#tmnt story comp
darth-sonny · 19 days
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Donnie and Beatrice are here to wish you luck for the story competition! (Donnie is, perhaps, a bit nervous. For reasons related to Bea. She's awfully pink.)
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answer the question, Donald.
@bambiraptorx | @tmntstorycomp
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smol-bean-boi13 · 19 days
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So about that story comp huh…..
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So this is the only pretty good enough art for when Echo competes…..
Okay uhhhh backstory time :D
Echo was raised by Draxum (he’s her blood father btw) and was trained to be a general for his war against humans.
When Echo was about 12-13ish she was given to Big Mama to help her with.... War stuff (I would get into it but I fear that would make this too long).
Ofc, Big Mama twisted the deal at the last second so she had Echo as her champion/assistant. Draxum could only communicate with Echo by sending her handmade battle outfit that needed constant replacement. Cuz... Y'know.
During Echo's time as champion, she made a friend, Mars, a mutant/yokai (idk yet?) Koi fish. And just because me and @percy-eats-souls (co-creator) could, Echo had to kill Mars in a death match :3
Time skip to when echo is now 15, Echo did a lot of crimes for Big Mama. Assassinating people who haven't fulfilled debt, bombing the occasional gang trying to sabotage the Nexus, y'know, the works.
We are now brought to when Echo meets the turtles in Ep. 7 Bug Busters. A ton of fighting a convincing later, Echo joins the Mad Dogz.
Hijinks and shenanigans ensue, and somewhere in-between all the crazy, Raph and Echo form a romantic relationship.
And the best way they break it to the boys? Simply forgetting to tell them 🤷
Hope you liked that little introduction to my silly little trauma dumpster ☺️ (jk I love Echo with all of my heart and soul)
@tmntstorycomp I hope this is ok?
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tinytinyturttlesoup · 16 days
At the @tmntstorycomp lobby, A Rat mutant, almost resembles Splinter, walk towards you. He stop just a few step infront of you, silently look at you up and down before pulling out a card.
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((This is why he needs therapy))
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A totally normal AU appears, offering cookies!
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Thanks for the cookies! They are much appreciated!!
Donnie can be so dense sometimes, lol (and so can I...)
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los-ninos-tortugas · 22 days
"Captain's Log...
"... Stardate... unknown. And for that matter I'll note that our current location is also undetermined. That being said, 'Toto, I have a feeling we're not in the Delta Quadrant anymore.'
We appear to have arrived in a trans-dimensional crossroads of sorts. A pocket dimension. Perhaps alarmingly, our arrival here is by no accident.
Sensor readings couldn't make heads or tails of this place, so Commanders Chakotay and Tuvok, as well as Ensign Kim, and Mr. Neelix were sent on an away mission to discreetly gather data. It would seem that during their exploration they discovered the being who claims to be responsible for all this. He calls himself, Masaccio, a humanoid-terrapin. The second we've ever seen since we met Donatello.
Unfortunately, Donatello doesn't recognize him in the slightest.
However, the away team also reports that in addition to this Masaccio character, there are also dozens of other humanoid-terrapins, some apparently equally confused as we are, and some who appear to be completely at ease with the situation.
To have this much power.... To be able to pull this many people from across dimensions into one space. I can't help but wonder if he is some errant Q, but he seems much more... juvenile than any of the Q continuum we've encountered before.
According to Chakotay, those who have been gathered here are meant to be contestants in some sort of competition, a friendly one at that. He suggested that we play along, that the path of least resistance will get us back on our journey Earth much more quickly. We're still severely lacking in data, but for now I'm inclined to agree. Though I have advised the crew to be cautious. Currently, I'm unsure if Masaccio is aware of Voyager's presence, or of just how many of us there are. I believe his interest is only in others like himself.
For now, we're keeping a low profile, and only select crew members are permitted to leave the ship. Among those is Donatello.
As I said before, there are dozens of people like him here, and there is a non-zero chance that his family might have been brought here as well. If there will be one good thing to come out of this unlikely situation, I would hope for that reunion.
I have to admit, I'll miss him. Of course, I made a promise to him to get him home, and I intend to keep that promise. Though, I would be lying if I said we haven't all grown fond of him. Perhaps no one more than Sam and Naomi. If it does happen, it will be a bittersweet farewell.
As of right now, Donatello is exploring. I sent Commander Tuvok and Ensign Wildman as his chaperones, but knowing Donatello I'm not sure how long that will last before he manages to give them the slip. I can hope. Even so, they've all been instructed to keep open comm links. I've also assigned Commander Chakotay, Neelix, Ensign Kim, and Seven of Nine on rotating shifts to gather further data and establish points of contact on the ground.
I will of course continue to provide supplemental log reports as the true nature of our situation becomes more evident. For now though, as they say, 'Let the games begin.'
Janeway, out."
Soooooooo, "Set a Course for Home" is in the TMNT story comp! (polls are @tmntstorycomp :D) this is the first comp I've ever participated in so I'm super excited. So to celebrate here's a quick little propaganda blurb (is this how you do propaganda? oh well). I'm probably gonna try to have little propaganda updates like this mixed in with regular one-shot updates, though I'm still deciding whether or not to put the prop chapters up on ao3 at the same time as the regular ones.
But anyway :D
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Hello comp goer just a friendly turtle and his two (adopted) kids giving flower crowns to the competitors.
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Oh no... You've made her too powerful... She has a flower crown and NOTHING can stop her!!!!
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varianlikescheese · 19 days
At the lobby, A Rat mutant, almost resembles Splinter, walk towards you. He stop just a few step infront of you, silently look at you up and down before pulling out a card.
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"uhm-" Techna looked confused and touched Donnies leg to signal she wanted to talk to him
"Whats a therapist?"
He sighed and took the card from the rat man graciously "something we both need, Thankyou for this-" he tried to say but the guy had already left, seemingly disappeared.
Then he turn to Techna again, offering a more in depth awnser.
"A therapist is someone who can help you figure out why you don't feel okay, if you dont know yourself. You tell them about yourself- and its like finding the pieces of a puzzle. Some are tucked away deeper than others. Does that answer your question?"
"hmm yeah! That sounds really cool actually"
"yeah? how bout I take you some day hm?"
"but- I know why I dont feel okay sometimes"
He kneels down, getting on her level.
"well no one is obligated to know, you can keep that information as tightly sealed as you want, it's yours."
"What if I want to tell people?"
"Then that's your choice, just make sure you can trust them for me yeah?"
"Great- now let's get going, the smash game is about to start and we need to pummel these unsuspecting fools"
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beetleviolet · 3 days
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(@tmntstorycomp) the twin-sync twins got in trouble! Will you help them escape Library jail?
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...April tried.
Let me know if you want to keep this going!
(Also counts as a hint for the next update hehe)
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delicatechildwitch · 15 days
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Hello comp goer just a friendly turtle and his two (adopted) kids giving flower crowns to the competitors.
"Hello, hello." A small Donatello says, when approached. "Your children are lovely." (It was kind of an awkward statement, but it could have been worse.)
"Thank you! They're adopted."
Donatello glances at the smaller slider in confusion. "There are a lot more turtle parents in the multiverse than I thought."
"I guess that kids are more than worth taking care of. I'm glad that I'm a father."
"I know." Donatello says, thinking of Casey Junior and Shelldon. While not quite his kids, he had loved to pour into their lives.
Donatello realizes that the older Leo was staring at him in concern. "You have kids? But you're so young ..."
"Oh! Oh, no, I ..." Donatello scrambles for an excuse. "I just meant that I could relate! I have so many machines you know, and they're like my kids. I'm definitely just the child I appear to be and not something else. No need to worry."
The older Leo's brow furrowed in concern. He looked like he was freaking out. "Well, if you're sure. Anyways, the kids and I made flower crowns for the competitors. Do you want one?"
"Yes, please." Donatello says, relieved to put the conversation to rest.
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theawesomeninja-xd · 16 days
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First time at a library. I'd say they like it.
Keep a look out for 'We're no babysitters' in the @tmntstorycomp
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jxstacey · 20 days
You've been invited to a Super Smash Bros tournament by these two. Will you accept?
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(Congrats you get the S3/2012 Gang)
Tiger Claw: “What is this?” *holding the invite*
Nikki: “It’s an invite furball…”
Tiger Claw: “Is this a trick or something?”
Ray: “Well I mean- no? It’s just friendly competition not like life or death or anything
Nikki: “Have you never played a video game in your life before man?”
Tiger Claw responded in silence and the couple just looked at the mutant.
Nikki: “…Wow.”
Ray: “That’s uh… Honestly sad.”
(Nikki and Ray are from the original Fargo S3 since i didn’t wanna just paste in Man Ray and Sally Pride twice in a row)
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darth-sonny · 19 days
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You see some preteens and kids walking around, looking a bit lost but otherwise fine. Do you want to approach them?
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@theawesomeninja-xd | @tmntstorycomp
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smol-bean-boi13 · 9 days
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You see some preteens and kids walking around, looking a bit lost but otherwise fine. Do you want to approach them?
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Echoed!Raph: Come play uno with us and we’ll tell you where you are :)))
(Just a note; leo’s all grr grr angey bc he knows Echo’s gonna adopt every kid she sees and he’s tryna stop her and I was bored and wanted to make him all silly and angy)
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tinytinyturttlesoup · 16 days
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Donnie and Beatrice are here to wish you luck for the story competition! (Donnie is, perhaps, a bit nervous. For reasons related to Bea. She's awfully pink.)
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Baby Leo joins the party.
it’s about time I throw my actual main character into one of these comps this time around. For the sake of simplicity he is in his own body for this. And who knows, maybe some other people from his Au are wondering around.
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clanofjones · 16 days
Hey I'm not dead
But this is a dying acc.
Call your tmnt friends!!
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los-ninos-tortugas · 16 days
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Hellow fellow competitor!!
I love your au! Crossover aus are the best!!
He’s mildly embarrassed at the noise he makes when he realizes that the person who bumped into his shell is yet another version of himself. Evidently this is a concept he’s going to have to get used to very quickly.
The other Donnie also seems more than a little surprised by him.
“Sorry, I was just looking for my brothers…” he says, fiddling with his scarf.
“I’m alright,” Donnie assures. “I’m actually looking for my family too, as it happens.”
“Did you get separated when you came here?”
“No… I got separated from them a while ago, I guess you could say I got really really lost.”
“Wow, two really’s, sounds dire.”
Donnie sighs a little.
“Yeah, I mean, the crew is helping me and all but…”
Donnie rubs the back of his neck self consciously.
“It’s nice to actually stop and talk to someone about it.” His beak turns in a small nervous smile.
Thanks! I hope I did your Donnie justice in this little blurb. I kinda think these two interacting is really fun.
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