#this time through Etoiles going
Privately, Etoiles thinks training with Team Bolas is a little horrifying.
Its- it's hard to explain why, other than the obvious. It's not like they scared him, he didn't scare easy after all, but they were... unsettling, that was the word.
It was on the 4th day of purgatory, most people were busy with tasks or upkeep of supplies, and since they only had 4 hours to actually pursue tasks a day, today it just lined up to be a day of mostly chill attitudes while most grindy people were off and away from base.
It's why Green even had the chance to come visit Team Red, prompted by the fact Bad was spawn killing the poor team again. They didn't even have color on the board!
Granted, that really didn't mean anything in Purgatory, alliances and well-wishes for other teams changed on a dime, but that day Green had nothing else to do then try and keep Soulfire at bay so there they were to help scare him off and chat to see if Bolas had anything to say.
It mostly turned into a training session, Etoiles could see Charlie and Jaden had potential just lacked knowledge so he offered advice, and in fighting them and watching them fight each other, that's when the unsettled feeling crept in.
Part of it was obvious, the Gas masks, but it's not like they were the only ones. Everyone had them at this point, but it was how they wore them, obviously cared enough about to personalize, and the noises they made as they yelled, grunted, and howled behind them.
It was also in the way they moved, lumbering, stalking gates, lunging and almost dancing as they moved jerkily. In the way they would, in unison, suddenly break out into more deranged noises or chanting without any noticeable cue.
But it was in the way they fought, that gave him the willies the most.
Etoiles fought because he enjoyed it, he enjoyed ridding the high of adrenalin and indulging in his bloodlust, of trying to win and the work put in.
Bolas, however, fought like they were Hungry.
Not like a flesh eater or vampire would, though the jokes he overheard about them eating their corpses didn't help (and gods did he hope they were jokes), but Red fought like they were hungry for the kill, hungry to see blood spilled and willing to do anything to have their enemies corpses lay at their feet, like they had nothing to loose.
The way they scraped at each other with their nails and bit with their teeth, unafraid to fight like an animal, or bring down their opponent with them if they knew they weren't going to win.
It wasn't like Etoiles hadn't fought Bolas before, but here, free from the rush and face pace of trying to survive a real battle and instead doing 1v1's and watching as they fought each other, that's when it was really obvious. It was inhuman and feral, and Etoiles wondered for just a second, how much of this was his fault from that first day, how much him and his team and blue's actions had pushed red over the edge.
They made him worried a bit, but Etoiles pushed it aside. Nobody was their best selves in purgatory after all, and he'd crossed several lines he normally wouldn't, specially at his friend's expense.
All he could really do was ignore the feeling and try to not let it get to him, so he pushed it down and got ready for the Egg War the next day.
It was less than a week later when Etoiles thinks about this again, ponders on their unsettling nature for just a second as he's absorbed into their team. He's unsure how or where he can fit into such a team like this, how to cope with their feral and chaotic nature.
The thought goes away as Etoiles gets pulled, almost too easily, into their dynamics. Bolas eat together, sleep tucked against each other for safety, spar and fight with each other to get better, and kill for each other too. Bolas was a family.
It's only on the day before what is possibly the last match that he realizes the unsettling, feeling has long since gone and it, and Bolas' once strange, horrifying habits now feel like second nature and normality.
Etoiles may not have started as Bolas, but he was Bolas now, and forever. And nothing could take that away from him or any of the Bolas.
Please, if you did enjoy, reblog and just not like. Likes do nothing and it's kinda disheartening to see like 50 likes and 4 reblogs only for it to die because nobody else sees it after the first 3 days. I'd appreciate it greatly! <3
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royalarchivist · 5 months
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[ via @DuneDoArt ]
I'm not typically one to repost tweets, but literally every single time someone uses this emote for a bit I start cackling like a crazy person (the caption made me laugh too).
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unmotivated-student · 5 months
Tubbo? 😃 ?
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zeb-z · 6 months
Etoiles, bitter and resentful, still trying to be kind and still looking out for Bad, wondering where the justice is that he’s forgotten purgatory. Roier beyond angry, pissed, furious, breaking the stone of his basement and wondering just why everyone else seems to have forgotten purgatory. Red team with the only confirmed missing members, who grew to rely on eachother, now separated, while Bad, their biggest aggressor and source of trauma, gets to get off like nothing happened. Gets to walk around with his son. Gets to visit them all and start casual conversation as if purgatory never happened. But it did, and he can’t, not with Roier. Who tries to shoo Bad away, encourages him to drink lava. Not with Etoiles, who while he’s patient and seemingly gentle, keeps constantly reminding him about his actions in purgatory. Maybe with Phil, who’s tried since the beginning to be the one above it all, the bloodshed and the fallout.
I dunno. something about how Cellbit and Foolish haven’t returned, and Roier is taking care of another kid, and Baghera is gone and Etoiles just has to carry on with his duties in the resistance, and Max is dead and the island doesn’t even know, and their kids are all in a coma except for Dapper, who sticks with his father, and the rest of blue team don’t seem to be stuck with the anger and misery, don’t seem to remember purgatory like they do. red team won, and they’re the ones who lost the most. red team won, and they’re the ones who cannot move on, who will not move on, as much as the island wants them to. something about trauma, and the rage that comes with the aftermath, when people try to return to normal, because how can you act like nothing happened when we’re still without our family, our loved ones, how dare you act like nothing happened when it did happen, and we’re still suffering for it?
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ahalliance · 7 months
still thinking about this rly small moment from yesterday….. the silences weigh so incredibly heavy here . they don’t know what they’d do if they lost pomme :(
mini transcript below the cut
[Video Transcript:
Etoiles: On the other hand, dude, if we have to save the Eggs and there’s an Egg that isn’t saved— no, that’s horrible. It can’t be that.
Aypierre: Imagine you— I don’t know. Imagine we have a group of— they’re unable to save Pomme, and it’s the only group without any French.
Etoiles: No but it’s horrible.
Aypierre: Do you, uh— do you hate them forever?
Etoiles: Well then again you couldn’t blame them.
Etoiles: You couldn’t blame them, but—
Aypierre: Imagine it’s Slimecicle’s group, and he misclicks on Pomme, and he kills her.
Etoiles: Then again— oh, Slimecicle’s group, yeah.
end Video Transcript.]
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pommunist · 24 days
pommunistttttt. richas.... richarlyson...
the frazil bond a little bit too strong... . our eggs... we suffer together forever 🇧🇷🫂🇫🇷
frasil alliance really be like : Hurt no comfort - Major Character Death - Angst
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etoilesbienne · 3 months
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Etoiles is going to be on a break for a bit! Translation from @EtoilesUpdate on Twitter below
Hey team, I owe you some news. It’s kind of shit right now, my mental and physical states are worsening like crazy and it’s the consequence of never stopping before i think + my bechamel body, and it’s the first time that so many dark thoughts are running through my head but my body can’t take it anymore and it’s making my head explode, it’s making me super irritable and i’m not the person i’m supposed to be. I’m not going to go into detail but I’ve checked with a doctor and it’s becoming urgent. These last few months with the Louvre, the USA, the Parc des Princes, there’s been so many things and you know me, when you say everything is fine and you’re goofing around all the time you forget the essential lmao. Thank you immensely for your support i’m not complaining my life is dreamy, it’s just me making mistakes and not handling it properly so i’m taking an indefinite break from streaming. It’ll take the time that it takes and maybe it won’t be that long but I don’t see myself coming back if i’m not perfectly well to make you forget your routine because you deserve a perfect entertainment and I also need to take care of myself it’s important ❤️ Take care, yeah I speak english too because i’m not forgetting you my dear internationals todo bem 🥰
(Translation thread & Etoiles's original tweet)
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antimony-medusa · 4 months
Anyways, prompted by nothing in particular (lies, prompted by a scroll through the tag this morning, that was bracing), I think it might be good to remember the things we like about other people in the community.
For example:
BBH fans are some of the most consistently hilarious posters on this sight. Absolutely fantastic mpreg posting, and the art is incredible with your guy on the whole spectrum from creechur to in drag. He has the range. I hope your guy gets pregnant in canon for you, you deserve it.
Tubblings, you post some of the most interesting meta concepts out of moments I have sometimes been in stream for and entirely missed. You are always watching and always ready to take a throwaway line and go "let's unpack that" and bring something heartbreaking out of it. I love getting out of stream and checking up on what Tubbo is up to and finding a) hilarious clips of the creator being out of pocket, b) some new analysis of a tubbo moment that turns me into the crycat meme.
Wilburians, your ability to take like nine streams and *continue to make content out of it* is inspiring. Your guy may not stream, but by god you are keeping the flame alive and you will be ready when he comes back. Please come back, Wilbur, there are so many men you could flirt with here. Leave New York alone, Wilbur, come back and talk to your daughter.
Mariana fans, not only do you have simply fantastic photos to share of your guy looking like a butch lesbian, those enrich my dash every time, but also I have laughed at jokes in a language I don't speak because your guy is so funny and the clips you are make and share are so good. The "mariana unpacks period products" is sincerely one of the funniest things I've ever seen, thank you so much for sharing it.
Etoiles fans, your art is SO GOOD. Like oh my god the Etoiles art is like 100% a banger EVERY TIME. Which is as it should be, your guy simply is that cool, but oh my god, the art is so good. I don't have more words here I am just flailing at the camera. The art is SO GOOD.
Bagi posters, your cubito is one of the most compelling actors on the server, for real, and you are so generous with translating whole speeches done in languages I don't speak. I sat just transfixed during that whole conversation with Cellbit after they discovered their relationship, because the emotion in the argument was so real, and then I scrolled down and found a whole translation and went oh thank you, now I know what people were saying. I'm sorry Empanada lost a life, but your creator's response to it was one for the record books in terms of emotional reaction, and I have seen some fully incredible animations made of it. You take amazing content and make something even cooler out of it, and I'm always so impressed but what you're up to.
Now you go. Tell me something you appreciate about another sub-community.
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mcyt-side · 7 months
so this is what ive gathered so far about the advantages and disadvantages of each team
PVP strong, various bases for each member, spawn in jungle biome, Etoiles
Every member for themself, fewer consistent players, ElQuackity, many conflicting leader personalities
Dedicated farming/resource team, consistent players, tactical when theyre on the same page, BBH
Spawn point in icy wasteland, uncoordinated game plans, uncoordinated timing, cat hits them with a frying pan :/, overconfidence, BBH
Fuck it we ball, coordinated team efforts, coordinated timing into the late night, safe zone close to Center, good communication, Carre
Not overall pvp heavy, spawn point pretty much universally known, go through mountain to get to center
(please feel free to add more! i watch mostly BBH, but have also been watching foolish, cellbit, philza, tina, rivers, and bagi)
**edit: beds just didn't work in general, red also goes through mountain to get to Center
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ramons-elevator · 7 months
I wanna write a thousand essays on today about every team, but I feel like Bolas?? egg base and how they played today showcases their team very fucking well
First, the base was insane. If you didnt watch their streams recently, they weren’t 100% confident in their base. It wasnt as complete as they wanted it to be. It was half done and rushed at the last second.
But yet it was the most confusing and efficient base. Etoiles was mining at the base for like 15 mins, screaming about how he is confused on where the fuck the egg is. Hell, everyone including team Bolas hated the base because it was just awful to go through. And yet the other teams nearly found it like 4 times.
I feel like that Bolas in a whole. They are unpredictable and confusing. One of them says they dont wanna harm any farms yet another later on destroys a farm. Someone will say they are dirt poor while the other will say they are incredibly rich. They will light themselves on fire just to make sure you dont get want you want.
And yet they are careful with covering their tracks. They have so many different layers to their base to the point the other members are confused on what is what. They make sure everyone thinks they live on their old island. But yet they are prepared when someone finds their base and they have to move
Now going to how they all acted today holy shit
Foolish and Philza being sneaky rats and constantly climbing into Greens egg base. Foolish at one point was dead quiet as everyone around him was searching for him. Phil paragliding over and over again and just trying to hit them off their base.
Baghera being the agent of Chaos and fucking chasing people down with her chainsaw, having the time of her life. It was a terrifying image, but also an insane strat because he was destroying peoples armor. I remember Etoiles and Forever yelling about it being like what the fuck??
Charlie coming in last minute and doing what he can and just being himself. Chasing people down, only for them to one shot him. Just being in peoples way so they dont find the egg.
Cellbit being bloodthirsty and going for people, but hesitant when he saw Roier. He only hit when Roier hit him. Then constantly making sure no one saw the egg base and giving commands when things were getting scary
Jaiden helping out and kicking ass. Jaiden being in peoples ways so they dont spend more time at the egg base. Also just getting into fights as much as she can.
Who is to say if Phil killing the Egg statue is going to make a difference or not because we are just as blind as everyone else. We can make up as many theories at as we want, but you cant deny that team Bolas with the amazing help from team Soulfire deserve that win and that Cellbit and Foolish did an amazing job on the egg base.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 7 months
Seeing how Bolas team is playing out by Day 4 is fascinating because even though it seems obvious, Day 1 really solidified much of how the format of the event is going
Bolas Rojas went through the absolute worst of this event on the first day, making them resilient to the difficulties that came after (its the "no where to go but up" mentality), as well as bonding them in a way that made them very well-coordinated (which allowed for them popping off on Day 2). Them being kicked down so much means they can roll with the punches of being kicked down again, and them being so team-oriented makes them capable of actually holding their own in this competition, mainly by lifting each other up when one is sinking.
Meanwhile the other teams had adjustment periods that more eased them into the event, but as a result they haven't faced the worst, so they feel especially demoralized when they face difficulties. They also didn't have the experience of team-bonding to Red's level, so they're less coordinated and need more time to really settle. When they sink, its more of a personal problem.
You've also got the fact that Bolas is very distrustful towards non-Bolas members. They were kicked down severely by Bad and Tubbo Day 1 and as a result they stick to each other like glue and don't give an ounce of benefit of doubt to others, especially Bad. Of course some members are more social/trusting with the other teams, but Philza's cold shoulder towards Tubbo's negotiations, and the entire Bolas vs Etoiles accidental conflict shows how jumpy Day 1 made them. To this day Cellbit talks of Bad, one of the closest people to him pre-Purgatory, like an enemy because of him killing Charlie on that first day.
Jaiden will happily manipulate Pierre into thinking she's teaming with Blue, Charlie and Cellbit will take any chance to kill Bad, Philza will trust no one, Baghera is always a moment away from deteriorating into her "Day 1 mode", Foolish spends more time in team-only calls than proximity chat, Carre hasn't forgotten about Roier being the first to kill him
Its Bolas Rojas against the world.
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odusseus-xvi · 10 months
Pomme, the french egg
So I did a post about the french streamers (and their characters) and their mischaracterization I could see from time to time (https://www.tumblr.com/odusseus-xvi/724443078442778624/hello-helloooo-friend-hi-i-just-wanted-to-say) But I realised I didn't talk about Pomme, who has arguably the MOST mischaracterization I can find :
Most of the fandom see her only through English or other languages streams (BBH, Philza and Maximus mostly recently) limiting their views of her in general, but because of that a lot of people don't seem to know what her personnality is like, and most of the time in fanarts or fanfics she just feels like Talullah (which people also mischaracterize) but french, a little sweet girl in a little dress, so I decided to do a little summary of what she is like and some of her traits that you may have missed :
What people do get right is that she is most of the time polite and empathetic, that people get, though they tend to simplify her to only that.
She is very intelligent (learned a bit of create with Aypierre) and likes to both theorize and gossip with Baghera.
One of her parents is ETOILES !! She is a good and competent fighter ; just a few days ago she went and did a Nether Dungeon with Phil and Etoiles while Talullah worked on her garden. Her main weapon is a Moonlight GREATsword, a GREATsword, a BIGASS SWORD. She participated in infiltration missions in Federation Buildings alongside BBH, and Aypierre, in which she saved her father (Aypierre) from being caught and interrogated by Cucurucho
She has developped a deep paranoïa when it comes to the eggs' and her own safety ; between the combination of the attack of the code on her a while back, where she lost ten totems in mere seconds, an attack so strong that the admins went "ok my bad, we went a little far" (Draw her with golden scars !!! The tens of totems that saved her !!!), and the explosion at the Wilbur Party where she lagged just enough that she wasn't tped as fast as the other eggs and saw parts of the explosion. She is now scared of explosions, and always on the lookout (She also shows from time to time that her inventory and hotbar is constantly filled with gold apples and splash regeneration potions.) : During Etoiles' solo fight with the codes, when she saw the first "Dapper is down" message, and that she knew Phil was AFK, she went and pressed the OVO button HERSELF immediatly, and she got there faster than Forever !!
She is a really good writer, her diaries are praised by her parents everytime they read it, and she decided it would what would represent her in BBH's Egg Museum : She built a library where she will put her books for everyone to read. She is also a good and patient builder, with particular attention to interior design : While doing that she has shown a bit of maniacal side : She LOVES symmetry, and is irritated very easily when it doesn't go that route : One time Etoiles was teasing her by putting random blocks in her build and she went "PUT THAT GRASS BLOCK DOWN !!!" and when he continued she just left without saying goodbye.
She doesn't like to lie or steal things, she is honest in that way, BUT she often dodges questions either by saying things like "Don't worry about it :)" or by trying to guilt trip the asker by looking sad or drowning herself. She aslo picked up from Baghera the way she buries herself when mocked or shamed.
She can have a very dry and aware humor coming from Antoine's irony and cynicism and Aypierre's teachings.
Also fun fact, because of timezones, her default state on the server is sleep deprived. She is a sleepy egg.
TL;DR : She is a sweet Badass, and I'll stand by that. I need more fanarts of her with scars, her sword, dark circles under her eyes, and LOOKING LIKE THE GENTLE BADASS SHE IS !
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beelzebubsis · 9 months
Badboyhalo vs Tilin [clip] i just wanna gush about how bbh basically tanked the damage and effect from the code weapon for a full minute; like bbh heard about the effect of the new code weapon and immediately figured out a working strategy against it and you can tell from the way the tilin admin is acting that they didn't expect bbh to be able to keep fighting; several times it turns away to go fight someone else after knocking the weapon away! i mean just look at how quickly it killed everyone else there vs bbh literally soloing it in the water.
seriously i swear the only reason bbh didn't kill tilin was cause everyone was screaming at him about their weapons and blaming him for picking them up (when it wasn't even his magnetic!! he just assumed the blame!!) i just once want bbh to fight against this code monster alone so he knows that he's fully capable of actually fighting it, cause unless etoiles quite literally is the only person that can kill codes there's no way he was able to kill it that quickly unless bbh did a shit tone of damage to it before he arrived. and you can tell that his confidence in himself was diminished after this fight, midway through he's thinking that they have to rely on etoiles and him arriving and immediately killing it only confirmed that for him. (forgive me if this has turnt a little negative my fanboy heart wanting bbh to have his cool pvp moment and recognition </3)
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valictini · 6 months
I know this was mostly because of the bad timing of Etoiles being in the middle of a Diabètes Situation, but I can't help feeling soft about the moment when Cellbit was tearing through the green base to kill Etoiles and immediatly stopped in his tracks when he realised that Etoiles couldn't fight.
Like, i genuinely think that if Etoiles hadn't had that setback, Cellbit would have been just as predatory with him as with the rest because Etoiles would have been ready to retaliate with everything he had. But here, he was hidden in a wall and (in universe) unresponsive for a good minute when Cellbit found him.
And instead of taking the easy kill like he was tasked to, Cellbit waited for Etoiles to come back to his senses and had a chat with him, and then when he could use his weapons again, he tested him to see if he was still a Bolas, and let him go when he got the answer he wanted.
I know it was because it would have just sucked to kill an afk player, but in universe, i cant help thinking that maybe seeing one of his strongest friends being so vulnerable is a big part of why Cellbit brought up their Bolas bond, you know? Maybe if Etoiles had looked like he was thriving in purgatory, he wouldn't have thought twice.
(Still, fuck diabetes)
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gz-missfit · 9 months
God the more I rewatch Etoiles fight the more it hurts. Hell the more I watch any parent fight their egg it hurts, from Max bawling over Trump to Quackity being basically insta killed by Tilin and Roiers anger as fake Bobby didn't attack them while Jaiden was filled with conflicting delusional happiness.
But especially this Etoiles fight yesterday puts the whole dinner into a much bigger perspective and I'd like to think that that's the reason why they put Phil in the fight with Etoiles.
They wanted him to hesitate.
They wanted Phil to be the burden during that fight because those things carry the names of his children, the children he'd burn the world down for. But they underestimated how strict Phil is with his trust and decision making to the point that even in egg form he treated them like they were monsters instead of his children.
Phil's special because while yes during Etoiles fight the code got better at adapting to an egg its still the same concept. He still had definite proof that that wasn't her but he still hesitated.
And I wanna go into the why of that, Phil's a hard-core player through and through and you will not get that out of his playstyle, you can see it on every multi-player server he's been on in the past because thats just how he plays the game. And as a hard-core player he probably has the most interesting relationship to mortality and is someone who can understand the eggs on a whole different level. But this means he's also INCREDIBLY aware of how much weight decision making carries and how even a single decision could decide over him staying alive or dying, he's used to that, it doesn't bother him anymore. That's why Phil is also someone who's very confident in his decisions, when he says he won't do or go to something because he knows the outcome then he means that and not even curiosity will get the better of him if he sees any form of danger or risk. If he tells Tallulah or Chayanne an instruction he expects them to follow it to a T because he gives those for good reasons each time (and both of his kids know that his instructions are teachings more than they are just him telling them to do something). And this confidence in his own decisions is why he fought those codes so relentlessly at the dinner, I'm convinced even if he hadn't gone back to get a picture of his kids he still would've fought these codes the same way. He trusts his experience and he trusts that he'll be able to deal with the consequences of his own decisions no matter if the outcome is good or bad. There's a reason why other players usually come to him for advice or when he spends time with someone he naturally falls into a teaching role, it's because he knows so much because he's had to know it all to survive in a world where death is inevitable.
Now why does that differ him from Etoiles? Well Him and Etoiles are good fighter's in their own ways. There's no doubt about that. But Etoiles is more upfront, he's smart during pvp and incredibly knowledgeable about statistics and strategy but ironically enough he still struggles to trust in his own words and decisions. He's someone who's quickly plagued by regret or doubts, it's why he praises Bad and Phil so much. Because both of them are incredibly headstrong and confident in their decisions just due to sheer experience. Etoiles just isn't even if his experience is just as good. And you can see this hesitancy even during the dinner fight, he didn't want to fight the codes until they hit him first. And it was Phil screaming to kill those things that made him set on actually attacking. Even when he got singled out later on and had a fake Tallulah follow him, he didn't attack until Phil confirmed Tallulah was safe with him. Etoiles trusts Bads and Phil's words a lot and holds them both in high regards when it comes to their opinions and decisions because he knows how much sheer experience those 2 carry. But during that fight yesterday he was alone, each of his actions couldn't be reassured because he was fighting alone and the actual Pomme wasn't there. He was terrified of making a wrong decision, even with Pierre reassuring him that it wasn't Pomme Etoiles couldn't bring himself to trust his own decision, even with their secret code not working Etoiles couldn't trust himself, even with seeing it carry the codes swords he couldn't trust himself. Even after the fight was over, after he saw Pommes bed with her sleeping tightly in it. He couldn't trust himself. He didn't feel like a winner to himself because his mind went into a spiral about of his decision was right or not, his mind screamed at him because he was sure he had fucked up royally and that's what makes it so interesting. Because Etoiles is a good fighter! And I'm pretty sure with equal gear he'd beat the 2 he holds in high regards to fighting skill a good amount. But he doesn't hold his own decision making very high, he's happy to be as help as a weapon that when he has to make a call he hesitates. And it didn't help that he had his daughters face stare at him while he had to make that important decision because while Phil loves his children just as much as Etoiles does, Phil never had to earn to be trusted with them. Phil's always been someone people trusted with the eggs while Etoiles had to earn his time with Pomme in promising he'll never let her die on his watch and will be careful beyond believe while he's with her.
It shows in the confidence of their decisions, and it's fascinating how much more it shows during these high tension moments. Etoiles is someone who struggles so much with the knowledge of failure and its what made his fight hurt so much more, because he was convinced he'd fucked up bad even after he saw her bed.
Just some food for thought about our codebreakers
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svtskneecaps · 2 months
i'm still stuck on the purgatories so here's a list of purgatory 2 moments simply off the top of my head that deserve to be remembered:
aimsey ducking all of axolotl team alone in a cave with literally half a heart
goose gang fucking descending on the raccoon base and absolutely wrecking shop
ethan crankgameplays clutching up for team panda during the capture the flag game by being the only one hanging out in the center and periodically checking the chests, earning them a shitton of flags and clutching multiple rounds
crow team's egg taking 0 damage
pac doxxing goose gang's egg in the last second
shelby shubble as the last member of her team online writing a letter to aimsey and sharing the world's most devastating ten minutes before her team was eliminated with one of the eye creatures (coco? i forgot lol)
badboyhalo absolutely fucking DEMOLISHING the battleship event on like 2 hours of sleep and a dream
wuant(?) stealing a tv from the battleship event and then playing portuguese ice age on it for the crows lmfao
tubbo djing for his team while waiting for the time for a goose gambit
theguill CRASHING THROUGH THE FUCKING CEILING of the raccoon team's hidey hole like the fucking kool aid man in a last effort to save his team and 4v1 or 5v1 ing team raccoon; he lost but that was such an epic fucking moment
theguill and etoiles pvping and each hyping the other's skills the entire time
seapeekay escaping cellbit and baghera and then stealing their boats and rocketing past to tease them about it; that shit was iconic
kenny going mad with power collecting sand on literally day 1
the english speaking squirrels taking actual physical notes on portuguese phrases (i think)
i may add more this is an off the top of my head list but like got DAMN i like these events :D i like them a lot
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