with glistening concerned blue eyes. "You're not like them." She says surely and Lena feels her heart swell in her chest... but she couldn't believe those words, no matter how much she wanted to, because who was good in her family? No one it seemed.
"You could say that again." Luna mutters and the Kryptonian tilts her head again and Lena laughs a little at the gesture - of course, superhearing. "Lex was the only one who truly accepted me," Lena explains. "I can't believe I never saw who he really was."
"People can be deceiving." Supergirl points out, taking a step closer to Lena's desk. The business woman stands up with a heavy sigh and looks at the superhero. "I told you that my parents deceived me," The Kryptonian continues. "I guess, sometimes you just want to see the good in people especially those closest to you." Lena smiles sadly and walks around her desk so she can move closer to the superhero.
"I told you that you're too smart and too good to be like your mom, I meant it," Supergirl says. "Lena, you're a good person, you did the right thing tonight, even when I doubted you for a second."
"You doubted me?" Lena asks teasingly, though she's not saying it in a way that is accusing, she's well aware that she can be convincing when she wants to be.
"For only a second." Supergirl reassures and her hand goes up to her face for a split second before she retracts it with a small blush. Lena raises an eyebrow at the action.
"What was that?" She asks, leaning against the front of her desk now face to face and in the personal space of Supergirl. The Kryptonian shuffles a little, her blush deepening.
"Oh, I was just, um, I-I had something in my eye." The superhero says unconvincingly and Lena's smile grows at how dorky the hero was being.
"No, that was a nervous tick, almost as though you're used to..." She pauses for a moment before narrowing her eyes. "Like you wear glasses."
"Pfffft," The hero bursts with a more high pitched nervous laughter than before. "That's ridiculous, I'm a Kryptonian, I don't need glasses to see, heh..." The blonde clears her throat, shaking off her nervous laughter, and then turns back to Lena that was smugly smirking at the blonde.
"Anyway," The blonde shakes her head and clears her throat one more time. "thank you for helping me." Lena lets out a small chuckle and nods her head. She glances down at the floor and bites her lip.
"I knew my mom was lying when she told me she loved me," Lena says, titling her head down towards the ground. "she never has." The superhero in front of her crosses her arms across her midsection, suddenly feeling very exposed and vulnerable, despite her ability to deflect bullets with her Kryptonian skin, but something about Lena's tone, the way she was holding herself, was all too sad for Kara; it exposed herself to her own demons, her own anguish. Her blue eyes sparkle and she wonders if maybe revealing a little about herself is so bad.
"I get it," Kara says and Lena looks up at the superhero with surprise. "I mean, my parents loved me, they sent me here to protect me, but I-" Kara's voice fails and she sighs deeply. "I still felt abandoned. And then I learn that they lied to me, makes me wonder if I ever really knew my parents." The superhero takes a step towards the CEO, who straightens up from leaning against the front of her desk.
"But if Earth’s taught me anything, it's that you can find love with anyone, you can find family when you think there isn't one, you can find people who are worth living and dying for." There's an air of intensity between them. At first, Kara had been referring to Alex, her family that she'd found, a family with the Danvers on Earth, something that she'd thought she'd never have, but, somewhere between the family and the love, Kara's vision became focused on the tall beautiful CEO in front of her.
"I assume you're talking about the city?" Lena asks but her smile, the way her eyes gleam and she subtle bite to her lip, let's Kara know that maybe she does get what she’s referring too and, of course, the superhero can't help but become flustered and blush.
"I'm always open to discovering new things I care about," The blonde shrugs nonchalantly and her infectious smile manages to hit Lena with a powerful feeling of some kind - enough to even make her smile right back. "you saved me tonight, you saved every alien on this planet actually."
"Yeah, well, I did kind of owe you one," Lena says standing up straight, brushing the compliment off, looking at the ground in embarrassment a little, she wasn't used to being praised by others, she hadn't heard someone compliment her since Lex, since before he turned to the dark side or whatever.
Kara's heart breaks a little at the sight of the woman, Lena was so strong, so hardened, she'd had to become like that in order to be a successful business woman, to be taken seriously, Lena had a thick skin, but even underneath all of that thick armour is a beating heart, Lena is human, and so very very fragile beneath. In a way, Kara gets that, she may literally have the thickest, most impenetrable skin on Earth, save her cousin, but Kara still has a beating heart beneath her armour, she's still vulnerable when she wants to be.
She does it without thinking, maybes it's on that thought, knowing that even sometimes heroes like Lena just need a hug from time to time to know that they were needed, or maybe it's the glistening of the CEO's eyes, but Kara steps forward and wraps her strong arms around her neck.
At first it's awkward, but Kara can't say she's ever done anything in her life and not been awkward about it, Lena is all stiffness and uncertainty but, slowly, her arms come around Kara's waist, loosely and gently, as though Kara wasn't indestructible, as though Lena's touch might break her, when, really, it's Kara who should be concerned with that thought - she's been known to be a little aggressive in her hugs (sorry Alex!).
Eventually, the CEO begins to melt into Kara, kind of like clay does in the hands of an expert sculptor, bending and moulding to fit the shape of Kara perfectly, and maybe Kara does close her eyes, and maybe she does nuzzle her head a little into the side of Lena's neck, and maybe when she starts to feel an unsettling hammering in her chest, she does step away, because she's pretty sure a Kryptonian's heart is never supposed to do that... can Kryptonians have heart attacks? She'd have to ask Alex.
When the superhero pulls back she takes a moment just to take all of Lena in, who is now playing with her dress, and smoothing it out, trying to deny the tears glistening in her eyes release. Kara half smiles, it's small compared to her normal full blown bright smile, but it's just as effective, every single smile Kara has is beautiful and infectious, and Lena inclines her head and feels a fluttering in her stomach at the sight.
"Thank you, again." The superhero says, snapping out of her trance, she makes a start towards the balcony door, her cape swishing with her sudden speed.
"Again, it was nothing." Lena says dismissively, turning and crossing her arms across her chest, quickly building up that thick skin that she'd just let down in the warm embrace of the Kryptonian.
"Will you shut up and just accept my gratitude?" The blonde teases, pausing at the balcony door. Lena examines her for a moment, the dark night sky accents the electric blonde of the Kryptonian's hair, and the soft lighting of the office bathed her in a gentle orange glow, and Lena always knew the superhero was beautiful but it's really hitting her in this moment just how much that is true.
"Very well," Lena relents, holding her hands up in surrender, she watches as the Kryptonian grins in triumph and then rockets into the sky. Lena watches her go, wrapping her arms around herself, as though she could imagine it was still the superhero's arms around her, she smiles softly up at the sky and, with a quiet barely audible whisper, she says,
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fernwehbookworm · 5 years
Second Heart
The Past beats inside me like a Second Heart- John Banville, The Sea
A soft beeping invaded Lena's conciseness, her headache pulsing with it each time. Through a haze she groggily opened her eyes, becoming away of someone touching her. No, tucking in a blanket? Lena blinks a couple more times and her headache seems to spike harshly behind her eyes.
"Ugh, fuck…" she mumbles and tries to lift her hand to her temple but it's tugged short by something in her arm. An IV. Her sluggish mind was starting to put prices together as the harsh smell of sterilization fills her nostrils.
"Lena!" The blonde woman cries from where she just tucked a colorful, warm blanket under Lena's left leg. She reaches out towards Lena but seems to hesitate, just a moment, before pushing the call button for the Doctor. She must be the nurse checking on her. But for wha- "Ah!" Lena uses her fee hand this to grab the side of her head and squeeze her eyes shut. Don't cry. Don't you fucking cry. Luthors don't show weakness. Lena can just picture the disappointed look Lillian would give her right now. That helps her push the pain back, back behind the mask she always wears.
The blonde woman was watching her intently. The blue eyes staring into her in such a way that Lena was sure that she would burn her soul with the heat of it. Lena turns away and takes in the room. A blanket and pillow are neatly folded on the comfortable looking couch in the large hospital room. A laptop sits open with file folders and notebooks splayed out around it on the coffee table. That's not a good sign. The only person who could be here for her would be Lillian and she wouldn't be happy about being called to Metropolis in the middle of the move. This isn't good for our stocks, she can hear Lillian almost sneer. But not quite, she's too proper for a real sneer. Lena is pulled from her thoughts by she doctor entering.
"Well-" she glances at the blonde woman, she shakes her head just slightly. It's a weird interaction but Lena lets nothing show on her face. "Ms. Luthor. Welcome back to the land of the living. You had us worried there for a bit."
"I-" Lena is cut off by her own rough voice. It feels very unused and sore. She casts about for some water, which the blonde is already pouring. Lena nods as she hands it to her and takes a couple of sips.
"I am not sure what is happening right now, Doctor..."
"Doctor Natu. First, I have just a couple questions and I have to check you over. Then you can ask me questions."
Lena sighs, "Very well."
The doctor begins by asking her name.
"Lena Kiran Luthor."
"What city are we in?"
"Who is the current president?"
"President Baker."
"What year is it?"
"2019, seriously are we done yet?" Lena is getting exasperated with the questions and poking and prodding and that stupid little light that the woman is shining in her eyes. The blonde woman had excused herself when the Doctor started.
"Yes, I think so. From what I can tell, you are on your way to being completely healed."
"Doctor Natu, I suggest you start giving me some answers before I sue this hospital into giving me someone who can," Lena says sternly, but still without much emotion.
"May I sit?" She asks, gesturing to the chair next to the bed. Lena nods slightly.
"This is going to be very hard to hear Lena." Lena swallows at the use of her first name, it's to lessen the blow of whatever is coming.
"You suffered a very serious head trauma. From what we can gather, your airplane was shot from the sky, blowing a hole in the plane," the doctor is speaking softly and evenly so as not to frighten her. "You only lived because Supergirl caught you immediately, but as you were basically vacuumed out of the plane by the air pressure, the back of your head caught on the opening. Your brain began to swell from the impact and put you into a coma."
"Supergirl… wait. What plane? How long have I been out? The only plane I was going to get on was the Venture, and I had to pull out last minute."
"You've only been 'out' for six days. But due to the brain swelling, it seems you have lost a great deal of memory." The doctor says softly, picking each word with care.
"How much?" Lena whispers.
"Right now, the year is 2024. You are twenty-nine and currently living in National City, where you moved and rebranded L-Corp five years ago."
"Five…" Lena trails off and looks out the large windows at the unfamiliar skyline. How could she have lost five years of memories?
"Where's my mother? I need to speak to her." Lena almost snaps the question at the poor doctor. Surely she must have been alerted to Lena waking up.
"To the best of my knowledge, some FBI black site after her third escape attempt from the maximum-security prison."
"Nonsense. Who else would be here?" Lena gestures to the pile of stuff on the coffee table. Though now that she looks at it, it's a rather disorganized pile. One with colorful sticky notes and pens and she can see a small Pride flag stuck to the top corner of the back that faces her.
"Well, that's another big thing you seem to be missing because it happened in the past five years. That would be your wife's laptop."
"My wife!?" Lena exclaims, immediately regretting it as her headache rises with her voice. Lena clamps her eyes shut against the pain. The door bursts open at Lena's raised voice and the blonde enters the room again. Her wife enters the room again.
"What's wrong? What happened?" Concerned drips from her voice and fire burns in her eyes as she realizes the source of Lena's outburst must be the doctor.
"I was just informing Lena of her situation. She's missing about five years of time, she referred to the Venture before it exploded."
The woman seems to deflate and sadness floods her features. It makes Lena's heart hurt in an unexpected way. "So before she met me." The woman says softly.
"I'm afraid so. I would like to keep Lena just a few more days. Although the swelling has gone completely down, I would like to monitor her to see if any of her memory returns or if there was further brain damage that we weren't able to assess while she was unconscious. Physical Therapy will start tomorrow morning. Maybe try to tell her some of the major events from after she can remember. It may jog the rest of it. I'll be back to check in before I leave." Doctor Natu stands to leave.
Lena's wife holds out her hand for the doctor to shake.
"Thank you. For everything. For coming when I called. It really means a lot to me."
Doctor Natu smiles softly, "After what you did last year, how could I not? We all owe you big." The blonde woman nods and returns the smile. It's an odd moment before the doctor leaves the room and the blonde woman takes a deep breath before turning to Lena.
"If you would like to sleep, we can talk later." She says in a small voice, it's very unsure of itself and it feels odd coming from the woman. Like Lena knows she shouldn't feel this distant from her.
Lena looks into those bright blue eyes and tries to remember something, anything.
"I would like to know my wife's name if it's not too much?" And Lena knows those are the right words to say because that life is magical to her years. The woman's shoulders relax and she takes the seat the doctor vacated moments before. The woman's hand hovers over Lena's but she pulls back when she sees Lena pull away slightly.
"Right. Guess that would be a good thing to know. Seeing as you don't even remember meeting me. Man, I had always wished I had been cooler when we first met and I actually get a do-over and I'm just ramb-" she pauses at Lena's raised eyebrow before taking a deep breath. "Right. Sorry. Hi, I'm Kara Danvers. Well, now its Danvers-Luthor." The woman, Kara, sticks out a timid hand towards Lena. Lena hesitates before taking.
"Lena Luthor, though I'm guessing it's Danvers-Luthor."
Kara grins, eyes squinting in the corner as she nods. Lena's heart flutters a bit at the sight. This woman was pulling down all the walls Lena had built to protect herself. Or she already had and Lena's body was just remembering more than her brain did. It made her uncomfortable and she tried to shut it down. Kara noticed the change right away and looked at Lena with such deep concern it speared straight through her.
"I'm sorry. I should let you sleep a bit. It's only a little before nine in the morning. I need to make some phone calls anyway. I'll be just outside your door so just call out if you need anything." Kara stands and makes sure the water cup is full and in easy reach, as well as the television remote and the remote attached to the bed for her to call the nurses station. Kara shuts the blinds without being asked and turns out the light on her way. All small gestures that are so foreign to Lena that she spends the entirety of Kara's quick movements in silence until she's out the door.
It sure doesn't help the headache to think about but she is getting drowsy and the pain is numbing from the doctor adjusting her pain meds during the examination. Lena sinks back into the pillow as numbness begins to trickle in much faster now that she is no longer distracted. Sleep is easy to sink into then as the chemicals in her bloodstream do their work.
Lena sits, writing across endless documents as she travels as quickly as she can home. She's eager, that's for sure. It bubbles in her chest as the plane soars across the sky. She really is trying to focus but something keeps pulling her attention. Lena instead gets up to make herself a drink at the mini bar, it's still at least an hour until the descent and the minutes were ticking by too slowly.
She just had to go to London this past week. Of course, it was yesterday that the news came in, instead of in three days. But Lena had left early to be home when…
The sudden explosion knocks her from her feet and she hits the side of the plane as it leeches to the side. Then she's being thrown to the back as her ears pop and the plane begins to fall. Another explosion and the back of the plane is rent open and all Lena can see is the black sky as she rushes towards it. Suddenly her head explodes in pain as she hits the ceiling and a blur of red and blue fills her vision.
Lena wakes with a shout and breathing heavy. The heart monitor is going crazy and then Kara is pushing into the room, eyes wide looking for the source of distress. When she sees Lena alone and takes in her frazzled, sweaty appearance, she relaxes again.  She moves to sit next to Lena and stops short of reaching out again. Faintly, it registers how hard this must be for the woman.
"It's okay. You're safe. It was just a dream. Doctor Natu said it may happen because you are still trying to process everything that happened."
Lena gulps at the air and clutches the sheets. Slowly she gets her breathing back under control and smooths her hair back from her face. Before she can even ask, Kara is holding out a hair tie for her to use.
Lena plucks it from her fingers, "Thanks." She murmurs as she scrapes the oily mess back. She really needs a shower. Lena settles back against the raised bed and tries to relax.
"What time is it?" She asks.
"Almost one. I'll page the nurse to bring you food. Dr. Natu instructed them to let you sleep." Which Kara does immediately after.
"You and the Doctor seemed close. What happened last year?"
"Nothing important right now. She's a friend of my cousin. They needed help with this group thing last minute." Lena raises an eyebrow but lets it go when the nurse deposits a tray of bland food in front of her.
"Sorry dear, we have to keep it simple and ease you back onto solid food. Tomorrow there should be some more fruit though."
Lena saved her sneer for when the nurse leaves. Still, she speers the mushy vegetables on her fork and takes a bite out of the buttered bread. Kara refills her water before taking a seat next to her. Kara is obviously actively looking anywhere but Lena.
"So," Lena starts, trying to figure out how to navigate this situation. Nothing in her Luthor training prepared her for losing her memory only to find out she is married and 'out' of the closet publicly. Also that your mother is in jail alongside your crazy brother and you have moved cities and-
"What do you do for a living? That's a lot of files." Lena gestures with her fork, trying to get a hold of her spiraling thoughts.
"Well, I'm a senior reporter for CatCo."
Lena nearly chokes on her carrot. She swallows and takes a sip of water."I married a reporter? How did that happen?"
"Well actually, I wasn't one when we met. But you kind of gave me the courage to do it."
“I did that?”
“Yeah, you did. It was probably the start of everything for us.”
Lena chews thoughtfully for a few minutes. This woman was nothing like she would have considered dating before. She was open and honest in a way Lena wasn’t used to. It also made her want to slam her walls up and not trust a word out of her mouth. What if this was all a crazy ruse by her insane brother and she wasn’t really married to this beautiful blonde woman. She could only play along to find out.
“Tell me about it then. Maybe it will help jog my memory.”
“Well, it was right after the Venture explosion, the Supers saved the plane from going down. While trying to figure out what caused it, they discovered the only empty seat was...umm… well, yours.”
“So of course the Luthor had to be the culprit.”
“It was suspicious at first, so they asked my cousin to interview you and since I was kind of at a loss of what to do with my life, he invited me along.”
“Who’s your cousin? Anyone I know?”
Kara laughs slightly and Lena realizes how silly of a question that is. She probably knew Kara’s family pretty well at this point.
“Right, I mean, five years ago. Did I know him then?”
“I’d say yes. Clark Kent, he’s my cousin.”
“Crap. A family of reporters? What was I thinking?” Lena only half teases.
“Trust me, it's not the only thing crazy about our relationship, but I’ll tell you more, later. Anyway, Clark brought me along and you were so strong and confidant. Golly, I could barely get a word out.”
Golly? Was she for real?
“Anyway, even Clark was convinced you didn’t do it then. After that, they found evidence that the bomb was planted directly under what would have been your seat. As we investigated the accident you had two more assassination attempts and… Supergirl saved you both times. And actual on the second one, your would-be assassin, had my sister at Gunpoint and you saved her. You were scared but this fire burned in your eyes like nothing I had ever seen before. All you wanted was to do good in the world but your brother was trying to have you killed.” Kara stares at Lena with an intensity that only her Luthor training keeps her from squirming.
“Clark published an article after it was all said and done. It gave you and L-Corp good press that you needed and Clark apologized for not believing you.”
Lena snorts.
“It's true, you said ‘If I can make a believer out of Clark Kent, there’s hope yet.’ Then you turned to me and asked why my name wasn’t on the by-line. I told you I wasn’t a reporter and all you said was ‘Well, you could have fooled me.’ That was it. I just knew if you believed in me, then I could do it. Which is crazy considering I had just met you. But nothing about our story is very normal.”
Kara sits back and fiddles with her glasses a bit, trying to find a way to keep going. THings with Lena hadn’t been this awkward since… well since ever. At least, in the beginning, they had so much to talk about, Kara was able to scale her wall because of the trials they went through together. Now here Kara was, at the finish line of a marathon and Lena had been transported back to the beginning.
“I think… yeah, I think I brought it with me. The article I mean. You saved it way back when and the doctor thought familiar things may help. Hold on.” Kara stands up to fast, almost knocking the chair over with a blush. Lena smiles softly before she even realizes it. This has to be real, because the way her body reacts to Kara, that couldn’t be faked. Her heart flutters with a bit of joy at her clumsiness and her lips smile as if they have done it a thousand times before. Kara Begins shifting through piles of things and it honestly amazes Lena how Kara has very much taken over the hospital room in a week's time. She has to believe Kara was basically living here at this point. She obviously had been working from here.
“Aha!” Kara exclaims, pulling out a small looking photo album from the bottom of a precarious stack of books and papers.
“You pasted it into the front of this photo album. You said it's what started our friendship so a few years ago when we assembled these things, you put it in our ‘Friend.’ album. It's the year before we finally admitted our feelings for one another. Alex likes to call it our Clueless Gay’s’ Year. Because we were so clueless.” Kara excitedly hurries back to her chair to hand the album to Lena. “Hopefully this helps. Go on. The article is in the front, and feel free to look at the pictures too.”
Lena scrutinizes Kara’s eager face before carefully opening the cover. She reads the article, but the words don’t mean much to her. It comes like a muggy memory. The bright white of her new office, Kara in a pink that matches the blush on her cheeks as she fiddles with her glasses. Lena had watched her carefully because she had trust issues, but she instantly thought that she wanted to make Kara smile like that again. She remembers feeling her stomach erupt in butterflies that she barely managed to hide by turning away and walking to her desk.
“I hope this isn’t the last time we talk.” Lena murmurs to herself.
“I hope not either.” Kara gives her almost the same smile as her memory. “You remembered.”
“A little. You were cute. You were wearing that pink blazer. And you kept avoiding my eye contact. It was cute.”
“You made me nervous, not in a ‘Luthor’ sort of way, like you used to accuse everyone of, but in the ‘Oh my Ra-gosh, I think I like women.’ Then it was a roller coaster of my sister coming out to me and working through all of that. And I didn’t want to steal her thunder, plus what if you didn’t like me, or if you were straight and then Jack came back and then Mike and-”
“Jack? Jack Spheer? Why did he come back?”
Kara gets all sad then. Lena can already guess what bad news is coming.
“He thought he cracked his nanotechnology. But really he created a deadly swarm out of himself that his CFO was controlling. When I found out I told you and you went to confront him. In the end, it was either save Jack or save… Supergirl. She had tried to come rescue you. You chose her. Because you are always sacrificing yourself for the good of everyone else. It’s one of the things that made me fall in love with you.”
“He’s… dead?”
Kara nods and Lena sits back against her pillows to take in the information. This time the memory slams into her. Jack in pain on the ground, her fist throbbing from punching the evil woman, Supergirl being suffocated by the swarm that the woman was controlling. She knew, even if she let Supergirl die, her chances of saving Jack were slim. He wasn’t really him anymore. He had sacrificed himself for science and lost. She hits the kill switch.
Lena inhales a deep breath and comes back to the present. Kara’s eyes ask the question and Lena just nods. Instead of looking at her wife, she flips the page and skims a mix of faces, some she knows and some she doesn't. Her and Kara among them along with a smattering of others. Alex, she remembers. She recognizes James Olsen too, but from her time in Metropolis.
“Great, more press.” She grumbles.
“Ah, yeah. You and James dated briefly.”
Lena visibly cringes and almost throws the book away from her.
“That’s how I felt. You admitted later that it was because of our poor communication skills. I encouraged you to go for it, along with the rest of our friends. At the time I was dealing with the heartbreak of losing someone I cared about and then having them show back up in my life. I was also suppressing a lot of feelings for you. You said it felt like we were growing apart and it was a way to stay closer to me. We both made poor decisions.”
“Why are you being so vague?”
Kara chews on her bottom lip as Lena slowly flips through the pages. The plastic protecting the pictures crinkles under her touch. She and Kara spent a lot of time together, and when they weren't looking at the camera, they were looking at each other with so much love that it almost sickened Lena, if it didn’t make her stomach flutter. She flips to the last page with a picture of her and Alex hugging Kara tightly from both sides.
A glass of whiskey set down hard cracks the frame and anger builds in Lena’s chest like a hot beast that she had chained down but now it was free. She snapped the book shut and shoves it back at the blonde woman. Kara recoils at the heat blazing in the green eyes that she hadn’t seen in a long time.
“Yeah ‘Crap’”
“Lee please-”
“You lied to me! For so fucking long. And you continued lying to me just now! You’ve been lying since I woke up! ‘Oh Lena, Supergirl saved you.’ ‘Oh, Lena I helped with the investigation but you had to choose between Jack and Supergirl.’” Lena mocks her and folds arms over her chest, cringing slightly as her headache throbs with her yelling.
“Rao, I want to have this fight again. I know. I was selfish and I didn’t tell you. I told myself it was to protect you but then it became protecting myself. I was selfish because Supergirl tainted all my relationships and I didn’t want that to happen with you. So be mad. I hope that you can remember how hard we fought to get back to each other. If you can’t then I will fight all over again, because I will always fight for you Lena Luthor. Supergirl may be this city’s hero, but you are mine. You have saved me over and over again, even when you hated me, you saved me.”
Lena averts her gaze, fury still broiling in her chest. She doesn't remember everything, but this she does. She remembers Lex showing her everything before she killed him. She remembers walking into the game night with a bottle of wine, suppressing the urge to throw it at Kara. The lies stacked up and the hate simmering just below the surface. For the first time, she understood her brother’s madness and that made her hate Kara all the more.
Kara sighs and stands up. “I’m not leaving you. Shouldn’t knowing that you’re my wife give you an idea that we get past this?”
Lena remains silent and looks out the window. Kara sighs and goes back to her files. Eventually, Lena turns on the television as Kara types on her laptop. Lena can feel the tension she put between them, but until she remembers the solution to their fight, she is stuck with these feelings and these memories. Kara leaves to take a phone call and at some point, the nurse brings dinner for Lena. Kara returns with a turkey wrap for herself, apologizing that Lena can't have anything more appetizing and Lena studiously ignored her. Lena gets lost in her thoughts, searching the muddled corridors of her brain as she tries to remember anything. Suddenly the light of the bathroom clicks on and Lena is aware of how dark the room is and what it is approaching eleven o’clock. Kara returns with her pajamas on and folds down the couch to sleep on. Lena rolls over and clicks of the TV. The silence is intense and Lena and feels it settling over her like a suffocating weight.
“I love you, Lena. Even if we have to start over again, I will. I swore to you I would always be here, even if it was yourself you were afraid of. I will always protect you.” Kara whispers into the dark.
Lena falls asleep shortly after, dreaming of Kara’s arm around her as she tries so hard to hold herself together. Jack was dead and she had a strange mix of sadness and joy at Kara’s reassuring presence. Kara. Steady as a rock. Lena could let herself fall apart because Kara was there to build her back up. Kara was there when she fell apart on the balcony after Lex escaped. “You are not weak.” Kara had practically growled in her ear. That’s when Lena knew she was in love with her best friend. Not just a crush or loneliness that overtook her late at night. She was in Love.
Lena wakes slowly to the darkroom with tears damp on her cheeks. She felt so sad and angry because even on that balcony, Kara should have told her. Lena told Kara everything but Kara still didn’t tell her. Instead, she had to find out from the brother who had tried to have her killed multiple times. The brother she still tried to save, just to have him betray her again. Lena hears it then, the soft murmuring and slowly sits up to see Kara standing by the window, phone pressed to her ear. The moonlight illuminates the room and gives it a silvery-blue glow. Kara hasn’t noticed that she's awake so Lena lays back down.
“It’s just hard Alex. I know she's having nightmares. Her heart is thundering in her chest but I can’t hold her like I usually do…. Because, she's not my wife, not in her head. In her head right now she's just finding out about Supergirl and we are fighting again.... I’m hoping she remembers, the memories are coming, just slowly….. No, I can't tell her yet. It wouldn't mean anything to her.... Well yes, she'll be crushed of she remembers. No, when. When she remembers…. Yeah, I’ll let you know when we have a more definite release time. She has some physical therapy in the morning and they want to make sure she can stomach more solid foods…. I love you too, Alex. Goodnight.”
Lena tries to keep her breathing even because it's clear Kara doesn't she is awake. Soon she hears the quiet sobs of Kara crying. It breaks Lena’s heart and just as she is about to sit up she hears a siren in the distance. Then more. With a whoosh, the door opens and shuts and Kara is gone. Off to save people because she couldn’t save her wife. Lena cries herself back to sleep before Kara gets back.
The next day is tense. Lena still can’t bring herself to forgive Kara even though all her body wants is to be wrapped in her arms. Small moments keep coming back to her at the most unexpected times. Just flashes of the past five years and nothing in a particular order. Sam moving with her to National City, a date with James (cringe), a date with Kara (her cheeks hurt from smiling), helping save Sam from Reign, adopting a puppy from the shelter and Kara naming him Krypto after her lost home. Happy and sad intermingled as she went through three hours of painful stretching and walking in the physical therapy room with a very beautiful doctor that made Lena have to remind herself that she was married. She wasn’t the single woman that had woken up yesterday. It was easier now as the memories started to fall into place in her mind. But she also so clearly remembered the anger she felt for months as Kara had continued to lie to her about supergirl. It was so strong and she had no idea how her past self had gotten over it.
Kara was a steady presence throughout the whole day. She kept her distance though, trying to give Lena room to not feel pressured. But Lena kept catching Kara watching her. Making sure she was okay and not in pain. When the therapy was over and Lena had kept down a solid breakfast and lunch, the doctor said she was free to go. But go where? She had thought.
“Yeah, ba-” Kara pauses and clears her throat. “Yeah, Lena?” Kara continues packing up her files and laptop before packing the duffle with their clothes in it. She had made sure Lena was in her, what she assumes was ‘her’, own pajamas and had her own blanket for her stay. Kara keeps busy but Lena knows she is very aware of everything Lena does.
“Where do we live?”
Kara pauses her work and gives Lena a soft smile. “A three-level condo at the top of a building you own. Well, I guess we own, you know the whole ‘what’s mine is yours’ marriage thing. Anyway, the rest is rent-controlled for L-Corp Employees.”
Lena remembers the big floor to ceiling windows that looked over the city, walking distance to the visible L-Corp building so she and her employees could either walk or ride to work, or even carpool, as one of her green initiatives for the company. Lena nods slowly and Kara can tell she remembered something. Maybe all this would take is gentle reminders here and there for Lena’s memory to come back. Getting her home would help also, at least that’s what the doctor said.
By three o'clock Lena s being rolled to the entrance in a wheelchair as Kara pulls the car upfront. Cameras flash at the entrance but Kara had hired a private security team to hold them back. Lena is glad she was able to at least put on jeans and one of Kara’s old sweatshirts instead of the pajamas. Kara pulls up in a car that looks remarkably similar to one Lena had drawn up last year, no wait, six years ago? Before she took over LexCorp. She had a suspicion it was her design which meant it was entirely electric and it made her happy to see something she had dreamed up had become a reality. There was probably much more but she was still reconciling memories to reality.
Kara helped her into the car with as little touching as possible while ignoring the shouted questions of the press. Kara had informed her earlier that Jess, her former assistant, now interim CEO and part-owner of L-Corp, had already made a statement that Lena had lost her memory due to the head injury but was quickly recovering both physically and mentally. She announced that Lena would be taking a temporary leave of absence but with full intentions of returning in two months time. Lena was relieved to know she hadn't just dreamed of promoting her loyal friend and confidant.
Kara drove her to a semi-familiar building and quietly led her up the elevator. She pressed the highest number and held her thumb to the button while it scanned her thumbprint and the light turned green. "Extra security," Kara mumbled. The elevator let out to a hallway with a single door. Kara input a password on the keypad and then placed her hand on a scanner beside the door and it also turned green. Lena remembers having it installed after a crazy stalker of Kara's had broken into their apartment and waited for them to get home. He wanted to take Kara’s brain for himself, or something just as crazy. Too bad he didn’t count on dealing with Supergirl and a Luthor.
Kara opens the door and ushers Lena in. Kara was watching Lena carefully and could see how that trip from the car as wearing on her. Kara planned to get Lena in bed straight away and make her favorite tea. She helps Lena to the couch while she takes their bags to the bedroom and unpacks. Lena looks around and takes in the space.
Memory after memory begins to trickle in as she takes in the pictures on the walls and the knick-knacks tucked between books on the shelves. The blanket Eliza made for them on the couch. The toy chest Alex made during her woodworking phase two years ago. The toy chest? Why did they need a toy chest?
Lena’s world crashes down on her then. She picks up the soft blue blanket and sees the little Danvers-Luthor stitched into it next to a green rattle. Lena runs her fingers over Eliza’s neat stitching and tears are already rolling down her cheeks. She remembers now.
She and Kara had tried the DEO’s experimental technology to use Kara’s DNA to merge with hers to create a child but it was still too early, even with Lena’s brain helping it was too expensive to keep trying after several failed attempts. They talked about an anonymous donor but Kara couldn’t carry the child and if Lena was honest, she didn’t want to have a baby with anyone but Kara. That left adoption. It also led to fights. Lena and Kara had such different experiences in their own lives. Lena was convinced it wouldn’t go well. In the end, Kara convinced her it was Lena’s chance to do better and Kara’s chance to share the love she was given.
After a year of waiting and paperwork and background checks, they just had to wait for a child to be matched with them. But that could take any time from three days to three months. Lena couldn’t cancel her trip to Hong Kong. The Opening of the L-Corp office there had been planned for three years. It seemed safe enough to just go for a week. Until Lena got a call on her third day from Kara that the Social worker was going to be coming in two days with a potential match. Lena immediately canceled her meetings and had the tech crew get her plane ready. It was self-flying and solar-powered, she just wanted it powered up by the time she got to the airfield. She smiled now at the time she and Kara flew to Katznia to confront Lex on an earlier model. It had taken a long time to get over but the lengths Lena went to protect Kara was comical.
But what happened to the one-year-old that had lost its parents in a car crash? What happened to that little brown-haired, blue-eyed baby girl? A sob racks Lena’s chest because now she remembers everything. She crushes the blanket to her chest and hunches over her knees.
She remembers the fights and the makeups. The 'I love you’s' and flowers and forehead kisses. The tension had built after the Supergirl confrontation to the point that they had a screaming match but then suddenly Kara was kissing her and Lena was pulling that stupid cape off. Right there in her office at three in the morning.
Lena was on her way home, almost there, when her plane was shot out of the sky and Kara was there to protect her, just like she always was.
Kara rushed in at the sound of Lena’s crying, taking in the blue blanket in her white-knuckled grasp. Suddenly Kara is cooing in her ear and her strong arms pull Lena back together from where she was breaking in half with her heart. They lost another child. Another chance at a family.
“Shhh… my love. It's okay. It’s okay. Madison went to another loving family. Oh, Lee. We will get another chance. This isn't the end. So many children out there need love” Kara continues reassuring her until Lena can manage to even out her breathing.
“What happened?”
“They didn’t have the funding to wait to place her, and with you, in the hospital, we couldn’t prove to be a suitable home. The woman understood and told me to call her when we were ready again. We won’t have to start over.”
“But I wasn’t here! How did you even handle this on your own?”
Kara cringes. She handled it about as well as Lena was. She fell down right in the entryway, clutching the blanket as the Social Worker carried the baby away. She sobbed until she lost track of time and cried because she should have been at the hospital for her wife. Instead of saying all that she swallows.
“I cried. But I had you to worry about. You are my priority, Lena.”
Lena nestles into Kara, exhausted and just wanting to sleep. Kara’s warm hands rub up and down her arm as Lena cries softly.
“So I take it you’re not mad at me anymore?” Kara asks. Lena laughs wetly and rubs under her nose and her cheeks.
“No. No, I remembered everything.”
“Everything?” Kara teases, Lena elbows her softly.
“Yes, everything. But can I have some tea? This has been a rough forty-eight hours. And my head still hurts.”
Kara laughs a real laugh that is music to Lena’s ears.
“Yeah tell me about it. Come on. I got pretty far ahead on work over the past couple of days, so I took the next two weeks off. Just you and me. And several pints of ice cream to cry this out.” Kara moves to stand up, Lena grips her arm and holds her down. Kara’s forehead crinkles in the very way Lena missed. It felt like she had relieved the past five years and that this huge gulf had separated her from today and just two weeks ago when she had left on her trip.
“I love you. So much. Even when I didn’t know you, you kept all of our memories safe and brought me back to you. You kept all of your vows to me and made me love you even when I was angry. I know this was a setback, and it's going to be hard. You, Kara Danvers-Luthor, are my hero.”
“I will always protect you.”
They sat like that for a few minutes before curiosity overcame Lena.
“What happened to whoever shot my plane?”
“They may or may not have spent the night in the DEO sensory deprivation chamber. Not the goon that was hired but the rival CEO. Frank Chang, I think? The American born son of the former CEO in Hong Kong that you were competing with. Alex dealt with him after that. I was a little too angry to pay much attention other than taking him on the scariest flight of his life.” Lena chuckles at her wife's antics.
“And how were you there? When the plane exploded?”
“I was too amped up so I thought I’d fly along and make sure you got home safe. I just got distracted by…” Kara trails off.
“By what?” Lena arches an eyebrow.
“By what I wanted to do to you as soon as the plane landed.” Kara blushes and Lena thinks its cute, even after all these years. “I was really excited and… umm… well… a bit horny after so long without you.
Its Lena’s turn to laugh out loud and Kara delights in it. “Soon, my love. Soon. You can give me an idea once I’ve been cleared by the doctor. For now, take me to bed and cuddle me?” Lena asks.
“As you wish,” Kara smirks.
“Rao, You watched it again didn’t you?” Lena asks
“Well, how else am I supposed to protest that stupid remake?” Kara exclaims. Lena just rolls her eyes as Kara sweeps her into a bridal style carry with ease.
“All right Dread Pirate. Just don’t let the Rodents of Unusual Size get me.”
“As you wish.”
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1upmushrooms · 7 years
The First Rebel Chapter 7 (1up Deadfic)
Chapter 7: Inside the Towers.
The inside of the left tower was so much like the background of a repeating 1960s cartoon that you'd swear they had circled the same hallway a dozen times now. The Rebel couldn't count how many times he had seen this one portrait of the King and Queen. The bizarreness of the building made him feel like his brain would explode. It felt like forever before they finally arrived at the elevator.
A guard was stationed there, though a quick talk with Lena left them free to enter. The doors slowly opened, allowing the group to enter a room of pure metal. The only sound heard was of the old love tune called "Somewhere My Love." After everyone was in, Lena quickly signalled the elevator to take to them to the 25th floor with the push of a button and they were off.
Conversation continued to stay dead as the elevator carried them up and up towards floor 25. The doors took their time opening themselves. When they finally opened all the way, Lena wasted no time showing them to her office.
While not high class or anything, this place had a comforting feel to it with a pretty nice view outside if one ingored the squalor and chaos below. The Rebel observed Lena's desk, which was flooded with papers and pens, until Lena herself said "Do you mind?"
"Anyway," Lena said making sure everyone was paying attention, "If you people want to stay in here alive and stay the same as you came in-" The Rebel and Wario felt a bit unnerved by the way she said 'as you came in' "You're going to have to camp out here a couple of times, especially tonight."
"Why?" Was the first thing that had come out of Wario's mouth since they had entered the towers.
"Because there are certain curfews here that everyone has to follow." Lena then walked over behind the couch and threw some blankets and pillows on the floor.
"Now if you'll excuse me-"
"Wait," The Rebel said,
"What about our stuff in the car?"
"I'll make sure they're all brought in here first thing in the morning. I really have to go somewhere if you don't mind."
And with that, she left the group alone in their thoughts.
"So," the Rebel said to Mona, "How come she doesn't know?"
"It's a little complicated," She said while putting her hand on her temples "But basically...she's in to Koopa."
That was definitely something no one had expected. The Rebel especially,
"Well," he said while getting out a cigarette, "Let's just keep our job quiet and hope she doesn't find out."
"What?" Mona said, "Um, I'm pretty sure she's going to notice sooner or later!"
"If she does, then fuck her."
Mona got angry once more, "What if she tries to get in our way?!"
The Rebel started getting angry too as he said, "Then we kill her and hide the corpse!"
"And hurt the only person who got you in here?!"
The Rebel grit his teeth, "Look, let's just drop this and hope it doesn't come to that."
This only made Mona more mad, "No, we have to talk about this now!"
Even though the Rebel's anger was rising by the minute, he, as calmly as he could, said: "I'd like it if we just talk about something else."
"Ugh," Mona said, "That is so like you to just forget problems when you're too stubborn to-"
That last sentence was all that he could take. Hell, if he hadn't caught himself in time, Mona's skull would've been cracked open by his owns fist. Instead, he landed one in her shoulder. Watching her fall satisfied the Rebel to no end. To say that she was shocked would be an understatement. Even Wario and Jimmy looked at the Rebel like he was nuts.
"Look," the Rebel said looking down on her, "I know you're new here and all, but when I say to forget something..." he leaned closer, growling "You forget it!" With that, he just walked to the couch and sat on it as the others slowly moved somewhere, anywhere as long it was far from him. All the Rebel did was look up at the ceiling and sigh.
And then, after a long time Lena came back, looking as cold as ever.
"Attention, please!" She said while looking at everyone, they stopped to see what she had to say.
"While I was busy working around here I found two interesting people." She said,
Wario scoffed, "And?"
"They seem to know you."
Tension started to rise as she left the room to bring the strangers in. The Rebel rose from the sofa, Wario walked closer to the door while flexing his fingers, Mona just stood where she was, and Jimmy walked closer to the door as well.
But as the two strangers walked in, tension was replaced with relief and surprise. The first one to enter was an average built man about as tall as the Rebel. Besides the dark blue uniform and black shoes, he also wore black sunglasses to conceal his eyes.
His hair was a combination of blonde and gray. His hands would often rub themselves for unknown reasons. Finally, his face was rat like which only seemed to complete the picture and didn't seem out of place at all.
The second stranger was a woman built like the man. Her hair was dark pink along with her fingernails and eyes. Her left hand was usually in her pocket unless she needed it while her right hand would often grasp her neck or stand still.
Wario was the first to interact with these new people, shaking the man's hand as he grinned.
"Well, well," He said, "If it ain't Mickey himself."
Mickey smiled as he shook Wario's hand and then shook the Rebel's.
"I can't believe it's been so long," the Rebel said,
"Not long enough," Mickey joked in a thick German accent.
Mona was the only one confused.
"What's with his voice?"
The Rebel continued ignoring her "So, do you still go by your nickname?"
"'Mad-Rat Mickey' you mean? Of course, I think it fits me well to be honest."
"Hello," Mona said, "Is anyone listening to me?!"
Everyone stopped talking and looked at Mona, wondering what she was talking about. After recovering from the swarm of awkwardness Mona sighed and asked,
"Uh Mickey-"
"Yes?" he asked, slowly coming towards her.
"Well, I-I wanted to know why your voice sounded different."
Mickey stopped and had a confused look on his face.
"What is wrong with my accent?"
"That's an accent?!"
This puzzled him until he realized the problem, "Ah. You don't know where I come from."
He looked at the rest and said, "Should I tell her?"
They either shrugged or said something along the lines of 'Sure, why not?'
"Well then," he said facing Mona, "You see, I'm not from here."
At first, this didn't make anything click in Mona's mind until her eyes widened and she said, "Wait, you mean, you're from-"
"Yes, I'm from the so-called 'other realm'. My kind call it Earth but as they say 'different strokes, different folks' correct?"
Mona just stood quietly looking at him in a sort of awe,
"But," she stammered, "How-"
"Did I get here?" Mickey asked, "Oh that's simple. You see, in about 1968 I was visiting New York and suddenly I'm greeted by these two people." he pointed at the Rebel and Wario. "They had come to me personally to make a hell of a proposition. They wanted my skills and for me to be a part of their little group. I wanted to say no at first but it seemed like I had no choice in joining them for I feared they would have killed me if I said no. So I said yes and followed them here and now I'm one of the most respected members of the King's group. Though I'm not so sure that's an honor."
Before the Rebel could make Mickey clarify what he had meant, Mona asked him another question.
"Why is your nickname 'Mad-Rat Mickey'?"
"Hmm, well you see when I was young and in Germany-it's an Earth place I was an outcast. The other children at school would always pretend to confuse me with a rat because of my face and the fact that I liked cheese. One day however I had had enough with all those kids calling me things like 'Rat-Man' and 'Mickey Mouse' that when one of those bastards mocked me for the hundredth time I acted like a rat and bit him very hard.
"Of course the bully was treated with care while I was suspended. But when I came back, I didn't really care that much so I started doing the biting trick which lead to the other kids now calling me 'Mad-Rat Mickey' another nickname. However I liked it. It seemed to fit my image well actually. So from there on I used that nickname proudly and encouraged people to call me it constantly. Does that answer your question?"
Mona was speechless but she gained the courage to ask one more question,
"A-and what is your specialty?"
Mickey shrugged, "Dynamite," he said, "Grenades, just Explosives in general, though I was also helpful for the King to get information on Earth or as he called it 'the other realm'. I'm also sort of an inventor; you see I'm responsible for the B-bomb."
This piece of information surprised almost everyone except the Rebel and Mickey himself. Jimmy spoke for the first time in a while and said,
"Well why'd you call it a B-bomb?"
Mickey faced Jimmy and said, "Two reasons. One,"-he raised his index finger-"I didn't want to call it a regular old bomb because it could walk, was smaller, and contained more firepower than an old bomb. Two"-he raised his middle finger-"I couldn't think of a better name honestly."
He then lowered his fingers as he chuckled a bit. Then, it was the pink haired woman's turn to speak up as she said, "I guess no one's gonna mention me huh?"
The Rebel then faced her and awkwardly shook her hand, "Sorry Brittney."
"For that or for other reasons you should be sorry for-"
"Brittney, how are you doing?!" Said Wario as he quickly shook her hand to prevent another close call from happening,
"Just fine," she said as Wario let go of her hand,
The Rebel then glared at Brittney, "That happened a long time ago."
"Oh yeah, it's not like it was a big deal or anything, you just-"
"You knew what you were doing! Don't put all the blame on me!"
"Anyway, I thought you guys needed help, or did we come here for no reason other than to have a reunion?" Mickey said, putting his hands together.
The Rebel grunted as he walked to the centre of the room to get everyone's attention.
"Alright, listen up!" He said, noticing that Lena was absent. "I need help with an assassination, Koopa's assassination to be blunt."
Mickey and Brittney just nodded,
"You see I was thrown into an asylum years ago thanks to him and now I'm going to get back at him for it. Why? Because one, I had no reason for being disposed, two, I had to eat crap during my stay there, and three I was mostly tortured either by interrogation or sadistic psychia-"
"Yes, yes it was terrible." Mickey said, "But what do you need us for?"
The Rebel pointed at him and said, "I need your skills at explosives."-He pointed at Brittney-"And I need you to tell me what security changes have been made. Plus I could use an extra hand."
Brittney sighed and said, "Fine, I'm in."
"You have no problem with me." Mickey said,
"Alright then, let's get to work."
Author’s Note: And now we have come to the end of this particular 1up Deadfic. I gotta say it’s been interesting looking back on this one. For a while, I had considered it my best story and.....now I don’t. XD However that doesn’t mean I regret writing it, if I did you wouldn’t be reading the story on this tumblr right now.
I still stand by the fact that this is an important work in my development as a writer. This was the first time I had written a darker story with characters that were more villainous. Oh sure I had written stories about snarky heroes fighting big bads but they were still decent and heroic people fighting for a noble cause. Even when I wrote a story adapting Wario Land, Wario was still more of a grumpy snarker than an actual baddie.
The First Rebel on the other hand? For one thing, the Rebel’s goal was purely a revenge plot. As the story shows (this chapter especially), The Rebel is an aggressive and sometimes unstable man who, while maybe justified in his rage against Koopa, is not above torturing and offing people who stand in his way. And I say his motivation for revenge is justified but...well, we’ll get to that later.
That’s not even getting into the other characters like Wario (who is definitely more villainous now than he was when I first wrote him) or new characters like Mad Rat Mickey and Brittney.
Speaking of which, I have to say Mad Rat Mickey is honestly my favorite character in this whole story. I just really liked how he came out and of the “SMBMOVIE-fied” versions of the game characters, I think he worked the best. 
I had plans for Brittney and The Rebel but we’ll get to that later. For you see, this is not the final part of this little retrospective. Tune in next week when I talk about some more trivia (including the super old version of this story that’s even more flawed than this one), ponder about how I’d revise the story and, most importantly, discuss about the plans I had for this story and all the directions I wanted to take it. 
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