#unfortunately i am the type of person to get more excited over Christmas than Halloween
elibeeline · 2 years
Ten Hours Remain...
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dwaynepride · 4 years
be still, my foolish heart
summary: gibbs attends a halloween party while reader is dressed up as a saloon girl. and gibbs has always liked westerns.
okay okay okay but consider this: it's halloween, abby wants to do a costume theme with the reader. as such, reader ends up in a western themed costume and gibbs internally freaks out because she unknowingly looks exactly like the type of girl in the old westerns that he had crushes on when he was younger
words: 1,119
warnings: she/her reader
tags: @fairytale07​ @jrenn10​ @f4nboi​ @purplestarsr5​ @ladyzombiielove​ @littlemiss3ma @minikate--24-05​ @consultingdoctorwholock​ @kittenlittle24​ @24601error-prisonernotfound @andreasworlsboring101​  @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​ @ms-allenbrown​ @ikbenplant​ @dylpickles1267​ @diaryofafan17​ @specialagentlokitty​ @pageofultron​ @stanathanxoox​
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Gibbs wonders, not for the first time tonight, if he could slip out of this party undetected. 
It’s not as if anybody even knows he’s here. He’s done a good job of keeping to the edges of the room; not engaging in conversation if he could absolutely help it. Some weird music he’s never heard before is playing on the dancefloor, but his only form of entertainment is a drink that’s definitely not strong enough to get him through the night.
Gibbs doesn’t even know anybody here. Damn Vance for making him come along to this Halloween party. 
“It’ll be a good look for the agency,” he said to Gibbs. “Maybe you’ll even make some new friends.” Gibbs snorts, remembering the Director’s words.
Slowly, he walks away from the bar (if you could even call it that) toward the tables in the back. They’re a good place to hide out - out of the way and not as lit up and populated as the rest of the room. Gibbs figures he should be able to bunker down there until he can leave. 
He keeps his eyes down, not taking the chance to catch eyes with somebody and have them initiate conversation. But as he makes his way over, he spots a person who always seems to stand out in a crowd; even on Halloween. 
It’s Abby’s special gift. It helps her social butterfly personality, which is the reason why Gibbs hopes to avoid her. Just for tonight.
But immediately, Gibbs can tell she’s dragging somebody along behind her. And with a punch to the gut, he recognizes you, even under the costume. And your costume, well...all night, he’s been clueless. Not the slightest idea of what anybody at this party is supposed to be dressed up as. McGee tried to explain his space trek thing with the pointy ears, but it went completely over his head.
You, however...Gibbs is forced to a stop as he stares. 
It’s some sort of Wild West getup. The ruffles of your dress, the boots, the corset - it’s unmistakable. Something he’s seen a hundred times in the movies. And perhaps Gibbs should have just acknowledged it and moved on and definitely not continued to stand there gawking like an idiot. 
Of course, Gibbs never does what’s best for him. Just the way you look tonight, it’s like peering into the past. A far younger version of himself watching the same old Westerns he revisits to this day. Staring at the maidens with wide eyes and warm cheeks and once again, Jethro feels the same reaction coming up.
Before he can remember that he’s supposed to be hiding, Abby spots him. Now, it’s impossible to simply disappear. She grins and drags you along with her, obviously excited to reach Gibbs and surely show off your costumes. And once you finally stop in front of him, Gibbs has to avert his eyes.
“You actually came!” Abby says gleefully. She doesn’t even seem disappointed that he’s wearing jeans to a costume party.
Gibbs simply shrugs. “Had to,” he replies evenly. You smile at him, like you’re amused, and Gibbs feels his stomach twist up a bit.
Such a stupid reaction to a simple Halloween costume, but God, you were the spitting image of the type of girls in those old Westerns that Gibbs would fawn over when he was young. A twelve year old Jethro, staring at his TV much like he stares at you - comparable to the likes of Miss Kitty Russell or Helen Ramirez.
Abby speaks up again, and his eyes instantly move to her. “What?” He asks.
“I said, do you know who I’m dressed as?”
Gibbs pauses, his gaze flickering once more to you - like he can’t seem to look away. But he forces his attention to Abby and analyzes her costume. And to his credit, he does try to put a name to the colorful costume. But much like everybody else at this damn party, he’s got no clue. “Nope,” he finally says.
Abby scoffs with a roll of her eyes. “I’m Sally! From The Nightmare Before Christmas?” Gibbs remains silent. Only quirking his brow, so Abby just sighs at him. “Fine. I’ll go find McGee. He’ll get my costume.”
Spinning around, she walks off toward the dancefloor, leaving you alone with him. Gibbs clears his throat, about to excuse himself, but you speak up first. “Do you like my costume?” You ask him, twirling a bit back and forth to make the ruffles on your dress move. “Do you know who I am?”
“Uhhh,” Gibbs croaks out, “Rio McDonald?”
Immediately, your brows knit together in confusion, and Gibbs already knows that you likely have no idea who that actually is. The name simply slipped out, and Gibbs shifts his weight as you shake your head. 
“No, just a saloon girl,” you answer lightly. “Tony’s dressed as Doc Holliday, so Abby thought I should-”
“You’re here with DiNozzo?” Gibbs cuts in.
“Kinda,” you tell him. “We only matched costumes.”
Gibbs simply grunts - Tombstone wasn’t even that great a movie. “Well, I was just leaving,” he says lowly. He’s not even sure you heard him over the music, but now, Gibbs is feeling even less sociable than before. He wasn’t even planning on leaving this early, but now, he doesn’t give a damn if Vance gives him hell for it. He just wants to sit in his basement before he says anything humiliating.
Quickly, he walks past you. Shoulders hunched, eyes forward. From here, he can see the exit. Sweet freedom. But then you call out to him, and Gibbs stops without even thinking about it. Turning slightly, he watches how your frilly dress moves as you approach him. 
“You never answered my question,” you tell him, a smile pulling on your lips. 
“Do you like my costume?”
Gibbs freezes. He’s almost afraid of answering, and yet, you’re watching him with repose - on any normal day, he finds it hard to treat you like any other agent. It’s unfortunate, but you’ve got some odd hold on him. But right now, with your hair done up like it is and that saloon girl dress on that makes his cheeks undeniably warm, Gibbs figures he’s already failed at preventing his own humiliation. 
“You look great,” he finally answers. And he notices, immediately, how he complimented you. Not the costume.
He prays you didn’t notice.
You blink once at him, looking a cross between surprised and pleased. But Gibbs doesn’t dwell too much on it. He nods at you, turns, and finally walks away.
And he promises himself, right then and there, that he won’t go home and put on his copy of Gunsmoke.
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adrenaline-roulette · 4 years
Hallow-Queen (Joe)
I wrote three Hallow themed one shots back in October for the Boh Rhap cast (There was supposed to be a fourth, but unfortunately some things came up, and I was unable to write it. Maybe this Halloween I’ll finally get it done!?)
Anyways, there is a fic for Joe, Ben and Gwil
First up will be everyone’s favourite Dino boi! Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
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The monster mash filled the bathroom as you got ready for the evening, your poor spotify algorithm will be so confused after tonight. You go for months listening only to the hits of the 80’s, and then suddenly, monster mash, and the Addams family theme are on loop! That however did not stop you from grooving along to the song, moving your hips to the beat and bobbing your head. You could hear Joe downstairs, setting everything up for the party he had organised at the last minute. Joe had sent a group text to the BohRhap cast, demanding everyone be free for Halloween. This, of course had been met with a rather loud outcry. Rami and Lucy had already made plans, Gwil was travelling to Wales to see his brother, and Ben well, Ben was free and had accepted immediately. Up until two days ago, it had been planned for just you, Joe and Ben to have a quite night together, watching scary movies, and pigging out on pizza. That is, until Joe had received a message from Gwil, his brother had come down with the flu, and didn’t want to pass it on to him. Your party now consisted of four. Next came a message from Lucy, “Okay, this is crazy, I haven’t seen you in months! Tell Joe that Rami and I will be there this weekend! (Don’t mention anything to Rami please, I’ve still got to figure out how to tell him…)”
With six confirmed people, you had taken it upon yourself to invite a few extra people, work mates, old school friends, and the castmates of Joe’s current project. As far as Joe knew, there were only going to be four of you in attendance tonight, yet somehow the extra bags of crisps, candy, and drinks hadn’t clued him in on the fact that there would be a lot more people in your house tonight. The doorbell rang downstairs, and you pause your music listening out for Joe as he shuffles around the floor below.  There’s the faint mumbling of voices, though they’re too quiet for you to pick up on who had arrived. Your phone ‘dings’ on the bathroom counter, and you turn your attention to it, a message from Ben illuminating the lock screen. “How long am I keeping Joe occupied for?”
You had a rather special surprise instore for Joe tonight, but to execute it properly, you needed Joe to give you some space for a little while. Ben had been more than willing to help out, offering to keep Joe away from you and the bathroom for as long as you required. “Just need 20 mins.” You send back just as the doorbell rings again. If you had planned everything correctly, everyone would arrive at roughly the same time, which meant Joe would be busy greeting all his unexpected guests. Turning back to face the mirror, you grin at your reflection, time for the piece de resistance! Carefully, you step into the legs of the suit you had chosen to wear, shimmying the material up to your hips. The suit is incredibly baggy on you, and it only becomes more noticeable as you shrug the outfit over your shoulders, but that was all about to change.
“What the hell is that noise?” Joe asks, turning his attention to Ben beside him, who paused as he went to open a beer. A loud ‘whirring’ noise seemed to echo around the entire apartment, Ben had a suspicion as to who the cause of the noise was, but had promised not to say a word.
Instead, Ben simply shrugs, popping the cap off his beer and taking a swig. “No idea sorry.” Joe squints at the blonde, but says nothing more on the topic, his eyes traveling over the costume his best mate had opted to wear. “Ben, mate, I’ve gotta ask. What are you wearing?” He waves his hand in the general direction of Ben’s costume, which consisted of a lime green skirt with purple flowers, salmon coloured tank top, and black boots.
Ben looks rather outraged at Joe’s obliviousness to his costume. “I’m sexy Patrick Star you uncultured swine!” He cries out, folding his arms across his chest, glaring at Joe. “What about you? You’ve barely put any effort in at all!”
Joe looks down at himself pouting at the blonde. “What do you mean? I’m in costume too!”
“It doesn’t count if you dress as your own character!”
Now that was something Joe hadn’t considered, he hadn’t even run his costume by with you, he just assumed that what he had decided to wear would be fine! He had on his baseball outfit from undrafted, lucky number 15 for Pat Murray. Looking at the slightly faded red shirt now however, Joe realised it was perhaps a somewhat lazy costume choice, he had just been so excited to still be able to fit into it! He never stopped to think, should he wear it? “At least my ass looks good in these pants.”
Ben can’t help but chuckle, shaking his head slowly. “Well, you’re not wrong.” A grin is plastered to Joe’s lips, as he gazes around the kitchen. Clearly you had been up to something, as there were currently at least fifteen people milling around the apartment, none of which he had invited, not that they were any less welcome though.
“No fucking way!” Joe screeches, as he looks over to the front door. It had been left open, allowing the warm night air flow into the apartment, also to stop people from constantly ringing the doorbell, allowing the guests to just walk right on in. Ben casts his glance towards the door also, an identical look of glee on his face also. “RAMI! LUCY!”
The sheer volume of Joe’s voice carries over the small crowd of guests, and the two people of his calling turn to look at him, only to find the man in question jumping up and down like a child on Christmas, waving his hands in the air. Ben looks almost embarrassed to be stood beside him, though he would never leave his side, especially seeing as the only other people who he knew at the party, were headed straight for him now. The ever impeccably dressed couple, now stood with them, dressed as Jack and Sally from the nightmare before Christmas. It was a classic costume, but they both pulled the look off so well! “What the hell are you two doing here?” Joe grins, as he wraps his arms around Lucy, then Rami in a tight, welcoming hug.
“You know, I would love to know the answer to that also Joe. Lucy, perhaps you could shed some light on the situation?” Rami smirks, wrapping an arm around the blonde bombshell.
Ben raises a quizzical eyebrow at Lucy, while she shies away from the interrogation she was currently facing. “Maybe, I accidentally typed in the wrong address when booking our uber?” She offers in explanation, though it’s obvious that even she doesn’t believe her own lie.
“Did Y/N have something to do with it?” Joe laughs, swiping a beer off the table for himself.
“I’m pretty sure Y/N had something to do with this entire party. You just weren’t told.” Ben offers quietly. Joe nods in agreement, there was no denying you had created this party, even if Joe had thought he was the one planning the whole thing.
The front door continues to swing open and closed, allowing more and more people inside, the dull mumble of conversation rising to one of a low roar. A tall shadow looms over the small group, who had migrated into the sitting room, Rami was scrolling through Joe’s phone, creating a playlist for the night, while Lucy, Ben and Joe discussed their latest projects. “Looks like our mission from God was a success. We’ve gotten the band back together.” The deep voice of Gwilym is one that cannot go unrecognised, and the small group all turn to face him. The Brit was dressed as Indiana Jones, complete with a whip from a children’s costume of the adventurer, and a brown sable fedora.
You switch the air pump off, turning to face the mirror once more, a broad grin covering your concealed face. “Joe is going to love this!” You chuckle to yourself, moving to exit the bathroom. Your walk is a slow, lumbering one, your oversized costume causing you to take short steps, as apposed to the long strides you usually took. You left your phone on the bathroom counter, having realised you had no way of picking it up and storing it on your person, now you had your costume fully applied. As you exit the bathroom, the soft notes of the time warp, melt into those of the much louder all star, the smash mouth hit blaring through the speakers on the floor below. “Stairs, okay, we can do stairs. This is fine, I am fine...”
At no point during the costume planning process had you considered the need to travel downstairs, and now here you stood, trying to gauge what the best way to tackle your descend. To say it was a slow process down would be an understatement, as you neared the bottom, a few guests stopped to look at your larger than life costume, attempting to peer in and see who had donned such an outrageous outfit. However they soon gave up, when you took too long to reach them. You could hardly blame them for walking away, by the time you got off the stairs, it had taken you close to seven minutes! You wouldn’t wait for you either.
You scan over the crowd, costumed people milling around your apartment drinking and eating, a few dancing along to the music that filled every crevice of the small home. Finally, you spot the people you had been looking for, your small band of misfits who had taken up one of the sofa’s in the sitting room. Somehow Ben, Lucy, Gwil and Rami had managed to sit themselves of the two-seater, leaving Joe sat cross legged on the carpet beside them. Moving closer, Ben is the first to spot you, not that you had expected anything else, he was the only one who knew what your costume was, in all honesty, he had been keeping an eye out for you all evening. Your shadow looms over Joe, who frowns slightly at what he would deem, as a rude intrusion into his personal space. “Hey mate, I think one of your guests needs a hand.” Ben smirks, raising an eyebrow in your general direction.
Joe looks up at Ben, his neck straining from having to continuously tilt his head back at an awkward angle to see his friends. He pushes himself up from the floor, adjusting his now lopsided baseball cap, before pivoting on the spot, only to come face to face with an inflatable T-Rex. The grin which takes over his face, is one you had been praying you would see tonight, and it only cements the fact, that you had worn the perfect costume. Sure it would likely never be worn again, you couldn’t think of a time where you would require a T-Rex costume, and you could almost guarantee that after tonight, it would be folded back into the amazon box it had arrived in, then shoved under your bed, never to see the light of day again. But just for this moment, the look on Joe’s face, made it all entirely worth it!
“Y/N that had better be you under there. Or I’m about to profess my love for a complete stranger.” He chuckles, the grin never wavering from his cheeks, as he looks past the mesh below the dinosaur’s head, searching for a face he could recognise.
You shake your head from side to side, the dinosaur’s head moving erratically as you do so. “Of course it’s me! Honestly, who else would do something like this?” You laugh, as Joe wraps his arms around you, hugging as best he can through the thick layer of inflated costume.
“Bugger me I love you.” He breaths out softly before he whirls around on the spot, one arm remaining wrapped around you, causing you to stumble forward with him. “Benjamin! Did you know about this?” Joe cries, mock hurt flashing through his hazel eyes.
Ben simply shrugs, downing the last of his beer, before leaning forwards and placing the empty bottle on the coffee table. “Don’t yell at Ben! If it hadn’t of been for him, this whole thing would’ve been ruined with your snooping!” You laugh in your friend’s defence.
Joe turns to look at you, mouth agape at your outcry. “What do you mean, my snooping?”
You roll your eyes, though quickly speak up, having forgotten no one can see your face terribly well. “Oh come off it Joe, you know as well as I do that if you get a hunch something is going on, then you do everything in your power to get to the bottom of it!”
“I do not!”
This time, there is a chorus of people agreeing with you, and Joe now turns to the group who he had only moments ago been sitting with. “Ben, I expected this from you. But the rest of you? I expected better!”
“Oh Joe, we love you, But Y/N is right. You remember Christmas last year, when you thought Gwil had you for secret Santa? You wouldn’t let it go for weeks! Not until you finally got you present, only to find out Rami had had you!” Lucy grins, shaking her head softly. Joe has the decency to look somewhat embarrassed.
“You followed me home one night after filming! It was bloody terrifying!” Gwil chuckles, crossing one leg over the other. “I nearly called the police, I thought someone was about to rob me, until I realised it was you lurking by the front door!”
You can’t help but laugh at this, as Rami turns to look at Gwil in shock. “I’m sorry, Joseph did what now?” Joe fumbles with his words as he attempts to explain himself, as Gwil simply laughs loudly, unable to form words to explain the situation to Rami. You remember that discussion quite well with Joe.
It was close the four in the morning when you heard the front door creak open, you had been napping on the sofa, the show you had been binge watching on Netflix long since finished. But Joe had promised he would be home at a reasonable hour tonight, so you had decided to stay up and wait for him. This, however, was not what you considered a reasonable time! And from the way he had been talking when you spoke on the phone earlier in the day, he was expecting to be home just after midnight.
 “Hey babe.” He smiled, toeing off his shoes at the front door, and hanging his coat up on the hook by the door. You frown over at him, peering over the back of the sofa, sleep clouding you vision momentarily.
 “Where have you been?” You sigh, on any other night, you would likely get into an argument over his late arrival. But you were too tired for that right now, and quietly you were just glad that he was home now.
Joe has the decency to look somewhat guilty, as he moves around the apartment, settling down on the sofa beside you. He lifts your legs for a few moments, before lowering them back down, now resting over his lap. “I’m sorry Y/N. I had a few errands to run. I guess I lost track of time.”
“Errands at three in the morning?” Joe goes still, and you can see the cogs turning in his mind as he tries to think up an excuse. “Out with is Mazzello.”
Joe pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index fingers, his eyes squeezing shut tightly. “I, um, followed Gwil home.” He mumbles.
You’re at a loss for words, and blink steadily at the ginger beside you. You had met Gwilym only a handful of times, he was such a gentleman! And for the life of you, you couldn’t understand why Joe had felt the need to follow the man home. “Expand and explain.”
“You know how the cast and I are all doing secret Santa this year?” Joe pauses, and looks over to you, watching as you nod in understanding before he continued. “Well, Rami kept asking me about things that I liked, and what I would perhaps want for Christmas. At first I thought nothing of it, but then I saw him and Gwil whispering to each other, and they kept looking over at me when I was grabbing a coffeein between takes. I put two and two together, and figured Rami was collecting information for Gwil! I asked around, tried to find out if anyone knew who had me, but either no one knew, or they refused to tell me. So I decided to take things into my own hands! We finished up for the night, and I decided to follow Gwil, to try and confirm my suspicions. He went to a department store, and I followed him as best I could, but I couldn’t see what he purchased, there were too many people around. So I realised I just had to follow him home, and see if I could catch what I was wrapping. And well, that’s kinda what I did. Problem is, he caught me lurking around the place, swung the door open, demanded I come inside, and proceeded to give me the lecture of a lifetime.” Joe finishes looking like a kicked puppy.
You can barely contain your laughter, and if it were to be told by anyone else, you would say they were lying. But you knew Joe, and this was exactly the kind of thing he would do! “You’re a fucking idiot, you know that right? The whole point of secret Santa is right there in the name, it’s supposed to be a secret!”
“Yes, I know that! But I just had to know if he did have me!”
“And, the verdict was?”
“I still don’t god damned know! I couldn’t see what the gift was when he wrapped it, and he refused to tell me!”
You shake your head, sighing deeply, it was a good thing you lived this man, otherwise you would be on the verge of sending him to a psychiatric ward. “Bloody hell Joe, I’m going to bed before you tell me anymore.”
As you stand with your rag-tag group of friends, you make a note of the one flaw in your costume, you have no way of eating or drinking whilst wearing it. A pout forms on your lips, as you join in with a conversation Lucy had sprung up with Ben. After a while, you excuse yourself “I’d best go play hostess to the rest of the guests.” You say with a grin, stepping away from the group.
“We all know we are the best guests here!” Rami calls, giving you a double thumbs up as you walk away.
You grin, shaking your head softly as you move around the large number of guests. It seemed like most people had taken the option of bringing a plus one, not that you could blame them. You often did the exact same thing, dragging Joe along to most social gatherings you were invited to. Slowly, you made your way around to everyone, making polite conversation with the guests you didn’t know well, and speaking enthusiastically about your costume with those you did know. By the time you had made the rounds a few times, you were hungry, and honestly really frustrated about not being able to eat. You made your way over to Joe, attempting to be subtle as you slide into the conversation he was engrossed in, Gwil talking animatedly with him about his latest project. “Hey babe, could I borrow you for a few minutes?” You ask softly.
Joe turns away to look at you, smiling at you, leaning down to hear you over the loud noise of the party. “Sure love, let’s go somewhere quiet so I can actually hear you?” He grins, before leading you away, towards the laundry. It was a rather small room, and was barely more quiet than where you had just been, but you were thankful for not having to manoeuvre the stairs once again. It was one thing to go down, and you wouldn’t know where to begin with how to go up. “What’s up?” Joe grin, leaning back against the washing machine, arms folded loosely over his chest.
“Can you give me a hand getting out of this?” You laugh, gesturing as best you can with you tiny T-Rex arms, at the costume you were surrounded by. “It was a bitch of a thing to get on, and I don’t even know where to start with taking it off.”
Joe grins, though moves to you quickly, helping you out of the outfit with ease. Perhaps you should’ve asked for some help getting it on also? That probably would’ve been a good idea… Joe places the sad looking T-Rex in the corner of the laundry, grinning across at you. “Now who are you supposed to be?” He chuckles, taking in your now lack of costume.
You look down at your yoga pants and shirt combo. “I’m a Jurassic Park fan still, can’t you tell?” You smirk, pointing to the faded Jurassic Park logo shirt, which you had long ago stolen from Joe. “I’ve got a soft spot for ‘lil Tim Murphy. He was my first movie crush.” You giggle.
Joe sighs, rolling his eyes at you, though a smirk tugs the corner of his lips. “How about a soft spot for Pat Murray too?” He suggests wriggling his eyebrows at you suggestively. You walk over to him slowly, rolling your hips as you do so, watching as his eyes travel from yours, and down to your hips. You stand up tall, taking the dusty cap off his head, planting it firmly on your own. His hair is an absolute mess underneath, his auburn locks pointing in all directions.
“Perhaps I just have a soft spot for that actor in general?” You tease, before making your way out of the laundry, and back to the party. You don’t wait for Joe, making your way over to your group once more, throwing yourself onto the sofa with an “Ooof.” Ben barely had a chance to get out of the way before you land partially on him, and Lucy grins at you from where she sits on the arm of the sofa.
“Someone pass me something alcoholic in nature please.” You grin, as you make yourself comfortable, sinking into the cushions. You don’t have to as twice, a glass of what you assume is rum and coke, thrust into your hands from Rami. “Cheers!” You grin, raising your glass in the air, before tipping the contents back.
You quickly fall into conversation with Ben, thanking him over and over again for keeping Joe distracted earlier in the evening, to which he brushes you off, telling you to not worry about it. Completely unaware, that when he brings up the promotion you recently got at work, that perhaps he was now keeping you distracted. Joe had reappeared recently, sitting on the opposite side of you, with a bowl of hula hoops in his lap. Carefully, he takes your left hand, and places one of the snacks on your ring finger, a soft blush covering his cheeks. “Thank you Joe, I am starving!” You grin, eating the food off your finger.
You’re oblivious to what he’s getting at, paying no mind to which finger he continues placing the crisp on, and instead, eating it off each time a new one appears. Joe looks at Ben over you shoulder, who simply shrugs in response, unsure what either could do about it. “Babe, could I maybe have more than one at a time?” You ask sweetly, and Joe looks physically pained.
Lucy, who had been watching the events unfold before her, had cottoned on to what was going on early in the piece, and decided to jump to Joe’s aid. “Y/N darling, just take a second and look at your hand yeah?”
You frown slightly at her, before turning away from Joe, looking down at your hand. “What’s so special about? Oh….” Perhaps it shouldn’t have taken you this long to figure out what was going on. The hula hoop sat just above your first knuckle on your ring finger.
“Um, I know this isn’t how one normally does the whole, proposal thing. But we haven’t gone out looking at rings before, and I don’t know was your ring size is… So I’m kinda hoping this will do for the time being? As a place holder kind of thing?” Joe rambles, the blush creeping steadily up to the tips of his ears.
“Joseph, I’ll marry you with or without a ring.” You grin, throwing your arms around his neck, as his snake around your waist, your lips pressing together in a fierce kiss. A kiss full of promises of the future.
“Jeez, I don’t know how we’ll upstage Halloween next year.” Gwil smirks, as he and the other guests who were aware of the happenings clapped for the newly engaged couple.
My Masterlist
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amphtaminedreams · 5 years
Tommy Hilfiger x Zendaya Inspired Outfits: Lookbook no.6
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Hi to anyone reading,
This post is part a Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman appreaciation post (yes, we getting back into that 2013 stan twitter lingo of always unnecessarily stating full names) and part me trying my hand at her interpretation of probably my all time favourite decade for fashion inspiration, the 70s. 
As much as I’m in love with her portrayal of Rue Bennett on Euphoria and her and Labrinth’s All for Love and could also probably write a whole post about that alone *deep breath*, I’m here to talk about what originally drew me to Zendaya (aside from her Oscar-worthy performance as Rocky Blue on Shake it Up where she had to act like she and Bella Thorne liked each other) : HER STYLE. Her looks a collaborative effort between her and stylist, Law Roach, I have never once seen any photo of Zendaya where she’s anything less than exquisitely put together, thus it should’ve come as no surprise when she teamed up with Tommy Hilfiger to put on one of the coolest shows of Paris Fashion Week in February this year. 
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Whilst the collaborations with Tommy Hilfiger haven’t necessarily been the most visually groundbreaking or daring, for me personally they really hit the sweet spot between the bohemian aesthetic and a rock and roll edge, especially in the latest collection. For a celebrity collaboration, the line feels unusually authentic and the clear direction and overall cohesiveness showcases Zendaya’s ability to convey a distinctive mood. Also, it’s WEARABLE. So many of the outfits you see go down the runway only appear to cater to that tall, washed out, willowy type, who are gorgeous too, don’t get me wrong, but...well, they’ve had their time, haven’t they? These are the kinds of clothes everyone can feel beautiful in and that’s so, so important.
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The first collection, debuting in February of this year at Paris Fashion Week, went the disco route and was the best thing Tommy Hilfiger has done in a while. Everything from the set to the models to the music was so fucking FUN and you could tell how much love and passion went into planning the show. I had so many favourite looks:
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And I honestly think I might have liked the recent collection even more. With a slightly biker chic element to it, the leather look pieces and the jewell tones, I think this one has a grungier feel to it that the previous collection lacked, in terms of catering to my personal preference, that is; yes, catering to me, random girl on the internet they’ve never met before was definitely Zendaya and Tommy’s intention. Why wouldn’t it be?
Again, it’s not something that’s never been done before but the collection is fresh in a different way, almost like the individual makes the clothes what they are and not vice versa. I doubt any fashion show is so laxly organised as to let the models style themselves backstage but that’s the feeling you get when you’re watching the runway. 
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Like I said, this collection is definitely slightly darker and grungier than the first but in a way that it gives me Stevie Nicks joins a biker gang but then decides to leave that behind to become the editor of a fashion magazine vibes (that was a TRIP) and what’s not to like about that? I want all of it, from the waistcoats, to the wide brim hats, to the houndstooth, to the snake print, to the shearling. 
There’s just one problem in that at the time of first seeing the collection I was still in the middle of a self-enforced shopping dry spell, and also, more pressingly, broke af. To be fair, Tommy Hilfiger is one of the more affordable designer brands but still not affordable enough that I can afford to spend over £100 on a bodysuit, ya feel? So instead, I looked through what I already had and used the runway looks from the collection to try and put my own spin on things, incorporating the key shapes, colours, patterns and accessories that make the line, imo, so distinctive.
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1. Flares: If you really want your outfit to give off a 70s vibe, flares are probably the easiest way to do it. Even if you’re not feeling particularly adventurous with prints, plain ones are still super flattering, imo!
2. Wide Brim Hats: Not exactly a hard one for me to incorporate as they're probably my favourite way to tie together an outfit anyway, but the ultra wide brim, witchy-looking ones seen in the second collection are perfect for autumn and winter AND cost-efficient because they can double as part of a low-effort slutty witch Halloween costume. We love a multi-purpose accessory.
3. Psychedelic Prints: More of a staple of the first collaboration but bold, trippy prints are so easy to make into a look. It’s definitely easier to incorporate these kind of prints into your wardrobe in the summer (there’s nothing cuter than a wacky two piece with some subtle jewellery), but if you go for a piece with a richer, deeper colour palette you’ve got yourself a fab Christmas party outfit.
4. Turtlenecks: Showing why the turtleneck has so much style potential, Zendaya’s collections were a masterclass in how to layer. I can’t believe there was a time in my life when I thought turtle necks were the ugliest thing ever. I am ashamed. Though I blame this cursed face-swap image of Monica and Chandler from friends for putting me off:
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I also found this haunting image in the process of searching for the one above:
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Is this what they mean when they talk about the dark web? Truly scarring.
5. Snake Print: Not gonna lie, the animal print thing has kinda been done to death and I wasn’t super excited about seeing it on the runway but when it’s reworked through a more maximalist lens (ie. the matching snake print coat and trousers) it still works for me. I think they key in keeping it fresh is more luxurious, textured animal print paired with clothing you wouldn’t necessarily expect to see it with. Basically, animal print mini dress? Boring. Animal print flares? I’m down. 
6. Faux Leather: I say faux leather even though unfortunately it’s usually real leather that gets used on the runway (because nothing shows luxury like wearing a dead animal’s skin purely for vanity, right?), but regardless, some of my favourite pieces in both collections were the leather-look coats and blazers. The waistcoat-trouser combination in particular (far left on the bottom row) was probably my favourite look of both collections and though I relentlessly scoured my dad’s wardrobe to see if there was something I could work with to imitate the waistcoat, I came away empty handed:( sad times:(
7. Jewell Tones: The deep maroons of the second Zendaya x Tommy collaboration and the cobalt, emerald green and amethyst splashes in the dresses at the end of the first are, again, perfect Christmas party colours. I know, I know, I keep going on about Christmas parties but any excuse to drink, lol.
8. Scarfs: Skinny scarves with a load of gold jewellery are my favourite things at the moment. But we can’t forget the original style icon who did it first:
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I love Emma Roberts and Wild Child is a great movie with a load of amazing style inspo, fuck you Rotten Tomatoes.
9. Heeled Boots: Kind of a basic winter staple anyway but it seems the more cowboy-y, the better. We’re talking about those leather look, mid-calf length boots that seem to be everywhere at the moment. Personally, I’m not quite sure if my legs are anywhere long enough to pull them off, but I do think they’re really cute, and very yeehaw. 
10. Bonus features that I forgot to include in my outfits: High Waisted Things! Waistcoats! Pussy-bow shirts! Spots! Velvet! Suits!
-PSA: Don’t ask me about the peace sign. I was trying to do a 70s thing. I failed. Let me flop at my attempts to be cute in peace.-
So, that’s it! Thank you to anybody that read this far! And if you enjoyed this post and you haven’t done already: GO AND WATCH EUPHORIA. It is honestly the best new show I’ve watched in ages and almost makes up for the overwhelming TV-related disappointment of season 8 of Game of Thrones. I mean, not really. I’m still mildly furious. But then again, D&D got cut from their Star Wars deal AND the Stark prequel was cancelled in favour of a Targaryen one so it seems the balance of nature is finally being restored. Clink clink bitch (es).
Lauren x
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namjoonsteeth · 5 years
A Christmas Surprise - Jay Park one shot
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Jay Park x Reader
Genre: Christmas Fluff
Word Count: 2.1k
One thing about my husband that is still taking some getting used to is his habit of waking up earlier than any normal person. Unfortunately, Christmas isn’t an exception, it’s an excuse for Jay. 
“We should get up,” he says, shifting his weight like he’s going to get out of bed.
 I tighten my arms around him, holding his body against mine. Of course, I’m not actually making a difference. If he wanted to slip out of bed, he could easily do it. He settles back against me as I press my face into his neck. 
“Let’s wait until he wakes up. I’m tired,” My eyes squint against the bright Christmas lights coming from the tree in the corner of our room before I bury my face back into his skin. It’s a miracle I got to sleep last night, or every night this week, since Jay decided we needed a tree in our bedroom this year as well. 
“It’s Christmas, though,” I can hear the pout of his lips. That’s one of my favorite things about him. Usually it would work on me, but considering we were up late last night having our own celebration, I’m partial to staying in bed until our son forces me to get up.
 “It’s too early, Jay. I feel like we just got to bed,” I stretch my legs out, hooking one around his hip to remind him just how we spent the night. As if he could forget, we didn’t bother putting any clothes on afterward.
 “What if the kid and I get up and make you breakfast and then we open gifts,”
“We wrote no cooking into the marriage contract. Don’t touch my kitchen,” I tell him, a little agitated that he’s not going to let me go back to sleep. 
“Marriage contract,” he scoffs.
 “Vows. I take them very seriously. We agreed you don’t give me food poisoning more than twice and you don’t wake me up,”
“You got food poisoning once and it wasn’t really my fault,” he protests cutely. I don’t care. I’m not actually trying to be cute, he’s really not allowed to cook me any food after the great raw fish debacle of 2016. 
“Do you really want to break your vows so early into this union?” I question seriously.
 Jay blows a large breath between his lips, his mouth slapping together. You would think that he’s super excited to open his own Christmas gifts, but in reality it has to do with his son. With Miles turning four, this year we’re sure he’s a little more into the Christmas spirit than prior years. Jay’s excited for his baby’s excitement which is too cute. Still, it’s six o’clock in the morning. And as much as our son takes after his father, he hates being woken up just like his mother. 
“Give us an hour,” I try to appeal, kissing his skin.
 “Okay,” he sighs, relenting. His arms tighten around me, pulling me flush against his body. It’s not like I can go back to sleep with his antsy moving and Christmas lights blinding me, instead I try to enjoy the first hours of Christmas with him. The Holiday’s are always stressful. With him trying to squeeze as many shows as possible before the new year and me trying to get everything at home situated with enough Christmas spirit as he likes, it always feels like a race against time. This year had Jay even more stressed out. He wanted everything to be perfect for Miles.
 “The sooner we open gifts, the sooner you can go back to sleep,” He bargains.
 I take the bait knowing that he’s going to keep at it until I finally agree to get up anyway. Sighing I reach up to playfully tug at his ear. “You’re waking him up,”
“He hates when I wake him up,” Jay protests.
 “Well it’s your call because he’s worse than I am in the morning,”
Miles was always a good baby. He’d slept through the night early, never went through a toddler tantrum phase, and when he plays he’s extremely aware of his surroundings. But wake him up before he’s ready to get up, and it’s like he turns into a demon child. I get it. I’m the same way, but it’s a little inconvenient sometimes. Today, at six in the morning, Jay deserves what ever fury rains down on him.  
Jay leaves first, making his way into Mile’s room. I sit up too, reaching for the T-shirt and shorts I’d slung over the headboard last night. I’m just pulling my shorts on and slipping my feet into slippers when Jay comes back in with our sleep son in his arms. Miles is a small four year old. With his arms wrapped tightly around his fathers neck, and his legs around his waist; he looks like my baby again. Not the hyperactive independent kid he’s growing to be. I peak over Jay’s shoulder, seeing Mikes still has his eyes squeezed shut tightly, resisting any hint of awareness until the very last moment. His dark hair curls around his ears and falls over his forehead. When he sees me peeking at him, he presses his face into Jay’s neck and sighs.
 “You’re both extremely overdramatic,” Jay tells me.
 I laugh as I follow them out to the living room. Jay sets Miles on the floor and pulls out a box for him. “It’s present time,” he tries to appeal to his son with shiny wrapping paper. Miles finally bites and starts opening his gifts, eventually betraying me and not caring that the sun isn’t even up yet. Mama’s boy my ass. When he’s opened all of his smaller things, Jay pulls out the bigger box from the closet. Miles’s eyes light up cutely as he sees the miniature version of his dad’s car. I watch the two of them fawn over the toy as a round of nerves hits my stomach. Jay and I don’t really do Christmas gifts. We both want for nothing and usually just give each other what we want when we feel like it through out the year. It leaves coming up with something every year out, and lets us focus on Miles and work. 
This year, I’d prepared something. When Jay sits on the sofa and watches our son play with his toys, it feels like a good time. I reach under the tree and pull out the tiny box I’d wrapped a week ago now. Jay frowns as I hand him the gift, understandably confused.
“What’s this?”
“Just open it,” I say, prodding his knee with my elbow. I pull my lip between my teeth as I watch him remove the lid and pull out the tiny black and white picture. He holds it in his fingers, staring at every detail before his dark eyes flick down to me. 
“You’re kidding?” He says breathlessly. I can see him doing the pointless math in his head. When people have as much sex as we do, multiple mistakes happen. With us, it’s almost inevitable. The only reason I was able to pinpoint the when was after I’d gotten the ultrasound. 
“Not a joke, baby,” I say softly.
 “When?” Jay scratches at the back of his head, looking more confused.
 “You don’t remember how much you loved my Halloween costume?” I raise my eyebrows at him hoping I don’t have to jog his memory beyond that.
 “You’re kidding?” He repeats looking down at the box in his lap. My stomach rolls again with nerves. I can’t read him. It’s hard to gauge if he’s happy about the news or not. His eyes go to my belly, which is just barely showing. I’ve always had more of a naturally full figure, it would be easy to miss that there was a little bean in my stomach.
 “I thought I was just feeding you well for the last few weeks,” he says seriously.
 “You haven’t been home for the last few weeks,” I point out. “I’m pregnant, Jay,” I place my hand on my stomach tenderly, moving to sit beside him on the sofa. 
When our son was born we were prepared. We’d done it the way we wanted. We got married, spent two years with him on the road and me joining him whenever I could. Then, once we saw everything we wanted to see with just the two of us, when we’d started longing for a little one, we’d made the decision to have a baby. This one, the one that’s in my stomach, has no clue just how unplanned they are. The dichotomy is ridiculous. I’ve never known Jay to not have a plan. A new baby would be just the thing to throw him off. I can see his jaw ticking, not in anger, as he reworks the next year in his head. Jay isn’t the type to let me sit at home and do this on my own. 
“Are you happy?” I whisper, running my thumb over his high cheekbone.
 I’ve been nervous for a week now. Nervous to tell him that I thought I was pregnant, then nervous  to to tell him that I went to the doctor without him.  Finally, he reaches out for my hand. He pulls me onto his lap. His palm lays flat against my stomach, smoothing under the fabric of my T-shirt. When his skin touches mine, I finally relax. Of course, everything is ok. This is Jay. He’s got me, no matter what surprises pop up. 
“Can I be honest?” He says looking up at me. When I nod, his face cracks into a wide smile. “I wanted a new baby really badly,”
I look down at our son who has neglected his toys and put his head on the floor and is doing a dangerously looking b-boy spin surrounded by ripped wrapping paper. He’s his father’s child.
 “You think you can handle two of him? He’s more hyperactive than you are,”Jay smiles down at him. 
Suddenly, he lifts me up off his lap and smoothly transitions us both to sitting on the floor. “I think,” he starts, reaching out to playfully push the baby over which starts a war with our defensive and always ready to fight son. 
“I think, that me and you are meant to have as many kids as we can. As long as you’re comfortable with having them, I’ll always want more,”
My heart beats faster. I never had any doubt that we’d be ok. Maybe at this moment we aren’t mentally ready to have another baby, but with Jay’s fingers gentle tapping against my skin as he looks over at our son, it’s hard not to feel a spark of excitement in my chest. And he’s right. I feel it. Him and I are meant to expand our family as far and wide as we can. Suddenly Miles sits up, his head swaying clumsily like he’s dizzy from all the spinning. 
“Mommy, why did we get up so early. I’m still tired,” his tiny pink lips pout and he looks just like his father. 
Jay scoffs. “You guys would sleep the day away if I let you,”
I nudge him with my elbow, “Hey, I have pregnancy fatigue,”
“Is that your excuse, Y/n? So you’ve just had pregnancy fatigue for the duration of our whole relationship-,”
“Don’t attack me,” I smile, leaning in to press my lips against his. He kisses me back, holding my mouth against his with a hand on my chin. When he pulls back, he leans his forehead against mine. His lips pucker and touch my nose and forehead and cheek before he leans back against me. 
“Thank you for my Christmas gift,” he whispers. “I’m really fucking happy,”
“What do you think they are?” I ask him with a smirk.
 I’d asked him the same question four years ago when I told him I was pregnant with Miles. I knew I was having a boy. From the moment that I’d known I was pregnant, I knew that it was Miles. Jay on the other hand had been going back and forth before finally giving up on making a decision until the day Miles was born.
 “I think a girl,” he answers finally. 
“You sure?” I say looking down at my belly. 
He nods seriously. 
“I want her to look just like you, from your eyes to your smile. I think she’s going to be perfect,”
I look over at our perfect little boy who is bumping into the unlit fire place with his mini Bentley. He backs up a bit before lurching forward right into the edge of the marble. 
If it’s a child of Jay’s there’s no way that our baby can’t be absolutely flawless. 
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seven-oomen · 4 years
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First, I swear I’ll explain about the picture in a minute.
Next, it’s totally okay, I understand completely.  I, too, am prone to being a total space cadet sometimes.  My top skills are remembering/thinking of things when I’m in no position to act on them (composing review questions while at work, thinking of phone call I forgot to make while driving, realizing I didn’t show my mom the sonogram my friend sent me right as I fall asleep, etc.)  Really, I’m just happy finding others to talk about this stuff with who seem to appreciate and enjoy it as much as I do. :D
Omg, I’m SO EXCITED to see the necklace turn up, however that happens!  And as someone who 90% of the time also uses drinkware featuring superheroes and other nerdery for their alcohol, I very much approve Derek’s choices, whether it makes it into the story or not.  I also enjoyed both versions of the chapter flashback, but the first was definitely more “Oh My…”, and the redo more straight up fluffy and adorable. 
And I love all that stuff in the ideas tag!  With Corey there’s so much potential stuff that can be done with someone with those types of powers.  I admit I don’t know too much about exactly how his are supposed to work. his powers are due to genetics and not outside forces in this, could it perhaps be connected to how Gerard has been able to do some of the things he’s done?   (Could the wolves track him while invisible in the show?)  And oh, my God, that is a total Moon Moon moment (resisting the urge to make a comment about why Ian was trying to fit a ball in his mouth).  I choose to believe that Noah and Chris coordinated to trick Peter into doing that and managing to get it on camera.  They threaten to make it part of the family Christmas card.  Peter only agrees if they make it so that all the pictures used embarrass everyone equally.  Which is where some of the BTS type stuff could come in.  (My lord, they are all such dorks.  I mean, I follow Ian, Linden, JR, and Hoechlin on Insta and or Twitter, so we been knew, really, but still. XD )  And I’m all for any plot points or incidents that allow Lydia to showcase just how awesome she truly is.  Also, I will never turn down an idea that involves puppy piles and cuddle puddles.  I’ve been in this fandom too damn long not to have developed a deep-seated love for damaged characters getting the affection and comfort they deserve.
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the examples of my often questionable musical tastes. ;D  I think I first heard that song on an anime music video (for LOVELESS I think, of all things), and I was just like “well this is catchy as hell”.  As someone whose musical tastes are all over the gd place, I like to imagine they all have some genre that they’re secretly a fan of but don’t want to admit to because it might clash with their grunge-y punk image (the other two totally know anyway.)  Speculatively I’d say boy bands for Peter, bubblegum pop/pop-punk for Chris, and classic (read: dad) rock for Noah, but I welcome other opinions. 
And jsyk, it really makes me happy to know that my reviews are helpful for more than just story ideas.  Which partially brings me to the picture I’ve attached.  I work in a pet supply store, and the item on the right is a dog toy we carry and every time I look at it, all I can think of is how much it reminds me of Deucalion.  Like, I can’t not see it at this point.  And nobody I work with would have the slightest idea what I’m talking about, so I finally made this so that I could share it those that might get why it’s so funny to me.  So here it is.  And if you are still in need of things for distractions, here is a list of some random incidents that have (mostly) occurred at my work in the last few days:
1) Someone left a 4 Iron in one of our shopping carts along the far wall of the store.  We have no clue where it came from, we aren’t anywhere near any kind of golf or sporting goods store.  (I checked and there was no sign of blood on it, so no one was ditching a weapon on us or something.)
2) I walked into our warehouse and asked “why does it smell like sparklers in here?”, saw a coworker standing looking out the back door, and walked over to see that there was a car on fire about a block away in another parking lot.  (The fire department was already on scene putting it out, it looked like it started near the front driver’s side tire?)
3) A child ate one of the fancy dog treats we have on display (luckily that one is mainly yoghurt and peppermint extract), and then try to drink from the fountain we have set up for any dogs that come in.  I don’t think mom ever noticed.
4) We now carry a special, highly filtered, and ph-balanced (and overpriced) bottled cat water (no really), that seems simultaneously like a brilliant idea (because UTIs), but also somehow one of the whitest things I’ve ever seen (and I say this as a white person who grew up basically middle-class).
5) One of the smoke alarms in my apartment started doing the dead battery warning beep at around midnight Sunday night.  I unfortunately was out of the size I needed to replace it, so I just popped out the one that was in it.  Turns out it’s also hardwired, so that did nothing.  It beeped the entire night.  I would have gotten worried about my neighbors, but they had one that they let beep for like a week back in Feb, so I decided I didn’t care.  When I stopped to buy a replacement I also ended up buying two bags of candy with the justification that they were on sale and I might need them for the next chapter.
6) Our pet bathing area re-opened, which meant we finally got a visit from one of my fave canine customers.  His name is Jax, he’s an American Akita, and he is a gigantic, sweet, bear of a dog.  Seriously, he comes to about my hip (I’m right around 5'4), weighs around 190lbs, and is a beautiful dark brown/black brindle all over.  He is also one of the most calm, chill dogs I have ever met (he’s been coming in for years), and I love to watch other people react to seeing him for the first time.
7) While searching around my music files and Spotify for suggestions, I got distracted and ended up treating my neighbors to an impromptu concert that consisted mostly of 00s divas and 60s bubblegum pop (oddly, a lot of Herman’s Hermits and Ohio Express has a very similar vibe to Bowling for Soup, to me at least), because I had headphones in, and didn’t realize I’d started singing along for…a while.  I did consider apologizing for that, at least, but ultimately decided to just ignore that it happened.
Anyway, I hope you are feeling a bit better now, and that some of the weirdness that is my life at least provides some entertainment.  And that the therapy session at least feels like something you think will help in the long run, even if it sucks massively right now.  I’m so proud of you for going, and sticking with it (I know so many who need to who don’t, for whatever reason).  It is hard, and exhausting, and I am always awed by those that are determined to see it through.  (Sorry if any of that comes across weird.  My automatic supportive defaults tend to be humor and awkward sincerity, and I always worry that one will come across as the other and vice versa.  Social anxiety is a hell of a drug.)  So, I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up the verbal flailing for now, please enjoy whenever you see this tomorrow (I think?  I’m terrible about keeping track of that sort of thing.  Also, how is most of Europe just one time zone?!  …anyway…)
Ok, I need to find out where I can get that crocodile/Alligator. for uh, for Mo...
Yeah for Mo.
(It’s for me, I would totally buy a dog toy if I thought it looked adorable.)
I definitely toned that scene down, though I kept some necessary exposition where Chris thinks on what happened between them. Might include some teenage raunchiness later, as someone pointed out to me, Peter would definitely be like that, as would Noah (probably). Chris would definitely be more reserved, he barely got a sex education aside from abstinence. ( Because I don’t see Gerard as the type of person who’d give his son the talk, honestly.)  
And as someone who also drinks alcohol in superhero or Halloween glasses and mugs, I had to throw Derek’s very mature choice in there. Batman mug stays XD
I’ll admit, that was exactly what I was thinking with Corey’s power and how I could use it in the story. So I’m curious to see where I’ll go with it eventually, but yeah, that’s on my idea list.
.. must resist Ian & JR ballsy jokes.. you are not twelve Ben.
I am.
I really am. A twelve-year-old in a twenty-nine-year-old body.
I bet Ian wanted to prove what he could fit in there. He wanted to show some ballsy moves. It’s practice for-
Okay, I’ll stop.
And they are the biggest dorks, I follow Ian, JR, Colton, and Holland on and my lord, they’re such dorks. Definitely following Linden now too though. hehe.
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I can see them trying that trick with Jackson, Malia, Ben, and Scott as well. Scott just falls face first and tries to fit a tennis ball into his mouth. Ben just looks at the tennis ball, figures that ain’t gonna fit and balances it on his face instead. Malia opens her mouth, notices the camera coming out, and just poses while smiling at the camera. Jackson though pretends to not understand what he has to do until Chris shows him how it’s done and then Jackson quickly points to Chris and while Noah films it laughing his ass off.
They make an awesome Christmas card with all of them doing something with that tennis ball.
Speculatively I’d say boy bands for Peter, bubblegum pop/pop-punk for Chris, and classic (read: dad) rock for Noah, but I welcome other opinions.
Also, Nickelback for Chris & Never gonna give you up. They're guilty pleasures. I would also like to suggest for Peter, either the Spice girls or like the Vengaboys. Gets him going but only when he’s alone at home and he’s wearing headphones. Because God forbids someone else hears it too. And I kinda wanna say Baby Metal for Noah. Idk seems like that might fit him and it’s hilarious to think about. Some headcanons don’t need to make sense.
Also, just for shits and giggles.
Caramelldansen in English and Swedish. 
Makes these dads (and Melissa and Derek) move and dance around the new house like crazy, Ben joins in, because of the funny voices. 
The teenagers are mortified.
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This made me so happy, 
3) A child ate one of the fancy dog treats we have on display (luckily that one is mainly yoghurt and peppermint extract), and then try to drink from the fountain we have set up for any dogs that come in.  I don’t think mom ever noticed.
I feel like that’s basically toddler behavior. Also, Ben did this at some point. One hundred percent. He walked into the pet section at a store and started eating the dog treats. Chris didn’t notice, Peter did, asked him about it and went; well, it’s probably not toxic for him, so whatever. He did film it. Noah and Chris yelled at him.
4) We now carry a special, highly filtered, and ph-balanced (and overpriced) bottled cat water (no really), that seems simultaneously like a brilliant idea (because UTIs), but also somehow one of the whitest things I’ve ever seen (and I say this as a white person who grew up basically middle-class).
That is the whitest shit I’ve ever heard. And yes I’m white too from lower middle class. But still...
But maybe that’s because I live in a country where I can drink tap water so that’s what Mo gets in his fountain.
And your stories made me smile my friend, every single one. <3 thank you for sharing these.
I wish I had funny ones really. Only one I can think of is some of my customers I run into as a tech support guy.
Customer calls me to tell me they don’t have internet. I ask, “Where’s your modem and how is it plugged into the network?”
Customer: It’s still in the box I received it in.. it’s wireless..”
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Cue ten-minute argument on how it’s not wireless like that and how he needs to install his modem... yeah. People and technology...
But anyway, I’ll stop rambling now because it’s 1 am here and I need to go to sleep again.
1 am is in the Amsterdam/Berlin timezone where I live in.
That is 6 pm in NYC
And 4 pm in California.
So I am 7-9 hours ahead of the US, to give you an idea about timezones.
0 notes
amevello-blue · 7 years
Nausea/Stomachache/Stomach Virus Survival Guide
I deal with nausea and vomiting on a daily basis. I sometimes have to remind myself what to do on bad days, and also my mom who has to deal with me when I feel super gross. So I figured why not make a guide? This can be used for those who experience chronic nausea/stomach pain or for a muggle stomach flu. Also stomachs and digestive systems are weird, so it’s a lot of trial and error with what works for you and what doesn’t. This is how I deal with it, so if something doesn’t work for you don’t do it again!
This doesn’t include how to deal with throwing up if you’re emetophobic!
Nausea First and foremost, nausea sucks. There are a few ways to combat it! If you’re dealing with really intense nausea over long periods of time and you expect to be dealing with it for a while, ask your doctor about zofran. It’s a dissolve-on-tongue tablet that tastes sort of like peppermint. Personally I don’t mind the taste but some people find it absolutely disgusting so it’s sort of a balancing act on whether it works good enough to deal with the taste. If you can’t, brushing your teeth is always a good way to get rid of it. Toothpaste taste is strong.
If zofran isn’t enough, or you can’t handle the smell, look up “quease ease” on amazon. It’s an essential oil aromatherapy-type thing that helps with nausea. Doctors sometimes give it to surgery patients that are experiencing nausea. You just sniff it and it honestly helps a ton. It’s kept me from throwing up during flares and helped friends who are feeling a little carsick. It is my lifesaver. They come in little plastic packets if you plan on using them short term, or there’s a silver stick that you twist the cap on and sniff it for a more long-term situation. It may seem expensive but it seriously works wonders and it lasts FOREVER I’ve had mine for almost two years now and it’s still going strong.
Heat will make nausea worse. When you drink, try to drink something cold. Sometimes it helps the nausea, and if you’ve been throwing up you need to keep hydrated anyway.
Vomiting Keep a bucket by your bed. I use movie popcorn buckets because they’re cheap and easy to clean out. My mom has taken to buying me holiday-based buckets like halloween buckets and easter buckets to switch out. You can find them at the dollar store. Keep it within easy reach in case you don’t have much warning/can’t move much, make sure they’re deep so you can just stick your face in there. Also, keep one next to the toilet! Even if you have a garbage can in there! Because when you get up and move around to pee your entire digestive system goes crazy and you might throw up even if you didn’t feel like you were going to. Cleaning out a bucket > cleaning bathroom floor.
Stay close to the bathroom. You probably don’t feel too hot as it is, and by the time  you figure out you have to throw up you feel even worse. Walking is not going to be your forte. Keep the path clear, especially since you might not make it to the bathroom.
Most of the time I recommend just getting it all out. You’ll feel a lot better afterwards than you will if you keep choking it down. That being said, if you’re throwing up a lot throughout the day, to the point where you’re throwing up water even, talk to a doctor. They can prescribe meds that actually stop vomiting.
Cool wet washcloths on your face after throwing up feels pretty great! Also good to brush your teeth afterwards. If you can’t handle the taste of toothpaste just use water, but it’s still a good idea to brush your teeth since vomit is acidic and it also tastes gross.
Eating/Drinking Most people probably won’t think much about eating when they have the stomach flu but I’m so used to it that most of the time, about an hour after I throw up I have to eat something. My default is plain saltine crackers! You can get them unsalted as well. Ritz crackers can worse as well, though I usually stick to saltines when I feel really bad because they don’t have much of a taste. Sucking on ice pops are also pretty good, the cold helps calm nausea. If you have your own ice pop mold thingy, gatorade ice pops are the bomb.
If you’re feeling like a bit more, plain sandwiches are good. Low-fat cheese and sliced turkey or chicken is my go-to. Rice is also bland if you cook it with just water and nothing else.
Keep in mind it takes a while for stuff to travel to your stomach. You want to eat just a little bit, like five crackers or something, before deciding if you can eat more. Don’t eat if you aren’t hungry. You’ll regret it later. DO drink as much as you can without stuffing yourself with water!
Bedbound Survival If you’re too sick to pull yourself out of bed except to pee, I suggest some things to do. The idea is to keep your brain as active as possible to take focus away from pain and/or nausea, so add or subtract activities you can do.
Watch YouTube! Let’s plays are how I survive. It keeps my ears and eyes busy without the stress of a TV show drama or movie. Your stomach can react to moods, so if you get anxious or excited it might get worse.
Take a snooze! Naps are great. Sleep when you can, especially if you have a muggle flu! You can be awake when you feel better.
Listen to a podcast! I wouldn’t suggest anything funny since laughing is very stomach-based and oh god laughing when your stomach is killing you is absolutely awful. I tend to listen to stuff that keeps my brain interested. Astonishing Legends is a cool podcast about unsolved mysteries and cryptids. They include theories and cite sources n stuff so really I just recommend it in general. They also have some humor but it’s not going to make you cackle while you’re vomiting so that’s a plus.
Video games! Some video games do cause nausea when I feel bad, even if they don’t when I feel okay, so I have a chart of games I can play and how ill they make me feel. Flat games or fixed-camera angle games are usually the safest bet, so I end up playing Pokemon or Animal Crossing half the time. Kingdom: New Lands on Steam is also a good side-scroller that doesn’t include too much skill or attention.
TV, as mentioned earlier, is usually too stressful for my upset stomach to handle. But I’m also really sensitive. If there’s a show you enjoy watching, watch it. Just make sure it doesn’t get you excited or riled up because your stomach will revolt.
Reading can sometimes make me nauseous. Kind of like carsickness except I’m just sitting there reading. I tend not to read a lot when I feel gross. Building on that...
Avoid social media! Especially if it’s something like Tumblr or Facebook where stuff that’s upsetting or gross can pop up at any second. If you’re using it to talk to friends that’s just fine, but honestly seeing discourse is the last thing you wanna deal with when you’re sick/flaring.
Get Comfy Depending on what kind of stomach pain/nausea I’m having I can get comfortable in different ways. Almost always, though, I am on my back, slightly elevated. I can handle my side sometimes, but laying on my stomach is a big no-no. Pressure won’t help. A pillow throne, however, definitely will. Blankets are a definite plus.
I usually have a fan on my face because it helps with my nausea, and the sound can be comforting as white noise. I have big lights off and maybe my glow lamp on, or my christmas lights that are up in my room on. It helps me fall asleep when I can.
Keeping Clean Nausea sucks, and vomiting is gross. Of course the best course of action is to hit the bucket every time, but some people aren’t as talented as I am at projectile vomiting into buckets (I was complimented by an ER nurse once because I made it into a bucket during a complete blackout I don’t remember any of it).
In bed, on the couch, or wherever you’re set up, it’s a good idea to have a towel or two down on your lap, or beside you. If you throw up suddenly, you’re first reaction is going to be to roll or sit up. Towels won’t keep everything off of sheets and blankets, but it will keep the worst of it off. I have a set of old beach towels for this purpose. Dollar store towels will also work.
If you’re positive you’re gonna throw up before you can make it to the bathroom, aim for wood/tile floors. Worst case scenario, grab the hem of your shirt and lift it like a bowl and throw up into that. You can change shirts and shower easier than you can get vomit out of the carpet.
Unfortunately I don’t have many tips on cleaning, which is because I am fortunate enough to have my mom clean up after me while I pass out in bed after a flare.
Recovery This can work for recovering from a muggle flu or for after flares. Keep eating bland things in very small, frequent meals instead of eating big meals only a couple times a day. Only eat when you’re hungry, but try to eat at least a little bit if you haven’t eaten anything all day. Keep drinking lots!
Try sitting up more often once you’re ready. Let your stomach settle completely and then stand up. Shuffle around the room a bit. Maybe go pet your dog for a bit. Use the bathroom, refill your drink. Go lay back down. Getting stamina back after a flare/muggle flu can be difficult, but remember to go easy on your body! Nap whenever you can, and if you aren’t sure you should be going out, be safe and don’t. Trust yourself about how far you can push yourself!
Anyway, thank you for reading! I hope this is helpful to someone somewhere someday. This is the only thing I have expertise in. lol
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michelleppddtravel · 6 years
How I can make planning your next Walt Disney World Vacation easier?
You may have noticed my other posts here in the group or on the blog in the past and may have asked yourself “Why would I book my vacation through her, I can do it all online?” or “What good is that service to me, when there are other “bigger” agencies in the area?”  Today, I will explain the benefits of booking your next vacation with me versus other ways.
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First, a little bit about me.  My name is Michelle Lynott, I live right here in Avoca with my son.  I am a travel adviser, which means I do more than just book a vacation for you.  
I have been traveling to Walt Disney World since I was little and I joined Pirate and Pixie Dust Destinations after I started visiting with my family.  I booked my first Walt Disney World Vacation with one of the local “Big” name agencies.  The hour I spent at the office booking it was simple.  After that not so much, I spent days (if not weeks) reading books on Walt Disney World, searching over restaurants, learning what rides were in each park, finding out what a fast pass was, how and when to use it and which rides needed a fast pass.  I went over countless crowd calendars trying to figure out when and how to plan out my days.  Over the six months I planned that vacation, I can’t tell you the stress I had trying to find the perfect dining times at restaurants my son would eat at.  I spent time driving to and from the agency to make payments and pick up documents.  Really, after booking,I did everything myself. When we got to Florida I really didn’t know where to go in the parks first, how to get around the resort - my parents had always taken care of those details for us. We had a good time but it was still a lot more than I bargained for.  
The next year, I booked our vacation on my own directly with Disney.  While I didn’t spend as much time looking up rides and show information I did spend hours on the phone asking questions about events being held while we traveled, setting up our transportation to and from the airport, and adding a promotional discount to my resort reservation.
After we returned home, I couldn’t imagine anyone else having the same type of experience planning any vacation and joined the Pirate and Pixie Dust Destinations Team.  I have done extensive web based training on all Disney Destinations but have also done on site resort tours, training classes, specialty tours inside the parks, attended special events such as Mickey’s Not So Scasry Halloween Party, Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party, the Epcot International Food and Wine Festival and the Epcot Flower and Garden Festival. I continue to visit the parks at least twice a year to stay up to date on all the changes that happen.  So, you are probably asking “how does this have anything to do with the experience I would have?”
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First, when you book directly with Disney, or any vacation supplier for that matter, you are paying for the help of a travel agent, without getting it. Basically, if you book with me, that percentage is paid out to the agency by Disney, when you book directly through Disney, that amount goes right back to them. This amount is already built in to your vacation, and there is no way to “get around it”.  You should get everything you pay for then, right?  
If you book on your own, you can call into Disney and get the phone agents help, but remember, not only will you have to explain all the details of your vacation, you may get someone who isn’t super familiar with the resort.  Unfortunately, it is possible, while Disney trains everyone, not everyone has the same level of knowledge as some phone agents are remote agents, and many of the phone agents aren’t sitting somewhere in Florida at a call center.   I have so much personal experience through training and personal visits to help make your vacation a breeze but I also have 20 other agents at PPDD Travel to access if I haven’t yet experienced something myself!  
When you book with me, I have every detail of your vacation noted down, I am the only person you will speak to, so you never have to spend 15 minutes waiting for your call to be answered than another 10 minutes per call verifying who you are.  I will know when you ask a dining question, if your child has allergies or doesn’t eat more than chicken fingers so will not make a suggestion that will not fit your needs. 
As I mentioned earlier, being a travel adviser is more than booking your vacation.  
I am here for you every step of the way, starting with choosing a resort that meets your families interests and budget.  There are over 30 On Property resorts to choose from plus what if you are planning to spend a day or two at Universal?  I will also help you find the perfect restaurant for you to eat at every day of your vacation, including those picky eaters. I won’t just give you a few “popular options” and let you go figure it all out alone.  
After we decide which restaurants interest your family, I will make the reservations for you based on the times your family likes to eat at.  We will discuss favorite characters and the types of rides you and your family likes.  I will ask you if you have any “must do” activities but otherwise, I will suggest fast pass options based on popularity, typical stand by wait times, ride height requirements and then book them for you.  
How does this help you? Dining Reservations open at 6 am 180 days before you check in.  (and yes, some restaurants like Be Our Guest at Magic Kingdom Park book that early - if you are booking on your own after that point, you may need to check the system daily to find what you are looking for.)  Fast pass booking opens at 7 am, 60 days before you check into your resort.  You won’t have to worry about taking a day in the middle of the week off or how to get yourself and kids out to work and school and be on the computer, trying to navigate a system you have never used before.   I bet you are thinking, “well then I would just do it when I get some time later at night”  You can, but it is very possible some fast passes for the most popular rides will be booked out by then.  For instance, the new Flight of Passage ride in Pandora: World of Avatar at Disney’s Animal Kingdom tends to have no more available fast passes to be booked by about 10 am, even at 7 am it is possible the only available times will be in the afternoon!  You won’t ever have to ask the “What do I do now?  Not ride it, or wait two hours to get on?” question.
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I will also plan your days in the parks so you get the most out of your day.  The cost of a one day ticket breaks down to about $10 per person per hour if you spend the entire day in the park.  You can waste a lot of time if you have plans made that have you criss-crossing the park all day!  Walt Disney World can also be a lot for little feet.  I will make sure to balance your day between rides and shows, and give you time to rest and recharge.  Not only will I send you a detailed daily planner but I will take the time to put all the information in your My Disney Experience account and explain how to get more fast passes once you are in the parks.  
If something happens while you are traveling, (i.e. your flight is cancelled because we are expecting a snow storm) I can deal with making arrangements to fly out early or stay an extra day at the resort, while you go about your vacation.  Otherwise, you will have to spend time on the phone with the airlines and at the front desk, loosing valuable park time all the while with children who are too excited to sit in the resort room while you are otherwise occupied.
But what if you enjoy the planning and want to do something yourself?  No problem, I will be here to help answer those questions as needed. It is your vacation, so I can do as much or as little as you want. 
One of the biggest things I can do for you is price monitoring.  Many families book Disney vacations months in advance, and promotional discounts aren’t always available at booking.  When Disney releases a promotion that fits your dates (and usually very early in the morning), I will automatically check your reservation to see if I can save you money  - many times before you turn on your computer for the day! When you book on your own, this can take hours via the phone, since you can’t make modifications to your reservation online.  That “Big” agency will help you if you call in but you need to make the call to them when they are open, and don’t have another client already sitting with them - hours after the promotion has been released. 
Because I don’t take on 100 clients at a time, I am able to give your family individual attention, making sure that everyone gets to enjoy something and everything on the schedule works for you. I am available via email, phone, Facebook Messenger, text or in person by appointment 7 days a week.  During those weeks that I am out of the office traveling, I always provide a contact person at the agency for you for emergencies.  You won’t ever have to wait a week to get a response to a question!
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What if you are thinking of a different Disney Destination?  I offer the same services for the Disneyland Resort in California, Aulani, a Disney Resort and Spa, in Hawaii and I am a specialist in Disney Cruise Line vacations!  I have been on all four of the Disney Cruise Ships and have sailed on 3, 4, 5 and 7 night itineraries visiting multiple different ports. I can help you choose the right ship for your family, find the perfect sailing and stateroom option as well as plan the amazing excursions, magical meet and greets with the princesses and set up pre or post cruise transportation.
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While my niche is Disney Destinations, I do also work with other vacation destinations, including Royal Caribbean, Norwegian Cruise Lines, Carnival Cruises, and many all inclusive options!  
If you would like more information, would like to start planning your Disney Vacation or have any questions you can message me at [email protected], call or text at 570-589-7212 or use this form to get started!
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