#uranus miguel
throuple-tournament · 9 months
Round 2
Rules + Round 1
Group 1
Marco/Star/Tom vs Zuko/Suki/Sokka
Rilla/Arum/Damien vs Adaine/Fig/Ayda
Haru/Legosi/Louis vs Hajime/Nagito/Chiaki
Red Son/Mei/MK vs Mickey/Goofy/Donald
Selina/Harley/Ivy vs Jason/Roy/Koriand'r
Group 2
Shiver/Frye/Big Man vs Soldier/Demoman/Zhanna
Draculaura/Clawdeen/Frankie vs Kyle/Rogelio/Lonnie
Ichika/Nene/Kanade vs Marius/Ivy/Raphaella
Jaskier/Geralt/Yennefer vs Elizabeth/Jack/Will
Bonnie/Caroline/Elena vs Kala/Wolfgang/Rajan
Group 3
Sadie/Walt/Anubis vs Quibli/Winter/Moonwatcher
James/Leonard/Spock vs Finn/Rey/Poe
Raz/Lilli/Dogen vs Steve/Alex/Herobrine
Merlin/Gwen/Arthur vs Arthur/Lancelot/Guinevere
Thanatos/Zagreus/Megaera vs Vincent/Victor/Albert
Group 4
Willow/Amity/Luz vs Sasha/Marcy/Anne
Wu/Li/Gao vs Vlad/Nathan/Ursula
Ichigo/Minto/Retasu vs Neptune/Uranus/Pluto
Dorian/Orym/Fearne vs Grendan/Gyorik/Rose
Chel/Tulio/Miguel vs Sam/Tucker/Danny
Group 5
Joonghyuk/Sooyoung/Dokja vs Camille/Nyra/Dendro
Misa/L/Light vs Trevor/Sypha/Alucard
Quentin/Eliot/Arielle vs Lucy/George/Anthony
Clay/Apollo/Klavier vs Abigail/Sam/Sebastian
Parker/Hardison/Elliot vs Aizo/Yujiro/Hiyori + Vivi/Arthur/Lewis
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blog-melacque-role · 4 years
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#𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙢𝙧𝙥𝙜 3 𝘖𝘵𝘵𝘰𝘣𝘳𝘦 1977 𝘜𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘶𝘴 e Migueɭ
( 🎂🎂🎂 )
Durante quel mese, Uranus era rimasto molto tempo in guferia o come suo solito, nella torre di Astronomia. Se prima era un ragazzo timido, impacciato e invisibile agli occhi dei suoi compagni ma “Urina” quando combinava qualcosa, ora era un ragazzo timido, impacciato, ma non più invisibile. Ora dove andava, le ragazze bisbigliavano e gli sorridevano. Lo squadravano. E per lui era tutto molto strano e imbarazzante, quindi preferiva farsi vedere in giro ancora meno degli anni passati. Non avrebbe dovuto ascoltare sua madre. Non avrebbe dovuto allenarsi per il quidditch. Non avrebbe dovuto crescere.
Purtroppo per lui però, a lezione doveva presentarsi e dall’inizio del suo quinto anno, non sedeva più in prima fila: ma in ultima. Dove sguardi indiscreti che mettevano in soggezione non potevano arrivare, almeno secondo lui. In ultima fila però, oltre che le parole dei vari professori, arrivavano anche pettegolezzi. Quel giorno a trasfigurazione i Tassorosso assistevano alla lezione con i Corvonero, e Uranus era seduto vicino al gruppo di amici di Miguel, e ovviamente, Miguel. E senza il suo volere aveva sentito che era il compleanno del Corvonero. Da quell’istante non riuscì più a stare attento alla lezione; non voleva augurargli buon compleanno davanti a tutti, magari avrebbe messo in imbarazzo Miguel perché non voleva che si sapesse. Pensiero che gli venne perché neanche lui voleva che si sapesse il giorno in cui è nato.
Aspettò tutto il giorno poi, per trovare un regalo adatto. Si accorse che dopotutto non conosceva per niente il ragazzo, e con questo pensiero si rese conto che voleva conoscerlo un po’ di più. Ma purtroppo per Uranus, la sua personalità non rendeva niente semplice, neanche delle semplici conversazioni figuriamoci una relazione.
Era poco prima di cena, e Uranus stava camminando avanti e indietro davanti l’entrata della sala comune dei Corvonero per incontrare Miguel. Secondo i suoi calcoli sarebbe uscito a momenti, e se così non fosse stato, avrebbe saltato la cena pure di dargli il suo semplicissimo regalo.
A vederlo Uranus, non era mai stato più agitato.
Miguel Le elementari erano il suo unico metro di paragone con Hogwarts. Dunque quando si ritrovava a riflettere sulla sua vita a scuola, andava ripensando a quei tempi. Il giorno del suo sedicesimo compleanno, durante l'ora di Astronomia, Miguel rifletteva su quanto fosse strano festeggiare in Sala Comune con i suoi amici. Era un pensiero che si ripresentava ogni anno, in concomitanza di quella data, eppure ogni qual volta tornava ad esplorarlo riusciva ad arricchirlo con ulteriori riflessioni. Il tre ottobre del settantasette pensò alle festicciole modeste che aveva tenuto a casa. Sua madre gli preparava la torta, suo padre andava avanti e indietro dalla cucina al soggiorno imprecando contro i bambini, e lui finiva sempre per chiudersi in bagno come una ragazzina, dispiaciuto dal fatto che la sua fidanzatina non si fosse presentata, o del fatto che qualcuno avesse soffiato le candeline al posto suo. Miguel poi aveva appena scoperto di essere un mago a quei tempi, dunque doveva anche reprimere i suoi sentimenti onde evitare spiacevoli danni collaterali. Festeggiare con quei tre quattro amici che aveva, dunque, gli andava bene. Non era il massimo ma andava bene. Certo... passava tutto il tempo a pensare che feste come quelle dei ragazzi popolari, come James Potter o Thomas Mulciber, non l'avrebbe mai avuta; ma ormai era andata così. Lui era il tipo di persona che passa inosservata per scelta. Delle volte pensava che non fosse stato un nato babbano sarebbe stato una persona diversa. Più simile a quelli come il sopracitato Grifondoro. Probabilmente non aveva importanza. ❝ Isaac ci sarà morto per prendere dell'altro succo di zucca? Vado a vedere se ha bisogno di una mano ❞ aveva bisogno di stare un po' da solo in verità. Passeggiare per il castello aveva preso il posto del bagno. Uscì dalla sala comune lasciando i suoi amici a mangiare senza di lui e s'imbatté in Uranus. Tanto fu lo stupore, che, squillante, esordì con un: ❝ uhn- ciao. ❞
Uranus Uranus continuava a camminare agitato davanti all’entrata della Sala Comune di Corvonero con testa bassa, sguardo preoccupato e un attacco nervoso di prurito dietro al collo. Non era un reale prurito in verità, ma dei leggeri brividi che percepiva sotto la nuca e che lo stavano rendendo ancora più in ansia. E quindi sia per passare il tempo e sia per sfogare il nervoso, si limitò a grattarsi cercando inutilmente di porre fine a quella sensazione di calore che provava. Se qualcuno lo avesse guardato da dietro, avrebbe notato la macchia rosa accesa che partiva dal colletto della camicia fino all’attaccatura dei capelli sul collo. Smise di torturarsi la pelle quando sentì i passi di qualcuno uscire dalla Sala Comune. E con le palpitazioni mentre gli sembrava di avere il cuore in gola, alzò velocemente lo sguardo per portarlo dritto verso quella figura che si faceva sempre più vicina. Inspirò profondamente ma con paura di rendersi ridicolo appena vide che era giunta l’ora di augurare buon compleanno a Miguel, e di porgergli il suo regalo. Si sentiva un completo idiota. Soprattutto sentendo il rossore che aumentava dopo che il Corvonero lo salutò in modo squillante. Miguel aveva salutato Uranus in modo sorpreso ma non in senso negativo. Almeno da come era sembrato al giovane Tassorosso. Deglutì sonoramente e abbassò lo sguardo. « C... Ciao! » Le dita stavano giocherellando sulla scatola impacchettata con una carta regalo blu notte e argento, e quei colori, i colori dei Corvonero, ricordavano ad Uranus il cielo notturno. E automaticamente, pensò che Miguel era uguale all’Universo; assolutamente affascinante e da conoscere fino in fondo. « Ehmm... » cercò d’iniziare, non smettendo di fissare il regalo e di picchiettare le dita su di esso. « Buon... Buon compleanno Miguel! » Disse l’augurio con velocità allungando le braccia verso di lui, porgendogli il regalo all’altezza del viso. Gli palpitava forte il cuore, se lo poteva sentire in gola. Sapeva che a Miguel piacevano le cioccorane e le figurine, si ricordava che durante l’estate le aveva apprezzate, per quello decise di regalargli oltre a dolci varie presi dalle sue scorte della settimana, dieci cioccorane. Tutte quelle che aveva comprato nell’ultimo weekend passato ad Hogsmeade. Sperava che non una volta aperte, non trovasse solo doppioni.
Miguel La stupore iniziale non ci mise molto a tramutarsi in disagio. Ritrovarsi un Tassorosso, fuori dalla Sala Comune, non era roba da tutti i giorni per un ragazzo riservato - ed estremamente selettivo - come Miguel. Difatti, non si sentì predisposto ad accogliere il compagno serenamente. Anzi tutto perché aveva lasciato i suoi amici per starsene un po’ da solo. Inoltre, perché non era un compagno qualunque.
Aveva già avuto modo, quell’estate, di scoprire quanto fosse cambiato il suo aspetto; ma ogni giorno Miguel si soffermava tristemente ad individuare le loro differenze; tutti quei tratti che lui, al contrario, non sarebbe mai riuscito ad esaltare. Lo faceva involontariamente. Per sua natura era costantemente volto a migliorare se stesso; sia intellettualmente che fisicamente. E il pensiero che Uranus fosse riuscito nell’impresa prima di lui, lo pungeva sul vivo. Provava invidia; un sentimento che credeva di essersi lasciato alle spalle ma che, inspiegabilmente, tornava a presentarsi ogni qual volta ci fosse di mezzo l’imbranato. 
Ecco: impacciato, per fortuna, Uranus ci era rimasto. Fosse maturato anche sotto quell’aspetto, il Corvonero non avrebbe potuto far altro che prendersela con se stesso per la sua immutabilità. Sebbene dunque, in generale, il disagio di Herschel lo rincuorasse, quando a doverne subire le conseguenze era lui, finiva per desiderare la morte.  Meglio la morte, pensava, che dover rispondere alle gentilezze che gli rivolgeva.  Scorse il regalo prima ancora che gli facesse gli auguri. Si portò una mano alla fronte, andando a placare i nervi in fase di agitazione. Aveva fatto un gesto carino, si ripeté. L’augurio di un conoscente. Non doveva vederci nient’altro o avrebbe dato di matto come al ballo, dopo l’incidente.  Il fatto che Uranus ora fosse nettamente più bello di lui lo aiutò a tranquillizzarsi.  « Grazie... amico » prese in mano il pacchetto, incerto. « Non lo apro adesso perché stavo andando da una parte ma - »
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tomorrowusa · 3 years
The Biden administration is extending Title IX anti-discrimination protection to trans students.
Donald Trump and his homophobe Republicans fought hard to remove protections for LGBTQ Americans.
Don’t let anybody tell you that the two major parties are alike. I would never trust the judgement of anybody who makes such idiotic comments.
The policy and ideological spaces between different groupings in the Democratic Party are comparable to people in different rooms in the same house. The distance between the Democratic Party and Republican Party is comparable to the space between that house and one of the more obscure moons of Uranus.
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lunarliyah · 2 years
Synastry Favorable placements + songs that relate
by lunar liyah
Before you read, please know that I am now doing $14 synastry readings! Up until the ending of Valentine’s Day. You all are able to message me on here to request a reading!
*you can share but give props*
Posted during the Venus hour 💞
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Moon trine Moon ☁️
Mutual understanding. Mutual morals.
This placement reminds me of the song ‘Mutual butterflies’ by Ryan Trey.
☁️Moon conjunct Venus
Compromising is easy. Lots of patience here.
This placement reminds me of the song ‘Shame’ by summer walker.
Mars conjunct Venus (in the same sign) ☁️
Supportive of spontaneous ideas. Ride or die. Through thick and thin. Difficult to let go.
This placement reminds me of the song ‘Power Trip’ by j. Cole.
☁️Sun conjunct Moon
Motivating partner to express themselves. Brags about their partner. Very proud of their partner. Lively partnership.
This placement reminds me of the song ‘Make me proud’ by Drake
Mercury conjunct Mercury ☁️
Open and upfront. Intellectual conversations. Fell in love with each other’s mind and thought process.
This placement reminds of the song ‘Sapiosexual’ by Toosi.
☁️Moon trine Uranus
Friends first. Unpredictable. One makes another feel secure with emotions.
This placement reminds me of the song ‘hit different’ by sza
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ms-m-astrologer · 6 years
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Challenging. Aquarius is notorious for emotional detachment and cold-bloodedness - which, in today’s action, are the result of squares to Uranus Rx/Taurus and to Venus Rx/Scorpio - and that, as we know, is a fixed t-square. So yes, today it’s our love lives (or lacks thereof) that light our fuses. We either feel we have a “bad” partner, or that it’s bad we don’t have a partner. And our families don’t seem supportive, either, with the various members of the tribe being in pursuit of their various agendas. We need more innovative ways of relating to one another - and, in the words of Don Miguel Ruiz’ second agreement, “Don’t take anything personally.”
What’s happening when:
Lunar Phase: First Quarter (taking action)
Moon/Capricorn void of course (from yesterday)
Moon enters Aquarius, 1:36 am MDT
Vesta/Capricorn semi-square Jupiter/Scorpio, 2:42 pm MDT
Ceres/Libra square Pluto/Libra, 3:40 pm MDT
Looking ahead to Thursday: more frustration
(Please note that MDT is six hours behind UT.)
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sageofthestage · 2 years
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Archangels for the 21st Century…
Archangel Michael is for protection
Archangel Gabriel is for communication
Archangel Raphael is for health
Archangel Uriel is for prosperity
Archangel Chamuel is for love
Archangel Zadkiel is for innovation
Archangel Jophiel is for maturity
Archangel Eriel is for happiness
Archangel Jaiziel is for honor
Archangel Jeremiel is for enthusiasm
Solar System Navigation in the Milky Way Galaxy
Archangel Alejandriel is for wisdom Sun
Archangel Michael is for protection
Archangel Gabriel is for communication
Archangel Raphael is for health
Archangel Uriel is for prosperity
Archangel Chamuel is for love
Archangel Zadkiel is for innovation
Archangel Jophiel is for maturity
Archangel Eriel is for happiness
Archangel Jaiziel is for honor
Archangel Jeremiel is for enthusiasm
Archangel Alejandriel is for wisdom saying
God's only begotten son Jesus Christ of Nazareth born in Bethlehem (House of Bread) is the gear that helps make the Universe function very well!
Jerusalem is the Abode of Peace
Israel is Straight with God
Arcángeles para el siglo XXI…
Arcángel Miguel es para protección
Arcángel Gabriel es para la comunicación
Arcángel Rafael es para la salud
Arcángel Uriel es para la prosperidad
Arcángel Chamuel es para el amor
Arcángel Zadkiel es para la innovación
Arcángel Jophiel es para la madurez
Arcángel Eriel es para la felicidad
Arcángel Jaiziel es por honor
Arcángel Jeremiel es para el entusiasmo
Navegación del Sistema Solar en la Vía Láctea
Arcángel Alejandriel es para la sabiduría
Arcángel Miguel es para protección
Arcángel Gabriel es para la comunicación
Arcángel Rafael es para la salud
Arcángel Uriel es para la prosperidad
Arcángel Chamuel es para el amor
Arcángel Zadkiel es para la innovación
Arcángel Jophiel es para la madurez
Arcángel Eriel es para la felicidad
Arcángel Jaiziel es por honor
Arcángel Jeremiel es para el entusiasmo
El Arcángel Alejandriel es para la sabiduría diciendo
¡El hijo unigénito de Dios, Jesucristo de Nazaret, nacido en Belén (Casa del Pan) es el engranaje que ayuda a que el Universo funcione muy bien!
Jerusalén es la Morada de la Paz
Israel es recto con Dios
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guwevidence · 5 years
Facts About Important Authors
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- He was believed to be born in the 8th or 9th century b.c.
- He wrote the Iliad (perhaps) and the Odyssey
- He is believed to be a court singer and a storyteller
- He was son of Telemacus and Episkate
- He was inspiration to lots of famous works, like Inferno, don Quixote and many others
-The thing that made him unique compared to the other poets of his times is that he only focused ion one theme.  
- Approximatedly 50% of al Homer’s work was in form of speeches
- He is believed to have died in Ios, an island.
William Shakespeare
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- He was born on April 26, 1564
- He introduced almost 5,000 new words to English language
- Many moons of Uranus are named after his plays
- Due to a plague that Europe had and the little demand of plays, he started to write his sonnets
- He is the second most quoted writer in English authors, only after the Bible.
- In his plays there were no female actors
- He wrote 37 plays and over 150 poems
- He married Anne Hathaway when he was 18
Miguel de Cervantes
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- He was born in Alcalá in 1547 in a large family
- People called him “El Manco de Lepanto” because he missed one arm :(
- He was a military
- His true appearance remains unknown
- His first novel was La Galatea, but it didn’t became as famous as Don Quixote
- He was a fan of Shakespeare’s
- He died from diabetes
- His resting place still remains unknown
Lope de Vega
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- He was born in Madrid, 1562
- He facilitated theater to people, regardless of their condition
- In his plays he talked about popular issues and it made him famous in all the social classes
- He made his own theater rules 
- Some of his plays were El perro del Hortelano, El caballero del Olmedo and La dama boba, between others
- The language in his plays is natural and expressive
- His plays often talk about a national topic
- His plays highlight the Spanish pride and put them as something heroic
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/the-energies-of-august-2019-the-golden-threshold/
The Energies of August 2019 ~ The Golden Threshold
FCGCT Commentary: We are moving from the mind, to the Heart… not the balancing of the two. The brain acts as a conduit while the heart processes. The mind conflicts with the Heart, and is the cause for imbalance, pain, fear, suffering and more. The mind… the ego, blocks the Heart, as it Edges God Out. Let go of the mind, and solely flow from the Heart, connected to the Unified Heart in Unity Consciousness.  Thoughts turn to feelings, and beliefs to to knowing. Belief systems are based in lies and only the heart knows the truth. Anything that does not bring joy is not real! Let go of wants and needs and move toward a paradigm grateful receiving.  We are moving into a paradigm of passion for co-creation in love everywhere present.  Wants, needs, and desires are EGO traits, true passion is expanding love into creation with pure intent and creation of New Earth energy. Desires turn to passion and must be in aligned intention of new earth = heart.  Change must be embraced, accepted, and allowed, as LOVE is the only frequency that will move forward.  Change is positive and with it comes expansion.  Allow change and embrace the energies pouring out from Mother of all Creation.
The Energies of August 2019 ~ The Golden Threshold
By: Natalia Alba
I will no longer allow anyone to manipulate my mind and control my life in the name of love. 
Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements
Beloved Light Emissaries,  
We welcome a new energetic and extraordinary month. During August, we are entering into a very intense passage that I call the Golden Threshold – as received by my Unified Self – where the energies coming from the eclipses and New Moon in Leo at the end of July, which are the predecessors of the Lions Gate, will continue increasing until their apogee in the middle of the month, when we will pass to the soothing and purifying energies of Virgo. This is a month in which we begin a New Galactic Year – July 26th. Although we are new at every single moment, and so is the opportunity to make our human reality anew. 
For the ones who are still on a clearing phase, the frequencies coming from the eclipses and this Lions Golden Portal will disintegrate the lower energies that are impeding them to align with this new frequency. However, this shift will not be easy, as it can be challenging as they continue the process of releasing these old energies and aspects of the selves. It is important to stay center into our hearts as we experience what seems to be an endless night, until we regain clarity, for it is the natural process that we have to experience as we move from one state of being into a higher one. For the ones who have passed this stage of clearing, these energies will help them to awake to new aspects of themselves that were previously hidden due to old beliefs and limited thinking and that are now emerging into the surface as they continue embracing more personal power and love. This is a blessed phase for those who are leaving behind more of the old programs that this matrix created and forced upon us, for this is a month in which many will begin to see the seeds of the constant integration that we are experiencing.
This can come in many forms, for as ascending souls we are no longer limited to what our ego thinks is possible or not. This can come in deep realizations, in creating the abundance we were not able to anchor before, in new and balanced relationships or simply in a more peaceful state of being. Anything that helps us being in our natural and blissful state of being is an important shift, although many will still choose to only see change as something that comes from the outer and that implies a physical change.  As we continue our evolutionary journey, we will realize that every time we embody higher levels of consciousness, for this is in truth what happens when we consciously integrate what we call new energies, we will experience a new awakening, as we never end to awake to Higher Truths and things that we were not able to understand when we dwelled in a lower state of being. This month symbolically represents this new awakening, as we pass from a fragmented, and hence dormant state of being, into a unified and free one. 
The Lion’s Gate: Personal Freedom & Sovereignty The energies from the end of July and August cannot be truly separated, as always both beginnings and endings are intertwined, and we end and begin a new month with Fiery energies from Leo, as we have many Planets plus a New Moon in this same Fire sign, that will help us regain strength as well as standing firm in who we are, as we continue navigating through the eclipse waves and the Lions Gate. The New Moon in Leo on July 31 will activate the Golden Gate, as I call it, of the 8-8 Lions Portal, energies that are of great assistance to our path of clearing and self-empowerment.
It is precisely at a time when we can experience a profound decrease in energy, due to these constant phases of integration and adjustments, that we welcome this revitalizing New Moon at 8 degrees Leo, a number whose frequency will be very present within this entire month. At this time, as many who have as part of your mission to restore the Earth’s Fabrics of time and space know, we are not just shifting timelines but retrieving our original sense of time and space, some that was deeply distorted, eons ago. It is at this time, as our Forefathers in the canalization I received and that I share above, remind us, that we shall see time as something infinite rather than lineal, for it is a human delusion that impedes us to truly align with the universal time and alignments that occur outside of our human time/space zone. Number 8, represents this infinite frequency in where limitations does no longer exists, where everything comes back to unity and to its endless origin.
In Tarot, number 8, is precisely represented by the fiery tarot card of the Strength – a woman holding between her hands the jaws of a Lion (sun) – representing the physical strength that can only come through the power of love, wisdom and balance, cultivated within. This is the perfect representation for the Wise Goddess of Love embracing Fiery Leo, calming his wildness with her loving essence. 
The message is that all can be done through the power of love, all can be shifted and dissolved when our human self finally surrenders to a Higher Power that is within All things and beings, and lets it lead the way instead of forcing/molding our reality with our egoic self who can only envision a small and limited view of what is truly happening. 
This message does not only come from this number but from the New Moon in Leo as well as Lions Gate, for the message is One, no matter how we try to separate energies by human dates etc. Number 8 together with the New Moon which conjunct Venus and square Uranus, represents the infinite, and invites us to break from limitations so we can realize the truth that all is infinite in nature. The only limitations are the ones created by our human minds, as it is the illusion of lack, coming from being immersed in a lower state of fear and separation.  This passage during the month of August is an opportunity for us to move inward and see where we still live in lack, where we still think that human resources are limited and can only come from the outside. For it is there where we begin limiting ourselves, by creating this same old story and by allowing its manifestation, in the physical. 
As always, abundance is another form of love, one that has to come from the love and respect you feel for yourself. If you do not feel worthy, if you do not feel you can create, all you need, by yourself, then, you will continue to experience lack. For when you love yourself, as another physical aspect of God, and when you value what you have to offer as well as you value others, the reality will respond with the same abundant and loving frequency you give.
This Moon is all about opening ourselves to listening to the truth that comes from our heart transmissions, so we can establish a pure connection from our cosmic heart center to the Illumined Realms. This is a time for us to remember our infinite nature as well as the endless possibilities that lies within us all. As humans we are bound by time, by our fixed sense of reality, and this is what impedes us seeing the true potential in all of us. There is no one or outer force that can stop us communing with other benevolent forces that dwell in the Universe but our sense of being trapped by the many human boundaries that we have created. 
During this portal, that can be already strongly felt, the integration of these galactic energies will vary according to where we are in our journey. For some these frequencies will serve them to live from a fearless space, showing the world their unique Light and personal abilities. For others who are already doing so, this will be about going further into the communion with their Unified Self, Guides and Soul Family.  There will be others who what they need for their journey, at the moment, is to work on a more personal level, bringing deep clearing and self-empowerment into themselves to be able to evolve and step into who they truly are. For them the energies from the last Capricorn eclipse together with the New Moon in Leo and Lions Gate, will serve them to work with their solar plexus center, embracing their power, wisdom and sovereignty. 
As there are many who are beginning to awake during this year of deep cleansing and massive awakening, the energies from this Golden Gate will help them to work with their distorted masculine essence, which is all about the opposite of what true empowerment really means: arrogance, narcissism – superiority, or inferiority for this is another form of ego – as well as many other egoic illusions such as desperation, for not being able to control our life outcomes or others, pride, rage, etc. 
These are all distorted masculine egoic archetypes that all of us have to clear, at some point, when we begin on this journey. This is not negative or bad, for this is also separating ourselves from what we are now – humans – and this is simply something that we have to become aware of, accept and understand as something that is part of our nature as physical beings, working with mastering these delusions rather than ignoring they are a part of who we are.  
If this is our case, then denying this other aspect of us, blaming ourselves for what we think we do “wrong” or others, will not serve us to embrace our Illumined Self. Only by recognizing the false imposters, embracing them, creating balance, having self-love, compassion, trust and faith in ourselves and in the Divine, lack of judgment for our own journey and that of others, and by surrendering, between many others, is that we could finally regain control of these delusions, bring into the surface our True Self and work on personal integration and freedom. 
There are many who want to change, liberate themselves from the system or simply their egoic masks and live a more authentic life. However, this requires inner work, devotion, determination, patience, love for the self and compassion, especially when we make mistakes, for they are essential if we desire to learn, is that we could become transparent and loving beings. There is no secret tool, there is no having others to do the inner work for us, there is no one else of outer force or energy that is going to do this for us, but ourselves, for only us have the power to conquer our shadows and allow our authentic self to shine.
The more we continue trusting in outer forces. The more we continue telling ourselves the old story that we cannot change who we are or our reality, the more we continue disempowering ourselves with remaining in the familiar, blaming ourselves, others or the system for what we used to be and done, the less empowered we will be.
As always, it is your choice to take responsibility, face your own shadows, be brave to look at your fears, overcome anything that you have created, for you have created all, and begin anew by understanding that the power to change all that is not aligned was always within yourself, and that you simply try to procrastinate doing the effort to merge with it, for it meant to confront who you are not, which means embracing pain, and this may not be easy or pleasant, but is what it takes to step into a conscious and sovereign path.
Lyran & Sirian Transmission  Blessings Beloveds,
We are your Forefathers from Lyra and Sirius B, together with your brothers and sisters from Orion, Antares and your parallel Galaxy Andromeda. We come – as One – with great love, respect and appreciation. It is with great joy that we share our messages to all who are willing to listen, integrate Truth and the codes these transmissions hold for all who are on this evolutionary path and desire to evolve.
There are many of us who are helping humanity in this present transition, for you are very dear to us. Orion beings are helping humanity with moving from duality to unity consciousness, as for eons ago their civilization passed through what Planet Earth is currently experiencing. Antarians is a fearless civilization who is showing humans how to connect with the creative power of their heart, essential during these years of feminine rising, in which many are choosing to become creative channels to bring illumination and healing.
Andromedans, from where we all descend, are masters of change and as such, they teach many of you to habituate to change, something defiant for you as humans. Lastly, we, Lyrans and Sirians, guide you to regain your sovereignty, as part of who you are, for we were the first ones inhabiting in this Universe and that seeded humanity, eons ago of your human time.
We All bring a message of empowerment, at a time, when many of you give it away to other beings you consider superior and external forces. You, Beloved ones, are not meant to dwell in limitation, unlove and victimhood. You are meant to grow in love, power and wisdom, one that lies within yourselves, not outer sources.
We are aware of the importance that the following human dates have for you, Beloved Ones, and it is not our intention to rest value to what you consider sacred. We understand that as humans you navigate through a physical reality that needs to be based on time and space. Our mission is to remind you of how important it is to put your faith and trust in yourselves, for all you need to know and remember reside there.
During these years – 2019 and 2020 – you have a two year portal in which humanity is going to be blessed with healing frequencies, for those who are ready to bring synthesis into yourselves. These healing codes will serve you to release and old limited self and descend more Illumined Aspects of your Authentic Being.  
We remind you that to do this task first you need to recognize from where this healing power comes, and that is not from the outer beings or places that you think it comes, but from within, where it was always placed. At this time, connecting to your own Fountain of Wisdom is vital to realize where Truth truly resides.
There are many of us, from many Universes, more than your Scientifics have been able to name, who are helping humanity at this time to come back to a state of sovereignty in which you are the only responsible ones for your own personal experiences. The times of searching outside yourselves, asking for salvation and self-punishment have ended, Beloved Ones. Now begins the Era where you finally remember who you are and all you can do when you choose to focus on love rather than fear. Rejoice Beloveds, for you are free beings now. 
Our assistance to you, for many of you reading these words are part of our dearest soul family, has been offered to you for eons, not only in this precious season you humans call Lions Gate. In truth, this is an important planetary alignment. However, our love and selfless assistance for you not only exist during this human period, but always, for as your family of light, we have been watching over you for more than your human mind can comprehend.
We, your family from Lyra and Sirius, your seeders and DNA encoders, are one of the original planetary architects, and as such, we are helping many of you restoring the organic Earth´s structures that were deeply distorted. We are also willing to help those who have the will to embrace their Christos Essence, for all the Christ Avatars, as was our Beloved Jesus, have come to your Planet through our Sirian Portal.
This is the message we come here to give you at this specific time. A message for you to realize that you too possess within yourselves the same strength, power and wisdom of these Planetary Avatars that came to show you who they, and hence you truly are. There is no need to continue searching for them outside yourselves. The time for you to recognize your own Divinity and act as the powerful masters and healers that you are, have come, and we are  here to help you become aware of your own magnificent, Beloved Ones. At this precious time, the most important thing that you can do to help in the current planetary shift is recognizing that each and every one of you are limitless beings, powerful beyond your human understanding. It is only when you awaken to the truth of who you all are, that you could understand that our main aim in helping humanity is not one of intervention or salvation, but one of conscious assistance.
Interference has never been our intention, for we respect above all things that you are free beings in charge of your own human experience. It is not our mission, and will, to save you but to bring illumination when you are ready, and help you remember who you really are – wondrous Divine Beings having a human experience with the purpose of freely co-creating with a world that needs of your love, compassion and unique assistance. 
Yours is the power to bring change into yourselves and present reality. In you is the Will, and responsibility, to illuminate yourself, everything and everyone that you touch as you experience life and evolve. 
Many of you have chosen to awaken to your true selves. Others are choosing it now. Time as you perceive it is not important, only what you do with your consciousness is. There are more and more who are now beginning to discover, as they work with their DNA, reconnecting what was fragmented, the Sirian codes that were once placed within your DNA for when you were able to see your true lineage, regaining the power and knowledge that you originally possessed, as well as the responsibility that comes with it. At this time, there is nothing bounding you to experience your true magnificence. As you reconnect your DNA strands, you will also align with the 12 dimensions that correspond to each of them. We remind you that you are just one of the 12 Universes, and that there is more that your mind will not understand, at this time. You Beloved Ones, were never meant to be isolated from your true origin and from experiencing the Divine connection with other realms of existence. This is another opportunity to consciously connect with all you considered to be separated. 
During this transition many of you will discover that most of the things you believed to be true were limited illusions that you chose to expect to be true. At the moment, we assure you as many of you know, that your sense of human time will begin to shift, in centuries to come, and many will realize time as such does not exist, leaving old concepts aside. It is very important that if you are willing to integrate the new codes that are being poured to you and your Planet, you cease your human sense of control and time, for the events you create in certain dates may not be as real as you have chosen to believe. For they occur at a universal time, not in a human one.  We are referring to the alignment with Sirius that will occur in the following of your human days. We assure you that this is not the only time in which you and your Planet have been, and will continue to be, favored by the many benevolent frequencies that are now available to you due, in part, to the planetary shift experienced. 
We guarantee you, Beloved Ones, that the One Consciousness and our assistance is, always, at your disposal, not only in certain dates, for Divine Intelligence is not limited by space and time, and is everywhere within Creation, at all times.
You Beloved Ones, are in a unique time within your human history, many beings from your Universe and other multiverses, have heard of your successful transition, and evolution as conscious beings, and it is with great joy, love and appreciation that we witness your cosmic initiation, and assist in it, dearest ones.
Stand tall in who you are. Fear less. Love infinitely. Remember Beloveds, the Era of hopelessness and victimhood is gone. For now you recognize the Spark of God that dwells within you and that abide in love, light, and possibility. Now you recognize that you do not need of intermediaries to align with the Divine, for it is already within you. For you know that you are all equals to all the Illumined Beings and cosmic forces you pray to. 
We, your Forefathers and soul family from Lyra, Sirius, Antares, Orion and Andromeda, and many other beings who are helping you from the Association of Worlds and other dimensions, and galactic communities, will be forever assisting you as you move into unity consciousness, as once used to be and as it is meant to be, dearest ones.
It is with great love, gratitude to this channel and All of you for giving us the opportunity to be in this loving and respectful co-creation that we invite you to trust in your power and have faith that you are, not at the mercy of some cosmic forces or beings, but at the mercy of your own will, as the Creators of your human experience that you are and always were, Beloved Ones. We thank all of you for your wonderful contribution, and personal evolution. Remember that as you grow and heal, you help the whole evolve too. Never doubt the power of your kind acts, for it will impact, and benefit, All. 
Within Divine Love and Unity Consciousness,
Your Forefathers and soul family
Personal note on this channeling: This is probably the first time, outside of personal readings; I share a literal transmission from our cosmic family. As I always say, take what resonates with it and if you feel guided to share please do not alter it, for each word is encoded, which is why I was invited to share this, unlike the majority of the times, when I tend to, and prefer, to share what I receive in my own words, for this is part of my mission and as such, it is respected.
This transmission is one for all of us to understand how important it is to focus on self-empowerment and hence, self-love, at this time in which we are regaining our sovereignty. 
Another important thing I would like to share is how I receive these transmissions, as we all tend to differ in this. When I co-create with highly evolved beings, they always, introduce themselves not just by their frequency but by who they are and from when they come. If this does not happen, then the transmission may not be coming from a total space of unconditional love and respect.
Highly evolved beings always identify themselves, if not, it can also be coming from our Unified Self for All, but it is highly unlikely that highly evolved beings do not begin by saying who they are and their main purpose in co-creating with us. They also specify the main channel with whom they co-create with, in this case me. However, for obvious reasons regarding online security I will not share all my surnames here.
I just wanted to clarify how I channel and with what kind of beings, for it is not my intention to create confusion or any misinterpretation at all of our purest intention with sharing this message. Thank you. 
  Planetary Alignments 
  This new energetic month of August is going to be another intense one. However, this is also a month for us to soothe ourselves while we navigate through the energies that we are still integrating since the eclipses, and that will continue in crescendo as we enter deeper into this month. This is a month to create balance and to continue with our inner work of polarity integration as this new month universal number 2 – 20 – reminds us.  Number 2 as you know represent duality as well as the embrace of two opposite but equal aspects of Creation.
If we desire to take number 20 as the universal number from this month, then its corresponding card in tarot is the Judgment. This is where we are at this time, passing from a state of polarity and separation into a new state of being of renewal. As you know the meaning of tarot cards are ancient and as such their interpretations. This is why we have to go further understanding that this card is not at all about judgement but about a new awakening that comes when we have embodied a new level of consciousness and are ready to leave an old plane/state of being/timeline and emerge into a new and higher one.
This is what many are experiencing at the moment, a complete reemergence into who they truly are – recognizing their authentic selves and descending the power that will help them regain freedom and become the sovereign beings. This is indeed a season of true awakening, into our authentic self and true purpose. This is why it is so important to hold faith, as we pass through the threshold that take us to where we shall be next, even though it can be confusing and/or challenging. 
As ascending souls we know that releasing old beliefs and ways of being takes time, devotion, inner dedication and determination to break with an old life, and only if we are compassionate with ourselves and others, as they grow too, in their unique way and rhythm, is that we could obtain the best understanding of our presence here as well as mission.  
If on the contrary you desire to focus just on number 2, you will also find, no matter where you decide to focus, another confirmation of the self-empowerment, feminine rise and wisdom that is happening at this time. This number holds a frequency of synergy, co-operation and integration. The feminine and harmonious vibration of number 2 is well represented in the tarot by the High priestess, sitting between the light and the darkness – represented by the two pillars of Solomon’s temple – as a passage to other realities and Higher knowledge. 
At a cosmic level, we begin August with the same Fiery energies that began with July’s New Moon in Leo and continue until August 8 with the Lions Gate. After these events, we do not have major astrological alignments until August 11, in which we also have Mercury entering into Leo together with Jupiter turning direct, while Uranus enters into its retrograde phase, in this same day.
Change begins within and it is when we obtain the proper clarity that it descends from our mental plane into our physical one. We have with Jupiter, Mercury in Leo and Uranus a wonderful opportunity to conceive our soul creations and everything we desire to change, as we continue navigating within these intense waves, for this is not going to be an easy month for the ones who will be challenged to grow, expand and heal, but it will be worth it to liberate oneself from the remnants of the old that no longer serves us in our new path. 
On August 15, we have a fresh Full Moon in Aquarius, which is going to help us tremendously in working with personal freedom, as we continue embracing our power, saying no to what no longer feels good for our personal journey and pursuing that which makes us feel in our natural state of bliss and joy. 
On August 18, the fiery frequency of August begins to shift, and we welcome the soothing one from Virgo, as we have Mars entering into it, Venus doing the same on August 21 as well as many Planets doing the same in the following days. Mars passion and strength will be of great assistance for us to work on our physical plane, bringing things into fruition, and making them tangible, whether it pertains to love, jobs or any other thing we desire to create. In a time when we are precisely descending from the Illumined Realms into the physical, Venus in Virgo also invites us to begin anchoring within ourselves and human reality our love for others, as well as for All, by grounding our unique personal mission. This is a time for us to anchor all the love we have inside for All, with physical acts, for this is how we begin shifting things in the physical. This will be also a beneficial time for those who are willing to assist, in their unique way, to obtain more clarity about how to make it tangible and bring this assistance into the practical. On August 23rd, the Sun will enter Virgo. When the Sun shines a Light into Virgo, we are called now to ground ourselves and direct our creative power into our earthly Plane, which is something we have been doing for a while with these powerful and abundant Leo energies. As an Earth sign, Virgo reminds us we are here to manifest our true desires which at the same time, will always be of assistance, if they come from a pure space of love. For Virgo is quite aware of its mission, which is always to be in service to All.
Virgo will bring purity, it invites us to remember that the purity we hold within can also be reflected into everything we do in our dense realm. And even if this sign can seem practical, its main essence is all about remembering we are here to combine what we create from the inside with what others may need in the physical, for we are here to synthesize and unify both polarities, both planes, the physical and the ethereal – bringing all these inner visions into our tangible realm, as it is only by doing that, that we can truly master ourselves as creators of the physical.
We end the month with another Planet entering into Virgo – Mercury – and with a wonderful New Moon in Virgo as well. This frequency of being practical and descend the love we feel within ourselves and earthly realm as well as in everything we do will accompany us for the following month and will help us ground ourselves, understanding the importance than being connected to Earth also has, if we desire to continue being anchored Above. 
Mercury in Virgo is an invitation to manifest all we have created in our mental plane into the physical, and as it is followed by a New Moon in Virgo, we could not have a better time for us to focus on ourselves, especially physical bodies in this integration phase, as well as in everything we bring into fruition, for all we say, share and do, have a tremendous impact in others. Therefore make it count. Expand in love, rather than in fear. Remember that as you do so, you, even though hard for our human mind to understand, are spreading this same love, healing and assistance to the whole, where is needed.
We have a very powerful, and wonderful at the same time, month ahead for us to conquer our shadows, if we are still in this process, heal and dissolve with this Fiery frequency what is not yet purified and unified within. This is a time to stop fearing our power, for there is nothing and no one that can truly threaten it, if we do not allow it.
A time to honor the aspect of the Divine that desires to give birth to new worlds through you, that desires to expand and grow through you and that you have been limiting due to your fears. At this time, yours is the gift to overcome the part of you that dwells in limitation, step into your power and begin to experience the infinite possibilities that are there for you to choose which one you wish to anchor and experience, in this wonderful earthly plane. There is no one else, outer force or energy that can do this for you. For you are so unique, special, and appreciated that no one could do it better than you. Choose to experience the Power that was given to you, for you to use it wisely for the betterment of All. Choose to shine it in every thought, whisper, and act. Choose to grow in love, in light and in the power that heals and restores everything it touches, for therein lies your true strength. I wish you all an empowered, blessed and loving month, Beloved Companions! In love, light and service ∞ Natalia Alba 
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lilmajorshawty · 7 years
what songs do you feel like describes your placements and why?
Wow this is gonna be really long! And I apologize for replying late this took some time to put together aha!
Okay so staring with my sun(cancer)in the 1st house id say -Sza prom-Sza go Gina-Little dragon pop style -Sylvan esso coffee -Niia girl like me.
I chose these mainly because although I am a very energetic and very self aware person I’m heavily swayed by my emotions and my emotions can make me my ego very dependent on knowing myself. These songs in their own right are about keeping authenticity and portraying ones self as nothing more then who they are even at the expense of those around them but the cancer influence still shows a care for how those actions and deacons affect those around me and what it means to me.
My moon in Aries in the 10th house is a bit more on the melancholy side of things and illustrates my clash between my impulsive choices and feelings vs my absolute loathing of showing any emotions to the public and my strong need to be something in the world and how emotionally aware others should be of their surrounding and other people in the real world :) I blame this placement on my highly in tune “save the earth/vintage jeans/Polaroid personality” here are the songs:
-Lana del Rey off to the races-Snoh Aalegra ft common hustle harder-The moth & The Flame red flag -Lana deal Rey shades of cool
Mercury in Leo in the 2nd houseSooo here I like to say I’m very active and at times a lot of my mental process or things I think about mentally tend to be very repetitive and tend to mainly be about security and sensual things but usually it’s a warm placement for my Mercury and although my thoughts are about “how I” can achieve security I also find that these songs describe the subtle quietness of my thoughts at times
-little dragon a place to belong -little dragon come home-little dragon pretty girls-bonobo kerela-bonobo recurring
Next is Venus in Gemini in the 12th house 😊😊 I love this position of mine and I have a sort of intimate v detached theme that plays so often in both my love life and even just in my terms of value and self worth and my ability to express my feelings to those around me. I tend to change and have multiple sides to me that somehow always seem out of reach but I also feel as though I’m either drowning in depth or flying to high up in the sky. Here’s the songs I felt describe this
-banks Gemini feed-James Blake I mind -sza Babylon -Brent faiyaz insecure
Next is my Mars(cancer)in the 12th house which of whom I attribute to my strong feelings of rooting for the underdog. I feel a strong attachment to those whom sacrifice those whom put it all on the line bear. I can tend to over analyze my anger and contain it. I’m often overwhelmed by my desires and always seek other means of releasing my energy. I’m insecure with my more nurturing tendencies and have a hard time truly being nurturing but the desire is still strong
-Delilah insecure -Delilah breathe-toro y moi Mona Lisa-toro y moi don’t try
Next is my Jupiter in Pisces in the 10th house also in the Scorpio Decan. I am hot and cold about this one my Jupiter is conjunct my moon in 10th house so I kinda feel as though I can be rather outwardly stiff and serious and at another moment boisterous and larger then life! I have a strong view on life and how things are done publicly and have a strong need to restructure and redo both the political and law systems I believe in doing the right thing while also being aware that not everyone believes so I’m very positive but in a very melancholic way aha
-A-sir Angel eyes-little dragons butterflies -daughter youth-frank ocean nights
Next up is my Saturn(Taurus) in the 11th house! I attribute this to my taste in darker and more intense music in all honesty aha I tend to isolate myself irl from others and don’t really make friends easy. I don’t really like groups nor am I into bandwagons. I don’t trust very many people in regards to friendships mainly of my own volition. I can be a somber at times and a bit of a debt downer!! But I am very loyal and once I see you’re a down friend or a real and authentic group that has a real cause I’ll have your back till my bones brake. I’m also the huggy and earthy friend 😂
-daughter alone/with you-sza broken clocks-The Moth & The Flame sorry -Sylvan esso dreamy bruises
Next up is Uranus in Aqua in the 8th house! So my Uranus is at home because my 8th house is on the sign of Aquarius! But basically I am very eccentric and a bit far out on an intimate level and I often crave electric experiences and have a constant need to dive into the meaning of death and it at times feels as though I have a million different versions of me that all exist simultaneously at once inside of me. I can have a very dark streak but at the same time I can have a curious streak or a light streak or a emotionless streak or and emotion filled streak! It’s an exciting position and feels like a roller coaster. I feel like I live in a space age world at times and I’m constantly fighting intimacy issue and themes around actually dealing with the idea.
-tame impala the moment -metronomy I’m Aquarius -Coldplay A L I E N S-rayvn lenae communicate
Next up is the notorious Neptune(Aquarius) in the 7th this makes me such a martr in relationships and very sensitive in my interactions with others and intimate relationships I tend to see people as idealized versions and even that I’d say I try to see the best that people can be in them and at times they themselves Arn’t willing to be the “best” them they could be. I am attracted to what’s wrong for me at times and have an addiction to helping those who don’t deserve it or plain out just trying to help someone and often fall for them. I believe in a universal love and a love that involves pain.
-snoh Aalegra nothing burns like the cold -banks mind games -snoh Aalegra don’t explain-Miguel kaleidoscope dream -Kendrick Lamar opposites attract
Pluto in sag in the 5th house I can be very very intense and be drawn to the darker sides of life I tend to have strong obsessions and strong desires both in my relationships and I’m everything I choose to approach! I can be very creative but it depends on how my emotions are feeling and I can say my relationships have always have a fiery and intense nature about them jealousy and possessive themes play a big role and secrecy and privacy color a lot of things in my life as I don’t like people knowing everything I do all the time :)
-NoMBe Seminole -Lana deal Rey burning desire -James Blake retrograde -frank ocean novocaine-Karen hardening/Wilkinson sweet life.
Next my north node in Virgo.I have grown up in a very meticulous and clean household always! Things were always supposed to be done in routine and as according to specifics aha! My parents often made sure I new my manners and carried my self and my hygene up to par :) that being said it was in the Decan of Taurus so I also ate a lot and given a lot of affection and love growing up as well as communication playing a big role in my household. I have a strong need for touch and to be on service and I’m pretty content on a deeply emotional basis and am usually happy!
-rayvn lenae everything above -Little dragon shuffle a dream -Chet faker gold -metronomy everything goes my way
Pisces mc Scorpio Decan! I have an intense means of carrying myself publicly I usually lean more towards darker imagery or religious photos when I’m using my social media! I’m very much an advocate for physical expressions and body expressions I’m a very sexual person as well and am drawn to public figures who emanate a real authentic about them I can fluctuate between being visible to being evasive! I’m very much so in love with charities and those who help others and I myself plan on being a doctor! I am strongly drawn to taking care of others and ensuring their wellbeing and I’m so sensitive to the public
-ab soul D.R.U.G.S-FKA Twigs lights on-catch a love song (kosheen v the cure)-Jorja smith where did I go?
Ascendent in cancer/Scorpio Decan(aspecting moon/Mars/sun/Saturn)Okay so I can have a very intimidating way of carrying myself and people usually tend to keep their distance or change how they act around me as if their tying to figure me out! I’m very private and quite upon first meeting someone and have a hard time being open right out! I can also be very intense and active while also being more on the darker sides of life!
-the moth & the flame live while I breathe-Roy woods go go go -sevdaliza clear air-Lana deal Rey gods and monsters -Miguel goingtohell..
By the way this is just providing an explanation on why I chose these songs I don’t outright blame these positions on who I am as I can change my behavior and ultimately I have a say in who and how I manifest my own energy! Aha just a small disclaimer
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throuple-tournament · 7 months
Winners Of Group 4
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Hello Sailor Megara~
To avoid answering all four asks, I’ll answer them all here ^^ 
To get it all straight, the cast should now look like this, so if I’ve read something wrong and someone is in the wrong group or has the wrong detail, just correct me:
Family photo (arcade)
Neo Queen Serenity - Meg (Amalthea hair)
Endymion - Sitka
Chibi-Usa - Nita (pink hair)
Chibi-Chibi - Anne-Marie (red hair)
Luna - 90s Velma
Artemis - beardless Miguel
Sailor Starlight Moon - Esmeralda
Ami - Jasmine (short hair)
Motoki - Phillip (dark blue eyes)
Guardians photo
Sailor Moon - Meg (brown pigtails, angel wings like this or her Stars costume?)
Tuxedo Mask - Sitka
Sailor Mercury - Jasmine (short hair)
Sailor Mars - Chel
Sailor Jupiter - Anya
Sailor Venus - Daphne
Sailor Neptune - Tiana (hair down 1 or 2)
Sailor Uranus - Madellaine 
Sailor Pluto - Tzipporah 
Sailor Saturn - Chrysta
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blog-melacque-role · 4 years
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𝘋𝘪𝘢𝘨𝘰𝘯 𝘈𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘺 20 𝘈𝘨𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘰 1977 𝘜𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘶𝘴 e Migueɭ
( 💫💫💫 )
Uranus aveva in mano la lettera, lo sguardo era assorto nelle righe mentre il corpo si stava avvicinando a passo lento, al Ghirigoro. Stava controllando la lista dei libri che doveva comprare e a causa dei suoi pensieri, rivolti al suo nuovo ruolo da prefetto, dovette rileggere e rileggere più volte quei titoli. Era troppo nervoso. Più pensava ai libri del quinto anno più pensava a quanto non potesse essere un bravo Prefetto. Chi mai l’avrebbe ascoltato? Chi avrebbe dato retta a Urina? Lo sfigato di Hogwarts? Non aveva una personalità autoritaria e minacciosa, per di più era un fifone e si faceva mettere i piedi in testa da chiunque. Non aveva la stoffa per fare il prefetto. Perché durante l’estate era cambiato esteticamente, ma sotto quella barba incolta, quei muscoli gonfi e vene visibili, batteva ancora il cuore di un ragazzo fin troppo buono e sensibile. Dopo la tragedia si era fatto tatuare infatti, la parola “Mercy” sopra una ferita lieve causata durante l’attacco a King’s Cross, che quel giorno di Agosto si vedeva molto bene siccome indossava una canottiera totalmente bianca. Non era per niente una scritta di piccole dimensioni.
Sospirando, ancora con il naso sulla lettera, travolse una persona. Mortificato, iniziò a scusarsi più volte portando la mano sulla nuca, in segno di imbarazzo, anche se magari la colpa non era sua.
Poi, si rese conto che quella persona era Miguel. Voleva sprofondare. Non erano ancora iniziate le lezioni e già si scontravano. Balbettò qualcosa di incomprensibile.
Miguel Se Uranus ci mise molto a capire chi avesse davanti, Miguel ci mise il doppio. Il balbettio intraducibile del Tassorosso gli andò in aiuto. Senza di quello, probabilmente, sarebbe stato fino a sera a chiedersi chi diamine gli avesse ricordato quel tale, a Diagon Alley.  Prima dello scontro, lui era lì, davanti la vetrina di Accessori di Prima Qualità per il Quidditch, ad ammirare il nuovo manico di scopa uscito quell’estate: la Scopalinda 7. Si vociferava sarebbe stato l’ultimo della serie Scopalinda, in quanto, di meglio, non sarebbe stato possibile produrre. Inutile dire quanto Miguel ne desiderasse una... avrebbe anche tentato le selezioni a settembre. 
❝ Herschel? ❞ Non poté fare a meno di chiedere, strabuzzando gli occhi e riaccompagnandolo con le mani in posizione eretta; lontano da se. ( https://66.media.tumblr.com/150716a5580cda6be742454488e7a91a/tumblr_pi5rd8JUGd1x8cm4ao2_400.gif ) Movimento che gli richiese maggiore sforzo, vista la stazza del giovane.  ❝ Stai- sei- come- ❞ riacquisendo un tono meno esuberante, tentò di esprimere un concetto piuttosto elementare - era diventato uno strafico - ma gli vennero meno le parole. Risolse con un: ❝ non ti si riconosce. ❞ Atono, perché non doveva pensare fosse un complimento. Poteva farsi strane idee, il coetaneo. Ed anche lui, a dire il vero. Come avrebbe giustificato a se stesso, il fatto di apprezzare la bellezza maschile? I due non erano neppure amici. 
❝ Non ti preoccupare comunque ❞ fece per volgere nuovamente le sue attenzioni alla vetrina ma l’occhio gli cadde sul tatuaggio del ragazzo. E quindi sul suo braccio; sulla sua pelle; sui muscoli che parevano esplodere.  Ma come diavolo aveva fatto?
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akaanuar · 7 years
Siddhartha-Tarde (Official Video) from Unlimited Films on Vimeo.
Siddhartha`s Tarde is a video that establishes the moment when the dreams from two different people collide and become the same, the two protagonist are trying to find each other in their dreams but can only do so if both of their dreams become the same. It represents in a symbolic way, the point in a romantic relationship where each of the individuals universes start to merge to convert into one.
Una producción de UNLIMITED FILMS Director: Jorge G. Camarena 1er Asistente de Dirección: Cristóbal González Camarena Productor Ejecutivo: Gabriela Alvarado Fregoso Director de Fotografía: Gerardo Guerra Director de Arte: José Portillo Gerente de producción: Georgina Furber Asistentes de producción: Valeria De León,Ilse Estefania Ibarra García,Patricia Kennedy Manzano,Paulina Elizabeth Cano, Jesús Emmanuel González Ramírez 1er Asistente de cámara: Zulema Romero 2do Asistente de cámara: Leonardo Colunga Director de Arte: José Portillo topusuranus.com Asistentes de Arte: Carlos Batres, Sara García, Ricardo Ambriz Departamento de Arte: Alejandra De La Cuesta Ceballos, Alejandra Miramontes, Carlos Adán Curiel Huerta, Carlos Eduardo Flores Batres,Carmen De La Torre, Daniela Michelle Ibarra García, Denisse Figueroa, Emmanuel Moreno Pulido, Irene M. Vázquez Ramírez, Jon Curiel, Laura Andrea Villaseñor Ornelas, Lucía Sánchez Solis, Minerva Cordova, Montserrat Mendoza, Nayeli Rivera López, Paola Aranza Rivera García, Renata Álvarez Villaseñor, Sarahí Pérez Couttolenc, Ximena Gutiérrez Lugo Foro: Topus Uranus Modelo: Alejandra Olivas/ CAPITAL MODEL MANAGEMENT Maquillaje: Vero G. Ríos Directora de Vestuario: Lola Rodríguez Asistente de vestuario: Linette León Peinado: Andrea Guzmán Making of: Fabián de la Fuente Rigging y stunt cordinator: Héctor Cervantes García Rulfo, Francisco de Zulueta Gaffer: Andrés Sierra Staffs: Teresa Flores Enciso, Aldo Márquez, Sergio Pérez Encargado camión: José Luis Márquez Encargado tramoya: Miguel Baeza Equipo de cámara: Minishoots.tv DIT: Joe Castañeda Edición: Jorge G. Camarena Director de Postproducción: Horacio Peña PERSONAJES: Adrian Kalichanin García Filoso Alejandra Elizabeth Gutiérrez Olivas Alejandra Flores Sánchez Andrea Santoyo Martínez Bryan Ramírez Donaldo Carlos Moreno Herrera Carmen Alejandra De La Torre Valle Daniela Hernández Ochoa Edgar García Padilla Eduardo Álvarez Chávez Guillermo Daniel Jaramillo Vargas Jessica Elizabeth López Espinoza José Gabriel Zarzosa Parra José Humberto Fuentes Gastelum José Roberto Mejía Estrada Kutzieni Cárdenas Rivera Lorena Larios Armenta Luis Adrián Salazar Aguilar María Celia García Fausto María José Nájera Magallanes Marlen Quiñones Raúl Vidal Luna Rodríguez Rosalba Espinoza Sergio Artero Sofia Martin Del Campo Hernández Agradecimientos especiales: Jorge G. Castaños, Azucena Cervantes, Roberto Arquieta,Víctor Auroze, Marisol Sahagún, Paulino Partida, Diego Rentería, Fernando Martínez Nájera.
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hereticaloracles · 5 years
New Moon in Sagittarius: Tilting at Windmills
“It’s up to brave hearts, sir, to be patient when things are going badly, as well as being happy when they’re going well … For I’ve heard that what they call fortune is a flighty woman who drinks too much, and, what’s more, she’s blind, so she can’t see what she’s doing, and she doesn’t know who she’s knocking over or who she’s raising up.”  –Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Effective date: December 7th, 2018
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Helios’ Astrological Angle on the New Moon in Sagittarius– Heretics, if I could take this burden from you, I would. Unfortunately, this is one of those times that looks great on paper, but living through it is a cucumber of a different color altogether… See, this is a hero-making year, and this is literally how they are forged- in the fires of pain, feelings of worthlessness, tragedy, and regret. This is a crucible to get through, not suffering to be fetishized for its own sake. Everyone wants to be a hero until its time to do hero shit… Well, this Lunation is your chance to show off your worthiness. I have the utmost faith in you, now prove me right!
The Sun & Moon, Mars, Neptune, and Pluto– Your mission is to reject despair and misery. You don’t get a choice if you accept it or not this time, that’s just what you have to do. There is no alternative worth mentioning. Your enemies are fear, doubt, and shame. You will not isolate yourself in an attempt to hide from the world and bury your head in the sand- that’s not what we’re doing anymore. The great gift is of Sagittarius is delusional self-confidence and Pollyanna optimism. You need every freaking ounce you can get right now, and its okay to keep hyping yourself up, fake-it-til-you-make-it style. Your gut reactions are to wallow in self-pity, indulge in nihilistic apathy and callous indifference to whether you live or die- This must be actively fought against. You’re officially at war with the worst parts of yourself, and you have to win. Losing just is not an option.
The hardest part of this moon will be how it affects those around you, your loved ones- They will be going THROUGH IT. It’s going to kill you to see them suffer. Here’s the thing- You’re going to want something to DO in the face of all this nonsense, to express your warrior energy and fight your way through. Unfortunately, there’s nothing to fight this time, no one to punch. This is where you need to embody King energy. This is different from Warrior who fights, acts (and from Queen which plots and secures) because King holds back and waits. The King allows for problems to resolve themselves on their own. Hold yourself back, wait and cultivate peace and serenity within yourself, allow for the solution to present itself. Not everything is supposed to be taken from you- if you never struggle you never grow stronger. Help where you can (AND WHEN YOU ARE ASKED) but aside from that, you need to bring the focus to yourself and your kingdom. Master your domain first, so that you can assist those who need your aid when they call for it.
Minor Planets used: Deucalion, Altjira, Teharonhiawako, Dziewanna, Thereus, Amycus, Eros, Arachne, Toro
Mercury, Chiron, and Uranus– You’re suffering. I know. You just the pain to stop, to finally be able to rest and have peace. Well, tough because there’s work to be done. Your mind needs to be reshaped to prepare you for what you want. To do that, you will be suffering because after so much suffering already that’s all you understand. You must feel this now to move past it later. The pain of your past that comes up now is what holds you back from what it is that you want. For example, you can’t move forward in a new relationship that you are literally begging the gods (even the ones who are notorious for hating you) to go right if you are still talking to your ex and taking their calls. You can’t hedge your bets now guys- I know its scary but its time to go all-in on it. Let go of what you’re clinging to so you can get what you want.
Minor Planets used: Sedna, Pholus, Heracles, Hekate, Achilles, Atropos, Icarus
Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn– I wish y’all would listen to me. This lunation is going to bring on the loneliness and isolation SEVERELY. Please stop listening to the voice in your head that you aren’t worth anything and that everyone hates you. Please stop making yourself an island unto others for fear of rejection and shame. You matter to so many more people than you could imagine, and they just want you to let them into your life. Bring them in from the cold. I know its tempting to wall yourself off from the world to protect your heart from more pain, but please don’t- This life is so much better when it’s shared. Your emotions are valid, and I GET it, trust- but this life is so hard anyway, don’t go it alone.
Minor Planets used: Varuna, Makemake, Logos, Typhon, Vesta, Nessus, Aphidas, Pelion, Orius, Klotho, Kassandra, Asclepius
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New Moon in Sagittarius: Tilting at Windmills was originally published on Heretical Oracles
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thornburgrealty · 6 years
interview last month Pelicans forward
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RALEIGH, N.C. If he was doing it, he hid it very well. NO NO NO NO!!! Chalmers, because of his size, gives the Cleveland Cavaliers a better chance at playing that type of defense.
from WordPress http://www.thornburgrealty.com/2018/07/10/interview-last-month-pelicans-forward/
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chvazquez · 7 years
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#Repost @catholic_teen_posts (@get_repost) ・・・ "Call it whatever you want, but according to researchers it scientifically proven. It’s an extremely rare astronomical phenomenon, it did not happen again after 33 AD for 600 years. It is an astronomical discovery that one that cannot take lightly. On the 3rd of April 33, the date on which researchers agree that the crucifixion of Jesus took place, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Earth and Venus lined up and took form of a crucified man. The discovery of this curious phenomenon was made possible thanks to Miguel Antonio Fiol, a historian at the University of Wisconsin-Madison." http://www.ancient-code.com/scientifically-proven-planets-in-our-solar-system-aligned-as-a-crucifix-the-day-that-jesus-died/ #astronomy #stars #studyofthestars #crucifixion #history #science #planets #bible #scripture #catholic #catholicchuch #christian
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