#uncharted morocco
its-morocco · 6 months
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rubberizer92 · 8 months
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🌟 Unveiling OBEY Season 12: The Ultimate All-Human Showdown! 🏆
Gentlemen, the grandeur of OBEY has reached new heights as we embark on our first all-human edition! Fifteen fearless men from diverse corners of the world are here to showcase their dedication to the Voice, rubberization, and, of course, your wildest fantasies. With nearly 40k loyal followers, OBEY is more than just a kink; it's a place to dream, escape, and explore, and this season promises to deliver just that.
Voting on Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter is your way to pay tribute to our brave contestants and honor the Voice. Your support will be the guiding force behind their journey. Tonight, we offer you a sneak peek at their world as we reveal their hometown charm. The top 12 will be selected by you, and their captivating creations await. So, gear up to vote for your favorite candidate!
🇲🇦 Souhailmau, representing Morocco, brings an exotic allure to OBEY Season 12. He exudes charisma and charm as he embarks on this thrilling journey, promising to captivate your senses with his enigmatic presence.
Stay tuned, for this is just the beginning of an extraordinary adventure that will captivate your senses and take you to uncharted territories of desire. 🔥🌐 #OBEYSeason12 #AllHumanEdition #MeetTheContenders #SouhailmauMorocco 🏅✨
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theputterer · 1 year
Good Things In 2022
“It’s that time of year again! Time to remember all the good things that happened in 2022. I’ve done this since 2017, and highly recommend doing this as a fun way to reflect (and to have something for future reference when you are feeling Down.)
feels like I literally just did this for 2021, and yet.
just under the wire...
I MOVED ACROSS THE WORLD!!!!! I am now living in Dublin, Ireland. it was a move I'd been aiming to do for years, and once I received my citizenship and Irish passport, I decided to give it a shot. I've been here for nine months and am having a wonderful time.
I did more traveling this year than I think I ever have in a single calendar year.
In Ireland, I've visited several counties and lots of Dublin, including: Malahide, Howth, Dún Laoghaire, Dublin Mountains, Glasnevin Cemetery, Little Museum of Dublin, GPO Museum, National Gallery of Ireland, National Museum(s) of Ireland, EPIC Museum.
I finally went to Paris for a few days in June! Visited: Musée d'Orsay, Eiffel Tower, Sacré-Coeur, Notre Dame (closed to visitors due to renovation/restoration work but wandered around the outside and had a fabulous lunch). Bonus points for the Paris Métro, which fuckin rules.
I finally went to Italy for a long weekend in October! Got to see my folks that weekend as well. Spent time in Venice and Florence. Ate a lot of good food and gelato.
My beloved Seattle Mariners broke a 21 year drought and made it to the PLAYOFFS!!!!!!
I have been puttering away on a ROGUE ONE-FRINGE fusion/AU, ENDLESS FORMS MOST BEAUTIFUL. it has been super slow going but I am trying and I WILL finish it.
Similarly, sorta, I took a writing class! I shared a snippet of my original writing which was well-received. I got some lovely comments from my teacher which is currently sustaining me.
Anything bolded below is something I particularly enjoyed and recommend. 
2022 movies I saw and liked:
2021 movies I saw for the first time and liked:
EUPHORIA (saw season 1, did not watch season 2. lol.)
THE CROWN (the first few seasons and then I stopped : / )
Special acknowledgment: ANDOR. what a trip and a half to see my beloved son on screen once more. I shared some thoughts here.
Did not read nearly as many as I should have! (I did read some other books but they are not on this last as I did not like them).
"Strangers to Ourselves" by Rachel Aviv
"Greywaren" by Maggie Stiefvater
"Babel" by RF Kuang
"She Who Became The Sun" by Shelley Parker-Chan
"Wild Game: My Mother, Her Lover, and Me" by Adrienne Brodeur
"The Hours" by Michael Cunningham
"The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid
"The Burning God" by RF Kuang (incredible series but BOY will it fuck you up!!!!!!)
"The Dragon Republic" by RF Kuang
"The Poppy War" by RF Kuang
"Winter Recipes From the Collective" by Louise Gluck
"You Feel It Just Below the Ribs" by Jeffrey Cranor
"Oscar Wilde: A Life" by Matthew Sturgis
*some of these things are Good as in well-written or well-made, but maybe not Good in topic.
Saw a couple plays at the Abbey Theatre: "Translations" by Brian Friel and "Joyce's Women" by Edna O'Brien. Quite different, both devastating.
Morocco's run at the FIFA Men's World Cup.
Joplin Sibtain, who played Brasso on ANDOR, shared a reel on Instagram of the SPOILERS riot scene on Ferrix with "Killing in the Name" dubbed over it. Incredible.
Martin Scorsese watches DERRY GIRLS.
Local Man Sees Cheese For Sale At Incredibly Low Price, Makes Executive Decision, Purchases 40 Pounds of Cheese
Is Twitter dying? Probably. Here's a thread where everyone shared their favorite tweets.
This angry little dog.
Mother losing it over her baby's laughter.
Dave Sims' calling Cal Raleigh's home run that sent the Mariners to the playoffs for the first time in 21 years.
Janan Ganesh over at the Financial Times with an incredible and scathing assessment of why Liz Truss and the Tories have never gotten Brexit "right". (Hint: they think the UK is on par with the US.)
Twitter user attempts to summarize RIVERDALE in a thread.
This TikTok of two preteen girls discovering landlines that made me LOL and also made me feel DECREPIT.
Shauna Bowers for The Irish Times with a dispatch from Electric Picnic that featured bangers of lines, including: The most sacred Electric Picnic institution of all remains untouched: the inflatable chapel, where all true love stories begin. “That’s probably the only way I’d be able to get you to marry me,” a woman says to her boyfriend. He says nothing.
Ichiro Girl returns to T-Mobile Park and throws out the first pitch to, of course, ICHIRO.
A story about how dogs are the best.
Pianist named Alex Pian covers "Time" by Hans Zimmer in Lviv, Ukraine, as air raid sirens sound. Really powerful.
Emma Baccellieri for Sports Illustrated explores a topic we've all wanted to know more about: what baseball relief pitchers are thinking when they run in from the bullpen during a bench clearing.
This video of STAR WARS characters singing a classic.... just watch it.
CONTACT is one of my favorite movies and Rachel Handler for Vulture wrote an oral history for the film's 25th anniversary.
Stephania Taladrid for The New Yorker, on the ground at an abortion clinic in Houston when Roe was overturned. Required reading.
Linda Villarosa for The New York Times, "The Long Shadow of Eugenics in America". also required reading.
Joshua Rothman for The New Yorker, "Anatomy of Error". A neurosurgeon reckons with surgeries that go wrong. Fascinating!
Rachel Pearson for The New Yorker, "Waiting at a Texas Hospital for the Children Who Never Arrive". Dispatches from a trauma center in the aftermath of the Uvalde shooting. Required reading.
Similarly, Albert Burneko for The Defector, "What It's Like Here". On being a parent in America.
Palate cleanser: Cincinnati Reds allow no hits against Pittsburgh Pirates... and still lose. lol.
Evgenia Peretz for Vanity Fair with an absolutely wild ride of a read about a Grey's Anatomy writer who.... made up an entire life.
Rachel Aviv (who never misses, incidentally) for The New Yorker, "How an Ivy League School Turned Against a Student". What makes a "good" victim?
this thread about creepy shit kids say???
sending you all warmth and affection and hoping you have a safe, healthy, and wonderful 2023.
tagging anyone who wants to do this (and tag me so I see it!) as well as those who've done this in the past: @vaderkat @fortysevenswrites @leaiorganas @magalis @illuminahsti @i-am-slain @antifandor @alittlemomentum @cassianserso @callioope
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sohannabarberaesque · 15 days
So imagine what it must be like ...
to find Peter Potamus' nephews and nieces actually enjoying the sensation of bodysurfing as much as diving, especially wearing but themselves in Polynesia Uncharted ...
for Yogi Bear to be initially distracted by some gargantuan-looking sandwich in Jellystone Park, only to have Cindy distract him with an eye towards some ursine lovemaking of the highest order ...
for Magilla Gorilla to buy a frozen banana cream pie from the local convenience store, and eat the whole thing in one sitting at a nearby park (even as quite a few people pass by strolling, not taking notice) ...
for Scooby-Doo's crew to find a whole closet full of "ghost," "space alien" and "Bigfoot/Sasquatch" costumes while investigating yet another "mysterious creature" case, thereby bringing swift closure to a prolonged series therefor ...
to find Penelope Pitstop, backpacking somewhere out West, being the attraction of a pack of love-hungry male Sasquatch (let alone wondering whether to play along with their desires) ...
for Secret Squirrel and Morocco Mole to turn up in the Cathedral Cellars of the KWV wineries outside Cape Town without knowing how they turned up there, to begin with ...
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angelladyterriemarie · 2 months
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Fairy Stone, also known as Menalite, is from Morocco. It is the Stone of the Goddess, Fae and Divine Feminine within each of us.
As one embraces the fairy stone, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, shedding the layers of doubt and insecurity that cloak their essence. The divine feminine energy, flowing through the fairy stone, whispers tales of resilience and inner strength, empowering souls to navigate the uncharted waters of existence with grace and poise.
In the presence of the fairy stone, the boundaries between the seen and the unseen blur, inviting seekers to delve deeper into the mysteries of the cosmos. Fear of the unknown becomes a mere echo of the past, as individuals embrace the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the veil of perception.
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✨Attunements: https://angelladycrystalsboutique.com/collections/private-sessions-with-angel-lady-terrie-marie-d-ms 
❓Questions? We're here to help. Drop them in the comments below!❓ 
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➡️Sacred Crystal Alchemy Society https://bit.ly/4b0DRKL
💜🔮💜Disclaimer: All crystal healing uses, magical uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education, and do not imply a guarantee of effect. Those suffering from illness should consult with their General Practitioner in the first instance. Crystal healing is a holistic complementary healthcare practice and should be carried out by a suitably qualified crystal healing practitioner. 💜🔮💜
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thetravelkonnection · 4 months
Solo Travel: Your Ticket to Freedom and Thrilling Adventure
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Remember that awkward childhood field trip, clutching Ms. Malini's hand for dear life? Yeah, not my style. My soul craves freedom, the kind that whispers on deserted beaches and hums in bustling alleys. That’s why I embarked on a solo adventure — a journey where boundaries dissolved, and I was both map and compass, captain and crew.
Imagine: you, stretched out on a hammock strung between Balinese palms, turquoise waves whispering secrets the ocean alone holds. No tour guide barking orders, no arguments over where to eat, just the endless horizon beckoning. Pure. Unadulterated. Bliss.
But let’s face it, solo travel can be as daunting as explaining your sudden love for polka music to your friends. What if you get lost? What if the street food gives you a questionable souvenir? What if…well, what if everything goes wrong?
Here’s the secret: the greatest adventures often begin with a leap of faith, trust in your own two feet, and the kindness of strangers. And that’s where The Travel Konnection comes in — your expert co-pilot, navigating the uncharted waters of solo travel with a smile and a plan.
Why Choose The Travel Konnection:
We’re solo travel experts: We understand the unique needs and desires of solo travelers, and we’ve curated experiences that empower your independence while fostering connections.
Safety first, adventure second: We meticulously select safe destinations, provide 24/7 support, and equip you with essential tips and local knowledge to navigate with confidence.
Craft your dream itinerary: From adrenaline-pumping adventures to cultural immersions, we design a trip that reflects your passions, ensuring every footstep leaves an unforgettable mark.
Connect, if you choose: Enjoy optional group activities and curated experiences to meet fellow adventurers, or embrace the magic of solo exploration — the choice is yours!
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Why Solo Travel is Best:
Unleash your inner explorer: Ditch the compromises, explore hidden gems at your own pace, and follow the whispers of your adventurous heart. No more “Ugh, fine, let’s go see that museum” moments.
Connect deeper than Wi-Fi: When you’re open and present, solo travel fosters genuine connections with locals and fellow travelers. Imagine swapping stories under a starry sky with someone you just met — pure magic!
Unlock your inner rockstar: Stepping outside your comfort zone builds confidence, resilience, and a newfound appreciation for your own awesome company. You’ll discover hidden strengths you never knew you had!
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Where to Wander?
From bustling cities like Bangkok or Ladakh to serene landscapes like Iceland or Meghalaya, the world awaits your solo footsteps. Consider:
Adventure junkie: Soaring through the skies of Himachal, Conquer the wild rapids of Kalimpong! or Adventurous Desert Safari in Dubai. Get your adrenaline pumping!
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Culture vulture: Immerse yourself in the ancient wonders of Egypt, explore the vibrant markets of Morocco, or wander the serene temples of India. Feed your soul with cultural richness.
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Foodie paradise: Savor Italy's culinary delights, indulge in Thailand's street food scene or learn to cook traditional dishes in Vietnam. Your taste buds will thank you.
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So, dear reader, if the wanderlust bug is whispering sweet nothings in your ear, don’t silence it. Let The Travel Konnection be your guide, your cheerleader, your safety net (minus the actual net, hopefully!).
Unplug the map, silence the doubts, and embark on your solo adventure. We’ll be here, every step of the way, ensuring your journey is as unique, unforgettable, and liberating as you are.
Remember, the most epic journeys are often the ones you take alone. But with The Travel Konnection by your side, you won’t be truly alone. Now go forth, explore, and write your own adventure story!
Contact The Travel Konnection today and let’s turn your solo travel dreams into reality!
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atypicalvagabond · 5 months
Atypical 2023 Year in Review by Atypical Vagabond Hey Atypical Vagabonds, ready to ride the waves of memory back through 2023? We're diving headfirst into a year of uncharted territories, unexpected encounters, and moments that set our nomadic souls ablaze. From the cobblestone streets of Europe to [mention a highlight from atypicalvagabond.com], we've traced a path that's anything but ordinary. Join us as we: Relive the challenges and triumphs that shaped our journey, from Morocco to Germany Discover the hidden gems that stole our hearts, like the Tray Festival in Tomar Share the lessons we learned along the way, from embracing the unknown to finding beauty in the unexpected Get a sneak peek at what's on the horizon for 2024, because the adventure never stops! This isn't just a recap, it's a celebration of the road less traveled, a testament to the transformative power of travel, and a reminder that the greatest adventures often unfold when you ditch the map and follow your heart. So buckle up, fellow vagabonds, and let's wander together through the highs, the lows, and the moments that made 2023 unforgettable. Don't forget to subscribe, hit that like button, and share YOUR travel stories in the comments below! P.S. Stay tuned for some epic bloopers and behind-the-scenes moments you won't want to miss. via YouTube https://youtu.be/P9YLTtLF3gs
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“Brother from Another Planet”: Embracing our Alien Self
I wanted to dive into a specific theme from “Brother from Another Planet” and tie it into my life in a relatable sense from two outlets. This film portrays a thought-provoking world where a black man with strange feet crash-lands on earth in New York CIty and now has to acclimate to the new environment. We explore themes of being an outsider and navigating unfamiliar territories. Through the lens of this film, i am able to identify similarities with immigrants, such as my own parents, who traveled to a new land in the 1980’s-1990’s, (coincidentally around the same time this film was published), as well as difficulties, doubts, and fears I am facing right now as a young adult entering the “adult world.”
Finding himself in Harlem, New York, a city where it can get tough to live in even as a native, he is unable to speak but possesses special powers. As an outsider, he observes and gets involved with everyone he comes across, giving us a unique insight on the problems that underprivileged populations endure.
This is so relatable to me because I draw on experiences that my parents went through when they immigrated to America from Israel and Morocco in the 1980’s-1990’s. The feeling of being an “alien” in a new land with an obvious language barrier but having a skill in which they are waiting to use and start their life - their own “special powers”. My father was in the retail business prior to immigration and my mother was always good with kids and loved educating them. These are the “special powers” they had but it took them a while to implement them because of the alienation. Just like The Brother, they started a risky journey in uncharted territory filled with obscurities, acclimating to a whole new culture, learning a language as fully developed adults, and adjusting to a new way of life. Their experiences with numerous obstacles along the way changed their perspective and allowed them to empathize with issues others faced daily. 
Similarly, as a 22-year-old graduating college in a year (amen to that), only steps closer to entering the “adult world,” I find myself in the same position my parents and The Brother faced in their journey. Transitioning from this regimented environment for academics to the complexity and multifaceted nature of adulthood is something that not only will be difficult but carries a lot of fear with it. Similar to an “alien,” I am navigating unfamiliar waters, searching for my place of happiness and where I fit in most, and attempting to understand the jargon and the customs of this new stage in my life. During school I am always in a constant state of learning but this new phase in life will be a whole different style of learning. 
The movie "Brother from Another Planet" serves as a helpful reminder that having a different perspective on things might be a benefit. Similar to how my parents' experiences enabled them to understand the difficulties of adjusting to a new culture, the Brother's observations of underprivileged populations give light on the hardships they endure. Similar to how my outsider viewpoint enables me to challenge society conventions and seek alternative pathways as I make my way through the "adult world,"
In the end, the movie urges us to accept our "alien" identity and see it as an asset rather than a liability. By acknowledging our diverse points of view, we may promote empathy, comprehension, and deepen our relationships with others.
As we look at "Brother from Another Planet" through the lens of "aliens," let's celebrate what we have discovered as outsiders and appreciate the worth of our unique points of view. Accept the difficulties, gain knowledge from the experiences, and allow our "alien" identity serve as a stimulant for development and comprehension in a constantly shifting environment.
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pro-teachs · 1 year
Morocco's World Cup success gives Arab youth a much-needed morale boost Pro Teachs
Morocco’s World Cup success gives Arab youth a much-needed morale boost Pro Teachs
Editor’s Note: A version of this story appears in today’s Meanwhile in the Middle East newsletter, CNN’s three-times-a-week look inside the region’s biggest stories. Sign up here. Doha, Qatar CNN  —  They’re known as The Atlas Lions, the Moroccan football team that’s ripped up the history books at the FIFA World Cup. Their run has upended all expectations, advancing deep into uncharted…
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chukachrisnwosu · 1 year
How Morocco’s World Cup success unified Arabs
How Morocco’s World Cup success unified Arabs
How Morocco’s unlikely FIFA World cup success unified Arabs Doha, Qatar ((LG) — They’re known as The Atlas Lions, the Moroccan football team that’s ripped up the history books at the FIFA World Cup. Their run has upended all expectations, advancing deep into uncharted territory, further than they or any other African team has ever managed before. FIFA World cup is going on well for the Morocco’s…
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thetopbestguide · 1 year
‘The world is with Morocco’ on uncharted course through World Cup
‘The world is with Morocco’ on uncharted course through World Cup
Sign up to Miguel Delaney’s Reading the Game newsletter sent straight to your inbox for free Sign up to Miguel’s Delaney’s free weekly newsletter For Walid Ragregui, it was not enough to contemplate one underdog whose improbable path led to a bid to become world champions. His thoughts turned to another. Morocco had become Africa’s first ever semi-finalists on the global stage and their manager…
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soulmatesabroad · 3 years
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Location Prompts:
We are in need of location prompts for this fic fest! For our fest the fics MUST take place outside of the UK. You do NOT have to be writing for this fest to send in a prompt! The location prompt can simply be a country or city, or it can be a more specific location, as long as it is outside the UK. (For example, you could send in “Mexico” OR “Tokyo, Japan” OR “The Louvre Museum in Paris, France”)
 More info can be found at @soulmatesabroad​! 
AFRICA 1 Alexandria, Egypt 2 Cairo, Egypt - Khan el-Khalili bazaar 3 Cape Town, South Africa - Cafe/coffee shop 4 Egypt 5 Kenya 6 Madagascar 7 Marrakech, Morocco - Yves St. Laurent Musee 8 Seychelles 9 South Africa 10 Tristan da Cunha ANTARCTICA 11 Antarctic cruise 12 Antarctic research station ASIA 13 Assam, India 14 Dharamshala, India 15 Dubai - Jumeirah Mosque 16 Everest 17 Fiji 18 Goa, India 19 India 20 Jaipur, India 21 Kerala, India 22 Marina Beach in Chennai, India 23Mumbai, India 24 Nara, Japan 25 North Korean Labor Camp 26 Palace of Queen Arwa, Jibla, Yemen 27 Seoul, Korea 28 Socotra/Soqotra Archipelago 29 Tokyo, Japan 30 Vietnam AUSTRALIA/OCEANIA 31 Aoraki / Mount Cook - New Zealand 32 Australia 33 Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse which we call Louie’s lighthouse 34 Kangaroo Island Australia 35 New Zealand 36 Perth, Western Australia 37 The Super Pit, Kalgoorlie 38 Rottnest Island 39 Wellington EUROPE 40 The Algarve, Portugal 41 Amalfi coast, Italy 42 Amsterdam 43 Baltic Sea, Germany/ Denmark 44 Bergen, Norway 45 Berlin, Germany 46 Capri!! With a trip to the grotta azzurra 47 The Colosseum, Rome, Italy 48 Copenhagen, Denmark 49 Croatia 50 Eiffel Tower in Paris 51 Florence, Italy 52 Garda Lake, Italy 53 Germany 54 Giethoorn, Holland 55 Greece 56 Gröna Lund, Stockholm 57 Iceland 58 Icelandic Phallological Museum  59 Krakow, Poland 60 Lapland 61 Louvre Museum 62 Madrid 63 Marettimo 64 Milan!! With the dome and the pretty gallery (Italy) 65 North Sea, Germany/ Netherlands 66 Nuremberg, Germany 67 Osnabrück, Germany 68 Oslo, Norway 69 Pamplona, Spain 70 Paris Catacombs 71 Prague, Czech Republic, Europe 72 Rouen, France! There's a gorgeous cathedral on which they play artistic videos 73 Santorini, Greece 74 Sark (English Channel Island) 75 Shakespeare and Co bookstore, Paris, France 76 a sheep farm in Sardinia 77 Trans-Siberian train, Russia 78 Transylvania, Romania 79 Uppsala University, Sweden 80 Venecia 81 Venecia’s Carnival 82 Verona 83 Wrocław, Poland NORTH AMERICA 84 Alaskan cruise 85 Appalachian Trail USA 86 Basketball match 87 BC, Canada - lakeside cabin in the woods 88 Canada 89 Canadian ski resort (like Big White or Whistler) 90 Cancun, Mexico 91 Cancun, Mexico - All-inclusive resort (poolside) 92 Central Park, NYC 93 Cerro Gordo Mines 94 Chicago 95 Conundrum Hot Springs, Colorado, USA 96 Crater of Diamonds State Park 97 Detroit Zoo 98 Disneyland/Harry Potter world 99 Dollywood theme park, Tennessee 100 Dublin 101 El Capitan in Yosemite National Park 102 Fairmont Hotel at Lake Louise, Canada 103 Ferry between Vancouver Island and mainland British Columbia, Canada 104 Fort Worth TX USA 105 Ghost tour in Savannah, GA, USA 106 Hawaii 107 Honolulu, Hawaii 108 Jasper, Canada 109 Joshua Tree National park, California 110 Maui, Hawai'i - Lahaina (Banyan Court) 111 Mexico City 112 MoMA, NYC, US 113 Montreal, Canada - Notre-Dame Basilica (in the pews) 114 New Orleans, US 115 Pacific Crest Trail 116 Pacific Northwest 117 Palo Duro Canyon, Texas, USA 118 Olympic Village, Lake Champlain, NY 119 Rocky Mountains, Colorado 120 Rutland VT, USA 121 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 122 San Juan Teotihuacan, Mexico City, Mexico 123 Seattle, WA, US 124 Seattle Central Library, United States 125 St. Lucia - Diamond falls mineral baths 126 The Spy museum in Washington DC, United States 127 Vancouver, Canada 128 Williamsburg, Virginia, United States 129 ZAYN’s Pennsylvania farm SOUTH AMERICA 130 Atacama desert, Chile 131 Buenos Aires, Argentina 132 Cape Horn while circumnavigating the earth 133 Carnival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 134 Henderson Island in the Pitcairn Islands 135 llama farm in South America 136 Macchu Picchu 137 Torres del Paine , Chile 138 Valle del elqui, Chile OTHER 139 Across time (in America) 140 Atlantis 141 baseball match 142 The best bakery in town 143 a castle of the middle ages 144 Cruise 145 Different locations around the world on a food show like Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (one could be the star or work behind the scenes, they could be coworkers or meet on location) 146 Heaven 147 Hell 148 Inside a virtual reality game 149 Magic School 150 Mars 151 Plane 152 Purgatory 153 Safari 154 Snowy beaches like that place in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind 155 Sucked into an American movie. 156 Train 157 World Tour
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quoteshunter448 · 3 years
Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt Download For Mac
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Images; Latest chevronright. Trending chevronright. All games; Borderlands 2; Images; Misc; BL2 - DLC - Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt; BL2 - DLC - Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. Image information. Added on 27 September 2019 4:04PM. Uploaded by Simboker. More images View more from uploader. In Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt, the third campaign add-on for Borderlands 2, players will enter an uncharted territory deep in the swamps of Pandora where a massive Hyperion ship has crashed. In Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt, the third campaign add-on for Borderlands 2, players will enter an uncharted territory deep in the swamps of Pandora where a massive Hyperion ship has crashed.
Ativações / Sistemas
Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt
Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt
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This game/item requires:
Available Regions for Activation
Across the globe, except South America, Europe and United Kingdom.
Important information
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Este conteúdo requer Borderlands 2 para jogar
Este conteúdo já está presente em Borderlands 2 Season Pass
STEAMPLAY: Este conteúdo oferece suporte ao Steamplay
American Samoa
Bouvet Island
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Caribbean Netherlands
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Christmas Island
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Congo - Brazzaville
Congo - Kinshasa
Cook Islands
Côte d’Ivoire
Equatorial Guinea
Faroe Islands
French Polynesia
French Southern Territories
Heard & McDonald Islands
Hong Kong SAR China
Isle of Man
Macau SAR China
Marshall Islands
Myanmar (Burma)
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Norfolk Island
North Korea
Northern Mariana Islands
Palestinian Territories
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands
Saint Martin
São Tomé & Príncipe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Korea
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
St. Barthélemy
St. Helena
St. Martin
St. Pierre & Miquelon
Svalbard & Jan Mayen
Turks & Caicos Islands
U.S. Outlying Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands
United Arab Emirates
United States
Wallis & Futuna
Western Sahara
About the game
Em Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt, a terceira campanha adicional de Borderlands 2, jogadores entrarão num desconhecido território pantanoso de Pandora onde um gigantesco navio Hyperion foi destruído. Os destroços trazem rumores de itens para apanhar. Mas cuidado, criaturas mutantes, e exércitos de selvagens também têm interesse pelo navio. Ferozes e primitivos como aparentam ser, o misterioso professor Nakayama afirma ser seu líder diabólico e ele não quer que ninguém se aproxime do local.
As melhores armas de Borderlands 2 até então - Não é apenas uma viagem ao safari, e sim um encontro a armas imensas e totalmente insanas! Cace por novas preciosidades para recolher cristais Seraph e tenha armas ainda maiores para serem levadas ao jogo principal.
Defenda a fazenda de Hammerlock - Vá ao encontro de Sir Hammerlock e sua choupana de caça rústica, homem de torres de tiro e helibarco para afastar veículos inimigos, domestique o mascote Skag de Hammerlock e aguarde-o para... bem... você sabe!
Cace e seja caçado - Enfrente um novo chefe de Raid, novos chefes de mundo, monstruosas criaturas mutantes e ondas de bárbaros mal-cheirosos. No pântano, ninguém pode sentir seu cheiro.
Novo local pantanoso - Vegetação alienígena, água pantanosa, montanhas irregulares e formas mistas e variadas de uma zona exótica e perigosa, tudo numa parte jamais vista de Pandora
Novo veículo de pântano - Entre de cabeça nos pântanos sobre o novo helibarco para lutar contra veículos inimigos.
Novos chapéus e skins - Seja recompensado por encontrar e derrotar os mais raros inimigos dos Pântanos. Se ele está na lista de espécies ameaçadas, mate imediatamente, pois ele será todo seu.
Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt Download For Mac Os
System Requirements
Requisitos mínimos para MAC:
Sistema Operacional: 10.7.5 (Lion), 10.8.4 (Mountain Lion)
Processador: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (Dual-Core)
Memória RAM: 4GB
Placa de vídeo: 256MB, ATI Radeon HD 2600 / NVidia Geforce 8800
Espaço livre em disco: 13GB
Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt Download For Mac Windows 7
Requisitos recomendados para MAC:
Sistema Operacional: 10.7.5 (Lion), 10.8.4 (Mountain Lion)
Processador: 2.2GHz Intel Quad Core
Memória RAM: 4GB
Placa de vídeo: 512MB, ATI Radeon HD 5750 / NVidia Geforce 650M
Espaço livre em disco: 13GB
Nota: É possível que usuários de MAC e PC não possam em curtos períodos jogar devido a diferença entre atualizações. Durante esse tempo, jogadores de MAC só poderão jogar com outros jogadores de MAC.
Atenção: Este jogo não é suportado em volumes formatados como Mac OS Extended (Case Sensitive)
Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt Download For Mac Free
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Atenção: Os seguintes chipsets não são suportados: ATI RADEON HD 2000, NVIDIA 8600m, NVIDIA 9400m, 9600m, Intel Integrated GMA 950, Intel Integrated x3100 - Intel Chipset Original da Apple somente
Atenção: Chipsets integrados de vídeo da Intel não são suportados
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spidermaninlove · 4 years
Tadia Theory
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I’ve been working on this theory but I wasn’t quite ready to share... but since you mentioned it, here it is:
On 1/20, Tom posted last day vibes from the Cherry set in Morocco and he was back in London at the Dolittle premiere on 1/25.  It appears Nadia wrapped Domina in Rome on or about 1/24.  Beginning on 1/20, Nadia has liked a lot of Tom's posts -- a lot more than she did before that date.  So, Nadia was suddenly more interested in Tom beginning January 20.  
Fast forward to March.  On March 1, Dom mentioned on Facebook that Tom had a “friend” over for dinner (lunch) and Harrison came as well.   
Around March 8th, Nadia had a girls night in with a few of her friends.  Harry was helping Elysia with her college apartment in Bournemouth on March 8th.  According to an anon, Nadia was in Berlin between March 12th and 14th.
According to Dom, Tom returned to Kingston on March 17.  He did not mention Harry returning.  So did Harry accompany Tom to Berlin? 
Note:  Nadia has taken other jobs in between acting gigs.  
Okay, so this is a stretch, but here's the theory. Nadia was in between jobs and Tom hired her as his assistant for Uncharted. But then Uncharted was shutdown due to COVID and Tom moved back to London and gave his new assistant, Nadia, a place to stay at his house (I believe Samual lived there while he was assisting Tom). Then the Tadia video happened the first week in April, and Tuwaine tweeted, Imagine finding a love like no other during this pandemic. That would explain why she moved into the frat house, and while living together 24/7... well, who wouldn't fall in love with Tom?
Edited:  We now know this theory was just a theory.
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fakeplasticsims · 4 years
𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕥𝕒𝕘
I was tagged by @kingfakey​! Thank you, good sir!
rule : answer ten random questions and tag ten simmers! I’m late as usual so probably everyone has done this already.
1. if you could travel one place in the world where would you travel?  I actually just went to my one place (Japan!) in January this year. I had loose plans for two more trips this year but thanks 2020. Once it’s safe to travel again, I’d love to go to Costa Rica (specifically to visit the sloth sanctuary). Also, Morocco, Singapore, Thailand... crap, this was supposed to be one place.
2. what do you do in your free time away from sims?  Other video games, mostly. Right now I’m playing the Control DLC, and once I finish that I’m going to replay TLOU so it’s fresh for when TLOU2 is released. When we’re not in quarantine I also go to the gym a lot when I’m not also depressed.
3. what other games do you play besides the sims? Control, as mentioned above. Story-based shooters/open world games like TLOU, Uncharted, RDR, survival horror, RPGs. I’m also really into point and click adventure games. I’m so so so hype for Cyberpunk 2077 too. I also don’t play the 200+ games in my Steam library lololo.
4. how tall are you? 5��6″. I have long femurs.
5. one random interest of yours?  Reptiles I guess? Seriously, are you thinking of getting a pet? Lemme know, I’ve probably done a ton of research and can help you out.
6. current favourite bands or artists? I’ve been listening to soooo much Duckwrth lately. And Amine! And Anderson .Paak! I love this adorable quirky rappers that are honest about their mental health and clever with their lyrics. I grew up being very anti-rap (gotta love that self-hate) and I’m mad as hell as myself for ignoring a whole genre for so long.
7. something you’re looking forward to? Being able to get back into the gym and generally just get my life back on track. I was in a slump right before quarantine and was just about ready to work my way out of it when everything got locked down. I hate this feeling like I’m stuck in my limbo.
8. current favourite films? I’m big on horror movies so I will recommend As Above So Below until I die. The Iron Giant if you want to cry. And The Fifth Element, which is my number one favorite movie of all time ever.
9. what food could you not live without? Grocery story fruit snacks. Not the name brand ones. The store brand ones, specifically the sharks. Unfortunately where I live now it’s all Whole Foods and Targets so I can’t find them anymore. Someone send me shark fruit snacks pls.
These guys!
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10. favourite series (book or movie series)?  Ooh boy. Last year I read through the whole Night Watch series by Sergei Lukyanenko which was amazing. Also the Redwall series by Brian Jacques, which I grew up on and is very dear to my heart (chickenhound is still my handle in a few pockets of the internet).
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nosila419 · 4 years
I thought they would finish Cherry before holidays that he can grow his hair back for Uncharted😭 I mean they haven't been to Morocco have they?
They’re supposed to finish filming in Cleveland this week (18th). I’ve seen a few articles stating filming in Morocco would be later this month, but they wouldn’t have enough time before the holidays so the earlier reports of filming in Morocco in January make more sense. I would assume they’d need at least 2 or 3 weeks of filming for the Iraq scenes. Uncharted is set for February filming so his hair won’t have too much time to grow. I don’t know much about Uncharted so I have no idea what hairstyle Nathan will have. Maybe he’ll be growing it out throughout filming. At least you know it will be grown out again by Summer at the latest for Spidey 3.
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