#trans boy! marinette
awakefor48hours · 9 months
New PFP. Marinette and Adrien are trans and bi and in love with each other.
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words-be-upon-ye · 3 months
There are a couple tropes I really love in the space of Miraculous Ladybug fan works, but quite possibly my favorite is when the miraculous holders just get creature from using their powers.
Like yeah, I would say that hosting the power of an abstract concept given sentience, that got shoved into the shape of an animal and bound to a piece of jewelry, would kinda mess with your body a bit.
The little bit of this we get in canon is basically that Adrien loves being a cat and the whole Tikki munches incident.
But I love it when people give them ears and wings and tails, give them eyes that aren't quite human anymore. Fuck with their gender and their sense of body. Sometimes it's body horror, sometimes it's just aesthetic. Love it either way.
I just think it's so fun, a lot of the time it's combined with the like "when a holder and the kawami really respect and bond with each other there's nothing that can be done except having magic bleed into the holder" I think that's fun, but also just making the animal of the kwami a bigger deal is fun. Like if you're going to make it a ladybug you might as well give her wings and antenna and mirrored eyes.
#yes I do like ml#there's just so many characters I like to mess with in my head#also sue me I'm trans and have a certain respect for body horror. for the forced change of your physical self especially when you chose it#anyway I alwasys ramble in the tags#I set up this side blog to hide random writing thoughts I had and oh boy do I have a lot and none of them are on here#and recenetly (and by recently I mean like the past year) I've been hit with so many ml thoughts)#they're all gay#and some of them are cohesive#actually a lot of them revolve around chloe and au's where she gets a meaningful improvement arc#give that gay girl intresting stuff#miraculous ladybug#ml#although one of my ideas is also my very fun very gender take of ml where to conceal their identities ladybug and chat start pretending#to be different people under the masks like they don't need to like explicitly say. they just#switch costumes a lot and they like slyly hint at maybe theres dozens of people who pass around the miraculous to make sure that their#Identities are always safe#and to support the act they also start changing the genders they present as as holders. everyone is like “it's clearly multiple people”#and during this process marinette and Adrien are both like slowly having personal gender revelations#and gabe is like tearing his hair out over having to fight this secret group of superheros that he can never find or catch#but he's still just getting his ass kicked by two kids who're doing the world's most successful costumes change bits#it's like those “fake dating” tropes where they're like “oh but we really do love each other” but with gender#“oh I've got a great idea lets pretend to be different genders sometimes”#cut to “hmh ok so I think I'm not pretending anymore”#oh I do always ramble in the tags
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
I do absolutely love MLB Felix but it makes finding Felix content for Felix from the MLB PV because he now has the same name and a similar appearance/personality...so searching Felix MLB gets you the wrong one now.
Like man I am a forever fan of the original MLB PV and am obsessed with that Felix and Felix's Chat Noir and everything. Like he is and the PV is the primary canon to me and the actual show is secondary.
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One of these days I'll finish writting the fanfic of this tiny Trans Reversed-Love Square Miraculous Ladybug AU that has been eating my brain:
— Adrien Agreste is Kitty Noir. Reclusive homeschooled rich supermodel by day, Paris superheroine by night.
—Adrien thinks of Kitty as just a persona he can play with, like a videogame avatar. ('It tootally doesn't mean anything that Kitty feels right, and like home, and like freedom, what are you talkikg about guys?' )
—Kitty is Ladybug's partner in fighting agains crime. Kitty brings the 'there's always time for a joke' vibe to the superhero work that Ladybug pretends not to appreciate.
—One night, Kitty is saved from an akumatized villain attack by a civilian named Marinette, and is heartstruck by her kindness and bravery. (Ladybug was busy that night, if you can believe it.)
—Kitty visits her at her balcony the next night, and Marinette tells her about feeling lonely at school. Kitty knows loneliness, and their night meetings at the balcony become a common ocurrence.
—They become friends. One night, Kitty flirts. Marinette responds (Because tonight she is just a normal girl with a normal life, why wouldn't she?) And Kitty well, she is kind. Her jokes aren't cruel, and she listens to her.
—And Kitty likes the way light hits her hair, and how clumsy and determined she is. Is this what having a friend is like? Wishing time would stop so she could keep lisening to Marinette?
—And ups! Kitty is getting close, and moving in circles around Marinette and Marinette feels safe. Kitty is kind of funny. And Marinette realizes she wants some funny in her life.
—Kitty leans. Marinette kisses her. She is not sure why she did that. Oh! Marinette retreats, but Paris at night makes Kitty's green eyes shine like stained glass. Wait, does she like girls? Does she like this girl?
—Kitty kisses her again, and Kitty is in heaven. Alone. Alone is a far away word. For a second the whole world feels like home. But stop.
—Kitty (or Adrien?) pulls away. 'Because this isn't right' 'Because you are just my fan, you don't know me.'
'Because Kitty isn't real... right?'
—Kitty leaves. Is not ethical, it can't be. They both agree. Just friends. 'Sometimes, I'll catch a glipse of you in the moonlight.'
—Marinette, see, now she was a problem. Ladybug can't be in love with her partner, no way. Is not right, is too distracting. And they have people to save!
—So Ladybug pretends everything is ok. 'Kitty, we have to be focused at all times' she tells her, trying to ignore how pretty her smile is.
—But duty is first, Paris is counting on them. Even if Kitty calling her 'My Lady' keeps her awake at night. 'All girls fantasize about their friends like that, right?'
—Adrien sits on his bed, and thinks about what would happen if he could be Kitty all the time. If Kitty is just a character, just a game, why did it felt so good, so real, to kiss Marinette?
—Marinette liked Kitty, and Kitty wasn't even trying. 'You are so beautiful, you know that, right?' She had said one night, laughing, after Kitty had make her dance. So spontaneous, she had blushed after.
—He was allowed to like that thought, right? Kitty was beautiful. He (she?) was beautiful. 'Am I, beautiful?' How much of Kitty is acting, and how much of her is true?
—Kitty doesn't visit often now. Marinette overthinks. 'She moved on, of course she did, why wouldn't she, I said it was ok, why doesn't it feel ok?'
—One day, Ladybug "accidentally" sees Kitty sneak into the Agreste Mansion. Oh! So she really meet someone else. 'She used to sneak into my house like that' And she meet no other than golden boy Adrien Agreste. Supermodel Adrien Agreste. Rich and Misterious Adrien Agreste.
—Of course, I mean, this Adrien guy is kinda cute. And Kitty is cute. Match made in heaven right? Is non of her buisness anyways.
—But Adrien is a little too misterious, right? He doesn't even go to school! And what was that Alya told her the other day? Oh! He is friends with Chloe?? Too suspicious...
—Is ok, she is just worried about Kitty. They are partners, gals, Marinette just wants to make sure Kitty's boy is the right one. 'What does she sees in him anyways?'
—Adrien meets Marinette one day, at a gala, she designed a hat for him! She is wonderful, and Adrien wants to say hi, but she keeps avoiding him. 'Is just the nerves for the event, she toootally didn't roll her eyes at me.'
—Adrien meets Nino. He is great. He tells him about school, and Adrien dreams about how cool it would be to go to school. He asks his dad, and he actually considers it?
Nino supports him, even Chloe vouches for him. Father says yes, he can go to school!.
—Adrien arrives at his first day, and oh! There is Marinette! How great is this!
—Marinette raises her head, and oh! There is Adrien Agreste! How great is this?
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lostuntothisworld · 2 months
My Sexuality/gender headcanons of the Miraculous cast:
Marinette: bi with a preference towards girls. Cis.
Adrien: gay, and either super comphet or amok ordered to be cishet, uses he/him pronouns and usually identifies as male, but there's still quite a bit of gender fuckery going on. Is intersex.
Alya: bi with a preference for boys. Cis.
Nino: Cishet but the world's best ally.
Chloe: Seriously in denial lesbian. Cis.
Luka: bi with a preference for girls. Cis.
Kagami: Lesbian with some serious comphet due to her upbringing. Cis.
Juleka: Lesbian. Cis.
Rose: pan instead of bi because she thinks the flag is prettier. No gender preference. Cis.
Alix: on the demi or gray side of the aroace spectrum. Sapphic. Probably meets a nice girl in the distant future and they have an exclusive and dedicated queer platonic relationship, and eventually decide to get married because of taxes lmao. Cis.
Mylene: Cishet, and an extremely dedicated ally.
Ivan: Cishet, but also an extremely dedicated ally. He has baggage, and thinks that people should be able to be happy and love who they want.
Max: Very very ace. Cis.
Kim: Cisheteroflexible, but totally has a platonic bromance with Max. Him, Max, and Undine probably in the future as adults decide to be a polycule, with Kim being the hinge.
Zoe: Pan, but only because she (incorrectly) believes that bisexuality is a restrictive label that excludes trans people. This greatly annoys several people in the cast. Has a preference for girls. Cis.
Marc: Surprisingly bi, with a preference for boys. Is a trans male.
Nathaniel: Technically gay, but calls himself bi just to annoy Zoe, as he's dating Marc who is trans. Is cis. (Edit: him being actually gay is very much a parallel for Adrien’s comphet crush/relationship with Maribug)
Sabrina: considers herself pan because she latched onto Zoe after Chloe was forced to go to New York, and believed her incorrect beliefs about being bi, and she has a crush on Marc. Sabrina's most likely just heteroflexible. Cis.
Felix: Completely cishet. Surprisingly no amok orders or comphet to be cishet. Considers himself an ally, but he's not a very good one.
Lila/Cerise/Iris: A mystery...
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adriensaltprompts · 11 months
Submitted prompt:
When Adrien has his outburst and quits being Chat Noir, the ring ends up in the hands of someone new after a crow picks it up and brings it to a human who feeds him regularly. (Crows do that with humans who are nice to them, sometimes.) This person is Célestin Rivage, a trans boy who is an up and coming fashion designer. He’s active on social media calling out the industry’s problem with underpaying workers, using sweatshops, and other awful practices in the fashion industry, someone Marinette follows and thinks is nice but doesn’t have a crush on. She wants to be a sustainable fashion designer who makes things that last and that contribute to the anti-fast fashion movement in France, so she follows his Tiktok and YouTube, uses some of his tips on how to spot poor craftsmanship and signs a garment was made with unethical labor, etc.
Célestin is not sure he’s the right choice for a superhero. As he tells Plagg, he’s got real concerns about if he can do superhero duties, schoolwork and his part time job correctly without neglecting some aspect of it. But since he’s moved to Paris and Paris has akuma attacks, it would be immoral not to jump in and try to help while he’s here. Ladybug shouldn’t have to do everything by herself. So he jumps into a fight against an akuma, they win, and then he takes off the ring and holds it out to her, explaining he’s not right for this but he trusts her to find someone who is. He trusts her judgment. But Marinette… well, she just had a fight where someone took the threat seriously, didn’t clown around and had her back for once. She sees someone who views having a miraculous as an incredibly serious thing. After having dealt with Chat’s nonsense, that’s wonderful.
Ladybug tells Célestin to keep the cat miraculous for the time being. She’ll look for another candidate to give it to long-term. For now, though, she trusts him to do the job correctly, since he takes it seriously. The bigger issue she has is Alya speculating on the Ladyblog that Ladybug and Chat Noir broke up or that Ladybug is cheating on Chat Noir with the new black cat. Exhausted with Alya insisting the two are dating and not listening to anything Ladybug has ever said about not being interested in him, Ladybug stops giving her interviews and instead, with Célestin’s help, sets up her own social media accounts and personal site in order to be able to speak to people directly. She talks about how Chat has harassed her, touched her without her consent, repeatedly ignored her boundaries and made her life harder. Paris’ opinion of him turns sour at the same rate as Adrien at school gets snappier and shorter tempered with the people around him. Marinette’s crush on Adrien fades as she sees him defending Chat Noir, arguing with other people and generally being less and less mature in ways that are distinctly repulsive instead of charming. Lila decides to go for a different model she’s charmed online who isn’t defending sexual harassment, Chloe is too busy trying to figure out what’s going on with Adrien to bother Marinette, everything is looking up.
Then Adrien gets akumatized. It’s a combination of having his hero persona disliked by everyone, seeing Ladybug be happy with someone else, and the fact that she said she wasn’t romantically interested in him. He manages to suck at being an akuma because the person he goes after, immediately, is the new Chat, Chat Minuit. He thinks this man somehow stole his girlfriend despite all evidence to the contrary, and yells out that he was Chat Noir and Ladybug is his. Ladybug has never been more disappointed or repulsed in her life. Unfortunately for him, Alya livestreamed most of the fight. Now people know he was the douchebag Ladybug had been complaining about, and they’re mad, so Gabriel, if only because he likes money and this is bad for his company’s reputation and profits, shuffles Adrien off to a private boarding school away from angry, dangerous people who hate him enough to want to hurt him. (Yes, Adrien is a minor and shouldn’t be threatened by adults, but sadly, we’ve seen adults IRL threaten minors. It’s wrong but it happens. The fic just shields him from it because no minor, even a shitty one, should be threatened by adults with physical or mental harm.)
Alya apologizes to Ladybug for everything and vows to make amends. Marinette excels at pursuing her fashion career without having to worry about carrying around Chat Noir’s deadweight and instead has someone to lean on when it comes to superheroics. Célestin ends up being the permanent new holder of the cat miraculous and finally overcoming his ongoing fears of not being a good enough person. Now the fight against Hawkmoth can go on but with two competent superheros, not just one.
In my mind I picture Célestin as black, but honestly I’d be cool with a prompt filler making him another race so long as he wasn’t white. This show has way too many white characters when you look at France’s actual demographics already. Please keep him a nonwhite biromantic ace who isn’t automatically attracted to Marinette and she isn’t automatically attracted to him because people can in fact just be friends, regardless of what bad writing might tell you. Give me some bi ace rep where being bi doesn’t mean crushing on everyone or cheating and being ace doesn’t mean being cold or standoffish and I will die happy.
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artzychic27 · 11 months
The science kids seem to not like the Akuma class barring Nath, but I wanna know what they don't like about Marinette.
Denise: Oh, sit down, honey! Lemme tell you something about Marinette! She says she loves Adrien, but what does she really love about him? I’ll tell you, he’s the heteronormative dream. White, blonde, rich, upper-middle class, and genes a straight girl would kill for! She has her future children planned out! Two boys and one girls! A designer and model with 2.5 kids, now tell me that is not the “American Dream” or some bullshit.
Zoé: They’re right. It’s unsettling that Marinette has the sexes picked out for her kids. I mean, what if one of them turns out trans? Then what? I think she’ll have a breakdown.
Ismael: Or she’ll give one girl away and try again for a boy. Th-this worries us. And back to Adrien, she doesn’t love him. She loves that he’s “perfect,” and thinks she’s the “perfect girl” for him. So much so that she sabotages any girl who shows a shred of interest in him. Resh and I saw her sabotage the Friendship Day thing with Kagami just so she wouldn’t be able to win and hang out with Adrien.
Reshma: It was… Not pretty. What lengths is she willing to go to? Wh-what if Adrien finds a girl he truly loves?
Marc: What about a guy? What if Adrien realizes he’s gay? Who knows what she’ll do? Not only that, but she keeps dragging the girls into her kinda illegal schemes. Didn’t she get them to put up a fake ‘no parking’ sign?
Jean: I also heard something about her having his entire schedule. I thought that was a rumor started by some psycho fangirls who hate her, but now I think they’re just legitimately concerned.
Reshma: And back to this “perfect girl” thing. I saw her team up with Chloé of all people to sabotage Kagami’s chances with Adrien at the movie premiere.
Cosette: That! That is what we’re talking about! She’ll go to great lengths to ruin Adrien’s own happiness just to make herself happy by dating him. And if we could talk about Luka for a moment. What she did to him was unfair. If she was still in love with Adrien, she shouldn’t have been dating him. When Luka got akumatized into Truth and Alya told him Marinette’s biggest secret was her crush on Adrien, he said he already knows about that…
Lacey: So, her obsession over Adrien didn’t fade! And the explanation for her and Luka breaking up was “oh she’s so secretive!” What secret?! That’s she’s obsessed over Adrien?! Like Marc said, that’s not a secret!
Aurore: Now onto her actions regarding Adrien. As we’ve mentioned, she has his schedule. How did she get it? It’s nowhere online! The only explanation is that she stole his assistant’s tablet and got the information off of that!
Simon: I just tried to hack into her tablet, but it’s got one hell of a firewall. And I doubt Marinette has the hacking knowledge to get into it herself. Therefore, we can only assume that she got ahold of Nathalie’s tablet, or even Adrien’s phone, and got the schedule herself.
Mireille: Oh, and then you have Lila. Her only ambition was to expose Lila as a liar simply because she started showing an interest in Adrien. What about the fact that her friends were being lied to? Then she expected them to believe her every word about Lila being a liar simply because they’re friends. She didn’t provide any evidence, and it only made her look even more jealous of her. I mean, if Lila were to be in our class and I knew she was a liar, I wouldn’t go to my friends as a whole, I’d tell Aurore my concerns, and we’d research the facts together.
Zoé: Yeah, that’s right. Marinette lets her jealousy get the best of her. And yes, while we get jealous from time to time, you don’t see Marc sabotaging another boy for showing an interest Nathaniel, or Denise yelling at some girl for being friends with Simon, or Jean teaming up with his worst enemy to make some guy hanging out with Austin look bad in front of him. Because we’re rational!
Jean: It’s just… That’s like her whole character, being a stalker toward Adrien and not caring who she hurts emotionally just to be close to him. It’s unfair to the people around her, and those helping her with her plans are going to get in trouble.
Reshma: It’s is pretty much the reason why we try to distance ourselves away from her, yet she keeps being persistent.
Marc: Yeah, she won’t stop trying to get Nath and I to make more romance manga which are all basically a guide for her life with Adrien, and it’s deeply disturbing how much detail she has us put into them, right down to the exact texture of Adrien’s hair. We lied and told her we had too many commissions coming in to make more comics for her.
Aurore: Last week, she invited Mireille, Reshma, Lacey, Denise, Cosette, Zoé, and I to a sleepover at her place with the girls from her class, and I had to plan one at the last minute just so we didn’t have to go. I don’t feel like being in the same room as Adrien’s schedule.
Cosette: So, in short, that’s why we don’t like Marinette. She’s obsessive, a stalker, insensitive, and prone to some extreme jealousy. Hell, I could be talking to Adrien right now, and she’ll try to sabotage me in some way. And I’m dating Zoé!
Ismael: Yeah, that’s uh… That’s it… So, what now?
Marc: Guys, Nath just texted! Marinette’s coming to our classroom right now!
Denise: *Throws a desk out of the window* Run! Everybody run, now! *Jumps out of the window*
Lacey: *Packing snacks* We’re just gonna… Not be here! *Jumps out of the window, followed by Jean, Reshma, and Aurore*
Ismael: I’ll be in the catacombs! *Drops a smoke bomb and disappears*
Marc: *Pushing a bookshelf to the side to reveal a hole carved in the wall* You saw nothing!
Simon: *On his tablet* Goodbye, everybody! *A small drone flies into the room, grabs Simon by the back of his shirt, and carries him away*
Mireille: *Pulling apart the floorboards, revealing a panic room*
Zoé: Mireille! Take us with you!
Mireille: Get your own, panic room, bro! *Moves the floorboards back into place*
Cosette: YOU COWARD!
Marinette: Zoé! Cosette! Just the two I was looking for!
Cosette: … *Punches a wall* FUCK!… I’m afraid I must go to the nurse at this very moment. For you see, my hand is horribly injured, and Zoé twisted her ankle.
Zoé: I what? *Cosette kicks her ankle* AAAH! Yes! My ankle is twisted!
Marinette: Oh. Okay, well, maybe later, then-
Cosette: I may need stitches and I gotta go to the hospital for a few weeks! Bye! *Grabs Zoé’s hand and pulls her out of the room*
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atsukinakae · 10 months
Hi! I wanted to ask if I could request a Luka (miraculous) x ftm reader (he/they). Where reader moves to Paris and becomes the new student in marinettes class. Noone knows that he is trans yet and everyone refers to him as "she". Because of that he gets akumatised but he can change to his normal self while being akumatised. So noone knows the new villain is him because while he is in his akumatised form he looks like a boy, but when he changes back to his normal form he somewhat looks like a girl and acts completely normal. The thing is, he isn't aktually bad or wants to harm people. Hawkmoth told him, that when he steals ladybugs and cat noirs miraculous, Hawkmoth would turn him into a real boy. You can put as much angst and fluff and whatever you want in it if you decide to write it. Sorry if it is confusing. How the story ends is up to you, but maybe a happy ending :). Thank you, and have a nice day!
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If your uncomfortable or you want to change the pronouns you can tell me (⁠^⁠^⁠).
The end is kind of a mix of comfort and happy ending
Angst and Fluff | Luka Couffaine x FTM!reader.
PLEASE READ THIS:Reader is a still in closet and nobody knows he's/they are trans.
Never thought this would happen
It was 8:00AM when the teacher entered in the silent class,"Good morning students"the teacher said,"Good morning", the students said some half asleep and some others trying to not to fall asleep."I know you all aren't fully awake but I want you know that we have a new student"."You can come in".You entered the class looking at the floor,you walked straight were the teacher was and introduce your self,"Hi,i'm d/n".
It hurted you saying your birthname that you never felt like It was yours,but couldn't do anything,you were scared on how would people react.
"You can sit next to Ivan",then a tall boy raised his hand.Even tho it was your first at this new school you were scared because everyone was staring at you like you are some type of alien,but they are just curious.
After school you walked home while listening to music,when you arrived home you found a blue haired boy talking to your mom.
"Hey dear how was your first day of school?"you're mom said with a smile.
"It was good mom"you said looking confused at the blue haired boy.
"Oh I almost forgot,he's Luka Couffaine,my childhood best friend's son
"Luka,she is my daugther *deadname*"
You smiled uncomfortable not knowing what to do, after a few seconds he left because he had things to do.
After eating you went to your bedroom and lay down on your bed.You couldn't stop thinking about Luka,that boy that had you crazy from the second that saw him.
"He's so cute with that smile that is making me go crazy,wait,I just met him today,I can't fall in love with someone without knowing them" That's what you said to yourself.
In the last weeks you everytime you saw Luka he would say hi to you and sometimes even had little conversations.In the class you have been talking with almost everyone except for the blonde girl,Chloe and her friend Sabrina.
But we all know that hapiness isn't forever,one day you woke up without energy and not wanting to talk to anyone.In class you were quiet and your friends were worried about you.In the middle of the class you raised you hand,"Can I go to the bathroom?","Yes,but is everything is okay?",you didn't say anything,you just locked yourself in the bathroom and cried because everyone was refers to you as a girl,even if your not.Cried till you couldn't cry more,on the other side,Hawkmoth was prepared to akumatise his new victim.
A black and purple butterfly flew to you and akumatised you.
"Hello y/n","Who are you and how do you my name?"you said with a shaky voice,"I'm Hawkmoth and I am here to help you","Help me?,How are you going to help me?","I can make you look like a boy but... I want Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous".
There was silent for a few seconds,"So... Deal?"
"Deal but I want you to help me with some things because i just arrived a few weeks ago".You said with confidence on yourself.
*Toc Toc* "d/n,are you okay?Do you want to talk?"You hear Marinette worried voice.
You opened the door,without looking at Marinette,"I'm sorry for for worrying y'all,I was not in a good mood" you said while walking out of the bathroom.
It was break time and all you did was eat and listen to your friends.You didn't told anyone about Hawkmoth or that your are the new villain.
"So... Now I am an villain? I mean,they hurt people or try to win against heroes because of they're past.But I just want to be a boy,act and be treated as a boy"You were so deep on your thoughts that you didn't notice Alix talking to you,"Calling d/n to earth",while shaking you from your shoulders.
After that you went back to the class,during class you tried to do a plan in your mind of how to get the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat noir.
After the classes end,you said goodbye to you're friends and went home.
After hoy did all tour tasks, you told you're mom that you we're going for a walk,but that was a lie.
After a few minutes of walking you found a perfect place to active your power,the metro(in Paris the metro are underground).Luckily there wasn't anyone and you transformed,after you looked into the reflect of glass(imagine there was a window or something that could reflect) you saw a boy,you couldn't believe it)
When you came out from you hiding place,you saw that everyone that looked at you got scared, because even though you looked like a boy,you has the aspect of a "villain"
And this was the perfect moment for making some (desastre),the only way to catch ladybug and chat noir's attetion
(Just imagine the fight and all because I don't know how to do this part,sorry)
After a long fight,Ladybug tried to calm you down because she knew that you were innocent and it was all plan yo have the miracles.
Well you actually calmed down a bit.
Chat noir tried to aproach you slowly,in the end he succeded to break the akumatized object and have you back in your normal form.
After Ladybug restored everything,you fell down on your knees and repeting "I couldn't do it","It's over,I won't ever be an actual boy" while sobbing.
Ladybug and Chat noir stared at you with sad and worried eyes,they didn't know what to do or say.Ladybug sat next to you and tried to calm you down by hugging you.
"Little boy,look at me please" said chat noir while wiping away your tears,when he saw your puffy red eyes he got More worried but still tried to act calm for you."We don't know what made you do all of this but just let you know that we are here you anytime you need us"
And with that after a few minutes they dissapeard because their didn't have much time with their costumes on."We gotta go,don't have much time,see ya next time little boy".
After the weekend and all the incident that happened on friday you went back to daily routine,but this time was diferent,Marinette and Alya came to you and once again tried to be friends even after all the times you did never actually spoke too much.But this time you tried to actually be friends with them and tried your best so want be felt left out.
School was over and now you had summer vacations and with your group you went to a near park and the delicious ice cream from the sweet and kind man.Later y'all went to see the beautiful sunset on Luka's ship,"Guys I need to say something"you said while playing with your hands because of the nerves."I- I'm trans,I am boy who is trapped in girls body,and that my name is y/n"
There was a loud silence before everyone hugged,you were surprised because you would have never thought that this will happen.
"It's okay y/n, don't worry,we accept as you truly are","Our sweet and kind boy,we love you and we are proud that you had so much trust on us to tell this"
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sizzleissues · 1 year
(Trans masc Adrien, 1093 words)
There are a few things you learn about a person when you date them and no time else. How they snore like a little baby owl when sleeping on their stomach and insist it's the most comfortable position. How they kick their feet and shake their fists when they’re happy with a design before ultimately scraping it. How she trusts him with all her heart and he can’t trust her. Not with this.
The one thing Adrien should probably tell Marinette because they’re dating is perhaps the hardest to admit.
It's sickening in his stomach just thinking about it. He can’t exactly poke her in the back right now and say ‘Oh you know your boyfriend? What if I told you he’s not actually a boy.’
He can’t let her know he’s wearing a binder or that he has to inject himself every few weeks or that he stuffs a sock down his pants because that would end with her staring at him like he’s an alien and ending the only good thing in his life. Besides, in a couple years she wouldn’t even be able to tell. Not that she’d wait a couple years.
Adrien stops his hand short of tapping her shoulder and turns onto his back, breathing through the strain. Marinette continues to snore, unaware her ‘not actually a boy’ friend is tossing and turning beside her. 
It’s different when he’s Chat Noir. Something about its magic makes him realer than he is as Adrien. Plagg explained it all between bites of camembert. The suit can’t exactly out him, that wouldn’t reflect his true self, so it adapted him instead. Chat Noir can run without running out of breath because his binder is constricting his lungs because Chat Noir isn’t wearing a binder. Chat Noir is him fully realised.
He can’t transform into Chat Noir right now just because he wants to fall asleep beside his girlfriend. And he can’t take off his binder without Marinette noticing. So he’s stuck pretending as he always does.
“Adrien?” Marinette mutters through a yawn.
“Yes?” He pretends to just wake up.
“Sorry.” She flips onto her back. “Did I wake you?”
“Yeah, but I don’t mind. What’s up?”
Her face tenses slightly as whatever she wants to say passes through a mental barrier. Then it settles and she turns to him in the beginning of morning light. “Do you want to kiss me?”
He’s taken aback for a moment. It's strange for her to go so off script. Another thing he knows about her, she likes to plan. It’s nearly reminiscent of Ladybug if only for the fact that Marinette plans every interaction while Ladybug plans insane ways to defeat akumas.
“Yes, I always do. Why are you asking?”
“I had a dream.” She explained simply, leaving a gap for him to fill in the rest. “So are you going to kiss me?”
Adrien nods and kisses her bottom lip. Every touch is soft, being so early in the morning, and leaves his skin tingling. There’s a faint trace of the peach lip gloss she’s worn the previous day but Adrien loves the fact he can kiss her when she’s less than perfect. That she’d allow him to taste her lips against his when only a few weeks ago she’d worry about something as small as the lighting.
Marinette sighs into it, dropping her arms around his neck. She manoeuvres onto his lap between breaths. There's a need between them to be as close as possible.
The kiss deepens and then her mouth moves elsewhere. She kisses and sucks on his neck. Adrien shivers against her and he can feel her smile. 
“Do you like that?” She asks.
“Yes.” He gasps. She presses another kiss to a sensitive spot near his ear. 
He’s an idiot that he lets it go further.
His hands run up her body, taking her shirt with them, which she graciously removes so he can see her. She is beautiful.
And this is getting dangerous.
She bends down again, capturing his mouth. This is where it should stop. This is enough.
Her hands touch his chest.
Adrien doesn’t stop her.
He feels the exact moment she pauses. The exact moment her lips stills against his and he pathetically tries to continue. The exact moment she notices something is wrong and there’s a reason they’ve never gotten this far.
That her boyfriend is lying to her.
He doesn’t answer, refusing to look up from his lap. He doesn’t deserve to look at her now while she’s so beautiful and he’s nothing but a freak.
Her hand touches his cheek and he flinches away.
“Are you wearing a binder?”
He’d been told when he first got one that physically no one would ever notice it. That as long as he didn’t let anyone touch his chest for an extended period of time they would never know. He was safe.
Marinette gazes down at him, waiting for an answer.
“I am.”
Oh. That’s all she could say. Oh, my boyfriend’s actually a girl. Oh, he’s been lying to me, tricking me. Oh-
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Adrien looks up, confused. 
“Aren’t you mad at me?”
“No. Never.” She moves off of his lap and slides in next to him. “I’m just wondering why I don’t know.”
“No one does. My father doesn’t want anyone to find out, in fear of the backlash.”
“Is he supportive?” 
“He accepts me.”
“But he doesn’t support you.”
“Yeah. Mom was the one who did the supporting.”
She’s silent again but still beside him at least. He can hear her think everything through. Deciding if this is a dealbreaker.
“So would you prefer to keep the binder on when with me or take it off?”
Adrien is surprised to say the least. He’s always been told that if anyone found out they’d leave him. No one could love a liar.
“You’re fine with it?”
“Of course I am.”
Marinette laughs quietly and then traces her finger down his cheek.
“I just want you to be comfortable.”
Adrien rests his head on her shoulder. The reaction he’d constructed in his head seems almost dumb now. Of course Marinette, kind and compassionate Marinette, wouldn’t hate him for being different. 
“Then, I’d prefer to take it off.”
“That’s alright. Anything else?”
“You can touch me. Just not there, not yet.”
“Okay.” Her head turns so she can kiss the top of his head. “Thank you for trusting me. I know this isn’t probably how you wanted me to find out."
It’s nice to trust her.
(i wanna right trans fem, gender non conforming and non binary Adrien now too. Nothing can stop me!!!! I hope the kissy scene was okay!! I don't usually post them)
((I hope this is good and please reblog with your thoughts because fan interaction blah blah blah.))
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jacquesthepigeon · 1 year
you know as someone who had to deal with very uncomfy whiter skin is better moraly narratives in an asian household this is all just very ugh. Like she wasnt MADE for half asian kids. She was made cause the crew are european white men with an asian fetish
I don’t know why it’s so hard for some people to understand that the intentions behind her character being the way she is is not bc they wanted it to be relatable to assimilated biracial diaspora kids and that any similarities to their experience are purely accidental and the crew does not deserve praise for any of it
I always compare it to how, in Naruto, Kishimoto accidentally implied Naruto and Hinata are trans bc of a detail oversight. That does not at all mean he deserves praise for including trans people in the story. He didn’t mean it. It was an accident. He does not care for trans people as far as I know.
Same thing that happened with ML. The reason Marinette doesn’t speak mando isn’t because a lot of diaspora kids aren’t taught their native language, it’s because they needed a plot to prop up their favorite white boy and have him explain her own culture to her. In the Shanghai special too, her relationship to her heritage is made to revolve entirely around her white boy crush. She is not for biracial asian girls, she is for the fantasy of white male obsession.
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adrinoir · 1 year
Headcanon: Adrien Agreste is Trans? (Part 5)
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Part 5 let’s gooooo!
Wow, so, as I’m going through my own trans journey, I was inspired by some to write another part of this headcanon. I was somehow able to connect Adrien’s character to parts of my own journey. It’s pretty cool!
Here are the other parts of this headcanon if you’d like to read those: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
Usual disclaimer: this is just for fun! Obviously cis boys can have these same qualities and traits. Don’t take it too seriously. These are all just things I’ve noticed. Also please keep in mind I haven't watched anything beyond Migration as I’m writing this (I’m using the material I have so far).
CW: mentions of transphobia and abuse
The struggle to envision his future
Trans people can struggle to envision their life in the future due to not having older trans people to look up to. Or they feel so depressed from gender dysphoria or judgement for being trans that it makes it hard for them to see what their future will be like.
We see in Wishmaker, Adrien doesn’t have much of an idea as to what he wants for his future. He told Luka and Marinette that his head feels empty. And, additionally, he said to Ladybug he never had any childhood dreams.
When he’s hit by Wishmaker, he turns into who he is now. I mentioned in part 2 of this headcanon that there’s trauma behind that, and Adrien is trying to be this perfect young man for his parents. However, I want to look at it from a different perspective-
Consider, he turns into himself now - not even an older version of himself with no differences whatsoever, meaning he possibly might not see anything beyond the person he is now. Or (TW here) he didn’t see (or could barely see) a future for himself as a kid because he was so depressed and dysphoric. It’s not uncommon for trans kids to feel like they won’t live to transition. Especially with Adrien, if he is trans, I can only imagine how terrifying it would be for him trying to come out to his parents.
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Or, if he was at first confused by his dysphoria and trying to figure out his identity as a child, that confusion could’ve clouded his vision for his future. He couldn’t completely understand who he is and why he was feeling the way that he was.
Not fully understanding yourself and who you are - even within your gender identity - can cloud how you see yourself now and in your future.
The “I just want to be a son!” line
The line Adrien said in Risk: “I just want to be a son!” stands out to me a lot.
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I know he mainly meant it in a way of saying that he wants to be treated like a regular kid by his own father, not like a model. But, - listen, I’ll take whatever crumbs I can get - there’s a strong emphasis on this line and making sure he specifies “son.”
Having this strong desire to no longer model (which is in fact one of my other signs I listed in part 4 of my headcanon) and saying he wants to be a son just gives me vibes that he’s so dehumanized by his own father. His father barely treats him like he’s his kid and uses him as marketing for his designs. And referring to another part of this headcanon (part 1), him and his father have this unexplainable disconnect, even though Adrien is such a good son. I had mentioned maybe it’s because Adrien is trans and his father barely accepts this.
So, if it is true that this disconnect is caused (or at least partially caused) by Adrien being trans, he wants to make it clear he’s at least his son, not his daughter.
The dehumanization
Speaking of that unexplainable disconnect and dehumanization I had just mentioned, I want to get into more detail about that.
Gabriel continues to care so little about his own son, and at this point in the series, we see he’s barely even treated like a human anymore. Gabriel’s behavior has worsened. Gabriel had the audacity to free Adrien of his modeling career by creating a fake AI version of him.
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That is absolutely dehumanizing. Like, is it good that Adrien is no longer a model? Yes. But is it good that there’s a duplicate of him saying things and making expressions that aren’t real? Things he never said and did himself?
It’s incredibly slimy behavior to see your son as a marketing tool and way to reach your own stingy goals. And that begs the question: why does Gabriel see his son as just these things? How could a father treat his son with such little love and apathy?
This reminds me a lot of transphobic people because they don’t think of trans people as real people. They say and treat them as if they aren’t humans. They’re willing to threaten them, spit on them, possibly unalive them, insult the daylights out of them, etc as if they don’t have human emotions and lives. And, these transphobes are typically hateful, evil people, just like Mr. Gabriel Agreste.
One could argue that Gabriel has just gone absolutely insane and he showed some compassion for Adrien in earlier parts of the series. But, I don’t feel this is true. Referring to Wishmaker (again lol), it’s shown his parents have had expectations of him his whole life. Their love for him was conditional starting from his early childhood, and we’re not given reason as to why this is - it’s just been suspected to be abuse.
And, if we knock out my first section about Adrien not realizing his future, maybe he did know since childhood that he’s trans. And perhaps he defied his parents (like he did when he ran away to the school) and started taking steps to transition (as many steps as he could before needing his parents to weigh in and be somewhat accepting). That’s why Gabriel neglects Adrien and dehumanizes him, and him just going crazy showed more of his true colors - colors that have existed within him all along.
The relationship & physical affection discomfort
In Adrien’s first relationship, he was so uncomfortable with Kagami despite how long they were friends prior to. Understandably, this was his first relationship, Kagami made a lot of assumptions about him as a person, and came on really strong. But, despite liking her, he was still so uncomfortable and never really got over that.
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You’d think he would’ve been okay with kissing her and more physical touch since he seemingly had a bit of a crush on her for quite some time. But he hardly was. And he showed a bit of disappointment when she made wrong assumptions about who he really is.
If Adrien has gender dysphoria, he’s not going to feel very comfortable with physical affection, especially with someone who has the wrong idea of him as a person; someone who doesn’t know he’s trans (at least not yet). Notice how he also backs away at times when Ladybug actually tries to be physically affectionate with him (particularly the Fake Ladybug in Puppeteer 2).
Adrien only seems okay with physical affection if he initiates it. If someone else tries to initiate that first move when he’s not completely comfortable with them, he gets uncomfortable. It has to be by his terms. This could be him having to gain that bit of trust since he’s used to that dismissive attachment style from his father who neglects him - it reflects itself in romantic relationships. But it could also be bodily gender dysphoria and the fact that no one would know he’s trans (aside from his own family).
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yukii0nna · 15 days
Jaden maybe?
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Jaden or Judai is some who also goes through some changes. I like his core personality enough but I like to toy with it. So here's Jay!
Judai is a cheerful young man who's pretty curious. Despite his poor grades in his classes, he's surprisingly smarter than he appears in the things he likes like magic, dueling and science. He's also surprisingly insightful when it comes to the things he likes, being able to give genuinely good advice. He also tends to be the mediator whenever there's a fight. However he's still a bit of a ditz. He tends to forget things and generally stattered-brained.
He is the kind of guy who follows his impulses and sees the world as something to be explored. He genuinely looks before he leaps. His arc is learning how to slow down before he gets himself and others hurt.
His fighting style is more of him being in a support role. He's not exactly a strong fight and his magic doesn't give himself a boost so he helps his spirits and teammates when he can and uses spell books and a crossbow to compensate for it. He also knows he's worse at taking a hit then his sister.
Similar to Marinette, while he does has his flaws, he's a kind-hearted boy who's loyal through and though.
Chinese/Japanese (Ainu)
Trans - gay
Knows Chinese and Japanese. Just sucks at writing it.
@insomniac-jay @punkeropercyjackson @lovelyllamasblog @gritsandbrits @zexal-club @kousaka-ayumu
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 21 days
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jennagrinsoverml · 2 years
Any recommendations for fics where Adrien either never went to public school or just never met Marinette as a civilian until later in life?
Oh, this is fun! The dynamic changes a lot when you remove the square from things. I've read and enjoyed quite a few fics with this premise. Here are my favourites 😊
Lucky Us by PrincessKitty1
-AU- Marinette Dupain-Cheng's life isn't going as planned: twenty-six, recently dumped, and running her parents' bakery. The highlights of her day are the emails sent by her mysterious pen pal, Chat Noir. That is, until handsome model Adrien Agreste starts swinging by the bakery after hours. But how is he to know the Ladybug he loves is standing right in front of him?
Multi-chapter. Normally I'm not one for no power AUs, but this one is so well done, and found a great way to reintegrate the square, even with everything. Once I started reading, I was entirely swept along and found it impossible to stop.
Imbalance by @thelibraryloser
Chat Noir is fighting evil all on his own, not aware he’s supposed to be half of a whole. Hawkmoth is desperate to get his hands on the Black Cat and Ladybug Miraculous, knowing that if he causes enough destruction the world will demand balance and the Ladybug will have to appear. And when she does, she's not what anyone expected. Chat thought having a partner would feel different- maybe like how he feels talking to the girl on the balcony.
Multi-chapter. This is a great AU where Adrien not only never went to school, but got his miraculous under different circumstances and without Chat Noir and Ladybug meeting as fellow superheroes. The writing is fantastic, and the storyline is unique.
out of the woods. by @anxiouscupcake​
“I- I have a… Someone I care about very much,” Adrien admitted. “I’m only doing this because my father gave me no choice.”
“Well,” she said, lips pursed. “I don’t have it in me to fight The Gabriel Agreste, right now. My hands are tied too.”
“I’m sorry.”
To his credit, he genuinely sounded a little remorseful. She even resented him a little for it, because she had so much more to lose than he did, but he just wanted to stay in Daddy’s good books.
She grimaced. Marriage, for one year, they agreed. And a painful few months of “courtship” to convince the press of the authenticity of their “marriage”.
In eighteen months, her father would be hale and hearty, and she’d divorce Adrien Agreste and be nothing more than his business partner.
(…In which Gabriel is an asshole, Adrien is trying and Marinette’s stubborn but gives in eventually.)
This is a 2-part series that isn’t finished and that I desperately hope is continued. It has a kind of enemies to lovers vibe, even though that’s not exactly what’s going on. Adrien never went to school, so Marinette never fell in love with him. Instead Ladynoir are in love, but can’t be together because of identities. Meanwhile, Adrienette are forced to marry because of circumstances and Marinette resents Adrien for it. The tension in this one is exquisite!
Save You a Seat by @miabrown007​
Alya once read that you should invite random celebrities to your wedding — with the more than likely assumption that they won’t attend, only send you a card and an overpriced coffee machine.
Luckily, the chances of Hawkmoth’s son reading his mail and showing up to the event are microscopic. Marinette will be busy enough trying to get to know the boy behind Chat Noir’s mask — if he does decide to come — she doesn’t need to worry about being able to look Adrien Agreste in the eyes.
One-shot. Adrien never went to school so he doesn’t know Marinette, Nino or Alya. They just know him as Hawkmoth’s son. So, needless to say, things are a little awkward when Adrien shows up to Nino and Alya’s wedding… Such a fun (and awkward!) read.
Totally Not a Rom-Com by @nomolosk
Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Graham de Vanily (formerly Agreste) meet for the first time on a trans-Atlantic flight to New York. Cuteness and fluff ensues.
One-shot. I love these kinds of meet-cutes! Especially where they fall for each other so quickly (because it’s them, of course they would) and where their needs and wants align so perfectly. This is just so cute!
A little love by @hanaasbananas
He thought of those weeks visiting Marinette on her balcony, cultivating a friendship as she built a place for herself in his heart. He thought of Ladybug, his partner who had been beside him through everything, who had waited for him even when it was clear he would not return. How, of all the cafes in Paris, Marinette had chosen to walk into his.
Multi-chapter. This one is pretty angsty (but with a happy ending!) Adrien never went to school, so there’s no pre-existing relationship between Marinette and Adrien. But for plot reasons, Chat Nori and Marinette did have a friendship. So when, after Hawkmoth’s defeat and reveal, Chat Noir disappeared, it impacts on these relationships in different ways.
In the Span of a Cat-Nap by @komorebirei
When Adrien boards the Eurostar for London, all he wants is a nap. Instead, he gets a cute design intern as a seatmate, and his napping attempt proves unsuccessful.
Written for Adrinette April 2020 Day 27: Naps. AU where everything is the same, except Adrien never went to public school and isn't personally acquainted with Marinette. Post-Hawkmoth-reveal, and aged-up - they are twenty-one.
One-shot. Did I mention I’m a fan of the meet-cute?? Because this is a great one! I love the way that it feels like these two are meant to be together and no matter where or how they meet, they’ll always fall for each other, and crazy fast at that. It’s really sweet and even though the ending is ambiguous and open-ended, it really worked for me with the feel of the piece.
when you're near by @buggachat
When Ladybug and Chat Noir were together, dancing across rooftops and kissing under the moonlit sky, Ladybug loved her boyfriend. But when the masks fell and all that was left was Marinette, she hated her boyfriend. She hated the lonesome afternoons, the third wheeling, the way his name wasn't in her contacts...
She knows their identities are secret for a reason, and she tells herself she'd do anything to protect that— but when Marinette hears Chat Noir's voice coming from the boy sitting behind her in a coffee shop, she can't help but wonder if it's really worth not having him in her life.
One-shot. Ladynoir are in love, of course, since Adrien wasn’t around to steal Marinette’s heart. And for whatever reason Marinette is able to recognize Chat’s voice, but she doesn’t look to see his face. There’s this amazing push-pull dynamic where they try to respect the secret identities rule while being in love and wanting to be together all the time that builds towards a really beautiful ending.
Masks Off, Heart Eyes On by therealjanebingley
In a world where Marinette and Adrien never went to school together, where there's no magic keeping Ladybug and Chat Noir from recognizing each other on sight as civilians.
Marinette was sure she'd know her Chaton the moment she saw him sans mask, but she did not expect that moment to be at a fashion show. A fashion show he was modeling at, no less.
Two-part series; description taken from the first fic. I love the theme of these Never Met fics where of course Ladybug falls for Chat Noir without Adrien Agreste in the picture. And so, when Marinette recognizes Adrien at a fashion show, things get really romantic really fast. (The sequel features established relationship Adrienette but focuses on djwifi, who get the love square treatment themselves!)
nothing secret is sacred by thegeneralgirl
“Do you think you’ll recognize me if we ever bump into each other outside of—“ he gestures to the black leather “—this?”
Ladybug considers him for a second, her expression barely visible in the distant glow of city lights.
“Chaton, I think I’d know you anywhere.”
Or: Adrien Agreste never manages to enroll at public school. Marinette Dupain-Cheng falls in love with a different blond.
One-shot. The Ladynoir in this one makes my heart so happy! Just - they love each other so, so much and it’s just so sweet with just the right amount of angst and ahhhhh read it I loved it so much!
Look at this Photograph by orphan_account
Nino's apartment is full of unused picture frames, but he claims to know the blond stock photo model that lives in each one. Everyone else is a little more skeptical of his (imaginary) friend.
One-shot. This is such a fun read! Instead of being a big famous model, Adrien does stock photos instead. He never went to school so, when Nino claims to know him, everyone is skeptical. Then, one by one, the others “get in” on the joke. It’s a really sweet fic that I enjoyed a lot.
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*transes your blorbos for my personal benefit*
Cat duo au
Nonbinary (They/them) Adrien and genderfluid (he/she) Juleka
Juleka has been pretty androgynous most her life, so once he realize he preferred to be perceived certain ways it wasn't that big of a deal at home. That being said, she had experience in in presenting himself as a genderless entity.
Adrien lowkey gets gender envy from Juleka.
When Juleka learns about Adrien's identity she's really laid back about it and Adrien is like "????" because they are having a crisis.
Juleka does his make-up differently depending on how he's feeling, but its usually never picked up by anyone other than Luka and Rose and later Adrien.
When Juleka can't tell if its a boy or girl day she'll ask Luka (or Adrien if they had a sleep over) to flip a coin and decide for him.
Juleka doesn't teach Adrien how to do their makeup, instead watches youtube tutorials with them. I feel like Adrien has some prior knowledge of makeup because of modeling but they don't fully grasp the process or how to make it look a certain way.
Adrien tells Juleka the crabby patty secret formula to altering the super hero suit so she can look more masculine if she feels like it.
Juleka gets a slight undercut that is very visible when he transforms because her hair is in a ponytail. When Adrien knows Juleka is feeling more masculine they will call him tiger instead of tigress. Some fans catch on, some don't.
Rose likes to pet Juleka's undercut.
When Juleka realized she was genderfluid he was also praising the universe that Rose was panromantic.
Anarka: "Oh, daughter o' mine-" Juleka: "son" Anarka: "Oh, son o' mine-"
Natalie, walking in on Adrien cutting Juleka's hair while in a skirt: "... you're going to clean that up..., right?"
Also, once Chloe joins their sleep overs, deep late night talks lead her to realize she might not be entirely cis. They also lead Juleka to believing he has the power to steal people's gender.
Adrien never really comes out. Once Marinette and Rose pick up on Juleka only ever using they/them for Adrien they both start doing it somewhat subconsciously. After that the class catches on.
Chat has done patrol with the nonbinary flag around their shoulders. Same with tigress, but the genderfluid flag. (I almost typed Panthera instead of tigress)
Anyways, I think I'm done with asks for the night.
Ur so correct for this actually
Juleka gender fluid is so real and true. Also I planned nb adrien so long ago and just never said it get out of my head
(Ps. I also always say Panthera and then just redo it into tigress. Panthera has a grip on a specific group of people that will never leave)
Also. Chloe has demigirl swag I will not accept any contradictions I am correct
ALSO JULEKA UNDERCUT canon. Like I'm pretty sure I can dig up a convo with cap I had abt that when crocoduel came out Bc we are deranged
I also
physically wheezed from krabby patty secret formula to changing the suit
Pov. I accidentally ignored all my asks yesterday because I was listening to the Magnus archives season 1 for the first time and playing Minecraft
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iamthelowercase · 1 year
So I'm looking for a Miraculous Ladybug fanfic I read before. I know I read it on AO3, but I'm not familiar enough with AO3's search options and cultural tagging conventions have found it myself yet. My lack of familiarity makes it a slog, apparently.
The fic is more slice-of-life than monster-of-the-week. Marinette and Adrien are both trans. At the start of the fic, Marinette is out but Adrien is still closeted. Adrien is the Point of View character, but I'm pretty sure it's third-person limited not first person.
The earliest scene I remember, Adrien is in the bathroom for reasons, and another student makes a crack about "hey, there's a boy in the girl's bathroom" when Marinette comes in. Marinette rolls with it very well; it also turns out that she carries like pads or tampons or some combination.
In the middle Chat Noir and Ladybug are sitting in a tree, and somehow they land on this topic. Chat says something to the effect of "if I told you my name is Joseph, then if you wanted to find me out of costume you'd have to go looking for Josephine". Then in the course of conversation he mentions Marinette to Ladybug, and she's able to put all this together and figure out his name and then address him by name. They have a good supporting each other about it. It is plot relevant that from the tree they are sitting in they can see a statue of Ladybug and Chat Noir, and that Ladybug wears a skirt.
In the final (?) scene they're at school, and Adrien confronts someone who's bullying another student. The bully says "but you're not wearing any makeup though" to Adrien, and he pulls a makeup wipe down his face right in front of the bully to prove a point. Afterwards he goes into the bathroom to remove the rest of the makeup, and while talking to another student and Marinette decides to forgo makeup for the rest of the day; Marinette is implied to understand what this really means but the other student does not.
I am all but certain that I found this fic by following a recommendation either by @bisexualbaker or @alexseanchai or to one of them. It does not seem to be tagged with the obvious pair of "oh these are trans versions of these characters" tags, so I'm hoping either someone recognizes it and can point me to it, or can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
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