#timeskip assclass
banhtet · 4 months
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SHORT HAIR HAYAMI THE WORLD... how come i didnt notice that she had short hair in korotan d the first time. a bit of a self indulgent timeskip hayami post. not a perfect imitation of the ref but idc.. HEADCANONS : - i think shed wanna try branching out to other hair styles. so w yada, nakamura and haras advice/suggestions, she decides to cut her hair short - she plays it safe at first,, cutting it only just past her shoulder a lil bit. not too noticeable. and so she can envision it a lil better - accident happens while cutting and it ends up w her hair unwantedly wayyy shorter than intended - she doesnt grieve over the lost hair exactly, rather feels more upset by the fact that now itll attract attention and such - i think her girlfriends try to console her by saying like "dw itll grow back!!" but hayami doesnt rlly care abt it - i think yada would be attracted to short hair hayami............ its just Right - hayami feels a lil off looking into the mirror every morning but eventually she comes to like how it looks - "well.. i dont rlly mind it now" she says - i hc that shes tried a variety of styles in college as shes got more freedom then but the short hair is still her one of her favs as its a lot more convenient (also she looks kinda good w it..) - expectedly got a lot of attention at school for it, shes both kinda annoyed and flattered at how many ppl gush over her (mission failed successfully) - yada def has a field day taking pictures of a flustered hayami (delusional)
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fumiko-matsubara · 9 months
Speaking of endangered children.
The last thing young Irina needs while currently suffering from post-war trauma, grief of her parents' passing, and the fact she had to kill a soldier and hide herself along with the corpse to survive, was to be trained to become a honey-pot assassin where she specifically uses her body and sexuality to get to her targets 💀
Which, by the way, she didn't really have a choice of since Lovro just had to give a traumatized child an ultimatum.
Like no wonder her concept of boundaries is pretty non-existent.
But that's probably just me speaking.
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silvercrane14 · 2 years
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Yaaay tgang
[Image ID: a pencil drawing of the Terasaka gang from the anime Assassination Classroom. They are depicted in their adult forms, with younger versions behind them.
Horibe Itona stands in the middle, with Terasaka Ryouma to his left, choking him and poking his cheek. Yoshida Taisei is to Itona’s right, ruffling his hair and punching his side. To Yoshida’s right Muramatsu Takuya grins, with one hand on his hip and the other on Yoshida’s shoulder. To Terasaka’e left, Hazama Kirara stands with her arms crossed, watching the others with a fond expression. They are all dressed in their adult outfits- Hazama’s hair is cut in a half shaved hairdo and Yoshida wears his mechanic hat backwards. Muramatsu has a small ponytail. Behind them are younger versions of themselves. Muramatsu’s younger version looks angrily over his shoulder, clutching his bleeding knuckles to his chest. His nose is also bleeding. Younger Yoshida looks melancholic, smoking a cigarette. Younger Itona, dressed in his Shiro outfit, has his back to the camera. Younger Terasaka waves a dismissive hand, looking confident. Younger Hazama stands half hugging herself, wearing the feminine clothes her mother likes to put her in. /End ID]
@terasakagangweek2022 Day 1: Past/Future
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allayessu · 8 months
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"Oooo the Tonikaku Kawaii poster looks cute maybe I should doodle it as my oc x canon"
*30 minutes later*
"It's just a doodle, I probably won't finish it"
*3 hours later*
So in conclusion delulu is the solulu to artblock y'all. I even did a concept sketch of the dress 🏃🏻‍♀️
Context: The male is Nagisa Shiota in Assassination Classroom but his timeskip version! The girl is my AssClass oc Aera Ichinose! I'll introduce her properly to Tumblr sometime when my college break starts
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blazardragon · 9 months
Hii, I know you're no longer in the Assclass Fandom but could I ask you a question about it? Its very small, but do you think in the Hell Fire Chapter for Karma. Did Matsui remove Karma's ahoge in the one panel when he's drinking with Nagisa or did he just not fit it 🤔 What do you think? Does Karma no longer have an ahoge in timeskip?
I think I do have an explanation for this one! You're talking about this panel, right?
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It looks like there's a towel around his shoulders, so he probably just finished taking a shower or bath. Since his hair is still damp, the ahoge is weighed down.
I mean, I guess it's possible he outgrew his ahoge, but generally ahoge are for life for anime characters, and for a lot of real people too.
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no-naem · 11 months
Random thought, I want more official assclass merch of the timeskip characters.
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bismuthwisdom · 2 years
Thinking more about the DBH/AssClass crossover and realizing how TimeSkip!Gakushuu could easily fill in Kamski's role (I mean Shuu is only like 2 years older than him if you think about it enough)
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tuulikannel · 2 years
🌟Pick 4 characters that match your energy!🌟
tagged by @solarsavoy
This is hard! xD Honestly, you wouldn't believe how hard this is. I can't come up with 4 characters. I've two (or two and a half) so far, and I've been sitting on this for a couple of days.
But... let's see. (Heh. Do you see a trend in these pics? ^^;;)
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Yomiko Readman from Read or Die. This one was easy. Introverted bookworm, hello! I doubt I'm as well read as she is though. xD
Fakir from Princess Tutu. Heh, I could just copy here what solarsavoy said, "he's a writer, I'm a writer, and I'm not Drosselmeyer" ^^
...? well. I was thinking about assclass characters, and Hazama was the only one that sooooort of fits. I mean, the bookworm part. And yeah, I think I recently saw someone somewhere mentioning how she doesn't care how others perceive her, and tbh, I don't either (these days. Things were different when I was her age.) But otherwise... even though I also like dark stories and I loved her weird play, I also have a, should I say, sparklier side. She's... half a fit, I guess. Librarian Hazama after timeskip, though? Yep.
???? I'll add someone someday if I can think of anyone. ^^;; ETA: solarsavoy suggested Sailor Mercury. That's pretty good, I think! Oh, and I'll tag @magicalflyingfish ^^ If you feel like it, that is! And sure, anyone else who might want to do this!
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marshmellowpaint · 2 years
Time skip Karma and/or normal Karma? I love your art, it looks so cool!
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Why not both?? But thank you!! I'm glad you think so 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Requests are open!! Check out the og post for rules!!
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blueberry-4 · 2 years
Assassination Classroom Masterlist
Sugikano Content/One-Shots
OTP Ask game pt 1
Character bingo ask
“Is that my shirt?”
Hinata Okano posts
Red vs Blue arc, pt 2
Sexuality ask game
Impressions ask game
Timeskip detail
E-1 Karma Akabane
E-2 Yuma Isogai
E-3 Taiga Okajima
E-4 Hinata Okano, pt 2
E-5 Manami Okuda
E-6 Meg Kataoka
E-7 Kaede Kayano
E-8 Yukiko Kanzaki, plant girl
E-9 Justice Kimura
E-10 Hinano Kurahashi
E-11 Nagisa Shiota
E-12 Sosuke Sugaya
E-13 Tomohito Sugino
E-14 Kotaro Takebayashi
E-15 Ryuunosuke Chiba
E-16 Ryoma Terasaka
E-17 Rio Nakamura
E-18 Kirara Hazama
E-19 Rinka Hayami
E-20 Sumire Hara
E-21 Yuzuki Fuwa
E-22 Hiroto Maehara
E-23 Koki Mimura
E-24 Takuya Muramatsu
E-25 Touka Yada
E-26 Taisei Yoshida
E-27 Ritsu
E-28 Itona Horibe
Ship headcanons
Sugikano (Sugino x Okano)
Friendship headcanons
Super science squad
Kataoka and Okano
Yada and Muramatsu
Body Swap , pt 2
Assclass friend group
Okano birthday art
Sugikano blog + art
E class girls redesigns, with color
Kataoka birthday art
Timeline Stories/Stuff
Super Science Squad
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gwendeeagain · 4 years
Kayano Kaede/Akari Yukimura is a character so full of wasted potential.
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(Screencap taken from Manga Chapter 128)
This is probably the first manga panel that made me fall in love with Akari Yukimura. Look at her. She could have been amazing. 
(If you feel like reading an essay of a textpost on the injustice she was dealt, feel free to click more.)
(I’m probably rehashing things i’ve said previously so if you know me you’ve probably read bits and pieces of this post before but I’m in a Mood and I just want to say them again.)
Kayano Kaede is a very interesting concept. However, she’s generally a forgettable character. This is because of the lack of anticipation and buildup for her character so no one really expects anything or gets attached to her, and her as an individual does not seem to hold much appeal.
Kayano’s character was poorly handled from the start, in my opinion. She was marketed as one of the main characters - the RGB trio, along with Nagisa and Karma. She was clearly slated for this role from the get go, which makes it even sadder because of the lack of groundwork and buildup there could have been.  I would have preferred it if her backstory came about because of “shit, we forgot to give Kayano lines, let’s just slap tentacles on her and spin something insane out of it” because then you could explain the injustice.
(On the other hand, her two counterparts have pretty nicely-developed arcs that pretty much span the entire series but despite that, Kayano never gets the spotlight until the tail end of the narrative.)
This normally wouldn’t be a problem because many of the side characters in assclass are well-developed. Just to name a few, Sugino, Isogai, Nakamura - all not main characters, but over the course of the series we get a pretty good feel for their personality. We have fun with them and are invested in them. 
Pre-reveal Kayano Kaede, on the other hand, is boring. Even if you think she isn’t, she is. The only character traits I can name off the top of my head are that she likes pudding and hates big boobs, which, what? She has possibly the longest wiki page out of everyone and yet has the least personality. 
An argument for that is that Pre-reveal Kayano Kaede was an actress. She was meant to be incognito, to blend into the background until time comes to strike. So we can say she did her job well - too well, in fact, that to the audience she’s perfectly forgettable. Yeah, narrative wise, she did her job. But did it get us to like her? Not really. 
By the time that Kayano gains some traction during her reveal at the tail end of the series - ergo by the time she becomes an interesting character, everyone has spent the previous 120 chapters/1 and a half seasons laughing along and liking the other characters. We have all gotten our favorites by then. Sure, Kayano still piques our interest, but there’s really no real time for everyone to get attached and have her as a “favorite” before she’s immediately overshadowed by her sister’s background story arc and the subsequent Save/Kill civil war. 
I’ve seen posts where there were maybe a silhouette of a shadow of a tentacle in the background of what could have been 3 manga panels but let’s face it, this does not count as plot building or character development. It does not. There are no hints or throwaway lines you could reread and think “oooh damn”, no set-up, nothing. I don’t even think there was a callback to her being an exchange student/not being in Kunugigaoka prior to 3-E. 
Kayano’s proximity to Aguri is also of issue. There’s interest drummed up about Aguri right from the start as the “mysterious woman” that Koro-sensei reminisces about. That does fill us with interest and satisfaction once the puzzle pieces connect (who doesn’t like solving a puzzle?) but there’s none of that for Kayano’s reveal. The fact that Kayano’s arc was intersped with Aguri’s admittedly more developed backstory arc also portrayed Kayano as more of a “stepping stone” to get to Aguri. To “add insult to injury”, Aguri’s just more of an interesting character than her. She’s got more personality, her character interactions with Koro-sensei and Yanagisawa/Shiro are interesting. Compared to her, Kayano’s just more forgettable.
The lasting impression most people get from Kayano is her status as a love-interest to Nagisa. Pre-reveal Kayano Kaede is a bland and boring character. Post-reveal Kayano Kaede (after her brief bout of insanity) defaults back to that same boring personality, and it is explained off by saying “Kayano realized how liberating it was to be a good person and adopted her nice personality throughout the year into her new one” or something along those lines. That’s boring! Her character doesn’t seem to gain any development from that experience. There’s no character trait that we can look towards to distinguish pre-reveal Kayano from the “new Kayano”, other the fact that she now has a crush on Nagisa. That label as Nagisa’s potential love-interest goes onto be carried post-canon and to the timeskip, and that’s the lasting impression of her.
(That adds to why a lot of people don’t like her, because 1. her crush on Nagisa seems out of place, 2. Nagisa’s already shipped with a lot of people by this time, and canon disrupting that doesn’t have the best reception.)
Kayano’s character brings the narrative full circle by giving us some closure to whatever happened to the first teacher of 3-E and provides reasonable incentive for Koro-sensei to bring up his backstory. She as an individual does not hold much appeal. She doesn’t have a standalone arc like Itona or Isogai or Sugino to solidify her character as an individual. She’s just used to bridge the gap between two much more important parts of the narrative, making her seem far more insignificant in comparison.
(Speaking of Itona, I think I would have liked to see her interacting with Yanagisawa/Shiro a little bit more. It’s one of the little things they could have built up on, I think. At that point Shiro had still been a rather interesting and mysterious character - Kayano’s reveal preceded Shiro’s by a tiny bit of time. They did interact in one or two scenes with ambiguous lines if I remember correctly - but they were working together despite a mutual hatred because of a common enemy. There was a really cool dynamic that I wish we saw more of.)
Pre-canon Kayano Kaede was honestly very interesting. From what little we saw of her, we know that she had her suspicions about Yanagisawa/Shiro from the start (I think they stated her dealings with unscrupulous people in the media industry gave her experience). She swore a pledge for revenge and stuck to it for a whole year, stole chemicals and injected them into the damn back of her neck, and I’m sure she probably didn’t even fully understood what they did at the time. We also know she broke Principal Asano’s laptop right in front of him to get into 3-E, and really, who else can boast about having the guts to do that? There’s so much you could get from her character from just knowing she did these things, and in the end post-reveal her didn’t do her justice, I think.
Wow, I’ve typed a lot, HAHA. This took me longer than I expected. Kayano is mt favorite female character in assclass apart from Irina, I think. To conclude, I love her.
(Disclaimer: I haven’t read or watched canon content in a long time. I’m going off the open wiki page and my leftover memory/impressions, so if I’m interpreting something based of inaccurate information, feel free to let me know.)
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fumiko-matsubara · 9 months
I gotta make one thing clear in this blog:
The timeskip does NOT exist to me.
To me, AssClass ended with the kids graduating.
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sweetness-pop · 4 years
Imagine Assassination Classroom 2's Plot Twist
Hiya! 💗🍓🌟Sweetness*Pop🌈🍭🌸 here!
Okay so like a year or 2 years ago when I got into Assassination Classroom, I would type a huge, detailed comment on some AssClass vids & would write something like this:
What if in the around the 2020s, Yusei Matsui will plan a 7 year timeskip sequel & he'll blow our minds completely away with this new character?
A young boy, approximately 7 years of age. Short black hair with an ahoge on top. Orange-brown eyes that interestingly have these beautiful upward facing crescent moons under his pupils. & He may look fully human, but from birth, he has inherited familiar abilities that include body color changing depending on emotions, mach speed & more importantly, these golden tone yellow tentacles.
After being discovered, possibly after being rescued from a life of being held captive in a government owned lab, it is up to the Ex-3-E as young adults to take care of, raise & protect this child.
His name becomes Jougen(his nickname being JouJou😁), which in kanji 上限 translates "first quarter of moon or.......crescent moon". The ones who give him that name together are Nagisa & Akari aka Kayano.
However, everybody would be in for a giant total shocker........the truth is that the boy was actually created from IVF(In-Vitro Fertilization) in secrecy with DNA results that would be extremely mind-blowing.
Egg cell was........
Aguri Yukimura's.
& The sperm cell was.........
Which means...............Jougen is their son!😦
Can you just imagine how everyone were to react when discovering that the two late beloved former teachers of E Class actually have a love child this whole time? Anyone see a dramatic scene were Karasuma & Irina who'd might even have their small, canon black-haired daughter with them, gather the former 3E students to all meet at their old E class building mountain & learn about the KoroGuri kid?
There would so obviously be a lot of questions like "how could Koro-Sensei & Miss Yukimura have a kid together......especially when that little boy is only 7?!"
& This would make little JouJou.....Kayano's maternal nephew.
Jougen, the son of Koro-Sensei & Aguri Yukimura......
So what are your thoughts on this extreme plot twist if Matsui were to unexpectedly do something like this in the future? Also what do you guys think of Jougen? Please feel free to leave your comments or reblogs down below.
Oh & 1 more thing, one of my comments have inspired this person @alitheakorogane to create this story, "The Slithery Child of the Crescent Moon" by author Alithea Korogane. For those of you who are AssClass fans & even KoroGuri shippers, then I highly recommend this story. Located on Fanfiction.Net & WattPad.😊💞🌙
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dustingrayves · 6 years
which reminds me i should rewatch assclass cause i never got past the summer assassination and i wanna know what the timeskip is about
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sweetness-pop · 4 years
My YouTube Comment On Pairing: Yako Katsuragi x Yuya Higuchi! 💞💞💞💞
Hiya everybody! 💗🍓🌟Sweetness-Pop🌈🍭🌸 here! On YouTube, I, currently as🌟Symbol🌈Of🌸Sweetness💖, have this nonstop habit where I tend to type in long, detailed comments, which I’d love to use my creative mind to good use. & So I thought, why not share with all of you....to give the ultimate example of my definition for my phase “sweets”. I just copied my YT comment & pasted it on WORD, so here is what I typed about 1 of my OTPs:
Yako Katsuragi & Yuya Higuchi from Neuro: Supernatural Detective(aka Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro) by Yusei Matsui who is obviously famous for Assassination Classroom. 😉
Yako Katsuragi:
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Yuuya Higuchi:
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11 months ago (edited)
So for those who are solid romantic NeuYako shippers, I would so not read this comment if I were you!😰
Btw, I was close to shipping Neuro & Yako, but in my heart, I believe that I see them as a bizarre mentor & pupil in a platonic way. With Neuro being more like a surrogate father for Yako especially after her dad Seiichi was murdered, Neuro, Yako's papa #2.😁
Not to mention what deepens my thought is when I read in Yusei Matsui's 2016 interview that he answered in 1 of his questions that he's great with father-figure/child relationships for an audience. So that was a nice reminder that not only Matsui considers Koro-Sensei as a paternal figure obviously to 3E, but also Neuro to Yako.☺
 But what's super important is that I want to say that for romance, I actually find myself shipping Yuuya Higuchi x Yako Katsuragi!
 I just couldn't help it because to be perfectly honest, those two are realistic & could have the potential to become lovers!
 I believe that after the HAL arc, it's implied that Higuchi fell for Yako after she saved him from his guilt, she indeed "captured the criminal's heart."
There were even more moments between them in the manga, which is a hell of a lot better.
 What if before meeting Yako, Higuchi actually has never thought about or just wasn't interested in love & that he never even had experience, but all of that changed when Yako came in to his life, & suddenly....he falls in love for the very 1st time?💓
 Imagine after the completion of 2nd work, Assassination Classroom back in '16, Matsui will finally make up his mind & bring back the MTNN series as a sequel especially after that cliffhanger from the final chapter, 202. & in the sequel, Matsui will have fans by surprise by doing his usual & crazy ship hintings by making Yako & Higuchi become even closer, which includes the 1st name base:Yako-Chan & Yuya-Kun, & Higuchi's in love with Yako even more. The two would be revealed to even do stuff together like have breakfast, lunch & dinner, go to places like arcades, malls, internet cafes, Disneyland, Sega Joypolis & spas,...& perhaps spare keys to each other's places.🥞☕🍱💑🥃🍝🍷🎡🎮
And timeskip Higuchi now wears a white gold watch on his right wrist, he cherishes so much as he's always wearing it. Why? Because it was a gift from Yako on his 20th birthday.⌚
 What if Matsui will make Higuchi so in love with Yako that he does not pay any attention to other females at all, not even to check out? Matsui will even have Higuchi having intense sexual feelings towards Yako as he'd have 0 reaction when it comes to other women especially with those who have much bigger breasts than Yako. But when it comes to only Yako, Higuchi gets turned on, his urges would get to him. Higuchi would even fantasize about Yako like when she's in a bikini, wearing an apron naked, taking a shower, seducing him, & in his mind, he visions her clothes falling off of her as her naked body is covered in his blanket as she lays on his bed. He'd even dream of making love to her.
Imagine Higuchi being the 1st one to have ever see Yako as a woman, he'd not even be bothered that she has small breasts like possibly a B cup, in fact Higuchi would believe that Yako with a full heaving 38B size is perfect & beautiful on her, & that he prays that they'll never grow bigger...in a way, Higuchi's love for Yako will be described by Matsui as romantic, loyal, strong &....perverted.
 Yuya Higuchi could even be one of those supporting characters who deserve justice like the 2 JUMP females Hinata Hyuga from Naruto & Orihime Inoue from Bleach. NaruHina💝IchiHime💖& soon HiguYako💗
 In fact what if Higuchi's love for Yako will have us even reminiscing the true love that Kaede Kayano felt only for Nagisa Shiota in AssClass? Also what if while doing a lot of colorspread of Yako & Higuchi together, Matsui were to even draw them together in a crossover with Nagisa x Kayano?
💚HiguYako♥ x 💙Nagikae💚
Plus imagaine in the MTNN sequel,to save him, Yako gives Higuchi the hits kiss except it'll be naughtier & more erotic than Nagisa's on Kayano there'd be tongue wrestling, & sounds of moaning & breathing that are extremely hot & heavy with passion.💏🔞
 Then in a much later chapter/episode, Yako at 20 & Higuchi at 23 lose their virginity to each other.Turns out that because of how much he loves her, Higuchi is unexpectedly so good at makin' love for his first time with Yako who enjoys the passionate pleasure too much ....with "Romance" by Penicillin, opening theme of other Shonen JUMP series Sexy Commando Gaiden Sugoiyo! Masaru-san playing in the anime version.🔞💏🛏🍒💥
  & Now to wrap this up, imagine Matsui ending the MTNN sequel with an epilogue taking place in 2023, 13 years after Neuro's death(sorry Nougami😞). Yako & Higuchi are married(with Yuya adopting Yako's surname😏), & together they have 4 kids.....& a male pet capybara named Yoshimaru.
 The kids:
1st, daughter Yuzue. Champagne blonde hair, blood red eyes & light tan skin. She is her mother's spitting image with her father's eyes. Her hair is kept in a half-up, half-down twintail style that is similar to Misa Amane's from Death Note(also JUMP). When she's a teen, her breasts are in a perfect full B cup like Yako's. Takes after her alot especially with the unstoppable giagantic appetite...like mother like daughter. She was born on January, 3 2013. Her name in the kanji 柚永 means "citrus eternity"🍋
 2nd, son Yahiro. Black hair with an ahoge, brown eyes & pale skin. Looks just like his father with his mother's eyes, & wears glasses like his late grandpa Higuchi. He was born on July, 15 2017. His name in the kanji 矢博 means "arrow abundant"➡.
 3rd, son Yuusei(like the mangaka😊). Blonde hair, blood red eyes & light tan skin. Bears a strong resemblance to Yako like her little genderbender with Yuya's eyes. The sei in his name, was after late grandpa Seiichi Katsuragi. He was born on May, 30 2019. His name in the kanji 勇星 means "brave star"🌟
 & 4th, daughter Yasumi. Brown hair, brown eyes & pale skin. She actually inherited her brown hair from grandma Haruka Katsuragi. She likes to keep her hair in twintails as a little girl. When she's older, she shockingly grows breasts that are alot bigger than her mom's & big sister's lol!
She was born on November, 6 2022.
Her name in the kanji 康心 means "peaceful heart".❤
  My OTP of MTNN....HiguxYako!😍
& That was 1 of my favorite comments on YouTube. I hope that you all had a nice reaction when reading all of this.😆 I so hope that Matsui will someday give his debut series MTNN a comeback in the future. I’m so glad that this series is Weekly Shonen JUMP, it even came out on the year that I started high school, which was 2005. I’ll write more sweets for HiguYako especially about their children: Yuzue, Yahiro, Yusei & Yasumi someday.🍋⬆⭐❤ My next post will be part 2 of my “Pilot: Crossover Sweets”, I am almost done typing it, so I should have it done by around next week.
So see ya soon!💕🤩
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