#top 10 film
top10film · 5 months
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my top 10 comfort films:
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Have I mentioned that I love Nope? Cuz I LOVE Nope.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
Top 5 Oscar Piastri expressions please! (He has so many and whoever says he doesn't, I will personally fight them)
1. mouth scrunch (sardonic, mild)
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2. the weird woobified-despite-himself heart eyes but specifically at lando because lando is his teenage crush and i’m not fighting ppl about it cus it’s factually true
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3. the challenging face when he’s being asked whether he’s truly the best driver on the grid and he’s like. is that even a question
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4. the one in the winter break picture with lily at the restaurant like good lord, that’s the face of a romance protagonist who got the happy ending
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5. whatever is going on here
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motherdanger · 1 year
"What's the matter? Lives flashing before your eyes?"
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thatsrightice · 11 months
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Tom “Iceman” Kazansky being a nerd and reading all the time, but especially NATOPs for other jets.
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teex · 5 months
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my favorite 2023 films
11. Saltburn 12. Evil Dead Rise 13. Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves 14. Priscilla 15. The Holdovers 16. Shortcomings 17. The Killer 18. Killers of the Flower Moon 19. Dream Scenario 20. When Evil Lurks
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My Top 10 of 2022
Fire of Love dir. Sara Dosa
Aftersun dir. Charlotte Wells
Happening dir. Audrey Diwan 
The Woman King dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood
Neptune Frost dir. Anisia Uzeyman & Saul Williams
Emily dir. Frances O’Connor 
Corsage dir. Marie Kreutzer
Bodies Bodies Bodies dir. Halina Reijn
Hawa dir. Maïmouna Doucouré
Mr. Malcolm's List dir. Emma Holly Jones
Honourable mention:
Catherine Called Birdy dir. Lena Dunham, Causeway dir. Lila Neugebauer, Don't Worry Darling dir. Olivia Wilde, The Eternal Daughter dir. Joanna Hogg, Honk For Jesus. Save Your Soul dir. Adamma Ebo
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petpluto · 1 year
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I am genuinely so happy right now it’s dumb.
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top10film · 6 months
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phantomoftheorpheum · 11 months
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my top 10 comfort films:
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365filmsbyauroranocte · 10 months
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Films watched in 2023.
Top 10 July.
Manhunter (Michael Mann, 1986)
Working Girls (Lizzie Borden, 1986)
Suzume (Makoto Shinkai, 2022)
Born in Flames (Lizzie Borden, 1983)
Jane B. par Agnès V. (Agnès Varda, 1988)
What Places of Heaven, What Planets Directed, How Long the Effects? or, the General Accidents of the World (David Gatten, 2013)
Lucifer Rising (Kenneth Anger, 1972)
How Do You Measure a Year? (Jay Rosenblatt, 2021)
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (James Signorelli, 1988)
Blue Collar (Paul Schrader, 1978)
(My list on Letterboxd -click here-)
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My top 10 movies which I love all my heart (pictures aren't mine) ❤️
PS and of course "Pride and Prejudice", but I can only put 10 pictures in post :((
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xenosagaepisodeone · 1 year
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All About Lily Chou-Chou (2001)
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twistedtummies2 · 2 months
Top 10 Portrayals of Inspector Lestrade
Having just finished my list of my favorite fictional detectives, I felt it was time to return to my absolute favorite of the bunch: Sherlock Holmes. In the past, I have done lists related to Holmes himself, as well as his friend and colleague, Dr. Watson, and his arch-nemesis, Professor Moriarty. I recently revisited those three countdowns to see if I would change anything, and…at the moment, no, I think they’re still pretty solidly set. HOWEVER, I’ve never gone over any of the other major characters in the Sherlock Holmes universe since those three. I haven’t covered his other allies, or any other noteworthy antagonists he faced. So, I decided it was time to fix that problem. These lists WILL have descriptions, but they’ll be very brief, partially just because I don’t have a TON to say about most of the characters/portrayals involved. We’ll start off with a Top 10 devoted to Scotland Yard’s most competent detective, Inspector Lestrade.
In the books, Lestrade is one of Holmes’ closest compatriots. While the super sleuth frequently interacts with various Scotland Yard officers, Lestrade is the most recurring, and has the most rapport with Sherlock. Their relationship is an…interesting one, to say the least. On the one hand, the two do care about each other, and there is some level of mutual respect under their respective, prickly surfaces. However, the pair bicker constantly, and always seem to be trying to one-up each other. Holmes concedes that Lestrade is probably the best detective at the Yard, but with the caveat that he is “the best of a bad bunch.” Lestrade, meanwhile, often tries to downplay Holmes’ unique skills in favor of boosting his own ego, and is forever frustrated by Sherlock’s antics. At the same time, he recognizes Holmes is very helpful to himself and the force, and for all his faults, he always manages to help the Inspector catch the crooks in the end. Indeed, the main reason Lestrade usually fails is because he ironically tends to jump the gun: he’s someone who fails to look at the big picture, or else notice the smaller details, which is what Holmes is very good at. If he just took his time more, he could probably get to the bottom of things more quickly…but Holmes can do all that in an instant, so it’s a good thing he’s hanging around. Different interpretations throughout adaptations and reimaginings of the Holmes universe have reinterpreted Lestrade in a number of ways (and with no less than two different pronunciations of his name; “Leh-strawed” seems to be the most common, but a couple choose to say “Less-trade”). Some versions of him are more comical and bungling, while some are more serious but still not quite as brilliant as Holmes. Some make the character more bullheaded and easily angered, while others make him more supportive and friendly. Many of the best find some sort of balance between these disparate elements; while he may not get the kudos that Holmes and Watson get, Lestrade is an interesting character in his own right, with a lot of layers writers, actors, and directors can play with. Having said that, here are some I particularly enjoy. So STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW! Here are My Top 10 Favorite Portrayals of Inspector Lestrade.
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10. Frank Finlay, from A Study in Terror & Murder By Decree.
Finlay played Lestrade, by sheer coincidence, in two completely different films that have the same premise: Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper. He looks, sounds, and generally behaves exactly the same in both movies, too. It’s rather uncanny, really.
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9. Eddie Marsan, from the Guy Ritchie Films.
In the first film, Lestrade is a major character, and the way they play with his relationship with Sherlock is surprising; it’s just a shame he’s little more than a cameo in the second film.
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8. Jeffrey Jones, from Without a Clue.
Arguably the most bumbling version of the character on this list. However, since this movie is an outright comedy, I don’t mind this. Plus, Jeffrey Jones is just a lot of fun as an actor, in general.
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7. Peter Madden, from the 60s BBC Series.
In some ways, I think this might be the most book-accurate take on Lestrade, especially in terms of physical appearance. Madden only played the character in the first season of the series; in the second season, actor William Lucas took over. Weirdly enough, Madden did appear in the second season playing a completely different character in one episode. Not really sure why he was recast.
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6. Dennis Hoey, from the Universal Films.
Alongside Jones, the most bungling version of Lestrade, frequently used as comic relief. In most of the films - not all, but most - he makes Nigel Bruce’s infamously doofy Watson look like a genius in comparison. He’s a lot of fun, though, and the chemistry between the three performers is great every time.
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5. Rupert Graves, from Sherlock.
Arguably the most serious version of Lestrade on the list. I love the sort of normalcy he brings to the crazy world of Holmes and Watson, and the way he’s able to just put up with all the nonsense Sherlock shoves onto him, as well as find ways to rein Holmes in.
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4. Archie Duncan, from the 50s TV Series.
This Lestrade is able to be extremely funny without actually being a moron; while he always needs Holmes to help him out, it’s mostly just because he’s impulsive and hotheaded, and therefore doesn’t always think things through or notice the details Sherlock notices. (Just like in the books.) Duncan, like Peter Madden, would weirdly play other characters in the show BESIDES Lestrade, including a villain in one story. Very talented performer who was always good to see in action!
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3. The Version from Moriarty the Patriot.
This is probably the most friendly and encouraging version of Lestrade on the list, though he still gets righteously annoyed with both Holmes AND Moriarty in the series. I love his energy and the integrity the character has in the show; like Holmes, he’s willing to bend the rules to see justice done, and will never give up no matter what, which explains why they like each other above all else.
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2. Akiko Morison, from Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century.
This version is a female descendant of the original inspector, named Beth Lestrade. She actually was more of a standout to me in this show than Watson was! Once again, this version isn’t depicted is an idiot - she’s fiery, strong, and very good at her job, with great instincts. Her problem is that, once again, she doesn’t always pick up on the details or fully understand the situation, which leads to conflict and her need to have Holmes around.
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1. Colin Jeavons, from the Granada Series.
The definitive take on Lestrade, just as Jeremy Brett was the definitive take on Holmes, in my opinion. Jeavons plays Lestrade as a slightly pompous and rather sarcastic police officer, but he also seems to be one of the versions of the character who has the best sort of relationship with Sherlock. I love the chemistry between the pair, and how they each seem to sort of admire each other, though neither will ever admit it. At the same time, that competitive rivalry between the two has rarely been showcased better. Altogether marvelous.
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top ten first watches of 2023?
I assume you mean films, right? Anyway, top 10 in no particular order.
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Crash was a long time coming, but it took a podcast I used to listen to weekly to finally get to this Cronenberg classic. Bodily modifications? Violent eroticism? Body as a machine? Death & eroticism? It has it all and much more.
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For those of you in your 20s and 30s (or even older) who feel alienated in the urban landscape, surrounded by crowds whilst feeling lonely and yearning for any type of human connection, this film is for you.
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It's no secret that Brian de Palma wanted to be Hitchcock since he was a baby (I assume, but it sure does look so). You can see it in so many movies of his and Body Double is a perfect example. It even has the misogyny down to a T. But it's also really good and I'm a fan of voyeurism in cinema (from a critical position mostly). This is like Rear Window and Vertigo mashed together, but with 80s hair.
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Now this was probably the highlight for me this year. Editor by day, sex worker by night, Kathleen Turner is a force in this film, alongside Anthony Perkins, the perverted priest. But if that is not enough to do the trick, the cinematography and that anal sex scene might do the trick 😉
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Who knew Joan Crawford had such a big issue with wire hangers? Not me, but I sure found out in that crazy scene that has one of the most memorable meltdowns in cinema. Every shot of Faye Dunaway screams "I want that Oscar, god damn it!"
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Fedora is the late 70s version of Sunset Boulevard and it has the same director. Not as good as that classic, but my god, the clothes! I'd watch it again just for the clothes, particularly that white suit Fedora is wearing in the garden of her villa when she receives that honorary Oscar.
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I don't think there's any Paul Schrader film that I didn't like. It wouldn't make sense to call him underrated, but he's better than others from that 1970s gang (cough *de Palma* cough). In Hardcore, a father finds out his daughter went to Los Angeles and started acting in porn. He gets the confirmation when he actually sees her in one film in some shady movie theater. It's a weird and very uncomfortable scene and by comparison, not much, knowing how it will unfold later.
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Of course Madonna is always in control of her image and what she allows to be seen or how she comes across. But that doesn't mean there's nothing genuine there, on the contrary. And the camera captures that. The backstage, the everyday conversations, the relationship with the dancers. Real people with real emotions and the more darker parts are allowed to slip in through the cracks. On top of that, it has footage from her tour in 90-91, a reminder of how Madonna is one of the best performers out there, making me wish there'd be a time machine so I can see her live during that time.
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For anyone who is a fan of Sex and The City, how about a late 1930s version? Fast pace dialogue, outfits to die for and a cast made almost entirely of women.
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The second Cronenberg on the 2023 list. I watched M. Butterfly after seeing Madame Butterfly at the opera. The film is slightly different and it deals with some of my favorite themes in fiction and media lately: gender identities, criticism of colonialism, orientalist fantasies that obscure realities and so much more.
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