#tuck how do i tag this
mrzombielover · 1 year
Hi! Idk if you take requests or even like, emergency requests but, it's obviously Christmas time and I'm feeling really down bc I'm spending it alone. I was wondering if you could write something with Ghost and König's friend calling them and asking them if they could spend the holiday together? Up to you if you wanna make it friends to lovers kinda thing but honestly anything fluff and sweet is more than enough. Thank you so much, and Merry Christmas!
hii i normally don’t take emergency requests (cause i’m not good at themsbahhd) but this prompt is cute. hope headcanon format is okay, that’s the fastest way i could get this out
sorry if this sucks, i wrote it really quickly and didn’t edit it lol
hope your christmas gets better anon :,(
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most people are thrilled to get time off for christmas. it’s heartwarming to see dads reunite with their kids during the season, when the majority of people get time off. ordinarily, around this time of year, you’d drown yourself in work and missions to try and take your mind off it, but captain price insisted you guys get this time off to go home and relax. honestly though, you were dreading going back home. it just depresses you.
at the airport, boarding was about to begin, and you found yourself fighting tears. everyone around you seemed to be waiting anxiously, wanting nothing more than to get to your destination. as the minutes went on, you were filled with more and more dread.
at the very last minute, just as they were about to call your group, you found yourself running away from the gate, phone in hand, thinking of anyone to call so last minute.
- simon “ghost” riley
ghost was similar to you in that he also dislikes the holiday season. he’s got no one to celebrate with and nothing but bad memories of it.
when he picked up your call, he told you he hadn’t left the base, and didn’t really plan to soon.
at first he was apprehensive, but he quickly found that he really likes having you on base with him. there were some christmas decorations, but the base was almost entirely empty.
for the first time, ghost was enjoying his holiday break, and quickly got used to your presence.
you guys binge movies in the rec room to pass the time, make a ton of food from whatever’s left in the kitchen, and once you’ve exhausted everything else, you even get a little work and cleaning done.
it’s been a really nice distraction having eachother around. you don’t need to explain anything to eachother, simon will silently accept and comfort you.
the cold pushes you guys together, you’ll cheekily ask to stay in his room to “warm up”, and spoon all night. cuddling while watching movies and forcing him to try your hot cocoa.
some days pass, and even though you didn’t really talk about christmas with him, he got you a gift anyway. it would be something small but sentimental, probably from a mission you were both on or the country where you met. a souvenir or piece of jewelry, or something useful, like a watch. he thinks he isn’t great at giving gifts, but it’s the thought he puts into them that makes it special.
just a few days until you’ve got to go back to work, and you’ve enjoyed an actual relaxing winter holiday. before you go, he’ll catch up to say goodbye, before realizing you’re under the mistletoe. he’ll plant a gentle, almost cautious kiss to your soft lips, letting his hands cup your face, as if begging you not to go. the two of you agree to do this every year.
- könig
(his family life is p much all my headcanon btw)
whenever he has the chance, könig goes back to austria over breaks. he becomes incredibly homesick, especially around the holidays, and when you called, he was ecstatic to show you his beautiful home and share traditions with you.
it made him so happy when you asked to spend time with him, and he was so glad you felt comfortable enough to open up to him about how hard the holidays are for you. he silently vowed to change that for you.
he immediately showed you all his favorite local restaurants and cafes, food he’d been craving so bad during the months he was deployed. you guys did typical touristy stuff along with local traditions and experiences.
he insisted you have dinner at his parents house for christmas, and helped you pick out last minute gifts. horrible at wrapping presents though, that was all you.
his parents are so nice, especially his mom, even though she teased könig about finally bringing a partner home. you made biscuits with her, but she wouldn’t let you help clean, insisting that you were a guest.
after you thank him for making this your best christmas, he’ll tell you how great it was to have you here, and comment on how you should make it a tradition. with christmas lights in the background and snow flurrying around you, you’ll finally make it official.
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missmagooglie · 1 month
Prefacing this by saying this is not what I EXPECT to happen in 7x09 and 7x10, it's just one specific scenario that I feel particularly feral about right now... so with that said, I'm gonna throw out a dream scenario for the end of S7:
Tommy and Buck are dating and it's going well. Buck is just sort of blossoming in his new identity as a queer man. There's a self-confidence and assuredness to him that we haven't seen before
Meanwhile, Eddie has broken things off with Marisol and is quietly going through his own reevaluation of his sexuality. His awareness of his queerness happens pretty simultaneously with his realization that the way he loves Buck isn't entirely platonic, but he keeps it to himself because Buck is happy with Tommy
Episode 9 finds Eddie and Buck together off duty. Maybe they're having an argument. Maybe on the surface they're arguing about something small but somehow it feels much bigger
Mid-argument some emergency strikes. Buck and Eddie are trapped together and it's BAD. They're both in mortal peril, but it's worse for Eddie. Eddie hopes help will arrive in time to save Buck, but he's pretty sure he won't be alive to see it
(And I just want to stress - I feel like it's essential that they are off duty when this happens. They are in sync on the job, it's how they fit together outside of the job they're still figuring out)
So Eddie gets Buck's attention - because Buck hasn't given up yet. He won't. He CAN'T. He's frantically searching for solutions as Eddie repeats his name in a weakened voice, until finally he cracks and says, "Evan, please. I need you to hear this."
And in the final seconds of episode nine, Eddie Diaz looks Evan Buckley dead in the eye and tells him, "I love you"
Episode ten opens on an unrelated disaster, just to keep us gnashing our teeth a little longer
Maybe we throw some flashbacks in there for good measure
Check in on the rest of the firefam frantically trying to coordinate a rescue effort
But FINALLY they cut back to Buck and Eddie in mortal danger and replay the last few moments of episode 9. And believing these are the last words he'll ever say, Eddie tells Buck how much he loves him. He says he's sorry he realized it too late, but he could never, never regret loving him
Somehow there's a callback reference to Mitchell and Thomas, and the way Buck looked at their clasped hands as they died, and Buck realizing that dying together was never the point of their story. Living together was
And Buck is full sobbing and begging him not to give up yet because Christopher needs him and the team needs him and finally saying "and I need you, Eddie. You can't leave me. You can't-"
We get the sense that Buck is on the cusp of a love confession of his own, but before he gets the words out he's cut off by the sound of helicopter blades overhead.
Their miracle rescue arrives in time, led by none other than Buck's starting-to-be-something-serious boyfriend Tommy
After the rescue, we see Eddie in the back of the ambulance, stable and out of danger, and Buck's about to go over to him but Tommy comes running over and sweeps Buck up in his arms and kisses his temple and says, "thank god you're ok. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you"
And Buck lets himself be held, but his attention is over Tommy's shoulder looking at Eddie
Eddie, who's gonna be ok
Eddie, who loves him
Eddie, who is the absolute center of Buck's world, but Buck has never allowed himself to think of That Way
And Eddie meets Buck's eye over Tommy's shoulder and gives him a sad smile that lets Buck know he intends to go back to quietly loving Buck at just a little bit of a distance so that Buck can be happy with someone else
And just to really twist the knife, we get an overheard piece of dialogue in which Eddie refers to Buck as his "best friend" for the literal first time ever (I'm pretty sure? Up til now, any time the "best friend" label has been used it's been by Buck, but please correct me if I'm wrong.)
And the season ends there
Cue the entire fandom going APESHIT for the entirety of the summer hiatus
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supercalime · 2 months
I’ve been lurking in the 911 tags for only a week and I’m already exhausted of most b*ddie shippers holy shit
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crimeronan · 2 years
declan referring to adam as "the person ronan cared about most in the world" is a sentiment that's theoretically sweet and might even be true on a good day but i think it's mainly just the BEST use of dramatic irony in any piece of media ever it is SO FUCKING FUNNY SCREAM . declan out here pacing and clawing at the yellow wallpaper or whatever like "why didn't he call you, his loving boyfriend who he loves so much, something must be REALLY WRONG" adam sitting kubrick stare white knuckle grip in the taco bell drive thru or whatever like "yeahhh haha unfoooooortunately he just accused me of killing him to death and then told me to fuck off and die like the evil sack of backstabbing shit i am. i think.... you might wanna............ try gansey,,"
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steakout-05 · 6 months
oh my poor sick little man..... he has a bad fever :(
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i've always had a soft spot for sickfics and i like seeing strong characters get taken care of by the ones who love them most :) craig is making him chicken noodle soup in the kitchen, barry's favourite meal to have whenever he's not feeling well.
bonus: earlier version with ripped sleeves
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i liked the thought of him being all snug in the only piece of clothing he hasn't ripped so i drew the sleeves of his jammies because it was cuter :)
#barry steakfries#jetpack joyride#why does tumblr always compress my drawings grrrgrr#he is sikc :(#i feel like if barry got sick he'd be the type of guy to be like ''what! i'm not sick no waayyy haha''#and then die of a coughing fit immediately after#he'd be very grumpy about not being able to go jetpacking and having to stay at home all day#he'd be like ''what happened to watching cartoons when i was home sick!? this is so BORING''#and craig would be like ''there there its ok you'll live. go to bed barry''#also i love how barry canonically has homely cute flower blankets on his bed#i like to think he's kinda embarrassed by them because he always calls his home his 'secret hideout'#and always talks about how cool it is and whatnot and then you walk inside and it's just. comfy.#only craig knows about the cosier bits of his home he's too prideful to tell anyone else#craig thinks it's nice :)#wait tumblr fucking deleted the other tags i wrote goddamnit#barry would be like ''i'm not THAT sick! i don't need to be pampered! i'm a man i can do it!''#and then when craig drags him home he's like ''ehh... i'm dying craig..... craig tuck me in.....''#he's stubborn but he's a big softie :)#i like to think he doesn't like to ask for help because he feels like it's weak#but at the same time he knows he really needs help because he feels really sick#he may complain a lot and act all fussy but he doesn't resist to craig taking care of him#cause he knows he's gotta let his guard down every once in a while + he's too tired to do it#he's too proud to admit it but he likes being taken care of by craig every now and then :)#ahh how i love stubborn characters who just wanna be held...
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zalgoid · 3 months
I’m making a Frostbek Playlist 🧍‍♀️ I am completely sane and normal and not on the verge of spontaneously exploding
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birb--birb · 5 months
What kind of love are you?
Violet: Love as a Threshold
Your love does not ask for much. Your love does not take. Your love is free, and unquestioned, and here for wherever needs it. When you fall in love, it is as gentle as a breath in the night. It is quiet, and it is effortless. It is tender. If your love was a house, it would readily welcome all who come through. If your love was a hearth, it would warm the hands of whoever stopped by, whether for a day, a month, a year, or forever. When you fall for someone, it is without strings, without conditions, without need. You love for the sake of loving, for the sake of caring for those who need it. You love with a giver’s heart and a giver’s hands and are made so much stronger for it. Being loved by you is to always feel at home. Your love may not always be well-received by those unprepared to linger, but it is unforgettable all the same
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The second I saw this answer for Violet I knew it was perfect. Their entire romance with Astarion was about patience. Waiting for him to realize that he's truly safe with them, that they doesn't expect anything from him, that he is in the lead here and they'll follow only when he's ready and okay. And waiting without judgement, Violet knows these things take time and they were more than willing to wait, to be there, to just sit and exist with him while he figures shit out. And when he truly let Violet in, I like to think it was like with a comforting sigh, the feeling of coming home, that feeling when all pressure is lifted and you can just *exist* without fear, without judgement.
Violet has seen violence and hatred and yet chooses to show up for those they love as a place of calm and stability, without judgement, without expectations. Violet's love is patient, it doesn't expect anything back but will give you everything just because we all deserve to feel warmth and safety. They feel so much warmth in their heart that they were able to help Astarion get to a place where he feels safe. I think even if they didn't fall in love or end up together, Violet would have still shown up for him in the same way. They know what suffering is like, they've gone through enough of it themselves and come out the other end alive. They know how much it hurts, but also how much easier it is with someone to lean on.
tagged by @cleric4vampire ty for enabling so many feelies about my bbys
Tagging: @justabiteofspite and @dragon--sage (I know yall were already tagged but doing so again for funzies cause I'd love to hear about your Tavs/Durges) and anyone who wants to join in, please do!!
#I kinda went off in the tags I'm so sorry (not really)#oc#Violet#Tav#astarion x tav#bg3#I know this is about my astarion romance but I'm constantly thinking about violet and halsin also#how quiet and strong their love was#violet and halsins love would be like your parent tucking you into bed after you fell asleep on the couch watching late night tv#but they both knew a romantic relationship would be selfish#theres no way in hell violets monogamous dont get me wrong but they wanted and needed very different things#violet's warlock patron isnt like mizoura but they do have orders and a contract still#so i like to think they have this sadness of what could have been#but also joy for what they both have now especially after the epilogue party#the epilogue gave me so many feelies about them yall I cried#I remember going through Cazadors dungeon and just thinking about the absolute pain violet felt seeing how much astarion was suffering#they wanted to just protect him destroy everything burn it all down anything to make him stop hurting#but they knew he had to face this. and they didn't let him walk away from it#sometimes love is facing the hard things#sometimes its calling your sins by name#but the key is that patience again#you can't force someone to get over their trauma- recovery is not linear#and it doesn't make him any less worthy of love#boys got a lot to unlearn but violets not gonna push him away because of it#they're really fucking proud of him#and I know they're out there finding weirdo artifacts and exploring the shit outta faerun together#Astarion
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LOGAN MY BELOVED!!!!! MY STAR IN THE SKY!!!!!!! hehe here is your bingo :33 I HOPE YOU’RE DOING SO WELLL i hope the stardew is valleying…. etcetc…… kissing u softly on the cheek <33
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sucrose-soymilk · 8 months
hadn’t really regressed in a While and i didn’t realize how much i missed/dareisay needed it until i had the free time and ability to do so over the last few days and i have to say. i’m feeling a bit better
#imagine that! the coping mechanism… helps!!! wow#Seven’s Small Thoughts#not tagging this as anything else bc this blog is really just a not-so-secret public diary#and im not really trying to gain any sort of following or participate in the community very much#i just wanna talk to the void abt regression every once in a blue moon y’know#i also feel like i don’t really belong in the community much/am not a Good Example of sfw agere since i’m very n/ s/ f/ w everywhere else#which is a double standard that i don’t hold others to but i feel like others will hold it against me??? and i’m just shy anyways#and not looking to interact. just wanna keep all this stuff tucked away in a side-blog#i also feel like a lot of the community likes to blog while actively regressed and i don’t wanna step in there as someone who isn’t#nothing wrong with it! at all! i just don’t have the capacity to since i go nonverbal when i regress. no thoughts head blissfully empty#anyways this wasn’t supposed to be a vent post let’s change the topic!#anywhooo what else did i come on here to say. oh yeah#i lowkey forgot how much regressing has helped me in the past until i was able to really indulge myself in it again recently#it’s so nice to just be small and hand someone else the reins and forget abt everything other than doing something you enjoy#maybe one day i’ll be at a point in my life where i can fully regress more freely and more often but for now i’ll take what i can get#i’m also excited because i’ve been thinking abt ordering a paci from this one specific seller#and yesterday saw that they’re dropping a new batch of fall/halloween themed ones today!!!#so now i’ve gotta make myself stay awake until 6pm so i can jump on it when they’re available#which is a small struggle considering my nocturnal sleep schedule but i will do it nonetheless#that crescent moon patterned one Will Be Mine#trying to decide between buttercup yellow and schoolbus yellow for the clip#i think i’m more drawn to the vibrancy of the schoolbus yellow honestly#eeeeeee i’m excited i’ve been wanting to treat myself to ordering from this shop for a g e s and im finally gonna do it
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lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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they make me so
#tm#the way she immediately goes along with him there's no hesitation and then she immediately puts them in the same boat i want to scream#because there's a way to read this that it's actually too much faith; she trusts him and his methods - weird though they usually are -#maybe too much - the 'one day i'm gonna get fired because of you; that's just how it is' route#(which is like that excellent tag i saw - that lisbon's 'a rebel with the trauma of having to be responsible' -#like she likes breaking the rules and jane breaks them in fun ways (usually) and his rule-breaking gets results#- the 'people might ask why you signed on with me in the first place' bit alsosheskindofinlovewithhimnbd)#but on the other hand there is a bit of 'such little faith' too because yes he gets results but she knows firsthand (and repeatedly)#that he runs the risk of hurting - himself; others; her - while he gets those results#and she's putting them in the same boat she's making them equally responsible for anything that happens#*unequally actually she'd take the brunt of any punishment/backlash as they both know#and you COULD (and i do) see that as her trying (maybe unconsciously) to temper him; to pull him back from going TOO far#whatever you're doing you're not doing alone; remember this is on me now too don't go too far#CAN'T YOU SEE THERE'S PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT YOU; WHO NEED YOU#and like does the tempering always work? no; obviously; for multiple reasons#but for her to - on whatever level - think that she would be enough FOR it to work? much to think about#(it's crazy how it's so clear that on some level they both know she's the most important person to him#but they're also just....tucking that fact away until a moment comes when they can actually think fully about what it means#(which would have to be post red john but also they're just avoidant bitches too afraid to look too close i love it)#anyway i'm back at work so i'm back to thinking too much about tv shows that ended 8 years ago it's so cool and stable#(also rigsby just going along with it too lkfasdj i just adore them)#FUCK THE END OF THE EPISODE BARK BARK I FEEL CRAZY#TERESA LISBON YOU'RE SO IMPORTANT TO ME LIKE SHIT
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direwombat · 1 year
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tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton, @baldurrs, @inafieldofdaisies, @madparadoxum and @strafethesesinners to do this picrew
tagging (and i apologize for double tags, i know this one has been going around) @adelaidedrubman, @strangefable, @fourlittleseedlings, @detectivelokis, @sstewyhosseini, @kittiofdoom, @aceghosts, @purplehairsecretlair, @confidentandgood, @deputyash, @harmonyowl, and anyone else who i missed/wants to do this one!
top: deputy sybille la roux (fc5) having another bad day | jonah seed (fc5) scheming and about to feed his snakes dinner | kentucky burbage (c*d) getting into a fight and loving every second of it
middle: paola orsini (uncharted) suffering in scotland | ari vasquez-sullivan (uncharted) taking in the beauty of a lost city despite her bloody nose | darby wells (tow) looking cute and admiring the stars
bottom: katherine vogel (rdr2) as a proto-disney princess | henrietta graves (rdr2) totally not holding a vial of poison | cwenhild (ac: valhalla) presenting eivor with some medicinal flowers
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enslaughts · 11 months
claire tried to be carmy's pete bla bla she doesn't even know who pete IS.... she literally just fell in love with the worst person anyone could ever fall in love with at age like fourteen. it's not that deep i promise
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crazy-fruit · 7 months
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
Ok but Jiro splurging and getting Ichi a little pocket guide to local bugs ;o; He’d carry it everywhere as a kid and it’d get so bent and dirty but he learns so much. Bringing home bugs to his dad in his lil wire bug trap and rattling off bug facts while some of the girls are screaming for him to take it outside (cute lil Ichi being the one who handles bugs for some of the girls at Shangri-La who are afraid of them)
I’m sorry I dunno why I’m so obsessed with little bug guy Ichiban. Imagine him being young and watching caterpillars grow in class okay ;o; angel!!
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oh so we're all on board with Bug Lover Ichi then maybe democracy does exist
#snap chats#i leave for a walk and casually comment 'ichi should be a bug wizz' and#pun intended#here come a swarm of asks 😩#i do very much like the idea that jiro gets ichi a bug book for his birthday one year.......... thats so cute i love that...#he bringing that shit everywhere with him i prommy it always gonna be tucked away in his lettermen 😭#and ichi being the Local Bug Remover....... bless his heart... everyone mad at the roaches but hes just :( ? Theyre Friends :)#jewel beetles are MAD pretty i LOVE EM im sure ichi'd love em too..#and I Too consider nancy a sea bug of sorts... its only fitting its only right..#how the fuck a cicada molt in your car tho ☠️☠️ LMAO good luck for things to come i guess#also in review i think i found a cicada /carcass/ instead of a shell- VEEEERY different#considering cicadas often represent rebirth and change and growth... that doesnt tell me good things about my future..#but thats just superstition right :) r :) right <:)#speaking of superstition the moo is Full And Yellow tonight like an expensive wheel of cheese#and tbh as pretty as they are full moons worry me: people can get weird during that time and my mom is no exception#coupled with the fact then when i got home my bro told me my sis- who was supposed to be home today- was sick#veryyyy bad omens ahead for me.....#in any case... i watched the deer king and WMA2 today :)#unrelared to Everything I Just Said LMAO BUT HEY MIGHT AS WELL REPORT IT#LOVED EM but i dont have the tags to talk about them both extensively... just know yall should give em a watch...#or at least Deer King.. that one's much easier to find with subs.... (but WMA2 is def worth the trouble)#ok bye i have work to do i got Another client during my walk ☠️☠️
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yloiseconeillants · 2 years
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also, max height elezen are completely out of control like what is this
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padfootastic · 1 year
i am obviously obsessed with anyone who interacts with anything i write/post/say but. i just. have this ridiculously soft spot for people who add tags when reblogging. it just—speaks directly to my own tag-loving gremlin heart.
please, never stop.
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