#u guys like the doodles? cus i have many more
poscariastri · 1 month
Formula 1 beef in miami
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r4zzberry · 11 months
i have so many little doodles of pokemon trainers theyre sooo silly 2 me. anyways ermm, heres a few!. i have favourites…
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lots of these r just random unfiltered autism doodles tbh
BTW ALSO ERM, hc stuff for my vers of these sillies,,,
Kris is a transfem enby who uses they/them pronouns with gender neutral or fem titles
Lyra is pansexual and a she/her demigirl
Silver is transmasc and his gender is all over the place tbh, silly guy, a boything
Ethan is bisexual and probably amab he/him but also i feel like he wouldnt really care if u used fem pronouns and stuff for him, idk
and all 4 of them are in a polycue!
Lyra has ADHD, Ethan, Silver and Kris all have autism all 3 of the protags have things that theyve only done, so like, Ethan battled Red on mt silver, Lyra did the time travel stuff with celebi, Kris did all the stuff in the ruins of Alph and all the stuff with the legendary dogs. also u might notice that in the lil drawing i did of them when theyre like, adventure age and stuff- Kris dosnt have one of the johto starters— thats cus like, in my ver at least- okay so like, Kris and Ethan where childhood besties, but like, Kris’ parents r team rocket scientists n kris moved away from new bark when team rocket disbanded n stuff, and their parents moved to hoenn, so kris’s starter is from the hoenn region. anyways they moved back to johto bc their parents heard abt the whole thing with team rocket trying to reform so, yeah- oh yeah and while kris was gone, lyra moved in, and when kris moved back they felt like ethan replaced them so they where more off on their ownish and stuff, but thoughtout their adventures kris warmed up to lyra and reconnected with ethan :D
i have so many more thoughts jeijedijdhhsifmtyyahbrkoaosm but yeah! thats it for now :3 erm,, if u read this maybe lmk in tags or comments or whatever, um, comments and people actually saying stuff really helps and is like my main source of motivation to post art- i really wanna get more into the tumblr community around the sillay trainers but idk how to talk 2 people so like,, yeah if any1 wants to talk or chat or whatever just say :D! but also u dont need 2 , yeah, um, yea >w<
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
I can't wait for dove, foxy and guitar anons to see. I hope they like it:) Gonna have to hunt down the other anons too to doodle them Anyways..Daily Hobie HC! More halloween/spooky themes cus I adore writing these too Imagine if you worked temporarily as a scare actor for a haunted house, faking the fact that you're incredibly sick to even go near so that you would be able to pull this off. Of course you're missing Hobie, but..oh, who's this? The next person coming through? Hobart Larry Brown. And he brought company too. As they slowly progress through the haunted house, their spidey-senses begin tingling when it comes to your part of the house, especially Hobie's. He knows it's you. Either way, you leapt out and scare them, pretty successfully. Even Hobie, who usually has a straight face when getting startled, looks surprised. After a few moments of his eyes on your face, he quickly recognizes you. Waiting until the others progress through, he then smirks and calls you out on your 'too sick to even be near' bluff. Of course, to keep his mouth shut, you have to pay him with a kiss. Continuing further into the night, because who sleeps on halloween? I know I don't You and the others are all together again, and it's 3 AM, you're all so zoinked off on sugar its funny, and Hobie found an old ouija board... ngl I feel like it'd go like that one audio- like: Miles: "So young- damn..what happened to you Jack-?" Hobie: "How many pickles can you shove up your ass?" (brief silence) Pavitr: "NINE!?" Gwen: "NINETY-ONE!?" Miles: "NINE HUNDRED AND TEN?" Both you and Hobie are just laughing your asses off because both of you guys know fully well that Hobie was moving the little planchette - 🐦‍⬛
ME TOO!! It's so sweet of you to make it love u fr!! ❤️
OMG THE PLOT TWIST 😲 I'd literally be the one who screams the moment he stepped foot 🤣
Smooches! Imagine a few ppl walk in while you're snogging Hobie and they just see a scary monster making kissy faces 🤣🤣🤣
To play ouija with the love of your life and best friends while hopped up on candy is so 🥰🥰🥰
LMAOOOO HOBIE WOULD SO DO THAT 🤣🤣🤣 he'd move the thing to spell out the most unhinged information 🤣
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littleeggrock · 5 months
u draw? where can i see ur art
i mean it's been a long time since i've seriously sat down to do a piece but i doodle a lot and i've been meaning to use my (many) sketchbook(s) more, it's one of my resolutions for this year. here's some pictures from my notebook, i have yet to seriously post any of my art here (lol) but now's a good of time as any :) (art under the cut, it's a long post cus the pictures are big)
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most of it's just rough sketching, none of these guys are mine except for the velociraptor at the top. for whatever reason y brain likes to fixtate on a specific character and draw nothing but that until i can do it without thinking.
and here's a couple i'm actually kinda proud of, the creature is Nidere from Ordem Paranormal (give it a search, its a tabletop rpg qsmp member cellbit runs, he did a session with Foolish Roier Baghera Pac Bagi and quackity and its really cool)
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yeah :D
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night1black2 · 7 years
Sugar❁Cookie pt. 6
Holy SHIZ. I just realised after re-reading pt. 1, that I made Jungkook underage for drinking when he's in a flippin university. Meaning that he's at least 18 if not 19. Let's just ignore that shall we? LOL. oops @mintyoongiees Σ(꒪ॢ∀꒪;)՞л̵ʱªʱª ↬Yoongi "This is it." A vague wave of the hand gestures to the whole room. "If there's any mess, sorry. I didn't exactly plan to take you here today." Jungkook scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "What? No!" Yoongi feigned hurt. "And here I was, believing that you had literally dragged me out of the café as something you and Bowl Cu- I mean Taehyung situated out. My dreams have been shattered." The mock upset hand on his chest added a superfluous touch. A peach flush brushed the younger boy's cheekbones at the mention of the previous incident. "Did you just call my best friend Bowl Cut?" "No." The senior denied, not making eye contact. "You definitely did." The freshman countered. "I'm so telling him that." A laugh escaped and Yoongi's body relaxed the first time since the thick tension had been introduced. "This is...what is this?" Yoongi questioned, holding up what appeared to be a sketchbook. "Oh, I doodle random things in there time to time." A shrug. Cups clattered in the kitchen, Jungkook fetching water to drink. Studying the room that looked similar to an apartment, he sat down on the couch. "Do you live here alone? Or do you have a roommate?" "Actually, Taehyung is my roommate." Yoongi crinkled his nose in confusion. "You would think that the place would be messier if that was the case." A chuckle, then footsteps heading towards the living room. "He doesn't stay here. Even though the room belongs to both of us he stays somewhere else." "Why's that?" A pause, hesitation. "He prefers to stay with....his...partner." "You sound disgusted. Is this you trying to tell me that he's a stripper?" "I-What?!? No! He's not!" Jungkook stuttered, almost letting go of the cups in disbelief. "It's more like he parties a lot and he has a 'stand' with the person. If you know what I mean." The blush encroached further in. "And he used to bring them here but I told him that if he wasn't home by the time I got to the dorm, I was as going to lock the door." He shrugged, sitting beside the older boy once he set the glasses down. "So now he sleeps at whoever's house he's....planning to...have a 'stand' at. "Geez kid, you sound like a freshman of high school not university the way you're acting about a 419." Puzzled eyes. "419?" "It's code for 'For One Night'. It's sounds alike." Yet again, the flush. "Oh." Jungkook's eyes lowered to his hands where his fingers tugged at each other nervously. "You....you sound as if you're experienced in this." Yoongi laughed. "I won't claim that I'm a saint, which you should have gathered by now. Don't know why one would think so in the first place. So to answer you, yes. I have a done a 419 before." Jungkook bit his lip. Yoongi tried to gauge his reaction, but he couldn't come up with what he could possibly be thinking. Maybe he thinks I'm a slut. "If you're one of those 'save it till marriage' believers, sorry to have offended you." The apology came out awkward and stiff. It sounded half-thought out. Cheap and without sincerity. Inwardly, he cringed. "U-no- I um-no." The freshman coughed, hands now apprehensively wringing instead of just fidgety tugging. "No it's okay. It didn't offend me or anything." Greeeaaaat....hello thick atmosphere. I see that you came around for round two. "Kookie! My man!" Taehyung's voice shattered the dismayed ice frosted between them. "So I have to tell you this aweso-oh well hello~" he stared at the senior, eyebrow raised. Yoongi felt the excruciating urge to leave. "Hey I gotta go. I've got class in a couple of minutes." He lied, standing up and glancing at Jungkook. "I'll meet up with you later." "R-right. Yeah." The younger student rubbed the back of his neck. "Bye." Swiftly going past the (Freshman? Sophomore? He still didn't know,) he exited; closing the door and drawing in a deep breath then releasing it, throat tight. Nothing like your mouth ruining whatever good impression you had. ↬Jungkook "Bye-" but it was too late. The door had shut with a click. The boy sighed. "Wow. I didn't expect you to be able to get him alone in your room that fast." His best friend whistled approvingly before gulping the water Jungkook had originally set out for Yoongi. "You work more quickly than I thought you did." "Okay, what the actual hell do you even mean?" Jungkook sputtered, eyes blinking rapidly. "Puh-lees bro, it's okay. It's not like I can tell anyone about it. We don't exactly have the same contacts. Nobody I know knows you too. Besides Jimin," he added before continuing. "And Yoongi. But don't worry, I didn't plan to tell him either unless you want me to." A suggestive wink followed suit. "Tell them what?" "You don't have to act dumb Kookie." Taehyung set a hand on the younger boy's shoulder in a possible attempt of being supportive. "We've been best friends for what....how long? If you've got a crush on the guy, go for it. Before someone else snatches that fine piece of work." Jungkook sat there. Speechless. Eyes almost frantic. "And trust me about this. It's happened to me before. With looks like those there's no way that he doesn't have people lined up for him. Not to mention with that type of ass." A pause which gave chance for a dreamy look and-was he fucking licking his lips!? "Are....are you suggesting-" he faltered. He could feel his ears burning. He wouldn't be surprised if the tips had charred to black. "That I have a crush on Yoongi!?" This earned a look that could only amount to 'have you not been listening?' "That's-that's impossible! I-I'm not gay!" His sentences were stumbling as he babbled on. "I do not want something in my ass thank you very much!" "I don't know where you get the idea," Taehyung grimaced playing with his pair of dorm keys as he leaned on the kitchen counter. "Probably from your 'straight' friends," he made quotation marks in the air, as if his teammates' sexuality was in question. That the image they presented of them liking girls was a lie, or fraudulence. "But not all gay or bi men like to stick something up their hole. There's two sides to a coin, it takes a pair to tango-" he paused, "wow that sounded smart of me. Anyways, take me for example. I've never had anything up my ass." Jungkook didn't think that it was possible for him to be more shocked than he was. Taehyung had always been one to prove him wrong for anything. "Wait...don't tell me that you thought this whole time I was the one getting pounded." He had never wanted to cover his ears more in his life. He had gotten used to Taehyung's crude language, but they had never openly talked about his 'stands' since the night he told him to take it elsewhere. That was 5 months ago. "I try not to think about it at all." Did he still have ears? He wouldn't be surprised if they had burst into flames during his stupor and flouted off as ash. A jarring understanding hit him. No. More like thrashed into him. "Whoa whoa WHOA. So you're telling me to fuck in Yoon- I'm not going-I can't-" He stuttered, getting up and heading to his room. "I'm not going to sit here and listen to you degrade my hyung like that." "It's okay if you want to Kookie! There's nothing wrong with it! Especially with a man as hot as that!" Calling after him, Taehyung's giggles seemed to follow and slide under the peep of the door even when he closed it. Rubbing his face and leaning against his door, he realised how hot his temperature was. Maybe I'm getting a fever. But his mind told him otherwise. It whispered truths to him that he had slammed down so many times. Jungkook didn't like guys. He didn't do liking men. He wasn't gay, he really wasn't. Just the thought of kissing someone of the same gender—it brought a shudder to his body. He refused to contemplate what Taehyung had said. The logic was simple. It wasn't true. It was a falsehood, a falsity, forgery, fiction, a fabrication, deceit, a-a.... He swallowed and stared at the ground. Jungkook couldn't come up with any more words to hide the calumniation he was repeating to himself. ■ The next day ■ ↬Yoongi "That kid is one strange handful." "Yeah, bet you would know how a handful of him would feel like." "Yoongi." A sigh. "Joking of course. Sorta." "Anyways, he's really weird. Meanwhile you and Coconut Head over there-" A snort shot espresso up Yoongi's nose. FUCK. "SHIT-" he coughed, banging on his chest with a fist. Gaining composure, he turned to Namjoon. "Did you just call him a fucking coconut head!?" Embarrassed hesitation then an indignant statement. "Yeah, so what? Got a problem? It's not like I got a name before you were just whisked out of there as if you got spirited away! So what the hell else am I supposed to call him?" Laughter bubbled out of the senior. "I don't know, I honestly don't know. I also don't know what's funnier. The fact that the name makes sense or the fact that Kim Namjoon philosopher-to-be came up with it. I mean, one would think you would create something more profound than that." Namjoon sniffed, peeved. "I didn't think that you could know such a word. Profound." "What the hell? Fuck you. That isn't even a big word." Yoongi threw a pillow at him. The two of them were once again hanging out at the studio, classes just having ended. The day was Thursday, which meant that they would have a free day off tomorrow. "What do you wanna do." "What?" "For tomorrow. What do you want to do?" Yoongi switched from his back to his side, leaning heavily on the beanbag. It didn't actually belong to the studio, but they kept it in a compartment so that no one else would find it and was brought out only after class. "I dunno. We could just go to my place." Shrugging indifferently, Namjoon fiddled with his pencil, tapping the music sheet with the eraser. "Play games, compose music, the usual." "Excuse me?" A feminine voice cut through, almost melodious. The men switched their focus to the girl grasping papers in her hand and tapping her toe insecurely. Standing up, the male students smiled politely, their real personalities masked with the facade of courtesy. "How may we help you miss?" The junior raised his eyebrows, face inviting. "A-actually, I was hoping to talk to him." She peeked over the sheets. "Alone if that's alright?" Yoongi nodded affirmatively. "Sure thing. I'll be right there." The female student beamed and scurried out, her faint perfume leaving a trace of her presence behind. "You know what it's going to be about, right?" Namjoon reclined back on his swivel chair staring at the ceiling blankly. "Yeah. Pain in the ass." He grumbled in return, ruffling his hair and walking out. "I'll be right back." "Try not to be too rough." "Can't make any promises you know that, but I'll make an effort." Outside the fellow music major student held onto her papers tightly, her gaze down and shoes scuffling. "Hey, so, what do you need?" He strived to sound professional as if he was expecting her to hand him homework and ask for help rather than what she obviously came for. She bit her lip (which...by the way....who did that remind him of-) and spoke. "I like you!" "Hyung!" He froze. Glanced up. And there he was. At the wrong fucking place at the wrong fucking time. Shit.
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