#trauma yass queen
sus-panicattac · 8 months
was thinking a bit on how i somehow attached to drew tanaka this fucking hard during my less than 2 day long PJO fixation (to clarify ive had a pjo hypfix before this is just the witch coming back from the dead)
its 2 things
1- HOLY SHIT A JAPANESE PERSON IN POPULAR WESTERN MEDIA LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- no because im fully japanese both my parents are japanese and i struggled with that a lot being born and raised in america (yes american point and laugh) you dont understand how happy japanese people in western media make me drew is such a little silly to me i love her- it makes me wonder if she thinks a lot about her ethnicity and culture in her pursuit of beauty. how often does drew ponder how to do her eyeliner to not well up in her eyelid creases? does she think about how she tans, or how she sweats all her makeup off, or how she runs a bit cold? does she have a short internalized racism era like i did because i think she would- as a character so involved in ideas of what it truly means to be beautiful? drew is the type of person TO ME who looks at her classmates wearing shorts in the snow and goes "euuugh white people"
2- drews character arc has a lot to do with conventional beauty. i have to preface that her canon depiction is borderline misogynistic, however the focus she has on her looks and conventional attractiveness during majority of canon reaches out to how i acted as a wee lad and how my sister acted like a wee little toddle?????? it doesssss- drew to me is just my sister coming into my room at maybe 9 years old asking if she would be prettier with blonde hair, sparkly blue eyeshadow, and a thinner yet curvier frame. drew to me is myself in elementary thinking if i looked older id be taken more seriously. drew to me would have a wonderful character arc where she slowly becomes more beautiful the more she lets herself be beautiful.
so yes i am throwing my entire family's long term trauma onto a silly side character whose main canon purpose was to be a foil to a quirky not like other girls main character
yes i am
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clingyduoapologist · 1 year
Now that I’m thinking about it, Avatar fans are so quick to jump and demonize and belittle Sokka for every little thing despite the fact that like, he’s also just as much of a traumatized child soldier as the rest of the gaang is? And I just don’t get why?
Because like, we’re shown pretty explicitly that Sokka’s misogyny, while in no way excusable, is a direct result of him trying to fill the stereotypical machismo role that he had idolized his father for? And that it crumbles the instant it’s challenged because it’s really only something that he probably saw as a requirement to fill that role (not only for himself, but for his sister as well). And again, I’m not saying his misogyny was justified but they make a point in the show that it isn’t this deeply held prejudice? And show him growing past it in like, the 4th fucking episode?
And also, people are especially nasty whenever they’re discussing the whole “I don’t really remember my mother’s face” thing. So quickly people will use this as ammunition against him despite the fact that like, that’s very clearly a trauma response? And on a simpler level it’s just fucking tragic? Like it’s clearly already something that Sokka is really insecure about. But no suddenly it becomes a girlboss moment because “ugh Sokka is too stupid to have complex feelings on his mothers death, unlike our queen Katara yass slay!!” As if him repressing the memories of his mother and burying his anger and grief because “that’s what a Man would do” isn’t just as much him taking on the traditional gender role of his tribe in the same way that Katara did with her mother?
I just, I wish people acknowledged that Sokka’s mother is just as dead as Katara’s. Sokka’s trauma did make him fall into irrational/toxic behaviors but like, wow maybe cut him a bit of slack because, get this, trauma doesn’t always make you an uwu sad boytm?
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
You know, its definitely all of it, but I was thinking a lot about Asian Brand Trauma TM (calling it this for my own comfort cause #MakesItEasier) because I think about that from time to time lately as part of the things I've been reflecting on, and I was watching Blackpinks "Pink Venom" challenge stuff being done on Youtube cause I WAS a KPop fan and still really enjoyed watching dancing (always have even before the fever dream of a KPop phase) and it really got me thinking.
A large aspect I'm noticing of Asian-brand trauma in America is that a lot of people in America look at the produce of some of the really largely complex and deep seeded miss uses and honest to god unsustainable and insane life styles that are normalized and just really REALLY either ignore it, or solely look at the results and romanticize (or worse, fetishize) it.
Like I'm not here to diss on KPop or anything, because I think its a complex issue that I know enough about to know I don't know enough to make a firm stance on it, but objectively the KPop industry is super super super fucked up as a large and that really isn't a secret to the KPop fanbase, its basically entry knowledge. Like a lot of the "idols" are recruited at a really young age and pretty much grilled and grinded into "good idols" - then as idols are often extremely restricted, pushed really hard, and loose a lot of autonomy while also being put into the spot light for something that they got into when they were really fucking young. And that is extremely fucked up.
But it also creates "kings" "queens" people that look, dance, talk, sing, and all in all to the public eye look SUPER amazing and iconic and hot and skilled and a triple threat and SO talented and so SO SO SO many people just shove the history and the knowledge of the thing to he back of the mind because these idols look, talk and act happy and the people love to watch them and go "YES QUEEN ROCK IT MY BIAS" and all that stuff and they really really just do not understand the exchange behind it
And it is really really really just my experience personally with my Asian Brand Trauma that it is so fucking easy for people to look at the result of some Asian Brand Trauma, even fully know and hear the shit that goes on in it, and then just simply ignore / mute it because the end result of a lot of that Asian Brand Trauma is a person that is VERY VERY VERY likable to the public eye, an amazing ICON, and total IDOL and INSPIRATION and - dare I say - A Model Minority
Like its really pervasive and something I can't really deal with at this point with a lot of white people when it comes to trauma talks cause far far far too many of them "struggle" to remember that just cause we look like an idol, look inspiration, look like an icon and a yass queen that a whole lot of traumatic, life stealing fuckery is what made it so we project to everyone like this.
And I'm not saying boycott KPop or that everyone in it is secretly miserable or anything like that, but I just really did have to click in this inherent lack of understanding and the seer ignorance of how much fucked up shit tends to back all those feelings of "wow look at the inspirational Asian" that just gets completely ignored cause they are "an idol" an "inspiration" and an "icon"
Also yes feel free to reblog cause honestly, I'm realizing this is more than a "our system thing" and it's really exhausting.
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olivieraa · 2 years
people disturb me
I see too much to be disturbed and I hear too much. like shit that is beyond sickening. 
so I have no idea when someone can separate fiction from reality. I cant trust that everyone is that smart. I cant trust the claims of “I only support this in fiction”. I just cant believe someone at their word.
I know myself. I know I can do that.
I dont go around saying real life serial killers are hot. I dont go around saying taboo or disfunctional ships can be worked through in real life (like no lol break up and get therapy). heck I can even say one of my fave genres is gang crime (possibly?) cause I just have to look at my fave character (ex-gang member whose past I’d looooooove and kill to see more of) and my fave anime (DRRR is about gangs lol), to know I like that gang shit, but fuck me if I’m not the one complaining about gangs constantly irl. we’re kinda riddled with them here and I cant fucking stand them.
I know there’s men out there that sexually torture women and then kill them.
but I............ I honestly cant grasp the concept of BDSM outside of “dealing with trauma”. but everybody labels this way of coping as healthy. that’s where my problem lies.
why do we tell people suffering with trauma not to hurt themselves (they are consenting to it, right?) but its healthy for someone to participate in it while having sex and another person is allowed to do it.
so BDSM honestly freaks me out because I see no reason to ever support the S especially. like we say “yass queen~!” to the straight guy beating women up lol
w h a t
never made sense to me.
I’m almost positive I’ve reblogged pro-bdsm posts back in the day cause every single person around me online told me it was the right thing to do, so I didnt question it......... I questioned it in my mind, cause I was in a constant state of confusion.
and every time I saw people try to explain it, they fucking failed to make any sense out of it.
and I mean the shit I saw and read and watched trying explain it never worked in telling me it wasn’t anything but letting creepy fucking men away with what they loved to do and nobody questioned it.
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spines-tvo · 1 year
Y'know what I like?
I like superheroes who are all-powerful and good for the sake of being good. Like, Yass queen, snap those fingers and make the world's problems go away. Don't worry, I'll listen to your deep-rooted trauma due to feeling like nothing you do matters when it can all change in an instant, and feeling like you are only good because of your powers.
But you know what I like more? Heroes who have no powers and just won't give up. I want heroes who would give their life to make the world as good as they can. I want people who are willing to work for a utopia. I want people who roll up their sleeves and say "I see the problem. It's you." And you know what makes them the best? When they see not only the villain is the problem, but that the villain's problems are what makes them a problem. You can take your "You're a villain, so I'm going to beat your spine so far into the pavement you never see the light of day again." Give me "You're the villain. But why? Let me help you out of your problems so you never have to be a problem."
It's perfect when a person doesn't lock away their problems to try and hide them away until they inevitably break out again (Because let's face it, when has a supervillain ever stayed in prison?) I want a hero who's completely underpowered compared to the villains they face but just will not die until there are no villains left. Heal the mentally unwell, help the villains out of their financial problems, make them change their heart. Besides, when all the supervillains of the world stand behind one weirdo with an unknown backstory, who can really beat them?
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ketamie · 2 years
im watching euphoria with my hag and it's like. it's literally just skins but it feels like it's actually trying to say something which is like. so it's not like skins. it's also so insane idk it's like aimless and in skins that was like beautiful but in euphoria it's like. idk. rue is so unlikeable but i will say i did cry when one of her scenes was up like the little vingettes but i think that's just because i was sobering up so idk. jules is my favorite obviously and basically everyone else is so like. idk. and i'm so disappointed with cassie like you literally have my queen's name and it's like. idk i don't get her i like don't understand what pretty girls go through i guess. but im obsessed how this entire show is like. yeah they had a dad and they're fucked up nowfjahudhgfhadsfsdjds. and why is nate like that i DON'T GET IT. like i do but i don't it's literally insane how the entire show is like. ok here's their trauma. and then you either hit the yass or slay button. but at least his dad is kind of hot i guess. oh and hag and i have this huge crush on fezco we think he's so perfect and when he was flirting with lexi we were like omg he can fix us. especially because when we took some what character are you quiz online we both got lexi so it was like real. idk though i'm obviously obsessed i LOVE the dramas it's just like. i miss skins.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. The trial happening right now bothers me because we get to see how Thanatos and Echo reacted to this, but Demeter and Persphone don’t know and I know why they don’t know yet. However you think that would tie some more stuff up together
It was Minthe, Thanatos and Thetis who whistle blew on Persphone. Meaning Thanatos would probably be called to trial and would have to face persphone and I would hope say something to her BUT I kinda doubt that’s gonna happen.
But the other thing to this Minthe is a plant who can’t testify. Are hades and Persphone hide the fact she’s a plant and pretend she’s missing or are they gonna say “yeah I still don’t have control over my powers but I’m queen now” HOWEVER I truly believe RS is just gonna not address these two plot points until way later.
FINALLY Eros and Psyche KNOW the last person Daphne was seen with was Apollo, did they chase after her after he got shot by the arrow? We don’t know. We don’t even know what they’re doing about Psyche. Did Eros and Psyche even see the Daphne tree? Are they going to try and sneak in to tell Persphone?
I know the plots gonna focus more on HxP secret marriage at the court trial rather than the actual consequences and the fact people are turning into greenery left and right. (It’s not Persohones Faullt Daphne is the way she is but RS needs to focus on other plot points I feel)
2. like, age gaps, height differences, and power imbalances dont always have to be bad, the issue to me is that the way rachel does it is hyper-focusing on how young, small, and child-like/unexperienced persephone is compared to the old, giant, and all powerful/mature hades is like ... yeah obvs people are going to find it creepy? how would they not?
3. i honestly cant stand the "theyre immortal gods the age gap doesnt matter!!" agreement because like??? ok??? then she could easily be 300 years old then? she shouldnt be so borderline underage then?? like the immortality aspect actually makes the age gap worse, not better??
4. i realize getting nitpicky over unimportant characters in lo having american names is a bit dumb, but it does speak to just how lazy rachel is and how little care she has for greece and its mythology. there are countless english names that are also greek, yet even that's asking too much of her. percy jackson isnt a perfect series, but even the characters (who are in america) have greek influence and meanings put into their names and characterization, something rachel doesn't even attempt to do.
5. ok but thats a good point, because rachel seems to be taking physical wounds to matter more over the mental ones, when thats not how trauma works. her writing on zeus is reflective of her writing minthe, where she confirmed she has a severe untreated mental illness and that's linked to her evilness, and thus what she should be punished for. meanwhile persephone own mental issues can be bastardized as a "yass queen" thing?? somehow?? its just bad writing all around.
6. i kinda wish lo fans would listen to their own logic and give the same leeway to the other characters. theyll scream from the rooftops that hades and persephone and hera can be awful people all they want because thats ~realistic~, meanwhile minthe and zeus and everyone else are held to such extremes they can never meet and are hated and despised for nothing in compared to hxp or hera. either hold your faves accountable or let off on hating characters who do the same as them.
7. i see a lot of lo fans excuse how everything drags as "thats how a slow burn works" and its like ... no? because most of that slow burn isnt even hxp, its rachel forcing in more plots we dont need, and when its hxp, you look at the timeline and how they act and its actually neck-breakingly fast? like if as much time had past in LO as irl time then yeah, four years is a slow burn, but its only been maybe a month in comic? so its not slow for them at all, but it's a drag for the readers.
8. See, the difference between Lo!Hades and Punderworld!Hades is that PW!Hades has so much personality, he and Persephone are literally bustling with life (even though one of them rules over a realm of dead XD) AND their interactions are so cute with their awkward attempts at flirting and failure at doing so. Persephone is still somewhat sweet and “pure” but she’s also a bit of a spitfire, she’s not easy to surrender, she has wants and dreams and that little differences makes her character likable!
We NEVER get to see anything like that with LO!Hades and Persephone, we don’t see them have these sweet interactions, these heart-fluttering moments, because there’s no base or foundation for those sorts of moments! It’s always these very out-of-character unrealistic scenes expected from a married couple, but they just met! It doesn’t feel natural, it feels forced and rushed and so slow at the same time.
Although Punderworld makes Demeter overbearing, i love her characterization i really do, waAAAY more than LO!Demeter, because we actually understand her reasons for her overprotective behavior and we get to see her in a more sympathetic light/manner in the newer chapters, we see her as more than “mean mom hates bf”
9. Daphne and Thanatos were adorable. Like, Daphne was a sweet, caring girl with genuine interest (and power/agency) and Thanatos was a shy, awkward guy who was just doing his best (and not pressuring her). They weren't perfect, but it was something! Why couldn't LO be about them?
10. What I find funny is that Minthe and Thetis have a more defined friendship than Persphone and other female characters.
Minthe and Thetis ARE TOXIC don’t get me wrong but both characters are aware of each other’s motives. Minthe knows not to trust Thetis fully and is straight with her on her opinion of Thetis. But the readers clearly know their relationship as well as the characters.
Persphone is in gray areas with most her female friends. The beginning of the story we are lead to believe Artemis and P are besties with the dress sharing and the way in P’s mind they’re holding hands with Hermès. But clearly now their relationship is a question mark and they’re both more detached than we thought. Artemis was just being nice to P letting her stay with her because they’re both in the TOGeM but they’re probably more like acquaintes at best.
Daphne and P we know they’re friends but P isn’t straight with her. Like Daphne is P’s only named friend, but did P think of her as the other overbearing nymphs? We don’t know because they’re all pink and some of them are dead. Despite being told they grew up together we don’t even know much about their relationship what do they like about each other? Does Daphne agree with Demeters parenting or P’s need to leave? When did Daphne get to move to Olympus? I feel like the plot just says “these two characters are friends “ but doesn’t elaborate much. Why did P let Daphne in her room at Hades mansion and not the other nymphs? P told Daphne that Apollo is dangerous, but it was a little too late. Also why didn’t P have her phone number when she got to Olympus? Wouldn’t she know to contact her on insta or something? P was like “omg I know no one except Hermès “ but that’s not true! Daphne! I could go more but I think we get the picture that Daphne’s plot point is having the readers be told Persphone has friends but she doesn’t but she does.
Were shown that P and Meg are getting along because P was nice to Meg, despite Meg being silently jealous of P, but what about Meg now? Is she ever gonna tell P that she’s jealous of P that she had a mad crush on Hades, even her journal? Or is that all gone now? Does Meg even matter any more or is she now here just to support HXP?
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queerbuckleys · 3 years
9-1-1 5x07: Ghost Stories
here are some live reactions to things cause screaming into the void is what happens this week cause work spoilers under the cut. I will put some more coherent thoughts into another post after i have had a minute.
EDGAR 👀 like I knew that but 👀👀👀
Oh we just jumpin straight into it no banter or nothin
Where is my boi
Harrryy 🥺🥺🥺 my bby
Confronting and sharing your trauma you say 👀👀👀👀👀
Then maybe you need to let go a little bit
Taylor wtf you doin ?
She was def poking at buck at the end of last ep
She is so smol
Something about buck and Taylor and visiting the past
Henren can’t fight again I hate this
That is the worst “murder” board I have ever scene ma’am
Buck you doin okay?
Karen 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 my heart
Where. Is. My. Boi. 🤨
Oh chim 🥺😭😢
Eli comin in clutch with good advice
Oh buck hittin a nerve
Harry ans ransome *chefs kiss*
ZERO Eddie I’m upsetti spaghetti but very interesting………
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metanoia-since2004 · 3 years
Sooooo episode 8 wtf sir??
Let's begin with Adam. Obviously he has done some and is still doing some fucked up shit BUT wtf was dat flashback with his aunts???!!! Alright, yeah it shows us why Adam is so obsessed with his twisted version of love that made absolutely no sense in the beginning. Apart from that I think it also shows us how love is taught to us or rather as a child one's understanding of love is extremely malleable. Adam obviously had some form of love for Tadashi, but thanks to fucking trauma, that love changed into something gnarled .
And BY THE WAY I officially kin Tadashi to hell and back now. Like yass bitch please knock down that pompous ass a few thousand km to hell, thank you.
And to me, more than Tadashi being the Snake in the Garden, I see Adam as the Snake in various forms. 1. Him coming in between with his evil creepo whispers that sent Reki running away from his love of skating in extremely valid and legitimate fear of dying. 2. Adam with his tactics cutting off Reki from Langa. In this scenario especially, he shows the same tactic as the Snake of tempting the other person with something forbidden. 3. Again cutting off someone's love for skating but this time it's Tadashi. Here it's rather extreme too, in the sense that Tadashi is kind of bound by some messed up contract or smth to obey Adam.
OOR Adam personifies the apple, cause everyone who touches or reaches for him/it despite the warnings, end up dying or is affected physically and brutally. The examples are endless, Tadashi, the nameless guy in the beginning of the episode, opponents before and after that guy, Reki and last but not least, Langa.
And idk if anyone else noticed this but Adam looks up at the moon when he says he is looking for his eve (throwing up in my mouth noises) and then during Tadashi's scene in the empty pool, hovers at the same spot where Adam was looking at. Maybe, just maybe, Tadashi is able to pull Adam out of this shitfuckery and be the Eve Adam desperately needs. Or maybe, he decides enough is enough and just leaves like Eve should do rationally in this scenario. No one knows yet......
Now moving on to our babies. Can we get Reki a fucking hug. Please. Is that too much to ask? Or at least someone invested enough to help Langa out here??? BTW I fucking adore mama Hasegawa. She is a legit queen.
Coming back to Reki. He is most probably going to get a really good character development arc and I really, really want him to shove Shadow's face into cow dung (those comments were fucking unwarranted Hiromi). It's gonna be super anticlimactic if our boi gives up skating as a sport and ends up as a skateboard designer or smth, cuz he has the potential to be sooo much more. It's not the worst ending but come on!! We can give him better than that.
Next up Langa. IS THIS BABY GAY OR NOT?? PLEASE DON'T QUEERBAIT MY BABY BI ASS!!!! And that scene where he realised he isn't as excited to win or skate when compared to before. I genuinely think that just like how he physically distanced himself from skateboarding after his father passed away, he is most probably gonna end up quitting skating just because he doesn't have Reki, his mentor, the one who offered to hold his hand the first time, to see him do well. This is seen when he is shown in the same position but in Canada, where presumably he is lacking his father's cheers and hugs, just like he is lacking Reki's presence.
Joe.....WTF I AM GONNA MARRY YOU IF CHERRY DOESNT MAKE A FUCKING MOVE ALREADY!!!!!! Okay so first off, the immaculate dad vibes he gives around Reki is just jfhdbsjdhd. You even see it when those guys play dirty with Langa on the track and Joe slows down a smidge to help. Next, the fact that he is consciously making an effort to see that Reki doesn't end up in the same pile of fuck ups as Adam is just so pure and touching. And finally, Joe's jacket, you are doing god's work, my dude.
And Miya....sweet, adorable Miya. Can I bundle him up along with the rest of the babies. His concern is honestly so ...wholesome I can't- Shadow istg I'm gonna fuck u up one day.
I fucking hope they get a good closure in d end otherwise I am gonna actually flip the fuck out.
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Yass queen DUMP that trauma on me :))) I’m too uncomfortable to stop you SLAYYYY
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In this blog we like Wanda becoming a villain but actually considering her a villain and not trying to justify her actions or going like "yass Queen", specially considering how this fandom still defends her as "poor snowflake she has trauma".
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Agent H’s AOS Rewatch
S2E10 “What They Become” 
I wrote this out during the actual rewatch week, but I didn’t realize I never posted it! Boy, did this get long. 
-I had to do a liveblog of this episode because it’s one of my favorites of the season, and we get SKYE’S TRANSFORMATION! 
-Okay, so @the fandom who were around back then: at what point did people guess they were doing a terrigenesis/Inhumans storyline? Because I only learned that’s what they were doing via the internet frenzy after the episode was over
Ward, May, Coulson, and HYDRA
-MAY’S. EPIC. FLYING. FUDGE YYYYEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHH. This is so fucking brilliant of her, dead-dropping the plane and then cloaking.
-”I would put two of these (bullets) in his heads”. Plus, Coulson always looking at the good side: “you saved six agents”.  I didn’t do a liveblog of  2x09, but that conversation with Bobbi about acceptable casualties is SO IMPORTANT and vital to who Coulson is and the show overall and you know that’s the moment Bobbi truly supported Coulson.
-Good callback: Before Coulson freaked out that Skye was taken. Now he’s confident that she’ll be able to handle herself until they can get in there.
-”Hand me your side arm, let’s find out”-Skye
-Is Ward’s personality shift (though still a psychopath) this first half of the season because he’s lost without Garrett or because he believes he can be redeemed through helping Skye? Both?
-Yass queen, pick up the diviner
- I loved seeing the bad guys maneuvering around each other in Season 2a, and all of that coming to a head this episode. But I don’t know why Ward and Skye and all attacked and then they just stopped. I think they could have taken the HYDRA goons easily
-“Never turn your back on the enemy.” You know I’m glad Skye shot Ward too. It’s closure on his belief that she can redeem him that’s been carrying him through these last ten episodes.
-I never realized that Agent 33′s voice was distorted
-HYDRA, SHIELD, and the aos writers treated Kara so badly, and I am yelling shame and ringing the bell at all of them.
Hunter and Bobbi
-“If he really is dead, the number of people I trust on this planet, just plummeted.” The Huntingbird hug is so beautiful! How strong Bobbi pretends to be (“Whenever this is all over, I’m gonna cry for like a week”= so real) and how she lets herself go with Hunter. She’s so surprised by the hug at first, and I love how much taller she is than him. He knows about the flashdrive, but he tries to comfort her anyway and that makes me sad and touched. 
-”Diego’s early and he’s wearing a suit.”-Bobbi
-The kiss! Ugh, Huntingbird really does fill all the classic OTP tropes
-”Don’t die out there.” “He likes to hear it.” “Who doesn’t like to hear it??”
-”Join SHIELD, travel to excotic distant people, meet exciting unusal people, and kill them” -Hunter 
Fitz, Simmons, Tripp, and the Koenigs
-Bahahaha, the Koenigs, His little thumbs up and Hunter rolling his eyes for his life (Hunter would die in the middle of saying something sarcastic, and I will stake my life on that). Also good reuse of the pod units but this time for good (rather than, you know, bottom of the ocean and dying). Sidenote, did we see the pods anytime before Skye gets shot?
-I love Fitzsimmons working together (finally) in the holding cell. I love how the minute they say they’re not gonna work together anymore, they have to work together. Here, they’re so polite but also they’ve got such a natural rhythm. Simmons seems like she wants to talk about them but he’s like oh no, wasn’t talking about myself! Fitz is both back to himself and also gotta new groove (his recovery is going well!). Simmons being genuinely worried for Mack. FITZ’s LOOK OF LOVE
-I only appreciated it on this rewatch, but the show has good continuity of Fitzsimmons/team vs alien tech/bio. They spend majority of season 1 finding 084s and researching their properties and learning how they interact with human biology. Then second season plays off the events of the first season: they’ve seen how many times alien tech/biology is dangerous and they’ve seen it infect and kill so many people. It makes perfect sense why Simmons and the others would be cautious about this alien stuff (Fitz is the loyal one, remembering that this is their friend they’re talking about it and he’s got (blind) faith when it comes to his friends). Season 2 is like introduction to actual aliens (as opposed to relics/artifacts/Asgardians) and how human Inhumans are. Season 3 builds on that further by exploring the good and bad sides of Inhumans.
-I didn’t do a liveblog of the previous episode, but Fitz’s “If you’re looking for vacation time, bribery will get you nowhere. I’ve tried.” is golden. I like the little character traits they give Fitz like, in addition to being a literal genius and all the trauma he’s faced, he’s just a quietly disgruntled SHIELD employee who just wants vacation time and warmer AC (re: season 4)  
-Howling Commando gear!!!!!
-Aww, Tripp flirting with Simmons and Fitz is just like…  
-The Koenig cloning jokes, hahaha (Poor Tripp)
-First mention of Theta protocol! Dun dun dunnn
-We don’t know what the alien tech is. But Hazmat suits should do the job. :)
-I remember the Fitz splitting off scene being hilarious. Is it because he’s miffed at the flirting, miffed at Simmons, or just genuinely proving that he can do things now?
-Simmons touching Fitz’s arm. And then him holding her later!!!
Cal and Skye 
-Cal and Skye’s meeting! This is an emotional, painful reunion. 
-I LOVE the actor who plays Cal, he does fantastic job. Seriously how did they get him and Dichen Lachmann to play her parents?? Well done, casting director
-I love that they make Skye biracial just like how Chloe Bennet is and it’s relevant to her storyline
-So to recap Skye’s backstory. Her mother is taken by Whitehall but is released when he gets captures in the 40s. She’s born to her parents, but Whitehall captures Jiaying again. Cal rescues Jiaying, and they return, but HYDRA had already taken Skye as an 084 (?). SHIELD teams led by Audrey then take care of SKye until she is given to an orphanage. Correct?
-”People liked me. I liked myself.” This line deserves much meta
-Teach you about the stars= Inhumans. I love how that’s a total throwaway innocent line, but it all makes sense once you know. 
-Just when Skye has figured out life as a SHIELD spy, her world gets rocked again. But I think this path is a good development because she’s not just a regular SHIELD agent: She was born on the outside; learned to think in unusual ways; she’s bubbly and warm and compassionate when SHIELD agents before were typically taught to be rationale and merciless. She’s born to be a new kind of SHIELD agent as well as the bridge between Inhumans and SHIELD
-The lullaby :(
-”Best Day Ever” -Cal
-I mean the emotional manipulation of “After you change I’m the only one who’ll understand” is bad, but he was right in the sense that they all were afraid of her
-Skye wanting to stop the drill and get the obelisk as a way of making it up to Coulson and because she’s a good SHIELD agent. But, like, she knows that’s what her father wanted, so does she just believe she won’t get caught up in whatever is going on? Does she go because fate is pulling her? Does this show believe in fate?? *thinks about all the future time-travelling shenanigans and gets a headache*
-The thing with Mack presumed dead freaking broke my heart, but it’s a good  fake out to blindside us with Tripp’s death. 
-IMO, the obelisk is a good fake out for terrigenesis crystals. Even if I knew about Inhumans stuff before hand, I wouldn’t have put it together through what info they give us on the obelisk in previous episodes
- “I gotta admit I’m just the tiniest bit nervous.” I could write an essay on why I love this line.
-I probably just need to rewatch this again, but why didn’t anything happen to Tripp when the terrigenesis first activated but then he gets hurt when he gets hit?  Like is it the terrigenesis won’t hurt him, but touching the crystals/obelisk will? 
-Ya’ll are gonna hate me for this, but... I get why Tripp had to die. Like, it devastated me and still does and its racist and HE DID NOT DESERVE IT. But from the storyline POV, I see why he was chosen to die. Tripp was incorporated into the story in season 1 to replace Ward. We needed an action guy on the team because half the team is non-combat and we needed someone who was genuinely good to balance out the real Ward. But season 2, everyone’s shifted roles. We have Daisy, Hunter, Bobbi who all fill the action roles, so Tripp’s primary role is no longer necessary. He’s (intentionally?) underdeveloped: he does a variety of things, but he’s not filling any one role nor is he vital in any specific relationship, the way Coulson, May, Fitzsimmons, and Skye are, and he doesn’t contribute to the season’s plot the way Hunter, Bobbi, and Mack do. Plus, it’s a really shitty symbolism of how the show is progressing to darker tones by killing of their sunshine boy.
-Anyway, I cant believe they just end like that for a mid-season finale. Top ten moments of superhero genre, without question. Also, is this the first time we here’s Daisy’s theme song? Because I’ve mentioned before how powerful and sad-sounding it is
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edelgay · 5 years
Elsa : has been overtly declared depressed with anxiety issues and her childhood traumas prevents her from forming strong bonds with others, romantic or not, in an organic way because she's still struggling to heal from her isolation and mental issues.
Some people : yass aro/ace queen !! <3
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afrodyketee · 5 years
I really hate when a woman has been put through trauma or a traumatic situation and they end up using violence to get out of that situation such as Aileen Wurnos and ppl r just like yass queen! Do it again! Love an idol! When could ur fave ever??
To me it seems so tone deaf. Like imagine ppl saying that 2 you at your worst moment at the hands of male abuse. Like.. it's not only inconsiderate but those woke queens have all suffered judicial violence because of what they did. Aileen is dead bc she defended herself and the judical system thought that a prostitute has no right to do that. She's not a woke bae!! She's forever a victim!!!!
Idk why it irks me, maybe one of you has a more clear and coherent way of describing what I mean???
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mha fans are fucking unhinged. i was reading a bakudeku fanfic on wattpad (don’t know jackshit about the show, just wanted to suffer) where todoroki was a bad guy, and the commenters were all like “let’s do the kettle thing” like yass queen cause a teenager to relive his severe trauma 💅✨
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thefutureunseen · 6 years
Three Fandom Tag Game
I was tagged by @dracoterrae9099! Yay! Thanks, girl <3 
Rules: Pick any three fandoms, answer the questions for each, then pass it on.
Hmmm, which three fandoms to choose... It’s so hard! 
Game of Thrones
The 100
The Vampire Diaries (ah, throwback to the good ole days) 
The first character you loved:
Game of Thrones
- Ned Stark (I was going to say Jon Snow bc he’s my fav, but then I remembered that Sean Bean stole my heart from the first episode. It was like watching Boromir with better morals... which, of course, ripped my heart out doubly at the end of S1. Then in the books too. *soft sobs*)
The 100
- Bellamy Blake (Lol, he was such a d*ck in S1, but I knew from the first moment at the drop ship door with that ridiculously gelled hair that I was gonna love that boy. And I was right.)
- Stefan Salvatore (that sadboi had me from episode one and my poor teenage heart fell so hard) 
The character you never expected to love so much:
Game of Thrones 
- Sansa Stark (She was fairly annoying in the early seasons, but then survived SO MUCH trauma and became a badass MF and I dig it. She’s awesome.) 
The 100 
- Lexa Kom Trikru / Heda / Commander of My Heart (Another badass female boss. I was so hardcore Bellarke from S1 that when she came in for S2 and made moon eyes at Clarke, I was like “b*tch, wtf?!” Then in S3 she stole my freaking heart and made me a multi-shipper with her magical lesbian powers... And then she was brutally ripped away from us. I’m still not over it and I constantly think about all the amazing stories she could have been part of. It just about kills me. I wanted Bellamy/Lexa friendship. I wanted knowing looks between the two when Clarke did something crazy. *sings softly* “We could have had it all!”) 
- Klaus Mikaelson (another sadboi who does stupid AF shit, but has that soft look in his eyes when he’s around one particular person. It gets to me. Enemies to lovers is so cliche, but it’s my favorite. Damn it.) 
The character you relate to the most:
Game of Thrones
-  Jon Snow (What is it with me and these sadbois? F*ck. Anyways, he’s been given the scraps at the bottom of the barrel even though he basically should be king and is still somehow the noblest, most caring person in the whole freaking world. Love that man.)
The 100
- Raven Reyes (This girl is truly an inspiration to me. She’s seen adversity. She’s been shot down, cheated on, pushed aside, and yet she keeps on trucking and is smarter than every other person on the show. Yass queen.) 
- Bonnie Bennet (I’m sensing a theme here... Bonnie also constantly gets shoved aside for the ‘prettier,’ ‘sexier’ heroine and yet the show would have ended S1 without her. She’s both passionate and level-headed and the only one with common sense in that whole damn universe).  
The character you’d slap:
Game of Thrones
- Theon Greyjoy (I hate him. I’ve never liked him. He was a pos from the first season/book and just got worse. Then he went through some shit and so many viewers miraculously forgave him - yet somehow still bash Sansa - even though he repeatedly acts selfish and betrays people. Ramsay Bolton is a sadistic MF, but Theon... I’ve got one thing to say to you: Karma, MF. Karma.)  
The 100
- Finn Collins (One sadboi I will never understand. Seriously. I cringe every time he opens his mouth.) 
- Damon “f*cking” Salvatore (I learned to love him in other regards, but this kid was the worst brother of all freaking time. I don’t care which ship you are, I think we can all agree that if your sibling did that to you, you’d be pissed. I know I would! Also, Defan brotp - which I love - was only possible because Stefan decided to be the bigger person. Quite unfair IMO. Like be angry and lose your brother? Or stifle your pain and lose your gf? Damn.) 
Three favorite characters in order of preference:
Game of Thrones
- Jon Snow, Sansa, and Tyrion (I do like Dany in the show, but she bothered me so much in the books that I have a hard time letting that go when I watch the show. As much as I love GOT, GRRM does not understand how to write complex women. Unfortunately.)
The 100
- Raven Reyes, Bellamy Blake, and Lexa kom Trikru (Clarke, Octavia, and Jasper would be next. I love Clarke, but she reminds me too much of myself and I get frustrated with her a lot). 
- Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie Bennet, and Caroline Forbes. 
A character you liked at first but not anymore:
Game of Thrones
- Rob Stark (I know I’m the only one who feels this way, but DAMN he went downhill fast. Like the dude got himself and his mother killed because he couldn’t keep his d*ck in his pants. It annoys me so much.)
The 100 
- Honestly I can’t think of anyone. I disagree with the way Jasper’s character arc went, but it didn’t make me dislike him. Haha, maybe Charlotte? She was cute until she became a little murderess and took out one of the best characters.
- Tyler Lockwood/Matt Donovan (They both were good characters and then they just got pushed to the wayside. They became irrelevant to the main plot so that I just didn’t care about them anymore. Kind of sad, really.)
A character you did not like at first but now you do:
Game of Thrones
- Jaime Lannister (He was an annoying prick and now he’s an annoying prick that is trying to help save the world... so yeah. I like him better now.) 
The 100
- Marcas Kane (I never really disliked him, but I knew he was supposed to be the antagonist. Then he had his whole arc and I was cheering because I didn’t want to see Desmond be anything less than heroic. Oooh, damn. Now I wish I’d chosen Lost as one of my fandoms...)
-  Damon “f*cking” Salvatore (We have a love/hate relationship, which is not surprising since that’s how all his relationships tend to be. Depending on what he’s doing in the show, I either want to punch him in the face or give him a big hug.) 
Top three ships:
Game of Thrones
- Umm, this is hard because honestly I ship everyone with happiness and life... like please don’t die! But if I had to choose... probably Jonerys just because the two of them meeting was built up for so long. Missandei and Grey Worm... and Sansa/Tyrion, but that is more friendship than anything else. 
The 100
- Bellarke, Clexa, and Raven with literally everyone that makes her smile.
- Stelena, Bamon, and Klaroline. They were my first introduction into shipping and they’ll always have a special place in my heart. 
I’m going to tag @emakaylee, @hellosstrangerss, @skylorke, and @ anyone else who wants to play along! 
No worries if you’ve already done this or don’t feel like doing it. Just a virtual wave from me to you!
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