#timelord biology
thetrexartist · 6 months
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Ok so this is completely indulgence butttt
Doctor who AU where timelords are a good bit eldetich/cryptid this IS the thirteenth doctor as she was the one I had first got the idea about doing.
Hers are mostly rabbit, dragonfly, hairless cat, reptile, and a bit of parrot fish/pelican.
(The galaxy part is scaled, and she is hoofed/clawed??)
Anyways my little au involves timelorda having tails and "horns" (which are their antenna. They are sturdy but used to help with telepathic communication).
Their forms may change, but their antenna doesn't change shape, color though can change. (While I day this, there can be slight variations of shape but not by much).
How they hide this form is by keeping extra bits and their whole body disperse through space and time around them. Putting parts away till their "human."
Tails also change, but the only consistent part is there almost always thin and long, uncomonly will they be short. Otherwise, it's all fair game.
Despite being one gender they can have other animals sexual dimorphism. (Like a timelord where the body is female, but they have male peacock colors plus tail feathers).
The language that the time lords speak is very...let's say chimey. Depending on what they say, it's very diverse, going from wind chimes to rolling thunder, to the tik of a clock, all the way to the ground shaking. It's very unhuman, and for some things, you can feel the sound through your bones. (Hehe, maybe they can make the bone clanking noise :) ).
Another tidbit I'll add is that timelords are COMPLETE hoarders. Especially the doctor. They(the doctor) will steal companions' clothing once they know/trust someone close. Their room does have a bed at some part of it, but the room is COMPLETELY filled with junk from their travels.
On that note, low-key headcannon that timelords see time as the way we see saltwater be introduced to freshwater. They always see it there but can lessen it in situations where they need to see clearly by looking past time. They see the timeliness on objects, and that's why the doctor steals from companions so they can always see/smell and remember the past in the best way possible
I'll stop now, but I'm still just a little indulgence.
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Small drswing on how 13 looks with tails + horns and ears are out. (missed the ball rip).
Also, the body is based on galaxies, and the stars do move on her :D. And the ball on the tail glows in the dark.
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nerdie-faerie · 5 months
If the Doctor isn't a timelord then that means they potentially have different reactions to substances than they previously thought, ergo I just know that Thirteen, in all of her feral glory, runs around testing their reactions to things upon learning about their Timeless Child origins without her companions finding out
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zimszim · 22 days
i wonder what river's relationship to her timelord biology and more specifically, regeneration is like because she doesn't seem phased too badly when regenerating both times on screen but... as a person raised in a prison by strange creatures, people who didn't care about her (to say the absolute least lmfaoo), and more generally, non-timelords, it should've been incredibly confusing/terrifying to go through regeneration. no one had the information to help her process regeneration, so what info did they give her to prepare her for it? what can you say to a person to get them comfortable with the thought of their entire body, entire being changing in a flash (bcs it's not just the body, not from what we've seen)
again, she seemed relatively unaffected by regenerating in both day of the moon and let's kill hitler, and she knew about regeneration energy, too and how to weaponize it. so i guess the logical conclusion would be that they experimented. how many times do you think the silence made her regenerate to study it? to train her in it? how many times did they kill a child. do you think they cut her limbs off to see if they would grow back, like they read he did in an encounter of a past companion of the doctor's? hmm
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what do you think timelord hrt would even do
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carciinogen · 1 month
My dumb Timelord telepathy HC:
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(Pictured above: What I think the Doctor and the Master would see when they connect)
I imagine Timelord mind connections are sort of like closing your eyes, and being a burst of bright color, one sharp, or soft, or otherwise distinctly you.
You feel something besides you; another blur, another rolling, churning ball of mind and memory. You can feel it. Primal, visceral, eminating through your whole being. It thrums. You thrum back.
You reach out, a request for entry.
Either they open up, or push you away.
If they open up, this is known as 'Connection'. You hear them, and they hear you. Your thoughts, feelings, and emotions ebb like ink.
If you are strong of will, you may hold yourself back, but if not, you flow like water.
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wormshirt · 3 months
I like nonhuman timelord biology and culture headcannons and I wanna share one of mine. I think that sometimes the doctor just starts sniffing companions. Like when your cat comes up and sniffs your hand like sniffsniffsniff oooooo okay. But the doctor isn't a cat they're a (usually) tall humanoid figure so I think it goes down a bit more like
Doctor (walking past donna): hm. Wait. Somethings different. SNIIFFFFFFFFF SNIFFSNIFF SNIFFFF (out loud) Donna is that a new shampoo?
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stargazerlily7210 · 4 months
Hello, and welcome to my TED Talk.
In this essay, I will demonstrate why I think Mrs. Flood is Susan Foreman (aka The Doctor's Granddaughter, aka The Unearthly Child, aka The Boss, aka The One Who Waits).
I know, I know. Not exactly the hottest take out there.
But buckle in, cause this goes deep.
Getting this out of the way first: I know this season has been billed as a bit of a fresh start (what with calling it Season 1, and all) and thus people are wary about assuming Mrs. Flood is a returning character. But let's be real. Just look at the 60th anniversary specials. Ya know, the massive 3 parter whose plot has set everything in motion for this next season.
They feature The 14th Doctor (aka The 10th Doctor revamped) with Donna Noble and her family (from the 2000's), Kate Lethbridge-Stewart (from the 2010's) who is both the current leader of UNIT (from Classic Who) and the daughter of The Brigadier: original leader of UNIT (throughout all of Classic Who), The Meep (from a Classic Who comic strip of all things) The Toymaker (Classic Who) and Mel (Classic Who).
And that's just the characters. Never mind the near constant references to both New and Classic Who.
They made it appealing and approachable to new viewers, sure. But they've already proven they're not actually interested in distancing themselves from the show's past.
So why do I think she's Susan, specifically?
Well, for starters, although the age of an actress doesn't really mean much in a 60 yr old time-travel show that's already had (MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT SEEN THE 11TH DOCTOR'S EPISODES!!) a parent-child dynamic where the daughter is not just played by an actress who's noticably older than the parents, but also canonically met the doctor first, despite her parents being the primary companions, (and each of them are played by both adult and child actors). But Anita Dobson is 74. Which would have made her 14/15 when the show started in 1963. Around the same age Susan Foreman is supposed to be/appear.
But again, that doesn't really mean anything in this show. So why else would I think she's Susan? And why do I think this means she's also The Boss mentioned by the Meep, AND The One Who Waits mentioned by The Toymaker?
Well, because I think it all falls into place with some of the big themes they've been pushing in the episodes so far, if she's Susan.
I mean, from what I know of Susan, she was a refugee from Galifrey, with her grandfather, The Doctor. As far as we know, he's her only family. He'd basically been raising her until she caught feelings for a human guy, so The Doctor decided she'd be better off staying on Earth. Effectively abandoning his very traumatized teenage granddaughter in 1960's London. It wasn't malicious, he was trying to do what's best for her. But he still left her there against her will and never came back for her.
So she's an orphaned teenage refugee, raised in a high-tech alien culture, stuck in the 1960's, with her first major crush as her primary confidant and caregiver. Let's be real. She'd have been deemed a mentally unstable minor, and at best institutionalized, at worst dissected/studied, in a heartbeat (or rather, two heartbeats (a surprise tool that'll help us later)).
So here we have a woman who's likely been drugged and tortured ("psychotherapy" in the 1960s, am I right?), gaslit, and desperately isolated for a significant portion of her life. With a massive list of reasons to both deeply resent and have seriously dissociated from The Doctor and the TARDIS.
And now we finally get to the new episodes:
The Meep says that creatures with two hearts are so rare that it can't wait to tell The Boss about The Doctor. So we have The Meep, who just happened to pick Earth to "crash land" on, answering to a nameless Boss who's on the lookout for 2 hearted creatures. Thus, we're looking for someone with both a connection to Earth and intimate knowledge of Timelord biology.
The Toymaker says even he didn't dare face The One Who Waits. Which says a lot, considering the importance and prevalence of people described as Waiting with a capitol W.
(MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE 10TH and 11TH DOCTOR'S EPISODES!!) Off the top of my head, I can think of Jack Harkness aka The Face of Boe who waited billions of years to see The Doctor again. We have Amy Pond aka The Girl Who Waited, and Rory Williams aka The Boy Who Waited. We even have Sara Jane Smith, who's first real conversation with the The Doctor after finding him again had her admitting she'd spent her whole adult life waiting for him to come back. So to be The One Who Waited, above and beyond all others? You'd have to have somehow waited more than the rest. And when you're already talking about Waiting upwards of 5 Billion years, that's tough to do. Unless you're looking at it from The Doctor's perspective. And the Granddaughter he'd abandoned 15 lifetimes ago would absolutely fit that bill.
So we have an individual who is intelligent/knowledgeable enough to be called The Boss by an alien kapable of mind control and space flight, who's searching for creatures with 2 hearts. Who's earned the title of The One Who Waits, above so many other candidates.
And we just so happen to meet a character who's being played by an actress the same age Susan should be.
Speaking of, we can finally look at Mrs. Flood herself. When I first watched the episode, it struck me just how angry she was at seeing the TARDIS. When it's far more normal to see people ignoring the thing. So her reaction is weird, both in general, and for a character the actress herself described as a friendly neighbor lady.
It's only after she's utterly shocked by the TARDIS disappearing in front of her that she starts acting different. As if seeing that unlocked her memories. From there on out, she's a different person who knows exactly what's going on. She even addresses the audience at the end and knows to call it a TARDIS. Which Susan of all people would know, as Susan claimed to have come up with the acronym herself, during her time with the 1st Doctor (whether that's technically canon or not, idk).
It's also worthy to note, that if you look at the houses during the scene where she's complaining about the TARDIS, you'll see that on the outside, her house, while the most extravagantly decorated outside, is noticably stark and empty inside, unlike each of the other houses where you can clearly see decorations through the windows. Not to mention, her door is the only one that looks like the TARDIS. The other doors are either the wrong shade, or style, or both. And her's is the only one that doesn't have stairs going to the second level. I don't know how much of this is just working within the confines of the location, and how much is intentional, or what it would mean, but we see enough wide shots of the house fronts, it seems potentially relevant.
So if Mrs. Flood is, in fact, Susan Foreman, she's exactly the right age, she'd have had more than enough reason to be triggered by the sight of the TARDIS, more than enough intelligence/knowledge to reach Boss status in her search for a rare two-hearted creature and being The Doctor's Granddaughter, could absolutely intimidate The Toymaker, and have more than enough claim to the title of The One Who Waited.
And if she turned out to be a future Big Bad, she would have the trauma, reasoning, skillset, and intelligence to truly challenge The Doctor and force him to deal with the repercussions of his habit of never stopping or looking back at his actions or mistakes.
We've never seen if Susan can regenerate as far as I'm aware, but we know she's a Timelord and significantly younger than The Doctor. So if she can, the actress has already suggested that Mrs. Flood will go through quite a transformation throughout future episodes. We might be seeing the birth of a new antagonist for a new generation of the show.
Honorable Mention: I feel like The Boss is right up there with The Doctor and The Master. And RTD would absolutely make The Boss a bada** boss babe.
Phew. That was a whole essay. If you've made it this far, congrats!! I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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Can timelords undergo surgery? Or would this trigger a regeneration?
Can Time Lords Undergo Surgery?
Absolutely. There are just a few notes you need to think about before you can confidently slice into your Gallifreyan. 🔪🩸
🩺Surgical Overview
💉 Anaesthesia Requirements: Time Lords need higher anaesthetic dosages than humans. The exact amount varies based on their current physiological state and any peculiarities of their current regeneration, but roughly speaking, it's about 2x normal. If you don't get this right, you risk an overdose or ineffective sedation, where they appear asleep but are actually still awake ...
🪨 Enhanced Physical Durability: Gallifreyans have denser skin and muscle tissues, which can make surgical incisions much harder. Surgical teams might need specialised equipment that is sharper and more durable than standard tools, and surgeons must be skilled in handling these resilient tissues to avoid unnecessary damage and ensure clean, precise incisions.
🩹 Rapid Healing: Be fast! The rapid healing abilities of Time Lords mean that surgical operations need to be fast to avoid the complications associated with rapidly closing incisions, and post-operative care needs to be aggressive and meticulously planned to manage healing processes that could otherwise lead to complications like improper tissue regeneration.
🔍 Detailed Anatomical Knowledge: Know your Gallifreyan. Time Lords have different internal systems. Surgeons need a deep understanding of their anatomy to avoid critical mistakes.
🔬 Use of Technology: If being performed by humans, standard monitoring equipment isn't wholly sufficient for Gallifreyans. Modified or specially calibrated devices are necessary to assess vital signs and physiological responses accurately.
🌐 Note on Elective vs. Emergency Surgeries
Elective Surgeries: For non-urgent procedures, extensive pre-surgical planning is crucial to anticipate and prepare for the unique challenges of Gallifreyan biology.
Emergency Surgeries: In urgent cases, the medical team must be highly trained to make rapid decisions considering the Gallifreyan's unique physiology under pressure.
Hope that helped! 😃
→🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (WIP) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP)
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
seriously though. let's go over this one more time.
the entire premise of doctor who stands on the legs that timelords can change everything about themselves. their entire body, their personalities, their gender and sexuality: everything! except their memories. retaining their memories is what makes them remain the same person. where is that memory stored? in the regeneration energy.
when the tenth doctor began to regenerate in the stolen earth he was able to "abort" the process by using part of the regeneration to heal himself and then funnel the rest of it into the hand that was cut off in the christmas invasion. his original hand!
now is the hand that he regrew not his hand? is it a clone hand? a fake hand? no. it's just his hand. of course it's his hand. they both are. because timelord biology is different than human biology.
because of how timelords are this doctor is not a "duplicate" or a clone either. because timelords are NOT their bodies. both ten and tentoo are the "original" doctor because the regeneration energy was not copied or duplicated, it was split. there is a difference. if you pour water from a creek into two bottles, they are both still the same original water. just in two different containers. maybe one container is plastic and the other is metal but it's the water inside that matters right? there ya go.
when donna touched the hand, it grew into a part-human body that was still timelord enough to hold the doctor's essense. this is why tentoo can keep his mind and donna could not. because he is genuinely the doctor, still more timelord than he is human. the only human thing about him is the one heart and aging.
he is not a clone because clones have existed in the whoverse before. he is unique, therefore he is not a clone. he is a biological metacrisis and if you think he would let you call him that you are bonkers. have you MET the tenth doctor before? because tentoo is the tenth doctor and let me tell you one thing i know for sure: this man absolutely never shuts up about how special he is.
he is the doctor. a littttle different in some ways, like every regeneration is. but still truly the doctor. still the real doctor. still the same man who ran down that deserted street before the dalek shot him.
tldr: he is a regeneration that happened outside of the body. to say otherwise is to genuinely misunderstand what happened and why it's so special and important.
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tinybeebo · 1 year
A Timelord’s Weakness
Little! 11 and Caregiver! Ponds
Word count: 1.1k
A/n: This part of a one-shot series I'm writing on Ao3. In which I am currently taking request over there!
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Having the TARDIS crash into their front yard was definitely not in the Pond's plans for their Sunday afternoon.
Alast, it was something they were quite used to.
Maybe not crashing into their lawn and taking out several garden gnomes bit.
Amy watched as the Doctor stumbled out clumsily, her hand on her hip in mild disapproval.
The Doctor's grin spread across his face when he locked eyes with Amy, he hurried across the yard.
“Amy!” he engulfed her in a hug, squeezing her tightly.
Amy reciprocated but frowned.
“Doctor, you're burning up!”
The Doctor pulled away and Amy got to see the Doctor close up.
He was coated in sweat, his hair sticking to his forehead, and his face flushed red.
The Doctor's breathing was labored, yet he still managed to give Amy a lopsided smile.
“Are you sick?” she asked, confused.
“Uhhh yes, I believe so?” the Doctor said, scratching his arm nervously.
“I thought timelords had “superior biology” and couldn’t get sick.” She made air quotes and crossed her arms.
“Well yes, but-”
The Doctor passed out.
Luckily, Amy managed to catch him.
Rory ran out of their home, hair wet from the shower and barefooted. He rushed to Amy,
“I’ll grab his arms and you’ll get his legs” Amy instructed.
Rory moved to grab the Doctor’s legs, hooking underneath his knees, he frowned when he saw the state of the garden gnomes.
“I just bought those gnomes,” he sulked.
“Right, yes. The Doctor.”
He stirred uncomfortably and whined. The Doctor had decided he did not like basketball shorts and struggled to squirm out of them, but eventually managed to free himself. He threw the offensive article of clothing to the ground and sat up.
He could hear someone in the kitchen and took it upon himself to investigate, although his body wasn’t quite cooperating with him.
He stood on wobbly legs, wrapping a blanket around his shoulders. He leaned against the wall for support and slowly made his way to the kitchen.
He managed to get to the doorway and leaned against it for a moment of rest.
Amy places down the tea kettle, dropping a few sugar cubes into her mug before greeting the Doctor.
“Welcome back to the world, Doctor.”
“Mmmmh” The Doctor groaned and pressed his forehead against the cool wall.
Amy tisked and walked over to guide the Doctor back to the couch.
She sat him down on the couch,
“Doctor, where did your shorts go?” She looked around for the missing article of clothing.
“Didn't like them.” He shrugged
Amy gives up on the search for the shorts, instead, grabbing the remote. She turned on the television, leaving it on whatever daytime soap opera was playing.
The Doctor sat and watched for a few moments, expression rather unclear.
“Boring!” He said with a huff.
Amy was quite surprised at the outburst. She had only put on the TV for white noise, having not expected the Doctor to even watch it.
She picked back up the remote, flicking through the channels slowly, watching the Doctor's reaction to each one.
“Stop.” The Doctor said firmly
She landed on CBeebies, which was currently playing an episode of Peter Rabbit.
The Doctor was completely invested in the show.
Amy had known the Doctor to be childish, but today he was different.
More than childish. It was more like he was an actual child.
Amy heard of people going into a regressed state like this from Rory. She recalls him telling her a story about a patient who was convinced she was 5 years old. At first, Amy thought you had to be completely mad to believe something like that.
But that, of course, was before the Doctor.
Amy moves to get up, assuming the Doctor would be fine without her.
Boy, was she wrong.
The Doctor snapped his head away from the TV to protest her departure.
“Amy, no leave!” He cried out, his eyes welling up with tears.
Amy sat back down and the Doctor immediately crawled onto her, snuggling against her. He brought his attention back to the television, sniffling occasions.
Amy rubbed the Doctor’s back, taking note of how hot he still was.
She pulled out her phone and sent Rory a message to grab children's medicine instead.
The Doctor cried and turned away from Rory, who was currently holding a syringe full of cherry-flavored cold medicine.
“Doctor, you have to take your medicine to feel better!” Rory said, exasperated.
The Doctor shook his head, and hid in the crook of Amy’s neck, crying harder.
“Maybe if ya mixed it with something. Then he won't know what it is!” Amy suggested tiredly.
Rory sighs and marches off to the kitchen. Coming back a moment later with a cup of grape juice.
“Doctor, look! Rory brought you juice.” She said in a chippy whisper.
The Doctor picked up his head, studying the cup.
Rory held it out, The Doctor looked up at him confused.
Amy waited a moment before intervening.
“Oh, just give it here!”
She took the cup from Rory and held it up to the Doctor’s mouth. The Doctor attempted to take a few small snips but ended up spilling the drink all over himself. This caused him to go into another crying fit.
Amy shushed him while Rory ran to grab a washcloth and a clean shirt for the Doctor.
It took a while for Rory to come back, Amy was growing very impatient, as was the Doctor.
Finally, Rory returns with a warm washcloth and one of his old T-shirts.
Once the Doctor was wiped down and redressed, Rory handed Amy a baby bottle filled with the grape juice medicine mix from earlier.
Amy cocked her head in confusion, yet took the bottle and held it up to the Doctor, he latched on and suckled.
“Where did you get this?” Amy said softly, careful not to disturb the now sluggish Doctor.
“Figured I’d grab one after you asked for children's medicine. Seems to have been the right choice.” Rory said, joining the Doctor and Amy on the couch.
“Seems to have been indeed.” She says, pushing back the Doctor’s hair from his forehead, his eyes fighting to stay open as he drinks from the bottle.
“It’s okay, my love. You can sleep now.” She chuckles
The Doctor finishes the bottle and wedges himself in between Rory and Amy before falling into a peaceful sleep.
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oncomingx · 3 months
@theresastargirl // human nature is to hide.
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Running into the Family of Blood is a chaotic affair that has the Doctor worried and frantic and barely explaining anything. It's probably very frustrating for Ophelia, who is rather naive when it comes to Timelords -- though probably much less than his usual companions. Not that he knows that quite yet.
"It's called a chameleon arch, it-- it lets me change my biology so I can become human," he explains. He does not know that she already knows all this, that her other father had explained it in great detail when they had to hide at the end of the universe. "This will keep us both safe until the Family of Blood leaves."
He focuses her attention on her, instead of the device in front of him. "All that I am will go into this fobwatch. Do not let me open it, unless it becomes absolutely necessary. There's instructions in the console, if you need them. Now, before I do this: are you okay?"
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bigfishthemusical · 5 months
Actually. per that post about the 10th doctors 3 shirts 2 jackets: i think we Should be talking more about what the doctor wears. I think that is one of the things that the old series got more right than the new one. I think that for an alien from an entirly different culture the doctor is just slightly too fashionable. like sure maybe some of the doctors were trying to blend in and some of them are more familiar with human fashion ect. but i think there have been soo many missed opportunities to have the doctor dressing horribly for different occasions. I think that we should all be thinking about how just because timelords are human shaped does not mean their culture is at all similar and that since clothing is very heavily tied to culture and history, How might timelords dress differently based on an entirely different culture and history and geography and climate and biology and ect
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stewart lee voice: now i dont know anything about maths, biology, chemistry, or doctor who lore, but i think, what if those formula “timelord real names” are just like, the recipe for their looming
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thetruthlsoutthere · 11 months
Ways my 'dreams' and waking reality have me wondering about my species or /previous life/lives species in particular
being shown more than one of my regenerations and from that; still feeling like me despite the obvious changes. Hearing and feeling myself see and do things/it ending with me watching myself as my regeneration say and do said things
having my own tardis
dreams about gallifrey, including the younger years around the Prydonian Academy
in my waking reality: feeling at any point? 2 hearts
senses being better than others in weird ways that it doesn't make sense too
sense of having a home but feeling like something is missing, like a part of me is missing and this isn't my true home/origin
obvious possible relationship histories/memories with timelords, timeless ladies, and a timeless child.
i am pretty intuitive/perceptive/observant in weird ways. Sensing things about others, things, etc: via energy, aura, thoughts, feelings, histories via past, present and future {the histories part at least dream wise}
the post that I made about the possibilities, similarities, and comparisons between me and 'Clara Oswald, the Impossible Girl' which is human-ish but also not entirely human due to past lives/echoes species
looking at others posts and asks on a different belief blog and their weird wondering about headaches and chest pains where a possible second heart could be that they swear they hear alongside the other one? Obviously anything like head aches, migraines, chest pains, fevers, even nausea is definitely symptoms of a bunch of things but it could also be relevant for the possible changing/difference in biology because of species which they wonder about hence 'second heart'. I have had this a good bit of times in the past, especially recently over the past few days/week. Other than that, the most I deal with any day is panic/anxiety attacks about 1-3 times. The most part of every day, Im perfectly fine.
NOTE: if this species thing IS true: keep in mind: If I attended the Prydonian Academy? I have not been given or shown or told yet what my name was there. I have not been given or shown or told yet what my real true name is. I have not been given or shown or told yet what and who my gallifreyan family are or were. I have only been given/shown/told my title name:
The Protector.
UPDATE: #10 with the weird chest pains hasn't happened for a bit now since i made this post. This has been sitting in my drafts. I initially made this post around a couple weeks/month ago. Posting this now because i can't think of what i additionally was trying to add to this post. I'll just repost with the add on if i remember.
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Did anyone ask for a Doctor/Master Lestappen AU with a little Piarles and Maxiel thrown in there? No? Well I did it anyway because right now I’m fully in a deep Doctor Who phase again. I might work on this more depending on how I feel and develop it into a full fic while the whovian brainrot persists.
(This slots in post 10th Doctor and Simm!master)
The Doctor wasn’t The Doctor anymore. When the Family of Blood came for him, he had hidden away in 1913. He had erased his identity, his mind, everything that he was and ever had been. He swore he would never do such a thing again, that he would never attempt to live a human life. Too many people had been hurt, and he was the source of that pain. Never again.
And yet, he was forced to change himself once more. To become human to evade capture by his greatest enemy. But this time, he had to go even further than before. To regenerate - become a new man and wear a face no other creature would recognise before purging his unique mind and biology to disguise himself as a human.
The Tardis, his wonderful sentient flying machine, always had a flair for the dramatic. Considering that last time a plain old ordinary human life had still led to his discovery, it wove him a new backstory. A better one. He would be hidden in plain sight, given a role and a passion and a dream like any normal man. But he was far from normal. He excelled, and was formidable at any test he faced - with or without Timelord biology.
And so, Charles Leclerc laid on the deck of his yacht and gazed up at the stars of the Monaco sky, and wondered what it may be like to one day dance among them. To roam among the stars as the familiar men and women who visited him in his dreams each and every night had done before. Unaware of the fact that he came from the stars themselves, that his people, lost to time, had once had the power to control all of them. He was the only one left, but his life was lost, and so too was the legacy of The Doctor and the life he had once led.
Max Verstappen remembered everything. He had purged his mind once before, forgotten who he was and lived out his years as a human at the end of eternity. One thing he was sure of, is that he would never allow himself to forget again.
Max was so much more than an ordinary human. He wasn’t human at all and yet, his singular heartbeat echoed in his chest as a reminder that he was no longer the man he was before. Sometimes, he would almost come close to forgetting his past, but the ever-present drum beat that persisted on in his head, never faltering and never changing, reminded him of who he was. Of all the faces that had preceded him. And most importantly, of his mission, his life’s work. To track down and kill The Doctor. By any means necessary. Max Verstappen was an invention, as was Professor Yana, and Harold Saxon, for his true name was The Master.
A fabricated backstory, and a proficiency in blackmail and manipulation, made it almost too easy for Max to find his way to the top. He knew The Doctor was here, he could smell a Timelord from a mile off, even if they had erased the thing that made them so special, so much better than any of the creatures that roamed this stinking planet. The Doctor was someone, anyone, but which one? Max could not tell, and it made him furious.
Max was impressed by The Doctor’s choice of life. He would never have thought that his enemy would go for something so great, so gilded and celebrated. He most certainly didn’t mind. Sure, he wasn’t the Prime Minister anymore, but being a racing driver still gave him the power and attention that he craved. And needless to say, the job came with a lot less paperwork, and many more opportunities to drink to excess and entertain beautiful women.
Max was good. Really good. His Timelord mind made him quicker, brighter, and put him streets above his human counterparts. Even with only one heart beating in his chest he was still superior - a perfect specimen of peak human performance. Though his competitors tried, they could not touch him.
Only one man threatened his position of power, the beloved Charles Leclerc, the predestined one. The world was enamoured by him, and for good reason. Max could see the appeal of the kind-hearted Monegasque. Charles was everything he wasn’t, and so, he was the first on Max’s current list of suspects. Could Charles be The Doctor? The man he had tracked through the cosmos before disappearing into nothing? Max wasn’t sure, and it infuriated him. Was his closest rival also his ancient enemy?
Pierre Gasly was no ordinary man. He was human, that he knew for sure, but he had the most extraordinary job, and the most extraordinary friend anyone could hope to have.
Since that fateful day he had stepped through the threshold of the Tardis, to see the bright shining lights of the console, the high ceiling and curved walls crammed into the wooden blue exterior, his life had come that little bit more extraordinary.
The Doctor was unlike anyone else he had ever met, he was so intelligent, and funny, and compassionate despite all the pain and suffering he had experienced in his many lifetimes. Pierre was enamoured by him, in a way he had never been before. He had no doubts that he would go to the ends of the earth itself for The Doctor. He would do anything he was asked, no matter the cost.
Losing The Doctor, or, at least, the very essence of him, was hard. Sure, he was still there, and was still Pierre’s best friend, but he wasn’t The Doctor. Not really. He was Charles Leclerc. A remarkable man, still intelligent, and funny, and compassionate as he always had been, but he was no longer a time travelling hero, he was human, just like Pierre.
Thankfully, the Tardis had made it easy for him to watch over The Doctor in his new human life, slotting him into place in a world Pierre knew all too well. Before The Doctor, Pierre had been a racing driver, a good one, a famous one, and now, so was The Doctor.
It was in his Timelord nature to naturally excel at any task he faced, but Pierre couldn’t help but be jealous of The Doctor’s abilities. It didn’t take him long to become a race winner, or a championship contender, and that worried Pierre. His job was to protect The Doctor, to make sure his enemy could never track him down, and yet even people who didn’t know F1 had the name ‘Leclerc’ on their lips.
Pierre was scared. Any one of the men he met around the paddock could be the enemy, the dangerous man he only knew as The Master. But he was prepared, ready to awaken The Doctor if anything should go wrong. He had the pocket watch, he knew what to do. Open the watch, and The Doctor returns, and Charles Leclerc is erased, gone forever.
At first, this would have been an easy action. Pierre wanted The Doctor back, by any means. He knew it was selfish, but he didn’t care, The Doctor meant everything to him. But now? Charles Leclerc had come to mean the same to him. He loved them both, and would do whatever possible to keep them both if only he could. But if he had learnt anything on his adventures through time and space, it was that the universe was rarely so kind. It could be cruel, and cause carnage and pain for those who did not deserve it.
No matter what, Pierre would lose. He would lose the magnificent Doctor, or the legendary Charles Leclerc, and there was nothing he could do about it. But for now, both remained in limbo. Charles lived, he thrived and excelled, but he was unaware of his own extraordinary past life. If The Doctor was to return, the world would lose Charles Leclerc, and so would Pierre. He would lose the man he had fallen in love with, but once again travel the universe with the man who had taught him what love truly was.
Daniel didn’t believe Max at first when he told him the truth. That he wasn’t just Max Verstappen, that awkward Dutch kid who was dynamite behind the wheel, but an alien creature with godlike powers and a penchant for crime.
He had laughed it off, assumed Max was drunk, or high, until he told him everything. The secrets of the universe, things that only a being of infinite power could possibly know. Daniel was terrified, at first, until he realised just how useful having Max by his side would be. Daniel wanted to be on the side of the winner, and Max was a winner. He was the winner.
Max had shared with him the wonders of the universe, but also told him of the terrible and destructive nature of creation. He had told him about the Time War, of how the legendary conflict had purged every world into darkness, and how his own people had been driven to madness. How they had sunk so low that they had corrupted a child for all of the many lives he would live in hopes of dragging themselves out of the abyss to conquer the cosmos.
He felt for Max. His own damaged psyche was not his own doing, but the fault of the corrupt society he hailed from. It made sense that he would become what he was, and why he desired to put to an end the life of his greatest enemy. Daniel hoped he could change his mind, to change Max, to save him from himself and his tragic past, but he feared he would be unsuccessful. Either way, he didn’t care. He had grown to love Max, both as the human, Max Verstappen, and as the Timelord, The Master.
Daniel loved them both, but he wished that The Master would see that a human life was not so bad, and perhaps, just perhaps, he would choose to abandon his old life and his murderous desires, and just be Max. That awkward Dutch kid who was dynamite behind the wheel, and had been the one to capture the heart of Daniel Ricciardo.
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mulderscully · 2 years
ngl i still don't get how tentoo could keep his mind and donna had to lose her memories. aren't they the same?
because tentoo is the doctor. the doctor's mind is the regeneration energy, all donna did was turn the hand into a body when she touched it but the doctor himself is the energy that ten poured INTO the hand to stop from regenerating. because the hand was his actual hand, his biology is still timelord but he got a bit of her human dna.
with donna it's that since she touched the regeneration energy she got a timelord mind shoved in a fully human brain so her mind couldn't handle it. tentoo got some of her mannerisms bc the doctor always kinda imprints on the person who's there when they regenerate but he is not like... sharing her mind the way she was sharing his. his mind is still his own.
they essentially had opposite things happen to them.
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