#tinas so pretty what the FRICK
drawthething · 1 year
Hey there! Here's a hard one. What are your top ten favorite Bob's Burgers episodes? 💖
You're enabling my ramble braincell by letting me do a top 10 list and for that I love ya ❤️ Okay okay here we go (I ranted about the first 3 eps a while ago so imma be real quick with them)
1. The Runaway Club: brilliant amazing perfect 👌👌👌 It's like they put all of my favourite candy favours in a jar!! Definitely my go to bobs ep at any time
2. The Oeder games: suuuch a good season finale 😭 We're getting Mr. Fischoeder and all these fun side characters along with Bob's glorious shining moments
3. Ex mach Tina: "oh it's a Tina & Jimmy Jr ep no wonder why you love it" yeah yeah yeah pffft. It's a super good and hilarious one too 😭 All the plots are so fun and god I'll never shut up about my boy's musoems
4. Yes without my Zeke: look, it's a Zeke & Jimmy Jr ep and you know I'd eat it up any day!! Their precious interactions from the beginning to the end just bless my heart ❤️ And it's a heist kind of ep sooo 👀👌 There's Frond, there's Branca and bam! Golden comedy! I like Randy's B plot and Arnold too :D My only issue would be that Tina's distaste towards Zeke is pretty ooc considering this is s9. A little injustice to their current dynamic I think
5. Mother daughter laser razor: best s3 ep? Linda & Louise interactions in the whole episode crack me up. Their little bond moment in the end though 😭. This is probably my favourite Logan & Cynthia ep too, they're so golden!! I LIVE for that Freaky Friday rant and the "Diiiie, Logan!" pffffft. And the B plot is so fun, Bob waxing his legs with Tina, letting Gene wax his legs and the little pep talk are both so funny and lovely!
6. The kids run away: probably my fav Louise episode :D Sooo many good lines. "Bribing Louise? We don't have that kind of money". I really love Gayle in this one. Like her apocalypse night rant? Pfffft. And her helping out Louise in the end ❤️ There's also Dr. Yap and the whole "SQUAAAT!" thing
7. Work hard or die trying girl: musical battles baby!! MUSICALS!! I love Gene & Courtney interactions in this one :D And you know I'd dig any ep where they manage to put these many Wagstaff kids together! They're all so perfect! Labonz's great, the ending play's great (actually no it's AMAZING), the outro's great! I'd kill for another episode like this one
8. Best Burger: good? So good? The whole fig store flashback itself is perfecta!! I fricking love the dialogues and voice acting in this one. How they address Gene's flaw and how it's kinda flipped to Bob's flaw too and how it's resolved during Gene's last minute delivery is 👌 Definitely one of their best moments. Super fun ep that's unexpectedly sweet :] Also Mickey and that drunk flashback scene pffffft
9. Bob Day Afternoon: why is this ep so fricking funny?? The legendary phone call bit is everything!! Mickey & Bosco are 👌. And Tina 😭 precious and hilarious as always. The family clinging onto Bob before he delivers burgers is both so funny and oddly sweet. Idk why I like it so much, I just pick this ep everytime I wanna go unwind mindlessly wheezing for 20 minutes pffft
10. Sea me now: my fav Teddy episode :] I don't think it's a masterpiece kind of ep but something about it just gives me looots of good vibes. The storyline is pretty fun, Teddy's arc is so lovely, and Tina's cellphone plot is so stupidly funny. I especially love the ending, always so heartfelt to me ❤️ (but it's Teddy so there're funny lines interrupting too pffft)
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anadiilua · 1 year
It was all in the TikTok that other anon sent. And it was so sudden, they weren't even talking about anything even remotely related to that before this clip. And they didn't say anything more about it after either. So like always we can only guess what the f even happened.
It was a weird joke to make and George didn't even frick out about it so idk maybe it was an inside joke or something
You should really watch the vod. George and Tina are so cute together and if I didn't know Sapnap and George I would literally assume they are siblings with the way they are arguing .
Also hi I'm blueandgreen 💚💙 , I prefer to send anon ask cos you can't send asks from your side blogs
Oh! I don't have TikTok so I couldn't see the link properly because I'm on my phone and it doesn't let me turn on the volume until almost halfway through it and I can't replay the TikTok. I just went with what anon wrote actually. Forgot to say that, my bad.
I'm not surprised George didn't freak out lol my man went with the "taking birth control pills" joke the other day rather smoothly if i say so myself hauahushahaua
And I love every dynamic George is a part of!!! He really matches the other person's energy pretty well. SNF are literally me and my older brother lmao
Hello blueandgreen! If you want you can put 💙💚 at the end when you send an ask so I know it's from you :)
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sungod55 · 2 years
el AMARA’S DAY OFF….. her cousin yin said “I don’t think you should do that el”… el said “so what no one is going to notice”… this followed by her cutting some wires with a wire cutter and the lights shutting off…. A Couple moments later the lights came back on, and el said “ see Tina nothing happened”… Tina said “bullspit the whole school just went dark for 27 seconds what the frick do u mean nothing happened! We need to get out of here & ditch those wire cutters in the boys locker room”… “okay you’ve got that part right Ti, let’s get out of here the jobs done”…. The girls had cut the main power supply so that all the computers cut out & the attendance records for the day were whipped clean… this had mistakenly messed up one kids diabetes pills that resulted in him not being called to the nurse for his morning pill and he had been caught up in his drama at home & then talking to the girl he had a crush on in anatomy class he forgot about the pill and then at lunch he fainted. El made sure to make an appearance in this emergency moment so everyone would say that she was at school that day… after that Tina stepped in so then people would remember Tina & el but after that el had slunk out through the lunch room emergency door which had been unlocked by a piece of duct tape that el and Tina had a boy put on the door when the power went out like Tina had said it would happen… el was out & had to just poke her head around the corner of the building to see if Chad the security guard was outside… she saw her older bf who wasn’t in high school, in his blue trans am. She didn’t see him in it and then saw him talking to Chad & distracting him so she could sceddadle into the car without him seeing. Vinny had played basketball in high school and visited chad sometimes so he hadn’t smelt anything funny seeing Vinny��� Vinny got back to the car with el laying flat in passenger seat! “Hi flapjack u sure look more buttery than ever :) I’ve got some sauce to drizzle on you if you’re up for a bunch of fun!”… el raised her seat up slowly like a vampire & she said “bleh bleh blehhhh”… they both laughed and kissed because Vinny had driven out of the parking lot… Vinny said that she was so so so pretty & cute & that he was so excited to see her again… el smiled so hard & yelled LETS PARTYYYY… Vinny got into the highway & said he had a museum to take her too first… then el said wait!!!…. We gotta go to the Halloween shop & get some goofy outfits so we can dress up as Tina’s parents & get her out of school too cause she helped me get out… Vinny said “Operation Tadpole Initiated” and made an exit off the highway.
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blaberid · 2 years
i (re)watched all the movies in the halloween franchise and these are my THOUGHTS
pretty sure i saw MOST of them during my initial horror phase way back when but in light of my recent re-obsession i had to dive back in...
ranking from best to worst:
1. halloween (1978) 2. halloween kills 3. halloween 5 4. halloween 2 (1981) 5. halloween (2018) 6. halloween h20 7. halloween 4 8. halloween resurrection 9. halloween 6 10-11. the rob zombies get shared last place
i do subscribe to the theory that the original is always the best but there are times i do like sequels better so my bias towards this movie is sincere i promise.  everything is perfect, from the setting to the soundtrack to the pacing, michael myers is portrayed in this particularly charming way that is never quite fully replicated in any of the following movies. he has an air of complete mystery about him while also possessing plenty of endearing quirks. the cast of supporting characters is great also, and i love that it manages to stay classy and not rely on gore and shock imagery which is also something all the following movies failed to do. truly great.
HALLOWEEN 2 (1981): this is pretty much just the "basic" sequel, playing it safe, and straying into more slasher cliches than its predecessor. it's not a bad movie though and i do enjoy it. michael kept some of his quirkiness but it is fairly noticeable that his charm and quirks are not quite there.
this one bored me a bit tbh, i'm not terribly fond of the michael myers family plot and all the drama was kinda boring, and also michael's new mask looks like a dollar store knockoff. not to mention laurie unceremoniously getting killed off off-screen. i honestly feel like i need to rewatch it in order to find more to say about it cuz it was just that forgettable but screw that. we're moving on to......
what is he getting revenge for? we just don't know! as foolish as i find the jamie and thorn storylines i ended up loving halloween 5 SO much. like when it opens with michael floating down a river you KNOW you're in for a wild ride. it overflows with 80s aesthetic and campiness and i swear they even inserted actual cartoon sound effects in some scenes. michael myers still looks like a total mess throughout the movie but honestly, for this movie and only this movie, it fits. i also did not mind him showing emotion at some point because i don't actually hate michael showing emotion in itself, i hate it when it is done wrong, and in this movie it was done right, like it did not de-mystify him or take away anything at all. or MAYBE it was just that it added to the overall goofiness of this movie that ended up being so gosh darned charming but whatever it was it was great actually.
halloween movies really haven't been the same since donald pleasence passed cuz he always gave them his 110% sincerity, like?? it’s like he was unironically going for the oscars even in these trashy sequels. his theatrics were especially noticeable in halloween 5 where his character got to interact with tina williams who is the wackiest halloween character ever and my new queen. like you know i'm mostly into halloween because i love the michael myers character but i also LIVE for the scenes with loomis and tina. that fricking contrast. omfg. absolute cinema gold. #addtinawilliamstodeadbydaylight2022
oh boy i really did not like this one. after all that build-up with jamie, they kill her off almost as anticlimactically as laurie, and the rest of the movie is saddled with her child and i just can't deal with it. i find babies so incredibly grating that they're enough to ruin an entire movie for me tbh BUT to be fair this movie also focuses on the thorn plot which i also cannot stand. it really just demystifies michael and does not do the character justice. the producers cut was absolutely demented and while the finalized version makes it a bit more tolerable it's not by a huge margin.
rejoice for laurie is back and also the jamie and thorn storylines have been discarded! YAY! unfortunately this movie is pretty dull and focuses more on school life drama, complete with a cast of forgettable teens who would be better fit for “scream”, than michael, and also this is michael's ugliest mask yet. the chase scene among the tables toward the end was fun cuz i was like "hehheh that reminds me of how i used to play with my dog". also the whole thing with how the retconning of this movie's ending was planned? that's just bad movie making. but maybe that's just my opinion.
so this was SUPPOSED to be a follow-up of the previous movie but the first scene concludes that plotline and laurie and her son are never seen or heard from or relevant again. um... ok. what we get instead is an absolutely insufferable cast of shallow teens with zero redeeming qualities as characters, and michael still has that ugly mask. at least this movie gets the "most creative premise" award i GUESS??? it seems like michael would have a really good time in this setup but he just seemed kind of annoyed throughout the whole movie lmao.
i just don't feel like talking about these separately because i hated them SO much!!! before watching all of these movies i read some behind the scenes stuff to get the context of them all, and i actually got hopeful that these remakes wouldn't be as bad as i feared because rob zombie seemed genuinely respectful in how he went about to make the movies (later edit: i ok i caught up with what john carpenter had to say regarding the remakes so scratch the “respectful” part LMAO honestly i could go for an hour long rant about what a douchebag rz allegedly is but that would mean spending more time on rz)... but yeah only a few minutes into the movies i already hated them. look. i like emotional slashers with tragic backstories, but it's not michael. rob zombie might as well have made his own story instead of messing with michael's. like you cannot make a prequel to halloween because it would just be some random ass family’s home videos. there was nothing remarkable about them and nothing in michael’s past that could be singled out as his breaking point and that..... is the point?? yeah??? so yeah i basically really hated how michael was turned into an emo kid and laurie into an edgy bitch lmao like this is LAURIE and the first thing she does walking onto the scene is making some crude joke. COME ON. also it was WAY too graphic and gory and gritty which, again, misses the point and charm of the original. come the frick on.
perhaps the first movie in a long line of sequels and remakes that i feel like genuinely understood and respected its source material, we are now in the brand new timeline that erases ALL the previous movies except the original. this movie is not one of my favs cuz it focuses more on family drama and michael isn't even in it that much, but it is well made and the story is good, even though it does make a few questionable choices i will not go into cuz whatever.
my favorite halloween sequel baby!!!!!!!! i saw this in theaters 8 times! it is a BLAST. it was THE movie that single handedly slam dunked me right back into the horror genre. it shows incredible expertise and appreciation of the original 1978 movie. the 1978 flashbacks are amazing. both the flashback and current masks look fantastic. it is so competent, yet it's not afraid to be fun and campy and honestly michael looks like he's having a BLAST in this movie. they really brought back his charm and quirks and showcase them to the fullest, and a lot of the characters they introduce are fun. LOVE this movie. the perfect sequel. other movies planning to get sequels take note. also my opinion is final and do not listen to critics. this movie is THE BOMB!!!!! (also did you know the movie they’re watching in the scene with the drone is “the funhouse”. it does not really have anything to do with anything but i just think it’s neat cuz it’s probably my fav horror movie BESIDES the halloweens.)
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aethelar · 4 years
Look, Graves is a hot guy. He’s not being conceited, he’s not being arrogant, he’s just not being blind either. He’s fit, in both senses of the word, his skin’s been clear for at least a year now, his fashion sense is cute as fuck. Queenie has reliably informed him that he made the top ten in last month’s Best ass on campus poll. He’s turned three people down for dates and he’s not even finished his first term at uni yet.
So clearly, Graves is hot. Subjectively, objectively, all genders agree. This here is a fine specimen of humanity, and it even has dimples when it smiles.
“Hey,” he says, flashing the dimples in question at the cute guy from the floor below.
“Uh, morning,” the cute guy says, and walks straight past him.
Graves blinks. It’s seven in the evening. Also, what.
“Newt, right?” he tries a week later. “Queenie said you and Tina were neighbours.”
“Yeah,” Newt says, nodding absentmindedly and attempting to ingest a pencil. He starts, suddenly registering Graves’ presence, and scrambles to push his mountain of text books aside. “Sorry, let me - shit, sorry -”
Graves catches the mug before it meets its untimely demise on the floor. “No worries,” he says, smiling again. Full dimple and everything. He holds out his other hand for Newt to shake, angling his shoulders slightly for maximum effect. “I’m Graves, Queenie and I share physics lectures.”
The shoulders have no effect. The handshake has no effect. The bedroom eyes so bloody obvious Graves is going to need eyedrops to keep up with them have no effect.
I mean, they have an effect on Graves because he’s now actually talking to the guy he’s crushing on, but that’s a) a given and b) not helping.
“Your coffee’s cold,” he says in a last ditch attempt to flirt. “I’ll get you another one.”
“Uh,” Newt replies, tilting his head in owlish confusion. “It’s tea, and you don’t have to, but, thanks?”
“Tea,” Graves confirms, and pulls out his phone on the way to the counter.
is tinas newt friend straight????
Newt? Zoology Newt in the room next door?
ye newt
Hang on.
She says no. She also says she’ll spike your drink with hydrochloric acid if you hurt him and bury your remains in a rose garden for fertiliser.
queenie your sister is not ok
An hour and half later Graves has to go for a lecture. He’s learnt that Newt is an awkward but earnest conversationalist, that his brother sends him snapchats of the family dogs at least once a day, and that Newt fell in love with a swan when he was six years old because it knocked him over and stole an entire bag of birdseed from his pocket.
He’s also learnt that Newt is apparently immune to all flirting. No reactions. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. Maybe he should take a leaf out of the swan’s book and throw Newt to the ground, see if that got any better results.
(Not like that brain we have a lecture to focus on, look Gaussian surfaces aren’t they fascinating fuck)
Three weeks later and Graves is resigned. He and Newt have progressed to friends, which is delightful and makes for an easy hanging out group with Tina and Queenie - and, recently, Queenie’s new potential boyfriend - but it’s also a form of torture because Newt is literally right there and Graves is dying he hasn’t crushed this hard since he was fifteen and first learnt he was gay but he can’t do anything about his damn crush because Newt has shown all the reciprocity of a tree. A cute, knitwear clad tree, but also a platonic and just-a-friend knitwear clad tree.
“Yes, but did you actually tell him?” Queenie presses.
He levels an unimpressed stare at her. “I walked past him in a towel on the way to the showers. He waved at me. I’m pretty certain he’s not interested.”
“Oh.” She pats his shoulder in commiseration and tips another shot of rum into his cuba libre. “Wait, aren’t your showers upstairs? How did you walk past him?”
He taps his nose - near his nose, shit, how strong are these things - and grins. “All’s fair in love and war,” he says with the sage wisdom of the truly sloshed. Then, “Queenie, it’s love and war. Queenie. Queenie I think I love him.”
“Yes,” she says. “But did you tell him?”
Graves hiccoughs in sad denial and slides off his chair to lie on the floor.
Graves of the morning after, the Graves with the hangover, he kicks off the blanket Queenie had draped over him and curls into a tight ball and decides, fuck it, if Newt wants to be his friend rather than his boyfriend then Graves is going to be the best damn friend Newt could ever ask for. He’s honoured to be Newt’s friend because Newt is a fucking gift. Anyone should be honoured to be Newt’s friend. He makes the world a better place when he laughs and he loves llamas and oversized knit cardigans and he forwards the particularly cute screenshots of his dogs to Graves because he’s the actual sweetest human being on the planet and fuck, Graves is so gone for this man.
One. He will allow himself one morning to mope. Then he’ll be the best damn friend Newt ever had.
Moping for Graves involves old sweats, sugary coffee, an asmr track of rain and lightning sounds (except quiet because headache) and a run. He likes running. He gets to clear his head and zone out and not think for a while, and the back streets down to the river are quiet at this time of day. Morning. By the time he’s paused on a bench to breathe and unstick his hoody from the sweat down his back he’s seen two other people, four pigeons and a cat.
“Hey,” he says to the cat, smiling his dimple-smile at it and holding out his hand. The cat pads closer, sniffing curiously before rubbing its head against his fingers.
“Hello handsome,” he laughs, tilting to scritch behind its ears. “Aren’t you a purry one? Look at you, you’re gorgeous. Is that your tail? Yes it is, it’s your tail, the fluffiest tail and it’s all yours.”
“Oh,” someone says softly, and Graves looks up to find Newt staring back at him with wide eyes and an absolutely flaming blush.
What. Graves has been flirting for weeks. Wearing nothing but a towel for frick’s sake and now Newt notices? When Graves is sweaty, hasn’t showered, not got any makeup on - oh god his hair is up in a bun isn’t it, it’s in a greasy lopsided bun please someone strike him down now why did he think it was a good idea to leave his room today.
“You like cats?” Newt says, gesturing at the tabby that Graves is still petting.
“Yeah,” Graves croaks. This is fine. He’s fine. He’s still going to be the best damn friend Newt ever had, he can survive this.
“Oh,” Newt repeats, still blushing. He sits down on the bench next to Graves and the cat leaps up between them, butting against his elbow for attention. “I like cats too,” he says and smiles up at Graves through his fringe.
“Guh,” Graves says like the intelligent and functioning person he is, and no, he’s not going to survive this. “You’re not straight,” he then announces like an absolute tool and hastens to add, “I am not straight too. Either. I am neither straight. I mean, I’m gay.”
Dear god.
Newt ducks his head and runs an awkward hand through his hair. He’s paired his traditional warm knit with a black and yellow scarf and it’s adorable. The scarf is thick and tasselled and the static from it is making Newt’s curls frizz out at the back where they rub against it. This is not relevant to the story but it’s relevant to Graves’ mental state and therefore worth describing.
“I’m not straight,” he agrees. The tops of his ears are red and he has many freckles. Also relevant to Graves’ mental state. “Is this your way of asking me out?”
Graves licks his lips. The cat walks across his thighs and starts kneading at his knee with its claws. “What would you say if it was?”
“There’s a cat cafe in town,” Newt mumbles into the scarf that has now swallowed the majority of his face. Graves would think that the scarf was making him mishear, except no, his ears are so attuned to Newt right now he could pick up radio signals from Mars if Newt was the one sending them.
The cat sits, half on and half off his lap. He takes a breath. “Newt,” he says. “Will you go on a date with me to the cat cafe in town?”
“Now?” Newt squeaks.
“Uh. I’m, uh.” Wearing baggy leggings. With a messy bun. In dire need of a shower and/or an entire stick of deodorant. Graves gestures helplessly at himself and wonders if it would count against him if he pointed any of these things out. He amends the gesture to restrict itself to the cat. “She’s comfy?”
Newt somehow buries himself further in his scarf and mumbles something that sounds like oh my god. “Yes,” he says when he emerges. “To the date.” He darts a sideways glance at Graves and the way Graves is stroking the cat on autopilot. “I’m free whenever. And, you know, probably whenever tomorrow as well, if, if that’s a thing you also want.” He smiles, with his eyes crinkling at the corners and his hair floofed up and his scarf creeping up to cover his ears and his freckles and his face and his cute.
Newt is a gift and Graves is going to be the best damn boyfriend he could ever ask for. 
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daydream-hq · 5 years
My Top Ten Personal Harry Potter LGBTQA Headcannons
1: Scorbus- I feel like either most of the fandom or even all of the fandom just kind of accept this one a cannon, but since JK Rowling has never confirmed it, it gets to come up here. I don’t feel like this one needs much explanation.
2: Wolfstar- Kinda the same with Scorbus, practically all of the fandom just accepts that these two were a thing at one point. I personally see Sirius as gay and Remus as bisexual, but if you think differently, that is totally fine.
3: Bisexual Harry- let’s be honest here, Harry was kind of thick headed, and still kind of is, so it would not surprise me in the slightest if he was bi and never even knew it about himself. I saw one post a while back on Harry being bi and it just made so much sense to me. I’ll try to make this short, but the sum of it is that, Harry has only directly called one GIRL beautiful, Fleur, and let’s be frank here, that ones kind of a given, but he has directly called multiple BOYS handsome on plenty of occasions, Sirius and Cedric for example. There is also his obsession with both Draco and Snape to point to. I believe the reason he never knew this about himself, or at the very least, never acted on it, was because of his childhood at the Dursleys’. From the way they act and behave, I would honestly not be surprised if they made a very homophobic comments on multiple occasions or simply say that it was a forbidden topic and that Harry and Dudley were never allowed to talk about it. It’s not secret that Harry had a sh*+y childhood, so I would honestly not be surprised if this is exactly what happened.
4: Aromantic Asexual Charlie Weasley- This is kinda another one that the fandom just accepts and occasionally jokes about. I also accept this as cannon.
5: Demisexual Snape- Not very surprising to accept and think about after learning what Demisexual is and given that Snape never got over Lily, AT ALL, it’s basically cannon.
6: Asexual Newt Scamander- Okay I saw a post somewhere, probably Pinterest, comparing the Hogwarts Houses with sexuality’s and Hufflepuff matched up with Asexual. And think back on it, Newt may be Asexual too. Not because he is in Hufflpuff, but because of how he falls in love. With Newt, in both Fantastic Beast movies, I notice Newt didn’t fall in love with Tina and Leta’s appearances, but with their hearts and souls. He loved them because they took an interest in magically creatures just like him, and they made an effort to understand him. He does think that they are pretty, there’s no getting around that after the salamander eyes thing, but that’s not what made Newt love them in the first place.
7: Pansexual Fleur- Like Newt, I don’t think Fleur feel for Bill just because of his looks. While his handsome face was definitely what caught her eyes, I believe it was his spirit and personality that truly captured her heart. This is only backed up by the fact that Fleur basically tells everyone after Bill is injured, “I don’t give and d@m about how my husband looks, all I care about is that he is brave and stands up for what is right”.
8: Gay Hugo Granger-Weasley- He literally has no canon content for his personality or interests so that I get to headcannon him whatever the frick I want without any evidence to back it up. But in all seriousness, I think it would be a cute thing to see Hugo being scared to tell the family that me likes boys until Albus comes with a Malfoy boy around his arm, Hugo’s like “well, can’t make a bigger scene than that” and finally comes out to his parents, sister and family. Everyone of course loves home just the same and Hugo and Albus can now bond and gossip about their crushes and dates.
9: Gay Lorcan Scamander- Same reason as Hugo, no cannon content, so he can be anything I want him to be. Unlike Hugo though, Lorcan never had any doubts when it came to his sexuality and how his family would react to it. When he told his family it was without any preamble and everyone was fine with it. Luna would have totally raised her kids to be just as proud of themselves as she was, and it would be no different when it came to their sexualities. Plus, I ship Hugo and Lorcan. No cannon content.
10: Transgender Luis Weasley- As I have said with Hugo and Lorcan, we have little to no cannon content with the next generation. The best we have are what little we got out of JK Rowling and headcannons that all the fans just accept as cannon. So, I have this theory about Luis, Bill and Fleur’s son: what if he was a ftm Transgender. It was stated on his wiki page that Luis is the only know boy descended from a Velia , but what if he wasn’t a boy. What if he was born a girl, but unlike his mother and sisters who were all girly girls, he was more of a tomboy. Then when he went to Hogwarts and was placed in the girls dormitory, he felt wrong and out of place. After a lot of angst and self-louthing that did not go unnoticed by the teachers, McGonagal called Luis into her office and asked him what was wrong. Luis broke down and explained what he was feeling the best he could and eventually the Headmistress said “so you feel like you are in the wrong body?” Luis nods yes to this, “Mr. Weasley, that is far from unusual. Why do you this I turn into a cat? Because it is a comfort form for me, I like being a cat.” “But I like being a boy, Professor. I want to be a boy.” McGonagal thinks, “There is a spell that I can use to transfigurat your body to that of a male, however it will take awhile to prepare, both the spell and you. Your body will go through a change even more dramatic than puberty, I must also discuss this with your parents. It that really what you want?” Luis than nods his head vigorously and McGonagal gives Luis instructions about preparing himself for the transition as and sends a letter off to his parents as well. While Bill and Fleur are surprised at such news, support their child without a second thought and are even there when McGonagal performs the spell. Once Luis sees his new male body, he cries tears of joy and hugs both his parents and Professor for helping to get him to this point. This experience also gives Luis a drive to learn as much as he can about Transfiguration and later becomes Hogwarts’ newest Transfiguration Professor.
Anyway, those are my personal top ten headcannons. Let me know if you have any.
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ryderreturns · 6 years
God Smites Sinners
Who: Kitty Wilde and Ryder Lynn, and their familiars
When: Monday July 2nd, sometime in the early morning 
Where: Undique Stadium
Why: When two water affinities butt heads, Kitty’s God is stronger. 
What: Trigger Warnings: Violence, mentions of Death and bombs
Kitty arrived to Undique Stadium on Monday. Brother Hunter's baptism was weird but like he was always a little off. Being a bloodline was like that. Kitty pulled off her sunglasses when she got to the room to deal with another upstart New Age. The last time she was here, Trashy Cohen-Chang threw her off, but this time, Kitty was sure to win. She held onto her cross pendant for support. The Lord would grant her a win. She wouldn't be tempted to lose control.
Ryder and his familiar, King, were already waiting in Undique. He'd added another hour onto the reservation for the training room, just in case. Though he knew it wouldn't take that long to knock the Wilde girl down off her high horse. 'You won't go too hard on her, correct?' Ryder sent the elk a look as the doors opened. "Hey," he said as Kitty came walking in. Wow, she was short. "Do you need to warm up? Summon a familiar? Pray?"
Kitty pulled a face. What was that thing? A big deer. "Warm up? God didn't need a warm up and I don't either." She blew on her freshly done nails to make her point sharper. She gave Ryder a vaguely irritated look. He was another boy. She didn't have to exert any scheme on him. Boys were simple.  "I've already prayed, Tinder 3." She didn't want to summon Alena, though she had a feeling her familiar would sneak up somehow. <<Heavenly Father, I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence. Alena, I summon you under the grace of God.>> At Kitty's call, a small fish floated around in a bubble of water Kitty created within her palm. "Can we get this over with? Your familiar smells like a barn."
Ryder "Just asking," he said, putting up his hands. His brow furrowed at Tinder 3. What did that mean? While Ryder was trying to stay in the right mindset for a duel, he was distracted by the fish that popped up in a bubble. No, he thought, don't be fooled by cute animals. "And yours has no sense of smell," he shot back. Ryder and King walked across the floor to take their spot on the other side of the arena. "Ladies first," he said.
Kitty: 1d6  = (6) = 6 + 1 for familiar use Ryder: 1d6  = (2) = 2 
Kitty pouted at Ryder's comeback. "Fish can smell, Barn Boy. They have nares." Kitty said snootily. She gave Ryder a fake smile for his annoying chivalry and went to her side of the stadium. The faster she knocked down these New Agers, the better. She had to get stronger before she could own Tina Cohen-Chang. If this werewolf boy was giving Kitty an advantage, Kitty would take it. Only idiots gave people a chance to hurt them. <<Heavenly Father, I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence! Flood and freeze him!>> Kitty shouted, sending a torrent of rain down onto Ryder. As the water hit the boy, Kitty froze it. "Alena, show him what you got, bitch!" Kitty commanded her angelfish. Do I have to? Alena said sadly as she flowed between the raindrops and lightly slapped Ryder on the face. "Now leave," Kitty told her familiar. She wasn't going to have her goody-goody two shoes familiar around to patronize her.
Ryder thought, Shit. I forgot about nares. So much for that comeback. He grimaced at her spell phrasing and how she called on God's magnificence. At first, the rain had no effect. But the she froze it and it stung at his skin, making him wince. "You made the fish slap me," he said sadly. Ice magic was something he'd wanted to grow into using, but it was still out of his specialty. Maybe his heart just wasn't as cold as Kitty's. "Nice move," he said, wiping the rain off.
Kitty replied, "You were the one who said she had no sense of smell!" She wasn't totally defending Alena, her dumb familiar. No freaking way was she doing that. She saw her freezing rain wasn't affecting him much. Was he a stronger affinity than her? Kitty growled behind her lipstick. She already lost once to an electrifying lesbo. Big Daddy God wasn't going to let Kitty fall for the same trick twice. She dropped to her knees and started praying. She grabbed at her cross pendant.  <<Heavenly Father, I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence, let my spirit be yours, my body nothing, let it bear all wounds, all pain, all death, for my place is with you in Heaven, shed me of this mortal sin… >> She starts the ritual, not caring if she was going to be hurt during it.
Ryder: 1d6  = (6) = 6 Kitty is preparing and rolls a 0. Takes full 6 damage.
Ryder started to gather water from the side of the training room. Bringing it to King's head, he let the water mold to his antlers. Even with the water to keep from totally bludgeoning Kitty, this was going to hurt. King was already running across the room (reluctantly) in order to headbutt the girl when she got down onto her knees. "Don't kneel during a fight!" Ryder shouted at her, but it was like she didn't hear him. King had too much momentum to stop and even Ryder winced when the two collided. "Okay, that was worse than a fish slap," he winced.
Kitty: Holy Beam - 1d50  = (22) = 22 Ryder: 1d6  = (6) = 6
Kitty continued to cast despite getting impaled by an uggo deer. It's okay, if I die, God will protect me. This pain is nothing for a martyr of His Grace. This was what I deserve to be pure again.  She pressed her hand tighter on her cross enough to cut into her palm. <<And let my body burn up in your light of Justice, oh Heavenly Father!>> Her body went into a trance, bending backward. A brilliant white flash burst from inside her like an explosion. It was a circle of light shooting out of Kitty that struck Ryder. After the light passed, Kitty gasped as she woke up from her trance. It hurt so bad. Her body was abused from the inside by that mighty holy power. But did I win? Lord, do you believe me when I said I made a mistake with that girl?
Ryder watched her pray, wondering if it was to be healed. King returned to his side, the water falling from his antlers. They shared a brief look at the words 'light of Justice.' In the next moment, Ryder finally knew what it felt like to be smote by God. It was something he'd imagined would happen after leaving the church and becoming a witch. Now it was truly happening. Nothing had ever burned so much. That angry white light was the last thing he saw before collapsing to the ground as King dissipated into the Aether beside him.
Kitty got up on her feet. Her hands were blackened from the blast. I'm getting better at it. Papa said not to do it but what does Papa know? What does Mama know? They're idiots who think they know how to control me. Little by little, Kitty knew she was going to be stronger. "Oh fuck," Kitty slipped as she took a step. "Frick. Fick. Free...Oh free." Kitty looked nervously up at the ceiling. She knew the Lord heard her. In front of her was the new age witch. The werewolf boy. Lying in a loser heap on the floor. She smirked before the pain was too much and she had to grab at her side. Her phone, where was it. She wanted to take a picture to commemorate. But is that a good idea? Kitty sighed. "What the heck do you want, Alena?" Her familiar was floating in her water bottle on her side of the stage. Kitty controlled the water to flow up from the bottle so she could see her familiar face to face. You already showed him what you can do. Alena moved her gills. Kitty frowned, pursed her pink lips. "So what." Alena swam in a circle. You didn't show him everything. You should heal him, Katherine. "Ew, stop calling me Katherine! That's so old! Why should I heal him." Kitty crossed her arms and glared at Ryder on the ground. It's what the Lord would want you to do. Love thy neighbor. "My neighbor is Quinn, and she's never around for me to love." Kitty uncrossed her arms. She glanced at Alena. "Do you think she would?" Alena didn't say anything. Kitty grumbled and placed her hands on Ryder.
Kitty rolls to heal 1d15  = (10) = 10
Kitty <<Heavenly Father, I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence. Mend his bones. Cleanse his spirit. Rid of his smell.>> Kitty saw her hands glowing blue-white. The light left her hands and entered Ryder's body, healing him.
Ryder opened his eyes to a warmth on his body that was the opposite of the burning he'd felt moments - years? - ago. "Holy fuck," was the first thing he said. He sat up off the floor and shook his head free of the cobwebs surrounding his mind. "That. Was. Epic!"
Kitty shrieked when Ryder came alive with an exclamation. Did new ages not know manners when coming back from unconsciousness? "What the heck, stop creaming your pants, you weirdo." Kitty pulled her hands away and scooted away from him.
Ryder laughed at that, pushing back onto his feet. He didn't feel 100% but he felt 10/15, which was pretty good considering he thought he'd just seen the white light of death. Wait, students couldn't die in school duels. "You're a total bitch, but damn that's a good attack." Maybe he should've stuck with God after all. Ryder threw up a little in his mouth just at the thought. Nope. "What do you call it? The Last Thing You See?"
Kitty wrinkled her nose. "And you're a moron and your attacks, your familiar, and everything about you sucks." She stared at Ryder's enthusiasm blankly. She tried to look for Alena but that bitch floated or swam away into the aether. "No, it doesn't have a name! Stop making one up!" Kitty argued. New ages are all total psychos. She got up steady to her feet and decided walking away from this was way smarter. No wonder Sister Quinn was a genius. She didn't deal with loser lusus witches draining her IQ. "I'm leaving, you're so weird!"
Ryder shrugged. "I would've had you if you didn't pull that bomb out on your second attack like a coward," he mused. "It's a good name though. You should use it." Maybe then she could just say the attack name instead of kneeling down to pray and opening herself up to a hundred different attacks. "Thanks for the heal! We're having a rematch! No bombs!"
Kitty stopped in her tracks to fight back, "L-o-l bitter much your magic was nothing compared to mine? I don't get why people hold back. If you hold back, you don't get what you want. It has nothing to do with patience." She put her hands on her waist, ignoring how everything inside her wanted to rest. "No. It sounds lame, like you." Kitty couldn't make heads or tails about this boy. She just shook her head in disbelief and rolled her eyes. "I didn't heal you for yo...ugh, whatevs! You're totes going to lose next time too." Kitty pointed at Ryder with her blackened nails and left.
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drawthething · 1 year
Happy New Year's! What's your favorite episode of BB? Favorite character? Favorite dynamic?
Ahh hi ❤️! Happy new year to you too :D
Favorite episode
Hmm it's so hard trying to just pick one fav ep so maybe top 3 :D? (I'm just gonna apologize if this turns into the longest most annoying post ever)
• Runaway Club: i rewatched this one so so many times it's not funny. The flashback scene, that breakfast club opening parody, the belchers kiddos & cool kids group on their shenanigans, mr frond, mr branca, ms schnur. Just so good all around
• The oeder games: arguably one of bb strongest finales. So many fun characters, Mr Fischoeder being the absolute lovable awful human being, Bob's character shines so much in this (i wish he get to have more focus eps like he used to :/), the classic funny scene between tina, zeke & j-ju, "boy shields" (did i just hear that tiny begrudging "i love you" coming from pesto sr's mouth 👀). The ending is super lovely too
• Ex mach tina: such a good episode? This is one of the rare eps where we get to see more of Jimmy Jr's character outside of his roller coaster of relationship with Tina (affectionate) and it's glorious. His musoems? Fricking masterpieces. The whole ep is hilarious tbh (i mean come on, robot tina, banjo bob? also antibot zeke pffft). Lots of t/jj moments too (yesss), with how similar tina & j-ju kind of are (two walking teenage disasters amirite?) and even though a selfish side of j-ju was shown (a very likely angsty teenage boy's selfishness), i think in the end it's shown that no matter how awkward their relationship can get, they can always have that little underlying friendship to back them on. And the kiss is so cute!
Favourite character
I suppose y'all are pretty familiar with my obnoxious love and adoration for my boy jimmy jr at this point, pffft. He's such a fun and complex character and deserves much more appreciation and exploration than just being part of shipping debate. Sometimes he's angsty, other times he's happy and absolutely living his life. Sometimes he's a jerk, other times he's a sweetpea. Sometimes he's an idiot, other times he's still an idiot. There're these realistic ugly flaws mixed with unique comical traits that makes me super invested in him pffft.
ANYWAY aside from j-ju, i have soft spots for other funky burgers folks too. My fav belcher have gotta be louise. Look at that kiddo, chaotic child trying voo-doos, almost cutting her brother's ear and calling a biker gang to also almost cut a teenager's ear pffft. And yet she sleeps with plushies, cuddles puppies (soft spot for animals eh?) and is super protective when it comes to her family & friends. She has her vulnerabilities and emotional depths too, which balance out her more fierce and feral sides and make her such a fun unique character (now if only the writers can still maintain that perfect balance with less life lessons stuff in the recent seasons :/)
Favorite character dynamic
For the belchers imma go with Bob & Louise. These two has such a sweet relationship that i really love. That heartwarming hawk & chick scene and louise wanting to take over bob's restaurant (oh imagine the shenanigans that will occur that day) just make my heart melt :]
For the non-belcher one, well can you guess :D? Jimmy Jr & Zeke! They are the caricature of bromance, the ultimate friendship achievement! Zeke's so unconditionally supportive and protective of his best friend it's beautiful. Jimmy Jr, despite his occasional issues, also looks up to and appreciates Zeke just as much. I love that they don't shy away from physical affections or compliments towards each other too, so adorable
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Hey friendo, just noticing your lovely dirk gently spam and I am really curious to know what you thought of season 2? I don’t rlly have anyone to chat to about it..i very much liked the ending and they promised to give us more about bart and how Ken’s character changed amongst other things, but there were some parts of the season that I found hard to watch or didn’t really care about. Ie, a lot of the stuff in the other kingdom. Thanks for ur time I would love to know your thoughts!
Wow, hello! :) to answer your question: I really enjoyed Hobbs and Tina, like, a lot, Hobbs is definitely one of my favourite side characters. Also the Ken/Friedkin story arc was fricking awesome. I know a lot of people really hate how they wrote Ken in season 2, but honestly I loved it, and found it to be entirely believable. Also Friedkin is just so dumb I can't even hate him tbh. Bart's murder spree was fun, but I particularly liked her drawing stuff. I got tired of Suzie Boreton pretty quick, her attitude was shit and like, idk, if you're gonna be a villain then just own up to it I guess? And I have to agree with you about Wendimoor, the fact that so much of the season was focused on it was sort of a let down. Dirk as always is my precious son who I love with all my soul. *snaps fingers* DID IT!
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santiagostyle · 7 years
U kno what plot twist ill only ask u for all the even numbers this time!!! Unless any of the odd ones involve music bc i know those are the ones u rly wanna answer so
anyway this is a hella long post lmao s o r r y
2. name your favourite books; why are they your favourite books and do they affect your writing?
my all time favourite is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee which like,, I feel like it doesn’t really affect my writing but it definitely reignited my love for literature which I guess consequently led to me getting back into writing??
also the A to Z of You and Me by James Hannah literally ripped out my heart and stomped on it and I’m seriously pretty sure I finished it within a few hours of starting it. That one probably does affect my writing because it’s very angsty but also in terms of style it’s pretty fragmented which is kinda the direction I tend to go in so!!!
I’m yet to make it past the first chapter but the style of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy is,,, everything 
not technically a book but I’m a theatre major so ofc i’m gonna include a play!!! 4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane ripped my heart out, tore it to pieces, threw it on the ground and stomped on it (also side note it took me a solid week and a half to recover from watching it performed live). the style is so abstract and disjointed and strange and fragmented but it’s so so perfect and absolutely heartbreaking (also big ass trigger warning if you’re thinking about looking it up)
ALSO i got about halfway through before life got in the way so I didn’t get the chance to finish it but I absolutely adore the style of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and like,,, fun fact I’m actually related to him so ???? i guess writing runs in the family ????? and yeah there are some small parts of that book that I read and thought ‘this sounds like something i would write’ just because i feel like we have pretty similar styles4. why do you like writing? what inspired you to put paper to pen?
I guess I haven’t ever really been happy just living one life or doing one thing at a time so,,,, I write 6. tag any writers that you want to collab with!
hoooooo boy um ?? literally ?? everyone??? but specifically @elsaclack @startofamoment @kasuchi @peraltiagoisland and my girl @johnnydora but for real i wanna write with EVERYONE 8. how many wip do you currently have? which one is your favourite as of the moment?
HA HA HA HA HA for real I literally have like,,, 4 Big Major Fics in the works and then like 11-12 little drabble things also in progress (and by in progress I mean I’ve thought about them and done absolutely nothing else)10. describe your writing in five sentences or less.
sentences suck imma do dot points
- I can’t write chronologically and the beginning of a story is usually the last thing I do
- I have a tendency to write ‘moments’ as opposed to actual full fledged stories if that makes sense? like I find it so much easier to write little ‘scenes’ or slices of life so i often use quite a few time jumps because i find it so difficult to write the stuff that occurs in between big moments
- i always spend so much time and so many words describing the littlest details because those are what i think are most important 
- literally everything i write has a song associated with it and i can’t write without music 
- i either use really long super flowery descriptive sentences, or sentences with like 3 words in them. there is no in between 
12. what do you associate with each of your stories? with your writing in general?
I mean I’ve only published two (2) things on here/ao3 so far but like I mentioned before the music thing so I suppose i associate particular songs with each of my stories?
but also like in general all of my writing comes from a really intense emotional place and like, even if I’m unsure of how my?? mental state?? is doing at a particular time, it comes through in my writing. so if i suddenly only wanna write fluff i know i’m doing okay, whereas i kinda have to be sad to write something angsty like the hellfic14. write a personal history/mini autobiography/author description that you don’t mind sharing.
smol anxious tina fey wannabe spends too much time crying in her room thinking about so many stories while putting off actually writing 16. three pieces of other’s writing that people need to read to understand your inspirations and you?
alright i know like everyone and their dog has already read it but foR REAL @elsaclack‘s sleepwalking changed my goddamn life alright it was literally everything i had ever wanted in a fic and i am still Shooktd to this day okay frick
Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho is also a book that is very important to me and I think everyone should read it 
Neighbourhood Watch by Lally Katz is the first play that actually made me cry just by reading it (like, I didn’t see it live, I cried reading the actual text) because god there’s so much emotion and so many issues that it deals with that are very close to my heart and it reminded me a lot of some people I’m very close to so!!!!18. make a playlist for people to listen to if they want to understand you.
America - XYLØ
Young Blood - The Naked and Famous
Go Bang - PNAU
Sucker - Peaches
Raspberry Beret - Prince
Salvation - The Cranberries
Hero - Regina Spektor
Caught - Florence + The Machine
Time (Video Version) - Stray Dogg & Devendra Banhart
Leaving the City - Joanna Newsom
September 22nd - Brock Berrigan
Havana - Camila Cabello
Queen of Peace - Florence + The Machine
Regular Touch - Vera Blue
Here I Lie - Marika Hackman
Maneater - Nelly Furtado 
Kiwi - Harry Styles
Shut Up and Dance - WALK THE MOON
Baby I Call Hell - Deap Vally
Motel - Meg Myers20. describe your writing life in one sentence. 
I have been writing since I could hold a pen, and telling stories since before then22. your favourite characters to write and why.
oBVIOUSLY JAKE AND AMY but like I think I find Jake just a tiiiiiny bit easier to write because I’m always talking about Amy, like, externally??24. name one fact about yourself that you want your readers to know about you.
for real i’ve literally been writing since i could hold a pen. my mum still has ‘books’ i wrote when i was 3 about the adventures of my teddy bear lmfao26. what are your writing goals for the week? for the month? for the year? how many words/poems do you write per week?
HAHAHAHH WELLLLLL i was meant to be doing nanowrimo this month but then some Things happened so it hasn’t really gotten done. my biggest writing goal at the moment is to make some soliddddd progress on the hellfic (it’s all planned and a lot of the next chapter is written i just,,, can’t make the words work atm) so!!!
also i pretty much write when i have ideas?? which is,,, not often unfortunately
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maraczeks · 4 years
30 rock s1 rewatch thread pt 4
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alanakusumas · 7 years
92 Things Tag
I was tagged by @jakemckenzie, @endlessraj, @mermaidwarriorqueen, @elenasanchez, @lanapowellblog, @mirasols, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo​, @jessicamckenzie, @jakesmckenzies​, @craighsiao​, @zigsexual​, and @principal-mc​ to do this l’il activity!  Thanks for all the tags pals I’m gonna read all of your responses after this!!!
1. Drink: Sprite 2. Phone call: My friend Becky, last week bc I’m an antisocial bih who doesn’t like talking on the phone!!! 3. Text message: “he SORRY I FORGOT TO REPLTY TO THIS”, fun fact this actually went to @zaddysloan​ lmaoaoao 4. Song you listened to: “Squeeze” by Fifth Harmony 5. Time you cried: this morning bc i had a lash poking in my eye 
6. Dated someone twice: naaaah b!! i have a tendency to end things off poorly ldkjklaslmdf 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yep, it was gross 8. Been cheated on: nope!! 9. Lost someone special: not yet, thankfully  10. Been depressed: uh HELL YEAH LMFAO  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yup, during freshman year of college that was so yike!!
12. Rose gold 13. Olive 14. Grey
15. Made new friends: Yeah! Friends here and in real life, group work in uni really brings people together 16. Fallen out of love: I’ve never been in love but have had my heart broken if that counts 17. Laughed until you cried: always!! so thankful for my pals 18. Found out someone was talking about you: YEESS..,,,it was so wild someone i’ve never met before was talking shit ab me and then i met a friend in university who was hesitant to become my friend but now we’re besties and she spilled the tea to me and we both hate that girl who was wasting her breath talking ab me!!!  LMAO 19. Met someone who changed you: noone’s really significantly changed me...just minor tweaks in my personality here and there to cater to others 20. Found out who your friends are: Always known who they were, luckily!! 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: what’s a facebook list if you mean fb friends then yeah!! plenty nnnhhh
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: probably 85%? 23. Do you have any pets: Nope!!  don’t have time to care for another living being 24. Do you want to change your name: I used to, but not anymore!!  my name suits me  25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I went to Jack Astor’s and got my first legal drink and had good pasta with my old roommates!!   26. What time did you wake up: 9:30, but i fell back asleep until 10:45  27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching game of thrones looololol 28. Name something you can’t wait for: september!! one of my best friends is flying back to my city to study again, i can see my friends who aren’t in school this term, and my cousin is starting university down the street from mine!!  plus i start my job!!  how exciting is that  29. When was the last time you saw your mom: uh...may!  omg  30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish my parents had higher earnings!!  This would make our lives a lot easier instead of tightly budgeting and worrying if we’ll ever be broke 31. What are you listening right now: “Squeeze” by Fifth Harmony LMAO  32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nope 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my roommate’s boyfriend visiting her every night and always hanging out together i haven’t properly hung out with my roommate/best friend since she moved in!!  what the heck 34. Most visited Website: facebook 35. Mole/s: I have one above my left elbow and beside my left ear 36. Mark/s: got stretch marks, a tiny scar between my brows, and a birthmark on my left ribcage 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be famous by 16 as a child star lmfoaooao 38. Hair color: Chestnut brown 39. Long or short hair: Long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: i have so many crushes it’s ridick, there’s my old-time forever crush , my group project crush, and the guy i’m currently seeing who’s great (i’ll commit to him when i’m 100% sure of my feelings) 41. What do you like about yourself: i like how i walk and present myself with confidence, took me a while to accept myself for who i am  42. Piercings: None! 43. Blood type: B - i think 44. Nickname: Viv 45. Relationship status: currently seeing someone!! 46. Zodiac: Virgo 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show/s: Game of Thrones, Big Brother, Black Mirror, Riverdale, Westworld  49. Tattoos: None yet! 50. Right or left hand: Right! 51. Surgery: none yet, thankfully!! 52. Hair dyed in different color: no, i don’t know what colour i’d like to dye it actually!! 53. Sport: the only sport i enjoy is swimming! 55. Vacation: I’ve only been to cities in America: Montreal, Ottawa, Boston, New York, Washington 56. Pair of trainers: i have the typical nike roshes LMFAO
57. Eating: Probably pasta tonight!! 58. Drinking: Sprite 59. I’m about to: Go home and cook pasta lmao 61. Waiting for: Wednesday so my classes for the week will be over and I can catch up on tv shows with my partner!! 62. Want: To knock the frick out 63. Get married: Sure, but if I found someone that wanted to spend the rest of their life with me without the papers and the ring I wouldn’t be opposed to it! 64. Career: University student/intern 65. Hugs or kisses: both is good 66. Lips or eyes: Both!!  I mean, they contribute equally to shaping a face i find attractive lmao 67. Shorter or taller: Taller, which is tricky cause I’m tall myself   68. Older or younger: Older!! 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms = zaddy 71. Sensitive or loud: there’s gotta be an equal balance 72. Hook up or relationship: i’m having an epiphany LMFAO // at the moment relationships; i’ve done hookups for the past 2 years and although i’m an indepedent ass ho i’m starting to grow fond of the idea of having someone else by my side  73. Troublemaker or hesitant: a troublemaker who knows their boundaries 
74. Kissed a stranger: Nope! 75. Drank hard liquor: Yup!  not fun would not recommend 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yeah i’ve lost my glasses before and it sucked!! 77. Turned someone down: heLL YEAH 78. Sex in the first date: LMFAO once and now i have no idea where he is or what he do 79. Broken someone’s heart: yeah but he wasn’t pursuing me in a respectful way so he can suck my ass for all i care 80. Had your heart broken: yeah!!  twice!!  and it freaking sucked!!  it was those “not the right circumstances” situations 81. Been arrested: nope!! 82. Cried when someone died: like..characters..yeah...noone important to me has passed away (thankfully!) 83. Fallen for a friend: yeah!!  my ex roommate!!!  who i’m currently seeing lMFAO
84. Yourself: mmm academic and career wise?? nope!!  personally??  heck yeah 85. Miracles: yes!! 86. Love at first sight:no!!! 87. Santa Claus: fun fact my mom told me santa claus ain’t real so!! 88. Kiss on the first date: ALL THE DAMN TIME LMFAO 89. Angels: nope!!
90. Current best friend’s name: mercedes and tina aka @zaddysloan and @endlessraj 91. Eyecolor: Dark brown 92. Favorite movie: The Help
I would tag people, but I’m pretty sure I’m one of the last ones to do this activity so!!!  If you haven’t yet then I’m tagging you!!
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drawthething · 11 months
Artist asks: 10 and 20!
10. Are you confident about your art?
I am 🥳 I like how my artstyle is right now and I'm pretty proud of my improvement over the years. All of the compliments I've got make me so much more positive about my art too so thank y'all so fricking much for being so sweet 😭♥️
I'm also a little too critical of my art sometimes but ehhhh I think is perfectly normal for artists to not be fully content with of their art? What matters is to not be so harsh on yourself cuz what am I, Van Gogh 😔? I draw burger muppets for fun most of the time I've gotta enjoy myself
20. What is the easiest thing for you to draw?
I feel like I've drawn J-ju too much to the point that I can be done with his head in a whopping 30 seconds. Same with Tina and Andy & Ollie 👀
Uhhhhh I think I can draw facial features pretty fast and also those cartoon stretchy noodle arms and legs :D (no bones no pain 👍 imma bend those things however i want and wouldn't go to jail for it)
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