#three line break
hamletthedane · 5 months
When Shakespeare describes the eventual end of human history as “the last SYLLABLE of recorded time” suggesting that the end of humanity will not be with a bang, a whimper, a gunshot, a sword, or even a breath, but with a syllable - a word….
And the fact that the line ends on the word “time”, which is one stressed syllable past its welcome in the iambic pentameter, suggesting that time itself continues long after human speech (iambic pentameter) has already ended AAAAAAHHHHHHH-
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ziracona · 3 months
Mike missing his shot to kill Hector and change the trajectory of his life and stay the man he wanted to be, because Ignacio got in the way and he wouldn’t shoot through him
Mike missing his shot to kill Walt and change the trajectory of his life from death to anything else, because Jessie got in the way and he wouldn’t shoot through him
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yeraskier · 2 years
i really wish the amount of love jaskier gets from the fandom was reflected in the show
every time you open your dash you’re probably bombarded by jaskier appreciation posts because this fandom fucking loves him and yet somehow all the show does is treat him like he’s disposable when he’s really really not
what makes matters worse is that he isn’t treated like this in the books so why the fuck is it like that in the show? jaskier deserves so much better
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hosseinis · 5 months
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MATT PASSMORE as DR. LOGAN NELSON ↳ "You have a choice. Scream, or don't."
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autisticaradiamegido · 4 months
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day 38
it was 3 hours. i had to lay down immediately.
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girlmetalsonic · 4 months
something that is like the baseline of amys entire character to me is that shes lonely. shes clingy and physically affectionate in a way none of her friends really are, shes always getting pushed aside and left behind. yeah, she helps out people she doesnt know because shes a nice person, but also, she sees part of herself in them. she wont leave someone else behind because she knows the feeling —and more importantly, hates the feeling. if she doesnt have somebody to stand by her and be there for her, then shes going to be that person for everybody else. something something her obsession with sonic is really just like a manifestation of that desire for closeness with someone, and she thinks that romance is the only way to get that. idk... this hedgehog can have so many abandonment issues.
#me posts#amy rose#sth#sonic the hedgehog#and this is not to say at all that romance is the only way to have 'real' love or anything#just that yknow part of her breaking free of that would also be realizing that she just wants closeness with someone and it doesnt-#-have to be romantic#aroace amy could fit this i suppose and she just doesnt know it yknow. thats not my hc but i support their beliefs if that makes sense#she wants to be loved and she wants to love and she doesnt really get a big outlet for that so she shares it with everyone she sees#also i didnt wanna jam up the post but GAMMA!! this is partially abt gamma she helps him find out how to love and how to find joy in it-#-bc its what she wants for herself. she sees him and sees how completely alone he is and she wants to help him. idk idk something something#-when she was locked in the cell she saw part of herself staring back at her#gamma parallels to amy is SLEPT ON i stg i could make a whole other post about it#idk.. whenever im writing amy or just thinking abt how shed interact with others its always from the lens that she craves closeness with-#-others. she wants people to just stay for once.#does this make any sense. idk man im rambling here#my worst nightmare is characterizing her wrong its such a fine line and sometimes the words do not come out of my brain right#btw this is NOT me dissing amy i love amy. she is like top three favorite character.#important context: im typing this with amy firefox theme rn ok. ok im an amy fan.#she points at the minimize button like shes telling me to log off#jesus christ i just scrolled back up i love to put a whole other post in the notes dont i
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idontlikeem · 6 months
get your mike sullivan tribute posts ready, guys. i don’t have inside info but i do have a gut feeling after watching plenty of coaches get fired, and we might be getting some upsetting news on saturday morning.
if they turn around and win and go on a heater i will gladly take the L, but i think this is it.
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horsetailcurlers2 · 10 months
i mentioned this in this post i made a while back about how i think regal believer is the most important relationship in OUAT, but i can’t stop thinking about how the thesis of the show is about the sacrifices parents do or do not make for their children.
like think about it: cora sacrificing regina’s safety and happiness for her own ambition, henry senior never being strong enough to protect his daughter until she is too far gone and he dies in the name of her rage, snow and david’s decision to send emma through the wardrobe and how it is so complex because they were giving her her best chance but they were also sending their baby alone to a strange world so that she could one day save them all, emma giving henry up to give him *his* best chance, rumple losing his humanity to gain the power to protect his son only to then lose his son to protect his power, and then committing unspeakable evils to be reunited with him, malcom/pan abandoning his son to stay young and powerful forever, milah leaving her little boy to be raised by a man she did not respect so that she could live her life, jefferson sacrificing his sanity just to see his daughter again, granny trying for years to shield ruby from the truth, snow and david sacrificing maleficents child for the sake of their own, cora abandoning zelena in the woods so she herself could have “her best chance”…… ugh. i could go on and on and on.
and don’t even get me started on regina and henry. first, her trying desperately to hold onto him through any means, then realizing that she can’t have him and sustain the curse at the same time. doing everything in her power to redeem herself in his eyes, even holding back a fundamental part of herself. then when she was going to sacrifice herself to save the town (that was for *him*, not for storybrooke), and then giving him up to make things right and to keep him safe and happy even if it meant him forgetting her forever.
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tmae3114 · 7 months
So I originally wrote this back in August when this release was fresh and then!!! APPARENTLY!!! just COMPLETELY forgot to post it!! so you get it now, three months late.
Some of the dialogue from the Guardian Tower has been living rent free in my head and now I want to yell about it because it’s SO GOOD for background lore
Okay, so, on the first floor, Mindi tells us this:
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I really like this because it helps illustrate one of the logistical problems of the Rose. Like, even if you took away everything else that makes them bad (which, admittedly, is most of the organisation and its purpose), the fact that they tend to, by default, present themselves as the only option and drive out competition is bad. On paper, a force of people trained in combat against magical threats, with reasonably easy access to that training, which has garrisons stationed across the land, is actually a pretty good solution to the whole Recurring Evil Magical Threats thing. We know this because the guardians and the paladins and the dragonslayers exist! They do this! The Rose seems to make membership easier to access but, frankly, I suspect that is in part because their training is less thorough.
And when the Rose show up and drive those other groups out (like they’ve done with the Guardians), they don’t actually improve anything. Best case scenario, everything is exactly the way it was before. More likely, things would get worse, because the people with active experience defending a particular area have been driven away and now the Rose members have to play catch-up
(A good example of how on paper a group like the Rose could help an area is Book 3 Amityvale. The local Guardians were long gone, so the Rose were able to help without doing that extra damage and made Amityvale a safer place to live....... but that’s specifically for the human inhabitants. Plus, we know they’re affecting the magic of the area - Amaris’s moon has started having phases - and that’s! probably not good! Also see: Raven having to flee for her own safety after getting bitten by a werewolf. Even where they are ostensibly doing the most good, the Rose are still an active danger to many, even their own in the wrong circumstances)
And, meanwhile, on the ground floor...
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......further proof that the Rose actively try to drive competition out of the area. Falconreach has repeatedly made it clear that they want nothing to do with the Rose and they keep picking fights with the patrols.
#dragonfable#tags following this are unaltered from the post as it was drafted:#look it's been a little bit vague re: Are The Rose Still Blockading Falconreach's Port And/Or Is It Still Canon That They Were Doing That#but the Rose ACTIVELY PICKING FIGHTS WITH THE GUARDIANS? that's SO juicy#Falconreach is. as far as we know. the ONLY big visible safe haven for magical beings.#Ravenloss and Sulen'eska are both actively hidden#Falconreach is a refugee safe zone and the Rose are THE PRIMARY REASON MOST OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE REFUGEES#and the Rose have been trying to MOVE IN on that territory#they pick fights with patrols from Falconreach's defenders OFTEN based on that ''again''#I bet you that's not a secret#I bet you the people of Falconreach KNOW that this happens#is it any wonder that the Rose showing up after the Calamity War offering to help rebuild almost incited a riot?#that would've been setting off SO MANY warning bells in SO MANY people's heads#most of Falconreach probably didn't hear an offer for help. they heard an enemy they've been fighting off try to get in through a weak point#and I can't blame them#tags from here on added when I found the post again:#so I did post /some/ of these thoughts. including some in the tags. I just did it in many thoughts head full mode#there was a lot of 'something something' in that one. this one I put a bunch of it into words#I cannot BELIEVE I forgot to post this and it sat in my drafts for three months. ridiculous#also I miss horizontal line breaks so much.... give me formatting again tumblr.......
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 6 months
this rewatch of sdmi has so far been a combination of skipping around and watching straight through from the beginning, and my feelings are increasingly that shaggy, daphne, and marcie are precious and oh my god someone please get these poor kids away from everyone else in this cast
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homosexualslug · 3 months
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breaking bad season 5 out of context
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mio-nika · 1 month
The weird part of my "Phantom worked as a detective for seven years" headcanon. Is that it's not a contradiction to the text of the game, BUT. It contradicts the popular fanon and it's breaking the other pairing.
So like. I'm sitting in my corner by myself.
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aliresix · 9 months
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
ty so much for tagging me, @spacejammie-eimmajecaps!
The exact moment he asked for the second time, he wished he had never done it.
tagging: @4mph1b10us @its-a-journal-of-ideals @nastyaex @totallymyapples @themultifandomdisaster @demolitionlovrsskk @ anyone else who wants to, really!
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aurazoo · 4 months
ive been seeing this girl for a few months and it's like """chill""" but I am so not "feeling it" lately and idk what to doooooooo
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hetchdrive · 4 months
I have finished May We Be Spared To Meet On Earth and I’m being so normal about it (lie)
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cheriboms · 6 months
what if i told you that i had a 500+ page google doc chronicling my efforts to transcribe the bttf telltale game into a full script line by line
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