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neoyanl · 7 months
《娛樂圈血肉史》 #3
nei5 zi1 m4 zi1 bin1 go3 hai6 hak1 zaak6 ming4 aa4
嗰個電影嘅日本 即係日本嘅電影大師
go3 go3 din6 jing2 ge3 jat6 bun2 zik1 hai6 jat6 bun2 ge3 din6 jing2 daai6 si2
zik1 hai6 keoi5 cang4 ging1 jung6 sap6 nin4 ge3 si4 gaan3 paak3 jat1 tou3 din6 jing2
giu3 zou6 lyun6
sai1 lei6 ne1
bat1 gwo3 ngo5 dou1 m4 seon3 sik1
ngo5 zi6 gei2 dou2 lyun6 zo2 saa1 nin4 laa1
ngo5 uk1 kei2 dou1 hai6 jat1 joeng6
wai3 m4 hai6 dai6 jat6 dim2 zou6 hak1 zaak6 ming4 hai6 mi1 aa4
Do you know who Akira Kurosawa is? He's that Japanese film master. It's him who once spent ten years making a film, and that film is called 'Ran' (《亂》). Impressive, right? But I'm not too shabby myself. I've been causing chaos (亂) for thirty years. My home is just as chaotic. If it's not like this, how can I become the next Akira Kurosawa?
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angelgoddard · 2 years
Hiii, i love your blog and sub channel<3 so cute and aesthetic! And the content is great!
Im new to the sub and loa communities, actually. Could u pls explain me how exactly does a subliminal work? What does a sub do to our subconcious mind and how is it a great tool to manifest?
Thank you!!<333
hiii anon! firstly, thankyou <3 i appreciate your kind words :) also, welcome to the community! :D
a subliminal has affirmations under music or water sounds that you listen to! these affirmations only work because you BELIEVE they do! belief is the key to loa, and will help you stay away from limiting beliefs in the sub community! to truly make subliminals work, you must assume (believe) that they will work for you. i like to affirm i get subliminal results in mere milliseconds, and that helps me a lot! you can also get more confidence in your mind through self concept! :) self concept is how you see yourself in relation to the world, so if you have the constant assumption that you're ugly and annoying, people in your reality will react to you being ugly and annoying, because you hold that assumption.
technically, you don't even need subliminals, because they don't do anything unless your mind lets it. to manifest, you need nothing but a good self concept. i personally use subliminals as a little shopping list, or a place where i gather all my features in a playlist, as i already look the way i wish to in the 4d, and all i do now is wait for it to show in the 3d. when i listen to my playlist i affirm that this is just for fun, because im already insanely pretty and have all these things, but i find subliminals relaxing :) there's lots of loa blogs here that use subliminals as well, i think asking them why they use subliminals would be a good idea too!
good luck with your journey anon! I hope to see tou3 back with a success story :)
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shitsuren-chama · 4 years
I had a dream about a character (villain?) who could time travel and put himself in self-contained start and stop loops.
But worse than that, he could touch you and specifically put YOU in a self-contained time loop beginning from the moment he touched you.
So like, you'd be walking down a hallway in a crowded convention center, and he'd touch your arm, then you'd pursue him to try and catch him, but when you're just about to grasp his shirt, you get transported back to the spot where he tagged you? Tou3 would be doomed to repeat your actions, knowing that you're stuck in a loop. Meanwhile, he's long gone.
Or he would frame u for murder by touching someone as they were walking behind ur car, and when u go to put the car in reverse, he would send that person back to his tag spot, and they'd get crushed by ur car, etc...
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pastorale1947 · 7 years
Chim-giân 1
lâng-gīn http://taigi.fhl.net/dick/search_can.php?DETAIL=1&LIMIT=id=4363&dbname=dic_can&graph=2
Chim-giân 2
kī-lú (妓女)
Chim-giân 3
him-soān (欣羨) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=him-sian7
Chim-giân 4
chù-ì (注意) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=chu3-i3
Chim-giân 6
sok (束) 
bô hē-lo̍h ê pháiⁿ-lâng 
so-lōng (唆弄) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=so-long7
tò͘-khī (妒忌) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=tou3-khi7
Chim-giân 7
thang-á-chí http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=thang-a2-chi2
hāu-siⁿ-ke http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=hau7-siN-ke
chhù-kak (厝角) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=chhu3-kak
hoe-chōa http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=hoe-choa7
Chim-giân 8
bûn-gûn (紋銀) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=bun5-gun5
mn̂g-khiā http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=mng5-khia7
Chim-giân 10
sià-pāi http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=sia3-pai7
Chim-giân 11
bô͘-sū (謀士) 
kian-līn (堅吝) 
thiò (糶) 
Chim-giân 13
khâm-khia̍t http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=kham5-khiat8
chhê (箠) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=chhe5
Chim-giân 15
sò-pō http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=so3-po7
Chim-giân 16
bi̍t-pô͘ (蜜房) 
khó͘-hok (口腹) 
ha̍p-óa (合倚) 
Chim-giân 17
khe-á sī beh thoàn-liān gûn 
gû-tû http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=gu5-tu5
phòa-khiah (破隙)
kàu-nāu (較鬧) 
hāi-chāi (亥在) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=hai7-chai7
Chim-giân 18
sǹg-hēng (算行) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=sng3-heng7
Chim-giân 19
kek-tio̍k (革逐) 
Chim-giân 20
chin (升)
táu (斗)
lún (碖) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=lun2
Chim-giân 21
oan-oat (彎斡) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=oan-oat
at-chí (遏止) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=at-chi2
kian-līn (堅吝)
Chim-giân 23
oe̍h (狹)
chíⁿ (井)
Chim-giân 24
thòe-siok (退縮)
chháu-chhì (草刺) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=chhau2-chhi3
Chim-giân 25
hun-hē (分會) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=hun-he7
khòaⁿ-oa̍h (快活) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=khoaN3-oah8
gīn-sîn http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=gin7-sin5
kiⁿ (鹼)
ta̍h-lô (踏濁)
Chim-giân 26
hìⁿ http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=hiN3
mn̂g-khū (門臼) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=mng5-khu7
Chim-giân 27
iàm-khī (厭忌)
la̍k http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=lak8
khū-thûi (臼槌)
cheng (舂)
khū (臼)
iūⁿ (樣)
Chim-giân 28
chhiah (赤) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=chhiah
li̍p-khek (立刻) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=lip8-khek
pháiⁿ-ba̍k (歹目) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=phaiN2-bak8
Chim-giân 29
tì-ì (致意) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=ti3-i3
pun-chng (分贓) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=pun-chng
Chim-giân 30
chīn-chāi http://ip194097.ntcu.edu.tw/memory/tgb/thak.asp?id=110&page=226
gô͘-khî (蜈蜞) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=gou5-khi5
teh (啄) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=teh
Chim-giân 31
giám-ngī (儼硬) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=giam2-ngi7
a̍k-á http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=ak8-a2
kài-tē-it (蓋第一) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=kai3-te7-it
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