#through the looking glass ruins
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shadysadie · 1 year
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Owl House Episode Name References
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we have a full collection!
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cr4ggy · 1 year
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cinematic parallels </3,,,,,
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zibiscusloon · 10 months
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Don’t worry.. you always have a way of sneaking into people’s hearts…
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owlhousetarot · 1 year
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The Moon: Gus Porter
Upright: Illusion, anxiety, intuition, uncertainty, complexity, secrets, the subconscious
Reversed: Release of fear/anxiety, revealing secrets, clarity, self-deception, repressed emotion, misunderstanding, misinterpretation
Who better to fit the Moon’s themes of illusion and secrecy than Gus the Illusion Master himself! The Moon card represents your fears and anxieties from past experiences clouding your understanding of the present and future, making it difficult for you to trust your own intuition. Gus is shown to struggle with false impressions of other people, from his misplaced trust in Mattholomule and in Bria’s gang, to his inability to see past an illusion of Willow, his first and best friend. Gus tends to take people at face-value and give them the benefit of the doubt, but when his trusting nature blinds him to others’ deception, it deals a heavy blow to his self-esteem—especially since a lot of that esteem is based on his talent for illusion magic. His trauma from being taken advantage of by his peers for his academic talents leaves him with such severe anxiety that his subconscious has created a defense response that dredges up other people’s subconscious fears and secrets—a power he eventually learns to weaponize.
We eventually see Gus work through his difficulties with illusions; Through the Looking Glass Ruins challenges but then reaffirms his passion for his illusion magic by forcing him to use it to defeat his deceptive peers, and by allowing him and Matt to resolve their mutual misunderstanding.  In Labyrinth Runners he is able to release his anxiety through Willow’s breathing technique, and to see through Adrian Graye’s illusions. Later he uses his powers to force Belos to reckon with his suppressed guilt by dragging his secrets up out of his subconscious. Because Gus gets a glimpse at these memories, he is allowed a clearer understanding of Belos’s past and Hunter’s status as a grimwalker. In a small moment in For the Future, his guess for what Luz’s palisman will be is the closest, suggesting that his intuition about others’ true natures is maturing.
< Previous Card: The Star
> Next Card: The Sun
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philipwittebane · 2 years
oh yeah happy one year since this bastard first debuted on the owl show
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thanks for completely shattering the fandom homeboy
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royal-they · 2 years
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how both Mattholomule and Gus were bullied very similarly but these acts shaped them as people very differently. 
We get to explore their past with bullying quite a bit in Labyrinth Runners and Through the Looking Glass Ruins:
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They’re both familiar with people pretending to be their friends just so they can get ahead. Bria keeps Matt around so she has someone to do her work for her. She makes him help her get the galdor stones but doesn’t let him benefit from it. She knows he won’t try to take the stones from her. He’s learned by now not to challenge her. At Glandus she’s top dog because of this facade she puts on. She’s nice to people she’s not close to so they respect her but exploits and manipulates her “friends.” 
Gus also deals with this in a similar way. He’s the prodigy and he’s younger than everyone so people see him as someone they can easily manipulate. When another kid manipulates him into doing this project for him he makes note of the fact that this is not the first time this has happened. And we see him blame himself, 
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Gus doesn’t recognize that it’s other people’s fault that this keeps happening. He leads himself to believe that he’s the one messing something up. He’s the consistent variable, right? So it must be him. He’s the one messing up somehow.
We seem him consistently misread people and get himself into these types of situations. He misreads Bria and is quick to put himself down because of it, 
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In reality, Gus isn’t the one messing up and getting himself hurt. It’s not his fault that he gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. This doesn’t change the fact that this is how he sees himself though. 
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It’s a small detail, but notice how the Glandus students don’t have faces but Gus does? If they have facial expressions you could more easily determine their personality. But Gus can’t do this. He says that he can’t trust himself, that he let himself get tricked. Not that he can’t trust others or that they tricked him. Because to him he’s, once again the outlier in this equation. 
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People keep leading him to believe this as well. They gaslight him over and over into believing that he’s the one who messed up somewhere and that’s what lead him to getting hurt, rather than their own ill-mannered actions. 
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Brias facial expression in this shot is one that would lead you to believe she’s saying something helpful or thoughtful. In reality she is absolutely not but her tone really downplays the situation. 
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Angmar immediately complies, he doesn’t even question this interaction despite being disturbed. Mattholomule looks back but barely reacts and neither does Gavin. Their all used to this behavior. Gus isn’t and he reacts to it how most of us probably would, being rather concerned. But the people around him treat it normally so he doesn’t question it. 
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Mattholomule looks up to Bria at first. Not because she’s an awesome person  - because she’s not lol - but rather because she appears to the world as someone who’s got everything under control and is incredibly powerful. 
Mattholomule is not someone who usually bends to peoples will but Bria is somehow able to make him. He doesn’t react to her tormenting people or making people fight for power. He treats it normally. He says it’s normal. He doesn’t like it, but it’s normal. 
When he comes to Hexide we see him try to be like Bria, 
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He pretends to be kind and soft when it helps him out of being exposed by Gus.
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But then turns on Luz and Gus when it helps him. 
He’s finally the new Bria, he’s finally in charge of something, finally in control of himself. 
But in Through the Looking Glass Ruins we see him realize he was wrong apologize to Gus, 
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When having to face Bria again after being at Hexide for a good while, Mattholomule realizes she’s not actually someone he looks up to anymore. He recognizes her toxic behavior for what it is after seeing an outsider come into their dynamic. 
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He’s a lot more friendly with Gus after this, their banter is more lighthearted and he seems much more relaxed. No, they are not friends yet but it seems to be a dynamic that could easily become a strong friendship. 
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These two honestly are just so interesting to dissect as characters. Both examples of how the same type of bullying can manifest insecurity in very different ways. Mattholomule reacts to the bullying by trying to continue the cycle where as Gus tries to mold himself to be more compatible with others. In the end neither solution is right and they both find their own environments that work for them. 
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They’re both characters I can relate to a lot and it’s fun to see them both in happier healthier enviorments. 
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catsandbats13 · 1 month
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Did a study of one of the scenes from the episode Through the Looking Glass Ruins, referenced from a screenshot from the show
I wanted to get outside my comfort zone a bit and draw something creepy with darker tones since I tend to draw cutesy stuff with lots of saturated colours lol
I absolutely adore this scene and this episode of The Owl House, I think illusionists in TOH are the coolest and seeing Gus come into his own was just awesome. Plus this scene is just delightfully creepy, I love how dark the show can be at times 😆
I only kind of feel bad that Bria was traumatized for life 😅
Just wanted to throw out as well that I’m open for commissions right now so feel free to message me if you’re interested or have any questions. You can find my commission sheet pinned at the top of my page 😊
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lvndri · 2 years
I have been watching exclusively toh episodes in the past few days because I need to cope
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[ID: A digital drawing of Mattholomule from The Owl House. He is wearing his outfit from "Through the Looking Glass Ruins," his expression is smug and mischievous. Text at the bottom of the screen reads, "13 year old me convincing myself I was straight after manipulating every answer in an "'am i gay'" buzzfeed quiz to get 0%:". The background is a blurried image of the Looking Glass Graveyard, accompanied by a blurry Gus Porter. His face is obscured halfway by the screen border, but he looks confused at Mattholomule. End ID/]
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strawbbz · 2 years
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Happy 1 year to Through The Looking Glass Ruins (Aka the episode that ruined my life)
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"Don't worry,
you always have a way
of sneaking into people's hearts."
-Amity Blight
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garseeyart · 2 years
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One thing I’ve been thinking about is how I’ve seen it said that Amity kept some of her hair brown to be closer to/reminder her of her father since it’s his hair color. This is seemingly said to parallel her dying it to distance herself from her mother.
But like, idk, that school of thought has just never sat right with me because like, it’s not JUST Alador’s natural hair color. It’s AMITY’s natural color. Like truly, I don’t see why her leaving some brown is attributed to/associated with him at all. If anything, leaving some seems more representative of her embracing a part of her she was forced to change/hide.
Changing her look was such a deeply personal and symbolic undertaking. From cutting/dying it to make it look less like her mom, to picking a color that was meaningful to her because it represented something she loves and is passionate about, to reaching a point where she could trust her siblings to help her with the change despite their past turmoil… It was something for and about her, including leaving some brown as a reflection of who she was before she was forced to change and who she always will be regardless of everything that happened to her.
Idk it just really doesn’t feel like its something that has anything to do with him, especially considering at that point, they still weren’t even on “it’s a start” terms. If anything, he was still engaging/complicit in Amity’s abuse so like, why would it make sense that in such a personal, powerful, symbolic moment of change for her, she’d be like, “but lets just keep a touch of brown for dear ol’ dad who’s not only directly engaged in my trauma (see Understanding Willow & Escaping Expulsion), but has done nothing to stop it at this point!”
It just makes no sense to me and honestly, I high key just hate seeing something so personal and transformative in CHOOSING to leave a trace of what she was forced to hide, be made to be about one of her abusers.
Like nah, baby is out here taking steps to reclaim the power and autonomy BOTH her parents stripped from her - her new look ain’t about him like that 😤
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eldragon-x · 2 years
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Philip Wittebane / Emperor Belos throughout The Owl House (Season 1+2)
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spinaroos-47 · 2 years
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Through the looking glass ruins!
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
How Belos remembers Caleb back in the human realm:
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How Caleb actually was back in the human realm:
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This is such a good addition to the ways the story has shown us over and over that Philip is an intentionally unreliable narrator.
Now, Luz is also an unreliable narrator as we've seen a few times, but with Luz it's clearly unintentional and a side effect of RSD, where she takes on more guilt than is warranted. Philip on the other hand, rewrites the story to make himself look better and be absolved of all guilt each time.
First we see it in "Elsewhere and Elsewhen", when Philip is exposed for purposely fabricating the entries in his journal, which we were following since Luz discovered it back in "Through The Looking Glass Ruins". It was deliberate on his part to doctor his own personal journal that he later personally delivers to a library, all centuries before he ever became Belos. And it worked! Philip appeared much kinder and genuinely curious of the Boiling Isles, so much so both the audience and Luz had sympathy for him, yet it was all a lie on his journey of genocide. He set about fabricating sympathy for himself long before he had any power or chance of destroying the Isles, relaying how deeply manipulative he is.
Then we see it again in "Hollow Mind", with Belos having a fake mindscape full of fabricated propaganda of his reign that hid his real memories of his life and actions. His own subconscious greeted them in a purposely innocent persona to lower their guard, then revealed himself after he got what he wanted. The layers of manipulation and dishonesty it takes to create such cognitive dissonance just on the off change his mind is ever explored is something that cannot be understated. Even further than purposely fabricating his journal, he stripped away parts of his own memory and presented his Inner Belos as a child all to garner, again, more sympathy.
Now we see it again here, in "Thanks To Them", where the first time the show directly shows us Caleb in the human realm outside of Belos' memory of him, he looks miserable. He has heavy bags under his eyes, sunken in cheeks, and a truly despondent expression.
It's entirely possible Caleb hid his misery from Philip, being the older child and having to take on responsibility to protect his younger brother, and it's also possible Caleb did enjoy his childhood and was genuinely happy in those earlier memories. But as this new shot shows us, Caleb eventually stops appearing that way and grows depressed being in the human realm, yet conveniently there's no memory Philip has that shows this stage of Caleb.
We can even dig a little further into some of the mindscape memories to see more of the framework for this final reveal.
Here we have the last memory of Caleb before the Boiling Isles memories start:
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This is also the first memory where Philip isn't smiling. Caleb is smiling though, and this is the most in the light Caleb has appeared in a memory since the one of him carving that mask. Caleb slowly turned further away from the lighting throughout Belos' early memories, being shrouded in more and more darkness in each one, but this memory when Philip looks unhappy for the first time is when Caleb's finally turning back towards the light, and it's most likely the memory of when Caleb left the human realm.
Then here we have the first memory Caleb's eyes become visible:
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The moment they reunited is when Philip finally remembers Caleb's eyes. And boy does he look drastically different from the man in the mirror. He doesn't have eyebags, his cheeks are no longer sunken in, and he looks happy.
This moment is also when Philip decides to kill him.
Because he looked too happy here in this world Philip thinks is hell.
And he looked far happier there than he did back home.
So Philip wipes away those details from his memory. Like he does every other detail that makes him appear to be in the wrong.
And we finally have the proof of it. When Belos said "Out of all the grimwalkers, you looked the most like him" he meant it, even after he willingly rewrote his own memories of Caleb to reflect differently.
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