#tw zoneing out
starry-bi-sky · 2 months
my body's aching like a knock-down drag-out
and my poor heart is an open wound A Childhood Friends Au snippet that very briefly delves into Danny's life post-accident. CW: Mild Mentions of Blood, Violence, VERY mild gore ig. Danny briefly recalls getting impaled during a fight.
What they don't tell you about being dead is that it hurts. That it can hurt. That it can hurt more than when you were alive. That when you die, the emotions you die with stick with you like a leech that just won't let go. That emotions are ugly little thorns that stick their barbs into you and grow beneath your skin; or, at least, whatever’s left of it. 
Danny is familiar with anger. It kept him warm in Gotham, when his parents weren't home from work and he and Jason were crowding Crime Alley with their presence. It kept him warm in Amity, when the fresh sting of moving was still needling into his heart and he wanted nothing more than to rip and tear into the closest person next to him.
He's familiar with violence. With fights. With death. He's seen people die in Crime Alley probably every day. From overdose, from gunshots, from stab wounds; anything that can kill, rest assured he's seen it. He's familiar with getting his own knuckles rough and bloody when other kids turn and bare their teeth at him and Jason; they're all just starving dogs stuck in a fighting pit, primed and ready to rip out each other's throats. 
Black eyes, stomped hands, bloody noses. You name it; he’s had it. Gotham is paved with the blood of her children, and Danny likes to imagine that when he was born, the doctors handed his mother a file and told her; “Take it. He’s going to need it for his teeth.” 
Danny’s mom (and dad, for that matter) was too busy trying to keep him and Jazz fed, so Danny stole the file from her drawer with Jazz’s help, and did it himself.  
He’s familiar with anger, he thought he was getting better at it these days. It doesn’t come to him as easily as it did before. Of course, that was before Jason died. 
Danny is less familiar with grief. Caring kills and Gotham kills the caring, so Danny cares very little about other people. Or he tries to. But grief hurts. His grief hurts. It hurts too much. It hurts like a bug trying to crawl out of his chest; like a rat chewing a hole through his heart. Some days he wants to dig his hands into his hair and split himself down the middle. Some days he just wants to scream. 
He’s dead. He’s dead. He’s dead. 
He wants the whole city to hear him wailing, some days. It sticks itself in the back of his throat like bile, and Danny is one wrong retch away from letting it loose. It sticks in his lungs like all the tar he’s smoked in since he was nine. It pushes and aches at his temples, in his head, like his brain is trying to swell out of his skull. His thoughts becoming so loud they threaten to commandeer his tongue.  
He has no mouth, but he must scream. 
Something they don’t tell you about being dead is that it hurts. That it hurts more than when you were alive. Something they don’t tell you about being dead is that it’s violent. That it’s bloody. Or as bloody as it can be when everyone has no blood. 
Another thing they don’t tell you about being dead, is that it’s a lot like Gotham that way.
With no threat of death, Danny’s enemies forget death itself. Blood comes easy, like water, and teeth are encouraged. Bring your own fangs to the fight. Dying is something you can just walk off. 
Danny’s been dead for three months. He can’t say he’s been walking it off easy. He’s perfected the art of turning his nails into claws since his heart was still beating, but he can’t say he’s perfected fighting other ghosts. 
Scrappy is just not enough. 
He feels like he’s back in Gotham again. Back in her death-shroud alleyways, fighting someone bigger than him. But there’s no Jason to watch his back, and Danny has to get himself out of there alone. Or he might just not get up at all. 
Black eyes, busted lips. It’s familiar to him like an old scent, Danny isn’t quite sure that he’s missed it. It’s more familiar than his fights with Dash. 
But there’s no one else who can do it but him. Not Sam, not Tucker. He can’t lose them too. He can’t. He can’t. He can’t. His heart can’t take another break, he already feels like he’s going insane. 
With no threat of death, Danny’s enemies fight like death themself. He learns why when Technus puts a street sign through his stomach one day. It pins him to the asphalt like a moth pinned by its wings. 
Danny claws at the metal like how an animal caught in a trap chews off its leg, and every move is blinding pain. He thinks he was howling, but it’s hard to tell. He couldn’t recognize the sound of his voice. 
He bleeds green. It mixes in black with the pitch blackhole in his heart, which throbs and twists and cries in time with his reckless panic. The finger-choking terror of dying again strangles out the air he doesn’t need. His blood evaporates, only to reabsorb into him. It just bleeds out again, cycling like a snake eating its own tail. 
Danny breaks his nails clawing at the metal, and eventually gets it in his mind to pull it out. So he does, and the end drips ectoplasm green as he gets to his feet. In red-vision, Danny sends the sign back with snarling, vicious fervor. The pain is irrelevant in his rage.
Only after the fight does the hole the pole left start to close. Danny doesn’t shift human until it’s gone. Unlike other injuries, a scar stays behind. Ugly; mottled, it aches for a week with every twist and stretch his body makes. He hates it. 
Being dead is agony. 
Every part of him is in pain. Every step, every word he speaks, everything he does, it is prerequisite with pain. The body is temporary, but the soul is forever, and death has carved into it with its freezing green hands and left him with never-ending heartache. It has torn from him and stolen what of him it could, and in return it’s left him with sorrow. 
His pain is his grief, and he’s sobbed in the safety of his room more times than he can count. It’s still as fresh as the day he heard the news of Jason’s death. He knows, instinctively, that it will stay fresh forever. 
In his room, Danny shoves his hands over his mouth and shrieks in whatever, muffled way he can into his pillow. It’s not enough. It’s never enough. He needs to be louder. He needs to be heard. He refuses to be. 
Being dead hurts. 
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elspethdixon · 6 months
Tumblr: My fave Silm characters totally smoke weed.
You fool. No they don’t. Put away the stoner jokes and use your critical thinking skills for five seconds.
The Noldor do not and would never smoke weed. Thranduil smokes weed because he’s a chill party guy who likes to get fucked up. The Noldor are type A aggressive control freaks.
The Noldor do coke.
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0fps · 5 days
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We have obtained the item you requested. But, it seems this area requires further cleaning.
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honeybard · 16 days
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first time I've ever done anything for mermay so of course it had to be them 🦈🐙
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knightforflowers · 17 days
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your silent sentinel
anyone else think extensively about Zoox spending most of his time in their hospital room when Amber and Devo were recovering from the Sallow and how he must have felt the entire time. anyone.
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midnight-coffeebreak · 6 months
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"Yo yo yo, good morning, ladies! Rise and grind!"
A very self indulgent stimboard themed around Billy from Zenless Zone Zero :)
♥️ ⚙️ ♥️
⚙️ ♥️ ⚙️
♥️ ⚙️ ♥️
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maxsix · 5 months
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hasello · 1 year
tw for some blood!
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I like the idea of them having to deal w a postapocalypse, while the city was being fixed. Buildings destroyed, debris everywhere, some beings still kraangfied and the worse parts of the city cut off. Imagine this takes place then, after some supplies search or something.
you know - when the wounds were still fresh
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milfcutlawquane · 2 months
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What killing your own brother does to a mf
Based on that one Undertale dialogue
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enjoy your stay!!!
bonus sketch layer & unyassified layer
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leeseokminz · 2 years
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THE8 ✧ _WORLD ✧ 220722
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thylacid · 2 months
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big fan of the meat in this game
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notdeezy · 2 months
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I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me
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ehhgg-art · 2 months
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carrion comfort
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coffit0 · 2 years
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There's someone in the woods, and it's following me...
AYO !!!!! this is my contribution art piece for the @hermithorrors zine! Working on this project was lots of fun! Make sure you check out the rest of the artist and writers team!
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password-door-lock · 3 months
“I don’t want to be away from you,” you sob, tensing under Saeran’s gentle touch as he reaches out to rub your arm. 
“You won’t be,” he assures you, voice thickening with emotion even as he does his best to maintain a calm tone. “Not really.” 
He pulls you close. You’re turned away from him, which is strange— normally, he’s the little spoon. That only makes you feel guilty, of course— Saeran came here to rescue you because you were lured into a trap, and now, here he is, chained to the wall, laying on the floor, and inexplicably comforting you. “Please think again,” you urge, trying to twist around and look at Saeran. “There has to be another way. I’ll come back for you, I promise. I’m— I’m not leaving you.” But even as you say it, you know exactly what his response is going to be. As devastated as you are, your judgment isn’t clouded enough to convince you that Saeran is going to change his mind. He's already made his decision, after all.
“You won’t have time,” Saeran reminds you. He plants a soft kiss behind your ear. “You and Saeyoung have to finish this. I’m less important.” It hurts your heart to think that he actually believes that— in your opinion, Saeran’s safety is more of a priority than the security of a thousand worlds or whatever justice might be done against a million exploitative agencies and a billion corrupt Prime Ministers. 
“I’m not leaving you,” you repeat, perhaps a bit petulantly. It feels wrong to just go along with what he’s telling you, regardless of the stakes. 
“No,” Saeran agrees, “Of course not. Your heart will always be with me. And mine will stay with you, too, hm? Even if I’m not here, you’ll always be able to hold onto my love deep inside. That’s my promise to you, my love. Whenever you need me, I’ll always be there.” 
You grab his hand, giving it an affectionate squeeze. You still refuse to believe that you’re actually leaving Saeran— of course, you’ll go along with his plan until you know for sure that Saeyoung is safe. You know that Vanderwood will probably need help getting Saeyoung out of here in his condition, and Saeran is absolutely correct that Rika’s plans will all fall through if she isn’t able to produce both twins. But that doesn’t mean that you have any serious intention of leaving Saeran in this place. Though you lack the information and the mental clarity to make any kind of concrete plan, you can be certain that this will not be the last day that you spend with him. “I love you,” you breathe. 
“Mmm,” Saeran hums. “I love you, too. I’ll always love you, my MC. My angel, my miracle. Even if our bodies won’t be together in the same place, and even if I never get to hear your voice again, I’ll stay with you all the time. Even if my existence ends… I’ll be by your side until the end of the world.” 
You sniffle. He’s wrong. He has to be wrong— you will do everything in your power to see to it that his existence does not end, that you and he stay physically together for as long as the universe will allow it. You refuse to let some selfish couple, a team of phony hackers, and a disgraced politician tear you and Saeran apart. But either way, you need him to know that you love him just as much as he loves you. “But even when the world ends, we’ll still be together in our hearts,” you promise, “I’ll keep holding onto you as long as I can, and then after that, as long as I exist, as long as I have thoughts in my head, I’ll be loving you. No matter what happens, no matter what those bastards take from us, they won’t ever be able to stop us from loving each other, you know? When the world ends and there’s nothing left but empty space, when we go back to the stars that we came from, the space dust that is me will still try its best to drift beside the space dust that is you. I mean it, Saeran. I’m not giving up on you.” You’re beginning to ramble a bit now, but hopefully you got your message across. 
“I don’t think the world is ending any time soon,” Saeran replies, “You’ll get to live a long life full of fun experiences— you won't be giving up on me if you let yourself have fun. I’ll be happy knowing you got to live on ordinary life, free from all the trouble that I've caused you. But I’ll look forward to living in the stars together, my love. You can tell me all about everything that happened since the last time that we met.”
“Saeran, baby,” you address him over your shoulder, “I will never, ever make you wait that long.” You refuse to allow the universe to separate you from this man.
He laughs, squeezes your hand and pulls you impossibly close. “I want to savor this moment with you. I’ll cherish it in my mind for as long as I can.” You can hear the tears in his voice, the passion with which he says those words. You can feel his love in the way he holds you, in the tender feeling of his skin against your own.
“We’ll make new memories,” you assure him, “Better ones, where we’re safe and free— even as space dust.” But as you said— you will never, ever make him wait that long. 
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