#time to stop thinking about that and start thinking about floyd blindfolded because i think that's important
papaver-decervicatus · 10 months
tiktok keeps recommending me videos of bassists and I cannot stop thinking about julius because of you
First ask ever, let’s go!!! Let me, not at all, remedy this issue you’ve found yourself with, anon! Answer Below the 'read more'
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Most of what Julius plays is in the safety and privacy of his own home, and it’s not a hobby he ever really brings up. If anyone knows about it and is egging him on to join a local bar-band while out, he has to be about 6 beers in to even entertain the idea. If the lights in the venue won’t blind him on the stage he does require being blindfolded for stage fright reasons. 
He usually starts predictable and “universal” with something like Pink Floyd’s Money or Superstitious by Stevie Wonder, he’s always partial to a little Super Freak by Rick James, too. The sort of stuff you’d find on a ‘Top Ten Bass Lines of All Time!’ list because for the most part those are songs that are popular in their own right without the kick-ass (if a little sanitized) baseline. But that’s not where his heart is, his heart has always been with Heavy Metal (Metallica, Black Sabbath, for a more recent example see anything in the Doom Metal subculture/subgenre like Ramesses and Valhall) and Neue Duetsche Härte (think Oomph! and Rammestein.) And I’m not talking slipknot, Tin or Steel levels of metal, I mean straight up Mercury or Lead poisoning. The second song is always when things get interesting. 
See, the funny thing about König playing the bass is, people hate playing in a band with him. Think about the phrase “take em for a walk,” when it comes to a musical breakdown, yeah well. König never got the memo that a bass is supposed to be a rhythm instrument first and foremost. He takes that puppy for a full on marathon sprint, shows off to the max, he’s playing the lead guitar’s part or the vocals half the time if he knows the song well enough. With his own personal double neck bass, Walküre (obligatory quick mention of @kneelingshadowsalome‘s series Valkyrie, go read it yesterday if you haven’t already) he is replacing the strings four times as often as he ought to because, as gentle and loving as he is with the instrument as a whole (he adores her, and is probably a few screws loosening away from sleeping in the same bad as the damn thing), his playing is naturally violent and bombastic to the point of shredding his fingers and the strings. 
His style is something like this (Djent Style, a sub-genre of metal) 
But he likes his kickback and reverb, way, way, way up. The only thing louder than the mess of pure sound coming from the amps is the barely-recognizable music notes cascading out. König doesn’t know what dynamics are, if he’s playing it, it’s gonna be loud, except of course, when the rest of the song gets quiet. 
He usually finishes a set with something classic like Metallica’s Master of Puppets or 21st Century Schizoid Man by King Crimson because those are universals, everyone’s gonna know them. But if he’s feeling particularly pumped, in his element, or is that drunk, he’s playing a once in a lifetime rendition of Agent Orange by Sodom (because trash metal isn’t heavy metal, but it sure is fucking fun!)
The second he steps off the stage, however, he’s practically running away to get to the bathroom or a shower or something. König isn’t usually a sweaty guy, or at least not more so than any other man, but when he jumps off the stage he’s practically swimming in clammy anxiety and sweat. Finishing his little show and going back into the crowd is his least favorite part of the ordeal by far. It’s a dire tone shift once he’s finally gotten back to the people he came in with, from a heavy metal god that rivals the craftsmanship and raw power of Hephaestus or Vulcan to… demure and anxious Julius Doss, dodging praise like bullets on a battlefield. He would never admit it, but he absolutely adores the compliments and awestruck expressions he gets from his little displays of what remains of his teenaged exuberance and the blood hammering adrenaline of having everyone's attention on him (usually the very last thing he wants outside of the field.)
That being said, practically no one gets the privilege of seeing König on bass but when they do. God, do they fucking see it. 
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Thanks to @spookyboywhump for tagging me in the chain for this picrew! Tumblr was being rude, as always, and not allowing me to arrange the images correctly so I simply elected to make a separate post instead.
From left to right these are of Floyd, Llyr, Percival, and Mabel. A bit of a random combination but they were the ones working with me tonight. 
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merakiui · 2 years
So I hear a serial killer Jade 👀 go on. (Ooh as someone that likes tru crime this gave me an idea but I would love to hear more from u)
I have been watching a lot of true crime lately, so it gave me inspiration. I think Jade would be scarier as a serial killer than Floyd. Jade would tear you apart, piece by piece, slowly and methodically—starting with your mentality and working his way outside. Floyd’s kills would be dependent on his mood swings. Most of his murders would be a spur of the moment thing and they’re all violent and angry deaths. At the very least, you won’t have a chance to feel scared because Floyd’s quick about it (most of the time).
I’ll share my brief thoughts below!
(cw: yandere, female reader, pregnancy mention, unhealthy relationship/behaviors, mentions of murder/death/violence, kidnapping/captivity, mentions of blood/gore, drugging)
Ever since police discovered a body half-submerged in the river, his eyes gouged, face scratched, body bruised and littered with scrapes, people have started wondering who or what could have done such a brutal thing. The man was missing his left arm; it had been seemingly severed with a sharp blade and was wrapped expertly. Dark crimson bled through the bandages. There was also a gaping hole in his chest, exposing pearly bone and strings of tissue. His heart was missing. A few fingers had been chopped off and what remained was bandaged stubs, but other characteristics that may be used to identify the body remained intact. It turned out to be a man with a shady past. He’d had his fair share of run-ins with the authorities, but he had been on track for nearly five years now. Those who knew him claimed he had been working to fix his life.
In other words, he wasn’t anyone special. Just your random citizen stuck in a bad place at a bad time.
As the authorities work to piece together this crime and identify what truly killed the man (because there are so many possibilities as the coroner encounters new findings during the autopsy), the city is gripped with fear, curiosity, and disgust. Just what sick person could be capable of such a heinous crime? And why did they remove the man’s heart? Why was it so violent?
By the time another body shows up—this one is female—and police note that her heart has also been harvested from her chest cavity, along with some other organs (liver and intestines), they’re certain it’s the same person. Interestingly enough, her eyes were untouched, blindfolded with a thick strip of cloth.
Is it a cannibal? Is it a monster? No one really knows, and police haven’t the faintest clue on who to look for. Without a potential suspect, they’re stuck building the list from the ground up. Like the man, the woman was also no one of importance. She was a prostitute who had been disowned by her mother and, according to the autopsy, she had been two months into a pregnancy.
With the careful way the organs were extracted, police begin to wonder if the killer is connected to the organ trafficking business. They certainly seem to know their way around a dissection and human anatomy. Perhaps they’re someone in the medical field? It’s anyone’s guess, really.
But from comparing the bodies, they can see a few similarities. The hearts were removed, the eyes were either gouged or covered, and both the man and woman had been dumped in their respective locations after they had been killed. 
As police tell reporters they’re working to solve this case, someone brings up a valid question. Are there any other bodies out there that have yet to be discovered?
Police don’t want to assume that this killer’s body count is higher than what they’ve already found, but it’s a possibility they can’t scratch off the list. The killer targeted unimportant people, but who knows where and when they’ll strike next. If they can kill a pregnant woman so viciously, what’s stopping them from moving onto children? The elderly? 
They must be stopped. 
- - -
Jade Leech loves humans.
He loves their weaknesses, their vulnerabilities, their anatomy, their taste. There really isn’t anything special about his murders. He doesn’t do it for the thrill or because he’s trying to prove an outlandish point. He does it simply because he’s hungry. Because regular meals can no longer satisfy him and humans are so easy to capture and dismantle. 
Azul and Floyd do not know of his obsession and he intends to keep it that way. Both lead promising lives and his is so shrouded in darkness. Should a day come when he’s caught, it would spell trouble for those around him. Floyd has his face; the amount of hate and ostracism he’ll receive will certainly crush him. Azul’s business might even go down with Jade. After all, no one wants to be associated with a serial killer. Therefore, Jade has resolved to hide this world-altering secret from his brother and friend.
He wears a mask to hide his sharp teeth. He makes sure to take transformation potions so that the effect won’t wear off and his monstrous form won’t be exposed to humans. He is polite and respectful—an upstanding member of human society. He keeps his distance, he blends in with the crowd, and he only ever targets those who have been cast aside by society. Rejects in his eyes—people who are no longer cared for by the world. What poor, fragile things. Jade will be sure their sacrifices are not in vain. He will make an adequate meal out of them, and whatever’s left can serve as fertilizer for his dear plants and mushrooms. 
Although it is comical to throw a bone to the police every now and then. The two bodies he dumped—one in the river and the other in a waste bin in some dingy alley—didn’t taste edible at all. He supposes that’s what happens when humans ruin their bodies with alcohol and drugs and other harmful substances. They were of no use to him. They could not feed him. What sorry lumps of human flesh. They weren’t even worth becoming fertilizer.
He meets you through Azul. You’re Azul’s personal fitness trainer and every morning the two of you set off on your mile run. It kills Azul and he hates it, but he does it anyways because a good businessman ought to stay in shape. You’re so encouraging; you match Azul’s pace, you tell him it’s okay to take breaks, and you praise him for doing well. Your behaviors are genuine and kind; you care for Azul and his health. And after a year of this routine, it seems like Azul cares for you, too. 
Jade accompanies the two of you on your runs sometimes, as will Floyd if he’s feeling it. Azul can’t stand it when the two of them join in and he’ll get quite defensive about his reasoning whenever Floyd pokes fun. Jade finds it amusing to see Azul grow flustered and huffy over something so simple. It’s very cute. What’s cuter, though, is you. You’re not a reject, you’re important, you have connections. You’re conscious of your health, you treat your body carefully, and you’re very capable. You are, in Jade’s mismatched eyes, a premium meal. 
When you reach the end of your run, sweaty and thoroughly energized, and you lift your shirt to wipe at your face Jade can’t help staring at your stomach. It’s cute; you’re cute. Every inch of you, from top to bottom, has him salivating. He wonders what face you might make as he slices into you with deadly precision. What will your blood taste like? What will your heart taste like? What noises will you make? Will you scream and cry? Will you fight him? 
Alas, his interest in you is troublesome. People will notice when you go missing. They will come looking. They care about you. Jade supposes that securing high-quality ingredients will prove to be a challenge. This isn’t like the others he’s killed and eaten. This is different; this is risky. But he can’t stop his thoughts from running wild as he observes you from afar, noting how you move, how you interact with other humans, how you light up when you cheer for Azul.
He must plan accordingly if he wishes to take you for himself. In the meantime, he’ll have to settle for street food. 
Jade will have you. It’s only a matter of time. Patience is key, after all, and a skilled hunter like himself knows how to wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.
And when he does finally steal you away after months and months of preparation and practice, you’re horrified. Understandably so, considering his hobby is not legal or morally correct. He’ll console you in a soft voice, but it doesn’t do anything to soothe the fear. Now that you see him without his mask it becomes clear that he’s not entirely human. No human could have sets of teeth that sharp. His teeth are designed for shredding the toughest of flesh. 
You learn that he’s the serial killer everyone’s been talking about on the news. You also learn that his motive isn’t to kill you for the fun or thrill of it. He intends to dissect you, devour every possible organ and limb he can until all that remains are your bones and gallons of drained blood. He’s insane. And when he forces some strange liquid down your throat and you feel yourself growing numb and tired, you plead with a heavy tongue. He’s looking over you like a butcher readying his knives and, as desperation and fear mount, you blurt the first excuse that pops into your head.
You tell him you’re pregnant.
And why should that matter? Jade does not care about pregnancy or human children. But when he sees the tender way you hold your stomach, tears staining your pretty skin, he feels...something. Perhaps he’s conflicted. Perhaps the sight warms his cold heart. 
“Pregnant.” He repeats the word slowly, testing it on his tongue. “You’re pregnant.”
“I am!” You force your eyelids open, willing yourself to stay awake. The moment you fall asleep is the moment your life ends. You can’t let that happen. “I found out a f-few weeks ago. So please don’t do this. Y-You can kill me if you want, but please wait until the baby’s born. Please...”
Nine months. That’s the normal gestation period for human young. Nine months is a long time to wait for a premium meal. He’ll certainly grow restless within the first few months. What is he meant to do with your child once it’s born? Is he meant to devour them as well? He really has no use for a child, but if it’s yours he can make an exception for you. 
“Who is the father?”
"Hm.” His eyes cloud over with an unreadable emotion. “Is Azul aware of this?”
“Not yet. I... I was going to tell him soon.”
Jade frowns. Things just became far more complicated than he anticipated. 
“Very well.” He sets his tools aside, peering down at you on the metal examination table. “You will live for nine months. I shall care for you up until the day you give birth.” His hand lingers on the largest knife in his collection, a subtle warning. “I’m certain you already know the consequences that come with an escape attempt.”
You nod frantically, weakly struggling in your restraints. “T-Thank you! Thank you so much!”
Jade's scrutinizing gaze travels from your face to your throat to your abdomen, and he lifts your shirt to observe your stomach. And then he looks back at you and, in a gentler tone, says, “What would you like for dinner? I’ll prepare something nutritional for you.”
You list a random food, slurring the words incoherently, before your eyes shut altogether and you succumb to the sedative.
You’ll have a few months to work out an escape—if one is even possible. Pray that Jade does not discover your lie in the meantime. If he learns that you are not truly pregnant...
It’s a race against the clock and Jade’s perceptive intelligence. 
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lovee-infected · 4 years
Hi may I please have headcannons for Ciel Phantomhive who got transported to Twisted wonderland.
It got a bit long for headcanons but why not ? Ciel in twisted wonderland has got a lot to tell lol
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He assumes it all to be a dream when he wakes up in NRC , as he slides the door of his coffin open just to fall to the ground
He tries and calls for Sebastian , considering this situation having something to do with him .When Sebastian doesn't show up , he leds out a moody growl trying to find someone or a way out of wherever he was
Mirror hall didn't seem a bad place for him to wake up at ; since most of the designs remained the same over hundreds of years it was kinda similar to victorian styles from Ciel's original time . He low-key starts admiring decorations and unfortunately , steps on something's tail
Grim naturally freaks out being woken up from his slumber like this and in a few seconds the whole salon is set on fire
Crowley arrives just in time to find Ciel almost choking Grim while shouting at him to do something ; poor Grim passes out when Crowley finally freed him from the savage Phantomhive's hands
Crowley isn't sure what to do first , punishing him for intense violence or clarifying which dorm would be responsible for him
He leaves judgement to the mirror and...it doesn't go quite as expected : " Your soul is...no . Not again...this one doesn't belong to any dorms either ," mirror says . Crowley got terrified thinking that it was similar to MC's situation , but he got even worse as the mirror says : " I see nothing through him because...I see no soul "
Crowley argues that there must be a mistake but Ciel himself knows that his soul no longer belongs to him , but to Sebastian
Ciel asks if the mirror knows anything about his contract , but neither the mirror nor headmaster had any idea on what he was talking about
Ciel decides to skip that part since he doesn't want to spill more tea himself , so he asks where he is
After Crowley's hour long presentation and telling Ciel that he's stuck in twisted wonderland until Crowley finds a way to send him back home , poor boy nervously smirks
He is now sure of it all being a dream so he tries anything that would help him to wake up : Pinching himself , slapping , screaming and finally , throwing himself out of window - He is lucky that Crowley catches him before his head crashes the ground
He almost saw dead with his two eyes , so it couldn't be a dream anymore
He first freaks out at how he can't come back , but then calms down realizing that he won't stay here for too long ;Sebastian would not let
Sebastian isn't one demon to give up on his soul just by him disappearing , he is way greedier and stubborner and would do anything it takes to have his rights as long as Ciel isn't dead . So being caught in a different world or dimension was no stop for Sebastian , specially thinking that demons themselve came from another dimension
Ciel decides to be hopeful that Sebastian would find him anyway , so he says that he'll wait just there until Sebastian comes for him , ignoring Crowley's ramblings wanting him to stop being stubborn
After a few hours Ciel gives up , accepting that he can't last on his own if he just waits for Sebastian to show up : What is taking that bastard so long...
The kind and good-hearted Crowley offers him a vip stay at their all Happy and comfortable hotel , aka Ramshackle dorm
Ciel argues that he just can't live like a pig , but Crowley states that he's either staying out or at Ramshackle's . He angrily growls , having to deal with it
The next morning he wakes up to see no one but Grim , which made both of them scream . MC catches the pan before Grim could throw it at Ciel , and Ciel brings out his gun- . MC then slaps him for rudeness and takes the gun
He ends up having to head classes with MC and Grim since he has nothing else to do , though he was too young to head any of the classes
Ciel isn't used to heading to public classes , but he's okay with them since he has his experience from Weston College , but something else irritates him :
This school was a bit too similar to Weston College. Not only atmosphere but also students . He basically shared the same class with a green haired version of Greenhill . Sebek is nothing different from him except being...more annoying . He couldn't stop talking about someone he called young master which makes him look a bit like Agni
Same goes for Ace and Deuce , they seemed kinda familiar but Ciel isn't sure where he's seen them before
He doesn't like Crowley because the way he acts , talks and hides his eyes remind him of Undertaker ; making him feel unsafe whenever he is around
This annoying pace continues for him ; a socially awkward emo with long blue hair who is good enough to be Gregory Violet's Identical twin , a teenage-version of Agni who shares the same wild spirit as Suma , and many others
He thought that it couldn't get any worse until he almost screams Snake at a guy who looks JUST- LIKE - HIM , sleeping under a tree . Silver wakes up to Ciel's fascinated gaze and gives him a confused look , that makes Ciel run away
School on the other hand is terrible : Magic's history is nothing like the history he is learned by Sebastian , but he could handle studying something all new . The problem is with the rest of classes : Animal language , alchemy and and anything that requires any talent in magic ; but PE is the worst . His body is already pretty weak and he falls at asthma attacks several times . To add to that his height is another thing he had to keep up with , he is at least 10 centimeters shorter than even the smallest ones there and of course , Night raven's unraveled students don't mind bullying a short moody kiddo-
Beside his enormous problems , there are other advantages as well ;
Ciel isn't much of a people person , but students there are rather interesting to him
Still most of them seem neutral to him , but there are also ones who catch his eyes :
He doesn't like : Grim (for obvious reasons) , Ace and Deuce (too loud and annoying ) , Cater ( Is always playing with some odd invention called phone *) , Leona and Ruggie ( they bully him ) , Jade ( Looks and talks like Sebastian ) , Floyd ( looks like an illegal combination of Sebastian and Grell...+ calls him baby seal ) , Rook ( stalks on him) , Sebek ( too annoying)
He low-key likes : Riddle ( he respects him organized nature + they look a bit similar) , Trey ( acts like a loyal servant ) , Azul ( is smart with contracts and seems to be a man of culture + runs a cafe with good teas and desserts) , Idia ( he weird , yet interesting ) , Silver ( reminds him of Snake) , Malleus ( is mysterious and looks like an almighty master )
The rest are just neutral to him
( * ) : Ciel obviously doesn't know what a phone is , along with many other things invented after his age ; he thinks they are all magical tools and not something created by the hand of man
Riddle invites him to tea parties and Ciel appreciates it , at least one thing that made him calm down in this crazy world
He once goes to Mister S's shop and Sam immediately senses a demonic aura around him , asking him tons of questions about the demon shielding him . Ciel dodges from answering each and every one of them but Sam isn't yet satisfied . He doesn't argue as he Ciel resists answering but Ciel is about to leave , he tells something that makes his blood run cold : " ...We'll soon meet this mister Sebastian in person , little demon ; My friend on the other side told me"
When learning that Azul is a master of contracts , Ciel goes to him to see if he knows anything about contracts made with demons ; which he either doesn't really know or doesn't want to share since Ciel has nothing to give as the price
Azul though still sends the twins after him since he's starting to get interested after his demon sorted questions ; which made him curious of what this child might actually know
Ciel once steps into Ignihyde and gets out in 0.01 seconds . His mind isn't yet prepared to deal with a technology which won't be yet discovered until hundreds of years later from his original time
Other than Ignihyde , the dorm which really makes him feel uncomfortable is Scarabia . The atmosphere is just like Suma's palace and getting reminded of that horrible massacre with Agni's death isn't really pleasant . He meets both Kalim and Jamil in school and Kalim even invites him to parties , but he immediately says no . He decides to stay away from there as much as possible
Savanaclaw is his danger zone , he steps in = He dies . He once calls Leona Pathetic nasty cat and that is enough for Leona to set a prize for his head
Malleus on the other hand seems to be appreciating this little guest . Ciel feels a bit unsafe around him as Malleus notices his supernatural secrets , including the seal under his blindfold without him mentioning it ; but Malleus confronts him that he doesn't want anything from him and he's just interested that's all
Rook hears from Octavinelle students that Azul is after the child , and that makes him enter the challenge uninvitedly ; the Ciel catching game . After all he lives to be the greatest of hunters and also , whatever the reason was , Pomefiore would have an advantage holding what Octavinelle needed
If it wasn't because of MC , Grim , Ace and Deuce sticking to him all day he would've got caught long ago , but no one could kidnap him this easily when others were around
With his terrible situation at classes , daily argues with Grim and anyone else , bully routines and almost half of the school after him he knows that he won't last there much longer
Ciel now can't help but to pray for Sebastian to find him sooner wherever he is now...
Note : Now now , would you guys like a second part for this in which Sebastian this time , finds his way to twisted wonderland..? (:
Update: Part 2 here!
Tagging : @lethlia @xxunrxvelingxx @ji-yaaan
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twistedsin · 4 years
Tangled Up in You
Twisted Halloween Event: Azul Ashengrotto
Costume: Mummy (his event outfit) 
Azul had been staring at the clock all night, he had hardly been enjoying the party he was throwing. Usually he would be all over the floor, mingling and building good will but his mind was other things. "Jade... how are..." 
"The refreshments? Same as when you asked 15 minutes ago." He gave his usual polite smile, hiding the irritation. Azul sighed, pushing up his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Sorry... It's just- Floyd!" Azul called out in surprise as he saw the trouble some eel walking past. "You're supposed to be watching the door." 
"Ehh? That got boring." Floyd shrugged walking up next to Jade. "Besides, the special guest arrived so it doesn't matter anymore right?" He and his brother gave a taunting grin as Azul's face filled with annoyance before it quickly flushed with embarrassment and nerves. 
"When did they get here? Wh-why didn't you tell me? Where are they now?" He sputtered frantically, to the twins amusement. 
"They're waiting for you at the bar." Jade handed him two glasses of Spiced Cider. "It's only been a few minuets." 
"You knew!" "That's not important right now. It's time to go greet your date." Jade and Floyd together pushed Azul through the kitchen doors and out into the party, and then standing in the way of the door so he couldn't come back in. 
"There you are!" You smiled at Azul when finally approached. "I'm sorry I was late, costume malfunction. You look nice, a skeleton? Or mummy?" You pondered reviewing the white tattered shirt with black underlying. Your eyes lingered for an extra moment on the leather harness on his chest.  Your mind flashed to an intriguing thought of him wearing just the harness on his chest, tied up in his own bandages. Those tight pants with the bulge of his crotch straining against the fabric. You brought a hand to your mouth to hide as you bit your lip. You looked away a moment to regain you composure. Of course something like that wouldn't happen, you two had hardly done anything intimate, let alone romantic. You didn't even know if he returned your feelings, of attraction or lust. "It looks very nice." You flashed a smile and Azul could feel his heart beat faster. "You look very good as well, like an angel." 
"I was going for dove." You sighed, saddened that the idea of the costume you worked so hard on didn't get through and misinterpreting the intent of his statement. Azul was quick to recover. "Apologies. I'm still not too familiar with land birds. You look beautiful either way." He gave a charming smile as he offered you a glass. You felt your cheeks burn, as you managed to process the compliment. That was good sign right? 
The two of you went on chatting about school and commenting on the party. "I shouldn't be keeping you. I'm sure there are others at this party you want to talk too. And I want to walk around a little." You opened your arms for a hug which Azul happily accepted though he rather would have continued to spend time with you. He enjoyed it but made it brief to not be too weird, however when he was pulling away he felt a resistance from his sleeves. "Ah... I think my bandages got caught in your wings." The two of you were so close, this was so embarrassing. Both of you started turning red. Azul tried pulling harder but you could feel it tugging at your wings, "Stop stop, don't rip it!" He immediately stopped and sighed. "This is awkward..." He kept his face turned away from you. "My office is just around the corner I have scissors in there."
"Okay." Awkwardly the two of you shuffled into his office.  
It was a little hard for the two of you to figure out positioning and movement to search through the desk drawers and it really wasn't efficient. "I might be able to take off the shirt if you can reach the belts instead." Azul suggested seeing option A was not working well. However you were hesitant, remembering the harness and the fantasy with it. You bit your lip... it was so embarrassing to think about these things with him so close. "A-alright I can do that." Your hands began to fiddle with the three belts along his waist. Once undone, Azul was able to wiggle out of the shirt, leaving it hanging off you. Now that you had space you were able to detach your wings. You set the tangled mess on the couch with a sigh of relief, "finally." 
"I didn't think something like that would happen." 
"Yeah, it's quite a story though." You laughed, looking over eyes instantly widening at his exposed stomach. Apparently he had just been wearing a crop top underneath the shirt and harness, so now he only had on tight l black with exposed stomach and arms. For a moment Azul noted you stare and felt quite confident in his look, and then you quickly looked away. He felt a little self conscious once again but there wasn't much he could do. The was an awkward silence as Azul finally found the scissors and went over and started cutting the strips free from his shirt so he could easily detangle them from your wings. "What are you doing! Your costume!" You gasped, shocked. "It's fine, you worked hard on yours." He freed another strip. "Floyd probably wrecked his too." 
You were silent. You felt a bit guilty it had to end this way. Slowly you picked up one of the bandages he dropped and moved behind him. You stared at it for just a moment, reviewing your feelings and deciding this was the best option. Once Azul set down the scissors you pulled the cloth strip over his eyes pulling his head back so you were able to lean over and kiss him. "Mm-" Azul was very startled from being pulled back and everything going dark but he eventually settled into the pleasant feeling of your lips on his. He kissed you again and again. He raised a hand to pull you closer as he wanted more  of you but you instead grabbed it pulling away just a bit. Azul panted, out of breath but wanting more. "I've been wanting to kiss you for so long... I want you. Please." He whispered, remaining still.
It was good he left the blindfold on because you felt yourself becoming red as a tomato. He wanted you, did that also mean he liked you? Either way this was good enough for now. "I... I want you too. I also want to tie you up... can I?" You asked, giving a him a few other kisses along his face. "Yes. If you take the blindfold off. You can have me in anyway you want, I just want to see you." You removed the cloth from his eyes and began to position his arms behind his back. He obeyed, moving with your touch and held still while you tied them. "Very good." You praised before giving him another kiss you knew he was oh so desperate for. After another small make out session with a little more tongue you pulled away and sat back on the couch. "I think we should just have a party of our own back here." You smiled, pooping off your shoes and setting them to the side. You set your foot over his crotch pushing lightly. Azul eagerly began shifting his hips against it, "Anything you want."   
This was going to be quite a fun night.
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