#to be fair I actually just looked back at my messages and apparently the prev doula also asked how I was doing
My standards for doulas are so rock bottom after last time that my doula this time reached out at 39w2d to ask how I’m doing (which, you know, also benefits her so she can get an idea of when she may or may not be needed) and I’m like WOW INCREDIBLE SHE IS AMAZING
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belphiesreverie · 4 years
Give me your attention
(Belphegor x reader)
This is a CYOA story. You will have choices at the end of each chapter and 3 days to cast your vote before the decision is locked in. Choose carefully, your decisions will affect not only your outcome, but the outcome of the characters as well
Chapter 1.
Choice: Answer Belphie first
Despite the uncomfortable gut feeling you had about that message in particular, you chose to answer Belphie first. ‘Skim the conversation quickly and get it over with’ is what you told yourself as you clicked into the chat.
Belphegor: You’re cute when you smile
Belphegor: But I get annoyed when it’s caused by my brothers
Belphegor: Why don’t you smile for me like that y/n?
Not even taking a second glance at the responses, you backed out of the chat and made your way back onto the home screen where Levi welcomed you back. If that was a coincidence, it was the scariest one you’ve ever experienced... but it had to be, right? There’s no way Belphie could’ve actually known you were smiling because of Beel. He’s just code!
Taking a moment to compose yourself, you focused your attention back to what brought you back to the game: the new event. You hadn’t seen a pop up for it when you’d opened the game, but then again you hadn’t gotten any pop ups. How strange. Locating the event page wasn’t an issue though as it was in the usual placement. However, when the page loaded up, it wasn’t the event you were expecting. In fact, it was completely different to any event you had previously seen in the game ever from the fact there were no rewards, no special cards and no dance battles. Just the story chapters and only 8 of them at that. To say you were utterly confused would be an understatement, but you decided to click into the first chapter just to see what the story plot was.
It seemed simple enough, the boys were fighting over who you would spend time with and so you had come up with the idea to spend a day with them each. They would get to spend their time with you, and you would choose what things you wanted to do with them on that day.
The premise was nice and sweet, it wasn’t what you had returned to the game to see, but if you were already on the game, it couldn’t hurt to at least read through the chapters a little bit. If you decided you didn’t enjoy them, you could just exit the game and leave it like you had previously.
Sure, you had a gut feeling that something was very off, this wasn’t supposed to be the event and it most certainly wasn’t structured normally, but you wouldn’t be much of a y/n if you listened to it. So, completely disregarding the feeling of dread you felt, you clicked into the next story chapter which had you spending time with Mammon.
“Alright human, the great Mammon is giving you the honour of choosing how we’ll spend our time today so you better be grateful and choose something fun!”
Smiling at Mammon’s usual tsundere shtick, you thought over the options that the game had given you and opted to spend some time watching a movie in his room. That seemed to be the right option as Mammon perked up at the opportunity to choose a movie and get to cuddle with you. Though getting him to admit that last part would be quite the struggle.
“Since I, the great Mammon, am letting you use my projector for entertainment, it is only fair that I get to choose the movie. So don’t you dare complain about it. You got that?”
Mammon slipped in an action movie, clearly a demon brand of Rocky but you weren’t going to comment on that apparently. You were given the option to cuddle further into Mammon’s side and not one to miss an opportunity to fluster him, you of course took the chance.
Mammon’s dialogue box popped up as if his response was about to show, but no text displayed. Thinking it was just glitched, you checked the logs to see what he had said, but it was still empty. Once again, the nervous feeling started creeping back up and completely consumed you once you clicked ahead and Belphie appeared on the screen.
What was he doing here? This was supposed to be Mammon’s chapter. His chapter is supposed to be the last one.... unless all the chapters are going to be disrupted by another brother? Yeah, that seems likely. He’s just the disruption for this one and then he won’t make another appearance until it’s his turn.
“You two look aufully comfortable.”
His tone was sharp and chilling. It sent shivers down your back and made you want to instinctively move yourself away from Mammon’s side. Not to mention the cold look in his eyes that seemed to stare right through you.
“B-Belphie! What are you doing in here? This is supposed to be my time with y/n!”
You didn’t miss the way Mammon’s voice wavered at the beginning of his sentence. Was he really that scared of Belphie? Or was it just shock and embarrassment?
“I was bored and wanted to come see what you were up to. I thought you’d have left the house but I guess I was lucky. I didn’t want to have to walk too far to find you.”
Once again, his words held a strange tone. Almost as if he was trying to tell you not to take the brothers outside of the house.
“Anyways, now that I’m here I’d like to sit down. Can I join you two?”
💜- Let Belphie join
💛- Tell Belphie to leave
A choice has been made
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canyouhearthelight · 4 years
The Miys, Ch. 95
More intrigue~~~~ And some humor, because when humans get scared, some of us make jokes.
It took a sedative and Lyric for me to get some sleep before my clandestine meeting with Antoine.  Conor and Maverick had both protested, calmly but firmly, and at length. In the end, they only conceded if someone they trusted could follow me in disguise.  Their first choice - my sister - was entirely out of the question, since she was entirely too recognizable… especially to Antoine.  Xiomara was out as well, since there was very little chance anyone associated with Jokul would not recognize her somehow.  Same thing for Charly.
Fortunately, Arthur was able to pass Xiomara’s muster for disguise within the twelve hour deadline that we had to work with. An hour and a half before I was due at the Undine, I was pacing with worry that I would actually have to go alone. A traitorous voice in the back of my head wondered if Antoine had a point earlier - was I really hiding behind people?  However, before I could wrap myself too tightly in a panic attack, the door chimed with a request for entry. Praying fervently to any takers that Xiomara found someone to follow and observe at a distance, I composed myself to answer the door.
As expected, Xiomara stood on the other side, casual grin shining like the sun as she leaned against the door frame. What was entirely unexpected was the man standing just over her shoulder.  Slightly taller than me, he was rocking back and forth on his heels, hands in his khaki pockets as he craned his neck to look around like everything was unfamiliar. A hideously striped button-down strained across his stomach. That can’t be comfortable, was all I could think. Why doesn’t he have clothes made that fit better? Any discomfort he was experiencing didn’t even trickle into his expression as he gave me a cheerful smile.  Silver, unkempt whiskers matched the unruly hair on his head, but something eerily familiar stared at from dark brown eyes framed by thick glasses and rosacea.
Shaking my head, I have Xio a confused glance.  Her smile never waivered, however. “Hey, Xiomara…” I said slowly. “Come on in…”
“Thank you,” she gave a small mock-bow. “This is my friend Solozo, thought I would introduce him to you.  He had an idea for an event.”
I nodded, still squinting at the unfamiliar man. “Yeah. Yeah, sure, both of you come in.”
“My deepest gratitude, Miss Sophia,” Solozo nodded as he passed. “Surely we are interrupting you, but you invite us into your home the same.” His accent was so strong I could hear it even over my translator. Italian, but not quite the Neapolitan I was more familiar with from Before.
As soon as the door closed behind them, Xiomara made herself at home with a cup of coffee from my kitchen. At the same time, Solozo looked around my living room.  Small comments here and there washed over me as I noticed he had a stiff leg, giving him a rocking sort of gait. “Sir, I would love to hear about the idea for your event,” I ventured politely, getting him to turn and face me instead of my plants and photos.
“Wine and cheese tasting,” he beamed. “Now, I don’t drink, and I can’t eat dairy, but I’m going to see what Meece can do to fix that.” Smacking his stomach for emphasis, he continued. “I want to taste all the cheese I never could before, and I think everyone else should have that experience. Everyone eats cheese?”
Something was really bothering me about this man, but I felt terrible. He was being perfectly pleasant, and I was the person who handled this sort of thing. But something was just… off. “I think that’s a splendid idea. All cultures have a sort of wine, all cultures have a sort of cheese. No pun intended,” I conceded. He chuckled as I continued. “But… I’m confused, Xiomara.” I turned to my friend, still smiling and leaning on my dining table. “Not to be rude, but you could have asked Mr. Solozo to send me a message and I could have contacted him in the morning.”
“She could have, yes,” Solozo interjected, extending his stiff leg to take a seat. “Gout, it’s on the list of things to have looked at. But I needed to speak to you tonight, Miss Sophia, do you understand?”
I shot off the couch, bolting for the entry to the hallway as I realized what was bothering me. “Your accent. It was here, now it’s gone. Xiomara, what the hell - “
Before I could finish, she walked over and smacked the strange man on the shoulder. “I told you that accent wouldn’t hold up.”
Removing the glasses, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I dropped it on purpose, just to make it fair,” he explained in a much more familiar, wry tone.
It took every ounce of restraint I had not to knock Arthur’s head off his shoulders. “You ass!” I shouted, grateful that Maverick and Conor were already awake - as evidenced by the head poking around the corner from the bedroom and the other one poking in from the now-open entrance. “Arthur’s disguise, ladies and gentlemen!” I cried dramatically as I threw a pillow.
“Hey! It works, doesn’t it? I had you fooled at least. And it’s not like I’m going to be talking much anyway.”
Xiomara was still laughing. “I thought the walk was a nice touch, personally.”
He scowled the best he could. “You bet me that I couldn’t hide the sword. The walk was just - incidental.”
Now that I wasn’t angry anymore, I made my way over and leaned closer to look at his face. “Whoever did the nose and the rosacea did a good job,” I admitted. “And the stubble?”
“Unfortunately, that’s mine.” He scratched under his chin for emphasis. “I haven’t shaved since before Alpha shift. This shit itches by the way.”
“The blue dye to get it that color probably didn’t either.”
“Not at all.”
“Did you bleach your hair, too?”
He pulled back, fixing me with a malevolent stare. “Very funny.” He turned away from me, puting the glasses back on and muttering. “I’m in my forties, remember? I actually just had the dye removed.” He ran a hand through his hair before shaking it back into a dishevelled state and fluffing it to stand up.  “You can bet your ass I’m dyeing it back before I teach class in the morning.”
Maverick entered the rest of the way into our quarters, allowing the door to the corridor to close again.  “I had no idea you were completely grey.”
“Prematurely,” he confirmed. “Even Before.  It started to go in my twenties, but at least it didn’t fall out.”
“So what was with the accent?” I asked. “That was entirely unnecessary, to be honest.”
He scoffed. “Are you kidding? As soon as I dropped it, you knew who I was.  I would call that necessary to fix.” I heard him mutter something that sounded like ‘amateur’ before he continued. “My family is originally from Italy, remember?  The accent is Sicilian.”
“Wait,” I sputtered. “Did you seriously name yourself after the guy who failed to kill Vito Corleone?”
“You can’t prove a thing. Could be a family name.”
Xiomara leaned over and swatted his arm. “Yes, it’s from The Godfather.”
“You also tend to hate Sicily and deny they are part of Italy,” I pointed out.
“They’re Greek and you will not change my mind.” 
Maverick looked thoughtful for a moment, before slowly confirming his suspicion. “So you are using the name of a hit man - apparently a bad one - from a movie that is over a hundred years old, because you hate Sicily?” He grimaced, and I could only imagine the headache he was getting. 
“He did kill Brasi, though. He just didn’t manage to kill Vito,” I pointed out.
“You aren’t even speaking English at this point,” he wailed in mock-despair.
Arthur cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow. “I took the name of an incompetent mob boss to try to make anyone with Jokul feel comfortable in the event I need to show up later in a more obvious way and have to reuse this.” He gestured at himself before patting his fake stomach.  “Besides, it’s funny to use the name of an incompetent around actual incompents.”
“Oh, how the mighty have fallen,” I sighed dramatically. “Once a warlord, now you are all that you hate most in the world.”
“Still not racist,” he pointed out, complete with finger guns.
“Says the guy who hates Sicilians,” Xiomara argued.
Arthur just waved a hand dismissively. “I’m Italian.  That’s like Sophia saying she hates people from New England.”
I wanted to argue, but the very physical shudder that wracked my body made that impossible. I settled for clarifying. “Only in a general sense.  I’ve met several very nice people from New York and New Jersey.  But when I go there… blehhhhh.”
Xiomara glanced at her datapad. “Okay, we have just enough time to get to the Undine for your meeting, Sophia.  Let’s get this show on the road.  Solozo, you’re going to follow her at six to eight meters.  Meander, look at things, just make sure you keep her in your sight, got it?”
He rolled his eyes. “I know how to do protection detail, Madam Kalloe.”
For emphasis, she smacked his arm again before helping him up. “Good.  Make it count and you can keep the sword.  I don’t want to sit through any more criminal trials if I can avoid it.”
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neakco · 3 years
Vixen & Crow Ch. 7
Ao3 First Prev Next V&C Masterlist
The one where they piss off an entire class of entitled brats.
The next morning Sebastian awoke at dawn and looked around. Seeing no sign of Gem, he laid back down, “Damn, it was just a dream.”
“Not a dream.” Sebastian sat up and looked around for Gem. “Down here boy.”
He looked at his phone and spotted the crow charm.
“It would look strange for you to show up at school with a pet crow.”
“So, you are a phone charm?”
“It is convenient.” She scoffed.
Sebastian grinned. It wasn’t a dream after all. He placed the phone carefully in his jacket pocket so as not her hurt her and made his way to breakfast with his father.
Amelia woke up and looked sleepily at her alarm before bolting upright. “Nathanial, why didn’t you wake me?” She grabbed everything haphazardly and shoved it in her bag. “I am going to be late for Psych!”
“I am not a morning person.” The fox spirit yawned widely before crawling into her bag and falling asleep as a tiny plush animal.
She blinked a couple times, before grabbing her bag and running out the door, “You will explain that later.”
Ten minutes of running later and she starred up the hill, even if she full on sprinted she would still be at least 10 minutes late. She looked around at the empty streets for a moment as she caught her breath. “I wonder.” Grinning she focused on a spot far up the hill and teleported.
Sebastian was sitting surrounded by people who decided they were important and therefore he had to pay attention to them. He was really trying his best not to glare as one girl was hanging off his arm with a death grip.
Gem was trying hard not to laugh every time her human attempted to politely tell them to go away. When she suddenly heard Nathanial’s panicked voice in her mind.
“We under calculated Gem.”
Not much rattled his calm and that worried her. “Explain.”
“My human was able to utilize teleportation while not powered.”
Gem wanted to puff up her feathers for comfort. “We will monitor her. As long as she doesn’t let it corrupt her she will be fine.”
Nathanial sighed, “I hope she doesn’t, I like her.”
Gem didn’t say anything as she returned her attention to Sebastian.
“If you would kindly let go of my arm and go find a seat elsewhere, I would appreciate it.”
She just smiled at him, “I like this spot though.”
“Be that as it may, I was saving it for Amelia.” Sebastian tried to once get her to release his arm.
“You don’t need her; she can’t even afford new books.” the girl scoffed.
Amelia chose that moment to run into the class. She spotted Sebastian’s predicament and made sure to catch his eye before sitting exactly two rows in front of him.
Sebastian quickly gathered up his books, “I do apologize miss, but you did choose to ignore my wishes.” He ripped his arm from her grip and vaulted over the desks before gracefully taking his seat next to Amelia.
“Nice of you to drop in.” She grinned.
Before Sebastian could answer their Professor walked in. “Good morning everyone my name is Professor Briggs and today we are going to start with a pop quiz.”
He turned on the screen where one question was displayed. ‘What was the assignment last class?’
“You will write your answers in silence then come hand them in at my podium. When everyone is done we shall start today’s lesson.”
Professor Briggs looked over everyone’s papers as they were quickly handed to the front.
After everyone was done he smiled, “Congratulations, most of you have failed.” He turned quickly, “Miss Amelia O’Steen, please tell the class the assigned reading.”
She stood so that her voice would carry, “The introduction, Chapter 1, the first 3 pages in chapter two and the last half of chapter three Sir.” She sat down quickly so no one would see her blush.
“Excellent. Now Mr. Sebastian Waterfield, Explain the premise of chapter 2 please.”
He also stood to answer, “It revolves around the debate between environment vs nature and how each effect the human psyche.”
Professor Briggs looked over the room again, “I am disappointed to say that these two are the only ones to not only discover the entire assignment but to also apparently read it.” He paced across the front of the class to address everyone. “Not only was the assignment left on my podium for any curious minds to discover, but it was also posted in the syllabus that was emailed to all of your school accounts.” He stopped and indicated the two seats directly in front of him, “From now on Miss O’Steen and Mr. Waterfield shall be assigned these seats since they are the only two out of thirty of you that can be trusted to actually pay attention. If you two would see me at the podium with your things please.”
Amelia and Sebastian shrugged as they gathered their books to do what they were told.
“Today everyone will be doing the assigned reading from last class. Get to it!”
The Professor looked at Amelia and Sebastian as they approached. Amelia smiled shyly, “Sir?”
Professor Briggs smiled before speaking loudly, “Miss O’Steen, Mr. Waterfield, As such exemplarily students you are exempt from today’s lesson.” He then lowered his voice so only they could hear him. “If you wish you may start a report on the fickle nature of your classmates for bonus marks.”
“So, a report on how differently the class treats me compared to Sebastian after your preferential treatment?”
“Exactly.” He smiled at them.
“Is this really fair sir?” Sebastian asked.
“To your classmates? Not at all, but I find I must challenge talented students somehow. Off you go now.”
“Yes sir.” Both Amelia and Sebastian walked quickly from the class before he could change his mind.
Outside the classroom Sebastian offered Amelia his arm, “Shall we go my lady?”
She took it politely. A small part of her actually enjoyed how it made her feel like she was worth something. “May I ask where we are going this morning?”
“With a whole free period I figured that an early lunch was in order, or at least coffee.”
Amelia paled a little when she realized that she hadn’t packed any food in her rush that morning and she couldn’t afford anything. “But I don’t have any...”
“My treat.” Sebastian realized this was distressing her even more. “I have a proposition; I buy our meals every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In exchange you bring us a homemade lunch every Tuesday and Thursday. Do we have a deal my lady?”
She realized what he was doing but also how much it would save her in the long run. “Deal, if you drop the ‘my lady’ business.”
He pretended to be offended, “But if I do not show you the respect you deserve than how will the leeches know to respect you?”
“They will know because I will earn it.” She held her head up high with false confidence.
“Whatever you say then Bestie.” Sebastian said slyly.
“I take it back. I am okay with my lady.” She made a slight face of disgust at Sebastian broke into giggles.
The cafeteria was almost deserted since most people had classes for another hour at least. She leaned forward and looked at Sebastian as he sat down. “Your last name is Waterfield?”
Sebastian’s food seemed to turn dry and flavorless in his mouth as he nodded.
“The only large business I can think of associated with that name is the large Waterfield Electronics Corporation. They make some to the most cutting-edge devices.” Amelia continued without noticing her friends growing distress. “I bet you had the coolest toys growing up.”
He just nodded mechanically, “Yeah.”
“Hey, what’s up? Is your sandwich bad? I can go tell the cook to get you another one.” She was about to stand up when Sebastian shook his head. “Then why so quiet?”
He looked up slowly, “It’s just...”
“You thought I was going to break my promise.” Amelia interrupted, “Some best friend you are.” She joked. “Doubting me over something as small as your true self. I have known you three days and I bet I know more of the real you than any of those vultures in class.”
Sebastian had a moment where he almost cried but instead managed a smile. “Leeches remember? The vultures are after my father.”
They laughed and continued to have a pleasant conversation until classes began letting out.
Sebastian sighed, “I have some leeches to apologize to for snubbing them so rudely in class. Do you think you can smile politely while I soothe sore egos?”
“Not at all.” Amelia laughed as she stood. “But I need to use the washroom anyways.” She held up the phone he had given her, “Just message me when you are done and I will come find you.”
“Do not have too much fun without me my lady.” He whispered as people started to gather around him.
“I’ll try.” Amelia said as she waved.
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