#ttpd lyric series
spectres-fulcrum · 1 month
loml hit me as a Lams song last night with the loss of Alex's life being the death of John. The coming back to each other, how often war forced them to be long distance.
"I thought I was better safe(Marrying Eliza) than starry eyed(Being just in love with Laurens with how risky it was back then. But he never felt quite like he did with him with her. "I felt aglow like this/never before and never since" and after the loss shut off some of his emotions.
"If you know it in one glimpse it's legendary...Still alive killing time at the cemetery/never quite buried" It was so quick, so deep, but it lingered, every separation they always came back to each other. Even after Alex fell for Eliza, their love were never quite buried. "You said I'm the love of your life/about a million times"
Verse 2 switches to John's pov after finding out Alex is getting married for love(Not just for protection) while he's a POW and it's not pretty. "Who's going to tell me the truth when you blew in with the winds of fate...When your impressionist paintings of heaven turned out to be fakes/and you took me to be hell too." There's a reason history doesn't grant us John's reaction to the wedding. "But I've felt a hole like this/never before and ever since." And yes I KNOW Laurens encouraged Hamilton finding a bride and them growing apart romantically but I don't think it was truly meant, I think it was reality in his eyes to protect them and it was done with agony. And he most certainly didn't mean find a girl you're in love with. And real life emotions are not logical.
"What a valiant roar/what a bland good-bye" They had said good-bye a hundred times, it was a normal thing. The valiant roars of war was mostly over. A hello was almost guaranteed. "I'm combing through the braids of lies/"I'll never leave", "Never mind."" It was him and John, until Alex got the letter that John was dead. And all their hopes and dreams for a future together-politics, law, building a new country- A braid of lies, nevermind. "Our field of dreams engulfed in fire/your arson's match, your somber eyes" The battlefields where they fought for their future now engulfed in the battle that took John from him. "And I'll still see it until I die/you're the loss of my life"
And then Hamilton throws himself into work to ignore the pain in I Can Do It With a Broken Heart and breaks Eliza's heart in The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived. I could see Lams in Guilty As Sin. And/or Washette. Same with Down Bad. I kinda wanna do a full album listen through or 2 with the Hamilton crew on my mind.
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strwbrryswiftt · 3 months
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i play it cool with the best of them
[ts edits] [edits]
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kamaluhkhan · 1 month
i've been listening to ttpd on repeat and it's prompted some luke castellan x nemesis!reader brainstorming....all fics are set post-betrayal
click read more if u want to hear me yap about each of these options :)))
i. DOWN BAD (angst)
set during the sea of monsters ! split POV between luke (on the princess andromeda....iykyk ;)) and nemesis!reader (still at camp half-blood/nyc). they're each ranting to chris and clarisse, respectively, about essentially losing the other while denying their lingering feelings and being v petty
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ii. GUILTY AS SIN (angst + smut)
set during the last olympian ! when suspicions about who is the spy start happening, ppl accuse/blame nemesis!reader....even her friends and she's like....fuck it? maybe i will indulge in my fantasies of sleeping w the enemy?? and luke is 100% on the same page
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iii. IMGONNAGETYOUBACK (angst + fluff)
set shortly after the lightening thief....the title itself is very nemesis coded tbh. reader reminiscing about times with luke in the past (as friends and in their relationship) and planning ways to get revenge on a certain curly-haired son of hermes for breaking her heart and betraying her (and the gods i guess)!!!
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erinfairy · 2 months
Why did Taylor Swift just release a song about her
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Okay I haven't found any sketchbook-able songs in TTPD so you guys are safe for now. However. That is such a Johanna album to me.
The Prophecy in the light of Johanna thinking everyone she loves, she either loses or they choose to abandon her
Florida!!! about her moving from Tofoten to Trolberg to avoid the emotional turmoil, the unresolved matters, the memories she should have of that place but somewhy doesn't. And then So Long, London when she moved away from Trolberg and to the wilderness to raise her daughter away from everything that hurt her.
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived. You know why. He didn't measure up in any measure of a man.
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sgtbuckyybarnes · 1 month
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'cause you trained me...
Bucky and Harper: Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me
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cherries-and-knives · 1 month
‘Who’s afraid of little old me?’ is literally SO KATNISS it gets hard to breathe when I listen to it.
‘I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me’ I’m gonna throw up.
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thegentlesurvive · 1 month
The Albatross, wise men, Elton John, dead poets, and the destruction of reputation
Whenever someone says “Wise men once said,” I feel the need to look up who wrote it first. If Google search results and the absence of it in Bartlet’s Familiar Quotations (fifteenth edition, at least) are to be believed, Taylor is probably the wise men in “The Albatross.” The closest thing I’ve found to “Wild winds are death to the candle,” is “Candle in the Wind” by Bernie Taupin (lyrics) and Elton John (music), originally written about Marilyn Monroe (and in later versions, Princess Diana), who died young after she “lived your life like a candle in the wind […] Your candle burned out long before your legend ever did.”
It is
1) funny that Taylor calls herself a wise man while essentially talking shit about herself from the perspective of her detractors, and
2) interesting to me because, in the warnings, our narrator is being described as the wind, not the candle being burned out. By the end of the song, however, the albatross metaphor is subverted, and the albatross is the hero. If we reverse that first warning, too, it turns the narrator/Taylor back to the candle, at risk of being extinguished by the wind (in “Candle in the Wind,” that is to say, extinguished by the pressures of fame and the way we treat celebrities).
There’s also a loose (undoubtedly unintentional, but fun) connection to some historical tortured poets.
In Elton John: The Making of Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (2001), Bernie Taupin said:
“I think the biggest misconception about ‘Candle In The Wind’ is that I was this rabid Marilyn Monroe fanatic, which really couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s not that I didn’t have a respect for her. It’s just that the song could just as easily have been about James Dean or Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain. I mean, it could have been about Sylvia Plath or Virginia Woolf. I mean, basically, anybody, any writer, actor, actress, or musician who died young and sort of became this iconic picture of Dorian Gray, that thing where they simply stopped ageing. It’s a beauty frozen in time. In a way, I’m fascinated with that concept. So it’s really about how fame affects the man or woman in the street, that whole adulation thing and the fanaticism of fandom. It’s pretty freaky how people really believe these people are somehow different from us.”
Lyricist Tim Rice added:
“It’s not just the fact that it’s about Marilyn Monroe, because Marilyn died about forty years ago now nearly, yet the song’s still—well obviously it’s got the Diana connotations now—but it’s about all people who were misjudged in their lives. It’s a song about unfairness and the destruction of reputation. And a lot of people, I think, can—even if they haven’t been through that themselves—they can understand it in their heroes.”
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acourtofquestions · 12 days
Wait… loml… chaolaena… nooooo its coded😭🖤
literally the entire dancing scene in CoM
… and it only gets worse😬
That I can’t get out of bed? Cause something counterfeit’s dead!
literally after Nehemia’s death & their relationships demise she stays in bed for weeks
… and it still gets worse
*dramatic reveal* may I present: Crown of Midnights 20 chapter relationship change till they go all in and start talking about kids and marriage after 1 date because it’s always been them… until it isn’t… 😵🫥
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clockworkbee · 3 months
Manifesting Down Bad as a Baz Pitch song ✌🏼
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cerebralisis · 1 month
I decided to make my analysis of So High School into a separate post, because I can’t help but think of this song every time I see photos of Taylor at the games. And sure, it sounds like a love song on the surface until you remember that Taylor was bullied in high school and start to dig a little deeper. Feeling "so high school" is not something a 34 year old woman wants to feel.
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Let’s look at the lyrics.
"I'm sinking, our fingers entwined, cheeks pink in the twinkling lights" = To me this sounds like drowning, embarrassment, and diving in with the sharks
"Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me" = You mean her first Chiefs appearance when they 'slid off in the getaway car' at the end? Nothing good starts in a getaway car, babes.
"I'll drink what you think and I'm high from smoking your jokes all damn night" = I mean...
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“I'm watching American Pie with you on a Saturday night" = What do we know about this movie? We know that it is renowned for its high school immaturity and misogyny. It’s about a bunch of horny boneheaded men who treat women like sex objects instead of people. Sounds a lot like football culture to me.
"Your friends are around so be quiet. I'm trying to stifle my sighs." = I'm in the box with your friends and family. I need to hold it together so I don't offend them, but I legit hate this.
"Cause I feel so high school" = SHE HATES THIS.
"Bittersweet 16 suddenly" = I don't think she was a fan of high school, you guys.
"Are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me? It's just a game but really, I'm betting on all 3." = A clear reference to that kiss/marry/kill interview with Travis, while also saying "we're gonna get together, put on a show for everyone, and I'm going to slowly die inside until we're done."
"Get my car door, isn't that sweet. Now pull me to the backseat" = All I hear with this is Movie Director Taylor giving instructions to her leading man so they can get a good reaction from the audience.
"You know how to ball, I know Aristotle." = You're a jock. I'm a nerd. We are not compatible.
"Touch me while your bros play grand theft auto." = The official song lyrics on Spotify put grand theft auto in lowercase the first time and capitalized the second time. The capitalized GTA could refer to Travis's friends playing the video game, sure. But also - you know who was arrested in August 2023 for grand theft auto? Bashaud Breeland, a cornerback for the Kansas City Chiefs who played with Travis in the 2020 Super Bowl.
"It's true, swear, Scout's Honor" = Look it up, I dare you.
And my absolute favorite:
"On the brink of a wrinkle in time" = This is TTPD, folks. Of course there's going to be a literary reference. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. The main character is a girl named Meg who is incredibly bright but struggles in school because she doesn't fit in with the other kids. After meeting a trio of badass witchy women, Meg travels to far-off worlds (a sort of deep portal time travel, you might say) where she joins the battle of light vs. darkness. What do we know about Taylor’s usage of light and darkness throughout her discography? It's giving… Reputation vs. Daylight? Shrouded in secrecy vs. out in the open? Based on everything else that Taylor has been hinting at through TTPD (not to mention Evermore and Midnights), it sounds like she is on the verge of diving into a much larger battle. And if I had to guess, I would bet that this battle will start during the Reputation re-release. Around Halloween. 🎃 When exile ends. Almost exactly 2 years after the Bejeweled music video was released. Maybe the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now cause she's dead?
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I'm just speculating, but I will add that the 3rd book in the Time series is called A Swiftly Tilting Planet. There is a poem referenced through the book that goes like this:
With Ananda in this fateful hour, I place all Heaven with its power, And the sun with its brightness, And the snow with its whiteness, And the fire with all the strength it hath, And the lightning with its rapid wrath, And the winds with their swiftness along its path, And the sea with its deepness, And the rocks with their steepness, And the Earth with its starkness, All these I place with God's almighty help and grace between myself and the powers of darkness.
The word ‘Ananda’ mentioned above is the name of a character in the book, which is significant to the story because it’s a Sanskrit word that describes the eternal bliss that accompanies the ending of the rebirth cycle. If this series is what Taylor is referencing then it’s sounding more and more like she’s going to kill off Taylor TM and be done with the games, done with the reinvention. The plot summary of A Swiftly Tilting Planet says that it’s a book about "going back in time and changing might-have-beens." What decisions would she have made differently if she could do it all over again?
I don't know, friends. Take from this what you will. All I know is, this woman and all her brilliant duality is going to send me to a padded room. ✌🏻
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theafterglow83 · 2 months
Stray thoughts from an unhinged mind caused by a song called Robin
Since my teens, I have always been a Karlie Kloss fan. No amount of vitriol from the Swifty’s has ever strayed or strained my conviction that Karlie is on many levels, and aside from being absolutely gorgeous, a better human being than Taylor Swift.
By that I mean she seems to project a warmth and a level of kindness and humanity out into the world that is so pure and honest, when compared to Taylors, sometimes vengeful and darker persona ~as well as her being Queen Mother to one of the worlds most vindictive and exhausting cults who would gladly fillet anyone at “Mother’s “ request. Taylor (the brand) has made a career and a fortune from feeding her tales of romantic misfortune and presumed ex lovers to her hungry mob with merchandise to match.
Karlie on the other hand has a nurturing and supportive side to her and don’t let her beautiful and seductive exterior fool you for below that sultry surface she gives off a warm and fuzzy golden vibe- like a puppy. She’s sophisticated, highly intelligent, NYC chic and street smart , often silly and maturing like fine wine while somehow becoming more beautiful as she ages. She also appears to be one Hell of a good mother to those babies.
All that being said about their personalities is exactly why I believe Karlie’s sunshine is the perfect match for Taylor and her moody, broken, impulsive ,often over indulgent, midnight rain personality. Not only are they equal in status - they have a Yin Yang balance to them - Only that sunshine can dry up the rain in Taylor .
I’ll continue.
While listening to songs off of the TTPD I was stopped dead in my tracks when I came to the song, Robin. I listened three times and found a tear rolling down my right cheek. I was choked up and the tiny hairs on my arms stood up . To say I was moved would be an understatement. There was something so raw, so pure and so loving in those lyrics. I had to sit with my thoughts for a while but I feel the need to share them now among those who i consider “my people”.
The Kaylors.
Sidebar confession: Yes, I’m a Kaylor.
I firmly believe Taylor Swift, and Karlie Kloss had a long running romantic relationship. They were more than friends. They were lovers too. The level of denial it takes to doubt that is astonishing. It wasn’t just Kissgate that sealed the deal. It’s the way those two looked at each other and communicated in a secret language all their own. They were deeply in love.
I believe it all started prior to the public meet up at the VS Fashion Show and even long before the “your kitchen or mine cookie “tweet.
I believe Taylor and Karlie first met when Taylor was showing up at fashion shows that Karlie was walking in as far back as 2009. Where they had a relationship then? Probably not because they were both involved with others but the sparks were flying. Thats when the foundation was laid. The attraction was there. The seeds planted. Destiny and the Universe did the rest.
Think Love Story lyrics
“We were both young when I first saw you” which I believe Taylor wrote about Karlie and which also happens to be Karlies favorite song. I believe they had an ongoing relationship that continued on until late 2017-early 2018 and then I believe something happened and they broke up, as many long-term relationships often do. My guts tell me it was cheating and it was on Taylor’s part and the regret from that will haunt Taylor for her entire life because it caused the trajectory of their path to change.
Karlie married in 2018 yet many speculate they were still together and the unofficial story is the real trouble actually came in mid 2019.
Taylor was furious over the masters, fingers were pointing everywhere, cheating rumors flew. This entire story certainly has all the drama of a Netflix series that could easily do 8 seasons
There’s so much more to this Masters incident than the public is aware of. Also the fact that Josh’s families company ~ the Carlisle Group provided the funding to Scooter is an often overlooked storyline.
Was Taylor angry at Karlie for that but how could Karlie control that if she was even in that loop of that drama. Or~ was there more -because in any good mystery - there’s always several layers more .
What did Scooter have to leverage getting that kind of money from them to buy the masters? Being Karlie’s manager at the time perhaps he has something on her or Taylor or both of them and used it as that leverage . It’s a whole other rabbit hole that I don’t have time to visit right now but regardless Taylor is still angry about to this very day which tells me it goes way deeper and my gut feeling is that Taylor’s dad was the one involved with knowing things and not Karlie Kloss who got fed to the sharks over the situation.
So I’m going on record here saying I never believed Karlie had anything to do with Masters Heist. I believe that story was used as an explanation to explain their separation. I know there’s a whole other level of messy lore involving this and a love blackout and Trumps election and Karlie’s association with the Kushner’s but I’m going to skip over that season and move on -except to say that it was absolutely shameful the level of hate Karlie was forced to endure because of that and still her sun shinned while she was being made the villain online and much of it still continues to this day. At any point during that scandal Karlie could have spoken out but she didn’t. She quietly took one for the team.
I’m not going to pretend that I know what happened during that murky period or what is happening now - because honestly -I do not…but there have been a strange set clues and way too many “koincidences to simply chalk up to being coincidences.
It’s just a gut feeling but I also don’t believe their connection went fully went away or ever will for that matter. They are and will forever be tied together even in the times they are apart but I kinda think they reunited ( again) in early to mid 2020.
I’ve read all the theories. I’ve heard all the rumors ,I’ve been to the rabbit hole, I’ve climbed out, I’ve fallen back in, and most days now you’ll find me sitting on the edge dangling my feet still and kinda wondering. I live my life ~ they live theirs.
So am I a LSK?
No, not really, but some days …ok, maybe. You see for as much as I try to say no…there’s just this tiny string I can’t help but see so I keep my feet planted on the ground but my mind open.
By open I mean open to the possibility that Taylor and Karlie are in one of those kind of “relationships” where as hard as they try ~they just can’t seem to quit each other and they go through periods of on and off times. “pauses” is what I like to call the brakes or bumps along the way. You know that couple that’s over but they’re never really over ?
Where are they now? I have no idea.
Taylor has another year of touring and promoting and probably Travis. My money says Taylor Swift will be the halftime show at next years Super Bowl.
Karlie, along with her modeling contacts ( Carolina Herrera, Estée Lauder, Donna Karen etc ) is venturing into the business world. Along with running Kode with Klossy, she’s CEO of her newly formed media company. She bought I-D magazine and also Life magazine, which Josh also invested in , this year. She’s got a lot on her plate
Yes, Karlie is married but is she really married in the traditional sense of what we all consider marriage to be? On the surface, yes… but once again- the layers and the lore here is incredible.
What a character she’d be on that Netflix show I imagine in my head . Just give her an Emmy already.
Does she love Josh? I’m absolutely sure she does- but the real question is…is she IN love with Josh? You know- romantic love -which, I as an observer ~don’t believe she is or ever has been. You can just kinda tell and no matter how many pictures she posts the connection just isn’t there and whenever I see her with her beautiful babies (even if he’s in the photo) she gives off that “ single mother vibe “
That level of chemistry, no matter how the pictures are posed~ or the hand in hand walks are staged -the passion ~ the look in their eyes - it just isn’t there and honestly it never was.
They have always given off that bff energy and frankly ~ Karlie’s friendship with her “big brother “ Derek actually feels more real, relaxed and genuine.Then there are the gay rumors ( past and present) surrounding their entire little multiverse ~but we won’t go into them right now either. We’d be here all night.
And yes, Taylor has had her share of public relationships but have they been real? Have they had their moments? probably. Did some become more than PR for a brief period of time. Possibly She’s been linked to everyone she even walks by or talks to but somehow it all pales and fades in time. I’m sure there have been flings along the way but flings don’t fly and usually run their course in that 9 1/2 week period that flings seem to take.
If I’m being honest, as I observe from the treetops all of Taylor’s relationships and Karlies relationship with Josh, they never reach the level of the real connection and happiness that I saw between Taylor and Karlie. That’s something you just can’t fake or reproduce with another .
Whatever is going on with Travis is so cringey and sadly embarrassing.I tend to think it’s PR but if it’s real then he truly is her obnoxious karma and karma isn’t usually a good thing. But hey the moneys good. Maybe they’ll even get lavender married so she can stay in her closet and continue to throw red meat to the $wifties.
The future is yet unwritten.
All that being said, I’ll get back to my original point of this ramble and that’s a song called Robin.
So yes, I’ve heard the rumors, I’ve read the theories, I’ve seen photographs of visual evidence. Karlie Kloss was in Los Angeles during the pandemic, the same place where Taylor was in fort part of 2020. When she returned to NYC if you count the months - she was pregnant even if she didn’t look it. I also believe Karlie was there in the shadows during the Long Pond Studio recordings in Upstate NY. Jack kind of gave it away when he referenced “Joe the dog” as being who he thought Taylor was talking about when she said “ Joe and I wrote a song”
I’ve also heard the rumor that there was a ceremony between them that they tried to pass off as a ceremony between Taylor and Joe which Tree later denied that there was ever a ceremony of “any type”.
Ok buckle up because here it comes
I’ve seen the “turkey baster”( IVF ) post that Karlie made. Like who uses a turkey baster in May? What an odd thing to do unless you were signaling an IVF pregnancy situation. Regardless ~ she was extremely happy that day.
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I’ve seen the cinnamon buns post ( think the expression “buns in the oven ) that Taylor made a few days later back in May 2020. She was “proud” of her cinnamon buns.
Happy & proud …hum
Is that a crazy set of coincidences? Hand on whatever holy book you set before me ~ I’d have to say “yes”
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And it’s Absolutely crazy considering the fact that Levi was born a little over nine months later.
Add in the fact of how emotional Taylor got accepting her Grammy for Folklore when Arron thanked his “ wife and kids “during the acceptance speech.
For a few moments there you could feel the raw emotion in her as she nearly burst into tears andJack tried to console her. Blonde was gutted. It cut deep.
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Yes Aaron has a son named Robin but he’s 9 years old and other than the name cleverly used for gentle cover of the truth in case damage control is ever needed~ there is no connection to that child or a secret, no showmanship to cover it up or anything that would make Taylor react as she did. Other than his name there is no connection to the words in the song
But the fact that Levi’s birth was announced during the Grammys absolutely does connect.
So I’ll just put a pin in that and move on.
Listening to that ballad yesterday rocked my entire world . It was so soft, gentle and living. So heart wrenching that I just let my emotions flow through me as my mind wandered back gathering and processing all the previous rumors and lore I had heard along the way. It left me rattled as it tumbled through memories. Could it all have been true?
So now I’m just gonna say it out loud running the risk of being attacked and also sounding like a supermarket tabloid…here goes “could Levi be Karlie’s and Taylor’s child?”
I know it sounds crazy…secret love child but …
I’m not trying to out anyone and I want to respect the fact that a child is involved here. Honestly I had second and third thoughts about posting this but if I’m being real ~ it’s also a collective of things that have been shared openly about Taylor and Karlie here for years. Somehow the song was like a puzzle piece that snapped into place.
…those loving words ,the emotion in Taylor‘s voice as she sings about her strong heartfelt attachment to a young toddler, as she encourages him in being wild and free in his wonder years, playing with abandon and roaring at the dinosaurs~
There was real love in those words
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Looking out his window over his kingdom (NYC) and speaking gibberish
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She also advocates for him keeping his innocence for as long as possible and then speaks of a secret that a inner circle of people have chosen to keep from him” in sweetness” to protect him and the “showmanship” to cover up that secret that he has no idea of.
And as she watches his unabashed play in his toddler purity she prophesies there will come a time in the future when the world he faces will have harsh words for him and she reminds him that he will bounce back like he now does on his trampoline.
“ and you have no idea
Buried down deep and out of your reach
the secret we all vowed
to keep it from you in sweetness
strings tied to levers
slowed down clocks tethers
all the showman ship
to keep it from you in sweetness
way to go, tiger
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I’m not crying , you are and Levi looks just like his mommy 🤍
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Let’s keep this in the family ✌️🤍🏳️‍🌈
God I love this show .
Stay tuned for next season
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rafesfavgirl · 1 month
jj maybank dating a swiftie
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in honor of ttpd, and bc i made a rafe version so it was only right to feed my jj girlies too <33
pairing: bf!jj x swiftie!reader
context: you're a swiftie dating jj maybank.
words: 278
warnings: reader's a MAJOR swiftie
let's be real, jj's 100% a closeted swiftie and the BIGGEST swiftie boyfriend ever—like screams the lyrics with you in the twinkie and everything.
he's not a kook, but he would definitely work extra hours and save up just to get you tickets to the eras tour.
"j, you didn't have to do this." "i wanted to."
he'd match and dress up with you, no question.
pope and john b would 100% make fun of him for it, but he wouldn't care.
"anything for my girl," he says, squeezing you up to his side as kie and sarah take pics of the two of you.
his favorite songs are cruel summer and betty—and he knows every word to each of them.
he'll occasionally surprise you with one of her cd's so you can play her in the twinkie.
dancing with him to ALL of her songs—slow or not.
his favorite album is 1989.
when you can't sleep at night, he'll put on folklore or evermore and play with your hair until you do.
he knows to only put on taylor's version.
he'll organize a swiftie themed birthday party for you.
"i can't believe you guys did this!" "it was all jj's idea."
him only posting you to taylor swift songs on his stories; you doing the same for him.
matching taylor swift captions on insta posts.
"i've loved you three summers now, honey" "... but i want them all."
he could listen to you sing and play taylor on your guitar for HOURS.
him knowing all of the titles to her albums.
"you're such a swiftie boyfriend, you know that?" "i am not! … okay, maybe just a little."
expect a new part to my jj/rafe series by tn!! :)
reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated <33
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oceantornadoo · 6 months
my masterlist💖
welcome to the feral things that come from my brain :) feel free to request a trope!
i use #tornadothoughts for all my drabbles and fics and #tornado speaks🙊 for random thoughts
do not repost my work without credit :)
all fics are f!reader unless specified
141 character masterlists
two lieutenants series (simon riley x f!reader)
mad max: the 141 au (john price x f!reader)
ts lyrics and the 141
renegade (simon riley x reader)
ttpd headcanons (any 141 member)
cheer me up (headcanons w each of the 141)
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madewithangst · 1 month
Welcome to the TTPD x SVT series! — Below is the table of contents along with the list of members who I believe fit best with the TTPD songs. The way I chose the songs for them doesn't describe the members but focuses solely on who fits best in the story. I hope you enjoy this angst-filled world featuring 13 dorks!
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I don't have a set order for which member comes first. Updates might be irregular due to the author's real-life commitments (sadly) lol. If you want to stay in the loop, please reblog this post and tag me!
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fresh out the slammer - "i know who my first call will be to..."
fortnight - "And for a fortnight there, we were forever"
florida!!! - "I need to forget, so take me to Florida, I've got some regrets, I'll bury them in Florida"
but daddy i love him - "I know he's crazy, but he's the one I want"
down bad - "I'll build you a fort on some planet, where they can all understand it, how dare you think it's romantic, leaving me safe and stranded"
my boy only breaks his favorite toy - "I'm queen of sand castles he destroys"
i can fix him (no, really, i can) - "But your good Lord didn't need to lift a finger, I can fix him, no, really, I can (No, really, I can), Woah, maybe I can't"
so long, london - "And you say I abandoned the ship, but I was going down with it, my white knuckle dying grip holding tight to your quiet resentment"
the smallest man who ever lived - "You hung me on your wall, stabbed me with your push pins, In public, showed me off, then sank in stoned oblivion, 'cause once your queen had come, you'd treat her likе an also-ran"
loml - "Still alive, killing time at the cemetery, never quite buried"
i can do it with a broken heart - "you know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart"
the torture poets department -"At dinner you take my ring off my middle finger and put it on the one people put wedding rings on"
dino - [x]
guilty as sin? - "They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly, I choose you and me...religiously"
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PSA: This is a work of pure fiction. Any names, events, times, or places mentioned are purely for entertainment and are entirely fictional (well, except for the names of the members).
© All copyrights for the title, lyrics, and concept of this work belong to Taylor Swift. The plot and dialogue of the story are entirely original and created by me, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this work may result in legal action.
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adanseydivorce · 3 days
assigned each TTPD track to trc/td3 chars/pairings because I was bored.  
Main Tracks
•Fortnight — post TDT & BLLB era Bluesey. not every lyric fits perfectly but the tone/overall subject (requited but forbidden love, especially the implication it’s both literally forbidden (other people involved/kiss curse) and self imposed forbidden (they’re from two different worlds and need to bridge that gap) is so them, pining and yearning, Literally “we can pretend this once then never speak of it again” and then mourning that as they try and keep their distance, also the “your wife waters flowers I want to kill her” bit in my head is Blue being jealous of Henry when she meets him. It makes sense. To me. Primarily a Blue pov song and then the Post Malone bits can be Gansey. 
•The Tortured Poets Department — The Gray Man x Maura, The Gray Man’s post TDT break up anthem. When you give up your hit man life for a woman and she runs off to a cave to find her ex boyfriend, a tree! Will really mess up an Anglo Saxon Poetry lover.
•My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys — DC Party Adansey from both their povs, Adam fearing Gansey only can value him as a possession and can’t love him in a way that Adam would want and Gansey fearing Adam secretly hates him + his heart breaking when Adam smashes the figurines. But the bridge is very Adam pov “I felt more when we played pretend than with all the Kens” Adam’s relationship with projection and both hating Gansey’s facade and being infatuated with and attracted to it, also there are so many ways they pretend seperately and together. 
•Down Bad — Pynch, first verse and chorus definitely Ronan pov in trc, the second verse and chorus as Adam pov in mi then after that could be both of them although still would lean more Ronan pov for the vibes. 
•So Long, London — Noah song. A lot of it could be his pov talking to Whelk, but then the friends he’s referring to could be the Gangsey and the Gangsey pov could be the final chorus saying goodbye to him. 
•But Daddy I Love Him — Niall x Mor. Niall’s pov as he tries to get his mother/his family to accept that he loves Mor. 
•Fresh Out The Slammer — Jordeclan. Self explanatory. 
•Florida!!! — at first I was going to give this one to Blue because of some of the themes about feeling conflicted about your hometown, then I wanted to make it a Hennessy song because some lyrics really fit her, but then eventually I decided this is actually a song about The Fairy Market. Different parts could be from Hennessy Jordan and Declan’s pov and maybe a little bit from Mor’s and/or Henry’s. 
•Guilty as Sin? — this song has both Bluesey and Pynch vibes but to me it’s a Bluesey song overall. Blue pov, yearning for someone you can never touch it’s perfect… 
•Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? — Ronan song fits him in the first two trc books real well imo. In the second verse he’s addressing the Gray Man but he could be addressing a number of people from Declan to Kavinsky to Niall to Gansey throughout the song. 
•I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) — Maura Sargent and her terrible taste in men! First verse and chorus about Artemus and Calla and Persephone shaking their heads in the background, then the second time with The Gray Man Calla again shaking her head. 
•loml — Jordeclan, but specifically a Jordan pov song after Declan chooses death by fairy market over her could either say this is her thought process in a middle bit that we didn’t get to see or an au where Declan did die and/or she did leave him for a bit after this.
•I Can Do It With A Broken Heart — Adam song. I think you could read it as in the first verse / go of the chorus the “him” being referred to is Gansey post DC but then in the second verse/chorus it’s Ronan in mister impossible era. His whole thing with masking/not paying attention to his feelings through both series and literally “faking it to make it” at Harvard… I can pass this test… the tonally upbeat music and devastating lyrics. Soo him. 
•The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived — Rovinsky break up song. I think the first verse and chorus is K pov but the rest of the song is Ronan’s pov. 
•The Alchemy — another song with both Pynch and Bluesey vibes but this one I’m giving to Pynch overall. The whole high school relationship currently long distance but I’ll always come back to you thing. 
•Clara Bow — for a minute I thought I really would have to give up on making this one about trc, but then I thought about the whole theme of women mirroring each other Blue and Gwenllian and the tapestry of girls with Blue’s face, their literal mirror powers, the 300 fox way women and how you see something of all of them in Blue / she’s a product of them, Hennessy and her clones, Mor and Aurora. So yeah general vibes of that theme. 
Bonus Tracks 
•The Black Dog — Pynch divorce bop. Adam pov. 
• imgonnagetyouback — Bluedam, now you may be thinking that I’m just assigning this one because I already think get him back! by Olivia Rodrigo is a Bluedam song (see previous web weaving) and this song is just a worse version of that song, and you’d be right that’s why I’m saying it. 
•The Albatross — Bluesey. Gansey associating the color blue with death, learning Blue is his death, being fascinated by her and falling for her more and more the more he accepts his own death… 
• Chloe or Sam or Sofia or Marcus — this is all about romantic drama/a love square between Blue Henry Gansey and Adam, different parts of it are from Gansey or Adam’s pov primarily about each other but they refer to Henry or Blue at different points. The Adansey divorce to Sarchengsey to Chengsey divorce pipeline song essentially. 
• How Did It End? — Adansey!! literally “he was a hothouse flower to my outdoorsmen, our melodies were such we could not cure them” I won’t just go through every lyric but every lyric just screams Adanseycore, as many of her songs about divorce do. 
•So High School — Pynch. “You know how to ball I know Aristotle” referring to Ronan playing tennis is an especially fun aspect. 
• I Hate it Here — Adam, first verse and chorus could be DC party Adam and then as it goes on it’s Adam at Harvard thinking all the things he won’t say to the crying club, and then it’s Adam about Henrietta. 
•thanK you alMee — Declan song centered on his conflicted grief/hatred of Niall. 
 •I Look in People’s Windows — Adam observing the wealthy/people he envies. 
•The Prophecy — Blue song. Elements of Bluesey obviously but mostly about Blue who won’t let fate define her and is brave when she’s afraid, begging for a different fate for Maura when she’s missing for Gansey and Noah, for herself when she wants things from the future that seem impossible for so many reasons. “And I look unstable gathered with a coven around a sorceress table” so the bath tub scene with her and her mom and Aunts! 
•Cassandra — Gwenllian Glendower anthem! 
•Peter — Adam pov Adansey song 😭 I already made a web weaving explaining this and if I tried to again with words I’d throw up and die, but this is the most trc coded song on the album other than the prophecy. 
•The Bolter — Hennessy song. First verse refers to her childhood trauma, The chorus fits Jordanessy and their mi scene with the cars so well and the whole repeatedly dying thing is obviously very Mister Impossible plot coded and also the cyclical nature of her lace dreams are reflected here. 
•Robin — Adansey. “way to go tiger”. 
•The Manuscript — Blue x Henry pining era song post Sarchengsey divorce. 
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