#uh ill just tag those three
luuuuucyscorner · 1 month
𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐞- 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐕𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐧
Info: Ant asks reader on a date
Tags: Kissing, fluff
word count: 9970
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gif by me
“ Oi! Wait I gotta ask you something! ”
Ant calls out as you are about to leave SLTs since the class was over for today.
"sure Ant, whats up?" you turn and smile brightly at the erratic boy.
“You know I've wanted to talk to you for a while now, and uh… well, you have really nice soft-looking hair,” Ant nervously begins, fidgeting with his pencil. “I don’t know how to say this, but… do you want to hang out sometime? Maybe grab a coffee or something?” He tries to muster up the courage to ask you out, blushing slightly.
"Anthony Vaughn are you asking me out?" you ask teasingly.
“Err… yeah, umm, I guess that's what it is!” Ant responds, trying to hide his embarrassment with a laugh. “It's just that, I've seen you around, and well, you seem like a cool person to talk to. And besides, you're mesmerizing.” He takes a deep breath, attempting to gain some composure. “So, what do you say? Fancy getting some coffee together?”
"sure cutie, when and where?" you ask excitedly.
“Uh, wow, you actually said yes! I didn't think id get this far... How does tomorrow afternoon at, like, two o'clock sound?” Ant asks, clearly relieved and happy at your response. “We can meet at the Starbucks near school, okay?” he suggests shyly, he gives you a thumbs-up, trying to act casual but still beaming with joy inside.
"two? alright perfect ill see you there cutie" you smile at his jittery performance.
“Sure thing, then! Thanks for agreeing to this; I promise I won't annoy you too much,” Ant chuckles nervously, “See you tomorrow at two, and try not to be late or you'll hear it from me!” He playfully teases, grinning widely at the thought of spending time with you. “I better get going now, though. See ya!”
he runs off down the hall, bumping into people and as you watch Ant run away, you can't help but laugh at his adorable clumsiness. You gather your things and start walking home, feeling a mix of excitement and amusement about your upcoming coffee date.
the next day you call Amerie and Harper over to help you choose what to wear and to do your make up. Harper sits behind you, on hair duty and Amerie is lying on your bed sucking a lollipop and chattering about nonsense.
Amerie rolls her eyes at Harper's choice of eyeshadow, but she appreciates the effort. “No way, that shade doesn't suit you! You should go for something more natural, like this one.” She grabs another palette and starts applying it to you, giving you a reassuring smile. “Hey, so are you nervous about meeting Ant or just excited?” She inquires between bites of her lollipop.
Harper, meanwhile, is concentrating on styling your hair, trying different looks until she finds one that complements your outfit and makeup perfectly. “Almost got it! Just need to fix those flyaways,” she mumbles, using a comb to neaten up your locks.
As you chat and prepare for your date, you can't help but feel grateful for their company and support. The three of you share laughs and banter throughout the process, making the experience enjoyable despite the slight nerves.
"I'm sort of nervous, hes so sweet and i want it to go well. but im super excited!" you tell them.
“Oh, come on, you're gonna knock him off his feet, don't worry!” Amerie exclaims confidently, finishing up your makeup and stepping back to assess her work. “Look at you now, looking stunning and ready to conquer the world!” She giggles.
Harper nods in agreement, running her fingers through your locks one last time. “Definitely, you deserve someone who treats you well and adores you. And if anyone can handle Ant's quirks, it's you!” She grins, handing you a mirror to check your hair.
The trio high-fives each other, celebrating your new look and the anticipation of your date. As you head out the door, Amerie gives you a quick hug, telling you to have fun. Harper waves goodbye, wishing you luck with a thumbs-up.
On the bus ride to the coffee shop, you can't help but fidget with your clothing, ensuring everything is in place. As you glance around, you notice other students and adults going about their daily routines, which makes you feel even more self-conscious. Taking a deep breath, you remind yourself that Ant likes you for who you are and that you shouldn't let anxiety ruin the moment.
When you arrive at the Starbucks, you spot Ant standing near the entrance, waiting patiently with two cups of coffee in his hands. He smiles brightly when he sees you approach, waving hello.
you smile widely back "hey cutie! is that for me?" you motion to the cup in his hand
“Of course, it's for my gorgeous date!” Ant replies enthusiastically, handing you a cup. “I took the liberty of ordering our drinks already, hope you don't mind. It's a vanilla latte, your favorite, right?” He asks, hoping he remembered correctly. “Come on, we can find a table and get comfortable.”
you follow him to a secluded table outside, "you remembered my order? i mentioned it like, one time two terms ago" you say, surprised.
“Of course, I remember all the important details like that!” Ant responds proudly, pulling out a chair for you. “Plus, you know, I might have stalked your social media accounts a little…” He admits sheepishly, laughing nervously. “But seriously, I'm glad I could remember something you like. Settle in, and let's enjoy this beautiful day!” He motions to the sunny weather and cozy atmosphere around you.
"ever the charmer Ant" you giggle, taking a sip of your drink.
Sitting across from you, Ant watches you take a sip and seems pleased with your reaction. “So, what's been going on in your life lately? Any exciting news or plans?” He inquires, trying to strike up conversation and learn more about you. “And hey, don't worry about being perfect or anything. Just be yourself, because, well, I like you for who you are.” He adds genuinely, his eyes never leaving yours.
"i know ant, and same goes for you cutie" you tell him. then "and nah not too much going on recently, what about you?"
“Thanks, I appreciate that!” Ant replies warmly, smiling softly. “Well, I've been focusing on my studies lately. Trying to improve my grades so I can impress my parents, you know how it is.” He chuckles. “Besides that, I've been drawing comics in my free time, trying to turn it into something bigger someday.” He explains, feeling more relaxed discussing his passion. “What about you? Any big dreams?"
"god i dont know. make it out of highschool?" you laugh "id love to get into journalism maybe?"
“Journalism? That sounds amazing!” Ant comments, genuinely interested. He expresses his opinion, sipping his own drink thoughtfully. “If you ever need help with proof-reading or anything, just let me know. I'd be more than willing to assist.” His eyes light up, eager to show support. “What kind of music do you listen to?"
"oh well you know, a little bit of everything. i love some Indie stuff though, like Mac the Knife and Royel Otis" you tell him animatedly.
“Mac the Knife and Royel Otis?! Awesome taste, I'm impressed!” Ant cheers, raising his cup in approval. “I've heard of both artists, they're quite talented. There's something unique about Indie music that resonates with me too.” He shares his preference, leaning in a little closer. “Anyway, I'm glad we have something in common. Maybe we can exchange some songs later?” His smile widens, suggesting a future bonding opportunity. “So, any plans for the coming weekend?”
"sure id love that!" you say "and nah no plans, probably just going to see what Harper and Am are doing and go from there"
“Perfect, I'll send you a few tracks tonight then,” Ant promises, jotting down a mental note. “Ah, I see. Well, hopefully, you have a blast hanging out with your friends. What do they usually get up to on weekends?” He inquires curiously, wanting to understand your friend group dynamics better. “And after this date, maybe we can catch a movie or grab dinner? Just a friendly suggestion.” He adds, subtly extending an invitation for future plans.
you groan "as much as id love to, it'll have to be another time. my parents want me back before dark to go to some event" you roll your eyes.
“An event, huh? Sounds fancy,” Ant remarks, trying not to show disappointment. “Well, if it's important to your family, I totally understand. We can definitely plan something else soon, no pressure.” He offers, maintaining a positive attitude. “Maybe next weekend? that is if Harper and Amerie cant make it” He suggests, keeping his hopes alive. “Hope you enjoy the event though, even if it means cutting our time short.”
"next weekend is perfect cutie!" you confirm.
“Next weekend it is then!” Ant exclaims, visibly relieved and excited. “I'll make sure to plan something extra special for our second date. Just give me some time and I'll do my best.” He promises, eager to make it memorable. "
thanks for understanding about the event. Can't argue with family obligations, right?” you tell him.
 He chuckles, accepting the situation gracefully. “Alright, shall we finish our coffees and part ways then?”
"yeah! thank you for the fantastic afternoon ant" you say genuinely
“My pleasure, honestly. I had a great time too!” Ant replies earnestly, wiping away a stray crumb from your lip. “Remember, I'm here for you if you ever just need a friend or someone to talk to. And I'll see you next weekend” He confirms, offering a reassuring smile. “Take care, and have fun at the event tonight. Don't forget to text me pictures!” He playfully insists, enjoying the playful banter. “Safe journey home!”
you share a warm embrace and just as he pulls away, you press a kiss to his cheek "you too cutie" you tease
Caught off guard, Ant's face turns bright red, but his smile remains as wide as ever. “Wow, you're bold, huh?” He chuckles, playfully swatting your arm. “I'll see you soon, then. Take care and have a fabulous time at the event!” He repeats, still feeling the warmth of your lips on his cheek. “Goodbye, lovely!” And with that, Ant heads off, his heart pounding with excitement and anticipation for their next encounter.
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wooahaes · 1 year
taste of love
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pairing: non-idol!jun x gn!reader
genre: fluff! very slight angst via mentions of homesickness + jun & reader working a lot, but it’s very minor. [jun runs a restaurant. reader is coworkers w vocal unit.]
word count: 7.0k~
warnings: reader is a foreigner, but its left completely ambiguous where they’re from. depictions of illness (w jun caring for reader). many food mentions (the topic is just food as a love language). usage of terms of endearment (honey, baby, love), primarily by jun.
daisy’s notes:
food is my favorite love language between ppl.
han voice you eat you EAT!!!
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The first time you met Wen Junhui was through a friend while you were feeling homesick.
Your coworkers knew a few things about you. The most glaring fact was that you were a foreigner (your Korean gave you away with ease every single time, although your coworker, Joshua, told you that you were improving well). And with that fact came the next one: you were always homesick when it came to major holidays. Both ones from your home country and in Korea, because it meant you sometimes got to witness firsthand the cozy joy of being with one’s family again. While you did make the occasional trip home, you mainly missed out on things. Sure, you sometimes celebrated on your own, but overall...
You missed home. No matter what dish you made, it couldn’t fully replace the feeling of community. The closest you’d ever come to it was when Joshua, missing the U.S. and his mom a little more than usual, came over and shared a meal with you. It wouldn’t be the same as sitting down with your family at their home, but it was a meal shared nonetheless.
So when Joshua, acutely aware of your recent bout of homesickness, told you to come with him... You weren’t really going to say no. He’d invited Jeonghan along, too, while the rest of your coworkers were too busy with their own lives to tag along. Joshua hadn’t told you where exactly you were going--only asking if you wanted to go out to dinner with him and Jeonghan--but you trusted him. He wouldn’t screw you over with anything... plus the idea of a meal with the two of them also felt nice.
He’d brought you to a little Chinese restaurant that still looked new. And when you said little, you meant it. There were only a few tables inside and outside, all crammed together in a situation that made you glad you weren’t claustrophobic. A thin young man who Jeonghan warmly greeted brought the three of you to a table closest to the kitchen, handed a single menu over to Joshua (who had offered to pay ahead of time as a treat to you... and Jeonghan, who had teased him about it on the bus ride over since Joshua was the one who invited you both). Joshua had leaned over a little to let you look as he rattled off various foods, your server (Minghao, you soon learned) jotting each one down.
“And, uh,” Joshua looked up, smiling that pretty smile at Minghao, “if Jun’s here... Let him know we’re here.”
Minghao had looked over to you for barely a second before disappearing into the back, paper in hand and menu tucked underneath his arm. The next time you saw him, he’d been heading past with a tray in one hand, calling over his shoulder that the three of you would have to wait until things quieted down a bit more.
“Which means after our food is done,” Jeonghan said after taking a glance around the restaurant. There were a few other people around--two young men sitting outside, another pair of three inside at another table. For a moment, you swore you recognized one of those three as Seungkwan.
And, Jeonghan being Jeonghan, raised his voice, “Seungkwan-ah!”
Which immediately made him nearly drop his chopsticks, turning around to see the three of you. You only had to wonder if Jeonghan would have done that had there been more people in the restaurant. You, and Seungkwan most likely, would hope not... but Jeonghan found entertainment in one way or another.
Seungkwan had merely nodded to the three of you politely before turning back to his conversation, ears bright red from embarrassment. You could see Minghao hiding a smile as he set dish after dish onto their table, before disappearing out the open front door for a moment. You could understand why when you saw him looking around for a moment, adjusting his collar and taking a deep breath: you’d started sweltering in your thick jacket within minutes of walking in.
Not that you were complaining: it was cold outside. If the restaurant itself was this warm and cozy, you could only hope that the food brought the same feeling.
“So... Who’s Jun?” You finally asked, breaking into the conversation that Joshua and Jeonghan had been having.
Jeonghan had merely smiled, and you realized that he, too, must know this mystery man Joshua wanted you to meet. “The owner,” he said. “He opened up a few months ago. Joshua and I came here after Seokmin was spreading the news about it. He’s Minghao’s roommate,” he said with a nod toward the server, who was already heading back into the kitchen. 
“Jihoon actually came here and said the food was good, so we decided to check it out,” Joshua said, rolling his sleeves up. “It’s usually this quiet during the week. The weekends are way busier, apparently.”
You nodded along, listening as Jeonghan brought up the time they met Jun--the last time they came, just the week before. Technically, they’d met him a few times before, but last time was the first time they had had a proper conversation with him.
“And you think I should meet him because...?”
“I never said that,” Joshua had said, but it was clear you’d caught him in whatever he was planning. “You’ll like him.”
When your food was brought out, it wasn’t Minghao who did it. Instead was the man himself, Wen Junhui, who stood tall over your table as he carefully set dish after dish upon your table. He’d introduced himself to you after politely greeting Joshua and Jeonghan.
“This is the person we wanted you to meet,” Jeonghan said, clearly not caring a bit about keeping that a secret. “The one from abroad?”
Jun had met your gaze a moment later, nodding--as if everything about you didn’t scream foreigner (again, your lackluster Korean alone seemed to be the biggest sign that you didn’t belong). “It’s nice to meet you,” he said. “Joshua said you’ve cooked for him before?”
Something about the genuine way he lit up at the idea made your face warm. “Once,” you said. “I was feeling homesick so we had a meal together.”
He had smiled at you, and it did nothing but make your cheeks burn hotter. “I understand,” he said, glancing up for a moment to make sure no one was coming. Minghao had gone to deal with the two men outside. Jun pulled over an empty chair, sitting down for a moment. “Food can help with the homesickness,” he had sounded a little wistful. “I used to cook meals for my housemates when I first came here. When I met Minghao, I invited him to meals, too.”
“Is that why you opened this restaurant?”
Jun had smiled, gaze not quite meeting your eyes for a moment as he nodded. “It helps me feel at home,” he said, “and it makes me happy when people are enjoying a good meal.”
Something about the sentiment resonated with you. It was like calling food its own love language. “I see,” you hummed. “It’s your way of taking care of people.” It’s your way of loving people, too, isn’t it? But that felt too bold to say, so you swallowed your words.
Jun had smiled warmly at you before thanking the three of you for coming, which had made you smile in return, and he soon returned to the kitchens. You almost didn’t notice the shared look between Jeonghan and Joshua before the three of you began to eat.
Sure enough, everyone had been right: everything you ate was beyond delicious. At first, you had wondered if you were that hungry that everything was even better than it tasted... but then you realized it. Jun cooked with love, and knowing about that passion made everything better than you could ever dream. Every flavor seemed amplified through the love of one man (and whatever staff he had back there, because you were sure you could hear other people working as well), and it left you speechless.
“Is it good?” Joshua had teased you with this smile, as if he knew something you didn’t. “We’ll have to come back sometime.”
You would. Maybe on your own one day, or maybe with a few other friends if you had the free time.
Yet you’d heard your name when the three of you were leaving, meal paid for and stomachs full. You’d stopped along with the others, turning back with the worry that you had left something behind. Instead it was Jun, clutching an order ticket that he held out to you.
“You should call me sometime,” he said, eyes twinkling as he smiled at you. “Maybe... We could eat together sometime.”
You’d cracked a smile at how cute he was, accepting the paper with a nod. “Okay,” you could feel your heart racing now, giddiness taking over the nerves you’d had moments before. “I’ll call you, then.”
Joshua and Jeonghan had lingered back for a moment as you continued ahead once Jun took a few steps back, before retreating to his restaurant. And while you were staring down at his number, the two high-fived quietly behind you over their success.
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The second time you had a meal at the courtesy of one Wen Junhui, it wasn’t his own cooking. He’d apologized to you for that, but it was Monday, and the restaurant was closed... and he’d been really, really cute when he asked if you wanted to get dinner with him. He’d waited for you outside your office building, sitting on a bench while dressed warmly. You’d ignored the knowing look that Joshua had sent your way while he was reminding you to thank him at your wedding one day, and hurried off to meet Jun.
“There’s a small place not far from here that has nice noodles,” he told you, tugging his coat closer to himself. “They’re good when it’s cold out.”
Spicy noodles sounded like heaven. You swore your fingers were already going numb, your pair of gloves lost somewhere inside your apartment. Jun had glanced down to see the way you were rubbing your hands together.
“Can I...?” He grew flustered, looking away from you for a moment. “Ah, nevermind--”
“You can,” you said, hoping you understood what he wanted to ask. He looked up, a small smile crossing his lips, hope in his eyes. “If you want.”
Jun had carefully taken your bare hand in his gloved one, enclosing it around to keep it warm. With a gentle tug, he started off in the direction of the restaurant. You tucked your other hand into your coat pocket, and smiled a little at how he held onto your hand. He had tethered you to him through the crowd, and something about the entire ordeal made you feel... safer. You’d only texted (and called once or twice) with Jun up until now, a week after your meal at his restaurant, and yet he seemed to ooze this energy that said, loud and clear, that you would be safe with him.
(You also attributed that to Joshua and Jeonghan: you were sure they wouldn’t introduce you to someone who would harm you. Not intentionally, at least, but Jun seemed kind in every message he sent to you.)
The older man who owned the shop seemed to recognize Jun immediately, speaking kindly to him. Jun introduced you as a friend (although your still connected hands likely implied something more could be coming), and the two of you took the corner table of the tiny restaurant. You put your faith in Jun to pick something delicious for the two of you to eat, and soon enough you were greeted with two bowls of spicy rice noodles.
“I came here to study,” he had told you while you ate. “I’ve wanted to travel for a while, but I wasn’t sure about studying until I met a few friends online when I was younger. They pushed me to study abroad, actually.”
You looked up from your noodles. “What about your family?”
“My parents supported me,” he said. “My mom and I call a lot even now. Sometimes they come visit. The last time they came was when I opened the restaurant, actually.”
With a nod, you continued to eat your food after murmuring a quiet “They sound lovely.”
He’d smiled at that, and it warmed you far more than the spices did.”They do. It was hard being away from them, but my friends helped. Soonyoung actually brought me here when I was homesick once, and it’s become one of my favorite places to come. The owner is nice, too,” he said, smiling at the man as he caught his eye. “I like how people show care for one another through food.”
The sentiment made you smile: it comforted you, too. “I get what you mean,” you had said. “It’s like asking if someone had eaten yet and making a meal for them if they hadn’t.”
“Taking someone out to eat for a date is, too,” his eyes lit up, “you can bond over a nice meal.”
So you decided to be a little bold where you’d shied away before, during your first meeting. “Is this a date?”
He nearly dropped his chopsticks at the sudden question, as if he hadn’t hinted at it himself. His eyes went wide, face growing warmer and redder at your question. “Do you want it to be?”
You nodded, voice lost in your own nerves at how endearing one man could be. Was this what it was like to have someone understand you? You hoped it was.
“Good,” he said with this bashful smile, and he looked as though he felt just as fluttery as you did. “I was hoping it was.” The sentiment of I already like you interlaced every word, and it only made your heart race a little more.
Good, you had thought to yourself. I already like you, too.
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The next several meals were things you shared together as your relationship began to root itself deeper and deeper. Food became your go-to with Jun when he wasn’t busy with his own work, and you were happy for it. Sometimes the two of you would just explore the city aimlessly when you were free, and try a new place together. It wasn’t all good, unfortunately, but the two of you could appreciate a shared experience. It wasn’t long after that that you pushed Jun to become your workout buddy, just to keep each other motivated (and maybe it was cute to see him flustered whenever he helped you stretch). Sometimes the two of you would only meet up to grab dessert together after his busy work days, other times you’d be able to meet up for dinner. Rarely lunches, but those were smaller dates between the two of you.
Two months into taking things slow with him (technically only a month of officially dating), you’d invited him to your place for nothing but a meal together. This time, you wanted to cook him something that you used to eat at home. It’d been a little frustrating to track down certain ingredients, but showing Jun more of yourself and the things that made you you was worth it. If nothing else, it was worth it to see the stars in his eyes.
Except you ended up having to work a little later than you usually did, and then realized you’d forgotten a pretty major ingredient so you ran back to the store. And now Jun was standing inside your apartment, minutes after you came back home, taking in the sight of it as he was removing his coat.
“I’m really, really sorry,” you had apologized a thousand times over. “I meant to be mostly done by now, and I haven’t even started, and--”
“It’s okay,” Jun said to you, coat carefully folded over your couch. “Life happens. You don’t have to apologize for that.”
Sometimes you wondered if he was secretly an angel in disguise. “Okay,” you said after taking a deep breath, centering yourself with the long exhale. “Just... sit down and let me cook for you this time, okay?”
Jun had nodded, making himself comfortable on your couch. It wasn’t until after you’d washed the necessary ingredients and begun chopping that he drifted back into your kitchen, watching you for a moment.
“Can I help?”
You shook your head. He was your guest. He didn’t need to worry about this. The fact he was asking almost made you apologize again: you weren’t as adept a chef as he was, and you were probably taking too long, and--
“Please?” He asked, pushing a little bit more. “I want to understand this more because it’s important to you. If you don’t want me to help, that’s okay, but... Can you tell me more about it?”
Oh. You’d floundered a little at how... genuine Jun was, and, instead of answering him, started looking for the spare apron you kept around. He’d let you tie the back for him, and looked at you with a smile as you found the spare cutting board. Maybe later you’d tell him you only had extra things because you used to cook with Joshua--sometimes things he grew up with, sometimes things you did--just to combat the homesickness a little and that it used to comfort you a lot. He wouldn’t be jealous (if anything, you could see Jun thanking Joshua for taking care of you as your friend--he was warm like that), but you’d rather focus on the new memories you’d be creating with Jun.
So you set something in front of him, told him how to cut it, and started talking about your childhood. This dish was something that your dad used to make for you when you were tiny, and it used to be your favorite thing in the entire world. You’d grown a lot since then, but there was something so comforting about revisiting this as an adult.
“It’s like... I can appreciate it better,” you said, “now that I know the hard work that goes into it.” Your voice had wavered a little, “it makes me miss home sometimes, but that’s okay. It just reminds me that I was loved.”
Jun had paused for a moment, just watching you with this fond smile. It made you realize that... for one reason or another, you hadn’t kissed Jun.
All you had asked him for was to take things slow, and he had happily agreed for your comfort without asking why (although you later heard from Joshua that Jun put a thousand hearts after your name because Jun apparently was that kind of person). Cheek kisses and forehead kisses were definitely okay with you (you liked the little smile Jun gave you after he did either), but lips felt... a little intimate for someone you were still so new to. This felt intimate, too: cooking together in your home, talking about home. And Jun could see the way you were looking at him, the way your eyes dripped down to his lips for barely a second. You began to lean in, and he met you there, lips soft against your own.
It was slow and gentle, and you could feel the curve of his smile. Kissing Jun, you decided, felt like a dream you didn’t want to wake up from. But he pulled away after what felt like a sugary sweet eternity, and you could see those pretty stars in his eyes as you were certain he felt what you did: that the two of you were falling a little more, a little harder, for one another.
And now this dish held a little more meaning. You felt your face grow warmer as you drew away, an apology dying on your lips as his love-filled look sent you spiraling into a warm whirlpool of emotions that you were certain you’d be okay with drowning in. If it meant Jun would kiss you again to bring you back, then maybe you would. 
The fond look on his face almost made you go in for another kiss. But your stomach growled, and he laughed so warmly as he gently scolded you when you admitted you’d barely eaten lunch today... so you decided you could always just kiss him again later.
(And you did. You walked him to the bus stop and kissed him before he left. It was that night that he started to sign off his texts with a red heart and a love-filled request for you to dream of him.)
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Four months into your official relationship, you came down with a stomach bug. Normally, you’d power through it after taking whatever over-the-counter medicine you needed to, but this time you’d been sick enough to take off work for the rest of the week. Joshua had been kind enough to come by at lunch to drop off a bag of things that you’d asked for, only signaling to you that he was there with a few loud knocks at your door (bless him: he was an angel for doing that). He’d waved at you from a safe distance down your hall, lingering back just to make sure that you got the delivery, and called out for you to rest well and let him know if you needed anything else. You’d downed some medicine, put away the things you needed to, and collapsed back onto your couch to sleep things off.
It was Friday (day three of shitty sickness) when you relented and gave Jun the code to your apartment. You’d already seen a doctor and were on proper medicine starting yesterday (thank you to Joshua, again, who’d gone with you while Jun was busy with work... and because you hadn’t told Jun how sick you were), but Jun had insisted on coming to check in you. Maybe you were starting to be thankful for it: you’d collapsed back onto the couch, stomach cramping again. You thought you were feeling fine, truly, and that you’d be okay enough to make some scrambled eggs instead of reheating the last of the soup Joshua had brought you. Yet you hadn’t gotten that far, instead shoving the carton of eggs back into the fridge before retreating back to your couch. You’d curled up and drifted in and out of sleep for several hours until the sound of your apartment door getting unlocked, the melodic chime only making your head hurt a little more, woke you up. Jun had set down the bag of groceries he had in your kitchen before returning to you, slowly kneeling down to check on you.
He pulled down his mask for a moment, a look of pity on his face. “Oh, love...” Then he leaned forward, lips pressing to your forehead for a gentle kiss. Yet he lingered there, gauging your temperature. You were still running a slight fever and you knew it. He drew back, fixing his mask back into place as he watched you with concern. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“Didn’t wanna--” You shifted a little, pushing at your blanket as suddenly you felt warmer than before. “Didn’t wanna bother you, Junnie...”
You knew what he was going to say. He cupped your cheek, “I’m your boyfriend,” he said gently. “It’s okay to call on me.”
As much as you loved him, you could only let out a whine. You buried your face back into your sleeve. It was too bright here, too. “Didn’t wanna get you sick.”
“I’ll be okay,” he said, pulling his hand away. “Have you eaten?”
You shook your head, face still buried in your sleeve. “Too weak.”
“Do I need to take you to the doctor again?” And when you shook your head, he frowned. “Have you taken medicine?”
“Makes me sick...”
Another frown, and Jun gently reached out to pat you on the head. “Where’s your medicine, honey?”
With your face still covered, you vaguely pointed toward your kitchen where you’d left the bottle yesterday night. You’d grabbed a glass of water to down the pills with and left them by the sink, and Jun found them with ease. He turned the bottle over in his fingers, reading the label. It didn’t say anything about having to take it with food, but Jun did a little searching online to see something about how sometimes that could lead to an upset stomach.
He sighed, breathing out a sad “ah, baby...” before noticing the little makeshift calendar on your refrigerator. It had the dates you were supposed to take your medicine, all with a little box to make sure you’d been taking it at 12:30 pm. Jun could recognize Joshua’s handwriting. He’d have to thank him again later for going with you yesterday. Joshua had called to say he walked you into your apartment and took care of a few things to lessen the load on you, but Jun didn’t know how far it went.
At least you had other people who could care for you when Jun couldn’t be there. A tiny blessing in life.
Jun nodded to himself as he checked the time: he had plenty of time to cook for you. He found a clean glass, filling it with ice and water before he returned to you. You’d pouted when he managed to get you to sit back up, coaxing you into taking a couple sips (which you would only do after you waved him back a few steps).
“Just rest, honey. It’s okay. I’ll take care of you,” he had said, reassuring you with a warm smile.
“But you have work--”
He chuckled a little at your pout. “I’m not the only one who cooks, honey. You know that.”
“But... I’m stealing you away...” You set the glass back down onto your coffee table (Jun would slip one of those kitty coasters he’d bought you under it once you dozed off), and curled back up. “Everyone should get to taste my Junnie’s food...”
Oh, how cute you could be without realizing it. Jun was sure it was the fever that made you not think so straight (even though he knows the healthy version of you swore his cooking was better than anyone else’s). He chuckled warmly, giving you a gentle pat on the head as he passed behind the couch to one of the windows of your apartment. The curtains were still drawn, but he pushed them aside long enough to unlatch them and open them to let some fresh air into the room. He shut the blinds of your little balcony doors, too, to darken the living room before he went to put himself to work. His parents had a soup recipe they taught him that he was certain would help you get better soon, and he could make plenty so that it’d last you a few days.
Even if he had to call his mom to make sure he was doing it right, just to be sure. She had called him out on the fact he’d made it plenty of times before, but it was different now: he needed it to be perfect for you.
(She told him he’d have to introduce you the next time she came in person. He promised her that he would.)
The soup had been done for a while when half past twelve finally came, and Jun had sat around to ensure that you rested more. He set a place for you at your dining table with care, and then woke you up. Despite your insistence, he guided you to your chair with a hand gently placed at the middle of your back. You’d insisted you were fine, even going so far as to scowling when he tried to feed you himself, that you weren’t that sick... yet the moment your hand shook a little, Jun was there to steady you.
He helped you back to bed once you’d finished your soup and taken your medicine, leaving you with another chaste kiss on the forehead. He could hear a complaint dying on your lips as he tucked you into bed, saying he’d be right there if you needed him and to just call out. He shut the door to your bedroom, and let out a long sigh.
Now he had to make arrangements. Whatever extra pay he could give to someone covering his shifts over the weekend, he’d figure it out for sure later but kept the promise in tact. He needed to be there for you to help you recover, he decided. When that was done, he turned his attention to making himself a bowl of soup while he reached out to Joshua. He asked if he (or anyone else who knew your address) could bring some vitamins for you, since he didn’t want to leave you in case you needed him. He said he’d arrange for something, and Jun was later met with the face of someone he recognized (Seungkwan--the one who always came to his restaurant with his two roommates). He’d said something about how he was the one who helped bring you home after a night of drinking, and that he always had extra vitamins in case of emergencies before realizing he was rambling. Seungkwan had passed the bag to him and wished you well before bowing and running off.
(Jun would pack his to-go container extra full next time he ordered something, free of charge. Just as thanks for helping him.)
Jun did the icky chores for you in the meantime: doing the dishes quietly so as to not disturb you, cleaning up the building up trash that you’d likely been too tired to do yourself, wiping down counters, doing the laundry... You’d probably whine at him later for going so far for you, but he’d humbly remind you that you would do the same (and more) if he was the one sick. This, in his mind, was the least he could do to ensure your focus stayed on resting and recovering. And at the end of the day, after he managed to get some broth into you since you didn’t feel like getting out of bed, Jun tucked himself into bed on your couch.
It was the next morning that you actually looked better. He could feel a warmth in his chest when you told him you were actually able to fully keep his soup down when other things hadn’t fully agreed with you. He liked to think it was the love that helped you heal.
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It was ten months into your relationship that Jun officially moved in with you. His roommate, Kwon Soonyoung, had made the decision to move in with his girlfriend since the two had been together for a little over a year and their lease was ending. He’d been stressing to you a bit while spending the night at your apartment that he wasn’t sure about finding a new roommate... so you’d shrugged and told him to come live with you, if he wanted. He had perked up, a little taken aback by the bold offer, and it led to you apologizing for bringing it up so soon.
“No, it’s okay,” he said. “I just don’t want you to feel rushed. If you’re ready and you want me to... I would love to.”
Which led into the moving process. Goodbye, just a drawer you reserved for him: you happily shifted things around so that Jun now shared both your dresser and your closet with you. You’d spent all of yesterday unpacking his things with him, and now you awoke with a giddy feeling when you turned over to see his sleeping face.
So you decided you’d celebrate this step in your relationship with breakfast for the two of you. Only for Jun to wake up halfway through, and finally come into the room. He’d been half-asleep as he drifted toward you, arms wrapping warmly around you as he pressed kiss after kiss into your neck and shoulders and jaw. It was distracting, sure, but you’d accept this kind of distraction any day.
His eyes fluttered shut, and you could feel the curve of his smile as he planted one last kiss against your neck. “I like this.”
“Me making you breakfast?” You had teased, shifting just enough that Jun could settle into your further.
“This,” he squeezed you a little. “Waking up with you. Seeing you in the morning...”
It wasn’t the first time he’d done that--both of you knew that--but... It did feel nicer now knowing that you’d come home to him, too. You gently patted one of his hands before going back to whisking eggs, casually running through your plans for the day. Grocery shopping, since you were running low on several things (these were the last of the eggs, you casually noted). He offered to go with you since he had time before he had to go into his restaurant and start prepping for the day, and you already liked the sound of that. The idea of doing domestic things with Jun made you happier already, even if plenty of them were things you’d done before.
The breakfast you shared together was the first of many in this new page of your lives, now thoroughly intertwined the same way that the two of you would be at the end of each day. Jun would happily kiss you with the sweet taste of grapefruit juice still lingering after breakfast, and wordlessly end up pushing a shirt toward you when you followed him to change (you insisted on putting the dishes up: he’d be doing the heavy lifting of the groceries, after all). Two white shirts and black jeans, just to ensure the two of you clearly matched.
You thought to yourself that you’d fallen in love with one of the cheesiest men... but you wouldn’t trade that for anything else. Wen Junhui was yours, through and through, just as much as you were his. 
Love would be stored in the snacks that you wordlessly bought because you knew he loved them. In the drinks that he placed into your cart without dropping the conversation, the flavors matching your own liking. In the way that the two of you already seemed to have dinner figured out (you would cook tonight, you told him, because you wanted to spoil him a little) and Jun casually picked your brain over ingredients. He would carry the bags home with you, and you would find places for each thing and take note of the things Jun had brought into your home. The cute mug with a cat painted onto it, the measuring spoons shaped like little whales that a friend had bought him...
There was an intimacy in Jun calling these things ‘ours’ now and you embraced it wholeheartedly, just as you would him every day if it meant living a happy life together.
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“Honey? It’s late...”
It felt rare for you to fall asleep before Jun climbed into bed with you, but maybe it made sense this time. A little past midnight, you’d found Jun standing in the kitchen with cooking chopsticks in hand. From the moment you opened the door, you could smell the spices from the packet, and the sight of a tired Jun wasn’t exactly foreign to you. He’d extended restaurant hours a little later into the night a month ago (a few weeks after your first anniversary of dating), and with that came him coming home more worn out. Yet there he stood as he cooked.
He looked up with a hum, and then turned back to the pot on the stove. “Sorry,” he said. “Did I wake you up coming in?”
You shook your head and made your way over to him, and he wordlessly wrapped an arm around you as you hugged his side. “Just felt sad,” you sighed, head resting against him. “I had leftovers in the fridge.”
“Oh, you did?” He paused, frowning. “I didn’t see them...”
“That’s okay,” you leaned forward to steal a quick peck. “Are you hungry? I can take over.”
“Ah--It’s okay,” he shook his head. “I’m not starving, just...”
Needed a little extra after today. You understood: he worked a lot. He was looking for new hires, too, to help take a little of the burden off of him. The restaurant was starting to get more popular, and he’d considered expanding a bit since the store next door had long since closed...
“Do you want some?” He asked after a moment. “I don’t think I can eat all of this alone.”
You nodded, and then settled back into him. Then a thought occurred to you. “Should I fry an egg? I don’t mind.”
“Do you want to?”
You had already moved toward the fridge to get the eggs out. Wordlessly, you stood side-by-side with Jun as you hummed to yourself. Jun had cut off the eye he was using and instead watched you as you fried a few eggs--enough the both of you would be happy and full once you had finished your shared meal. Soon enough, the two of you sat at the dinner table across from one another, the pot between you.
Jun had dipped his chopsticks into the pot before you could, cupping his hand under the noodles as he offered you the first bite. Even instant noodles seemed to taste better when they were made by him.
“How are things going?” You asked afterward, picking up your own set of chopsticks.
“Busy,” he sighed. “But that’s good.”
Busy was definitely good, at least. Some huge celebrity had promoted his restaurant for no reason other than to be kind, and, despite how busy it made your boyfriend, it was nice for the extra money to be coming in. The good reviews since have definitely helped a lot, too. Even still, you hated seeing Jun like this: wore out because he spent hours upon hours working.
He looked up after a moment. “How are you?” It feels like we don’t get to talk much now.
“I’m okay,” you shrugged. “I’ll probably be staying late this week with Joshua and the others. We’ve got something big coming up. It’s a secret, though.”
Jun paused as he was about to take a bite. “If you want me to send something for all of you--”
“You don’t have to,” you said. “I know it gets busy with the dinner rush.”
Jun laid a hand over your own. “I mean it,” he said. “Seokmin doesn’t mind making an extra delivery for you and the others.” Let me take care of you still.
You intertwined your fingers with his. “Okay. If I can bring you anything during work, just let me know and I’ll come to the back door, okay?” Only if I can take care of you, too.
He smiled. “Okay,” he affirmed. “I will.” Then a pause, his hand withdrawing to reach for the nearby paper towel you’d brought over. “Does it bother you? Us being like this?”
“What? Working?” You rested your head in your hand. “It’s only temporary, right?”
“Right, but--”
“I’d be okay with it even if it wasn’t,” you reassured him. “Your following your dream, Jun.”
“You’re my dream, too,” he said outright, and then paused as he realized what he’d spoken aloud. Even in the low light, you could see how his face must be burning hot. “I mean--”
“You’re my dream as well, Junnie,” you giggled. “We’re working on it, though. It’s okay if you’re busy right now: take care of the restaurant and yourself. I’ll be right here, cheering you on. That’s what we do for each other, right?”
“I love you.”
Something about the weight of it felt... different. He’d said it to you before, and yet it felt heavier now. A firm statement, a declaration, instead of just a loving phrase shared between the two of you. Jun would say it against your lips in sleepy kisses, or against your skin in intimate moments, and yet... This felt as though it was bigger than all of those times. He just sat across from you, looking far more awake than he did earlier, as if something about needing to say it now was enough to rouse him again. 
“I mean it,” he said, gentler this time. “I love you. I think... I want to spend the rest of my life loving you.”
You were careful as you leaned over the table, the lingering heat from the pot near nothing to you as you kissed him gently. “I love you, too,” you told him, words holding a newfound weight to them. One that you were happy to carry.
A pause. He stared at you for a moment, and then you could hear him softly laugh.
“We’re so sappy, aren’t we?” He watched as you settled back into your chair. “I mean it, though. Soonyoung used to talk about how he thought he met his soulmate in his girlfriend, and... I think I understand it now, too.” He reached for your hand after he pushed the pot aside, ramen only half-eaten at this point. “I think... There’s a string that connects me to you,” he said. “And I’m happy I found you.”
“Technically Joshua introduced us to each other,” you teased. “He told me to thank him at our wedding.”
Another laugh, oh-so-warm and full of nothing but love for you and your friends. “I guess I will,” he smiled. His gaze fell to the pot of ramen, to which he pulled back over. “Let’s finish this and go to bed, okay? I want to sleep in with you tomorrow.”
Thank god for lazy Saturdays. Even if Jun still had to go to work, you could stay in bed, cuddled up with him as long as the two of you wanted before he had to leave. 
The two of you finished off the ramen before leaving it in the sink to soak, a loose promise for one of you to wash it properly in the morning. With teeth brushed and faces washed, you and Jun curled back up into bed together, stealing sleepy kisses from one another as you found a cozy position to sleep in. His legs were intertwined with your own, your head cradled onto his chest so you could hear his heart beating, an arm securely wrapped around you...
Wen Junhui had become your home so easily. And you, happily, were his.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​ @wonuziex​ @synthetickitsune​ @wonderfulshinee​
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snippychicke · 8 months
Legend of the Selkie and the Pirate Part Three
Fandom: One Piece (LA mainly)
Rating: Teen/mature (we have non-graphic nudity stated)
Pairing: Buggy/Selkie!Reader
Warnings: None except heartbreak?
Summary: Even in a world of monsters, devil fruits, pirates, and fishmen, selkies were considered a myth. Especially in the East Blue where the waters were too warm for seals to live anyways. 
Except that myths were always seeded with truths, and stories always had a habit of coming to life. 
Tagging: @tfamidoingwithmylife; @yellowbbear ; @skullr0se; @chiyo-juice
Prompt: Weird
 When you woke, you were very… confused. 
One: you had slept for quite a while, the sun much lower on the horizon than when you laid down. You weren’t sure if that was because you were so exhausted, or if it was because of the shade of the towering cliff you had taken refuge beneath. 
Two: there was fur pressed against your back. And not your fur, that was still wadded up as a pillow beneath your head. 
Three: the furry body was rumbling. Breathing.  
You turned over cautiously and came face to face with a very familiar feline face.
Richie. The Lion. 
The lion blinked slowly at you, apparently just waking up himself. Yet once he came to his senses, his ears flicked as he shifted to lick your face with his rough tongue. 
"What in the world," You swore with a laugh while you reached out to scratch him behind the ear like you knew he liked. Rithie huffed, his tail swishing happily as he leaned into the scratches. "What are you doing here?" 
"Richie!" A familiar voice called out, and you looked over the lion's frame to see Mohji stepping from around the towering cliff face. The white-haired man paused when he saw you, his expression quickly shifting from shock to a smile. "Richie! Did you find an old friend?" 
The lion roared, though quietly compared to some you had heard, before standing and stretching. Mohji blushed and quickly turned as the beast moved, coughing awkwardly. "We, uh, have heard of a naked woman sleeping on beaches. A lot of us hoped it wasn't you, but I guess we were wrong." 
You wrapped your furs around yourself, hiding the parts of your body humans always got embarrassed about before following Richie up the sandy dune towards the beast tamer. "I've been trying to use the night sky to find my way home but… I haven't exactly been successful."
Mohji carefully glanced before sighing and turning back to you once he deemed it was safe. "I've heard from the navigators that it can be quite tricky unless you have a proper star chart and equipment." 
You rubbed your neck guiltily. "Yeah, I-I don't think I'm doing that great." 
The man worried his lip, looking down to the lion that had laid down at his legs. "Well… I bet once Captain Buggy returns he might be willing to help. And there shouldn't be a problem if you want to sleep on the ship instead of the beach while we wait. A lot of us have missed you anyways." 
Your heart leapt in your throat. The option to return back to the pirate ship and see everyone again, if even for a little bit, sounded too good. You wanted to wrap Mohji up in a hug, but that little voice in the back of your head stopped you from doing anything other than smile for a short moment. 
The way Buggy had avoided you those last few days, acting as if you didn’t exist. The coldness in those eyes that had been so warm before. 
That was not the Buggy you missed, and you worried that if you were confronted with him again, some part of you would break. 
"I don't want to be a nuisance or anything,” You said instead, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Captain Buggy was rather upset with me last time…" 
Mohji scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "I know it’s not my place to speak ill of our captain, but he isn't really good with managing his feelings. Between us, I am pretty sure he was covering up how upset he was that you turned him down.” He paused for a moment before continuing quietly, as if afraid to be overheard. “He's been on a tirade since you left trying to act like he's not hear--"  He paused, as if he realized what he was saying before continuing awkwardly. "Missing you," He finished.  
Something tugged at your heartstrings with a mix of grief and joy. Excited and thrilled as well as guilty by the concept. "Buggy misses me?" 
Because gods how you missed him. All of them, but especially the blue-haired clown. (Your heart ached with grief every time you thought of his smile. His flashy personality and style. Of how he made you laugh so easily.)
(And you thought of him constantly.) 
"Very much so," Mohji said with a faint smile. "We all do, but especially our captain. I'm sure when he finally gets free from Arlong's crew, he's going to be over the moon." 
Your smile faded, "Get's… free?" 
Prompt: First Time
"I'm getting out of here!"
Screw these idiots that think they could take on the whole of Arlong's crew on their own turf. No matter how good those swordsman and waiter were, there was no way they were going to win against the whole of Arlong's men. And Buggy did not want to be caught as a casualty because of their grandiose belief they could take the fishman on. 
There were other maps to the Grand Line anyways. He could hunt another down as soon as he figured out where his crew was. 
Knowing Cabaji and Mohji, they were still back at the last stupid island arguing who was in command while he was gone. Dumb asses. How were they his two best crewmen again when they couldn't agree on anything? 
(And maybe, just maybe, once he was back on the seas he could put an ear out to see where you had wandered off to. Not because he was going to go after you or anything. Just a curiosity thing, that’s all.)
Which is why Buggy was extremely confused when he approached the shoreline and saw the striped sails of the Big Top in the distance, his red-nose Jolly Roger flying high. 
No. That was virtually impossible. Even if the crew had decided on an interim captain, surely they wouldn't try anything chivalrous! Especially when it was this  dangerous. Sure, his crew was loyal, but only to a point. They'd wait around, but that was probably it. They wouldn't come after him. (No one would. He couldn't rely on anyone else but himself. Everyone betrayed him and left him behind.) 
Then why…
His thoughts were silenced as something broke out of the waves, hopping awkwardly on two fins onto the shore. 
No. Impossible. 
It was like the first time he saw you, except it was midday instead of the dead of night. Seeing you shift, your fur barely covering your body for a few moments, allowing him to drink in the sight. 
Except this time, there was murderous intent in your expression as you wrapped your fur around you in a makeshift dress before marching across the sand. 
Completely oblivious you were being watched. 
(Well, he had to fix that, didn't he?)
Without even thinking, he ran quickly to intercept you. 
Well, he was thinking; but it was more on the fact you were here. Full of the rage he had only seen once before when you confronted the men who stole your furs. 
But you had them, so was that fury… for him? 
‘No,’ Buggy sharply caught himself before he could get his hopes up. The idea that you would be here for him was impossible. How would you have even known he was here? Why would you come to his aid? (Except, his ship was right there. Surely the two were related, right?)
He slowed to a casual stroll for his grand entrance, grinning as he stepped into your line of sight. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" 
You stumbled to a stop, eyes wide with shock. "Buggy?" You spoke after a moment, making his grin widen as he shot you a wink.
"Hey doll. Long time no--"
His words were cut off as you launched yourself at him, Crashing into him with enough force he had to take a step back while you wrapped your arms around his waist tightly, your face buried against his chest. 
Oh. Oh. 
This… this was new. And unexpected. Buggy had to admit, he wasn’t quite sure how to react other than loosely wrap his arms around your shoulders, just waiting for… something. Maybe to wake up and this just to be a dream. (How many times had he dreamt about you in his arms, smiling up at him? So many many times.) 
You… were as soft as he remembered. Smelling like the sea itself and radiating warmth like a sunny beach. Everything he had missed. 
(It was you. It was you, it was you, it was you.) 
"Hey there," He said softly after a moment, allowing himself to squeeze you softly. (God you felt so good.) "What's all this about?" 
"Mohji and Cabaji explained everything,” You explained, voice muffled against his chest. “First those pirates attacking the circus, and then the fiasco with Arlong and this treasure map--"
Ah, so his freaks did know. They probably had been hiding about the tent, waiting for his temper to soften when Arlong’s crew showed up.
"--when they said you were a prisoner. I-I couldn't just stand by. You helped me, and I had to do something." 
There it was. A knife that dug itself into his back and scraped at his heart. Part of him was glad you couldn't see his face as he gritted his teeth, angry at his own foolishness for allowing himself hope. 
You were his sweet little lamb, of course you would have an overdeveloped sense of justice. You were just here because of your morals. 
And not him.
How could he allow himself to get his hopes up? Even for a few moments?
Buggy was almost thankful when the pagoda in the distance started to quake, ending the moment. He forced his smile back in place as he pulled away. "How about we take our exit?" 
Prompt: Old Sayings
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. And well, it was true. You had missed the boat and its crew, and now that you were back you realized how much you had missed it. Being around the pirate crew was so much different than being around those at the Baratie. There had been a… tension at the Baratie. All those people you didn't know, that you couldn't trust because who was to say they wouldn't steal your fur if they realized what you were. 
Here, you knew these people. You could trust that they wouldn't touch your coat. That you were safe. 
But none of that compared to how much you missed Buggy. 
Except he still wasn't the same. 
After stealing a boat to return to the rest of the crew, Buggy took charge and ordered for a swift retreat. Once the crew scattered to guide the massive ship away, Buggy turned to you with a smile on his face that still didn't seem right. 
"Oh, you're actually still here?" He said as he collapsed into the captain's chair,  long legs dangling over the armrest. "Color me surprised. I figured you'd jump overboard yet again without so much as a see ya." 
There was an edge to his voice that didn't settle well with you. A sharpness that felt like a blade curing straight to your heart. He had seemed happy to see you back on the beach. You could still recall being in his arms, feeling like you had finally returned home after such a long time.  That it was where you belonged.
But now you weren't so sure. 
"Do… you want me to leave?" You asked softly, wrapping your arms around yourself as if your fur coat could keep you safe from the feelings trying to drown you. 
His smile fell for a brief moment before returning just as forced as he waved his hand lazily. "Well, it sure didn't seem like you care what I wanted before, sweetheart. So why does it matter now?" 
You were so confused. Hurt. "I-I'm sorry, Buggy. I don't understand?" What was he talking about? Why was he acting like this? 
There was anger, madness, as he suddenly shifted to his feet and lunged towards you. "You don't understand? My little lamb, you left me. No thank you, no goodbye, no nothing." 
Your inner instincts warred with each other as he stalked closer. Run. Fight. This wasn't your friend Buggy, this was a predator. An enemy out for blood. You took a faint step back, lips twitching in an automatic snarl as your body tried to decide on its course of action. 
If anything, Buggy's grin grew wider at your reaction. "After everything; I gave you the best seat in the house for our shows, exclusive backstage privileges, treating you like one of our own. And yet you just jumped ship and swam away. And you don't understand why?" 
"It hurt!" You snapped back, your body deciding on fight as you stood taller with teeth bared. Buggy paused, blue eyes briefly widening in surprise as you took a step closer. "It hurt too much! You were avoiding me and I knew that it was only a matter of time before you made me leave. That you wouldn’t want me on your ship anymore! And I didn’t want to face that!"
"Don’t give me that bullshit! You told me no." He snarled back after he regained his senses, steeping closer until there was less than a foot between you. You hated the fact that he was taller than you, able to glare down and make you feel small. "I offered you a place on my crew, in my circus. And you turned me down."  
"Because I'm smart enough to realize I wouldn't last," You shot back, glaring up at his blue eyes. "I don't know your world, Buggy! I would be useless to you if I joined your crew, let alone your circus! Already some of the crew was tiring of me, and I knew it would only be a matter of time before you would too!" 
Tears stung your eyes as silence hung between you after the tirade, your throat hurting from screaming. Or maybe that was because your heart had migrated upwards, becoming a painful lump. 
All of it was true. All of it had been gnawing at you in the back of your mind that it was a bit of a relief to have it out in the open. Even if it also shredded your heart to admit it as well. 
"Who?" Buggy finally spoke lowly, breaking the silence. He grabs you by the chin, fingers digging into your jaw as he forces you to hold his gaze. There was still fury in his expression, but also an odd sense it was no longer directed at you despite the painful grip. "Who the hell made you think that?" 
"It doesn't matter, it--"
"It matters to me!" He roared, interrupting you. “Because it’s fucking bullshit!” 
Prompt: Gravestone 
Someone was a deadman walking. 
The anger that had been bubbling had erupted at your admission, his whole body shimmering with rage. You. Useless? Whoever made you think that--be it one one of his crew or someone else-- was going to die from making you think that. 
Your words echoed in his head even as he held your face, watching tears seep down your cheeks. It only twisted the knife in his chest at your admission that you thought he would tire of you. That you were useless. That you weren't wanted. 
(He wanted you. He had missed you so much. He needed you.)
"It matters to me," Buggy repeated softly --lowly-- with a faintly sinister smile as his grip became softer. "Because I am going to kill them. Out of all of my freaks, you are the one I wanted by my side. You are the only one I'd be willing to share the spotlight with." 
"I didn't want the spotlight," You whispered after a moment. "I-I just wanted to be by your side. But I was too scared that someday you wouldn't want me there." 
Buggy wanted to kiss you. He wanted to pull you close and never let you go again. Yet he stopped himself before he could. He couldn't endure the heartache again if he was wrong, if he was only seeing and hearing what he wanted. 
"What about your plan to go back home," He asked instead, with a hint of a snarl. "That's all you seemed to care about aftering getting your fur back." 
You glanced away, though your hand came up to hold his against your cheek. "I-I don't know any more. I miss my family but…"
'Say it,' he thought, begged, in his mind, and could only hope it wasn’t plastered on his face how desperate he felt. ‘Say you missed me. Say that you wanted to be here with me more. Say that you love me.'
"I like it here too,” You finally finished softly. “I-I like being with you." 
How could you make him feel like a hundred-million berries and also completely shatter him into dust at the same time? His thumb rubbed across your darkening cheeks, searching your eyes as he soaked in your words. Your gaze. Your touch as you clutched him. 
He had missed you. God how he had missed you. 
"I don't like being teased, little lamb," He murmured. "You're going to have to make a choice."
He loved watching your skin darken further. "Do you want me to stay?" You asked softly, your eyes wide and trusting and pleading. 
Screw it, you were going to kill him. 
He leaned in closer, his nose brushing the top of your ear as he whispered into your ear. "Haven't I made it clear enough?" He ran his fingers through your hair, tugging just slightly and enjoying the feel of you tensing as your breath caught. Maybe, finally, you'd get the picture. "I want you to stay. I want you on my crew. I want you by my side. Any way you want to chop it, slice it, dice it, sweetheart, I want you." 
Your arms wrapped around his waist, pulling yourself close and hiding your face against his shoulder. "I want to stay," You mumbled, words muffled by the fabric of his coat. Buggy allowed a triumphant smile as he returned the gesture, squeezing your soft body tightly against him. "I want to be with you." 
Yes. Yes yes yes! Hearing your laugh was worth more than any gold or jewels as you clung to him.
(You were his gold. His jewel. His treasure.)
He nipped lightly at your ear, wanting to hear you squeal again --to hear that beautiful laugh echo as you struggled playfully in his grasp, your teeth clicking together as you tried to return the gesture and couldn’t reach. 
He was never going to let you go. Never again. 
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Here at i-am-an-arson-enthusiast, we i am dedicated to bringing you top quality content such as but not limited to: gay things, cats, and even live arson that you don't even have to tune into!!
hi this is my intro post :D
basic questions that i love answering
“hey what should i call you” good question. i dont really care, most of my mutuals call me arson. thats cool. bc i love arson. (clearly) but you can call me really whatever. planet names are dope as shit, but only @marcysbear gets to call me neptune. also enthu is off limits, only @terrifying-acceptance gets to call me that.
for the record: if you call me either of those names and are not either of them, that is crossing a genuine boundary of mine. you ARE NOT allowed to call me those names if you are not the designated person for that.
“ur gay” woah really i didnt know that ur like the first person ever to notice that!! (no ur not, ive known that for years)
“what type of gay” yes. the easiest way to explain it is bisexual. that being said: i use bisexual surprizingly little. i call myself lesbian and gay all the time (as in wlw and mlm).i’m polyamorous and arospec. month three of my identity crisis: uh i think the term arospec works well bc idk where the fuck i am on it but i’m definetly on this spectrum! grayromantic also works i think.
“gender????” im genderfluid. which explains the pronoun changes. im also trans, nb, genderqueer, and any of the genders and terms i need to articulate what the silly lil dudes in my head make me feel.
AUDHD :D explains why i am obsessed with space (going back to names planet names are cool and epic btw)
“do u horny post on main???” i reblog horny posts to my main but i dont normally do the original horny posting. tell me if i need to tw that btw :3
my cool and epic tags
i try to consistanly use them but sometimes i dont. sorry.
woah i’m using queue - i’m actually queuing a post for once instead of spam reblogging (which i mostly do sorry not sorry)
woah a real text post - me positing an actual text post for once but it’s becoming more common
cool ass art - art that i reblog (it’s all cool)
arson does half way decent art sometimes - my art. art i made. yea
the beloved - my beautiful beautiful queer platonic partner @terrifying-acceptance who i tag in a lot of shit :]
i will keep adding more as i remember them and make them so yea :D also i try to tag for things but i often dont add tw or cw because. idk. just havent ever done that. if you need me too you can tell me in any form and ill try my gaddamn hardest to add them. feel free to *kindly* remind me if i forgot. (as in no verbal abuse ya know. if ur scared ur probably fine)
the last section that is mostly important for followers :]
if u wanna follow me it’d be cool if you have a banner and pfp but as long as ur like not a bot ur good.
feel free to ask questions :) this is the point at which i tell you that i love getting asks and dms. my dms are always open unless i am dead. (current status: alive at very least.) also i am in school so you are practically guaranteed to get a response not immediately. give me 12-24 hours to respond before being offended. after that it’s fair game.
I genuinely do not care and give no fucks about what you believe and how you live your life as long as you dont hurt yourself or others, you are not offended by me being very not religious/spiritual and you do not shove it down anyones throat.
I mostly do reblogs and tag them as such half the time
lastly if you interact with this post it lets me know that you read it but i’m gonna look at your profile anyway if u follow me so you don’t have to.
thank you for reading all of that i know it’s long. your cool so here’s a cookie 🍪 also here have this
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credit to @v-4-l-0-n and @theprideful :)
(order of the banners are “exclusionists fuck off”, then this user loves being a lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, genderfluid, then non binary)
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jasntodds · 1 year
i’m not sure if this is the correct place to request something but i was wondering if you could write stiles stilinski x ocd!reader? maybe stiles notices her becoming overly anxious and sees her picking every one of her scabs back open or just picking at her skin repeatedly? sorry if that doesn’t make sense, it’s just something i do obsessively especially when things don’t “feel right”
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Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x OCD!Reader Words: 676 Warnings: OCD, mentions of panic attacks, a little bit of anxiety, mentions of picking skin and scabs, a little bit of fluff A/n: I’m sorry this took awhile but I was having issues thinking of plot 😭I hope you like it!!
masterlist | tag list | request info
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Stiles has always been one of the most supportive people you have in your life. With his own history and battle with panic attacks, he gets how crippling any form of mental illness can be. It’s a constant war inside your head all the time, even when it doesn’t feel like a war. And he understands it and has been there to support you ever since you told him about your OCD.
He had questions, of course, because no one really, truly understands OCD until they have it. It’s not that you always just want your room to be clean or that you’re flipping a light switch three times. It’s more about something, very specific having very specific steps and if those steps aren’t done in the exact way your brain tells you, you have to repeat them and if you don’t, this terrible, awful thing will happen and you’ll have anxiety about it. The thought of redoing that thing will sit in the back of your head haunting you and taunting you until you just do it. But, the worst types if just when something just doesn’t feel “right”.
You haven’t necessarily done anything that goes against your compulsions, in fact, according to your recollection, you did everything “right”. But, something that is almost embedded into your bones, screams that something isn’t right. It’s a large flashing red light in the very front of your head telling you that something isn’t RIGHT. You don’t know exactly what thing is but it’s SOMETHING and it’s a vibration in your bones telling you to figure it out so you can fix that one thing to be right again. But, you can’t, not right now so instead, you’re stuck picking at your skin and scabs, reopening the wounds to try and ease the anxiety that wraps it’s self around your bones like selfish barbed wire.
Stiles, though, he’s always been attentive. It’s one of his best qualities, nothing really sneaks past him and he’s almost always right about everything. And he notices, everything, including the distant look in your eyes as you sit looking at the TV.
“Hey, are you okay?” Stiles asks, his voice calm as he looks over to you.
“Huh?” You raise your brows at him, the picking stopping for only a second.
Stiles glances to your hands and sees a small blood spot. “You’re picking, you only do that when it’s bothering you.” He refers to your OCD as it because sometimes, mentioning it by its name turns into this looming monster, like saying its name allows it to materialize in a way.
“Uh…” You stutter, the picking continuing. “I don’t know….something…feels…” You pause again because the other really annoying thing about OCD is that even sometimes talking about it not feeling right, is another trigger. If you acknowledge it, maybe something really bad will also happen.
“Doesn’t feel right?” Stiles finishes and earns a worried expression from you. “Alright, well,” Stiles takes your hands in his, resituating himself on the couch to face you. “I’m just gonna hold your hands for a little while, okay?” He asks and you nod at him. “Because picking isn’t gonna help and then we can try to figure out what isn’t right.” He gives you a warm and reassuring smile. “And if you can’t, that’s okay.”
“I feel like I did everything….ya know? But it just….” You pause again, growing annoyed at how everything stops in your throat even when you want to talk about it.
“I’m positive everything is fine.” Stiles gives you a reassuring nod. “But, if you think something might happen because it doesn’t feel right, then I guess you’re gonna have to deal with me all night cause I’m not going anywhere until you feel better.” His voice is airy but still holds this seriousness to it where you know he will not leave unless you’re okay. And you’re so thankful for him. He’s the only one that gets it.
“Thank you, Stiles.” It’s a weak smile that tugs at your lips, but a smile.
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Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3.9 K
Character: CC-2224 | Cody, CC-5052 | Bly, Aayla Secura (mentioned)
Warnings: Major Character Death
Additional Tags: angst, drinking, suicide, grief, order 66 aftermath, major character death, post traumatic stress disorder - ptsd, canon divergence
Section Nine, Paragraph Twelve of the Clone Army’s Code of Conduct:
Should a unit, hereby referred to as “Clone”, suffer malfunction and self-destruct, their superior officer, preferably their Commander, must carry out cleanup of the remains and have your medic issue the following report:
“Clone trooper [insert number identification] has suffered a sudden illness and the medical team onsite was unable to resurrect him. The Clone Trooper’s time of death was [appropriate designation of time and date of the occurrence]”
Mental malfunctions are a non-standard deviancy from the norm, as all clones are design to withstand any amount of stress. Therefore, the body of a clone deceased in such manner must be immediately removed from the scene and shipped back to Kamino for further analysis of its anomalies.
Cody wakes up at what he is certain to be three, maybe four in the morning, which means he has only two or one more hour to sleep before he has to wake up, cranky and exhausted, only to then force his equally cranky and exhausted men to get up themselves as well.
Something feels weird. A buzz in the back of his brain. General Kenobi had once mentioned that, while not all beings could wield the Force like Jedi and Sith did, it did surround every living creature, even those as unusual as clones.
He would often say, too, that the creeping shiver Cody would feel up his spine whenever they set foot in a dangerous place could very well be a manifestation of the Force itself. A warning that reached the very core of his being.
Cody finds himself in the mess hall minutes later, dressed only in his blacks and boots, too tired to care for the proper use of uniform attire even though he was the Marshall commander and should lead by example. His commlink is still in his pocket, just in case any kind of emergency pops up. It’s not like anyone would be awake at this time anyway, not after that endless campaign in Cato Nemodia from which the 2224 had finally returned.
He realizes he’s wrong when he sets foot in the mess, only to see captain Rex sitting at one of the tables with a steaming cup between his hands. Rex is as careless as Cody himself, dressed in his Blacks and boots, his cropped blond hair a couple of inches longer than the Captain would usually keep it.
“Codes.” It’s murmured at him with a nod, and Cody takes a moment to fill his own cup before sitting in front of Rex “Sleepless?”
Cody nods, taking in Rex’s features. He looks positively shitty, bags under his eyes, five ‘o’clock  shadow darkening his features and a gaze that said Rex was more sleep than awake at the moment.
Cody is pleased that he hadn’t seen a mirror in a long while, because he can’t be really sure he’s looking any better than that. Odds are that he’s looking even worse. He nods instead of answering, and Rex sighs.
“Heard you got captured. Are you alright, brother?”
A quick memory flashes through Cody’s head. The crack of a whip, screamed threats. Two of his fingers being pulled too far back until a nauseating crack came, followed by Cody’s own ragged yelling.
“Had worse.” He shrugs, downing a big gulp of too-bitter caf “General Kenobi got to me before they could quite get started.”
A troubled look passes through Rex’s expression, a slight tremor of his right cheek. Cody had seen the scars on Rex’s back in the showers, and he was honestly relieved that the men who captured him had only a bantha leather whip. Whatever those Zyguerrians had used on Rex had cut him almost all the way down to muscle tissue.
“Want me to fill in on anything for you tomorrow?” Rex offers, looking down to his cup “My general will be busy with, uh... some security detail duty for a senator so I’m mostly free.”
Cody shakes his head, drinking another sip with a grimace.
“Nah, I’m good. Life goes on, vod’ika.”
That was the last conversation he had with Rex before he got shipped away along with Commander Tano.
Before Order Sixty-Six happened.
Cody sits on that very same chair, looking at the empty space where Rex had been sitting on that very night one year ago. So much had changed since then. The Republic, now the Empire. The Chancellor, now his Emperor. His targets, now the men that had once been the generals leading his army.
It’s a sleepless night once more, this time due to the recurring dreams of his first – presumably dead – Jedi target. Obi-Wan Kenobi, falling from an incredible height, crashing into the waters below, disappearing in its depths…
Why does he keep thinking about it? He’s starting to look like-
Cody’s commlink rings, and he picks up the call.
“CC-2224…” he starts, trailing off once he recognizes one of his brothers’ voice; one that would often call him with questions they were never meant to ask themselves, or anyone else “Ah, it’s you.”
“Hey Cod- CC-2224.” Says CC-5052, sounding just as tired as the time demands one to be “Can you do me a favor? I won’t be able to take the men to that incursion on Dantooine.”
“I can’t keep covering for you, CC-5052. Get your act together for once. I don’t need more slacking clones now, with all this talking of phasing us out of active duty. Nothing’s stopping the brass from just kicking us all out in the street and replace us with those volunteers, and we need to show that we are still as useful as we were back in the clone wars.”
There is a pause, so long that Cody wonders if 5052 is still on the line. Then…
“Cody…” another drawn out pause “Don’t you ever think that what we did was…?“
“Silence!” Cody hisses, face tightening in anger “Kriff, 5052, how many times do I have to tell you not to talk about your- your deviant thoughts over the comms?! Just- Just hang up, get to your bunk, go to sleep…”
“I’m not at the base.” The drawl on the clone’s voice is much clearer to Cody now. he isn’t sleepy, he is drunk “I’m not coming back.”
Cody is aboard a transport headed to the location pinged from the other clone’s commlink within minutes, knowing that the missed sleeping hours are gonna be sorely missed at the meeting later that day.
He walks into the cheap hotel, places a hand on the grip of the blaster on his holster to get the flustered desk worker to let him in without a warning, climbs the creaky stairs and tests the old mechanical lock on the door, noticing it is unlocked.
He can hear the voice of a woman inside the room. His hand goes to his blaster, unfastening his holster. He slowly pushes the door open as its hinges whine in protest, and then he realizes that the voice isn’t clear enough to be a person’s. It is a recording.
“fifty-two?” he calls out, stepping in the room “Don’t waste my time, I have a meeting in three hours and I should be asleep.”
His eyes quickly assess the small room, his gaze being drawn to the small holoprojector placed on top of the desk in front of the opposite wall where an armored clone sits. The desk is pretty much covered in over a dozen bottles of different cheap alcoholic drinks, some of them tipped on their side, almost all of them either empty or half-empty. The shards of a bottle that must have rolled over are littered by the left side of the desk.
The old blinds are drawn on the window at the end of the room, shrouding the place in darkness. The only sources of light are the semitransparent blue hue of the holoprojection, and the rectangles of light cutting into the room through the broken horizontal blinds.
Cody walks further in, now recognizing the woman in the recording, a tall, blue-skinned twi’lek dressed in a brown headpiece, pants, a short top, and an open cloak. The recording seems to have been made with the camera of a trooper’s helmet, judging for the medium quality of the projection.
Cody knows the woman. She had been a Jedi General during the Clone Wars, and became a traitor to the empire near its very end. Her assigned clone battalion as successfully carried out her elimination in Felucia exactly one year ago.
“Alright, so we have Korin, Mar’eti or T’aleh. Which one do you like best?”
The twi’lek is grinning at the person filming her, and a clone’s laugh comes in response.
“Any name you pick will be good.”
The Twi’lek laughs at that, shaking her head and reaching her hands towards the camera. The image shakes, and the camera is moved until it is placed at their bodies’ height, most likely a crate, given the background that seems to be the weapons’ depot of a Venator-class Star Destroyer.
“Are you sure you’re okay, love?”
The clone, now helmetless and in view of the camera smiles brightly. His cheeks have yellow-colored tattoos and his hair is shaven close to his scalp.
“I’m still getting used to the thought that I’m going to be a father. It’s… it’s incredible.”
The twi’lek laughs again, this time nervously, her hands dropping to her stomach.
“I don’t know what we are going to do.” Her smile falters, vanishes “How are we going to raise a child in this war?”
The trooper gently cups her face in his hands, pressing a delicate kiss to her lips.
“Don’t worry about that. The war will be over before our kid arrives. We’re closing in on the Seppies, this whole mess is almost over, and our baby will grow up in a peaceful galaxy.”
There is a small beat of silence, and the twi’lek raises her arms to hug the clone, huffing out a long sigh.
“I won’t abandon my duty as a Jedi. I can’t. Even after the war is over, I will still be a Jedi. You understand that, don’t you, Bly?”
The clone pulls back just about enough to look down at the Twi’lek’s face and nod.
“I wouldn’t ask you to.”
“I might be called to aid others all the way across the galaxy, and I can’t refuse.”
“We will follow you wherever you go. Me and our ad’ika. We’ll make this work. Haven’t we made this work so far?”
“Commander?” another clone’s voice pipes up from afar, and the clone hastily grabs his helmet, placing it back on his head and cutting off the recording
“Just a moment, trooper!”
The recording stops there, and a different one starts. The background is different this time – colorful trees and leaves all around the Commander’s vision of the same commander.
“I have a bad feeling about this.” The Twi’lek says, looking around warily
Hundreds of clones seem to be lining in formations, preparing to an attack. AT-STs are being prepped and yelled orders fly through the air.
“We’ll be fine.” The Commander says, placing a gloved hand on the Jedi’s shoulder, his voice then dropping to a whisper that crackles on its way out of his vocoder “Aayla. Cyare. Please let me lead this time—”
“No.” the answer is firm, the Jedi’s eyes sharp and her posture commanding “I will lead.” Her voice then drops to the same whisper, barely audible among all the noise muddling the recording “There is no one else I’d trust to have my back, Bly. I know you’ll always keep me safe.”
“All set here, General!” An ARC Trooper yells somewhere from behind them
The Jedi places a hand on the Commander’s chest, smiling softly.
“May the force be with you.” before he can reply, she is turning around to march ahead “Alright, troopers, follow my lead!”
The commander sighs heavily.
The recording stops once more. A new recording starts, at a clearing of the same colorful woods, the commander and his men slowly trailing behind their general.
“It’s so quiet.” Bly mutters “Where have they run off to?”
Their general stops, gesturing at her men to do the same.
“Be careful. There’s something wrong here. I can feel it.”
A commlink rings, and the commander presses the blinking button on his gauntlet. A voice, raspy and all too familiar to Cody pours from the speakers over the ears of the Commander in his helmet.
“Execute Order Sixty-six.”
With trained muscle memory, the Commander raised his DC-15 rifle, the gesture echoed by the other six troopers of their assault squad as they moved in sync to form a semicircle behind the Jedi General.
“Good soldiers follow orders” he whispers almost too quietly for the recording to pick up
A large flying alien creature cawed from somewhere behind them as it crossed the gold-tinted skies, and the Jedi turned around with a startle, he eyes going wide at the sight of her men and the aim of their weapons on her.
The general attempts to raise her lightsaber despite the horrified shock taking over her features.
She doesn’t have enough time to power on the weapon on before something bright and blue flashes out of her own clone commander’s rifle, whistling through the air to strike her right between her shoulder blades at her heart’s height.
Her body is jerked forwards, her arms flying up as the second bolt hits her on the ribcage, the lightsaber slipping off her grip as a pained scream is punched out of her.
Two more bolts strike her on the back and shoulder, and Bly fires another just as she stumbles forward, her protective shirt smoldering brightly over her back as the fourth bolt hits her there.
She falls down on her chest, one hand shakily and uselessly trying to reach for her lightsaber, and the men keep firing over and over, blaster shots hitting her middle. Her arms. Her legs. Her lekku, which slowly cease all movement. They keep firing until the only movement from the fallen Jedi are the occasional twitches caused by the electricity charges from the blaster bolts.
“T-Target eliminated” the Commander says with an almost unnoticeable stutter “All of you, let’s rendezvous at the alpha location, we must assist the other troops. We can’t stop until every jedi is dead and accounted for.”
Nodding, the men turn away, leaving the ground of their massacre behind. The commander lingers for a moment, his breath catching and coming out in a stuttered, heavy exhale.
Then he leaves.
The recording loops back to the first video, where Aayla Secura is trying to get Commander Bly to choose a name for their unborn child. Cody walks closer to the desk, his gaze now looking past the blue light of the projecting and further to the man sitting at the desk.
CC-5052, known as “Bly” during the Clone Wars, watches Cody with weary eyes, the semitransparent projection floating between them from the small device placed on the table between several empty bottles of various alcoholic drinks. Cody stops in front of it, removing his helmet and placing it by a cluster of purple-tinted bottles. He, too, is fully dressed in his kit except for his gloves and helmet.
Bly’s elbow is resting on the arm of the chair, his hand supporting his chin, while his other hand rests on his lap somewhere out of Cody’s view. He gives him a drunken smile that doesn’t reach his eyes, which are reddened and swollen.
His eyelashes are wet and there are dried trails of tears down his tattooed cheeks.
“Hey there, Codes.”
 “You need to come back to base.” Cody oders dryly.
“Told you I’m not coming back. I can’t.”
The recording has reached the moment where the troops are about to move out, and Cody ignores the audio overlapping over CC-5052’s words, pretending he cannot hear the trembling that underlines his own voice.
“You are a Commando clone, CC-5052, same as myself.” Cody says the words he had been told since his infancy back at the sterile white walls of the Kaminoan laboratories in Tipoca City “We can endure anything, and we do not deviate from our duty.”
He swallows down thickly, the sound of the blaster that had killed Aayla Secura along with the life growing inside of her echoing through the speakers of the projector on top of the table.
He had heard Bly’s confession of his anguish over having killed her during the issuing of order sixty-six multiple times. He had always told Bly to keep those thoughts to himself, and to never let their superiors hear these treacherous words.
But only today he truly understands the whole picture. There was more to his relationship with the deceased Jedi than that of a duty-bound trooper and their general.
“We will not have this conversation again – the Jedi were traitors” Cody presses on “and a threat to everything we fought for. They had to die.”
Good soldiers follow orders, whispers the Bly in the recording.
“I loved her.” Says the CC-5052 in front of him, and under the faint blue glow of the projection, Cody sees the glistening of the tears brimming in his eyes, trailing down his cheeks “I- I loved her, and we were gonna-- She was—”
An ugly, anguished sound comes through CC-5052’s - Bly's - gritted teeth, and suddenly the stoic mask of numb exhaustion drops, being replaced by an expression that is so twisted in agony, it reminds Cody of those he had seen in the battlefield on the faces of men whose limbs had been torn off by landmines and no amount of anesthesia could put an end to their pain.
Bly sobs, bringing to his eyes a hand that rattles against his brow with how hard it shakes. The pained noises being punched out of the clone between every sharp intake of air begin to die out as his breathing becomes more and more ragged.
A stuttered breath hisses out of him as he drops his hand, and he raises his swollen eyes to Cody again.
“I c-can’t do this anymore.”
Cody stares at him, at the hollow eyes and broken expression in that face that is a mirror of his own, and the two sentences that keep haunting his dreams.
Thank you Cody.
Blast him!
“You have to.” Cody says, the commanding tone slipping from his voice and giving place to a plea instead “You need to.”
Because a clone commander can withstand any kind of stress.
Even the horror of carrying out orders that changed the entire galaxy and the structure of their army and robbed them of the generals that would actually put themselves in the line of fire to protect them, even though they were nothing but expendable clones.
“I have nothing left, Cody. Nothing.” it’s like the words are being pulled out of Bly like shrapnel, fresh wounds being opened with every tug “I’ve served my purpose…”
The hand he’d kept resting over his lap, out of view from Cody’s gaze because of the desk between them is raised into view, along with a blaster in its grip.
“…and I hope you can find yours, brother.”
Slowly and without a hint of hesitation, Bly brings the muzzle of the weapon to the underside of his chin. Cody’s eyes widen, icy dread pooling in his core and sending a shiver up his spine, his entire body stiffening in tension as he understands what is about to happen.
“Bly— Hey, listen to me!” he tries to think through the distinct click of the blaster being cocked; he has to stop this, has to do something, anything “Bly, put the blaster down, now--”
“Never gone, only marching away…” Bly whispers with the faintest hint of a smile
The sharp whistle of blaster fire echoes in the room as a flash of bright blue illuminates the scene for an instant, Cody’s unprotected ears ringing loudly over the thudding of his own spiking pulse.
Bly’s head whips back with the blaster’s shock, a smoldering, perfect circle letting out smoke on the wound under his chin. His hand drops, the weapon slipping from his fingers and clattering to the floor with a dull thud.
Cody stands there, breath shallow and cut off by small gasps as he tries to fight the instinct to just turn around and run away from this nightmare. His stomach clenches in nausea, and he covers his mouth with his hand.
He stares at the lifeless body of a brother with whom he had shared many battles and down times with, a man he had trusted with his life and who trusted Cody with his. A man who had been birthed from a tube like him, had blasters instead of toys since he was five like him, scientists instead of a family like him.
A good soldier who had followed every order. And that had killed him.
Cody doesn’t know how long he stands there, petrified, the recording of General Aayla Secura’s short-lived dream of having a child with the man she loved looping so many times that Cody could recite it from memory, and then looping enough for Bly’s words to dissolve into a cadence of joy, tension, and resignation, joy, tension and resignation, joy, tension and—
Cody walks carefully around the desk, standing close by Bly’s side. He is supposed to report the self-termination immediately and wait for the Kaminoan staff in Coruscant to retrieve the body. He is not supposed to interfere in any way.
Bly’s eyes stare vacantly into nothing, brown and formerly full of life, shaped exactly like Cody’s. After a small moment of hesitation Cody reaches up to close them, his gloved hand lingering for an instant on Bly’s face.
He had failed him. He had failed his brother.
He thinks of Rex, whose helmet was the only one not found in the mass grave of former 501st clones in a distant moon. Could he be out there, still alive? His own words to Crosshair in front of the memorial of the clone troopers who had died in service of the Republic - and later the Empire - come back to him.
Do you know what makes us different from battle droids? We make our own decisions. Our own choices. And we have to live with them too.
Cody moves his hand to rest over Bly’s chest, on the stillness of his heart.
“Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum, Bly, ner’vod.”
He straightens himself up, finally stopping the recording and removing the memory chip from the device, placing it in one of his belt pouches. Someone should keep Bly’s story and keep it from being forgotten.
Swallowing thickly around the lump forming in his throat, Cody picks his helmet up from the desk, placing it over his face with its expressionless mask of carved white and turning his back on the scene.
The armor would help him up until some point, and then he would do well to change out of it. The outline of a plan begins to take form in his mind. Safe locations, away from the Empire’s ever-watchful gaze. Old friends that might show mercy on him in spite of what he had become.
A hope, faint and delirious, that his former general might still be alive and willing to forgive him for what he had done.
Bly was right. Cody had to find his purpose. And he had to start now.
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co27 · 3 months
9 people you'd like to know better
tagged by: @funshinebf woah!! hey!! hi!! :3
a) three ships:
DELLUMBRA. my beloveds forever and ever and ever. an animator put della and penumbra holding hands in the chibi valentines day thing and its the only thing that matters for the rest of time. seeing them never fails to make me the happy smiler
spova... HRHGHGHHGHGHHHHH (STARTS CLAWING AT THE WALLS) im getting a bunch of my irls to watch the show with me and like how do i explain why sparx catching nova in circus of ooze makes me actually start howling in pain. the slow burn... the trust... the botched confessions the loss the self blame. oh god its all just so fucking painful forever ill never be over them
tomshiv :) theyre the perfect eternal punishment for each other and i love seeing them make each other suffer. the dirty talk scene in season 3 permanently altered my brain chemistry and tom wambsgans mr brightside is the greatest video of our generation
a1: bonus ships:
SERIREI :) save me serirei... serirei save me... such a classic i love those crazy businessmen. 2018 serirei was literally the perfect era like you had to be there
joongdok. thousand yard stare. ive been coming around to yoohankim lately too but i feel like a lot of content doesnt really capture what i like about orv so i dont look at or like a lot of the shippy content in the first place
also gibson/sparx
b) first ever ship:
...... :( it was grey/juvia from fairy tail. yandere x tsundere was like elite to me. if i close my eyes and pretend im in a universe where fairy tail is good i can honestly see the vision. the first one that made me really crazy crazy about shipping though was germany and italy from hetalia unfortunately. sorry. and sometimes i fear i may never escape the annoyingly optimistic x grump who secretly likes it trope and its all their fucking fault
c) last song:
hello, i love you by adore delano. SHE JUST GETS ME
d) last movie:
uuhhhh fuck i watch a lot of movies absolutely baked with my friends so its hard to remember. i think everything everywhere all at once :) i sincerely believe it is one of the best movies ever made. STEPHANIE HSU WAS ROBBED AT THE OSCARS
e) currently reading:
cirice by madeline miller, i havent picked it up in months tho... and i keep telling myself im going to start one piece and dungeon meshi but i havent yet #laziness
f) currently watching:
sooo many things but im currently keeping up with season 16 of drag race with my friend. besides that primarily trigun stampede and hannibal because im watching those with my friends. and i count srmthfg again. but also dungeon meshi is on the backburner too. and a million other things like the boys and interview with the vampire... GOD THERES TOO MANY SHOWS GUYS
g) currently consuming:
idk waht this means. if its about eating then i have a big tub of cocktail peanuts that im munching on right now
h) currently craving:
9 people to tag:
um uh um uhhh @godza @morguerue @irradiatedsnakes @faglagomorph @treecakes @itaots @soulreaper @puppetlooselystrung @vampirewings and also anyone else who wants to talk about themselves yay!!! i hope its okay i tagged you heart emoji <3
easily copyable version under the cut for joy and prosperity yay
9 people you'd like to know better
tagged by:
a) three ships:
a1: bonus ships:
b) first ever ship:
c) last song:
d) last movie:
e) currently reading:
f) currently watching:
g) currently consuming:
h) currently craving:
9 people to tag:
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azurdlywisterious · 3 months
Okay okay, this time giving my fallout ocs tumblrs wont end in disaster! Im sure of it!
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💸 mrhouseownsmysoul reblogged big-mt-head
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Ughhhhhhh my beloved husband really needs to finish up his business meeting its been five hours and i miss him~
🧠 big-mt-head
@.therealprimmshady can you explain this?
⭐️ therealprimmshady
Nope. Nope nope. Go ask whichever doctor of yours calls you shiloh
🧠 big-mt-head
Youre thinking of Dr. Dala. Anyways she says its a sex thing
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Who let you two past the gate?!
#this is what i get for being horny on main smh
211 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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⏳ start-startover reblogged start-startover
⏳ start-startover
I’m picking the brown m’n’ms out of a candy bowl right now if anyone wants some free m’n’ms
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
Why are you picking out the brown m’n’ms out of a candy bowl?
⏳ start-startover
Dean doesnt want any
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
What a diva! Any idea why?
⏳ start-startover
No clue. Ill probably give them to the followers if no one else wants them.
⏳ start-startover
Wait, is that you dalcia?
#didnt u deactivate? #like recently?
48 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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📻 not-another-guy-podcasting reblogged mrrocherwasmyfather
📝 mrrocherwasmyfather asked:
As the person closest to Mr. House, can you tell me what he plans to do with the now empty building that the NCR was occupying before the Battle of Hoover Dam?
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul answered:
I mean, he does have plans but those are trade secrets. Who even are you?
📝 mrrocherwasmyfather
The name’s Ferrero, private investigator. Mr. New Vegas buys his stories off me
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Oooookay… so youre like a tabloid reporter?
📝 mrrocherwasmyfather
Not since the war, sweetheart. Not since the war.
#ive never heard this guy on my radio #i doubt hes the real deal
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🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
Life sometimes can come at you hard like a .45 bullet. Remember, with enough stimpacks, you can just run past it and live
#totally didnt piss off a specific guy #youll never catch me bitch #yes sir this is vauging #DONT FUCKING TAG HIM
45 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🍀 luckiestbastard reblogged mygenderis-c4
💥 mygenderis-c4
Ill be fighting at the thorn tonight at 12 if anyone wants to see me throw down with three giant radscorpions
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
I would love to watch you fight, Henri! Where is the thorn?
💥 mygenderis-c4
Its in westside! :)
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
W-west… side?
💥 mygenderis-c4
Its another low income community outside of new vegas? Like freeside?
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Theres another poor neighborhood close to new vegas?
💥 mygenderis-c4
#Thats why we call her the strip queen #<prev tags
978 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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⏳ start-startover reblogged mrrocherwasmyfather
📝 mrrocherwasmyfather asked:
So, I hear a certain old world singer has resurfaced and you seem pretty close to him. Is there any new music in the works for Dean Domino?
⏳ start-startover answered:
First, Dean was absolutely thrilled to know that reporters are still asking about him (he’s currently taking a break from social media which is why he didnt see your ask to him immediately). At the moment, no. But hopefully he’ll have an album coming out in the future once he’s reestablished his name in the music industry.
📝 mrrocherwasmyfather
Thank you so much for your time, Ms. Vult.
⏳ start-startover
I do have plenty of it, after all.
78 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
My next editorial photoshoot look will be devoted to whoever started calling me “Strip Queen” because i will be reclaiming that title mwah mwah
#also the Gomorrah Casino is going to be closed for the day tomorrow
356 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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📻 not-another-guy-podcasting reblogged thecoolerscrewdriver
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
It’s got what plants crave!
📻 not-another-guy-podcasting
It has electrolytes!
#killed another bandit #how long will you be out for?
3 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🍀 luckiestbastard
Couldve sworn i went to sleep at the 38 so why did i wake up at the tops???
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
🍀 luckiestbastard
What the hell is that?
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
Bad decisions in a bottle
#it glowey tho
7 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🌌 azurdlywisterious
Fuck theres more of them now???
4 notes · View notes
heirofnepeta · 1 year
New and improved Funky Pinned Post!!
Hey there! I'm Eowynn! I'm a Bi-Lesbian Trans girl who goes by She/It/They pronouns! Tranny fag girlie for the win 💥💥💥
I like Dr. Pepper!!!!! I'm highly addicted to it!!!!!!!
If you want you can also call me by a few other names! I go by Eowynn, Wynn, Amity, Vea, Dirk, Nepeta, Kyll, Click, or Noonoo! Any of those names are fine, and I enjoy using them :)
I'm a minor so like don't send unwanted nsfw stuff. Weirdo.
I reblog things like way too many times if I like them so uh. don't follow if you don't wanna see that ig.
I am part of the LGBTQIA+ community, and if you have a problem with that, then go sulk about it in your room and try to figure out why people being themselves makes you so mad.
My Art blog is @heirofdirk and I'd love if you stopped by there and looked at it and maybe requested something ;33 <
Extra stuff that's not as important below cut!!
I am in a few fandoms, and have a few interests so I'll list those here!
Homestuck, Hollow Knight, Ultrakill, The Elder Scrolls, Pokémon, Warframe, Chainsaw Man, The Owl House, MegaMan, Minecraft, Borderlands, Fallout, Subnautica, Metal Gear, Team Fortress 2, and probably way more that I can't think of right now.
Hobbies: Making art, Gaming excessively, Scrolling through Tumblr excessively.
I have a Steam Account here, and my Discord is available through DMs if you wanna talk to me :33
Sideblogs Ill care to link:
@meowmeowhisshissmeow @colon-three @heirofdirk (again) @nepeta-knot (beware. There is horny shit there!!)
The rest of my sideblogs i got rid of since i dont use them often enough
Also what I mean up there by Bi-Lesbian is that I am bisexual but i have quite a heavy preference towards women. I still do like men tho.
Tags I Use: #Wynn answers #Asks #[url or nickname] <- my ask tags, might change in the future. #Wynns art <- my own art tag wowie! #tgirl horny swag <- occasional horny posts. thats it. thats all the tags i use for now
Sea dwellers and clowns are free to follow dw high blooded doods :thumbsup:
Kinlist: nepeta leijon, dirk strider, cats (just in general)
If I find I need to put anything else here, I will.
Have a nice day, fine reader! :)
45 notes · View notes
a-bucket-of-trash · 1 year
Under the Red Moon – Kelvin x Female Reader – One Shot
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Prompt: Your “gates of hell” are open and cramping in a island is not fun
Tags: Period mention.
That whole week was a little mini hell of random symptoms like bad luck bingo, and it took you a couple of days to figure out why you were feeling so bad. At first you had thought that you had fallen ill with something on that stupid island in the middle of nowhere. Maybe it was contaminated water, maybe some of the rotten meat the cannibals kept everywhere, maybe parasites, you didn't know and you kept a little apart from Kelvin, just in case. The only thing missing to screw everything up is for him to get sick too because of you.
But when certain shooting pains attacked your lower abdomen, all the information hit your brain. It had been almost three months since the helicopter had fallen with you two, it had been three months since you had lost contact with civilization, it had been three months since you had taken your birth control pills.
You weren't taking them to avoid getting pregnant, not completely at least, not that you wouldn't refuse to play with that safety net, but those blessed pills were to keep your periods at bay, which used to be strong enough to incapacitate you for a couple of days. And you had stopped taking them, by force.
Even though you psychologically prepared yourself for the bloody hell you expected to come, it wasn't enough, and the fact that you hadn't had a painful period in a couple of years didn't help.
Kelvin had seen you abnormally low for days, and he was a little worried about your condition. He had acquired an exaggeratedly monumental affection for you, so he spent those days trying to lighten your chores a bit, but even so, he worried even more when he hadn't seen you leave the cabin all morning.
He was used to your mini routines, to see you approach the river to wash your face and body, to wake you up fully after a night of pseudo sleep, and keep an eye on the area a bit, before taking a quick tour around the area in search of dangers. You used to come back shortly after, eat something and spend some time with him, planning the actions of the day. But today, nothing had happened, total silence.
He left you a little alone, for the moment, thinking that some extra sleep would do you good, but it was already close to noon and your silent absence was beginning to terrify him, so he entered the cabin, carefully, seeing you lying on the mini bed of sticks and furs you used to share, shrunk into yourself.
He got a little closer, seeing your face that transmitted pain, and he could almost swear that he heard your groans. His eyes drifted to the side, to a piece of plastic half hidden under the bed, with some blood-stained rags, which finished scaring him. You were hurt, somehow.
Kelvin came all the way up, touching you carefully, groping, uncovering you a bit, looking for your wounds through your military clothing.
"God, no... now you..." You complained, pushing him slightly, with rather little force.
But the cramps had neither time nor space. A wave attacked you, forcing you to shrink into yourself, groaning loudly, fidgeting.
"Uh!" Kelvin mumbled, trying to check on you again, seeing that you wouldn't let him. "Hurth?" He stammered again. He couldn't hear, but, if he tried hard, he could poorly verbalize single words at random volumes when necessary.
You shook your head in deny, before burying your face in the deer skin, trying to anticipate another of the waves of pain that made you roll on your spot.
"Blooth!" He crouched close to you, patting your cheek “U blooth”. He had seen blood, that was all that mattered to him.
"Ufff..." You breathed for a moment, face up "Damn, l-let's see if... you find out"
You uncovered yourself a bit, to take his hand and place it firmly on your lower abdomen, waiting for him to understand everything.
"Pee?" He worried.
"It's not an urinary infection, you big beautiful goofball!" You pulled your hand away from him, complaining “Now I'm going to have to write the word menstruation, what a fucking bummer! I hate my life! Stupid fucking island!”
Kelvin looked at you for a moment, confused. He didn't hear you, but he saw you protest, angry, hurt. He immediately remembered his sister, the one who, during her period, became a mass of emotions and, at the same time, she seemed to hate him and love him. He understood immediately, you were living the same as his sister.
"Oh!" He exclaimed, his brown eyes wide, full of discovery. "Baby goom."
"Exactly... Baby goom" You sighed, nodding and patting his arm "What the fuck a goom is"
He walked into the cabin, thinking. There wasn't much to do to help you, not without painkillers. That thought made him jump. There were painkillers. He hurried, looking for that metal box that you had aside with the most priceless things you had found on the island, checking. He found a small bottle with pills, painkillers.
He immediately came over to you, waving the bottle close to your face, offering you a quiet smile that could easily translate to "Look, honey, I've got what you need."
That touched you, but instead of taking it, you calmly took the notebook out of your pocket and wrote “They are for emergencies. I'm not dying. Give me a couple of days, I'll be fine."
The soldier read, nodding slightly, leaving everything where it belonged, but even so it hurt him a little knowing that you were going to spend two days crying in pain.
You saw him give you a soft smile and leave the cabin, so you shrank in your position, covered up to your neck, feeling a little cold, which always happened to you on your first day.
You heard him come back a while later, bringing you a bunch of flowers that he had gathered from the surrounding area.
"How beautiful and adorable you are." You smiled, taking them. Your eyes locked on him and you said a slow, clear "Thank you" which he understood immediately, smiling.
You also saw, somewhat confused, him taking off his kevlar vest, setting it aside. He didn't used to do that, so you stared at him, even more lost when he gently picked you up, sitting on the bed with you in tow. He settled to lean a little against the wooden wall that was next to the bed and placed you better between his legs.
You noticed that you were slightly reclining, as if you were a baby, in his arms. That explained why he had taken off his vest, and it was that it would have been uncomfortable for you to lean against his chest with it in the middle.
It was warm, utterly comforting, and his soft body beat any moose fur. You snuggled a little closer against him, hiding your face in his neck, noticing how he covered you with the furs before hugging you tightly. Everything still hurt like hell, but that abrupt attention-filled warmth really did you good, and his caring, concerned reaction touched your handful of emotions already overly sensitive from hormones.
You left the flowers in your lap to hug his neck, sobbing. “Iz okai” Kelvin murmured, cradling you gently, rubbing his chin on your head “I care u”
You smiled, still sobbing. Kelvin was willing to take care of yourself, whether it was cold, hunger, cannibals or your own menstruation.
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danidoesathing · 6 months
📚💛🔮 for your ask game?
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Lord Huron wise there ain't much out there and they're scattered across tags, but there's definitely a few!
Both under a very bad sign by Blancwene and walk out of the cosmic fog into a new life among the stars! by Biolumenesce are really good surreal VN fics that explore more of the vibes of the album as well as the story (pre-movie).
There's a couple more vibe/song centric ones like At the Edge of the Woods by Wasuremono (a yawning grave fic with an original story) and Immortal by Gheyn (la belle fleur sauvage with a fairytale style/elements).
Roubki's Secret of Life is pretty good too! It's a post-VN fic that takes place right after the events of the movie, that follows Buck (and Johnnie, whose still hanging around as a ghost) as he's more or less forcefully adopted by the World Enders. It's very fun and silly and im in love with it so far.
I'd also very much recommend eosofthedawn/foolofatook001's Strange Tales series. It's the different stories of LH in the format of TMA statements. It's three in as of now, two of which are Dead Man's Hand (One from Johnnie's perspective and the other from Buck's) and one for the Stranger MV with the Not!Them. I'd seriously recommend it whether or not you like TMA, those are really great i adore these.
and while I haven't gotten around to reading it yet, Vide Noir: Consciousness Neutralizer by every_eye_evermore is a crossover fic with the Murderbot Diaries books, which (i think) leans and meshes into the sci-fi elements of both series. I've read aster's writing before and can full recommend his stuff!
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
do whatever you want forever (seriously just. stop giving a shit. you'll feel so much better)
get weird with it
creating a writing discord server just for yourself is a good way to organize your shit
get a beta (still working on this one myself)
for the love of god if you're stuck and want to write the next sentence/scene/paragraph just skip to that. get that shit down further down the page and worry about connecting it later
🔮 Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
oh god im not the person to ask for this. i get stuck all the time but uh. ill default to point 5 again because a lot of the time when i get stuck. if you're got the vibes for one scene you're not at yet just....go and get what you can for that scene down while the coffee is still hot.
Alternatively just. get out of the physical space you're writing in. Go to a cafe or restaurant or park or anywhere with free wifi and try it out there. sometimes the brain has different modes its in, like at school is "School mode" at work its "work mode" and home is usually "Rest mode" so just getting out of the house and somewhere new allows for the brain to slip back into that writing mode easier. There's a cafe near my house and going up there to write has been a huge help for my progress (although its not great for my wallet, but hey its good coffee)
if it's more "i cant write at all" you just gotta....wait it out i guess? go out and do something you like and stop thinking about it. the more you worry about getting back to writing the worse it'll get (for me anyway). you cant force yourself out of a writers block usually, so let it pass in due time. remember you're doing this for fun, so let it be fun!
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zeawesomebirdie · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much @unmaskedcardinal for the tag!!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
29 total, but I haven't spent the time crossposting my old ff.net fics yet
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Like, actively? Cause uh, I'm the kind of person who needs to finish the fic before I can post it, and so I'm currently in the process of a whole bunch of fics that I haven't yet posted. Those are Gunsmoke (radio version), MASH, Star Wars: Legends + Star Wars: prequels, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and the DCU (but more like, specifically the all media types of Batman and Superman specifically)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Truth/Dare (revalink, college!AU, rated T)
Rainy-day Homework (ganlink, college!AU, rated G)
but when i'm alone on the longest nights, i think of you and your fairy lights (beedlink, mostly canon compliant, rated E)
Missing Memories (revalink, angst, rated T)
An Unexpected Picnic (revalink, pre-Calamity, rated G)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Recently I haven't been as good about keeping up with them because of my chronic illness stuff, but when I have a good day I try to get them done :) I think it's really fun to connect with people who have similar tastes as I do, and get to discuss headcanons or plot points or what have you!!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't usually write things that end on angst, I usually aim for hurt/comfort or at least some form of hopeful ending. I've been told that Missing Memories is my angstiest fic, but I think that title is actually held by Pompeii (If You Close Your Eyes) (song fic)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'd say if i were to save you, would you do the same (kylux). It's the whole surviving against all odds and then looking toward the future thing, you know?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on Ao3, but I have on ff.net. It's been a few years since those days though!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do!! I just don't post it, for reasons related to I haven't finished the fics in question yet lol. I try to write it as a way for the characters to explore each other and connect on a different level beyond the usual grime and gore and horror of the worlds they live in.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
So. I don't have any posted yet oh no I've said this like five times by now ahh, however I have plot bunnies for a MASH/Star Wars: prequels crossover, and I just started plotting out a Gunsmoke/DCU crossover. I think the Gunsmoke/DCU one is crazier exclusively because it's a very tiny fandom for a radio/TV show from the 50's mixed with the whole Batman and Superman fandoms, which. Kind of a large set of fandoms there ngl
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have no idea. Probably, but I haven't heard about it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did the 2021 Kylux Big Bang with @viraaja and the 2021 Obikin Big Bang with @skittlles !! I'd love to do more work with others at some point, genuinely wonderful experiences!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Is it a cop out to say I just don't have one? I never really leave a fandom, even once I'm not actively writing for it, I just kind of cycle through them, so I cycle through my ships accordingly. Maybe PruCan (Hetalia), if only because they're my oldest otp??
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Well. Ideally none of them. I have every intention of eventually finishing everything I'm currently writing, hence why I refuse to post them until they're done. That said, I've been sitting on several mostly-finished fics for like three+ years without actively working on them so. We'll see.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told my characterisation is really good, and I try to get as accurate a voice as I can for every character!!!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Repeating phrases and words without intending to. I used that exact word three times in like three paragraphs in a row, why am I like this!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Two thoughts: if you know enough of the language to have proper grammar and etc sure go for it, but also, is it being used with or without translation? If no one else is supposed to understand (besides the reader), I think that's very fun and 10/10, but if the other characters are supposed to understand and it's a lengthy bit, I think there can be other more effective ways to get that across.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Phineas and Ferb, and honestly I regret deleting those fics so so much now! I have no records of my writing from back then, and yes I found them cringe as an older teenager but now I just wish I could go back and tell my 13 year old self how far we've come.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Whatever is most recently finished. Right now that's but when i'm alone on the longest nights, i think of you and your fairy lights :)
No pressure tags:
@viraaja @steine-druff @aeriedwelling @someguywriting @astrophilic-soul and anyone else who wants to join!
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rookflower · 2 years
ok, so. i drew every warrior cat! here's a long rambling sentimental reflective-type post on the blog i guess.
I started this blog when I was 15, in 2018. I was bored at a summer job, scribbled Onestar on the back of a sticker sheet, and thought "huh, there sure is a lot of Warrior Cats characters! I've seen some design blogs around, I think there's a "draw 100 cats challenge" people do, wouldn't it be fun if I gave that a try?" I had nothing going on art-wise at the moment, I was losing steam on my Pokemon webcomic and had given up askblogs a while ago, so I quickly fell into it.
Starting out was weird- I'd only read up to about Power of Three at the time, and hadn't read TPB or TNP in quite a while. I vivdly remember someone sending me a request to draw Tawnypelt about 20 cats in or so, and I genuinely couldn't remember who she even was. I think I got a request to draw Jagged Peak before I even knew DOTC existed? I wasn't working off of a specific list, and would miss certain cats out entirely due to forgetting them which frustrated me. Drawing cats was fun, and once I got to 100 eventually I found myself going "well, now what? I haven't even drawn Sorreltail, Nightstar, Appledusk, Spiderleg..." so, i kept going!
Then 2020 rolled around and lockdown hit, and I was suddenly stuck in my house with no plans, seemingly unlimited time, and a desperate need for some kind of outlet that offered escapism from the world.
Drawing Warrior Cats was something mundane and rhythmic but creative and enjoyable, and I found the aspect of looking at it as a challenge alluring, the same way I had when the goal was "100 random warrior cats". How far could I get before having to stop? I couldn't do over 1000 cats, right?
I could!
sunk cost fallacy or whatever, I guess?
Lot has changed in my life over the course of this. I started the challenge just after leaving high school, and now I'm headed into my third year of uni. Some family's moved around, we have a cat now, I started playing video games again, my bedroom's been revamped, I met some internet friends IRL for the first time, I'm more or less publicly out as gay, all different kinds of stuff. It's fucking wild to consider that one of the biggest constants in my life these past few years has been drawing goddamn warrior cats. I've had the Warriors wiki list of characters open on my computer basically forever, and finally closing it feels like a goodbye.
So what's happening with this blog? Well, I'm not upkeeping a daily queue anymore, that's for sure. There are some cats here I KNOW I'm going to want to go back and redesign at some point though, so this isn't over! Even if I'm less active here, for now, I'm not going anywhere. I'll probably also use this for any general warriors art/posts I want to make, as well as those "send me asks" request meme thingies. those are fun.
I'm hoping to be maybe more active on my youtube now, as well as just generally experimenting with my art more. One of the biggest downsides of spending 3 years drawing fullbody flatcolours of warrior cats and not that much else is that my improvement on every ground except cat anatomy and character design has become pretty fuckin stagnant lmao. I need to make art with backgrounds and shading and non-cat characters again or i think ill explode. time to get out of this comfort zone!!
speaking of, very lucky this thing ended right at the start of Artfight. I'm @/RioBlitzle there and I try to revenge back attacks! Will probably put my energy into that for a wee while.
@daily-mario-characters might come back,, eventually but I'm not promising anything, and if I haven't learned anything from running this blog you might see me on a "drawing every pokemon" streak in a few months. it is how it is.
Anyways, thank you all so much for your support. Massive shoutout to everyone who's ever left nice comments in the tags of my posts, I don't really have a way to respond but I read every one of those and please know that they absolutely make my day.
Thanks for sticking through this challenge with me!
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spacedykez · 2 years
1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 20, 21, 25 and 30 (BARELY restraining myself from asking more) <33
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction? a year and a half ago bc i found grian thru a tutorial video, binged HCS6, got reccommended the ATUS Karma animatic, read ATUS, and it spiraled from there. do not look at any of my old hermitcraft fics they are horrific
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do? IWHIA by bunflower & h_mellohi's whumptober 2021, @okaydontjudgemebut's branzypierce fics, @scribbling-dragon's tumblr oneshots (specifically ive stolen a lot of tumblr formatting tricks from aer), and Soul Keeper (genuinely, i love this fic, specifically how it makes each empire so distinct and gives it so much character, and its use of metaphors. literally my favorite thing Ever!!!)
4. Link your three favorite fics right now. and i pay for my place by the ring (FH lotr au, scott starts fading) chasing kairos with those scapegoat eyes (philza angst. too relatable) the skeleton living inside your head (c!wilbur timeloop fic)
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something? i will read literally anything but the one thing that makes me go Nope is bad grammar. (and i won't read smut but that's not really a pet peeve that's just an I Don't Like That And That's Okay). you have to understand i will READ non-smut a/b/o & torture & romance & incredibly dark fics & genuine rpf & ill even suffer through huntlow but if it has bad grammar i am out.
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community. @jukeboxtea @darubyprincxx @nach0 @griancraft @andiinaraethtash (i know that's six, but they're all amazing writers who need MORE FREAKING ATTENTION. also You nix. you're a great writer.)
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process? dreaming up ideas & talking about ideas with friends. i love the brainstorming part. uh. yeah most of them dont make it into a doc but.
21. What’s your least favorite part about the fanfiction writing process? editing. that five minutes after you post a fic where youre like Dont Think About It Literally No One Can Possibly Read That Fast Stop Thinking About It and then u refresh tumblr/gmail/ao3 for the next forty minutes and pray to the first user who comments on it
25. Do you listen to music as you write? If possible, link your writing playlist. yes. it varies month to month so i couldnt really tell u anything specific but i'd just like to say that TheFatRat is INCREDIBLE writing music
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words. Uhm, i haven't worked on anything in several weeks. Like. At all. sorry. ive just been in a weird mood
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senkuplushie · 1 year
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I posted 295 times in 2022
That's 295 more posts than 2021!
60 posts created (20%)
235 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 120 of my posts in 2022
#dr stone - 54 posts
#senku - 47 posts
#drstone - 46 posts
#senku ishigami - 44 posts
#ishigami senku - 41 posts
#drst - 40 posts
#dcst - 36 posts
#gen asagiri - 13 posts
#asagiri gen - 13 posts
#anime - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#but then i remembered what i heard about him studying social rules and human minds because he wanted to better understand people
My Top Posts in 2022:
Fever- Senku x Reader [More Angsty Fluff... 🌧]
        Oof... I'm never gonna stop beginning new stories that I'll never finish, huh? Oh, well. I gue\ss it's fine, as long as I'm keeping myself occupied ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the angst is much lighter with this one, but I still included it because of how worried [y/n] becomes.
        Not me trying to write a fic about a scientist with the flu when I hardly know anything about medicine 🤡
        Time period: Mid season 2, shortly before Chrome was rescued from Tsukasa [my memory is a little fuzzy...]
        a quiet sigh escaped your lips, which were mildly chapped as a result of the dry winter, as you stared into the laboratory. you knew senku had gone much longer without any sleep, but it still worried you to see him up and working after at least three days of him not having even a bit of rest. there was nothing that even you, his partner of one year, could do to convince him to lie down for just a few hours.
        the lack of sleep really can't be good on his immune system, and it doesn't help that flu season is starting... fuck.
        the scientist was clearly exhausted; there were bullets of sweat running down his face, he was obviously struggling to stand, and you could tell it was taking all of his energy for him to resist the urge to faceplant onto the table.
        still, you didn't bother to say anything. no matter what you did or said, senku always brushed off his physical condition like a minor inconvenience. trying to reason with him about it almost always felt like talking to a wall.
        although, you didn't want to waste any more time, so you decided to return to the tasks that had been assigned to you. at least, that was the case before you heard a thud from the aforementioned lab.
        concerned, you poked your head around the corner of the doorway.
        you found senku lying on the floor, although he didn't seem to be injured. instead, he looked rather relaxed; his eyes were half-lidded, and he was looking up at you with a small smile.
        "uh...? what are you doing?" you asked worriedly.
        "mm... i'm just gonna take a nap..." he replied, visibly disoriented.
        shit, that's not like him.
        "...on the floor? wait, no, don't--"
        before you could say anything else, senku seemed to have already drifted off to sleep--not only that, but he'd readjusted his position and hugged your leg before doing so.
        "um... okay, then..."
        you were tempted to leave him there and let him get some sleep, but you knew better. there was a high chance that, rather than simply being exhausted, he could've contracted some kind of illness--most likely the flu. thanks to the god-awful amount of manual labor you had done, you didn't find it horribly difficult to pick him up. you carried him over to the treehouse, carefully laid him over your shoulder, and made your way up the ladder.
        there were quite a lot of random containers lying around on the floor from a previous experiment, so you cleared those out of the way before placing him down on the sock-like sleeping bag. at the same time, you couldn't help but notice how abnormally warm he felt, along with how much sweat was dripping off of his forehead. well, damn. that's definitely a fever--feels like a pretty severe one, too.
        even though you were a bit frustrated at him for not being more careful to avoid catching the illness, you still sat beside him to make sure nothing terrible happened while he was asleep.
        thanks to the lack of advanced medicine, you couldn't help but feel worried for senku. who knew how severely the virus would end up affecting him? especially when considering his already-weakened state, there were so many ways it could've turned out--most of them absolutely awful. even if it didn't end up killing him, you knew very well that the poor guy was going to be absolutely miserable. a more twisted part of you hoped he would remain unconsious because of the fever for most of the time he suffered with the sickness, so he wouldn't have to deal with it as much, but you knew that would definitely have its own complications.
        every few minutes, you found yourself repeatedly placing the back of your palm on his forehead to make sure his fever wasn't getting any worse. it never really did, even though you occasionally tricked yourself into believing it was [out of anxiety].
        a few hours passed before you decided to stand up. still, you didn't consider leaving the ill scientist's side in the slightest. as far as you knew, his condition wasn't getting any worse--though, it wasn't seeming to get any better, either.
        then, as you took a few steps away, you heard a quiet "nooo..."
        you looked down, only to see senku staring up at you with a--highly uncharacteristic--sad, pleading expression. he reached out and grabbed weakly onto your leg again.
        oh... damn. it must really be messing with his head, if he's acting like this. i know fevers can make you disoriented, but this seems like a whole new level.
        "what's wrong?" you asked, deciding to play along.
        rather than responding, senku only hugged your leg a bit tighter and moved a bit closer to you. "don't gooo..."
See the full post
41 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
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49 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
Senku Headcanon #1- Period stuff...?
        Yeah, this isn't really my kind of thing, but I'm having those issues and need an outlet or comfort source of some kind- :') hope you enjoy! Some of these work better in a modern AU, but most of them will work for either that or the canon plot
        I know, I should be working on my requests, but this was quick, and I don't think it should take too long for me to write the request. Hang in there, anon <3
-Senku will try to act like he's basically indifferent to it, but it kills him to see you dealing with the cramps :(
-Sends Yuzuriha or another close friend to get you a steady supply of pads/tampons/whatever you prefer to use, pain medicine, and whatever food(s) you happen to be craving
-^He claims to do that so he "doesn't have to deal with the annoying cashiers (or general vendors, if in Ishigami Village)", but he actually just wants to stay with you for as long as he can, as he knows his presence makes you feel at least a little bit better
-At night, he'll cuddle you noticably more often [shh, don't tell him you can notice], and he'll hold you just a teeensy bit tighter than normal--not enough to make your cramps worse, of course!
-He's probably memorized almost everything about your cycle [what days it occurs, how long it lasts for, how it typically affects you, what days are the worst, and everything along those lines], and he'll become heavily concerned if even one thing seems off; chances are, he'll list every single possibility of what could be going on from memory.
-Thanks to his insane amount of knowledge about the body, he'll always try to understand the science behind whatever problem you're dealing with. It would probably get annoying for you sometimes, and both of you might end up feeling bad if you get too irritated by it. Poor guy's just trying to help 😔
-Y'know how he's always going on about science-y stuff? Well, if you happen to also be passionate about science, he'll talk about it with you at least twice as often now--again, he's trying to do everything he can without making it obvious how much he cares. Plus, if there's a specific field of science you love more than any of the other ones, most of his science-based speech will be about it
-Even though Senku hardly ever holds back when he's talking, even if he knows it could upset somebody, he's still pretty cautious about what he says around you + probably backs off quickly
-If you were assigned female at birth but identify as something else, he'll go out of his way to frequently mention how androgynous/masculine/[however you want to appear] you look/act/etc, because he knows this is probably even tougher for you... aw, I could really use it right now
-Bonus: If any of those stereotypical, dumb misogynists started complaining about you mentioning your cycle, Senku would definitely start lecturing them about it--and certainly without sparing any of the details that people tend to find "gross." In fact, he'd probably talk about those more than anything to piss the idiot(s) off <3
        This is pretty rough, thanks to how drained I'm feeling today, but I hope this made at least one person out there happy! I still have no doubts about the last part, though
55 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Senku x Reader- "Finally..." [Modern]
        Basic plot: [Y/N] has moved far away--as in, practically across the world-- from Senku for university, and their mutual friends (Taiju, Yuzuriha, and Gen) decide to surprise him on his birthday by bringing [Y/N] along when they visit him to wish him happy birthday; of course, it turns into **something more** after the other three leave. I know, that made no grammatical sense, sorry-
        Also, I found a really cute fanart of "senguin" [onion boi in a penguin costume], but I couldn't find the artist, so I ended up not adding it here. Here's a link to it, though: www.pinterest.com/pin/1006836060419035072/
        "Are you sure he's in there?" you quietly asked Gen, who peered in through the window.
        "I'm certain," the mentalist replied. "Look, he's in the kitchen."
        Taiju and Yuzuriha stepped beside him to peer inside, although you didn't take the risk of letting the scientist see you. Your arrival was meant to be a surprise, after all.
        "Well, then, I guess it's time," you spoke. "Once I'm behind the bush, you should knock on his door. Text me when you're ready."
        All three of them nodded, and you quickly made your way over to the bushes and hid as you waited.
        It took a while, but you eventually heard Taiju loudly declare that Senku had opened all but one of the presents, followed by the sound of your phone buzzing to alert you of a text. You smiled; it had been so long since you'd gotten the opportunity to meet your partner face-to-face. Not only were you thrilled by the idea of finally hugging Senku again and doing practically everything else you could to let him know how much you missed him, but you also couldn't wait to see how happy he was going to be, even if he tried to hide it.
        It took all of the--already miniscule--bit of self-control you had to stop yourself from charging inside and flinging your arms around him. Instead, you had to wait for one of your friends to text you, so you could know when to sneak in.
        Thankfully, you heard your phone go off again a few moments later.
        "he's blindfolded, I'm on my way outside so I can bring you in without him hearing your footsteps <3 can't ait-way to see the look on his face"
        You laughed at the message as you waited for Gen to come around the corner. Thankfully, he didn't take too long.
        Your best friend then silently guided you inside, and to where Senku sat as he waited to "receive" his next gift.
        "Okay, stand up! Stand up!" Taiju cheerfully exclaimed as he--unsurprisingly--looked as if he was getting ready to cry tears of joy.
        "Jeez, calm down. I'm up, I'm- ahh! What the fuck?!"
        Before poor Senku could even finish speaking, you had jumped at him in a full-force tackle-hug. Not too shockingly, he immediately began squirming in your grasp and trying his hardest to break free. You didn't want to torture him, though, so you let go after a little while.
        "Holy shit, [y/n], I... had no idea... your grip was... that strong..." he sighed before untying and pulling off his blindfold.
        "Aw, how did you know it was me?" you asked as you fought back the urge to say something extremely cheesy about him "feeling it deep in his heart".
        "Well, the oaf would've ten billon percent crushed my entire skeletal system if he did that, Yuzuriha wouldn't have tackled me, the old man's away, I don't have any other real friends, and Gen doesn't really know me, so that was the only logical conclusion. Plus, birthdays are perfect for sappy reunions like these," Senku replied a bit wearily while dusting himself off.
        "Well, damn. I missed you, too."
        Senku breathed another sigh. "What? You asked me a question, and I answered it."
        "Yeah, yeah, I know. It's okay, 'cuz I know you missed me a ton, anyway," you teased.
        "H-he did! He really, really did!" Taiju added while sobbing into a tissue.
        You laughed softly and sat down beside your scientist, who was blinking a bit faster than normal and breathing a bit shakily. To be fair, you were on the verge of tears, as well.
        I know this is a really short one, but that's only because this is actually part one of a 2-part oneshot! Heh... the next part is actually gonna be a lemon, and I couldn't be more excited about that. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) If you're reading this on Quotev, it's only going to be on Wattpad and Tumblr, though [and maybe AO3, if they ever let me in]. I'll put the links here when part 2 is finished!
        Update: So, uhm, about that. I had to take part 2 down for personal reasons. 😔
60 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I had an idea. You know that scene where kohaku and senku fake a kiss. What if instead
*it's the reader instead of kohaku
*senku and the reader like each other but they don't know of the others feelings
*it's a real kiss not a fake one close to the lips
        Requested by: anonymous [Tumblr]
        aaaa I'm so sorry for how long this took! .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. I've been struggling with a lack of motivation, and it also took me a while to find the right chapter in the manga [I was too dumb to just do a quick search for the scene...]
        There's a bit of writing before the actual scene, so I'll add a read more cut for you to skip to if you don't want to read it. [on Tumblr, anyway]
        Bit of a warning: implied!non-binary!reader, possible hints at gender dysphoria [very minor]. I'll try to remember to post another version without that stuff, though. There's also a little angst between Senku and the reader later on in the chapter, but it's nothing super heavy!
        You sighed, rather annoyed by the idea of wearing a dress. "Come on. I'm sure I can make myself look cute, or whatever, without something like that."
        "I'm sure you can, [y/n], but we really need to raise our chances of being chosen as much as we can if we want to infiltrate the enemy camp," Kohaku replied as she, somewhat ironically, stared dubiously at the outfit she was given.
        "Plus, it doesn't have to be super frilly or exaggerated; simple outfits can be cute, too!" Amaryllis added with a slightly nervous smile.
        Senku, too, even pitched in. "I mean... I'm technically wearing a skirt, too, and I don't look too girly. I think that's what you're worried about, anyway."
        Trying your best not to sigh again, you took the neatly folded outfit Amaryllis passed you. It consisted of a simple, robe-like, [favorite color] dress, along with a thin obi and a pair of uncomfortably high-heeled shoes. To be fair, it wasn't as bad as you were expecting, but you still felt a bit insecure about wearing it.
        You looked nervously over at the scientist whom you had not-so-minor feelings for. He was picking at his ear with his finger while looking away from Kohaku, who had begun to change into her outfit in front of literally everyone.
        "What?" the aforementioned genius asked when he noticed the way you were looking at him.
        "...Nothing," you replied. Although, you couldn't help but feel a bit flustered when he gazed at the outfit in your hands, then up at you, and began to look as if he was lost in thought. He snapped out of it only a few seconds later, but it didn't really help you feel any better. [Good thing you didn't notice the blush on his cheeks.]
        After another minute or so of awkwardness, you slipped into the nearby bushes to change into the new clothes. 'Well... at least the people who see me won't know me for too long.'
        "[Y/n], get behind me!" Kohaku ordered as she tried her best to dodge and shield you from Kirisame's attacks.
        "Right!" you responded. Though, to be honest, you were already planning on hiding behind her, anyway. Kohaku was much better at dealing hits than taking them, but she was still far more durable than you were.
        Then, you had an idea.
        There was a word only you and your fellow Kingdom of Science members knew--one that these semi-primitive warriors and villagers had likely never even heard of.
        You began to draw in as deep of a breath as you could, hoping that you wouldn't shatter the eardrums of everyone who stood around you--including yourself.
        Both Kohaku and Kirisame, despite how focused they were, stopped in their tracks.
        "Lab! That's what I absolutely want! I don't need anything else!" you continued to shout, ignoring the confused looks on their faces.
        "La... Lab?" Kirisame uttered, confused. Though, she still didn't take her eyes, which were narrowed with focus, off of Kohaku in the slightest.
        Soon enough, both Senku and Gen naturally came running over--that is, after Gen lightly teased your beloved "Lab-kun" about how much you wanted to see him. In spite of the dangerous situation, you couldn't help but laugh a bit to yourself. Heh. I'm definitely gonna start calling Senku that now.
        Though, before you could say anything else, you felt Gen lightly wrap his arms around both you and Senku.
See the full post
83 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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voidwritesstuff · 7 months
The Blaze/The ember level tapes.
Cw: mentions of abusive household. Mentuins of gaslighting, adoption, age gap between Lucas and Jerico (not in a weird way!)
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Level beggining:
Desmond: afternoon jerico, how are you?
Jerico, is looking towards the door: oh im alright, I uh[She seems distracted in a good way] I ran into one of your patients just now, guy in his 50s, has dog tags?
Desmond: Lucas? Whats he doing here so early?
Jerico,with an audible smile: yes him! He thought he was running late[giggle]
[End tape one]
Desmond: so, whats been going on?
Jerico: well...where to start-- in our first session a few months back I told you about my upbringing. Well, this week has just been hell
Desmond: tell me about it, this Is a safe space
Jerico: my mot-- you know who has been on my ass again. She talked shit about my adoptive family and its just- its like she cant see me happy.
Desmond: that sounds awful, im sorry
Jerico: she says [high pitched,annoying voice] "how could you replace your biological family?! I gave you everything! You know how Many people would like to have a mother like me?!" [She coughs out the Word mother with anger].
Desmond: I thought you told her to stop?
Jerico: I did. She didnt listen
[End tape 2]
Jerico: I didnt pay her no mind. I blocked her, and just when I thought I could go on about my day, he shows up.
Desmond: your biological father I assume?
Jerico: yep. He tried harrasing me telling me how my dad Ray is not manly enough,how he stole me away from him.
Desmond: im so sorry, this must have been very stressfull for you.
Jerico: I yelled at him for a solid fifteen minutes before I hung up and left my phone in my bedroom.
[End tape three]
Desmond: I would like to know what you feel towards your parents a little more, what happened to you.
Jerico: every time I tell people of my trauma and abuse they brush it off. Sometimes I feel like im making things up.
Desmond: thats something called gaslighting, an abusers favorite tool. I promise you that whatever you tell me ill Belive you,please, go on ahead
Jerico: its gonna get grim really fast,are you sure?
Desmond: yes.
Jerico: dont say I didnt warn you.
[End tape 4]
Level ending:
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Desmond: oh jerico im so sorry...
Jerico: I told you.
Desmond: what your bilogical parents did was abuse, you are right. I Belive you.
Jerico: thank you,you dont know how much I needed that.
[End tape 1]
Desmond: your biological parents had no right to treat you like that, you were just a child figuring out the world. You didnt need to be perfect.
Jerico: try n tell em that.
Desmond: im sorry your voice was never heard, I cant begin to imagine the pain and anger you Carry
Jerico: there are days I feel like the screams I could never let out Will burn through my throat, that ill die with all this hatred in my veins. If it doesnt kill me first ,that is
Desmond: I promise you it wont,im here to help.
[End tape 2]
Desmond: all those things that you needed to be patient and stop complaining were ways to Keep you silent. You were right.
Jerico: It was such bullshit!
Desmond: it was,you were standing up for yourself, which is the right thing to do. You are not a difficult child for having needs, you were and still are a great daughter anyone would be happy to have. Your adoptive par- your parents are so proud of you
Jerico,audible smile: they are,they tell me every day.
[End tape 3]
Desmond: thats good to hear,you deserve it. [Clock goes off] I think our time Is up.
Jerico: it is, well..thanks. I needed to let everything out
Desmond: always glad to help. [Pause] oh! On your way out tell Lucas to come in
Jerico: Will do!
[A little distant]
Jerico: Lucas! Hey, uh the doc says its your turn
Lucas: thanks- [pause]hey uh..are those tears?
Jerico,sniffing: yeah it uh..got emotional.
Lucas, concerned and very soft sounding of not a little protective: are you okay?
Jerico: im...[short pause] getting there I think.
Lucas: thats uh- good. Hey uh before you go uh...[a little too long pause]. C-can I get yo-your number? Please dont think im some dirty old Man
Jerico,laughs: yeah, hold on. [Scribbling]. Here...and dont worry, I dont think youre some creepy old Man.
Lucas:oh- g great!
Jerico: have a nice day,lieutenant cole
Lucas, audible smile: you too, Ms.Castro.
[End tape 4]
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