#title 42
bighermie · 1 year
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odinsblog · 2 years
Thousands of Afghans who were promised U.S. visas remain on the run from the Taliban. The Biden administration, however, quickly cleared red tape for Ukrainians after Russia invaded Ukraine.
While the Biden administration has claimed to welcome refugees from both Afghanistan and Ukraine, the process for people fleeing the two countries has been unequal. To gain temporary entry to the United States, more than 66,000 Afghans applied through a process called humanitarian parole. But the hurdles for Afghans are huge, including monthslong wait times, piles of paperwork and a steep cost ($575 per person). In contrast, after Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States created a special humanitarian parole process for Ukrainians caught in the conflict – it can be filed online and has no application fee. Government records reveal that only 123 Afghan humanitarian parole applicants have been approved, compared with 68,000 Ukrainian applicants.
—America’s Racist Double Standard
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Looks like they’re finally ending Title 42 in December. About damn time.
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Where is the country-destroying migrant surge that was supposed to come after Title 42 ended? Why has no one taken your guns? Why isn't Hillary Clinton locked up? So many questions.
By Rex Huppke
Last I checked, there are approximately 3,756 Republicans running for the GOP presidential nomination, and the vast majority of them – particularly the Donalds Trump and the Rons DeSantis of the world – want voters to know they should be terrified.
Terrified of what, you ask? Oh, I dunno. Socialism. Marxism. “Radical” teachers. Mickey Mouse. Drag queens. “Others.” Pretty much everything, it seems. All the fears. (I’d add spiders to that list, but that’s just me, a liberal scaredy cat.)
Fearmongering is a tried-and-true Republican Party tradition and with the 2024 election cycle about to kick into full gear, it’s mongering season.
So I have a suggestion for GOP voters, from the MAGA loyalists to the (three remaining) moderates to everyone in between. The first GOP presidential debate will be Aug. 23 in Milwaukee. At that event, you should demand answers to the following fear-related questions:
Why is “her” – the Hillary Clinton character in the “Lock her up!” chant – not locked up? Former President Donald Trump was supposed to do that, yet “her” walks free.
Why haven't we been literally invaded by umpteen South American migrant caravans?
Where is the country-destroying migrant surge that was supposed to come after Title 42 ended?
Why aren’t there violent MS-13 gang members on every street corner?
Why haven't the tyrannical Democrats taken our guns?
Why hasn’t Obamacare been repealed?
Where is the GOP health care plan? (Coming in two weeks, I’m sure of it!)
Why, with godless, devious Democrat Joe Biden as President, are Americans still allowed to say “Merry Christmas”?
Why did the COVID-19 vaccines work? Why did they not contain tracking chips that allow the government to monitor us?
Why has the economy not collapsed and why has the American way of life not been destroyed?
Why is there not, as Michigan gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon promised in 2022 before not becoming Governor, “a drag queen in every classroom, indoctrinating our children”?
Why haven’t drag shows turned all Americans into drag queens?
Why are America’s big cities not actually dystopian hellscapes?
Why is the murder rate declining when we’ve been told repeatedly that crime is spiraling out of control?
How come our children are able to watch Disney movies without turning gay?
Why are Americans still allowed to speak English?
Why are we still able to hold dear all the things we hold dear?
Why has nobody come to confiscate our guns? We have actual buckets filled with guns in the basement and bullets everywhere and not a single damn Democrat has come to rip them from our hands, cold and dead or otherwise.
Why has virtually everything a Republican candidate or Fox News talking head ever said to instill fear in our hearts wound up being either total nonsense or, at best, an almost bizarre overexaggeration of a relatively minor issue?
Why has America not been transformed into a socialist wasteland?
Why, for the last time, do we still have all of our guns?
You deserve answers to these questions, my Republican friends. Because often, in this big and confusing world of ours, there are inescapable signs that suggest you’re being lied to.
Learning to spot them is an important life skill. Off you go.
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DeSantis is a fucking menace & Biden is complaining about it like he’s not the fucking President. Regardless of what political party you side with it’s clear that neither give a shit about the lives of BIPOC asylum-seekers.
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deltamusings · 1 year
They are coming in in a more orderly fashion is all:
The source said migrants using the CBP One app are showing up at ports of entry to cross where they are released with a notice to appear. Many of these notices provide court dates four to ten years out, Breitbart News reported.
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Even though Title 42, an immigration policy enforced by the Trump administration which severely restricted the ability of people crossing the U.S. southern border to seek asylum, was lifted last week, the new asylum rules proposed by the Biden administration will also significantly limit countless of people coming from the US-Mexico border to apply for asylum in the U.S. 
Make sure to read an article by the organization International Rescue Committee (IRC) to find out how you can help asylum seekers at the U.S. southern border.
➡️ https://www.rescue.org/article/title-42-ends-how-help-asylum-seekers-us-mexico-border
📸 by Rochelle Brown on Unsplash
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sassyscribe · 1 year
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Facts on Facts on Facts👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
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bighermie · 1 year
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odinsblog · 1 year
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What is the Posse Comitatus Act?
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I’ve said it before and I will keep on saying it: If it was wrong when Trump did it, then it’s still wrong when Biden does it.
Title 42 was wrong when Trump enacted it, and Title 42 was wrong when Biden sued to continue using it to target Haitian and Mexican refugees and asylum seekers. And now Biden is sending U.S. troops to the border to “assist” the Border Patrol.
Stop sending troops to the border, and start sending lawyers, asylum judges and pop-up courts. Refugees and asylum seekers have a right to seek legal asylum.
Wrong is wrong. Preferential, race-based asylum and refugee policies that favor European immigrants above all others doesn’t magically stop being racist just because “our team” is doing it. Seeking asylum is legal. For everyone.
“Stop sending troops, start sending lawyers, asylum judges and pop-up courts. Refugees and asylum seekers have a right to seek legal asylum.”
Joe Biden is fundamentally altering how, when, where and who can legally, and more easily, seek refuge on American soil. This is wrong.
I am desperately waiting for all of the, “Oh, don’t worry we’ll pull him left after the election” liberals to start speaking up. Suddenly they’re all on mute.
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myrddin-wylt · 1 year
BTW, speaking of border states: Title 42 ends next week on December 21 and everyone is preparing for a massive influx of people that local communities do not have the resources to support. so if you can, please think about donating to some charities.
(As a disclaimer, a lot of these groups are Catholic-affiliated. while I realize you may be hesitant to donate to Catholic charities, please keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of LatAm is Catholic, meaning these charities are often the most accessible, trusted, and connected groups for migrants.)
Border Kindness
Al Otro Lado
Catholic Charities of Southern New Mexico
Humane Borders
Casas Alitas
Kino Border Initiative
Annunciation House
Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley Humanitarian Respite Center
Hope Border Institute
Fronterizo Fianza Fund
Pueblo sin Fronteras
La Posada Providencia
Rio Grande Valley Rapid Response
Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid
Casa del Migrante Nazareth
Casa del Migrante de Saltillo
Casa del Migrante de Tijuana
Casa Monarca
Derechos Humanos Integrales en Acción A,C (DHIA)
also, be aware of the context of these charities. make sure when you see a group support a 'secure border,' that they're talking about security against the cartels, especially in the Rio Grande, who have a vested interest in being the only available option for migrants to get to the US. this can be hard to distinguish from people who say they want secure borders.... against migrants. so please please please use due diligence in your research.
also please please feel free to add more charities to this post as I am half-ill and feel like I'm forgetting a lot.
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A new Florida law cracking down on undocumented immigrants, signed last month by far-right Gov. Ron DeSantis and set to take effect on July 1, has pushed thousands of workers to flee the state.
Now even some capitalists who otherwise support DeSantis and the state's GOP-controlled House and Senate are beginning to speak out about how the law is likely to hurt their bottom lines.
As The Tallahassee Democrat reported Tuesday:
“In his packing plant, Graves Williams, a lifelong Republican, proudly explained the skill, labor, and manpower needed to provide tomatoes across North America, a feat that he says wouldn't be possible without immigrant laborers.
"We all love them to death," said Williams, whose family has been farming tomatoes for decades. "We couldn't run a business without them."”
Williams, the owner of Quincy Tomato Company, may soon be forced to try. Following right-wing lawmakers' passage of Senate Bill 1718, thousands of working-class immigrants, including many who are residing lawfully in the U.S., have opted to leave Florida.
The new law places harsh restrictions on undocumented immigrants. Among other things, it also requires the "repayment of certain economic development incentives" if the state, which plans to conduct random audits of businesses, "finds or is notified that an employer has knowingly employed" an undocumented immigrant without verifying their employment eligibility.
At the bill signing ceremony on May 10, DeSantis, who is now campaigning for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, slammed President Joe Biden's ostensibly lax immigration policies, saying: "We have to stop this nonsense, this is not good for our country... this is no way to run a government."
Data released earlier this month showed that unauthorized crossings of the U.S.-Mexico border fell sharply after the Biden administration imposed new asylum restrictions that went into effect when Title 42 ended on May 11. Undermining DeSantis' dubious accusation of inaction at the border, immigrant rights groups have condemned Biden's crackdown on asylum-seekers, saying the president's new ban deepens the bipartisan abandonment of international human rights law set in motion by the Trump administration.
Meanwhile, in Florida, DeSantis' xenophobic approach has sparked fears that "a labor shortage will leave crops unpicked, tourist hotels short of staff, and construction sites idle," The Tallahassee Democrat noted.
Notably, concerns are emanating from some Republican proprietors.
"How can one man pass one law and destroy all these businesses in Florida?" asked Williams.
"It's almost like he's doing it on purpose," Williams said. "I know he's doing it for politics, but the end results, it's going to be hard."
According to The Tallahassee Democrat: "Florida employers in construction, restaurants, landscaping, and many other service sectors already are struggling to fill jobs during what has been a post-pandemic, sustained stretch of low unemployment. The new immigration limits will compound that, many say."
However, the newspaper observed, many business owners still "refuse to speak publicly about the measure, fearing it could antagonize DeSantis."
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gwydionmisha · 10 months
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