#tropes mobile
prokopetz · 1 year
I think Witch from Mercury's smartest narrative choice is a. putting the obligatory "but we're both GIRLS" moment in, like, episode two, and b. being super passive aggressive about it.
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elucubrare · 3 months
the thing i always want Weird, Isolated Town media to be about is the Closed System:
the Weird, Isolated Town is like a terrarium, the entrances and exits sealed & everything functioning cyclically and self-sufficiently. its systems make perfect sense to the inhabitants, but to the Invader or Observer, they're alien and incomprehensible. can the Closed System withstand or incorporate the pin-prick hole created by the single visitor, or will it implode?
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
hi! i'm in process with my book, and i really wanna give one of the antagonists a rollator as his main aid. i'm disabled, i use a cane, but i daydream about rollator so. that's why.
the question is. what conditions in your mind lack representation? i have no problem with researching, but i lowkey don't want to just give him my experience. thank you!
anon MM
Thank you for your ask! Personally I believe every disability lacks representation, as disability shows up extremely infrequently in media and even when it does it’s often shallow and poorly represented.
One thing I’ve noticed in media is that when someone uses a mobility aid it’s often due to an old injury, amputation or muscle weakness. There’s nothing wrong with giving a character one of these, I just think it would be cool to see someone using an aid due to a limb difference, a heart or lung issue, a brain condition, or to help with fatigue or dizziness. There are a lot of reasons for someone to use an aid and I’d like to see them represented!
Here’s a short list of disabilities I’ve never seen represented that could cause someone to use a rollater:
camurati-engelmann’s disease
congenital genu recurvatum calcaneovalgus
bilateral peroneal neuropath
nail-patella syndrome
tetralogy of fallot
arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
You don’t have to use them, but since your question can also be read as asking for specific underrepresented conditions we decided to include them :) (smiley face)
Before I finish, I noticed you said that the aid was for an antagonist. Please make sure that you aren’t falling into the disabled villain trope by giving some of the protagonist characters disabilities as well. Keep in mind your antagonist also shouldn’t be the only character with an aid or visible difference (if you choose a condition that causes visible differences).
Have a nice day!
Mod Rot
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ferhog · 2 months
Nothing quite says "I OBJECT!" like crashing the wedding in a freaking Gundam.
One of the great flaws of Witch From Mercury is that it didn't give us a scene like this.
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smokestarrules · 9 months
loooove miorine and her attachment avoidant style ass she's just like me for real
To be fair, she actually has a pretty good reason for the way that she is, especially considering that her character archetype tends to be snotty and averse to affection because that's who they are. Miorine has learned over time that her father and the people around her will not hesitate to exploit the things that she cares deeply about, whether that be the Greenhouse or another person, and subsequently she's been driven even further into herself to ensure protection from that type of abuse.
Caring for Suletta is dangerous because it makes her more pliable in her father's hold, because now she has to worry about herself and Suletta. It's easier and safer to just pretend she doesn't care at all.
(Not that she's much good at that.)
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merakiui · 2 years
please bless us with some eel mating season/breeding TwT
The moray eel doesn't have an exact mating season because they only mate when there is enough food and a suitable habitat. But most morays will mate in warmer waters because the temperatures are usually the best for mating. Morays will also open and close their mouths very widely at one another to show that they wish to mate!
Applying that to Jade and Floyd, they could essentially just choose to mate with you whenever they want, but I think they're both particular about the season. Floyd wants to mate with you in the summer because the waters are warm and comfortable, and it's the perfect time to give his shrimpy plenty of babies! Jade prefers the spring because that's when everything is in bloom (or is just starting to bloom) and it's a beautiful transition from winter to spring. But since they intend to mate with you at the same time, they'll settle for something in between both seasons. Perhaps the month where spring gives way to summer.
You probably won't know about the opening and closing of the mouth, which is how they'll trap you. Floyd does it quite noticeably, but Jade's a little covert with it. Perhaps you'll think Floyd's playing a game and so you'll do it back, and after a few times they're certain you want to mate (horny moray delusion...). Unlike Azul, the twins will want you to stay human when they fuck you. Your small size is so cute to them, and they want to see you cry when they stuff you full. The mating process will last for hours, so enjoy being sandwiched between both of them in the water, their long bodies curled snugly around you. <3
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subjxctseventeen · 2 years
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Assassin's Creed + TV Tropes ↳ Desmond Miles 1/?
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ishneak · 5 months
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Athrun/Cagalli: Duty and the death of love vs. Love and the death of duty in Gundam
about two years ago, i had an in-depth discussion on Reddit on the relationship between Athrun and Cagalli and how much it mirrors Tristan and Isolde (or Game Of Thrones' Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen if you'd like but i was never too pleased with the execution of the eventual conclusion of that show). in fact a lot of themes appear to be lifted off Richard Wagner's works specifically the names of some weapons or items in SEED/CE but what seems to be the most apparent is the uncanny similarity of the predicament that the Red Knight of ZAFT and the Orb Princess find themselves in (you could argue Athrun is a kind of Prince being the son of former Chairman Zala) like Wagner's tragic lovers fated to be kept apart.
Cagalli needed to reject Athrun (and the free spirited galivanting with her rebellious TSA friends) so she could focus on the grown-up role as head of state of Orb. at the same time she probably did not want to give Athrun a reason to fall behind, allowing him room to grow into his own person and tie up whatever loose ends he needed in ZAFT/PLANTs. this is pretty admirable in an adult sense, they're both being very mature by not being too clingy or needy of each other, allowing personal growth and some degree of independence but hopefully not too much as Athrun has willingly showed that after he finished what he needed to do, he went back to Orb and potentially be by Cagalli's side.
Cagalli tried to not be too reliant on Athrun herself attempting to take on the external and internal issues within Orb and the Seirans all by herself, but as soon as Athrun left she was the most vulnerable (hence the photo for this post) from still feeling the reigns all by herself. good thing she still had her twin brother and his friends around to catch her fall and by the time she acquired Akatsuki and established a determined resolve on leading her nation, she knew how to stand on her own two feet. whether Athrun still has a place to be beside her remains to be seen, we'll have to see how much he can contribute as a commander/general (i'm really hazy with the ranks in Orb especially when the lore is a little inconsistent) of Orb along with the Freedom movie's revelation that he has been reassigned (or was it his decision?) to Terminal, a third party branch of the Orb Army out of a sense of duty for Orb or Cagalli.
ultimately Tristan and Isolde had a depressing ending (both lovers cannot get out of their social and moral structures, Tristan gave up romantic love for his love of duty to his king, Isolde likewise felt obligated to stay with her king for her family and country to keep people from dying, then he later died tragically before he could be reunited with Isolde) but hopefully Fukuda will stop with the association before it gets to that. some wonder who Cagalli will go for in a political marriage next, will she marry for love or duty? and could Athrun come into his own (be powerful and influential enough) just in time to fulfill both? besides the moral of Tristan and Isolde has been to pursue a love that preserves rather than destroys, celebrates rather than abolishes individuality and seeks life rather than death--themes that Cagalli were desperate to uphold, at one time saving Athrun's life with it. if we are really sure we love who we want to love, we have to get out of the structure and go and fight for that love.
SOURCES [1] [2] [3]
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canichangemyblogname · 7 months
Israel ignoring Egypt's warnings, Israel's chaotic "recovery" (a.k.a. their explicit non-recovery and bombing of hostages), and the IOF's chaotic engagement with Hamas fighters on Oct. 7th and 8th that caught hostages and civilians in crossfire should be proof enough that Israel cannot and will consistently fail to provide for the security and welfare of Jewish people. It should also be proof enough that Netanyahu's government doesn't give a shit about Israeli lives unless they can be weaponized to serve his political and regional goals.
The argument that the only way for Jewish people to have safety and comfort is through a Jewish ethnostate ignores how the violence necessary to establish an ethnostate breeds extremism and a cycle of violence. It ignores how Israel consistently fails to protect and provide for its citizens, how vulnerable the Israeli state would be without US support, and how politically and numerically insecure settler-colonial populations are without ethnic and genocidal violence to reproduce their position in the social hierarchy. This argument also allows countries in the Global North to wipe their hands of their own country's antisemitism. For them, Israel is the solution to their country's "Jewish Question."
Some of Zionism's basic assumptions about Jewish people and the need for a Jewish state come from antisemitic assumptions. Advocates for a Jewish state frequently invoke antisemitic stereotypes to make their case. Like... literal fucking fascists in the US support Zionism because they want to empty their country of Jewish people and then watch them die in Israel.
The largest group of Zionists in the US are Evangelical Christians. Not just in sheer numbers, but as a percentage of their population. And you know what they believe? They believe that all Jews need to return to the Holy Land to be massacred and raptured so Jesus can return. The majority of Zionists in the US are Zonists because they're antisemitic. Their antisemitism informs their support for Zionism, and their belief in Zionism informs their antisemitism.
It boggles me how the US government, literal fascists, and Evangelicals have so many of you legitimately believing that critiquing a man and a government that throws their lot in with Holocaust deniers is antisemitic.
There are experts out there who attest that Zionism encourages and spreads antisemitism around the globe and that it is a contributing factor to increases in antisemitism in the Global North. Some have gone so far as to say it is a literal threat to the well-being of Jews worldwide and a roadblock in the fight against antisemitism.
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gwinverarrouz · 11 months
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Move forward.
Quick sketch because a friend got me to watch Mobile Suit Gundam: the Witch from Mercury and I really enjoyed it, so I drew their fave character (...sorta). 
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muninnhuginn · 11 months
So, going to link a couple of things before I start with this.
Firstly, the new MV for the Vortex/Overthink/Tides medley which is going to form the basis of my observations.
Secondly, this post, which makes a strong argument that Link Click is deliberately drawing from other time travel media. In this case, the 2002 version of The Time Machine. Also, a fun fact not mentioned in the linked post, but that I recently discovered is that the name of the girlfriend the time traveller is constantly trying to save is *Emma*.
Now that I've linked these two, I just want to say that this rest of this post is me having fun and I would love for these to be deliberate references, but let's be real, a lot of time travel media understandably shares a lot of visual language. Hourglasses, butterflies, and clocks are all fairly recurrent themes.
Click the read more for a mix of potential references to other time travel media and screenshots of specific details of the new MV I found interesting:
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Left: Link Click (note the photo reel design). Right: Doctor Who (specifically one of the intros for the Twelfth Doctor)
And to add to the photography aesthetic present throughout, the photo reel clock resolves itself into a camera lens:
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Next, we have a main character centred within a clock. In both cases, the character casts multiple shadows that resemble clock hands.
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Left: Link Click. Right: Steins;Gate
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The shot where Qiao Ling is stood still amongst a moving crowd is neat for two reasons. First, the people she's surrounded by seem to be those related to the cases CXS/LG have taken on. You can see Emma just behind in the above screenshot. And the other thing is that the first time this sequence plays the moving characters are too blurry to easily make out. When the sequence reverses however, and the lyrics speak of "pausing" the scene actually freezes with all the characters clear for a tiny bit. (I didn't screenshot purely because it was a pain to get the exact moment but you can check this if you want)
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Upper left: Link Click. Upper right: Higurashi Gou/Sotsu. Bottom: Steins;Gate 0.
Next up: fragments! This one is honestly a real stretch, but hey, there are at least two other time travel adjacent shows that use them as visuals in their openings. I would really like the use to be similar to in Higurashi (the example screenshot is from the anime sequel Gou/Sotsu but the sea of fragments is present in the og too). In Higurashi, each time "loop" is actually an alternate timeline (wherein events would differ slightly even without intervention) and so each fragment represents another timeline. For Steins;Gate, it's more a visual that exists purely in the opening sequence to play into the whole shattered clocks aesthetic.
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Left: Link Click. Right: Steins;Gate.
This one is inspired by me watching the opening only to go "Okabe Rintaro????" when Qian Jin showed up. But also. We can clearly see some of Qian Jin's scars in this shot. There appears to be one on the back of his neck and two over his left shoulder. These have to be relevant and obviously his eye colour has me side-eyeing but I don't think we have all the pieces for this character yet. (Him being a former cop with a connection to both of our focus cop characters though makes me think)
And a final one with generic anime trope no 58382929:
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Left: Link Click. Right: Steins;Gate
I know, I know. This is typical anime/donghua. But! It's deliberately a shot in Steins;Gate that returns again and again throughout the series. It's also very associated with the character of Mayuri so take that as you will.
Bonus whatever this is:
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Multiple Cheng Xiaoshis in different states of doing badly. I wonder if the centremost one is the one Lu Guang appeared to be thinking of in episode 1? Possibly another "fragments" situation or if not then it may be various things Cheng Xiaoshi will go through in this season
Anyway, the Steins;Gate opening visually has a lot of similarities and of course a lot of it is natural overlap because they're both time travel series. And they both draw inspiration from The Time Machine (especially Steins;Gate's sequel, Steins;Gate 0). But I find it pretty neat how all these series from different times and places do have these recurring themes.
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thegeminisage · 9 months
no you know though i get why a human would marry a vulcan who's not spock. like spock is super special and gods own littlest princess bc he's half human but even marrying your run of the mill vulcan would basically be like being a horse girl*. you alone can tame them and teach them how to succeed in a world that doesn't understand them. you could rage and cry about your pathetic life and how NOBODY UNDERSTANDS YOU but they will if you make it an intellectual challenge to do so and then explain it for long enough. all the unhinged emotional displays in the world could not make a vulcan any less unflappable. they would just be like "alright" and keep trucking. you could get a vulcan to eat out of your hand. and every seven years there could even be a little riding, if you're into that
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21threjectedsoul · 5 months
smol girl with a giant hammer is such a cool trope
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juniperjellyfish · 7 months
You want doomed by the narrative? Let me show you this guy:
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These are all from the same 30 second ad
My phone is being dumb and won’t show the third photo, it’s just showing duplicates of the second one
Oh well
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ardenssolis · 4 months
[Knightly types and the devotion...😳]
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elibean · 10 months
Dazai ain’t deaaaaaad no one in this damn series ever stays dead
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