#thomas Barrow imagine
specialagentlokitty · 5 months
Thomas barrow x deaf!reader - we’re both different
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Hey, is it possible to request a Thomas Barrow x deaf!reader where the reader is also a servant and Thomas is the only one who bothered to get to know her and communicate with her? Thank you. - Anon💜
A/N: italics will be sign language
Sitting at the table, you looked at the book in front of you as you ignored the dinner in front of you, completely unaware of everything else going on around you.
“Put down your book and finish eating before it’s too late.” Mrs Patmore said.
Thomas glanced up from his own plate, and he watched as everybody looked at you.
Your book was taken from you and you looked around confused, brows furrowed and Daisy pointed to your plate.
You looked at Thomas.
Why did she take my book?
He gestured to your plate and you nodded, picking up your knife and fork.
“Give me the book Daisy.”
“Of course.”
She beamed brightly as she brought it over and he snatched it back from her, just like she had done to you.
You hadn’t done anything to deserve the way they treated you, and now they were teaching Daisy and any other new servant that joins to do the same thing to you.
Thomas didn’t agree with it, just because you were different to them.
He was different to them.
You ate your dinner, watching as your plate was taken away from you and he watched as everybody else left.
Walking over, he sat next to you, handing you your hook back and you grinned brightly at him in thanks as you opened it again.
After a few minutes you felt a tap on your arm, and you turned around to face him.
Put the book down for a moment.
You nodded your head, turning your attention fully to him.
Do you understand why they do what they are doing to you?
Because I’m different. I know.
He sighed, nodding his head.
It’s okay, I’m used to it. Everybody always treats me different.
He leant back in his chair, lighting a cigarette.
Does it bother you?
You shook your head, smiling softly at him.
No. I have you. That’s enough friends for me.
We are not friends.
We are the best of friends.
Thomas rolled his eyes as you, and turned around so he couldn’t see you signing anymore and you smacked his shoulder.
He carried on ignoring you and you walked around him only for him to turn around once more.
Reaching to the table you too his tin and shook it so he knew that you had it.
He spun around and you put it up your sleeve was he wasn’t able to grab it back from you.
Don’t turn your back on me that’s not nice.
He held out his hand, waiting for you to return the tin to him.
No you don’t deserve to smoke. Smoking is bad anyway.
He picked up your book, tucking it into his liveries.
Come in!
He rose a brow in question, and you rolled your eyes, repeating the words a little slower this time.
Sometimes you forgot that Thomas was still just learning how to sign, he knew a bit when you arrived, and over time he picked up more from you.
Give me the tin and I will give you the book.
You huffed, crossing your arms.
Really? You are going to ignore me?
You turned to the side so you could still see him out the corner of your eyes, but you didn’t have to look at what he was saying.
Thomas scoffed a little, shaking his head as he picked up his news paper.
You weren’t exactly quiet when you moved, so when you tried creeping up on him he knew straight away.
You tried to grab the paper and he held it to the side, when you went that way to get it he stood up and held it up in the air so you couldn’t reach it despite how much you jumped for it.
Thomas smirked a little, looking at you as you huffed again and stopped, looking at him.
He held out his hand and you reached into your sleeve, holding out the tin and he set the paper down, taking it.
He took out a cigarette and walked away while you followed him.
When he was outside you hit his arm.
He smirked a little, pretending that he couldn’t see you.
You sat down next to him, knocking your shoulder into his a few times until he did the same thing, making you rub your shoulder where you collided with him.
Thomas tapped the back of your hand and you looked at him.
“You’re so childish.” He said slowly.
You are mean.
He reached into his pocket, handing you your book back.
“I know.”
You grinned brightly and took it.
Thomas rolled his eyes as he watched you run back inside to go carry on reading.
You weren’t a bad person, and he knew that, but in a way he was glad the others couldn’t use sign language like he could.
He could talk to you about things nobody else needed to hear about, and you always kept them to yourself.
You knew about him, who he was and why he was different and you were just happy to have a friend, you couldn’t care less that everybody else would find him revolting.
He knew what it was like to be persecuted for being different, and maybe that’s why he was so protective over you without realising it.
You were young, and it wasn’t your fault you were deaf, it just happened, and you needed somebody to watch over you and that’s what he would do
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The New Worker [part one]
Pairings: Thomas Barrow x platonic!teen!reader
Imagine: Thomas Barrow has a soft spot for the new worker
Warnings: angst, fluff, none else I believe
A/N Writing Thomas Barrow fics instead of actual request 🤝 Me
so I have no clue if it’s bad or not but I always liked Thomas from the beginning, my father think it’s only bc he’s gay, but it’s not, sure obviously I like that they have a gay character in Downton Abbey but it’s not the reason for why I like him
Oh and btw I have no clue how old you must be to be a maid/footman so I just go with that you can be a teenager for the fics sake. Anyway I hope you all will enjoy this as it’s my first time writing for Downton Abbey
NOT PROOFREAD yet I was just too excited to post it. Sorry :) And sorry if the characters are a bit wrong I’m trying to get the right way to write them the next ones will be better
[Next Part] [Masterlist)
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Thomas had no clue who you were but as soon as he saw you he knew you’d be the death of him. The way you radiated kindness without doing anything but to stand still said something about you.
You had walked into the servants hall with a nervous and anxious smile stuck on your face. He had waited for you to say something. Anything really. But nothing came out of your mouth except for a small hello which your voice decided to crack in the middle of, so it came out in a way similar to a stutter. Thomas guessed you were a very shy and anxious person. So instead he decided to take some steps forward as he said hello and asked who you were. For some reason his mean demeanor had dropped and he made himself sound as nice as he could without making it like those baby voices you make to babies.
You had glanced up to actually look at his face and he had a smile plastered on it which was far more confident than yours. And as he was the first friendly face you saw — Carson having previously let you in while he dealt with something else (he had a rather angry look on his face) — you decided to speak up as good as you could. You weren’t much for talking, being a nervous and anxious wreck at the moment. But you tried to speak without any cracks or wavering to your voice.
“I’m Y/N L/N… the new maid/footman” Your voice might not have wavered or cracked but you did pause for a rather long second before you said the last part. Thomas noticed but didn’t comment. He had heard that there would be a new maid/footman but he didn’t know that you would be this young. You couldn’t be older than nineteen but you looked younger than that, maybe around sixteen to eighteen. He didn’t quite know how you managed to get a job that high in the ranking at such an age but it was an accomplishment that’s for sure. So he voiced his thoughts.
“You seem awfully young to have gotten such a job” his voice had reverted slightly to his usual one but you didn’t seem to notice at least you didn’t comment on it, the way that he didn’t comment on your shy stutters.
“Well I-“ you got cut of by the booming voice of Mr. Carson who was done with the matter he had previously had to deal with. Now it seemed like he could deal with you and let you in on all the information. He told you to follow him. And you did as he led you to his office. Leaving the kind man as you called Mr. Barrow behind.
Thomas being his usual self went to stand outside of Mr. Carson’s office. He didn’t have anything better to do anyway he was done with everything for the moment. So it wouldn’t hurt to listen in on their conversation.
He could hear most of the conversation but some words were muffled by the walls between Thomas and the two of you. Thomas could just barely make out your faint voice as words stuttered out from your mouth. It was all the usual boring information. About how he wanted you to learn as quickly as possible, that you were to make no mistakes, no scandals for the family, and blah blah blah. Well that’s until Mr. Carson told you to go find the man you had talked to before. “Mr. Barrow is to give you a tour around the house today and introduce you to everyone as he is the only one we can spare at the moment” with that Thomas heard a chair scrape the floor and realised that Mr.Carson was about to open the door. Thomas hurriedly walked a few meters away from the door to make it seem like he was walking toward the two of you. Luckily for Mr. Barrow, the door didn’t open for a few more minutes.
However when it did open Carson’s booming voice called out to Thomas and he quickly made his way to Carson and you. Carson told Thomas what he already knew. That he was to see you around the house and introduce you to everyone.
As the butler turned and walked away Thomas heard a breathy sigh escape your lips before he turned to you. He guessed you thought the butler was scary. He couldn’t blame you though as the first thing you had seen of Carson was him angry at a footman who did something wrong.
Instead of commenting on it like he usually did with everyone else he decided to ask another time. “Well come on then” Your head turned to him at those words. Innocent anxious eyes staring up at him. He thought you looked more like a child than a teenager at this moment (which would turn out to be a lot of moments in the future). He couldn’t help but to smile your way before he stalked forward towards the kitchen. While he did so he pointed out everything and every person that walked by. So far you knew who Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes were, plus a few maids and who the footmen were.
Eventually you were both in the kitchen where Thomas pointed out who everyone was. The cook, Mrs. Patmore was a short, round older woman with ginger hair. The young kitchen maid was Daisy who seemed to get yelled out a lot for things she did wrong. She had smiled saying a “Hello” to you before she went back to work. While Mrs. Patmore said a hello before going back to work, yelling for Daisy to take out whatever was in the oven.
Next thing William who was the footman as well as Mr. Barrow beside you walked into the kitchen. As the observer that you were, you noticed that William literally had heart eyes Daisy’s way. William was a blonde young man who seemed rather nice, a bit clumsy but nice. Not like Mr. Carson who seemed rather scary and angry all the time. Mrs. Hughes seemed nice enough, stern but nice. Then there was Sarah O’Brien. She was a friend of Thomas but you didn’t like her that much, she didn’t seem that friendly and looked like a person who stuck their noses where they didn’t belong (being completely oblivious about Thomas). Anna however was a blonde woman who was way too nice. She was the second one to show you any kindness after Thomas. Mr. Bates was the one person you couldn’t quite make out an opinion on yet, he was pretty nice but he glared daggers at Thomas who did the same back to Bates.
But in the end it didn’t matter if you only liked Thomas or if you liked everyone. They all seemed to adore you, even Lord Grantham and his family seemed to adore you.
・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
As time passed by you were still as shy as when you got there. It seemed like you didn’t want to talk to anyone and you mostly stayed in your room. But people still adored you. Because whenever you did speak or was out of your room you spoke nothing but kindness. It was in your nature. No one had ever seen you as anything but kind at Downton Abbey. They adored how you could naturally be that way. How even though you didn’t like someone you still showed nothing but kindness towards them. That’s why it was so strange to everyone that you weren’t drawn to the second most kindest soul at Downton. You weren’t drawn to Anna. Rather you were drawn to one of the troublemakers, to one of the mean ones as they called Mr. Barrow.
You didn’t know why they called Thomas mean and a bully. He had done nothing wrong to you. Mr. Barrow had done nothing wrong whenever you were near him. He was like a saint in your eyes. He was the first to show you kindness at Downton, even though everyone did. Thomas was still the first. For some reason you trusted Thomas more than the others. Maybe because he was the first one you talked to at Downton. You didn’t quite know.
Thomas however was no saint. No he only acted kind whenever you were around. Everyone noticed it. Though they thought it nice of Thomas to actually be nice for a change it was still only when you were around. Why he was so kind to you they didn’t know but no one could resist but to adore you, not even Thomas Barrow. He could act as mean as he liked whenever you weren’t around but as soon as you came into the room he was kind, well kinder at least.
Maybe he thought that as you were here he could actually get a friend. That’s why he was nice to you. He needed a friend. And not just O’Brien who he plotted schemes with, no he wanted a real actual friend. That spot was open for you. And you were so overly oblivious to the real Thomas (well the real Thomas if you asked everyone else).
He saw it a bit strange however when you saw him for who he truly was for the first time. It was the time he had tried to get Bates sacked for the second time, which didn’t work. You had caught him in the process of it. Then a few days later you had seen him ask Daisy out when it was clear that William was about to do just that. Then a few days later he slipped up again when you were around. He started to slip up a lot and acted a lot meaner, just because he thought you would leave him when you knew who he truly was. But you didn’t. How wrong Thomas had been.
A few weeks later you found him outside while he was smoking. He had avoided you for the last couple of weeks and it had pained you so much that you had to eventually seek him out for yourself. You didn’t want to force yourself and Thomas into a friendship but it was what you wanted. A friendship with Thomas Barrow.
He was standing against a wall as he blew out smoke. It was how you usually found him outside. Smoking.
“Thomas” he turned around. Watching as you stepped towards him. Thomas stopped what he was doing as you stood in front of him. A kind smile plastered on your lips. He hadn’t ever seen you this confident before. It was a change from your usual shy expression.
Thomas let his grip on the cigarette go. When it fell to the ground he stepped on it twisting his foot so that the glow would go out. He readied himself to go inside when your hand stopped him. “Thomas please, I just want to speak” he stopped and looked down on the hand in his forearm. Then he turned around to you and waited for you to speak. He didn’t like ignoring you but he thought it better than to hear your voice tell him that you didn’t want to be his friend anymore. He was so wrong about that. If he had let you talk a lot sooner he would have known that you were still friends. “I just- I” you were back to your shyness again as Thomas stared you down. “I hope we could still be friends, I- I know you probably don’t as- as you have been ignoring me, but I do want to be your friend- it seems like you don’t have a lot of those and- and I’d like to be one of them”
Thomas genuinely smiled. He hadn’t smiled in the last couple of weeks not since he started to avoid you.
・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
A couple days later after your talk with Thomas you went to Thomas once more. Mr. Carson had told you to fix a clock. No one else could be spared so he against his wishes had left it to you. But as you had no idea on how to do it you needed to ask for help. And as Thomas was the only person you really trusted you went to him. Hoping for your life that he knew how to fix a clock.
Luckily he did. He told you that his father used to be a clockmaker and he used to work as a child for his father. So he obviously helped you. But had it been anyone else he would have told them to ask someone else, as he had a lot of tasks to do that day that didn’t involve fixing clocks.
It was how Anna had found you two. Fixing a clock while Thomas was supposed to clean all the silver with William. Anna had previously been looking for Thomas for William who was now halfway done with the silver. But Anna didn’t want to destroy one of the happy moments Thomas had. Because for once he actually smiled. Not the polite servant's smile. No an actual smile that went to his eyes.
You had messed something up and Thomas and you were now laughing as he had to help you fix it. The two of you talked a lot. Your voice might still be quiet but you did talk without stuttering. Which Anna thought was good as it meant you had someone who could help you boost your confidence even if it was the troublemaker Thomas Barrow.
Eventually Thomas saw Anna and his demeanor changed instantly. His once smile turned into his normal servant expression. He glared a bit at Anna as he realised she had been standing there for a while observing how he was with you. How he was so soft on you as he had talked with a kind voice and as he listened patiently to every word you said.
He patted you on the back and told you the last step before he went up and went away to do his duties.
After that time it seemed like you were less afraid to talk. You started to talk with people more and be out of your room a bit more. But still you only ever really talked to Thomas. You might have a bit of small talk with others. But nothing compared to your talks with Thomas. He always knew what to say to you. He always boosted your confidence. And he might have been a bit jealous the first time he saw you have a conversation with someone that wasn’t him. But what you only ever did with Thomas was ask him questions. Every question you had was asked to Thomas. And Thomas happily answered all of them.
It was still so strange for everyone to see you and Thomas together. Thomas was like a whole new person. But he wasn’t. No, you just brought out Thomas without all the walls. Thomas who didn’t have walls to protect him from everything. He didn’t need to be scared that he wasn’t accepted by you that he didn’t fit in. Because no matter what you’d still be there with him. And Thomas knew that so he let the real him show for you, the hurt, the kind, everything. Thomas protected and comforted you as you have protection and comfort to him. He might not want to admit it but he did have a soft spot for you and if anything happened to you he didn’t know what he would do.
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papa-evershed · 11 months
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Thomas Barrow, Downton Abbey S06EP04
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Thomas Barrow deserves to be an Elder Gay in San Francisco in 2024. He would love to bitch about all of us young queers with our oat milks and our incomprehensible clothing choices. Pride has become a little too loud for him, but he would see the pictures every year and get a little misty eyed anyway.
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castlesandcardamom · 4 months
i want to see george asking barrow advice about girls 😭
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straydog733 · 4 days
Seeing my absolute favorite fic author move to a fandom for a show I have no interest in: go...live your best life...I'll always remember the amazing way you wrote absolutely filthy sex ;___; I hope they appreciate you as much as I did.
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torchwood-99 · 2 years
Robert: Nothing in life is free. Sybil: Love is free! Tom: Adventure is free. Edith: Knowledge is free. Thomas: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
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nickiminajsglockk · 1 year
Seeing people shame Thomas for not dedicating his life to a country that would imprison him for existing as a person who’s experienced the army firsthand… Y’all are dumb as fuck.
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grinchwrapsupreme · 2 years
Mary is hoping and praying that new candidates don't ask what happened to her last butler
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knightotoc · 1 year
I've been watching some classic movies, and I noticed that the fanciest of the very old movies aren't actually black and white, but colored for different moods. The most common color is blue for night scenes, and they'd also use yellow or red to show different settings or situations. It always takes me off guard, because you don't see this in old movies from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, only in stuff from the 10s and 20s. According to a youtube comment on The Phantom Carriage, this is because once they added a soundtrack to the side of the film, they had to stop using dye on it.
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^ soundtrack is on the left side of this extremely 1930s film
I've heard a lot about the perilous shift into talkies, but I never realized before that one of the casualties was this beautiful coloring technique. It would be so fun to bring it back, but modern black and white movies don't add tints/tones anymore, even though it would be far easier nowadays and still historically accurate.
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Thomas Barrow x sister!Reader - protect you
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Could you maybe write a Thomas Barrow x sister!reader where she lip reads because she's deaf or hard of hearing and Thomas just has her back every step of the way despite what people say? It's okay if not. Thank you🤍 - Anon💜
Sitting at the table, you were reading from your book, immersed in your own little world only to be pulled out of it when you felt a tap of your shoulder.
Looking yup, you smiled at your brother as he sat down.
“Have you had breakfast?” He asked.
You gave a small nod of your head, and he rose a brow at you.
He took a plate from in front of him and passed it over to you.
“Don’t lie to me (Y/N), I never saw you down here.”
You gave him an apologetic looked, and he gestured to the plate, taking the book away from you so you would focus on eating instead.
While you were doing that, he went to reading his paper.
When Mrs Hughes walked in he kicked your foot and you looked up before standing up, giving her a smile.
“Good morning (Y/N). How are you today?”
You gave her a bright smile and she smiled back.
“Doing well today I see, wonderful. I will need you to do a few small repairs on her ladyship’s dress after you have eaten if you have time.”
You nodded and Mrs Hughes smiled, leaving the room.
Sitting back down, you turned to Thomas who looked at you.
“You’re welcome.”
With that you carried on teaching before going about your daily tasks and the jobs that needed done as soon as you could.
You tried your best between working and focusing on your surroundings so you knew people were there, but sometimes it was hard.
While most of the staff knew about your condition, some of them didn’t, so when it came to more servants coming for a huge event, they were oblivious to the fact you needed to be tapped on the shoulder if they wanted something.
So when Mr Bates was walking past the boot room and he saw people crowded around the door he stopped.
“Is there something interesting in there?” He asked.
“There’s a girl in there and she has yet to notice we’re here, so we are playing a game.”
The small group parted to show him who was in there and he stared in shock.
You had small bits of paper thrown around you, and they were clanging some shoes together behind your back while laughing.
“You know, I don’t believe it wise to be messing around with her like this.”
“It’s fine, we so have no idea who’s servant she is, nobody will admit to her being part of their staff.”
“I see.”
Mr Bates did debate on getting involved, but instead he walked away, and he went in search of somebody else to deal with the situation.
And soon enough he found who was looking for.
“Mr Barrow.”
Thomas looked up and sighed heavily.
“You may want to come handle the servants who are currently using your sister as a game for their entertainment.”
Thomas immediately dropped what he was doing and stood up.
“Boot room.”
Thomas sprinted in that direction, and Mr Bates followed with Anna, Mrs Hughes a few others behind him.
They could hear the shouting before they even reached the hallway, and they turned around to see a young man crying as he held his nose while some others cowered in fear.
Jimmy was standing by a door, blocking them from running into the kitchen, keeping Mrs Patmore and Daisy out of the way.
“You think it’s funny to be picking on a young woman?!” Thomas yelled.
They stayed quiet.
“If I ever see you talking, or so much as looking at my sister again I will do so much worse than break your nose.” He growled.
“Mr Bates, please take the injured boy to see Mr Carson and tell him what has happened, the rest of you sit down, we will be telling the head butler and head housemaids for your respective employers about this, as well as his lord ship.”
The rest of the Downton servants helped ensure that the culprits were kept in one room and kept quiet, and Thomas turned to you.
He took some small paper balls out your hair, and placed his hand on your head.
“Are you alright?” He asked.
You nodded.
“We will have them all dealt with.”
You nodded again, and he sighed.
He could tell you were upset, he could see it on your face as he held out his arms.
Getting up, you tightly hugged him, and he hugged you back.
He was furious, but he knew you needed him to be with you, so he set aside his anger to be there to support you.
This was the exact reason he had gotten you a job with him, so he could keep you safe, and he was furious anybody would this it okay to use you for their own entertainment.
Yes, you may be different, but you were still human after all.
You were his little sister, and he would be dammed if he ever let anybody get away with treating you with anything but respect.
He didn’t care who it was, high status or not.
Nobody was going to treat you like that and he would be sure of it
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・*:.。.─_*✧.。.:*・# ゚𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 ミ
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Pairings: Thomas Barrow x teen!reader
Imagine: Thomas Barrow has a soft spot for the new maid/footman at Downton Abbey (entirely platonic)
Warnings: angst, fluff, homophobia, confusion in sexuality, mention of war
A/N idk what this is if I’m honest don’t even remember what the original idea was but oh well, Thomas Barrow is one of my faves in Downton Abbey so I’d encoded to write fics with him
*✧.。.:*・# IMAGINES ミ
Part one - Thomas Barrow x teen!reader
Part two - Thomas Barrow x teen!reader
Part three - Thomas Barrow x teen!reader
Part four - Thomas Barrow x teen!reader
✧.。.:*・# HEADCANONS ミ
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Thomas out with Chris for a night on the town when he gets hit by a sudden onset migraine and Chris finds them a dark back room where Thomas rests against his shoulder as Chris holds a damp cloth that he somehow magicked up - that must have been the part of the conversation with the bartender that Thomas missed while trying to keep his stomach on the inside - and strokes his hair.
Richard working through that throbbing pain over his right eye, holding onto the knowledge that he sees Thomas in a few hours, but when Thomas finally comes to meet him he’s so exhausted he can barely converse. Thomas after a moment of insecurity figuring out the problem before Richard can even explain, and getting them a cup of tea to drink quietly on a park bench, not talking or moving just breathing and taking comforting sips (and quietly passing most of his to Richard after Richard finishes his first cup, so that he doesn’t have to leave his side to fetch him another).
Jimmy trying to get through one of those days where the slight ache in his skull is nothing compared to the way every little noise from footsteps to cutlery clinking to papers rustling and the feel of his clothes against his skin and motions in his peripheral vision make him want to scream, cry, cover his ears and eyes and curl into a ball away from anything touching him - it doesn’t even hurt, not in any way that he could explain, but it makes him want to scrape his brain out with a spoon - when Thomas is suddenly ?checking his forehead and scolding him for not taking a rest ? “Honestly, would you rather be sick for one day or five?” asks Thomas and he’s somehow managed to imply that they talked about it this morning and Jimmy chose to be diligent, which Jimmy can’t believe Carson buys, but now he’s upstairs, alone in his room, his nice quiet room without even any footsteps in the hall because it’s the middle of the afternoon and there’s no one else in the attic and he can close his eyes and undo his horrible horrible collar and breathe until dinner. He’s astonished to find that by the time Thomas comes back up to check on him he’s ready to return to work without screaming, in fact he’s bored enough to want to, because a couple hours of sanctuary have turned the dial on his senses down to normal.
Thomas trying to untangle a scheduling nightmare that has sprung up at Hancock Park and he knows the mounting tension in his head and neck are going to do him in but he just - he has to resolve this, has to get it right, this sort of problem is what he said he’d be here to solve - but Guy asks him so gently to step away from the office and take a break that he does so, and then Guy is stroking his temple and asking if it helps with the tension to have his shoulders rubbed and Thomas is a little embarrassed to admit that he doesn’t know because no one’s ever done it for him- but only a little, and he’s thrilled to discover, with the help of Guy’s gentle hands, that it helps very much to have his shoulders and neck rubbed.
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just-two-blokes · 4 months
I doubt that an older Thomas Barrow (S4-S6) would have voluntarily told anyone about his sexuality after all that has happened.
But the idea of a young Thomas Barrow, arriving at Downton Abbey, kicked out of his parents house for his sexuality, being in dire need of a friend, would have probably one day told Ms. o‘Brien.
And the idea of a young Thomas putting this very dark and dangerous secret into the hands of a woman he trusted only for her to use it against him and almost getting him kicked out and into prison is so deeply horrible and disgusting to me.
Because a young Thomas Barrow would not have been so careful around people. Because a young Thomas Barrow probably still had trust in others.
Only for him to have this trust shattered into pieces from a person he thought was kind of his friend.
I can‘t imagine how this must have felt for him.
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queenmelancholy · 5 months
Downton Abbey | Thomas Barrow
Top 5 quotes from my favourite character under five categories
/ I’m not foul, Mr. Carson. I’m not the same as you, but I’m not foul.
/ You’re not a victim. Don’t let them make you into one.
/ It is not against the law to hope, is it?
/ I arrived here as a boy. I leave as a man.
/ But remember, I will always be your friend wherever I am.
/ You are stronger than you think. And you’re wrong about me. I mind what people say.
/ There are times I would like to belong. Does that sound funny?
/ To change me. To make me more like other people… other men.
/ I envy you. A happy couple and everyone’s so pleased for you. I can’t imagine what that’s like.
/ You’ve got me wrong. You all have… It’s too late. The damage has been done.
/ I don’t think that would be sensible, Mr. Bates. We can’t have you wobbly at both ends.
/ Only technically.
/ I hope not, for his mother’s sake.
/ Really? And what do you feel about transubstantiation?
/ What about the Black Bottom, m’lady?
/ It’s Mr. Barrow to you.
/ What?
/ Because I feel like it.
/ *pouting*
/ *standing in the background looking bored*
Other characters on Thomas
/ No man is an island, Carson. Not even Thomas Barrow.
/ I don’t know if you’re a good or a bad thing, Mr. Barrow. But we’ve all been together for a long time.
/ You are your own worst enemy.
/ Can’t Barrow come up with something? / You’re right, Mr. Barrow usually has a card or two up his sleeve. / Well, tell him to get one out of his sleeve and play it. Pronto.
/ You don’t need to explain, Barrow. I wish you well. And I hope you’ll be as happy as our cruel world allows.
Bonus: Mr. Bawwow!!!
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mean-scarlet-deceiver · 4 months
For Valentine's Day, here are shipping... not headcanons so much as scenes that I would like to put into fic form but, let's be for real, I'll only ever get around to writing 1 out of 6 of these. So instead let me just tell you how the scenes go!
(Note: They are all silly but they are not all fluffy.)
Henry x Bear:
Henry bringing Bear to his forest (which is actually a spur off the Peel Godred branch line) for the first time circa 1971-ish and being kind of gruffly shy about this because This Is His Heart and he's trying to sound soooo offhand as he mentions that he just likes to visit here sometimes… get away from it all… for the past fifty years cough… and Bear just looking around and having a heart attack at how some roots are literally driving up the track ahead of them and measuring the four inches between them and the foliage and being like HENRY. HENRY I’M SORRY BUT. HOW. HOW IS THIS LEGAL. HOW HAVE YOU NOT CAUSED A FIRE HERE
I guess this one doesn't end on a very romantic note but it does make me laugh. 
Edward x BoCo:
This one is even more messed-up but it also makes me laugh. I tend to imagine occasionally even work on a way-too-complicated WIP of Edward and BoCo getting to know each other during the three years before “The Diseasel” and also things on the mainland are, like. Bad. Really, really bad. BoCo is way too busy chronically dealing with stress levels set to 9 out of 10 to in any way acknowledge his growing romantic feelings about Edward… 
… until one day when he’s been working further inland for a few days and as he starts returning ‘home’ he hears word that Edward was left in Barrow shed for a day and somehow spent the day out and about on B.R. jobs and BoCo RUSHES back - albeit a quiet, understated sort of way - all but teleports! - he NEEDS to find out RIGHT AWAY if his oh-so-innocent-cinnamon-roll is even still ALIVE :( let alone finding out how bullied he’s been :( only at the end of three hours in a sort of moving heart attack to find Edward at Barrow shed apparently now pals with everyone and swapping tales of Furness past and present with all the worst characters imaginable eating out of his palm and being like oh hello! yes i did get out and about it’s been lovely :) and BoCo trying not to shout in front of everyone I THOUGHT THERE WAS A REAL CHANCE YOU WERE DEAD OR KIDNAPPED AND SENT HALFWAY ACROSS THE COUNTRY BY NOW I CAME PREPARED TO COMMIT MURDER and Edward with an unbroken smile being casually like Oh yes :) Five different diesels tried :) No dw you can see I’m fine haha :) Incidentally at least a few of your brothers would sell you to the Gronk mafia for a corn chip :) yes the ones I’m sharing a chummy laugh with rn :) I had no idea things here were so bad I am putting you under protective custody on Sodor immediately :) 
Mavis x Daisy:
Mavis has been down coz things have been so dull.
Daisy comes to her beloved's rescue!
... by throwing the world’s fakest mechanical breakdown at Ffarquhar and being like ‘oh DEAR i am ILL I am FALLING APART i NEED my dearest Mavis to HELP ME WITH THIS ONE MILK TANKER or else my SWERVES will IMPLODE’ and literally every human on scene doing a facepalm.
Mavis has a grand time although - when they manage to swing this journey all the way to Tidmouth Harbour - Mavis shows how much more forward she is about striking up conversations whereas Daisy is actually quite socially anxious (much as she tries to hide it) and winds up getting jealous at Mavis talking to everyone but her. 
And then (finally noticing Daisy in a tizzy) Mavis rolls her eyes and kisses her at the same time. 
Most everyone whoops and shouts some good-natured razzing. Cranky, however, is all like ‘OY A LITTLE LESS OF THAT IN MY DOCK’ 
Thomas x Bertie:
Maybe this one is a straight-up headcanon, I dunno. And I think this ship is a QPR. But anyway I like to imagine Bertie swinging all the way out to York to visit Thomas during his stint at the NRM. 
It’s a super lovely surprise. 
Up to and including Bertie responding to “But how?????” with the world’s smarmiest: “Well, I’m allowed to travel on mainland roads, aren’t I? Roads 1,459 Rails 0 :D” 
James x Porter:
This is me, the captain of an empty ship, I know. (It's fun!)
Porter has been screwing with James’s head for fifteen years now by doing Grand Romantic Gestures but with Pokerfaced Watertight Plausible Deniability. 
Like if there’s ever a cargo of flowers to go out, he always makes sure James gets it. 
He always just so happens to be on James’s track when there are fireworks. 
Forever making remarks like “Oh yeah, you go on first, you need your beauty routine” to let James go on and get wash down ahead of him and then bouncing so that James spends the entire time fruitlessly parsing the tone. It’s not biting or mean. It’s not flirtatious or teasing. But it's definitely not quite matter-of-fact. What does he MEAN by it???
No one knows. (Not that James cares!!!!!!!!) Porter, who has intimacy issues, is having way more fun living in James’s head rent-free than he ever would actually making a move on the most difficult and dramatic love interest on the railway (James: Everybody’s Ex™)
… at some point this will get resolved only when James snaps and drags him along on one of his fast freights out of the harbour. For once Porter is flustered (“Whoa! Whoa! James, put me down! I don’t go this fast - ”) and James just laughs, suddenly exhilarated because now he’s finally hauling Porter off and at the end is gonna force him to address all this shit (“C’mon, you’ve played Thomas before, haven’t you? Let’s moooooove -!”)
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