harrylouis · 1 year
louis 🤨
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daroamine · 11 months
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he is fond
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oliveo-il · 7 months
draw basil but from 15 kilometers away
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15 kilometer stare
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a-little-bit-poss · 10 months
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aqua-ginger · 4 months
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What’s that? A new Umbi????
He’s so fun to draw- and even though I might change a few things before the final stage of this project- I’m really proud
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milkcrow226 · 29 days
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The umb
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umby-sketch · 1 year
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Both reasonable
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mcytblr-archive · 2 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: umbie
today's interviewee is umbie, who was a member of ebblr from march 2021 onwards. i would like to once again ask everyone to remain impartial and respectful-- this blog is a place for all MCYTblr history, which includes parts of the fandom that were more controversial. that said, let's begin!
Q: Since I realize not everyone knows-- would you mind explaining what exactly ebblr was, to the best of your ability?
A: Ebblr is an abbreviation for Enderbees Tumblr. It existed as a network of undiscoverable blogs where folks shipped and truthed beeduo romantically. It ebs truthing started at the beginning of 2021, late 2020 on plate's blog gayminecraftmen, who you did an interview with, then moved to jason's blog on mcytruth, and later decentralized into a collection of blogs rather than being headed by any one person. It also became a place to discuss mcyt shipping and truthing in general- we didn't ship minors with adults, but things like techza, techbur, benchtrio shipping. character or irl, we didn't discriminate. The core of it was ebs, though.
There was also stuff like neurodiversity and gender truthing. really anything thats gauche to talk about on main.
Q: What was your general experience in MCYTblr? What was your general experience in ebblr specifically?
A: Mcytblr was very... enveloping, is how i'd put it. Easily the strongest hyperfixation i've ever had. It was also pretty frustrating at times. 2021 ebs was the height of the /p era, when the characters were off getting minecraft-married and the outside fandom insisted on them being platonic. We felt crazy. Ebblr started from blogs like mcytruth and gayminecraftmen, but I think the reason it blossomed into its own independent community was because ebblr addressed a need that mainblr, at the time, did not. I think it's facinating how in hindsight the fandom has ever so slowly turned around on the romantic c!beeduo, and now it's just kinda normal.
Being in ebblr was rewarding and enriching, but also very anxiety-inducing. We had pretty strict rules around interaction- keep your blog invisible, no cishets (lol), no nsfw, no outside reblogs. It started about after the first blocklist as a way of avoiding harassment, but developed into a moral thing later on. We existed in a kind of grey area where we understood that what we were doing was weird, but we wanted to be as inobtrusive as possible. In the early days, i made an effort to follow everybody. The community was that close-knit. Whenever a member of Ebblr accidentally reblogged an ebblr post to their mainblog, i would hop onto an alt and message whoever I needed to clean up the leak so none of our posts escaped.
Q: In critblr and dreamlying, there was a culture of "doxxing", or otherwise finding personal information about creators. Was that also true for ebblr?
A: Nope! That's one of the primary differences between critblr, dreamlying, and Ebblr. One of our rules was to keep our posting limited to things the creators released on purpose. That didn't stop us from being invasive, though. We diligently kept records of our "proof." We would obsess over details, and considered anything said on social media, stream, or twitter space fair game, even if better judgment was that they're not things the content creators would want talked about. It wasn't a monolith. A lot of folks didn't truth at all, and only wanted a space to post art or fics of pairings that were unacceptable on main. I also tracked planes during the meetup times, but jury's still out on whether that constitutes doxxing. I also had enough sense not to post about it directly. While most of us were uncomfortable with outright doxxing and distanced ourselves from those who did, we sure could walk the line.
Q: You said in your initial messages that you coined the term "critblr". Could you elaborate on that?
A: Dlying existed before ebblr, but Critblr did not! Critblr started out as a subsect of ebblr.
Critblr was conceived of in a discord server i shared with a couple friends that joined at the same time as me! It was meant to exist as a solution to formalize a growing rift within ebblr. There were blogs that were more involved in things like discussing doxxes and criticizing content creators and mainblr/maintwt opinions, and there were folks who were exclusively interested in shipping and/or truthing. Ebblr was upset with negativity and complaining, and the blogs who would become critblr didn't care for the shipping. It started as a place where you could discuss things you couldn't discuss on main, but people's needs became different. I remember the poll to name it. I suggested and vouched for critblr. Since the server's been since deleted, you're unfortunately just gonna have to take my word for it, but i'm part of the reason it's not called truthblr and I'm proud of that.
Q: This has actually been really clarifying for me; I knew ebblr and critblr were similar and intertwined, but I didn't know the specifics! I suppose, knowing that, what are some things that you remember about critblr in specific?
A: i understood critblr as a sort of anti-mcytblr. whatever opinion was widespread and popular on main, critblr was the place where you could find someone with the opposite opinion. it was a haven of haters, trolls and gossips, and it was really fucking funny. they loved having rivals- back in the summer of 2021, they/we had a "war" with fltwt. (at least in terms of what jason was up to. i have no idea how its developed now.)
honestly a lot more of the ire of critblr was directed at mcyttwt than it was on the ground at mcytblr. (although in 2021 the boundary between critblr and ebblr was still pretty loose and even as an ebblr main i was aware of all this, i'll say critblr for ease of communication)
another note about eb-critblr. it was extremely white. some of the rhetoric bouncing around on critblr at the time was kind of in the vein of "arent these twitter kids so sensitive for being upset with schlatt"
i think i also want to make point about how a lot of the truthing was kinda unserious. sometimes people dont have clips or evidence or info sometimes truthing was just projecting onto a content creator and feeling it in your heart. The instinct to truth, i think, came from a place of wanting to relate to the streamers. See yourself in them, their relationships, and their mental struggles. still, It was soaked in irony- there was this sort of untouchable jester attitude, and the less seriously you took yourself, the better. I think people cared a lot, though, and that ended up being the problem. There was a lot of pressure to be certain, which is fascinating coming from a space built on speculating on incomplete info. im sure other people in ebblr had very different experiences than I.
Q: Would you mind explaining what fltwt was?
A: fltwt came into being in summer 2021, when ranboo got doxxed. jason mcytruth had already stopped caring about ebs by now, so most of his and his associate's energy went into researching, exposing, and clowning them.
you need to understand that they were like. an abberation to us. we had been doing good honest truthing and shipping in our private corner since the new years, and here these twitter chucklefucks were throwing doxxes around and using them to truth with. they were like our evil twin. we hated them so much.
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[all names have been redacted for privacy]
the reason my url is glowfr0g in this is because i changed my url after this interaction, but i have screenshots with my url as umbie aswell. we were SERIOUS.
since beeduo stopped hanging out like a week into the summer because of the doxx, the truthing in the community diversified a lot. one of such truthings was Clemtruthing- or transfeminine tommy truthing. fltwt straight up stole this from us, screenshotting and circulating our posts, and now theyre more known for it than we were. the blog mentioned here, [REDACTED], deactivated over this.
i think at one point fltwt was doing a popularity tournament and mcytruth was entered in as a contestant? but what i did here was hardly the only example of eb-critblr butting heads with fltwt. the demographic was largely bored twitter ranboo fans. yknow the "im literally neurodivergent and a minor" meme? that was popularized because of THEM. also that text interaction is dated july 30 2021
fltwt was, partially private i think? but overall not well organized at all and a lot of people on there were attention seeking. i have no idea how much these subtwts were actually invested in ebblr or critblr, for all i know it was extremely one-sided
Q: Was it an interesting experience to be in a niche community that regularly experienced "containment breaches" and blocklists? How did that affect the community's growth?
A: I kinda appointed myself the manager of the containment breaches! I had a whole process. If a mainblr blog reblogged a post, i would contact them on my umbie blog. Since they reblogged it, they were probably a lurker and i could ask them directly to take it down. However, if any of the mainblr blog's mutuals reblogged a post, i would contact them on an alt instead from the perspective of a concerned bystander that just wanted you to know that you had accidentally reblogged one of those posts from those weird shippers. Worked every time. I took pride in it.
There were really only a few blocklists? The first blocklist, what most people would know ebblr from back in the early days, got ebblr so much attention that's how most of the folks within it found out about it (including myself.) There were one or two scares after that, but nothing serious. I only ever got on one, and that one wasn't shared publicly. We still made a big show about having everyone temporarily change urls though. We didn't really want to be well known. Anybody who knew about ebblr understood that it was for the best of both communities if people kept quiet.
Q: How did the "boundaries" discourse affect your community?
A: we danced around with boundaries. Back when we were making fun of main for platonic marriage, a lot of us were loud about the fact that neither of them had called it a platonic marriage until the fans started doing it. We weren't technically breaking any stated boundaries, but i think part of why we were so loud about it is because we knew on some level that it was a cope. When the boundaries were finally stated and the truth that we were being weird all along was unavoidable, it was fucking DEFCON 1. A lot of people left ebblr over it, and a lot of people were like "wait, you didn't know we were breaking boundaries?" The community had boundaries, but they were not the same boundaries as the content creators.
Q: Were you ever involved in any main MCYTblr events?
A: nope. we wanted nothing to do with main mcytblr. We stayed aware, though, and made fun of them whenever things went sour.
Q: Do you think being in ebblr was an overall positive or negative experience?
A: mixed. so mixed. so incredibly mixed. The anxiety of me or my friends getting exposed or discovered kept me up at night. I was constantly conflicted about whether or not i was doing the right thing while also reassuring people that we definitely were. Our proximity to the darkest parts of minecraft fandom means i've seen and learned things that I wish I hadn't. When Beeduo went no contact it was uh. It Was Bad. It Felt Bad. We Felt bad, and I felt partially responsible. it's hard to know if that's true.
At the same time, I've met some of my best friends on there, ones that I keep in contact with to this day! Being on ebblr taught me a lot of critical thinking- I now understand that twitter isnt right about everything always. Being known and liked as Umbie helped me safely built up a sense of identity there that has brought me into the best chapter of my life so far, and experimenting with pronouns was also really really nice. For all the late nights and callout posts and blocklists and moralism and bullshit, i think i will be chasing the high of the vindication that i got when ranboo came out on twitter for the rest of my life.
You can call us a lot of things, but you can't call us incorrect on that front, and as truthers go, that's kinda rare.
[umbie was kind enough to also send me the following image-- this is the "enderbees" flag, seen in the yellow/purple rainbow, as it appeared on Karl Jacobs's stream of 2022 r/place! You can also spot the L'manburg flag, the Snowchester flag, and one more I can't identify.]
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Three Of Them! I may colour this later
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umbylievable · 9 months
So basically in this batman au I roll around, the joker is released after being certified "no longer a danger to the public" by the Arkham Rehabilitative Center and resolves to make Bruce's life hell as a civilian. Bruce is also a prison and police abolitionist and criminal reformist, so parading the joker around as a paragon of good behavior is in his best interest politically, which means he can't get rid of him. In this au Johnathan Crane is also the one who killed Jason, not the joker, bc it plays nicely into his desire to exploit Batman's worst fears and because frankly Jason would never have EVER forgiven Bruce for associating w the joker otherwise and while I think that's juicy drama fodder, this au is mostly lighthearted. Might explore it in another au though.
Some other stuff:
He legally changed his name to Countess Dick Fucknuts.
He won the publishers’ clearing house sweepstakes. There was an extensive investigation undertaken to make sure he hadn’t cheated. In fact he had not and just entered because he woke up one day and thought “wouldn’t it be so HILARIOUS if I won?” and it turns out he was right
He’s gnc just for the lulz bc it makes these boring gotham socialites uncomfortable
He learns how to sew just to make increasingly ridiculous avant garde “ACAB” and “FUCK 12” pieces to wear to fancy gotham galas where he knows he’ll be photographed. This, predictably, makes him a target of corrupt police violence and forces bruce to double down on his protection
He tries at least ten times to tag along w Batman as his new Robin but he is permanently grounded after trying to shoot firefly with a supersoaker full of paint thinner and nearly blowing up a city block
Later in their relationship, the joker decides that sitting at home doing nothing is not at all fun BUT sitting at wayne manor with alfred dressed like a 50s housewife and pretending to film a cooking show while dumping soap powder into a mixing bowl is very fun, especially when the stove catches on fire and alfred has to call the fire department
Naturally alfred hates him, ofc
The Joker’s never actually had a stable home life or friends and family like this so he actually has a wonderful time just doing normal domestic shit like trying to make pasta or talking on the phone while watching the same television show or violently beating dust out of the rugs or making grocery lists
He takes his coffee with however much sugar it takes to make it thick like a syrup which he then dunks various types of cookies in, his favorite being funfetti (of course)
Definitely buys various drag queen-esque over the top wigs to wear to events and also just to wear while sitting in bruce’s plushest chair drinking wine out of a soup bowl
When it became clear he and bruce were dating, damian asked the joker if he expected him to call him dad and the joker was like “I would actually prefer not to be perceived batsy jr” and so for like three years damian literally pretends he doesn’t exist and it absolutely delights him. What a commitment to a joke. What a great kid.
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harrylouis · 1 year
don’t diss our beloved egghead
i would never. he’s a beautiful egghead but an egghead nonetheless 🥚
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ittybittyumbreon · 9 months
Its me :3
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oliveo-il · 8 months
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I lied about only doing one (none of you win.)
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idolsgeneration · 1 year
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aqua-ginger · 7 months
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My little silly brain has been rotating the idea of Umbi as The Golden Bachelor (with his whole thing being that he feels so old even if they are all older) and with the release of today's episode, it felt like the perfect time to finish it!
Check out @jointhepartypod if you haven't already they're amazing
I have been also since toying with the idea of either doing confessionals with the contestants or even Cammie and Troy in different reality game shows!!
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milkcrow226 · 2 months
these are the same manner of creature
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