#this line is genuinely one of the greatest lines ever written for anything ever im not even kidding
ovidiomedes · 1 year
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
hello!💙💙i hope im not bothering you but may i get a tsukasa or mitsuba x reader where their s/o loves to draw but never lets them see and one day they steal their s/o sketchbook and dont see any drawings of them and the boys are a lil dissapointed but their s/o has a secret sketcbook that they always keep with them filled with the boys portraits?? it would be rlly cute!!(feel free to ignore tho!)💙💜
tsukasa yugi x gn!reader, mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader
a/n: no worries, you aren’t bothering me at all!! This is a super cute prompt, so thank you so much for requesting! (i love writing mitsuba too,,, just gotta love the sharp-tongued, short-tempered characters <3)
word count: 1,471
Tsukasa Yugi <3
He thinks the fact that you can draw is super cool!! Probably more so than you do, to be completely honest- he’s extremely enthusiastic about it, but that also means he’s extremely annoying about it.
Lots of “let me look, let me look!!” “I wanna seeeeeeee,” “(Y/N), pleaaaaseee, what’re you drawinggggg?”
“Tsukasa, I love you, I love you very much. But, I promise you, if you don’t shut up and let me draw in peace-”
So, of course, if you don’t let him see it, our gremlin of a boy is going to look through it one way or another. Pestering you relentlessly didn’t work, trying to slip it casually into a conversation didn’t work, so! You leave him no option!
One day, when you’re minding your business in class, Tsukasa checks your locker. Maybe, just maybe, you left it in there?
Hmm… empty- next stop!! Bookbag!
His eyes practically lit up, his expression excited, practically screaming “found it!!”
Tsukasa would open the sketchbook, silently wondering what on earth you could have drawn. His only experience in art was… well- with things that weren’t intended for art. It wasn’t ever proper “art” either. Just a lot of smearing. But anyway-
A part of him sort of hoped it would be something with him. Maybe even a little doodle, it didn’t have to be a fully colored, lined, amazing piece. Just little doodles, cos you loved him so much, and he infested your mind like the little parasite he is… y’know….
So, as he flipped through the pages, admiring your style- amazed with every little doodle, every little pencil marking, every little detail- he kept an eye out for anything that could have even vaguely resembled him. Yet, once he reached the end, he was rather certain that there was nothing. Tsukasa felt a bit disappointed, pouting despite the fact that you weren’t there to see it.
“Tell me how I knew you were up to something,” You sighed, looking at the boy seated next to your bookbag, the last pages of your sketchbook flipped open. He ignored the comment, placing your sketchbook to the side, then hugging you. You returned the hug, giving him a confused glance.
“What? It’s nothing incredible, but was it that bad-? I don’t even know everything that’s in that, so-”
“You didn’t draw me :(((“
“You didn’t ask me to???”
Still, you couldn’t help but laugh, well aware of the other sketchbook you had stored in the more secure part of your bookbag. Patting his back, then letting go of the hug, you bent down and grabbed your sketchbook and bag. Replacing the sketchbook he had flipped through, you then reached in and grabbed the other.
Somewhat embarrassed, yet know he already found out about your artistic abilities and would probably be glad to see himself, you handed him the sketchbook. “I’ll have you know, I’m not exactly overjoyed with you right now. But, since you’re a sneak, I’ll let you look at that one.”
Tsukasa opened the sketchbook with renewed energy, excited to see what was inside it. Was it him?! Did he actually infest your mind?!! Was he a good model??
Uncharacteristically, his face was slightly warm as he looked over the first page. It started off with a fully finished drawing of him- a very strong start, if he did say so himself. Not only was it him, it was awesome.
He flipped through the rest of the pages, happiness and excitement practically radiating off of him. You could have sworn you saw his eyes sparkling.
“THAT’S SO COOL, (Y/N)!!” Tsukasa would yell after shutting the sketchbook, throwing his arms around you happily, making sure that the sketchbook didn’t get damaged as he did so. “You did draw me! You drew a lot of me!!”
“Ahah- yeah. You’re… cute, after all. Why wouldn’t I draw my boyfriend?”
Mitsuba Sousuke <3
Nosey little dude, but on a more casual level than Tsukasa.
“I’ve shown you my pictures, so you should show me your drawings.”
“That makes sense,”
“So, show me.”
Though amusing, Mitsuba will start to pout after a while. “Tch- it’s not like I wanted to see it anyway. It’s probably lame.”
“Awesome then! That doesn’t make me want to show you any more than I previously did~!”
Insert Mitsuba sticking his tongue out at you-
Still, Mitsuba does understand where you’re coming from. After all, he never shows you pictures he’s taken of you. Therefore! It’s only logical that you wanted to draw his cute face!! He muttered this, crossing his arms, yet pretending that it was no big deal to him. Nope, those little comments and attempted glances were nothing-
“Mmh? You’re cute, yes.”
“That’s not what I- whatever, pervert. It’s clear now. You don’t want to show me, ‘cos there’s raunchy art in there! Pervert! Creepy, you’re so creepy-”
“Then aren’t you a pervy creep for wanting to look in my sketchbook?”
Mitsuba may have not talked to you for the rest of the day- but it’s fiiiine, he’s fiiiiiiine.
Especially since, by the end of the next day, Mitsuba passed your locker, planning on returning to the class from a bathroom break. As he glanced over at your locker, not fully shut because of your bookbag shoved into it, an idea crossed his mind. It wouldn’t take long… a little peak wouldn’t hurt. Just to make sure his s/o wasn’t a pervert, of course! Not out of personal interest!
So, he grabbed your bag, rummaging through it until he found a well-used sketchbook. His interest peaked, as he grabbed it, opening it up and flipping through the pages.
Some of the pieces were similar to pictures he had given to you, but he didn’t spot anything of him. Sure, your art was impressive, and he was rather content finally getting to see it, but-
But where was his cute face?? Not even his name??? No dreamy “(Y/N) Sousuke” written? Nothing.
Well, it’s not like he cared anywa-
“Really, Mitsuba? You needed to use the bathroom?”
“AH-” He yelped, shutting your sketchbook, as if that would make it seem like he wasn’t just flipping through the pages in slight awe. “Shut up, pervert! I went to the bathroom, I just- you were being suspicious.”
“By drawing?”
You laughed lightly, though embarrassed as you took the sketchbook from him, putting it back into your bookbag. To be completely honest, your heart was beating a bit faster, slightly nervous that he found your art ugly. It wasn’t anything in comparison to his pictures, you thought..
And, when you turned around and caught a glimpse of his slightly disappointed face, your heart beat even faster. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” He said, somewhat defensively- well, that much was normal.
“Sorry, it’s probably disappointing- I know my art isn’t the greatest, but it’s definitely improved over time. There are things I need to study, but-”
“Hey, don’t assume I’m upset with your art, dummy. It’s…” He blushed slightly, looking away from you and shoving his hands in his pockets, “it’s really cool. I’m impressed.”
“Then why are you pouting?”
“I’m not pouting.”
You raised your eyebrows, making Mitsuba flush further, opening his mouth as he thought of what to say in response to that expression. “I just- well, you were weird about it, so I figured there was something about me- something weird or suspicious. But, it’s all perfectly normal.”
It took a moment for you to get behind his words- but, after getting behind Mitsuba’s extremely indirect way of saying things, you understood what he meant. He wanted you to draw him. After processing that, you bit your lip, wondering if you should actually show him your other sketchbook… a glimpse at his slight pout, though it was now confusion at your conflicted expression, you turned around, rummaging through your bookbag.
Then, you pulled out another sketchbook, and pushed it against his chest. “Since you’re so insistent. Just go ahead and look through it, I guess.”
It was Mitsuba’s turn to raise his eyebrows, as he took the sketchbook, and opened it up. His face burned, as he flipped through the pages. They were… filled with him. It genuinely made his heart pound, looking at the array of doodles, line art, and fully finished pieces- occasionally, a small heart or smiley face would be doodled alongside them. If he didn’t find your art incredible before, he definitely did now. Of course, he’d never admit it to your face, but his expression was enough for you to understand.
“A-ah… gross- idiot. Of course, I should have known a pervert like you would draw such a cute face. It’s obvious.”
“Right, right. Honestly, just give me a penny each time you call me a pervert, I’ll be rich in no time-”
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kanmom51 · 3 years
i know this will drown in your inbox filled w a plethora of asks but, hey, I’ll give it a shot. listen, im open-minded but im skeptical. i personally think anything could be possible with these guys. at the end of the day, we really don’t know anything about them. but if they’re just straight up queerbaiting, doing fanservice, ill be severely disappointed as a queer fan. im bisexual, i can’t come out of the closet and it hurts seeing ppl use my sexuality as a way to earn money, gain attention and go on being a joyful little hetero the rest of the day. just my 2cents.
Jikook are the real deal anon.
Not queerbaiting. Not fanservice.
These queerbaiting and fanservice theories don't hold water. Try to think about them logically. Who are they queerbaiting? What for? What does a company like BH with a band that is at the moment the biggest band in the world with a huge fanbase have to gain by queerbaiting? All this, while keeping in mind that a very big chunk of their fanbase is from countries where a gay relationship would not be accepted, quite the opposite. And if it's numbers they are after, TKK are the more popular 'ship', so wouldn't it stand to logic that they would be the ones pushed by the company?
None of that makes sense, and you know what anon? It doesn't make sense because it's senseless.
What Jikook are is genuine. Their chemistry is genuine. They are each other's comfort, safe place, anchor, love.
If you do care about the truth, then go watch the content chronologically, see how their relationship grew and developed over the years. This would have to be one of the greatest scripts written ever, which it's not, because, again, this is them for real.
They are not scripted or trying to further themselves by making up this relationship between them. They don't need that to be loved. I would actually say quite the opposite. They would have received more love and less hate if they hadn't been together.
They are a real gay closeted couple in an industry and society that would mostly not accept them for their true selves. They walk a fine line between discovery and deniability.
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melforbes · 3 years
seaglass blue annotations
hello! i just posted the last chapter and thought i’d put together some ~fun context~ for that fic. it got way way more attention than i ever expected and for something i feel i didn’t put that much effort into i think i did in the end put a lot of effort into it so i might as well talk about it and answer some potential questions.
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my favorite book of all time is the sunlit night by rebecca dinerstein (yes, that one) and something i find really compelling about that book is how sparing the prose is, forcing the reader to fill in certain gaps, and i think having to fill in those gaps makes the book a really acquired taste with which either you love it or hate it and there’s not really an in-between
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i also really adore how in that book the natural world backdrop comes to life, something i find really challenging to write. recently i even read into thin air, the book about the 1996 mount everest disaster, and even though the writing was superb, i still had to google what the hillary step was because i couldn’t picture it on my own. i don’t know how people write nature because to me it feels damn near impossible, but this sparing approach really worked, so i thought i might try it out. i tend to be longwinded (gestures vaguely at this post) and wanted to have certain parts of this be a lot smaller and more contained without negating impact. whether or not i made it work is anyone’s guess. definitely not my normal style, so to speak
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based on the comments i’ve received i think this might be everyone’s favorite part. in my mind age of consent by new order was playing in the background. in pretty much every fic i have a scene like this one and all of them are based on the poem first base gold by rh*annon mcg*vin from her book branches (censored because she has a tumblr and i don’t want her seeing this haha)
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i absolutely can’t do the poem justice by describing what it’s about, but the simplest, most basic interpretation of the poem is that there is no better place to kiss than right here, right now, because of the past. i really like that imagery and tend to use it a lot. she as a writer has been a big inspiration for me and if you’ve read my fic true minds i should add that the nonfiction inspiration for that was directly as a result of one of her youtube videos. i particularly love how the last paragraph (stanza? im not a poet) is one big run-on sentence that’s jovial and tongue-in-cheek and colloquial and straightforward. it feels triumphant in a quiet way to me and i love how it’s done. obviously my attempts at something similar are nowhere near as insightful, but still, the most basic image of this is that there is no better place to kiss, and that’s how i felt about the two of them finding pudding in the supermarket
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this part is autobiographical; while writing this last year, i went through six months of intravenous drug treatment, a month and a half of which involved long days of doctor visits on every weekday. when you’re on stuff like that for a long time you end up with a central line for better access (potential plot hole in all of this: scully never had one) but for a month and a half i got poked almost every day and strangely enough it got harder over time. the first couple you never feel, but a week or two later you start flinching, and if the needle goes in the same vein each time, it hurts the more it gets prodded. i reached a point toward the end of the in-office visits in which i would bleed a lot every time i got poked, and i can’t watch anything like that happen to me so i was looking away each time, and when i felt that the nurse was done, i would look back over, and sometimes i would be looking down at a pool of blood that i hadn’t expected to see. it’s weird, you don’t actually feel yourself bleeding, i would’ve expected a hot bloody feeling but instead it felt like nothing. and when i say a pool i mean that it would drip down beneath my elbow, stain the sheet they’d put underneath, and i wouldn’t get all of it off until i showered. i didn’t necessarily find it scary, but it was surreal and kind of pulled me out of normalizing the experience i was having. for a very long time needing iv drugs was my greatest fear and i was surrounded by that then and fine, and then, there was blood all over my arm, and like, haha, this is actually not fine. you’d think something else would’ve been scarier, but it wasn’t. and now looking back at this paragraph i wish i’d edited it differently but hey that’s life
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i’d never really understood the purpose of religion as a self-driven part of life until i took anatomy in college. i was raised catholic and though culturally i understand having a religion and being raised with one, i’ve never really reached for religion when i wanted answers, and i haven’t personally understood why that’s someone’s first option. and i know there’s been plenty of commentary on the hypocrisy of dana scully as a catholic who believes in science, yada yada yada, i think everyone has read all of that by now. but what struck me while learning anatomy is that there is a kind of neuron we don’t know the function of. there are four kinds of neurons, and one of them is still a mystery to us. and then, there’s all of these different parts of human bodies that exist in a certain perfect way, but why do they exist like that? to support life, yes, but why is it that we can make comparisons? why were irises not the same color? and we name valves of the heart after religious figures. we are so hell-bent on meaning that something literal will never be enough. and all of that made me think that dana scully has god to fill in what science won’t answer, at least not yet. and there’s definitely a bigger conversation about science as denial of indigenous cultures that i am nowhere near qualified to start. after taking those classes, i think i would be more shocked if she wasn’t religious. you can ignore pretty much all of the paragraph above but it was important to me that at some point in this fic she willingly conceded that she didn’t know what would happen and that she didn’t have answers. with illness, there is no logic, there’s no thinking your way out of it, and i think that would plague her for a long time. to me, she only would accept her death when she could say she had no idea what would happen, she has no answers, there’s nothing filling in her gaps anymore, and she’s comfortable with that. and i put all of that in a paragraph about my thoughts on god because it made sense to me. there are times that just feel like you’re in a movie and there’s no one else you can say caused them. it’s not enough to build belief on but it’s enough to bring a certain kind of wonder. also one time my parents insisted on watching stripes because it was so funny and when watching it none of us found it funny at all and my parents grimaced and were like what were we on that made that good back in the day so that’s in here now haha
and now, the biggest question: does she die at the end? when i came up with the idea for this fic, i knew the beginning and ending but not the middle, and i posted this as a smaller project (ie: chapters below 3,000 words) while illness made my bigger projects harder to work on and essentially flew by the seat of my pants the whole time. i wrote the last line a long long time ago and have always seen the ending as written as the concrete ending. when i started writing this, i never intended for there to be a definitive answer to whether or not she dies. i like premature endings (the ending of girls burn brighter comes to mind) and i think that this works better without saying whether or not she lives. and i also have a hard time with giving a definitive answer because this fic very much is about death and having her die would, of course, be traumatic, but showing her living instead i think ruins any takeaways people could have. i’ve never had cancer but as a chronically ill person i think i can speak to how you never actually win with illness; the best you can do is tie, and sometimes, no matter how much effort you put in, you “lose” anyway, you lose spectacularly, and all of your effort was for nothing. i wholeheartedly believe that humans can’t emotionally or logically process natural disasters or illness, hence why much of the talk about illness in this is from mulder’s perspective as he experiences her terminal illness secondhand; that way, he doesn’t need to (but still likely will) find logic or reason or meaning for death from a terminal illness, so his discoveries and his coping mechanisms aren’t as urgently needed. had i written a chapter that describes how she lives, i think that the discussion of death in this would be voided altogether. and i also don’t believe the ending would be much different whether she lives or dies; there’s still the need for death acceptance and talking about dying, whether or not she lives, and none of the story in this fic would have happened had the characters known she would live. the whole point is not knowing.
for a little while i toyed with writing an unofficial sequel of sorts in which i spelled out what i think happens after the ending, but after realizing that that would end up being longer than the original fic and would also have some massive plot holes, i decided against it. i do have my own version and i don’t want to share that version because i never really intended for my version to be some kind of genuine sequel in which every question gets answered and everything is wrapped up and happy ever after and whatnot. it was just where my brain wandered in the same way it wanders when i watch an open-ended movie. all of that to say, if you think she lives, then she lives. if you think she dies, then she dies. it’s your decision. i’d much rather you choose than me. i never marked this as “major character” death on ao3 because, well, she doesn’t die in this fic. whether or not she dies after the fic ends, that’s for you to decide. 
thank you for taking the time to read my writing. i never expected this to blow up (it blew up for me at least, for a while it was my most popular fic ever, with i think thousands more hits than anything else i’d written) and the response has been mind-boggling and wonderful. i don’t respond to comments often because it makes me feel like a pompous jerk (”thank you for enjoying this! i, too, enjoy this thing i have written! oh ho ho!” is how it sounds to me in my head, whereas when other writers respond to comments to me it just looks like thanks man have a good day, feel free to call me a weenie) but i’ve appreciated all of them very much. THANK YOU! i hope your new year is a Whole Lot Less Shit than 2020. i don’t plan on writing more msr because i don’t really have any ideas for them. thank you for making my last time special <3
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artxghoul · 4 years
so! by some miracle, since i asked the questions in browser, i was able to backpedal and find all the questions I asked you bc it hadn’t reloaded!! yay!! haha so disregard my last message. here is what i originally sent so hopefully you get it all this time :)
hi!! just wanted to say during the past two days I’ve read a ton of your larry fics. just...wow. The fuck fake friends on I thought was going to be light and playful based on the description and title and it was so intense and I really loved it even though it wasn’t what I was expecting. I’m the anon that messaged you awhile ago about Steal my heart (whatever it takes to get you off) and your writing is on a whole other level than fic I have read from anyone else...like so beautiful done and just...so wonderful. FFF was super painful, and the ending was magnificent. I want to read everything you’ve ever written, god, I cannot get enough of your writing. I just read the coffee shop/tattoo parlor AU and it was so good. Your light hearted stuff, your heavier stuff...I feel like (if you’re writing from a place within yourself) our minds in the way we view our identities are really similar and reading FFF gave me a million inspirations to write other stuff with internalized homophobia plot lines and the complexity of feelings...just...wow. Your fic obviously comes from such a deep place&Im in awe of your writing and the way your mind puts these stories together. Whoever has the privilege to know you is incredibly lucky& Im just basing that on your fics and your responses to my anon a bit ago about your receptionist au. I had to get all these feelings towards you out (seems like something I have to do every time I read your work bc I feel such a connection to it).
ps. Sorry if this is a lot or anything, it’s just seeing themes repeated in someone’s writing that I can relate to in the core of myself really just puts me in a mindset i cannot describe and I wanted to tell you what it made me feel. it is so meaningful to me to see my feelings reflected to me, and i hate that you dealt with that stuff if you did but just. yeah! i hope this isn’t too personal for you to publish, i just wasn’t sure how you’d react to this off anon and either way i wanted you to know your writing means a lot to someone
Okay this has ended up being such a long reply but I’m just so happy you were able to retrieve the messages you wanted to send because this has made my day, week, year, life, and I just can’t wrap my head around that you would say all these kind and thoughtful things!!! I’m hella obsessive about other fic writers whose writing I love and want to just go and scream at them how much it means to me, so to GET exactly that is just SO mind blowing and I want to say thank you SO much. It’s not too much or bad or anything negative at all, I’m genuinely so extremely grateful you wanted to say this. I’m so happy you find appreciation in your recognition because honestly I’ve been scared of writing for a while, because I felt that the themes were too heavy and I didn’t have a good association to internalized homophobia because once I spoke too much about it here, and it just makes me all the more grateful because you’ve shown the greatest support even when asking about it the last time you messaged. Thank you, all in all. I know that FFF (as the fic is nicknamed, like the song, because we stan bebe rexha in this house) is one I really put effort into trying to express some pain I was feeling at the time and if you write yourself maybe you can relate to that it can be really very therapeutic to see your problems in a different way like this and make it a creative project, to both let it out and let it go, and also try to make sense of how both people were thinking to have this outcome. I don’t know if I wrote about it anywhere but the inspiration was partially a friendship I was losing because we were both really acting like them, you know, like idiots, if you’ve ever done things to make someone jealous and it’s just really toxic but uummm you still want to have them back in your life? Like that, and of course a longer internal project of accepting your sexuality as you’ve been able to tell, the secrety and the longing and the pain, pretending it doesn’t exist and doing things that just hurt more than do good, and YEAH IT SUCKS, like oh my god it’s such a painful story that I just couldn’t get out of my head. But at least I hope you caught the ending and the short sequel of chapter 2 when they made it! :’)) 
I think if you haven’t read The One When Louis Finds Out as the most recent one, you might like!! It’s a much lighter and easier one, to make up for all the bad hehehe OH and gosh if you want to come off anon, but this is totally up to you, I’m writing another long one now I’ve had in my drafts for way over a year or two. If you want to talk about tender love and stupid complications.
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I’m sorry for bothering you with this, but can I have a ship for Queen and Bo Rhap? I’m a hetero girl and I look a lot like Hermione from the early HP films. I’m in mid 20s, but I look a lot younger and people ask me which grade I’m in lol. I’m a major introvert but don’t mind hanging with people, I just sometimes need my alone time. I also hate people prying into my private life and telling me what to do. Reading and writing are my greatest passions, but I’m reluctant to share my works. Polite.
HI HI HI hi hi. hi.
sorry this took 5 yrs im crazy busy working my ass off hehe
ships below the cut!!!
For Queen, I ship you with John Deacon!
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Brian was my initial choice, but after I thought about it, I realized he might be a bit too nosy for your liking (as a fellow Cancer.... I know how he probably is. He has an insatiable need to KNOW EVERYTHING). He’s also not private unless it’s in relation to particular things, but John Deacon? 
He is he king of privacy. You tell him a secret, and he’ll take it to his grave. His proclivity towards confidentiality is what led you to becoming close friends with him in the first place.
You’d know each other through Brian, but hadn’t ever really got the chance to hang out with each other much. You weren’t at gatherings a lot, nor was he, and rarely did you ever manage to show up on the same nights. You preferred to stay at home most of the time.
One night, you were doing just that when you got a call. You were just putting on some tea, so you put a pause on what you were doing and headed over to your phone, yawning before answering. “Hello?”
“Is this Y/N?” a slightly familiar, yet not recognizable voice asked timidly. You could hear shouting in the background that sounded vaguely like Brian, and then his voice got closer as there was some shuffling and a quiet “Shove off, Bri.”
“Yes, this is Y/N,” you answered slowly, still trying to connect the dots as the man on the other end of the line gave a sigh of relief and mumbled something about the right number from the drunkard.
“This is John Deacon, we’ve met a few times at Brian’s.” Making a noise of affirmation, you let him continue as he let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m with Brian right now, he’s off his rocker drunk and says we’re near your place and he wants to crash on your couch. Is there any way I can tell if he’s not just word-vomiting?”
“Um, yeah,” you laughed softly, crossing your arms as you heard Brian and John discuss something for a second, Brian clearly slurring as he spoke. “Where are you at right now?”
John described the street and named the pub, which was a few blocks from your place, so you described the walk to your flat as best as you could before wishing him luck and hanging up. 
And sure enough, he navigated his way to your flat, showing up about 15 minutes later with a clearly-sloshed Brian May in tow.
“Y/N, this is John!” he cheered as you opened the door, hugging your robe to yourself and laughing softly at the sight of his heavy-lidded, bloodshot eyes.
“I know, I just spoke to him on the phone, Bri. And we’ve met before anyways, remember?”
“Oh.” The tall man scratched his head for a moment before stretching and giving you a goofy smile. “Can we pleaaaase come in?”
You nodded and let the two of them in, heading for the kitchen and filling the kettle with a bit more water to make tea for all of you while John got Brian to the living room and somehow convinced him to sit on the couch instead of running around the flat like a madman. When Brian was drunk, his tendency to stick his nose in your business increased tenfold, which is why you usually didn’t let him stay over if he was going to be drinking.
“Tea?” you asked over the sound of Brian’s incessant babble, and John shushed him several times before managing to get him to answer the question. Then, he spoke up for the both of them, his voice plaintive and soft on your ears, a welcome contrast from Brian’s aggressive drunk rambling.
“That would be lovely, one sugar for me. Brian wants two sugars.”
“Three! What kind of establishment are you running here, Y/N?” Brian yelled, and John went through the process of shutting him up again as you laughed to yourself, going through the motions of making tea. You made sure to drop half an ice cube in Brian’s tea so he wouldn’t scald his mouth like he was bound to do, then made your way into the living room where Brian was arguing with John over some insignificant detail of a song.
“One sugar,” you repeated, sitting the tea in front of John, then you sat Brian’s in front of him and gave it one more stir before sitting back in your chair, blowing on the surface of your own tea. “Brian, I’m impressed you remembered my number. You usually can’t even remember what flat number I am.”
Tapping his head, Brian gave you a lazy smile before taking a sip of his tea and swallowing it quickly. “Got it all up here. Sometimes it just hides from me, sneaky bastards.”
You could see John’s shoulders shaking in silent laughter as he blew on his tea, and you grinned as you looked down to your own, sipping at it.
All three of you had a decent conversation as you sipped at your tea, Brian slowly but surely sobering, and by the time he excused himself to stumble to the bathroom, you were collecting all of your cups, heading to your kitchen to wash them while John said he’d go keep an eye on Brian.
Hearing nothing out of them for the time being, you washed and dried the mugs before putting them away, then turned to find John standing in the doorway, looking a bit sheepish.
In his hands, he had your journal, a simple little leather-bound thing that struck fear into your heart as he held it out to you. You took it from him, staring at him in disbelief, but he began to explain before you freaked out. 
“Brian found it on your bed when he went the wrong way after he went to the toilet. Was trying to read it but said the words were moving too fast. I grabbed it from him, didn’t look at anything. Promise.”
You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding as you saw the look on his face was genuine, and you hid the journal in a cupboard before turning back to face him and giving him a small smile. “Brian would have buried his nose in that for hours if he’d found it sober. But thank you for respecting me and not reading it. I don’t think Brian understands how much it means to me.”
“He means well, but...” John trailed off, and you nodded to signal that you understood that Brian’s need to understand your emotions was just a part of him that would always be there. You’d known that when you became friends, and he usually never gave you too much of an issue about it.
It was intriguing, however, to see how much John went out of his way to stop Brian from intruding, and you pursed your lips for a moment before nodding to the living room. “You can have the couch. I’d imagine Brian’s passed out on my bed right now, so I’ll roll him off onto the floor and let him be sore in the morning as punishment.”
John smiled at the idea, shaking his head and retreating into the main area of the flat. “You can kick me out if you want. I can walk home, I just live over in Hammersmith.”
“Oh, nonsense. You can stay here, you’re mad if you think I’ll let you walk all the way to another borough.” Walking over to your linen closet, you pulled out a spare pillow and blanket, then turned and held it out for him. “Here. Make yourself at home.”
John accepted the blanket and pillow gently, smiling and thanking you shyly before going to put together a makeshift bed. While he did so, you took the opportunity to really get a good look at him, and you questioned why you’d never noticed he was so cute. When he was finally bedded, you nodded and wished him a good night, then went to go roll the probably dead-asleep guitarist off your bed.
After that night, you never told Brian he’d gotten ahold of your journal - John apparently never told him either, because he never brought it up again. You were very thankful that John kept his mouth shut, so you ventured out to get his number from Brian and invited him over for tea a few nights a week, which turned into more and more time spent with each other. 
Brian, of course, took credit for bringing you two together, so when John called him one night and asked him if he was crazy for wanting to ask you to be his girlfriend that night, Brian nearly lost his mind. He was so excited he almost showed up himself, but he knew better, so he left you two alone and let it still be a private affair.
John had invited you over to ask your opinion on some songs he’d written, which was a favorite of yours to do. He was always so nervous about his writing, which you found common ground in, and he always made sure he ran it by you before he even considered putting it on the table for official Queen usage.
Tonight, he was especially quiet as he scribbled on a crumpled piece of paper, his bass in his lap as he sat next to you on the couch. You were comfortable with John now - he was one of the few people that you could be around and not feel socially drained at the end. He was gentle, soft-spoken, but still knew how to have fun.
You broke out of your trance when you saw John finally hold out the piece of paper, setting it on your thigh and picking up his bass to pluck an easy rhythm tune. Picking up the paper, you began to scan the paper as he spoke softly. “Let me know what you think.”
You read the song all the way through, sincerely not realizing what you were reading until the end. It read like a love song, typical of John’s writing, except at the very end, you were stunned to find your name there, a bit bolder than the rest of the writing. It said your name, then one simple question - ‘Will you be my girl?’
Looking up in surprise, you saw his fingers freeze on the strings of his bass as he smiled sheepishly, chewing at the inside of his lip. “I know it’s a bit corny, but I figured this was the only way I could ask without tripping over my own feet.”
“My god, John,” you murmured, smiling at him and blushing deeply as you looked back down to the paper, biting your lip. You went quiet for a moment, then started to nod eagerly. “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.”
“Oh, thank God,” he murmured as he let out a sigh of relief, setting his bass to the side and pulling you in for a tight hug. “I thought you’d be annoyed of me by now. Thought you weren’t going to say yes.”
Laughing softly, you buried your face in his shoulder and just enjoyed the hug for a moment, then pulled back slightly to give his cheek a gentle kiss. “I’d never get annoyed of you, John.”
“I could say the same for you.”
And for BoRhap, I ship you with Rami Malek!
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No one better for you than the king of ‘how do social media?’ himself, Rami Malek! 
You two are literally two peas in a pod - you both value a level of confidentiality to your lives that would be difficult to attain with every other member of Borhap’s main four (I’m looking at you, homiesexual instagram post trio).
Rami is so off the grid and private that you literally didn’t even know about him at all until Ben, a childhood friend and now one of your neighbors down the hallway, introduced you two when you came over to use Ben’s dryer. Yours had quit, unfortunately, so you asked if you could use his dryer in exchange for pizza.
“Promise I’ll order the good stuff. Brick oven,” you pleaded, holding your laundry on your hip and balancing it there as you stood just inside your doorway, debating whether or not to just go plead in person.
You heard Ben sigh a bit before laughing at something and clearing his throat. “Well, I suppose. But there’s two of us here, so you’ve got to get a large pizza.”
“Frankie is not going to eat that much pizza. You’ll make his stomach hurt, Benjamin.” You opened your door and started down the hallway towards Ben’s flat, humming a bit.
“Frankie will have his designated slice. But I mean, like, someone else is here. Rami.” There was a silence as you tried to register the name, but it wasn’t ringing any bells. Slowing down to a stop in front of his door, you pursed your lips and briefly reconsidered. Did you really have the social stamina to meet another one of his wily friends tonight?
Looking down to your laundry, you sighed. Damn it. You really didn’t have a choice. Mustering up all your energy, you reluctantly knocked on the door.
“I don’t believe I know a Rami. Has he been there before? Is this one of the guys you keep posting on your Instagram?”
“No, no,” Ben chuckled, moving his phone to his other ear as he rose to answer the door for you. “Well, not exactly. I’ll explain.” The line cut dead, and then you stood up a bit straighter as Ben swung the door open, nodding towards the living room before letting you follow him in. “I don’t post him as much, but he’s one of the chaps I worked on Bohemian Rhapsody with. He missed London after filming, so I’m letting him stay here while he does some flat-shopping to find a place over here so he doesn’t keep stealing my cuddle time with Frankie.”
And sure enough, as you rounded the corner into his living room, you spotted the stranger seated on Ben’s couch, Frankie on his lap and a small, curious grin on his face as he met your gaze. “Rami, this is Y/N. Y/N, Rami. She and I grew up next door to each other and she beat me up all the time.”
“I did not!” you exclaimed, turning bright red as you already regretted coming over. “I beat you up that one time, and that was because you took my fucking toy barn that made the mooing sound when you opened it.”
“Ben, stealing a woman’s things? Shame on you,” the man he’d introduced as Rami tutting his tongue before smiling at you. “Y/N, right? Nice to meet you. Ben told me to beg for a supreme pizza. Said you’d probably get one if I asked for it.”
Looking at Ben, you found him to be avoiding your gaze and whistling innocently as he opened the closet doors that revealed his washing machine and dryer. “Well, I suppose I’ve got to get a supreme pizza now, don’t I?”
“Supreme? Sounds amazing, great idea, Rami!” Ben suddenly cut in, giving you an innocent grin as Rami laughed and shook his head. He had a cute laugh, one that started out low and led into a broad smile with a steady repeat of amused laughter.
So, you called in a supreme pizza and started to dry your laundry, the pizza arriving just around the time you went to put the second half of your laundry in and fold the other half. So, you had to leave your laundry be, grumbling something about it wrinkling as you headed for the counter to grab your wallet.
“Oh, I’ll fold it for you,” Ben suggested, sending you an eyebrow wiggle and receiving a gentle smack from Rami.
“That’s creepy. Frankie, sic ‘em!”
Frankie just stared up at Rami as he nodded towards Ben, and you gave Rami a thankful look before laughing a bit and going to get the pizza. When you returned, Rami was still giving Ben hell for being creepy, so you stayed quiet as you sat down the pizza in front of them, grabbing a few paper towels from the counter.
“I don’t understand why it’s being creepy, though, like I’ve grown up with her! It’s not like I haven’t seen her panties before!”
“That’s still private stuff, you weirdo! Jesus!” Rami laughed, thanking you when you handed him a paper towel and grabbing himself a piece of pizza. You did the same, sitting in the chair nearest Rami, and gave been a knowing look.
“He’s right, thank you, Rami. That’s my underwear, I don’t want you snooping about in it.”
Ben looked offended as he glanced between the two of you, his mouth hanging slightly open while he looked for the words to say. “I feel like I’m being attacked right now!”
“Sorry, not sorry,” you half-apologized, giving him a slightly guilty smile as you dug into your pizza, Rami snickering when Ben groaned at your underhanded apology.
After that meeting, you got to see Rami a few more times before he had to head back to the states. He kept in touch, and when he finally found a place in London, he found himself over at your place more often than Ben’s, due to the fact that you were both laidback and lowkey. Rami was much less wily than Ben’s other friends, which was great.
Sometimes, Ben just wanted to go out and party while you wanted to keep it relaxed and reserved. Though you were a bit younger than Ben and much younger than Rami, you still managed to match Rami’s personality more than anything. 
That led to the two of you becoming very comfortable around each other, which led to Rami finally asking you to be his girlfriend, which you 100% agreed to as long as he had to be the one to break the news to Ben. Rami conveniently forgot to do so, and when Gwilym found out a few days, he was ecstatic, texting the groupchat with the boys in congratulatory fashion.
And that irritated Ben more than anything. So, that night. you were reading and Rami was watching That 70′s Show at your place - you were unaware that Rami hadn’t told Ben, so you were confused when you heard your phone buzzing. Lifting your head up from Rami’s lap, you saw that Ben’s horrid selfie took up the screen, and you sighed before answering the phone, sitting up against Rami’s side while he paused the show.
“So why am I like, the last person on Earth to know about you two? I mean, telling Gwilym before me? That’s a low blow, Y/N.” You looked at Rami, who could just hear the words enough to garner an idea of what was going on, and he gave you a sheepish grin that only made you roll your eyes. He hadn’t told him, that bastard. Putting it on speakerphone, you roped him into the call involuntarily and cleared your throat.
“Hey, hey, calm down, bud. I thought Rami had told you, I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to forget you or anything. Rami wants to say sorry.”
“Good, I’m about to go over to his flat and give him a good earful. I can’t believe you guys let Gwil know before me! He doesn’t even know your birthday!”
“What’s my birthday, Ben?” you asked curiously, wondering if he still remembered it as you stretched your legs out across Rami’s lap, smiling when he rested his hand on your thigh and kissed the top of your head. Leaning up, you gave his cheek a quick kiss as Ben replied. 
“Er... not important right now. What’s important is that I’m giving you both noogies for forgetting me!” Rami laughed at that, and Ben was quiet for a moment before speaking again, quieter this time. “Was that Rami?”
Rami chuckled before wrapping an arm around you and replying. “Yeah, hi, Ben. Sorry about not telling you, I was afraid you’d get mad at me for spending more time at her place than yours.”
“You-” Ben cut off, groaning exasperatedly before sighing. “You didn’t even put anything on Instagram about it! I wanted to comment first! Where are you two? I’m coming over.”
“Ben, not right now,” you groaned, desperately just wanting to have a night alone with Rami. “Can’t we just post something on Instagram and call it even?”
“I don’t know. Try it and see,” he said with a mock angry tone before hanging up, making Rami laugh a bit before grabbing his phone and unlocking it, then taking a picture of your legs splayed out across his lap while That 70′s was in the background. You silently commended him for not making it a selfie, and watched as he posted it with the caption ‘Life is too short to spend it with people who annoy you. For some reason, she’s still here anyways.’
“Oh, shut up, you do not annoy me,” you laughed as you watched him hit the post button, and he just laughed as he pulled you fully onto his lap, letting you settle between his legs before pressing play again.
And within seconds, his phone dinged with a notification, but it was from Joe instead of Ben. “Oh, he’s going to be so pissed,” Rami murmured as he read the excited comment from Joe, snickering to himself. And within another second, you saw a message notification from Ben pop up on his phone. 
Opening his Instagram DMs, Ben had sent Rami the original post with the simple message ‘i know you’re at her place. open the door :(’
Bursting out laughing, you got to your feet and started towards the door, Rami following you and standing behind you with a hand on your hip as you opened the door to find a pouting Ben. 
“I missed first comment. Post it again.”
2 notes · View notes
franeridart · 6 years
Wow Hi I can't spell for shit but I was wondering if you could draw some more KamiSero? Your art style is really beautiful and there are not much KamiSero art >•
Awww thank you!!! And in the future I might, yeah! Right now I’m a bit swamped by the zine things and using the time I take away from it to draw low effort stuff or my main ships so I can’t promise it’ll happen soon, but I still like the ship lots so !!! might happen!!
Anon said:Hey thanks for that last art I know you're probably just staying on model and it doesn't really mean anything but it felt really good to see a character with my body type for once so thank you
Anon the pleasure was all mine! Miruko’s body type is beautiful to look at and a pleasure to draw, and if my indulging myself could make you happy then that makes it even better spent time!!
Anon said:I love you. That is all. Carry on.
Thank you!! I love you too!!!!!
Anon said:that drawing of hawks blessed me and my children and the children of my children, i feel the salvation in my bones, i've been purified
I dunno which one specifically you’re talking about, but thank you!!!! ;^;
Anon said:I just wanna say I love Baku I’m goods! Peace
Hell yeah anon love that boy!! Smother him in love!!!! Give him all the affection his heart can take and then more!!!!!
Anon said:This is from the anon asking about todoraka and iideku fusions, I just got far enough to find them, sorry for bothering you earlier!
Not a bother at all, don’t worry about it!!! And thank you for liking my designs enough to ask about them!!!!
Anon said:Hey!! I love your art so so so much and i was wondering if you could get in some mina and bakugo friendship content bc they're just,,, so underrated as friends and I love them
Ahhhhhhh the Baku // Mina friendship debate, nice, hadn’t been around on this blog for a while - you know, the reason why there isn’t much content and their friendship is somewhat underrated (unless we’re talking about full squad content, there’s a lot of baku and mina there) is that, going only by canon, they... aren’t friends. Of course Mina’s part of the squad, but she is more in virtue of the fact that she’s besties with Kaminari and Sero and has her backstory relationship with Kirishima, than because she has had any significant interactions with Bakugou (a bit like Jirou’s a member of the squad through Sero and Kaminari and Bakugou even if she’s got no relationship with Kirishima at all, all in all) - I, personally, like to think they could be great friends, you know? But if we’re talking canon I can count the times they interacted on the fingers of one hand (the only serious one being during the sports fest, which Mina herself commented as Bakugou picking her only cause of her acid being a good strategy against Todoroki’s ice)
I know this is sort of a digression from your question, but, as you obviously noticed since you sent me this question, lately whenever I have focused on Bakugou’s friendships in my drawings Mina hasn’t been there, and people have been more or less aggressively pointing it out to me, like I was doing a disservice to a canon friendship by not portraying it - when in truth the relationship in question has nearly no canon basis at all. So I just wanna say, from the bottom of my heart and honestly, I’m sorry if my liking to delve into and focus on Bakugou’s canon friendships makes you sad, but if the focus of a drawing or a set of drawings is supposed to be Bakugou and the relationships Horikoshi gifted him, then Mina’s most probably not gonna be there (for now, I’m still hoping Hori will add her to his growing list of canon friends soon *crosses fingers*)
Either way this has nearly nothing to do with your question and it wasn’t even really directed at you specifically, I just used the chance to address something that was bothering me a bit - THAT SAID! I do have something I mean to draw that’s gonna be focused on Bakugou and include Mina! It might not be exactly what you’re looking for, but I hope you’ll like it anyway, at least a tiny little bit! ;^;
Anon said:I loved your Have a Nice day comic. It really gave me a nice day. It’s totally cute I can imagine them living together and sing this every morning Love your art xoxoxo
Ahhhh thank you so much!!!! I’m super glad you liked it!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Bro I just wanted to thank you! Becuase of your amazing art on boku no hero academia. It got me intrested in checking it out. And let me tell you, I love this show sooo much,even if its getting really intense right now. So its all thanks to you that I even started watching it.Its even more amazing becuase I get to admire your stunning work base on it.Thank You!!!!! 💕💕💕💕
HECK I’m so glad you checked it out and ended up liking it!!!! I hope you’ll keep on enjoying it from now on too, anon!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hey fran! I love your art style so much!! Will we ever see more of the Bakushima neighbor’s cat au?
I KEEP ON PROCRASTINATING ON THAT ONE!!! I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY!!!! It’s in the projects but I never!!! sit down!!!! to draw it!!!!! So I wanna say yes, because that’s the plan! But when I’m being honest I’m not so sure anon orz
Anon said:Okay but like.... hawks is hot right?? Its not just me??
Given the reaction the whole fandom has had to him, I’m pretty sure it’s not just you anon hahaha
Anon said:Could you possibly draw more of the Deku + Kirishima fusion?
I... dunno? If I ever feel in the mood to play around with that AU again? But to be honest if I were to draw something that isn’t just a design for it it’s probably... not gonna be about kiri and deku of all people............ so I can’t promise anything, sorry!
Anon said:Hi! I know you haven’t really touched the fusions au in a while but please consider: miritama fusion
I have considered it! It’s the first one I’m gonna draw if I’ll ever feel like going back on the fusions!
Anon said:Let kirishima touch the butty
I’m 100% sure Bakugou lets him touch anything he wants, but if you want depictions of that this blog is not the right place to ask, anon hahaha
Anon said:First off, you draw the greatest art/headcanons for KiriBaku I've ever seen! Secondly, I found it funny since Bakugou is almost exactly like his mom, and since she got with Bakugou's dad by aggressively hitting on him, what if there was a scenario where Bakugou did that to Kirishima? Idk, I just thought it would be funny.
I actually have a couple of comics based on that concept!! Somewhere... in my bakushima tag............ I’ll def draw more on the same line in the future, tho!
Anon said:I know you posted your batteryacid (kamimina) picture a while ago but I just saw it and I'm sobbing I love it!
YO that makes me super happy, thank you!!!! I love that ship so much, it’s nice to know you liked the little thing I drew for it!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:hi, i just binge watched bnha for the first time and now that i understand all your comics i fucking love them, i'm in love, i love bakugou, i love them all, i love your art
And I love YOU to be hecking honest!!!! Thank you for loving my boy, anon!!!!
Anon said:i just want kirishima to meet bakugou’s family one time in the show and his mother is probably gonna wanna make him her second son and bakugous LOSING IT
I DO hope that’s gonna happen in the manga canon sooner or later, but meanwhile Kirishima met Mitsuki in one of the novels! She’d been taken hostage by a villain, and Bakugou yelled at her for it, and she yelled right back at him like she wasn’t in the hands of a villain right then, and Kirishima said “as expected from Bakugou’s mom” and Bakugou said “don’t admire her!” or something on that line - I’d give you a link if I knew how I tagged it when I reblogged it, but I’m sure if you dig a bit around you can find it! Maybe on @aitaikimochi‘s blog, they translated a lot of kiribaku novel moments!
Anon said:im supposing that you do, but why do you think you like bakugou so much? personally i just like the angry scowl-y but fluffy characters haha and really hes so!! cute!!! and cool!!! really!!!!! hes so good at so many things but he sucks so badly ay feelings its so!! endearing!!!! apart from this i meant to praise you and your work but i ended up screaming about bakugou hahaha. i love him too muchasgshdjl
Oh heck anon, you really don’t wanna get into this, if I started talking about why I love Bakugou as much as I do I’d probably end up saying a 10k worth of words hah I love everything about him, everything he is and everything he has the potential to be, everything he’s changed about himself and every step he’s taken along the way to be who he is right now. I love his personality and I love how strong he is, I love how hard he works, I love how angry he is and how honest and direct and genuine in everything he does he is. I love the way he interacts with people, I love his expressions SO MUCH, I love his habit of speaking in hyperboles and I love how he’s a fast thinker and how he has to go back and walk through every step he skipped when he explains things to people. I love that he presents himself as a genius when actually he just pours everything he has in being the best at everything he tries doing, I love that he’s autocritical and that he cares and that he admits when he’s wrong and that he cries, I love the fact that he cries a lot. I love that he’s set on his path and that he takes everything life throws at him and keeps walking head up and square shoulders, and also I love his eyes and his hero costume and the fact that he wants to be intimidating and yells DIE at inanimate objects and enjoys hiking in his spare time and that he calls people nerd like he isn’t one himself I just. Love him. So damn much.
Anon said:Franeriiiiii~ I see that you're trying new techniques on your arts! Very nice, I enjoy watching you come up with new clothing and whatnot. I also see that the painting is a bit different, more detailed. Just dropping by to let you know I see your efforts ❤ keep on exploring! Maybe you'll discover that you can do what you couldn't in the past. As always, have a good day and much love \0/
SOB thank you SO MUCH, anon!!!!!
Anon said:Hey Fran, how are you? I was wondering if you have any tips on how to know where to place the shadows in a drawing? I'm still a beginner and this is the hardest part for me... And I love your art very much!! You're amazing, thank you for sharing your talent with us!
God, I would love to give you a hand there but to be fair I have zero clue what I’m doing when shading, anon ;-; I go a lot about it following more gut feeling and what looks right, than any actual tecnique (which probably shows to people who have a deeper understanding of it than I do orz) the best I can tell you to do is to try to draw from real life, but really this is such a hard question for me to answer when I myself need to work more on it ;^; I’m so sorry!
Anon said:Bakushima alternative ship name: POPROCKS
A GREAT NAME I’m nearly sure I read a fic called that once!
Anon said:I just wanted to thank you for sharing your amazing work for us. You literaly made my day
Anon said:I just finished going through your kiribaku tag and I honestly don't know if I'm feeling fulfilled for all of it or empty because I just saw all of it daNG YOUR STYLE JUST FUCKING FITs KIRIBAKU SO MUCH I REALLY LOVE YOUR KRBK CONTENT AND THE KIDS FUUUUUUUKCKCKCKK. I'm really, really looking forward for more of your art but for now I gotta go through all your other content as well. Ps. Have I mentioned that I fucking love how you draw feet?????
OH MAN that’s such a nice thing to hear, that my style fits them!!! My style changed so much since I started drawing them that they probably influenced it to begin with, but I’m happy you like how it looks on them nonetheless!!! thank you so so much for the kind words and for taking the time to go through the whole tag!!!
Anon said:Hi! I’m an artist and i’ve been trying to draw boy teens for a while now but i cant seem to make them have muscles without making them look like sorta adults. Any tips? I like how you draw them
I dunno how qualified I am to answer this question since I’m still playing around with my style trying to work that out, but most of what I keep an eye out for are proportions and also how round I make the traits, I guess? The rounder the younger, as far as my art style goes - I also make the eyes bigger the younger my character is supposed to be, but that probably only works if you don’t mind your style not being all that realistic hahaha
Anon said:I want to go through and the like every single one of your posts but I feel like that's a little bit excessive. Since I can't do that, I would like to tell you how amazing you are and how even when I'm having a bad day your art always makes me smile. I hope you're having a lovely day!
Thank you so so much for this ask, anon!!!!!! I hope you’re having a wonderful day/week/month too!!!
Anon said:New hawk boy lookin like a snack.
I would lie if I said the first thing I thought when I read this ask was “I guess we’re talking chicken wings”, tbh
Anon said:Fran, I love your sketch of Yuuto!! :3 Do you ship anyone from yowapeda?
Thank you!!! And I guess I ship more or less anything with a vague canon basis? Which is, like, a whole damn lot of things thank you Watanabe for your gay biking children - I’m not particularly invested into anything at the moment, tho!
Anon said:Whenever I'm having a shitty day, I come back to your blog and scroll through it, the way you draw krbk is really sweet and gives me the warmth I need when I feel down. Thank you for sharing your beautiful art, you're amazing.
Sob thank you so much, oh my god! This is such a nice ask to get, I’m glad I can help you feel a lil bit better, anon ;^;
Anon said:Fran your iida is real real cute and I'm love
THANK YOU! I think he’s way less square than he’s supposed to be... I’m working on that lol
Anon said:that drawing of hawks ended my life oh my goddddd he's bEAUTIFUL
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Tbh I thought of Hawk teaching Tokoyami how to fly with his quirk like a bird would, but birds just fricken shove their kids out of the nest.
At this point I wouldn’t even put that past Hawks, t b h
Anon said:I love all your art and I only recently discovered all of your old kirikamibaku stuff and was wondering if you'd consider drawing it again?
YEP! Not in the near future tho, as explained in the answer to the first ask up here!
Anon said:For your fusion au do you have any of the dances figured out yet?
Only the KiriBaku one, which is just hand holding - the AU was never meant to be more than just the designs tho, so I can’t say I spent too long on this sorta things!
Anon said:Your art is so nice and beautiful that you could probably draw any two characters together and say it's a ship and I would just accept it without question like "You right omg how have I not noticed this befORE IT'S GENIUS" and it could literally even be two rocks. Not even characters. Just rocks. Bless you
THANK YOU this is!!!!!!!! such a cool feeling omg so much power to have.......... I’m gonna need to use it wisely (I say, but the first thing I thought when I read the two rocks thing was “I did draw Kiri and Tetsu in the past!” so I guess wise isn’t a thing I am at all lol)
Anon said:I’m sure you get asked this a lot but is it okay if I post some art of yours on amino? (With credits to you of course)
Nope, sorry! I don’t allow reposts with or without credit, please don’t repost my stuff - if you really wanna share you can just drop a link to the original post~
Anon said:Can I repost your art in my Instagram page with credit please ?
Anon said:Can i repost your art with credit ?
Again, sorry but I’d prefer it if you did not do that!
Anon said:Hello! Opinions on iida x deku x todoroki? I love ur art sm and ur latest thing(which inspired this ask haha) hope ur having a nice day!
Love it!!! It’s one of my main ot3s in bnha!!!! And thank you!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Can you draw more Bakugo with glasses?? I love my goth/jock/nerd son. (I also love your art btw :'D💕)
Thank you!!! And I can! And most probably will!!! Can’t say how soon that’s gonna be, tho!
Anon said:was the art of bakugou doing kirishima's hand pose/stance based off of the official card game or was that a super happy coincidence? :'D
Seeing as I posted the comic weeks before the card came out, I’d say it was a coincidence haha that said! In the card Bakugou isn’t actually doing Kiri’s pose! He’s doing his own, which is adorably similar to Kirishima’s - one closed hand against an open palm as he lats out an explosion, you see him take the stance as he gets ready to fight now and again in the manga and anime! 
Anon said:Psst, you got that Bakukamikiri?
Sadly, not at the moment :( as I said, maybe in the future~
Anon said:I love your art more than anything and your Kiribaku keeps me alive, especially now it's finals week. Also your Kaminari is a beautiful boy who deserves all my love. I have to ask for more of him. I love you omg!!!! Please never stop drawing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
More Kaminari is coming your way! Definitely! Since I draw him a lot all things considered and you therefor you don’t really need to ask to see more of him haha
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ofasteroids · 5 years
GIFT TWENTY SIX OF TWENTY FIVE: xavier kennedy's christmas carol.
'twas the night before christmas when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse... the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that st. nicholas soon would be there. xavier was nestled, snug in his bed, but visions of sugar plums did not dance in his head. instead, mirages of ghosts haunted his head, a christmas haunting... but not by the dead.
the clock struck twelve, and soon the dreamland before him transformed to the past—when the little boy prince was always picked last... and now he’s haunted by the ghost of christmas past.
little xavier paraded into the room, his sister eliza and brother george soon followed suit. it was christmas day, 2003, and the kids all could not wait to see what gifts santa claus had brought for them. first thing was first, they had to check their stockings, hung by the fireplace, a warm breeze of heat blowing from the fire ablaze. 
the kennedys had always had a rule: everyone had to wait their turn... so poor little xavier watched as his sister began to pull wonders from her stocking. a twinge of jealousy built up inside of him, but xavier contained it... barely. it seemed every year he was thought of last. he watched in envy as the girl pulled out troves of candy canes and chocolates and gingerbread galore. next, his brother ravaged through his stocking, waiting in agonizing anticipation... finally, it was his turn to pull out treasures from the red and white sock, decorated with green glitter. 
the feeling of joy filled the boy as he removed hershey kisses, peppermint flavored candy canes, shiny bright red twizzlers, bags of m&ms—the six year old was practically in candyland... but as he pulled more and more, his tiny fingers wrapped around something coarse and rough. confusion was written across his face as he revealed a lump of coal from the stocking. surely, he hadn’t been that bad. while he had his moments, xavier had striven to be on his best behavior for the fear of this exact moment. the young prince’s head turned to face his mother.
“ mãe... w-was i really that bad??  ” he questioned, tears swelling his young eyes. a puzzled look came upon her face—though xavier didn’t know it then, he’d later understood it that she hadn’t placed the coal in the stocking.
“ no, meue bebê, you weren’t... it must’ve been a mistake, ” his mother whispered to him as her fingers combed through her son’s hair. xavier’s tears soaked her pajamas as he continued to ask questions about santa. it hurt the young woman to see her child in such pain over something so silly, so minuscule. she almost considered telling him the truth right then and there—that it was all just a big lie, a hoax to spread christmas cheer. she decided against it, believing it might just bring more tears, not just for xavier, but for little ellie and george too.
“ it’s okay, xavier !! you can have some of my candy, bubba !!  ” eliza reassured him, patting him on the back. george chimed in too, promising him some of his candy too. xavier sniffled as they all embraced him, and soon enough, the pain that came along with the lump of call subsided.
laughter erupted from the american king’s belly. little did xavier know who the real culprit was. the moment his mother heard the voluminous laughter filling the room, she stood up. xavier didn’t know why, but his parents were soon leaving the room, leaving the children to listen in as sounds of shouting made their way into the living room. xavier didn’t understand why they had to fight all the time. it broke his tiny little heart a little more each time... especially on christmas day.
another hour gone, the american prince was still fast asleep. but little did he know he was in for a peek... into the christmas of the present, one that had yet to be spent... filled with love and cheer, enough to last the years.
xavier collapsed onto his husband—yes, his husband. still panting from just moments before, he traced circles into albie’s arm while he left kisses along the english prince’s shoulders. there was a happiness he’d never known on christmas before that filled his whole body, and it was all thanks to albie. xavier swore he’d never been happy before he finally got to be with the love of his life, and it was true... he’d never truly experienced a genuine happiness. and now, he owed it all to albie.
“ well, i think that was just about the best christmas gift you could’ve given to me, ” xavier whispered with a giggle, head resting on the boy’s chest. he presses a kiss to albie’s lips before he sits up in their bed, lined with red satin sheets, just for the holidays. his eyes glazed over the slightly older male, hearts practically radiating from his deep mocha hues. “ i’ll be right back, ” xavier hummed before he tiptoed out of their bedroom.
he snuck off to their living room, to steal one of his presents for albie, along with a pair of reindeer ears and a santa hat. xavier paraded back into the room before he set the gift down on the bed. he placed the reindeer ears on albie before throwing on the santa hat. 
“ i just wanted to tell you... i can’t thank you enough for how great you’ve made me feel this past year, albert arthur windsor. and i know you doubt me sometimes, but i love you more than i’ve loved anyone or anything, ” xavier started. “ before i met you, there was a void inside of me... b-but you make me feel great about myself, like i deserve to be here, like i have a meaning. i never had that before. i was in a really dark place, a-and i never told you this before, but i almost, well... ended it a few times, but something told me to wait it out each time.. and i’m so glad i did ‘cause i wouldn’t have you if i did that.
“ you’ve made this year so memorable, alb. there’s so many good memories, and i know there’s millions more to come with you, and i just want to spend every single second with you... i want to just stay awake forever so i can watch over you while you sleep so no one touches a hair on your pretty little head. i want to just to smother you in kisses all the time.. but that’s not always possible, so i guess i have to settle on just telling you how i feel.. that’s not as a good as what i’d like, though. a-anyway, i can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. you’re my happy ending, and you’re my favorite brit... you’re my favorite american. my favorite person in the world, ” xavier gushed, a pink heart overcoming his cheeks.
“ so, i want to give you, your first present... your american citizenship and our first picture together in a frame, ” he spoke, opening the box to reveal two golden frames.
“ merry christmas, albie windsor... merry christmas, ” xavier whispers, a smile forming on his lips/
dawn approaches as the third bell chimes, and a dream to come that extends beyond the hands of time. with children dancing and christmas dinner filled with lots of laughing. a dip into the christmas of the future, with xavier next to his suitor.
xavier was awoken by the pitter patter of bare feet entering their room. groggily, the thirty seven year old king sat up in his bed, a smile forming on his lips. he picked up each kid one by one to put them on the bed.
“ let’s wake up your daddy all on three, okay ??  we’re gonna tell ‘im merry christmas and then attack him with kisses, got it ??  ” he whispers at the kids. “ and don’t pinch your daddy, got it, ellie ??  okay.. one, two, three, ” he counted down before nudging albie a bit with his elbow.
merry christmases fill the air as xavier watched his husband arise from his slumber. a kiss is pressed to albie’s lips immediately before their six kids pile up on them, attacking them with enough love to make the world go round. 
it’s quickly brought to a halt when little eleanor broke the love fest with a plea, “ can we open presents now that daddy’s up?! ” a giggle fell from xavier’s lips as he pressed a kiss to his little girl’s nose. xavier managed to free himself from his family to arise from his bed. the american king carried his eldest daughter into the living room, albie and the rest of the kids following his lead. xavier took a seat next to his husband of sixteen years, hand grasping at the slightly older male’s. “ ‘s our dream, innit ??  buncha kids runnin’ around and us still madly in love as ever??  ” xavier whispered as he pressed another kiss to albie’s lips. 
“ you’re still my favorite christmas gift of all, albie windsor. ”  
xavier awoke, still in a daze from his dream. he’d never been so worked up from a dream before. memories of past hurt flooded back into his mind, but they were soon erased by the joy of what he’d seen was to come... and then in a twinkling, he heard on the roof, the prancing and pawing of each hoof. he arose from his bed to glance at the window to spot old st. nick atop his roof... but xavier knew that the greatest gift of all was fast asleep in his bed. and then st. nick sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, and away they all flew like the down of a thistle. but xavier heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight—“happy christmas to all, and to all a good night!” ...and xavier knew it would be a very, very happy christmas, the first of many.
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alwaysjaimee · 7 years
1-100 ;)
wow alright!!
1) Sexuality?
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Alison Sudol, Emily Blunt, Taylor Swift, Emma Watson
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
‘forehead. If it hadn’t been for Voldemort, Harry would still….’ - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling
4) What do you think about most?
Everything. Anything I can stress or worry about mostly 
5) What does your latest text message from someone else say?
its the crying face emoji…
6) Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
with Pjs
7) What’s your strangest talent?
um I don’t even know tbh
8) Girls…. (finish the sentence); Boys…. (finish the sentence)
‘Girls can conquer the world’
‘Boys can drive you insane’
9) Ever had a poem or song written about you?
Not that I know about
10) When is the last time you played the air guitar?
prob yesterday in the car to annoy my friend 
11) Do you have any strange phobias?
I don’t think any of them are necessarily strange… Although I have a fear of Hyenas yet there are none anywhere near me or have I ever really been around any…
12) Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
I don’t think so..
13) What’s your religion?
technically atheist. but I do think there is a god out there
14) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Reading or hanging out with friends or my dog
15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
I like both
16) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
A Fine Frenzy. That counts as a band right?
17) What was the last lie you told?
Im not actually sure
18) Do you believe in karma?
Yeah a little
19) What does your URL mean?
‘Always’ is from Harry Potter and ‘Jaimee’ is my name
20) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
I think my greatest weakness is; animals (
I think my greatest strength is; my judge of character
21) Who is your celebrity crush?
Eddie Redmayne and Zac Efron
22) Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23) How do you vent your anger?
many ways. Song writing, dart throwing, crying and sleeping etc. depending on the situation also bottling it up for later
24) Do you have a collection of anything?
I have a collection of snow globes and keyrings from places I’ve been. I also have a few Pop Vinyls. I also collect all the movie tickets and concert tickets that I’ve attended.
25) Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Depends on the person
26) Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
sort of. I don’t think Im fully to the point I want to be just yet
27) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
Hate; Balloons popping, scrapping of forks/spoons on plates, nails on a chalkboard etc
Love; waves crashing against the shore, pianos, acoustic guitars, laughter etc
28) What’s your biggest “what if”?
‘What if I had the courage to do that’
29) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes to a degree
30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right arm; Book
Left arm; Pillow
31) Smell the air. What do you smell?
The coconut ‘Victoria Secret mist’ I sprayed earlier
32) What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
um idk
33) Choose East Coast or West Coast?
of America? or Australia? 
America; Seen the West Coast, not the East so ill go with East
Australia: East
34) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Voice wise Michael Buble
35) To you, what is the meaning of life?
Love. Family and Friends
36) Define Art.
Everything. The essence of the world. A way to make everything okay, even for a little while
37) Do you believe in luck?
sort of 
38) What’s the weather like right now?
39) What time is it?
40) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
Yes I do drive. NO I haven’t crashed 
41) What was the last book you read?
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban 
42) Do you like the smell of gasoline?
sort of
43) Do you have any nicknames?
44) What was the last movie you saw?
Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
45) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? 
cracked my head open
46) Have you ever caught a butterfly?
Ive had them land on me but not ‘caught’ them
47) Do you have any obsessions right now?
Im low key obsessed with Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
48) What’s your sexual orientation?
49) Ever had a rumor spread about you?
50) Do you believe in magic?
Yes. Makes you believe anything is possible. 
‘Without even the possibility of magic, you’ll never find it’
51) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
If what they did was bad enough, then yes
52) What is your astrological sign?
53) Do you save money or spend it?
spend. but if I have something to save for I’m generally quite good
54) What’s the last thing you purchased?
a birthday present for a friend and face wash (riveting I know)
55) Love or lust?
56) In a relationship?
not right now
57) How many relationships have you had?
none that were very important 
58) Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59) Where were you yesterday?
Out for lunch and shopping with one of my friends
60) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
my slippers, iPad, pillow, lamp and a box
61) Are you wearing socks right now?
62) What’s your favorite animal?
63) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
64) Where is your best friend?
at her house asleep
65) Spit or swallow?
66) What is your heritage?
Australian, New Zealand, English, Irish, Scottish
67) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
Watching Youtube videos
68) What do you think is Satan’s last name?
um wtf
69) Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
some questions just shouldn’t be asked
70) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
I think so
71) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Save the dog. Couldn’t live with that guilt. If your boss still fires you after that, they’re not a good person to work for
72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) Thats hard. I think maybe? but then thats a lot to put onto someone
b) Spend as much time with everyone as possible. See nature, read, try new foods etc
c) To an extent, hell yes
73) You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
love. if someone really loves you they will strive for your trust and vis versa
74) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
‘Blow Away’ A Fine Frenzy
75) What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Trust, love, communication
77) How can I win your heart?
Being genuine, funny, kind hearted and trustworthy
78) Can insanity bring on more creativity?
honestly it can
79) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
moving on
80) What size shoes do you wear?
between a 9-10
81) What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
something like 
‘family and friend. kind to everyone’ or something
82) What is your favorite word?
83) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
(darker than I would have thought)
84) What is a saying you say a lot?
‘bless’ and ‘anyway’
85) What’s the last song you listened to?
‘Lifesize’ - A Fine Frenzy
86) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?
Purple, blue, light green/pastel green, pink, black
87) What is your current desktop picture?
iMac; Golden Gate Bridge at sunset surrounded by cloud
Laptop; Yosemite with a pink/purple sky
Phone; Me and my friend before she left to move to London
88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
wow. um no one. well I mean, no one Im actually gonna write…
89) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
hmm thats tough
90) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
scream and cry without a doubt
91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
92) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
probably something with my parents when I was younger. Like a party or game night or something like that. 
93) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
the stuff that happened in 2012
94) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Does Zac Efron count? 
95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
96) Do you have any relatives in jail?
Not that Im aware of
97) Have you ever thrown up in the car?
I don’t think actually in the car. but outside the door, yes
98) Ever been on a plane?
99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
yep basically. 
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yellowjckets · 7 years
i hear u have Some Thoughts abt the UK grease tour
oh boy here we go,,, this might b long
just noticed in the programme doody is credited as doddy in one song ... doddy del fuego ok
okay so first of all sandy (danielle hope,,, i actually saw her in a tv show years ago n Rooted For Her and now here she is still successful years later im so proud ??) did the ridiculous high belty riff thing at the end of sandra dee reprise..... literally?? i was just there like ?? WOW 
sandy literally just wore yellow i mean same but what is this heathers 
also sandy & frenchy swapped shoes at some point in the show?? 
frenchy dressed like a clown and fr some reason had pink hair at the beginning & there was no mention of her messing her hair up (she was blonde during the song so???) um french what u doing (i think she was ginger at some point too?)
frenchy & sandy held hands abt four times that’s GAY i love it
speaking of gay,,, marty and rizzo literall y danced together at one point n also kept affectionately telling each other to fuck off which is Very Them and ? were just kinda lowkey gay... like . lowkey but yes . good shit. 
DOODY.... literally my ? fave of the guys. he was so SMALL (ok he was like . way taller than all the girls but he was Noticeably Shorter than all the guys) and ADORABLE ,,, plus he was like ? constantly playing his guitar it was SO CUTE im literally In Love w ryan heenan sorry
i was actually invested in sandy & danny?? bc they were both more Realistic? like sandy actually tried 2 get back at danny & also when they both met again they jumped up n down and started squealing which was literally so cute i was like “ok i actually like them together in this”
rizzo was SO GOOD literally? best n most accurate version of rizzo ever? also she gave everyone the finger every five seconds which is like probably a v rizzo thing to do. also she sang worse things DIRECTLY to sandy !!! directly !! addressing !!! sandy !!! also louisa lytton’s delivery of that song was just ?? literally the Greatest
they did cut freddy my love... wtf.. disappointing . really disappointing :/
marty? my favourite marty ever thank u lauren atkins i owe u my life .... she was just ? so good & like she was the Right Balance between trying to be mature & also being kinda immature at times & they made her ? a lot more In Love w romance in this rather than just “how many boys can i write to at once” 
also they had a lot of 50s music in the transition inbetween scenes n they had it as if it was coming out of the radio that someone would have n then the actual ppl would sing along and it was so cute in the pyjama scene bc all the pink ladies were just singing along n i was just ?? this is so cute
roger & jan ?? were so good . both absolute dorks i love them. jan also seemed to blend in more w the pink ladies in this one & also i noticed ? none of them said anything mean abt her im :’) i love my daughter thank u
suprisingly the ending was actually. doody FINALLy asking frenchy out ! that was the end (apart from the song BUT) like ?? yeS that’s what i’m here for good content good content
sonny .... he tried so hard to be cool he was walking around w sunglasses on the whole time ???? he was actually p likeable though like he genuinely seemed to care abt everyone even tho he was like Nah I Don’t Care About Anyone ? love him
for some reason there were shirtless guys in shower caps in those magic changes. like they were just There. dancing around the stage. 
why was there implied patty/doody. it was literally? really weirdly implied in those magic changes... what is the Truth
patty screamed or covered her ears any time anyone mentioned anything inappropriate in front of her 
there were a bunch of other students whose names r apparently: max, jimmy, joey p, brenda, catalina, shelley m & freddie ? i don’t think any of them were mentioned by name but there were some great subplots going on w them o mg
rizzo sang look at me i’m sandra dee twice ? the first time was @ the pyjama party & then she started it again in the park scene BUT what was funny is she only sang like the first few lines n obviously rly badly so its like ? canon that rizzo can’t sing ? which is rly funny to me
i always forget that greased lightning literally has no place in the stage version it’s just There for a song w grease in the title that isn’t the one written for the movie (which ... was still in it anyway)
patty and the girls could like actually Cheer there was actually a couple of lifts which was p cool ,, but sandy couldn’t which was hilarious (& what i disliked abt grease live ok) ALSO sandy kept trying to trip patty up like those two had serious beef throughout this so it actually made the end bit where sandy is like “do u wanna get a burger” way like? have more weight to it rly 
marty’s FACE when rizzo was like “news sure travels fast” she just looked so guilty n didn’t look at rizzo for the rest of the scene yikes marty u absolute gossip !!
eugene just kept fucking everything up he was just there like “UMMM HELP” all the time my son... 
teen angel was too self aware n kept addressing the audience um shut the fuck up i paid for a show not to listen to u talk 
also jan can canonically sing bc it turns out she won a talent contest & that’s the plot device for why raining on prom night happens (jan is the “radio voice” except she’s singing it at prom)
EVERYONE IS SO PROUD OF JAN???? i l ove them 
rock and roll party queen is about rizzo??? which makes sense bc the song is about “betty jean” so look we have a canon middle name for rizzo d a mn (i’m not just jumping to conclusions they pointed at her) ALSO this ended up being a doody/frenchy duet ?? w marty on the backing vocals & eventually everyone?? cutest ever
also ? they are not in senior year in this ?? senior year is never referenced??? however . marty & rizzo are both mentioned as being seventeen soon or not seventeen yet. yet danny clearly turned eighteen either in summer or just before? so are the tbirds seniors & the pink ladies juniors? WHO KNOWS ... plus they mention this version is in 1958 not 1959... so if we assume they’re the class of 59 then they’re juniors in this (w the possible exception of the boys OR danny was held back a year??? bc he would already be Old for a senior if he’s eighteen before september (altho i k in america there’s slightly different cutoff dates + also in some versions sonny is mentioned as failing multiple times ?)
anyway please can someone bootleg this for me.... im in love w the cast ....
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insarations · 6 years
Here’s this survey thing
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up. dont use itunes anymore so spotify but same thing...santeria by sublime. she likes girls by metro station. different people by no doubt. we can make love by SoMo. when the end comes by andrew belle. my humps by tbep XD
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Gwen Stefani, no doubt ;) :D
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. "yeah" he said. The light turned green. I braced myself.
4) What do you think about most? um well it depends on the day and time and what not but I guess lately just a certain person. and also about traveling and where I wanna go.
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you? yes both
6) Do you have any strange phobias? eh not really strange..theyre all pretty common
7) What's your religion? Christian/non-denom
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? walking to the car or inside XD
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? No Doubt
10) What was the last lie you told? hmm honestly i'm not sure. I'm not really the lying type
11) Do you believe in karma? ehh... in a sense but idk
12) What does your URL mean? um well its part of my middle name... play on the word daydreams...cause i daydream alot lol
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? i hate that question lol
14) Who is your celebrity crush? it changes alot but currently Anna Kendrick
15) How do you vent your anger? depends. lately I workout. but sometimes I draw or paint or listen to music or just sleep really. sometimes i just reblog things on tumblr or write something
16) Do you have a collection of anything? um kinda... vans, i used to have a lot more cause I worked there but i guess i dont really anymore. books and dvds. um hmm...i feel like i used to collect something else but cant think of it
17) Are you happy with the person you've become? for the most part, yes. theres always room for improvement :)
18) What's a sound you hate; sound you love? hate-utensils scratching on a plate. love-my cats purring
19) What's your biggest "what if"? ugh, stop.
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes to both...but probably in different sorts of ways than most people believe in them.
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. right-beanbag chair. left-box of cheezits
22) Smell the air. What do you smell? the macncheese i just ate
23) What's the worst place you have ever been to? hmm good question... idk really. i've enjoyed pretty much all the places ive traveled to
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender? uh hmm no one comes to mind atm haha. im too gay i suppose XD but i guess ill say zayn
25) To you, what is the meaning of life? please dont get me started. i could write an essay
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? well yes i drive but dont have my license... never crashed.
27) What was the last movie you saw? Pitch Perfect 3!!!! so amazing
28) What's the worst injury you've ever had? when I broke both arms at once
29) Do you have any obsessions right now? its something new all the time really im always obsessing haha i guess anna kendrick
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you? ugh yes
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? not usually..it depends. a lot of times its not even a grudge..i forgive easy but bitter feelings stay a while in certain instances
32) What is your astrological sign? aquarius
33) What's the last thing you purchased? a movie ticket
34) Love or lust? L.O.V.E.
35) In a relationship? nope
36) How many relationships have you had? 4...and a 1/2 XD long story
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? um just be myself..not really a weapon lol
38) Where is your best friend? i dont even know who that is anymore :/
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? sleeping
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? yes i think so..id probably annoy myself at somepoint. hell i already do lol but im alright XD
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? stop, help the dog. animals are just as important as people. if someone cant understand that oh well. i cant always find another job. but animals are life.
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? probably those most important to me b) What do you do with your remaining days? quit work. go traveling. spend time with my favorite people and my animals and eat a whole hell of a lot lol c) Would you be afraid? maybe a tad at first but i'm not too afraid of dying, I know i'd be with God and away from the pain of this world. i'd moreso be a little afraid of the pain i might possibly have while still alive
43) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? hollback girl :D
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? so many things but just... two people that love each other that click and mesh and would do anything for each other and just make each other happy and take care of each other... alot of things i suppose though.
45) How can I win your heart? hmm. just be yourself. be respectful. be sweet. be funny..even if in your own dorky awkward way. be kind and thoughtful. put me first just as much as i put you first. just be genuine and real and true and never lie to me. just, be real.
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity? oh yes
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? hmm damn what a question. honestly.... I really don't know the answer to that. not that i havent made good decisions. but... idk what was the best. gotta think on that.
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? hmm ive never thought about it lol honestly when i'm gone...do whatever the hell you want haha but i guess if i had to choose..something about my kindness or uniqueness ? idk i try to be kind and different lol
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "heart." cant say right now
50) Basic question; what's your favorite color/colors? purple, black, silver, blue
51) What is your current desktop picture? its just black no picture not sure why i havent changed it
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? thats horrible. honestly i wouldnt do that to anyone..even the people i dislike most. well actually, maybe donald trump XD but no still even then i dont think i could do it even though i'm sure itd make america great again XD
53) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on? hmm honestly idk im a very honest person
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? those are too many words you couldnt just ask me what superpower i want?? XD so now i'm gonna be a bitch and not answer
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? um. its between two. both of which involve time with someone important..cant choose which
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? losing people that were important to me
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? hmm i guess if i had to choose right this second... anna kendrick.. pretty sure ive mentioned her like a hundred times in this survey
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? right now ummm...boston
59) Ever been on a plane? many times
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities. Anna Kendrick. Channing Tatum. Jennifer Lawrence. Nicole da Silva. michelle rodriguez
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
Inspiration from 7 Up, Lauren Oliver, Julien Baker, and More
Once a month (or so), I share a dozen things that have inspired me to greater personal, professional, and financial success in my life. I hope they bring similar success to your life. 1. Thoreau on happiness Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will evade you, but if you notice the other things around you, it will gently come and sit on your shoulder. Henry David Thoreau I spent a lot of years of my life chasing happiness, believing that I could somehow build a happy life. What I learned is that such an endeavor is basically impossible. Instead, you should try to build a life thats in line with what your values and principles are, and what youll find is that happiness naturally bubbles up as you get closer and closer to that destination. Happiness is a side effect of doing something worthwhile. When you do worthwhile things, happiness occurs naturally. If you chase happiness for happinesss sake, youll never actually catch it. [embedded content] From the Wikipedia entry on the series: The Up Series is a series of documentary filmsproduced by Granada Television that have followed the lives of fourteen British children since 1964, when they were seven years old. So far the documentary has had eight episodes spanning 49 years (one episode every seven years) and the documentary has been broadcast on both ITV and BBC. In a 2005 Channel 4 programme, the series topped the list of The 50 Greatest Documentaries. The children were selected to represent the range of socio-economic backgrounds in Britain at that time, with the explicit assumption that each childs social class predetermines their future. Every seven years, the director, Michael Apted, films material from those of the fourteen who choose to participate. The last installment, 56 Up, premiered in May 2012; Apted has stated that filming for 63 Up will occur in late 2018, for release in spring 2019. Apted has also been reported as saying: I hope to do 84 Up when Ill be 99. The aim of the series is stated at the beginning of 7 Up as: Why do we bring these children together? Because we want to get a glimpse of England in the year 2000. The shop steward and the executive of the year 2000 are now seven years old. The video embedded above (if you cant see it, you can reach it by clicking on the link) is the full documentary 7 Up, which covers the fourteen children as they were in 1964, as seven year olds. Each subsequent entry in the series revisits most of the children at seven year intervals in their lives, as things go in different directions for them. I watched these for the first time as a marathon in around 2002, when 42 Up was the newest entry available; I watched the entire series again a few years later after 49 Up was released, and yet again with the making of 56 Up. Each time it utterly charmed me and left me thinking about the fragility and difficulty and beauty of human lives. A few days ago, a friend of mine pointed out that all of the films were freely available on Youtube, so theres no reason not to dive in. This Youtube list contains the entire series, starting with 7 Up and continuing through 56 Up, the most recent entry. 3. Lauren Oliver on the whole of people I shiver, thinking how easy it is to be totally wrong about people; to see one tiny part of them and confuse it for the whole. Lauren Oliver I feel like this is a good quote to pair with 7 Up, actually. In that series and in fact, throughout our lives we get only relatively small glances at these people. We see only little slivers of their lives. Even with the best efforts of the filmmakers, this would be true; a filmmaker visiting a person for a few days once every seven years cannot capture their true nature. Yet, as I watch those films, I cant help but draw some conclusions. I think I would be friends with some of them, and Id probably avoid other ones. Those quick takes may or may not be accurate. Im making them based on really limited information about a person. I might be seeing that person at their best or at their worst. I might be seeing a quirky moment thats not emblematic of them as a whole. Its impossible to really tell. What I do know is this: some of the worst mistakes Ive made in life have been due to snap judgments about people, almost all of them more negative than they ever should have been. I drew some very negative conclusions about people and guided my behavior regarding them based on very little information mixed in with my own ideas and assumptions, and it has cost me many potential dear relationships over the years. The tiny part of a person that you actually see is a pretty poor representative of the whole. This article by Jason Fagone chronicles the store of Jerry and Marge Selbee, who, in their retirement, discovered and then exploited holes in the Michigan and Massachusetts state lottery systems. I found myself reading this article one evening while Sarah was busy grading papers, and I couldnt help but mention to her that this is literally the kind of thing that I can see us doing in retirement. Were both curious people who like to understand how systems work. We arent afraid to take big leaps of faith on things that we feel certain about. Id like to think that Sarah and I, in our later years, will go on a lot of quirky adventures, like Jerry and Marge. Im also sharing this because its just a fun story, a well written one by Jason Fagone. This ones really worth your time. 5. Benjamin Franklin on apologies Never ruin an apology with an excuse. Benjamin Franklin One of the hardest things to do is to genuinely apologize when youve made a mistake and not turn it into an excuse or an avenue for blaming others. Anything beyond I messed up is simply a way to deflect blame off of yourself and, in the process, make the apology a lot less valuable. An apology that ends up being nothing more than a redirection of blame or an excuse of a mistake is a worthless apology; in fact, youre often leaving things in an even worse state because the other person perceives that you wont own up to your mistakes. When you mess up, apologize sincerely without excusing your mistake or blaming others. Admit that you messed up, state that youre sorry for it, and that you want to do what you can to make it right and to make sure it wont happen again. Make it clear that its on you, not on anyone else. Its hard to do that. Its much easier to just shovel the blame onto someone or something else. If you do that, though, you eliminate virtually all of the meaning of the apology and look pretty weak to boot. [embedded content] From the description: Do you know what you want when you die? Do you know how you want to be remembered? In a candid, heartfelt talk about a subject most of us would rather not discuss, Michelle Knox asks each of us to reflect on our core values around death and share them with our loved ones, so they can make informed decisions without fear of having failed to honor our legacies. Life would be a lot easier to live if we talked about death now, Knox says. We need to discuss these issues when we are fit and healthy so we can take the emotion out of it and then we can learn not just what is important, but why its important. This whole video harkens back to a big theme Ive come to really understand in my life in the last few years. The best time to talk about something is when youre as far away from emotion as possible regarding that thing. So, for example, dont talk about death when youre sick. Talk about it when youre healthy and vibrant, so theres as little emotion as possible in the subject. When youre talking to your parents about aging, dont do it at their moment of weakness. Wait for a time of strength, when theyre feeling as healthy and unemotional as possible, and then have that discussion. Dont talk about a marital problem when youre both riding the wave of that problem. Talk about it when youre getting along well and youre far away from that problematic area emotionally. This is a key life lesson, one that has stuck with me over the years, and this video really highlights that idea. 7. Roy T. Bennett on self-improvement and criticism Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others. Roy T. Bennett Unless criticism is asked for, criticism of others is rarely a worthwhile endeavor. It achieves very little and often has the opposite effect of what you desire, with the recipient ignoring the content of what youre saying and just being upset with you. Hold it in. If you dont have something worthwhile to say, then dont say it at all. That doesnt mean that one should never criticize. A person should definitely criticize from time to time, but it should generally be at the invitation of the person who seeks criticism and is looking for ways to improve. Brutal honesty doesnt achieve anything worthwhile. [embedded content] From the description: In March of 2016, just a handful of months after her debut album Sprained Ankle was released, Julien Baker came and played a quiet, thoughtful Tiny Desk concert that went on to become one of our most popular and certainly one of the most-talked-about Tiny Desk Concerts of the year. (Its now approaching two million views on YouTube alone.) Fast forward to the summer of 2017, when I heard that a new record was imminent. I dont usually ask an artist back for a second Tiny Desk Concert simply because they have a new release but for Julien, I had to make an exception. With all the love that surrounded her first visit to the NPR offices, I reached out to ask if she would be willing to do something different this time around. Last fall, she delivered. All the songs for her return to the Tiny Desk come from last years Turn Out The Lights. Just a few weeks before the albums release, she came to Washington; we tuned our piano, she brought violinist Camille Faulkner. The first two songs, Hurt Less and Even, were accompanied by Camille, with Julien on piano for the opening tune and acoustic guitar on the second. Its quite stunning, as she sings: Putting my fist through the plaster in the bathroom of a Motel 6 I must have pictured it all a thousand times I swear to God I think Im gonna die I know you were right I cant be fixed, so help me For the last, Julien put together an arrangement of Appointments that begins on electric guitar, which then was looped as a backdrop to her on piano and voice. Julien Baker is a massively talented songwriter with a deeply caring heart and a perfectionist streak all of which delivered to her a career-making year. We are so thrilled to have her return. Set List Hurt Less Even Appointments Shes just fantastic. Well worth a listen. 9. Inspirational notes For the last several months, about once a week or so, Ill stick a note inside of one of my childrens backpacks. Its a note card in an envelope with their name on the front, and on the inside, I just write a short note saying something I admire about their character and how I hope they share that with the world. It takes me about ten minutes or so to do this. I just stop for a little bit, think of some truly worthwhile characteristic that one of my children possesses, and then Ill write about it. Ill tell a quick anecdote about when I saw that characteristic used in a positive way, how I am incredibly proud that Im their parent when I see them using that aspect of themselves, a gentle encouragement to use that characteristic in other aspects of their life, and a general reminder that I love them. Thats it nothing fancy. I know that my kids have read the notes because of comments Ive overheard, but not one of them has said a word about them to me. I do know that theyre read, though, and I do know that theyre thought about, and thats enough. Will it make a positive difference? Maybe. I think it will, given enough time. Dont just get inspired. Be an inspiration. 10. Muhammad Ali on the pebble in your shoe It isnt the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; its the pebble in your shoe. Muhammad Ali Its often one or two little details that make the difference between success and failure. You might be able to perfectly nail everything else you need for a diet, but its that mid-afternoon wave of hunger that you thoughtlessly indulge that undoes things. You might have perfect control over your spending except for that one little linchpin. Maybes its online spending at a particular website, or maybe its regular splurging on food. Whatever it is, theres often some little detail that puts a big scratch on the beautiful surface of your progress. The thing is, its far more meaningful to stop and pull that pebble out of your shoe than to keep on running for a little bit longer and just quit. Fix the little problems before they become big ones. [embedded content] From the description: When trying to come up with a new idea, we all have times when we get stuck. But according to research by behavioral and learning scientist Marily Oppezzo, getting up and going for a walk might be all it takes to get your creative juices flowing. In this fun, fast talk, she explains how walking could help you get the most out of your next brainstorm. Going on walks is unquestionably my most powerful creative tool. I dont have anything else in my repertoire that really compares to it. Its part of the reason why winters are often very hard in terms of writing productivity the weather rarely cooperates with the kind of long outdoor walk that I enjoy. While I enjoy winter in small doses, I wouldnt be surprised at all to find Sarah and I living further south in the winter months when we are older. I think it agrees much better with both of us. Still, I cant laud walking enough if youre trying to piece through a difficult idea in your head or youre trying to brainstorm some solutions. 12. JFK on strength Do not pray for easy lives, my friends. Pray to be stronger men. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Hoping that the future will become easier wont really help very much. Its very likely that the future wont become easier. Instead, recognize that your life right now probably is easier than it will be in the future and plan accordingly. Work a little harder today so you dont have to work quite as hard tomorrow. Save a little money today so you dont have to scramble tomorrow. Dont hope for an easier life. Work for a stronger you. https://www.thesimpledollar.com/inspiration-from-7-up-lauren-oliver-julien-baker-and-more/
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wanderermatteo · 7 years
The Pier
The Pier I had spent the night awake, as now seemingly all my nights were. Nothing could free my mind from the confusions that clear thought held. I had to get high, soften the loneliness and the guilt that refused to let me rest in peace. Grabbing a dub and and my wallet. I dressed lightly and headed out of the shelter. The air was crisp and chilled by the early mornings still darkness. I found relief in the cold walk towards the pier, it seemed to take away the depression and replace it with more of an even keeled emotion. The pier as I expected was empty in the early dawn with the exception of an Asian fisherman, towards the end of the pier. Casting out twinned traps trying to catch I don’t know what out the polluted Hudson. I passed him walking all the way to the piers tip, and sat absorbing the mist that had yet to be cut by direct Sun light. I sat for a second and wished, I was on the other side of Manhattan. At least I could have seen the sun rise. I missed the sunrise, it seemed so lackluster and completely lacking in magic in the city. Or maybe that was just the homesick part of me thinking.
A sound behind me made me turn and look more suddenly and directly than politeness calls for at the face of and old Asian man running near the rail. He seemed to not realize the look or even m presence for that matter. He passed within a foot of me, following the rail exactly as it cornered and cornered again and lead back towards land. Unheaded by me his wife I am assuming passed me in the same manner and the same path as he, althouth a bit more rounded and less cornered path. She followed him as might a faithful dog tired of its masters ubsured energy. I smiled something about her was comedic and yet commendable. In my pocket my hand touched the sharp corner of the bag maryjane. Smiling again and remembering my purpose for this early visit to the pier. I pulled the bag and my wallet from my pocket. Putting bag between my teeth, I opened my wallet and took two Bob marleys out. The wind was not moving so rolling was a “breeze” I took my time though. I liked to think I rolled a beautiful joint and this would be no exception. I had no fear of police, I knew that at 4:30 the last of the night patrol had left, and it might be noon before the pier would be invaded again by their unwelcome presence. There. It was done, I felt proud. And why not it was perfect the finely crushed weed Thinly wrapped looked…I wish I could show it off. This interrupting thought made a feeling of loneliness sweep back, I lost the slight smile that had found a home on my face. But only for a second I was feeling better now and the unlit joint in my hand needed a lighter. Lighting the j took more of an effort than had rolling it, it seemed that with the sun beginning to rise was coming a breeze. Finally cupping my free hand, flicking the lighter hard, pulling deeply it lite. I pulled hard I had no desire for the small ember to go out. It glowed brightly slowly eating it’s way around the tip and down the j. Exhalling I almost coughed, the pull had been a bit much but I knew a few more like that and I would want nothing in the world but sleep. I smoked lazily just fast enough to keep the ember well lit but that was all. I noticed the sun had made its first contact with the houses on the Jersey side. Turning I saw it rising between the buildings of times square. The drug did its trick, even in the now growing breeze I didn’t feel the cold. The Waves and seagulls were more beauty and entertainment than I could wish for. My mind was now a simpler and more peaceful place. I felt the sudden heat of the ember on my finger tips, instinctively I flicked the small roach from my fingers. It landed on the boards of the pier and them a second later sweepted by the wind fell to the water below. I reached for and lit a cig, it tasted good. I smoked it much more quickly than I had the j. Pulling hard and exhaling, enjoying the clouds of smoke blowing into the wind. Footsteps again suddenly grabbed my attention, turning quickly my eyes found the eyes of man might have been 25 maybe 40. And obviously homeless. He returned the look walked up and asked for a cig, dahm I have to stop doing that, I thought. Eye contact in New York was always an invitation of some kind, and mostly unwelcome attention. But I was in a good mood and had a fresh pack so I replied in a friendly if not completely genuine “sure ya no problem.” After bumming a light as well, he sat down on the bench next to me. I had hoped he was going to at least leave me in peace, after getting a cig. But after setting his back pack down. He looked and asked me if I smoked. The sarcastic answer of “of course” “im smoking now” came to mind, but I knew what he meant. A simple yes came to my lips and before I knew it he was unzipping a pocket in his pack and pulled out a nice looking blunt, lit it, and held it towards me. And though still somewhat standoff ish, to his presence. I accepted his implied offer and took the blunt. You have no idea what the fuck is in that blunt. Was the one clear thought my intoxicated brain had but it was not alarming enough to me in that moment. And besides he seems calm and intelligent enough. I pulled once, exhaling and reaching the blunt towards him. He motioned for me to take another pull. It tasted good so I looked the offer this time with less fear and more friendship. Exhalling a second time I handed it back to him. He began saying sometime about the dahm fucking Asians always running around for no reason. I was to high to really object or even really listen. Although something in his voice made me laugh, and them convulsively cough as a result. Rookie mistake I thought. Never laugh while smoking. Looking down I noticed his feet were worn through the leather shoes he was wearing. Something about him made me double think my perceptive powers. Everything about his clothes said bum, and yet something about the way he had walked when he approached, the clear blue of his eyes and may be something about his nose gave him an air of royal presence. Haha here! Pulled from my thoughts I noticed he had been trying to pass the weed back, I smiled, laughed and “sorry I zoning out”. He laughed and I pulled, things became quiet for the first time since he had sat down, it seemed my Caucasian brother had run out of racist comments about the Asian fisherman 20 yards behind us. Suddenly he jumped up. Standing in front of me he waved his hand out as calming a cheering crowd and began delivering lines from what I thought was the sapranos. He mimicked well, every line was perfect in tone and delivered beautifully. But all I could feel was embarrassed, I looked around quickly and no one seemed to be around. Even the Fisherman seemed oblivious to the performance going on before me. “And cut!” Was his enfatict punctuation to the bit of theater. Looking at me he seemed unaffected by what had to have been mere shock and confusion on my face. Spinning lightly he sat back down and asked me if I knew that the pyramid capped building behind us was the illuminati head quarters in New York. I trying to keep my smile hidden, told him I did not. He then began telling me about his girl friend, well one of his girl friends, his Russian girl friend who because of her families blood lines had been invited to that building and had seen the secret workings within. Even though doubting his sanity at this point, I decided his story entertaining and asked questions at points as he told me his tale. He had been born weathly, but had become poor on the sudden death of his aunt who raised him. On his 30rth birthday a fortune would be his, the trust of the estate would be put in his name. He had seen much of the world Russia and Italy, were the only places he thought worth being. Since the power of the world rested in their hands. So on and forth his story came. I could not laugh, so sincerely did he talk that I feel he would have been hurt if I seemed anything but believing. He was maybe the most racist man I have ever met, he told me that the “plutarians” some sort of alien race had founded the world and mixed their blood with that of the Aryan races. He told me that he was the last of the plutarians, and all hope of preserving this long hallowed race were all but lost. I should have disagreed, this is a sinful thing to say, but it felt good even if only in the whimsical tales of this crazy man, to feel superior. It fed something dark in my soul that I have no interest finding again. Lighting a cig, I passed him one without him asking and then the light as well. I was feeling generous, and though somewhat shocked by the amount racial hate being spewed around an epic tale of the founding of the earth, I was alone. No one in the world would know better if I enjoyed how eloquently he told the story. He was eloquent I thought as he rumiged through his bag. His vocabulary stretched the limits of my own rather inflated mental dictionary. “Here it is, my plays” he said “plays I have worked on for years, each one could be the greatest piece of literature ever to grace man’s pitiful eye.” I might have smiled as he introduced the few scrapes of paper carefully rolled and held by an elastic band. He looked hurt for a second as if my smile had been an unbelieving one mocking his sanity. But As he had at other points in the conversation, he simply blinking his eyes and dove into the story of his plays as if to convince me that his introduction to them had not been overestimated. As he talked glanced across at the now unraveled pages in his hand. I realized as he jumped from page to page telling me the endless plots they contained, that only the first page had been written on, the rest were empty. I felt pity, for the first time when I saw this but I pray to God he did not see it. If earth has taught taught me one thing I is never to pity, give yes, empathize yes, assist yes. But never pity...
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