howyouducan · 1 year
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Umbril Torq-Alth, now trying out a hyphen. Perhaps the meaning can now shine through: Torq resembling "torch," his biological mother having been assigned to the fire-keepers/light guards as a lifelong position; and Alth, a corrupted (or creatively spelled) "elf."
Umbril is a Szarkai, an albino drow. The appearance of Szarkai have provoked a variety of reactions from Lolth-Sworn society over the centuries. In Umbril's time, the bright hue of the skin is an undesirable trait, but the condition itself is considered blessed, as well as its side effects: bare of hair; noticeable veins; curling of the fingers and toes; odd jagged development of the teeth; and viewed strangely positively, doubled weakness to bright sunlight.
Coupled with his servant status this put Umbril in a curious position. As a female he could have become someone high-ranking, outstripping his mother easily. But as a male, he can never have any power; yet, Szarkai should not do menial labor lest they be looked down upon, for fear of disrespect to Lolth herself.
Fortunately, Szarkai can have another use. Albino drow and albino high elves are indistinguishable, in theory. The symptoms are unfortunately strong in Umbril, but the drow are of course all too content to take a gamble and pass it off as sickness, if it means gaining a spy.
Umbril, age nine, was given a mission and sent to the surface with another Szarkai, an adult female of both status and skill. They were to set up in Baldur's Gate in order to track the location of a mysterious item connected to Lolth without drawing attention. The item proved to be more difficult to pin down than expected; the duo stayed in Baldur's Gate for three years, spending the last months in outright hiding, having drawn the ire of the Rakshasa who jealously hoarded said item.
Finally, all other options having been exhausted, a report to the underground was deemed necessary. The two parted ways to make for the journey home separately. The plan went awry when it was revealed that the Rakshasa had quietly been watching them all the while and had sent mercenaries after each. Umbril had noticed his hunters, armed and numbered; and so, rather than stick to the plan, he threw the mercs off his trail the only way he could: doing the unthinkable and turning around.
Confronting the Rakshasa in their lair revealed that this Rakshasa had the ability to open portals to other planes. The Rakshasa used a prisoner, an aberration, to open a portal to the Far Realm. Umbril was banished to the Far Realm for only hours, but exposure to such alien dimensions has consequences. Umbril, delirious and dissociated from his senses, began distorting the space around himself by his own will, and eventually, used that same spell to sacrifice another aberration and open a portal back to Faerun.
Both mental and physical developments stayed with him, as well as additional memory problems. He has since lived in the wilds alone, with budding talents of sorcery. But the Lolth-Sworn took his missing presence as death, and should they discover Umbril still lives, it would turn into a mark of betrayal...
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isolationstreet · 1 month
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pixxiesticksys · 6 months
Umbrillic Label
An Umbrellic Label is a label you use, typically in an introduction maybe, to placehold some other, more complicated label.
This could be because you don't think the people around you will understand, because you don't think they care and you just want to simple, because the ins and outs of your identity aren't other people's business, you havent found the word that describes you yet, or for whatever other reason you feel the need to put your identity in an umbrella. This label clarifies that the term you are giving is more of a general umbrella that holds your more specific identity and not your identity exactly
For example, If you were transmasculine but didn't identify as a trans male and had a xenogender you identified instead, and you were only attracted to masculine identifying people regardless of what their identity was, you might know the specific, specific word for that.
But I don't. And even if I did, other people might not know
I just identify myself as a gay transguy, that umbrella works for me in this moment, but it would be nice to have a little caveat that says "this identity isn't exact. I use this as an umbrella that I fall under"
So now I'll identify myself as an umbrillic gay transguy. And you can be more specific than just that while still using the label. If use extremely specific labels but they're still "placeholding" your label, you use it.
"Elegui" is a pretty specific term that describes someone whose gender is related to the sound of an electric guitar. We have a member whose gender relates to. Electric guitar. But we haven't found that yet, so when he introduces himself, he almost always says "elegui (well not really but we haven't found anything better" now he could say umbrillic elegui.
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nuttyrabbit · 1 year
There's gotta be some divine comedy in the fact that I ended one of my posts saying that I was gonna go off to play D&D and then it ended up being a super short session because the DM was sick
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Elven Creation Myth
Before creation, there was one deity: Altae. She was raw, undeveloped, and completely unaware of even herself. She existed in nothingness, no time or space. She had no thoughts or actions until a moment of enlightenment: she became aware of her existence. This caused a spontaneous eruption-for she was a being of unknowing.
From her came a world as raw as she. Her power split into five separate beings, Anima, Beaula, Aquilani, Terronae, and Umbrilo. Separately, the power and knowledge was easier to contain.
These Gods and Goddesses wanted to develop the world around them.
From the fingertips of Terronae came planets and stars, rock and fire bending to his will.
When Aquilani saw these creations, she cried for its beauty. These tears flooded the Earths they touched, creating water: oceans and lakes sprouting forth.
When Beaula caressed these worlds, vines and trees sprouted from her touch, satiated by the water and held in by the ground.
These creations were in distress from the harsh light and heat from nearby stars, so Umbrilo hid them, creating shadows and darkness.
Anima looked upon these worlds and saw that they went unnoticed, unseen by any, so he created life. He created Spirits, imbued with Core Energy.
His creations were untouchable and incomplete, unable to interact with the world around them, so his brothers and sisters helped him by giving him their creations, forming the bodies of the animals around their Spirits. Water became blood, stone became flesh, shadow became shapes and colors, and vines became tendons, muscles, and ligaments.
Once they saw how incredible this new world was, they wanted to do it again. They created a creature like them, but with rounded edges. Once their bodies were complete, they began to act upon the Earth they were placed on. These creations killed and destroyed, wreaking havoc wherever they went. Looking upon them, the Gods and Goddesses were ashamed. The Humans were banished from the Holy presence.
They tried once more, this time creating them in their image. They made these creatures unable to feel rage, for this was the Humans’ downfall. Releasing these beings upon the Earth, the Gods and Goddesses saw them attempt to heal the world in Man’s wake. At this, they were proud. Anima wanted to give them a gift, so he asked his Brothers and Sisters for help. Upon the Elves, he bestowed a special connection to the Gods and Goddesses. Blue Force, as it is known, gave the Elves the ability to manipulate the world around them.
The Elves never forgot their gift, and remembered to honor their Gods and Goddesses, using this gift in their name. The created the Five Schools, named after the deity they represent: Anim (Core), Beau (Nature), Terrone (Earth), Aquila (Water), and Umbril (Shadow).
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wreyeder-wreyedine · 4 years
Hi! It's been a while since I posted anything Ilian, so here's a short 5 question quiz about which school of magic suits you best! Please take this peace offering and tag your results. Also maybe go through the tags of ilian and thoi?
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ladymochiofmacaron · 5 years
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Art done by @scruffyturtles
They came to kick ass and ride chocobos
and there ain't any chocobos around
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leafdrake-haven · 4 years
So today I’m making it Fanplane Friday by talking a little bit about Perenia! I’ve talked about it before but I’m going to give a little summary about it today.
So, Perenia, the plane of seasons and cycles. Mechanically it is a shard-factioned world. The seasons are physically brought to the world by avatars/incarnations of these seasons. Each country is the origin of one of these avatars and is where that season/avatar is most celebrated. These avatars are worshipped as gods and leaders take inspiration from them, but they are in fact forces of nature and not truly active or a part of ruling or directing anything.
Now Perenia does only have the 4 regular seasons that our world has, so where does the 5th avatar come in? Originally Perenia only had the 4 avatars. Eventually a young man sparked and traveled the multiverse. In his travels he found that other worlds had seasonal cycles that just happened and wondered why his world couldn’t be that way. After years of travel and learning (and oldwalker powers) he returns and attempts to kill Perenia’s avatars. While he is technically successful, the avatars are a part of the very fabric of Perenia and were reborn. Realizing that route was fruitless, he decided to use his affinity for artifacts to create an artificial avatar. This mechanical creature was able to negate the powers of the other avatars. This Oldwalker managed to create a following and with their new avatar took over a large expanse of unwanted land (inhospitable and barren) and they created their own faction. He also used his Oldwalker powers to seed his faction with peoples from across the multiverse. This would have happened ~200 years ago on our current magic timeline.
This new faction is now fairly well established and mostly accepted as a part of Perenia now, though there is still a lot of tension. The land of spring has never forgiven the slaying of their avatar, even if he did return to them. The land of winter was the most accepting of this new faction as their artifacts are very helpful for survival.
The land of Spring (name in process) is white-blue-green. Their avatar is known as Fergaes the Awakener and is a unicorn.
The land of Summer (capitol is Hiviny) is white-red-green. Their avatar is known as Matriarch Mellifauna and is a giant honey bee.
The land of Autumn (name in process) is black-red-green. Their avatar is known as Poulios, Cultivator of Ashes and is a phoenix.
The land of Winter (The Stillfrost Archipelago) is white-blue-black. Their avatar is known as Svellmani, the Harbinger of Frost and is a drake.
The fifth faction (name in process) is blue-black-red. Their avatar is known as Umbril the Perverter (or if you are part of the faction, Umrbril the Liberator) and is an artifact chimaera.
I think this is long enough for a first post! I’ll make posts about each faction individually eventually (maybe a Friday thing!) Feel free to shoot me any questions if your curious in the meanwhile!
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art-of-kila · 7 years
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howyouducan · 2 months
Due to real life constraints, despite having played the pregame, I still have not played Baldur's Gate 3
But I going to
So while I wait I'm gonna post my OCs
Umbril Tor'Qalth is a male albino drow. As a Szarkai, Umbril was tasked to serve society by playing the role of a spy on the surface. He began fulfilling this duty when he was a mere child, however on one special trip something went awry and Umbril was separated from his Szarkai partner and overseer. After a bit of problem solving on his own, he was forced to confront a being originating from beyond this plane. Exposure to an alien plane called the Far Realm caused Umbril some unwellness in the head, including memory loss, and also unlocked in him abilities never before used - he was a now Sorceror, possessing Wild Magic. He survived on his own in the fields and forests throughout the land until that one fateful day he was once again captured, this time by Mindflayers. Like his companions, Umbril is also haunted by his past, although he can only remember chunks. And be "haunted" I mean "hunted," because both Lolth-Sworn drow and aberrations now want him dead. He doesn't mind as much as he should, though; which is probably a result of growing up in the Underdark among the merciless Lolth-Sworn and then having his marbles knocked out of his ears. Chaotic Neutral is his alignment, physically he looks like Nosferatu due to Szarkai deformities, and he is going to bang Astarion
Millet Ferefeller is a Ranger halfing. She is a citizen of the city of Baldur's Gate itself, and while streetwise she is no less cheerful than any other halfling. She specializes in urban tracking and is a keeper of the veil; these two things together mean that she hunts beings from other planes who manage to find themselves in Baldur's Gate. She is middle-aged and his profession has already led to many adventures, her history is much more complicated than her sunny demeanor would suggest. She however neutral good and will be getting with either Karlach or Shadowheart.
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isolationstreet · 2 years
22, 44, 65 for Arnoud 🖤
This also got quite long quite quicky so it's going under the cut
22. What is a promise that they have broken.
Honestly that's kinda of a difficult question to answer becuse due to both his lack of people hes close to and his lack of faith in himself making promises is something he actively avoids doing
So instead I will cover the promises he has made and their current status
1. He promised his cousins Darr and Jezzika that he would find out why they have been slipping in and out of time and from location to location having so far been unable to accomplish their task of finding The Black Key for Cecily. They also asked him to let Cecily know that they're still working to accomplish their task if shes asks becuase they all know how cruel she can be when she dosent get exactly what she wants. He said he would try but he never promised he would but it's still relevant.
He found their corpses rotting in a basement two weeks later having signs of having been decomposing for at least six weeks. He's currently still working with them on a daily basis and s big goal they have is to fix the cycle of life/death/rebirth that had been broken 20 years ago because in that time no spirits have been able to move on most getting trapped on the 9th layer of hell but some of which like Darr and Jezzika with particularly stong connections and goals are trapped in the world.
2. Remeber how Arnoud didnt promise Darr and Jezzika that he would tell Cecily that they're on task. Well when Cecily asked he told her that they had been dead for nearly two months. To which she responded by once again reminding him of the importance of withholding information and also her "kindness and mercy" by murdering their parents so they would never have to mourn the deaths of their children.
When Arnoud told them about this interaction they didnt really blame him becuse they know how she is but they did ask he burry them with their family in Wirholme if he ever got the chance. He promised he would the party hasn't made it that far south yet but their corpses are in a bag of holding untill we can get there.
3. Davidian Vanderwall is an interesting character I havent had much chance to talk about and he deserves a few rants of his own but what's necessary here is 500 years ago he met Umbril D'Kane and became obsessed with her immortality. He thought if he could live forever there would be no limit to the lives he could save. He tracked her down and drank her blood. Neither of them are vampires but it was enough to give him her curse.
Over centuries of fighting and watching everyone he knew either die or turn on him for what hed done he became weary and wanted it all to be over he turned to umbril seeking release unable to die untill she does. He became tied and trapped as her errand boy who's only wish became their mutual destruction.
Arnoud even though hes not a grave cleric quite yet he still has always had a very strong belief in decay and its importance in all of its forms. He also knows what it's like to be ensnared and abused by a hot evil magic lady.
So Arnoud promised hed do what he could to help him find a true and peaceful death and when he met umbril he did the same for her.
A bunch of stuff has gone down in the game since then. I suspect that Umbril has fully been murdered by Cecily based off of how shes been acting lately. I'll find out for sure next session. As for the current whereabouts of Davidian it's been at least three months since anyone in our party has made contact with him. As far as we know hes off in the swamp somewhere trying to contact the Cabal of Decay to give them the severed head of the god of Murder. How recent events with Umbril have affected him I'm unable to say.
4. The biggest promise he made was to himself. 23 years ago he promised himself he would destroy the monster that desecrated his mother grave 13 years ago that same monster very directly destroyed his life. That monster being Cecily.
Whether or not he broke that promise by falling in love with her is up for debate. Hes no longer trying to put a stake through her heart but he is softening it and in a very literal way hes trying to save her soul remove the things that made her a monster in the first place.
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loreexploreposts · 5 years
Iron and salt was all I could smell. The waves frothed pink as I dragged my brother up the beach before collapsing into the sand. I tore the edge of my cape and held it around the piece of wood that had been driven into his gut. "Please Umbril. Please don't die. I can't let you go." A long shadow fell across us. I didn't have to look up, I knew who it was. Crow Corax. Death's harbinger. "It's his time." The lord of the dead's voice was soft and low. My tears left dark spots on Umbril's tunic. "No. Please don't take him. I- I can't." My words broke off, hot tears choking my throat. A sigh from behind me. "The gates of the underworld are open and they cannot close until a soul passes through." "What if another soul was to pass through? Would he live?" "A trade then?" There was surprise in the Crow Lord's voice. "Yes. Take me instead." "Alright but if you do you'll-" I cut him off. "I'll do it." "Without even hearing the conditions? If you wish." A hand reached down and touched my brother's head. Umbril gasped and gulped down air as color returned to his face. I laughed with relief and cluched his head to my chest. I held him for a long few minutes. "Its time Ara." I turned to see him, hand outstretched in invitation. I balled up my cape and placed it under Umbril's head before standing. I hesitated a moment then took Crow Corax's hand. We walked together as a thick mist rolled in from the sea, obscuring everything except the ground just in front of my feet and the god beside me.
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nuttyrabbit · 1 year
tell us more about umbril the water genasi barbarian
Certainly! For starters, Umbirl
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(Image cropped from a larger commission by one of the players in the campaign)
Umbril's an interesting sort to say the least. Having been left on the steps of an orphanage in the coastal town of Kraken's Maw when he was just a baby, he grew up knowing nothing about who his parents were, where he actually came from, and most importantly, why he was blue and had such strange markings all over his skin. His strange skin coloration in particular made it so he never FULLY fit in with the other kids nor got adopted. Yet despite such oddities, he had a fairly normal childhood otherwise, befriending and playing with the other children and getting himself in trouble as all children are want to do. He was a very rough and tumble kid, finding new and creative ways to get himself hurt, whether it be by wandering out of town, fighting local animals, or roughousing with the bigger kids. Still, no matter what happened, no matter how hurt he got and no matter how many times he got yelled at, he'd always greet it with a grin and a laugh before doing it all over again
Ths rambunctious, rough and tumble attitude carried him well past his childhood into his teenage years and even adulthood as, even after leaving the orphanage and finding part time jobs, he had a tendency to get into scraps and do other, very reckless things, which often put him at odds with employers, locals, and tourists alike. Such an attitude wasn't helped by his tendency to brag about how tough he was.
One day, when a group of old sailors came into town and heard him bragging, they decided to call his bluff and place a bet: if he could slay the mightiest beasts in the land, then they'd pay him a thousand gold and spread tales of his toughness across the seas. They expected that to shut him up, but instead with a laugh and a grin, he took their bet and with what gold he'd scrounged up doing odd jobs, he bought a greataxe that he named "Kraken's Cry" and ventured off into the great unknown.
It was through this that he managed to meet the current party, having been called to a town by a former employer of his with the promises of riches and fighting strong monsters.
Along the way he's had quite a few...interesting adventures, including but not limited to
Clearing out an entire cave full of goblins and finding legendary magic items
Killing a parrotbear (a reflavored Owlbear) and stealing its' feathers
Turning what should've been a mundane contest of endurance into a terrorist attack
Killing Ropers
Getting roped by said employer into searching for a lost city, finding said lost city, going on a drug trip because of a mushroom man inside the city, getting flung into a magic forge, meeting God, and getting flung years into the future
Going to the Feywild and then immediately getting kicked out of the Feywild by what the party called The No Fun Allowed Club
Inexplicably acquiring a Defender Greatsword
Entering a bare knuckle battle royale
But perhaps the most interesting development has been within Umbril himself. Recently, he discovered that he has a sort of "inner lightning" that's explicitly tied to his blue skin and strange markings (Hence his subclass being Storm Herald). While harnessing this power, he's also had strange visions of a strange human woman with silver hair controlling lightning with but a gesture, and a blue prince that lurks beneath the waves. He hasn't had time to look into these visions, but part of him believes that he may have stumbled across the answer to a question he never dared ask
Thanks for the ask anon!
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The Elven Gods pt 5: Umbrilo
He is the God of Shadow and Illusion. He is the deity of Shadows (UmbrilMysts). Meditation for Umbrilo is best shrouded in darkness, at midnight, or on the New Moon. The markings devoted to him are a deep purple, and his rune is depicted here.
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wreyeder-wreyedine · 4 years
@juliawrites98 asked:
"Ran out of asks! Feel free to screencap and answer or answer here.
Happy WBW! Fabric and clothing? Dye, production methods, ect!"
Plant based fabrics, very eco-friendly, colors are natural (but usually colored with UmbrilMysta, or shadow magic) that look nice with the blue-green-purple undertones of having blue blood. Produced with a combination of Beau (for materials) and Umbril (for construction/design)
(Sorry for previous confusion- post went up before it was completed. This was a WBW ask)
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clericallis-blog · 6 years
💚 💙(symbolic)
Shipping Call. // @heroismdreams // Cynthia
💚 - friendship 💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond )
Look !! I !! personally !! love !! Cynthia. 
Libra is rlly bad with riding horses, let alone a pegasus. But he loves animals with all his heart and since he’s a healer (extend doctor). I always like to explore the headcanon that Libra helps in delivering little horses from their pregnant mothers? Like would Cynthia be interested in becoming his little nurse? I would love that--- and also how surgery is considered witchcraft in those eras I dunno how this would play out but consider Libra operating a pregnant, mother pegasus for the first time to help save a foal from being strangled by its own umbrilical cord and he makes Cynthia promise to keep it a secret aside from helping out.
Yes. Good, good. The only forceship I’d happily indulge in is parentship with children muses. 
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