#toxic wasteland
terrorland · 1 year
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Its 2023 people! I made this like just the day before new year and then I colored it now so yeah It took me a WHOLE YEAR to finish it! HAHA! Anyhow its another one of my Cosmo elfs! The first ones where Teletus and Taconessa. This one is named Ultrahardt and he is heading into some toxic wasteland! For those who doesnt know. Cosmo Elfs are my take on ¨ Elfs in Sci-fi¨ .Or maybe more know as Space elfs! They explore an postapocalyptic earth , equipped with AA battery loaded weapons, looking for answers and artifacts from ¨ the old world¨ !
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winnifredsohnsblog · 1 month
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Hello! I’m curious to know if you listen to Hozier? Since his music also gives literary and it’d be interesting to know what you think!
Hello! Thanks for the ask
Hozier is wonderful! I love him!
I think he's incredibly creative, and he clearly knows how to write! He also clearly knows so much about the history of music, art, international politics, and so much more. There's nothing I admire more in an artist than some real intelligence. It shows in his command of the language. I've been listening since "Take Me to Church" went viral. I was absolutely in tears listening to that for the first time.
One point I've been thinking about lately is the way he wrote "Nina Cried Power" and how it's different from the way someone like Taylor Swift name-drops in her music.
The point here is that Hozier has immense respect for the people he mentions in the song, his obvious knowledge and respect for these people is ever-present. He thematically connects them from the perspective of their own lives into the message of the song. Meaning that it is the type of song they would co-sign. It's so moving for this very reason, it's like the people in his song are singing with him. In "Nina Cried Power" he's clearly using southern-inspired gospel-esque blues to sings about the way in which civil rights activists, and those musicians who broke the chains away, sang their activism into life. It's so lovely for him to use musicality stemming from Afro-American culture to sing about the major civil rights activist and artists from the era. He's literally brilliant, and I love his perspective on how the US civil rights movement impacted Irelands own civil rights movement. He's fucking brilliant.
And this line brings me to tears, "And I could cry power/ power has been cried by those stronger than me/ straight into the face that tells you to rattle your chains." He's so compelling both in storytelling and in intercultural dialogue. Beautiful. And how beautiful it is to remind us that no matter the location, your words and actions matter- activism matters. Power is with the people.
What a writer- what a message to send. Especially these days, when so many major public figures are refusing to speak on current events. How important it is to remind the public that there is no real reason to not speak up in times of injustice.
As opposed to Swift who can only name-drop people like Dylan Thomas in relation to being able to self-deprecate. Her impulse towards self-obsession shows in how she even represents the lives of others as ultimately being about her. It shows an immense disrespect and obvious distain for the people she writes about. She clearly only thinks about others when considering some hierarchal form of self-adulation. People are either better or worse than her- however, it is always about her. Dylan Thomas was an incredibly vocal activist and revolutionary spirit in his day, and Swift puts him in a cheap shot about herself? Painful, stupid, gag. Thomas was an avowed anti-fascist during the rise of the most horrific fascist regimes we've ever seen; as such he would be horrified at being eulogized by someone like Swift who lives and breathes money and power. I wish I could go back in time and unhear her besmirching his name.
Dylan Thomas would love Hozier though :) And so do I!
But anyway, I could totally write some literary criticism on Hozier, and you know what- it would be amazing because he is rich texture to dive into. His command of metaphor and mimetic technique is honestly so impressive! That actually sounds really fun and is totally on my to-do list now :)
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bird-inacage · 9 months
Only Friends: What Led to Ray's Explosive Tirade (Playing 'The Bad Guy')
I have to admit that this was not how I expected this scene to play out. I was just as flabbergasted as everyone else at first. However I think there's one clear thing that Ray's outburst reminded me off: no matter whether you reveal the truth or keep it to yourself - either way, you are the bad guy.
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I'm NOT the Villain
As Boston very derisively claims, if Ray reveals the truth of the affair, he'll be the one unleashing the damage. A similar parallel to what Boston did last episode (with very different intentions may I add, but damage is damage nonetheless).
Mew is incredibly important to Ray. If we talk simply outside of Ray's love for him, Ray wants to treat him well, repay him for his kindness and support over the years. Therefore, once Ray was in possession of this information, he felt very strongly that Mew needed to know. He knew telling Mew was the right thing to do. He does genuinely care about Mew as a person.
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Does he warn Mew and ruin his present happiness (which is based on a lie)? Or does he hold his tongue and potentially watch his friend get hurt from other mistreatments by Top further down the line?
Ray doesn't want to hurt Mew in any way. He doesn't want to be the bringer of bad news. Why should it have to fall to him to reveal this awful act of betrayal to someone he cares for so much? And when Mew supposedly doesn't react in the way he expects to this information, Ray goes ballistic with frustration, concern and anger. Why is he the bad guy for trying to help his friend, when Top can seemingly get away with it, and be in everyone's good graces even when he's completely undeserving? Why can no one else see Top's true colours?
I'm NOT the Worst
Something else that occurred to me throughout this episode, is how often Ray's friends belittle and overlook him. And it's so routine they hardly even notice.
Boston has never tried to hide his snide little back-handed comments at Ray. Since their fight at Sand's, he's become even more callous when throwing quips in plain sight. Namcheum makes an observation about all of them being partnered up, and it's only after a few beats that April points out Ray is still single. It's as if they forgot he was even there. Namcheum doesn't tend to pick up on any of the animosity or tension within this group. She's generally not the most tactful or best at reading people.
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Then when Ray speaks to Mew in the bathroom, Mew immediately assumes Ray's been taking drugs. Ray looks clearly stunned by this. Yes, he's always coined as the 'drunk' but that's not his one and only personality trait. That's not all he does and is as a person.
It dawns on Ray that even his closest friends seem to always assume the very worst of him. He had a bad feeling about Top from the offset but no one cared or listened. Rather, Ray never gets given the benefit of the doubt, when he's not committed anything as problematic as the heinous crimes amongst their group. Particularly when compared to Top, someone who gets all the praise and adoration when Ray knows he's a certified piece of shit, is desperately unfair. And most of all Top gets the respect of the best friend he loves.
I think what really sent the situation hurtling south was Ray watching everyone play happy families, when he knows there is a web of dishonesty and resentment lurking beneath. It's all a farce. And Ray couldn't stomach it for another moment longer. He had enough.
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Become the Very Thing You Loathe
In Episode 4, Ray displays a classic example of self-loathing and self punishment when he goads Sand to scold him. In doing so, it's as if he's deriving some warped form of satisfaction in owning these criticisms. Because he's told these things so often, he starts to believe it, so why not own it too? I actually mentioned this in my Episode 1 meta (regarding Ray's self-actualisation of becoming a burden). Sometimes embracing the very thing you hate being know for, at least validates the presence of that criticism. 'If people keep calling me an asshole, then fine, I'll become an asshole. At least then being called an asshole makes sense.'
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So Ray brought it on himself to air out everyone's dirty laundry. 'Fuck it, if you really all think I'm the worst, then fine, I'll do what needs to be done, I'll be the worst. You all happy now?'
Even though Ray adopts the persona forced onto him, he's not happy about it at all. He wants to be identified with more substance, with more credit, as more than just what everyone claims him to be.
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lady-raziel · 1 month
Lucy: Oh no! I can't decide whether to romance the ghoul or the Brotherhood of Steel solider! This is such a difficult choice! 
Norm (dating Thaddeus): Skill issue *thumbs down emoji* 
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greensupremetangerine · 11 months
PSA that harassing, bullying, and kicking a person out of a fandom is toxic behavior. A difference in opinions does not warrant anonymous hate, and claiming it wasnt that bad and there's no proof because they didn't post the hate doesn't retract the fact that something happened to make them deactivate their account.
Fandoms are supposed to be places of community, enjoyment, and celebration of a mutually liked piece of media. There isn't room for hate, because the concept of a fandom does not naturally account for it.
If someone says something you dont like, it does not give you the right or responsibility to "put them in their place" or "teach them what's right" or whatever. A person is allowed to have their own thoughts and opinions. You can retort, discuss, disagree, hell you can even block them, but for the love of god don't single them out and make them a villain. It doesn't automatically make you the right side if they stop talking.
Also, the anonymous button isn't for keeping the blame off yourself. It's not for sending a dozen death threats while still looking pretty and proper on your blog. The person recieving anons has no way to disengage from the conversation. They cannot block, the best they can do is disable anons and stop the kind, shy people from asking silly questions or hope you give up and stop. The last resort is completely deleting your account, and again, its not a sign of your victory, it's a sign of the fandom' loss, and it is a sign that you are the vicious aggressor.
If youre struggling to stop doing these things, by no means am I a saint or a therapist, but removing yourself from the situation and letting yourself breathe, even for a moment, will probably help a lot with your relationships and mental health. I'm a believer that people can change and it is in human nature to do so, even if it's hard. It's a conscious decision to be a good person (I'm not calling you evil) and being a kind person is fulfilling in amazing ways.
tl;dr don't harass people :( it doesn't give you the high ground and it makes the fandom a worse place.
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whirlpool-blogs · 1 year
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Mitch Marner And Kyle Dubas Discuss Six-Year Contract With Maple Leafs |  John Tavares injured as Leafs fall to Habs | Maple Leafs emotional after another Game 7 loss | Toronto Maple Leafs defeat Tampa Bay Lightning in overtime to advance in NHL playoffs | Kyle Dubas changed the Toronto Maple Leafs, but not their playoff history | post by @starpeace
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puniper · 6 months
i barely even use my twitter account, so my new years resolution is to just stop going on that site altogether
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sunnibits · 7 months
heyyyy so like. could we maybe make a tag or something for the people who are super genuinely upset about the finale. like #ofmd negativity or something. bc shit I’m upset too but I don’t think I’m necessarily upset in the same way you guys are and reading 1 million posts just shitting on the show isn’t really making me feel better 😭
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cryptids · 6 months
Yeah so as expected, it seems like first quantum minerals will be taking the panamanian government to an international court now (arbitration will apparently take place in florida).
I guess there's nothing panama can do at this point but just present our case and hope they don't win, but honestly it's making me angry. I can't even tell you guys how shady this company is.... They did so much illegal shit and covered it up, but bc they have so much money and power/influence nearly every news outlet in other countries is like "well the company denied those allegations" and leaves it at that.
I also want to add that they did something really similar in the congo, where the DRC government revoked a contract and forced FQM out bc they had breached it's terms SO many times. They also left the congo completely in ruins with massive amounts of pollution and damage to the land (which is exactly what they want to do to us here, and would have if we hadn't fought against it and managed to win), and contributed massively to the situation going on in the congo right now too. Not to mention how much damage they were ALREADY doing here in panama, like the locals have been getting sick for years and the water supply is already poisoned in the region where their mine is.
And it still seems like barely anybody in canada has a clue this is all going on??? It sucks knowing I don't have a big enough platform to bring more international awareness to all this myself, but I also am not good at writing and putting things into words lmao.
But anyway... now that they can't tell photographers to go away, we have more pictures of the mine itself (as it is right now) and it really is enormous already. Like knowing how much more it was going to expand is insane, and right in the middle of a rainforest literally full of endangered animals. It's still such a relief to know this was stopped for good even though its pissing me off how they won't even leave without trying to suck as much money as possible out this country and hurt us as much as possible in the process.
(Here's some of those pictures before I end up ranting more though lmao)
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flowers-shouldnt-die · 8 months
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“So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.” ― E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly
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liana-surge · 5 days
the Denial ship
whispurge is basically the opposite of a "hurt/comfort" ship
"No, I'm not hurt, and no, you're not comforting me right now!"
Even though both really are hurting and are comforting eachother.
It's amazing how little words can matter sometimes.
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 3 months
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Girl drop the haircare routine
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apocalypse-lover · 10 months
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thunderheadfred · 7 months
it's not worth getting into the details, but a complete stranger on threads managed to say something so deeply triggering and hurtful about my decision to start a family that I bawled my eyes out in real life, to the point that my partner thought I was like, about to die or something, so uh..... think I'm officially done with that algorithmic garbage fire...........
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