#tom (album gang)
luzxii · 1 year
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kerpow!!!! Lookie i turned ur ww albums into guys!!!!!!! I wanna do smtn cool w/ them so stay tuned for that if i ever do lol.. 💀👁🏠🐭
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docgold13 · 8 months
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Profiles in Villainy
The Gangreen Gang 
A group of no good, trouble-making hoodlums who live in a shack at the Townsville City dump, the Gangreen Gang are most renown for being the first villains to battle The Powerpuff Girls shortly after the threesome decided to become superheroes.  These green-skinned delinquents are more of a nuisance than significant threat, but they sure know how to make trouble.
The gang is composed of Ace, Snake, Big Billy, Lil’ Arturo and Grubber.   It remains unknown how the teens got their green skin and mutated features although it has been intimated that they may have been exposed to some sort of radioactive material at the city dump.  
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Ace, the group’s leader, briefly left the gang to play bass on tour with the English experimental rock band, The Gorilliaz.  Ace performed on the band's sixth album The Now Now, replacing bassist Murdoc Niccals while he was serving a prison sentence. Following Mudoc’s release, Ace returned to Townsville and joined back up with the Gangreen Gang.
Actors Jeff Bennett, Tom Kenny and Carlos Alazraqui provide the voices for the Gangreen Gang.  The green-skinned goons first appeared in the fourth episode of the first season of The Powerpuff Girls, airing on December 9th, 1998.
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
MCYT ; at a trampoline park
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, badlinu, ranboo, & quackity
warnings ; language, mentions of nosebleeds
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absolute problem child
we all saw the trampoline park vlog
jumping off anything and everything
almost broke his ankle double bouncing onto a hard ledge because he's a dumbass
constantly double bouncing you
forces you to hold his belongings, like just set them on the ground it'll be fine. we're three feet away 😭😭😭
makes you hold the vlog camera at all times when he's doing tricks and attempting them
throws a ball straight at your face and gives you a teeny tiny nosebleed
"Tommy, what the hell?"
gets the staff to play Jort Storm over the speakers
people stare at him the whole time like "who is that annoying child?"
if only they subscribed
double bounces you constantly
obsessed with the zip line thing
he goes on that thing like 282929 times
he gets you guys sunglasses so you're bouncing around looking swag as hell
generally a fun time
recording his god damn backflips and shit
you guys have a dodgeball competition with a bunch of random children
you were ganged up on
and you lost
when he hears a song he likes over the speakers he has to pause and lip sync it with you I swear
a little less tame than the problem child
he and harry attempt to do tricks off the angled trampolines and that just goes so well
he records the whole thing for his weekly vlog dw
the amount of double bouncing.
you wanna puke when you're getting ready to leave
Freddie almost lost his phone in the weird pit of soft cubes
there's a slide, which just goes so, so crazy hard
in the vlog he edits in some copyright free metal and that stupid red filter if yk what I'm talking about
somehow you ended up busting your finger on the side and he slows it down like an instant replay 💀💀💀
does a bunch of tricks to land in the hand-on-head-laying-on-side position like in the tom simons vlog from like 2 years ago
doesn't mean to double bounce you but he does constantly
jumps over the hard ledges like it's so easy
you almost break your legs trying that
wrestling matches
that's a story in itself
you pour water into his mouth through his mask while he's wrestling Tommy like it's the WWE
gets you guys those cheap sunglasses
he got the blue and yellow star ones
so swag
he posts a pic on Twitter and saves it in his photos to his 'shenanigans' album lol
double bouncing competitions
he almost loses his beanie like 10000 times
you guys call like karl or tubbo and bother them for like five minutes while you're taking a break lol
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c0la-queen · 1 month
Been thinking about gang x nonchalant reader in a semi nsfw way…. like a reader that isnt afraid to be touchy(but in a casual way or making jokes, not Have to be in a flirty way) and doesn’t shy away from physical contact at all, its like she used to have a same-gender girl friends group that was used to it so she does the same to the guys unknowing that there Should be a “limit” but she doesn’t care, she puts her legs over their legs sitting on the couch and lay her head on them to rest if they allow it and would even cuddle with them, she walks around in short revealing pajamas and she would change her clothes openly if they’d let her but probably gets scold but the guys on how she should care more about it cause its making them flustered too but she just doesn’t understand like they’re close friends so why not, its not like weird etc etc. Can I get your thoughts on this? How the gang reacts and how all the guys would go about it if they’re all into it kinda thing ;)
Ohhhh do I have THOUGHTS /pos
It's very easy for me to write this, because my Eddsworld Reader is very much this kind of person!
I think that, for my Eddsworld crew, they would not be bothered at ALL. It was definitely a big shock for them at first, because in their brains that is?? Not how women act??? But they quickly get used to it and even learn to love it. Plus, they're still rat bastards at the end of the day, so they're all just a little perverted to different degrees.
Matt would probably be the most normal about it. Even then, he's not completely normal. He's probably internally in denial about the fact that he's a little twisted like the others. As a Girl's Girl, Matt would be jumping to help you with your outfits. If you need someone to help you pick out what to wear for the day, he's happy to help! And well, if you're going to change right there in the middle of your room while he's sitting on the bed, who is he to judge? It's your room, after all. He would look away at first. Even if you are comfortable enough to change in front of him, he'd want to respect your privacy. But then.... that little voice starts speaking to him. A small peek wouldn't hurt, right? He would need to know what color your underwear is, to make sure it doesn't show through your clothes! Or what if he wants to buy you some cute new underwear from the mall, or from his mom's company? He needs to know what style you like! So... he peeks. Then he can't tear his eyes away. After a while, he stops looking away. He feels guilty about it, but at this point he just can't stop himself.
Tom is a good balance. He knows you're a very touchy person. Normally he wouldn't be comfortable with it, but for you? He makes an exception. Part of him feels a little guilty about getting off on it, but how can he feel guilty for too long when you're pressing up against him like that? He loves it when you hug his arm out in public, subconsciously pressing your chest to his arm. Or when you fall asleep in the car when they're driving home late at night, sitting in the backseat with him and laying your head in his lap. You're sleeping so comfortably, it would be wrong of him to wake you up! Doesn't matter if your hand is laying limp a little high up on his thigh. Tom doesn't mind. One of his favorite things is how willing you are to take pictures. You know that Tom is a photographer and enjoys taking pictures of his friends. So if the two of you are out somewhere and Tom asks if he can take a picture? That's totally normal! You see nothing wrong with the fact that Tom has an album filled with pictures of you, even if some of them are at.... risqué angles.
Edd wouldn't feel guilty at all. He'd eat that shit up! Like Tom, he also loves that you're physically affectionate! He'll reciprocate happily, putting his hands on you whenever he can. Hugs that last a little longer than normal, sliding his hands up your back or down your sides. He'd wrap his arm around your waist in public, resting his hand on your hip. He doesn't want you to get lost! This is a big crowd, after all. You could get separated. Edd is very naturally possessive, so if you're out somewhere and he notices some guys looking at you, he'll get extra handsy. You just giggle and playfully swat at him, but don't push him away. It inflates his ego so much. Around the house, he'll pick you up randomly while bantering with you. If you start to get too feisty for his tastes, he'll hoist you over his shoulder and pinch your thighs, making you squeal. It's just a coincidence that he does it whenever you're wearing those short athletic shorts that barely cover your thighs! And if he insists on laying his head on your lap while you two are watching TV on the couch? That's nothing out of the ordinary! He's comfortable!
Tord is absolutely the worst about it. He's unashamed about it. If you're nonchalant about changing in front of him, he's nonchalant about watching. Doesn't try to justify it in his head. Doesn't see it as anything wrong - if you don't mind, why is there a problem? In public, it's mostly just him putting his hand on the small of your back. Maybe his fingers will drift down just a little, tease at the waistband of your pants. If he sees someone that he recognizes as competition, he'll press himself up flush to your back to flaunt his claim over you. It's not his fault if he's pressed close enough that you can feel every inch of him. In private, during those late nights where you're watching anime in his room, he gets clingy. He'll sit with his back against the pillows, letting you lay between his legs with your head against his stomach. His hands will trace up and down your sides. Fingers will make shapes along your bare skin, reveling in the goosebumps you get. In the dark of his room, he'll lean down to whisper in your ear, bury his face in your shoulder so he has an excuse to trace his lips along your skin. If you're the type to playfully nip and bite, he'll do it back, grinning when he hears your breath hitch. You never talk about it in the morning. After all, inhibitions leave within the night.
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omegalomania · 1 year
hey gang what time is it its time for another joe trohman podcast. this actually came out like a month ago but i missed it until isa linked it to me and because i like doing these heres a highlights reel
the host says he appreciates that joe opened the book with the question of whether or not satan fucked his wife to which joe replies "well you know, when you have kids, sometimes you wonder that. you truly wonder what are these demons. i love my children btw they're phenomenal."
sometimes it does get tiring playing the same songs over and over. joe says that "thnks fr th mmrs" has a really good energy and tempo that keeps it exciting to play live
he talks about playing a really short iheartradio christmas show pre-pandemic and nobody in the crowd knew "sugar we're goin down" since they were only familiar with the more recent hits like "centuries" and "uma thurman" and joe said that it made him fall in love with sugar all over again in a weird way ldjfldkfd
he laments recently getting the chance to see wu-tang, nas, and busta rhymes at the hollywood bowl but he didn't go
his love language is giving gifts! he got his brother a custom drum set (which his mom attempted to throw out)
he reiterates that when writing the book he didn't want to be mean to any of his bandmates cause he likes them and thats not what the book is about! the host makes a joke: "like how you guys had that threesome with simple plan...i understand, you don't wanna get into that!" joe is offended that he clearly doesn't know how many guys are in simple plan. "there's more than three guys in there! the orgy was far larger than you give it credit!"
he doesnt remember any other names that the band could have been called but he does think fall out boy is a pretty terrible name for a band. "i can't believe i'm in a band called fall out boy."
discussions of the band origin and how joe funded it with his bar mitzvah money ("fall out boy, funded by judaism!") but when asked about financial gains from the band he says they all split everything evenly and it's one of the things that's helped them last this long
talking about scott ian and the damned things and he talks about how managing a supergroup is like herding cats because everyone is so busy with their respective groups. he says he'd LOVE to do a third damned things record though!
he talks about how weird it was to have this boy band aspect to them when they were at their peak pre-hiatus, because they were all hardcore kids and punk kids.
he recalls that around this time patrick asked their manager, with visible concern, "are we...the nsync to panic at the disco's backstreet boys?"
he's glad that they've outgrown that and kept pushing forward and looking forward, and by now they're no longer a boy band. "we're a man band!"
he thinks it's kind of neat to see the emo movement of the aughts become nostalgic and cool now ("it was not fucking cool when we were doing it [...] we stuck around for long enough to Not Be Lame"), but it's a big thing for fall out boy that they do not want to be a nostalgia act and they want to keep making new albums.
the host semi-jokingly says "so you and panic at the disco are not gonna go out on tour, is what you're saying." joe says "no" very flatly and i lose my shit.
he denies that fall out boy is working on any specific new music. he says they're just piecing things together organically and that no real album has coalesced. (note: this episode aired 11/12, ~2 weeks before the fob8 tribune ad)
he talks a bit about working with brian posehn on the axe and how much he loved doing it! he calls the whole story a metaphor for dealing with pain and trauma and the different ways there are to confront that stuff. he said the axe is coming out as a trade "soon" so people who don't have a subscription to heavy metal can read it
his first concert was tom petty and the heartbreakers when he was 10 or 11
he says the two things that matter most for a band's live show are the drummer and the singer. he then proceeds to be extremely sweet about patrick and andy.
"patrick, he's incredible, he's so gifted, and he's worked so hard with his voice lessons and figuring out how to sing from the diaphragm properly, and he really knows how to work through when he's sick and having real issues, so he's quite a trooper."
"and andy is just a great drummer. when he thinks he's had a bad day i'm like...yeah. sure. i don't think you know what that is."
he did not get laid in high school. first time was in a shared tour bus, listening to testament (a thrash metal band), when he was 19. (they never saw each other again)
since testament was the soundtrack the host asks if he ever gets a reaction whenever joe hears chuck billy (testament's lead vocalist). joe says without missing a beat, "when i see him i do, that's for sure."
he is an avid bowler. he has a wristguard and a spare ball and he used to take lessons. he calls it great stress relief!
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Freddie Mercury with his beloved cats over the years
Extract from article
Cat Fancy – Freddie & His Best Friends
By Gail Flug - 2003
In many people’s eyes, Freddie Mercury was one of the world’s most dynamic and charismatic rock frontmen.
Yet for the man who had the love of countless fans, he loved his cats most. Peter Freestone, Mercury’s personal assistant and cook, wrote in his book “Freddie Mercury” that his boss put as much importance on them as any human in his life.
Jacky Smith, who has run the Official Queen Fan Club for 21 years, said, “Most of them were from rescue centers. We have a charity [in the United Kingdom] called The Blue Cross, which takes care of sick animals. Freddie got at least two from them, if not more.”
According to Smith, cat toys were sent from fans to the office from time to time, as the cats’ photos occasionally appeared in the club newsletter. Plenty of fans have also named their own cats Freddie, a gesture that, Smith said, would have flattered the singer.
Mercury’s first cats were Tom and Jerry, who he and then-girlfriend Mary Austin brought in during the early days of the band. She kept them when their relationship ended in the late ‘70s, yet he still considered them his, as the album dedication for “Mr. Bad Guy” proves. Austin, who remained his closest friend, gave him a lovely longhaired bluepoint he named Tiffany.
The most famous feline of the Mercury clan is Delilah, a large, tri-colored tabby who was adopted in late 1987. As the lyrics to her song state, and Freestone’s book confirms, she took over the house and pretty much did whatever she pleased. “She was a real character, that lady!” agreed Smith. “Delilah was just kind of funny. She was a bit of a bully to the others, but was always first on his lap, first for food.” In turn, Mercury favored her as well, picking her up more than the others. She would also fun to him for safety when the other cats would gang up on her. She loved sleeping at the foot of his bed, or in the laundry baskets.
“They were all well-loved and cared for and mostly ‘normal’ pussycats,” Smith said. “They did get ordinary cat food at times, but mostly it was fresh chicken and fish prepared for them. I also remember he used to talk to them on the phone if he was away for a long time.”
Freestone also wrote that each cat got its own Christmas stocking filled with treats and toys. They had full run of the house and were permitted outside during the day to roam the gardens. There were the occasional territorial markings on the soft furnishings for his staff to clean up, and the quick trips to the vet if a cat showed the slightest hint of illness.
No one except for his closest friends knows how long Mercury was aware he was HIV-positive, although both Freestone and Smith believe that his cats knew. Their unconditional love gave him great comfort and company in his final days, and Mercury would never deny them admittance to his bedroom. Said Smith, “Cats have that fantastic sixth sense… I imagine that they knew he wasn’t well and spent more time with him. It’s just the thing cats would do.”
Before Mercury passed away on Nov. 24, 1991, he made sure all of his loved ones would be taken care of. “They all stayed at Garden Lodge with Mary, which is where they still are today,” said Smith. “I have heard reports of Delilah being spotted on top of the wall occasionally.”
It’s clear she still rules the house. Freddie wouldn’t have wanted it any other way
Freddie Mercury with his beloved cats over the years
📸 Photos from Mary Austin’s personal collection
'Delilah Delilah
Oh my oh my oh my you're unpredictable
You make me so very happy
When you cuddle up and go to sleep beside me
And then you make me slightly mad
When you pee all over my Chippendale suite'
🔸 Extract from'Delilah' track by Freddie Mercury
(taken from 'Innuendo' album released in 1991)
Delilah his beloved cat 😻
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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Photo by Neal Preston.
“My home in Encino became the meeting place for a little gang of great songwriters and musicians, and it was there in 1988 that the Traveling Wilburys formed, while George Harrison was living in my house. Their first album, Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1, was recorded in my back garden studio. I remember how surreal it was to look out my window and see Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty, George Harrison and Jeff Lynne there, sitting on the grass under a tree, all strumming their guitars. Again I had a friend from England visit me there once, and he had the crazy situation of being on the back porch with a gang of us, having a drink, while George and Tom were singing ‘Taxman’ in his left ear and Bob was telling them to keep the noise down, as he was reciting a poem in his right ear. He looked cross-eyed and was whispering, WTF!” - Dave Stewart, Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This: A Life In Music (2016) (x)
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oliveroctavius · 10 months
Hi, it's me again!
Do you know if there's a playlist somewhere of what music the Coffee Gang would listen to?
I feel like maybe a few artists were mentioned in the comics from what I've read so far, but I wonder if you had an inkling/headcanon/any idea what the characters would enjoy.
... Now that I'm thinking about it, the weird temporality of comics might make this an issue...
Oh this is a super fun question which I have no ready-made answer for. (If anyone reading this does have a playlist made or opinions on the subject, share 'em in the notes!)
Going by the comics timeline, I'd start with late 60s/early 70s rock and disco hits. MJ seems the most tuned into new music by way of youth culture and dance venues. Stuff by the Beatles, Beach Boys, Monkees, the Foundations, the whole top 40s list. (ASM #45/130)
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Emphasis on female solo acts, maybe: MJ pulls an Aretha Franklin album from Peter & Harry's shelf, and I bet she likes Nancy Sinatra. Wherever she goes, the first thing she does is often to turn on some tunes. For the most part, she's the group tastemaker.
As for Peter, I'm guessing this ask was prompted by ASM 136:
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It's a running joke that being Spidey keeps him a decade behind [current date] pop culturally. Ella Fitzgerald's career dates back to the 30s; I like to think that most of Peter's music taste + collection is inherited from Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Though humorously cynical nerd Pete might've had time to latch onto Tom Lehrer pre spider-bite, the way some modern high schoolers have a Weird Al phase.
The Osborn-Parker record collection is probably mostly Harry's, covering similar cultural territory to MJ's tastes. Maybe there's a never-opened Wagner opera in there courtesy of Norman. The girl on the cover of Hip Hug-Her always reminds me of Gwen, but I have no idea where her music taste might go. Movie soundtracks, maybe?
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ASM 151 has notes on JJJ's music collection, of all people: Guy Lombardo, good lord. (And Mantovani is an orchestra conductor.)
Flash is a bit mysterious because his background took a while to fill in. In the far future of ASM 574, he listens to Tom Waits on Peter's recommendation. I was kind of nursing the headcanon that his dad kept Johnny Cash around the house and referred it to the only music for real men left in the world but rarely played any of it, until Flash got around to listening on his own and to his surprise really emotionally connected with it and reclaimed it into his own music taste...
In any case, there's a bit of music still left once Gwen leaves the scene. Kung Fu Fighting is PeterMJ's song, for one.
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One of the last big nights out of the classic era is to the disco in SSM 24! This delightfully camp villainous music group is unfortunately not available on any music platforms, but KC and the Sunshine Band, the Bee Gees, the Jacksons and the Trammps certainly are.
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And finally, based on this random panel whose issue I've forgotten, I like to think MJ got everyone into new wave at some point. The B-52s, Talking Heads and the Waitresses have reminded me of her. I also think her modeling connections would introduce her to the NYC weird art scene of that era, like Klaus Nomi, Grace Jones, and Laurie Anderson. By that time it would mostly be the Watson-Parker music taste, though.
Well, that's a whole lot of links to individual songs and not a coherent playlist at all, but I wanted to cover as many different bands/eras/ideas as I could work in. I'm sure I missed some though.
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verfound · 11 months
FIC: Coffee Shop Soundtrack: 2/10 (MLB; Luka)
Notes: Y’all have no idea how much I agonized over the lyrics used in the epigraphs for these.  In some cases, the lyrics are what I wanted but it’s not necessarily the original track I was thinking of?  Matt Nathanson’s cover of “Hum Hallelujah” was what I had in mind here, and I think FoB would agree.  There’s one in a later chapter where the feel of the acoustic version suits the fic more than the album cut.  I think there’s even one where I link to both because I couldn’t make up my mind.  (The epigraphs will link to the version I had in mind, if you wanna give it a listen.)
Ch 1
Coffee Shop Soundtrack
Chapter Two: That Sunday He Met his New Little Sister
When Luka woke up Sunday morning, Saturday felt like a distant, unpleasant dream.
He woke up feeling safe, warm, and happy.  The blanket he was snuggled in was softer than his own, and there was a familiar, calming scent on the pillow his nose was pressed against – one that brought to mind dancing blue eyes, toasted marshmallow macarons, and hugs that felt like home.  His lips curled into a smile as he took a deep, steadying breath.  He gave himself a moment to orient himself, to remember where he was without remembering why he was there, and then he opened his eyes.
His smile stretched just a bit wider at the sight that greeted him.  He was in Marinette’s bed – he didn’t actually remember falling asleep there, but it was possible Tom had placed him there after he’d passed out – with his face inches from her bulletin board.  The first time he had seen it, a few years ago now, it had been covered with pictures of Adrien.  It wasn’t long after they met that the infamous Adrien Photos had been removed, and it wasn’t long after that that his own pictures had started replacing them.  Up in the corner was the picture from the movie theater – not his favorite, the one Alya had posted on Instagram with drool running down Marinette’s face as he grinned at her like an idiot, but the one taken before the movie with his sister and her friends outside the theater.  There was a class photo near the center, as well as quite a few shots from Kitty Section’s gigs and various snapshots of her girl gang.  There was even one off to the side of the guys: Max hoisted on Kim’s shoulders as Ivan, Nino, Nathaniel, and Marc cheered in the background.  Max was holding a trophy high above his head.  If Luka remembered correctly, it was from a video game tournament last spring.  Max had not only won a Best New Game prize, but he had annihilated the competition in the tournament play.  Marinette had been his practice partner and had cheered him on the entire way, including taking the victory photo.
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cavedwellermusic · 3 months
Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol – Big Dumb Riffs (2024)
Tom Hanno of Tom's Reviews looks at the aptly named Big Dumb Riffs, the upcoming album from Austin based self described Doom Wop kings Rickshaw Billie's Burger Patrol, out March 22nd.
Austin, Texas is home to one of the coolest bands out there, a unit known collectively as Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol. These three musicians, Leo Lydon (lead vocals, 8-string guitar), Sean St. Germain (drums, gang vocals), and Aaron Metzdorf (bass, gang vocals) have created a must hear record, and if you keep reading then you’ll find out exactly why I think that.
Read Tom's full review and listen to the singles released so far at the link below:
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ashtrayfloors · 5 months
I shaved my head and went to college, where I joined Queer Alliance, got involved with the radio station. WESU had been around since 1939, and its collection of vinyl was deep. I eagerly took on the volunteer duty of alphabetizing the records in the overcrammed “rock” room. Through some older denizens of the AOL queer punk message board I had recently been turned on to early Rough Trade, the pop-experimental shamble of LiliPUT, Swell Maps, The Slits. As I crouched at the low shelves and reached for the high ones, I pulled out albums whose covers hinted at a similar aesthetic: a certain typeface on the cover, a collage-y layout, no big hair or glamor shots. Entertainment! stood out for the unmistakable irony of its title, pert exclamation on a blood-red background. I added it to the pile. 
Let’s say I brought a stack of records into Studio B at some weird hour when no one was using it. Let’s say the first record I played was too shiny. I wasn’t here for the sheen, for seamlessness. Which is why I might say that the first thing I noted about “Ether,” Entertainment!’s opening track, was how separate it sounded. The bass enters alone. The flat toms beat an answer. When the guitar comes in on the third bar it’s as unblended layer, as scratch on the surface. At the time I might have been able to put into words that the separateness blasted out trad-rock hierarchy, a democratic punkness I couldn’t resist. Now I can also understand that if the song was a body, it was the kind of container I recognized. 
Which is to say—uncomfortable. Andy Gill’s guitar treble scrapes. Melody accrues through static, noise. Hugo Burnham’s drums skitter, more angle than anchor. And Dave Allen’s bass—ominous ground. Jon King sings dramatic and deadpan, “dirt behind the daydream,” explosive and dry. Even if you don’t know (I didn’t) that Long Kesh is a prison in Northern Ireland, it’s so clear it’s political. Its catchiness could be a trap. If the sound is a body it’s useless at best, splintered at best, but it’s sharp. It gives disaffectedness contour and form. 
—Sarah Jaffe, from "1979: Gang of Four, Entertainment!"
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luzxii · 1 year
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since yall really loved my will wood char desi gns heres sum doodles i made of them a few months back 😎
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wildandmoody · 6 months
Seriously the way the press starting doing a complete 180 on him into Tabloid Hell post-Thriller is just so convenient. I mean before they were praising him for being a goody two-shoes, looking and dressing modestly, and generally were fine with cornering his music into the Black music market only. But once he reinvented the short film/music video as a medium AND pushed and pushed until he was the first Black artist to be featured and circulated on MTV (and I'm certain similar music channels around the world), starting breaking chart records that only white artists had held, and had a truly universal appeal by the time he started touring for Bad, all of a sudden up jumped the bullshit.
Suddenly here came the same "he's gay/childish/virginal" fingerpointing that he had to address since fucking 1976. Here comes "he's a deviant ew" just because he started dancing and dressing more provocatively in 1987 as if musicians that same decade and before weren't also wearing buckles, O-rings and shin guards and doing god knows what on stage. By the time he spoke up about having vitiligo universalis it was too late and ppl were already saying he wanted to be white and thought he was lying. To this day ppl think that including a lot of fellow Black ppl despite his autopsy report and plenty of pics of brown flecks and spots on his skin being available. Suddenly it's "he's weirdly obsessed with kids" when he had been donating his concert proceeds directly to and visiting orphanages and hospitals since he himself was a CHILD in the jackson 5 days, and literal radio silence on campaigns he directly funded for mandela's anti-apartheid campaign, AIDS research, women's rights, gang-related issues and hundreds of other causes. And that's just on the causes that i can think of off the top of my head that we know about, because he also gave millions of dollars anonymously and directly supported many individuals by buying food and appliances and covering travel costs for them. Radio silence from the news and gp.
Andthe most damning of all as far as I'm concerned is the fact that he swallowed his pride and gave up on his Reclusive Image in the 2000s specifically so that he could call out the racist soul-crushing tendencies of the music industry, in particular Tom Motolla and Sony as a whole, and how it affected him and his Black peers. Which of course media tried to spin as a personal beef and not a race-related one. THE EXACT DAY that he was set to release one last compilation album for them and finally walk free while owning 50% of their publishings and all of his own masters (and the masters of older Black artists which he sold back to them for $1) ,and free of an oppressive music deal, up jump the allegations and now he had to fly his ass to LA to get both of his shoulders dislocated and get manhandled by the LAPD. The same day. How fucking convenient.
And look. This is not me saying that what happened to Michael was a pattern. It most certainly was not and there are plenty of truly dangerous men in power, this is a fact. I am not trying to circulate conspiracy theories but i am pointing out the shit that happened to him because of the target painted on his back. What i say in defense of Michael Jackson i say in confidence because at one point I had read every transcript , testimony, legal document available including his autopsy not because i liked him but because i needed to truly understand what the hell was going on. And ive read old newspapers and tabloids that covered him and they treated this man worse than an animal just based on how he presented himself alone. Matter of fact the name "Jacko" stems from an old British slang name for a dancing and singing boxing monkey that was popular in the 19th century, so that was based in racism too. It's just rhe Everything. And I'm also not saying that he never made mistakes or was a human person. He didn't really seem to be able to always surround himself with and trust the right people. But man oh man. Oh the Convenience.
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darkarfs · 1 year
100 Favorite Albums (2023 Edition)
No duplicate entries, only 3 Mike Patton projects, being honest with myself. This was hard and took a good long time. Be kind if you judge.
I've been really listening to music for over 30 years and I still know nothing. The numbers are just there for enumeration, this list is in no order.
The Flatlanders - More a Legend Than a Band
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Propagandhi - Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works, Vol. 2
Alva Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto - Insen
Black Sabbath - Master of Reality
Gillian Welch - Time the Revelator
Acrania - Fearless
Genghis Tron - Board Up the House
Mr. Bungle - California
Fair To Midland - Arrows and Anchors
Gorguts - Obscura
Harold Budd - Avalon Sutra
Loscil - Plume
Ben Frost - By the Throat
Type O Negative - October Rust
Songs: Ohia - Didn't It Rain
Emeralds - Does It Looks Like I'm Here?
Skeleton Key - Fantastic Spikes Through Balloon
They Might Be Giants - Flood
Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas
Between the Buried and Me - Colors
Breeders - Last Splash
Gang Starr - Moment of Truth
Tom Waits - Rain Dogs
Bohren & der Club of Gore - Black Earth
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Megadeth - Rust In Peace
Vince DiCola and Various Artists - Transformers: the Motion Picture OST
Judas Priest - Painkiller
Gwar - Carnival of Chaos
Mike Patton - Mondo Cane
Pyrrhon - What Passes For Survival
The Bug - London Zoo
Laurie Anderson - Big Science
Talk Talk - Laughing Stock
Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag Alatt Született
Anaal Nathrakh - Codex Necro
Vangelis - Blade Runner OST
Killing Joke - S/T (2003)
Fiona Apple - The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do
Prince - Purple Rain
Brian Eno - Before and After Science
Bark Psychosis - Hex
Finntroll - Ur Jordens Djup
Life Without Buildings - Any Other City
Ephel Duath - The Painter's Palette
Tangerine Dream - Phaedra
Sawako - Hum
The Coup - Party Music
David Sylvain and Holger Czukay - Plight and Premonition
Grouper - Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill
Butthole Surfers - Locust Abortion Technician
Sade - Diamond Life
Esquivel - Latin-Esque
Kesha - Rainbow
Tindersticks - Curtains
Emily A. Sprague - Water Memory / Mount Vision
Demdike Stare - Tryptych
Kyle Bobby Dunn - Ways of Meaning
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
Boards of Canada - Music Has the Right to Children
Pixies - Surfer Rosa
Boris - Pink
The Humble Bee - A Miscellany for the Quiet Hours
Captain Beefheart - Safe as Milk
Dream Theater - Awake
Madvillain - Madvillainy
Dillinger Escape Plan - Miss Machine
Cyndi Lauper - She's So Unusual
Deli Creeps - Dawn of the Deli Creeps
the Mountain Goats - All Hail West Texas
Animals as Leaders - The Joy of Motion
Yellow Magic Orchestra - Solid State Survivor
Taylor Deupree - Faint
Faith No More - Angel Dust
Diablo Swing Orchestra - Pandora's Pinata
Silver Jews - American Water
Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Charles Dodge - Earth's Magnetic Field
Gojira - The Way of All Flesh
Cattle Decapitation - The Anthropocene Extinction
Benoit Pioulard - Precis
Sparks - Angst In My Pants
Stars of the Lid - The Ballasted Orchestra
Daughters - You Won't Get What You Want
Exlimitir - It Weighed Itself In Silver
Defeated Sanity - Passages Into Deformity
The Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium
Belong - October Language
h hunt - Playing Piano For Dad
Oneohtrix Point Never - Garden of Delete
CRYSTAL - Reflection Overdrive
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Of Natural History
Ween - Quebec
Kurt Vile - God Is Saying This To You
Akira Rabelais - Eisoptrophobia
Twine - S/T
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today’s compilation:
Son of Super Bad 1991 Funk / Disco / Disco-Funk / Funk-Rock
Here's a short and sweet batch of 70s tunes that bridge a gap between disco and funk that was released by the famed and prolific budget compilation label K-tel Records in the early 90s. It has some of the era's most popular and successful acts on it, like Kool & the Gang, Parliament, and KC & the Sunshine Band, all of whom helped to significantly raise the profile of disco and/or funk by achieving their own broad levels of mass popularity.
So, this album, for the most part, ultimately serves well as 'baby's first 70s funk compilation,' because almost all of these songs were huge hits in their day and most of them still manage to get plenty of rotation now. "Jungle Boogie," "Get Down Tonight," "Give Up the Funk," and "Play That Funky Music" are all great songs, but they're also ones that you're more than likely to already be very familiar with since they're standard 70s smashes.
But in the final leg of this release, K-tel finally digs a bit deeper and manages to pull out a couple bangers that are a whole lot more obscure: "7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (Blow Your Whistle)" by the Gary Toms Empire and "On Fire" by T-Connection. "7-6-5-4-3-2-1" only peaked at #73 on Billboard's Hot 100 in 1975, but it definitely deserved to be way more recognized, as it's a spectacularly infectious clap-along type of party rocker, outfitted with a sweet drum groove, an ever-so-slightly countrified synth riff, funk guitar, horns, and, of course, a whistle.
And T-Connection's "On Fire" didn't even make the Hot 100 at all! But it was a top-fiver on the Dance chart and that part's at least easy to see why since it's a catchy, uptempo, and sweaty disco-funk-rock bop with a nice guitar solo, strings, hand drums, piano, and synthesizer. But I unfortunately can’t find the exact edit on YouTube that appears on this compilation 😔.
This album feels like a pretty ample starter pack for anyone who doesn't know the first thing about 70s funk music. You get a bunch of total classics as well as a couple more obscure goodies towards the end that most people are far less likely to know about. Good on K-tel for including them here among some other juggernauts.
Kool & the Gang - "Jungle Boogie" B.T. Express - "Express" Ohio Players - "Fire" Parliament - "Tear the Roof Off the Sucker (Give Up the Funk)" Wild Cherry - "Play That Funky Music" KC & the Sunshine Band - "Get Down Tonight" Brass Construction - "Movin'" Gary Toms Empire - "7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (Blow Your Whistle)" T-Connection - "On Fire"
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scotianostra · 9 months
Scottish pop singer/songwriter Dean Ford was born as Thomas McAleese on 5th September 1946 in Airdrie.
You wait all year for a Scottish singer/songwriter to appear, and two come along at once. Dean Ford was one of the most underrated artistes Scotland ever produced.
Tom, as he was still known as back then first began singing in public accompanying a jazz ensemble at the local Whifflet parish church dance hall. He formed his first musical group The Tonebeats at age 13, one of several he hooked up with during his teenage years. By the time he left Clifton High School in Coatbridge at age 15, he had been gaining more exposure as a featured singer. His break came after a performance with the Monarchs at the Barrowland Ballroom in Glasgow in 1963, where he was seen by members of the popular east Glasgow band The Gaylords and subsequently invited to join the group.
McAleese adopted his stage name (a moniker he coined by combining the names Dean Martin and Tennessee Ernie Ford) and The Gaylords were re-christened Dean Ford and the Gaylords. With hopes of achieving more commercial success, Ford and the band relocated to London in 1965. The bands name came from a notorious post war Chicago Gaylords street gang.
Although the band were very popular and despite being crowned ‘Scotland’s Top Group’,they struggled to break through into the big time. The band changed their name in 1966, but although they were well received , they still struggled to make progress, this was despite Jimi Hendrix describing their 1967 song I see the rain, as the 'best cut of 1967, it did however make it to the top of the charts in The Netherlands!
Things started to go their way that year though when they played as Pink Floyds support at London’s Marquee Club, they started mixing it with the likes of The Who, Joe Cocker, Traffic Gene Pitney and The Tremeloes.They still lacked that chart success and CBS threatened to drop the band if they didn’t deliver soon, they famously rejected the song, Everlasting Love in 1967, Love Affair took the song to the top of the charts! Eventually the band had a hit with Lovin’ Things the following year, their follow up fared less well but in 1969 Marmalade became the first Scottish group to ever top that charts with Lennon and McCartney’s Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da.
Marmalade went on to have 8 more top 40 hits over the years, my favourite was written by Ford and band member Junior Campbell, Reflections of My Life. Marmalade continue to show up at these 60’s shows but as far as I am aware none of the original band remain.
Dean lived in Los Angeles for much of his later life, but never forgot his routes, recording and releasing his final album, This Scottish Heart just two months before his death, the album of course having a Scottish theme with tracks like Glasgow Road, Bonnie Mary, Made in Scotland and For MacDougall included in the 30 songs, which also featured a remake of my fave Marmalade song, Reflections of my Life.
In 1998 Dean and Campbell were awarded a Special Citation of Achievement by BMI for attaining radio broadcast performances in excess of one million in the U.S. alone.
Dean, Thomas McAleese passed away suddenly on Hogmanay 2018 in Los Angeles, at the age of 72.
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