#tom criuse
brightnote · 8 months
Wild how Maria Hill fans globally were so mad at Secret Invasion and desperate for Maria content that they blew up this 2012 Tom Cruise/Cobie Smulders movie on Netflix
I can't stop running into headlines about this and I am cracking up:
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there's like 1000 more. Like world, I see you, I know what you are doing. You are not watching this for Tom Cruise.
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celticcrossanon · 15 days
Hello Celta, thank you for the last reading you did. As horrible as it was, it showed us what many of is in the Megxit community have suspected all along. It also falls in line with Northy Witch Tarot where she picks up on the dark energy being sent to the BRF with much evil intent. We must all pray for Arch Angel Michael for his protection, and for the energy to be redirected back to the sender. Amen.
There was a story in the press recently about a German documentary about Meghan currently being made and Mystical Fortunes did a reading today on it. It’s very bad news for MM, it will be released during Sagittarius season, and will spell the ruin of her. The Chariot card showed up, and there’s much discussion in the comment section of it being William. There’s also the possibility of it being Tom Cruise, who a mega filmmaker, very much a Cancer and who knows how to make successful films. He has many contacts across Europe. There’s a lot of big players, the 10 of pentacles and the Queen and King of Pentacles possibly Catherine and Cruise?
It was no accident that he showed up at William’s first event after Christmas, in January before the vicious, cruel attacks on Catherine. I imagine Criuse told William, if there’s anything you need, anything at all, just say the word. And Cruise got the call from William after the Mothers Day photo pile on from the press and Meghan’s backing photo agency Getty, who put out a kill notice on that sweet Mothers Day photo.
I imagine this is the case, and it would not surprise me one little bit if it was revealed to be true.
Hi AnonymousRetired,
I have only just heard about the German documentary, and I don't know what is supposed to be in it. I hope that someone finally tells the truth about Meghan - her past, her ambitions, her social climbing etc. I am so tired of all the secrets and scrubbing of the internet with respect to her. I would welcome the truth coming out once and for all.
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decadentworld · 2 months
Where’s the “Tom Cruise gay/Google show me tom criuse gay/went on a lil rant today” post
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luigiviazzo · 6 years
Ping Pong @ Errori Temporali
#ping #pong di testa https://youtu.be/J2TUeN3rZQE
#Minority #Report è una #pellicola liberamente tratta dall’omonimo #racconto by #PhilipKindredDick. Il #film, firmato nel 2002 da
#StevenSpielberg e interpretato da #TomCruise, #ColinFarrell e #SamanthaMorton, ha la propria #location a #Washington Dc, anno Domini 2054. #MinorityReport is a film freely taken from the omonymous story by Philip Kindred #Dick. The film, signed in 2002 by Steven #Spielberg and starring Tom #Cruise, Colin #Farrell and Samantha #Morton, has its own location in Washington DC, year Domini 2054. #Auditio #Minoritatis est #pellicula ex homonyma fabula scripta a Philippo Cognatos, Dick. Moderator cinematographicus, in MMII (2002), fuit Steven Spielberg et Heroes Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell et Samantha Morton; pellicula habet suum situm in Washington, Dc, anno Domini MMLIV (2054). http://luigialfonsoviazzo.altervista.org/minority-report-parte-i/ https://www.facebook.com/SportCuriosity/
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americanphysco · 2 years
nicholas braun, 90s tom criuse, 90s leonardo dicaprio, dev patel (duh), alex gaskarth, danger days gerard way, frank iero, andrew garfield, vic fuentes, atticus mitchell, ross lynch, hugh dancy, etc
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first of all can I just say I admire the bravery of attaching your url to this and second of all I don't think these are bad opinions at all. there are people on here who wanna fuck steve buscemi with everything in them so like you're very normal in comparison. some of these men are hot too. dev patel? 90s dicaprio? so valid of you
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le-le-land · 6 years
Nr 45 Mission Impossible: Fallout
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 Ein Actionspektakel von einem anderen Stern, das ganz neue Maßstäbe setzt und Tom Cruise in Höchstform zeigt. Mit 147 Minuten ist der Nummer 6 der Reihe zwar sehr lange und zwischendurch leidet die Story auch darunter, aber der humorvolle und ironische Charme der Mission Impossible Filme und das endlose, abwechslungsreiche Actiongebot – insbesondere zwischen Cruise und Ex-Superman Henry Cavill – machen das wieder wett. 
Daher bekommt “Mission Impossible: Fallout”:
7 von 10 Sternen
Fun Fact: Cruise, der ja bekanntlich alle Stunts selber macht, brach sich beim Dreh den Fuß, machte den Take aber noch (humpelnd) zu Ende. Die Scene landete im Film.
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geekybar9 · 6 years
Mission: Impossible - Fallout Review Ethan Hunt returns to save the world, the audience, but above all himself
Mission: Impossible – Fallout Review Ethan Hunt returns to save the world, the audience, but above all himself
Ethan Hunt returns to save the world, the audience, but above all himself. You can argue three times how much we missed.
You remember that kind of urge from childhood. When your parents go off and you could not wait to see them again in a week. When your mother banned you from playing Street Fighter and sent you to bathe and you just walked through the bath so you could do it again? That’s…
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4myson · 7 years
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elcorreodigital · 4 years
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Película de Tom Cruise rodada en el espacio tendrá presupuesto de 200mdd ENTRETENIMIENTO | 31.7.2020 | 14:39 Excelsior 3823 Elon Musk Tom Cruise Ethan Hunt CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Normalmente, incluso para películas como Vengadores: Endgame o Star Wars, un presupuesto de 200 millones de dólares suele ser un buen motivo para que los estudios se echen atrás en un proyecto. RELACIONADO Cápsula de SpaceX hace el 1er amerizaje en 45 años Pixar anuncia su nueva película; será una aventura en la Riviera italiana Pero parece que contar con Tom Criuse como estrella, Christopher McQuarrie (Misión Imposible: Fallout) como productor y Doug Liman (El caso Bourne) como director, es garantía suficiente. Y más si parte de la película se rodará en el espacio. Según informa Deadline, Universal ha concedido un presupuesto de 200 millones de dólares a la próxima película de Cruise, que tiene como gran atractivo la filmación de escenas en el espacio, es decir en gravedad cero. Teniendo esto en cuenta, no parece un presupuesto muy desorbitado, aunque eso no significa que no pueda haber otros acreedores en calidad de productor ejecutivo. Por ejemplo, Elon Musk de Tesla, que se ha declarado un gran partidario de la idea. Corporaciones privadas como SpaceX del propio Musk están haciendo todo lo posible por adelantar la carrera espacial, por lo que llevar al cine más allá de órbita se siente como un paso lógico en el futuro. La película sin título protagonizada por Cruise es firme candidata a ser la primera, pero también se ha hablado de que la franquicia Fast & Furious viajará al espacio en su novena entrega. Por otro lado, la película espacial sin título ya cuenta con el apoyo de la NASA, tal y como explicó el administrador de la agencia Jim Bridestine en un tuit, al que respondió Musk. En caso de lograr filmar la película, Cruise se convertiría en el primer actor-astronauta de la historia, y su nombre figuraría en el libro Guinness. Además de su trabajo conjunto en la franquicia Misión Imposible, McQuarrie ha trabajado con Cruise en Top Gun: Maverick, la tardía secuela de los pilotos de caza que llegará a los cines en 2021 tras los retrasos sufridos por la pandemia https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZyqBVJs07/?igshid=nconrpw8yyxv
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news24hrou · 5 years
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Fiica celebrilor Tom Criuse și Nicole Kidman trăiește ca o anonimă în Marea Britanie. A renuntat la tot pentru religie si soț! Nicole Kidman și Tom Cruise înfiau în 1992 o fetiță după ce medicii îi anunțau că nu pot avea copii. Ulterior cei doi deveneau părinți biologici ai altor micuți, dar cu parteneri diferiți. https://ift.tt/2Uiv3LA
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madzia5823 · 6 years
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dziś jest Międzynarodowy Dzień Leworęcznych– święto osób leworęcznych obchodzone 13 sierpnia. Organizuje je od 1992 roku międzynarodowa organizacja „Klub Leworęcznych” (ang. The Left-Handers Club, powstała w 1990), której siedziba znajduje się w Wielkiej Brytanii. W Polsce po raz pierwszy obchodzone w 2006 roku.
Sławni leworęczni Praktycznie w każdej dziedzinie można znaleźć wybitne osoby, które były lub są leworęczne.
Wśród muzyków to np.: Ludwig van Beethoven, Jimmy Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Sting i Bob Dylan. Wśród aktorów: Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, Robert de Niro, Robert Redford, Angelina Jolie, Tom Criuse i Nicole Kidman. W świecie nauki i technologii: Albert Einstein, filozof Fryderyk Nietzsche, a także Bill Gates i nieżyjący już szef Apple Steve Jobs.
Wśród znanych polityków leworęczni to m.in.: Aleksander Wielki, Juliusz Cezar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Joanna d'Arc i Winston Churchill. Lewą ręką posługiwało się także wielu prezydentów USA: Benjamin Franklin, Harry S. Truman, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush senior, Bill Clinton i Barack Obama.
Znani leworęczni Polacy to m.in: prezydent Andrzej Duda, Andrzej Wajda, rysownik Andrzej Mleczko, pisarz Jerzy Pilch i  kompozytor Krzysztof Panderecki
Today is the international day of left-handed people on August 13 Since 1992, the international organization of "Left-handed club" has been organised. The Left-Handers Club, founded in 1990, is located in the United Kingdom. In Poland first celebrated in 2006
Famous - Practically in every field you can find outstanding people who have been or are left.
Among the musicians is ludwig van Beethoven, Jimmy Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Paul Mccartney, Ringo Starr, sting and Bob Dylan. Among Actors: Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, Robert De Niro, Robert Redford, Angelina Jolie, Tom Criuse and Nicole Kidman. In the world of science and technology: Albert Einstein, philosopher Frederick Nietzsche, as well as bill gates and the late head of Apple Steve Jobs.
Among known politicians-is m. In.: Alexander the great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Joan of arc and Winston Churchill. There are also many U.S. Presidents, Benjamin Franklin, Harry s. Truman, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Senior, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
Known-poles are m. In: President Andrzej Duda, Andrzej Wajda, Cartoonist Andrzej Milk, writer jerzy pilch and composer krzysztof panderecki
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icimdekiben34-blog · 7 years
Tom Criuse and James Corden..😊👏🏻
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jediwizardelf · 5 years
Imagine being a Kingsman agent and being partnered with Ethan Hunt to save British minister
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rednazart · 6 years
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I made myself into that meme thing with Tom Cruise
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infinitaregna · 6 years
Movies: The Mummy (2017)
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Pros AND Cons:
-A movie so godawful that it actually makes those silly Brendan Fraser films look decent by comparison
-In all fairness, Tom Cruise usually makes pretty decent choices when it comes to science fiction movies, this was not one of them
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